Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 2011 No. 64 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was this country’s original homeland secu- The death of bin Laden clearly under- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- rity. Where this right is freely exer- scores the folly of our current policy. pore (Mrs. ELLMERS). cised without government infringe- This is exactly the right moment to f ment, our citizens live in freedom with rethink our approach to Afghanistan a deterrent and defense to violent and national security more generally, DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO crimes. especially with the President’s dead- TEMPORE Sadly, Second Amendment rights are line for redeployment just 50 days from The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- under attack from within, most re- now in July. fore the House the following commu- cently, the fast and furious scandal Unfortunately, Madam Speaker, our nication from the Speaker: perpetrated by the U.S. Bureau of Alco- military leaders don’t seem to be rising WASHINGTON, DC, hol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to the moment. According to yester- May 11, 2011. that approved felonious gun sales, di- day’s Wall Street Journal, officers in I hereby appoint the Honorable RENEE recting thousands of illegally pur- Afghanistan have drawn up a plan that ELLMERS to act as Speaker pro tempore on chased firearms to be smuggled into would withdraw 5,000 troops by July 1 this day. Mexico as part of a sting operation. and 5,000 more by the end of this year. JOHN A. BOEHNER, These actions contributed to the death Madam Speaker, that’s not even close Speaker of the House of Representatives. of a U.S. border agent and perpetuate to an adequate response to the de- f the lie that U.S. gun dealers supply the mands of the moment. It’s not the bold MORNING-HOUR DEBATE bulk of guns to criminal elements in move that was suggested when the Mexico. July 1, 2011, drawdown date was first The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- As elected Representatives, it is our announced; 10,000 fewer troops by the ant to the order of the House of Janu- duty to respect and defend the free- end of the year doesn’t even get us to ary 5, 2011, the Chair will now recog- doms that our Constitution guaran- pre-surge levels. nize Members from lists submitted by tees. Those in the Bureau of Alcohol, We owe it to the American people to the majority and minority leaders for Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives that do much, much more. They have sac- morning-hour debate. engineered this dangerous strategy rificed enough. What do we have to The Chair will alternate recognition that took a life and threatens our free- show for the 1,500-plus people we’ve between the parties, with each party doms must be held accountable. lost and the nearly $7 billion a month limited to 1 hour and each Member f we continue to throw at this mission? other than the majority and minority If anything, we have emboldened the leaders and the minority whip limited SUPPORT THE TROOPS BY terrorists instead of defeating them. If to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall BRINGING THEM HOME anything, we’ve undermined our na- debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tional security interests instead of ad- f Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from vancing them. If anything, we’ve weak- California (Ms. WOOLSEY) for 5 min- ened America instead of strengthening SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS utes. it. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, the Americans see that Osama bin Laden Chair recognizes the gentleman from successful raid on Osama bin Laden’s is dead; that the military occupation of (Mr. THOMPSON) for 2 hideaway 10 days ago came with an im- Afghanistan isn’t accomplishing its minutes. portant, and somewhat ironic, re- goals; that we have urgent priorities Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. minder. This mission was carried out right here at home. And they are quite Madam Speaker, yesterday, I joined in Pakistan where we are not at war rightly asking: Why do we still have members of the Pennsylvania State and have no troop presence. Mean- boots on the ground in Afghanistan? legislature, gun owners, and the presi- while, next door in Afghanistan, we We also owe it to the men and women dent of the NRA at the Pennsylvania continue to maintain an enormous who wear those boots to end this war. State capital in support of our Second military footprint of 100,000 or more Our troops have served with honor and Amendment rights. I appreciate their troops. We’re still there, even though valor in Afghanistan. A deeply flawed deep belief in freedom and protecting Osama bin Laden hasn’t been there and morally objectionable policy is not the Second Amendment that guaran- since he escaped our grasp at Tora their fault, but they are bearing the tees our citizens the right to own and Bora nearly 10 years ago, and most of untold burden that will not be easily bear arms. Our Second Amendment is the al Qaeda leadership fled long ago. lifted.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:36 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY7.000 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3164 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 Earlier this week, USA Today re- Virginia; and as these rising prices con- 1,000 to 1,700 megawatts and cost be- ported on a new military study show- tinue to directly affect all central and tween $5 billion and $10 billion to con- ing that troop morale is at an all-time southside Virginians and threaten our struct. In contrast, small modular re- low, thanks to the punishing emotional economic recovery, I believe we should actors generate 10 to 300 megawatts and psychological strain of multiple take action now to address this crisis. and cost about $750 million to con- deployments and intense combat. The Last week, the House passed a bill struct. These small reactors offer sev- percentage of Army soldiers reporting that would expand American energy eral advantages to large reactors in acute stress has nearly tripled since production and create jobs by reopen- certain situations, including shorter the year 2005. Even if the war ended to- ing the oil exploration in the Gulf of construction times, increased safety morrow, Madam Speaker, the anxiety Mexico and off the coast of Virginia controls, and electricity generation. and trauma plaguing so many of our that has been delayed or canceled by While large reactors are built on a fu- troops won’t go away anytime soon, if the Obama administration. It is esti- ture generation site, a process that can ever; but it’s time to let the physical mated that offshore energy develop- take up to 5 years, smaller reactors can and mental health healing begin. It’s ment in Virginia, which has bipartisan be manufactured in modular pieces in time to stop sending our best and our support, could lead to the production of factories and transported by rail or bravest into this grinder. more than half a billion barrels of oil truck, cutting construction times in We have asked enough of them. and 2.5 trillion cubic feet of natural half. Small reactors can also be com- Madam Speaker, I can think of no bet- gas, and create nearly 2,000 jobs for our pletely manufactured and fueled in a ter way to support our troops than to State. At a time like this, there is no factory. They can be sealed and shipped bring them home immediately. reason to leave these resources un- to the site for power generation, and touched when it will help provide relief f after use, they can be shipped back to to all Americans. the factory for defueling, minimizing MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE This week, we are continuing our the potential spread of nuclear mate- A message from the Senate by Ms. work to maximize American energy rial. Curtis, one of its clerks, announced production by considering two bills Additionally, small modular reactors that the Senate has agreed to a concur- that will end the White House’s de produce a small nuclear reaction which rent resolution of the following title in facto moratorium on new American generates less heat, making them easi- which the concurrence of the House is offshore energy production in a safe, er to shut down in the event of a mal- requested: responsible, and transparent manner. function. Another advantage of small S. Con. Res. 16. Concurrent resolution au- By reversing the administration’s anti- modular reactors is that, unlike large thorizing the use of Emancipation Hall in energy policies and tapping into these reactors, they can generate power in the Capitol Visitor Center for an event to resources to maximize our domestic any location. While large reactors re- celebrate the birthday of King Kamehameha. energy supply, we will take a signifi- quire millions of gallons of water per cant step towards lowering gas prices, The message also announced that day for cooling and must be located reducing our dependence on foreign oil, pursuant to Public Law 94–304, as near large water sources, small reac- and creating thousands of jobs for the amended by Public Law 99–7, the