

List of Companies in Government by Department

DECEMBER 2015 Our vision is to help the nation spend wisely. Our public audit perspective helps Parliament hold government to account and improve public services.

The National Audit Office scrutinises public spending for Parliament and is independent of government. The Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG), Sir Amyas Morse KCB, is an Officer of the House of Commons and leads the NAO, which employs some 810 people. The C&AG certifies the accounts of all government departments and many other public sector bodies. He has statutory authority to examine and report to Parliament on whether departments and the bodies they fund have used their resources efficiently, effectively, and with economy. Our studies evaluate the value for money of public spending, nationally and locally. Our recommendations and reports on good practice help government improve public services, and our work led to audited savings of £1.15 billion in 2014.

List of Companies in Government by Department

Department Company name Company number BIS AEA Insurance Limited Isle of Man Registered


BIS BAE Systems plc (Special share) 01470151

BIS BIS (Postal Services Act 2011) Company Ltd 07941521

BIS British Business Bank plc 08616013

BIS British Nuclear Fuels Limited 05027024

BIS Capital for Enterprise Limited 06179047

BIS Enrichment Holding Ltd. 06387705

BIS Financial Reporting Council Ltd. 02486368

BIS Greencoat UK Wind plc 08318092

BIS Higher Education Statistics Agency Limited 02766993

BIS Medical Research Council RC000346

BIS Postal Services Holding Company Limited (Special share) 04074919

BIS Rolls-Royce Holdings plc (Special share) 07524813

BIS Science and Technology Facilities Council RC000817

BIS Student Loans Company Ltd. 02401034

BIS Technology Strategy Board RC000818

BIS The Arts And Humanities Research Council RC000800

BIS The Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council RC000707

BIS The Economic and Social Research Council RC000555

BIS The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council RC000708

BIS The Natural Environment Research Council RC000740

BIS The Start-Up Loans Company 08117656

BIS UK Green Investment Bank plc SC424067

BIS UK Shared Business Services Ltd 06330639

BIS Wave Hub Ltd. 07875270

CO AXELOS Ltd. 08489114

CO Behavioural Insights Ltd. 08567792

CO MyCSP Ltd. 07640786

CO Shared Services Connected Ltd. 08460577

CO The Big Society Trust 07611016

DCLG AWM (Subsidiary) Limited 06199093

DCLG Bristol and Bath Science Park Estate Management Company Ltd 07523533

DCLG Countryside Maritime Ltd 02549379

DCLG emEP Limited 05340573

DCLG English Partnerships (LP) Ltd 04256161

DCLG Independent Housing Ombudsman Ltd 03290221

DCLG Kings Waterfront (Estates) Ltd 05600097

DCLG Norwepp (NWDA Subsidiary) Ltd 06009418

DCLG Nottingham Enterprise Zone Development Company Ltd 08452579

DCLG ONE NorthEast General Partner Limited 06595202

DCLG Pride in Camp Hill Ltd 04430919 Department Company name Company number

DCLG Temple Quay Management Ltd (Special share) 04035406

DCLG The Estuary Management Company Ltd 03741385

DCLG The Housing Finance Corporation Limited IP25862R

DCLG The Leasehold Advisory Service 03296985

DCMS Arts Council England RC000742

DCMS British Broadcasting Corporation RC000057

DCMS British Film Institute (Big Screen) Ltd 03088677

DCMS British Museum Great Court Limited 04098945

DCMS British Screen Finance Ltd 01910848

DCMS Churches Conservation Trust Enterprises Limited 08125965

DCMS Connoisseur Video Limited 02463593

DCMS English Heritage Limited 01852569

DCMS English Heritage Trading Ltd 02970369

DCMS Hertford House Marketing Limited 03183595

DCMS Imperial War Museum Trading Company Ltd 03719634

DCMS National Film Development Fund 01268342

DCMS National Maritime Museum Enterprises Ltd 01901478

DCMS National Portrait Gallery Company Limited 06015724

DCMS NML Trading Ltd 02676330

DCMS Project Rosebud Limited 03946785

DCMS Royal Armouries Trading & Enterprises Ltd 07374477

