Bottom Prices for Cash
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< . ym - »• ' ’ I .. ' VOL XVI CUSTER CITY, SOUTH DAKOTA, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1890 NO 3ii • or- '.*^m*-* does Us Ont Better. understand. He Quality is the Standard of Value for & The Deadwood Pioneer submits the had been in the Black Hills upward Which we Compete- Kimble Heidepriem, following sound and sensible article The following communication from Referring to this allsgsd wondsrful of 15 years and in that time had acc- concerning the present brilliant min- the fearless faber of one of Custer’s most scientist, the Hill City News says: “John umulated considerable property and WEBSTEE and Dealers Manufacturers in ing outlook in the Hills, every line of observing citizens, reviewing an edi- S. George and Janies Merton, stock- was considered quite well to do by his which is in perfect harmony with toriul appearing in our issue of last holders in the Holy Terror and Golden countrymen. Tsng is of the opinion BLACKNEY, will sell yoa anything in his several lines at A. C. the Chronicle's views in this direction : week, in which the writer clearly goes us Summit mines arrived from the east that the deceased was a member of tbs and Stock “There has never been a time in the one better, and boldly expresses his Sunday. They were accompanied by a Masonic order and will be buried on Harness scientist, Jeweler and Practical Watch- history of the Black Hills when the op- opinion ns to why this is thus, will who, as the News man hag Sunday by the lodge.’’ in doubtless be perused with considerable | been informed, understands the Roent- maker. SADDLES. portunities for profitable investment Free Concert mining were as favorable interest by our locul readers: gen system to perfection, and applies it properties as The Bridges Bros. Convention com- j Twenty-five years experience. complete, at present, and there has never been a (Justea, April 18, 1896. to the earth. He is said to le able to Our stock Is and our piIces down to pany announce a free concert at the bed rock. The popular time when the actual values of our Editor Curosktb:—-In perusing your j describe a mine from a piece ofrock, Good Goods, Woll Bought, and Sold Accord- last issue the first thing that struck my , Congiegational Church on Wednesday ! mining properties were so easily dem (luster can loette the ore chutes and tell how Bottom eve was an on Kickers, and evening. April 29th, for Cash. article the in view- Prices ingly. HiiHpendern, objeet Leather onstratable. The search gold during much money there is in We for I should like very much to make a few | them. being the organization of a Musical Cou* same It is un- told that he says, Established price for repairing. Quali- the boat in the market, kept in stock and mailed the past three years has shown that remark* on the subject. hav© been that there vention in this place. The Bridges Spocial H.ow Prices oil ty is the standard of cheapness. We to any address for 75 cents i«?r pair. thero is no area of equal size on the doubtedly true that a good many people are six veins in the Holy Terror claim, Impairing and mail orders promptly attended no matter how Bros, are musicians of the highest order fully warrant what wo sell or repair. globe never will be satisfied, that they to. so rich in precious minerals. well situated they may be. But let us and contain six millions of who poase-s, in an eminent degree, the From Carbonate in the north tc Custer go alphabet; A. is a dollars Messrs, George and Morton Post-Offlo9 Building, Custer. Custer Ave., Custer City, S. D. through your just ability to impart a knowledge ol music Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods, Rubber Good*, in the south the country is one vast little anxious about the future because have him here to examine the Golden toothers, and the exceptional success mining camp, awaiting the advent of lie don’t see enough cash in sight. Well, gutnmit mine and to locate the vein for Furnishing Goods see ahead ns tome which has marl ed their efforts through- and Notions. capital for its development, and ae cer- may be he can’t a* far them. Work on this mine will proably thiie other people, so let usexcuße him. B. has out the country in the past, ns shown by mural mm tain to give returns vastly in exce-s of be star :ed up according to his plans, u> mss very much the same opinion ns A., only th* favorable notices ofthe press, should expenditures as goes a up it a sincerely