I Chapman. Nicholas Moluso, Mariiii UM OO M HOOL i »• out-of-cetiaty rtsideuts ai»i«M) ,., I Season Players Save 12 500 Pcupie Read iht Public School Honor Roll Murray, Vincent Natak-, Anthony Short Bills IMOJiE TAX KETl'RXS be,.divided equally ixiw,t.n 'w,,'.'- Orlando. Jcraid Palladino. Priscillai CrMv 6-Robert Afalsrira, Ed-.! 1>EITT¥ TO KIT MEKE Money at Galloping Hill 4ays and other times, 1.827 r,t - ' HEkALD. (lark. Jennie IMJirolonio, Virginia | ward Boryefekne," Thomas Comblas, j _ . . - , trational .being madt; in the ni^T,- >lau l pS 4 published Every Tuesday "Ju»tic« to allt Laura"Ruih'oikes, Astrid J Rhodes Co^ittorniluipVlwu^ * * *5 ' f?*,/* ^ ™ '*f A deputy collector from the During the 1 i»2:> season .holders! division and l.iMC in th« l.tUir." Pmfitts Who Have Not Been Absent Nor Tardy which will ! Tne WesMburg. William. David Decker.i Inicriial Revenue Dtpartnwut of season tickets at tlje-Galloping 1 -»'««"lar players at th« cu-,,-.,. and Friday Nooa. malict toward none.* During the Past Month Grade" 2B-M. Elizabeth teriiiKHJ at th*- ComMnn.itjr Center : ' hm been a»sigu«d to Summit id Hill solf cotirse of tlie Uniun Cuun- \ VIV, f"Hk 1° take ttdva«taue „!!•,. Veronica Fuschetto, Aunu are. approathhig completion.-Miss• assist taxpayers in this vicinity , , - i .... season cards as seen hv f\,, Anne Elliot, the gueM artist. ba« a !y park system saved io'rty I>*T; ,.reuwd salt. of var™ y^^- • .Beatrice Miraude, Angelina Ptzzuti, mitb the filing of their 1S»29 in- H1 and SUMMIT RECORD JIMOK HIGH M HL 28—-John Luciano, lUy- Francesco Albanese,JJalph Badu-j fine lyric soprano voice of come tax reports aud to take 1 cent, on gjwns fees accordtjix t.i a! Only 31 cards were in in*"in vi'-l' niond McTeruan,' Benjamiu San- lato, Tony Caparaso, EmiJ DiMuc- j She will slug a their affidavits, for which there j. j recent,tthalysis of the play at this j while in 1!(2U there were lit" •"•' lloont 210—Franklin Brooks, tut ;ci, Carmine Vetusrhi, Patrick art songs and a wil,«l bwue nuo ™a.gvcharge,. ,; I'ouular eiuhtwu-liolo course. Sea-1 reason cards and-17 short 'sU""' FORTY-FLRST YEAR. NO. 46 do, Michael Moluso, Alfred San-! B SUMMIT, N. J.,^FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY H. 1930 Thomas Gilsou, Raymond Ktug, Yaiinotta, Ludia Aboutok. Antoin- tuccl. Camillo Schlappa. j of old English and early American Collector John R. Rogers has U °n tickets ate available for Union.'tickets issued, resultinR iu ,' -•- $3.50 PER YEAR Frederick Porter, Warren Thomas- ette Caporaijo, Josephine Ui3o.ldi, ^ tirad«» Grades 5 and 6C—Qlu Djei:embeii<)i"^ the, --north:- porc-b of iiH. u.f] Tells of Summit Saint Valentine Hardy. Muriel LI tula le, Jean Lines, at musicales iu and • a. ui. to 5 p. m., but on the 13th j 2nd. during, which time a total of j house, nearly twice the numb, -- , of Educational Ass'n Krnest I'aum. Arthur Hensler, Kenneth Coombs, Catherine Badu- JTong, Henry Relnlimilt. 1 Arriving from a ->i(tt' street to the Snook Asked to t H I?^!^ „ Police Officer 42,877 registration* were made. In patrons were served durin- ' i nu 1 jin Hit 'N'li III Mario Matte'b, Miriam Snook, Edith Joseph Boak, Jaines Roan, Edna lato, Marjery Brown, Louise D«J Grade 51.—Olaf Ahl, Gabriel around Xew York. Mrs. Richard and 14th, the hours will be from j 1!)28 there'were 1!>,753 re.«istra-j over lf*28. . - '..''"' maiiii street the Thrift i*hop said •;Hlr> kk llecc- tit--- ,u,,| Wieber. Natalie Wood, Gladys Tin- AndtTsiiu. Doris Decker, Ittrth f ihe Thrif? nurie Sin ii-iy f St.L.T.er.vsu',s A.'hiu"LLU _ Marcantouio, Jatiet Donjo, Oriole Gray. Chester Lane, Johik Nelson, Sundays und liolulaya^The, play by j operation for the season of !!>:;] al Plan Ass'n Talks Be- » v s s j o 11 of the De pa ri men t of Su pe r^ | '•'*•• suniinit Lieutenant of Maplewood Clarence D«an. Kenneth Dennta. Brown. Arthur Cooke, Benedict Poxtland, Ore. where she engaged j I With Celebration of the J are man)'. Its" yi'.irs of el- l.i.--1 'MoinJay ening. The hull was r Stanley : Janet—Shlgrim, intt ndeiice »)f the National Kduca-'j mt "tint Club Urges His Renoi!ri= Vfard Diabrow. Geolrge Kri ca^t* most told before of the •i nil Kilward I'i/.zi. The Itentoii ' Havens, " Julia Scualrer, Hazel ra.-so. Cecelia Dabagiau, Eleanor * j X. C has returned to his home in- and Jith grade science committee. jOld Time Observances .11.: bed which canit' a or On'licsir.a iirnviileil danc«.'. fan<>o, Lucy Laspina, Grace Leonett, Fackiner, Hu«h MacCauley, Verner•; Company of Xewack. Mrs. Pres for Summit. After the war it was Will Run If Voters Want 1 l Lundgren. *•—• Glasgow, Huth Kcllington, Helen er The monograph, covering the ele: Angelgela Marcuntonio, Elizabeth KG- Pe - Eugene Rulph, Dan Stephen-j ton Woodling." wjfeo is taking cacare,r short Hili8 Mr strong 1 taken over by the Co-operaJive There is a (r«n/v ,i: i and j(j,i*^ vshniems-. • were, Pokes Gun at Officer Lanhbcrfi, Thelma' Swenson, Alel- a Tin •Important strategic position. mentary science field, was over a Room 204—Esther lirydo'n, Doro- vlllee. Sarah Page, Odngetta Piz- son. Hjajmar Wallin, PhilipLaw- jof the resenrations. will give j part iii the clay I By WILLIS FLETCHER JOHNSON Service.Association and is now tija d 'during the evening. • thy Carter, Doris Dean, Ruth Eadie, ina Tron. Lucille Burgess. ,if Summit aud Union County in the year in preparation by' Mr. Bruce. ir; i.;\ :haj would At a meeting of the St-'eond Ward Arrested on diaries of assault' zuttli , Frances Pizutti, Gloria Silke, rence;-Rober••-...•-•••t BallCy• , Muriel Baker, j numbe• r of monologues and ^caar- | contest wliich^wlil bVjieid It is pleasing to observe in re- by that organization primarily to cause one to tuvt> Margaret Formlchelja. Clara (Jii J future development of the New] Hepuitl'ican Chib he.hl-1'n...J.tcinsevelt.- lloom lid—Helen Nelson, Jessie Mary Ella Stewart. Jean Gustafson, Mary, B. Johnson, acter sketches. She is a grailuate i^onVBirthdaJMSntBirthdaJMSn"thee TaTa'nd'add - THREE LEADERS cent years a marked Improvement provide a shopping place for theSft.4 A i;oi)d bed. School hist f'vetiint;, a motion by' I with intent to kill and-with operat- bert, Madeline Malloy, Barbara -York region was explained last! Hallan. Helen DeGuilo, Lee Kirk, Grade 3A—John Defeo, Joe Defeo, Elsie Jean Ovens, Emily Poyaa. \ of Emerson College of Oratory, joining the ^Poor Farm In White in the- character of the "Valen- .strained" pur^e, secondarily.to aug- Thv fiit-jfdai of the Thrift Simp Councilman S. 1.. Wiigbt was un-i ing an automobile while under the Pretiel, Beatrice Sayre, Gerard Leslie Cooper, Floyd Olson, John Grade 2—John Ahl. Edward TiKHday night by W. Phillip Shatts, j tines," or cards and tokens for St. •ai>- ::M;I.V. yes.. There- was-a dear Summit Church iii .William De Guilo. Alfred Joiwison. Mrs. Philip Chapin Jones will be oajj Ridcg, • Night School for ment the funds of the' Association. aliiliiously adopteil requcstim; :. influence of liquor, pi.>.lu.-»* Lietiteii- Burateln, Roland Duniftier. Henry Healy, Walter Cooper, Theophilo Kakassy, Vincent King, May Healy, tii id secretary of the Regional Plan i !iay iv'.M ianie often. "She spent 1 ! Henry Portine, Henry Schlegel, hostess for the afternoon and will! . M^^. Fa,itoute of Hobart j Valentine's Day, that arc placed on Summit, twenty mile;* away from. Counciiiuan. Kdward-'il'. Snotd; to' ant -Henry'..Vogel." of .Maplewood, . Mencken, Fred' Gordon, Kichard Diriwachtfr, Arthur Swanson, Barbara Woodward. » ha g rTin tea aBd Association, in an address before | 'sale in the shops -and, are cir- us;!»-:* tinu-..there. This lady; made was admitted, to bail last night by Miller, Frank Pecca, Jr., Frank John Sciuticrj Hilary BaKer, Ursula M 4 L V f ?,, " ia^ue sailed on Saturday on the New York, anticipated that city iu ueee;»t in renoniinntion at the' ;tp- Loyalty Crusade George Bolen, Koike Dahl. Grade 2B—Oswald Hale, '."•--'.. Mrs F. S Goucher will arrange,rss_ -CannallIa» ;for ^Havana •:!ic'-Business Men's Association of | culated by those who perpetuate of i:, 4.11 anic. rendezvous.. She • Police Jiistiee Robert l.t, Williams, 1'ecca, Sr,Warren Doer. Bruckner, Carol Clark, Julia Cri- Born Closes this scientific way of creating proachjn«. "Piiinary. .President II. ftoonf*. 102—James Fuschetto, telli^ Emmeliue Crossley, Margaret Grade 1—Peggy Baxter, Ted the decorations. The . Summit on "What the Regional • the ancient custom. Many years funds.. It. is'encumbent upon the Iwupht and- -she bought and .slu* £.' II. Hake'r inesided. i who held him for the Crand "Jury Room 209—Margaret Hoffman, John .McKenna, Edward Parfando, Hiissa. ' where he vvill s end a fortnlght i*-,-rnr?i: Her rloscts were tilled, her Guida, Jessie' Marshall, Florence be given in the living rtHfln-tj the | George Hummei and Bdward ago,''much' longer.;.back than I Thrift Shop to support itself aud Tlie4' itrincipal speaker at tlie Many From Central Church ' oil tlieassault ebai'Keand adjourned Augellne Vadero. Lillian Webb. Agnes Cardone, Emily Kawan, Ruth U1 Oe in Means to Summit." 1 «ftt-vTs •*i-rc'"iniV(K tlnV-paroe'ls" wen! Mirande, Felicia.Monganiello, Anna * • , Escher of Summit were also in "r. Shatts devoted' p Dougall Presents Certify would dare to. Jay that I remem- what residue there may be is used meeting was .Mrs.' William T. HopeH i the intoxicated driving charge-until.' Dorothy Zolkowskl. Thelma Schil- Scharringhausseii, Myrtle Shaw, Murray, Charlotte Nelson, Jennie; Harlan Kennedy, Donald Ballcn- informal. ber, there was a sad' degradation uas't r the bed and with these things ofv Alotitclair, who represented Participating in Meet* i next Thursday evening, the party. •ess to an'explanation of how | by the Association in its beneficent 1 ling, Henry ByslrzaC John Bystr- Carolyn Collins :....„.:.!.. tine, Ruth Twombly. There will ,be..jL,bnff«t loocbeon.! *"«/'"" 7.' cates to 17 Pupils at sav :ue! tile needs of the. son'of the i -Vogel, it .wa. ! alleged, resisted Riola. Elizabeth Simko, Jennie. % daughter of the Regional Plan proposals affect j of it. So-called "comic valentines" work. 1 .los(>i)h S. FreliiiKhuyson, candidate zak, Bernard Carney. Victor Col- Room 101— Angelina DIMalo, Sommo, Jporis Walguarnery, Claire h;:: hrr. liu baker, the daughter of for United States Senator. She ings of Two -Presbyter= ! tifree• tifficei'H who put him under umbus, Vernon Dennis, Jack Piz- 'Summit awl Union County; declar-: Very Impressive Exer* came into vogue, a.nd were widely Do we realize that the Co-oper- Marie .Wrderano," Helen Drum- Williamson, Bridget Yanotta, Anna HAMILTON SCHOOL distributed. These , were cheap tht* c.jiidlestickniaker. pointed out Ii is exceptional quali- j arrest' in Went Summit yesterday utti, Harold Shanazariau, Charles inoinl. Elizabeth Gojdas, Norma Peterson. 'ing that Summit and Union County ! ative Service Association with IsS >' \"' tit1 and from Room 111—Fred Barber. Colan- ance, Helen Jllola, Elizabeth Zol- Highland avenue. assembled Wednesday night in the 2 to 4, and.on ! tion; that be watt-especially inter- ficials were in attendance at the iman Kdward Kgan, who .snatched gelo Caporaso, Sam Hasney, John dell Singletary, Cordelia Bullock, lantlc C y inunity boundaries largely, are los- their recipients. Of course thev ous,-spots that are tragic. We hare; morniug from lO.HO to 1.'' away the revolver, averted what kowski. Mrs""charles**H. Latrobe of Bal-j ^ - their Higniilcam-e because of the j Hamilton School inv exercises ested ..in tax reduction, .'which be dinner >ne<>lihg for church officials Morris. Xatallna Camberlango, Klngsley Hallan, Lottie Skinner, L, has been ibe gaest of' ^rs- were always sent anonymouslv". them all-here. Problems pressing-! Wr w«nM love to have more of had, made a special study. This might have been a serious matter. Grade 43—Joseph Blumettl, John timore, .nitomobile and we are forced to i bringing to a close sixty-four nights ol the Western District of Morrisr Ella Jacobs. ^urade 3 — William Hennessey, Mr. and Mjts. Edward S. H. Pen-ed at luncheon on Friday at her But unhappily thousands of per- "Pou the people within our gates. tiional stock—antique beds, public spirited citizen was offerinu Orange Presbytery, at one of the The actual arraignment was Caporassa, Alfred Critelli, John^ push back our mental horizon and j of study under Mr. Beek and Miss 10 bl t0 be -o- Melvin Reinhart, Patrick Yannatta, dei^gast at their home in Highland home in Windermere terrace. The sons who ought/to have known 1 ° * ""mounted by them :».*. weddins cake, 'typewriters, bis services to the voters of the givalest salhorings of its kind ever brief, Justice Williams holding tho Pecca, Robert Ranker, ^Elmer Evelyn Bullock, Claire Falcon, (onsider the problems which affect j Uahe. j alone. The list of human misad- Slwpwool la probes, but such defendant for the Grand Jury and HOOSEVRLT SCHOOL avenue. guests included Mrs. Michael J. better joined the low fashion, of and State, she said. . witnessed in fhtavicinity, held last Schneider, Daniel Sommo, James Thelma Savage, Zoe Xeniteles, Gardner Pattison of Taylor road j podsworth, JWrs. Philip L Smith, the larger community included in The salute to the flag and the I ventures is complete, our Quota of thinss perhaps come only (incc in Mrs, Itopes'wi'cmarkK were taken Monday evening at the South street tixing the bail at $500. Vogel,- who Yannelli, Emma Bostick, Congetta Mrs Louis p sending them, until for years "St. Kindergarten—Joseph Caesar, Jinunie Yannatta. . sailed on Saturday on the S-S. j - - Bayard, Mrs. Charles the region about fifty miles from ;sillR ing,.of America by the assem- Valentine's Day" fell into decided I the unemployed millions with the thf lift- of a rummage .shop and re-ii|> largely by-nn appeal to wom^n Presbyterian Church, 'Alorristown,. was represented by Richard II, Michael DeLuca, Anthony Marcan- Caporassa, Louis De Stefano, Eliz- Grades 4 and 5—Mary Brink ley, j resulting empty coal bins, milk niairt as .saining spots in the record. ThlekC'foriner recorder of Maplo- "Carmania" for Havan' a where hjS1. BulkieyBulkiey, MrsMrsTel. Tell C. SchreibeSchreiberr, S 6 dlfirepute. ',.-.' voters and in impartitiM informa- when 3. f' ( '\ Whither; a niless old age, the socially danger-as «>31 and oven better, for theen to become more active and toing the- Church Loyalty Crusade, action of the Orand Jury. The K»- Helen Westburg, Catherine Yan- Shepherd, Hermia Tutunjian, em America tor Me, welcome reaction against such in- sault charge was made by Patrol- Badolato. Ira Cialone, Camella De- of Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Bayard I Wilson. boundary, west beyond Lake Ho-! f ' 'Amer ca tor Me," given-by decency. For several years I ous mental deficient, children left ! wf caich closer sight of aretake a lively-Interest "in civic and whh'h will bo conducted in church- feo. Elizabeth De Guilo, Constance. nella. ' George Coffey, Herbert Cohen, Ed- Hupmobilc's three new cars are alive with power... eager to be cared, for—abandoned. All man Corcoran, while the intoxi- of the Redstone Inn, ha^ returned I Mrs. Philip Keyword of Wor- ,K,tconK and south below Asburyj^f -^raAUKlv en J "Thlles e American have seen few if any of those vul- political affairs. es of Newark and Morris-Orange Formichella, Phyllis Jean Mase, Grade 5B—Domenicfc De Muccio, mund Coiarusso, Rolland Desh, : , 'f ' the tilings one forgets about while • can sell whatever you send' cated driving charge was made by to her home after spending a few I tester, Mass., was the week-end with speed.. .brilliantwith beauty... Hupmobile believes Park, that the Regional Plan As- jrea dl gi VeH gar prints exposed for sale. And : Others who spoke were former Presbyteries during the Lenten KelnHold; : Patrolman Egan. ----- Viola Manganicllo, Anna Napoli- Carl Montouri, Tony Pecca, Mike Wallace Hill, Joseph Montgomery, tuu iaiion is enlisting in a compre- j , .Vf; , ^ we live here happily in the rich US. Far everything-• that you do Assemblyitian John \V.('lift. C()un- .season. - :•-.---- tano, Katheriue Palladino, Maggie Rosa, Andrew Walguarnery*^ Rob- John Smith. days in New York. ! suest of Mrs. Norman Schultz at Mil AbrahamJv _an..essay- this yearJL yvas^forcibly: impressed Plumbing, Heating M/i that they will set new standards of value and perform- iHiisive |)lan of growtli, involving awarded first prize, written and by the artistic excellence and Isunshine. "MS": we w4!l thank vou vory jcilhtuh S. L. Wright and Council- Uev. Kenneth I). Miller, pastor of Vogel was arrested not far from Pizzuti. .Marie I'izzuti. Jean Searlea, ert Williamson, Tony Zotti, Amanda Grade 6—Carol Hennessey, Willie actuate facilitieK for railroads,} A shopping place for the strained! n>n»-!i.- | man Kdwurd T. Snook. . the • Kff.Ht'• PivHbyterlini Church, the New Providence line by-'the Marjorie Searles, Susie Sommo, Bostick, Carolyn Ollaski, Lorraine Lindsey, Mary Marcelliano, Violet tained the bridge club at her home I William W. Ren wick of Old ance . . . Drive them, ride them, inspect them . . . Here's read by Hans Thomson. i;ood tsiste of most of the valen-j1 purse; yes, and it has been the aim; lifchways. parkways, parks; and the i Joseph Ffsher, Jules Scheirs, tines wliich I saw in the shops. MRS. It. 1. NIEDNER. Owing to the stormy.. weather a Madison, chairman o|\ the Crusade three officers, who had been dis- and Tinnjng Martha Swensen, Antoinette Vil- Shaw, Evelyn Williamson. Smith. in West road on Monday. I Short Hills road will sail on Wed- I too of the Thrift Shop to be a serv- * Chairman of Committee. Mrs. Clarence Vorse of New i nesday for Algiers on the S.S.a new automotive pattern that you should know about. proper use of the land for industrial I Mary Vetuschi, -'Carmine Vetuschl They compared not unfavorably, very small number was present to Kxecutive Coiiiniittee, "sorvod as Ihepatched to West Summit following lone, Elizabeth Williamson, Frances Grade 5S—Eldred Carow, Salva- Garde G. Special—Rachel Passo- ..nd residential'purposes'to secure' . „ _. . . , . greet the .speakers. presidini g officer. Dr.\ \Hrank nave a telephone call received by Cap- Estimates Cheerfully* Given Gambino. tore Cuillo, Frank Formichella, mato, Geraldine Quinitchett. Haven is the guest of Mrs. Stew- I "France." Mr.' Renwick will spend nnM indeed, with the Christmas and the largest social and economic an(l Hans ThomHCn- having 100% in New Year's cards of a few' weeks j .Mr. ('lift, spoke of the approach- the invocation,, and He\\ Dr. James tain Edward Nelson from Berkeley James Gambino, Joseph Mousley, art H. Hartshorn at her home in ] some time in his villa in Mentone were I ing primary Aaii(l pointed to the Grade 1C—Robert Miconc, Mar- Highland avenue. ! before sailing for home in May. return" economic "The Perfect Tribute,,, " , by Mark,y before, and with the birthday Howard, pastoV'of the .\lorrMown Heights, the caller asserting that a tha Petykowski. Carl Swenson, Mary Baker, Emma SCHOOL . Mr. Shatts then gave a detaile d aUendancj e wer awarde( a boo Intensive Action iDr. Jelliffe's Talk j fact that the four members of the Cbiircb. welcomed, the guests. \- * car driven apparently by an intoxi- Critelli, "Margaret Gilbert, Margaret Ralph R. Rumery left on Tues-'l Mr. and Mrs. Perry E; Hall of description of those Regional Plan i Haymond Shipman Andrews, a cards which are always in season. ! Assembly froiYr Union County, Grade IB—Albert Angelo. Ru- story containing the Gettysburg As in the case of these others, too, \ Dr. George (1. Diiwey, general di- cated man was proceeding toward dolph Critelli, Dominick Gambino, Lamb, Ethel Nelson, Mary Petrac- Grade 6—John Aboutok, Louis day for SummerrUle. X. C, where Lake Toad are the guests of Mr. proposals directly affecting Summit j ! Charles A. Otto, Jr., Thomas M. rector of the Ct'Hsude, was the H. Klocksin & Son he will spend a fortnight playing and Mrs. John Robb Montgomery | HUPMQBILE Address. These were presented by many of them were specially de-1 Summit. James Marchle, Mattco O'Cona, coro. Edith Pozzi. Hamway, Kathleen Glover, Jimela and Union County. i at Kent Place! on Psychology j.Muir, Kenneth C. Hand and Clar- principal speaker /f the evening. ..INDUSTRIAL FUCK Petrock, Dorothy Potignano, Selina Mrs. George F. Vreeland, regent of signed for fathers and mothers, j Demanded n "Break" Ellsworth Odell, Rudolph Santucca, Grade 5W—-Robert Blackmon, golf. ! at their home in Highland avenue. ] P"ormer-Assemblyman John W. j ': ence A. Ward, would have to be re- Keuding the swiry of Pentecost The officers said they waited near Vincent Caparaso, Coslmo De Sainra, Marjorie Sayre, Frances "Mrs. Archer Harman of Concord.! Bernard J. Harrison of Minisink-L_ ('lift, past president of the Associa- Beacon Fire Chapter, Daughters of ind brothers and sisters, and oth-j i nominated ntf-thc-^une primary and Between Park Avr. and Walnut St.Layone Caporaso, Elsa Dahl, Lou- the American Revolution, who like- er relatives; which of course re-! iipproprlateln j/s the Church the New Providence line for the ise Pecca. Dorothy Petraccora, Vic- Simonc, Louis Erb, Vincent Nelson, Spezzi, Ethelyn Strouse; N. H., is the guest of her parents, jroad has returned to his home af- SIXES AND (EIGHTS .linn, presided. * Executive Campaign Com- \ Columbia Professor and suggested tflat they were entitled Loyalty CrusiidJ will be conducted wise presented money awards for moved them entirely from.their I ; oar and asserted that when the ma- Thoue lolH I toria Riola, Julia Schuppa, Eugenia Edward Santuccl, Albert Santucci, Grade 5—George Bastuagy, Rich- Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Cox atjter a week's ^hooting trip in l/eacli Shows CIlj's tirontli : to be.. returned to continue their in observance cf the •lflOOth unni- .Salvatore Scuitier, Ida Cialone, Fil- ard Bogosian, Karnick Dabagian, essays: Hans Thomsen, ist; Nels traditional purport, .and made i mittee on Building Fond i Eminent Psychiatrist ' excel lent, work in thV chine, .driven by Vogel approached, Stewart, Anna DeSimone. their home in Western drite. Thomasville, N. C. 133 Horsepower Hupmobile Eight, 90 miles an hour . .. $2080 Preceding Mr. Snatts' address, ElofHon, 2nd; Martel Reinhold, 3rd. intei'est of j versary. of fflie' bii-t.h of the it was proceeding in u very zig-zag <. Grade 1A—Andrew Bace, Robert omena Defeo, Mary De Simone, Joseph Grobarz, George Hasney, Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Ren-] Mr. and Mrs. William J. A. Mc- City Treasurer Albert Leach, vice- them tokens of domestic affection; ! Union'County and theState. Mr..-'Christian Cblrcb. Dr. Dovvey 100 Horsepower Hupmobile Eight, 80 miles an hour ... 1745 Says Period of Waiting Guest of the Athenaeum 1 manner. ' Sally Evans, Mildred Shanley, Nicholas Rudisi, Anna Daiuto. Rita wick of Taylor road will sail on ! Kim sailed on Saturday on the S. president of the First National Gifts of the Manual for- Immi- und friendship inateod of senti- 01 ift also called attention to the stressed the fimts in opening his Mary Zolkowskl. Luhrs, Linda Mike, Antoinette Wednesday for TeneriKe on the; &!''• "Bermudian" for Hamilton, 70 Horsepower Hupmobile Six, 70 nvles an> hour. ..' 1095 Bank & Trust Co., and president of grants, published by the N. S. D.mental and amatory; passion. Still, is Over Here Last Night / 'fact 'that Councilman Edward • T.address, that ast|ie story is related Corcoran, according to the story, Passomato, Annif Shabnazarian, A. R., and a silk American flag were there were many of the traditional jumped onto, the running board on Grade 6—Margaret Ande, Angel- S.S. "France." Bermuda, where they will spend a Prices quoted "at factory" ... Custom equipment at slight extra cost "lie Business Men's Association last I Snook from the second ward was in the second chiWcr of the Book ina Caporaso, Lauretta Critelli, Emily Spezzi, Burnese Taim, Miss Dorothea Pflag J. E. GILLIES, Branch Manager tinued, there were only about 1.6 Well, it is a good old custom, the tee of the Kent Place School (,'ouncilnian Wrisht followed speaker, "is to get the church to- Repairs mlchella, 1 John Karpinskl, James Mary Adams, Evelyn Ratnasco, more times. After congratulating origin of which is lost In the ob- honor Dr.'Smith'Ely Jolliffe of Col-with fine remarks .in relation to self was an officer. Tho action Send your itema of Interest to miles of so-called permanently im- ing Fund last Tuesday noon ist the -bja University, neurologist, clin- gether. The Crusade is based upon Luciann, Peter Miele, Ross Patter- Ruth Wilson, Victoria Yendrick. FRANKLIN SCHOOL the HERALD. 5 UNION PLACE 'Phone 2142 SUMMIT, N. J. proved streets. Now at the begin- them and greeting their guests and scurity of past ages, and -'If Is ua important road work In the vicinity tlu» principle of helping the average then followed In a flash, Palmer .."// It's Electrical We Have It" expressing the hope that; many of Downtown Association in Xewr ical' professor of mental diseases, of the Koosevelt School and con- leaping up and striking the man son, Charfes Pizzuti, Clarence Grade 3—John Borie, JoBepb ning of 1930 we have 15.8 miles of worth maintaining. As for Saint York City. A half million dollars j pastor and church officials solve Smith, JameV Smith, Robert Van Coppolarp, Tony Kawan. Joe Lup- Kindergarten—Frank Boyf, Sam- permanent' paving. The County had the students would return next Valentine, who was a very Teal church- estimated the figure to be 13,500. or -only,able lo handle bis topic pro- • tion and continue to of applejack, in Myersville, yester- Dale Williams, Richard Kern, Har- Grade 2W—Carmfn Dlauto, Prank Van Cise. Donald Fuchs. Winthrop a growth of €0% over a twenty- Joseph Fisher, 6+; Jules Scheirs, Flaminia, near Rome. One of thethe Lawyers' Club in New York serve .the !,.,8 of- this. Newark-MoJlriH-Orange 'Marino. Tony Mike, Nickie Passe- Green, Jack Kirby. Naylor Leach, j 64; Mary Vetuschi, 64; Carmine Ve- foundly and scientifically but to i voters of the ward and the entire re-gion, with over 40,00(1 members, day afternoon, but denied that he riet Brown^ Betty Pansius. yeaivperlod and 32'^% iu the ten- gates of the city was afterward City at the invitation of Mr. Ken- I city as well. had milled his revolver on the offi- Grade IF — Elizabeth Mai lay. niato, Rocco PaSfeemato, Frank Frederick Lewis, David McMahon. yean, period. tuschi, 64; Hans Thomsen, 63; Jack named for him, the Porta Valentin!, yon. play with it and his hearers iu a Ket together. Truly tpcre should I ; Paul, Tony Zerrillo, Adele Aboutok, Richard Merrell. OliTcr.'.'Vaa Cisc i Corradi, 60; Gunnar Peterson, 58; waythsT at first slightly startled be a great Pentecostal blessing," cers who arrested him. Dorothy Neville, "Laura Seyden, XHher interesting figures quoted later called the Porta del Popolo, Arrangements are being made i Vogel Is5 32 years of age. Marjorie Wieboldt, Robert Beck, Edith Lawyer, Marion Palmer. - Grade 4—rBiirton Boye. Bobby i Knud Wlnther, 58; Martel Rein- and it is said that his for a general luncheon in New •fault Idler completely captivated stated Dr. Dowey u.s.lie' presented ' —Grade -IS—Tommy—Relnauer,- Grabb. BilW Dewafi, Bills OtE©T,| liy, Mr. Leach were on the growth j hold, r.6; Hlldegard .Schmid, 54; re them. . - . ,•• the progr.ain for.l^yeight Crusade! Collett—Frost,—Warrenr Melroy; in assessment valuations. In 1910 transferred to a shrl the York scheduled for Saturday, Ready for Musical William' Van Blarcotn, Richard Stevc* Smoyanek, Marguerite Glos- Louis Kissleleff, Bobby RosscSl. i |l Jones Heggedal, 53; Rose Kazazian, Church of St. Praxede the > March 1st, to signalize the opening After .devoting the first part of Keeks." . . • 1 sick, Peggy. Jacoby, Mary Traynori Teddy Schultz, Wallace Wilkie. I valuations were $9,952,607; in 53; Esther Corradi, 52; Ceuta Raba, A.t the conclusion of the.address I Walker. 1915 they were $12,231,021, or 23% Eternal City. ' of the alumnae campaign. It is his address to definitions and what Y. M.C. A. Directors Grade 2 — Heber Distelhurst, Martha Karpensk'i, JOBephlne Lup- Bobby Woodruff. Winifred Boy*. I 52; Hlldur Erikson, 52; Emmy been' In ! announced,that General W. W. Ati- h«- fenneil "a little lecture on pliy_s_i-, the group unanimously adopted the j pino, Alice Sbahnazarlan. Virginia Cain, Charlotte Carmody. j increase; in 1920, $14,442,372, or Johnson, 52; Astrid Swenson, 52. For centuries there had Clubs Show Tonight Richard Gies, Stephen Parker, Rome, under the ancient mytho- terbury, president of the Pennsyl- fology" illustrated TTyfliaRrams on % program and voted to use every ef-; Charles Heneel, • Arabelle Banton, Grade 1L — Johnny Coppolaro, Muriel Carter. Priacilla Cranstoun. \ l.S% increase; in 1925, $17,911,746, vania Railroad, will preside. :, blactlward. Dr. Jelliffe checketliiis ' fort to-inH-kftrlHuicceBsful. | Johnny Dauito, Joseph Zarelli, Avis Firehock, Johanna Hick. \ or 24% increase; in 1930, $28,731,- logy, the Lupercalia, or festivals in The High School:Glee-i-'hTbTTire Plan for Year Marjorie Chambers, Marjorie Gilla- its honor of Juuo and Pan, which Meanwhile preparations for the• flow of lechniralities and passed; Sunday School superintendents j Grades & and 6—Clinton DeWitt. i •M.1. or 60% increase. over iaio the realms of „poefry, j all-iretrW"Ko"for this evening's per- and leaders, together ' with- young j The number of telephones has were celebrated during the month alumnae campaign are progressing. formance of "The Girl in Hlue Tlie regular meeting of the Donald, Marjorie Norton. Janet ququaa , LLucy Passamato, Angelina Robert Eitner. Walter Fish, Thomas Plan Fish and Miss Lesley Crawford, chairman of philosophy and Freud. j people's leaders gathered Tuesday i Rillo, Rosle Verrusio, Carolyn Kirk, Fred Porter. William Rotar- grown as follows: in 1924, 3,135; of February. Indeed Juno, the Gingham," . this year's musical evening at the Morrlstown Church j Hoard of Directors of the Summit Rayner, Barbara Durkee, Joseph Queen of the Gods, was often call- the New York Committee, presided Dr. Jel!in> approached his topit; j production. The performance is, Y. M. Costablle. Hazelmayer, Araxie Dabagnian. bach. Jack Rossell. Billy Taylor. 1!»27. 3.781; and 1930. 4.81S. at a luncheon meeting of her t <>m- wish a .series of questions: ."What ! Kcliechilcd at a dinner-meeting, to learn of: C. A. wus held Monday eve- CHRYSLER- In mentioning- the larger of the ed Februalis, or Februatu. Readers , . .. for 8.15 o'clock, and us ning, Grade 3—Walter Bates, Clifford Kindergarten —Winston Palmer, Peter Wood. Robert Woolsey. Jean Game Dinner the is presenl day psychology? Which ' , , , their part" in relation to the Cru- February 10th, with • the Robert Piano, Robert Reinauer, Barradale, Marie Friel, Sarah j Ntw Chryjler "77" CrownSfd^rt, $1795 (So«eW Equipment Ex land* developments'the speaker re- of Shakespeare, as well as of his- ] nnttee last Thursday noon at president of the Association, Mr. Boehmer. William Crane, Russell tory, will recall that It was at the | Town Hall Club in New York, An- of all the types would be'of any tne opening chorus is eHpecially mi\c Gles, Benny Genualdl, Paul Hahn, Robert Traynor, Carman Verrussio, Henchen. Dorothy Searles. ' I fined to the Prospect Hill tract, The Ov«i4«akJEJ8h and Game Aa- other meeting is scheduled for to-seryic*1 lathis audience? Concrete novel, and two of the featured several hundred women leaders Hlshop, presiding: •Ivanlioe Park, the Kirk and Bass feast of Lupercal that the crown Reports from the various com- Joseph Matteo, Sheridan Smith, sociation at a meetlngTuesday eve- morrow noon at the Canoe Brook psyetfttlbgy is one of use to the in-soiiRH occur early In act one, evecy- am, wrtrkcrH for rbnrchea In this developments 'aridj' Canoebrook was three times offered to Julius mittees Indicated progress and Fred Wieboldt, Budd Welsh, Will- fer-for PERFORMANCE! hiiiK voted endorsement of Dr. II.Caesar and three times refused by Country Club for the purpose of dividual who needs "something. one is especially, advised to be on vicinity arc scheduled to gather'In: iam Kern, Harriet Bertrand, Vir- Parkway. As for thp last named, he building up the Summit 'Alumnae Whai psychology will be concrete to ;| > growth. J. K. DrfWhos had an en- Mi (hat a mistake had been made J. Burlington as head of the Newhim, and that the .soothsayer wurn- T' s i. ,-„ , ,. ,,. ,.,' wonien's mass meeting-at 2,: .tt |i couruging report regarding the In- ginia Bertrand, Jean Basson, Marie ed him, '• "Beware the Ides of Committee under the chairmanship each of you? What is psychologjy • -lonlKht Kthcl Molltor will be this afternoon, at the Morristown i Clancl, Dorothy Foss, Patricia Hol- there ore all kinds of cars qt all Never before have you known in starting the development at theJersey State Fish and Game Com- off MisMi s M.Margaret Seeley. This to begin with? What is a psychla- : terest of young men in the social EVERY THREE MINUTES . . • kinds of prices-—but no other edge of the city rather than j mission and went on record as fav-March!" Now it was the shrewd 1 the Kill, while the same ehnruc- j n,urch. .M,,S. George W. lirnwh i' program of the Association. Co- bert, Marlon Garls, Dolly Johnson, such performance—such brisk and diplomatic practice of tho meeting will be addressed by Miss rrial's conception of psychology ? tor will be played by .Muriel Mur- .,„,, . . .|, of1 Eloise Proper, Adele Relss, Henri- '"'arer the,center and working out. orlng his reappointment. This is in Hunt und Mr. Kenyon. What is a psychiaiifist?" j p tomorrow M| H NeweU stcwarti oth ] operative work with a committee car can give you performance aliveness of pick-up —such early Christian church to adopt iaddepby dtomorro intereswt uneveningd man.y areThi,s goin hags | suniinit, will be In'charge, with Dr. i from the V. W. C. A. is expected to etta Sherry. I Following the erection of the first line with action already taken by Other local committee meetings After explaining that "psychology Dowey as the speuker. comparable to the brilliant speed with silky smoothness— apartment house here on Summit tho Izak Walton League and thethe dates of heathen festivals for both nights to «ee tlie difference A young people's mass meeting be valuable. The Physical Depart- • . ."every working day Grade 4B —Wendel C. Beck, New are being arranged in Martistni. is after all the relationship between in interpretation.. Two complete .avenue jion t . pr twelve years those of festivals pf the church, or will'take tplnce next Mondny eve- ment report fndknted that the James Corcoran, Robert Keating, •peed and pick-up of a new such ease, quickness and non- H! cn commission Itself. , Montcluir and other towns in the organism and the ouMide ; W:<>; , there have in recent years been to make use of tfeeir coincidence. dress reliearsuls have been held ning jiit the Morrlstown Church, boys' gym classes in several cases William Reiss, Webster Sturcken, •Auto-Range Chrysler. clashing quietness of gear-shift- Two members of the commission northern New Jersey. world," ainl lliat "a' psychialrlst. in this week, and Ibis should, aid in ''"''•ted six others all within the have been invited to attend the^an- And BO it came to pass that Ro- A* special gathering of the stu- with Charles K. Hrewer. of Chat- had doubled in utteudancc over last George Slmson, Robert Snyder. man converts to Christianity werb iuteretJied iu the-human! making tonight's production u Ing—such fast time up hills. same ;;ri.a These buildings house nual banquet of the Overlook Fish dents of the school was called yes- ham, chairman of the Young Peo-year. Mr. Lyon reported for the Jack Wood, William Melroy, Elsie With larger and far more pow countenanced in transforming the e which isn't .working quite; flnlysjied one, i)o.v«' work committee, stating that • . . yoiir telephone in* Burke, Nancy Black, Jean Dem- Beauty FEATURES: URGE, KWCRFUI 'WMM-oximately 257 families and aud Game Association, which taken terday, .afternoon for the purpose of ple's Committee, presiding, aud hav I»r. Jfrllifl'e took the normal< , Tickets for both evening miry iWid ongifMti, with new Do^n- And added to the thrill of this «* a total of 1,015 rooms, place Monday evening, February Lupercal festival of Juno und Pandistributing attractively reproduced Rev. V. ll. Beery, associate Cru- tills committee was attempting to Ing. Margaret Dunsmore, Elizabeth ENGINE^! . . SEVEN-BEARING human being as n HUiriiiiK point for jbe purchased lit the door. get constructive, criticism and help creases its capacity to be Hawes, Betty Shaw, Jane Wheeler. Oi^oft carburetJon such as \t ««w^rformonce is the splen- 24th. They are Dr. C. F. Hunter into the Christian festival of St. sketches of the proposed new build- hi* disrussion, iiliiKtratint; the' sader director, us the speaker. COUNTER-WEIGHTED CRANKSHAFT from the ministers und social work-- Grade 4W—Bobbie Brydon, Dick and Harry Cudnoy, who Is chiet Valentine, us u day devoted to theings. sense ri-ceptors with which he In A men's muss meeting is sched- found in the tatett airplanes— did pride appeal of new and . . . MUITI-RANOE FOUR-SPEED < interests of true lovers. uled for next Tuesday eyenint; at ers of tho community In order to useful to you, for every three Garton, Edward Hodgson, Bobble game protector of the commission. pr.iviiled. and describing: the re-1 ; more wisely plan Its program for Koithan, FTed Melroy, Blllie New- See the new aw| with th* MtWional Multi- larger bodies-^ichly uphol- TRANSMISSION AND GEAR SHIFT iced Census A third .invited guest is Kenneth At how early n date this was ac- sulling tranfiforniatiou of what IK! Ihe MorrlHlown Church, with W. (). complished is not certain. Hut ItBykota Club Head The nioyjj.iinfleitnkeii by the New| Ludlow, of Madison, chairman of the coming your. Mr. Williams, minutes another telephone is ton, Lowell Patten, Ruth Gordinlor, Range four-ipeed transmission stered~jewolry.fine interior fif- ... RUBBER SPRING SHACKLES .. • i/ockwood, editor of the Newark recelvtHl by the senses from the' Jorsey Leaguo'of MunlcipaliticM to j chairman of the anniversary serv- Helen Scydon. _ Evening News sportliiR column, ,It wus probably more than a thou •>u!siile world Into two forniH of be- ( I the men's committee, presiding, and Ford Cars at ond gear shift—Chrysler gives merits executed by Carter ot CHRYSLER WEATHERPROOF FOUR- Names Committees secure the return to tW.-individual j Hev. Mr. lleery an the speaker. , Ice committee, stated thai Dr. Cut- .added to those Vou can call Grade &-^DonaTd~ Burns, John Enumerators Here waa said that several others would Band ycar« URO. The observance of havior. internal (the -repairing of motoring on entirely new vigor. Cie. Thus today^more than ever, WHEEL HYDRAULIC BRAKES. ,. W, Vnlentlne'H Day by lovers was title.s of one-third of (lie gasoline , ten, president of Colgate Univer- Corcoran, Norman Garls, Robert probably bo invited soon. The, new president, Mrs. Jerome rh>- m^rhincl ami (ondiict; the four tax, levied nnd collected by the constrm ! ion and repair. sity, hud been Invited to deliver Hancock, Joseph Levlne, Frank a Chrysler inspires a pride of LARGER BODIES OF DREAD- It is expected that the Inking of It woa reported nt the meeting mentioned by Chaucer, about the in our growing State. our showrooms year i:t, and UIHO by the poet Hoelnner, presided at the resutar primary functions with which he Is | State, dcHcrvcH the Hiipport ot every The gasoline lax bills now up forthe address ut the anniversary serv- Patten, Jnnies Smith, Horace Walk- ownership all its own. NOUGHT CONSTRUCTION , . . the Federal Censim for l!»30 will Tuesday evening that 200 or the 224 biisiucsH meeting of the liyko-tu mdowrd; the phases of develop* | taxpayer and citizen. contideraHoii before the assembly ice In April. He could not any as er, Elizabeth Duffield, Winifred Mi"'t about April 1st. Summit will available tickets have been taken, Lydgate, who died in 1(40; and, of MULTI-RANGE ADJUSTABLE FRONT SEATS. • • course, by Shakespeare. One ofClub held on Tuesday. She ap-men! ihroui;b which he PUHHCM; and ltcftiii' (hi! .stale gusoline tax was are an folIOWH; yet whether Dr. Cutten would be Gicfl. Isabel Mclntosh, Elizabeth •"' entitled, to eight enumerators. two weeks before the banquet. The the biological reasolis for any devi- innugiiruted, each city was Assembly 212. This grants one- METALWARE IY CARTIER ET Cifc 1 the flrnt writers of poutltnl vnlen- pointed, the following committee* able to able to accept or not. The report of Today New Jersey has more Smith, Margaret Van Doren. '»»« Tar but three applicants have occasion will have an a stellar at- for the ensuing year: entertain- ation frr, Mrs. motor vehicles. This revenue nicipalllleH In proporlion lo lax-ress in Us work, but u HhoriuKc of than 670,000 telephones — Carlson, Charles Chambers, George w|| Itureuu at Waahlnnlon. motion picture, "Hhnlm," ii record Coffey, Mrs. Ahlgrini, Mrs. Cswindividua, l .-uid inability to adapt amounted lo a loiiil of three mil- alile valuallotiH. funds. A good many mibscrlptloiiR Duffy, Harry Hdrtnan; Kay Irwin, till applications will bo of the Johnson hunting expedition the. battle of Aglnoourt, in the Inmself i« the world around him. ye.nr.141R. Nor nuiHt we fbrget the Mrs. Schenn nnd Mrs. Wolfe: r«- lion dollars for all municipalltii's. Assembly 215, an alternate bill, made have hud nothing paid on 47,000 more than a year ago. William Irwin, Henry Robertson, Copyrlnht 1930 by Chrnltr ConMNtief lm*M ,| ,,,„ || g,. .j in Africa. freHbmentH, MIH. Lohn. rbalnnan: Dr. JHIifre then discussed the At present, without this revenue, providing for one-quarter of the (hem us yet, while the committee James Vanderbcek, William Gard- ( Hnon hy C|V rv C0 gifted poet Mlchnel Drayton, acon- CHRYSTEIl ""•'id before being forwarded to The dinner committee Includes decorating, Mix. Hutierweln and best methods of Kllz- Robert Douglim, William Moog, Mrs, Van Dyke; publicity, Mr*._. deviation* from the normal, ejillini! coiistriiction, repair work, traffic in luirnlt'iimlitleH. has not yet fully Hecured contrlbu* Grade GF—Betty Black. Jean n!l|1 wrolo an exquisite lyric of HIX tli avenue, Klhnbeib. If there , William Smith. John Riiynor, Fred John Ilorger and Mrs. "T-*tr«inn« the "royal roiid" Iii getting control, etc., inuiil be borne entirely These bills are. now In Ihe Judi- tloiiM toward one-half of the budget. Bruce. Kdnu Johnson, Helen Mat- ! ROOVOH, John Sheridan, A. It, l»nl HtiumtH for Fcbninry Hth, begin- Horn; reception, Mr». s at the mental Mute* n» recorded in by the real estate owners In eacli Mr. Wrlghtfltone reported for thft '"' not Huftlclent uppllcanlH lioin ning: ciary cotitlnitlce iitid will be acted teo, William Behre, Harry Fiedler, •S||'iinil«. when the lime npproaclied,' lenllue and .IUIUCH Hogg. Hnuininnn and Mrs. Robert Hallan: tin* uni >>nm ions city, although the benelll of IIU'HC on shortly. niembei'sliit), showing the totil NEW JERSEY BELL Lloyd George, David Henderson, "iiitiieintorH from other parts of; Muse, bid tho morn nwnke; welfare, MIH. Vincent Hall. Mrs uf hi»i lutd ImpriivenientH IH of ill reel hcncllf Your Help h Needed Now number of members to bo exaoUyt Frederick Mellllo, Kenneth Snyder, William E. Nixon Sad winter unw decllneH; 1 "'' < tninty will l»o nHBlgned here.' Not Hflluble Kugene Stiles and Mrn. nerstlcr; l>r JHIIITe In , audience alt to Ihe Slate an a whole. You cdii IM>IP to secure IIIIH addi- the mum au on December "tat, Donald Wright. D. A. RYER, Inc. Kai'h bird doth CIKKIHP II mtite; TELEPHONE COMPANY /I'ldle.iiug Bhould apply to Mr. Olde With the npiHomh of nnnlher relief. .Mrs. I.HWHKII. »p|x>rtunily for , The return by tho State of one- namely 696. Grade 6H—Paul Fleining, Alec Sales and Service 1 tional revenue for Summit if you ciimpulun tho voter* nhonld be re- Thin rbiy'fi St. Vnleiitlne>i The retiring chnlrnmn, Mrs. Many suid pertinent t)iieH third of the gas tax IH therefore a will write at once to Senulor Ar- llodRRon, Karl Molroy, Richard Chrysler Dealer For (lint good hlHhop'tt Hiikc «rr<* »*lt«| »|id movement toward more equable j ibui IMittiH for the nieollnRH which Or. • \ 170 PARK AVE. 'Phone 1665 SUMMIT. N. J. minded Hint Hut mnst De«b, WBR prenentert with a Water- N. IMCI'HOII ami A«Memblymen Bunditrom, Billy Slmson, Leslie (Jet. up, und let tin nee lAxiillon and toward lax relief for Swan of the American Social Hy- A M«W INltlUTION JKAiKlU Bt NATIONAL RltOUKCI* ln Unllett -Chlroprncior, ("Inre- politicians me not always the moHt bury chlnm, clock In appretS4 ' ""< Dully Argus-Li'tulcr; Thnt fortune m IIHHIKIIH, club. On Monday. Mnrrh 4th. ayoii fit. ke«ii vou -fit* Adv. menu a cash return .to our city of nt Trenton and tell them thnt you Oak*. HonielHjOOO—« Hum which while not md to be w«lt und«r y *j ' HKHALI) welcomed oil ttewn Two hundred J«»IB ngn or more covered (IIMb luncheon hii>; tcin strongly favor Ihe return of one- In Knglnnd and H< otliuid It wan theplanned nt tho Y. W. C A. »t 1 large, will help materially to carry I"'• of Interem to you or Jour Tho Bnmmlt.. ItoKlHlry for roar of latflfott U third of the KUH tax to tho niunicl- Nurs«i, Phone Buaimlt 107S.ndv,tf (Continued on I'«g« HI*) o'clock. lit* HERALD. on the iioci'NHtiry program ot struut pftlltlOB,