DCMS S4C Masnachol Cyf 03418713

DCMS SCMG Enterprises Ltd 02196149

DCMS Soane Museum Enterprises Limited 08171280

DCMS SVDP Ltd 07713892

DCMS Tate Enterprises Ltd 03173975

DCMS Tate Gallery Projects Limited 03166910

DCMS Tate Gallery Publishing Limited 03179938

DCMS The British Museum Company Ltd 01079888

DCMS The English Sports Council RC000766

DCMS The Geffrye Museum Trust 02476642

DCMS The Horniman Public Museum and Public Park Trust 02456393

DCMS The Natural History Museum Trading Company Limited 02909192

DCMS The Office of the Adjudicator Ltd 05808371

DCMS The United Kingdom Sports Council RC000765

DCMS United Kingdom Anti-Doping Ltd 06990867

DCMS V&A Enterprises Ltd 01955898

DCMS V&A Holdings Ltd 02815246 DCMS VisitBritain India Private Limited Indian registered company

DECC Britains Energy Coast 02234442

DECC British Energy Bond Finance Plc (Special share) SC270186

DECC Direct Rail Services Limited 03020822

DECC Electricity Settlements Company Limited 08961281

DECC Energus 05662194

Department Company name Company number DECC INS Rokkasho KK (Japan) Limited Japanese Registered


DECC International Nuclear Services Limited 01144352

DECC NDA Properties Limited 02970356

DECC NNL (Holdings) Ltd 06859180

DECC North Highland Regeneration Fund SC301805

DECC Nuclear Liabilities Fund Limited SC164685

DECC Radioactive Waste Management Ltd 08920190 DECC Rutherford Indemnity Limited Guernsey registered

company DECC The Global Climate Partnership Fund Luxembourg registered


DECC The Low Carbon Contracts Company Limited 08818711

DEFRA Assured Food Standards 04913846

DEFRA BPEX Ltd 06539520

DEFRA Cefas Technology Limited 04242938

DEFRA Crop Evaluation Ltd. 04081213

DEFRA DairyCo Ltd 06408727

DEFRA EBLEX Ltd 06539528

DEFRA HGCA Ltd 06030501

DEFRA HGCA Pension Plan Trustees Ltd 07814192

DEFRA Horticultural Development company Ltd 06371686

DEFRA JNCC Support Co 05380206

DEFRA Meat & Livestock Commercial Services Ltd. 03687054

DEFRA MLC Pension Scheme Trustees Ltd. 07139131

DEFRA Potato Council Ltd 06410734

DEFRA RBG Kew Enterprises Ltd 02798886

DEFRA Sutton Bridge Experimental Unit Ltd. 02966113

DEFRA The National Forest Company 02991970

DFE Building Schools for the Future Investments (BSFI) Ltd 05584965

DFE Partnerships for Schools Limited 04650964

DFE QCDA Enterprises Ltd 00926649

DFID CDC Group plc 03877777

DFT Air Safety Support International Ltd 04104063

DFT Bower Rail Limited 07141146

DFT BRB (Residuary) Ltd 04146505

DFT British Transport Hotels Limited 00735306

DFT CAA International Ltd 04104068

DFT College Rail Limited 07141122

DFT CTRL Section 1 Finance plc 04868980

DFT Directly Operated Railways Ltd 06950819

DFT Greycoat Rail Limited 07141137

DFT High Speed Five (HS5) Limited 06791652

DFT High Speed Four (HS4) Limited 06791708 Department Company name Company number

DFT High Speed Rail Limited 06045666

DFT High Speed Six (HS6) Limited 06791619

DFT High Speed Three (HS3) Limited 06791731

DFT High Speed Two (HS2) Ltd 06791686

DFT HS2 Ltd 07963188

DFT Inter-Capital and Regional Rail Ltd (Special share) 03565312

DFT ITSO Ltd 04115311

DFT ITSO Services Ltd 06317074

DFT LCR Finance plc 03608329

DFT London & Continental Railways Ltd 02966054

DFT Marsham Rail Limited 07141119

DFT Millbank Rail Limited 07141099

DFT NATS Holdings Ltd 04138218

DFT Network Rail Ltd 04402220

DFT Parkside Rail Limited 07141140

DFT Queensway Rail Limited 07141110

DFT RFD (Channel Tunnel) Limited 01014180

DFT The Pullman Car Company Limited 00141798

DFT Trinity House Corporation RC000622

DFT Vincent Rail Limited 07141130

DOH Community Health Partnerships Ltd 04220587

DOH Dr Foster Intelligence Ltd 05560518

DOH Genomics England Limited 08493132

DOH NAGA UK TOPCO Ltd 08588260

DOH NHS Professionals Ltd 06704614

DOH NHS Property Services Limited 07888110

DOH NHS Shared Business Services 05280446

DOH Skipton Fund Limited 05084964

DWP National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) Corporation Unknown

