National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationPartnering with NASA Centers for Science

James Green NASA Chief Scientist December 10, 2018 ROLE OF CHIEF SCIENTIST

• Advisor NASA Administrator, Executive Council, AA's, advisory committees, and other agency leadership

• Advocate • Representative Executive Office of the Science Community. President (0MB, OSTP, International National Science and Community. Other Technology Council), and Agencies, Academic and Legislative Branch Industry Partners, Public

AGU Townhall 12/10/2018 Submission vs Selection Rate (by Gender)

SMD Submission by Pl Gender SM D Selections by Pl Gender

No Answer No Answer

24% 23%

Male Male 57% Female Female 58% 19% 19%

• All ROSES proposals from February 2016 to November 2018 • 145 programs across all of Science Mission Directorate (13,875 proposals) • Result: No obvious bias in our panel review process 3 Conference Attendance Restrictions • In 2011, OMB regulations and legal restrictions placed limitations on conference attendance • NASA Conference Tracking System (NCTS) to manage attendance restrictions • There are 3 types of Conferences: • Domestic Conferences – No restriction on attendance but still must register • Foreign Conferences – Limit of 50 Civil Servants (in law) & 50 Contractors • NASA fully supported Conferences must be reported to the IG • OCS has identified where changes could be made to reduce administrative burdens and traveler frustration • OCFO has evaluated these suggested changes • We are seeking approval for some major changes – this week! NASA CENTER CONTACTS

NASA Chief Scientist: James Green,, 202 -358 – 1163

„ Ames – Jacob Cohen, [email protected], 650 - 604 – 3261

„ Goddard – James Garvin, [email protected], 301 - 286 - 5154

„ JPL – Mark Simons, [email protected], 818 – 354 - 0526

„ Johnson – Eileen Stansbery, [email protected], 281 - 483 – 5540

„ Langley – David Young, [email protected], 757 - 864 - 5740

„ Marshall – Renee Weber, [email protected], 256 - 961 - 7705

12/10/2018 AGU Townhall NASA Core Competencies

Air Traffic Management Advanced Computing Entry Systems & IT Systems Intelligent/ Adaptive Systems

Astrobiology and Life Science Cost-Effective Space Missions Aerosciences Space and Earth Sciences Contact: [email protected] NASA Ames Earth Science Capabilities NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) High performance computing is a critical Agency capability supported by Ames. NEX has pioneered a collaborative data processing and modeling interface to over 3 PB of earth science data and models on spinning disk to support data processing and scientific discovery. Compute Infrastructure _.;c· ., - ~ - Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) (HPC, GPUs, -. \ Shared Memory, ' ' Ames is the primary NASA Center focusing on UAS flight operations. ·-'. . Quantum) - . - --- UAS operations support research in remote, hazardous locations. Dragon Eye SO2 SIERRA can carry up to 100 lb of payload and can fly for 10+ hours. - · over Turialba, CR Ames also operates several different types of multi-rotor and fixed wing small UAS. SIERRA in Svalbard for CASIE Airborne Sensor Facility Ames develops and operates several facility airborne instruments in support of satellite calibration, data product validation, and process studies. Instruments include MODIS, ASTER, and VIIRS simulators (EMAS, MASTER, PICARD) as well as the 4-STAR sun-tracking multi- spectral photometer. Ames also developed the Airborne SensorNet 4-STAR MASTER in Ames Cal Lab based on NASDAT and Mission Tools Suite - Contact: [email protected] Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy is the world’s premier airborne observatory - unraveling the mysteries of the Universe by studying fundamental processes driving the formation of planets, stars and galaxies. It is the largest far-infrared telescope operating today.

Star Formation Planet Formation Astrochemistry Galaxies Solar System Opportunities • Annual guest observer proposal call • Year-round Director’s Discretionary Time for targets of • Periodic new science instrument calls for proposals • Airborne Ambassador Program for Teachers ( • Partnerships ( Instrumentation • More info: Contact: [email protected] Partnering with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Goddard Begins With Science • Expertise in every field of Earth and space science • Unique, cross-discipline scientific expertise

Water Resources Disasters & Food Security

Climate Air Quality & Sustainable Applications Public Health Development

New Missions Capacity Building Interdisciplinary Science Earth Science Applications

Expl VI~'"E ,.,l _;:._ •· ,. ..,' , '_,, · · ~. 1·,t • . •

Sciences and Exploration, GSFC . . . . ------~- .. . End to End Mission Development, Implementation and Operations

• Mission Technology Development

• Mission Systems and Discipline Engineering

• Mission/Science Operations

• Mission/Instrument Design Studies IMAGE

• End to End Mission Solutions - CubeSats to Flagships - plus: Aircraft, Balloon, Sounding rockets, UAS

Sciences and Exploration, GSFC . . . . ------~- .. . Partnering with Goddard: Capabilities examples Osiris-REX TESS LUCY HST

SDO MMS GEDI ICESAT2 Sciences and Exploration, GSFC Dr. Mark Clampin Dr. Joanne Hill-Kittle Dr. Jim Garvin Director Acting Deputy Director, Chief Scientist, GSFC Institutions, Programs, and Business Mgmt.