•;.'":rMi*,«'iiilii! L.;iMitiiii4ii4kK.s|(i|^||?;: 'M&ei'b AM PAGE TWO THE SUMMIT HERALD AND SUMMIT RECORD, SUMMIT, N. j. THE SUMMIT HERALD ANB SUMMIT RECORD, SUMMIT, N. J. i-'AL.L ; e.-iivt> <»f the mad house, WEDDINGS Howarl Brtickwav, an 014 Friend of the .,'i liy'an orchestra, with all the Short HiUs p.. •ii>8ioh instrument* nimiA full liLth. ii is jiu-i t«ct(y overw ht-Lui- Charlea Kdinund Webbe. son of The Short Hills Can Club held .' • - Fortnrrhtlv Club, in Lecture Recital Diockwuy explained that -^r. and Mrs. William Y. Webbe,their annual handicap • contest on New ProvM^e and Vicinity I.I. il.e pj.uio the chief ;o'f .Mountain avenue, and Mim Ev« Wednesday at the grouuds adjoin- American Culture 1 • iiiwjii . uion of tftrav-. l'i- Melson, oi' . Kaston, Fa., were ing the Poor Farjn In White Oak Kr.-d Mk"i tliui.ip.' inn with or-.-married Tuesday morning ia News Prom the Borough and Township, !•'. A- it K ".scratch." Kastou. Kcv. l>r. Musser. rector Ridge. The entries included Mar- 1 shall 'leer, William K. Wallbridge, Press Has Been Including Murray Hill and Berkeley Heights nf .(Ht ;>i.irt lmid and rise to of the church, officiated. The bride (ion for th and Save i inn. \ ulmh is prime- was attended by her sister, Miss William Byrd, T. Wilson Lloyd, T. Safe and a Leader Declares John District lit Rixkawriy i Violet Meisuii. Samuel Shearman, Wilson Lloyd, Jr.. Albert 11. Marck- j IKMIII. wald. Bernard J. Harrison, Edw. B. ucatiou. dtTeatinj? ihe only, oilier u •»•'- L. Kemmerer. and Stephen 11.' sey Press Association iliulits of Mountain avenue. Murray n.ti n.-,tin^ m.itul with a »e-|N. Y. Mr. \V«-l.l.e in connected with Wm. »nd Mr->. Walil Itr* turned, from a viait with Dr. Deb- IUIINII liom IJach/wtiiih nia'de'liis ' the Infu'r*oll-iiand Company. He Barker, were * absent. The events: NATIONAL This refers to our Travelers Checks, Mill, li): a narrow marKin. Kdwirr b'i'e'iii'-'iiii.ii'hvr.' Mrs. Fraiues l)*hl)iv Great t (Clearance organization of sound we the class of 1<»29./He wag at one American the nieiilbti's o( t I Young Ladi muMc, without it we have, time captain of the Lehigh swim- Marck wald, Mr. Wallbridge, Mr.! tions at very reasonable cost They are l,,.!in»n. N. J The sioa audMr - Wallbridge, in or- 6 TRUST .,-.,..:. iius made an «i»n for three yearn to ih<> Hoard of 1M- uTul Nlrsl NloniantH U!>. her honu- in 1'ass.iir si ree Sale :activities in college.---.— Ider of sequence. Mr! Lloyd won; so convenient you should not be v^itixout '..f.irimitlon in American cult tiro . Tbf largest number of votes in the first prize," a silver platter; COMPANY i.uding ii rathor tbaii following in Larrton wbo yesterday sunn'" years was cant TucMluy r\\>-. Fortnightly Club Notes Ko„,.,.j slir-Scliusle, J r donated'by Edward B.,vRenwick; I Lad, it WUR duelared by John H.! 1 niiu; when lull'li.itlotH were voicil. them %hen you start on your Bexfc (.OMfe|.rhlg Will* UuWTIitti ' Tbi.i eveniiiK in the auiliioriur.i of Mis8 VioleUe A. Schuster of New; Mr. Wallbridge the secoud and Mr.; editor of "<'ol-j W!|!i Hoinc coui|i:iririoii «if. uiht'i•• year*, York in Albiiny; Lincoln School 1 he Ciiininuiiity Kcttular I Haven, Coun.. and Edgar Smith! MarckAvaJd the third. The high; address In' can he nuirle'with lust year's 11K- Servicrt Arisociation will lmld a •Mi'S .\i llle Lee Holt, Who «o-.rioysier of New York City were j £ros» score was won by Mr.,.fleer.! when hul xu balloin were cast. Liiirolu-WuKliingluu coinuieiuoriti.- to :.|Wl( to thir ftni\'htly 'united in marriage last Saturday j Tb#- gun club adjourned to the * <(n this year'.i ballots but »iu' WUHive iH'o^iani with lit*' c.mperalion .i u on R'bruuiv lltrh, at its £Xt afternoon at \ o'clock at 17 Glen-(home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Willianv; | rejected ami one- was y.oK'd blank. v homnumve/ uoi f Mis••••MMs Vlo-J #w j,. Dudle— y~ wher-• z,e a buffet luncheon I P various appropriations • were seiilalives ot every grade, in ii-.i.ii .:. nil nt of (ontuist, luit the bcriliwl ;ix \ i.iie ot the mom eloquent^ lelott A. Johnson, the bride's god- J was served.' The guests included u,,iy riaid that everything that tarried Uy a lai'Kf Miajorlty, Hie .sclioot rtill apliear ml 1 lie program. :i,,'i ;.' i .II,,:I:' and the uppeal «'nd scholarl> >ln -iiiul Summits Bank mtk the Chime CfocM Association, p vole heiiiK lor current expenses: ,,.,!-. , i,\ HI! It h Intf-n-HtliiK Kclme pKitf'Min today. After i was Miss Alice -Jones ot North R- Humery, Mr, and Mrs. Stephen iiimlamHnWHy decenl, and that the lor 117, again.1.! 11: repairs and re- Him slides on Washington'will also s .. .-M . (in t, ;i !)ac'.','iound for |"'idii.ji the j,lo'Ai!H; (inscription of. Carolina. H. Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall j had developed and would At a bnsines.s meeting In- the be shown. mnrnliiK, the associatltiii went on placements: for 114, against, 1*.'; >,i!li'i. 1',t i II tillered pinch a-> , her iurnUhed bv her managers and | Those present were Mr. and MrsGeer. , Mr. arid Mrs. Albert H. j ,-outinu* «tandardf5 of aim A- cnliam-,; liniyer .nn-ei-inx was record as approving AKnembly j manual training: fur 115, nguiusi \ i 'i u !<. , (I'liul a.:il I.ad i it: .c it i \, einll> monotonous. liMenintf to the admiring and j A. E. Schuster, parents of theMarck wald, Mrs. "Louis P. bayard, I held under Ihi' auspices ot,. Ihi' i satisfied comments of, some of those! bride; -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roy- Mil No. !»G which IH designed to I10. rresbyliiian Church'Tuesday eve- Mrs Robert II Gwaltney, Mrs. i arc the'But"*, oboe, bassoon, clar- N. Y., on Wednesday. Symington,. SchiuylaT! •VVJiatever we do, whether it be Newtoinb acted as judge of (whri have; heard her- speak,, one j 8ter -and slaughter, -Amy, the safeguard and - protect' the j ning at lli» nianse in ild Williafti S. Roe, Mrs. Bayard Ste- ;,• , , ... Miss Claire W. Faitoutc, dnugh-J Rlerrepont 1>. SuhreiBer,, Uatulnrtii ,,i, a ioui-i"»fifour-page" weekly or on a , confidence nf p j the election whll*" Samuel Howoith gains the-impression" that-she has j -room's .parents-and sister; 'Miss Io1 1 a 1 v national-.magazine, is reflected Ini. ,' avenue. Prices jU-en all over the world and met I Johnson'and Mrs. Thomas Baker. vens. Mr. and Mrs. William K. i '* "I,, "l, , „ ,,, , ter of Mr. and Airs. Moses Wilfdrdjucer anr. Allan S.Will, director of,the; ond annual concert in the. school j orijtinaiiy 8ehe>il«tled for Wednesday I OBITUARY Mr. inul Mrs. Malcolm Muir will j la-nd avenue ia recovering from a at 10 o'clock . near White Oak Miss EHlzabetfe S"mit»i, 'BBRB. Nothing, he said, could take the !£i_L^gl&'ai!lii!fi^^ 'India, and the' Fax East, and to leave next week for a fortnight in j fracture of the left arm at the Qi:- : Department of Journalism at j auditorium. The-feature of thebut was postponed a day on account i .sK currw*t\thqiiKht as dis- Ridge road near. Ilrantwood. TheLaird, Miss- Eileen, B«r.a»fi«i5fi, place of the eye. • Michael Malone Bermudu. jange Memorial 'Hospital. Other .speakers at the luncheon Rutgers University, told of the I program waa Professor Luigi Spada of the holiday. i to hei/^by ffnxh world .lead- contestants included Perry E. William Thayer Brawny 3Cnsi. growth of the department during j and his concert orchestra, which ENERGY Hf Ki D Inge, j Funeral service was held Wed- ,Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Harrjsoii| Mrs. WilUum A. Moiklehani, Hall, William Byrd, Jr., Ruthven iam A. Hunter, SB*; were Senator Atthur N. Pierson, The regular monthly meeting of | the five year.s of its existence, ana \ played a number-of selections to the the Wolnen's Missionary Society of A. >Vodell,.,S,cbuyler Van Vechten, Wodeli and Mrs. Hiallanti ITu TO'iiit- | president of the Senate and acting enjoyment of those present. Sev- Richard Ely; of South tqrraeo'ard Delafleld at his home in Palni the of Bald that at the present time 105 the Presbyterian Church, was held Extra special — Men's Handkerchiefs and ItiibindranathNTaKpru; .With I Cliii'rch for Michael Malone, 70, who T John Rhea, Montgomery, Francis i ney. MTH. Byrd' aefaiitedl Kovernttr were enrolled In the eral solos by Miss Edith A. Adams, left on Friday for Summerville,' S .-\ Katxck, Fla., has returned to herI). White, iPercival S. Howe and' Krisey in the Be.mi4inu& artitl me Wednesday iu the chapel. The this richly colored background she i died Monday in New York. Inter- journalism course'. At the lunch- Mrs. Louis H. Blart and John A. sewing circle met at 10 o'clock^in analy.so.s the activities and aims of j ment was in St. Teresa's Cemetery. C, where he will spend a fortnight. I home in Crescent place. Piefreponpt t I). Schrelber. William (Broflrn won from" 3&K. S-lnttm- :»>y^ Boyce, all local residents, were also The cencert given on Wednes-1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bingham y jeon in t^e afternoon, R. E. Lent of the morning while'a business ses-! &. is the driving toted the less known but even more I Mr. Malone, a native of Scotland, | (jay Byrd< Jr., defeated Schuyler Van the Jersey- Journal presented to very well received. The concert day in the MHlburii Theater for; of New York were the weekend ivechlen for the cup by two birds. 7*5. Mrs. ByTd warn*•!}? 8V-i ifrnm sion took place in. the afternoon.-| $ Linen Handkerchiefs All White Haadkerchiefs romantic*and idealistic new women had lived in Summit for 50 years. Mrs. Hunter in tb* Hnullf.. Du-nlw Ollroy, of Newark the an-was followed by dancing. • The local volunteer lire company | of the world'* leaders. He was for years an employe at the benefit of the scholarship fund! Kue«t8 ot Mr, and Mrs, Philip L. I Mr. ant, MTB. John R. Mont- .....men'. „ s„.„„„ single„ s^ the- ^.^.^caratBHtantt^K vww iiual $100 ^scholarship offered by The affair was-for tjie benefit of |met Tuesday evening at the fire ball j 'i-illfh be.liis. ' S ;' \'_-\rj•,_•';-•;••' The youngest woman ever to re-Burnett's cider mill. of the Parent-Teacher Associat on , smith at tboir home in MinisinkiBomery entertained after the i Edwin Ackerman. Ferny E. mm, ! the Press Association to the niont the school orchestra, a 'cello and j for its regular • monthly business j All white, regular 2'M; ceive a .Master of Arts degree from wiien . Aiauame is.iiy .\ey pianist, ,-oUd. • 1 shoot. TUe guests included Mr. I Worthington Gampbelli. Elftv") j deserving student in the senior bass being purchased out of thej meeting. ' • | iicc Sah' Price *_"Cr progress the University of Nebraska, she and the Belgium.Pro Arte Quartet, Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Harrisqn |am l Mra. Worthington Campbell,! Clark, James eiinur.. Willlii proceeds, for» the organization, > Attend Fmifni^ of-Former Xcws- gave a most delightful perform- ! journalism class at Rutgers. On Monday afternoon the basket- j Sale Price > 1 *#C' has since then devoted herself to pnpcr'AsMoclnle of New York spent^ the holiday at JMiv:-a^d'"MTBr'wuico1tm Muir," Mr! | Hunter. Joitn Itfaao'n.. Jta.. !• Seven new members were:* ad- which also took part in the pro-, ball ream of Lincoln School will' study and research. For the past ance, has established the fact thai the home of Mr. Harrison's puT--jaiici Mrs>vSchuyler Van Vechten, gram. The attendance was rather j 1 ^'Bfa'£®5ilJSlS!3iaMaEfiMaiMiJi^^ Three who formerly, held edl- the music lovers in this vicinity, Rhea. Montgomes-y, Hferov; IL "Ox mitted to the association.'-'They I travel to Chatham Township and few years she has been a member onts, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Har-1 jvir. and Mrs. William Byrd, Mr.man, Georgge A. O . Altai IL«i- 'were Thomas J. Williams of thej smaller than was anticipated al- I engage the. learn of that town, in ..-.a j • • ;. _; _.;_:.';_.....; __ :. ' '.. - - y of the faculty of Stephens College, torinl chairs in the "Newark Eve- and there are many, appreciate the risoririi in MliiMlnisinkk roadd. j ning_New8^offJ^ce8,._pno.._o(._tlie"mi.he3.t..'. The applause and encores andI MVH. Jferry E. Hall, Mr. and ferts, -"Wijapn: "EJovrti, Jte^ 1 Fair Haven Chat; • Wiiireii -M.!-though a good sale of tickets was return match. Last week the local; Men's Socks M vziS Sh ins CoUiinbja..__M_Q. A—younj; woman George ••' M. Jeffrey of Taylor ilngalls, Bergen Press Corp; Henry i made previously. team l|and*d the Chatham boysj WUiiiTm E7 Bedell, of Summit, that greeted .Madame Xoy's per- Mrs. Ruthven A. Wodeli, Mr. and i Laird, RT Clark, Wliliiuni ." Clearance Sale Price i- I'rii HE value of tlicTocoTnolivc, the ocean liner, tTie radio, herself, with, hundreds of'yourij? j road took a first with his 1 I'll Otters. Ocean City Press; A. S. The committee in charge cou- their first, trimming of the season.! " > Tuesday evening attended (the fun- formance as a soloist and tho Mrs. Donald; C. edttrelj, Mr., and If. McK^ever, F: Mbucmii, (fllunUi- 1 .... w-». women'students at her laboratory French bull dos, Gamin Bon Mrs. Francis D. White, Mr. and H. Smith, Rolwrt U. Wliifcaaw,, |!-koshoii. Union Register; Arthur E.! »lsti«d of J. T. .Nicholson; chairman, It was llu» locals' first game. \ 19c pair . si T tho airplane, is too great to be estimated. But mental of research, sluris.teil.eqnipped to eral of Arthur Tomalln, of Moun- Quartet accompanied by Madame Chance in the open, dogs under 22 Ii Ball, Little Falls Herald; William jM>'«- Thomas Surman. treasurer, '»'•» tain Lakes, a former associate and Ney, were proof of the pleasure Mi-3. William A. Hunter, Mr. and. aid C. Cottrell, WantxceDi. S Tomorrow; afternoon the basket-j Think of buying men's luilf hose at •"->• 1' energy—the brain force that brought them into existence! understand and interpret the chal- pounds not exceeding 28 pounds, Mrs. Robert. V. Whitney, Mr. and | In the semi-finals- Pemty.- E. HI'Paul. Merchantvlllc Community i Lawrence R. Wlnchell, Arthur .'(!. ball teams of the local,'•Presbyterian,, lenge of the iiew order of woman-, who also was an editor on.that experienced by the audience in at the firat, day of the Westminster Ba'lcdin,' Mrs. John Phair. Mrs. less than wholesale cost. Regular ni our vfz- and that guides them--is far greater. paper. Of the four.jMr. Bedell was Mrs. Percival Howe, Mr. anddefeated Alan kefJiarts 'P-U-, 1M1 ;inii! i .News; and Martin V. Meriitt of I Church will travel Jo Summit arid 'value's-'-to fiiie. hearing the greatest works of ; ..-. - iiood. Dog Show on Monday at the Mndl- Mrs. Heroy M. Dyckman. Pierre- Willmni Weaver dBfeoteiil Poinpton Lakes, Chester Lambert. Mrs. Frank } play in the Sunday School league. .-,il,-i'r •-'•>>< K !;.!•• \\ .-•;.nU'd. Neck-. suburban editor; Francis. A. Hagan Brnhms, Schubert and Beethoven aori Square Garden. Gamin Bon ..." r. The meeting, as... usual, is to be Mason''and Archie Glton, all mem- •: • •* vll'S. IJf'S- AH of U3 have limitless stores of energy, mental'dnd was telegraph editor; Joseph H. pont I). Schreiber and Alan D. Sutplten «-(), fi-t'and ! Memorials were read- on the ,i The .juniors will meet Hie strong kihil .-:!•! in the HIRII School auditorium and rendered in perfection. ; Chance is an unusually fine speci- Lefferts. Hall von from Willlami " iiu bers of the Nome and School Asso- 'Central Presbyterian team at. li.io 'physical, that were given to us to make the most,'tho beat, Gunn was sporting editor; and Mr. The next concert will take place 1 men of tho French bull and bus re- death during the past year of John 1 Men's Union Suits will .'begin'promptly at 3.15 o'clock. • Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lefferts' en- the finals by 6-4.. Bi-2*.. 4:-« '!*-1 H. Cook of the Red Bank Register, ciation. , - iu the afternoon while the .senior.; out of life. in f» p Tomalin was news editor. Mr. in April and Georges Burrore with jeeived numerous prizes at shows Broken sizes and odd lotn of men's Bedell is the only one of the four tained at dinner at the Short Hills Dean Emery of and Charles Logan of the Palisad- I outfit will oppose Oakes at S in the Art, Department his ensemble of wind instruments | all over the country . Club on Wednesday. Among those president of tlie Millliurm ^tnmti nf A Proud Chef Services for Donald K, I'arkor medium and heavy weight union siiitr. Focusing these-cner&ips on a growing hank account pro*; now on the News staff! will be the feature. Barrcre will' lini. . ~ - riearance sale price The exhibition of old china and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. present were Mr. "and Mrs. John j Education, and Walton- 4L St Onr vhfi mirr% to your ' C. It. W.-Lane of the Pallsadlan. Services for Donald K. Parker, The local school reopened yes- Mcllby's I larduater Soap ' vidc'8 the most substantial foundation. Here financial power RliiKs at the Art ("cuter. Public play a'flute solo by J. S. Bach, Faulks, of (,'oniston road are Rhea Montgomery^ Mr. und Mrs. \ chairman of tho Duilttingr mnnmit!- palate with twl) Continental twenty-two years old, who died Clarence .T. Ilanisey chairman of the audit bureau of rday morning after having been i< 'l.ir^fst soap grows through increasing funds, th^e#8lMJie counsel and co« Library, under the auspices of the (No. 0 in E Major), with Madame spending a week at the Absccon Perry K. Hall,-Mr. and Mi's. Rob-j tee, were selected! ait mtRsdhsr.iby .11 artklrv. HIK culinary pride circulation, reported ut the busi-j«arly Monday morning at the home: ,.i " Wednesday, Lincoln's Birth- Values to $_..1H 'Clarence J. Ramsey, vice-presi- Inez Carroll as accompanist and OSC( l ,:i jira. Regular„..'„ Art Department of the Fortnightly Country Club in Atlantic City. ert U. Whitney, Mr..;uid Mrs. Will-jlurfie majority. Tlte. ofSiniin TTI- results In dishes that thrill of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John i ,|av, operation that can be supplied ortly by those who are at all dent of Crnikshank & Company, in the Cooiidge prize r.onata "Diver- ness meeting that twenty-five ':+•!! "akes to a Club, will be held during tho week Mrs. William K. Wallbridge of iam A. Hunter, Mrrand Mrs. Will-|titrns were Dean Einery;, 45Ki, ainli E. Parker of Maple street, were j T']u, ^t.w i>rovldorice Player^ are 1 UM- most Hopliistli'uled gour- members of the Press Association ( ll:-ti>!|> f - times in close touch with the financial world and' money' of February 17th. The hours are New York, and well known In Sum- tissement Grotesque," composed by Jefferson road bus returned from am Thayer Brown, MTB. James M. i*\Valter A. Staub,. tET. hold Wednesday afternoon in theJ rehcar'aluK for a play, "Square Towels and Toweling •,! If i * net —""•' every -morning from 10 to 12 mit, where he had made, his home Joseph Hnttel, a few years ago. Rcrkeley, Cal., where she ha» met. He i* umontr the I'irst | had subscribed to the bureau and '; JKT A»t. rakes problems. And- here the growth of the account is speeded I said that it was expected the mem-First Baptist Church of Summit, j Crooks," to be given iu the school o'clock except Sunday, February for years, died yesterday morning This sonata is in the Congressional been the guest of her ;>istei", Mrs. for tlie Hill City The Rev. H. lv. Barnwell, pastor o/ auditorium February 21st. Dancing Colored, woven bonier Tuikish by the interest we pay. at his home, 132 West 12th, street. IJ«Mslanninrs considerable I bershtp would be increased to 2:Jrd, and every afternoon from 2 Library »t Washington and M,Edmun. d Payson. the church, officiated. Interment will follow the play. /rowels. ReiMila!;-..-"">•'(•. ' Cle.nance >alc to 5 o'clock including the after- New York. Death resulted from Barrere has received permission to Alfred Borden of Mt. Kiaco, N. I about .thirty-five when the bureau was iu the "Presbyterian Cemetery I-."-' pike '••.-• '21 v earls ks" (Jmvns noon of Sunday, February 23rd. pneumonia. He was taken 111 use It in his repertoire. The Y., has been the guest of\ Mr. and i began its work on April 1st. The iu the family plot. Admission Tuesday. ' '..-.- Bach sonata was played by Barrere i directors of the bureau met follow- Berkeley Heights .Pure Irish linen .imported .roloivd will be twenty-five Mrs. Page" Chapman at thek home Besides his parents, Donald is if.;.,.". luiiilcrcil (li.-ll towelili.;;. IJe.i'.lllar •'•''r cents. For nearly a score of years, Mr. at the meeting of the Beethoven In Highland avenue. \ Pasteurized ing the luncheon. survived by lour brothers, Spencer, Ramsey had spent his summers in Association organized by Harold Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. DtttMi of ! William A. McBrlde and Edward who lives In Morristown, Stephen of l>ASS-1!KI0 TAX yard, ('leaiantc sale price _*!c .>tinl sale Suinmit, coming here in the spring Bauer, which took place at Town Windermere terrace are" stopping sterilized cans. _-_o_l HiU City II. Roenile, both of the Passaic Summit Raymond and Frederick, <*ach "Y. W." Membership Tea and leaving late in the fall. He Hall. M. Barrere with his asso- Herald, and Eugene W. Parrell of Summit Raym • The Xew Providence Township- at the Park Lane, New York, for the Newark Evening Newsf dis- "vl»K at hon'e- Super-Rayon. Undies —J. B. Dougall, Speaker resided at 796 Springfield avenue. ciates have played in London, a few days. bottles, with Restaurant i the Newark Evening Committee, announced at its Mr. Ramsey was deeply interested Paris and Czecho-Slovakia and Mr., and Mrs. Gustav L. Stewart, cussed the treatment of classified Lincoln School llunor Roll monthly meeting last ni.nht tliat lKMiiiyes, t-ltep-ins, Illonm-. in civic affairs, though he himself have been highly commended in Houil advertising by their papers. Philip the 1930 budget, and tax ordinanee s, in pastel .'ilf.ades. Value in Fortunate Indeed were those who Jr., of Western drive have an- lous II. Baldwin of the Newark Sunday Following Is a lisi of pupils in did not hold office here. the musical world. The instru- nounced the birth of a son on, Tel. 12M Summit, N. .!. the higher grades' of Lincoln School had been passed on final reailiii!': ifl.w. sal«' price si..;, J'r«-n< h Kid attended the tea given at the Y. W. Call spoke-on the problems of the SIJ;I«I('S, all C; A. Monday afternoon by the Vice-preBident of a well-known ments that comprise his ensemble Monday at the.. Harbonl Sanitor- cleanliness m enarw whose numert appear on the Honor at » special meeting held last Sat- real estate firm in ,New York, he ium, IVladison avenue, N. Y. ^mechanical department. Roll for work during the. pa-st urday afternoon at Columbia r'-K.'/'TU-ar- membership committee. Dress Materials *!.!»"» i»uir Miss Evelyn Klggins, accompan- was a member aldo of the Now Mrs. Carl^Lontz of Newark was month. Lower classes are notin- School. The amount to be raised Musicales in Louise Rado phase of our seir«_ac by taxation according to tlie onli- ied by Miss Sarah Austin, pleased York Chamber of Commerce, the the week-end guoBt 6f Mr. and Mrs. eluded mi t|ii' honor roll: Eighth A I.i IUl tl tt- lit ill' IV.Vull, lii n;nl- New York Real Estate Board and grade -I'MoreiKH' Boneek, Mayflower nance is $1S,108.1.5." The budgel her audience, with her charming School of Music and Arts Carl Wildrick Lentz at the Red —-these juse r lull),/'si'Mi anil (uituii i-M-jie-', and e voice and her interpretation of thehalf a dozen other societies, includ- Stone Inn in Knoll wood road. DeFraites, Dorothy (Jrifiitlis,. Wil- was to have been up for a hearint-', ilIV.SK :. nod:;. ,IJi .'"ular \alues ing the Catholic Club, Tammany liam 'H«lm*\ Dorothy HOKJT. (?or- last night but the hearing .waft pieces sung. The three Saturday, morning Hugh Dunn, son of Mr. and Mrs. VVIiile iln-y I i:.l '• 'Icai'a si-. •<• Hall, Friendly gone of St. Patrick, Clifford E. Dunn of Windorniere guarantee of Sale of nelius Kersbergen, Joseph McCon- l\t'd to the earlier date when price \ >ard ~i •<'..! II enibrokl- John B. Dougall then spoke on musicals in the Louise Rado School 1 - Prizes Knights of Columbus, St. Francis terrace, has returned to the Law- nell, Fred Miles, Hazel Vamlerhoof. it was] learned 'that passage, of. tin -l,f-.•VII;M values ways in which the Y. W. C. A. might of Music and Arts in January were iiiM,' i\v. Soitii* .'".hort .lengths bo of assistance, to the High School Xavler Alumni Association, The given by two groups from the upper renoeville School, Lawrenceville, and excellence- Seventh tirade—Charlotte Noll, ordinance last night, would be loo ire Coffee Club and the Iroquois after the mid-year vacation. Margo Kersbergen. Lambert Davids. late to come within the forty day Vdilt'.H. ' prinMs, ; iti..''.t aui.-., chullis, lit for if 1.00 in its program of education. He school and a group of the younger . Ri'g. . Wiluy.helping to put on a program at In February Dwight Galloway of Mr. and Mrs. J. Monroe Graham of ley Ketrup. Kdna Ricliter. he High School, such as social last night. Funeral service will be the faculty will play a program for old . Short Hills road, entertained Fifth tirade — Charles Cunroy, -fith after if had been learned Ibe, . \ held Monday morning from St. Ter- at luncheon and bridge on Friday. Melville Nkliols, William Wlltsie, cluiiiKfl WUH necessury. | Treasure Chest | dancing, which would aid iu theesa's Church.. Interment \vi\\ be In the whole school at one of the musi- .•ight on,f leisuri»i,,,r«e .timt\Ze b\y 7stu- cals : and a short program at thoThe guests Included Mrs. Wallace William Woodward, Marcia Other UusincKH lld'ow Hie 'shn. cards 19 BEECHWOOD ROAD ,{!.: St. Teresa's Cemetery. B. Sutphen, Miss Mary V. Dunluim FARM nwly. I'ommltte** ' , \(('!lt-.-/ra!icc ;~a -nl.-ir- $1 '"•0 liox. lents; secondly, by acting as an Saturday morning half hour of 20% Mr. Ramsey is survived by his Mrs. Charles L. Sholes of East Or- Fourth Grade—Ruth A' schedule presented by Michael price \ 'Phone 1928 Summit, N. j. l\ employment guidance council for wife, Mrs. Mary A. Ramsey,- who ismusic for the younger children. /jirls.-wbo' leave school with no vo- In March Otto Ritchie Stahl. of ange, Miss Jeanne Guy of South Barbara Stiles. Charles Kelly, DiCoriio, operator of the, new ••1 a sister of Union County Assistant Orange, and. Miss Kathleon Taylor Charles Griffith. Jack Thomas, Pkiinflold-lVtouutnin nveiiue bus ation; thirdly, that with a now and 'rosccntor'John B. Walsh and Ed- the faculty will play for the school HATH AM 2387-S9O properly , equipped v building, the The death of Henry ,A. Prince Parker Robinson, Bruno Steffanie. line, WUH accepted and approved and also for tho younger children. \ ...-•. ' . ;) it. mund Walsh, and by two daughters, which-occurred on Monday was Summit Galleries by ttveji committee. Mr. DiCorso an-; V. W. C. A. might offer girl students Mrs. Mario Slgmundy of Westileld, Mr.-Stahlund Mr,, Gallqway-wlll Jieuse ota .swimming pooloutsldo give two informal evenings of mu-the cause of deep regret to his CHATHAM 6f SUMMIT 6 MAPLE STREET 'Phone 3388 SUMMIT, N.J. Personal Mtnlion nouue^d hiniHelf willing to add^/l-;- and MIBB Evelyn L. Ramsoy, of New many friends. He was sixty-nine High of Springfield A Great Clearance of •f school hours. ' "~ —York- . - sic in Alarch.and two in April. .James A. : dltionul Bervlce whenever it wiis j He said tho demand was great Group I of the weavers will have years old and had been engaged in avenue hasreturned to business needed. The law committee -Ian- j and that there was plenty of room a day of weaving on February 27th, active business until his; illness ___ nouneed thnt the State Hoard til' j In Summit for a. clean, well-cared- P.-T. A. Notes Miss Qarrctt. who teaches the v.j.uv- a year ago. Mr Prince was a Taxation--liad-dls'mlfiiwd"au-appw»l-: "or pool. He felt that the Y. M. ing in the school' 'and' Mrs. Rado membeV and one of the foundors of the Lioim Club of Plaintield and ; .1 A. has been niost generous in High School will be tho hostesses on that day, of the Colonial Order of tho Acorn. confirmed the assessment made by j • ending its facilities, but that the The High School Parent-Teach- Ruth Starr Rose, who returned He Avas a f.enidr moinbnr' of tlie the local authorities. The 1,IOIIK ; ime has arriTed-when the Y. We.r Ausociation will hold a [card from Maryland in January after firm of PrincoP , Rurlingham and Club claimed exemption due to the Full Fashioned Pure Thread ). A. should have a pool of its own. party, on Monday afternoon, Feb- the- Christmas holidays is teaching Nourso oj; WJ ^y Is NATIONAL BEEF COMPANY tact that'they-allowed Hoy ScoutBJ Tea was. then served by.the host- ruary 17th, at .'< o'clock. and planning an exhibition of the ntrvived by his widov^, two sons, Fresh to catjip on their property. \ • Silk Hose MMrs. R. T. Betts, Jr., Mrs. painting done during tho year by Henry KinibnII Prince and Don- Exclusive Retailers of Quality Meats Since 1888 Hose Refreshments will bo served and A 'Communication wan received ! VV. Scott Hill, with Mrs. Roland hero will be a prize for every t)u; Ktudi'hta. This will be a joint ough Prince, yorvicos were held In 343 SPRINGFIELD AVE, 'PHONE 1112 SUMMIT, N. J. from the Board of Education re- • L ' Iteiriihir $!.(!.•» .. ,1 hose in 3 Beattie pouring. able. „, "•••', exhibition With. Mists Ciarrctt who Christ Church on Tuosday- and the queHt^B $2,000 for current c-'x- n••'•;;> '-. in nil sizes. will show the work done by theInterment took place in (Jencva, (ins ('«. Forty-two H;HI;:« pure. Ihrt-ad silk r.:n -« Next t« Public peiiHeljt which was ordered paid. hose In all tin- new leailin^ spring Two of Niidlno Henry's I'nplls winavors. / t; Lincoln School ALSO AT 9 ASHWOOD AVENUE TELEPHONE 1695 j Thej Township Committee ex- .'hades. This shi|iineiit jiC« t received. fl Although Founders' Day 1M on ! preHnld Itself as heartily iu favor Miss Kliiine Charlton, who hasFebruary 17th, the Lincoln School The Uigii. School P.-T. A. card I j of th(vim Is the featured'Item In "Sutlonul" JlHrkHs on rrldaj iind S tween 1500 and $000 Into the Tea York and Is just finishing u week Mra. Wesley Patterson, Jr., of Ro- The Kind You Would Want Townikhip coffers. The mutter WUH Clothes (Minister Wrapped, Padded it tho Brnnford Thonter in New-selle, tho state chairman, will speak Itn.nps of MII.K-FKII | l,l(iS(H'H left Id the hands of the'chairman, Ikiskets Sets Strainers ark. From there she will travel briefly of P.-T. A. work. There PKIttB ! who i'Hl communicate the coniiult- Split wood clothes lian- ••• •-.: .'!. .:rtisTir china west ns far asthe coast, MiHH will he a musical entertainment un- Carpenters Babies and tee's i'aitftude to Stai«> lteiiKeHcnlii; der the , able guidance of M1H» VEAL Young Lamb live/. 11 was aunouiiiMMl Huii lu>ls. .durable aiVd'well Charlton - bus attended Mi»s Chudk Roast with |-(-ii. i;.-: and Crated Henry's senior class hero in Sum-Hunie.i hi which children from all Janitors, Cooks Coiithuii (I nil I',>K • niiide. ftvti. \aluos to mit this fall iind winter. the-.schools will t|ka part. Thin Invalids x $2.2'i, Clearaiice. sale S(l . ( 'h'.l! .Hi *IM with the right kind of material Miss Lilyan SwntiHon, ifiiothcr meeting will bo.of-uriutiuul interest, General lb. piicc . •J'I.IS.'M |H i( r pupil who has. boon with Miss wo believe, to both old and new 35c ib.;; 35c by men who have had years of Henry for two years will appear at members of all P.-T. A,'s as Mrs. Houseworkers Hundreds of other bargains offered at experience packing furniture. tho -Paramount Theater in New Patterson will sketch tho begin- Other First CIJINN HHp Home Movie York beginning Friday, February ning and progress <»f this work, Yoii 6Wc a real Vjcfet to» 'your TOP ANN BOTTOM. radically reduced prices. 14th, In "Aladdin's Revels." Hltc thud encourtlging pvery effort for Equipment When shipping household goods greater enthusiasm. In thn work of Connult tho " family and .friend^'-- they will UIBO tour to tho iiiiiKt, playing wui\t your photnumpli. Pay FresA Pork Round Roast In only the larger cities. our local organization and for larg- Colored Branch by freight it pays to have an er membership driven I11 each or- Summit Y., M. C. A. thin Important obligatton to- extra good job of packing. Thi* regular meeting of tho Young children will be Hitmmit for In Iho kindcrK«rtnu raoniH r VEALCHOPS Phone Woman's ('briHtian Temperance K ra _yj Inlou will bo hold at tho Y. W lb We look after all the details. and Iwo feel sure that they, too, Frames Summit C. A. on Thursday. February 20th will enjoy tho musical entertaln- Siebert s 315 We will gladly have our repre- at :t p. in. An executive meeting inont by their older brothnra and Kodak Finishing was hold recently at tho home o sisters, A HOC In 1 hour will bo on- sentative call. Mrs. II. 1). Nichol In Huthven place, Joyod and tea will, be served after IF Vicvys FINKMT to make plan A for tho Spring In tho meeting- ' You Want To itin I.AKUK HOAMTIMji Htltute of tho Union County W. € Know Tho cCLAY'S T. V., to be hold at tho Methodls Ht, Ter«»«'ii Hchool Phones 2280-2281-2282 •II The Summit Express/ Church, Huiiinilt, RofreshmentB In 1 order to give more detail* CORRECT TIME Lamb Chops Chickens Chickens wore Rorvod by tho lipntess, Mra; thnn woro poHHlblc today of the Call C. Grant Myers (4 |b», iiv«in«e> DEPARTMENT STORE Tyler tiroen, talk before St. Ter«»»'» P.-T. A. you- 3 HKI(mV". Jf. 18 Item* of Interest tt> y«U or you neighbor. Monlton the HERALD wtMn baying PAGE TWO THE SUMMIT HERALD AND SUMMIT RECORD, SUMMIT, N. j. THE SUMMIT HERALD ANB SUMMIT RECORD, SUMMIT, N. J. i-'AL.L ; e.-iivt> <»f the mad house, WEDDINGS Howarl Brtickwav, an 014 Friend of the .,'i liy'an orchestra, with all the Short HiUs p.. •ii>8ioh instrument* nimiA full liLth. ii is jiu-i t«ct(y overw ht-Lui- Charlea Kdinund Webbe. son of The Short Hills Can Club held .' • - Fortnrrhtlv Club, in Lecture Recital Diockwuy explained that -^r. and Mrs. William Y. Webbe,their annual handicap • contest on New ProvM^e and Vicinity I.I. il.e pj.uio the chief ;o'f .Mountain avenue, and Mim Ev« Wednesday at the grouuds adjoin- American Culture 1 • iiiwjii . uion of tftrav-. l'i- Melson, oi' . Kaston, Fa., were ing the Poor Farjn In White Oak Kr.-d Mk"i tliui.ip.' inn with or-.-married Tuesday morning ia News Prom the Borough and Township, !•'. A- it K ".scratch." Kastou. Kcv. l>r. Musser. rector Ridge. The entries included Mar- 1 shall 'leer, William K. Wallbridge, Press Has Been Including Murray Hill and Berkeley Heights nf .(Ht ;>i.irt lmid and rise to of the church, officiated. The bride (ion for th and Save i inn. \ ulmh is prime- was attended by her sister, Miss William Byrd, T. Wilson Lloyd, T. Safe and a Leader Declares John District lit Rixkawriy i Violet Meisuii. Samuel Shearman, Wilson Lloyd, Jr.. Albert 11. Marck- j IKMIII. wald. Bernard J. Harrison, Edw. B. ucatiou. dtTeatinj? ihe only, oilier u •»•'- L. Kemmerer. and Stephen 11.' sey Press Association iliulits of Mountain avenue. Murray n.ti n.-,tin^ m.itul with a »e-|N. Y. Mr. \V«-l.l.e in connected with Wm. »nd Mr->. Walil Itr* turned, from a viait with Dr. Deb- IUIINII liom IJach/wtiiih nia'de'liis ' the Infu'r*oll-iiand Company. He Barker, were * absent. The events: NATIONAL This refers to our Travelers Checks, Mill, li): a narrow marKin. Kdwirr b'i'e'iii'-'iiii.ii'hvr.' Mrs. Fraiues l)*hl)iv Great t (Clearance organization of sound we the class of 1<»29./He wag at one American the nieiilbti's o( t I Young Ladi muMc, without it we have, time captain of the Lehigh swim- Marck wald, Mr. Wallbridge, Mr.! tions at very reasonable cost They are l,,.!in»n. N. J The sioa audMr - Wallbridge, in or- 6 TRUST .,-.,..:. iius made an «i»n for three yearn to ih<> Hoard of 1M- uTul Nlrsl NloniantH U!>. her honu- in 1'ass.iir si ree Sale :activities in college.---.— Ider of sequence. Mr! Lloyd won; so convenient you should not be v^itixout '..f.irimitlon in American cult tiro . Tbf largest number of votes in the first prize," a silver platter; COMPANY i.uding ii rathor tbaii following in Larrton wbo yesterday sunn'" years was cant TucMluy r\\>-. Fortnightly Club Notes Ko„,.,.j slir-Scliusle, J r donated'by Edward B.,vRenwick; I Lad, it WUR duelared by John H.! 1 niiu; when lull'li.itlotH were voicil. them %hen you start on your Bexfc (.OMfe|.rhlg Will* UuWTIitti ' Tbi.i eveniiiK in the auiliioriur.i of Mis8 VioleUe A. Schuster of New; Mr. Wallbridge the secoud and Mr.; editor of "<'ol-j W!|!i Hoinc coui|i:iririoii «if. uiht'i•• year*, York in Albiiny; Lincoln School 1 he Ciiininuiiity Kcttular I Haven, Coun.. and Edgar Smith! MarckAvaJd the third. The high; address In' can he nuirle'with lust year's 11K- Servicrt Arisociation will lmld a •Mi'S .\i llle Lee Holt, Who «o-.rioysier of New York City were j £ros» score was won by Mr.,.fleer.! when hul xu balloin were cast. Liiirolu-WuKliingluu coinuieiuoriti.- to :.|Wl( to thir ftni\'htly 'united in marriage last Saturday j Tb#- gun club adjourned to the * <(n this year'.i ballots but »iu' WUHive iH'o^iani with lit*' c.mperalion .i u on R'bruuiv lltrh, at its £Xt afternoon at \ o'clock at 17 Glen-(home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Willianv; | rejected ami one- was y.oK'd blank. v homnumve/ uoi f Mis••••MMs Vlo-J #w j,. Dudle— y~ wher-• z,e a buffet luncheon I P various appropriations • were seiilalives ot every grade, in ii-.i.ii .:. nil nt of (ontuist, luit the bcriliwl ;ix \ i.iie ot the mom eloquent^ lelott A. Johnson, the bride's god- J was served.' The guests included u,,iy riaid that everything that tarried Uy a lai'Kf Miajorlty, Hie .sclioot rtill apliear ml 1 lie program. :i,,'i ;.' i .II,,:I:' and the uppeal «'nd scholarl> >ln -iiiul Summits Bank mtk the Chime CfocM Association, p vole heiiiK lor current expenses: ,,.,!-. , i,\ HI! It h Intf-n-HtliiK Kclme pKitf'Min today. After i was Miss Alice -Jones ot North R- Humery, Mr, and Mrs. Stephen iiimlamHnWHy decenl, and that the lor 117, again.1.! 11: repairs and re- Him slides on Washington'will also s .. .-M . (in t, ;i !)ac'.','iound for |"'idii.ji the j,lo'Ai!H; (inscription of. Carolina. H. Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall j had developed and would At a bnsines.s meeting In- the be shown. mnrnliiK, the associatltiii went on placements: for 114, against, 1*.'; >,i!li'i. 1',t i II tillered pinch a-> , her iurnUhed bv her managers and | Those present were Mr. and MrsGeer. , Mr. arid Mrs. Albert H. j ,-outinu* «tandardf5 of aim A- cnliam-,; liniyer .nn-ei-inx was record as approving AKnembly j manual training: fur 115, nguiusi \ i 'i u !<. , (I'liul a.:il I.ad i it: .c it i \, einll> monotonous. liMenintf to the admiring and j A. E. Schuster, parents of theMarck wald, Mrs. "Louis P. bayard, I held under Ihi' auspices ot,. Ihi' i satisfied comments of, some of those! bride; -Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roy- Mil No. !»G which IH designed to I10. rresbyliiian Church'Tuesday eve- Mrs Robert II Gwaltney, Mrs. i arc the'But"*, oboe, bassoon, clar- N. Y., on Wednesday. Symington,. SchiuylaT! •VVJiatever we do, whether it be Newtoinb acted as judge of (whri have; heard her- speak,, one j 8ter -and slaughter, -Amy, the safeguard and - protect' the j ning at lli» nianse in ild Williafti S. Roe, Mrs. Bayard Ste- ;,• , , ... Miss Claire W. Faitoutc, dnugh-J Rlerrepont 1>. SuhreiBer,, Uatulnrtii ,,i, a ioui-i"»fifour-page" weekly or on a , confidence nf p j the election whll*" Samuel Howoith gains the-impression" that-she has j -room's .parents-and sister; 'Miss Io1 1 a 1 v national-.magazine, is reflected Ini. ,' avenue. Prices jU-en all over the world and met I Johnson'and Mrs. Thomas Baker. vens. Mr. and Mrs. William K. i '* "I,, "l, , „ ,,, , ter of Mr. and Airs. Moses Wilfdrdjucer anr. Allan S.Will, director of,the; ond annual concert in the. school j orijtinaiiy 8ehe>il«tled for Wednesday I OBITUARY Mr. inul Mrs. Malcolm Muir will j la-nd avenue ia recovering from a at 10 o'clock . near White Oak Miss EHlzabetfe S"mit»i, 'BBRB. Nothing, he said, could take the !£i_L^gl&'ai!lii!fi^^ 'India, and the' Fax East, and to leave next week for a fortnight in j fracture of the left arm at the Qi:- : Department of Journalism at j auditorium. The-feature of thebut was postponed a day on account i .sK currw*t\thqiiKht as dis- Ridge road near. Ilrantwood. TheLaird, Miss- Eileen, B«r.a»fi«i5fi, place of the eye. • Michael Malone Bermudu. jange Memorial 'Hospital. Other .speakers at the luncheon Rutgers University, told of the I program waa Professor Luigi Spada of the holiday. i to hei/^by ffnxh world .lead- contestants included Perry E. William Thayer Brawny 3Cnsi. growth of the department during j and his concert orchestra, which ENERGY Hf Ki D Inge, j Funeral service was held Wed- ,Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Harrjsoii| Mrs. WilUum A. Moiklehani, Hall, William Byrd, Jr., Ruthven iam A. Hunter, SB*; were Senator Atthur N. Pierson, The regular monthly meeting of | the five year.s of its existence, ana \ played a number-of selections to the the Wolnen's Missionary Society of A. >Vodell,.,S,cbuyler Van Vechten, Wodeli and Mrs. Hiallanti ITu TO'iiit- | president of the Senate and acting enjoyment of those present. Sev- Richard Ely; of South tqrraeo'ard Delafleld at his home in Palni the of Bald that at the present time 105 the Presbyterian Church, was held Extra special — Men's Handkerchiefs and ItiibindranathNTaKpru; .With I Cliii'rch for Michael Malone, 70, who T John Rhea, Montgomery, Francis i ney. MTH. Byrd' aefaiitedl Kovernttr were enrolled In the eral solos by Miss Edith A. Adams, left on Friday for Summerville,' S .-\ Katxck, Fla., has returned to herI). White, iPercival S. Howe and' Krisey in the Be.mi4inu& artitl me Wednesday iu the chapel. The this richly colored background she i died Monday in New York. Inter- journalism course'. At the lunch- Mrs. Louis H. Blart and John A. sewing circle met at 10 o'clock^in analy.so.s the activities and aims of j ment was in St. Teresa's Cemetery. C, where he will spend a fortnight. I home in Crescent place. Piefreponpt t I). Schrelber. William (Broflrn won from" 3&K. S-lnttm- :»>y^ Boyce, all local residents, were also The cencert given on Wednes-1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bingham y jeon in t^e afternoon, R. E. Lent of the morning while'a business ses-! &. is the driving toted the less known but even more I Mr. Malone, a native of Scotland, | (jay Byrd< Jr., defeated Schuyler Van the Jersey- Journal presented to very well received. The concert day in the MHlburii Theater for; of New York were the weekend ivechlen for the cup by two birds. 7*5. Mrs. ByTd warn*•!}? 8V-i ifrnm sion took place in. the afternoon.-| $ Linen Handkerchiefs All White Haadkerchiefs romantic*and idealistic new women had lived in Summit for 50 years. Mrs. Hunter in tb* Hnullf.. Du-nlw Ollroy, of Newark the an-was followed by dancing. • The local volunteer lire company | of the world'* leaders. He was for years an employe at the benefit of the scholarship fund! Kue«t8 ot Mr, and Mrs, Philip L. I Mr. ant, MTB. John R. Mont- .....men'. „ s„.„„„ single„ s^ the- ^.^.^caratBHtantt^K vww iiual $100 ^scholarship offered by The affair was-for tjie benefit of |met Tuesday evening at the fire ball j 'i-illfh be.liis. ' S ;' \'_-\rj•,_•';-•;••' The youngest woman ever to re-Burnett's cider mill. of the Parent-Teacher Associat on , smith at tboir home in MinisinkiBomery entertained after the i Edwin Ackerman. Ferny E. mm, ! the Press Association to the niont the school orchestra, a 'cello and j for its regular • monthly business j All white, regular 2'M; ceive a .Master of Arts degree from wiien . Aiauame is.iiy .\ey pianist, ,-oUd. • 1 shoot. TUe guests included Mr. I Worthington Gampbelli. Elftv") j deserving student in the senior bass being purchased out of thej meeting. ' • | iicc Sah' Price *_"Cr progress the University of Nebraska, she and the Belgium.Pro Arte Quartet, Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Harrisqn |am l Mra. Worthington Campbell,! Clark, James eiinur.. Willlii proceeds, for» the organization, > Attend Fmifni^ of-Former Xcws- gave a most delightful perform- ! journalism class at Rutgers. On Monday afternoon the basket- j Sale Price > 1 *#C' has since then devoted herself to pnpcr'AsMoclnle of New York spent^ the holiday at JMiv:-a^d'"MTBr'wuico1tm Muir," Mr! | Hunter. Joitn Itfaao'n.. Jta.. !• Seven new members were:* ad- which also took part in the pro-, ball ream of Lincoln School will' study and research. For the past ance, has established the fact thai the home of Mr. Harrison's puT--jaiici Mrs>vSchuyler Van Vechten, gram. The attendance was rather j 1 ^'Bfa'£®5ilJSlS!3iaMaEfiMaiMiJi^^ Three who formerly, held edl- the music lovers in this vicinity, Rhea. Montgomes-y, Hferov; IL "Ox mitted to the association.'-'They I travel to Chatham Township and few years she has been a member onts, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Har-1 jvir. and Mrs. William Byrd, Mr.man, Georgge A. O . Altai IL«i- 'were Thomas J. Williams of thej smaller than was anticipated al- I engage the. learn of that town, in ..-.a j • • ;. _; _.;_:.';_.....; __ :. ' '.. - - y of the faculty of Stephens College, torinl chairs in the "Newark Eve- and there are many, appreciate the risoririi in MliiMlnisinkk roadd. j ning_New8^offJ^ce8,._pno.._o(._tlie"mi.he3.t..'. The applause and encores andI MVH. Jferry E. Hall, Mr. and ferts, -"Wijapn: "EJovrti, Jte^ 1 Fair Haven Chat; • Wiiireii -M.!-though a good sale of tickets was return match. Last week the local; Men's Socks M vziS Sh ins CoUiinbja..__M_Q. A—younj; woman George ••' M. Jeffrey of Taylor ilngalls, Bergen Press Corp; Henry i made previously. team l|and*d the Chatham boysj WUiiiTm E7 Bedell, of Summit, that greeted .Madame Xoy's per- Mrs. Ruthven A. Wodeli, Mr. and i Laird, RT Clark, Wliliiuni ." Clearance Sale Price i- I'rii HE value of tlicTocoTnolivc, the ocean liner, tTie radio, herself, with, hundreds of'yourij? j road took a first with his 1 I'll Otters. Ocean City Press; A. S. The committee in charge cou- their first, trimming of the season.! " > Tuesday evening attended (the fun- formance as a soloist and tho Mrs. Donald; C. edttrelj, Mr., and If. McK^ever, F: Mbucmii, (fllunUi- 1 .... w-». women'students at her laboratory French bull dos, Gamin Bon Mrs. Francis D. White, Mr. and H. Smith, Rolwrt U. Wliifcaaw,, |!-koshoii. Union Register; Arthur E.! »lsti«d of J. T. .Nicholson; chairman, It was llu» locals' first game. \ 19c pair . si T tho airplane, is too great to be estimated. But mental of research, sluris.teil.eqnipped to eral of Arthur Tomalln, of Moun- Quartet accompanied by Madame Chance in the open, dogs under 22 Ii Ball, Little Falls Herald; William jM>'«- Thomas Surman. treasurer, '»'•» tain Lakes, a former associate and Ney, were proof of the pleasure Mi-3. William A. Hunter, Mr. and. aid C. Cottrell, WantxceDi. S Tomorrow; afternoon the basket-j Think of buying men's luilf hose at •"->• 1' energy—the brain force that brought them into existence! understand and interpret the chal- pounds not exceeding 28 pounds, Mrs. Robert. V. Whitney, Mr. and | In the semi-finals- Pemty.- E. HI'Paul. Merchantvlllc Community i Lawrence R. Wlnchell, Arthur .'(!. ball teams of the local,'•Presbyterian,, lenge of the iiew order of woman-, who also was an editor on.that experienced by the audience in at the firat, day of the Westminster Ba'lcdin,' Mrs. John Phair. Mrs. less than wholesale cost. Regular ni our vfz- and that guides them--is far greater. paper. Of the four.jMr. Bedell was Mrs. Percival Howe, Mr. anddefeated Alan kefJiarts 'P-U-, 1M1 ;inii! i .News; and Martin V. Meriitt of I Church will travel Jo Summit arid 'value's-'-to fiiie. hearing the greatest works of ; ..-. - iiood. Dog Show on Monday at the Mndl- Mrs. Heroy M. Dyckman. Pierre- Willmni Weaver dBfeoteiil Poinpton Lakes, Chester Lambert. Mrs. Frank } play in the Sunday School league. .-,il,-i'r •-'•>>< K !;.!•• \\ .-•;.nU'd. Neck-. suburban editor; Francis. A. Hagan Brnhms, Schubert and Beethoven aori Square Garden. Gamin Bon ..." r. The meeting, as... usual, is to be Mason''and Archie Glton, all mem- •: • •* vll'S. IJf'S- AH of U3 have limitless stores of energy, mental'dnd was telegraph editor; Joseph H. pont I). Schreiber and Alan D. Sutplten «-(), fi-t'and ! Memorials were read- on the ,i The .juniors will meet Hie strong kihil .-:!•! in the HIRII School auditorium and rendered in perfection. ; Chance is an unusually fine speci- Lefferts. Hall von from Willlami " iiu bers of the Nome and School Asso- 'Central Presbyterian team at. li.io 'physical, that were given to us to make the most,'tho beat, Gunn was sporting editor; and Mr. The next concert will take place 1 men of tho French bull and bus re- death during the past year of John 1 Men's Union Suits will .'begin'promptly at 3.15 o'clock. • Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lefferts' en- the finals by 6-4.. Bi-2*.. 4:-« '!*-1 H. Cook of the Red Bank Register, ciation. , - iu the afternoon while the .senior.; out of life. in f» p Tomalin was news editor. Mr. in April and Georges Burrore with jeeived numerous prizes at shows Broken sizes and odd lotn of men's Bedell is the only one of the four tained at dinner at the Short Hills Dean Emery of and Charles Logan of the Palisad- I outfit will oppose Oakes at S in the Art, Department his ensemble of wind instruments | all over the country . Club on Wednesday. Among those president of tlie Millliurm ^tnmti nf A Proud Chef Services for Donald K, I'arkor medium and heavy weight union siiitr. Focusing these-cner&ips on a growing hank account pro*; now on the News staff! will be the feature. Barrcre will' lini. . ~ - riearance sale price The exhibition of old china and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. present were Mr. "and Mrs. John j Education, and Walton- 4L St Onr vhfi mirr% to your ' C. It. W.-Lane of the Pallsadlan. Services for Donald K. Parker, The local school reopened yes- Mcllby's I larduater Soap ' vidc'8 the most substantial foundation. Here financial power RliiKs at the Art ("cuter. Public play a'flute solo by J. S. Bach, Faulks, of (,'oniston road are Rhea Montgomery^ Mr. und Mrs. \ chairman of tho Duilttingr mnnmit!- palate with twl) Continental twenty-two years old, who died Clarence .T. Ilanisey chairman of the audit bureau of rday morning after having been i< 'l.ir^fst soap grows through increasing funds, th^e#8lMJie counsel and co« Library, under the auspices of the (No. 0 in E Major), with Madame spending a week at the Absccon Perry K. Hall,-Mr. and Mi's. Rob-j tee, were selected! ait mtRsdhsr.iby .11 artklrv. HIK culinary pride circulation, reported ut the busi-j«arly Monday morning at the home: ,.i " Wednesday, Lincoln's Birth- Values to $_..1H 'Clarence J. Ramsey, vice-presi- Inez Carroll as accompanist and OSC( l ,:i jira. Regular„..'„ Art Department of the Fortnightly Country Club in Atlantic City. ert U. Whitney, Mr..;uid Mrs. Will-jlurfie majority. Tlte. ofSiniin TTI- results In dishes that thrill of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John i ,|av, operation that can be supplied ortly by those who are at all dent of Crnikshank & Company, in the Cooiidge prize r.onata "Diver- ness meeting that twenty-five ':+•!! "akes to a Club, will be held during tho week Mrs. William K. Wallbridge of iam A. Hunter, Mrrand Mrs. Will-|titrns were Dean Einery;, 45Ki, ainli E. Parker of Maple street, were j T']u, ^t.w i>rovldorice Player^ are 1 UM- most Hopliistli'uled gour- members of the Press Association ( ll:-ti>!|> f - times in close touch with the financial world and' money' of February 17th. The hours are New York, and well known In Sum- tissement Grotesque," composed by Jefferson road bus returned from am Thayer Brown, MTB. James M. i*\Valter A. Staub,. tET. hold Wednesday afternoon in theJ rehcar'aluK for a play, "Square Towels and Toweling •,! If i * net —""•' every -morning from 10 to 12 mit, where he had made, his home Joseph Hnttel, a few years ago. Rcrkeley, Cal., where she ha» met. He i* umontr the I'irst | had subscribed to the bureau and '; JKT A»t. rakes problems. And- here the growth of the account is speeded I said that it was expected the mem-First Baptist Church of Summit, j Crooks," to be given iu the school o'clock except Sunday, February for years, died yesterday morning This sonata is in the Congressional been the guest of her ;>istei", Mrs. for tlie Hill City The Rev. H. lv. Barnwell, pastor o/ auditorium February 21st. Dancing Colored, woven bonier Tuikish by the interest we pay. at his home, 132 West 12th, street. IJ«Mslanninrs considerable I bershtp would be increased to 2:Jrd, and every afternoon from 2 Library »t Washington and M,Edmun. d Payson. the church, officiated. Interment will follow the play. /rowels. ReiMila!;-..-"">•'(•. ' Cle.nance >alc to 5 o'clock including the after- New York. Death resulted from Barrere has received permission to Alfred Borden of Mt. Kiaco, N. I about .thirty-five when the bureau was iu the "Presbyterian Cemetery I-."-' pike '••.-• '21 v earls ks" (Jmvns noon of Sunday, February 23rd. pneumonia. He was taken 111 use It in his repertoire. The Y., has been the guest of\ Mr. and i began its work on April 1st. The iu the family plot. Admission Tuesday. ' '..-.- Bach sonata was played by Barrere i directors of the bureau met follow- Berkeley Heights .Pure Irish linen .imported .roloivd will be twenty-five Mrs. Page" Chapman at thek home Besides his parents, Donald is if.;.,.". luiiilcrcil (li.-ll towelili.;;. IJe.i'.lllar •'•''r cents. For nearly a score of years, Mr. at the meeting of the Beethoven In Highland avenue. \ Pasteurized ing the luncheon. survived by lour brothers, Spencer, Ramsey had spent his summers in Association organized by Harold Mr. and Mrs. Clifford E. DtttMi of ! William A. McBrlde and Edward who lives In Morristown, Stephen of l>ASS-1!KI0 TAX yard, ('leaiantc sale price _*!c .>tinl sale Suinmit, coming here in the spring Bauer, which took place at Town Windermere terrace are" stopping sterilized cans. _-_o_l HiU City II. Roenile, both of the Passaic Summit Raymond and Frederick, <*ach "Y. W." Membership Tea and leaving late in the fall. He Hall. M. Barrere with his asso- Herald, and Eugene W. Parrell of Summit Raym • The Xew Providence Township- at the Park Lane, New York, for the Newark Evening Newsf dis- "vl»K at hon'e- Super-Rayon. Undies —J. B. Dougall, Speaker resided at 796 Springfield avenue. ciates have played in London, a few days. bottles, with Restaurant i the Newark Evening Committee, announced at its Mr. Ramsey was deeply interested Paris and Czecho-Slovakia and Mr., and Mrs. Gustav L. Stewart, cussed the treatment of classified Lincoln School llunor Roll monthly meeting last ni.nht tliat lKMiiiyes, t-ltep-ins, Illonm-. in civic affairs, though he himself have been highly commended in Houil advertising by their papers. Philip the 1930 budget, and tax ordinanee s, in pastel .'ilf.ades. Value in Fortunate Indeed were those who Jr., of Western drive have an- lous II. Baldwin of the Newark Sunday Following Is a lisi of pupils in did not hold office here. the musical world. The instru- nounced the birth of a son on, Tel. 12M Summit, N. .!. the higher grades' of Lincoln School had been passed on final reailiii!': ifl.w. sal«' price si..;, J'r«-n< h Kid attended the tea given at the Y. W. Call spoke-on the problems of the SIJ;I«I('S, all C; A. Monday afternoon by the Vice-preBident of a well-known ments that comprise his ensemble Monday at the.. Harbonl Sanitor- cleanliness m enarw whose numert appear on the Honor at » special meeting held last Sat- real estate firm in ,New York, he ium, IVladison avenue, N. Y. ^mechanical department. Roll for work during the. pa-st urday afternoon at Columbia r'-K.'/'TU-ar- membership committee. Dress Materials *!.!»"» i»uir Miss Evelyn Klggins, accompan- was a member aldo of the Now Mrs. Carl^Lontz of Newark was month. Lower classes are notin- School. The amount to be raised Musicales in Louise Rado phase of our seir«_ac by taxation according to tlie onli- ied by Miss Sarah Austin, pleased York Chamber of Commerce, the the week-end guoBt 6f Mr. and Mrs. eluded mi t|ii' honor roll: Eighth A I.i IUl tl tt- lit ill' IV.Vull, lii n;nl- New York Real Estate Board and grade -I'MoreiKH' Boneek, Mayflower nance is $1S,108.1.5." The budgel her audience, with her charming School of Music and Arts Carl Wildrick Lentz at the Red —-these juse r lull),/'si'Mi anil (uituii i-M-jie-', and e voice and her interpretation of thehalf a dozen other societies, includ- Stone Inn in Knoll wood road. DeFraites, Dorothy (Jrifiitlis,. Wil- was to have been up for a hearint-', ilIV.SK :. nod:;. ,IJi .'"ular \alues ing the Catholic Club, Tammany liam 'H«lm*\ Dorothy HOKJT. (?or- last night but the hearing .waft pieces sung. The three Saturday, morning Hugh Dunn, son of Mr. and Mrs. VVIiile iln-y I i:.l '• 'Icai'a si-. •<• Hall, Friendly gone of St. Patrick, Clifford E. Dunn of Windorniere guarantee of Sale of nelius Kersbergen, Joseph McCon- l\t'd to the earlier date when price \ >ard ~i •<'..! II enibrokl- John B. Dougall then spoke on musicals in the Louise Rado School 1 - Prizes Knights of Columbus, St. Francis terrace, has returned to the Law- nell, Fred Miles, Hazel Vamlerhoof. it was] learned 'that passage, of. tin -l,f-.•VII;M values ways in which the Y. W. C. A. might of Music and Arts in January were iiiM,' i\v. Soitii* .'".hort .lengths bo of assistance, to the High School Xavler Alumni Association, The given by two groups from the upper renoeville School, Lawrenceville, and excellence- Seventh tirade—Charlotte Noll, ordinance last night, would be loo ire Coffee Club and the Iroquois after the mid-year vacation. Margo Kersbergen. Lambert Davids. late to come within the forty day Vdilt'.H. ' prinMs, ; iti..''.t aui.-., chullis, lit for if 1.00 in its program of education. He school and a group of the younger . Ri'g. . Wiluy.helping to put on a program at In February Dwight Galloway of Mr. and Mrs. J. Monroe Graham of ley Ketrup. Kdna Ricliter. he High School, such as social last night. Funeral service will be the faculty will play a program for old . Short Hills road, entertained Fifth tirade — Charles Cunroy, -fith after if had been learned Ibe, . \ held Monday morning from St. Ter- at luncheon and bridge on Friday. Melville Nkliols, William Wlltsie, cluiiiKfl WUH necessury. | Treasure Chest | dancing, which would aid iu theesa's Church.. Interment \vi\\ be In the whole school at one of the musi- .•ight on,f leisuri»i,,,r«e .timt\Ze b\y 7stu- cals : and a short program at thoThe guests Included Mrs. Wallace William Woodward, Marcia Other UusincKH lld'ow Hie 'shn. cards 19 BEECHWOOD ROAD ,{!.: St. Teresa's Cemetery. B. Sutphen, Miss Mary V. Dunluim FARM nwly. I'ommltte** ' , \(('!lt-.-/ra!icc ;~a -nl.-ir- $1 '"•0 liox. lents; secondly, by acting as an Saturday morning half hour of 20% Mr. Ramsey is survived by his Mrs. Charles L. Sholes of East Or- Fourth Grade—Ruth A' schedule presented by Michael price \ 'Phone 1928 Summit, N. j. l\ employment guidance council for wife, Mrs. Mary A. Ramsey,- who ismusic for the younger children. /jirls.-wbo' leave school with no vo- In March Otto Ritchie Stahl. of ange, Miss Jeanne Guy of South Barbara Stiles. Charles Kelly, DiCoriio, operator of the, new ••1 a sister of Union County Assistant Orange, and. Miss Kathleon Taylor Charles Griffith. Jack Thomas, Pkiinflold-lVtouutnin nveiiue bus ation; thirdly, that with a now and 'rosccntor'John B. Walsh and Ed- the faculty will play for the school HATH AM 2387-S9O properly , equipped v building, the The death of Henry ,A. Prince Parker Robinson, Bruno Steffanie. line, WUH accepted and approved and also for tho younger children. \ ...-•. ' . ;) it. mund Walsh, and by two daughters, which-occurred on Monday was Summit Galleries by ttveji committee. Mr. DiCorso an-; V. W. C. A. might offer girl students Mrs. Mario Slgmundy of Westileld, Mr.-Stahlund Mr,, Gallqway-wlll Jieuse ota .swimming pooloutsldo give two informal evenings of mu-the cause of deep regret to his CHATHAM 6f SUMMIT 6 MAPLE STREET 'Phone 3388 SUMMIT, N.J. Personal Mtnlion nouue^d hiniHelf willing to add^/l-;- and MIBB Evelyn L. Ramsoy, of New many friends. He was sixty-nine High of Springfield A Great Clearance of •f school hours. ' "~ —York- . - sic in Alarch.and two in April. .James A. : dltionul Bervlce whenever it wiis j He said tho demand was great Group I of the weavers will have years old and had been engaged in avenue hasreturned to business needed. The law committee -Ian- j and that there was plenty of room a day of weaving on February 27th, active business until his; illness ___ nouneed thnt the State Hoard til' j In Summit for a. clean, well-cared- P.-T. A. Notes Miss Qarrctt. who teaches the v.j.uv- a year ago. Mr Prince was a Taxation--liad-dls'mlfiiwd"au-appw»l-: "or pool. He felt that the Y. M. ing in the school' 'and' Mrs. Rado membeV and one of the foundors of the Lioim Club of Plaintield and ; .1 A. has been niost generous in High School will be tho hostesses on that day, of the Colonial Order of tho Acorn. confirmed the assessment made by j • ending its facilities, but that the The High School Parent-Teach- Ruth Starr Rose, who returned He Avas a f.enidr moinbnr' of tlie the local authorities. The 1,IOIIK ; ime has arriTed-when the Y. We.r Ausociation will hold a [card from Maryland in January after firm of PrincoP , Rurlingham and Club claimed exemption due to the Full Fashioned Pure Thread ). A. should have a pool of its own. party, on Monday afternoon, Feb- the- Christmas holidays is teaching Nourso oj; WJ ^y Is NATIONAL BEEF COMPANY tact that'they-allowed Hoy ScoutBJ Tea was. then served by.the host- ruary 17th, at .'< o'clock. and planning an exhibition of the ntrvived by his widov^, two sons, Fresh to catjip on their property. \ • Silk Hose MMrs. R. T. Betts, Jr., Mrs. painting done during tho year by Henry KinibnII Prince and Don- Exclusive Retailers of Quality Meats Since 1888 Hose Refreshments will bo served and A 'Communication wan received ! VV. Scott Hill, with Mrs. Roland hero will be a prize for every t)u; Ktudi'hta. This will be a joint ough Prince, yorvicos were held In 343 SPRINGFIELD AVE, 'PHONE 1112 SUMMIT, N. J. from the Board of Education re- • L ' Iteiriihir $!.(!.•» .. ,1 hose in 3 Beattie pouring. able. „, "•••', exhibition With. Mists Ciarrctt who Christ Church on Tuosday- and the queHt^B $2,000 for current c-'x- n••'•;;> '-. in nil sizes. will show the work done by theInterment took place in (Jencva, (ins ('«. Forty-two H;HI;:« pure. Ihrt-ad silk r.:n -« Next t« Public peiiHeljt which was ordered paid. hose In all tin- new leailin^ spring Two of Niidlno Henry's I'nplls winavors. / t; Lincoln School ALSO AT 9 ASHWOOD AVENUE TELEPHONE 1695 j Thej Township Committee ex- .'hades. This shi|iineiit jiC« t received. fl Although Founders' Day 1M on ! preHnld Itself as heartily iu favor Miss Kliiine Charlton, who hasFebruary 17th, the Lincoln School The Uigii. School P.-T. A. card I j of th(vim Is the featured'Item In "Sutlonul" JlHrkHs on rrldaj iind S tween 1500 and $000 Into the Tea York and Is just finishing u week Mra. Wesley Patterson, Jr., of Ro- The Kind You Would Want Townikhip coffers. The mutter WUH Clothes (Minister Wrapped, Padded it tho Brnnford Thonter in New-selle, tho state chairman, will speak Itn.nps of MII.K-FKII | l,l(iS(H'H left Id the hands of the'chairman, Ikiskets Sets Strainers ark. From there she will travel briefly of P.-T. A. work. There PKIttB ! who i'Hl communicate the coniiult- Split wood clothes lian- ••• •-.: .'!. .:rtisTir china west ns far asthe coast, MiHH will he a musical entertainment un- Carpenters Babies and tee's i'aitftude to Stai«> lteiiKeHcnlii; der the , able guidance of M1H» VEAL Young Lamb live/. 11 was aunouiiiMMl Huii lu>ls. .durable aiVd'well Charlton - bus attended Mi»s Chudk Roast with |-(-ii. i;.-: and Crated Henry's senior class hero in Sum-Hunie.i hi which children from all Janitors, Cooks Coiithuii (I nil I',>K • niiide. ftvti. \aluos to mit this fall iind winter. the-.schools will t|ka part. Thin Invalids x $2.2'i, Clearaiice. sale S(l . ( 'h'.l! .Hi *IM with the right kind of material Miss Lilyan SwntiHon, ifiiothcr meeting will bo.of-uriutiuul interest, General lb. piicc . •J'I.IS.'M |H i( r pupil who has. boon with Miss wo believe, to both old and new 35c ib.;; 35c by men who have had years of Henry for two years will appear at members of all P.-T. A,'s as Mrs. Houseworkers Hundreds of other bargains offered at experience packing furniture. tho -Paramount Theater in New Patterson will sketch tho begin- Other First CIJINN HHp Home Movie York beginning Friday, February ning and progress <»f this work, Yoii 6Wc a real Vjcfet to» 'your TOP ANN BOTTOM. radically reduced prices. 14th, In "Aladdin's Revels." Hltc thud encourtlging pvery effort for Equipment When shipping household goods greater enthusiasm. In thn work of Connult tho " family and .friend^'-- they will UIBO tour to tho iiiiiKt, playing wui\t your photnumpli. Pay FresA Pork Round Roast In only the larger cities. our local organization and for larg- Colored Branch by freight it pays to have an er membership driven I11 each or- Summit Y., M. C. A. thin Important obligatton to- extra good job of packing. Thi* regular meeting of tho Young children will be Hitmmit for In Iho kindcrK«rtnu raoniH r VEALCHOPS Phone Woman's ('briHtian Temperance K ra _yj Inlou will bo hold at tho Y. W lb We look after all the details. and Iwo feel sure that they, too, Frames Summit C. A. on Thursday. February 20th will enjoy tho musical entertaln- Siebert s 315 We will gladly have our repre- at :t p. in. An executive meeting inont by their older brothnra and Kodak Finishing was hold recently at tho home o sisters, A HOC In 1 hour will bo on- sentative call. Mrs. II. 1). Nichol In Huthven place, Joyod and tea will, be served after IF Vicvys FINKMT to make plan A for tho Spring In tho meeting- ' You Want To itin I.AKUK HOAMTIMji Htltute of tho Union County W. € Know Tho cCLAY'S T. V., to be hold at tho Methodls Ht, Ter«»«'ii Hchool Phones 2280-2281-2282 •II The Summit Express/ Church, Huiiinilt, RofreshmentB In 1 order to give more detail* CORRECT TIME Lamb Chops Chickens Chickens wore Rorvod by tho lipntess, Mra; thnn woro poHHlblc today of the Call C. Grant Myers (4 |b», iiv«in«e> DEPARTMENT STORE Tyler tiroen, talk before St. Ter«»»'» P.-T. A. you- 3 HKI(mV". Jf. 18 Item* of Interest tt> y«U or you neighbor. Monlton the HERALD wtMn baying I .-


phi-iis, a butler, Kdwant Chivarou. • Mrs, Charles Quinzel, Mrs. Pierce, $',:x. Wednesday nifcht in the \ The-Snnui St-: llridce Club met > t.t-r\ict' at 11 i'lii' play is lender ihe direction Mrs. Harold Searks, Mrs. Thomas _ iHmuy in 'Millbuni. Tuesday ni^iu ,.( tin- home of Miss A ui' Summit HigH Noses Out Linden724-23 !ii -Llndeavor of Mrs. Ktfiu ll,\Sii»ith. The V.\<-I Arson /and Mrs. Walter White. ; At Rahway Tonight Springfield News of Varied Interests Mr. and. Mrs. Jaine.s .Fist« r ,)fssi»> Ruh\ ,ti Mountain avenue (atimt t,f Ii worth League Orchestra will utay WaiijVPses are Mrs. Hoy Geib. Mrs. I'tuirud to their home ID •with M'isj .Cart'liin- Njuse as hostess. in the •M;e J.llliO Mel H ddium the intermissions, 'ihcre Frj>I:!I.MIU ;md Mrs, ell .INI Kpi»ra) School, Gvic and Church Activities will Le »hm*-ing-after the perform- Treat, Mrs. William liefer, Mrs. weeks iu .Malionoy City, I'.i. Krw in I'uerries \\ i i <>' nn/e wirtiu-rs. ill I. lieeil. •]>.:• ''I!', Lo4il ance'- with iiiiisic provided l»> an Mark Brady, Mrs. Alonzo Allen. Hnihiiiij; Inspector and Mis. Mi.-s Alice He.ii yi :ll' r-nlertaiu the Mrs. Mrphfii \ iitrhnid it ti.lf, a In. ^Personal Mention out-oT-iowu o club at her IKMIH- IU - Short Hills »•! v ie< at 1! o'cl Caseys, Minus Several Regulars, Lose; 158-27 Decision To Morristown K. of G. Mrs. UeorKf Chapman, Mrs. Elliot HeuU-n 11. Marsh entvrtaineil s«v- Funeral seivii ••. (>.: 'ir Ii) Hall. Mr*. Isaac 1-orj', Mrs. Joseph W-il friends Saturday evenli at a\enue on Febnuu i ,'filh. • 'onley Knjihini!. w t i •:,. ,j < : !, e iiKettn;