Chair, tors can be water-cooled or air-cooled. Commonwealth and our Nation. on behalf of the Vice President, ap- This technology could open up new points the following Senators as mem- b 1010 parts of the country to nuclear devel- bers of the Commission on Security I urge support of H.R. 1229 and H.R. opment, such as the arid West and lo- and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki) 1231 and hope that the Senate and the cations that cannot support larger ca- during the One Hundred Twelfth Con- administration will join us in our ef- pacity generation, such as isolated gress: forts to move towards achieving true rural areas or regions with smaller The Senator from New Hampshire energy independence by approving all grids. (Ms. AYOTTE). three energy bills the House of Rep- Unfortunately, development and de- The Senator from Georgia (Mr. resentatives has considered thus far. ployment of new nuclear reactor tech- CHAMBLISS). f nologies can currently take upwards of The Senator from Florida (Mr. two decades. Time and resources are RUBIO). DEVELOPMENT AND DEPLOYMENT limited for the Nuclear Regulatory The Senator from Mississippi (Mr. OF NEW NUCLEAR REACTOR Commission to develop the institu- WICKER). TECHNOLOGIES tional capacity to license new reactor f The SPEAKER pro tempore. The designs, and traditional public-private GAS PRICES Chair recognizes the gentleman from partnerships are often insufficient to Pennsylvania (Mr. ALTMIRE) for 5 min- mitigate the business risk of bringing The SPEAKER pro tempore. The utes. small modular reactors to market. Chair recognizes the gentleman from Mr. ALTMIRE. Madam Speaker, I This is why I believe this legislation is Virginia (Mr. HURT) for 5 minutes. rise today in support of legislation I in- crucial for developing this all-Amer- Mr. HURT. Madam Speaker, all troduced to encourage the development ican technology that could help us lead across Virginia’s Fifth District, people of a vital component to the next gen- the world in electricity innovation and are suffering from skyrocketing fuel eration of nuclear reactors that will generation. I encourage my colleagues prices. As I have heard from families provide clean, domestic energy solu- to join me in making America more en- and small businesses and farmers who tions for all Americans. ergy independent, creating good-paying are seeing a negative impact on their The Department of Energy initiated American jobs, and working toward the bottom lines, we need to take action the Nuclear Power 2010 Program in future of clean energy generation by now if we are going to address this seri- February 2002 as a joint public-private cosponsoring the Nuclear Power 2021 ous problem of skyrocketing fuel program to develop advanced reactor Act. prices. technologies and encourage the private f Instead of supporting policies that sector to build new nuclear power will help bring down the cost of gas, plants in the United States. My legisla- HARVESTING AMERICAN ENERGY the Obama administration continues to tion, the Nuclear Power 2021 Act, ap- RESOURCES actively block and delay domestic en- plies the Nuclear Power 2010 model to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ergy production, causing more pain at small modular reactors. Under the bill, Chair recognizes the gentleman from the pump, increasing our dependence the Department of Energy would be Georgia (Mr. WOODALL) for 5 minutes. on foreign oil, and destroying jobs. We able to enter into public-private part- Mr. WOODALL. Madam Speaker, I only have to look at our soaring energy nerships to design and license two am glad to be able to take the floor costs to see the consequences of these small modular reactors by the year after the Member from Pennsylvania failed policies. Gas prices have doubled 2021. (Mr. ALTMIRE) talking about energy be- under the President’s watch and are As my colleagues may know, today’s cause it’s something that’s on now hovering around $4 per gallon in traditional larger reactors range from everybody’s mind today. He is talking

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:36 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.002 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3165 about nuclear energy, and he concluded ago. We have the resources here. We b 1020 with the remarks, What can we do to know of more oil that’s in the ground But the city of Memphis is coming find American-made energy solutions? in America today than we have ever together with a lot of volunteerism to What can we do to find American en- known of before, and yet we choose to help those people, and the Federal Gov- ergy independence? What can we do to send our dollars overseas to import ernment, through FEMA and the Corps provide good-paying American jobs? that energy instead. of Engineers, is doing all it can to pro- Folks, those things are all intertwined. There are three bills we’re working tect property and protect people and There is not a product that we produce on here, Madam Speaker, and you offer them shelter and food. And be- in this country that does not have an know them well. H.R. 1229, the Putting cause it’s a disaster area, we’ll be help- energy component to it. We have to the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act. ing them get back on their feet once have that access to energy in order to Can you believe, Madam Speaker, that again. It’s a tragedy for those people have access to jobs. That’s why I’m so in a time of record-high gas prices that and a tragedy for a lot of other people proud that in the tail end of last week we have the second-largest shallow up and down the river. and the beginning of this week, that’s water drilling operation in the country But the fact is the city of Memphis is what we’re focused on here on the going out of business for lack of work? open and open for business, and most of House floor. What can we do to find For lack of work. Oil prices are headed the city of Memphis is not affected by those domestic energy solutions? back towards historic highs, and Amer- the flood. Contrary to what you might There aren’t going to be as many ican drillers are going out of business see on the news, the entire city is not folks here, Madam Speaker, as I look for lack of work. And it’s not just the underwater. The business sections, around the gallery, who might have company, Madam Speaker; it is each most of the city, are totally dry, and been alive in the 1970s. Madam Speak- and every one of the American men and people are going to work, flying Fed- er, I think you and I were here then. women who work on those drill rigs eral Express planes all over the world We remember some of those gas lines. who are out of work because we can’t to deliver packages. International Would you believe that we bring less get permits issued out of Washington, Paper and all the businesses that are American oil to market today than we D.C. Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back there are fully operational. did in 1970? Would you believe it’s al- to Work Act. Our Memphis Grizzlies are still alive most half? H.R. 1231, Reversing President and playing tonight in the NBA West- We have been blessed in this country Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act. We ern finals, and the people of Memphis with domestic energy resources the have these resources. We have this na- are filling the FedEx Forum when they likes of which no other country on the tional security need. We have men and play and cheering them on and bring- planet can claim. And yet we seem to women who want to go to work to solve ing the city together in the spirit that be doing everything that we can to that need, and we won’t let the permits Memphians have come together for out of Washington, D.C. Washington, keep those resources in the ground and, years. instead, send precious American dol- D.C. has not been the solution here. The city of Memphis has had prob- lars overseas, often to folks who don’t Washington, D.C. has been the prob- lems over the years. A yellow fever epi- like us and would like to see our de- lem. demic in the 1870s almost destroyed the Folks, if what you want to say is, mise. city, but it didn’t. The city came back We’re going to pass a bill on this floor Folks, energy independence isn’t just and came back even stronger. a tag line. It’s not just about $4 prices that’s going to ban automobiles, and The assassination of Dr. Martin Lu- at the pump. It’s about national secu- we just won’t use any more gasoline, ther King on the 4th of April, 1968, was rity. It’s about, what is our vision for fair enough. If what you want to say is, an awful moment in our city history We’re going to pass a bill on this floor the future of this country? Is it a vi- and one we had to overcome. But the that’s going to ban plastic and say, sion of dependency upon our enemies city did. And on that site, the Lorraine we’re just not going to produce any overseas? Or is it a vision of independ- Motel, has been built a great civil more, fair enough. If you are going to ence where we’re bringing American re- rights museum, the National Civil pass a bill that says, We’re not going to sources out of the ground with Amer- Rights Museum, like a phoenix from produce any more fertilizer in this ican workers, creating