DWP Remploy Ltd 00394532

DWP The Pensions Advisory Service Ltd 02459671

DWP Working Links (Employment) Ltd 03943678

FCO British Intergovernment Services Authority Ltd 08665149

FCO The Great Britain - China Centre 01196043

FCO The Westminster Foundation for Democracy Limited 02693163

HMRC R. N. Limited 00279190

HMT Bank of England RC000042

HMT Financial Conduct Authority 01920623

HMT Financial Ombudsman Service Ltd 03725015

HMT Financial Services Compensation Scheme Ltd 03943048

HMT Help to Buy (HMT) Ltd 08676596

HMT Infrastructure Finance Unit Ltd 06816271

HMT LKPM Limited 08461461

HMT Lloyds Banking Group plc SC095000

HMT Partnerships UK Plc 03993425

HMT Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc SC045551 Department Company name Company number

ssHMT The Money Advice Service 07172704

HMT The Royal Mint Ltd 06964873

HMT The Royal Mint Museum Ltd 07105875

HMT UK Asset Resolution Ltd (Bradford & Bingley plc and NRAM plc) 07301961

HMT UK Financial Investments Ltd 06720891

HO College of Policing Ltd 08235199

HO Forensic Archive Ltd 05607780

HO The Police ICT Company Ltd 08113293 MOD AWE [Atomic Weapons Establishment] Management Ltd 03664571 (Special share) MOD Admiralty Holdings Ltd 04561727

MOD BAE Systems Marine (Holdings) Ltd (Special share) 01957765

MOD Devonport Royal Dockyard Ltd (Special share) 02077752

MOD Gordon House (London) Ltd 08036299

MOD International Military Services Ltd 00924462

MOD National Army Museum Trading Limited 06707366

MOD Ploughshare Innovations Ltd 04401901

MOD QinetiQ Group plc (Special share) 04586941

MOD Rosyth Royal Dockyard Ltd (Special share) SC101959

MOD Royal Air Force Museum Enterprises Ltd 01511481

MOD Royal Hospital Chelsea Appeal Ltd 03701005

MOD Royal Hospital School Enterprises Limited 06550120

MOD Tetricus Ltd 03880963

MOD The Chamber of Shipping Ltd 02107383

MOD The National Museum of the Royal Navy 06699696

MOD The Royal Air Force Museum Investments Ltd 04026995

MOJ Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire and 08802546 Northamptonshire Community Rehabilitation company limited

MOJ Bristol, Gloucestershire, Somerset & Wiltshire Community 08802537 Rehabilitation company limited

MOJ Cheshire & Greater Manchester Community Rehabilitation 08802524 company limited

MOJ Cumbria and Lancashire Community Rehabilitation company 08802569 limited

MOJ Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire & Rutland 08802532 Community Rehabilitation company limited

MOJ Dorset, Devon & Cornwall Community Rehabilitation company 08802539 limited

MOJ Durham Tees Valley Community Rehabilitation company limited 08802521

MOJ Essex Community Rehabilitation company limited 08802550

MOJ Hampshire & Isle of Wight Community Rehabilitation company 08802540 limited

MOJ Humberside, Lincolnshire & North Yorkshire Community 08802522 Rehabilitation company limited

MOJ Kent, Surrey & Sussex Community Rehabilitation company limited 08802556

MOJ London Community Rehabilitation company limited 08802553

Department Company name Company number

MOJ Merseyside Community Rehabilitation company limited 08802525

MOJ Norfolk & Suffolk Community Rehabilitation company limited 08802548

MOJ Northumbria Community Rehabilitation company limited 08802519

MOJ South Yorkshire Community Rehabilitation company limited 08802527

MOJ Staffordshire & West Midlands Community Rehabilitation 08802529 company limited

MOJ Thames Valley Community Rehabilitation company limited 08802542

MOJ Community Rehabilitation company limited 08802571

MOJ Warwickshire and West Mercia Community Rehabilitation 08802535 company limited

MOJ West Yorkshire Community Rehabilitation company limited 08802523