St. .lame* Card I'arlj wild Uance I'ihkava. -Mrs. William Patterson, ttuir home in Maple avenue m Mrs, Alioe-iUflicrts. who has been .Monday niorttins; ..t \n,:u,iyK \\t,.-. Mrs. "• Kdna. Smith, Mrs. Arthur 'e at' S. Niiiiur Schii.il l.tiltruv Juulnr School was..the; other candidate Tlie third annual card party and hoiior of their birthdays! i'nseiii \isltiiiK for sevt'iul *.*.<•.-k.--•with her pital, were held yi-Mi ;.:,;-, .i'liV jnneriliaum, n«w^dealers, dance of the St. James Catholic Menzi\ Mrt,.- Fred Nessman. iMrs. »iic Mr. and Mrs. Jay T. llnrioii The ti.ird -f- iciii of the Kpworth SatniTiit High Downs Linden in Close Summit Legion Rifle MiDrrlil.secking inemberMhip on,the board. I son and dau^hter-iii-la.w, Mr and Hi ion sit 2 o'<-lock ,it Viiir j' :.;:;l!. lVt. : i-.iiide Winter w IVt. m. Springfield.] | Mr. Davidson will stfeceed William Chui.rh will take place Monday William Ray. Mrs. Alext Gross, and daughter, Margaret, of Maple- Mrs. Russell -Hoberth, ulrNor'thfield. al parlors in Milltnini. K> . \'iH Institute of Groups I.Wi.i-l C't:tUi-;il \y. .857 ainl T will be held Wednesday I :i I'i.--. Team Wins a Match Sportsmen Feed N. Heard who declined re-election. fVeninj; in the Chateau HiVUjis#ol. MIM. Wilbur Selnnder. Mrs "Arner wood;' Mr. and Mrs. Olher John- .Mass.. was a holidav : ucst at the iam I.. Heed.-pastor of the M> •],.»!' A{ong the ttiie .714. Terwilliner". Mrs. Arthur Smith, .'-tiinj; in tbv Cliurcn at .': I-;..-. -' i' Kuys I'UIII 7M |i,niiN"ii Klecled to School Hoard' A. H: Schmidt, who was appoint- Bridge, euchre, whist and fiu> sou and son. Oliver, and Mr .m.lhome of Mrs. j. S. Qiiitk. in Mom* ij-t l-:|)iscopal. ('.huK-h. UTIii i.'iti-il- Came—Big Game at Rahway Knight By Bill Lucas N'Mlli.- it.iiii 'tftijiri'-t1" .'43!t The Summit American Legion I I c. Davidson, Jr., was elected,i .„» i ,, . . . ,.,, • hundred will be iju> Kawes plaved. Miss Lila Kneen. Miss L. FranceB Mrs. John .Bruc'k of Irvlngton, Mr a \ ell tie. Interment was. in Basking Uiii.. 1 n \\< M!i>rial ,H:! i ,..; -il.-n. Game Birds ., ,,,,-niber.to the Board of Kduca-' w* by the board to nil the vacancy.Tliero will IK- u •door prize and Howard. Miss Margaret Reeve, and 'Mrs, Clarence 'Maguire and Mr. and Mrs. l-'red Dra"ke. of Mrs. Knuland was taken ilf .i \--u M. .liimi's (athnlic .<><><* \c\I'r'uv V iih in••»• .143 Rifle Club defeated the Hackensack j Big Red Team Has Narrow Escape From Defeat Here V. M. C. A. Hifle Club, R43 to 751. j j inn at the annual school electiou en hy the death of L. I.. Smith, numerous prizes will be awarded Misses Anna and Phoebe Deumun. children, Jean and fharles, .and Short Hills .'avenue, wrif -j;i\en a weeks UL:O at her home.iu Wa !. 'I'liouia:- 11. Utrkin, pastor. 1 : Wednesday at the Orange "Y." li,i(l Tuesday night in the James Ihe president,- was elected to fill-j to holders of high scores. Refresh- o-~- , - -. -.. Mrs. Jennie Marsh, of Springfield. 'delightful surprise party on Sat- iufto'n . a\enue. Pneumonia l.tdi • Stniil.ty mutnins at-?.:JO, AGAIN <•*o<; 1 Severe Winter Starving Miss Mae Desmond will entertain '. 1,1, III llick: Tuesday But Hopes to Come Through in Crucial \.nin • 'Hili ri .Mi tiii-ii.il --, New 1'rnv. II. Vanderbeek led the Summit shoot- CM Id well School. Walter White and'; one-year term. ,- jnients will be served Wal.ly Os- Scout Notes urday evening at the home of Mr. di\veloped and she was removed'.to II. .lusiior^ii.ys Is.Calvary i:i. ei-H with a |82 ^nd, Kills posted a (I Arnold Wright were re-elected! bw.r ne's Chateau Orchestra w-ill "Old Scouts" NtKlrl will be held thr Katydids, a--bridge, club, to- and Mrs. Blcks ill Mnplewood in the hospital where her condition, ..- MI: >•. Si liiiul iollowin« the l».3O (jame at Rahway Tonight—Reserves Defeated li^li is the .ii!idcr-dog in toiliulit s stniu^f,',,, Pheasants, Wild Tur= l,ii the three-year term, Frederick j linMisliip Budget Passed pi'ay for the dancing. ninht at her home in Kliza.beth. honor of their twenty-fifth'weddinu •became'Steadily wor.-se, She wasma.- - Walt - lads-aiv one up on the'Mofa'ts, and"Tiii;sda'y niuht aualn j., . iiiiiiu'M Tnmurruw .175. This was a'regular North Jer- The 1!K1() budget was passed my tonight in connection with the reg- :ilral IT \s. H"ly Nairn 11"i—.luni'ir Itoys vs. OKIIIIJ Mem. | sey Rifle League match. keys and Deer—Food '' Mis.- Arthur ('. Prinz is chairman \ular weekly meeting of Troop 66, Meinbefs include the Misses 'llul'da. anniversary. A mock wedditm was the wife of Sii-pheii \Vv^ Kn^land St. >te|ilicn\ M|»Ur»i " . U> HIM. I.IIAS i«-al power in downing Hillside., '.-n tn !', while Summit »' J'l'llV. VS. '.'1.1—<';ilv;uy vs. Fountain H.tptisL final reading at the Township Com- of, the general committee; Mrs. Van Sickle, Kvelyn Day, Isabel 'performed and a very enjoyable and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A<>r ]><>>•"s \N. Springfield Boy Scouts, in tho Millhvirn, N. J,. i was forced to the limit to Squeeze out a 1U to i':', win HK.-r 'l;ir*de.n. We 3.1i—(V-ittral 1'ivn. v«. \"« had. .Thirty-fivt*. quests ItUMSell (•(inlcy of Green Village. Rev. Hutii W. Dickinson, rector* S county total budget is $!U,400, which is refreshment committee'; "Mrs. Will- Arney. Ailetio Spossord and Celia were present. "' ,>-."She• ,h;i(i resided in Sprinufleld pionshiii hopes Tttt-riiliiy niiiiit urjilie local -court. ' when they know tliat they have a real job ahead. Swan tons Win Easily J4.481.0li more, than last year. The All former scouts of the troop have Holy. .Coiiiinniiiiin at H o'clock. The big redtea in St. James Parish iam Drew, chairman of the piize been Invited to attend. I Scout- • .Mr. and Mrs. Drake were quests ;vi]'out three years. Chui'cb SCIKKII ainl Bible'Class at won. 24 to 'S',, but ihV' Stiinniii' supporters were 1 I Tuesday nNht they thought that they had the uanie won before iV amnuni.to.be raised by taxation is ivcn SOUK i She's Not Blue Any More Hoover Off for Florida committee; Joseph H. Gunn, chair- master Grenville Day wilrH>e~ln The C. i. Club was entertained of honor at an anniversary dinner "Besides her husband and parents ! started, but tonfuht realize that they will have to ilo th.jr diirude-st to From Varsity Five Delegations from the surround- f(>5.!iOO or $118.01 less than last !i.4f> o'clock. , moments in the last few SM -..n wlu-n a nuple of Linden shots rolled man of 'tho - publicity committee, cjihrge. at a V )tine luncheon today at at the home of Mr. Drake's brothers she. is survived by two chihlrcii, ~j Morning piayei and.sermon at 11 'come through victorious. Hahway has a crack team hut are not un- The Robert J. Svanton Assocla- By TROUT DOCTOR inij. comlnunities are expected at year. The' difference is accounted and William Drew, Jamon Tansey, the' home of Miss Grace Coe in ' a round th<' rirti and nut .i^aln. Th« went len.second.s overti'riife as not Preparations have been com- ( , William Drake, in Maplcwood, on Alfita, fj years old, and Itobert, :;. (j'elqek, beatable by any .stretch of the imagination. /Hie Cjirn(K-iiu,Ti aree not ! tlon encountered little difficulty i he annual card party and dance for in increased anticipated Delmar Tappin and John Koch, the Newark. those, present ihe referee failed tu hear t! .over-confident, or are they suffering • from Kt«>a- fri.-ht, but In the Virginia Legislature a bill revenues and a surplus from last pleted for a-homo made food sale ' Vesper service at "1 o'clock. le HimTs whistle ilue lo the continual are all last Friday night In defeating the was introduced providing for u,,.' miller, the auspices of St. James door committee.' ° tu be held tomorrow at 10 o'clock were .Mrs. Hattip Doerries, Mrs. Miss Edna Kapp, of Easton, 1'a., IN Till; ("ill IU HKS A mid-winter dance under the uproar. i primed to do. their best.. Chinch, Springfield, in the Chateau year's appropriations. , David s. Jeakens, and Mrs. I'liner was a week-end guent at the Drake Varsity Five, 40 to 19. At the endextension to .President - Hoover of An ordinance, providing for three in the store next to the prist office. auspices of the young people of the If Linden had sunk a basket niter wiiuMol on Monday night. Busses | • s . Firemen's Klection All home baked goodies will be on Sick ley, of' this town; Mrs. Kd^ar home. ' • First l'resli)Jerlain * church will be held in the parish of the first half the Swantons the privilege of fishing -in tin- election districts instead of ...th.e the game wa's really over a iiicc ar- U NOT f:\orun KOOJI .will leave Springfield center for '." Charles H. Jtuby und T. C. David- sale. The proceeds will benefit the Keeve, of Wesfleld; Mrs. Fred .The Battle Hill Building•: and R IH'. Dr. George A. l.ivtjett. 'house 011 Friday ovetiinK. February were leading 12 to 8 but played waters of the State at any time, re- present two'districts," received 'first Miller and Miss Helen Coe, of New- gument might have ((line up. Tlie Y" Five to Way in their opponents off their feet in •tin''chateau at intervals from 8 to son, Jr., fire commissioners, are >ip Scout camp at Brbokside. Loan Association will meet M0117 tor. •JSth. Richard Vinn is chairman of The basketball fans are coinplaiiiiiiK.- 'They havv no kicks, to re;i-' gardless of game law provisions.' reading. Final reading will be ark. - x day night in its rooms in the score was lS-17.jii Snniniit'.s favor the third period, tallying eighteen The President has-.firmly refused tn S liu o'clock. Cards will start at !> for re-election in the annual firo- The members of the troop with Sunday School at !»,4f» a. nv/ •arrangements. as tho teams entered the final quar- on the (iuality'of basketbail served up in the, t'nioii County Sehol-' February 26th. •' . Plainfield Tomorrow points to six for the Varsity lads. accept such special privilege, there-' o'clock. Pivot bridge will be men's election to be held tomorrow »j Scoutmaster Day and Assistant ter and everyone seemed lo .sense League, but center their complaints a'round the fact that- the played principally and there will I afternoon at fire headquarters Sc'outmasterH Spinning and Hoag- a close Jinisli as the Hill City, lad? The "Y" coiirtHfcfl'r.s willjbieet tli0 beating .capacity in most of the couftty .gyms is sadly inadequate for Coyle played well for the winners, by giving an added but unueedi'il Sorority to Hold from 3 to 7 o'clock. Current ex- tallying seven field goals and a l,e, prizes for every table. A masquerade Valentine land will attend the services Sun- were jni.ssiiij; on several cylinders Acme (,'lui) of• Plkirilield totnojroWr major games. Kven Summit's gym has been over-loaded ou two oc- proof that he is a true 'sportsman. dance penses of $51,000 arc to be voted on. day morning in the First Presby- night on the Queen City Yi^tf, C. X.casions this year, and Runway's will .certainly be packed Umiuh-t. , foul, while Al Swick put up a good Says the Newark Sunday Call: "The The dancing will be in the main will be held tomorrow ninht in while fheir opponent* were '.func- dance hall throughout the evening. Municipal Builtliiij;'W TaiiGamm terian Church. ^_. tioning exceptionally, well. court. The Y,.. W. cou^Jy'larger The Rahway-Rpselle Park, Llnden-Rahway, and some of the other defensive game. DeSimone scored fisherman who is true to his art Att<'rt a special door prize and ice i play for the dancing. As a'special The Junior High Boys' basketball A the President (Joes Pishing cream and other refreshments will i feature, there will be old-fashioned Health and recently re-elected team met the Linden Junior High lrom ttif foul strip by Jimii'iie flas- f;ani"s with independent teams-.. \bc itlatis should make certain, that there is plenty of room for spec- (!. . V. lUs. I). Moroncy, f '.:. 5 President Hoover has gone to lie served. I dances. president of .the Union County team oh the James Caldwell court kell again put Summit in the lead. Two lioihe games are on tap lortators, as basketball is still in its infancy. .i 2 Ii Mosquito Extermination Commis- .I.Moroney, r 4 ' 0' S Long Key, Fla., where he has been Committees for'the dance are as Tuesday afternoon. The score Was A one-pointer by Fleishman and a next week. On Monday night the <'(iyl«», c...... 7 1 15 sion, Is attending the annual con- 24-11 in favor of the Visitors. - field goal by dimmer put Linden Morrislown "Y" will he eucoun- W«?T KN NTKAH.IIT MISS B12OUUE Swick, B. . i 1 5 spending the week in deep-sea flsh-' follows: tickets. Miss Dorothy Del- . • (i ] Millburn Tennis Ass'n ference of the State Mosquito Com- A game between the Junior High one point to tho Rood. Tin? Summit 'tered and on Wednesday night Ihe COLLETr llittlenn, g. j ing, with a party of friends, aboard jler and Miss Blanche Ktory; re- mission in Atlantic City. ''"''" Smith. (?. •v • ' 0 Jeremiah Milbank's houseboat, to Hold a freshments, the Misses Mae Bock. girls' team and the Roselte Park 'crowd went wild a minute later Jersey City "Y" nelnien wilkentor- ' Marly this week a fun qucstinncd the fact that thl- Central Presby-, SEMl-^fNAt ROUND The conference opened yesterday team was played yesterday at GROCERY COMPANY tain here. Totals •S •1(1 "Sauntorer," which has been chart- Marguerite. Riegleman, Emma . when Scoop Taylor-came-through terian record of thirteen straight wins is a modern record 'for- local ... lfi anU close tomorrow. Roselle Park. , with a'.pretty side. eoiirt heave and Moth Moiristowii and Jer.Hey Oily teams. This fan based his objections on the fact that the Bijfr-Five,' WOMEN'S M0IOMAL GQlX iVarisUj- Five ered for the. occasion. This is the The Millburn Tennis Association Suck, Janet Moeller, Elsie Kleinl CtiAttPlOMStlff tivi (OZ4 first real vacation the President has and Florence Bock; men's ward-, Honor Itoll for Jiinanry, 1930 Kbel tallied beneath the basket. rung up victories over the "Y" on bettered that mark during; the seasons of 11127-28.''Our records, how- \ IS. !•'. I'tH. hold a dance at St. Hose of MoveN to New (Juaiiers JAMES OAIiinVELL SCHOOL- A. t'aplo. f. I 2 had since be took office, having l.ima's School Hall on. Friday, Feb- robe, Misses .Marilyn Cover, Edna QUALITY GROCERIES PRIME MEATS This .Wined to put the gaiiio on their iirtii courts. The game slated ever, indicate that the Bif? Five won eleven straight games in 1!>27 buti DvSlmont;, f ... <> 1 Crude 1 (Mr«. llunklns ana MIBS 1:1 confined himself to week-end trout- ruary 21st. Dambres and Ottille Saurin; wom- Dunnell Brothers, real estate and I'libfihuun)—Hetty Sorgc Karln Nel- ice but AWJIIIHT then gave the Lin- for last Wednesday night with l'sit- lost their first same in the.following season by a one-point margin. > Conrov, e. 0 •• 0 . 0 Insurance agents, moved into their l.iiin.'iKiia, R ing trips to his camp on the Kapi- Charles Coan Is in charge of the en's wardrobe, Misses Meta Sturm, son, 'Miriam I'arHi.'ll. FRESH FRUITS AND den cohorts a chance to cheer hy erson' at Hie. local gym was called That record of eleven straight, in one season is better than that of? ... 0 . 1 «5& 1 new quarters in the Brookside Oftido 2 (.Miss Smith)«-EdHh.Moll» off due to the lac! that the Silk City, nine .straight made by the High School in 1!>23. While, we recognize f Oldrqyd. K. 0 1 ^1 dan, imVh-ginla. committee of arrangements. He is lOmma Saurin,, CeciliCiliaa Dunleavy . Swirihinj; ilie ball through tin- net 7 5 Building Monday. The new office tor,. Dorothy Ncssnmn, Annabel without,' touching a rim. "Y" was ii'iiable lo muster a team the eleven wins aava record performance, for one season we can not j BAU, AMD Totals 111 bcins assisted by George Dunster, and Marguerite Hil.dinith. Decora- ih tions will be in red and white.. is located on Flenier avenue next Vfttmtn 'Out on I'crMiiiuls on the holiday night. help hut point oiififtttt some of these games were played* against teams; Totals Deer Season HaiulaU' Oakes, John Coughlan, j tirades 2 and 3 (Miss Mumly)—June J ; mToTtte CUR to the old one and was formerly Day 2, Evelyn Wlnn 2, Rose HlUel- • Walt?/'Peterson.. Summit'guard. that failed to offer any serious opposition \\ hile the Hi'gh School Assemblyman Purscl of Warren Joseph Spriggs, Chester Boslovage, occupied by the Brookside Inn. j l).>rK*'r 2, Blllle Plepcr 3, .Muriel Mow- to battle for every decision in chalking up nine straight. had. County has introduced a bill-in-the. Dudley Bunn and Milton Frieman. League to Present Coined v ' r»>y 3, Helen- Matthfiws 3, Jumes Wood- was then ejected via the personal game all of the way with tho "Fickle Fortune," a three-act The place vacated by Bunnell ruff 3. foul route and Mes.ro {julanuu-iuu Legislature (Assembly 123) which _Comoginen-holdH»Kt he-edge but SMAtL FIKES i will be presented Tuesday Brothors is now -undergoingrepairs - Urttde ii fMiMH MfittlcJ—BorlB- Brtld- "look Jacobs" plaeu.-at "forward, 4lre Bowling ought"To have the support of hunt- and upon completion will be the win, iMarJorio.Orlmm, Lena UoRcru. . they were unable to stave off that ers generally. His measure pro- evening at 8.15 o'clock in the James Crude i (Miss Qulnn)—Wendell Col- latter being shifted to guard.' last period rally. Caldwell School auditorium under future home of the First National! 1 There was SOIIH''wild scrambling; j Tho annual Sunday School indoor track meet, held every \Vash-| "V"'LEAGUE vides for changing the open season Fire which caught In a taxi linn, (.lent Morrison, Carolyn Harmon, the auspices of tho Kpwoith League Bank of Springfield. The bank's i Adiillnc <.icibh Hotly .(ireen, Kenneth The Summit reserves were'pick- ington's Birthday, will lake place one week from tomorrow In- the "Y" • for hunting deer in this State from Tuesday afternoon on Union place. Sugar Corn about in thai final minute of play | Society of the Methodist .Church. present quarters have become too (.Hutting. but Ihe game ended without any \ ed to win this game, as they had gym. There are two classes this year, those fourteen yibrw and under On Friday niRht Parse won twoDecember 17th to 21st, the present was responsible for a general small for its rapid growth. Grades 4 and 5 (MIHS Jukobsrn)— aliirjn which called out the fire The cast is as follows: Mrs. Sam- Frft'inan ItuntinKton 4, Mylvlft Law- further scoring, much to the relief previously defeated the Linden competing in the junior group, and those from fifteen^ tot'fceventeeu. out of three games from Schrumpf period, to November 1st to 5th. o—— inclusive,'in the senior division. Dashes, broad jump,-shot put, ;uid' in the "Y" Bowling League compe- department. . The damage was uel Warreij, Margaret Smalley; roni'o 4, Clarice Shnck 5, Carla Jen« Housewives have good reason for of the Summit fans. > |scrubs oil their own court.- The Hunters who enjoy deer gunning Miss Gloria Warren, Janet Reger, son 5. relays are featured in each class, and some hot competition ii expected. • tition and on the same night Snook ought to get behind this bill if for .slight. Lodge XotcH Sainmie Jacobs was Ilie only i substitution of; a couple of first Jtoxana Blossom, a-servant, Doris Plans for a card party to be held (Jrade 5 (Miss l'ursol)—Dorothy preferring Ideal Sugar, Corn* It-is The" Fountain. Baptists have won "the meet for the past-two years defeated McClelland by the same no other reason than that the pres- Hose Company No. 2 was called ninke, JJlllnn l'lnkava, Dorothy player who .seeniod to be on !iissiring subs didn't, help matters any. Berstler; Antoinette* (Tony War- on Friday evening February 21st, •Keppel. ji game during the- lir.s! half. Tlie I They were good enough "/(layers but and need only to win this year to keep permanent possession of the margin, the feature of this match ent open season Is so late Hi tho out late Wednesday night to ex- preferred because of its natural 1 being a 232 by Cain In the first ren), Alice Reed; Brant Allen, have been completed by Battle Hill ' Crude 6-n (MISH WiihD—Walter t.5o- team looked lazy, giving one thedidn't (it in with the rest of the beautiful silver lovin#-«up'liutt goes to the team winning it three times. winter that weather conditions tinguish a brush fire on Spring- Grenville Day; Lillio, a maid, Ag- K«'l. Kdlth Heevps, Kv«lyn Sehup. game. On Monday night Snook field avenue near the railroad Council No. 120, Junior Order Crude Q-A- (Mr. Young)—M-adelyn flavor, natural sweetness and ten- impression that I hey 'thought that j cast. ... There will also-be ituHyinflal medals given to the wingers. .AH who; make deer hunting practically im- nes 'Murray; Maggie, a maid, Edna United American Mechanics. The desire to enter shoTrtffget in touch with their Sunday School made a clean sweep against-:-Parse 'bridge. . >- Martyn, David# Alley, Robert Kohler. they had duck soup, and when they | possible for the average man. If Smalley; Cuppers, a butler, Ronald affair will take place in the Muni- t'irado 7-B (Mr. Spalir)—Klljiabeth derness. It is grown exclusively in tried to apply the steam in the sec- i Agacheski scintillated for the sentjitive immediately. : - " and Schrumpf took, three straight adopted it will placo the deer sea- Hilltoppers with eight points and from Brewster. Pannell; Emerson Hawley, Howard cipal Building, with a short busi- <»n«l half Summit didn't get. going • son ahead of the upland game sea- Send your 'items ot interest to Day; Sadie* Tweed, Henrietta ness meeting preceding. John H. S-A (.Miss Hess)—Carol Mln- Maine, the famous corn state. It at all. .Jacobs tallied ten points and Lampert and Lenorth divided the Kcnruiiijif son, with which it will not inter- the HERALD. ' ami. JUIOH Moroau. honors for Linden with seven Smith; Mrs; Mary, Alice Bell; Ste- Schuster heads the committee in (irade 8-B (Mr. NewHwiinRer)—JJone. is cut at perfect maturity and JKbcl came through with six but Tall i apiece Double ... 211 1 IG 1311 fere. Another good argument In charge, assisted by Montague (inide 8-A (Mlsst Stafford)—Clertrude 1 Apgur 12."> IU 152 Jay was off form on his shots IH -| Good Games in S. S. i Caseys Defeated It. Schrumpf 151 support of the proposed change is Martyn, Otho Hopler and Harry C. Smith, Balviitore Casale. canned with the strictest care. I'lay a< Kaluvay Tonight 174 158 (irnde » (MIKH farkhurftt)—Lllljan neath the basket. ; Tholen 1"4 .192 178 that it will bring New Jersey's deer Stewart. Tonight,-will just about decide > Scott, Camlllc I.adncr, > Kdith noli, The Summit defense wasn't so \ (ierrlty 1C2 172 201 season In line with "olher-Btatfis. ——o • Enjoy the goodness of this popular what is wjiat in the comity league j Ruth llinze, Marjorlc / Roll; / Mlnnlfi pood, as the Lindenite* pierced it Leagues Tomorrow | at MorristoWn Totals .... Supporters claim that many<_dei!r; How to Play Pride or Battle Hill Council No. BelllnBrnth, Claire Danncfelser, Caro- 1 situation. Hahway is now leading) S23 7!tS 828 from Jersey swim' the "Delaware lyn Regor, Doro'thy Snable. vegetable. On sale at your nearest on many .occaKioits.' Zinuner was COlSS i)ROW»ife WAS Q|J£ OP Vajse. 17, Daughters of America, will hold RAYMOND CH1SHOLM SCHOQI, the big sun for the visitors with j the circuit.by one full game and iiff ' Griswold .... 188 River and are shot by Pennsylvania- its regular bl-ioonthty meeting to- the big;-red crew is able to defeat At 1.15 o'clock tomorrow after-j The K. of C. 'Dig Five dropped a; MOST V5RC^T«lfc <* Alt L lot ins (Jrade 1 (Minn Lewis)—Lillian Welse, Mutual store. eleven points and Nofd accounted! noon the Junior Hoys' Club tossers f 2S-27 decision- to the Morristownj Lnune 5-...... 211 .156 ins hunters long before the season is night in the Municipal Building. Wily Smith, Richard Yea^er. for six. The same was • closely Coach Walter's men* tonight at —SHEW^S NATIOMA^LTEUMIS Day ; 173 ifiK 14) open in-this'State. . '-'••.. •' - BRIDGE The Union County Past Coun- Crade 2 (.Miss (labrlel)—Robert Me- Railway the two teams will be dead- will mingle with the Ogdeli Meilio-j Caseys Wednesday night at Mor- j »9l2. 1913 /wo 1914. 154 211 i:ts .Munn, IJlli.ui lU'tiertson; ecwitested throiiKliout, Summit Slierm ... 182 149 1ST cilors' Association of the D. of A. Grade 3 (MIBS .Wilkie)—Ikrmail ! holding a T-ii lead at the quar!er locked for first place. If, however, rial outfit in a Junior Sunday jristown. Summit led' until the last; Aifo KFUMVJiaS &Ht WOfi HER l'ai-.st- Feeding; (Jame In Winter ^Jeries 1929*30 by held a Valentine party last' night Mende, Kanny Bardy. '." I the Summit lads come out oil the : and a IS to lo. advantage at the School League tilt. The next game, i quarter when Gug Murray and > . "DooBl.tJS" C(tO\dti I* 1925 Totals 871 872 There are numerous individual at the home of Sirs. McQueen in (.irades 4 and 5 (Miss' Jtikobsen) —, CAN short end it will be all over but Stanley -Roll 4, Floyd Thurxton 4, 19 half. one hour later, will see th'e Calvary ! Johnnie Nolan went out. on pf r- j Wynne Ferguson Elizabeth avenue, Newark. Past the shouting as far as the county MrCleiiuit'l hunters throughout the country Marjoric Daoueman 5, Harold O'Neal 5. It^rnrs I/ose, tir»-*2J{ , , and Fountain Baptists lighting HJHonals. Summi_ _t was shpri'on good i Miss Mary K. Browne Returns to I Swanson .' 123 125 who take it upon themselves to pro- Author of "PRACTICAL AUCTION BRIDGE" Councilors from Springfield pres- crown is concerned. .Maloncy . ent were Mrs. Philip L. Me'isel, Easily prepared o« The Summit reserves do not out, and the third game of, the day, | lilayers, as Pete Purdy" was per-• 141 •151 22:1 vide brush shelters for game birds, BY WAY OF MENTION StminrtJ always plays well against at -3.15 o'clock, will,bring together j forming with th [ '•• W-itino IL'.". 12.', 12i in woodlands where they know cov- Mrs. Montague Martyn, Mrs. Fran- Cream oj Pea seeiii to have, tlit* happy faculty of a hard team and they .have high , forming with the Hillside A. A., ' Amateur Golf Schorllng 123 123 125 Copyrijht, 1929, by Hoyle, J cis Manser and Miss Helen Snable. Campbell's Pea Soup i • 3 coming throiii;h in the last quar-vj CentralPresbyterian" • s and' th"e 'j and Hay Englant wa* playing with 1S8 130 eys of such birds are.trying to sur- Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Anderson hopes of making- up for that four- vive a hard winter, and to supply ' T ter. Lasl week they lost out in point....defeat ...that the Hah way ma- New Providence Presbyterians. j Newark j*rep at JUilflprd, Conn. Totals ARTICLE No. and family of Mountain avenue the closing minutes to the Hoselle Took Long After Reaching Tennis C8i» 681 them with grain when a sheathing "VVashinRton Camp No. 209, Patri- have returned from a week-end chine handed the locals in their The Ogdenites have been playing | When Murray and Xolan left it Smmk of ice and snow covers the fields, otic Order Sons of America, will The dainty dessert, dainty delicate flavors seconds and Tuesday nighty they game here last month. A banner ('11111 . •. 7 A friend of mine invited me to play Z led the arc of hearts and followed visit with relatives In Pair Haven. JELL-O a. good brand of basketball lately, i just about ruined Summit's Heights Miller preventing them from finding their 1 meet Tuesday night in the Muni- Alvin Warner will attend the again faltered in the last, period crowd is expected- to view this 125 ir.r» 162 at his home the other night and asked wit.h the seven, thus allowing B, who cipal Building when plans for a to drop, a • 25-22 decision lo the hut so have the Junior Boys, chances as the Morris County lads Kfhh 177 own food supply. Many game asso- State Older Boys' Conference at struggle, and those who have any Snook .. 112 me to criticize any mistakes of bidding held three hearts to the qiieen, to win card party to bo held on February Liilden seconds. It was a close the Northh Summititesn arame given-ii-mni thnm.e ji were thetjlen playingg aggressive bas- By "LANK" LEONAItl) j same summer she again regained 125 125 125 ciations are doing the same, and the KllzabethvY. M. C. A. tomorrow idea of sitting down should tako| pro-game edge, Fatten it;:t 121 or play that he might make. Here arc a heart trick; The proper, opening for 26th in tho Lions Club room will Calvary defeated i ketball. The winners trailed. H to After having been on probation, her old position at the head of the 158 the total benefits 6f all their en- three criticisms that were made .that my friend, Z, to have made was the and Sunday. He will represent tho ASTOR their supper with them. Doc Shops|'the Fountain* In their first round j so to speak, for the last three be completed. will officiate at both the prelimin- 8, at the half but redjiced the Sum- doubles brigade, Mrs.-°Louise Will- Totals 804 741 deavors is judged to be considerable. should benefit all players: rey of hearts. As Y held the K, J, 10, Summit Y. M. a A. game, but. tlie Fountains have hopes years, Miss Mary K. Browne may This is a most practical sort of con- ary and main panies. :' • mit lead to read 1# to IS at tho ianis and Bill Johnston sharing », 2, he would havc played the king Miss Helen' Snable and Miss Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Golightly and of evening up that matter tomor-1 once again play competitive ' golf her honors. She did not again servation, for individuals know Criticism No. 1 On ihe first trick and led back the jack. children moved this week from COFFEE "Men's wear for the, home Th start of the last canto, and out- ld 1GI! 190 May Smith of the local council, D. row. But if Mesro (Jtilamcrian is in I as an amateur, if she so desires. fight her way to the head of the Koane ... ISO is;, where birds and other game are No matter what B then did, he could Bryant avenuo Into the house at j We handle this fine old brand Summit "Ifrli scored the Hill City men. 10 to 8, 108 106 of A., attended a meeting at tho ASTOR as well as the street. Make form they should . have plenty off The United States Golf Association field, hut teamed with Helen Wills Day 1117 1 t;r> having a hard time to get through not have won a heart trick. Marcey and Morris avenues. Mr. of coffee because of iti» rstnb- Camay Soap - 3 '^'-^ 2O II. rts.. In that session to cop the verdict. Shenu ..... 149 123 home of Mrs. Jennie McLeod of Taylor, I'. . , trouble. The Centrals are picked in a very polite and carefully she won the Women's Doubles for 150 158 the winter and a little effort on the Remember this play for it comes up Golightly Is manager of the Spring- COFFEE lishcd national reputation for Fragrant with the perfumes of flotvera 4 BEECHWOOD ROAD ' it 1'arao 168 •16.T Roaelle Park on Monday afternoon . ".IJU'OIIS. I'., K 111 t$ beat tho (ail-end New Providence Papio was away off as his high worded resolution had placed her the fourth time iir-1925. It was the 148 part of each one of a large number very frequently. When you hold three field Coal Company in Morris ave- flavor, freshness and general, ! ' i ti la nifjja ii. 0 arch shots hit the la*r ceiling time for the purpose of completing plans your Style-Dressing Room," cjew with something ""to spare. beyond thepale in April. 1927, de- following winter that she agreed, Totals "67 77i; 720. amounts to more in the end than to an honor ot your partner's «tiitrsind nue. gpod quality. after time. Lefty Coyle played a the no trump bidder is to ydur right, for the Sarah W. Johnson National 1 In the senior Sunday School loop claring that because she had com- along, .\yjjth Vinnie Richards, to Snnok much work by agents of any big i Hearts — 7, 5 _, Councillor Week. TheBe meetings Miss Lila Kneen and Miss Lydia says McElgunn.- \ good floor game but only register- mercialized her tennis fame bys ; 211 10 155 organization or governmental Clubs — A, 9,8, 5 *\-- , open low. The same rule hold* tiue/in THE LARGE PACKAGE (lie Central Pros, and Holy Name bolster up the. Lenglen tour, a Mill.T .:.„ are to boost the D. of A., and will Niebuhr of Morris avenuo were Gold Dust A A- provide the entertainment at. 7 ed one field goal. Brenn and joining "Cash and Carry" Pyle's 'move; which netted her a sum sup- 1S!I Kir, 1»5 agency. Diamonds — K, Q, 10,9, 7 > case you hold four or more, although among those present at a luncheon LB. Totiils Nolan divided th^* honors with Kollh 141 148 148 n that case you should open fourth- beheld as follows: February 17th, 41* Why not. eiigage the Cold DmtTfvjns? -.-•• o'clock tomorrow night. The Holy Court Caravan, she had acted in a posed to be over $25,000. Snook .. Spades —8, 4 of-the No.rthfield Club at the Hotel HOW 'BOUT A LITTLE. IllKll eleven points~-n-pie.ee while Doyle , 125 125 125 Food "By Mall" Blooinfleld; 18th, ABbury Parkj NanieiH. strengthened by the addi- inaiHier-d«trimental to the best-iti"- Miss Browne did not take golf I'iitton .. :•• 156 •213, 165 best. A low opening, therefore, ia this McAlpin, New: York, Saturday. Miss ( IV tallied alght for Morristowil. — It is reported that the Missouri lUtli,'PleasantvlUe; 20th, Haddon- GAME TONIGHT. JIM ? ": X.iitiinrr, f. ilou-of- hefty Coy lor have"the edgeT ; terests and true spirit of amateur- No score, first game. Z dealt and position, should indicate .cither four or Myra Wilson, the new principal of 1 V •serionsly-niit.il her tennis skill be- •l'otals • "77T 821) Fisir and Oariie Department will fleld; 21st, Carlstadt; 2ith, Roselle At 8 o'clock Oakes meets New Tomorrow night the Watsessin^ ism. The tV S. (}. A. carefully gan to fade. She startled the 728 ectly bid one diamond. A passed more or three to an honor. ' Northfleld Seminary, East North- Gold Medal flour 'TETLEY'S. TEA l-rvill.'. c. . 1 again this year supply grain to all The only exception to this rule occurs Park; 25th, Jersey City. There will 1 Providence, and the Kant. Summit, Young Men's Club will furnish (he avoided the word "professional- sports world in 1921 by going Schrunipf ••and Y bid one no trump. B passed arid, field, Mass., was tho guest, of honor. "Kitchen Tested" llaiiswalil. 0 rural delivery post offices for dis- when the opener has two or more be special programs with promi- Thrrr'n unmfclhinn nlmul t'lti frsgrnnrr nnd opposition at the local hall and the mic ...;... .. 1 .-,:• 1^ bid two diamonds. All passed and About 100 attended, fire North- Uavfir ol 'IVtlr.v*.* 'I'fti Ilinl in «rry niii>ea»inff. V men aro expected to register a win ism" in the ruling, and at'the.time through to Ihe final round of the ..:..' 148 tribution by rural carriers and to nent speakers for each meeting. Use it for all baking, from bread to angel cakes Central Jersey five will meet tho Apsrar ,..:.. 150 212 Y Z made three diamonds. As they honors in sequence of his partner's suit. field Club comprises graduates /riinl-i^inir rriiHon forTr< onuiiemliilg it with. g." over the tailendors. hinted that Miss iirowne might bo Women's National at Providence, It. Schrumpf sportsmen who will distribute It to Casey reserves in the preliminary reinstated after the customary ..: ,1li:t 17!t also could have made three no trumps, I n that case, he should open the highest from the Seminary and a "Ret-to- and pastric*. 12 "Kitchen Tcstwl" Tol The Senior Hoys and Calvary R. I., but was kept from ruling her Tholfii .-...... - ins :1.V» feed quail and other game birds flffnii\ , I asked my friend, Z, why he rcbid his honor. In case he hold*)pnly two in the Past Councilor James C. Stiles gether" is held annually. rt-cipes in every bag. Sen., by |>, finds : clash at !> o'clock, and the league- three years of penance. The "pen- "adopted sport by Mrs. Dorothy (icrrlty • tfil, 12.1 whenever weather conditions jeop- diamonds. suit, one of which TS an honor, he »>.-l»k«e. Trial Siioinnt Tin* ance has now been said. of Linden avenue submits the fol- Miss Josephine Brill of Short '«—it Icaders are-^ix-pected to chalk iip Campbell Ilurd. It was (Henna Col- Totals ardize the existence of such birds. His answer was that as he didn't should open the honor. If the opponent • I! -4 another win- Calvary has yet to Sum ill It K. of C , 790 83ft lowinp; report of\.Success Council IHlls avenue entertained at dinner Ml. HAG lett whom Miss RrowncTdcfealed in in Game wardens will also assist iu have thoiace of diamonds, he thought who raises the no trump bid, after No. 171, of Millburn:' At the meet- 39' taste defeat, and-unless goine team lii-emi, f. l\ I't Miss Browne has proven herself Sunday in honor of Mrs. William ,J- - "'I- 11 the semi-final Tound that year, m 112 this work, distributing grain in iso- he ought to warn his partner of that partner's suit bid, is on the leader's • '".vie. f,, to be one of the most versatile of T ing Monday night in the Junior lle\ . f. *l I) 1 sweep (hrough undefeated." I'aplo. u. stepped into the limelight by win-She tied .GlcnmV on the 18th with 123 12>" lis 11. Spinning and daughter, Har- MUTUAL MEitT DEI*AHT1»1E.\T S I. M .125 123 Long periods of cold weather ac- ouick tricks, one of which must be in councils attending were Adam's (1 (1 : II .Murray, K ning the Women's National tennis a desperate brassie afoot, through 125 tne suit bid. Quick trifcks do not indi- Criticism No. 3 riet, of Morris turnpike: Mr. and SORRY, 0 MAN,BUT Tbiiniliil'i 1 0 ^> Swiek, K. companied by sleet and heavy snow Council No. 286, of Newark, which (I crown nt the Philadelphia- Cricket Totals 726 741 700 Mrs. Everett L. Spinning of Short SOMEHOW > iriim-s. I II ~\ the branches of a tree, and on the result in the natural feed being cov- cate aces, but merely thiit the bidder The opponents of my friend, Z, had instituted Success Council thlrty- I'D RATHER >i Central Pres."Wins From Hills avenue and Billle and Charles Anai-|le.sl- :t N Totals ...... :• Club, and that same year, teamed extra hole might have missed the ered so that tho birds cannot get to can win these tricks, either Oiv the first bid three spades and he held a very fdur yearB af;o; Old Ironsides CHICKENS Prime RIB ROAST STAY AT HOME. \V...»(1, c. 'J II •I with Miss Dorothy (ireen, w'on'the keep house, business wear's the or second round of the suit. good hand, one with which he felt Johnson. Stewart, II Junior High Tossers MtirrKt(i»vii K. «f I", putt which carried her to the final it and special feeding is necessary 1 Council, of Newark, and Oselo For Stewing or Sahtd . LB. Best Cuts • • • # t T0-N1 n II Women's Doubles title. She also breeches." In the hand specified, Z held the ace pretty certain of winning at least four, Mrs. Johnson, and family left 31 LB. 0 II (1 , . to % at. the('. ltio'rdiin, K a three year layoff wl 1 ever aBah, as ^flghtg of „ „ flsh hatcheries, is authority for tho Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Davit) of Top or Bottom . . * . . Mb End I'li liulin. I Williams and Bill THden, repeated regain the touch she had in 1924, j :.,'-'" •s no need to rcbid to warn partner. Z's louble. I pointed out to him tlie dis- iiin rl, half but the Junior. High lossern statement that when winter comes tinction between a free and a forced Annual Church Slipper Martlnsville. Totals . . . III :s during those two .-years, her ylc-but it is indeed a pleasure to bid of two diamonds was an incorrect made a better shpwing in the sec- and the lakes and ponds are frozen and unnecessary bid. double, The annual Washington's Birth- Mrs. B. Harry Fox will entertain I'.vrii-k1. Hidir by iii'ilnd.s: _;torl«/s in the Women's Doubles and know that she may have the Grant for 1!. S. 1>.N -THAT'S MY R£WHRD II II ond - session. Siin Taylor caged SitniniH . . • t r, op- over, care should bo taken to see A free double is a double of a. bid day Huppcr of the Ladies' Aid So-her bridge club Thursday afternoon Krl.'.iak, Ii Mixed Doubles, respectively. In portunity to Kxhlbitlon of an automobile that u. nine of the Centrals' points and Miirrixlnwii ', I Id Ki—i'S" do so if she is able. that holes are cut in the, ice and ciety of the Methodist Church will at her homo In Brook Ktrcet. Guests LB. FOR GETTING YOU Uliriali. ;;. (i II l»2rshe was runner up to Molla -•-Copyright, can be started and stopped by the Criticism No. 2 that would score game, if made, irrc« FRESH CODFISH STEAKS Fred Mooney collected six. (Jieger-^ •rt/rcc—Hlley, N'otr l.»iiin«' 1930. All Itights Ke- kept openfor tho benefit of tho fish Bpcctive of the double. For example, be held Saturday, February 22nd, will include Mrs. Douglas Warner, 19 Mallory for the big prize, and tliat served. human voice foreshadows brighter THAT ROBE PROW To! it - i lch and (ieddLs tallied four apiece inhabiting such waters. the double of a three spade bid, if the in the lecture room. It will be an Mrs. Wellington Smith, Mrs. Rus- -iv l,y p. times for back-softt drivers.—Tho for tho Junior High. opponents have a score of ten or more "Old Time" mippor, Including sell J. rtitzingor, Mrs. Joseph S. 'Stimuli! s .J__*}•' Summit "Y^nwins Froiromm jj South Bend Trlbunn \. ./ Food by Airplane B l.in.l. n (i 1 (I is a double of a bid that will enable the Mrs. Hattle Doerries is chairman Oliver, Jr. McELGUNN'5 General Summcrall ^ra starving deor and wild turkeys Hearts —A, 7, 3 ,* I'll lull '('(ill III) I.I'IIKUI' Friday the Summit bids (hopped a On Wednesday afternoon tUe..^ O. O. iu the Cumberland Mountain region Clubs —J, 10,4,2 opponents to score game if they make of tho committee of arrangements Mrs. Everett T, Spinning will be TBey Sa> Whether Mclntyre, Newspaper Col- well dressed are better I fighters. the double. For example, the double AP1*LE SAUCE Sliced PEACHES W. I, IVt. L'2-fl decision at Went Orange, but Summit "Y" ping pong team dc-'-, or umnlst: near Harrlshurg. On one trip, Diamonds — 9, 7 und she will be assisted by MIH. hostess to two tunics of bridge at 1 This explains that old description, of three spades, if there is no score, will Hallway I.nun Coach Thomas' men are going to feated the Montrotse Independents ] "New York has one requirement sponsored by Game Protector Harry Spades — K,10, 4, 3^^. * Charles Stcnrns and Mrs. Robert her home in Short Hills avenue Saves Home Preparation Some ii'«v« to tuyrvc this fruit Suniniii try sitid even inatlvi'H up today. * Andr* "dressed to klll.^-Tl* Fort Worth .No score, rubber came. B dealt ami enablcthe bidders to score game if they Matthews. On the reception com- Tuesday afternoon. llnsi Hi at South Oratigo, ,:?-2. Howard ardlcu. Premier of only In social eligibility: Arc you Olbbs, three hundred pounds of I'.irU Tile Helil'OH ! Star-Telegram, make their bid., IDl-'.AI. HIICC Poney, recent winiuir of the Or-Franc*?' : talked 'about." corn Hiid apples wore distributed at l»'l one no trump, Z passed and A bid mittee aro Mrs, Wlllliini I. Heed, Mrs. Theodore Naumann and Mrs. IIEAI) AnotT IT Llliitcli • entrill I'rvi. two diamonds. Y bid two hcarta anil The rule to follow in such cases is to MiH. Klnier Bickloy, Mra. Robert It, Poling of Warner avenue, at- Sinixilli and nHn-l, but with tartnemi ilriniind IMTIUIKC of llirir rich, MHC:, ange championship, humbled Itob-;' "The k7igtii of 1mr coast, tho points whore wild deer and wild a 0 .Oil" 1 <' I'lx. j Time • make free doubles when you have a Mooiiey. I', ert Alder in the Hln^les and aided i,length of/our line of conununlca- '• >id '/. parsed. A bid three diamonds, H. Ferguson and MIH. J. 8. Quick; tended a meeting of their luncheon- cnouHf> to make it rrll-thuMr. <'.onvr- •li-llrioiiH tunic. Ilieir dainty npponrniici* Itl'SllllH Henry L. Sthnson, Secretary of turkeys arc known to be In danger 'I'II 1*411 II)'•« AineM. f. . I; An ambulance has the right of • tossed. B bid three no trumps ant good chance to defeat the bid, liut posters mid tickets, Mrs. Edna bridge club yesterday at the homo Siitiinitt 24, Mnriru L1:! II |1 it his brother. Marshall, in the' tion. tlie/greut dlstanctw-between j State: of starvation, snow and ice cover- 't~l nlrn t tn nerve wl ih r»n«t |Mirk, a dcuscrt, nfid Itcimiifiil color run IM- U«C<1 fof ntil- I'b'tz. f. II way becnuse Ihe pctlestrlan has the make forced doubles only when certain liiodliTrrent rlrnner, cuts H.ilnviiy fin. lllll-ild.' !>. II i) our ba«W«. oblige our titlvy t(» be t "Too »•• iwsscd. What is Z's proper opening Rinlth and Mm. Arthur Kendall; of Mrs. R. Lundy In Arlington, i Titylur, e. doubles to scjjre^Moutrose'H two* little means of defense lug their natural food supply. or even a lircl masters and school mln- that a flock of wild nmllard ducKH Hearts — K, J, 9 at the home of Mrs. Alexander I'. • i 8 1 1? Clubs— il, i ing room, Mr«. ChurloK Htearim, Ferguson in Hcvoitna nvenue. I*|HK •oiiir .IBIIUII- h to win have to deal with ignorant Cnlviu Coolidge, former presl- J if n« nut which spent a year, with their WIURH \v. Pel. I in straight child/en 011 one aide and ignorant Diamonds — K,10 Mm. George Hall, Mrt*. Frank Hohl, Mrs, FerxuHon had with her over ,K(III | (. F. I'lH. KiunoM. dent: King George really wants to clipped, on tho farm of Leo V. Hiunmll Y. M. C. A. (I Spades — none Mrs. Georgo Carter, Mrs, G. Smith, the holiday her mother, Mrs. Ihmna ii y r. I 1 Thv Miininiu y : /al authorities on the oth- "I have never been hurt by any-hold his American radio fans, he'll Hrune. Grand Dallen, Wunh.. and IftEPitltTMKNT SPK1 • AIS ||i:i,»on, II 0 II have Ilrnrts — none IMIH. Fred Brown. Mrs. . Arthur Clements of Roseland. HILTTIIAL You ait getting close to II- A. «'. I ,41111 'rho .HehllNNcll, 'Suiniiilt, jQf10,8, Spotiii-r, r. II II II thing I did not say." , •"-••- to chooMc some olhor hour which then wore allowed to, fly Clubs —J, 9, 5,3 1, T. f "lilt ,Miintri>si>, 2I-1K. 11-21. than tliilw - 10, 8, 6 lJlakely, Mm. Elizabeth Hchmidt, William R. Htlles of Clurknbtirg., I II O Wai ttyle and value in all of II ('riini;i- I Itiirln-r. r. . '' '.I! M. l'oHpy, MoiilroHe, - o .... 4 a. m.—Tho Hutte Dally Pout. away hint RprliiK Hftor their wing" Diamonds — Q, 9 Mr».' Kdward McCarthy; kitchen, Crispy 'Iceberg Large Hit neh en Loads af Fresh NEW ' II Diamonds — none, formerly of thin town, |H visiting 1 ' MiHth Till* Ui'ik TnUffl, r. i) n mlt. 21-11, L'l-U1, II.•(;. \V>lln, HIitiah writer: Harvey Firestone, Auto-tiro had grown once more, have re- n • 1 II ,, Spades— A- MIH, William ('rout. Mrn. Frank rolatlveH In town thin week. our men's-wear. You gel; aunt' Jtt Houtli (MaliKc • IUijj-4-.rlrli, ! 1 Miitlln. Suiniiilt, il; "At tlnien this once sinful plnn- milker: , . • Kildfnlly .-. M z. Ki ut 'Montclulr A, t". I'lClllllH, K (i \ "Mr. Kdlmm IH elated over the Alaska or noimi other northlnnd 1 If art* — 6 Sherry. Tn charge of the tables MIH. Frank Hitter, of PnwcentI I>UI K rntiHi> at Hiunmll ' V,' art) MM. George Phillips, Mrs. Net- fValu* prove* itself to you in II i) (i i<«« bayoiu'tH Htill Kleum ' to wait on somr comnilHBlon'H •' ro- Clubs— K, Q, T\ road, 1« recovering from an opptf-V y, trnctlnit rubber from golden rod." vociferously, paddled to the Imiik Diamonds —6, 4 tle Hoott. Mrt. Ma'hninK Duy, Jr.,Htlon on IIIH tonsils performed ijt -• 0 port.—The Hlclunond New«-Lead«r. Wear, Send your itoma of Intoreit to Totnlw Huminlt, —o where ho wan utandlnK, waddled Spades — K MIH, Clnrk, Mr«. Untold Uuell, MIH. Overlook lloitpltnl. •oliliutill. Will HouprH. Humor'ittt: Lu« l«»u Price: out onto the KrasH and tugged ut hi» Thomas ('hrintenfteti, Mrs, Wllllnm the 11KUAU). rlb nr til* Initiation of n«w inentbeiH wll I "WhiU we wniit l« (Mirilx - 01' "When busiin'HH and religion .(and by other unmla- H[*utwi are trumps and /. U in the lead, how can Y 7. win six ol the seven Kianko, .MIH. I'lienler, MrH. Arthur be held at tho meetlni Af Con* Mention tho IIRHAf 1 ( when buying. ks ufc.t.iH»i UIIV •.IcfeniH'i Solution in tin* in**! nHu'lf. Kendall, Mrs, William Uiienttii Chanter, Order of lantern I .-


phi-iis, a butler, Kdwant Chivarou. • Mrs, Charles Quinzel, Mrs. Pierce, $',:x. Wednesday nifcht in the \ The-Snnui St-: llridce Club met > t.t-r\ict' at 11 i'lii' play is lender ihe direction Mrs. Harold Searks, Mrs. Thomas _ iHmuy in 'Millbuni. Tuesday ni^iu ,.( tin- home of Miss A ui' Summit HigH Noses Out Linden724-23 !ii -Llndeavor of Mrs. Ktfiu ll,\Sii»ith. The V.\<-I Arson /and Mrs. Walter White. ; At Rahway Tonight Springfield News of Varied Interests Mr. and. Mrs. Jaine.s .Fist« r ,)fssi»> Ruh\ ,ti Mountain avenue (atimt t,f Ii worth League Orchestra will utay WaiijVPses are Mrs. Hoy Geib. Mrs. I'tuirud to their home ID •with M'isj .Cart'liin- Njuse as hostess. in the •M;e J.llliO Mel H ddium the intermissions, 'ihcre Frj>I:!I.MIU ;md Mrs, ell .INI Kpi»ra) School, Gvic and Church Activities will Le »hm*-ing-after the perform- Treat, Mrs. William liefer, Mrs. weeks iu .Malionoy City, I'.i. Krw in I'uerries \\ i i <>' nn/e wirtiu-rs. ill I. lieeil. •]>.:• ''I!', Lo4il ance'- with iiiiisic provided l»> an Mark Brady, Mrs. Alonzo Allen. Hnihiiiij; Inspector and Mis. Mi.-s Alice He.ii yi :ll' r-nlertaiu the Mrs. Mrphfii \ iitrhnid it ti.lf, a In. ^Personal Mention out-oT-iowu o club at her IKMIH- IU - Short Hills »•! v ie< at 1! o'cl Caseys, Minus Several Regulars, Lose; 158-27 Decision To Morristown K. of G. Mrs. UeorKf Chapman, Mrs. Elliot HeuU-n 11. Marsh entvrtaineil s«v- Funeral seivii ••. (>.: 'ir Ii) Hall. Mr*. Isaac 1-orj', Mrs. Joseph W-il friends Saturday evenli at a\enue on Febnuu i ,'filh. • 'onley Knjihini!. w t i •:,. ,j < : !, e iiKettn;