American cap- the ashes telling the story of the civil country, who needs it, fair enough. But ital? rights movement and the movement until you do—and I would vote ‘‘no’’ on It’s not just, Drill, drill, drill. I’m a out of slavery and out of Jim Crow into each one of those proposals—but until big believer in drill here, drill now. But an era where an African American you do, we need American oil, and we that’s not because we’re not sensitive need to get it out of the ground, and we could and has been elected President of to what’s happening in a changing en- need to get it out of the ground now. these United States. ergy environment across this planet. Madam Speaker, I am tremendously The city of Memphis and the people Would you believe, for example, that in grateful for the leadership you have have an indomitable spirit. They have this country, we use less energy per shown in bringing these bills to the come back from problems in the past capita today, fewer Btus today, than floor, and I thank you for the time. and will continue to do so. we did just 5 years ago, than we did 10 Yesterday, the city of Memphis re- years ago, than we did 20 years ago, f ceived great news when President than we did 30 years ago. To say that RESILIENCE OF THE CITY OF Obama announced that of all the we need energy independence, to say MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE schools that applied in this Nation in that national security depends on get- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the Race to the Top program to be rec- ting our resources out of the ground is Chair recognizes the gentleman from ognized and to be honored by his pres- not to say that conservation isn’t a Tennessee (Mr. COHEN) for 5 minutes. ence as the commencement speaker for part of the model as well. It is. We’re Mr. COHEN. Madam Speaker, I rep- graduation, that Booker T. Washington doing it, we’re doing it successfully, resent the Tennessee Ninth Congres- High School, a high school created in and we should continue to do it, but we sional District, which is Memphis. the 1800s, a Jim Crow school, an Afri- have to get our resources out of the Memphis has been in the news quite a can American school in the 1800s, ground. bit these past few weeks, and partly which has done spectacularly well in Would you believe that as a percent- it’s been for a bad reason: a flood, the academics, increased their graduation age of the energy that we use in this greatest flood since 1937 on the Mis- rate from the fifties into the 81st per- country, that petroleum is in decline? sissippi River. There has been a mas- centile, best in the State on algebra Each and every year, we use less oil per sive flow of water across lands and into scores and other scores, and great im- capita than we used the year before, our downtown and other areas, and it’s provement and shown innovation, was but that doesn’t mean that we don’t affected a lot of people. I have toured chosen as the school in the country to still need to get American oil out of the damage. There are at least 1,500 have the President come to their grad- the ground. In fact, we are importing people whose homes have been lost. uation. He will speak at the Booker T. more oil today than we did just 10 They are in shelters. They have lost Washington High School graduation years ago, than we did just 20 years possessions. next Monday in Memphis. It will be his

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:36 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.005 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3166 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 first visit to Memphis, and the city of world reaffirms America’s commitment I reported the behavior and the class Memphis has looked forward to his to human rights. And on this 60th anni- leader was relieved of his duties. He visit. I look forward to his visit, and versary, I look forward to continuing was already on a suspended bust for have encouraged the President to come the U.S. commitment to human rights sexual harassment that he committed to Memphis, and I hope he’ll come through strengthening of our refugee while on recruiting duty in his home- more times after that. resettlement program. town. I then was ostracized for report- But for those students and other stu- f ing bad behavior. This class leader told dents who need to have inspiration and all the male students at this training RAPE AND SEXUAL ASSAULT IN hope, particularly at this time when center to make sure that whoever went THE U.S. MILITARY there is flood and many people have to sea with me should make me pay. been dispossessed, it’s so important The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Another petty officer deployed on a that the President be there and give Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from mission a month ahead of me. He told those students hope and encourage California (Ms. SPEIER) for 5 minutes. the ship that I was a feminist and a les- them to continue to make good grades Ms. SPEIER. Madam Speaker, I rise bian that got someone that was on a and to lift themselves up. today to speak again about rape and suspended bust into more trouble. Many of the students at Booker T. sexual assault in the military. But first While stationed aboard that ship, I Washington lived in housing projects, I want to recognize the role our mili- was groped and harassed by my work Cleaborn Homes, which was recently tary played in bringing Osama bin center supervisor. When we went to demolished to make way for a HOPE VI Laden to justice. Taking down the sea, he would send everyone back to project, the fifth of six in the city of world’s most notorious man, someone their barracks by saying that he and I Memphis, which has gotten rid of responsible for the deaths of thousands would finish cleaning up. Then he projects but given people private resi- of innocent Americans, is a tremendous would rape me. dences or apartments and a better way accomplishment. Our Nation is so The ship sailed for the Caribbean. We of life. Those students saw their homes proud of the service of our members of sailed through hurricanes and tropical destroyed, but they’ve worked hard in the military. storms off the coast of Florida. I was their school and stayed at Booker T. The news about killing Osama bin put on consecutive watches with this Washington High School and will be Laden is another reminder that mili- guy and he raped me most of the time honored by the President’s visit. tary service is one of our Nation’s we were on watch together. I did get They, like everybody else in Mem- highest callings. This is precisely why some reprieve because in high seas he phis, cheer for the Memphis Grizzlies, we cannot, as a country, allow a few would get seasick. Once he got sick all and the Grizzlies cheer towel is one bad actors to besmirch the honor of the over me while he was raping me. that I bring you today. ‘‘Believe Mem- Armed Forces. And we certainly can- b 1030 phis.’’ Believe Memphis has carried the not condone a system that is designed Grizzlies, an eighth-seeded team, to the to protect the perpetrators and punish I tried to report this rape and harass- championship game. The city believes. the survivors. ment to my chain of command. My sen- The city is strong. We urge you to Just as the military sought justice ior chief took me out to the fan tail of come to Memphis, have some ribs, have for the victims of September 11, we the ship and told me that the chain of some music and enjoy our hospitality. must continue to seek justice for those command knew that I was a feminist f who have served their country, only to and a Democrat; and, if I said anything be raped or sexually assaulted by one more about this, I would just be prov- 60TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE 1951 of their own. ing that I wanted to get the rapist in U.N. REFUGEE CONVENTION As a reminder, the numbers are stag- trouble. