Legislative Assembly Hansard 1893
Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 25 MAY 1893 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Q U EENSLA.ND PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. FIRST SESSION OF THE ELEVEN'I'H PARLIAMENT. APPOINTED TO MEET AT BRISBANE ON THE TWENTY-FIFTH DAY OF MAY, IN THE FIFTY-SIXTH YEAR OF THE REIGN OF HER MAJESCI.'Y QUEEN VICTORIA, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1893. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Samuel Grimes, Oxley. William Henry Groom, Toowoomba. Thursday, 25 May, 1893. William St. John Harding, Rockhampton Opening of Parliament.-Election of Speaker.-Ad North. journment. John Hoolan, Burke. Robert King, Maranoa. OPENING OF PARLIAMENT. John James Kingsbury, Brisbane North. THE House met at 12 o'clock this day, pursuant .Tohn Le11hy, Bulloo. to proclamation, and shortly afterwards pro Frederick Lord, Stanley. ceeded to the Legislative Council Chamber for William Lovejoy, Aubigny. the purpose of hearing the Commission opening John Macfarlane, Ipswich. Parliament read. O'n its return- John McMaster, Fortitude Valley. ; The CLERK read a Commisoion under the hand Charles William Midson, Brisbane South. · of His Excellency the Governor, authorisin~ the Arthur Morgan, Warwick. Hon. Sir Thomas Mcilwraith, K.C.M.G.~ the John Murray, Normanby. Hon. H. M. Nelson, and the Hon. T . .T. Byrnes Willi11m Henry Bligh O'Connell, Musgrave. to administer the oath to members elect. Andrew Lang Petrie, Toombul. Robert Philp, Townsville. The following members thereupon took the Thomas Plunkett., Albert. oath and subscribed the roll:- Charles Powers, Maryborough. Thomas Mcilwraith, Brisbane North. Robert Harris~n Smith, Bowen. Hugh Muir Nelson, Murilla. William Smyth, Gympie. Thomas J oseph Byrnes, Cairns.
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