St. .lame* Card I'arlj wild Uance I'ihkava. -Mrs. William Patterson, ttuir home in Maple avenue m Mrs, Alioe-iUflicrts. who has been .Monday niorttins; ..t \n,:u,iyK \\t,.-. Mrs. "• Kdna. Smith, Mrs. Arthur 'e at' S. Niiiiur Schii.il l.tiltruv Juulnr School was..the; other candidate Tlie third annual card party and hoiior of their birthdays! i'nseiii \isltiiiK for sevt'iul *.*.<•.-k.--•with her pital, were held yi-Mi ;.:,;-, .i'liV jnneriliaum, n«w^dealers, dance of the St. James Catholic Menzi\ Mrt,.- Fred Nessman. iMrs. »iic Mr. and Mrs. Jay T. llnrioii The ti.ird -f- iciii of the Kpworth SatniTiit High Downs Linden in Close Summit Legion Rifle MiDrrlil.secking inemberMhip on,the board. I son and dau^hter-iii-la.w, Mr and Hi ion sit 2 o'<-lock ,it Viiir j' :.;:;l!. lVt. : i-.iiide Winter w IVt. m. Springfield.] | Mr. Davidson will stfeceed William Chui.rh will take place Monday William Ray. Mrs. Alext Gross, and daughter, Margaret, of Maple- Mrs. Russell -Hoberth, ulrNor'thfield. al parlors in Milltnini. K> . \'iH Institute of Groups I.Wi.i-l C't:tUi-;il \y. .857 ainl T will be held Wednesday I :i I'i.--. Team Wins a Match Sportsmen Feed N. Heard who declined re-election. fVeninj; in the Chateau HiVUjis#ol. MIM. Wilbur Selnnder. Mrs "Arner wood;' Mr. and Mrs. Olher John- .Mass.. was a holidav : ucst at the iam I.. Heed.-pastor of the M> •],.»!' A{ong the ttiie .714. Terwilliner". Mrs. Arthur Smith, .'-tiinj; in tbv Cliurcn at .': I-;..-. -' i' Kuys I'UIII 7M |i,niiN"ii Klecled to School Hoard' A. H: Schmidt, who was appoint- Bridge, euchre, whist and fiu> sou and son. Oliver, and Mr .m.lhome of Mrs. j. S. Qiiitk. in Mom* ij-t l-:|)iscopal. ('.huK-h. UTIii i.'iti-il- Came—Big Game at Rahway Knight By Bill Lucas N'Mlli.- it.iiii 'tftijiri'-t1" .'43!t The Summit American Legion I I c. Davidson, Jr., was elected,i .„» i ,, . . . ,.,, • hundred will be iju> Kawes plaved. Miss Lila Kneen. Miss L. FranceB Mrs. John .Bruc'k of Irvlngton, Mr a \ ell tie. Interment was. in Basking Uiii.. 1 n \\< M!i>rial ,H:! i ,..; -il.-n. Game Birds ., ,,,,-niber.to the Board of Kduca-' w* by the board to nil the vacancy.Tliero will IK- u •door prize and Howard. Miss Margaret Reeve, and 'Mrs, Clarence 'Maguire and Mr. and Mrs. l-'red Dra"ke. of Mrs. Knuland was taken ilf .i \--u M. .liimi's (athnlic .<><><* \c\I'r'uv V iih in••»• .143 Rifle Club defeated the Hackensack j Big Red Team Has Narrow Escape From Defeat Here V. M. C. A. Hifle Club, R43 to 751. j j inn at the annual school electiou en hy the death of L. I.. Smith, numerous prizes will be awarded Misses Anna and Phoebe Deumun. children, Jean and fharles, .and Short Hills .'avenue, wrif -j;i\en a weeks UL:O at her home.iu Wa !. 'I'liouia:- 11. Utrkin, pastor. 1 : Wednesday at the Orange "Y." li,i(l Tuesday night in the James Ihe president,- was elected to fill-j to holders of high scores. Refresh- o-~- , - -. -.. Mrs. Jennie Marsh, of Springfield. 'delightful surprise party on Sat- iufto'n . a\enue. Pneumonia l.tdi • Stniil.ty mutnins at-?.:JO, AGAIN <•*o<; 1 Severe Winter Starving Miss Mae Desmond will entertain '. 1,1, III llick: Tuesday But Hopes to Come Through in Crucial \.nin • 'Hili ri .Mi tiii-ii.il --, New 1'rnv. II. Vanderbeek led the Summit shoot- CM Id well School. Walter White and'; one-year term. ,- jnients will be served Wal.ly Os- Scout Notes urday evening at the home of Mr. di\veloped and she was removed'.to II. .lusiior^ii.ys Is.Calvary i:i. ei-H with a |82 ^nd, Kills posted a (I Arnold Wright were re-elected! bw.r ne's Chateau Orchestra w-ill "Old Scouts" NtKlrl will be held thr Katydids, a--bridge, club, to- and Mrs. Blcks ill Mnplewood in the hospital where her condition, ..- MI: >•. Si liiiul iollowin« the l».3O (jame at Rahway Tonight—Reserves Defeated li^li is the .ii!idcr-dog in toiliulit s stniu^f,',,, Pheasants, Wild Tur= l,ii the three-year term, Frederick j linMisliip Budget Passed pi'ay for the dancing. ninht at her home in Kliza.beth. honor of their twenty-fifth'weddinu •became'Steadily wor.-se, She wasma.- - Walt - lads-aiv one up on the'Mofa'ts, and"Tiii;sda'y niuht aualn j., . iiiiiiu'M Tnmurruw .175. This was a'regular North Jer- The 1!K1() budget was passed my tonight in connection with the reg- :ilral IT \s. H"ly Nairn 11"i—.luni'ir Itoys vs. OKIIIIJ Mem. | sey Rifle League match. keys and Deer—Food '' Mis.- Arthur ('. Prinz is chairman \ular weekly meeting of Troop 66, Meinbefs include the Misses 'llul'da. anniversary. A mock wedditm was the wife of Sii-pheii \Vv^ Kn^land St. >te|ilicn\ M|»Ur»i " . U> HIM. I.IIAS i«-al power in downing Hillside., '.-n tn !', while Summit »' J'l'llV. VS. '.'1.1—<';ilv;uy vs. Fountain H.tptisL final reading at the Township Com- of, the general committee; Mrs. Van Sickle, Kvelyn Day, Isabel 'performed and a very enjoyable and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A<>r ]><>>•"s \N. Springfield Boy Scouts, in tho Millhvirn, N. J,. i was forced to the limit to Squeeze out a 1U to i':', win HK.-r 'l;ir*de.n. We 3.1i—(V-ittral 1'ivn. v«. \"« had. .Thirty-fivt*. quests ItUMSell (•(inlcy of Green Village. Rev. Hutii W. Dickinson, rector* S county total budget is $!U,400, which is refreshment committee'; "Mrs. Will- Arney. Ailetio Spossord and Celia were present. "' ,>-."She• ,h;i(i resided in Sprinufleld pionshiii hopes Tttt-riiliiy niiiiit urjilie local -court. ' when they know tliat they have a real job ahead. Swan tons Win Easily J4.481.0li more, than last year. The All former scouts of the troop have Holy. .Coiiiinniiiiin at H o'clock. The big redtea in St. James Parish iam Drew, chairman of the piize been Invited to attend. I Scout- • .Mr. and Mrs. Drake were quests ;vi]'out three years. Chui'cb SCIKKII ainl Bible'Class at won. 24 to 'S',, but ihV' Stiinniii' supporters were 1 I Tuesday nNht they thought that they had the uanie won before iV amnuni.to.be raised by taxation is ivcn SOUK i She's Not Blue Any More Hoover Off for Florida committee; Joseph H. Gunn, chair- master Grenville Day wilrH>e~ln The C. i. Club was entertained of honor at an anniversary dinner "Besides her husband and parents ! started, but tonfuht realize that they will have to ilo th.jr diirude-st to From Varsity Five Delegations from the surround- f(>5.!iOO or $118.01 less than last !i.4f> o'clock. , moments in the last few SM -..n wlu-n a nuple of Linden shots rolled man of 'tho - publicity committee, cjihrge. at a V )tine luncheon today at at the home of Mr. Drake's brothers she. is survived by two chihlrcii, ~j Morning piayei and.sermon at 11 'come through victorious. Hahway has a crack team hut are not un- The Robert J. Svanton Assocla- By TROUT DOCTOR inij. comlnunities are expected at year. The' difference is accounted and William Drew, Jamon Tansey, the' home of Miss Grace Coe in ' a round th<' rirti and nut .i^aln. Th« went len.second.s overti'riife as not Preparations have been com- ( , William Drake, in Maplcwood, on Alfita, fj years old, and Itobert, :;. (j'elqek, beatable by any .stretch of the imagination. /Hie Cjirn(K-iiu,Ti aree not ! tlon encountered little difficulty i he annual card party and dance for in increased anticipated Delmar Tappin and John Koch, the Newark. those, present ihe referee failed tu hear t! .over-confident, or are they suffering • from Kt«>a- fri.-ht, but In the Virginia Legislature a bill revenues and a surplus from last pleted for a-homo made food sale ' Vesper service at "1 o'clock. le HimTs whistle ilue lo the continual are all last Friday night In defeating the was introduced providing for u,,.' miller, the auspices of St. James door committee.' ° tu be held tomorrow at 10 o'clock were .Mrs. Hattip Doerries, Mrs. Miss Edna Kapp, of Easton, 1'a., IN Till; ("ill IU HKS A mid-winter dance under the uproar. i primed to do. their best.. Chinch, Springfield, in the Chateau year's appropriations. , David s. Jeakens, and Mrs. I'liner was a week-end guent at the Drake Varsity Five, 40 to 19. At the endextension to .President - Hoover of An ordinance, providing for three in the store next to the prist office. auspices of the young people of the If Linden had sunk a basket niter wiiuMol on Monday night. Busses | • s . Firemen's Klection All home baked goodies will be on Sick ley, of' this town; Mrs. Kd^ar home. ' • First l'resli)Jerlain * church will be held in the parish of the first half the Swantons the privilege of fishing -in tin- election districts instead of ...th.e the game wa's really over a iiicc ar- U NOT f:\orun KOOJI .will leave Springfield center for '." Charles H. Jtuby und T. C. David- sale. The proceeds will benefit the Keeve, of Wesfleld; Mrs. Fred .The Battle Hill Building•: and R IH'. Dr. George A. l.ivtjett. 'house 011 Friday ovetiinK. February were leading 12 to 8 but played waters of the State at any time, re- present two'districts," received 'first Miller and Miss Helen Coe, of New- gument might have ((line up. Tlie Y" Five to Way in their opponents off their feet in •tin''chateau at intervals from 8 to son, Jr., fire commissioners, are >ip Scout camp at Brbokside. Loan Association will meet M0117 tor. •JSth. Richard Vinn is chairman of The basketball fans are coinplaiiiiiiK.- 'They havv no kicks, to re;i-' gardless of game law provisions.' reading. Final reading will be ark. - x day night in its rooms in the score was lS-17.jii Snniniit'.s favor the third period, tallying eighteen The President has-.firmly refused tn S liu o'clock. Cards will start at !> for re-election in the annual firo- The members of the troop with Sunday School at !»,4f» a. nv/ •arrangements. as tho teams entered the final quar- on the (iuality'of basketbail served up in the, t'nioii County Sehol-' February 26th. •' . Plainfield Tomorrow points to six for the Varsity lads. accept such special privilege, there-' o'clock. Pivot bridge will be men's election to be held tomorrow »j Scoutmaster Day and Assistant ter and everyone seemed lo .sense League, but center their complaints a'round the fact that- the played principally and there will I afternoon at fire headquarters Sc'outmasterH Spinning and Hoag- a close Jinisli as the Hill City, lad? The "Y" coiirtHfcfl'r.s willjbieet tli0 beating .capacity in most of the couftty .gyms is sadly inadequate for Coyle played well for the winners, by giving an added but unueedi'il Sorority to Hold from 3 to 7 o'clock. Current ex- tallying seven field goals and a l,e, prizes for every table. A masquerade Valentine land will attend the services Sun- were jni.ssiiij; on several cylinders Acme (,'lui) of• Plkirilield totnojroWr major games. Kven Summit's gym has been over-loaded ou two oc- proof that he is a true 'sportsman. dance penses of $51,000 arc to be voted on. day morning in the First Presby- night on the Queen City Yi^tf, C. X.casions this year, and Runway's will .certainly be packed Umiuh-t. , foul, while Al Swick put up a good Says the Newark Sunday Call: "The The dancing will be in the main will be held tomorrow ninht in while fheir opponent* were '.func- dance hall throughout the evening. Municipal Builtliiij;'W TaiiGamm terian Church. ^_. tioning exceptionally, well. court. The Y,.. W. cou^Jy'larger The Rahway-Rpselle Park, Llnden-Rahway, and some of the other defensive game. DeSimone scored fisherman who is true to his art Att<'rt a special door prize and ice i play for the dancing. As a'special The Junior High Boys' basketball A the President (Joes Pishing cream and other refreshments will i feature, there will be old-fashioned Health and recently re-elected team met the Linden Junior High lrom ttif foul strip by Jimii'iie flas- f;ani"s with independent teams-.. \bc itlatis should make certain, that there is plenty of room for spec- (!. . V. lUs. I). Moroncy, f '.:. 5 President Hoover has gone to lie served. I dances. president of .the Union County team oh the James Caldwell court kell again put Summit in the lead. Two lioihe games are on tap lortators, as basketball is still in its infancy. .i 2 Ii Mosquito Extermination Commis- .I.Moroney, r 4 ' 0' S Long Key, Fla., where he has been Committees for'the dance are as Tuesday afternoon. The score Was A one-pointer by Fleishman and a next week. On Monday night the <'(iyl«», c...... 7 1 15 sion, Is attending the annual con- 24-11 in favor of the Visitors. - field goal by dimmer put Linden Morrislown "Y" will he eucoun- W«?T KN NTKAH.IIT MISS B12OUUE Swick, B. . i 1 5 spending the week in deep-sea flsh-' follows: tickets. Miss Dorothy Del- . • (i ] Millburn Tennis Ass'n ference of the State Mosquito Com- A game between the Junior High one point to tho Rood. Tin? Summit 'tered and on Wednesday night Ihe COLLETr llittlenn, g. j ing, with a party of friends, aboard jler and Miss Blanche Ktory; re- mission in Atlantic City. ''"''" Smith. (?. •v • ' 0 Jeremiah Milbank's houseboat, to Hold a freshments, the Misses Mae Bock. girls' team and the Roselte Park 'crowd went wild a minute later Jersey City "Y" nelnien wilkentor- ' Marly this week a fun qucstinncd the fact that thl- Central Presby-, SEMl-^fNAt ROUND The conference opened yesterday team was played yesterday at GROCERY COMPANY tain here. Totals •S •1(1 "Sauntorer," which has been chart- Marguerite. Riegleman, Emma . when Scoop Taylor-came-through terian record of thirteen straight wins is a modern record 'for- local ... lfi anU close tomorrow. Roselle Park. , with a'.pretty side. eoiirt heave and Moth Moiristowii and Jer.Hey Oily teams. This fan based his objections on the fact that the Bijfr-Five,' WOMEN'S M0IOMAL GQlX iVarisUj- Five ered for the. occasion. This is the The Millburn Tennis Association Suck, Janet Moeller, Elsie Kleinl CtiAttPlOMStlff tivi (OZ4 first real vacation the President has and Florence Bock; men's ward-, Honor Itoll for Jiinanry, 1930 Kbel tallied beneath the basket. rung up victories over the "Y" on bettered that mark during; the seasons of 11127-28.''Our records, how- \ IS. !•'. I'tH. hold a dance at St. Hose of MoveN to New (Juaiiers JAMES OAIiinVELL SCHOOL- A. t'aplo. f. I 2 had since be took office, having l.ima's School Hall on. Friday, Feb- robe, Misses .Marilyn Cover, Edna QUALITY GROCERIES PRIME MEATS This .Wined to put the gaiiio on their iirtii courts. The game slated ever, indicate that the Bif? Five won eleven straight games in 1!>27 buti DvSlmont;, f ... <> 1 Crude 1 (Mr«. llunklns ana MIBS 1:1 confined himself to week-end trout- ruary 21st. Dambres and Ottille Saurin; wom- Dunnell Brothers, real estate and I'libfihuun)—Hetty Sorgc Karln Nel- ice but AWJIIIHT then gave the Lin- for last Wednesday night with l'sit- lost their first same in the.following season by a one-point margin. > Conrov, e. 0 •• 0 . 0 Insurance agents, moved into their l.iiin.'iKiia, R ing trips to his camp on the Kapi- Charles Coan Is in charge of the en's wardrobe, Misses Meta Sturm, son, 'Miriam I'arHi.'ll. FRESH FRUITS AND den cohorts a chance to cheer hy erson' at Hie. local gym was called That record of eleven straight, in one season is better than that of? ... 0 . 1 «5& 1 new quarters in the Brookside Oftido 2 (.Miss Smith)«-EdHh.Moll» off due to the lac! that the Silk City, nine .straight made by the High School in 1!>23. While, we recognize f Oldrqyd. K. 0 1 ^1 dan, imVh-ginla. committee of arrangements. He is lOmma Saurin,, CeciliCiliaa Dunleavy . Swirihinj; ilie ball through tin- net 7 5 Building Monday. The new office tor,. Dorothy Ncssnmn, Annabel without,' touching a rim. "Y" was ii'iiable lo muster a team the eleven wins aava record performance, for one season we can not j BAU, AMD Totals 111 bcins assisted by George Dunster, and Marguerite Hil.dinith. Decora- ih tions will be in red and white.. is located on Flenier avenue next Vfttmtn 'Out on I'crMiiiuls on the holiday night. help hut point oiififtttt some of these games were played* against teams; Totals Deer Season HaiulaU' Oakes, John Coughlan, j tirades 2 and 3 (Miss Mumly)—June J ; mToTtte CUR to the old one and was formerly Day 2, Evelyn Wlnn 2, Rose HlUel- • Walt?/'Peterson.. Summit'guard. that failed to offer any serious opposition \\ hile the Hi'gh School Assemblyman Purscl of Warren Joseph Spriggs, Chester Boslovage, occupied by the Brookside Inn. j l).>rK*'r 2, Blllle Plepcr 3, .Muriel Mow- to battle for every decision in chalking up nine straight. had. County has introduced a bill-in-the. Dudley Bunn and Milton Frieman. League to Present Coined v ' r»>y 3, Helen- Matthfiws 3, Jumes Wood- was then ejected via the personal game all of the way with tho "Fickle Fortune," a three-act The place vacated by Bunnell ruff 3. foul route and Mes.ro {julanuu-iuu Legislature (Assembly 123) which _Comoginen-holdH»Kt he-edge but SMAtL FIKES i will be presented Tuesday Brothors is now -undergoingrepairs - Urttde ii fMiMH MfittlcJ—BorlB- Brtld- "look Jacobs" plaeu.-at "forward, 4lre Bowling ought"To have the support of hunt- and upon completion will be the win, iMarJorio.Orlmm, Lena UoRcru. . they were unable to stave off that ers generally. His measure pro- evening at 8.15 o'clock in the James Crude i (Miss Qulnn)—Wendell Col- latter being shifted to guard.' last period rally. Caldwell School auditorium under future home of the First National! 1 There was SOIIH''wild scrambling; j Tho annual Sunday School indoor track meet, held every \Vash-| "V"'LEAGUE vides for changing the open season Fire which caught In a taxi linn, (.lent Morrison, Carolyn Harmon, the auspices of tho Kpwoith League Bank of Springfield. The bank's i Adiillnc <.icibh Hotly .(ireen, Kenneth The Summit reserves were'pick- ington's Birthday, will lake place one week from tomorrow In- the "Y" • for hunting deer in this State from Tuesday afternoon on Union place. Sugar Corn about in thai final minute of play | Society of the Methodist .Church. present quarters have become too (.Hutting. but Ihe game ended without any \ ed to win this game, as they had gym. There are two classes this year, those fourteen yibrw and under On Friday niRht Parse won twoDecember 17th to 21st, the present was responsible for a general small for its rapid growth. Grades 4 and 5 (MIHS Jukobsrn)— aliirjn which called out the fire The cast is as follows: Mrs. Sam- Frft'inan ItuntinKton 4, Mylvlft Law- further scoring, much to the relief previously defeated the Linden competing in the junior group, and those from fifteen^ tot'fceventeeu. out of three games from Schrumpf period, to November 1st to 5th. o—— inclusive,'in the senior division. Dashes, broad jump,-shot put, ;uid' in the "Y" Bowling League compe- department. . The damage was uel Warreij, Margaret Smalley; roni'o 4, Clarice Shnck 5, Carla Jen« Housewives have good reason for of the Summit fans. > |scrubs oil their own court.- The Hunters who enjoy deer gunning Miss Gloria Warren, Janet Reger, son 5. relays are featured in each class, and some hot competition ii expected. • tition and on the same night Snook ought to get behind this bill if for .slight. Lodge XotcH Sainmie Jacobs was Ilie only i substitution of; a couple of first Jtoxana Blossom, a-servant, Doris Plans for a card party to be held (Jrade 5 (Miss l'ursol)—Dorothy preferring Ideal Sugar, Corn* It-is The" Fountain. Baptists have won "the meet for the past-two years defeated McClelland by the same no other reason than that the pres- Hose Company No. 2 was called ninke, JJlllnn l'lnkava, Dorothy player who .seeniod to be on !iissiring subs didn't, help matters any. Berstler; Antoinette* (Tony War- on Friday evening February 21st, •Keppel. ji game during the- lir.s! half. Tlie I They were good enough "/(layers but and need only to win this year to keep permanent possession of the margin, the feature of this match ent open season Is so late Hi tho out late Wednesday night to ex- preferred because of its natural 1 being a 232 by Cain In the first ren), Alice Reed; Brant Allen, have been completed by Battle Hill ' Crude 6-n (MISH WiihD—Walter t.5o- team looked lazy, giving one thedidn't (it in with the rest of the beautiful silver lovin#-«up'liutt goes to the team winning it three times. winter that weather conditions tinguish a brush fire on Spring- Grenville Day; Lillio, a maid, Ag- K«'l. Kdlth Heevps, Kv«lyn Sehup. game. On Monday night Snook field avenue near the railroad Council No. 120, Junior Order Crude Q-A- (Mr. Young)—M-adelyn flavor, natural sweetness and ten- impression that I hey 'thought that j cast. ... There will also-be ituHyinflal medals given to the wingers. .AH who; make deer hunting practically im- nes 'Murray; Maggie, a maid, Edna United American Mechanics. The desire to enter shoTrtffget in touch with their Sunday School made a clean sweep against-:-Parse 'bridge. . >- Martyn, David# Alley, Robert Kohler. they had duck soup, and when they | possible for the average man. If Smalley; Cuppers, a butler, Ronald affair will take place in the Muni- t'irado 7-B (Mr. Spalir)—Klljiabeth derness. It is grown exclusively in tried to apply the steam in the sec- i Agacheski scintillated for the sentjitive immediately. : - " and Schrumpf took, three straight adopted it will placo the deer sea- Hilltoppers with eight points and from Brewster. Pannell; Emerson Hawley, Howard cipal Building, with a short busi- <»n«l half Summit didn't get. going • son ahead of the upland game sea- Send your 'items ot interest to Day; Sadie* Tweed, Henrietta ness meeting preceding. John H. S-A (.Miss Hess)—Carol Mln- Maine, the famous corn state. It at all. .Jacobs tallied ten points and Lampert and Lenorth divided the Kcnruiiijif son, with which it will not inter- the HERALD. ' ami. JUIOH Moroau. honors for Linden with seven Smith; Mrs; Mary, Alice Bell; Ste- Schuster heads the committee in (irade 8-B (Mr. NewHwiinRer)—JJone. is cut at perfect maturity and JKbcl came through with six but Tall i apiece Double ... 211 1 IG 1311 fere. Another good argument In charge, assisted by Montague (inide 8-A (Mlsst Stafford)—Clertrude 1 Apgur 12."> IU 152 Jay was off form on his shots IH -| Good Games in S. S. i Caseys Defeated It. Schrumpf 151 support of the proposed change is Martyn, Otho Hopler and Harry C. Smith, Balviitore Casale. canned with the strictest care. I'lay a< Kaluvay Tonight 174 158 (irnde » (MIKH farkhurftt)—Lllljan neath the basket. ; Tholen 1"4 .192 178 that it will bring New Jersey's deer Stewart. Tonight,-will just about decide > Scott, Camlllc I.adncr, > Kdith noli, The Summit defense wasn't so \ (ierrlty 1C2 172 201 season In line with "olher-Btatfis. ——o • Enjoy the goodness of this popular what is wjiat in the comity league j Ruth llinze, Marjorlc / Roll; / Mlnnlfi pood, as the Lindenite* pierced it Leagues Tomorrow | at MorristoWn Totals .... Supporters claim that many<_dei!r; How to Play Pride or Battle Hill Council No. BelllnBrnth, Claire Danncfelser, Caro- 1 situation. Hahway is now leading) S23 7!tS 828 from Jersey swim' the "Delaware lyn Regor, Doro'thy Snable. vegetable. On sale at your nearest on many .occaKioits.' Zinuner was COlSS i)ROW»ife WAS Q|J£ OP Vajse. 17, Daughters of America, will hold RAYMOND CH1SHOLM SCHOQI, the big sun for the visitors with j the circuit.by one full game and iiff ' Griswold .... 188 River and are shot by Pennsylvania- its regular bl-ioonthty meeting to- the big;-red crew is able to defeat At 1.15 o'clock tomorrow after-j The K. of C. 'Dig Five dropped a; MOST V5RC^T«lfc <* Alt L lot ins (Jrade 1 (Minn Lewis)—Lillian Welse, Mutual store. eleven points and Nofd accounted! noon the Junior Hoys' Club tossers f 2S-27 decision- to the Morristownj Lnune 5-...... 211 .156 ins hunters long before the season is night in the Municipal Building. Wily Smith, Richard Yea^er. for six. The same was • closely Coach Walter's men* tonight at —SHEW^S NATIOMA^LTEUMIS Day ; 173 ifiK 14) open in-this'State. . '-'••.. •' - BRIDGE The Union County Past Coun- Crade 2 (.Miss (labrlel)—Robert Me- Railway the two teams will be dead- will mingle with the Ogdeli Meilio-j Caseys Wednesday night at Mor- j »9l2. 1913 /wo 1914. 154 211 i:ts .Munn, IJlli.ui lU'tiertson; ecwitested throiiKliout, Summit Slierm ... 182 149 1ST cilors' Association of the D. of A. Grade 3 (MIBS .Wilkie)—Ikrmail ! holding a T-ii lead at the quar!er locked for first place. If, however, rial outfit in a Junior Sunday jristown. Summit led' until the last; Aifo KFUMVJiaS &Ht WOfi HER l'ai-.st- Feeding; (Jame In Winter ^Jeries 1929*30 by held a Valentine party last' night Mende, Kanny Bardy. '." I the Summit lads come out oil the : and a IS to lo. advantage at the School League tilt. The next game, i quarter when Gug Murray and > . "DooBl.tJS" C(tO\dti I* 1925 Totals 871 872 There are numerous individual at the home of Sirs. McQueen in (.irades 4 and 5 (Miss' Jtikobsen) —, CAN short end it will be all over but Stanley -Roll 4, Floyd Thurxton 4, 19 half. one hour later, will see th'e Calvary ! Johnnie Nolan went out. on pf r- j Wynne Ferguson Elizabeth avenue, Newark. Past the shouting as far as the county MrCleiiuit'l hunters throughout the country Marjoric Daoueman 5, Harold O'Neal 5. It^rnrs I/ose, tir»-*2J{ , , and Fountain Baptists lighting HJHonals. Summi_ _t was shpri'on good i Miss Mary K. Browne Returns to I Swanson .' 123 125 who take it upon themselves to pro- Author of "PRACTICAL AUCTION BRIDGE" Councilors from Springfield pres- crown is concerned. .Maloncy . ent were Mrs. Philip L. Me'isel, Easily prepared o« The Summit reserves do not out, and the third game of, the day, | lilayers, as Pete Purdy" was per-• 141 •151 22:1 vide brush shelters for game birds, BY WAY OF MENTION StminrtJ always plays well against at -3.15 o'clock, will,bring together j forming with th [ '•• W-itino IL'.". 12.', 12i in woodlands where they know cov- Mrs. Montague Martyn, Mrs. Fran- Cream oj Pea seeiii to have, tlit* happy faculty of a hard team and they .have high , forming with the Hillside A. A., ' Amateur Golf Schorllng 123 123 125 Copyrijht, 1929, by Hoyle, J cis Manser and Miss Helen Snable. Campbell's Pea Soup i • 3 coming throiii;h in the last quar-vj CentralPresbyterian" • s and' th"e 'j and Hay Englant wa* playing with 1S8 130 eys of such birds are.trying to sur- Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Anderson hopes of making- up for that four- vive a hard winter, and to supply ' T ter. Lasl week they lost out in point....defeat ...that the Hah way ma- New Providence Presbyterians. j Newark j*rep at JUilflprd, Conn. Totals ARTICLE No. and family of Mountain avenue the closing minutes to the Hoselle Took Long After Reaching Tennis C8i» 681 them with grain when a sheathing "VVashinRton Camp No. 209, Patri- have returned from a week-end chine handed the locals in their The Ogdenites have been playing | When Murray and Xolan left it Smmk of ice and snow covers the fields, otic Order Sons of America, will The dainty dessert, dainty delicate flavors seconds and Tuesday nighty they game here last month. A banner ('11111 . •. 7 A friend of mine invited me to play Z led the arc of hearts and followed visit with relatives In Pair Haven. JELL-O a. good brand of basketball lately, i just about ruined Summit's Heights Miller preventing them from finding their 1 meet Tuesday night in the Muni- Alvin Warner will attend the again faltered in the last, period crowd is expected- to view this 125 ir.r» 162 at his home the other night and asked wit.h the seven, thus allowing B, who cipal Building when plans for a to drop, a • 25-22 decision lo the hut so have the Junior Boys, chances as the Morris County lads Kfhh 177 own food supply. Many game asso- State Older Boys' Conference at struggle, and those who have any Snook .. 112 me to criticize any mistakes of bidding held three hearts to the qiieen, to win card party to bo held on February Liilden seconds. It was a close the Northh Summititesn arame given-ii-mni thnm.e ji were thetjlen playingg aggressive bas- By "LANK" LEONAItl) j same summer she again regained 125 125 125 ciations are doing the same, and the KllzabethvY. M. C. A. tomorrow idea of sitting down should tako| pro-game edge, Fatten it;:t 121 or play that he might make. Here arc a heart trick; The proper, opening for 26th in tho Lions Club room will Calvary defeated i ketball. The winners trailed. H to After having been on probation, her old position at the head of the 158 the total benefits 6f all their en- three criticisms that were made .that my friend, Z, to have made was the and Sunday. He will represent tho ASTOR their supper with them. Doc Shops|'the Fountain* In their first round j so to speak, for the last three be completed. will officiate at both the prelimin- 8, at the half but redjiced the Sum- doubles brigade, Mrs.-°Louise Will- Totals 804 741 deavors is judged to be considerable. should benefit all players: rey of hearts. As Y held the K, J, 10, Summit Y. M. a A. game, but. tlie Fountains have hopes years, Miss Mary K. Browne may This is a most practical sort of con- ary and main panies. :' • mit lead to read 1# to IS at tho ianis and Bill Johnston sharing », 2, he would havc played the king Miss Helen' Snable and Miss Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Golightly and of evening up that matter tomor-1 once again play competitive ' golf her honors. She did not again servation, for individuals know Criticism No. 1 On ihe first trick and led back the jack. children moved this week from COFFEE "Men's wear for the, home Th start of the last canto, and out- ld 1GI! 190 May Smith of the local council, D. row. But if Mesro (Jtilamcrian is in I as an amateur, if she so desires. fight her way to the head of the Koane ... ISO is;, where birds and other game are No matter what B then did, he could Bryant avenuo Into the house at j We handle this fine old brand Summit "Ifrli scored the Hill City men. 10 to 8, 108 106 of A., attended a meeting at tho ASTOR as well as the street. Make form they should . have plenty off The United States Golf Association field, hut teamed with Helen Wills Day 1117 1 t;r> having a hard time to get through not have won a heart trick. Marcey and Morris avenues. Mr. of coffee because of iti» rstnb- Camay Soap - 3 '^'-^ 2O II. rts.. In that session to cop the verdict. Shenu ..... 149 123 home of Mrs. Jennie McLeod of Taylor, I'. . , trouble. The Centrals are picked in a very polite and carefully she won the Women's Doubles for 150 158 the winter and a little effort on the Remember this play for it comes up Golightly Is manager of the Spring- COFFEE lishcd national reputation for Fragrant with the perfumes of flotvera 4 BEECHWOOD ROAD ' it 1'arao 168 •16.T Roaelle Park on Monday afternoon . ".IJU'OIIS. I'., K 111 t$ beat tho (ail-end New Providence Papio was away off as his high worded resolution had placed her the fourth time iir-1925. It was the 148 part of each one of a large number very frequently. When you hold three field Coal Company in Morris ave- flavor, freshness and general, ! ' i ti la nifjja ii. 0 arch shots hit the la*r ceiling time for the purpose of completing plans your Style-Dressing Room," cjew with something ""to spare. beyond thepale in April. 1927, de- following winter that she agreed, Totals "67 77i; 720. amounts to more in the end than to an honor ot your partner's «tiitrsind nue. gpod quality. after time. Lefty Coyle played a the no trump bidder is to ydur right, for the Sarah W. Johnson National 1 In the senior Sunday School loop claring that because she had com- along, .\yjjth Vinnie Richards, to Snnok much work by agents of any big i Hearts — 7, 5 _, Councillor Week. TheBe meetings Miss Lila Kneen and Miss Lydia says McElgunn.- \ good floor game but only register- mercialized her tennis fame bys ; 211 10 155 organization or governmental Clubs — A, 9,8, 5 *\-- , open low. The same rule hold* tiue/in THE LARGE PACKAGE (lie Central Pros, and Holy Name bolster up the. Lenglen tour, a Mill.T .:.„ are to boost the D. of A., and will Niebuhr of Morris avenuo were Gold Dust A A- provide the entertainment at. 7 ed one field goal. Brenn and joining "Cash and Carry" Pyle's 'move; which netted her a sum sup- 1S!I Kir, 1»5 agency. Diamonds — K, Q, 10,9, 7 > case you hold four or more, although among those present at a luncheon LB. Totiils Nolan divided th^* honors with Kollh 141 148 148 n that case you should open fourth- beheld as follows: February 17th, 41* Why not. eiigage the Cold DmtTfvjns? -.-•• o'clock tomorrow night. The Holy Court Caravan, she had acted in a posed to be over $25,000. Snook .. Spades —8, 4 of-the No.rthfield Club at the Hotel HOW 'BOUT A LITTLE. IllKll eleven points~-n-pie.ee while Doyle , 125 125 125 Food "By Mall" Blooinfleld; 18th, ABbury Parkj NanieiH. strengthened by the addi- inaiHier-d«trimental to the best-iti"- Miss Browne did not take golf I'iitton .. :•• 156 •213, 165 best. A low opening, therefore, ia this McAlpin, New: York, Saturday. Miss ( IV tallied alght for Morristowil. — It is reported that the Missouri lUtli,'PleasantvlUe; 20th, Haddon- GAME TONIGHT. JIM ? ": X.iitiinrr, f. ilou-of- hefty Coy lor have"the edgeT ; terests and true spirit of amateur- No score, first game. Z dealt and position, should indicate .cither four or Myra Wilson, the new principal of 1 V •serionsly-niit.il her tennis skill be- •l'otals • "77T 821) Fisir and Oariie Department will fleld; 21st, Carlstadt; 2ith, Roselle At 8 o'clock Oakes meets New Tomorrow night the Watsessin^ ism. The tV S. (}. A. carefully gan to fade. She startled the 728 ectly bid one diamond. A passed more or three to an honor. ' Northfleld Seminary, East North- Gold Medal flour 'TETLEY'S. TEA l-rvill.'. c. . 1 again this year supply grain to all The only exception to this rule occurs Park; 25th, Jersey City. There will 1 Providence, and the Kant. Summit, Young Men's Club will furnish (he avoided the word "professional- sports world in 1921 by going Schrunipf ••and Y bid one no trump. B passed arid, field, Mass., was tho guest, of honor. "Kitchen Tested" llaiiswalil. 0 rural delivery post offices for dis- when the opener has two or more be special programs with promi- Thrrr'n unmfclhinn nlmul t'lti frsgrnnrr nnd opposition at the local hall and the mic ...;... .. 1 .-,:• 1^ bid two diamonds. All passed and About 100 attended, fire North- Uavfir ol 'IVtlr.v*.* 'I'fti Ilinl in «rry niii>ea»inff. V men aro expected to register a win ism" in the ruling, and at'the.time through to Ihe final round of the ..:..' 148 tribution by rural carriers and to nent speakers for each meeting. Use it for all baking, from bread to angel cakes Central Jersey five will meet tho Apsrar ,..:.. 150 212 Y Z made three diamonds. As they honors in sequence of his partner's suit. field Club comprises graduates /riinl-i^inir rriiHon forTr< onuiiemliilg it with. g." over the tailendors. hinted that Miss iirowne might bo Women's National at Providence, It. Schrumpf sportsmen who will distribute It to Casey reserves in the preliminary reinstated after the customary ..: ,1li:t 17!t also could have made three no trumps, I n that case, he should open the highest from the Seminary and a "Ret-to- and pastric*. 12 "Kitchen Tcstwl" Tol The Senior Hoys and Calvary R. I., but was kept from ruling her Tholfii .-...... - ins :1.V» feed quail and other game birds flffnii\ , I asked my friend, Z, why he rcbid his honor. In case he hold*)pnly two in the Past Councilor James C. Stiles gether" is held annually. rt-cipes in every bag. Sen., by |>, finds : clash at !> o'clock, and the league- three years of penance. The "pen- "adopted sport by Mrs. Dorothy (icrrlty • tfil, 12.1 whenever weather conditions jeop- diamonds. suit, one of which TS an honor, he »>.-l»k«e. Trial Siioinnt Tin* ance has now been said. of Linden avenue submits the fol- Miss Josephine Brill of Short '«—it Icaders are-^ix-pected to chalk iip Campbell Ilurd. It was (Henna Col- Totals ardize the existence of such birds. His answer was that as he didn't should open the honor. If the opponent • I! -4 another win- Calvary has yet to Sum ill It K. of C , 790 83ft lowinp; report of\.Success Council IHlls avenue entertained at dinner Ml. HAG lett whom Miss RrowncTdcfealed in in Game wardens will also assist iu have thoiace of diamonds, he thought who raises the no trump bid, after No. 171, of Millburn:' At the meet- 39' taste defeat, and-unless goine team lii-emi, f. l\ I't Miss Browne has proven herself Sunday in honor of Mrs. William ,J- - "'I- 11 the semi-final Tound that year, m 112 this work, distributing grain in iso- he ought to warn his partner of that partner's suit bid, is on the leader's • '".vie. f,, to be one of the most versatile of T ing Monday night in the Junior lle\ . f. *l I) 1 sweep (hrough undefeated." I'aplo. u. stepped into the limelight by win-She tied .GlcnmV on the 18th with 123 12>" lis 11. Spinning and daughter, Har- MUTUAL MEitT DEI*AHT1»1E.\T S I. M .125 123 Long periods of cold weather ac- ouick tricks, one of which must be in councils attending were Adam's (1 (1 : II .Murray, K ning the Women's National tennis a desperate brassie afoot, through 125 tne suit bid. Quick trifcks do not indi- Criticism No. 3 riet, of Morris turnpike: Mr. and SORRY, 0 MAN,BUT Tbiiniliil'i 1 0 ^> Swiek, K. companied by sleet and heavy snow Council No. 286, of Newark, which (I crown nt the Philadelphia- Cricket Totals 726 741 700 Mrs. Everett L. Spinning of Short SOMEHOW > iriim-s. I II ~\ the branches of a tree, and on the result in the natural feed being cov- cate aces, but merely thiit the bidder The opponents of my friend, Z, had instituted Success Council thlrty- I'D RATHER >i Central Pres."Wins From Hills avenue and Billle and Charles Anai-|le.sl- :t N Totals ...... :• Club, and that same year, teamed extra hole might have missed the ered so that tho birds cannot get to can win these tricks, either Oiv the first bid three spades and he held a very fdur yearB af;o; Old Ironsides CHICKENS Prime RIB ROAST STAY AT HOME. \V...»(1, c. 'J II •I with Miss Dorothy (ireen, w'on'the keep house, business wear's the or second round of the suit. good hand, one with which he felt Johnson. Stewart, II Junior High Tossers MtirrKt(i»vii K. «f I", putt which carried her to the final it and special feeding is necessary 1 Council, of Newark, and Oselo For Stewing or Sahtd . LB. Best Cuts • • • # t T0-N1 n II Women's Doubles title. She also breeches." In the hand specified, Z held the ace pretty certain of winning at least four, Mrs. Johnson, and family left 31 LB. 0 II (1 , . to % at. the('. ltio'rdiin, K a three year layoff wl 1 ever aBah, as ^flghtg of „ „ flsh hatcheries, is authority for tho Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Davit) of Top or Bottom . . * . . Mb End I'li liulin. I Williams and Bill THden, repeated regain the touch she had in 1924, j :.,'-'" •s no need to rcbid to warn partner. Z's louble. I pointed out to him tlie dis- iiin rl, half but the Junior. High lossern statement that when winter comes tinction between a free and a forced Annual Church Slipper Martlnsville. Totals . . . III :s during those two .-years, her ylc-but it is indeed a pleasure to bid of two diamonds was an incorrect made a better shpwing in the sec- and the lakes and ponds are frozen and unnecessary bid. double, The annual Washington's Birth- Mrs. B. Harry Fox will entertain I'.vrii-k1. Hidir by iii'ilnd.s: _;torl«/s in the Women's Doubles and know that she may have the Grant for 1!. S. 1>.N -THAT'S MY R£WHRD II II ond - session. Siin Taylor caged SitniniH . . • t r, op- over, care should bo taken to see A free double is a double of a. bid day Huppcr of the Ladies' Aid So-her bridge club Thursday afternoon Krl.'.iak, Ii Mixed Doubles, respectively. In portunity to Kxhlbitlon of an automobile that u. nine of the Centrals' points and Miirrixlnwii ', I Id Ki—i'S" do so if she is able. that holes are cut in the, ice and ciety of the Methodist Church will at her homo In Brook Ktrcet. Guests LB. FOR GETTING YOU Uliriali. ;;. (i II l»2rshe was runner up to Molla -•-Copyright, can be started and stopped by the Criticism No. 2 that would score game, if made, irrc« FRESH CODFISH STEAKS Fred Mooney collected six. (Jieger-^ •rt/rcc—Hlley, N'otr l.»iiin«' 1930. All Itights Ke- kept openfor tho benefit of tho fish Bpcctive of the double. For example, be held Saturday, February 22nd, will include Mrs. Douglas Warner, 19 Mallory for the big prize, and tliat served. human voice foreshadows brighter THAT ROBE PROW To! it - i lch and (ieddLs tallied four apiece inhabiting such waters. the double of a three spade bid, if the in the lecture room. It will be an Mrs. Wellington Smith, Mrs. Rus- -iv l,y p. times for back-softt drivers.—Tho for tho Junior High. opponents have a score of ten or more "Old Time" mippor, Including sell J. rtitzingor, Mrs. Joseph S. 'Stimuli! s .J__*}•' Summit "Y^nwins Froiromm jj South Bend Trlbunn \. ./ Food by Airplane B l.in.l. n (i 1 (I is a double of a bid that will enable the Mrs. Hattle Doerries is chairman Oliver, Jr. McELGUNN'5 General Summcrall ^ra starving deor and wild turkeys Hearts —A, 7, 3 ,* I'll lull '('(ill III) I.I'IIKUI' Friday the Summit bids (hopped a On Wednesday afternoon tUe..^ O. O. iu the Cumberland Mountain region Clubs —J, 10,4,2 opponents to score game if they make of tho committee of arrangements Mrs. Everett T, Spinning will be TBey Sa> Whether Mclntyre, Newspaper Col- well dressed are better I fighters. the double. For example, the double AP1*LE SAUCE Sliced PEACHES W. I, IVt. L'2-fl decision at Went Orange, but Summit "Y" ping pong team dc-'-, or umnlst: near Harrlshurg. On one trip, Diamonds — 9, 7 und she will be assisted by MIH. hostess to two tunics of bridge at 1 This explains that old description, of three spades, if there is no score, will Hallway I.nun Coach Thomas' men are going to feated the Montrotse Independents ] "New York has one requirement sponsored by Game Protector Harry Spades — K,10, 4, 3^^. * Charles Stcnrns and Mrs. Robert her home in Short Hills avenue Saves Home Preparation Some ii'«v« to tuyrvc this fruit Suniniii try sitid even inatlvi'H up today. * Andr* "dressed to klll.^-Tl* Fort Worth .No score, rubber came. B dealt ami enablcthe bidders to score game if they Matthews. On the reception com- Tuesday afternoon. llnsi Hi at South Oratigo, ,:?-2. Howard ardlcu. Premier of only In social eligibility: Arc you Olbbs, three hundred pounds of I'.irU Tile Helil'OH ! Star-Telegram, make their bid., IDl-'.AI. HIICC Poney, recent winiuir of the Or-Franc*?' : talked 'about." corn Hiid apples wore distributed at l»'l one no trump, Z passed and A bid mittee aro Mrs, Wlllliini I. Heed, Mrs. Theodore Naumann and Mrs. IIEAI) AnotT IT Llliitcli • entrill I'rvi. two diamonds. Y bid two hcarta anil The rule to follow in such cases is to MiH. Klnier Bickloy, Mra. Robert It, Poling of Warner avenue, at- Sinixilli and nHn-l, but with tartnemi ilriniind IMTIUIKC of llirir rich, MHC:, ange championship, humbled Itob-;' "The k7igtii of 1mr coast, tho points whore wild deer and wild a 0 .Oil" 1 <' I'lx. j Time • make free doubles when you have a Mooiiey. I', ert Alder in the Hln^les and aided i,length of/our line of conununlca- '• >id '/. parsed. A bid three diamonds, H. Ferguson and MIH. J. 8. Quick; tended a meeting of their luncheon- cnouHf> to make it rrll-thuMr. <'.onvr- •li-llrioiiH tunic. Ilieir dainty npponrniici* Itl'SllllH Henry L. Sthnson, Secretary of turkeys arc known to be In danger 'I'II 1*411 II)'•« AineM. f. . I; An ambulance has the right of • tossed. B bid three no trumps ant good chance to defeat the bid, liut posters mid tickets, Mrs. Edna bridge club yesterday at the homo Siitiinitt 24, Mnriru L1:! II |1 it his brother. Marshall, in the' tion. tlie/greut dlstanctw-between j State: of starvation, snow and ice cover- 't~l nlrn t tn nerve wl ih r»n«t |Mirk, a dcuscrt, nfid Itcimiifiil color run IM- U«C<1 fof ntil- I'b'tz. f. II way becnuse Ihe pctlestrlan has the make forced doubles only when certain liiodliTrrent rlrnner, cuts H.ilnviiy fin. lllll-ild.' !>. II i) our ba«W«. oblige our titlvy t(» be t "Too »•• iwsscd. What is Z's proper opening Rinlth and Mm. Arthur Kendall; of Mrs. R. Lundy In Arlington, i Titylur, e. doubles to scjjre^Moutrose'H two* little means of defense lug their natural food supply. or even a lircl masters and school mln- that a flock of wild nmllard ducKH Hearts — K, J, 9 at the home of Mrs. Alexander I'. • i 8 1 1? Clubs— il, i ing room, Mr«. ChurloK Htearim, Ferguson in Hcvoitna nvenue. I*|HK •oiiir .IBIIUII- h to win have to deal with ignorant Cnlviu Coolidge, former presl- J if n« nut which spent a year, with their WIURH \v. Pel. I in straight child/en 011 one aide and ignorant Diamonds — K,10 Mm. George Hall, Mrt*. Frank Hohl, Mrs, FerxuHon had with her over ,K(III | (. F. I'lH. KiunoM. dent: King George really wants to clipped, on tho farm of Leo V. Hiunmll Y. M. C. A. (I Spades — none Mrs. Georgo Carter, Mrs, G. Smith, the holiday her mother, Mrs. Ihmna ii y r. I 1 Thv Miininiu y : /al authorities on the oth- "I have never been hurt by any-hold his American radio fans, he'll Hrune. Grand Dallen, Wunh.. and IftEPitltTMKNT SPK1 • AIS ||i:i,»on, II 0 II have Ilrnrts — none IMIH. Fred Brown. Mrs. . Arthur Clements of Roseland. HILTTIIAL You ait getting close to II- A. «'. I ,41111 'rho .HehllNNcll, 'Suiniiilt, jQf10,8, Spotiii-r, r. II II II thing I did not say." , •"-••- to chooMc some olhor hour which then wore allowed to, fly Clubs —J, 9, 5,3 1, T. f "lilt ,Miintri>si>, 2I-1K. 11-21. than tliilw - 10, 8, 6 lJlakely, Mm. Elizabeth Hchmidt, William R. Htlles of Clurknbtirg., I II O Wai ttyle and value in all of II ('riini;i- I Itiirln-r. r. . '' '.I! M. l'oHpy, MoiilroHe, - o .... 4 a. m.—Tho Hutte Dally Pout. away hint RprliiK Hftor their wing" Diamonds — Q, 9 Mr».' Kdward McCarthy; kitchen, Crispy 'Iceberg Large Hit neh en Loads af Fresh NEW ' II Diamonds — none, formerly of thin town, |H visiting 1 ' MiHth Till* Ui'ik TnUffl, r. i) n mlt. 21-11, L'l-U1, II.•(;. \V>lln, HIitiah writer: Harvey Firestone, Auto-tiro had grown once more, have re- n • 1 II ,, Spades— A- MIH, William ('rout. Mrn. Frank rolatlveH In town thin week. our men's-wear. You gel; aunt' Jtt Houtli (MaliKc • IUijj-4-.rlrli, ! 1 Miitlln. Suiniiilt, il; "At tlnien this once sinful plnn- milker: , . • Kildfnlly .-. M z. Ki ut 'Montclulr A, t". I'lClllllH, K (i \ "Mr. Kdlmm IH elated over the Alaska or noimi other northlnnd 1 If art* — 6 Sherry. Tn charge of the tables MIH. Frank Hitter, of PnwcentI I>UI K rntiHi> at Hiunmll ' V,' art) MM. George Phillips, Mrs. Net- fValu* prove* itself to you in II i) (i i<«« bayoiu'tH Htill Kleum ' to wait on somr comnilHBlon'H •' ro- Clubs— K, Q, T\ road, 1« recovering from an opptf-V y, trnctlnit rubber from golden rod." vociferously, paddled to the Imiik Diamonds —6, 4 tle Hoott. Mrt. Ma'hninK Duy, Jr.,Htlon on IIIH tonsils performed ijt -• 0 port.—The Hlclunond New«-Lead«r. Wear, Send your itoma of Intoreit to Totnlw Huminlt, —o where ho wan utandlnK, waddled Spades — K MIH, Clnrk, Mr«. Untold Uuell, MIH. Overlook lloitpltnl. •oliliutill. Will HouprH. Humor'ittt: Lu« l«»u Price: out onto the KrasH and tugged ut hi» Thomas ('hrintenfteti, Mrs, Wllllnm the 11KUAU). rlb nr til* Initiation of n«w inentbeiH wll I "WhiU we wniit l« (Mirilx - 01' "When busiin'HH and religion .(and by other unmla- H[*utwi are trumps and /. U in the lead, how can Y 7. win six ol the seven Kianko, .MIH. I'lienler, MrH. Arthur be held at tho meetlni Af Con* Mention tho IIRHAf 1 ( when buying. ks ufc.t.iH»i UIIV •.IcfeniH'i Solution in tin* in**! nHu'lf. Kendall, Mrs, William Uiienttii Chanter, Order of lantern la Summit la Summit r

PA6B J" THE SUMMIT HERALD AND SUMMIT RECORD. SUMMIT, N. J. FRIDAY, FEB. 14, 19;^ FRIDAY, FEB. 14, 1930 THE SUMMIT HERALD AND SUMMIT RECORD, SUMMIT. N..J. FRIDAY, FEB. 14, Town Improvement Ass'n matter wr>.- '•l.j until, the next' of "T.vni have returned af- Mr. .slid Mrs. T:)um;is Kartell ineHlns. ; ter ,i v:«i i Mr,= . John A. Mlllingtoo originally ulanii.-.| r- South. Stirling had as tlu-ir week-!a|>o Plans Annual Meeting Tilt ik-vu^i- i"oiia;aiU<;« reported Ci'niw <;i t-.v York fit>. Ut ,">0 gliestv bat tt iic;" r t'outts, and, it their ineillious^* Howletf tiui jiiuv.is their juicle and aunt.jtior. which will re- Splay, running at the Morosco Tbtft*'' several conferences *ittt officials o~ ---,- had been received it, air any Personal Mention of Stw ".%!,)•. a.ud .Mrs. William. Deforce oi::wa , The Girl From Havana' at Strand Today— that is >aiil i> be ler, in New Yorkt for a aolld The marriage ojf-'Miis Olga How- k- _•_..» ._.._*» _._ _»/. . ' fin- regular monthly mre:infi uf - F-iovidtnie Borough and' .Note* of lutrrrM necessary i th ,.- i'dih,* oa< h other in such Other splendid players mre being tttita mentioned on this pag*. Tht nicest courtesy you can show ranged for a meiting with Com- Berkeley Heights Community An- llwwl' Miter. .Mr. and „,. «™«, **»,„„ ^In^S^ '° "'" " : *"as;-hi'lt] Tuesday at th,e Y. W •','". A. wlett oi Mt. Kemble avenue, Mrs.. Lenore Ulric in 'South Sea Rose' Next Week limit.-' =''• rapid .-!if< -i'iW.".ib t» v!.vu»tifi.iti' sele* ted by Mr. Cony* fi»r n##t-- 904." r v ; Jersey Henry was in Mrs. John Dey.-U» prudent pn- •* « .» ^ ^ >"**' ° i- MM-i.-.i'loii will hold a parrel' post Morrrrintuwu'i , to 'John Henrv,- Miss Marv ViKiraees o' Finiuv ..- of- t!ii" An earthqiinfatV". two husbund a really i>,-itr whsnsTer /?u go away. W« will consider tt a courtesy whtntrm sided, and there were t*u lanv ai>d Miss liuth Lan^ (,i \ Adventure and love cruise the i ception. of talking pictures has :ire tlie prisu-i-' fact the names will s«on be glf M tt lion of any kind. TtJtpboM tt to Number 1M0. «.f-«h.' board present. ark was the priin.-ijial ^pcakp:- Caribbean -In ... "The .Girl From ! cost'him part of his liberty while rh, treasurers rep.,,! ishowd a The 1'assaic. Township Kr;,',, ; ordlnani;e for lhe iluI)li3V0 Havana,Haa, " the all talking Movie-j his productions are being filmed:. nalance of «ls5i!i the trt'iisurv and i» i • ,-- . - • • - - - uuiiic >ir nc can Club will hold a V ti: loiic feature coming to the Roth- It's nothing but work, work, Mr. ami Mrs,, W. A. J, Ueeve,, qf n«o outstandin..,..-.«.wii..-g :i\u-bills° • ' I Pearl street, was aKain laid over siKht un.seeu to 'those attendiiiK th« The Kev 1 auren (J Bennett ..as \ this evening in t; n#WRpapers. This, howtner, is, her was Rlven recently to Strand- Friday and Saturday, Di-' Summiti , are at1 .the Dodge Hotel 'iu fi Mr8 Thomas Sm ili awaiting some action ou the part Sal.. ,'l , ,V , K . /., J " 'V, „ ... ' - •" "*'.'" A lai'se alti-ild work, and he has only his lyrical first book. ••• • . - l - \<>"*W>»«- •of"the"Tk>rouRl«! tor of the 1 'i-H-ted by Benjamin Stoloff, the ability to blame. Baxter Drought it Washington. Th*. «„.,!• i» i,, , ^. . • ' 1 le.sl.ytenun Church ot. MM. H. Wiirk and O.^ar Kinder- -, , st is headed by Paul Page, Lola _-•_ nig secretary, read a letter from 1 e > t e I5a&kl K Hid erf ;i on himself by exhibiting a singing both -munk-I^IIUes but SioniJ-i!-,;;; '^c^ -. — - '^!. " " ^ P ?™«« «he:hut ut the home o£ Mr. and Mrs. yute and Warren Hymer, the three tht exit ig in the Hurough an that talenti . Mrs. Mae Packer"' of Bogota, is : ' ^ininpn Council;thar<-auH«l a wi a „, t.t-ople whose .names, together with Mr. and. Mrs. Oswald K. Meyer spending a week at the home of \ ?">*[,deal "f .P»e««"»«-. • *Yr "l;*rly wpuid be to improve the ; To prove that it's a dangwus i e rs tne S8 0 aat1 1 ll ah Stoloff's were linked together in and daughter, formerly of Oakridge her sister, Mrs. Albeit C. Dennis, .,° ? f ? . . ! " . . ,!; township end'unless the Borough mi earlier success, "Speakeasy." business to jlisclose hidden/ tal- avenue, have moved to Bay«ide, ti Mountain avenue. : ia *0^!' * ^f "} '". *hw>h.a l : portion was al>o improved,- ents, Alfred Santeil, directqr, saw- ii i , . ; of Summit .OUKIU t<> be interested. ; , .. ,, . ,. , The Girl .From Havana" is a to it that Baxter's gift was utilized- LI Au last, clever comedy of intrigue in in "Romance of Rio Grande," the . r ,, '. -^7-.. ., , | There has been no adequate place °rd.nunee fixing thpee rsalary year; 1 f the was bv her brother. Ned 0 How eU •The Paris of the South.' The di- Movietone with music, to he_ pre- WM,V, r"^^fr- • • r >*. '*"' ,"*V , \'" Summit'to accommodate women : " . treasurer at »-' • d " f untor took the company to Cuba sented, at the Roth-Strand next William (orson of DeForest ave- ! hucjid avenue entertained at' ...... a Hner from Los Angeles Due Is attending the Hardware AH- ; Iiin<-li«**>ri and bridgw at the Hotel on Monday and Tuesday. g the Panama Canal, follow- Rehearning Baxter, a product of Bociation-.meeting at Atlantic City ! Hiiimrbaii oii Wednesday. t iiii; the action of the thrilling this week. ! . . ---. the speaking stane, in dialog, was drama by John Stone and Edwiii his least worry, but he admits he —, -I Mr. and Mrs., W. O. Morris and Iiurke, the production beiiiK filmed Samuel J. Kaplon of Beerhwood j son, Dicky, of (ireenwieh, Conn., ede( iu the signers were to is forced to allot many trying he ''Manretaijla" and" will re- i Joscnh Zimmerman of GF, Hobart j rf ' PersuaiHiiR, the Conommoi n A Protestant, church will nnd recorded enroute. 'Neath a hours with his song8. Baxter road twilo hil sleav office e Havanthe earla ySaturda part oyf Ij aveiau'will .spen. d the week-end- •-,with- . Mrs. | Council that proper acoommodi(.omni0(latloi n 'ineligible tusfen. wMch, left those ibui,, at Berkeley ileigiUB. All in- X.< for tro;)i«•(! Ilranch. a«Hlr<'.MHed the Summit j floor of {he f,jtv „.,„ T,)jf) |3.0He The Berkeley Heights Communit yv with a crelw of society schemers. Mary Duncan and Antonio Moreno. but the feeling of the i-ommltUe i A, ^hVTnn » n T iT., ' J dersleeve of Millliurn, arrived this Kiwanis Club at itn weekly meeting i • • •- . 0113110 wil Tlie cast Inohidejs .such \e'll known | The supporting cast includes Monai more instance of the wno ,hnt ti,.. notiti™.,....^..!.!-;^ " l "old its regular: under the 'w'eekat the Gr^enbrlor at Whi't* j Tuesday noon. the Town •Improvement players at. Natalie M«orehead; Maris, Robert Edeson, EolMad Sulphur Sprinus for. an extended,-1 . ".-••• . ~—'—• harlotje Embli'tt.i twentieth Thomson, Joseph (iirardl Jiminez, Agostino Borgato, Albeit The (luestion came up Home ••llcpart . ViHlt. • •••"•. • Carroll' P. HaHsetttt,, Jr.Jr.,, ooff BeacoBeaconn candy when weighing Mele WindHor, and Marcla Chap- NRoceardi, Ch Merrill Hill, who:l.s spendlnK the winter In itJ man. McCormack.'^ajel Coletnim. and a Mr. and MrT^iame'r. KiriK and Caniden, S. (.'.,• was among- those nthly meeting i iiul recently li'n. In "The Head number of other actors well «nown Mrs. Ida Hus.sejl, of Brooklyn, who riding to hounds in a recent drag asked] to consult the Board of | to obtain the proper signatures in v candidates. The' budgcT'of $ilii;(M)t» i er.'ited a n inn tier of rabliits ju HH Hairy Langdon . .. , . -• *v .»«n"» • candidates. Tlie p Ouy," a two-act all talking 'farce to stage andsscreen uvrdience\ have their summer home here, were .meet which started from Cool Healyli and find out just what in- place of those rejected. ' Warreiiville section.' "lin the afternoon, proceeding their :.an«l nijJid of honor WOTO gowna | Wils carvied,. comedy sketch is the chief asso- "A Charlie _ Chase, all-ta Lincoln's Birth'day"'KuestB/if Dr. and Sl terpretation .4they put on an ordi- The meeting,was adjourned urt The .Men's Friday Night. "Club | -The Mt. Bethel (irange will hold Mrs. Willis Fletcher Julintton .ut n'anae in their code, whiph to-jthe' til the evening of February 26th; I parcel post sale. ' > of bitter-sweet, flat'crepe,; tight-fit-,.. TH*> M«>I>'« V ciate screen offering ,,in the comedy^; the vodvil-film Georg* '-! The official board of the Union! ting and touching the floor, and will r.icet tonight-.at-the home, of j a "hobo -party" on Wawhingtons Strand's current week-end bill. Price in "Station B-U-N-K," and Pirlelgh Hall. A daughter, Jean Ellen, was born asHojblatiou means that thttt method p- Frank Mnguire )\\ South"'Stlrjlng. .j.Ilirthday."in the. Orange.'Hall'. The of ireating candy is not allowed In Village Methodist Episcopal i carried bouquets of bronz's e gownSnaps- The cartoon, "Mlckle Mouse Fol- the currentvJsaue of the Pathe on Tuesday at Overtook Hospital to (the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney! were egg-shell flat *crbpe long Under the direction of .Harrison. I (i range Orchestra will play for lies," the colored, vodvil-ftlm' [.jSound News aretlie1 contrasting!^ Twenty-nine employees ofUhej MrMr. and MMrs . EK . aiShe>«aiii n Pratt of \/ fmmit. discussed. i-1: Wright a- Lincoln .Memorial dancing.' A home-made ! Duguid in Mountain avenue,.Union.) aijd tiRht-fitting. The flower girls novelty an Natalie Johnson and Willis Sage pointed in charge of St. Vincent j mate has been given as yet. Mrs,; be'th ^atterson, George MacFar- from the Viking Press, by Elisabeth JohJohn I . CrootCt , M' minutes. The riicture program of of Gillette Mr and Mrs John dePaul's parish here and the Howard hud a large collection of Perfection Sunstrom, the Strand will be delayed that (•onset- Mr and "Mrs Fred Rice- Church of Our Lady of Peace, New i.antiques and these were destroyed.! Mrs lane, If&a Cfease. I have frequent occasion to urge graduate of Kent Place in the class length of time each evening., irvan Mr. and Mrs Warren Legge, Providence, plans have been com-j - Howard 'had gone to South- \ r Davis, Mrs. Harry SiUitoe, Mrs. This innovation is in compliance Farrell Jlaedonal?! ssi others. of 1908 and later of Vassar College, George Davies, Mrs. Allan Hinton, Mr.-and Mrs. Charles Burgmiller, Pleted for a monster smoker and j nampton, Li., last week-end-nnd, OIL STOVES I J/iNewark Theaters Another Toll Road Stock Players in taught English for several years at with quite a general request for Miss Oorothv Burgmiller, Miss j entertainment Saturday evening, i.nad not retti rued. The fire was Laurel and Kanfly is their latest Mrs. Henry Rudolph of Summit, WJZ'H radio feature'.by those desir- 1 impressive 1 speakie-€onr««iy-««K2«K:i2o3i, ' "The Wellesley, and has contributed Miss Swenson of Short Hills and Virginia and "Alice Rogers, Mrs.^ February 22nd in St: Vincent * : < .scdvered by hdward Mem, who; Fireplace Goods Amid seventeen upon the students of Smith College the educational many .articles to magazines and Mrs. A. Lundgren of Maplewood. ing to witness the Strand's picture Gertrude A. Moore/Kenneth andjHaJl. Father Toohey has arranged - vo., about a block away lrom the; scenes on. a revolving stage of his Xight Owls** wilS attract much-at- Bill By Altman "Meet the Wife" program in Its entirety and also, Clifford Sharfer, Alfred and Rob-1 for the services of the Jersey City j Howard honw^H the alarm. The entire into:--1 of you sifter all my careful train- c ioliday j what, however, from his /toll road j be no extra charge for this service , exhibition of old furniture, glass many interesting The township's request for State" Uontlnn (completed the formation of St. j '°r of the structure was ablaze i Colored Metal Waste Baskets ecn an outstanding box office prograni lias j measure of two years ago, which J and it eliminates tjie unpleasant pieces of china. ing not being able to get into a raw. Messrs. Shubert have Washington*:? and china ware. The art room in Aid on Diamond Hill road was re-' Vincent's Cadets, a military and upon the arrival of the firemon < at the j created such a. storm of criticism, waiting for the congestion at the These rare old pi.eccs-.-are being can;fage without exposing your rought to the gay, richly melodi-! Roth-Stracd next comprehensiveness, and it gains enormously hy using \' the Public Library is being con- turned to the committee with the for boys an«1 nothing' could be done except! IVJcdiu•L. m Size Galvanized Ash Cans and j resulting in a special legislation Lyric box office. loaned by generous residents of from if us airs of Johann Strauss, a i Saturday, H verted into a fascinating antique advice that the State had to refuse* Mr. and Mi>s. John Townsend and | ^ teen to eighteen years of,! protect nearby structures. The Wtlloua liaiues in his sessio(fa to repeal the act before the Summit who treasure them either aa ee Thls plendid singing company, an or- j first a|f So while attending your favorite ' shop in which you will find lovely the request due to lack of funds. th MMissesi . KathlyKthl n and EugeniE a ( ,8S ; This grougroupp meett s every TTues-1 1 ^rfi"o; iiss belivbelievedd tt o hhave started in Dinner Pail*— UaVriage Lamp'•? s "Xavj*-. j'date it1 becomes effective, it still re- 6 as parts of collections or as heir- ^children's school days are the most hestra which knows its music, and , giues d b&ih movie at the Strand during the The request may be presented evening and will be trained by | the basement. Be examples of art dcsignetl by crafts- looms. Townsend and Jack Townsend, all i lavishness of settings and cos- some of the objectionable • coming week its space for legitimate purposes instead of wasting . inen of generations past. again for this year (next year's of Glen iRidge. l Brother Peter of the Order of the ! — jf' important in their young lives. Five just includje your The exhibition opens on February Most umes fairly prodigal. "Moan & GeoaaA IBT.:" and Ourr i'V"l^ure1,1"1n" Vo"f Ith"Ke "•""•••ol^l)in• . *'",••Thesejn-" "• ! ^yr!i. \]mi{c'y tickets with vour work) if desired. The matter was Mr. a^d Mrs. Douglas Garna of! Blessed Trinity, St. Joseph's | Personul Jlenllon T grade schools, two high schools clude tne 110Wl r of You will find pitchers, plates, 17th, Monday, and will be open Singers so good as to achieve Gang presentikttoA .-HcU's BelK"! . ' condenination bowls of Davenport, Staffordshire, placed on the table for further con- Springfield avenue are the parents, Shrine, Long Hill road. He is. be-; Miss Elizabeth Kocisko datigh- and.one parochial school—these „ !-.!„ ;*trs«_ i-JJ_i.-»*^ .„,.„,znm'A private companies the right Roth-Strand admission purchase, j daily from 10 to 12 mornings, 2 to 5 n he unexpected are provided in a a .Disney Silly T cartoon Wedgwood and Lowescroft; cups. siderution. - of a son born last Thursday eve-M K assisted by Alfred Hedde.n and | tp.r of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ko- modern educational facilities have :ast of no less than 150, compris- lto condemn property to establish a Lyric Theater prices are the j pages on material of no serious value. afternoons, and' on Sunday,. Feb. Committeeman Otto Oswald re- Pe er IM O Jb K Houseware and: tlie' KenttitSqr ingers and Baueercs of pink luster ware, 23rd, from 3 to G. ning in Overlook Hospitall,'Sum-] i. and Charles Truppi. cisko of Edgewater avenue, is re-! caused many a man of vision to ng in the main Harry Welch, j rieht of way 200 feet wide. most liberal possible for any stock j copper and silver luster; ruby, blue;' ported that Freeholder Chester mit. n ' " ] The girls of the parish have or-1 covering from an operation to her Springfield Avc. 'Phone 1121-W, Summit, N, establish his family's home in Sum- Gladys Baxter, Allan Rogers, BarU bill was as-1 drama "presentation- with 'live! An admission fee of'twenty- rt had stated that the coun- sailed oa ie pink glass decanters and golilets, Mrs. Max Schultze and Mrs....„.. ,jganize d a w|Clirl Scout troop and throat performed last week in All mit. For all local properties see ett Simmons, Joseph Leftbra,' "' actors.. -.••••'• . • r cents is being asked. the are bein of ' 'J ground that. It con- ___ Id not ppsulbly improve Catherine Bloom of Emerson lanel >" « directed by the Souls' Hospital, Morristown. L ^iary MeCoxUHaLForde, Dorothy !•- j ft-rred a "sweeping- power upon You can have a lot of good, I "side avenue within the next entertained jointly at a tea recent- i Trinitarian Sisters of Valley road, Tp!pi S.A.R. and D.A.R. to Hold ish-Hessinns, and ^ Day's Bridge, or four years and advised ly at Free Acre Inn. The .guests i Gillette. During the early spring WQliam H your business to bo present to wit-} -baseball, football aE$ *T*H coif to volvins a' siirreijSTer' • of valuable now Chatham Bridge, though of- the town to. do what it could to included Mrs. William Armbruster, j Father Toohey plans to form base- Mae West and her original cist piiblic and private rights without ' performance of Lynn Washington Program ten sought by them, was never keep the road In passable shape. Mrs. Fred Rieeman, Miss Helen i ball teams for the groups of-boys crossed. The town turned the road Over to Kissam, M*s. N. Murdock, Miss M. |and stage events to raise funds to REAL ESTATE # INSURANCE February 20th hns Ueen chosen Episode five brings victory, lib- the county In 1926 but agreed to Murdock. Miss Harriet Godfrey, equip the cadets and . athletic 15 BEECHWOOD ROAD keep It in passable shape until as an apportune time lor the hus-ertyamj peace, for just, as the Mrs. A. Seebllb , Mrs. Bloom and! teams with uniforms. SUMMIT, N. J. • !• bands, wives and friends of the Spirits of Evil seemed triumphant such time as the county put down Mrs. Schultze. melodrama of New ing ptctitref \""XsTr which ;Of_tne state taking oAor the right on Thursday, February Summit Chapters, S. A. it. and I). nnd hope was dying in the human a permanent paving. It was under- William Lutz of Mountain ave- Notes of Interest PHONE SUMMIT 1616 York's old Bowery, as It actually wilt be at the Sttan4 Ftfda; and j ~j -~£y jn"ihe~fuYure~ity will not'he 20th. . " A. It to renew friendships and to heart, n song of Victory, of Lib- stood at tho time that this would nue has resumed his duties, as The Ladies' Aid Society of the existed In the gay 90's. Saturday next weei. Msci ofthe;: oharsfej fo,. good will/or for The Stock Players have not had 4 commemorate Washington. The erty, of Peace was heard afar, be done within a year or. two of janitor of the Columbia School af- Presbyterian Church held a chick- This is the production that ran new, p;ap y was ©3 a j pectiv pective revenuereeu s n better vehicle this season, at |.i .,£Uest speaker, Major W. I. Lincoln swiftly approaching on the glad that time. '...-'*. ter having been confined to his en supper Wednesday evening in or a full year in New York, played in battle practice. Hwa«s'plays a;. . A -tentative .poute for tho • pro- least, this is the opinion of Mr. ob in an.'eitteEt»iBia'5; xomant-e, posed express highway would ex- |i; ' Adams, a Past President General south wind. Township Engineer John J. home for some time. the Y. M. C. A. building in Main for four months in Chicago and 1 j| of the S. Ai It., a man of charming Kontz reported that he was sur- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burgmiller avenue that was very well attend- inore recently completed a suc- ith Anita Page ...as beroine'. Karl ; teIK|- from the outskirts of Camden Send your items of interest U, Dane, Wade. BaSeEer.J. €. Xu^enr . the-state to the westerly end *'•' personality will tell us of "Wash- Sl'MMIT <;iRI7 WIN'S HIGH veying in Mountain avenue, west of Plainfield avenue entertaine?^at ed. , , '"• :essful coast-tQ-coast tour. Its in- at ross the HERALD. •.'.•; Read The HERALD'S Classified Ads of Plainfield avenue in preparation riguing story concerns an alluring and others of, naSe an in the cast. -of Ab^c'con" boulevard, about nine ington, The Gentleman." . II0N01UT SMITH COlVLEfiK dinner on Sunday Miss Bertha The Passaic Township 'Republi- This talk will bb followed by of the Improving of this road with Fagundus of Newark and Miss can Qlub will hold a Valentine blonde lady of easy virtue,-who is It's a Metro-GeMwTB-MaTer pic-;mileB fnjin Atlantic City. No esti- July 5th, State Aid funds when fine weatherH OtgirOlscn- e»f~Pri»eet«u- avenue.— no less, particular about her merijture. 1 mate of the probable cost is,.av.Ul- p Charlle CftfP^s Sa •JTh<> Ad-Jable at this time,•'_, but under the sets In.v The fire chief reported a Mrs. John Couser of Mountain ton.fire house. A large attendance* friends and protectors than shh e iis "* total of twenty-four fire alarms avenue nnd Mrs. Thomas Rogers is expected. about her "rocks" —her elegant ventttrer," is - ' tsfrt • iSai-arday's | provision's of the'foniHT Altman ley of the Great Watchung" was city, who graduated from Kent during the first year of the fire description of the tons of diamonds matinee special i st3j,«!ulfd-to bill 'estimates, ran as high, as ?5(t,- written by Herbert Thompson Place School In 1928, was one of company'suexlstence, 12 being for with which she bedecks herself. go on the scicen'at 2 ©>k«-k. OOO.OOp, A public hearing on the Where Talking and Sound Two Snows Ever> Xlght Strong; was produced by Chat- five sophomores chosen, from n brush or field fires, two for out-of- prePerit "bill may be hold in the • at 7 mid 1) llctflnnlng Thl« Monday Sight T«r GO AWAY \ near future. Pictures Arc at Their Best! ham-Madlson-Sununit, to celebrate class of more than five hundred, to, town fires, seven for dwellings and Every type of characteristic ; the Sesqulcentenary of American join the Alpha Society. Tbjs three were false alarms. .1 OH ANN STRAUSS'. Negro music was incorporated by your 'address direct a£ the HERALD: — •— ROTH STRAND Matinee Daily 2:!IO p. m.; originated early In the history of It was decided to Install a fire "1HK FI.1K1»EBMAI!H" King VJdor in "Hallelujah," when office. .Sare delay* aad> Passaic River) Chnthnin, but Us very limited membership"! , .at an estimated cost of Reinhart's Market M-G-M studios. It starts its week's the paper for it &»* noi! „ V j neighbor. In the year 177.0, Ohnthnm was. now oxtehded to certain atudentB .'This Is in order that there A Wonderful Night" run at Lqew'B State Theater Sat- 17 Scenes — 150 People urday. This Friday and Saturday Next Friday and Saturday known as Day'sys,, HrldgoBridge, Madison Lwit h good academi-—c standing~ wh....o- may be no delay in summoning as- 409 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE Monday and Tuesday— Wednesday 'and Thursday sistance in case of a firo in the FOR FRIDAY and• SATUMMY, FEB. 14th-15tk Itovalvlng Ntniro—Trpmondons Daniel Haynes, who has the male as Bottle Hill and Summit aa Tur- ,bl"'c taken a prominent part in the 'Phones 2670-2671 Summit, N. J. key Hill. various activities of college life and school, the present system of tele- • ; ^ , L—^ . j ,^ , liitlneeH Wednesday and Snt'urdny. lead in the picture, was understudy Jules Bledsoe in The pageant is divided UUo fi i attained distinction in their class, phone being sometimes far from for Jules Bledsoe in Ziegfeld's V0 satisfactory. The alarm box will R ''•Week-Feb. 24, George White's "Show Boat." Nina McKinney, the "Old Man "Trouble" episodesisodes, episodide one. deals with Fresh-Killed Poultry L "PLYING HIOH" 17-year-old feminine lead in the -The Primeval Spirits. Tho Spirit also be available for nearby resi- New Master Fire dents who mny need to summon Pork Loin **?$, »>...... 2Sc film, attracted attention by her of the Forest summoned before Fresh Fruits and work in "Blackbirds." Fannie Roth-Lyric aid. The light committee Toported him the tributary Hplrits of the Alarm Box Arrives requests for three street lights iu Belle de Knight, the Southern four winds to tell them of the! South Snyder uveiiuo. one in Col- Vegetables ^ mammy of photoplay, was at one IV-I flfjire. Iteerhn«f»d Itontl at Hank Street great change-That wan to come, the! Tho new master box which rings umbia street nnd one in Plainfield time a great singer. Harry Hray, Telephone SnnimK £248 coming of the Red Wan. ! the lire bell from police avonue and stated that they were Prime Rib Roast, ib...... 37c 86-year old Negro, Is said to hate a " this necessary iu his opinion. He was This Monday M«ht splendid natural voice in his fea- generations tho Crossing of the tured role. Victoria Spivey was FLshawack had been n notable taking the place of the old master authorized to have them installed. Lyric Theater Tickets On Sale In Advance box which had been In service for well known as a cabaret singer sounTti camping place on the groat Mini- The commltteq reported but Ht- MAK WEST. In and recording artist when chosen at the Roth-Strarid Box Office sink Trail down which' oath y«ar some thirty years. tle progress in securing signatures to petitions requesting the Install- Prime Chuck Roast, ib. . \ . 24c for a role In "Hallelujah." the Indians pnnaed from their Eddie Alexander and Ole Olson, mountain homes to their fenattng SHOUT HILLS I»0US WIN PRIZFS ation of gas throughout the town. "Diamond Lil" i UNORElllRIC This store is a home-owned institution, run long known as the "Kings of ^OfAfUfSBlCKFORO bv the sea. And as the spirits of It was decided to start a de- Milk Hokum," head the bill on the stage Thursday, Feb. 20 at 8.30 p. m. old had departed BO the Indian Two dogs, mother and son, owned termined drive for signers, It Is by Summit people for the people of Summit 1 "I'tic Illazlnff Drama of thu Bowery «h7»r""'"i "-•'"•;"" "" ;"", »'""«" \ \ Mrs. Hnlph It. Lttyte, of Short this week with their comedy offer- chif dt iy necessary to determine how many MatH. Weil. * Hut. ing, "What's It All About?" Other chiefs ^departed and their wig- „>,„ worc Vlzc wlnnoVf at tho and vicinity. Consequently we have certain Roasting Chickens, ib. . 42c desire gas service so that the cost 1 A Galaxy of Smiles! warns were replaced by tho cabin NeWttrk KonneI club. Dog Show, k K«b. 2\, "Thin Mttl|f» Town. acts are the Devil's Circus; Zelda of the Englishman, .,.,„ , . of the Installation to the town standards of service to maintain, a pride in Sitntley, with, Victor Pello at the The d wert> Man Q may be determined. EpfsodV three showB Ihe white I ^ J , tht>r. Patricia, of the organization that proceeds from civic loyalty. piano presenting "Little Mls» fl ttU( hi8 mo The Police Committee Tenortcri liKADH IN I-'KIUUTAHY Everybody." nnd others. J. E. Coutts' Stock Players man as sole lord of the Viilley. | |U,,iiUKanip K*>mu»iuKennels-, shm-Shorti Hillsiiin«. holding a special meeting at whtdi Here you'll find the finest in foods, the swift- Many families flocked to the ple»s- They won ribbons in the American tho subject of maintaining a full ers of Lamb, H>. . . 25c Offer L\Tin Starlings Hit nnt lands around the Crossing, for bred nnd the puppy est in service. Telephone orders are given the Co-operate witn vuur boa* paper. Elliabethtowu had, grown to » time police officer wna fully dl»- curitt'd. The matter was held over community of many hundredH and 1 same conscientious attention that you will re- was Tegarded n» overcrowded. A If.Triif until some future dnte. due partly ceive when you do your marketing personally. NEWARK bridge was built ncroHB the river Thin is great news for school to the fnct that the town had no Fresh^orkShouIders, g£ ib. 19c Starting Tomoprow, Felt. 5AL TOX .*'<"' Our Gang Comedy nnd it and the Hottlenmnt around boys—that the history of a country place that could ho UHed as police We have two "phones for your convenience Meet the Wife H was (jailed, for tlio flrnt plonpor, In to be written in COO words,-~The headquarters and partly from a and we maintain a free delivery. You will Ulroot from I^UIK *^AUTO INTOXICATION Laurel & Hardy in "Moan & Groan, Inc.*' i Day1* Bridge. , Toronto Dully Htar^ financial standpoint, The building llrondwny Hun! ACID GAS-iNDJGEST ION A Tornado oL Laughs George Pric EplHode four rcvonlB tlmt\thia committee reported that three nets take satisfaction in making Reinhart's Market KINO vinous "Night Owls" ot spec If leal Ions of the proposed $1.1)0 for the empty bottle General Admission 75c; Children 50c Harry Langdon in "STATION B-t I'Valley of the flronl, WatehutiR was Truth Will Out your commissary headquarters. Make the ex- Fretpjgggj^ ib...... 5c If it fuiln to lUf one of the utrutCKlc points In tho municipal hull had been drawn uu "The Mead'Guy" A banker miyi) "a college educn- periment today! *•*""!« of the American devolution. lion B«tH a man back three or four and sent to various nearby con- NEXT TIH IlSllAY, l'HII. 27 Hatimiuy Mallnc* Heights abovo Spring fluid. yoaiR." Why apeak vaguely of "a tractors. Only two estimates hnd Fink, Wm, Tylei\ Green Niilunliiy Miilliice S!«'(>inl— cttllert Summit, formed h rom- man?" Why not come out frankly been received, however, nnd tho WEEK wwnma B£DS» Charlie Chasfe in A EXTRA! Charlie Chaplin in . which, though often niinnult- "4 Darcl^evils" nnd nay "Fatherf'—The Detroit 8«nd your Items of tiu>r«tt t* Re&mur Smoked Hams, ib. . . .31c Drugs] I Wtt» nevor icalaa by the Drit- News. "The Gats Meow" the HERALD. Cititcnft ^ • Mm*TI«|«T* Thursdny M«li» with Joan Doanc "Crazy Ft "The Adventurer" A OLRICN I >I'VIIH (.'Ircun 10 Maprc Street ZfUH Hnntk'y .*,v:

i-Ssttft r

PA6B J" THE SUMMIT HERALD AND SUMMIT RECORD. SUMMIT, N. J. FRIDAY, FEB. 14, 19;^ FRIDAY, FEB. 14, 1930 THE SUMMIT HERALD AND SUMMIT RECORD, SUMMIT. N..J. FRIDAY, FEB. 14, Town Improvement Ass'n matter wr>.- '•l.j until, the next' of "T.vni have returned af- Mr. .slid Mrs. T:)um;is Kartell ineHlns. ; ter ,i v:«i i Mr,= . John A. Mlllingtoo originally ulanii.-.| r- South. Stirling had as tlu-ir week-!a|>o Plans Annual Meeting Tilt ik-vu^i- i"oiia;aiU<;« reported Ci'niw <;i t-.v York fit>. Ut ,">0 gliestv bat tt iic;" r t'outts, and, it their ineillious^* Howletf tiui jiiuv.is their juicle and aunt.jtior. which will re- Splay, running at the Morosco Tbtft*'' several conferences *ittt officials o~ ---,- had been received it, air any Personal Mention of Stw ".%!,)•. a.ud .Mrs. William. Deforce oi::wa , The Girl From Havana' at Strand Today— that is >aiil i> be ler, in New Yorkt for a aolld The marriage ojf-'Miis Olga How- k- _•_..» ._.._*» _._ _»/. . ' fin- regular monthly mre:infi uf - F-iovidtnie Borough and' .Note* of lutrrrM necessary i th ,.- i'dih,* oa< h other in such Other splendid players mre being tttita mentioned on this pag*. Tht nicest courtesy you can show ranged for a meiting with Com- Berkeley Heights Community An- llwwl' Miter. .Mr. and „,. «™«, **»,„„ ^In^S^ '° "'" " : *"as;-hi'lt] Tuesday at th,e Y. W •','". A. wlett oi Mt. Kemble avenue, Mrs.. Lenore Ulric in 'South Sea Rose' Next Week limit.-' =''• rapid .-!if< -i'iW.".ib t» v!.vu»tifi.iti' sele* ted by Mr. Cony* fi»r n##t-- 904." r v ; Jersey Henry was in Mrs. John Dey.-U» prudent pn- •* « .» ^ ^ >"**' ° i- MM-i.-.i'loii will hold a parrel' post Morrrrintuwu'i , to 'John Henrv,- Miss Marv ViKiraees o' Finiuv ..- of- t!ii" An earthqiinfatV". two husbund a really i>,-itr whsnsTer /?u go away. W« will consider tt a courtesy whtntrm sided, and there were t*u lanv ai>d Miss liuth Lan^ (,i \ Adventure and love cruise the i ception. of talking pictures has :ire tlie prisu-i-' fact the names will s«on be glf M tt lion of any kind. TtJtpboM tt to Number 1M0. «.f-«h.' board present. ark was the priin.-ijial ^pcakp:- Caribbean -In ... "The .Girl From ! cost'him part of his liberty while rh, treasurers rep.,,! ishowd a The 1'assaic. Township Kr;,',, ; ordlnani;e for lhe iluI)li3V0 Havana,Haa, " the all talking Movie-j his productions are being filmed:. nalance of «ls5i!i the trt'iisurv and i» i • ,-- . - • • - - - uuiiic >ir nc can Club will hold a V ti: loiic feature coming to the Roth- It's nothing but work, work, Mr. ami Mrs,, W. A. J, Ueeve,, qf n«o outstandin..,..-.«.wii..-g :i\u-bills° • ' I Pearl street, was aKain laid over siKht un.seeu to 'those attendiiiK th« The Kev 1 auren (J Bennett ..as \ this evening in t; n#WRpapers. This, howtner, is, her was Rlven recently to Strand- Friday and Saturday, Di-' Summiti , are at1 .the Dodge Hotel 'iu fi Mr8 Thomas Sm ili awaiting some action ou the part Sal.. ,'l , ,V , K . /., J " 'V, „ ... ' - •" "*'.'" A lai'se alti-ild work, and he has only his lyrical first book. ••• • . - l - \<>"*W>»«- •of"the"Tk>rouRl«! tor of the 1 'i-H-ted by Benjamin Stoloff, the ability to blame. Baxter Drought it Washington. Th*. «„.,!• i» i,, , ^. . • ' 1 le.sl.ytenun Church ot. MM. H. Wiirk and O.^ar Kinder- -, , st is headed by Paul Page, Lola _-•_ nig secretary, read a letter from 1 e > t e I5a&kl K Hid erf ;i on himself by exhibiting a singing both -munk-I^IIUes but SioniJ-i!-,;;; '^c^ -. — - '^!. " " ^ P ?™«« «he:hut ut the home o£ Mr. and Mrs. yute and Warren Hymer, the three tht exit ig in the Hurough an that talenti . Mrs. Mae Packer"' of Bogota, is : ' ^ininpn Council;thar<-auH«l a wi a „, t.t-ople whose .names, together with Mr. and. Mrs. Oswald K. Meyer spending a week at the home of \ ?">*[,deal "f .P»e««"»«-. • *Yr "l;*rly wpuid be to improve the ; To prove that it's a dangwus i e rs tne S8 0 aat1 1 ll ah Stoloff's were linked together in and daughter, formerly of Oakridge her sister, Mrs. Albeit C. Dennis, .,° ? f ? . . ! " . . ,!; township end'unless the Borough mi earlier success, "Speakeasy." business to jlisclose hidden/ tal- avenue, have moved to Bay«ide, ti Mountain avenue. : ia *0^!' * ^f "} '". *hw>h.a l : portion was al>o improved,- ents, Alfred Santeil, directqr, saw- ii i , . ; of Summit .OUKIU t<> be interested. ; , .. ,, . ,. , The Girl .From Havana" is a to it that Baxter's gift was utilized- LI Au last, clever comedy of intrigue in in "Romance of Rio Grande," the . r ,, '. -^7-.. ., , | There has been no adequate place °rd.nunee fixing thpee rsalary year; 1 f the was bv her brother. Ned 0 How eU •The Paris of the South.' The di- Movietone with music, to he_ pre- WM,V, r"^^fr- • • r >*. '*"' ,"*V , \'" Summit'to accommodate women : " . treasurer at »-' • d " f untor took the company to Cuba sented, at the Roth-Strand next William (orson of DeForest ave- ! hucjid avenue entertained at' ...... a Hner from Los Angeles Due Is attending the Hardware AH- ; Iiin<-li«**>ri and bridgw at the Hotel on Monday and Tuesday. g the Panama Canal, follow- Rehearning Baxter, a product of Bociation-.meeting at Atlantic City ! Hiiimrbaii oii Wednesday. t iiii; the action of the thrilling this week. ! . . ---. the speaking stane, in dialog, was drama by John Stone and Edwiii his least worry, but he admits he —, -I Mr. and Mrs., W. O. Morris and Iiurke, the production beiiiK filmed Samuel J. Kaplon of Beerhwood j son, Dicky, of (ireenwieh, Conn., ede( iu the signers were to is forced to allot many trying he ''Manretaijla" and" will re- i Joscnh Zimmerman of GF, Hobart j rf ' PersuaiHiiR, the Conommoi n A Protestant, church will nnd recorded enroute. 'Neath a hours with his song8. Baxter road twilo hil sleav office e Havanthe earla ySaturda part oyf Ij aveiau'will .spen. d the week-end- •-,with- . Mrs. | Council that proper acoommodi(.omni0(latloi n 'ineligible tusfen. wMch, left those ibui,, at Berkeley ileigiUB. All in- X.< for tro;)i«•(! Ilranch. a«Hlr<'.MHed the Summit j floor of {he f,jtv „.,„ T,)jf) |3.0He The Berkeley Heights Communit yv with a crelw of society schemers. Mary Duncan and Antonio Moreno. but the feeling of the i-ommltUe i A, ^hVTnn » n T iT., ' J dersleeve of Millliurn, arrived this Kiwanis Club at itn weekly meeting i • • •- . 0113110 wil Tlie cast Inohidejs .such \e'll known | The supporting cast includes Monai more instance of the wno ,hnt ti,.. notiti™.,....^..!.!-;^ " l "old its regular: under the 'w'eekat the Gr^enbrlor at Whi't* j Tuesday noon. the Town •Improvement players at. Natalie M«orehead; Maris, Robert Edeson, EolMad Sulphur Sprinus for. an extended,-1 . ".-••• . ~—'—• harlotje Embli'tt.i twentieth Thomson, Joseph (iirardl Jiminez, Agostino Borgato, Albeit The (luestion came up Home ••llcpart . ViHlt. • •••"•. • Carroll' P. HaHsetttt,, Jr.Jr.,, ooff BeacoBeaconn candy when weighing Mele WindHor, and Marcla Chap- NRoceardi, Ch Merrill Hill, who:l.s spendlnK the winter In itJ man. McCormack.'^ajel Coletnim. and a Mr. and MrT^iame'r. KiriK and Caniden, S. (.'.,• was among- those nthly meeting i iiul recently li'n. In "The Head number of other actors well «nown Mrs. Ida Hus.sejl, of Brooklyn, who riding to hounds in a recent drag asked] to consult the Board of | to obtain the proper signatures in v candidates. The' budgcT'of $ilii;(M)t» i er.'ited a n inn tier of rabliits ju HH Hairy Langdon . .. , . -• *v .»«n"» • candidates. Tlie p Ouy," a two-act all talking 'farce to stage andsscreen uvrdience\ have their summer home here, were .meet which started from Cool Healyli and find out just what in- place of those rejected. ' Warreiiville section.' "lin the afternoon, proceeding their :.an«l nijJid of honor WOTO gowna | Wils carvied,. comedy sketch is the chief asso- "A Charlie _ Chase, all-ta Lincoln's Birth'day"'KuestB/if Dr. and Sl terpretation .4they put on an ordi- The meeting,was adjourned urt The .Men's Friday Night. "Club | -The Mt. Bethel (irange will hold Mrs. Willis Fletcher Julintton .ut n'anae in their code, whiph to-jthe' til the evening of February 26th; I parcel post sale. ' > of bitter-sweet, flat'crepe,; tight-fit-,.. TH*> M«>I>'« V ciate screen offering ,,in the comedy^; the vodvil-film Georg* '-! The official board of the Union! ting and touching the floor, and will r.icet tonight-.at-the home, of j a "hobo -party" on Wawhingtons Strand's current week-end bill. Price in "Station B-U-N-K," and Pirlelgh Hall. A daughter, Jean Ellen, was born asHojblatiou means that thttt method p- Frank Mnguire )\\ South"'Stlrjlng. .j.Ilirthday."in the. Orange.'Hall'. The of ireating candy is not allowed In Village Methodist Episcopal i carried bouquets of bronz's e gownSnaps- The cartoon, "Mlckle Mouse Fol- the currentvJsaue of the Pathe on Tuesday at Overtook Hospital to (the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney! were egg-shell flat *crbpe long Under the direction of .Harrison. I (i range Orchestra will play for lies," the colored, vodvil-ftlm' [.jSound News aretlie1 contrasting!^ Twenty-nine employees ofUhej MrMr. and MMrs . EK . aiShe>«aiii n Pratt of \/ fmmit. discussed. i-1: Wright a- Lincoln .Memorial dancing.' A home-made ! Duguid in Mountain avenue,.Union.) aijd tiRht-fitting. The flower girls novelty an Natalie Johnson and Willis Sage pointed in charge of St. Vincent j mate has been given as yet. Mrs,; be'th ^atterson, George MacFar- from the Viking Press, by Elisabeth JohJohn I . CrootCt , M' minutes. The riicture program of of Gillette Mr and Mrs John dePaul's parish here and the Howard hud a large collection of Perfection Sunstrom, the Strand will be delayed that (•onset- Mr and "Mrs Fred Rice- Church of Our Lady of Peace, New i.antiques and these were destroyed.! Mrs lane, If&a Cfease. I have frequent occasion to urge graduate of Kent Place in the class length of time each evening., irvan Mr. and Mrs Warren Legge, Providence, plans have been com-j - Howard 'had gone to South- \ r Davis, Mrs. Harry SiUitoe, Mrs. This innovation is in compliance Farrell Jlaedonal?! ssi others. of 1908 and later of Vassar College, George Davies, Mrs. Allan Hinton, Mr.-and Mrs. Charles Burgmiller, Pleted for a monster smoker and j nampton, Li., last week-end-nnd, OIL STOVES I J/iNewark Theaters Another Toll Road Stock Players in taught English for several years at with quite a general request for Miss Oorothv Burgmiller, Miss j entertainment Saturday evening, i.nad not retti rued. The fire was Laurel and Kanfly is their latest Mrs. Henry Rudolph of Summit, WJZ'H radio feature'.by those desir- 1 impressive 1 speakie-€onr««iy-««K2«K:i2o3i, ' "The Wellesley, and has contributed Miss Swenson of Short Hills and Virginia and "Alice Rogers, Mrs.^ February 22nd in St: Vincent * : < .scdvered by hdward Mem, who; Fireplace Goods Amid seventeen upon the students of Smith College the educational many .articles to magazines and Mrs. A. Lundgren of Maplewood. ing to witness the Strand's picture Gertrude A. Moore/Kenneth andjHaJl. Father Toohey has arranged - vo., about a block away lrom the; scenes on. a revolving stage of his Xight Owls** wilS attract much-at- Bill By Altman "Meet the Wife" program in Its entirety and also, Clifford Sharfer, Alfred and Rob-1 for the services of the Jersey City j Howard honw^H the alarm. The entire into:--1 of you sifter all my careful train- c ioliday j what, however, from his /toll road j be no extra charge for this service , exhibition of old furniture, glass many interesting The township's request for State" Uontlnn (completed the formation of St. j '°r of the structure was ablaze i Colored Metal Waste Baskets ecn an outstanding box office prograni lias j measure of two years ago, which J and it eliminates tjie unpleasant pieces of china. ing not being able to get into a raw. Messrs. Shubert have Washington*:? and china ware. The art room in Aid on Diamond Hill road was re-' Vincent's Cadets, a military and upon the arrival of the firemon < at the j created such a. storm of criticism, waiting for the congestion at the These rare old pi.eccs-.-are being can;fage without exposing your rought to the gay, richly melodi-! Roth-Stracd next comprehensiveness, and it gains enormously hy using \' the Public Library is being con- turned to the committee with the for boys an«1 nothing' could be done except! IVJcdiu•L. m Size Galvanized Ash Cans and j resulting in a special legislation Lyric box office. loaned by generous residents of from if us airs of Johann Strauss, a i Saturday, H verted into a fascinating antique advice that the State had to refuse* Mr. and Mi>s. John Townsend and | ^ teen to eighteen years of,! protect nearby structures. The Wtlloua liaiues in his sessio(fa to repeal the act before the Summit who treasure them either aa ee Thls plendid singing company, an or- j first a|f So while attending your favorite ' shop in which you will find lovely the request due to lack of funds. th MMissesi . KathlyKthl n and EugeniE a ( ,8S ; This grougroupp meett s every TTues-1 1 ^rfi"o; iiss belivbelievedd tt o hhave started in Dinner Pail*— UaVriage Lamp'•? s "Xavj*-. j'date it1 becomes effective, it still re- 6 as parts of collections or as heir- ^children's school days are the most hestra which knows its music, and , giues d b&ih movie at the Strand during the The request may be presented evening and will be trained by | the basement. Be examples of art dcsignetl by crafts- looms. Townsend and Jack Townsend, all i lavishness of settings and cos- some of the objectionable • coming week its space for legitimate purposes instead of wasting . inen of generations past. again for this year (next year's of Glen iRidge. l Brother Peter of the Order of the ! — jf' important in their young lives. Five just includje your The exhibition opens on February Most umes fairly prodigal. "Moan & GeoaaA IBT.:" and Ourr i'V"l^ure1,1"1n" Vo"f Ith"Ke "•""•••ol^l)in• . *'",••Thesejn-" "• ! ^yr!i. \]mi{c'y tickets with vour work) if desired. The matter was Mr. a^d Mrs. Douglas Garna of! Blessed Trinity, St. Joseph's | Personul Jlenllon T grade schools, two high schools clude tne 110Wl r of You will find pitchers, plates, 17th, Monday, and will be open Singers so good as to achieve Gang presentikttoA .-HcU's BelK"! . ' condenination bowls of Davenport, Staffordshire, placed on the table for further con- Springfield avenue are the parents, Shrine, Long Hill road. He is. be-; Miss Elizabeth Kocisko datigh- and.one parochial school—these „ !-.!„ ;*trs«_ i-JJ_i.-»*^ .„,.„,znm'A private companies the right Roth-Strand admission purchase, j daily from 10 to 12 mornings, 2 to 5 n he unexpected are provided in a a .Disney Silly T cartoon Wedgwood and Lowescroft; cups. siderution. - of a son born last Thursday eve-M K assisted by Alfred Hedde.n and | tp.r of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ko- modern educational facilities have :ast of no less than 150, compris- lto condemn property to establish a Lyric Theater prices are the j pages on material of no serious value. afternoons, and' on Sunday,. Feb. Committeeman Otto Oswald re- Pe er IM O Jb K Houseware and: tlie' KenttitSqr ingers and Baueercs of pink luster ware, 23rd, from 3 to G. ning in Overlook Hospitall,'Sum-] i. and Charles Truppi. cisko of Edgewater avenue, is re-! caused many a man of vision to ng in the main Harry Welch, j rieht of way 200 feet wide. most liberal possible for any stock j copper and silver luster; ruby, blue;' ported that Freeholder Chester mit. n ' " ] The girls of the parish have or-1 covering from an operation to her Springfield Avc. 'Phone 1121-W, Summit, N, establish his family's home in Sum- Gladys Baxter, Allan Rogers, BarU bill was as-1 drama "presentation- with 'live! An admission fee of'twenty- rt had stated that the coun- sailed oa ie pink glass decanters and golilets, Mrs. Max Schultze and Mrs....„.. ,jganize d a w|Clirl Scout troop and throat performed last week in All mit. For all local properties see ett Simmons, Joseph Leftbra,' "' actors.. -.••••'• . • r cents is being asked. the are bein of ' 'J ground that. It con- ___ Id not ppsulbly improve Catherine Bloom of Emerson lanel >" « directed by the Souls' Hospital, Morristown. L ^iary MeCoxUHaLForde, Dorothy !•- j ft-rred a "sweeping- power upon You can have a lot of good, I "side avenue within the next entertained jointly at a tea recent- i Trinitarian Sisters of Valley road, Tp!pi S.A.R. and D.A.R. to Hold ish-Hessinns, and ^ Day's Bridge, or four years and advised ly at Free Acre Inn. The .guests i Gillette. During the early spring WQliam H your business to bo present to wit-} -baseball, football aE$ *T*H coif to volvins a' siirreijSTer' • of valuable now Chatham Bridge, though of- the town to. do what it could to included Mrs. William Armbruster, j Father Toohey plans to form base- Mae West and her original cist piiblic and private rights without ' performance of Lynn Washington Program ten sought by them, was never keep the road In passable shape. Mrs. Fred Rieeman, Miss Helen i ball teams for the groups of-boys crossed. The town turned the road Over to Kissam, M*s. N. Murdock, Miss M. |and stage events to raise funds to REAL ESTATE # INSURANCE February 20th hns Ueen chosen Episode five brings victory, lib- the county In 1926 but agreed to Murdock. Miss Harriet Godfrey, equip the cadets and . athletic 15 BEECHWOOD ROAD keep It in passable shape until as an apportune time lor the hus-ertyamj peace, for just, as the Mrs. A. Seebllb , Mrs. Bloom and! teams with uniforms. SUMMIT, N. J. • !• bands, wives and friends of the Spirits of Evil seemed triumphant such time as the county put down Mrs. Schultze. melodrama of New ing ptctitref \""XsTr which ;Of_tne state taking oAor the right on Thursday, February Summit Chapters, S. A. it. and I). nnd hope was dying in the human a permanent paving. It was under- William Lutz of Mountain ave- Notes of Interest PHONE SUMMIT 1616 York's old Bowery, as It actually wilt be at the Sttan4 Ftfda; and j ~j -~£y jn"ihe~fuYure~ity will not'he 20th. . " A. It to renew friendships and to heart, n song of Victory, of Lib- stood at tho time that this would nue has resumed his duties, as The Ladies' Aid Society of the existed In the gay 90's. Saturday next weei. Msci ofthe;: oharsfej fo,. good will/or for The Stock Players have not had 4 commemorate Washington. The erty, of Peace was heard afar, be done within a year or. two of janitor of the Columbia School af- Presbyterian Church held a chick- This is the production that ran new, p;ap y was ©3 a j pectiv pective revenuereeu s n better vehicle this season, at |.i .,£Uest speaker, Major W. I. Lincoln swiftly approaching on the glad that time. '...-'*. ter having been confined to his en supper Wednesday evening in or a full year in New York, played in battle practice. Hwa«s'plays a;. . A -tentative .poute for tho • pro- least, this is the opinion of Mr. ob in an.'eitteEt»iBia'5; xomant-e, posed express highway would ex- |i; ' Adams, a Past President General south wind. Township Engineer John J. home for some time. the Y. M. C. A. building in Main for four months in Chicago and 1 j| of the S. Ai It., a man of charming Kontz reported that he was sur- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burgmiller avenue that was very well attend- inore recently completed a suc- ith Anita Page ...as beroine'. Karl ; teIK|- from the outskirts of Camden Send your items of interest U, Dane, Wade. BaSeEer.J. €. Xu^enr . the-state to the westerly end *'•' personality will tell us of "Wash- Sl'MMIT <;iRI7 WIN'S HIGH veying in Mountain avenue, west of Plainfield avenue entertaine?^at ed. , , '"• :essful coast-tQ-coast tour. Its in- at ross the HERALD. •.'.•; Read The HERALD'S Classified Ads of Plainfield avenue in preparation riguing story concerns an alluring and others of, naSe an in the cast. -of Ab^c'con" boulevard, about nine ington, The Gentleman." . II0N01UT SMITH COlVLEfiK dinner on Sunday Miss Bertha The Passaic Township 'Republi- This talk will bb followed by of the Improving of this road with Fagundus of Newark and Miss can Qlub will hold a Valentine blonde lady of easy virtue,-who is It's a Metro-GeMwTB-MaTer pic-;mileB fnjin Atlantic City. No esti- July 5th, State Aid funds when fine weatherH OtgirOlscn- e»f~Pri»eet«u- avenue.— no less, particular about her merijture. 1 mate of the probable cost is,.av.Ul- p Charlle CftfP^s Sa •JTh<> Ad-Jable at this time,•'_, but under the sets In.v The fire chief reported a Mrs. John Couser of Mountain ton.fire house. A large attendance* friends and protectors than shh e iis "* total of twenty-four fire alarms avenue nnd Mrs. Thomas Rogers is expected. about her "rocks" —her elegant ventttrer," is - ' tsfrt • iSai-arday's | provision's of the'foniHT Altman ley of the Great Watchung" was city, who graduated from Kent during the first year of the fire description of the tons of diamonds matinee special i st3j,«!ulfd-to bill 'estimates, ran as high, as ?5(t,- written by Herbert Thompson Place School In 1928, was one of company'suexlstence, 12 being for with which she bedecks herself. go on the scicen'at 2 ©>k«-k. OOO.OOp, A public hearing on the Where Talking and Sound Two Snows Ever> Xlght Strong; was produced by Chat- five sophomores chosen, from n brush or field fires, two for out-of- prePerit "bill may be hold in the • at 7 mid 1) llctflnnlng Thl« Monday Sight T«r GO AWAY \ near future. Pictures Arc at Their Best! ham-Madlson-Sununit, to celebrate class of more than five hundred, to, town fires, seven for dwellings and Every type of characteristic ; the Sesqulcentenary of American join the Alpha Society. Tbjs three were false alarms. .1 OH ANN STRAUSS'. Negro music was incorporated by your 'address direct a£ the HERALD: — •— ROTH STRAND Matinee Daily 2:!IO p. m.; originated early In the history of It was decided to Install a fire "1HK FI.1K1»EBMAI!H" King VJdor in "Hallelujah," when office. .Sare delay* aad> Passaic River) Chnthnin, but Us very limited membership"! , .at an estimated cost of Reinhart's Market M-G-M studios. It starts its week's the paper for it &»* noi! „ V j neighbor. In the year 177.0, Ohnthnm was. now oxtehded to certain atudentB .'This Is in order that there A Wonderful Night" run at Lqew'B State Theater Sat- 17 Scenes — 150 People urday. This Friday and Saturday Next Friday and Saturday known as Day'sys,, HrldgoBridge, Madison Lwit h good academi-—c standing~ wh....o- may be no delay in summoning as- 409 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE Monday and Tuesday— Wednesday 'and Thursday sistance in case of a firo in the FOR FRIDAY and• SATUMMY, FEB. 14th-15tk Itovalvlng Ntniro—Trpmondons Daniel Haynes, who has the male as Bottle Hill and Summit aa Tur- ,bl"'c taken a prominent part in the 'Phones 2670-2671 Summit, N. J. key Hill. various activities of college life and school, the present system of tele- • ; ^ , L—^ . j ,^ , liitlneeH Wednesday and Snt'urdny. lead in the picture, was understudy Jules Bledsoe in The pageant is divided UUo fi i attained distinction in their class, phone being sometimes far from for Jules Bledsoe in Ziegfeld's V0 satisfactory. The alarm box will R ''•Week-Feb. 24, George White's "Show Boat." Nina McKinney, the "Old Man "Trouble" episodesisodes, episodide one. deals with Fresh-Killed Poultry L "PLYING HIOH" 17-year-old feminine lead in the -The Primeval Spirits. Tho Spirit also be available for nearby resi- New Master Fire dents who mny need to summon Pork Loin **?$, »>...... 2Sc film, attracted attention by her of the Forest summoned before Fresh Fruits and work in "Blackbirds." Fannie Roth-Lyric aid. The light committee Toported him the tributary Hplrits of the Alarm Box Arrives requests for three street lights iu Belle de Knight, the Southern four winds to tell them of the! South Snyder uveiiuo. one in Col- Vegetables ^ mammy of photoplay, was at one IV-I flfjire. Iteerhn«f»d Itontl at Hank Street great change-That wan to come, the! Tho new master box which rings umbia street nnd one in Plainfield time a great singer. Harry Hray, Telephone SnnimK £248 coming of the Red Wan. ! the lire bell from police avonue and stated that they were Prime Rib Roast, ib...... 37c 86-year old Negro, Is said to hate a " this necessary iu his opinion. He was This Monday M«ht splendid natural voice in his fea- generations tho Crossing of the tured role. Victoria Spivey was FLshawack had been n notable taking the place of the old master authorized to have them installed. Lyric Theater Tickets On Sale In Advance box which had been In service for well known as a cabaret singer sounTti camping place on the groat Mini- The commltteq reported but Ht- MAK WEST. In and recording artist when chosen at the Roth-Strarid Box Office sink Trail down which' oath y«ar some thirty years. tle progress in securing signatures to petitions requesting the Install- Prime Chuck Roast, ib. . \ . 24c for a role In "Hallelujah." the Indians pnnaed from their Eddie Alexander and Ole Olson, mountain homes to their fenattng SHOUT HILLS I»0US WIN PRIZFS ation of gas throughout the town. "Diamond Lil" i UNORElllRIC This store is a home-owned institution, run long known as the "Kings of ^OfAfUfSBlCKFORO bv the sea. And as the spirits of It was decided to start a de- Milk Hokum," head the bill on the stage Thursday, Feb. 20 at 8.30 p. m. old had departed BO the Indian Two dogs, mother and son, owned termined drive for signers, It Is by Summit people for the people of Summit 1 "I'tic Illazlnff Drama of thu Bowery «h7»r""'"i "-•'"•;"" "" ;"", »'""«" \ \ Mrs. Hnlph It. Lttyte, of Short this week with their comedy offer- chif dt iy necessary to determine how many MatH. Weil. * Hut. ing, "What's It All About?" Other chiefs ^departed and their wig- „>,„ worc Vlzc wlnnoVf at tho and vicinity. Consequently we have certain Roasting Chickens, ib. . 42c desire gas service so that the cost 1 A Galaxy of Smiles! warns were replaced by tho cabin NeWttrk KonneI club. Dog Show, k K«b. 2\, "Thin Mttl|f» Town. acts are the Devil's Circus; Zelda of the Englishman, .,.,„ , . of the Installation to the town standards of service to maintain, a pride in Sitntley, with, Victor Pello at the The d wert> Man Q may be determined. EpfsodV three showB Ihe white I ^ J , tht>r. Patricia, of the organization that proceeds from civic loyalty. piano presenting "Little Mls» fl ttU( hi8 mo The Police Committee Tenortcri liKADH IN I-'KIUUTAHY Everybody." nnd others. J. E. Coutts' Stock Players man as sole lord of the Viilley. | |U,,iiUKanip K*>mu»iuKennels-, shm-Shorti Hillsiiin«. holding a special meeting at whtdi Here you'll find the finest in foods, the swift- Many families flocked to the ple»s- They won ribbons in the American tho subject of maintaining a full ers of Lamb, H>. . . 25c Offer L\Tin Starlings Hit nnt lands around the Crossing, for bred nnd the puppy est in service. Telephone orders are given the Co-operate witn vuur boa* paper. Elliabethtowu had, grown to » time police officer wna fully dl»- curitt'd. The matter was held over community of many hundredH and 1 same conscientious attention that you will re- was Tegarded n» overcrowded. A If.Triif until some future dnte. due partly ceive when you do your marketing personally. NEWARK bridge was built ncroHB the river Thin is great news for school to the fnct that the town had no Fresh^orkShouIders, g£ ib. 19c Starting Tomoprow, Felt. 5AL TOX .*'<"' Our Gang Comedy nnd it and the Hottlenmnt around boys—that the history of a country place that could ho UHed as police We have two "phones for your convenience Meet the Wife H was (jailed, for tlio flrnt plonpor, In to be written in COO words,-~The headquarters and partly from a and we maintain a free delivery. You will Ulroot from I^UIK *^AUTO INTOXICATION Laurel & Hardy in "Moan & Groan, Inc.*' i Day1* Bridge. , Toronto Dully Htar^ financial standpoint, The building llrondwny Hun! ACID GAS-iNDJGEST ION A Tornado oL Laughs George Pric EplHode four rcvonlB tlmt\thia committee reported that three nets take satisfaction in making Reinhart's Market KINO vinous "Night Owls" ot spec If leal Ions of the proposed $1.1)0 for the empty bottle General Admission 75c; Children 50c Harry Langdon in "STATION B-t I'Valley of the flronl, WatehutiR was Truth Will Out your commissary headquarters. Make the ex- Fretpjgggj^ ib...... 5c If it fuiln to lUf one of the utrutCKlc points In tho municipal hull had been drawn uu "The Mead'Guy" A banker miyi) "a college educn- periment today! *•*""!« of the American devolution. lion B«tH a man back three or four and sent to various nearby con- NEXT TIH IlSllAY, l'HII. 27 Hatimiuy Mallnc* Heights abovo Spring fluid. yoaiR." Why apeak vaguely of "a tractors. Only two estimates hnd Fink, Wm, Tylei\ Green Niilunliiy Miilliice S!«'(>inl— cttllert Summit, formed h rom- man?" Why not come out frankly been received, however, nnd tho WEEK wwnma B£DS» Charlie Chasfe in A EXTRA! Charlie Chaplin in . which, though often niinnult- "4 Darcl^evils" nnd nay "Fatherf'—The Detroit 8«nd your Items of tiu>r«tt t* Re&mur Smoked Hams, ib. . . .31c Drugs] I Wtt» nevor icalaa by the Drit- News. "The Gats Meow" the HERALD. Cititcnft ^ • Mm*TI«|«T* Thursdny M«li» with Joan Doanc "Crazy Ft "The Adventurer" A OLRICN I >I'VIIH (.'Ircun 10 Maprc Street ZfUH Hnntk'y .*,v:


or what Ujive you, It is the "arbi- has had Assemblywoman- Jonu* ui-4- '•r»y tat I' the Woman Citizen trary powers given to these ccm- traduce a bill "pTuvliliu- fur voting! "An Ever Popular Style unUees, which, in .turn, are fre- machines at flections,' li seems i \ By «j «. I. lluutrr i Uu AreliikeK >»•« York t Hj £ quently dictated to by the powers : probable that/the le«isliiUire will Fujfc GILSOH that be. T-h'is 'results in practical- •prefer to wain*! net ihe ivct.tn- • •»•*'»•' ly a one-man rule. : inundations from iHie• fonuui.-sinn

! • .__ o>-_ - . After *ar i . . i. • til February 24. Meanwhile the 'only; Assemblyman Otto, of Union, various committees will have .hear- for considerable-~ toudemnation. ; has introduced A-15.S.- which puts ings on bills referred to them. .Sev- These are party .affairs, a'ud aii it oa a permanent basis With a ONE EXPLOSION IS AS eval such have already beei» held. chosen few from both,houses con-1j five-.vcai' term for the dircitur. Last Monday adiearing before the atitute the Joint Conference Com-' BAD AS . mittee which meets in secret ses-! Miscellaneous Business Committee i Tomorrow at 10.!!0 a. 'in. theiv- a Fire or an Earthquake. was held oa the Billboard Bill. As- sion. They also- have.. party \ caucuses, sometimes joint" and i| will lie a. public hearing in Tivn-| semblyman j Siratusa of Atlantic toii oti'th'e findings of.the I'ierson : • t'>r.<-n. County is chairman.' It will lie for sometimes unjolnteil. All of these | i i! i-sia of pr | are secret and blind the members Educational Survey Commission..! .I.*J from " {his committee to decide whether tu the majority vuio. | A bill providing a 1-li mill tax to to kill the bill or bring it out for a to explain ham It was.tit a joint conference last 'j carry out the.su. findings' has been j i futevted irt vote; Tuesday .that ih«. successor to | Iintroduced. One interesting rec- U Xi to I A I. S ('ommissioncr Dill was nomiiuited. ; oininondatiou is that the state and! •'. if there is anything that givei j There WHS a nood deal of criticism | not local hoards of education ex-1 APARTMENTS the women a pain, gets their ainine the teachers for licenses. KJ".t.»ni,oiit. the way thia wan handled. ';» riniiM<-, iunnintii(t'Mt>. • This" conference, of course, was I limlll*. illl|il'ti>rllH'lil> secret, but .a good deal of what f-i:s, the Sterilization Hill, in- treduced .by Assemblyman I'urcell t 1, illl|tr>n run lit- happened leaked out. It, is very olll%. llll|i|'2?roiily'-;"J.s - P;I] f|)r 21! davs " r-.m.... U crthingat Tim; stylc'lliuTs its origin li|TiuTT Three pirs liaye gone-iiv Teiatiyo met with accident, In skirt:. iummit Building were longer. early revolutionary homes of the ; to oldiigo-ponsions. One of these colonists. The IOIIR unhrokon roof j by Senator Simpson provides tv lines,'lfi1e"TaTlJe''Tm'ck chimney and ( Association pension for persons of 70 years or Send your items ot lntereBt the HERALD. the simple materials of which they INCORPORATED 1891 . over not to exceed 11 per day. If were built,•- sitve these—-liousus-an I, the old person has an income from air of^quiet dignity. The present' any other - source, that together New Series rice $11,000. Terms arranged. obtained for u nominal sum from Survey, Senator" Abellnn the, Fi- the 'Uniting Kditor. Reicr to nance Survey, Senator Simpson on House A-212. O1(J,; Age Pensions, Dr. Dan Iten-

• • - .. - ' • . '-.•-.• • .- .'.•".-'.' ' ' :" • . '"••• •• • •. . ''' " >•<>"# ••• .j*- •- •; • -._,.'•• -"•, • ; •' •. •'ili',iv' tv- Executes : nor on. Sterilization. Much other legislation will also be discussed. JoBS-BECK-SCHMiDT Go. il Estate Transfers Trusts, •'-/• Opposite Ilic. HUition * i • • Recorded at Court House Jteit/e? She Vhilkfol 51 Union Place 'Phones 102.1-1022 Summit,ISf, J. Gstates, Los AnRcles.—Leone._nerry, 19, following deeds have been SPECIAL INTEREST l Consult u licaltor d n\ tho office of i'ouiity INTEREST SafeDeposit ON CHEQUE left side, recently responded to r llauer at, the Courthouse: -ACCOUNTS Boxesand ACCOUNTS hypnotic treatment, and upon coni- 'Frank Sohl to .Cjirolijie M. ('. manci" strugBled ,out- of bed, stood AVurniHer, trustees, Israel'adjoin- J, JC, Bedrosian & Co. l First on the floor and walked across the ing l'(;t«>r Hill farm, which is at Cleaned, -Ori C. F. Mullen TJie rooni. ^Appearing-t^rcalizczwhiit i -\— Furniture and Bedding Dry Goods •> Dix Uniforms she was "doing (he spell; broke and Send your item3 of/ Interest to Z\ Beechwood Road! Jeweler vnd&pto 447 Springfield Ave. 'Phone 2248 sho fell to the' floor. 'ho HUKALD.

487 Springfield Ave, 'Phone 2864 / •' • . ~408 Springfiefd Aye. , 'Phone 1755-W 375 Springfield Ave. 'Phone 1100 Finds I)!iui,'li(rr At'lor .'t(5 Years Mention'We HERALD wljen buying Sioux Falls, S.' D.-—Frank Brown, The Electrical Shop — M ORRISTOWN, 70, had not seen his daughter for .'{(i Electrical Appliances •- House-Wiring Bradley Radio Service, Inc. Crane Electric Go. Haller & Anderson Style Shoppe years, since lift and his flr'st wife Natco Shoppe separated. He recently advertised Repairs .*. Home Movies "Victor Records Wiring -Repairs - Appliances •New Perfection Oil Burners Drepes - i^f/gitiqr - Coats in a Maine newspaper and someone M 638 Springfield Ave. 'Phone 241 Entire Family Furnishings sent the clipping to his daughter, // Us Electrical We Havejf* J 319 Springfield Ave. 'Phone 262 , 4 761" Springfield Ave. 'Phone 3230 407 Springfield Ave. 'Phone 574 377 Springfield Ave. , .'Phone 2849 who now lives in California, and Houses for Sale they plan a reunion next summer. Let this *28a& Saving Owner buying la.i;ggr Jiouie will j Joke on Moli Laird & Co. ] Kill the Humbug of Cheap Paint/ Cuffis & Lewis Jeanne Beauty Shoppe sell dandy, almost new white i Perry 1. Brown Pecht's Bakery Summit Shoe Shop -'•Detroit.—A mob of 500, persons TELEPHONE 1800 16 BEEGHWOOD, ROAD colonial, G rooms, sun parlor, bath, j Quality and Service Grocers "Look Your Best'* shouted denunciations againaj/^thc garage, all improvements, good sec- CEE the cost chart at this store—how. 1 ires and Auto Accessories 458 Springfield Ave. 'Phones 173-174 Successor to E.Fitterer . Entire Family Footwear The Summit Tide & Mexican Government, but, tlltr joke tion, lot 70x150 ' 390 Springfield 'Ave. 'Phone 1680 was on the mob which gathered ity paint saves $lsy on 5-ycar cost of " Ave. "'Phone 373 Springfield Ave. 'Phone 1978 414 Spririgfield Ave. 'Phono 2688 in front of the wrong building'and missed the Mexican consulate. $15,800— Brand new homo, stucco i keeping average house painted, as against less iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ! and shinnies, vestibule entrance, Mortgage Guaranty Co. than #4 saving on/ first cost of cheap-per-gal* ; Elite Delicatessen and Dies big living room, fireplace, dining , Arthur Manser rooin, sun parlor, breakfast nook, | The Rose Shop Summit Trust Co. .Building ' Louisville, Ga.—IJuslor Kden- ion paint. / Business Men's , High Qrade^ Tpble Delicacies Hardware •• Ho use wares lleld bet $15 that he could' drink tile kitchen, three sleeping rooms,; 359 SprinifieW vAi& • • i ' <*Phorie 1912 A Complete Floral Service Summit Travel Bureau a quart of liquor. He did, and l sleeping porch, stall shower, two-1 of Summit 431 Springfield Ave, 'Phone 1121 383 Springfield Ave. 'Phone 209, Steamship Agency Capital ahd Surplus ^250,000.00 died beforo u physician could car garage, good section, handy to • reach him. Wm: A. Vought everything. I 24 Maple Street f 'Phone 1611 First National Bank ^ Guarantped First Mortgages iV Remodel led-* home, north side, Me Clay's Wm. C. Siebert newly painted and decorated, all Citiaen* Trust Co; First Mortgage Participation Bontjs / Electrical Contractor Improvements including' steam & TRUST GO. Department Store Staple and Fancy Groceries heat,*; bedrooms, and huth,'garage, 10 Maple Street 'Phono 1 46l Springfield Ave. 'Phone 1701 Summit Trust Co. DANGER 27 Bccchwood RoadThonca (1860-1861 385 Springfield Ave. Phones 2280^281-2282 in multiples of $100.00 parquet floors, electric refrigera- 367 Springfield Avf. 'Phono 62 •' " .IT AH E ADI S and Dealer tion. To be sohl on account of Interest payable February 1st and August 1st. death In family. Only $ll,ooo. Sure Sign ol Terms. • Walguarnery The quality paint armor against = Walker & Marsh, Inc. \. t, a Gold. Check 3 BEECHWOOD RQAD Hast 'Summit 'liny—fntmo house. decay and repair bills — at low fiyc-ycar cojt! / Jo8. 7 rooms, luttli, open porch, attached Cleaner .- Tailor "Dyer 3 This store h headquarters for COLOR —anything •-f*. E. ReRefrigerators Principal and Interest Guaranteed * it now with Residence, 286-R garage, nteain heat, all Improve-" Uphofsterer -- Def orator s Telephones: Office, 464 1 26 Beechwood Rd. Est. 1902 ''Photic 1669 455 Springfield Ave. Cabinet Maker GAMPnOKOLE, 77i« 2-in-l nii'lllii,' lot 50xK")0. Ceiiient street in paint — varnish — lacquer — enamel — brusfacsi ingfield Ave 'Phone 2215 472 Spfingfield Ave. !•.'• SiViV» 1 In the event Of the decease of a holder of these bonds Vapor Treatment, before it de« and. curb • HKHesK-iiientH all paid. See ike Coft Chart! before maturity, the Company agrees to purchase them at ftiopn into a cold or a serious $8,500. fttco wdtio and accrued' lntorcBt, thereby giving the estate illness. For all coldi in the Hill City Coal & Lumber Co. Tim is tlic Elc^rtdi of a Scri^ ofSixtcc.^ Full Page Advertisements Beinji Inserted in the Ihmw By Ulc Above Busing " of t«o holdcntt^iuUl fuuds at onco. Electrical Appliances head, throat or chest. e Clarence Condit K. T. SNOOK, Tn-aN. and Mg'r X • 155 Park Ave. 'Phone Summit 525 Summit^ N« J..J Guariiitccs of Title Wireless Sets and Parts of All Kinds Real Estate -• Insurance 'XM SI'HIN(JI1KM» AVK. and t'ompleto Kuel *,»•.»;• Telephone 70 i;»»-iiln«s iUHMMMMlllllllHlfllllllllli iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiitiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiili

'),<;*• * B ?.Ws\iL" 5^l'!l^,'k ... ,1 1-^.ttUftii.t


or what Ujive you, It is the "arbi- has had Assemblywoman- Jonu* ui-4- '•r»y tat I' the Woman Citizen trary powers given to these ccm- traduce a bill "pTuvliliu- fur voting! "An Ever Popular Style unUees, which, in .turn, are fre- machines at flections,' li seems i \ By «j «. I. lluutrr i Uu AreliikeK >»•« York t Hj £ quently dictated to by the powers : probable that/the le«isliiUire will Fujfc GILSOH that be. T-h'is 'results in practical- •prefer to wain*! net ihe ivct.tn- • •»•*'»•' ly a one-man rule. : inundations from iHie• fonuui.-sinn

! • .__ o>-_ - . After *ar i . . i. • til February 24. Meanwhile the 'only; Assemblyman Otto, of Union, various committees will have .hear- for considerable-~ toudemnation. ; has introduced A-15.S.- which puts ings on bills referred to them. .Sev- These are party .affairs, a'ud aii it oa a permanent basis With a ONE EXPLOSION IS AS eval such have already beei» held. chosen few from both,houses con-1j five-.vcai' term for the dircitur. Last Monday adiearing before the atitute the Joint Conference Com-' BAD AS . mittee which meets in secret ses-! Miscellaneous Business Committee i Tomorrow at 10.!!0 a. 'in. theiv- a Fire or an Earthquake. was held oa the Billboard Bill. As- sion. They also- have.. party \ caucuses, sometimes joint" and i| will lie a. public hearing in Tivn-| semblyman j Siratusa of Atlantic toii oti'th'e findings of.the I'ierson : • t'>r.<-n. County is chairman.' It will lie for sometimes unjolnteil. All of these | i i! i-sia of pr | are secret and blind the members Educational Survey Commission..! .I.*J from " {his committee to decide whether tu the majority vuio. | A bill providing a 1-li mill tax to to kill the bill or bring it out for a to explain ham It was.tit a joint conference last 'j carry out the.su. findings' has been j i futevted irt vote; Tuesday .that ih«. successor to | Iintroduced. One interesting rec- U Xi to I A I. S ('ommissioncr Dill was nomiiuited. ; oininondatiou is that the state and! •'. if there is anything that givei j There WHS a nood deal of criticism | not local hoards of education ex-1 APARTMENTS the women a pain, gets their ainine the teachers for licenses. KJ".t.»ni,oiit. the way thia wan handled. ';» riniiM<-, iunnintii(t'Mt>. • This" conference, of course, was I limlll*. illl|il'ti>rllH'lil> secret, but .a good deal of what f-i:s, the Sterilization Hill, in- treduced .by Assemblyman I'urcell t 1, illl|tr>n run lit- happened leaked out. It, is very olll%. llll|i|'2?roiily'-;"J.s - P;I] f|)r 21! davs " r-.m.... U crthingat Tim; stylc'lliuTs its origin li|TiuTT Three pirs liaye gone-iiv Teiatiyo met with accident, In skirt:. iummit Building were longer. early revolutionary homes of the ; to oldiigo-ponsions. One of these colonists. The IOIIR unhrokon roof j by Senator Simpson provides tv lines,'lfi1e"TaTlJe''Tm'ck chimney and ( Association pension for persons of 70 years or Send your items ot lntereBt the HERALD. the simple materials of which they INCORPORATED 1891 . over not to exceed 11 per day. If were built,•- sitve these—-liousus-an I, the old person has an income from air of^quiet dignity. The present' any other - source, that together New Series rice $11,000. Terms arranged. obtained for u nominal sum from Survey, Senator" Abellnn the, Fi- the 'Uniting Kditor. Reicr to nance Survey, Senator Simpson on House A-212. O1(J,; Age Pensions, Dr. Dan Iten-

• • - .. - ' • . '-.•-.• • .- .'.•".-'.' ' ' :" • . '"••• •• • •. . ''' " >•<>"# ••• .j*- •- •; • -._,.'•• -"•, • ; •' •. •'ili',iv' tv- Executes : nor on. Sterilization. Much other legislation will also be discussed. JoBS-BECK-SCHMiDT Go. il Estate Transfers Trusts, •'-/• Opposite Ilic. HUition * i • • Recorded at Court House Jteit/e? She Vhilkfol 51 Union Place 'Phones 102.1-1022 Summit,ISf, J. Gstates, Los AnRcles.—Leone._nerry, 19, following deeds have been SPECIAL INTEREST l Consult u licaltor d n\ tho office of i'ouiity INTEREST SafeDeposit ON CHEQUE left side, recently responded to r llauer at, the Courthouse: -ACCOUNTS Boxesand ACCOUNTS hypnotic treatment, and upon coni- 'Frank Sohl to .Cjirolijie M. ('. manci" strugBled ,out- of bed, stood AVurniHer, trustees, Israel'adjoin- J, JC, Bedrosian & Co. l First on the floor and walked across the ing l'(;t«>r Hill farm, which is at Cleaned, -Ori C. F. Mullen TJie rooni. ^Appearing-t^rcalizczwhiit i -\— Furniture and Bedding Dry Goods •> Dix Uniforms she was "doing (he spell; broke and Send your item3 of/ Interest to Z\ Beechwood Road! Jeweler vnd&pto 447 Springfield Ave. 'Phone 2248 sho fell to the' floor. 'ho HUKALD.