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gering. The Department of Defense has I attempted suicide, but backed out Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from said that over 19,000 members of the at the last minute. It still makes no California (Ms. CHU) for 5 minutes. military were raped or sexually as- sense. Ms. CHU. Madam Speaker, I rise saulted in 2010. Those are the Depart- Well, it doesn’t make sense. I have today in celebration of the 60th anni- ment of Defense numbers. And only 13 received countless emails like this and versary of the 1951 Convention related percent of them actually report the as- will continue to share them in the to the Status of Refugees. The Conven- saults. weeks ahead. Again, I invite survivors tion was historic in spelling out a set I made a pledge to share the victims’ to tell their stories by writing to of basic human rights that should be stories every week until Congress and [email protected]. afforded a refugee. It was initially di- this administration does something During a time of such tremendous rected toward European refugees in the more than offer lip service. I recently pride for our military, we should com- aftermath of World War II, but was ex- set up an email account so survivors mit ourselves to removing the stain of panded in 1967 to include refugees from could share their stories with me. The rape and sexual assault from this great all around the world. The U.N. Conven- address is StopMilitaryRape@mail institution once and for all. tion defines who a refugee is, and out- .house.gov. f lines assistance that refugees should Today I want to share one of those receive. It stipulates that refugees emails. A servicewoman wrote: INSTITUTE FOR INCLUSION IN THE should not be returned to a country I endured over a year of harassment LEGAL PROFESSION where they fear persecution. while stationed at Point Loma, Cali- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The My district in the San Gabriel Valley fornia. My class leader was a fleet re- Chair recognizes the gentleman from of California is home to a large and di- turnee that referred to women by a Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) for 5 minutes. verse refugee population who fled per- number of derogatory names. He and Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- secution from countries such as Viet- two other men in the class would grope er, I rise today to recognize the Insti- nam, Cambodia, and Laos. In Los Ange- women. They would then publicly tute for Inclusion in the Legal Profes- les County they come from places as grope each other to prove that they sion. far as Iran to El Salvador. were equal opportunity harassers. Lawyers serve an important role in Since arriving on our shores, many of The class leader also would accuse our society, and yet the legal profes- the refugees have established them- women of being ‘‘on the rag,’’ or he sion, like many others, is in need of se- selves as civic leaders, small business would ask us if our vagina hurt. What rious improvement in the diversity of owners and hardworking Americans. would happen if one of your colleagues its membership. There are a number of Some are working with resettlement asked you if your vagina hurt? And yet individuals and organizations who are agencies to help new refugee popu- this is largely permitted in uniform. It working to change that fact, and, lations integrate, settle their families, is permitted with a culture of fear that thanks to their efforts, there has been and restart their lives. would rival the prison experience or progress. Yet the legal profession, The open arms with which our Nation the tyranny of gang infested neighbor- which above all should stand for fair- welcomes refugees from around the hoods. ness and equality, is still a long way

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:02 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.006 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3167 from being open and welcoming to all H.R. 71 tion is doing its job. But this is hap- irrespective of individual characteris- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The pening. That is what air marshals are tics and background. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from for: to protect the traveling public, fly- The Institute for Inclusion in the Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE) for 5 minutes. ing more than they have ever flown, Legal Profession, a new group with a Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. We paying higher prices for bags and food, promising approach to diversity and in- have had a very challenging week, and now we expect them not to be safe clusion in the legal profession, was es- Madam Speaker, and I thank you for and secure. It is time now to augment tablished in Chicago, Illinois, in Sep- the time. and to pass H.R. 71 and to increase the tember 2009. It is a time of great patriotism and number of air marshals. The Institute for Inclusion in the great respect for the institutions of de- Now, we have an issue of a deficit and Legal Profession is addressing the con- mocracy that this country represents. a debt. My question is, as someone trast between the increasingly diverse It is a statement that says that we will would say: Are we going to be penny- society in which we live and what cer- not be an offender, but we will be a de- wise and pound-foolish? Are we going tainly appears to be an entrenched lack fender. We will defend our values; we to not safeguard the American people of diversity and inclusion. The Insti- will defend our soil; we will defend the because there happens to be the tute is working to improve diversity people of the United States. mantra on this side of the aisle, Repub- and promote inclusion through com- I have served on the Homeland Secu- licans, who don’t want to spend a dime prehensive outreach and innovative rity Committee as the dust was rising for anything? Well, my friends, we have programs. from the site of 9/11. When I traveled to to invest in the American public. We For example, the Institute asks hard New York, I walked along sidewalks have got to be able to build infrastruc- questions and finds the answers to where there were walls of letters and ture, and at the same time we have got them. Working with legal, judicial, pictures of loved ones who had not been to be responsible spenders. professional, educational, and govern- designated as being lost and people But I will tell you this. I will take mental institutions, the Institute pro- were trying to see if loved ones were in spending for national security any day vides programs and tools to promote hospitals. I saw the pain. And so the with bringing home the troops from Af- equity in the legal field. IILP uses a capturing and the demise of Osama bin ghanistan, because that mission is new and, in many ways, unique ap- Laden is the finishing of an era and a complete. Now we must invest in proach. Its comprehensive programs in- story. And we are to commend the American people. And I’m angry about clude lawyers, judges, and law students President of the United States, the this, that we would be so cheap that we to address all facets, all practice set- Navy SEALs, the JSOC and intel- would not provide the resources to give tings, and all types of diversity within ligence communities, and the United us new and additional trained Federal the legal profession. Beyond working States military and persons around air marshals, many of whom come from to overcome the barriers facing diverse this Nation who are part of this great the United States military. Many of lawyers, it looks at the pipeline for effort. these soldiers coming home would Well, we live in a different world new legal talent. This aspect is key. By make excellent air marshals. now. As the facts are unfolding in helping diverse students become law Pakistan, as evidence has been re- b 1040 students, enter the legal profession, viewed by the various tapes, we know and eventually become successful law- Many of them come from the U.S. that terrorism and al Qaeda is an ac- yers and judges, the profession will be- Marshals Service and many other mar- tive entity around the world. The come more diverse and inclusive. shals services. United States is not the only target, What is more precious than the A few examples of the work of the In- but we are and will continue to be in stitute for Inclusion in the Legal Pro- mother and father and children and rel- the eye of the storm. atives that are traveling to visit loved fession include a pledge to the profes- As we have heard representations sion where lawyers across the country ones or for business, and they are com- from terrorists and to-be leaders and ing home to the United States and we are being asked to dedicate a minimum wanna-bes about what they intend to of 1 day of service to work with young are putting them in jeopardy because do to retaliate, it is important for us to we do not have the air marshals to pro- people to educate them about the legal be responsible with the resources that profession and encourage them to join tect them against these unknown we have. And so for over a year I have threats? it; Professionalism in Practice, a pro- introduced H.R. 71, the FAMS Aug- gram where law students and judges So my challenge today is stop being mentation bill, the Federal Air Mar- cheap, stop nickel-and-diming security, learn from each other about the profes- shal. And I call on, today, for the ad- sion and, in doing so, about diversity stop not understanding that we have ministration and the Congress to work the responsibility to go ahead and se- and inclusion; the ‘‘Business Case for together to increase the number of air Diversity: Reality or Wishful Think- cure the American public. Today I call marshals on domestic flights, on long- for more air marshals on the Nation’s ing?’’ a research project that provides distance flights, and to increase the the first hard data examining the im- airplanes, and I call for it now. H.R. 71 numbers of air marshals traveling on should be passed immediately. pact of the business case for diversity inbound flights to the United States. and the state of diversity; and, ‘‘The What more do we need? f State of Diversity and Inclusion in the Over the last couple of days, any se- Legal Profession,’’ which is an annual ries of incidents that have occurred, PUERTO RICO’S COMEBACK STORY report and series of symposia designed and thanks to the brave passengers The SPEAKER pro tempore. The to educate the bar about its