National Report of Indonesia on the Formulation of a Transboundary

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National Report of Indonesia on the Formulation of a Transboundary UNEP/SCS/National Report 3 - Indonesia National Report of Indonesia on the Formulation of a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and Preliminary Framework of a Strategic Action Programme for the South China Sea INDONESIA National Report for the Formulation of a Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and Preliminary Framework of a Strategic Action Programme for the South China Sea TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 AIM OF THE NATIONAL REPORT ...........................................................................................................................1 1.2 MAJOR WATER-RELATED ENVIRONMENT PROBLEMS.......................................................................................3 1.3 COUNTRY BACKGROUND.........................................................................................................................................3 1.4 GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS USED IN THE ANALYSIS...............................................................................................13 2. DETAILED ANALYSIS OF MAJOR WATER-RELATED CONCERNS AND PRINCIPAL ..............ISSUES 13 2.1 POLLUTION..............................................................................................................................................................13 2.1.1 Sources of pollution ................................................................................................................................... 14 2.1.2 Pollution hot spots ..................................................................................................................................... 67 2.1.3 Sensitive and high risk areas................................................................................................................... 67 2.2 FRESHWATER SHORTAGE AND DEGRADATION OF ITS QUALITY.....ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 2.2.1 Surface water............................................................................................................................................... 72 2.2.2 Groundwater................................................................................................................................................ 89 2.3 EXPLOITATION OF LIVING AQUATIC RESOURCES.............................................................................................95 2.3.1 Living freshwater resources...................................................................................................................... 95 2.3.2 Living marine resources ............................................................................................................................ 99 2.4 MODIFICATION OF AQUATIC HABITATS..........................................................................................................128 2.4.1 Freshwater .................................................................................................................................................128 2.4.2 Marine.........................................................................................................................................................129 2.4.3 Critical habitats, ecosystems and species of transboundary importance......................................130 3. ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC COSTS OF THE IDENTIFIED WATER-RELATED PRINCIPAL ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ...........................................................................................................130 3.1 FORESTRY AND WILD-LIFE MANAGEMENT .........................................................................................................131 3.2 WATERSHED MANAGEMENT..................................................................................................................................133 3.3 AGRICULTURE AND AGRO-FORESTRY...............................................................................................................134 3.4 COASTAL SYSTEMS AND WETLANDS....................................................................................................................139 4. ANALYSIS OF THE ROOT CAUSES OF THE IDENTIFIED WATER-RELATED ISSUES ......................143 5. CONSTRAINTS TO ACTION ...............................................................................................................................146 5.1 FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS ON DEVELOPMENT................................................................................................146 5.2 RAPID POPULATION GROWTH IN COASTAL AREAS........................................................................................147 5.3 LACK OF POLICY IMPLEMENTATION................................................................................................................147 5.4 COASTAL POVERTY..............................................................................................................................................147 5.5 LACK OF AWARENESS OF THE STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE OF COASTAL AND MARINE RESOURCES FOR SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT .......................................................................................................147 5.6 LACK OF POLITICAL WILL TO APPLY SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES IN MARINE RESOURCE ...................................................................................................................................................... UTILIZATION 149 5.7 LACK OF RECOGNITION OF LOCAL RIGHTS AND INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE, COMMUNITY-BASED PARTICIPATION, AND EMPOWERMENT TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT .............................................................149 5.8 LACK OF INTEGRATED APPROACHES IN COASTAL AND MARINE RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT................149 5.9 LACK OF CAPABLE HUMAN RESOURCES............................................................................................................149 5.10 LACK OF INFORMATION AS A BASIS FOR RATIONAL AND OPTIMAL MARINE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 150 6. ONGOING AND PLANNED ACTIVITIES RELEVANT TO THE IDENTIFIED ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ..................................................................................................................................................................................150 6.1 NATIONAL PROGRAMMES AND ACTIONS FOR LAND-BASED AND SEA-BASED POLLUTION CONTROL.150 6.1.1 Environmental impact assessments .......................................................................................................150 6.1.2 PROKASIH (Clean River Programme) .................................................................................................151 6.1.3 Small-scale industries impact control ..................................................................................................151 6.1.4 Environmental damage control .............................................................................................................151 6.1.5 Marine and coastal pollution control..................................................................................................151 6.1.6 Hazardous waste management...............................................................................................................151 6.1.7 Clean City Programme (ADIPURA) ......................................................................................................152 6.1.8 Cleaner production development..........................................................................................................152 6.1.9 Implementation of coastal spatial layout and land use plans.........................................................152 6.1.10 Establishment of national coastal water quality standards.............................................................152 6.2 SHIPPING AND MARINE PORT ACTIVITY..........................................................................................................154 6.3 INDUSTRY AND HYDROCARBON POLLUTION ..................................................................................................154 6.4 FISHERIES AND OVER-FISHING.............................................................................................................................154 6.5 CORAL MINING AND DEGRADATION OF CRITICAL HABITATS......................................................................156 6.6 AQUACULTURE AND OTHER OFFSHORE ACTIVITIES.....................................................................................156 6.7 COASTAL FORESTRY AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION ......................................................................156 6.8 COASTAL AGRICULTURE AND CONVERSION OF CRITICAL HABITATS.........................................................157 6.9 INDUSTRY AND INDUSTRIAL WASTE................................................................................................................157 6.10 TOURISM AND DESTRUCTION OF COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS..............................................................................157 6.11 TRANSPORTATION, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND UNCOORDINATED ACTIVITIES..................................158 6.12 COASTAL COMMUNITIES AND INADEQUATE PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE ..............................................158 7. SPECIFIC ACTION PROPOSED FOR EACH IDENTIFIED ISSUE................................................................159 7.1 Pollution..........................................................................................................................................................159 7.2 Freshwater shortage......................................................................................................................................159

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