487 Springfield Ave, 'Phone 2864 / •' • . ~408 Springfiefd Aye. , 'Phone 1755-W 375 Springfield Ave. 'Phone 1100 Finds I)!iui,'li(rr At'lor .'t(5 Years Mention'We HERALD wljen buying Sioux Falls, S.' D.-—Frank Brown, The Electrical Shop — M ORRISTOWN, 70, had not seen his daughter for .'{(i Electrical Appliances •- House-Wiring Bradley Radio Service, Inc. Crane Electric Go. Haller & Anderson Style Shoppe years, since lift and his flr'st wife Natco Shoppe separated. He recently advertised Repairs .*. Home Movies "Victor Records Wiring -Repairs - Appliances •New Perfection Oil Burners Drepes - i^f/gitiqr - Coats in a Maine newspaper and someone M 638 Springfield Ave. 'Phone 241 Entire Family Furnishings sent the clipping to his daughter, // Us Electrical We Havejf* J 319 Springfield Ave. 'Phone 262 , 4 761" Springfield Ave. 'Phone 3230 407 Springfield Ave. 'Phone 574 377 Springfield Ave. , .'Phone 2849 who now lives in California, and Houses for Sale they plan a reunion next summer. Let this *28a& Saving Owner buying la.i;ggr Jiouie will j Joke on Moli Laird & Co. ] Kill the Humbug of Cheap Paint/ Cuffis & Lewis Jeanne Beauty Shoppe sell dandy, almost new white i Perry 1. Brown Pecht's Bakery Summit Shoe Shop -'•Detroit.—A mob of 500, persons TELEPHONE 1800 16 BEEGHWOOD, ROAD colonial, G rooms, sun parlor, bath, j Quality and Service Grocers "Look Your Best'* shouted denunciations againaj/^thc garage, all improvements, good sec- CEE the cost chart at this store—how. 1 ires and Auto Accessories 458 Springfield Ave. 'Phones 173-174 Successor to E.Fitterer . Entire Family Footwear The Summit Tide & Mexican Government, but, tlltr joke tion, lot 70x150 ' 390 Springfield 'Ave. 'Phone 1680 was on the mob which gathered ity paint saves $lsy on 5-ycar cost of " Ave. "'Phone 373 Springfield Ave. 'Phone 1978 414 Spririgfield Ave. 'Phono 2688 in front of the wrong building'and missed the Mexican consulate. $15,800— Brand new homo, stucco i keeping average house painted, as against less iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ! and shinnies, vestibule entrance, Mortgage Guaranty Co. than #4 saving on/ first cost of cheap-per-gal* ; Elite Delicatessen and Dies big living room, fireplace, dining , Arthur Manser rooin, sun parlor, breakfast nook, | The Rose Shop Summit Trust Co. .Building ' Louisville, Ga.—IJuslor Kden- ion paint. / Business Men's , High Qrade^ Tpble Delicacies Hardware •• Ho use wares lleld bet $15 that he could' drink tile kitchen, three sleeping rooms,; 359 SprinifieW vAi& • • i ' <*Phorie 1912 A Complete Floral Service Summit Travel Bureau a quart of liquor. He did, and l sleeping porch, stall shower, two-1 of Summit 431 Springfield Ave, 'Phone 1121 383 Springfield Ave. 'Phone 209, Steamship Agency Capital ahd Surplus ^250,000.00 died beforo u physician could car garage, good section, handy to • reach him. Wm: A. Vought everything. I 24 Maple Street f 'Phone 1611 First National Bank ^ Guarantped First Mortgages iV Remodel led-* home, north side, Me Clay's Wm. C. Siebert newly painted and decorated, all Citiaen* Trust Co; First Mortgage Participation Bontjs / Electrical Contractor Improvements including' steam & TRUST GO. Department Store Staple and Fancy Groceries heat,*; bedrooms, and huth,'garage, 10 Maple Street 'Phono 1 46l Springfield Ave. 'Phone 1701 Summit Trust Co. DANGER 27 Bccchwood RoadThonca (1860-1861 385 Springfield Ave. Phones 2280^281-2282 in multiples of $100.00 parquet floors, electric refrigera- 367 Springfield Avf. 'Phono 62 •' " .IT AH E ADI S and Dealer tion. To be sohl on account of Interest payable February 1st and August 1st. death In family. Only $ll,ooo. Sure Sign ol Terms. • Walguarnery The quality paint armor against = Walker & Marsh, Inc. \. t, a Gold. Check 3 BEECHWOOD RQAD Hast 'Summit 'liny—fntmo house. decay and repair bills — at low fiyc-ycar cojt! / Jo8. 7 rooms, luttli, open porch, attached Cleaner .- Tailor "Dyer 3 This store h headquarters for COLOR —anything •-f*. E. ReRefrigerators Principal and Interest Guaranteed * it now with Residence, 286-R garage, nteain heat, all Improve-" Uphofsterer -- Def orator s Telephones: Office, 464 1 26 Beechwood Rd. Est. 1902 ''Photic 1669 455 Springfield Ave. Cabinet Maker GAMPnOKOLE, 77i« 2-in-l nii'lllii,' lot 50xK")0. Ceiiient street in paint — varnish — lacquer — enamel — brusfacsi ingfield Ave 'Phone 2215 472 Spfingfield Ave. !•.'• SiViV» 1 In the event Of the decease of a holder of these bonds Vapor Treatment, before it de« and. curb • HKHesK-iiientH all paid. See ike Coft Chart! before maturity, the Company agrees to purchase them at ftiopn into a cold or a serious $8,500. fttco wdtio and accrued' lntorcBt, thereby giving the estate illness. For all coldi in the Hill City Coal & Lumber Co. Tim is tlic Elc^rtdi of a Scri^ ofSixtcc.^ Full Page Advertisements Beinji Inserted in the Ihmw By Ulc Above Busing " of t«o holdcntt^iuUl fuuds at onco. Electrical Appliances head, throat or chest. e Clarence Condit K. T. SNOOK, Tn-aN. and Mg'r X • 155 Park Ave. 'Phone Summit 525 Summit^ N« J..J Guariiitccs of Title Wireless Sets and Parts of All Kinds Real Estate -• Insurance 'XM SI'HIN(JI1KM» AVK. and t'ompleto Kuel *,»•.»;• Telephone 70 i;»»-iiln«s iUHMMMMlllllllHlfllllllllli iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiitiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiili

'),<;*• * B ?.Ws\iL" 5^l'!l^,'k ... ,1 1-^.ttUftii.t

i* Vi. \

PAGE FOUR THE SUMMIT HERALD AND SUMMIT RECORD, SUMMIT, N. J. FRIDAY, FEB. ,14, 1930 FRIDAY, FEB. 14, 193 FRIDAY, FEB. 14, THE SUMMIT HERALD AND SUMMIT RECORD. SUMMIT, N. J. ), in far iK.-tu-r and safer (o ml it ion and ^ornout aurn- n rust preventive, and later chromi- properly '• spyetiotis' were tiuitte ami rev*) sw-tiitlii ^allure which is" dust de-1 TBIH (*l»s»eg D»w« mobiles which are maiuUinni JUO tlun many otlars half their age. um iilalini; hati"Wen used I0fo1r ^Proposthe e Bond Jssue for «uiKeryiti« th*j «tke'*'thin it woi.ld have U, «,,,», , AUTO TRAILS water supply source*, r This in-j the EHzabethtown ' 'Ba^ndatiofts tax relief sajjEjea:- -t!c»]ujig among our people, for tli*» j - London.—The American N»*«l| operated in poor condition. So.:,- old theory that steel in time j same purpose, lint ulck«|. plating' Protecting: Water Shade Tree Work Uwiug to the nature aadE b*2<£5» *-iii <>I door«. Tii* tmst year jilant-j delegation amazes the British pub-- MatWkian.s so so far as to .-'at r,™'bTme8 weaken*d lhrou*h M«y«-ih« a tendency to peel off and any : * dudes develoiimeat of the Whar-j sources. 1 FRESIi-KII.LED JERSEY a ton Tract as a future water sup- i • ; this pest your commiasiai* t«si it.*;. »e;t aiade as follows; I lie by turning down .thflr glasses AND that half of all motor .n • nJ-..'- urn- ^Hl^llon"ai(|>eariitobenolonser ^latins >'s»on worn away fay re-! Trenton Feb 12-A bond in Union County i-at tion largely due to th* ta.%% :i road, Crauford to at'publk fuuctioiia aud ab'suintng., are due to tneclranical faip. <- i'i le 1 1 he il I oveU 1 ply for South Jersey. Two mem-! Ho<»ver to VMt ]HM!|.« ;2 ^' .. J . ...?^:_°LJ . "'! ; iP^*" 1^»«hin so that the under-jfor ITOWOOOto ««« piu oaks; l)road|from wlllea. wonioiit catH, While it i^ k»:v K bers of the commission, .\f | Washington. - Presiden. • the infestations totsk pUc* i& s. Roasting Chickens and Turkeys inert' , a x 0 fr dens, orchards, or.oa grap* wn «3**t. WtJ-lfielA. 100 willow oaks; i - .• MOTOR TALES apparent that ('omisii--i<>ii' i l»i-i , •" . ."...... a tA|.™cu tu me *ur ' waier SUDDIV ; Grossman, of ^tlaoi«-. City, and ! it is expected, will ° ' ' i recognizes, the import.m< t ni tui- the stimulus jand matins begins. Stainless steel u proposed in t j Variety oFWork With at the rear of private resktes. « |Tii>t1 Grand btix et, Eli7.ab«th, loo - . Circus Motori«e<* ALL KINDS OF FRESH-FISH- of the modern"..machine use. Tjhe is not subject to rust, ? • The nursery b«gaa to praise lioiM>y ,• locust; Uellevie.*' avenue, I., . Wet or ii} H.pon»o'rin~ M.U1* n does been introduced in tbe Legislature. been making a preliminary'survey Indianapolis.—Gentry Ilrothera j spwtious of all Ihf nmtnr iai.- m Trees on County High= rl&2'J a few trees ami there are & •Eiizabt'lh, 46 Norway martles; Circus has ordered 18 motors There seems to be igrowins: ,.l,4i"» Alierteaa. *i : MaaiUUin avenue, Roselle, 29 sweet .-- '•' " ttithee State, and that Miili in-p»<- wayS — Recommenda= trucks and 18 buses which will be MELVILLE k RUTAN & CO. about one half of wiiieb" iti- ttT£*ipnm; Kim stri#t, Moselle, 3ft Rink- In transporting circus and \ •opinion that a large pereehta^e of tioiis have shown thou^ah.!.-, or rdonorwuh~ ouough for street ptaiititts. 11*1*; so: Calvin avenue, Kosselle, .27 automobile accidents are due to: tars to UP in need oi if pans " we will not do so 2 tion on Signs personnel. FRUITS Always the Best ^VEGETABLES of an automobile indefinitely ex.""ecenlly announced that •are also i£ white oafes a«*MUiw*J*T^aiores; Olja place, Roselii', 9 tended. jFord models will utilize 1 your nattte for idem for s*rtJUDi>itx; Chestnut street. Union. 381 SPRINGFIELD Ave. Phones 101-102 * Summit, N. J. , endorse the 'ease its water supply 0 2,000,- ileation in accordance with th- !" n ~,*ri in PrAphnl elms; 'Cf'a'nfo'rd " avenue, Liri- ^—— ————•————•"•g* tontmually adjusted and frequent- y duril18,„ lh...re war yvhen pany H WHEX TOU GO AWAY lea,, Prcoliokiers: . j 11)28 antf liM tii be•'" cm VS ash; Chandler avenue, Lin-! • ' . used to provide for the acquisition | [ application to yyou r addresesss direct at the HERHERAA? n r , , •. 7-. . ; " — ***"*"*'"'•" i manufacturers of ordnance were of lands, water rights and other U The Shade Tree Commission ground. They are just ret 4*a. 310 elms; ]^:Candless ave-i •" .. - » office Save delays and ! nut. Linden 151 ash; Elizabeth y replaced. .< hief among these are fBCell| D lhe hardest'possible metal interests related to the program of] opposed by the Klizabeth.town office Save delays and error! ,„.p-ents herewith its fourth' an-i There are 10O red piaas So \S brake lining, although the general for KHn. HnlnjC8# lt* ,s Water Company and In so doing be-! *»UBlas spruce, about -V nut-. Linden, 402 ash; Stiles S25 ash; Tooker use of four-wheel brakes has (of stee, with about lg% "LOW GEAR" MOU.NTAIX W,H .pent and for which every | Um]ens averaglng abottt K lengthened the life of the origina ju 8% of nickel and 8mal, JIT««UC, Spritisfield, Ti'ash; Vauxi equipment in ratio. Roller and ball! m)t8 of carbo raanganese> GRADES I'O.NQt EKED BY lCi(iz(ii has received full value. ] in height, developed front Hal] rtiad, I'niou. 212 sycamores; 1 •bearings have been perfected to the!8jl ,C0D| phoSphorus and sulphur OAKLAND 8 "Di HIGH" r . to the liberality of your Icollecte( l in 1927i n jj^tcre- ^^a- SjrtiujjiieJd avenue. New Provi- l \ point where they are as near the Th • n ' „„* , sat(1 ,n h fhthe jioaiil your CommlsHioii was able !-ty by permi83ion and wftb £iie «oO c>oo ,t>iai 000 O Mincers may ever hope for, and be-filed, sawed or cut with any hand most abrupt mountain grades of Something New in Roadways 1 to its operations which was "»<*! Shade Tree Cammwsiaa. T&*s* i#'i«WT«s; Keats avenue, Elliabeth, 49 °v cause they run for years under the tool; it resists rust perfectly; does the rugged west recently offered ?•/ CRYSTAL SPAR still is adequate except for the ad-1 ajso a miscellaneous colfeittMiisi «f ]*?'«uaores; Byron avenue, Kllza- j terrific '/punishment of use andnot tarnish and has strength, su- abundant proof of the superior (liiion of a. small truck which will j u ^ges whicb wiM he 4*5013--ii«iiil 40 sycamores; DeWItt tcr- ? 1 sma abuse, often'without lubrication, or perior to that of steel. high-gear hill-climbing ability of he Beautiful White Stone in added early in 1930 and the Te-! ated" into varieties la 13O)'. TS»'M««. Linden. 28 HBII; Mornhwgside periodic inspection and adjustment, the new Oakland V-type Eight, FOlR DRIVEWAYS AND WALKS jihi.'lng of the old Nasli sedan i JI here the nurs«^y U mm tm-'lu-rr^e, Linden, 30 ash;Rnritaii i car owners and garage mechanics Water diap Itoud Closed SO W The test run was made by A. H. with a new car. This equipment juate d ^ nOt provin(5':"aleas«allwr!|i«iBd.- Clark Township, 160 syca ;are wont to treat them with less 1 Motorists who have been in the Patterson, Oakland-Pohtiac dealer ,, of a Ward LaFrance truck j adaptable to the KrowiaK ? of aiw-liwas ; South avenue, Wcstfleld, • consideration ^ than they deserve. habit of driving through the Dela- at Stockton, Califs-who sought— . A. OAKS : | Such bearings will give almost end- 01 three and one half tons capac-|jety of trees. It Is proving uam w«t\ <3 «T<*amore8; Plainfield avenue,j ware Water Gap have for years and obtained—personal verifica- 8ole DIstribotor For Summit and Snort Hlllr - ' ity, eiiuipped; with a detachable! ther tod claey. X*v Providence Township, 44'ash; Sltuh) from "l.'Hi'intrt du Cn«»um« less service, but once they become wondered why the'State of Penn- tion of Oakland Bight perform- and Ta r'rto loose from wear and adjustments General Contracting and Jobbing body, a detachable spray- The real duty of- '-a Slud!e TmwijJtew w'cre also planted on Prince-; V/ prs*^-; wMri l«0 were paid for by thei •\l\ Cars, like human beings, respond crooked, rough, slippery and dan- no to considerate treatment. Whether son left Stockton and headed for :t5-r tons capacity for. conveying |erty owner3 in enhanetirsTOIIB* off'"Bfa**ley Heights Development' serous. Traffic 'movement, par- the rough Yosemite Valley coun- the car he the cheapest one in theticularly through the summer men and tools, trees, fertilizer, | reai estate Trees-'not oMjr aJtoftfliCraporation. of New Providencev, market, or the jsjnost t expensive,expensive,.i. itt tity and the terrific grade leading etc. A Chevrolet with service DUt iieip prjeserre oar ssmw**: ~ii jtlantings were made in re-j The New ...ills . • months, has been extremely heavy, will best service to the man to tlie famous Glacier Point. The body for use of the foremaii in tak- without trees our parks watsM'flw tfl requests, and 67 plant-1 who treats it witihh the thoughtful- as the route is the most convenient only gear change between Stock- one to the Pocono Mountains and ing .care of numerous and ever in-j dreary, unpleasant place* THr*** made as replacements j ness which a complicated and ex- ton /and Yosemite Valley w.as made •(•reasi'ns numbers of requests y, p p pensive piece of machinery de- Delaware Valley points. A trolley 97 miles from Stockton where deep add materially to our heattlt. an- sales manager of Nash Motors, is howevfcr, several so close to the JUyLOJteJihjayingthat^WUiF«^ e the road is built into t_he_sido_of n^TTwkT^rThe foot of trnjr—otneT caTTs . viirht of way that they seem to bej of the answer is rusting rlgM within it and* In some cases where In city junk yards and at the foot -whiqh*flow»-the- river. Below the 'n. to have- progressed - without} M1LLINGTON, N. J. of railroad embankments near highway runs the Lackawanna Changing gears. He /CTkted that these trees have presented a men- small-town creeks. It is riot how Railroad and how to reconstruct only two miles of the 333%iile ace your Commission has co-oper- the xoad and make it safe without were made in second gear. ated with the property owner in many cars we make but how many 1 '•>&' cars are going to pass] out of the disturbing the railway Will tax the The writer pointed out tjbt the removing'.themv White and Brown, All Sterile picture that is interesting produc- ingenuity of engineers. Between lectncular hill-climbing; abintv of *" The policy begun in 1928 of rais- J-iOvely fashions' are never lost; clever couturiers tion managers. As a matter of the railway and the highway great « Oakland Eight Is due tomts ing branches to clear views near Three Sizes—Three Prices fact the major part of the 1930buttresses of concrete havlrlnN |-frlglKratio of power to car we! the approach to railroad crossings automobile market depends on the piist been built at points where the The swlan in which the trip or bridges has been continued and bring tlieni back to grace anotlier Jay and age. Tnis Summit Motor Gar Co., Inc. passing of motor derelicts, and it supports of the highway \ were made weighed 3,145 pounds co-operation has boen extendedtto All One Day Old is pretty wejl established that weak, but the roadbed is norie\too out passengers. Its V-type engine Public Service Companies In sev- • - • . • • f 47 SUMMIT AVENUE their number will total between 2,- secure and not adequate to safety develops] 85 horsepower or one William E, Nixon eral municipalities in clearing very week, lor example, Patoii and Lelong ana 500,000 .and 3,000,000 in spite of carry the heavy traffic using the>Jjiorsepawer to each'37 pounds of '-• street lights. ••. This is a difficult ON SALE AT SUMMIT, N. T, our college undergraduates."'- road. M^arwelght which Is asserted to be < Sales and Service problem. Many citizens object Delaware Water Gap is one of the highest power-to-weight ratio strenuously on the grounds that Molyneux ana Taloot arc giving a waiting tasnion- the-scenic wonders of the East and of nny production built automobile 170 PARK AVE. 'Phone 1665 SUMMIT, N. J. lhe lights'Khilie into windows at Ford New Me till it is to be hoped that the new,road SIEBERT'S The near future will doubtless In the Oakland weight or price liJKht ;iiid tliey. prefer the brunches wbrM-tliese long-lost darlings/ of the .French Direc- will make it possible for a motor- /tin on 'left 011 while in every case the Ave, Summit, N. J. •Phono fllfl see more,and more general adop- ist to drive -through, the 385 tion of stainless steel for the man- 1 great Tublic. Service Companies desire gorge and see something- besides them removed. ro*** KMMI *L >«*T Providence pun sleeve, the capelet, tiie troaa ufacture of various small exposed the road ahead of him. Motorists toire: parts of motor cars, which parts in In calling:, to your attention,^ f'«u JtOliagtoa ; . bound for the Gap, Strbudsburg or fact that your-Commission has no the past have been s/trfeject to de-the Poconos must keep in mind ,1. S frill, tne nigh' waist and wide i terioration through rust. Many jurisdiction within a municipality rcver, cross-over 1 that that road is closed. From Port- S. H. R such small parts have In the past land one may follow an alternate having its local commission, we al- been plated with niekelj, both for so wish to make it clear that we P. 1. Winfcftfii, Ii* I- Bmri SU ower-printed fabrics that go route through Bangor, Wind Gap, skirt, the little •M | the sake of appearance and as a Sciota, Sriydersville and Strouds- have extended services to these burg, over good roads. If using municipalities whenever requested, with the-wp-tiltccl brims of hats. Not revolutionary.*, ' Army >'ecds Rifles the Somerville, Clinton and Eafiton BUILT either in giving trees or in assist- -tiltcd b Washington. — Major General route, follow on tOi>Stockertown,' ing in some problem for which lo- Fugua, chief of infantry, declares Wind Gap, etc. cal commissions are not equipped. tut modulated, wearable versions, such as you vrill that the 4iext war will find the TO It has been suggested by some doughboy going into battle with Bus Operation in New Jersey municipalities that all local com- the army rifle, which' will never niissions-be abolished and tfiat the find--ji^-B~amkopgGr^ . The average motorist has .visible emmty do all shade tree work. become obsolete. evidence every day of thfe rapid OUT-PERFO growth of bus service in tois State. This would be the greatest folly. Mention the HERALD when buying It appears that ? every good road In the first plaec, locaL commis- in the commonwealth hnB bus 4ines • ..thevitalredson/ sions are focal points or Interest, operating over it. What these lines watclif ulness and supervision. mean, in the development of new why BUlCKouN; They promote local activities, in- sections can only be. conjectured. terest the local' administration From the repor> of the Street and bring before citizens of mu- Direct! Transportation Department of the sells every other nicipalities the necessity for and that the following We believe the following to be Board of Public ; Utility Commis- an interest iu shade trco improve- reputable business men In every sioners one gleans some illuminat- ment. This, your commission could towns can respect and suggest that when- ing figures. There are now some fine car by 2 to 1 not do as well. Also the local ever you are In need of such 423 intrastate bus lines in New commissions spend in this .pounty, services as are advertised below Jersey .with 3,330 buses in /gaily kapi,r,0i)o;oo.- Your • commission's at- covered by a \ast network of bus Bulcltfjroflds so .thoroughly— builds such extra strength and tention has been drawn to this lines operating in every direction. stamina into the Buick Valve-in-Head engine and sealed chassis movement and we would ask you There are few communities in the to strongly oppose it should ever Singer State which may not be reached by ^that many Buicks, five/ten oKfifteen years of age, are still in H lie presented to your Board for bus. Buses have replaced many Bain service.. .and the speedometers of many of these cars register approval. '..-•-• Hemstitching cross-town trolley lines in 'the Your, commission has agreed to larger cities and in many instances 100,000 miles and mote^, 13 fttaiKidc Ave. Theme 1237 buses have Replaced trolleys in tiilio over and maintain, trees on suburban serviceV In many munici- entire streets in Linden, Hillside, Bulck is built to out-perform. This, together with the beauty.and Wesifield, Cranford, Union and BANJO INSTRUCTION palities where tire* parking problem Toll Froe! ^ L. is serious, bus lines have built their comforjr,of Buick's Bodies by Fisher, explains why Amerjcq is Uoselle Park. .IVnor — Plectrum •• Flvo-Strinc Iloth dormant and summer own terminals with waiting\rooms, driving ^00,000 more Buicks than any dther car in Buick's Register now for appointment'. ticket offices, etc, ' g Vo spraying has boon accomplished Personal instruction by the well with excellent results. Spraying Kearny 19W ol— price class... and why Buick today wins from two to five ARLIKGTOM known ail 1st lias been extended to private prop- Road History of Essex times as many buyers as any other car priced above $1200. 1067; BIL.fi BOWFK city when necessary to combat es- BELLEfllXE TThee Essex County Hall ooff pecially bad infestations of Insect at pupil's residence or Studio, 15 Records houses a set of five vol- Come, see Buick's wide range of body types. Then take the 1700^ Clinton Terrace, Irrlnidon, S. J. pests and particularly • in .cases BLOOMHELD umes of 1,000 pages each giving wheel I A single drive will convince you that Buick is the big where this pest might spread to 'Phone Kane* Io!t8 the history of roads in the county motor car value of the day. county trees." The tussock moth EAST? ORANGE Orance 7100) from away buck in the distant past, wan particularly bad in Elizabeth .1 Schuyler Employment Agency when Essex County included what • and. Hillside while outside of these j *T* * * IAAA* The surest and easiest way to start an ice-cold iB now Union, Hudson and parts of Buick offers 15 body types, priced from $ 1260 to $2070, . has moved from 2 Glonslde Avenue Morris and Borgen counties. The towns the bag worm, elm leaf Trinity lOOlk to 1» Miller Street, Vanxliall, where volumes were compiled from vol- f. o. b. factory. Marquette offers 6Jx)dy types, ranging lieclic, tent caterpillar and scale GLEN RIDGE uminous old records of broad pro- ..'• / from$990to$1060. Speciale^Bipmentextra. ,.. Jnsects predominated. Fungicides BloomfieU 1700; the business will be conducted as Mere used on the plants in 'some HARRISON usual. 'Phone IHillunrn 1009 ceedings, with the aid of the New Convenient term* can be arrangod on tha liberal G.M.A.C.tlme payment plan. Bute) §motor instantly*[jLgiwityrta \eep your gasoline Jersey Historical Society, and con- The results of w{hich were Kearny 1900 j tain much interesting information and Marquette delivered prlceiincludeonl/reasonqblechargelsfor delivery anclflnanclng, »<>t always satisfactory. and many quaint references to old Consider th* delivered price at well ai th» list price when comparing automobile value*. Hequosta for spraying for tent Ktaroy I9OO| Phone Summit 2719 Eat. 1921 landmarks, etc; "One might wish caterpillar were below normal dur- MAPLEWOOD with New-Processed "Standard"... that such a record could be com- BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICHIGAN ing 1!I2O because of the depletion SaOranjje 4800; amberger; & Co. MONTCLAIR Joseph Masterson piled for the County of Union. i Canada FoCor.e, ^^gJ£M«*"- Bulger, ol which took place among these caterpillars due to natural fungus : 91kK), i I O Carpenter & Builder There is a lot of interesting Mclogghlln-Bulck,O»hawa,Ont. Buick and Marquette Motor Can .NUTLET : - ' romance buried among dusty Parasites plus systematic spraying J300 j Homes - ALTERATIONS - Jobbing records having to do with the at the proper moment during 1927 HOMES FOR SALE !ll ORAKGE: A 1 building of roads, the politics of "l 11128. It Is doubtful if the tent Oraflfie 7100! "ONE OF AMERICA'5 GREAT5TORES NEWAkK.N. J. locating highways, etc., which caterpillar la as serious a pest as gp Instant, too, on giving you pickup and a snoodi Shop and Bes. 20 Beanrolr SOUTH ORANGE SUMMIT, H. J. ought to make interesting rending h often thought. It Is possible So. Orance 4800 in these days when every man U'iU its disflguremenUaLour road- SUMMIT / 'Photo Summit 2600 'orpower with less knocking ami less sntiTcit!{ . . uses the roads and gives little "A Great KidcH by its webs has (produced an* Summit 2600: Tafc phone 1483 thought of the long years that Performer'1 tiigonism toward this particular VERONA genuine "high-test" motor fuel—at die pnoc have intervened since most or at BUIIT i l'pst. The same is true of aphis. Ifootdur 9800 leant many of thorn were only cow- BU 11"! past summer being dry was BY BUICK WESTFIELD John B. McNamara patha or short cuts across lots,. "on-induclve to the development Wotfidd 1900, °f the aphis. On.the other-hand WEST ORA!CGE MADE BY' THE REFINERS OF BSSO—THE Heating Hoys Die on Sled w<' had in Union County a great Omtfe 7100 Plumbing Tinning MadTson, Wis.—Three boys, all "ifi'Mtatton of tulip Bcale. This CtA^T POITEH fUEL—CONTAINING ETHYL under 14, were killed when their *!>M particularly bad in Cranford FURNACES and RANGES sled crossed a street Intersection ill»tl was not brought to our atten- and was crushed by t speeding UMMIT BUIGK CO. li°n until many of the young had L BAMitKRCER ACO. Cleaned and Repaired automobile. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY 08-78 F1UNKMS PLA F.E. MONTOOSrEIlY," Proprietor •natured, but spraying was done ."One of Antricmx Gmti ABB"- Newark,)?. JJ Dirtctuirr blutc irj"('-c©p*-al of the infestation next year C«)yri'|*i. Ifjo, 'V. tt'Oft, items of interest to you or your WHEN BETTER A Tn J18 Beauvoir Ave., Summit, N. J. ABB BUILT » Japanese beetle Wa» reported neighbor. . • nncK ,Vttt BU1TD THEM I'" twenty-three places but wns In t!V0l*y ease an prlvuto property. In-

MA mtottlt \

PAGE FOUR THE SUMMIT HERALD AND SUMMIT RECORD, SUMMIT, N. J. FRIDAY, FEB. ,14, 1930 FRIDAY, FEB. 14, 193 FRIDAY, FEB. 14, THE SUMMIT HERALD AND SUMMIT RECORD. SUMMIT, N. J. ), in far iK.-tu-r and safer (o ml it ion and ^ornout aurn- n rust preventive, and later chromi- properly '• spyetiotis' were tiuitte ami rev*) sw-tiitlii ^allure which is" dust de-1 TBIH (*l»s»eg D»w« mobiles which are maiuUinni JUO tlun many otlars half their age. um iilalini; hati"Wen used I0fo1r ^Proposthe e Bond Jssue for «uiKeryiti« th*j «tke'*'thin it woi.ld have U, «,,,», , AUTO TRAILS water supply source*, r This in-j the EHzabethtown ' 'Ba^ndatiofts tax relief sajjEjea:- -t!c»]ujig among our people, for tli*» j - London.—The American N»*«l| operated in poor condition. So.:,- old theory that steel in time j same purpose, lint ulck«|. plating' Protecting: Water Shade Tree Work Uwiug to the nature aadE b*2<£5» *-iii <>I door«. Tii* tmst year jilant-j delegation amazes the British pub-- MatWkian.s so so far as to .-'at r,™'bTme8 weaken*d lhrou*h M«y«-ih« a tendency to peel off and any : * dudes develoiimeat of the Whar-j sources. 1 FRESIi-KII.LED JERSEY a ton Tract as a future water sup- i • ; this pest your commiasiai* t«si it.*;. »e;t aiade as follows; I lie by turning down .thflr glasses AND that half of all motor .n • nJ-..'- urn- ^Hl^llon"ai(|>eariitobenolonser ^latins >'s»on worn away fay re-! Trenton Feb 12-A bond in Union County i-at tion largely due to th* ta.%% :i road, Crauford to at'publk fuuctioiia aud ab'suintng., are due to tneclranical faip. <- i'i le 1 1 he il I oveU 1 ply for South Jersey. Two mem-! Ho<»ver to VMt ]HM!|.« ;2 ^' .. J . ...?^:_°LJ . "'! ; iP^*" 1^»«hin so that the under-jfor ITOWOOOto ««« piu oaks; l)road|from wlllea. wonioiit catH, While it i^ k»:v K bers of the commission, .\f | Washington. - Presiden. • the infestations totsk pUc* i& s. Roasting Chickens and Turkeys inert' , a x 0 fr dens, orchards, or.oa grap* wn «3**t. WtJ-lfielA. 100 willow oaks; i - .• MOTOR TALES apparent that ('omisii--i<>ii' i l»i-i , •" . ."...... a tA|.™cu tu me *ur ' waier SUDDIV ; Grossman, of ^tlaoi«-. City, and ! it is expected, will ° ' ' i recognizes, the import.m< t ni tui- the stimulus jand matins begins. Stainless steel u proposed in t j Variety oFWork With at the rear of private resktes. « |Tii>t1 Grand btix et, Eli7.ab«th, loo - . Circus Motori«e<* ALL KINDS OF FRESH-FISH- of the modern"..machine use. Tjhe is not subject to rust, ? • The nursery b«gaa to praise lioiM>y ,• locust; Uellevie.*' avenue, I., . Wet or ii} H.pon»o'rin~ M.U1* n does been introduced in tbe Legislature. been making a preliminary'survey Indianapolis.—Gentry Ilrothera j spwtious of all Ihf nmtnr iai.- m Trees on County High= rl&2'J a few trees ami there are & •Eiizabt'lh, 46 Norway martles; Circus has ordered 18 motors There seems to be igrowins: ,.l,4i"» Alierteaa. *i : MaaiUUin avenue, Roselle, 29 sweet .-- '•' " ttithee State, and that Miili in-p»<- wayS — Recommenda= trucks and 18 buses which will be MELVILLE k RUTAN & CO. about one half of wiiieb" iti- ttT£*ipnm; Kim stri#t, Moselle, 3ft Rink- In transporting circus and \ •opinion that a large pereehta^e of tioiis have shown thou^ah.!.-, or rdonorwuh~ ouough for street ptaiititts. 11*1*; so: Calvin avenue, Kosselle, .27 automobile accidents are due to: tars to UP in need oi if pans " we will not do so 2 tion on Signs personnel. FRUITS Always the Best ^VEGETABLES of an automobile indefinitely ex.""ecenlly announced that •are also i£ white oafes a«*MUiw*J*T^aiores; Olja place, Roselii', 9 tended. jFord models will utilize 1 your nattte for idem for s*rtJUDi>itx; Chestnut street. Union. 381 SPRINGFIELD Ave. Phones 101-102 * Summit, N. J. , endorse the 'ease its water supply 0 2,000,- ileation in accordance with th- !" n ~,*ri in PrAphnl elms; 'Cf'a'nfo'rd " avenue, Liri- ^—— ————•————•"•g* tontmually adjusted and frequent- y duril18,„ lh...re war yvhen pany H WHEX TOU GO AWAY lea,, Prcoliokiers: . j 11)28 antf liM tii be•'" cm VS ash; Chandler avenue, Lin-! • ' . used to provide for the acquisition | [ application to yyou r addresesss direct at the HERHERAA? n r , , •. 7-. . ; " — ***"*"*'"'•" i manufacturers of ordnance were of lands, water rights and other U The Shade Tree Commission ground. They are just ret 4*a. 310 elms; ]^:Candless ave-i •" .. - » office Save delays and ! nut. Linden 151 ash; Elizabeth y replaced. .< hief among these are fBCell| D lhe hardest'possible metal interests related to the program of] opposed by the Klizabeth.town office Save delays and error! ,„.p-ents herewith its fourth' an-i There are 10O red piaas So \S brake lining, although the general for KHn. HnlnjC8# lt* ,s Water Company and In so doing be-! *»UBlas spruce, about -V nut-. Linden, 402 ash; Stiles S25 ash; Tooker use of four-wheel brakes has (of stee, with about lg% "LOW GEAR" MOU.NTAIX W,H .pent and for which every | Um]ens averaglng abottt K lengthened the life of the origina ju 8% of nickel and 8mal, JIT««UC, Spritisfield, Ti'ash; Vauxi equipment in ratio. Roller and ball! m)t8 of carbo raanganese> GRADES I'O.NQt EKED BY lCi(iz(ii has received full value. ] in height, developed front Hal] rtiad, I'niou. 212 sycamores; 1 •bearings have been perfected to the!8jl ,C0D| phoSphorus and sulphur OAKLAND 8 "Di HIGH" r . to the liberality of your Icollecte( l in 1927i n jj^tcre- ^^a- SjrtiujjiieJd avenue. New Provi- l \ point where they are as near the Th • n ' „„* , sat(1 ,n h fhthe jioaiil your CommlsHioii was able !-ty by permi83ion and wftb £iie «oO c>oo ,t>iai 000 O Mincers may ever hope for, and be-filed, sawed or cut with any hand most abrupt mountain grades of Something New in Roadways 1 to its operations which was "»<*! Shade Tree Cammwsiaa. T&*s* i#'i«WT«s; Keats avenue, Elliabeth, 49 °v cause they run for years under the tool; it resists rust perfectly; does the rugged west recently offered ?•/ CRYSTAL SPAR still is adequate except for the ad-1 ajso a miscellaneous colfeittMiisi «f ]*?'«uaores; Byron avenue, Kllza- j terrific '/punishment of use andnot tarnish and has strength, su- abundant proof of the superior (liiion of a. small truck which will j u ^ges whicb wiM he 4*5013--ii«iiil 40 sycamores; DeWItt tcr- ? 1 sma abuse, often'without lubrication, or perior to that of steel. high-gear hill-climbing ability of he Beautiful White Stone in added early in 1930 and the Te-! ated" into varieties la 13O)'. TS»'M««. Linden. 28 HBII; Mornhwgside periodic inspection and adjustment, the new Oakland V-type Eight, FOlR DRIVEWAYS AND WALKS jihi.'lng of the old Nasli sedan i JI here the nurs«^y U mm tm-'lu-rr^e, Linden, 30 ash;Rnritaii i car owners and garage mechanics Water diap Itoud Closed SO W The test run was made by A. H. with a new car. This equipment juate d ^ nOt provin(5':"aleas«allwr!|i«iBd.- Clark Township, 160 syca ;are wont to treat them with less 1 Motorists who have been in the Patterson, Oakland-Pohtiac dealer ,, of a Ward LaFrance truck j adaptable to the KrowiaK ? of aiw-liwas ; South avenue, Wcstfleld, • consideration ^ than they deserve. habit of driving through the Dela- at Stockton, Califs-who sought— . A. OAKS : | Such bearings will give almost end- 01 three and one half tons capac-|jety of trees. It Is proving uam w«t\ <3 «T<*amore8; Plainfield avenue,j ware Water Gap have for years and obtained—personal verifica- 8ole DIstribotor For Summit and Snort Hlllr - ' ity, eiiuipped; with a detachable! ther tod claey. X*v Providence Township, 44'ash; Sltuh) from "l.'Hi'intrt du Cn«»um« less service, but once they become wondered why the'State of Penn- tion of Oakland Bight perform- and Ta r'rto loose from wear and adjustments General Contracting and Jobbing body, a detachable spray- The real duty of- '-a Slud!e TmwijJtew w'cre also planted on Prince-; V/ prs*^-; wMri l«0 were paid for by thei •\l\ Cars, like human beings, respond crooked, rough, slippery and dan- no to considerate treatment. Whether son left Stockton and headed for :t5-r tons capacity for. conveying |erty owner3 in enhanetirsTOIIB* off'"Bfa**ley Heights Development' serous. Traffic 'movement, par- the rough Yosemite Valley coun- the car he the cheapest one in theticularly through the summer men and tools, trees, fertilizer, | reai estate Trees-'not oMjr aJtoftfliCraporation. of New Providencev, market, or the jsjnost t expensive,expensive,.i. itt tity and the terrific grade leading etc. A Chevrolet with service DUt iieip prjeserre oar ssmw**: ~ii jtlantings were made in re-j The New ...ills . • months, has been extremely heavy, will best service to the man to tlie famous Glacier Point. The body for use of the foremaii in tak- without trees our parks watsM'flw tfl requests, and 67 plant-1 who treats it witihh the thoughtful- as the route is the most convenient only gear change between Stock- one to the Pocono Mountains and ing .care of numerous and ever in-j dreary, unpleasant place* THr*** made as replacements j ness which a complicated and ex- ton /and Yosemite Valley w.as made •(•reasi'ns numbers of requests y, p p pensive piece of machinery de- Delaware Valley points. A trolley 97 miles from Stockton where deep add materially to our heattlt. an- sales manager of Nash Motors, is howevfcr, several so close to the JUyLOJteJihjayingthat^WUiF«^ e the road is built into t_he_sido_of n^TTwkT^rThe foot of trnjr—otneT caTTs . viirht of way that they seem to bej of the answer is rusting rlgM within it and* In some cases where In city junk yards and at the foot -whiqh*flow»-the- river. Below the 'n. to have- progressed - without} M1LLINGTON, N. J. of railroad embankments near highway runs the Lackawanna Changing gears. He /CTkted that these trees have presented a men- small-town creeks. It is riot how Railroad and how to reconstruct only two miles of the 333%iile ace your Commission has co-oper- the xoad and make it safe without were made in second gear. ated with the property owner in many cars we make but how many 1 '•>&' cars are going to pass] out of the disturbing the railway Will tax the The writer pointed out tjbt the removing'.themv White and Brown, All Sterile picture that is interesting produc- ingenuity of engineers. Between lectncular hill-climbing; abintv of *" The policy begun in 1928 of rais- J-iOvely fashions' are never lost; clever couturiers tion managers. As a matter of the railway and the highway great « Oakland Eight Is due tomts ing branches to clear views near Three Sizes—Three Prices fact the major part of the 1930buttresses of concrete havlrlnN |-frlglKratio of power to car we! the approach to railroad crossings automobile market depends on the piist been built at points where the The swlan in which the trip or bridges has been continued and bring tlieni back to grace anotlier Jay and age. Tnis Summit Motor Gar Co., Inc. passing of motor derelicts, and it supports of the highway \ were made weighed 3,145 pounds co-operation has boen extendedtto All One Day Old is pretty wejl established that weak, but the roadbed is norie\too out passengers. Its V-type engine Public Service Companies In sev- • - • . • • f 47 SUMMIT AVENUE their number will total between 2,- secure and not adequate to safety develops] 85 horsepower or one William E, Nixon eral municipalities in clearing very week, lor example, Patoii and Lelong ana 500,000 .and 3,000,000 in spite of carry the heavy traffic using the>Jjiorsepawer to each'37 pounds of '-• street lights. ••. This is a difficult ON SALE AT SUMMIT, N. T, our college undergraduates."'- road. M^arwelght which Is asserted to be < Sales and Service problem. Many citizens object Delaware Water Gap is one of the highest power-to-weight ratio strenuously on the grounds that Molyneux ana Taloot arc giving a waiting tasnion- the-scenic wonders of the East and of nny production built automobile 170 PARK AVE. 'Phone 1665 SUMMIT, N. J. lhe lights'Khilie into windows at Ford New Me till it is to be hoped that the new,road SIEBERT'S The near future will doubtless In the Oakland weight or price liJKht ;iiid tliey. prefer the brunches wbrM-tliese long-lost darlings/ of the .French Direc- will make it possible for a motor- /tin on 'left 011 while in every case the Ave, Summit, N. J. •Phono fllfl see more,and more general adop- ist to drive -through, the 385 tion of stainless steel for the man- 1 great Tublic. Service Companies desire gorge and see something- besides them removed. ro*** KMMI *L >«*T Providence pun sleeve, the capelet, tiie troaa ufacture of various small exposed the road ahead of him. Motorists toire: parts of motor cars, which parts in In calling:, to your attention,^ f'«u JtOliagtoa ; . bound for the Gap, Strbudsburg or fact that your-Commission has no the past have been s/trfeject to de-the Poconos must keep in mind ,1. S frill, tne nigh' waist and wide i terioration through rust. Many jurisdiction within a municipality rcver, cross-over 1 that that road is closed. From Port- S. H. R such small parts have In the past land one may follow an alternate having its local commission, we al- been plated with niekelj, both for so wish to make it clear that we P. 1. Winfcftfii, Ii* I- Bmri SU ower-printed fabrics that go route through Bangor, Wind Gap, skirt, the little •M | the sake of appearance and as a Sciota, Sriydersville and Strouds- have extended services to these burg, over good roads. If using municipalities whenever requested, with the-wp-tiltccl brims of hats. Not revolutionary.*, ' Army >'ecds Rifles the Somerville, Clinton and Eafiton BUILT either in giving trees or in assist- -tiltcd b Washington. — Major General route, follow on tOi>Stockertown,' ing in some problem for which lo- Fugua, chief of infantry, declares Wind Gap, etc. cal commissions are not equipped. tut modulated, wearable versions, such as you vrill that the 4iext war will find the TO It has been suggested by some doughboy going into battle with Bus Operation in New Jersey municipalities that all local com- the army rifle, which' will never niissions-be abolished and tfiat the find--ji^-B~amkopgGr^ . The average motorist has .visible emmty do all shade tree work. become obsolete. evidence every day of thfe rapid OUT-PERFO growth of bus service in tois State. This would be the greatest folly. Mention the HERALD when buying It appears that ? every good road In the first plaec, locaL commis- in the commonwealth hnB bus 4ines • ..thevitalredson/ sions are focal points or Interest, operating over it. What these lines watclif ulness and supervision. mean, in the development of new why BUlCKouN; They promote local activities, in- sections can only be. conjectured. terest the local' administration From the repor> of the Street and bring before citizens of mu- Direct! Transportation Department of the sells every other nicipalities the necessity for and that the following We believe the following to be Board of Public ; Utility Commis- an interest iu shade trco improve- reputable business men In every sioners one gleans some illuminat- ment. This, your commission could towns can respect and suggest that when- ing figures. There are now some fine car by 2 to 1 not do as well. Also the local ever you are In need of such 423 intrastate bus lines in New commissions spend in this .pounty, services as are advertised below Jersey .with 3,330 buses in /gaily kapi,r,0i)o;oo.- Your • commission's at- covered by a \ast network of bus Bulcltfjroflds so .thoroughly— builds such extra strength and tention has been drawn to this lines operating in every direction. stamina into the Buick Valve-in-Head engine and sealed chassis movement and we would ask you There are few communities in the to strongly oppose it should ever Singer State which may not be reached by ^that many Buicks, five/ten oKfifteen years of age, are still in H lie presented to your Board for bus. Buses have replaced many Bain service.. .and the speedometers of many of these cars register approval. '..-•-• Hemstitching cross-town trolley lines in 'the Your, commission has agreed to larger cities and in many instances 100,000 miles and mote^, 13 fttaiKidc Ave. Theme 1237 buses have Replaced trolleys in tiilio over and maintain, trees on suburban serviceV In many munici- entire streets in Linden, Hillside, Bulck is built to out-perform. This, together with the beauty.and Wesifield, Cranford, Union and BANJO INSTRUCTION palities where tire* parking problem Toll Froe! ^ L. is serious, bus lines have built their comforjr,of Buick's Bodies by Fisher, explains why Amerjcq is Uoselle Park. .IVnor — Plectrum •• Flvo-Strinc Iloth dormant and summer own terminals with waiting\rooms, driving ^00,000 more Buicks than any dther car in Buick's Register now for appointment'. ticket offices, etc, ' g Vo spraying has boon accomplished Personal instruction by the well with excellent results. Spraying Kearny 19W ol— price class... and why Buick today wins from two to five ARLIKGTOM known ail 1st lias been extended to private prop- Road History of Essex times as many buyers as any other car priced above $1200. 1067; BIL.fi BOWFK city when necessary to combat es- BELLEfllXE TThee Essex County Hall ooff pecially bad infestations of Insect at pupil's residence or Studio, 15 Records houses a set of five vol- Come, see Buick's wide range of body types. Then take the 1700^ Clinton Terrace, Irrlnidon, S. J. pests and particularly • in .cases BLOOMHELD umes of 1,000 pages each giving wheel I A single drive will convince you that Buick is the big where this pest might spread to 'Phone Kane* Io!t8 the history of roads in the county motor car value of the day. county trees." The tussock moth EAST? ORANGE Orance 7100) from away buck in the distant past, wan particularly bad in Elizabeth .1 Schuyler Employment Agency when Essex County included what • and. Hillside while outside of these j *T* * * IAAA* The surest and easiest way to start an ice-cold iB now Union, Hudson and parts of Buick offers 15 body types, priced from $ 1260 to $2070, . has moved from 2 Glonslde Avenue Morris and Borgen counties. The towns the bag worm, elm leaf Trinity lOOlk to 1» Miller Street, Vanxliall, where volumes were compiled from vol- f. o. b. factory. Marquette offers 6Jx)dy types, ranging lieclic, tent caterpillar and scale GLEN RIDGE uminous old records of broad pro- ..'• / from$990to$1060. Speciale^Bipmentextra. ,.. Jnsects predominated. Fungicides BloomfieU 1700; the business will be conducted as Mere used on the plants in 'some HARRISON usual. 'Phone IHillunrn 1009 ceedings, with the aid of the New Convenient term* can be arrangod on tha liberal G.M.A.C.tlme payment plan. Bute) §motor instantly*[jLgiwityrta \eep your gasoline Jersey Historical Society, and con- The results of w{hich were Kearny 1900 j tain much interesting information and Marquette delivered prlceiincludeonl/reasonqblechargelsfor delivery anclflnanclng, »<>t always satisfactory. and many quaint references to old Consider th* delivered price at well ai th» list price when comparing automobile value*. Hequosta for spraying for tent Ktaroy I9OO| Phone Summit 2719 Eat. 1921 landmarks, etc; "One might wish caterpillar were below normal dur- MAPLEWOOD with New-Processed "Standard"... that such a record could be com- BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICHIGAN ing 1!I2O because of the depletion SaOranjje 4800; amberger; & Co. MONTCLAIR Joseph Masterson piled for the County of Union. i Canada FoCor.e, ^^gJ£M«*"- Bulger, ol which took place among these caterpillars due to natural fungus : 91kK), i I O Carpenter & Builder There is a lot of interesting Mclogghlln-Bulck,O»hawa,Ont. Buick and Marquette Motor Can .NUTLET : - ' romance buried among dusty Parasites plus systematic spraying J300 j Homes - ALTERATIONS - Jobbing records having to do with the at the proper moment during 1927 HOMES FOR SALE !ll ORAKGE: A 1 building of roads, the politics of "l 11128. It Is doubtful if the tent Oraflfie 7100! "ONE OF AMERICA'5 GREAT5TORES NEWAkK.N. J. locating highways, etc., which caterpillar la as serious a pest as gp Instant, too, on giving you pickup and a snoodi Shop and Bes. 20 Beanrolr SOUTH ORANGE SUMMIT, H. J. ought to make interesting rending h often thought. It Is possible So. Orance 4800 in these days when every man U'iU its disflguremenUaLour road- SUMMIT / 'Photo Summit 2600 'orpower with less knocking ami less sntiTcit!{ . . uses the roads and gives little "A Great KidcH by its webs has (produced an* Summit 2600: Tafc phone 1483 thought of the long years that Performer'1 tiigonism toward this particular VERONA genuine "high-test" motor fuel—at die pnoc have intervened since most or at BUIIT i l'pst. The same is true of aphis. Ifootdur 9800 leant many of thorn were only cow- BU 11"! past summer being dry was BY BUICK WESTFIELD John B. McNamara patha or short cuts across lots,. "on-induclve to the development Wotfidd 1900, °f the aphis. On.the other-hand WEST ORA!CGE MADE BY' THE REFINERS OF BSSO—THE Heating Hoys Die on Sled w<' had in Union County a great Omtfe 7100 Plumbing Tinning MadTson, Wis.—Three boys, all "ifi'Mtatton of tulip Bcale. This CtA^T POITEH fUEL—CONTAINING ETHYL under 14, were killed when their *!>M particularly bad in Cranford FURNACES and RANGES sled crossed a street Intersection ill»tl was not brought to our atten- and was crushed by t speeding UMMIT BUIGK CO. li°n until many of the young had L BAMitKRCER ACO. Cleaned and Repaired automobile. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY 08-78 F1UNKMS PLA F.E. MONTOOSrEIlY," Proprietor •natured, but spraying was done ."One of Antricmx Gmti ABB"- Newark,)?. JJ Dirtctuirr blutc irj"('-c©p*-al of the infestation next year C«)yri'|*i. Ifjo, 'V. tt'Oft, items of interest to you or your WHEN BETTER A Tn J18 Beauvoir Ave., Summit, N. J. ABB BUILT » Japanese beetle Wa» reported neighbor. . • nncK ,Vttt BU1TD THEM I'" twenty-three places but wns In t!V0l*y ease an prlvuto property. In-

MA mtottlt * j?r*"gj,™ t'i5



FACE TWO THE SUMMIT HERAl^D AND SUMMIT RECORD, SUMMIT, M,..J. FRIDAY, FEB. R ter leave of abseme. jr>tHuMMi.on wan referred t» pi- and fiied ar *MH adopted. director declared Board adjourned Coiumunu-ation from Major John wance CojntniHt'e. ltepoi t Finaine Committee .lt Kt-Milutjo> u by Fi>'fholey \Mo.-f|iiito Fxlerniiua- Ml MTMMIT KECO&D , I cumuumiiy. for bis information i with it.' lected of the moa. desirable these, doubtless, in actual practice. Neither the i%rjio> e licit.}: ; UegiiUu- meeting -M llic • I'nion tional liuard was received' wirt f<> advertise for bids on tiiuiipes. Dravis an.i Mi>- Mabel Kaniine ><•>"y"^ ''*' Clerk. Parties During Legislative Recess t10 A-4M)1-i,1ti<>ti «u At'iaiitU'. City W. CLIFT. ami for his guidance in his oxn . .1? y.->nh\. t Jorego! kinds1 . Gur^huMcssloif i that very boards, placards or wha^iiot, fast-} youth nor adults of America can iiriki.-t-. j-ho iiileiv,-!, >>y '!>• 'rounty Hoard- of rhoseu Frec- filed. ]ci»airs V%nl renewals, at Bonnie senior CU-IK bookkeei>er in Slur- " : adopted. political duties'as a voter. Whether j Mjt !i oiil»ort«intits, ;;ii(l it would be[»P«wttle jirontistT Eiat_cffcc.-t to t i'ci's. liiunv wvio be standardized or Federalized like iu "%s imv holders was held at the Court CoinmunkHtion from "Sheriff • Hum Sanatorium was adopitul iff?* Office ".i?" revived and fileil f *^ r»f««t City ui Ctutr House, Klizii belli. N. J. *»' Thur!)u liy Hd.ii) ('umniittee f<*r ]H"aiMi» or for hlani«. Jet ,y« .ill••' Abell Commission^'.Work Endorsed By O.O.P. State Jal) Ed ward Clarke & Son * FHIDAY AFTKRNOO is (loin?. And »»• tin- iiijoi lynf rlo~.€ at. hand. Thej We roittiilaiiil against the lightened riew of the iase. 1 | ee ea| n thc ot lot^ th* No of the seiiit-ir el 15-s Ui til-: laid cluH-ked the patient.s.from $its UeiiisUT Baiier leca! dim appoint-! '«*. !">rebate nl i,,t^ adjoining r Com ^ ~~H i 2 on Education Bill—(jovernoi ; Director Me-Ma 11^ preaifjins: Hoil Service t'o-ordiuated Transport re- K flieJVHlllt 'w 111 {;:• iiKiir fi!.ii-e is now prob-!lhi- report fpr miy ftnteuient of < temoviiiiO-df their signs, but rive greater disaster could befall y College, only cuunty was received and tiled ments of a hmuiier of t-iiiployees in :'oullt.v >'al-d wnen deed l.as been TILE .»,K fifty ills- 11IV, call shuwfd 111 members present, porting condition, of two bridges •-in its last season. But Hj'tvork done; for * otsjht to he possible by next «ea- had beeu done. But'we do .tliiith j WOrk "of the Commission. In I!t29'jetted to bureaucratic'staiidardiza- MI/1 ni:u ry ^i tin--,- Minutes of the meeting of Jan- operate was referred to Bridge t:ard to Hoad Convitotioii at Ailan- iiidns"rei|iiestiiii; fxt*Mision of time: ositioii tliat" no foupU* slioolfl he Jan- tee appropriating $:»O. • i h:. Trpnton, Feb. 1.2—Although the Legislature Is iu recess until Feh- i uray ltilh were approved as-per Committee No. 'I. -ti• inc- City, January• 13fi13rih to l^ll>lhh wa wass for Mrs. Hose ' it^Miuui was re- )r 'Phone 1679 StuUt, I. J. JOHN W. CUFT, President Will. , legally HKIVIUMI until l.hcv luid f purchase of paying COM ,md ex- 'i rt .-toml, in oven greater for some-reference w» the case, a"nd concernirig the remova! of 2,200 at v 24th, there in plenty of activity to interest .the observers of the'Printed copies on the members' Communication from City • of, reYei\ed and filed. , M-eivetl and filed and leconimenda- VHffb W, CUFT. TreM^rtr _. - I borne a child, \h>'. other twonty- pense of Impvoving Hives road,' and in, far better condition) for safne hint of plans for fulfilling signs*, while about ltio ap- r '•iiilll! :«f ,i!t(| n.,,iid of state government and politics. ' liuernal- squalihlcs are dosks, f Linden eiuiosins copy of resolu- • Heport and resolution by Com- tion adopted. KOIllf AN S. GARIS, Secretary :.-• Mr: W!jli>:iht. iti Tuts-: The '"questionnaire" craze has; five niiparently faVfrins ihut do- Summit, was adopted. Ihan before. "Tlia.t is work • th«' prontiHe' thut Inv.d been'made. •lit iim-'il mi i • ,;,'[. aiening-'tO embarrass thc leaders of both the leading -parties.' Freeholder* "1*asey and Halh- tion requesting extension to luittee on Engineer's •• Office re-' Heport and re^. of t.u"1 *-jsriy t;«i>* pr.ovals were received. "Pros* com- i Resolution by Finance Comri'it- •»t*rt4 at th« Post Offlr«, Summit la;gflx tor ti»e pounfy Park Com-! We had the right'to expect . The •Republican State Cominit- lystcr r.C'poiteil at this time. bridge over I'each Orchard Brbok i'liUestins authority to pun tia?-e •; nance Committee ii-touum-ndine K J.. as Seeond-.Cla»» Matter of the Summit Cf>on>I Society, and nientw," t-outinues the report, "with *55S t! tee reconimendinn that Charles-M au--ioii to do, but it should b« btrau.-c of the torn para lively j , option were unanimous hi! i',r lure toils week gave the Abell AH bills pie^onted-on itill call w'rt"s"'reier'rc<1 to Bridge Committeb incw Nash automobile.'and.turn.-old the distribution' of thi--hospital ap Affleck be appointed secretary tu. • the reproduction of ojte nf its nUl-' olie t x f-.:rfiiia»(»(1 jiitttl - XoTT."" -*.-.-..•••-- --,-- > "jj,1Ui juwa s adopted. j prop; iulion was adopted, , Hhe -director and to be'paid $"».'•<"> j lime cards of kivitutior.' was of ;i'i-' favor of restriction or abolition of viiifideireo in the face of the fact Shade Tree Work Hoad I Annual report of the Shade'Tre« T7TI. Bostick inii s« far-.. ao •tJuiS.-v-oni-nHjnify «i(ii upon tin! Most of the j ta» Jer- Communication from Civil'Serv- Hepoff 9a,r|j)-. resolution .by per mouth for bis services wa<» • teiiRi'" in!ert*M to tin- »•oiii'jtapatFvfly; oll il,'-ii the .organization' leaders and se>•/^Josquito KxtenninaUqn A»»o-. |(>e Commission approviiiK of Jn- Comtuitteri adVistiiK that nine bids 1 Commission and monthly reports adopted. Formerly with McRae'a Barber txen ssi- iiiflueme upon it. .streets of this city have l>een so p,.oves that the public is In favoT i H!'Larson administration haye in- ciation inviting members of the: crease in salary ot I.anuie Capfio,'were received for. Improvement ofiof . Sup't, of Weitshts and Mea^- • ft-w survivors.- of'both .the. Hnk'icty. 'veil provided' with shrtde trees, by in Union County IMird.3o U'lii'ial meeting nt Atlan- 'clerk, typist in 'Register's. ..Office Hiyer road.." Summit, und Vcom- jutes, Jail Physician and H>fitd There being no further business. Shbp qn Union Place''for 3 Yean Uself us it- then fxi-tj'd and th*" of the abolition of outdoor adver-* iliVyt