current now well aware since 9/11 and flight at- Chair recognizes the gentleman from state, cutting-edge issues surrounding tendants for whom I have fought con- Puerto Rico (Mr. PIERLUISI) for 5 min- diversity and inclusion and the most sistently to get more training, un- utes. promising programs, efforts, and initia- armed, obviously, and many without Mr. PIERLUISI. Madam Speaker, the tives aimed at making entry into and training, are now being confronted United States stands at a crossroads. success within the legal profession with individuals who are charging now Responsible leaders recognize that a bi- more accessible to all. reinforced pilot doors, some going to partisan fiscal strategy must be crafted The mission and work of the IILP is the exit doors, over the last 4 days a se- to reduce deficits. A deal will require an important contribution to social ries of incidents that no one knows courage on the part of its proponents, justice in the United States. I consider whether or not they will stop. because each revenue raiser and spend- it an honor to recognize the Institute Now, we know that some allegations ing cut is bound to trigger opposition. for Inclusion in the Legal Profession have been that individuals are suf- Unless officials can persuade voters and invite all Members to join me in fering from mental challenges, and we that sacrifice and self-restraint now recognizing them for the importance of understand that. We also know that, to are essential for stability and strength their mission and the great work they date, no one had a weapon, and so the later, a deal will not happen. Even with are undertaking. Transportation Security Administra- public buy-in, leaders must be ready to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:36 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.008 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3168 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 take action, despite the political per- served as a lifeline for the island. Rath- Steer us on the path of righteousness ils, and be prepared to raise the na- er, they have worked to put every dol- with temperance. Bless our govern- tional interest above their personal in- lar to good use. ment, and bless this Nation. terests and reelection. It will not be So for leaders in Washington who say In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. easy, but it must be done. it will be impossible to achieve biparti- Amen. For officials in Washington who are sanship in the budget debate, the case f in search of a comeback story, I sug- of Puerto Rico should provide a meas- gest the case of Puerto Rico. In Janu- ure of hope. As it nurses the economy THE JOURNAL ary 2009, the U.S. territory stood on the back to health, the Puerto Rico Gov- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The brink of disaster. The new government ernment is also advancing a long-term, Chair has examined the Journal of the had inherited a deficit of $3.3 billion. pro-growth strategy. For example, the last day’s proceedings and announces As a percentage of revenue, this was government has reduced individual and to the House his approval thereof. the largest deficit of any U.S. adminis- corporate tax rates and ensured that Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- tration. The new administration was everyone contributes their fair share; nal stands approved. even forced to take a loan to meet its boosted sales of housing and commer- first payroll. Major rating agencies had cial properties through other incen- f downgraded Puerto Rico’s credit to tives; and worked to address Puerto PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE near junk status. Simply put, the is- Rico’s high energy costs and depend- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the land’s economy was about to implode. ence on foreign oil, including through gentlewoman from North Carolina Leaders in San Juan faced a stark the development of a natural gas pipe- (Mrs. ELLMERS) come forward and lead choice. Like their predecessors, they line that will create thousands of jobs, the House in the Pledge of Allegiance. could usher Puerto Rico down this lower carbon emissions and signifi- Mrs. ELLMERS led the Pledge of Al- unsustainable path, paralyzed by the cantly reduce energy bills for individ- legiance as follows: fear that tough choices would antago- uals and companies on the island. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the nize voters; or they could place their In closing, Puerto Rico’s leadership responsibility to protect Puerto Rico’s United States of America, and to the Repub- has proven that it is possible to work lic for which it stands, one nation under God, future above their desire to preserve across party lines to control spending indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. their poll numbers. and create growth. I urge my col- f Fortunately for Puerto Rico, the new leagues in this Chamber to work in this leadership chose the right course. For same spirit and to set aside partisan WELCOMING REVEREND WALLACE 2-plus years, Governor Luis Fortuno differences to secure the long-term fis- SHEPHERD and the island’s legislature have taken cal health of the country we love. decisive action to impose fiscal dis- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without f cipline and create a leaner, more re- objection, the gentlewoman from Cali- sponsible government. They have cut RECESS fornia (Mrs. CAPPS) is recognized for 1 minute. government spending by nearly 20 per- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- cent, sharply reducing the deficit as a There was no objection. ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I rise percentage of revenue. Indeed, by this declares the House in recess until noon metric, the island has moved from last today to honor a valued constituent today. and a good friend, Dr. Wallace Shep- in the Nation to a fiscal position that Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 45 is better than 30 States. The rating herd. minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- Dr. Shepherd came to the Second agencies have rewarded Puerto Rico’s cess until noon. progress, with Moody’s giving the is- Baptist Church of Santa Barbara as f land its highest rating in 35 years. pastor in 2006. Since then, Pastor Shep- To achieve savings, the government b 1200 herd has reestablished Santa Barbara’s cut expenses and political appoint- Martin Luther King Day event as a AFTER RECESS ments and was compelled to reduce its capstone celebration on the central payroll. In my experience, rational The recess having expired, the House coast of California. leaders do not lay off workers because was called to order by the Speaker pro He is an active board member of the they think this will play to their polit- tempore (Mr. POE of Texas) at noon. Endowment for Youth program, which supports the education of underprivi- ical advantage. To the contrary, few f actions are likely to arouse greater leged children through tutoring and PRAYER public displeasure. After all, work does scholarships. Dr. Shepherd also helped more than put bread on the family Reverend Wallace Shepherd, Second to found Eco Faith, a nonprofit organi- table. It gives men and women dignity Baptist Church, Santa Barbara, Cali- zation that promotes conservation of and a sense of purpose. But the Govern- fornia, offered the following prayer: energy in churches and houses of wor- ment of Puerto Rico’s actions were ab- Our Heavenly Father, we bless You, ship. solutely necessary and were taken de- Lord, in this season, while our home- He has been appointed evangelism di- spite serious political risks. land faces difficult decisions and con- rector of the Central District of Cali- Measures were taken to cushion the flicts across many nations. fornia, and also the vice president of blow for those workers who were let go, We bow before You this day, request- the Third Sunday Fellowship for Santa and layoffs did not include teachers or ing Your mercy and Your grace. Grant Barbara and Ventura Counties. But as first responders. More importantly, the this Congress Your guidance as they our House has just witnessed, he is at government factions prevented an eco- work collectively as one. We pray, dear the core a powerful presence and a nomic disaster, which would have re- Lord, as resolutions are prepared, that humble servant in the name of his sulted in far greater suffering and job there will be a united commitment to faith. loss. the development of comprehensive I am honored to welcome him here to It is important to emphasize that laws. Congress, and thank him for his invalu- these decisions were not partisan. Gov- Lead this Congress and Nation in the able service to our community and to ernor Fortuno is a Republican and I, as direction of tranquility that reflects our country. Puerto Rico’s only Representative in the intent of our forefathers. Endow us f Congress, am a proud Democrat, and I as a Nation to be humble, as we tran- supported his policies. The island legis- scend the norm, without forgetting ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER lators who voted to advance this agen- those that are in need. Anchor our PRO TEMPORE da are affiliated with both national hearts with prudence, as we consider The SPEAKER pro tempore. The parties. And unlike in some States, the development of our youth. Protect Chair will entertain up to 15 further re- Puerto Rico’s leaders did not politicize our troops, as they fight for democracy quests for 1-minute speeches on each ARRA or other Federal funding which and freedom throughout the world. side of the aisle.