hoped that he may ALSO ON HATS FOR MEN, CHILDREN, the most profitable he little further by throwing and be sufficient warrant for the formation BOYS AND commercial or industrial enterprise the spouge altogether and talking about dempn-trate his theory with practical us of a large class fer musical instruction emigrating. Well, about him let say - that lacks Nett comes B. roSuHfcC,’«e~r • ‘ ( vn<t«r lh« direction, of tit***ftopnlor has if it lie backbone/ A. l«w OverooM« wnd ttvnU «£ 1 passed, even has ever been, lie don’t believe iu the merits of our ' Municipal Elections. ; musical celebrities. A large attendance rford, Prop. SHMLAND, when W. Iltmgf MRS. legitimate miuing can be classed which go regardless of mines, and he is not slow to blackmail Reports of elections held on Tuesday is assured. will Cost. as a game, in which a maximum of luck the country. Now then, ifhe don’t like, A well turr.tshsd shop, first cla**, ke*n odeed PIONEER arc as follows TESTIMONIAL. abeam, and a steady, well .killed THE and a minimum of the dorai- to live here let hint try the saod hills o. ] ; razors and skill are At a vote'o25 Stuart, Neb., March 24, I 9N - •»<«S»*nfhri Nebraska, other flourishing Deadwood light was imn<i i« sf r.:re factors. (!¦£¦« or some 1 To concern patrons. aaat In days cf depres- whom it may Cusl or Cily, No. Dak. ami satisfaction to country. I aru sure he is not wauivu cast, there being practically nu contest, j Bridges Bros. Convention Company DRESS MAKER and MILLINER, sion and failure in the ordinary chan- here. If D. an here he ; is old timer Sol Star was elected mayor, John Bapg- have just a most Musi- nels of business, if established to be acknowledge in closed successful An Elegant Bath Parlor mining, ought ashamed to ! Convention in our town. Their ignorance so gross as is exhibiting in ley treasurer,and P. II Early justice of cal Is prepared to meet all demands in and conducted with the care with which be class, composed of the best people of ;r of the value ol ur the ; pace. run lu connection. Popular prices. A .hare either of the above lines. Khe cuts in the average approaches any enter- stating his doubts about town, Hi members. public patronage Is respectfully solicited. man prospects, on that the) 1; .vc At were numbered any stvle desired, warrants a perfect fit, the grounds head, whore he otlicee •Stuart has never bad such an awaken- prise, is the most certain of fair returns. not God kr, ,ws, nd and always gives satisfaction. Her been developed. st: gly cont« -*ed 1 !• • v • > wer* cast, ing in music. Persons, small chil- SIGNS Next Door to Klssmaan House. With recent improvements in the everybody else knows, ami D <>ugli‘. even OF SPRING work is always first class and will bear t re ing iu tin* c t! :i of L. ! dren, who had never studied music, arc it for a country t>> g t - ¦ I>. l’er- the closest Her prices Hre methods of reducing ores, low grade know what is able now to read any selection ofcom- Inspection. eye forever be bliu kina <"d, k; mayor; J -**vh Avery, treasurer, reasonable. In millinery she lias in propositions, which but a few years ago black and mon at Right. Wo cannot esti- •* music Convey warning SAMUEL SCOTT, ridiculed and maligned as Custer c uu- an ! !». i). Sineu 1 l-ti The proposi- a that ero.n ailments—general debility, dyspepsia, skirt stock the were worthless, are mate the benefit of this convention t it.-m, iver etc., comparatively now neighbors win* ought : -*> complaints, need attention. There isn’t any ty lias been by ¦ ti ’» issue *27 ver bonds, wan our town. i SHAPES IN valuable, und the opportunities for have lent us a helping hand instead d thing better than LATEST STYLES AND cm . by ain r rity ..f Mr uml Mrs. Bridges thoroughly un to < l-d ASSAYER & BONNETS handsome profits have been more than trying hamper our progre- 1 1 I'. art, LADIES HATS .< derstand the and know how to im- of the powerful inti » e Rapid City. tl. r*-| .blican ticket, doubled. It is not too much to say that stop to think part that knowledge to others. This which she trims in a most artistic and such evil talk may have on out-; d-r« 1h . ; "1 by dlc< tfilyeuddv, was success- A BLOOD (JuMter City. H, r>. a abort, number of ship letter has not been solicited by the com- PURIFIER. attractive manner, in accordance with within time the who ars unacquainted with our mineral fui surprise pany, and is given in the interests of patrons ping mines will be s even to Now, as far 1 is cut '* the tuste of her res' urce*.