MINUTES ORDINARY MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL Held at Village Hall January 23rd 2020 at 8pm

Present : Cllr R. Marchant (Chair) Cllr M. Robinson Cllr G. Tunnell Cllr D. Reece

In Attendance: County Councillor R. Adams Clerk Member of Public: 1


Meeting Opened : 8.05pm

1. Apologies – Cllr Walker on holiday, Cllr Haywood & District Councillor Ward due to other commitments. 2. Declaration of Interest Disclosable Pecuniary Interest – none. Other Disclosable Interest – none recorded. 3. Grants for Dispensation – none requested 4. To approve the Minutes a. The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held in November 2019 were approved as a true record by the Council and signed by Chair. b. The new Code of Conduct was approved by the Council and signed by Chair.

5. Progress Reports

a) Clerk Actions for previous minutes actioned. Various correspondence/emails actioned. Chase-up of invoices/Contract details: New Farm Grounds. Various Planning Applications consultations/decision notices circulated. Budget Planning for Precept. Order placed for VAS with Westcotec. Planning, attendance and administration of Public Meeting re. SWDP. Planning, attendance and administration of Inter-Council Meeting. Actions re. Meeting Notes, Letters, Responses to SWDP Consultation. Set up of SWDP email group for residents. Liaison with resident in relation to complaint re. parking restrictions in Froggery Lane. Lengthsman Scheme Reclaim submitted. Liaison with Street Cleansing re. Slip Road issues. Purchase of laptop from transparency code funding. Preparation for January Meeting. Agenda’s and previous minutes issued. Financial summary prepared & cheques raised. b)


Treasurers Account

Opening Balance on Statement 18 - 11/12/2019 £8,902.46

PLUS Receipts -

Worcestershire CC - Lengthsman Scheme Reclaim £492.00


LESS Debits

Cheque £30.00

Closing Balance on 10/1/2020 £9,364.46

LESS Payments for January 2020 £ Chq No. Payment

Lengthsman November 2019 £168.00 839 P19-33

Lengthsman December 2019 £168.00 840 P19-34

Clerks Salary - January & Extra Hours re. SWDP £456.20 841 P19-35

Parish Expenses £158.30 842 P19-36

VAS Sign – Westcotec £3,450.00 843 P19-37

NewFarm Grounds - Grass Cutting Invoice 510 £370.20 844 P19-38

£4,770.70 TOTAL


RATIFY PAYMENTS made since previous meeting (all except * have cleared)

Poppy Wreath £25.00 835 P19-29

Lenovo Laptop £372.00 836 P19-30

Clerks Extra Hours re. SWDP meetings £785.20 837 P19-31

Signage - 2 x banners * £93.60 838 P19-32


c) Village Hall Committee – previously a request was made for PC to support some work. Costings are to be discussed at VHC next week. Council will consider the costings once prepared and vote on support. d) Community Speed Watch – CSW are overwhelmed and the new Vehicle Activated Speed Sign will be a help. No further action taken at this time. e) County Councillor – Village of Culture was won by , it has pulled the community together. Windmill Hill Lane, informed the Parish Council that a resident has written to Cllr Adams asking to rename the lane as delivery vehicles can’t find it – no action from PC required. f) District Councillor – no report, not in attendance. g) Parkway Station – opening date still uncertain. Going through the “enter into service process”. h) Footpath Warden – no report. i) Crime Report – West Mercia advised no reported crime.


6. SWDP – a. Public Meeting had been well attended with over 90 residents attending. 70+ responses to the consultation were made by residents via the forms and others responded directly using the online facility. b. Response to Consultation Process by the Parish Council were made in the form of a detailed letter which was delivered by the Chairman with the public responses to DC. c. The Parish Council had hosted an Inter Council Meeting with neighbouring parishes in December and submitted a letter to Fred Davies in Planning. A response was received from Fred Davies which had been circulated to the other councils. Cllr Adams had spoken to Jack Hegarty, he is happy to have a meeting on 14th February at 14:00pm – no email had been received by Clerk. Cllr Adams advised that PC are requesting help from other Inter-Council members to help them defend their Neighbourhood Plan.