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:28 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.011 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3169 H.R. 1425 threatens our economic recovery and the Republican budget will kick 44 mil- (Mrs. ELLMERS asked and was given the well-being of hardworking middle lion low-income Americans off Med- permission to address the House for 1 class families. icaid. minute.) f We must stop this insanity. Let’s work together to preserve Medicare Mrs. ELLMERS. Mr. Speaker, I rise JOBS today in support of H.R. 1425, the Cre- and lower the deficit. (Mr. ELLISON asked and was given ating Jobs Through Small Business In- permission to address the House for 1 f novation Act. This bipartisan bill is minute.) being marked up today in the House b 1210 Mr. ELLISON. Mr. Speaker, we’ve Small Business Committee. been here for about 5 months so far. STICKING IT TO THE AMERICAN Our bill reauthorizes the SBIR and It’s easing up on June. It won’t be long PEOPLE STTR programs, which have a proven until it’s summertime. Yet, Mr. Speak- track record of creating jobs, stimu- (Mr. DEFAZIO asked and was given er, the Republican majority has not lating small business growth, and help- permission to address the House for 1 brought a single bill to create a single ing startups succeed by providing the minute.) job. impetus to start projects that other- Mr. DEFAZIO. Well, it’s happened. I was very pleased to hear the gentle- wise would not have gotten off the Gas is over four bucks a gallon. It’s woman from North Carolina say that ground. But, most importantly, our bill killing our economic recovery, Amer- they are marking up a bill on jobs. It does not cost anything. This program ican families and small businesses. would be the first one, if it ever gets simply requires that the Federal agen- Now, Goldman Sachs, not exactly a here. That’s a shame, because I think cies slice out a portion of their overall friend of the consumer, says that 60 to when people voted last November, they budget for small firms to compete for 85 cents per gallon is purely useless, were thinking, hey, we’ve got to do research and development for new in- speculative activity. And what are the something about some jobs. And yet novative ideas. Republicans running the House of Rep- the Republican majority has dallied The SBIR program is set to expire on resentatives going to do about that? away and done everything but work on May 31. As chairwoman of the House Nothing. They’re going to pretend that jobs. Small Business Committee on Health future possible leasing off Virginia 10 Yeah, they’ve tried to take away the years from now will do something and Technology, I believe it is vital Affordable Care Act and take away that we expedite reauthorization of the about today’s prices. It won’t. health care from people who really But why are they like, bait-and- SBIR program so that small businesses need it. Yeah, they’ve tried to do a can continue to compete for the con- switch? Why are they passing these whole lot of things, push a social agen- phony bills and not taking on the price tracts that will springboard ideas, cre- da. They’ve done all these things, but ate jobs, and spur economic growth. gouging and the speculation? Because they have yet to focus on the one thing that would mean taking on Big Oil and f that Americans need most, which is a Wall Street. And, guess what? They’re job. GAS PRICES always looking forward to the next If you want to reduce the deficit, campaign, and Big Oil and Wall Street (Mr. CICILLINE asked and was given you’ve got to have people making some have been so generous to the new ma- permission to address the House for 1 money, and that means getting some jority that they don’t want to upset minute.) jobs. People pay taxes. People would them. So they want to pretend they Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, for love to pay taxes, but they would do it stand with their constituents and con- nearly 20 weeks this Chamber has been if they had work. But they don’t have sumers, but they’re really standing be- discussing ways to reduce our Nation’s work because our Republican majority hind Big Oil and Wall Street. deficit, debating the merits of cutting has got other things to do. Congratulations, guys. You just one program or another, most times in- Remember, jobs are the key. I am stuck it to the American people and cluding important initiatives like job looking forward to Republicans bring- the economy. training funds, education, and health- ing a bill to the floor. related services. f f The fact of the matter is that we have to cut spending. The issue is not MEDICARE/GAS PRICES RELIEF SUPPORTING MENTAL HEALTH whether to reduce the deficit, but how (Mr. BACA asked and was given per- MONTH we do it. mission to address the House for 1 (Mrs. NAPOLITANO asked and was If we really want to get serious about minute.) given permission to address the House the deficit, we would stop handing out Mr. BACA. Mr. Speaker, in 1965 this for 1 minute.) billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies body voted to create Medicare and Mrs. NAPOLITANO. Madam Speaker, to big oil companies which price gouge Medicaid to ensure that all seniors and May is Mental Health Month, and as at the pumps. disabled Americans would always have the cochair of the Mental Health Cau- Oil company profits are at a record access to health coverage, and those cus, I bring to you information, espe- high, and my colleagues on the other today expect the same kind of coverage cially on the military. side of the aisle are using high gas for themselves and their children. Since 2001 to current date, we have prices as an excuse to keep giving them But over the years, my Republican had 2,103 military service personnel die billions in taxpayer handouts. Tax- colleagues have tried to weaken the by suicide, suicide, my friends, in the payer-funded giveaways for big oil add programs and privatize safety nets like Iraq and Afghan wars. In the Afghan to the deficit. My constituents gain Social Security. Sadly, history is re- war alone, it is over 1,000, more than nothing at the pumps, nor do Ameri- peating itself. Instead of focusing on some of the figures we have listened to cans all across this country. Instead, priorities, like creating jobs and low- recently. we should be focusing on measures that ering gas prices, Republicans have put One in five servicemembers suffer would actually bring down the price of forward an agenda that ends Medicare from major depression, posttraumatic gas at the pump. as we know it. syndrome, or traumatic brain injury, It is time to bring to the House floor So far this year, Republicans have TBI. It affects the military and their measures which would release oil from voted—and we can’t say they haven’t. families, their children. There’s lots of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and They have voted to eliminate guaran- divorce because of this and substance legislation aimed at preventing big oil teed Medicare coverage for seniors, abuse that continues as they age. from engaging in price gouging convert Medicare to a voucher pro- We must expand mental health serv- schemes which drive up the price of oil. gram, reopen the prescription drug ices to our military personnel and their These measures could provide imme- doughnut hole, and extend tax breaks families. Through their blood and their diate relief to our constituents from for big oil companies that ship jobs service they have earned it. We owe it the rising price of gasoline that truly overseas. Even worse, new data shows to them. We’ve made some strides, but