Sciences and Exploration, GSFC Strategic Implementation Plan KW (jpl strategic plan)


1) Understand how Earth works as a system and how it is changing 2) Help pave the way for human exploration of space 3) Understand how our Solar System formed and how it is evolving 4) Understand how life emerged on Earth and possibly elsewhere in our Solar System 5) Understand the diversity of planetary systems in our Galaxy 6) Understand how the Universe began and how it is evolving 7) Use our unique expertise to benefit the nation and planet Earth

Contact: [email protected] Example Facilities Advanced Large Precision Structures (ALPS) Laboratory Microdevices Laboratory (MDL) Astrobiogeochemistry Laboratory MicroPropulsion Laboratory (MPL) Astrobiology and Planetary Geochemistry Laboratory Operations Planning Software Lab Cryogenic Chemistry Laboratory Optical Communications Laboratory Cubesat Development Lab Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry (PIXL) Laboratory Electric Propulsion Laboratory Quantum Sciences and Technology Laboratories Electron Collision Laboratory Small Satellite Dynamics Testbed (SSDT) Formation Control Testbed (FCT) Spectroscopy Laboratory Ice Spectroscopy Laboratory (ISL) Stable Isotope Analysis Facility (ISOLAB) Kinetics and Photochemistry Laboratory Titan/Exoplanet Organic Aerosol and Surface chemistry Metallurgy Facility (TOAST) Laboratory


Contact: [email protected] Office of the Chief Scientist and Chief Technologists (OCSCT)

Undergraduates (2018: 700+ summer interns) KW (JPL internship) Postdocs (2018: ~200 postdocs) KW (JPL postdoc) Visiting faculty KW (JPL visiting faculty)

Generally KW (JPL academic partnerships)

We seed and support new collaborative research relationships

Contact: [email protected] _..-.: :~ ~:"·:·· .:· Human------Health and Performance

\ ., - - : ·•. . ... X-Ray c, ' . · .r#' . Track • ." · • ~ :,. ~ -·.~ ...... · •----~ · · .. . ..• . • • • •••• •. . .• ...... :. \ . .. .~ -- ,. .... , ...... ••.·. ' ·).. ...~ .,·.. •.. Hc~,'7c!on •;: ~ : ~ ~. ,·, _ - . ··- . ::·I·••Y••••.. •· ·.• • . ·•. . Bone Densitometer Cf~.- .•...... ~n·•-n·-•-... ·~... • Space Radiation — RadWorks Space Food Research and Development and Preparation

Biomelecular Sequencer contact: [email protected] Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science Stardust Lunar collector Micro - and Nano -sample Analysis, Training for sample handling samples MSL CheMIN Processing, and Training laboratory analog

Processing to optimize planetary samples

Coordinated sample analysis to identify Mars Instrument Analogs elemental compositions Virtual astromaterials two -step laser mass spectrometer (μL2MS)

Measuring organic Well characterized samples for compounds in Exploration suit and tool development astromaterials instrument validation

Experimental simulation of planetary processes

Johnson Space Center contact: [email protected] External Logistics Carriers — ELC-1, ELS-2, ELC-3 External Stowage Platforms — ESP-3 Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer — AMS International Space Station Columbus External Payload Facility Kibo External Payload Facility

Facilities Catalog

Johnson Space Center contact: [email protected] National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Partnering with MSFC for Science Renee Weber MSFC Chief Scientist (acting)

AGU Town Hall TH15F Monday, Dec. 10, 2018


Cross-discipline Research to Operations &

JWST Applications • SPoRT, SERVIR, Space Weather

Science Test Capability • X-Ray Cryogenic Facility, Stray Light Facility, Low Energy Electron and Ion Facility , Lunar Environment Test System, Dusty Plasma Lab

Full end-to-end engineering capabilities • X-ray optics • SLS secondary payloads • Instruments design, fabrication, integration, test, IXPE and operations NEA Scout Partnering with MSFC for science

Smallsat/cubesat/sounding rocket/ISS payload capabilities • Additive manufacturing tech. for propulsion • Flat floor for proximity ops testing • Low -noise cameras Hi-C MSFC Advanced Concepts Office Flat floor How to partner • MSFC Dual Use Technology Development Cooperative Agreement Notice – NSPIRES • Space Act Agreements • • National Aeronautics and Working With NASA Langley: Space Administration Earth Science Areas of Expertise

Earth’s Energy Budget & Air Quality Climate

Atmospheric Lidar Remote Composition Sensing

NASA Langley Research Contact: [email protected] Center

12/10/2018 AGU Townhall National Aeronautics and Working With NASA Langley: Space Administration Additional Capabilities for Science

Airborne DEVELOP Science National Office

Entry, Science- Descent, & Enabling Landing Technology

Partnering is essential to our success

NASA Langley Research Contact: [email protected] Center

12/10/2018 AGU Townhall