7. Highways – a. Denial of Access to slip road – Chair reported that the bollard idea is not possible due to the shallow turning, it is safer for vehicles turning off the main road. Cllr Adams suggested wires to measure the speed and collect data to establish the issue, may be able to enforce a 30mph speed limit. b. Complaint re. restrictions on Froggery Lane. Chair and Cllr Adams met with Highways to discuss and then reported back to resident. Suggestion has been to make an amendment to the lines to utilise a single yellow line that can be time and property detailed. The issue is with the police for consideration, it will need to come back to the Parish Council for consideration. Action: Chair will contact the resident to update him. c. Two abandoned cars on Windmill Lane been there for months, outside the owners property. Action: Clerk to report to the police. d. Waste dumping down the bottom of Hawbridge between A44 and Slip Road as you go down the hill there is a rough area on the left-hand side. Action: Clerk to chase up with Street Cleansing. e. A lot of rubbish is being thrown into the verge, by sign saying Blossom Trail turning at Egdon Lane at bottom of Windmill Lane. Action: Clerk to report to Street Cleansing.

8. VAS (Vehicle Activated Speed Sign) – Clerk confirmed that the VAS has been ordered from Westcotec. Awaiting donation from WWC via Cllr Adams of £1,500. Delivery 6-8 weeks. Action: Check with Lengthsman whether he will do the battery charging. Clerk to check Barry Barnes that the site is approved, and whether a post is on order or has been delivered.

9. Dog Bin – Proposal. existing bin is an ordinary bin, leave it where it is, purchase a dog-bin and site it on the grass on right-angle to entry into Hawbridge opposite entrance to wood. This would be convenient for dog-walkers. Decision to be made – bring forward to new Financial Year.

10. Lengthsman – Cllr Robinson as new liaison with lengthsman asked for more information in relation to the hours/work provided. Action: Cllr Robinson to meet with lengthsman. Clerk to ask Lengthsman to make contact.


11. Planning a. Applications to be discussed

i. None

b. Decisions made since previous meeting ii. 19/02296/FUL Demolition of existing garage and stable block; conversion and Egdon House, Upper Wolverton extension of Hayloft and store building to a 3 bedroom dwelling. Lane, Egdon, WR7 4QP. Withdrawn by application 12. Finance a. Council approved the payments as per Clerks Report, item 5a. Action: Clerk to issue payments. b. Council ratified payments as detailed in Clerks Report, item 5a. Meeting Closed for item iii. Clerk left the room. c. Clerks probationary period ends in February. Hours and pay review conducted by Council. Approved changes to hourly rate and number of hours increased to 5hrs/week. Meeting recommenced. d. Clerk presented a spreadsheet of budgetary requirements. Council moved to set the precept for 2020/2021 to £8300 (9.6%) as can foresee issues relating to SWDP to create costs. Proposer: Cllr Marchant, Seconder: Cllr Robinson. Action: Clerk to submit Precept Request to Wychavon DC. e. Check re. timing for the playground equipment check – Action: Clerk to check. 13. Claverton Play Area – the Council deferred signing the lease again due to the ongoing water issue. Action: Clerk to chase up with Severn Trent to remove barriers if all work is now complete - bring forward to next meeting. 14. Telephone Kiosk, Chair had received a quote for work to refurb the kiosk for £492. Approved by Council. Action: Clerk write to resident to confirm her ideas will be incorporated and would like to discuss it with her if she could attend the next public session, Chair to contact the contractor. 15. Transparency Code Update - Clerk confirmed that a new Lenovo laptop had been acquired. 16. Correspondence – none 17. Councillors Reports and Items for future agenda – none 18. Date of Next Meeting -The next Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council will be on March 19th 2020 at Stoulton Village Hall. Meeting closed at 21:55pm.

………………………………….. Signed - Chairman



PUBLIC QUESTION TIME – January 23rd 2020

Issues with rubbish on the slip road.

Parkway – a resident who owns land was invited to a workshop at Wychavon DC to bring landowners together. He didn’t attend. At an initial meeting before Christmas there were consultants trying to encourage landowners to unite. There were Consultants present who shared experiences from other regions for the benefit of the landowners. Wychavon Planning Dept said that they will only consider planning reasons for objections, no other.