    riv:iie coticfrts:.'" It •Tho rejMirl of (h<- Fnion Comity In this belief the Commission la (ciVe ier and Tliompson fixing salary! Ennnons advising that Jacob Mil-j Heport and resolution by Puldie; ward the construction of -viaduct Barber Shop at IContha 1.7C 1 I than, in any ' i 1! {,*. Io otlhltiVi* iloW iinunHy. {Vrlitinly, then, tlie Rmall has been Issuing a line of I if0 on tree's;'" A total of :-l,Sti:j. trees er> Russell Hinman «.«• d<-< tit*- iiitivh si< r, h an iu'terealint; and i*oti- entitled .to the grateful conunt-nda-i chief. Mayor Frank Hague, of Jer- At the end of l'J28 your coin:n]^/jj;cicived a'tul filed. ! ljenry Nelson and Alexander Clark Walker, Jr., laborer,- was i Resolution by Finance Co/nmit- Incorporated years iij'o are -till ai five Mifinberi m-eiled, on tli<; county'*) own high- i till, the (DiiuiiUHtty, •• erallv iii-|iiiiii«. tlocnineut, which: tton of the public. In tills view we! ;(v (ity. -MIV Kdwurds has hitiken sion had removed CO 000' signs AvXit ConinmnicatloCniatinn from Mills and, appointe"ld d temporary guardds over ii adopted. ! teegUppvopriatinK ISOOJKMI '/W the TX0 BARBER8^-Xp4rAITIHO Facts About Summit way in thja.-eity, ought not to be for id tn tin" perusal of our are confirmed by the gejmral, tpnorj ui'ih the Democratic state leader , ,ell ,„,.,„„ mm ,h,rlv ' . Company advising that they had inmates in hospital were - releaajed Heport and resolution by Hrld«e! purpW of meeting e$pe/ses We shouht IKI[H', too, that 5iifh indefinitely iK-gltctvd. In the flr- d intimates that he is ready toiltc- e; at'f of no lejA inter- i;iiiii.-:taiiceH, w»' must at least hope lead a revolt against the Mayor's . . , wuose •! tUuion County' in respect to free:j nanee Committee. - thority to advertise for bids for ex- j made requisition was adopted. ; » removed ; Avenue) ' t', l'.».M | to tho:u> who have* entered tur Florida, where he is sojourning for I comments the removing of out !.,(,;„ (jf HI)propriation was referred | cierk Martin advising of the tem-1 chaid Hrook, Linden, wag adopted. tee recomtnendiiig resolution pas.s- ';* are more favorable than that was worthy of serious con* TKl/ST uiM'."i':sinr"lli<' 1 Construction | cuiuituinHJ' in later .yeard; to in- inn iif -highways .lint :iL.o for tho. ' l,is winter vacation,* Mr. Hague I of "door advertising ojitmmibeml Uo Finance -Committee, ,poraryappointme!U or Miss Anna! Heport of , Finance > Committee ied December 31st, • l»J!t. fixing The Patronage of My Old Friends it a report indicates. ' Register JR. Lacko was referred to Finance {advising that appointment and in-, salaries be.amended'was udopled. ! form (lu'iii >>f 'what 'Summit Jva^ky^.- <«>,'i.>'U.jt-ni»% the. "health and' the | siderajioii. The notlorftljat any brief answer seek ins to> be-'the complaintp s five to onen, , DpDurinp;; CommCohimunit'atiou n from JR. Lko l-niade a t' Mi ' " ..,.„.,, Is Solicited. H ! before ihfti:, day liere ;uut t«»I,.! safely'uf ih»j |JUWIC. Tin? removal corporation or association Af out- " Iiitle the Kdwards' attack: Mr. Ed- 1929, 2,200 signs were removed am} Bauec notifying Board that' Miss Committee. crease in salaries of Alfred Bagley.; Resolution by Miscellaneous; ,„ iZ.Highland Ave. T;tx rat. Communlcatlon from Union!Catherine Deady, C. W. Irwin, and Committee authorizing dtrecLuiu-.-~ ; mind them *of the! sitb^tantEal ti#a«i miil 'therefore SKJMIOARDS AfiAIN door advertisers haa a naturiil or w-a'rds has (lenied- that he wanted sevei^complaints were received^ MaudKenworthy had returned af- fih 1 l>i : Tinsi cniiiinrtiiitfV County Park Commission enclosing George Angen did not come within and"clerk to execute reTeaije to In-J Tel. 1722 Summit fSitisk 11 • j foundation ofiiarllt-r aehievem»-iits. trei»«. utui M trees, branches and a vested right to erect and to il,(» United States Senatorial noin- HIr. —fl",!,!•!<•!,7"'!.'It* These complaints weic outnuni- i.s procured without charge. resolution, making requisition for their jurisdiction was received surance Company for damages Xomm aIHI l'c«.l i-: -i..iial Mm—350. ! ilium which tli«' s-oyial, intfllecttiijl -hrub.s that obstructed, vision at We calivtheni slguhoards for themaintain such structures, against v il wit-Ms (..is \\w vjtridiis iiicinl.f v-i aRain this year. Mayor •bored twenty-three to one by ,fav- | i that they the public wish and to the detri- has picked State Senator y nr comniiKsion ce 8 y S'!l!lili:il, nil tld- t.:ii'!>:i\v;tini:i and uiti/it !,• -ifucture of .the .Sum- and «TO3s"i«g.a, must be sake of convenience and because orable comment^ and this dees arc- co-operating with your Hoard ' I. .ijiiivt- lijlr Water, with of a family. t to make the race against It it., ;i! Kl» niit 'of iod:'.v i.V ba.sed. The Si|«t- grattfully regarded. The planting of custom, though iu fact they ore ment of the public welfare, la sim- not ^include favorable mress com- in every possflile Avay. They ap- j !iO trains «i i I III:: eniiMi ; ! ii• 11.•-: wifll ply fantastic In its folly. The bill ^ Republican candidate. menfs. Press comments, with one l-< iii, .Mn] risinwii jiiid niit t'hoial Cial. I:) tloiut; giC«t of 3.^G'. trees at the side:! of public no such things, but are advertis- jMnaii('ial:tttaiiifiiritl varies «*v«>i'j ainmi^ Carey indorses Abell predate very greatly the co-opera- K.'ike Jini.a rui • I'uy water fr.,.ln thinp;:! today.. But it ia not-with-i roads'means such improvement of ing hoardings. Signboards, pro- providing for taxation of the signs, exception were unanimous in favor tion which every member of your H'leaaii-.w.-ti ;;. ' l-. iTti ii- lif.lit ami K'.i"'i Farmer Judg; e Robert Carey, said one, would take away sixty 1 Hudson County member of the Re- of restriction or audlition of out noar,i iujs extended to them. They till'- wuti-r .- 'ewt r ;.'e : li•-,' ni.'iil (Ivliv.- out an iu'spiring back?rouri.ct and j many of highways. Highly claiming tlije Identity of the estab- childreii, 1 >isj*H>sition, sex, Irainii^ iiillti- 1 publican State .Committee." this of door advertising. All of HitsL,. i times for yotir ?ug- i:•!• :i;,il iiii priftci'- honorable tiailitioriM. " -, too. is the use of a lishments upon which they are dis-per cent, of their profit^ Well, fl open at al tloll,. l\)ll) '. ••;!'HM-IIHI.I)I' , two hotels ; innili. in Ahovo all, \viV mu-.t not ignor*-' v:u> ty of tree:;; , partitulaiiy pin played, or telling t|e nnmea of that was rc-iilly.a strong argumeut finr. ii. It it. n<>| unusual to sec our Ix-nc- incut of the Abell Commission's i of the abolition of out of door ad- wi,|t.j, they Will welcome. 1*1 j;'Vt:'.*»s«-, which have hitherto beeu and commendable, anil are seldom take aWay not merely .sixty but a, llic sainc ..portion as others from an.estate. votes: as a candidate for Governor Now that the county has begun WALTER S. •MA.RDER^ tlie Choral Society forty-odd years [strangely neglected. in any way* offenulvelt Indeed, the full hundred per cent, of the in the. Republican prlmafy of 1928, j erecting directory sigiis1 y/our com- J. F. I)YER, Se'c'y-Forester. profits of the offensive business- d a resolution which Biiggested j mission can remove tlie Standard fj' *' J J «5.f Y Nl WSl'APlRS, IflC ago. Of the thousands of readers | „ Concerning one feature of the chief criticism of them Is that they Ain'itlier inav he nnilf siieees'sful in manau- ot this paper, probably not more report, however. It Jis impossible to are not always sufficiently num- and then penalize It, to boot! . investigations be continued by Oil directory signs which because from Wife und Robber ,v, . ' - -.... " Heinitor Abell and his committee they carry the. word Standard are Humbolt, Sask.—Stanley Krop- than one per cent, could hay^e laen-'a^old expressing surprise and re-erous or conspicuous for the ready colleagues and that they take up tified "Hiunmit Hall,"-or--could-Te-i-lS,'»*t-i-Thatils."the failure to men- actually advertising matter and i admitted to" a coroner's jury guidance.of travellers. Tbe^lhings Referring to pending proposals i;i^ Iiis p( object to are mostly tliat when ho saw tin armed man HiiJUY, 1'KHHl'AUV 11, nt Washington for the expansion j Atlantic County and Democrn plaint by parties who ar.e; inclined, (1jiinb tnrough a window of his Kven Mr. A.Vhite's memories and; to be done, in the olty of Summit, Hudson, as well as inquiring huge, ugly structures^ obstructing*' of the 'Activities and powers of life! that an estate hfoh-n into fragments, will to question the legality of remov-j hous(> he-brdfce and fled leaving researches seem to have left him A large amount of tree planting the^'view, disfiguring (the scenery, state governmental affairs. I/his Ing signs.' There then remain only] ,m baby at the mercy of l Federal Htireau of Education, thej hiH wife a j not altogether convinced concern- has been done in no fewer than ten jind advertising businesses or produce less inenine tlwn oneivhteh is Ju-ld resolution was laid over, but the caution blinkers which, carry | Uu>,mtrU(le r Later his wife was New England Homestead shrewdly insurgents at the State Commit tuate ling it. "One Is -not sure," wrotefother municipalities, including./ advertiglng matter. These can be es not • commodities which have no rela- observes that "no. one objects to • meeting insisted upon giving tt! (liscoveye-,] Tlie .police arc to lie commended jcariyle, -only morally certain." [thre^ which directly abut tion whatever to the place in together and the -income divided. as soon ajs existing con- research study and further infor- Abell probers a vote of confidence, expire. Whalei-Kutt-K lloni and supported by nil «ood citizens ! We feel confident, however, that j Summit, and in some of theny half j which they are displaced" nut are mation on such Important ques- Safety ami ruder this plan,-Jill share in the earning anyhow. Such organization n\en as The^ -fetaltvirig good Iu their effort to put an end to his "assumption is correct, and;a dozen .or more streets.hVfe Senator Baird of Camden, Enoch L. San Franeisco.|-A lar'se whale re- purely alien in Interest. In lact, tions OH education.^ Jloweyer, it ia capital^, family comfort, nl! signs returning them sftig-past-Alealraz' Island^ met ls' and iiMfjng in the mil- "Summit Hall" was the assembly*eeiyed attention, includin .uin y they are often hostil__ e .\o __ l^nojt-cteai~w"hy the same thing can- iKl aj.ipi'eeiatiftiT^aeh portion aids Johnson.'of "Atlantic, State Comp- normal fee to Ulie owner 1 vs *printffrom a trml. We out- troller John McCutcheon of Passaic ferryboaTaifd""cliaj'ged" fTTiead on7| I iiitiiaujii-ttJMi^ha-vw-M^wnj— *^ ?!3L^.TI0feIMntyrraa7i5^:But>»h^ continued but there has l)j he boat kept goingi'anA- the whale j : line the- ttilidit points of this supports the others/it is for the good and Banking' Commissioner Frank j 111 requests this year 'nave the j •hd--\vhT)"n-rn'-of-+SnriiiRftntir'"irye'n'l[ie7'wini fi" ireat ^county highway of Spring- community, ,or visitor's or of education and Us facilities. Smith of Union, -were all absent pouted and went.-to one side. Cap- It'll <>vil!y~(ii:-,])f>Ke. '• • -1---:••'•-.--..._.:.. _...... and thut the lie in general arc Byrd, coach, after an argument tiies live iiit (i!i'i:s'c. an annoyance | keep record of such matters?!being discussed and many Summit with, the heai:Jng at Trenton on a i these Federal bureaucracies start Atlantic Citjy. which blamed the becoming too 11 informed to be conditions in the shore resort as over admission into a basketball ami ;iii »;tir:-l (ibstruction to ...,theJTher_ r jniiy ha exeusc for our not; people opposed U because of the bill intended partly to abate thisjonce given recognition it is amaz- any longer f oled into the belief game. nsurance charged by a New York, newspaper Life! public in i!s i;^itii/i;ttc and neccs- j knowing precisely where, in this: destruction of trees |hat would be that out of door advertising is nuisance, the County Shade Tree |ng how fast their powers and dic- THE SIM 31 1 1»AXY on Knoch L'i" Johnson's political i-.iry use of the pliic<<. I'erson-H^vho! neighborhood. Eliaklm Littell en-i involved,'one of the foremost-argu- Commisgion should issue its report ,, , , : either import nt or-desirable. tntlon cxl)atl( The 1)rescnt >lca leadership. The State Committee. an affili- jMid lo:u' in. and al>6tit the i tertainod 'Ccnrgti. Washington. But' ments put forward in favor of theconlainiiiR a vigorous passageron J before Congress adroitly stiitea Your comfh sslon has was asked to unseat him as a mem- ated member hip with the New wlii'ii' they' have.- no busi-jroally \vn ought to know facts re-; work was that the County Shade thathttt sarnie e ttopici . TThh e CmmiCommissioi n \I there is no Intention of i! ber, but the cofinmittee took the Jersey Feden tion of Shade Tree tuate with business cycles. Fro^i year to year, the ness o! any ktyd jti tr.u.isavt 'there, i latin;;.to times within the memory Tree Conimis^ion would promptly reports tjiat down to dj(te it had jW iti, State' uud local direction, of j view that he csime with credentials Commissions aiid acted as host. to WNERS of life Insurance have had occasion know in'iitc well tfiat they are trcK-'of living men not- yet grown old. replace the trees that were rc- removed U2.^00 signs, of\whitlj.^,-! ^showing that he had been duly this Federation at their annual a However, that will not* 1930. The Summit Trtnl Cotn/ci;-. •elected by the Republican voters of 44 million Metropolitan Life Insurance policies and > iiolatiug the law,, . '.' "- . • i — much to those who have meeting in tlu Park Hotel, in O recently to compare the stability of this form mean they ''are the county and that any change Plainfield, Seitember 12th and descrviiin' of little I - A SKATE O>! would have to be made by the At- show a steady increase in values tp policy- holders. ^nnsi not I.- able Jo pet tne illHt(.ruent to un-Volsteady habits|| Consider Important Hills g p ^ f:ne_ IHUV Ktn.iou ,|,at Summit:or ine,,r,otyi ,,ut a BorloUs and = Walter Ilros* Old Hickory County Park Synem. ThTh e meetin earnings in life insurance can go to sleep each onphtto iiav... mht. ,wny..thou hj . opportunitiesf = Legs of Young Lamb S Before the Legislature resumes A chart of the market price averages of f B 1 nMnilulcr of the Republican Joint Conference proved to be o»j of the best and It vv.H come II, tune. But we ^' U, ei^e in o.ic of the most graced § Smoked Ham 8 lbs. average 5 most Interestinglcver held. (whole or string end) - committee, representing the State night with the knowledge that he is building an at least tuatnlau, order and de-|ful „„,, m,wt exhi|aralin • of out.|s Senate , and House of Assembly, Your commisslun Is also affill- leading stocks for twenty years shows an irregular y in tne |ire;:enl structure. door winter .sport;;. Sleighing, s 35c lb. pians to go over the important bills I nted indirectly \lith the American estate of the greatest security and with a sure 31c lb. which have been introduced and Civic Associatiol This commis- line that rises and dips, sometimes vertically, with

    alas! in these automobiling -daysIs ; • . •' ./ - decide those to be passed and those will doubt! ss visit Union WATCH (1TY HISIXRSS Iras heroine": only a meriiory and a \ 5~ Colonial Roast the cellar light County next fal in its annual investment return for every dollar paid in. Short Forequarters 5 *r which are to be discarded. A spe- "peaks and valleys". tradition. The majority of people|E (all solid meat) cial session q£ the committee has travelling meet| g which will Tlu City Supervisor, Mr. now living in this part of the:S LambT—25c ll>i § been fixed for* Friday, February start from Phi delphia. Your There are no "depressions" in the investment Life insurance is an investment whose value iy. \vell.-t.u-urKo-_aj| de-i world have probably never seen a; S 44c lb. L'lst, forr this pppurposeo . Governor commission belilves thath t this county has muchl to interest the "7o"f " hy K«)v« ut sifigh, save in a picture, nor heard S lb. 1I THIS-IS.A TRUE STORY i.arson was in Albany this week jvalues of life insurance policies. They do not fluc- constantly increases the longer it is kept in force. to contribute, accounts of their on- the musk of slei«phbells. nor Lamb Chops . conferring with Governor Roose- Civic Association mot only In its velt, of the empire state, on plans trees and parks kit in its roads oration H to-i-hf annual report "of i perieiieeit the unU|Ue joy of riding = Fruits and Vegetables / § and other civic inproyemeivU. that rniii"iit which is soou '.to! behind u swift trotter over ajeoad-iS for a second tunnel under the , j'.nd -wxi ini|.^tjjorjejjli.ajJjbg(l,_.o|f.._si.iiQoth..-8aaw>-.wltb tlw-air-^-5- 5% Discount for Cash & Carry I and New Jersey and other ques- broughht about Ijirtfcr^co-operation "You said it. Boy, it's the finest Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Metropolitan Life Insurance Company U bo taken. Injdeed. i filled with flakes thrown -by the 5 cost them $3.50 eac^. f (ie taxi was $1 more. tious of mutual interest to the twobetween the Boarl of Works in food for little boys .who want to it nittfht, if nvces.-iiiry, he officially! runners' like spray .in an ocean; EE commonwealths. So the confer- Elizabeth arid yolr commission become great, big, strong men." ivquired t»l' all licml.; of deport-' gale." Those: are thingg that we>S In the middle of the first act the thrifty wife ence committee met without the and a very completl,.report is now —says Billy. Break O'Day, Financial Report to Policyholders Daily Averages in 1929 iiifiiL; that fiu-y :;upply such re- shall know no more forever. E Fresh Killed Turkeys f pxclaimed:" You left the cellar light burning!" New Jersey Executive being pres- being made coverinithe streets of Of course, he refers to our for Year Ending on or before a stated date, |' But the kindred sport of skat- 5 enk Next Monday Mr, Larson will Elizabeth, .and plats are being Certified Milk; in session with the conferees | made to give to theicity of Ellza- 2,233 per day in Number of Claims Paid. penally for iiwirlecl— thotipli ing is still with us, imperishable. = WALTER BROS. QUALITY | / Decepibfit31t1929 Guilty hubby gets up between the acts, rushes here, however, at which time Detn considerable atount of time, wo Khortltl hope that there would:And the somewhat exceptional 5 home and back in a taxi,'an^ misses half of the Legisliitive policies for. the balance trees and money to begin a reple- Assets ; ; • * * * k **• V* $3,010,560,051.38 20,674 per day in Number of Life Insurance . r . .. ii lof the 1930 session will be dis-tion of their trees. second act. And what was his reward ? Hie spent "cussed, including the resolution to Many people and] jrganizations Liabilities: Policies Issued and Revived. fiivo the Abell Commission an ap-continue to use theffice of your. Statutory Reserve $2,625,110,967.00 WAI TFR/ RROS ^ $2 ito save about two cents—the price of a propriation of $25,000 for its >»KJrk. commission as an information the desirability of r;uch publicity, j stated that down to Sunday last, S r Dividends to Policy $11,137,296 per day in Amount of Life Insurance ntul should iu fact be eager to let i February nth, there uad been in E "Pnones 226-227-228 / Established 1888 5 Jiright light for four hours, Education Bill Hearing bureau and these -reqtests are in- ; Saturday of this week the Joint PHONE MADISON 82,264,508.86 tlio public kiu.-w how well.he has Summit this \vin),er no fewer than = 43g Sorin^field Avenue telligently "cared for si far as pos- holders payable 1930 Issued, Revived and Increased. F " Summit, N. J, 1 Legislative Committee on Educa- sible. When "the seefctary is not 33-J All other liabilities 125,743,543,37 lififorinpd hi» H. :'thirty-two days .of skating., That 5 <•• *^ - / Why do economical pebple^conomize on light, tion gave a hearing on the bills able to furnish accuilte informa- The city's annual report ought probably sets an, unparalleled rec- j§ Try Olll" Home-made SailSage carry ing out the recommendation tion on subjects not nrtnining to Xlnassigned Funds 177,441,032.15 $2,026,714" per day in Payments to Policyholders thus to be made a conipleto ami ord, It' nieauVihat oil more than = in meat or links the least expensive luxury of all? Why pay for of the Education Survey Commis- trees or shrubs, such information $3,010,560,051.38 -.' • ' • S- sion. Several important bills will and Addition to Reserve. accurate record of. it;! business for half of the days of th}s season it § umm le AT -. /*^ a fine big home, and turn it into a gloomy cave th.> year. It ouchf.to be read by has .been possible here to engag« B WHOl*ESAI#E RETAIL| ho discussed next week. There Increase in Assets during 1929 . . $315,084,08574 to save a few cents a month on light ? will be a hearing on the plan to $1,905,881 per day in New Investments. an inter-; in this delightful exercise and all *" Income in 1929 . . . . . i. . 818,682,519.99 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHtlllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllll ••'..- . \; . • • • . » '; . - - ' ./• •• restore the 36 per cent, interest rate-on small loans. The law cut- Gain in income, 1929 . . . . . 75,270,134.78 The best lamps cost you only half as much tins this charge to 18 per cent, be- $1,039,881 per day in Increase of Assets'. / _as they did five years ago. |f you burned can- comes effective this Saturday. Paid-for Life Insurance Issued, There will also be a discussion on • -: l ", '•• Increased and Revived in 1929 . dles to get as much light as is supplied by a the proposed Civil Service revision NO i bill. Other hearings are expected Total Bonuses and Dividends to MAZDA Growth in Ten-Year Periods Fifty Thou- Lamp of average size, the cost Would to lie conducted next .week before Policyholders from 1897 to .and be a hundred times greater! ( the- Legislature resumes full ac- IS TH| l 1 ivity.V None has yet been asked including 1930 .;. , ,'. . 529,705,988.65 Spring sand Dollars will be available to thk"wet" measures pending, to get this Number ol Life Outstanding .. • V. The high cost of poor light» i^he present discussion at Life Insurance Outstanding lsurance Bolicies Life Insur- Assets Joan on first mortgage, in amounts to Washington on this issue. Ordinary Insurance $8,649,002,429.00 in Force at ance at End at End Dim light and glaring light jnalfe the eyes ti'wd and Skctric Flowers suit, at'our February meeting. Industrial Insurance (premiums End of Year of Year of Year weak. Some of the bad^effectsrtf eyestrain are head- payable weekly oi monthly) 1'irtirtRfin liar<> tif wait lo fn« kNight Coughing for only . $11,666,967. . $2,022,482.45 achy nervousness faJlty.digcstion, sleeplessness. GrouP ^mPSk l 12,823 Joy1 thf fresliiifss and fra- We also open a New Series February • .^_?e sure to use enoufeli lamps and have them shaded Quickly Relieved Total In ,852,432 . 204,816,521. . 8,597,468.77 grance of Spriiiir Flowers-^ " ••• finsytfnt annoying dr dangerous glare* , Convenient heat indicair eriablei you to tell at a glance when Number 13th, 1930 (our 46th series) at which Famous Prescription JGiVes this iron is ready for bking. Booklet containing 48 delicious ,704 . 800,531,0091 . 51,070,840.74 Daffodils, Tulips, Sweet Peas Almost InstanrRelief time, either by mail or in person, any- At the touch of your finger waffle recipe* free with efcry iron. Regular priceJjpFZ.50. 1,679 2,041,951,700. 277,107,868.46, and Freesla are here for jour Night coughs, or coughs caused Ehttrifitmtln Dtmltrti "y a cold or by an Irritated throat Bui Ac 5,343,652,434. 864,750,( choosing. one so disposed may join. Have you ever 'thought^of the forces that are back are usually due to causes which , •.. r :HATHAM ( 120 of your electric light? ^oush syrups and patent medicines 17,933,600,452.3,010, '"« not touch. But the very first, Trowbridge Uteridg, 128 Main Street Principal \:, -Men arc put in all kinds of pother, patrolling the swallow of Thoxlne is guaranteed JUMMIT 1 Weekly lndel io stop the most stubborn cough lines to make sure that you shall have light whenever l| Crane Electric o., 338 Springfield Ave. • inost Instantly. Thoxlne Is a doc? Millburn Building & Loan you put your finger upon the switch. ' '°ra Dfescrlption, working on tin Laird & ComrIny, 16 Bcechwood Road entirely different principle, It goes Flood & Jonb, 386 Springfield Ave. Association Neither coal shortages nor a|cct storms, may be •Mi-pet to the internal cause, i ( Also from your iujrcst lighting company office permttteid to interfere w^th the delivery of the elec- I noxlne contains no harmful • i 62 MAIN STREET \ MILLBURN, N. J. *"KS, is pleasant tasting and Bafe tricity that gives you li^ht, and serves you iii other c w tho whole family. Sold on a 'Phone 543 useful ways./ >, V ™>ncy back guarantee to give bet- doghouse T"i and quicker relief for coughs NEW YORK 1 sore throats than anything you AAFFLE IRON (Heat Indicating) METROP Your Money Hack Any IluslnoNs Pay ave ever tried. Ask for'Thoxlne, FREDERICK t anaf Geheral COUUMI .'.,"; "P ready for use In 35c, 60c, 5 SAYRE ST. SUMMIT, N. J. ., Assets—More Than Three Million Dollar* •V "-. PCNl T •1.00 bottles. Sold by Conza's 'Phone 308 This aJotTtistmtnt is pMshti mfixinUrtst tf a mot iau an other good drug stores. it l ii" hyfid cf tltdrimitj, ndt*bfimy»u how to Power and Light To

    SWatls *i'V *s.v, >n ^ &dm&$ * a, »«• >?\£*t,i* * j?r*"gj,™ t'i5



    FACE TWO THE SUMMIT HERAl^D AND SUMMIT RECORD, SUMMIT, M,..J. FRIDAY, FEB. R ter leave of abseme. jr>tHuMMi.on wan referred t» pi- and fiied ar *MH adopted. director declared Board adjourned Coiumunu-ation from Major John wance CojntniHt'e. ltepoi t Finaine Committee .lt Kt-Milutjo> u by Fi>'fholey \Mo.-f|iiito Fxlerniiua- Ml MTMMIT KECO&D , I cumuumiiy. for bis information i with it.' lected of the moa. desirable these, doubtless, in actual practice. Neither the i%rjio> e licit.}: ; UegiiUu- meeting -M llic • I'nion tional liuard was received' wirt f<> advertise for bids on tiiuiipes. Dravis an.i Mi>- Mabel Kaniine ><•>"y"^ ''*' Clerk. Parties During Legislative Recess t10 A-4M)1-i,1ti<>ti «u At'iaiitU'. City W. CLIFT. ami for his guidance in his oxn . .1? y.->nh\. t Jorego! kinds1 . Gur^huMcssloif i that very boards, placards or wha^iiot, fast-} youth nor adults of America can iiriki.-t-. j-ho iiileiv,-!, >>y '!>• 'rounty Hoard- of rhoseu Frec- filed. ]ci»airs V%nl renewals, at Bonnie senior CU-IK bookkeei>er in Slur- " : adopted. political duties'as a voter. Whether j Mjt !i oiil»ort«intits, ;;ii(l it would be[»P«wttle jirontistT Eiat_cffcc.-t to t i'ci's. liiunv wvio be standardized or Federalized like iu "%s imv holders was held at the Court CoinmunkHtion from "Sheriff • Hum Sanatorium was adopitul iff?* Office ".i?" revived and fileil f *^ r»f««t City ui Ctutr House, Klizii belli. N. J. *»' Thur!)u liy Hd.ii) ('umniittee f<*r ]H"aiMi» or for hlani«. Jet ,y« .ill••' Abell Commission^'.Work Endorsed By O.O.P. State Jal) Ed ward Clarke & Son * FHIDAY AFTKRNOO is (loin?. And »»• tin- iiijoi lynf rlo~.€ at. hand. Thej We roittiilaiiil against the lightened riew of the iase. 1 | ee ea| n thc ot lot^ th* No of the seiiit-ir el 15-s Ui til-: laid cluH-ked the patient.s.from $its UeiiisUT Baiier leca! dim appoint-! '«*. !">rebate nl i,,t^ adjoining r Com ^ ~~H i 2 on Education Bill—(jovernoi ; Director Me-Ma 11^ preaifjins: Hoil Service t'o-ordiuated Transport re- K flieJVHlllt 'w 111 {;:• iiKiir fi!.ii-e is now prob-!lhi- report fpr miy ftnteuient of < temoviiiiO-df their signs, but rive greater disaster could befall y College, only cuunty was received and tiled ments of a hmuiier of t-iiiployees in :'oullt.v >'al-d wnen deed l.as been TILE .»,K fifty ills- 11IV, call shuwfd 111 members present, porting condition, of two bridges •-in its last season. But Hj'tvork done; for * otsjht to he possible by next «ea- had beeu done. But'we do .tliiith j WOrk "of the Commission. In I!t29'jetted to bureaucratic'staiidardiza- MI/1 ni:u ry ^i tin--,- Minutes of the meeting of Jan- operate was referred to Bridge t:ard to Hoad Convitotioii at Ailan- iiidns"rei|iiestiiii; fxt*Mision of time: ositioii tliat" no foupU* slioolfl he Jan- tee appropriating $:»O. • i h:. Trpnton, Feb. 1.2—Although the Legislature Is iu recess until Feh- i uray ltilh were approved as-per Committee No. 'I. -ti• inc- City, January• 13fi13rih to l^ll>lhh wa wass for Mrs. Hose ' it^Miuui was re- )r 'Phone 1679 StuUt, I. J. JOHN W. CUFT, President Will. , legally HKIVIUMI until l.hcv luid f purchase of paying COM ,md ex- 'i rt .-toml, in oven greater for some-reference w» the case, a"nd concernirig the remova! of 2,200 at v 24th, there in plenty of activity to interest .the observers of the'Printed copies on the members' Communication from City • of, reYei\ed and filed. , M-eivetl and filed and leconimenda- VHffb W, CUFT. TreM^rtr _. - I borne a child, \h>'. other twonty- pense of Impvoving Hives road,' and in, far better condition) for safne hint of plans for fulfilling signs*, while about ltio ap- r '•iiilll! :«f ,i!t(| n.,,iid of state government and politics. ' liuernal- squalihlcs are dosks, f Linden eiuiosins copy of resolu- • Heport and resolution by Com- tion adopted. KOIllf AN S. GARIS, Secretary :.-• Mr: W!jli>:iht. iti Tuts-: The '"questionnaire" craze has; five niiparently faVfrins ihut do- Summit, was adopted. Ihan before. "Tlia.t is work • th«' prontiHe' thut Inv.d been'made. •lit iim-'il mi i • ,;,'[. aiening-'tO embarrass thc leaders of both the leading -parties.' Freeholder* "1*asey and Halh- tion requesting extension to luittee on Engineer's •• Office re-' Heport and re^. of t.u"1 *-jsriy t;«i>* pr.ovals were received. "Pros* com- i Resolution by Finance Comri'it- •»t*rt4 at th« Post Offlr«, Summit la;gflx tor ti»e pounfy Park Com-! We had the right'to expect . The •Republican State Cominit- lystcr r.C'poiteil at this time. bridge over I'each Orchard Brbok i'liUestins authority to pun tia?-e •; nance Committee ii-touum-ndine K J.. as Seeond-.Cla»» Matter of the Summit Cf>on>I Society, and nientw," t-outinues the report, "with *55S t! tee reconimendinn that Charles-M au--ioii to do, but it should b« btrau.-c of the torn para lively j , option were unanimous hi! i',r lure toils week gave the Abell AH bills pie^onted-on itill call w'rt"s"'reier'rc<1 to Bridge Committeb incw Nash automobile.'and.turn.-old the distribution' of thi--hospital ap Affleck be appointed secretary tu. • the reproduction of ojte nf its nUl-' olie t x f-.:rfiiia»(»(1 jiitttl - XoTT."" -*.-.-..•••-- --,-- > "jj,1Ui juwa s adopted. j prop; iulion was adopted, , Hhe -director and to be'paid $"».'•<"> j lime cards of kivitutior.' was of ;i'i-' favor of restriction or abolition of viiifideireo in the face of the fact Shade Tree Work Hoad I Annual report of the Shade'Tre« T7TI. Bostick inii s« far-.. ao •tJuiS.-v-oni-nHjnify «i(ii upon tin! Most of the j ta» Jer- Communication from Civil'Serv- Hepoff 9a,r|j)-. resolution .by per mouth for bis services wa<» • teiiRi'" in!ert*M to tin- »•oiii'jtapatFvfly; oll il,'-ii the .organization' leaders and se>•/^Josquito KxtenninaUqn A»»o-. |(>e Commission approviiiK of Jn- Comtuitteri adVistiiK that nine bids 1 Commission and monthly reports adopted. Formerly with McRae'a Barber txen ssi- iiiflueme upon it. .streets of this city have l>een so p,.oves that the public is In favoT i H!'Larson administration haye in- ciation inviting members of the: crease in salary ot I.anuie Capfio,'were received for. Improvement ofiof . Sup't, of Weitshts and Mea^- • ft-w survivors.- of'both .the. Hnk'icty. 'veil provided' with shrtde trees, by in Union County IMird.3o U'lii'ial meeting nt Atlan- 'clerk, typist in 'Register's. ..Office Hiyer road.." Summit, und Vcom- jutes, Jail Physician and H>fitd There being no further business. Shbp qn Union Place''for 3 Yean Uself us it- then fxi-tj'd and th*" of the abolition of outdoor adver-* iliVyt

      riv:iie coticfrts:.'" It •Tho rejMirl of (h<- Fnion Comity In this belief the Commission la (ciVe ier and Tliompson fixing salary! Ennnons advising that Jacob Mil-j Heport and resolution by Puldie; ward the construction of -viaduct Barber Shop at IContha 1.7C 1 I than, in any ' i 1! {,*. Io otlhltiVi* iloW iinunHy. {Vrlitinly, then, tlie Rmall has been Issuing a line of I if0 on tree's;'" A total of :-l,Sti:j. trees er> Russell Hinman «.«• d<-< tit*- iiitivh si< r, h an iu'terealint; and i*oti- entitled .to the grateful conunt-nda-i chief. Mayor Frank Hague, of Jer- At the end of l'J28 your coin:n]^/jj;cicived a'tul filed. ! ljenry Nelson and Alexander Clark Walker, Jr., laborer,- was i Resolution by Finance Co/nmit- Incorporated years iij'o are -till ai five Mifinberi m-eiled, on tli<; county'*) own high- i till, the (DiiuiiUHtty, •• erallv iii-|iiiiii«. tlocnineut, which: tton of the public. In tills view we! ;(v (ity. -MIV Kdwurds has hitiken sion had removed CO 000' signs AvXit ConinmnicatloCniatinn from Mills and, appointe"ld d temporary guardds over ii adopted. ! teegUppvopriatinK ISOOJKMI '/W the TX0 BARBER8^-Xp4rAITIHO Facts About Summit way in thja.-eity, ought not to be for id tn tin" perusal of our are confirmed by the gejmral, tpnorj ui'ih the Democratic state leader , ,ell ,„,.,„„ mm ,h,rlv ' . Company advising that they had inmates in hospital were - releaajed Heport and resolution by Hrld«e! purpW of meeting e$pe/ses We shouht IKI[H', too, that 5iifh indefinitely iK-gltctvd. In the flr- d intimates that he is ready toiltc- e; at'f of no lejA inter- i;iiiii.-:taiiceH, w»' must at least hope lead a revolt against the Mayor's . . , wuose •! tUuion County' in respect to free:j nanee Committee. - thority to advertise for bids for ex- j made requisition was adopted. ; » removed ; Avenue) ' t', l'.».M | to tho:u> who have* entered tur Florida, where he is sojourning for I comments the removing of out !.,(,;„ (jf HI)propriation was referred | cierk Martin advising of the tem-1 chaid Hrook, Linden, wag adopted. tee recomtnendiiig resolution pas.s- ';* are more favorable than that was worthy of serious con* TKl/ST uiM'."i':sinr"lli<' 1 Construction | cuiuituinHJ' in later .yeard; to in- inn iif -highways .lint :iL.o for tho. ' l,is winter vacation,* Mr. Hague I of "door advertising ojitmmibeml Uo Finance -Committee, ,poraryappointme!U or Miss Anna! Heport of , Finance > Committee ied December 31st, • l»J!t. fixing The Patronage of My Old Friends it a report indicates. ' Register JR. Lacko was referred to Finance {advising that appointment and in-, salaries be.amended'was udopled. ! form (lu'iii >>f 'what 'Summit Jva^ky^.- <«>,'i.>'U.jt-ni»% the. "health and' the | siderajioii. The notlorftljat any brief answer seek ins to> be-'the complaintp s five to onen, , DpDurinp;; CommCohimunit'atiou n from JR. Lko l-niade a t' Mi ' " ..,.„.,, Is Solicited. H ! before ihfti:, day liere ;uut t«»I,.! safely'uf ih»j |JUWIC. Tin? removal corporation or association Af out- " Iiitle the Kdwards' attack: Mr. Ed- 1929, 2,200 signs were removed am} Bauec notifying Board that' Miss Committee. crease in salaries of Alfred Bagley.; Resolution by Miscellaneous; ,„ iZ.Highland Ave. T;tx rat. Communlcatlon from Union!Catherine Deady, C. W. Irwin, and Committee authorizing dtrecLuiu-.-~ ; mind them *of the! sitb^tantEal ti#a«i miil 'therefore SKJMIOARDS AfiAIN door advertisers haa a naturiil or w-a'rds has (lenied- that he wanted sevei^complaints were received^ MaudKenworthy had returned af- fih 1 l>i : Tinsi cniiiinrtiiitfV County Park Commission enclosing George Angen did not come within and"clerk to execute reTeaije to In-J Tel. 1722 Summit fSitisk 11 • j foundation ofiiarllt-r aehievem»-iits. trei»«. utui M trees, branches and a vested right to erect and to il,(» United States Senatorial noin- HIr. —fl",!,!•!<•!,7"'!.'It* These complaints weic outnuni- i.s procured without charge. resolution, making requisition for their jurisdiction was received surance Company for damages Xomm aIHI l'c«.l i-: -i..iial Mm—350. ! ilium which tli«' s-oyial, intfllecttiijl -hrub.s that obstructed, vision at We calivtheni slguhoards for themaintain such structures, against v il wit-Ms (..is \\w vjtridiis iiicinl.f v-i aRain this year. Mayor •bored twenty-three to one by ,fav- | i that they the public wish and to the detri- has picked State Senator y nr comniiKsion ce 8 y S'!l!lili:il, nil tld- t.:ii'!>:i\v;tini:i and uiti/it !,• -ifucture of .the .Sum- and «TO3s"i«g.a, must be sake of convenience and because orable comment^ and this dees arc- co-operating with your Hoard ' I. .ijiiivt- lijlr Water, with of a family. t to make the race against It it., ;i! Kl» niit 'of iod:'.v i.V ba.sed. The Si|«t- grattfully regarded. The planting of custom, though iu fact they ore ment of the public welfare, la sim- not ^include favorable mress com- in every possflile Avay. They ap- j !iO trains «i i I III:: eniiMi ; ! ii• 11.•-: wifll ply fantastic In its folly. The bill ^ Republican candidate. menfs. Press comments, with one l-< iii, .Mn] risinwii jiiid niit t'hoial Cial. I:) tloiut; giC«t of 3.^G'. trees at the side:! of public no such things, but are advertis- jMnaii('ial:tttaiiifiiritl varies «*v«>i'j ainmi^ Carey indorses Abell predate very greatly the co-opera- K.'ike Jini.a rui • I'uy water fr.,.ln thinp;:! today.. But it ia not-with-i roads'means such improvement of ing hoardings. Signboards, pro- providing for taxation of the signs, exception were unanimous in favor tion which every member of your H'leaaii-.w.-ti ;;. ' l-. iTti ii- lif.lit ami K'.i"'i Farmer Judg; e Robert Carey, said one, would take away sixty 1 Hudson County member of the Re- of restriction or audlition of out noar,i iujs extended to them. They till'- wuti-r .- 'ewt r ;.'e : li•-,' ni.'iil (Ivliv.- out an iu'spiring back?rouri.ct and j many of highways. Highly claiming tlije Identity of the estab- childreii, 1 >isj*H>sition, sex, Irainii^ iiillti- 1 publican State .Committee." this of door advertising. All of HitsL,. i times for yotir ?ug- i:•!• :i;,il iiii priftci'- honorable tiailitioriM. " -, too. is the use of a lishments upon which they are dis-per cent, of their profit^ Well, fl open at al tloll,. l\)ll) '. ••;!'HM-IIHI.I)I' , two hotels ; innili. in Ahovo all, \viV mu-.t not ignor*-' v:u> ty of tree:;; , partitulaiiy pin played, or telling t|e nnmea of that was rc-iilly.a strong argumeut finr. ii. It it. n<>| unusual to sec our Ix-nc- incut of the Abell Commission's i of the abolition of out of door ad- wi,|t.j, they Will welcome. 1*1 j;'Vt:'.*»s«-, which have hitherto beeu and commendable, anil are seldom take aWay not merely .sixty but a, llic sainc ..portion as others from an.estate. votes: as a candidate for Governor Now that the county has begun WALTER S. •MA.RDER^ tlie Choral Society forty-odd years [strangely neglected. in any way* offenulvelt Indeed, the full hundred per cent, of the in the. Republican prlmafy of 1928, j erecting directory sigiis1 y/our com- J. F. I)YER, Se'c'y-Forester. profits of the offensive business- d a resolution which Biiggested j mission can remove tlie Standard fj' *' J J «5.f Y Nl WSl'APlRS, IflC ago. Of the thousands of readers | „ Concerning one feature of the chief criticism of them Is that they Ain'itlier inav he nnilf siieees'sful in manau- ot this paper, probably not more report, however. It Jis impossible to are not always sufficiently num- and then penalize It, to boot! . investigations be continued by Oil directory signs which because from Wife und Robber ,v, . ' - -.... " Heinitor Abell and his committee they carry the. word Standard are Humbolt, Sask.—Stanley Krop- than one per cent, could hay^e laen-'a^old expressing surprise and re-erous or conspicuous for the ready colleagues and that they take up tified "Hiunmit Hall,"-or--could-Te-i-lS,'»*t-i-Thatils."the failure to men- actually advertising matter and i admitted to" a coroner's jury guidance.of travellers. Tbe^lhings Referring to pending proposals i;i^ Iiis p( object to are mostly tliat when ho saw tin armed man HiiJUY, 1'KHHl'AUV 11, nt Washington for the expansion j Atlantic County and Democrn plaint by parties who ar.e; inclined, (1jiinb tnrough a window of his Kven Mr. A.Vhite's memories and; to be done, in the olty of Summit, Hudson, as well as inquiring huge, ugly structures^ obstructing*' of the 'Activities and powers of life! that an estate hfoh-n into fragments, will to question the legality of remov-j hous(> he-brdfce and fled leaving researches seem to have left him A large amount of tree planting the^'view, disfiguring (the scenery, state governmental affairs. I/his Ing signs.' There then remain only] ,m baby at the mercy of l Federal Htireau of Education, thej hiH wife a j not altogether convinced concern- has been done in no fewer than ten jind advertising businesses or produce less inenine tlwn oneivhteh is Ju-ld resolution was laid over, but the caution blinkers which, carry | Uu>,mtrU(le r Later his wife was New England Homestead shrewdly insurgents at the State Commit tuate ling it. "One Is -not sure," wrotefother municipalities, including./ advertiglng matter. These can be es not • commodities which have no rela- observes that "no. one objects to • meeting insisted upon giving tt! (liscoveye-,] Tlie .police arc to lie commended jcariyle, -only morally certain." [thre^ which directly abut tion whatever to the place in together and the -income divided. as soon ajs existing con- research study and further infor- Abell probers a vote of confidence, expire. Whalei-Kutt-K lloni and supported by nil «ood citizens ! We feel confident, however, that j Summit, and in some of theny half j which they are displaced" nut are mation on such Important ques- Safety ami ruder this plan,-Jill share in the earning anyhow. Such organization n\en as The^ -fetaltvirig good Iu their effort to put an end to his "assumption is correct, and;a dozen .or more streets.hVfe Senator Baird of Camden, Enoch L. San Franeisco.|-A lar'se whale re- purely alien in Interest. In lact, tions OH education.^ Jloweyer, it ia capital^, family comfort, nl! signs returning them sftig-past-Alealraz' Island^ met ls' and iiMfjng in the mil- "Summit Hall" was the assembly*eeiyed attention, includin .uin y they are often hostil__ e .\o __ l^nojt-cteai~w"hy the same thing can- iKl aj.ipi'eeiatiftiT^aeh portion aids Johnson.'of "Atlantic, State Comp- normal fee to Ulie owner 1 vs *printffrom a trml. We out- troller John McCutcheon of Passaic ferryboaTaifd""cliaj'ged" fTTiead on7| I iiitiiaujii-ttJMi^ha-vw-M^wnj— *^ ?!3L^.TI0feIMntyrraa7i5^:But>»h^ continued but there has l)j he boat kept goingi'anA- the whale j : line the- ttilidit points of this supports the others/it is for the good and Banking' Commissioner Frank j 111 requests this year 'nave the j •hd--\vhT)"n-rn'-of-+SnriiiRftntir'"irye'n'l[ie7'wini fi" ireat ^county highway of Spring- community, ,or visitor's or of education and Us facilities. Smith of Union, -were all absent pouted and went.-to one side. Cap- It'll <>vil!y~(ii:-,])f>Ke. '• • -1---:••'•-.--..._.:.. _...... and thut the lie in general arc Byrd, coach, after an argument tiies live iiit (i!i'i:s'c. an annoyance | keep record of such matters?!being discussed and many Summit with, the heai:Jng at Trenton on a i these Federal bureaucracies start Atlantic Citjy. which blamed the becoming too 11 informed to be conditions in the shore resort as over admission into a basketball ami ;iii »;tir:-l (ibstruction to ...,theJTher_ r jniiy ha exeusc for our not; people opposed U because of the bill intended partly to abate thisjonce given recognition it is amaz- any longer f oled into the belief game. nsurance charged by a New York, newspaper Life! public in i!s i;^itii/i;ttc and neccs- j knowing precisely where, in this: destruction of trees |hat would be that out of door advertising is nuisance, the County Shade Tree |ng how fast their powers and dic- THE SIM 31 1 1»AXY on Knoch L'i" Johnson's political i-.iry use of the pliic<<. I'erson-H^vho! neighborhood. Eliaklm Littell en-i involved,'one of the foremost-argu- Commisgion should issue its report ,, , , : either import nt or-desirable. tntlon cxl)atl( The 1)rescnt >lca leadership. The State Committee. an affili- jMid lo:u' in. and al>6tit the i tertainod 'Ccnrgti. Washington. But' ments put forward in favor of theconlainiiiR a vigorous passageron J before Congress adroitly stiitea Your comfh sslon has was asked to unseat him as a mem- ated member hip with the New wlii'ii' they' have.- no busi-jroally \vn ought to know facts re-; work was that the County Shade thathttt sarnie e ttopici . TThh e CmmiCommissioi n \I there is no Intention of i! ber, but the cofinmittee took the Jersey Feden tion of Shade Tree tuate with business cycles. Fro^i year to year, the ness o! any ktyd jti tr.u.isavt 'there, i latin;;.to times within the memory Tree Conimis^ion would promptly reports tjiat down to dj(te it had jW iti, State' uud local direction, of j view that he csime with credentials Commissions aiid acted as host. to WNERS of life Insurance have had occasion know in'iitc well tfiat they are trcK-'of living men not- yet grown old. replace the trees that were rc- removed U2.^00 signs, of\whitlj.^,-! ^showing that he had been duly this Federation at their annual a However, that will not* 1930. The Summit Trtnl Cotn/ci;-. •elected by the Republican voters of 44 million Metropolitan Life Insurance policies and > iiolatiug the law,, . '.' "- . • i — much to those who have meeting in tlu Park Hotel, in O recently to compare the stability of this form mean they ''are the county and that any change Plainfield, Seitember 12th and descrviiin' of little I - A SKATE O>! would have to be made by the At- show a steady increase in values tp policy- holders. ^nnsi not I.- able Jo pet tne illHt(.ruent to un-Volsteady habits|| Consider Important Hills g p ^ f:ne_ IHUV Ktn.iou ,|,at Summit:or ine,,r,otyi ,,ut a BorloUs and = Walter Ilros* Old Hickory County Park Synem. ThTh e meetin earnings in life insurance can go to sleep each onphtto iiav... mht. ,wny..thou hj . opportunitiesf = Legs of Young Lamb S Before the Legislature resumes A chart of the market price averages of f B 1 nMnilulcr of the Republican Joint Conference proved to be o»j of the best and It vv.H come II, tune. But we ^' U, ei^e in o.ic of the most graced § Smoked Ham 8 lbs. average 5 most Interestinglcver held. (whole or string end) - committee, representing the State night with the knowledge that he is building an at least tuatnlau, order and de-|ful „„,, m,wt exhi|aralin • of out.|s Senate , and House of Assembly, Your commisslun Is also affill- leading stocks for twenty years shows an irregular y in tne |ire;:enl structure. door winter .sport;;. Sleighing, s 35c lb. pians to go over the important bills I nted indirectly \lith the American estate of the greatest security and with a sure 31c lb. which have been introduced and Civic Associatiol This commis- line that rises and dips, sometimes vertically, with

      alas! in these automobiling -daysIs ; • . •' ./ - decide those to be passed and those will doubt! ss visit Union WATCH (1TY HISIXRSS Iras heroine": only a meriiory and a \ 5~ Colonial Roast the cellar light County next fal in its annual investment return for every dollar paid in. Short Forequarters 5 *r which are to be discarded. A spe- "peaks and valleys". tradition. The majority of people|E (all solid meat) cial session q£ the committee has travelling meet| g which will Tlu City Supervisor, Mr. now living in this part of the:S LambT—25c ll>i § been fixed for* Friday, February start from Phi delphia. Your There are no "depressions" in the investment Life insurance is an investment whose value iy. \vell.-t.u-urKo-_aj| de-i world have probably never seen a; S 44c lb. L'lst, forr this pppurposeo . Governor commission belilves thath t this county has muchl to interest the "7o"f " hy K«)v« ut sifigh, save in a picture, nor heard S lb. 1I THIS-IS.A TRUE STORY i.arson was in Albany this week jvalues of life insurance policies. They do not fluc- constantly increases the longer it is kept in force. to contribute, accounts of their on- the musk of slei«phbells. nor Lamb Chops . conferring with Governor Roose- Civic Association mot only In its velt, of the empire state, on plans trees and parks kit in its roads oration H to-i-hf annual report "of i perieiieeit the unU|Ue joy of riding = Fruits and Vegetables / § and other civic inproyemeivU. that rniii"iit which is soou '.to! behind u swift trotter over ajeoad-iS for a second tunnel under the , j'.nd -wxi ini|.^tjjorjejjli.ajJjbg(l,_.o|f.._si.iiQoth..-8aaw>-.wltb tlw-air-^-5- 5% Discount for Cash & Carry I and New Jersey and other ques- broughht about Ijirtfcr^co-operation "You said it. Boy, it's the finest Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Metropolitan Life Insurance Company U bo taken. Injdeed. i filled with flakes thrown -by the 5 cost them $3.50 eac^. f (ie taxi was $1 more. tious of mutual interest to the twobetween the Boarl of Works in food for little boys .who want to it nittfht, if nvces.-iiiry, he officially! runners' like spray .in an ocean; EE commonwealths. So the confer- Elizabeth arid yolr commission become great, big, strong men." ivquired t»l' all licml.; of deport-' gale." Those: are thingg that we>S In the middle of the first act the thrifty wife ence committee met without the and a very completl,.report is now —says Billy. Break O'Day, Financial Report to Policyholders Daily Averages in 1929 iiifiiL; that fiu-y :;upply such re- shall know no more forever. E Fresh Killed Turkeys f pxclaimed:" You left the cellar light burning!" New Jersey Executive being pres- being made coverinithe streets of Of course, he refers to our for Year Ending on or before a stated date, |' But the kindred sport of skat- 5 enk Next Monday Mr, Larson will Elizabeth, .and plats are being Certified Milk; in session with the conferees | made to give to theicity of Ellza- 2,233 per day in Number of Claims Paid. penally for iiwirlecl— thotipli ing is still with us, imperishable. = WALTER BROS. QUALITY | / Decepibfit31t1929 Guilty hubby gets up between the acts, rushes here, however, at which time Detn considerable atount of time, wo Khortltl hope that there would:And the somewhat exceptional 5 home and back in a taxi,'an^ misses half of the Legisliitive policies for. the balance trees and money to begin a reple- Assets ; ; • * * * k **• V* $3,010,560,051.38 20,674 per day in Number of Life Insurance . r . .. ii lof the 1930 session will be dis-tion of their trees. second act. And what was his reward ? Hie spent "cussed, including the resolution to Many people and] jrganizations Liabilities: Policies Issued and Revived. fiivo the Abell Commission an ap-continue to use theffice of your. Statutory Reserve $2,625,110,967.00 WAI TFR/ RROS ^ $2 ito save about two cents—the price of a propriation of $25,000 for its >»KJrk. commission as an information the desirability of r;uch publicity, j stated that down to Sunday last, S r Dividends to Policy $11,137,296 per day in Amount of Life Insurance ntul should iu fact be eager to let i February nth, there uad been in E "Pnones 226-227-228 / Established 1888 5 Jiright light for four hours, Education Bill Hearing bureau and these -reqtests are in- ; Saturday of this week the Joint PHONE MADISON 82,264,508.86 tlio public kiu.-w how well.he has Summit this \vin),er no fewer than = 43g Sorin^field Avenue telligently "cared for si far as pos- holders payable 1930 Issued, Revived and Increased. F " Summit, N. J, 1 Legislative Committee on Educa- sible. When "the seefctary is not 33-J All other liabilities 125,743,543,37 lififorinpd hi» H. :'thirty-two days .of skating., That 5 <•• *^ - / Why do economical pebple^conomize on light, tion gave a hearing on the bills able to furnish accuilte informa- The city's annual report ought probably sets an, unparalleled rec- j§ Try Olll" Home-made SailSage carry ing out the recommendation tion on subjects not nrtnining to Xlnassigned Funds 177,441,032.15 $2,026,714" per day in Payments to Policyholders thus to be made a conipleto ami ord, It' nieauVihat oil more than = in meat or links the least expensive luxury of all? Why pay for of the Education Survey Commis- trees or shrubs, such information $3,010,560,051.38 -.' • ' • S- sion. Several important bills will and Addition to Reserve. accurate record of. it;! business for half of the days of th}s season it § umm le AT -. /*^ a fine big home, and turn it into a gloomy cave th.> year. It ouchf.to be read by has .been possible here to engag« B WHOl*ESAI#E RETAIL| ho discussed next week. There Increase in Assets during 1929 . . $315,084,08574 to save a few cents a month on light ? will be a hearing on the plan to $1,905,881 per day in New Investments. an inter-; in this delightful exercise and all *" Income in 1929 . . . . . i. . 818,682,519.99 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHtlllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllll ••'..- . \; . • • • . » '; . - - ' ./• •• restore the 36 per cent, interest rate-on small loans. The law cut- Gain in income, 1929 . . . . . 75,270,134.78 The best lamps cost you only half as much tins this charge to 18 per cent, be- $1,039,881 per day in Increase of Assets'. / _as they did five years ago. |f you burned can- comes effective this Saturday. Paid-for Life Insurance Issued, There will also be a discussion on • -: l ", '•• Increased and Revived in 1929 . dles to get as much light as is supplied by a the proposed Civil Service revision NO i bill. Other hearings are expected Total Bonuses and Dividends to MAZDA Growth in Ten-Year Periods Fifty Thou- Lamp of average size, the cost Would to lie conducted next .week before Policyholders from 1897 to .and be a hundred times greater! ( the- Legislature resumes full ac- IS TH| l 1 ivity.V None has yet been asked including 1930 .;. , ,'. . 529,705,988.65 Spring sand Dollars will be available to thk"wet" measures pending, to get this Number ol Life Outstanding .. • V. The high cost of poor light» i^he present discussion at Life Insurance Outstanding lsurance Bolicies Life Insur- Assets Joan on first mortgage, in amounts to Washington on this issue. Ordinary Insurance $8,649,002,429.00 in Force at ance at End at End Dim light and glaring light jnalfe the eyes ti'wd and Skctric Flowers suit, at'our February meeting. Industrial Insurance (premiums End of Year of Year of Year weak. Some of the bad^effectsrtf eyestrain are head- payable weekly oi monthly) 1'irtirtRfin liar<> tif wait lo fn« kNight Coughing for only . $11,666,967. . $2,022,482.45 achy nervousness faJlty.digcstion, sleeplessness. GrouP ^mPSk l 12,823 Joy1 thf fresliiifss and fra- We also open a New Series February • .^_?e sure to use enoufeli lamps and have them shaded Quickly Relieved Total In ,852,432 . 204,816,521. . 8,597,468.77 grance of Spriiiir Flowers-^ " ••• finsytfnt annoying dr dangerous glare* , Convenient heat indicair eriablei you to tell at a glance when Number 13th, 1930 (our 46th series) at which Famous Prescription JGiVes this iron is ready for bking. Booklet containing 48 delicious ,704 . 800,531,0091 . 51,070,840.74 Daffodils, Tulips, Sweet Peas Almost InstanrRelief time, either by mail or in person, any- At the touch of your finger waffle recipe* free with efcry iron. Regular priceJjpFZ.50. 1,679 2,041,951,700. 277,107,868.46, and Freesla are here for jour Night coughs, or coughs caused Ehttrifitmtln Dtmltrti "y a cold or by an Irritated throat Bui Ac 5,343,652,434. 864,750,( choosing. one so disposed may join. Have you ever 'thought^of the forces that are back are usually due to causes which , •.. r :HATHAM ( 120 of your electric light? ^oush syrups and patent medicines 17,933,600,452.3,010, '"« not touch. But the very first, Trowbridge Uteridg, 128 Main Street Principal \:, -Men arc put in all kinds of pother, patrolling the swallow of Thoxlne is guaranteed JUMMIT 1 Weekly lndel io stop the most stubborn cough lines to make sure that you shall have light whenever l| Crane Electric o., 338 Springfield Ave. • inost Instantly. Thoxlne Is a doc? Millburn Building & Loan you put your finger upon the switch. ' '°ra Dfescrlption, working on tin Laird & ComrIny, 16 Bcechwood Road entirely different principle, It goes Flood & Jonb, 386 Springfield Ave. Association Neither coal shortages nor a|cct storms, may be •Mi-pet to the internal cause, i ( Also from your iujrcst lighting company office permttteid to interfere w^th the delivery of the elec- I noxlne contains no harmful • i 62 MAIN STREET \ MILLBURN, N. J. *"KS, is pleasant tasting and Bafe tricity that gives you li^ht, and serves you iii other c w tho whole family. Sold on a 'Phone 543 useful ways./ >, V ™>ncy back guarantee to give bet- doghouse T"i and quicker relief for coughs NEW YORK 1 sore throats than anything you AAFFLE IRON (Heat Indicating) METROP Your Money Hack Any IluslnoNs Pay ave ever tried. Ask for'Thoxlne, FREDERICK t anaf Geheral COUUMI .'.,"; "P ready for use In 35c, 60c, 5 SAYRE ST. SUMMIT, N. J. ., Assets—More Than Three Million Dollar* •V "-. PCNl T •1.00 bottles. Sold by Conza's 'Phone 308 This aJotTtistmtnt is pMshti mfixinUrtst tf a mot iau an other good drug stores. it l ii" hyfid cf tltdrimitj, ndt*bfimy»u how to Power and Light To

      SWatls *i'V *s.v, >n ^ &dm&$ * a, »«• >?\£*t,i* THE 8UMI|nrHERAlJ»:.ANb SUMMIT REC6RD, SUMMIT/

      EDAY.'PBB. 14,19? JTTT!. # m

      •40 ••5 rt

      •* ^KD SUMMIT RECQKD. SUMMIT, N. J. CK KIV« DO i N J S b'»»" lamoiuAL or Uwo ii..u-fs of (H»UJ«H'^ ;,it. tii,im . . .» ii.Mi.iy t;i;it :i tin,.,. ,,;,„„_. (i *•'•• :tts> to i:if liin-e : "\|H : t ,-itJvHr-rs im^ht tn he er:- il ; A:m ri.... iin rc;t>ci| i«m. 1 a iluu-e t(., look ;<,aer Ihe W4 ,S|i? iiiisi'irM iiy'iiMi1. S /• m l :l h ''• ''- ' " i"U|ll...f thi!'.|-.' |t .THIS („ ,,S ,!,;', t jf Wg |l; Oil' 1 t V l>\\ ]|i"! . .iiii::. ! "r,, i " I !"M , !n!-\|-i> •• In- f I' ' 'i!, in-iii. ( :l <-'OIl)l».'t"Ilt *» p.> ili>: ili'lutix c!r.c;i! .il II '*)»'' "»l !|M .' •' "' 'wei ' 1i*i... < t-ut Th" iir- Millie iliink II; I !'• l-c |;i -I .11 ?<*? IP n ii|>'iilii;: _ }< • \yVu\ iii • !:M' (•\.-i.|'-fl( •! the in- i !"> .i ml luivinu *i <\ ill ''"•fl-'f 111 •l>Ul:ilimi, \.:(\\,\ tj).. to

      ti®li:ii.| iiinlii' i; n i..i •" '• •'-•!il.- til 1' •c\i-vfv.-ii Wit'n :;II,IIMH , it,,,!;! >i<-^((jVl^tvUlf jii'f Itovouj. v. hilt- l!icy \v;uit il i«i lu.ini ;ni •-.l.v'^.^Kit^:; that' i!. Is "Him- I'm 'I'l'^'-'i.al it. jll: il'.: Ill • HHUcilllt-llti'd. \vi,nrill;ili;| |;,|i,\ Il:|l ; fi,«« iijfef-fVMho lnoifcfn imiM'n.vi 1!1' '"'..• •'•t'l) l U'ciiidtT a'lir.c- ;.Ui.«. niijirovijiiHMii is JIUIHIII loVuViu;; OWD THI w'iii'it" ni't- ••j|y&fcMa^^ mi ! i : Tablets ,ft^)VtfU -••'•••'••-••••'—•'-'-'-' f: ; L:!l*'JAz?i!rtt?:rw-itl": biJ..:a* -i'taj-.: eA-aiH M. 0. A. a jleputittloi* ot't«« H^ 5«M ii, -.-the • ^BflffiMlW j'S^ ^^^11^ '• liTii'il iVll HIV' w;iy from Sutiuuii tn, speakers on phases of toiler life w>«M in th« chbnliJgj^S, '*££H#&- ^'M^WS^ 1 |lrr Has been secured for the Hi-Y :tn u» M,-STOJ» Oulai*i$!iySM" • R 1-iiink, Af-.'lhc lsl l illld ill lime. IHi iloiilit. it 1 '""'I •'"••<*i«vMiil:irti, "college night" program this «m- Umoyv Hill «!st on^m. tlii,,Us that uiirj «((« ALSO IN I.|Q| l|). Kre will be a •Hsc.ussum of an w>wi? - • \> ^^mM^^M^Jkl? ifcfc p H?rUi'Ur-iiii>etiiiK at t Ii». (.'docko'cUnk, with Pracrams «.f the .fevt luw.^^l^'^^S^ti?^!1^^^ Ftdtvill<» road to rlii«, Kiilf.ri'i'H men as special •:iiid"«p<>ak»ii',s. A Cull utu>utUme« i'vation. Siuh ilu- HiV Club is 'naturally '-ex aif necessary, II.OUHI, and it is •urged that r*st without valinii fur Hit* supper In* mad*1 I rlivi liw of lht- JOS. 0. CHRYSTAL hut' « o'l'Ioi'k.Monday evening. llll'V (Kfii,

      i The Vnlk-y fiall Ipagiit» trains FIED ADVERTl I lie-HUMilf:-:s "Mill's Uyilt iluss »a Plumbing - Heating a diniuT 'Wednesday eve'uiug k» Caiiniin^ honor oi" lhi> winning t*»uut at tok-. Lii««2i , H IMfNd, toy,, the plan, now under ton l<:aKiii? whit'li ^((•ufij't^jKilion and in exactly ulentl- Deitiie Liquid Roofing llirili. The iiuln fought it Tiilslmrf precisely the former the name articles 387 Springfield Avenue and I he latti :tandardi/atl all Thorn-si Office 271 118.1 • Ill polnt.s, and the captain's and IIHIH 1 •Tii.. luiu, iicif s a •"•••"•.» -••'. inwiufs iur>BpHV'r r i»nm»iuii<* do S(, withom ° lieensp foes to bp>di^mrlV*' or I _follo\ving men: ft. F. Batf«. II. A. r*k*i t«iv»»u. vii\ ii[, i,,,- j-,',, ,,„. returned to municipalitSfes.";. ' jCV£ ...', .1. It. Dougall, H-- Sfhiuitlt.-.iW'iiiitim. •«- third bill. Assembly 210. foyd Trewargy, E. K. F^»th amlj the license fees on trucks 8*11*^0 ! k.^« •Uli»™»iil; ev* D. K. Barnwell. It wa** it^-j Ii ar: H»fiund \n happen! tons and over. This is the rove in ITI—r"n by tho«e at the dinner to oi-1 Why il l iffu in HImPe i - t"o ' b"o" mad.....vve. withou...u.umt ini|i;ti[V al.'-u to rliallenge nearby assocut- j "Y". lo Mood for a in"tn 0 state Highway funds. TheX «PS»A lions to volley ball matches. tens !a adopttrtn, of either of thQ first two[

      V1 altd A bills would mean a net cash return ( You may have, already noticed, - 4 nu Tuc<-thi% and of 1.100 annually to your muni- nn account in the sports section of'• show*„ _,„.., , cipality for each one million dol- J1U' (l« us done, and the Summit Y's ping-pong team' i»ar his "44" is x\^.j ltlullu-iordl lltofUil dat,,.e lars of local valuations. .Thev arc victory in Kar.t Orange Wednesday. He's 1ix*.l rhinc^ now so that to n..t-!?e ^udiciary Committee «l This victory was. not as decisive-: frseclfe aht- rorord a fellow has to "ttotferencc members, in effect, as those with the Orange''Lavrt; he- perffti an.l m one will deny! vc tol(1 us lliat (lu'y wl11 "ot. mous Tennis and the Montclair A. C fmt llnai j« be jitrTcit in anythinK is — ' it. was sure victory just the s;ime.: v.*ilL »e loo]; [or thai "4-1" to'staud 'years conductor on the Morris- Hummit won three sinjiles matfjiesi atrorSi kins-i-;-. TIKIII the •'4.'!" diidt Mown express, which foes through tIlis and lost one single, urn) the «n.u\ IJrjit. tiv-f'v-.' ir.:nli.' h;nl t< lH,_l town every iiiorninu witlicmt doubles. "UKV tw«v. i^toppin:;, has been retired on a ' pension. . I J.__0-_._ - Twenty Years Ago in I Now that the .traffic orilinaiive I had bcoiu i in force for ;evcral FFEE j p ae been post- IfMl The Summit Herald je\*'^d nnd'circulated?* *??***, it is tho purpos *™'^*m«e of tho Mayor, through• tho pnliee 4it or Sell So , . t -"".""i """"n" me ponce (Upartmentir J . to put its provisions SELECTED By Our Own Buyers in' 'The following items ,appe:u'fd. inrfw:> ?•»••,« ,-ip.piM-HMI as'chiinccmaii '| t 'l' 'rtmentf . Ato put its- provisions the Hh'RALD. Kebruary l'>tli. V>V>: ' >Hv«-r Vt-tOiHid :i-s ]>! uined to in-i'!lto forc0- An '-''"K'atit.nal plan South America. Delivered Fresh From, tlr i|f1o le(l o krw^- thf lwir,,i .UMvicts s,, as to • I !-° f '! - ""d porous The Ovens of The World's Largest areSeek* • At, HpnlU-arloo from South t*- \tol^,w «,!,, av,,,,,,, Monil. ; ™£™* Tholo'^who^Vr "T 't vnKh.p to purchase a poi- Uiw avmao. IT^-p.-ct street and | vioh.ti.u-; the rule will-Vo' sun. Coffee Roasting Plant, in Brooklyn,* |nment or Need Summit's capacity in the-.laiip .>»:TCI. , inmncil licforc tho Police Justice N. Y,, to All of Our Stores in The 'jVunk Sewer was turned if found suilt.y win be re ilown byylie Common Couiu.'tL The fur forty i to pay the penalty imposed. Metrooolitan Area. r 4 -kf JI application, togotlior with a repott on the capacity of •the sewer win? •presented by Oliver II. MerrttL A&P has been blending and roasting • or Found Some chairman of the Sewer anil IVruIti-1 coffee for over $eventy yean and' upc Committee. Figures biibmitteii, ; '*••. - - T H '• .-•; v- • '. * • . -• :.... ' • .•. . ' -••'••• by" City Engineer Potter showed, only the finest coffee is selected for that Summit had no capacity to>i these famous nationally advertised' spare in tlie sewer. brands. Purchased by our own buyers' _(> . . j, direct from plantation owners in the' • The Hoard of Health appointed, luable Article World's greatest coffee growing re*v Uonert M. Iloyt, of VVelleslvyt Hills, Mass., as janitor insiwctuL1.; Nowyoucanput gions. Shipped direct to our own roast* at a salary of $1,000 a year. Ite is' ing plants. Expertly roasted to bring a Ki'iiduale- of the Massiwfiu.-vtr.: liiHlituti! Of" Technology amt ha-:-; out its richest, most appetizing flavor; been engaged' in microscopkait ...then speeded to your nearest A&ri \v orlr for -tho Merropoljtan- Food Store ... fresh and enticingly, Commission. ; -.itofllo^JhyjL JUL joyy* Jr*0" of New Providence citizens-ax^ a^t-| LIBBY'S SLICED AaP'i Coffea Roasting Plant fragrant, fresh-roasted coffee. An<| Kiting for the institution of uti' Coffee,To fieGood/Mus t lerre«£V automobile stage line connecting [ in Brooklyn, N.Y. ... that: place with Summit, Murray; PINEAPPLE . a ,—'• fht wor/d'i larytt Hill and '\\>bt Summit stutioas. i. wilted... and EXTRA QUALITY • The Women's Christian Temp-en-" mice Union of Xew Jersey, uurrt-j J)eri»K it.4251' paid-up members, will: BROCKPORT PEAS " uvv have their Own official orgau. ^g.eHlno high-grade coffee In the The White Ribbon News" the- first take them out WHOLE MILK world. More pounds sold than that of any other !b. Y of which has just beeri is* lb C brond. Mellow and ftilJ-flavored. -.CHEESE.;. . «:. 33 ADS OF At the annuauall meetinmeeting auJttlBB-t ner off the New York Association f CHEF BIORAPI of the Zota Psi fraternity, at '"the; crisp! RED CIRCLE Hotel Astor; Huford Franklin''witsi elccUHl president of the usHacia-t SPAQHEHI DINNER **,4qt A blend pi the choicest coffees grown ion the lion. . . ' • ' ' f. The Frigidaire Hydrator restores high mountain plateaus dLColombia and Brozil, lb. BABBIH'SQEANSER a^9c Now specially priced I (Jojin J.Oannoir has been pro-! freshness and flavor to wilted 77 moled from chanceman to Patrol-1 obo ,7 man. William C. Howell. |ormeriyi nipht watchman on Ho'bart avenue.! vegetables and keeps them fresh TAG TEA BALLS ' " until served. See it at. our show- DEL MONTE BRAND AR choice of the Byrd fxpedition/Now ot the room today. PEACHES^ . ^r ist price this Nationally Advertised Brand lb. PAINLESS htfi'-ey^r been offered. This week^hly. tin 33 Extractions FRESH FRUITS Dr. Matlas' -VSwe«t- HJ HAVE NEVER TR«D AtP COFFEES Alr" method means a scientific and AND VEGETABLES Shop at the A&P Food Store nearest youl Select one of these painless -way £0 TT*e Hydrator is. a marvelpus new, moist- which to do extract- C fronds! Serve it! If it does riot thoroughly satisfy you and win the" ing. Thousands can air compartment that is now standard CARROTS . 2b«nche. 15 .praise of your family, returft the unused portion and your fuH pur- testify tr> this. Charges moderate, equipment on all household Frigidaires. chose price will be promptly refunded. for all dentat work. And it provides an invaluable extra service. FRESH PEAS 2 . , 25C |FHlings, Bridges It makes ccler^brittle and delicious. It b adds a new crispness to lettuce. It gives These Adwrtisements are Read by the Pe#le of C Crowns Inserted Most WMBatocs the freshness and flavoro f CAULIFLOWER ^ 19 WHITEHOUSE EVAPORATED Painlessly, tomatoes still on the vine. Once you see "what it does you'll marvtl that a device so"" MILK e Simple can mean so much i „ the kitchen. SPINACH , 2b, 25« SUMMIT, SHORT HIlAs, SPRINGPE X-friy Your Teeth GRANDMOTHERS Examination and Advtee You'll marvel too, at the speed with lighted with the many CHOICE Any Time. See He Fir>tl which you can freeze desserts with the BREAD

