Annex 3 EAG 2009

Education at a Glance

OECD Indicators

Annex 3: Sources

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2008 UNESCO/OECD/ (UOE) data collection on education statistics. National sources are:

Australia: - The Commonwealth Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Canberra; - National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) Ltd, Adelaide; - Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra; - State/Territory Education Departments; - Data on class size from a survey of State/Territory Education departments and Private training authorities from all states and territories. Austria: - , Vienna; - Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture; Federal Ministry for Science and Research, (data on Graduates); - The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna (data on Graduates). Belgium: - Flemish Community: Flemish Ministry of Education and Training, Brussels; - French Community: Ministry of the French Community, Education, Research and Training Department, Brussels; - German-speaking Community: Ministry of the German-speaking Community, Eupen. Brazil: - Ministry of Education (MEC); - Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Canada: - , Ottawa; - Human Resources and Skills Development Canada; - Provincial and Territorial Departments/Ministries of Education. Chile: - Ministry of Education, Santiago. :

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- Institute for Information on Education, ; - . : - Ministry of Education, Budget Division, Copenhagen; - , Copenhagen. Estonia - Statistics office, Tallinn. Finland: - , Helsinki; - National Board of Education, Helsinki (data on Finance). France: - Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research, Directorate of Evaluation and Planning, Paris. Germany: - Federal Statistical Office, Wiesbaden. Greece: - Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs, Directorate of Investment Planning and Operational Research, Athens. Hungary: - Ministry of Education, Budapest; - Ministry of Finance, Budapest (data on Finance). Iceland: - , Reykjavik. Ireland: - Department of Education and Science, Statistics Section, Dublin. Israel: - Central Bureau of Statistics; - Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (Data on The Learning Environment and Organisation of Schools). Italy: - National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT), Roma; - Ministry of Education, Statistical Service, Roma. Japan: - Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Tokyo. Korea:

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- Korean Educational Development Institute; - Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. Luxembourg: - Ministry for Education and Vocational Training, Luxembourg; - Ministry of Higher Education. Mexico: - Secretariat of Public Education, Mexico. Netherlands: - Central Bureau for Statistics, Department for Statistics of Education, Voorburg; - Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Den Haag. New Zealand: - Statistics New Zealand, Wellington; - Ministry of Education, Wellington. Norway: - , Division for Education Statistics, Kongsvinger; - Ministry of Education and Research, Oslo; - Directory for Primary and Secondary Education, Oslo. Poland: - Central Statistical Office, Republic of Poland, Warsaw; - Ministry of National Education, Warsaw. Portugal: - The Bureau for Information and Evaluation of the Education System; - National Statistical Institute; - The Financial Management Bureau; - Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education; Office for Planification, Strategy, Evaluation and International Relations. Russian Federation - Russian Ministry of Education, Moscow. Slovak Republic: - Institute of Information and Prognoses of Education, Bratislava. Slovenia - Statistical Office, Ljubljana. Spain: - Ministry of Education, Statistical Office, Madrid; - National Institute of Statistics, Sub-directorate General of Social Research and Statistics, Madrid;

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- Ministry of Labour, Madrid. Sweden: - Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket), Stockholm; - Swedish National Agency for Higher Education (Högskoleverket), Stockholm; - , Örebro. Switzerland: - Swiss Federal Statistical Office, Neuchâtel. Turkey: - Ministry of National Education, Ankara (Data on ISCED levels 0-3); - Student Selection and Placement Centre, Ankara (Data on ISCED levels 5-6); - Higher Education Council, Ankara (Finance data). United Kingdom: - Department for Children, Schools and Families, and Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills; Sheffield, Darlington and London. United States: - Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, Washington, D.C.