      /'. • famous "Cold Control." And you'll bc de- Mgiclure offers. S QUALITY M5ATS AUNT JEMIMA NEW PROVIDENCE>id r i HAVE TO OFF»;H n nat Our well appointed arid thor- \ *" S° °urdisplayrooms. LONG ISLAND Of oi»Khly modern offices enable us BUCKWHEAT to t»etfjirra any kind ot^dental, DUCKS lb. PANCAKE 'I FIOUR v.Jrk \flth ease and corjjfort tot VERMONT MAID p* the patient and at the aatoe ttm« .. with the ROASTING •— BERKELEY HEIGHTS to ao Jt as quickly as ts HYDRATOR slstent With good work FRIGIDAIRE CHICKENS 4LBAVG SYRUP PRIME RIBS OF TOIUTSOAP 8EEF FIRST 6 RIBS DRTMAIXAS mx . e 7? BB0AD ST^ ELIZABETH Jersey Central Power & Light Co tn.rn.-tf.mu 330 Springfield Avenue THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. V .. ,Q •on. *B4 frL Till « t. •. /-<• '" ••'•"" Thonel350 Summit, N. J. T --» -f ".>«

      si»i;.Si.i ,!!*£ THE 8UMI|nrHERAlJ»:.ANb SUMMIT REC6RD, SUMMIT/

      EDAY.'PBB. 14,19? JTTT!. # m

      •40 ••5 rt

      •* ^KD SUMMIT RECQKD. SUMMIT, N. J. CK KIV« DO i N J S b'»»" lamoiuAL or Uwo ii..u-fs of (H»UJ«H'^ ;,it. tii,im . . .» ii.Mi.iy t;i;it :i tin,.,. ,,;,„„_. (i *•'•• :tts> to i:if liin-e : "\|H : t ,-itJvHr-rs im^ht tn he er:- il ; A:m ri.... iin rc;t>ci| i«m. 1 a iluu-e t(., look ;<,aer Ihe W4 ,S|i? iiiisi'irM iiy'iiMi1. S /• m l :l h ''• ''- ' " i"U|ll...f thi!'.|-.' |t .THIS („ ,,S ,!,;', t jf Wg |l; Oil' 1 t V l>\\ ]|i"! . .iiii::. ! "r,, i " I !"M , !n!-\|-i> •• In- f I' ' 'i!, in-iii. ( :l <-'OIl)l».'t"Ilt *» p.> ili>: ili'lutix c!r.c;i! .il II '*)»'' "»l !|M .' •' "' 'wei ' 1i*i... < t-ut Th" iir- Millie iliink II; I !'• l-c |;i -I .11 ?<*? IP n ii|>'iilii;: _ }< • \yVu\ iii • !:M' (•\.-i.|'-fl( •! the in- i !"> .i ml luivinu *i <\ ill ''"•fl-'f 111 •l>Ul:ilimi, \.:(\\,\ tj).. to

      ti®li:ii.| iiinlii' i; n i..i •" '• •'-•!il.- til 1' •c\i-vfv.-ii Wit'n :;II,IIMH , it,,,!;! >i<-^((jVl^tvUlf jii'f Itovouj. v. hilt- l!icy \v;uit il i«i lu.ini ;ni •-.l.v'^.^Kit^:; that' i!. Is "Him- I'm 'I'l'^'-'i.al it. jll: il'.: Ill • HHUcilllt-llti'd. \vi,nrill;ili;| |;,|i,\ Il:|l ; fi,«« iijfef-fVMho lnoifcfn imiM'n.vi 1!1' '"'..• •'•t'l) l U'ciiidtT a'lir.c- ;.Ui.«. niijirovijiiHMii is JIUIHIII loVuViu;; OWD THI w'iii'it" ni't- ••j|y&fcMa^^ mi ! i : Tablets ,ft^)VtfU -••'•••'••-••••'—•'-'-'-' f: ; L:!l*'JAz?i!rtt?:rw-itl": biJ..:a* -i'taj-.: eA-aiH M. 0. A. a jleputittloi* ot't«« H^ 5«M ii, -.-the • ^BflffiMlW j'S^ ^^^11^ '• liTii'il iVll HIV' w;iy from Sutiuuii tn, speakers on phases of toiler life w>«M in th« chbnliJgj^S, '*££H#&- ^'M^WS^ 1 |lrr Has been secured for the Hi-Y :tn u» M,-STOJ» Oulai*i$!iySM" • R 1-iiink, Af-.'lhc lsl l illld ill lime. IHi iloiilit. it 1 '""'I •'"••<*i«vMiil:irti, "college night" program this «m- Umoyv Hill «!st on^m. tlii,,Us that uiirj «((« ALSO IN I.|Q| l|). Kre will be a •Hsc.ussum of an w>wi? - • \> ^^mM^^M^Jkl? ifcfc p H?rUi'Ur-iiii>etiiiK at t Ii». (.'docko'cUnk, with Pracrams «.f the .fevt luw.^^l^'^^S^ti?^!1^^^ Ftdtvill<» road to rlii«, Kiilf.ri'i'H men as special •:iiid"«p<>ak»ii',s. A Cull utu>utUme« i'vation. Siuh ilu- HiV Club is 'naturally '-ex aif necessary, II.OUHI, and it is •urged that r*st without valinii fur Hit* supper In* mad*1 I rlivi liw of lht- JOS. 0. CHRYSTAL hut' « o'l'Ioi'k.Monday evening. llll'V (Kfii,

      i The Vnlk-y fiall Ipagiit» trains FIED ADVERTl I lie-HUMilf:-:s "Mill's Uyilt iluss »a Plumbing - Heating a diniuT 'Wednesday eve'uiug k» Caiiniin^ honor oi" lhi> winning t*»uut at tok-. Lii««2i , H IMfNd, toy,, the plan, now under ton l<:aKiii? whit'li ^((•ufij't^jKilion and in exactly ulentl- Deitiie Liquid Roofing llirili. The iiuln fought it Tiilslmrf precisely the former the name articles 387 Springfield Avenue and I he latti :tandardi/atl all Thorn-si Office 271 118.1 • Ill polnt.s, and the captain's and IIHIH 1 •Tii.. luiu, iicif s a •"•••"•.» -••'. inwiufs iur>BpHV'r r i»nm»iuii<* do S(, withom ° lieensp foes to bp>di^mrlV*' or I _follo\ving men: ft. F. Batf«. II. A. r*k*i t«iv»»u. vii\ ii[, i,,,- j-,',, ,,„. returned to municipalitSfes.";. ' jCV£ ...', .1. It. Dougall, H-- Sfhiuitlt.-.iW'iiiitim. •«- third bill. Assembly 210. foyd Trewargy, E. K. F^»th amlj the license fees on trucks 8*11*^0 ! k.^« •Uli»™»iil; ev* D. K. Barnwell. It wa** it^-j Ii ar: H»fiund \n happen! tons and over. This is the rove in ITI—r"n by tho«e at the dinner to oi-1 Why il l iffu in HImPe i - t"o ' b"o" mad.....vve. withou...u.umt ini|i;ti[V al.'-u to rliallenge nearby assocut- j "Y". lo Mood for a in"tn 0 state Highway funds. TheX «PS»A lions to volley ball matches. tens !a adopttrtn, of either of thQ first two[

      V1 altd A bills would mean a net cash return ( You may have, already noticed, - 4 nu Tuc<-thi% and of 1.100 annually to your muni- nn account in the sports section of'• show*„ _,„.., , cipality for each one million dol- J1U' (l« us done, and the Summit Y's ping-pong team' i»ar his "44" is x\^.j ltlullu-iordl lltofUil dat,,.e lars of local valuations. .Thev arc victory in Kar.t Orange Wednesday. He's 1ix*.l rhinc^ now so that to n..t-!?e ^udiciary Committee «l This victory was. not as decisive-: frseclfe aht- rorord a fellow has to "ttotferencc members, in effect, as those with the Orange''Lavrt; he- perffti an.l m one will deny! vc tol(1 us lliat (lu'y wl11 "ot. mous Tennis and the Montclair A. C fmt llnai j« be jitrTcit in anythinK is — ' it. was sure victory just the s;ime.: v.*ilL »e loo]; [or thai "4-1" to'staud 'years conductor on the Morris- Hummit won three sinjiles matfjiesi atrorSi kins-i-;-. TIKIII the •'4.'!" diidt Mown express, which foes through tIlis and lost one single, urn) the «n.u\ IJrjit. tiv-f'v-.' ir.:nli.' h;nl t< lH,_l town every iiiorninu witlicmt doubles. "UKV tw«v. i^toppin:;, has been retired on a ' pension. . I J.__0-_._ - Twenty Years Ago in I Now that the .traffic orilinaiive I had bcoiu i in force for ;evcral FFEE j p ae been post- IfMl The Summit Herald je\*'^d nnd'circulated?* *??***, it is tho purpos *™'^*m«e of tho Mayor, through• tho pnliee 4it or Sell So , . t -"".""i """"n" me ponce (Upartmentir J . to put its provisions SELECTED By Our Own Buyers in' 'The following items ,appe:u'fd. inrfw:> ?•»••,« ,-ip.piM-HMI as'chiinccmaii '| t 'l' 'rtmentf . Ato put its- provisions the Hh'RALD. Kebruary l'>tli. V>V>: ' >Hv«-r Vt-tOiHid :i-s ]>! uined to in-i'!lto forc0- An '-''"K'atit.nal plan South America. Delivered Fresh From, tlr i|f1o le(l o krw^- thf lwir,,i .UMvicts s,, as to • I !-° f '! - ""d porous The Ovens of The World's Largest areSeek* • At, HpnlU-arloo from South t*- \tol^,w «,!,, av,,,,,,, Monil. ; ™£™* Tholo'^who^Vr "T 't vnKh.p to purchase a poi- Uiw avmao. IT^-p.-ct street and | vioh.ti.u-; the rule will-Vo' sun. Coffee Roasting Plant, in Brooklyn,* |nment or Need Summit's capacity in the-.laiip .>»:TCI. , inmncil licforc tho Police Justice N. Y,, to All of Our Stores in The 'jVunk Sewer was turned if found suilt.y win be re ilown byylie Common Couiu.'tL The fur forty i to pay the penalty imposed. Metrooolitan Area. r 4 -kf JI application, togotlior with a repott on the capacity of •the sewer win? •presented by Oliver II. MerrttL A&P has been blending and roasting • or Found Some chairman of the Sewer anil IVruIti-1 coffee for over $eventy yean and' upc Committee. Figures biibmitteii, ; '*••. - - T H '• .-•; v- • '. * • . -• :.... ' • .•. . ' -••'••• by" City Engineer Potter showed, only the finest coffee is selected for that Summit had no capacity to>i these famous nationally advertised' spare in tlie sewer. brands. Purchased by our own buyers' _(> . . j, direct from plantation owners in the' • The Hoard of Health appointed, luable Article World's greatest coffee growing re*v Uonert M. Iloyt, of VVelleslvyt Hills, Mass., as janitor insiwctuL1.; Nowyoucanput gions. Shipped direct to our own roast* at a salary of $1,000 a year. Ite is' ing plants. Expertly roasted to bring a Ki'iiduale- of the Massiwfiu.-vtr.: liiHlituti! Of" Technology amt ha-:-; out its richest, most appetizing flavor; been engaged' in microscopkait ...then speeded to your nearest A&ri \v orlr for -tho Merropoljtan- Food Store ... fresh and enticingly, Commission. ; -.itofllo^JhyjL JUL joyy* Jr*0" of New Providence citizens-ax^ a^t-| LIBBY'S SLICED AaP'i Coffea Roasting Plant fragrant, fresh-roasted coffee. An<| Kiting for the institution of uti' Coffee,To fieGood/Mus t lerre«£V automobile stage line connecting [ in Brooklyn, N.Y. ... that: place with Summit, Murray; PINEAPPLE . a ,—'• fht wor/d'i larytt Hill and '\\>bt Summit stutioas. i. wilted... and EXTRA QUALITY • The Women's Christian Temp-en-" mice Union of Xew Jersey, uurrt-j J)eri»K it.4251' paid-up members, will: BROCKPORT PEAS " uvv have their Own official orgau. ^g.eHlno high-grade coffee In the The White Ribbon News" the- first take them out WHOLE MILK world. More pounds sold than that of any other !b. Y of which has just beeri is* lb C brond. Mellow and ftilJ-flavored. -.CHEESE.;. . «:. 33 ADS OF At the annuauall meetinmeeting auJttlBB-t ner off the New York Association f CHEF BIORAPI of the Zota Psi fraternity, at '"the; crisp! RED CIRCLE Hotel Astor; Huford Franklin''witsi elccUHl president of the usHacia-t SPAQHEHI DINNER **,4qt A blend pi the choicest coffees grown ion the lion. . . ' • ' ' f. The Frigidaire Hydrator restores high mountain plateaus dLColombia and Brozil, lb. BABBIH'SQEANSER a^9c Now specially priced I (Jojin J.Oannoir has been pro-! freshness and flavor to wilted 77 moled from chanceman to Patrol-1 obo ,7 man. William C. Howell. |ormeriyi nipht watchman on Ho'bart avenue.! vegetables and keeps them fresh TAG TEA BALLS ' " until served. See it at. our show- DEL MONTE BRAND AR choice of the Byrd fxpedition/Now ot the room today. PEACHES^ . ^r ist price this Nationally Advertised Brand lb. PAINLESS htfi'-ey^r been offered. This week^hly. tin 33 Extractions FRESH FRUITS Dr. Matlas' -VSwe«t- HJ HAVE NEVER TR«D AtP COFFEES Alr" method means a scientific and AND VEGETABLES Shop at the A&P Food Store nearest youl Select one of these painless -way £0 TT*e Hydrator is. a marvelpus new, moist- which to do extract- C fronds! Serve it! If it does riot thoroughly satisfy you and win the" ing. Thousands can air compartment that is now standard CARROTS . 2b«nche. 15 .praise of your family, returft the unused portion and your fuH pur- testify tr> this. Charges moderate, equipment on all household Frigidaires. chose price will be promptly refunded. for all dentat work. And it provides an invaluable extra service. FRESH PEAS 2 . , 25C |FHlings, Bridges It makes ccler^brittle and delicious. It b adds a new crispness to lettuce. It gives These Adwrtisements are Read by the Pe#le of C Crowns Inserted Most WMBatocs the freshness and flavoro f CAULIFLOWER ^ 19 WHITEHOUSE EVAPORATED Painlessly, tomatoes still on the vine. Once you see "what it does you'll marvtl that a device so"" MILK e Simple can mean so much i „ the kitchen. SPINACH , 2b, 25« SUMMIT, SHORT HIlAs, SPRINGPE X-friy Your Teeth GRANDMOTHERS Examination and Advtee You'll marvel too, at the speed with lighted with the many CHOICE Any Time. See He Fir>tl which you can freeze desserts with the BREAD

      /'. • famous "Cold Control." And you'll bc de- Mgiclure offers. S QUALITY M5ATS AUNT JEMIMA NEW PROVIDENCE>id r i HAVE TO OFF»;H n nat Our well appointed arid thor- \ *" S° °urdisplayrooms. LONG ISLAND Of oi»Khly modern offices enable us BUCKWHEAT to t»etfjirra any kind ot^dental, DUCKS lb. PANCAKE 'I FIOUR v.Jrk \flth ease and corjjfort tot VERMONT MAID p* the patient and at the aatoe ttm« .. with the ROASTING •— BERKELEY HEIGHTS to ao Jt as quickly as ts HYDRATOR slstent With good work FRIGIDAIRE CHICKENS 4LBAVG SYRUP PRIME RIBS OF TOIUTSOAP 8EEF FIRST 6 RIBS DRTMAIXAS mx . e 7? BB0AD ST^ ELIZABETH Jersey Central Power & Light Co tn.rn.-tf.mu 330 Springfield Avenue THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. V .. ,Q •on. *B4 frL Till « t. •. /-<• '" ••'•"" Thonel350 Summit, N. J. T --» -f ".>«

      si»i;.Si.i ,!!*£ Wttst THE SUMMIT HERALD AND SUMMIT RECORD. SUMMIT, FRIPAY, FgB, j|H, 19/.' |2,S0O People Read the HERALD. (through highway has beeu COIH- [-t.-t.iiid. lepHlafhf. cfmirman/of the Published Every Tuesday v,san<.e .Uxly: Mr.r. Dnyard L. Katzen- "Justice to all; * j Washington. D, (*., i always in- Both Sides of Billboard Controversy ^ Major Freeiance's Column I H i&i-t.. Tivnton. vii:•( -president- of the and Friday Noon. malice toward none-" teresting ;,nd worth a ..stop of a Ffdt-ratcd iiardt'ii Clubs; Mrs. •.few" hours at least. Then there are Heard at Committee Hearing on Bill «. lyyton 1'. Lw, of >rfi|(lew(jod, past The Oiiental Shop What tlie magazines and Ihe Civil War towns which appeal and SUMMIT ^ ^^___ • ' !»w J W0lli County Wow-ii's Republican Chili. allowing pretty girls and portly ofri*T fV office. Sa»*e delays and errors. Do,. Hand Stamped Scarfs, Imported Gilted Bed Spreads, Browning letters * ' ? tuinch when he honied this wi'v in Ilsc Hj| ll U!i represented. fk\\ those pretiv •\ 1f » ° . «usines» Was told at ! Hon. He introduced repre enta- n«4 thjiij? |hg .i'ea^oflic.e forwards Egyptiin Patchwork and Tapestries. Hand ErriV Rotary at Bowling Summit Llks Lodge Room quest of the , £, n 111 a Is a S *,', H v wh ^ n6 b^ri"B hold JltM'° this Wwli «» tUvi* "Qf' -*«*"*• a'Aw**-*^ the paper for.--it'does .riot"! Record Low Temperatures for Season TUB groves and mossy broidered Kimonas, Hand Carved Brassware. lepieted in Sold By North 'Itotarians yesterday Tiri-stlt* " three'• howijnj; Follow Storm Over Last Weekend si .the$i.,_2? ,.-iol IliE AjsncialMl Outdoor Summit Man Sells Valu- *. was Htl before it. The! c vvns iircseriU'd at the •o ilia only a of New -Jersey,' introduced the able Collection to a ( s : Below Zero Reportecl-^Stippery Pavements During Florida ha81 southern cities. 7W«r kl.K ««*Mtilts)H*ir-tlt** itottli-y { lub arc stopping at a gram] hotel en in r 101 uia nan month ago. ing speakers. The 'cotnuiiUee f been named Ponce 4e Leon's well Many «vdences of after hearing both sides resci v«l ii ttohor to Weijesley Col= and3 3s-Luriied_dver-1<» Newton M.' Storm Cause Many Accidents— triple Collision on Us tsemi-gratul in St. tl| Civil At Ka ett Perhaps the greatest architec- : ami every dny w»e " P« «*W the tourists-n-nd they At Ka ett tural novelty in America' is the fa-decision as to what action it will Hullard\vliu was delegated to see «"<'<• 11 N ) n n >>' ff .tural novelty in America is the fa- If the .requisite five men could'be' Turnpike—Several Small Tires—Trouble on Sev- to Passa-grille, a Ye'sort here down blltl re 10111 take on the matter of reporting the lege as Memorial that will attract touristH, be- • old ti \ Si " ,T, ' ! « sanctuary uml/singing tower bill out for a voto. •; fouiid to resjiond. miles west of thth e city. MereHere : aiii.scause they aai. e ,,WOIUK mure than eral Hills yo can . >e men and w^jnen and bumper unu\K" One of the opposing speakers- ,,-,. .Normal) I-, (iullifer. man-aiier of; st was former Assemblyman Morris | Love Missives of Poets ttiK^ummit office of the New Jer-; childreennuren batlbathjiilj,M ' iIn tlihe "'fx-eiu%i or X ' W'li'Ut r sl.(m-(f t-uvitl "i'at ur<' .„.And,,.thAd e JS41U always does shine; prohif SuniiukUaamntlnueit for .i .nnic yesterday attracted nation-wide attention .to; New Jersey has more, historical em city alobg the route but it has, j every day by bus companies from like CharlHston, a tremendou1 s New; Je/sey were paid $613,000 for s, College throiiKh their purchase Gullifer was introduced liyW' in spite nf-tlif (>rilli.nit i\i> sun constantly, creepin'u. ijprtli. r. like Charleston.. .-. •*»™*"' ""* 4he principal cities of Florida. ih «v The industry employed 615;] up j<»ur pantry niili these Quality Foods wliile this special sale lucuills. Kvcrj aillyllc packed city, a dealer In rare and old; . ^——' ' ^ to shine. Iu-the quarter of a ten-hhiin Florida has' wells where the Sheriff Changes Place tt-affit- Saturday) \aftel-- so quaint as the other cities, but itDo/Thik s tower was completed by Mr. people jn New Jersey 'and -paid books, in New York City' at aprii-e 4 j only. las- t yea• r afte—r - si—•x• year***".>*s the Hfinz laltol is (lie finest ohtuinalih'. - - iK>on. tury that this offer has stood/ the •eelebisfe'd Spaniard struck drluk- is an important shipping and in- total salaries of $1,550,000, he said. said to be between' $75,000 an(iI Alllff111/I^ <• followed- iSundayv-by','-a- avcragp of sunless- days- has /been ling water. dustrial point. > of planning and was dedicated by Among;,,others who Urged favor- $100,000, Mr. North is president of;*1""""*** of Sales for More Room •Ml surface which .gaVc President (joolidge, whose address to: coastinc :uvd sleigh- five a •year. / I Hut what does it matter where, ' __-o able action on the bill'were Mrs. Ask Our Manager for a Special Heinz Circular the Hoard of Trustees of the Free; £ U A Wit 1 on that occasion was heard byChester O. Padelford, of Newark^ Itc). inning tninorfow puhlir sales nilniature blizzard Sun- „ . ./ il'oncede Leon drank the life-giv-» St. . Augustine is 4400. milei s below Public Library and also president I lOf Kftflt PI/lPl* of ...property will be held if) the Di.s-riding. There are some natives heie but I iiiK water? lie died, anyway, in Jacksonville. Daytonn radio fans all over the country. No Civics Committee chairman of the! 1VI I1VM day; Mvyiiletr about such snow ast in Beach, GO one k-ttews what the tower cost Shdrefinreftn ffhe Many Big Valms.We Offer This Week! o.4"the Athenaeum of this city. | *'' • U»WV by J'arttwv tfiet I'ulil'l room at the Ciilirthouse, the majority seem to be, northern j spite of the Rood rum they'had in (miles farther down til N. J. Federation was available, t)tit the depth of the . the coast. Is and no ono knows what the bells of Women's [ I The'original love letters ireas- —-, - Kli/alieth, Instead, of at the offive folks. Up home they are cold, like] those days. The Fountain of Youth Clubs; Mrs. A. J.Swetisbnv of;! CKOI{<;K (;. FALKR^BI IHJ. snoWfajl was scarcely enough to, the weather, but dowiixhere the' one of thc most delightful resorts cost. They were manufactured in ured by these poets during O'elr Onpninnr luncheon fft RP of Sheriff -Knutiojus. 'Tlui ih justify jibe use of the name blizzard ' was a myth. It always will be. In Florida.* It adjoins Ormond, III District Deputy of \." J. X^i.rthwost, was decided upon l)eeiuis|> of same people will stop you on. the Belgium especially for this tower, lifetime and after the death of their ™*'" S LUHVncon 10 Dcompletee s official visits h.yXvisit" the except by a stretch of the imagln- The only way to live forever in towhere the automobile speed con- and Mr. Bok, early last year, in ad- Specials! son sold at auction, recently have Addressed By Head of iiK-reased iiUemlilnre at the s _. human, ^e j-reatl Dr. Copeland's syndicated to Ivis own lodge here tomorrow v a'tioir. I' • ,. • • . tests are held along the beach. It dressing thc tariff Commission at come to this country and been pre- N the space iii ihe'Shi'riff's office be- i i man who broughoughtt his family down j health articletcles and tune iin on 1 senled to Wellesley'College by Miss night. '^; • ->\ l Fire added its "bit to the stark in a Pierce-Arrow will lunch with is at Ormond, also, that John D. Washington, D. C, made the state- TRADITIONAL CLEANERS OF Pennsylvania R. R.— in^ iHudi'iinalt', : Amos, and Andy every night. Rockefeller has his winter resi- ment that the duty he paid to get Big Combination Offer Caroline Hazard, a former presi- winter reality, railing out firemen the man who came down in a Ford .—!—o TiTe Hoard of Fict'lioldorn, has, tiwice Sunday, and baptising the —and it doesn't have to be a new dence and does most of his golf the bells in this country amounted incd. call Heinz Itakeil Keuim ...... ALL FOR dent of the institution. The letters Local GroupMeets |H. S. coiisenteil li> I btv MM' of tin'" Uistrii't' fit This town of St. Augustine, how- playing. We saw his home but theto $14,000' are a memorial to Alice* Freeman- new ina^ter'fire box which has just Ford either. nint l»ot*i llelnz Cider yinecar Clubs Cuurl room, which will provide bevii installed'"in police head- ever, is about the'most Interesting police kept us moving. We got no 1'almeri^^'presidenTW'weiies^Schedulh e for the- Week ample room and plciuy of scaling town to visit along the whole At- Mr.' Bok's body lies buried In the. niwl. oun-IIeliis Mpuirliettj quarters. Neither, of the fires more kick out of seeing John. D.'a velvety green plot between "the ley. , - . „_._ , acconuiHidai inns . t<;r lawyers , and The southern folks are hoslantl- c Coast. It is historical In the small h(j1, llelnz Ketchup 1 iroved to be-serious. A roof fire modest home at Ormond than we singing tower and the mirror lake 83c During the fifteen years of her invitations will be issued this others attending. ppitabl e aandd friendly and the north-north-] fact that iitt" wass the first settle- did in giving the Ponce de Leon Score Again it the home ofi George A. Liutner, in front. I I»k«r. Utihf. Klce Flakes ...... 0 Kh-Kularly happy married life, Mrs. w'- »«Rna'M«B "™\ Combined S^IR. bette'r name would be the Frieinl-jficatious of this city, are still There is nothing like it in the enl of the Girl in Blue Qingharn," View of local lodge room to be foViiKiily ittle difficulty,. Shortly before 9 West Coast' leave the Atlantic ter her death, Robert Browning |°P "K alumnae campaign! to noir niu'lu. •• Kn/iifly rcdccDratt',! and refurnisht ly City. You can come without lug-[standing as is also old Fort Mar- United States. tfj l.'lc Heinz - tiii'; a ur\\ imliicVt liKhtiriprsyHtiVn. me ; o'clock Sundai'. ev^nina, a'n/auto- Heinz Tomato took possession of them and pie-\f<» the Kent. Place School build-1 i".),.in is sourer of- pride in inoiiiHi'i-s of Summit I.od-j gage and the hotel folks don't ask j ion, decidedly the most interesting beach at Daytona and cut through MAJOR FREELANCE. Another Production By and D. A. R. Meeting mobile afire,'>ntear the intersection you to pay in advance. You can j and awe-inspiring thing of its kind central Florida..for St. Petersburg. ^served them, as he had the .love | Ing fund, (iuests will Include par-| fof Pine Oroy| an\l Springfield prng thing of its kind Tho trip 1B made by way of Or- Bakfd Beans letters received from his wife." | cuts of present pupils attending | M. S. Temple V VA~ C" , ~X" '••'•• •, ." \ parnark vniiryour camr iIn" thn,«e u».-»«stree»t ..alnl «i~inight- t(, |JC fd i A Ketchup avenues, resulted in A caf|fo'r Hose and it will be there in the morn- t(, |JC, found in America. The oldlando, tho chief inland city of The son of the couple, Robert i tlie school, graduates and'former j To Honor Washington's Company No. i'i jTlx'ere wasvcom- ing without even the radiator cap court rooms, chapels, dungeons Florida. It is the lake country and Wiedemann Barrett Browninp. j students, together with th(;ir,lms- . — \- New Providence PlaycTS , paratively little damage, a1 - and torture tells revive mem- ^7 sald of the letters: missing. attracts many (tourists. It's n Home Movie 3 small bots. 43c banda. and friends in New jersey, Received Approval Given to j Fortnight^ Club Memory at Gathering in I'olice said ;. the pew Ifirej l;ox ories of early Spanish customs. clean, beautiful city, with attrac- CLEAN RUGS ARE itcir. i:if llcln/ Cooked "Ever since my mother's death and the metropolitan districts. j to Give 'Square Crooks' The Fort is now owned by the U. ^ Clubs of the Summit which controls iillf alaifms ' rung St. Petersburg has a y tive homes built mostly by north- Library r. 17e IAIO cans 72c 2 big bots. 41c -. these letters were katft by myGeneral W. W. Atterbury, presl-j Y. M. C. A. Thursday from police )t|ea^(lifartet«, proved normal S . governmengovet t bt i SANITARY High School scored again in a Tai Ratable List Towrft^ Changed The Xew rrmiilciiiw'I'^av'T.-' will but is under the erners who are now residing per- father in a certain inlaid box, into!dent of "th- ePennaylvffilia Hail—.--;(,,evci. llew mIl8lca, comedy, «The effective and ipq'edy^ solfar as its population of about 30,000. In_w]]Li j Fauey Large pri'S'.vit "S<|iinre Crunks,"a'U.uVj Eyening ' jisdictiou^jind direction^off ththe manently inFlorida. The main ! Floor-coverinss harbor more dfri | ImjMirietli ('leaned Currants ...... :, „;. pkfr. 1.1c which they exactly fitted, and road, will : first two calls; lire jjconcernad,. ter It goesToTwIecFcF or three times Sanla Cliini play, this Krhlny- evening In * \ • '••••,'•••., • •...... -~ Florida Historical Society, it haastreet is illuminated by colored ! and germs than any other asencf.', 1 where they^iiave always rested,;,ers will be -• Tin tiji.ion County BQunl of Tiixa- 'i I . in Iii' i it)i I it tin the ththajtt numberb . Many', northerners Ovaltlne (A.fond tonic, for sick or well folks) :.....emrflri hV v !.iiK;olii Scho(d...__itudit_m:iuin. showing itself; ii! va,'s"t in|pfovement been under Spanish, English and j Our system o£ cleaning rids them letter beside letter, efach in its con-Uleton ","",-" i "" i "T"' -.*" «r S- Temple, produced in the High; tion : as approved Lh^'t-axable rat;i--i\ l ii nit i in i I i ni mi 'ith ! ha I own wintewit r homeh s hhere and a lights of various hues, giving it 1 J)Of(Mll(ll' Pr. Johnson on W0R Sat. over the old flreibox it iluperseded. American flags. the appearance of a town that is of the dirt and sanitizes them' Choice _C(irn .,...... :,... '-'(ans'_V»e } ables a>f_eiUi;nlid-ifry the^seas0r« toll) n i >n il i ii i I ii I1- In ( n This nr^MiHx.iMnii is du- great many come down in Novem- PRUNES . , • |p I'", °n H . VJIf \ '^ISchool audiunium on .Friday ano\: 'q£-rtfe tin Practically ; all aiUpnpbile acci- holding a celebration. thoroughly. \ A"SCO' Slfn'd Bacon '. MAh. |ikg. ?I>(C twenty 'iininicipallti^C'The Hi i-••KJM'fi hv til in lii'l \ nt Mi •• "work in < nrourauiiiu ;ind dents caused; bv thej condition ot- ber and remain until May. Those peoutive order and numbered on fcmelyn B. Hartridge, head mis--, oq,lir,i.,v pvr.niiif»« \ '* N 'H'i^-h'cbniary 20th the regular The streets of the city are very held that no furl her im i Ii I u >' I t > | Ii i < iu i ^ dramatf.1- abiliiv, The wljo have decided to stay here the >". B. C. .United Milk trackers '...:.. pkfr. 11c t|ic envelope by his own land. ' tress of the Hartridge School* of; .'Th' oirl in Blue Gingham" con-/ the pavement pccjinji-ell Saturday Domestic, Ac NIL it. I 'obtnincdi in view of t ( lie Jfl -.pt ,llv l ilt e-: nioet'in'ite.ofjJiieat'ctn " Fire i'hapter narrow and winding. One street, Only an hour or two westwarc 'an I lilt' It ill) afternoon, before •jifjw I snow had, ' year nround say that the climate 2 29c >'. B. C/Twisted iMlnlies ... '. pjqr. 12Hc "My father destroyed all the rest j Plalnfleld, and others. They will: tili^^ musical numbers of'! 1 i: .ii'ii M i will liV jK-liliat'the home Division street, is so nai'row that Oriental, 7c M|. ft. • ! m i in 1 1M I I i ' tin < > in MI 11 it < from Orlando is Lake Wales, i of his correspondence, and not discuss various phases of the sub- . . .,| ,.h(,,.m hut •»"' WPH flofliipd i.i;ii,m M i of .Mrs. | covered the stidd^rijyj frozen street: , is delightful in summer. It is ex-it is possible for persons In one Finest quality and flavor. SweefhoiiH'" Assorted Chocolates Ib. box JI9c 1( fll The hoard will certify the fi ln> u \ i 1M> In 4 Alfreit-A|eHl)iiry,,H;l) .M,apl«« street, tremely hot in tho sun In summer town that for years was tho sum long before hb death he .aid, re- ject 'The Place of the..Secondary; ^"^S is not «?wlS 4ho cK i i »n >•- t II inn i i On the Morris ti^rnpi^e and on ihe house to reach out from tho bal-mer home of Edward W. Bok, foi We KONATE, Too ! which arc to be'uscil as the in s'ccurinj: uic wii-Knowc M aiitnor. at- :M5"'<>'elook. Those who were Springfield avenu^Jbiltl in the emU but always cool In the shade. You ferrlng to these letters: 'There j School -in,.. Amer)caji\ hducation. ' wIth. musical cometilea. Mr. Temple.' forxlhe apportionment of State and cony and shake hands with peo- many years editor of the Ladles Our Teas Specially Priced for This Week! Kauiiid HercoviH, l<»- address the fortunate in lieafiii'R" Miss I-'rinis ern section of Summiti and on Mi>r~ can sleep well here, there isn't they are; do with them as you! Miss Margaret feeeley, ckalrman. ,3"t(J be i1(!artily t.onRratulated on 1county taxes, to the Stale Board of ple in the house on the opposite tee, met twenty-eight of her'localkonim : * iiHinbi'rs on 111. AXD TWKX pleasOvee rwhe $75,00n I0 a I'aiim deal (od ran LeHerd gone'.s " j of( the Summit alumnae <" lt- thi.s his'latest ooinpolTltronV''''"•"' I Taxation. Le'-vuds aiul' Mu i are atiticipatiii« a very interesting far as the nights arc concerned. an production staff also de- j c " Anyone who during the 'afteirnpon as ctrs TIKTII 1HUTIIHAY OK ft 1 i The ratables in the;various re.ads (land llous k'ciiiiiK <*r any talk by lu:f on "Kxtracts From an skidded and turndU askew on ihe Here it is the first of February and So«, Se •'JSt.S wit? m'anu'scdpt; j luncheon meeting last Saturday serves special mention, for the Two wonderful hotels are locat- AUIIAHAM LIXt'OLX .,.«.« icucin, nun iiiuiiuauriiuHi noo.• n a.t th.. —e - - : ° " -, ~~ ""' I scenery and costumes were well municipalitioR- as certified to the; one-of a niimiicr ol other leading Old Diary." /" inclines, b'oeking1! the cars that we are sleeping with the windows and association books, were sold I 1 at the Canoe. Brook Country scenery and costumes were well Slate board follow: will ed at St. Augustine. One is the ISy UKKSIIO K. ANSON > ASCO TEAS ASCO TEAS at .1 association books, were sold """I . Canoe Brook Country |conceivc( l and exec;uted • and very i reiuciiilicr with That same »nening Ibis chapter followed 'thein! 1 •' ' ' . raised and using no other cover- •Ponco de Leon and the other the (irrat.men of fame and during deeds o C ub whe Municipalities Mr. Uercovici's ing than a single sheet. lovauctioe n in London in 1913. The ' ' , rf ^^"4^1f™*™* \ effective. \ Clark ;. very co Valley Chap- Triple <'oHI»lou on l'lke Alcazar. The cheapest room at the valor B10 ATE. Thonc Vim Kenyon Mts,s secretarHu andy of the boar0 d sof j Cianfitnl -.',.. and U]]'usu.'i|i short. su»rirs. of Ponce de Leon is $22"n. day. We Have lived and won renown. • They 15c" • '"-58c offeer letterof £7.50s wen0 t anto ad bidderemainer odn i ann I *f 7 # TheO" ^ ;!I mancThee storofy Bil centerl ands Molly abou, t twthoe Hen- ro-1i ic . lifi.'. and Mre. H« S. A. It., in theV.. M.:•'('. A.. A triple accident on the turnp'ke ^10c 38c trustees of the school. Each cap- ••'lUulielh .-.- in an mi- m Up In the north, according to the never failed Chatham Iload Summit, N. J. j this dealer's safe until recently ob- 1 {'"'''meniorfttiiin' Washington's near River road causedVsome dmii- stopped over 'iiight'nt the other Philn Black «>r Mixed Orauice I'ckoc, India Ceylon, tain agreed to obtain the asfield- .neuiors, who announce their '- ' i,72Jji0»illiority t;.; hatliain .will explain the history . Kooin and from our table we could obstacles; ASCO Evaporated will alslllson •. libne heldliol/-l at Iko fannanoeo I an(-1 tliat no signal by Brenn before the turn. That WJIH tho * last Save on Daily Needs! hearing postmarks nnd dates, none r^ ' Molly is needed at home. Hahway 17,.'iii:!.I.' Mtudieil the vinliii wiil»..Mi<' uypsv , depicted.- Will' members who liavo dny nee thc Ponce de Leon Hotel in tho N'HURIU but honor touched thflr lives HdKcIll- Electrification!: A car driven by Eugene Kelly, of Oleomargarine more than six,,inches long by three Brook Country Club next Thurs- j she break8-the engagement and de- hoys and grew* up wiih I'hom..^ ! not already. HCcepted for sthenfi- distance. This hotel was. built by unselfish in euuh deed, /loir nrtAii ' ' • ' 'Itiisrlli' Park ... Fancy Cnl. Evaporated reaches .. Milk 3 cans 25c inches -wide, day noon. !',ti7S, l . j .selves and tli<|ir iiusliands please Newark, was the third machine the late Henry C. Flnglcr, the HtU loyal, fearless, filled will nil tied in small j parts sorrowfully. i Scdtclj I'lains ... Air. Meicnvici has,.urea! inu'sicaj lb. 20c bundles. The week's schedule for Springricld Two or three car loads of steeJ^oiTfy at oner Miss Strong, C8 Klni figuring in the collision, great railroad man, and is now .»ial, . AM.0 Siiiierkrnii! : thei - j (, .shifts f the college ability an \\v\l as liieraiy? In fact',, was' injured. Thiilr faith ne'er changed, their hope Absolutely pure. The letters, containing the un-alumnae, .conimittees of !!?!^f"I"i campulle sscen to the farm, rowherm e a strike Summit ..." :... "ii, t:tL' :!in> -, when he i-.inie to America tirsi, in •Mipporls for the* o "~" j-streot. 'phone 16;'7-M. ^ (owned and operated by tlie Atlan- tljeir trust in (!od. ASCO 1'nre Cider Vlneuar l»ip IM»I. 15c rounding towns includes meetings I'niiui I :M I Magnus K. J. Dunnd^r. of'!' ."Mor- fettered utterance of two of, Eng- llllti, ii was as ;sn • or;:ajii.sl and wires in 'comfection I Thursday, February 20th, at '"- ri.K 1 tic ami Line. l| was built, to ad- iJi'Votid were their lives to duty's cull is impending among the farm WV.stflfld fcjjJUlie <••••;->.,,- ^ --' i. ;.'ArVhtir" Churchiii 1 lourt, nurrowl^escaped tiedous Photographs ASCO lVaimf Bnltcr tiinil>lcr-J7<',25c Farmdnle Kvaporaled land's greatest poets, are consider- today of the East Orange and New-i haml8. . „„, arr|vcB wlth Jiln'mie| coniposi'i*. ,\ year later.- having tiificatUjn: wf'^'ilifi , Lackawaiina n AJ H vertise Florida and has never paid. e'en coinplt'te Haerifice. 1 injury Saturday evening when his Kellofrjr's Corn Hakes pkjr. He. ark- Committee, in the home of i an(1 ..a..si ..(..,,,.,,,,, •SI-.' N A.' II.. will of 11 cost two and. a half million. It Wen thoiiKh Uioy.havu passed on ti (FJcTroTTKc Nest) Milk 2 cans 15c ed among the greatest literary mastered the• Knglisb lan^uagi. , la- l|aiiroak mitt e a t the Town Hal1 CluJ)> New be receiving." " — ififtise the haine atini>:-phere ot iingv, on a section west (;]' .Summit'• J. TX A, H., will read "The Origin iie_seen on a motor trip to Florida, ^...tuday, :.._:: Pancake Flour covering the"'whole rangge of Engg - ,f p f I father, who accepts after many m|H-| ; of-,the other car was drawing'away. 'Phone Summit 22,70 Noiu! strive HO hard in .poverty to win York City. j givings, and they Spend the rest of'j "Six hundred pouiKbj'Jn all," thVcolor and roinaiKe iiiii) his lectures and on the line to Montcil;:ir.. Alii and History of tlu* Stars .and which seems to be "thepopular tho. goal, doz. 47c Light, fluffy hot cakes. lish poetry from Chaucer to Mase- told, 'At per cent of tiiu stcol for 'Washington Beyond the fact that, the other ina-*; 19c field. ..'-... The meeting of the men's cam-ithe summer picking "beans'" The' yo«H'B'.'man_jiiirtwg'r'ed-without hesi- that hus'inade hi', books-so unique. chine was \ u Plerce-Arrow, Mr. mode of travel since a good XnUglit hud ho of splendor, wealth or -• —-.«"— ..-u_.i..i-. #— *!.!_. v, » -• j tatloitvcSSj"** ' the entire trackage to be presently even opiiortUnity ; The correspondence between the paign committee scheduled for this j strike" is broke'nrBill7i'oves liis The nicer in;; is l:i lii.c fii-'ii School Dunnder learned nothing. noon$ will be held tomorrow^ nooni, worth, and the curtain falls on the.500 I allow my .auditorium, at "..l."> p. m." electrified is. in place. The bal- Saturday, -February 22nd, !l-!).:!0 In a remote and obscure spot in dr.cpl) Selected by experts at ilic plantations—our t'oi'iVrs arc roasted In Brownings, which is said to be rep- n* Mu« T.awvfiTs' Clnh: New vrirk ! „„„>.„...i!. «i ...... <—,^*?ce ii. in.. .station WOK. Dr. Willis. After turning over, Mr. Dunn- wooded country at the Lawyers' Club; New Ifbf expectation of horn yjid^Jier'oiiio liv- daughter, you will have " ,' ance of the steel will be. eroded-as ** our own roasterlcs and delivered fresh, roasted to our Stores. resented almost in-its entirety by i r ; Fletcher .Johnson will speak on der's car rested on its side, the Ilo lived, this brave, iimbltious youth, City. • ln'K ji^uiily--J(p j;jtjv er "aftcr. ' J Quickly the young man-shoo!; his 1,11f• fihlH fast as it in ^ceiv.'ri from this collection, dates from January i kj t< the mill, "Washington.'', The N. J. D. A. R.position entangling his feet be- With no meariH of attending Hchonl or Tlie choice of the college canipu:; jhead. . "A. knor :'our ' hai!iIke,-.- Foilr-UioiisaJifl"*toil's or a (•tuirch, if proaclier's voice was rare; 10th, 1845. to September 18th, . v> I'ief.'" ibout MMI are highly honored to have ^Dr. tween the brakes, It was Jmpoa- Victor Blend Coffee lb. 23c and5,the farni for settings was a "Oh, I have bcpii recknuing Ilia! •'To.reiuiiiil Ille II- gel lickn•is for Uncouth surroundings; his hmnc :i om- mm 184ti, the last written the day be-Intercollegiate Debate :'arss willwill bpe re(|ii|red,-lreqiifred,-!oo ie;:le t-.an :l IIU'I•! niy wife there ] ...... , .. . . ';. Z,, • ,.' ' .""iiinun n|if.iK mirillK IIH! I1UII.I1O1 said. Mr. Dunnder finally broke a Thii furniture hewu .slabs of wood, ASCO GOFFE^ fore they left London.tor Italy, a •so- h the Sensational to Be Held in Summit •possible the introduction of piany swers. loiik-ht?" y J.1W. nub-s ot track on the ,0 milesjfor |)roa(U.ns,in. siven t0 thls >s window and crawled out. He was natural simplicity. .iCofteeV few days after their secret -niar- joi rjvid lavolyeiT. ««lrl .on.executive : (,i(,tv on Washington's Birthday. No window whero the sun may uliine Price •Acnie Brand Coffee— • , I clever songs, dances, and cost .MUCH.. '•Which thea '•"!•'.'" only slightly injured. '" • , > i Afterward, it is said, they - | ol the railroad today. Contrary to, ; > • tJond your. Items "Mother I iiaV(• fo:•J forms-nre exact duplicates. M,;ilii- of ;50 Deauvolr avenue, was in col- SUMMIT, NKW JKRSilV i the trium]iliM of Out'pour, ' ,. '" fore exchanged' no letters. •:•./' Jl« knew and < learned the sorrows, 27c A heavier bodied coffee adapted ' sity of Florida will meet here Monrj "eld" and "Kenlleld Forcver;;.sung I ly. each is an individual and goes lision with a bus, at the corner of Thor Features "I'fiul Fun" Inspired first Letter Sale of Articles i , .'for percolator use. day evening; March 10th, to discuss i hy the students; the^opening iitim.-] into a'.specified'location. The con-j Park and Summit avenues, Sunday foars, Ihf struifglos, toll and cares . • ? w On Site of Old Park Iioase of needy families* without knowledge, Heyealed in the' letters' are the the question of disarmament as it; her of Act II, played by. the .or-* afternoon., Ryan, driver of the l.U/t'Time T«*—o»eo force of Browning's nature, and j cretv; foimdatioiis fi'ir these over-; Iovo or care • , baked porceltin cnunct affects the United States. The de-jchestra; "When a Cow Sitys 'Moo'," "Ilncle Dave Cory to Write for Herald; heat} sti'iit'tures aro completed as' Hook and Uxdder Company of the Kroincurly morn through all the day: SPECIALS IN OUR MEAT MARKETS! tlie tender playfulness of his I Made By Blind • ' iiuide and out. „..,.„ bate will take place in the High sung by Kb; "Susio Mio," sung by I'ar • west: as Morristown. This' Summit fire department, was driv- He tolled with sickle, plough and Hall. wife's," combined with their un- Bill and Jimmie: and "Lucky for j ing from home to the flrehouse af- Apartments for Housekeeping Unskilled, uncultured, unrefined, he 2. B***/y—SBch«syooh«Tt School auditorium under the auspi- work "will be push'ed to completion...... An exhibit and sale of articles fought with self and won; usual intellectual range, their mu- Me," sung, by Molly, Bill and the > ter an alarm had been sent in. He nctcr seen in * wisher. (whole or lb, tual capacity for friendship, and ces of the HJgh School Debating Is Author of Little Jack Rabbit Books jjust.'iis' soon as the frost is diit of; made by Hit; riliitd of New Jersey is Possessed, with grit, vigor, energy, ho boys. T said he turned and pulled up at Furnished or Unfurnished* . \ persevered and conquered FRESH PORK LOIN ROASTS hall) tlleir reverence for their art. Society. the ground,. i beinjj- held at''!>!» l nion place, op- And overcame all olwtiiclos in his fut- J.rWi T»pTmb—tbc 25c ; So far as could be learned, this is The most effective',dances were The other day a man walked The .sub-pownr- slatioii buildings., posite the railroad station, from the curb to avoid striking the bus ure tusk to aid mankind ; width of ihe Cob iucl£ 'Before Browning arid Elizabeth "When You Wear a Cap and ("own," into our office who has, we believe, "which was proceeding west and ap- Attractive Single Rooms-With Meals Barrett met, each enthusiastically the lirst debate of its kind to be jlocated at Bergen' Junction,- lt<»e- Pelirtuuw 17th to 22nd, inclusive. Ho never faltered to right- the wrong 4.RaUerGmmted. V*n+ lb. sponsored locally. High School de- by Daisy and Jiinmle; the clogging' more friends than any man we have Suniniil, Denviljt1' and . F'er-Tbt! money received is. returned.to proaching thc intersection. He re- or shirked his various duties; >l CHUCK ROAST BEEF admired the other's poetry,, and 1 ported that the car was struck by Xo grout teachers, but endurance test i&iPmfLil. 1 , , • , - f baterlful£rsa heroIivr«., whoswminte: interesIIILCIVOLt IIiirforI IUI- -of Kb; and the antic.'- of Bill and! ever mef, but, Strange to say, the | nardsville aro leaily for theii Hie. blind persons who made the Dining Room Under Same Management was his In early youth: *• 27c Hi Jimmie as they" sann "Susio Mio." i ; the bus and that thc Impact pushed 9.Stw Sptt4-Nem Kim*- •orrespondence began before! en8k;H have' rcache(l new levcls in majority of his friends live in the iei|uipineni, and thf worlf. of install.-' articles. ^- • Failure he scorned, each spare moment, the meeting johll Kenyon.^Ellza-, h few „um ,or thc tutel Outstanding members of the cast il against "a light standard which mesttaCUiiei. .. ere tin;-, the (jfin.iluit;-;, transi'oi ni'TS, •ThiM'i' nre'VilKMit 2,500 blind- per- ...... JJ,^^ Information Apply Imok in hand he studied FANCY MILK-FED POULTRY »ctliB. cousin, a schoolfellow of, * WoodHlde, faculty w Adeline Plcoizi as Daisy and wild wood and the green 'meadows. was damaged. And Ntep l>y .step determination won ofw H This man is a nature-loving fellow, reclifieiK and jswilch boards will sons in this stiiie. Of this'ntunber. BEECHWOOD HOTEL and led him to miecosn; i 6. Simple. OmPamt En? f» no I" ? f e llf n ,?' coacht , expect. t»o" gai_..!n_ muc'.„'..„Ih. o»l..»1..f value. 'WnllnWaltepr WooWcmidl anas KV.U-b Jones !/,l.no. proceed wilho'ltvjlt.li.iy. Ihe liome-teachint; department of ! Several cars narrowly ''escaped. Our great emancipator, martyr foiMovu tprratc. Geaenl Elec- Frying Chickens lb. l>KLlCIOt'S he is more at home in the % | serious daniHgejind the pasaengejra • poet, received from JHSB Barrett I , ,i,i.™n,nMn.n,,»rt iii.i,,i«dC S51 nnl The program in lull follows: As they can be.; fiaJcd from serv- 'tlie New Jersey Commission for the1 and liberty, tric Motor, i and fields than on hard,pavements liiind reaches f.50, >glvin Uiein in- also escaped serious injuries /in He tauKht us the. true meaning of our Large Broiling Chickens SL5-1S* ^5ET-«! JSS^WT " ' °" Cunt- of ( liunii-lrr* as Tlirj Appciir thc lat«*st t\|U> of • nljiiihaii s l.tytOpftUfk Donei. ] '»"." Kenyon forwarded It to The question under discussion! ••'inmiU', a Fn*hm an <'harli-s('liir between high Hlono and brick walls. coaches in Iot« of six or eight, at structions iu their own homes in iskld(lliig near the topyof Mprris beautiful (lag, M ll> J ntIi life wtsilng in 2 hem* , : Small Roasting Chickens Ilrownlng, with whom he hail of- will be. "Resolved, that tho United] " ', " The furry folk and the feathered ; reailtn;:. wriilrju. and hand-work avoniiw hill Just east/Vf Overlook Kaoh star, each stripe, mercy, .truth, Moll tor (Friday) i a 'tiin<. ; . ai'P" saint to Hie shops, Hosipital. One car narrowly es- JuKtlee and honor, L. I. Ducklings"'29c ten spoken of MJHB llarrett. • States should wholly disarm except I ' ^ .Murphy (Sam relit y) ipeople are those whom he cares so where the new-vestibules and trap of various kinds, including bas- 9.faMoasTborQiuUt>. On Kenynn's ndvlce Browning [ capful going over the oinbankmeut for defensive purposes." Names of j I'M^lirowii Howard Williams ; much about. He has written 'more doors are helm; built in at the rate ketry,. riiK-weavinj;, chnl,v-ciininK. 1 9.Am*xJng Ltw Price*— *i'«te his first letter to hjs future those who will represent the two lyi knitting, oroehetin;;. hand-\i'nd 111a- on the n»rtheastern side of the hill, DalM.v Adi'litif I'lcozzl I than no books about auiniahj__ of-one car per day, t wenly.-four of A jNiig'ge^tion has been made that 130 to 160 less thto FRESH FILLET , "•'ift', hoRiiniing, "i love your universities have not yet been an- the 111 such cars (ilruady having cliiiu'-s^winK. otc. When 'articles FRESH ROCK COD Mrs, Drown. . WHina SiKMili ' birds, and tbis name is, well, liert the city or county uiithorities-ougbt taf wisher of compu> vcr«es with all my heart, dear Miss nounced. Rutgers will represent HI) .loneH Wnitof Wood ! been Ho~e"iT'i~fppcd. 7 *-* - jiiie inade wjiieji jire salahle, they •We quality. Is— 'Tilde Dave'' Cory, the Jack ttn erect soino noft'of a barricade or_ linrrelt—and this Is no off-hand the affirmative and Florida thc l'a Jones •-..-.. Randolph Hound* A sample moior car has litit'ii are ronsisned' to this Coinniission 29c , complimentary letter that 1 shall Kts Joni'H. ..Iimct Nlchdis Rabbll. Man," us he loves'to ,be by tlm worker for wale. Sales-are a series c»f posts to keep cars from 19c negative of the question. Murt •.VfMidaH Cookc completed and t!:e fli.->t (uiiipletcd called by children throughout, the sliding off Into the depression at write. . . . ." F. B. Scott, of 27 Edgemont"avo* Annie . •". Murli-r Smith belt! diniim the entirt! year 1 motors and electrical equipment : that point,: ,?< M OSES India Relish Of MIRS Barrett's poetry Brown- , who is attorney general in New* Hunk; DIIUKIH. - Spbvr land. He has been heard on the tbroiiKhoiil "tin-. Stale, at hotels, hT^HE beautiful gre«n tub gives you this new develop* Sliced Spiced Luncheon .',.'. Mustard Chbw .sooii" wilt" be'shipped for hist.-ign- 'I'K wrote: "So Into me has it gone, Jersey for the-Lackawaiina Rail- radio, In schools and auditoriums, ition. 'These inotor;-; , aro , of Jan en- church gatherings, vlubs, in private lb. 25c Meat—% lb. 13c lb. 25c '""I part of me has it become, this road,'wilt be chairman of the de-Ovt-rturc and from' tho pages of bis many lionioH, I'liipty .stores, etc.. andSummit Lions Club X of the New Thor Agi. mcnt pIus-^ host of ^^ ACT I tirely new type, developed- to liwherevet r possible in order that Uie Bought Direct From the Grower are "eat. living poetry of yours, not abate. Judges will be Ernest Dres-j Chorus—".\tf«ii|ihi>lii> It". books-luHitnTlolil Ihe siory of Jila tlin particular conditions'applying flowesrr of which but took' root nn«««dI sel North. James K. IJownes and blind worker may earn a Kmall to Have Theater Party tator is baked porcelain en. fcatureMtthelow ( ir frieiids^in the gr«;at outdoors. , on the I,iickn wanna. When a.s- FINEST QUALITY PRODUCE! —in this addressing myself-toj y \ \y clift. I Itlui' 1(itiiKlmin '.: :.-.r livelihood. \ rCi .Molly, mu, I'riiti.'HMnr IVHIII' We were glad to see. David Cory Kembled, this unit, will be i)iit Always Fresher and Keep Longer- wnel—inside and outside; you—your own self nnd for the ' '!."\Vh.Ti m Wi'iir ;i i"iti' an(l Hotel Suburban voted A certain, salesman was propos- Ki'l'i'Ver" . . Students of his stories for our young readers. velop, they call be remedied before ail^? You Save Money ''ook.i with all my h young- •sw-4—f-i'rt4r they siiU^ind I giiesn lfj^ajtl. I hnd'paid j the date selected Is Thursday «f| j' One Was Destroyed ; sters at Summit and nearby. washer—but Thor now Note its sensational price. "I'll lay my whole fortunp-aryoitr DpeiUbW'. "' OlehiHtrii I'uli'fiiian Don. •tin- kiiiil iiroii'i hiive'been pluce-d IH service, after heads feet." ' " ; ' ! •'IghOmnnilH you "woVniilteliiiviV me.! next week, February 2?th( and 1^8;?- 3 "17c (;To this WiHB Barrett replied: "Hreaknist In the .Morning'' Kvery one who has read .Da'vbl of law and orrlcr in Ualibitvillc, which the work of turning out the 49c "For the rest you draw me on with I "II isn't a very big fortune," she i ' :Molly, Sis, KbCory's Little Jack Rabb.lfiMfi'ks has ". j completely equipped motor ciira KrietuKt'-xarninlng cJutht Or-] play tsv"Twln Beds" to be 'pi^f ready to do inv ,i:i;inl mm win-n , tainly --If Vou-r'Olil me on the ><>iir kindness. It Is difficult to get | reminded him. "WlH'ii n Cow SayH 'Aloii' " t (•haracters ' will proceed as rapidly us is t.on- tele- sentetf by the JohnB; Cc«it(f| Lima Beans or Fresh Cut •'Slrlkc" Mart nnd Karnicrw motor through il K land of ralihit Si j^)hone.-~De\ LttPtlge Sachae. Stock Players nt theRotb-t , ••• Snonball of people when you once have I "I know, deur," he replied, "but "SUMIO .M1,,,,,»',/ (hat IH>>>. I nnjit have cut him toranged with C. O. Tennis, g ^ '>m your debtor, not only for this j tin. j \ 11111111 I am .In Rabbit hind—and (hat ih-itr 1 , "Oh, Its alrls'htl ; 1 he has 110 Chiropractip c Adjustments make j ^^'^""iMu,--' of little fiir.|\>ij:ull Who'knows but ' V\ altr-r (one tlnu priiitcrl^-"Ty- hundred «ent» oh that night 1058 Springfield Avenue Telephone 1058 •>'fe which'cnme with it. but Inoth- Uncle Lucky,, the old gentleman .,.i..,,. n«v:-ij"ir.T.'iT '.. quick," ^ ways, nnd those the highest: you fit. keep you fit. -adv. Hill, .Ihnmlc Kl> andHltnk ...... they'ToHif; upon us as clumsy, pographlrul-error, -sir, It .should be "No (iilick"*" the members of the Summit lauh Jtt«HiiMli-pt.juj(iualMteiIl... We lii-|irls<—•I.ncli.v lor Mo" .... bunny, who lives on the corner of inferior Kpt>eim«iH. who. if lefi jd r yon wish to purchase or not. ''inl while I live to follow tho dl- _ Molly I'lid Uill mutton."- Fort Sill. '"No. ' He's umessenger boy." visiting Ll^n-ii t$«lr vl"e art of poetry. . . I must be a The HERALD welcomes all news •iton'l, I'Ved Mt> i-'tidcler"".' ^ LU:,jy..ay-:amLjiii,t:..'id,y^ii—iii-ia ter». aons, and their Power and Light Co. items of Interest to you or your IHiisy, Si*, Annie, .Ilintnl", I'.U, Hank is a real pi^so'nTThirLudy 'Love, I great wlldi-rm-sf would fail mis- The Hunimlt IteRistry. for •'fvout admirer and student of 1 Dr. Hallt'tt. Chiropractor, Ctare- PrlMi Effecllv* In Oar Hlorti nnd 3!«at •(''oiitimied un riigo Plvo) nclnubor. Finale Company Ihe Ilitlc rnbbil'H pretty bunny I'tiom- Summits 107N,- Adv. tr, inont Court,' 'pltone 3507,- —adv. Mention tb* tUett In WamwH. W. J.. nnd lll

      :m$mMk IfifeisiiiMs

      -SJift Jfct +liL* it