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:02 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.013 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3170 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 we’ve got a long way to go, Mr. Speak- I urge my colleagues to join us in Let’s look at the next bill, Reversing er. We need to reduce the stigma, ac- supporting measures on the floor this President Obama’s Offshore Morato- cept it as the illness that it is, and ex- week and last week and lead us toward rium Act. That isn’t the name of a bill. pand mental health services. that lodestar of energy independence That’s the name of a campaign speech. I ask my colleagues to join me in rec- and relieve the pain at the pump once That’s the name of political rhetoric. ognizing the military members and and for all. I would say, Mr. Speaker, that it is their families during May, Mental f now time to have the responsibility of Health Month. governing and take it seriously so that SUPPORT THE MAKE IT IN f the American people are not paying $5 AMERICA AGENDA RECOGNIZING CHARLES P. WEST a gallon for gas. (Mr. CARNAHAN asked and was Mr. Speaker, I would just ask that ON HIS 90TH BIRTHDAY given permission to address the House you remind the Republicans that the (Mr. CARNEY asked and was given for 1 minute.) campaign is over and it is time to gov- permission to address the House for 1 Mr. CARNAHAN. Mr. Speaker, fami- ern. minute.) lies and small businesses have been This public service announcement is Mr. CARNEY. Mr. Speaker, I have hurting for too long. While the world is brought to you by Americans For a the great pleasure today of recognizing changing, Washington has made things Functional Congress. a very special Delawarean who recently worse by ignoring American manufac- f celebrated his 90th birthday. turing and stifling American inge- CONGRATULATING THE TEXAS Charles P. West is one of a kind who nuity. But here is what hasn’t changed. served our State and Nation with dis- A&M WOMEN’S EQUESTRIAN Americans are still the most creative tinction as a soldier, legislator, busi- TEAM’S WESTERN SQUAD ON and most productive people in the nessman, and advocate for the values WINNING THEIR THIRD world. We’re still great at making that are important to his community STRAIGHT NATIONAL TITLE things. And that’s why I support the of Gumboro. Charlie was first elected Make It In America agenda, because (Mr. FLORES asked and was given to the Delaware House of Representa- American manufacturing can and permission to address the House for 1 tives in 1956, serving one 2-year term. should be the central driver of our minute and to revise and extend his re- He returned to the statehouse in 1978 economy. marks.) and served for 24 years before retiring The St. Louis region I represent has Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, I rise in 2002. a strong base in manufacturing, and today to recognize and congratulate Charlie took great pride in helping the second athletics team from Texas his constituents. As he used to tell me now we need to tap into that strength to bring high-quality, high-paying jobs A&M University to win a national all the time, he fought for the little championship in the past month. The guy. He was a fierce advocate for those back home. That’s why my office is helping St. Louis-based heating and air Texas A&M Women’s Equestrian West- who were the backbone of his district: ern Squad recently took home their chicken and grain farmers, small busi- conditioning manufacturer Unico after being unfairly targeted by regulators. third straight national title with a 5–3 ness owners, and sportsmen. victory over Kansas State in the finals Charlie and his wife of 63 years, Elea- With a level playing field, companies of the Varsity Equestrian National nor Lee, are good friends of mine, and like Unico can compete anywhere in Championship in Waco, Texas. Includ- they have helped me better understand the world, and if we invest in edu- ing the overall national title in 2002, what is important to our State. It is cation, innovation, infrastructure, and the A&M Equestrian Team has won my pleasure today to wish Charles P. manufacturing, we can restore making West a happy 90th birthday and wish things to a central place in our econ- nine national championships since it him and his family many more years omy. was formed in 1999. These lady Aggies, who hail from together. I ask my colleagues, Republicans and various parts of Texas and numerous f Democrats alike, to stand with me to make these job-creating investments States around the country, glided GIVING MORE ACCESS TO so we can Make It In America again. through a near perfect season and had AMERICAN OIL their eyes set on another national tro- f (Mr. PENCE asked and was given per- phy to add to an already filled trophy mission to address the House for 1 START GOVERNING AND STOP case. This team is a shining example of minute and to revise and extend his re- CAMPAIGNING how hard work and perseverance pays marks.) (Mr. RICHMOND asked and was given off. Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, the pain at permission to address the House for 1 I would also like to applaud Coach the pump is real. In this, the most dif- minute.) Tana McKay and her staff for an out- ficult economy in the last 25 years, my Mr. RICHMOND. Mr. Speaker, I came standing job in guiding the Aggie Wom- constituents have gas prices on their down here to do a public service an- en’s Equestrian Team throughout their mind, and with due cause: $4.18 a gallon nouncement. On behalf of all Ameri- success. Congratulations, Aggies, on a average back in the Hoosier State, cans, I want the Republican majority job well done, and gig’ em. higher than the national average, gas to know that the elections are over. f prices have climbed more than $1 over You’ve won the majority for now, so b 1220 the last year. And, frankly, with the now start governing and stop cam- summer travel season upon us and with paigning. If you can’t handle the re- WHERE ARE THE JOBS? the rising treacherous waters in the sponsibility of governing, get out of (Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia asked Mississippi threatening our refinery ca- the way and let’s move towards and was given permission to address pability, we could see $5 a gallon gaso- progress. the House for 1 minute and to revise line in the near future. This week we’re considering two bills and extend his remarks.) It is time to give the American peo- that Republicans claim would bring Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. ple more access to American oil. Start- down the price of gas immediately. Speaker, we’ve been waiting for 17 ing last week and this week, this ma- Let’s just pretend that is a fact, that weeks for the Republican majority to jority in Congress will continue to that is true, although we know it is bring to the floor a jobs bill. I voted move legislation that opens up our own not. against the recess 2 weeks ago because domestic energy reserves in the Gulf of If it’s true, then why would you bring I believe we ought to stay here until we Mexico and offshore to the American a bill to the floor that expedites drill- get our job done, which is to create people. The answer to the pain at the ing permits, which I could agree with, jobs for the American people. What’s pump is energy independence. Part of but you add in a provision to strip the the majority doing? Last week, they that answer is by giving the American American people’s right to challenge tried restricting a woman’s right to people more access to our own domes- drilling permits that are not environ- choose. Then they attacked health in- tic reserves. mentally sound? surance protections. This week, they’re

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:28 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.014 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3171 trying to repeal commonsense protec- equally divided and controlled by the pro- have been millions of wells drilled in tions that prevent oil spills. Jobs? No- ponent and an opponent, shall not be subject the United States. There is a strong where to be found. to amendment, and shall not be subject to a record of sound environmental prac- demand for division of the question in the tices. Total petroleum industry spill- Last week, Democratic Whip STENY House or in the Committee of the Whole. All HOYER unveiled Make it in America. points of order against such further amend- age has decreased consistently over the My Build America Bonds legislation is ments are waived. At the conclusion of con- last 40 years. part of that agenda. In the last 2 years, sideration of the bill for amendment the H.R. 1231 does two things. First, the every dollar invested in Build America Committee shall rise and report the bill, as legislation requires that in developing Bonds leveraged $41 in private sector amended, to the House with such further a 5-year offshore leasing plan for drill- funds, or $181 billion to construct and amendments as may have been adopted. The ing the Outer Continental Shelf, that repair schools and build bridges and previous question shall be considered as or- each 5-year plan must include leases dered on the bill and amendments thereto to roads in every State in America. These for sale in the areas containing the final passage without intervening motion ex- greatest known oil and natural gas re- infrastructure improvements created cept one motion to recommit with or with- hundreds of thousands of jobs. That’s out instructions. serves. For the 2012–2017 plan being written by the Obama administration, what we need to focus on—not an ideo- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- this would mean targeted lease sales logical agenda. tleman from New York is recognized only in those areas estimated to con- f for 1 hour. Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, for the pur- tain 2.5 billion barrels of oil or 7.5 tril- PERMISSION TO FILE REPORT ON pose of debate only, I yield the cus- lion cubic feet of natural gas. At least H.R. 1540, NATIONAL DEFENSE tomary 30 minutes to the gentleman 50 percent of those areas must be made available for leasing in the 2012–2017 AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FIS- from Massachusetts (Mr. MCGOVERN), CAL YEAR 2012 pending which I yield myself such time plan. Second, this legislation requires the as I may consume. During consider- Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- implementation of production goals ation of this resolution, all time yield- mous consent that the Committee on during the 5-year plan being written by Armed Services may have until 5 p.m. ed is for the purpose of debate only. the Obama administration. For this pe- on Tuesday to file its report to accom- GENERAL LEAVE riod, the goal would be 3 million bar- pany H.R. 1540. Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- rels of oil per day and 10 billion cubic The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there mous consent that all Members have 5 feet of natural gas per day from Amer- objection to the request of the gen- legislative days to revise and extend ican domestic sources of energy. This tleman from New York? their remarks. increase in oil production equates to a There was no objection. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there tripling of current American offshore objection to the request of the gen- f production and will reduce signifi- tleman from New York? cantly foreign imports by nearly one- PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION There was no objection. third. Most importantly, this will cre- OF H.R. 1231, REVERSING PRESI- Mr. REED. House Resolution 257 pro- ate American jobs and protect our na- DENT OBAMA’S OFFSHORE MOR- vides for a structured rule for consider- tional security interests. ation of H.R. 1231. The rule makes in ATORIUM ACT I reserve the balance of my time. order eight amendments, all of which Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, by direction Mr. MCGOVERN. I thank the gen- of the Committee on Rules, I call up comply with the rules of the House. Of tleman from New York for yielding me House Resolution 257 and ask for its the eight, seven are Democratic the customary 30 minutes, and I yield immediate consideration. amendments. myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, today we are debating The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong H.R. 1231, the Reversing President lows: opposition to this rule and very strong Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act. H. RES. 257 opposition to the underlying legisla- This legislation, which will have pro- tion. Resolved, That at any time after the adop- found impacts on our domestic energy Here we go again. Another week. An- tion of this resolution the Speaker may, pur- supply, our national security, and our suant to clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the other day. Another bill that helps House resolved into the Committee of the economy, is ripe for consideration by record profit-making Big Oil but does Whole House on the state of the Union for this body. It is no secret that Ameri- absolutely nothing to help American consideration of the bill (H.R. 1231) to amend cans are feeling the pain at the pump. families paying $4 at the pump for gas- the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to re- In my congressional district in western oline. Although Republicans continue quire that each 5-year offshore oil and gas New York, my constituents, my fam- to frame these efforts as a cure for ris- leasing program offer leasing in the areas ily, my wife and I are routinely forced ing gas prices and a way to decrease with the most prospective oil and gas re- to pay in excess of $4 per gallon for gas- our dependence on foreign oil, the sources, to establish a domestic oil and nat- oline for automobiles. We need to de- truth is that oil prices are set on a ural gas production goal, and for other pur- poses. The first reading of the bill shall be velop policies that will lessen our de- world market. It’s simply not possible dispensed with. All points of order against pendence on foreign fossil fuels, create for us to drill our way out of these consideration of the bill are waived. General stability in the financial markets, and problems. debate shall be confined to the bill and shall provide relief to our constituents. In Yesterday, in the Rules Committee I not exceed one hour equally divided and con- addition, this piece of legislation will offered an amendment as a stand-alone trolled by the chair and ranking minority create American jobs. bill, again, that would eliminate sub- member of the Committee on Natural Re- We must get our financial and energy sidies for Big Oil. While I do not agree sources. After general debate the bill shall be priorities in order. We can no longer be with H.R. 1231, my amendment would considered for amendment under the five- held victim to instability in the Middle have done nothing to prevent this bill minute rule. The amendment recommended by the Committee on Natural Resources now East and across the world. The United from moving forward. Instead, my printed in the bill shall be considered as States must develop our own energy amendment would have allowed for a adopted in the House and in the Committee solutions which will reduce our depend- separate bill to come up under this rule of the Whole. The bill, as amended, shall be ence on foreign fossil fuels. that would end subsidies for big oil cor- considered as read. All points of order Most importantly, this will create porations that are making money hand against provisions in the bill, as amended, American jobs. H.R. 1231 is one more over fist while gouging Americans at are waived. No further amendment to the example of our conference’s commit- the pump. bill, as amended, shall be in order except ment to developing domestic natural Let me remind my Republican col- those printed in the report of the Committee oil and gas resources. It adopts a phi- leagues of the facts. Two weeks ago, on Rules accompanying this resolution. Each ExxonMobil announced that in the first further amendment may be offered only in losophy that we need to drill smart, the order printed in the report, may be of- drill where the resources are, and 3 months of this year it had made near- fered only by a Member designated in the re- produce our own energy. ly $10.7 billion in profits. That’s $10.7 port, shall be considered as read, shall be de- Drilling for oil and natural gas can billion. Billion with a B. There’s noth- batable for the time specified in the report be done safely and responsibly. There ing wrong with corporations making

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:28 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.016 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 profits. That’s what they’re in business try. And that’s what this measure is this rule and support the underlying to do. What is wrong is for American designed to do. legislation. taxpayers to be subsidizing wildly prof- I also want to touch on the very im- And I’m happy to say that we’ve been itable companies at a time when too portant question that was raised by my able to make almost all of the amend- many Americans are still unemployed friend about the issue of subsidization ments in order that were submitted to and struggling to pay their bills. With by the American taxpayer of the en- us as long as they comply with the their tax dollars funding corporate wel- ergy industry. And I know that my rules of the House. The CutGo provi- fare for Big Oil and then still paying friend likes to say, well, the Rules sion is germane. We’ve tried to make astronomical prices at the pump, it’s a Committee can just take care of this in most of those in order, and it’s a new double whammy for American families. one fell swoop and make this amend- day. We’ve had more amendments con- With all the talk of cutting spending ment in order. And it was very inter- sidered here in the first few months of and reducing subsidies here in Wash- esting that our colleague from Boulder this Congress than we did in the entire ington, I would have thought that the said that if it were to be considered last Congress. So I think that this Rules Committee would have made my under an open rule, he’d like to allow work product that we’re going to have amendment in order. for consideration of a measure that before us today is further evidence of Mr. Speaker, I want to remind my would reduce the top corporate rate as that. Mr. MCGOVERN. I yield myself such colleagues that energy companies are we look at the issue of ending this kind of subsidization. time as I may consume. sitting on thousands of drilling leases Mr. Speaker, let me just make a cou- Well, that is a global approach that I in the Gulf of Mexico, and they’re not ple of points that a New York Times believe needs to be looked at by the producing anything. And despite the editorial, entitled ‘‘The Return of House Ways and Means Committee, by misleading title of this legislation, no ‘Drill Baby Drill’ ’’ made, and that was the Energy and Commerce Committee; drilling moratorium currently exists. that drilling alone cannot possibly en- Since October 2010, when the drilling and I’m supportive, I’m very sup- sure energy independence in a country moratorium was lifted, 39 shallow portive, of our doing that. But the idea that uses one-quarter of the world’s oil water and 10 deepwater permits have of saying that we would do what my while owning only 2 percent of its re- been granted, roughly the same aver- friend has proposed, actually under the serves. age rate even before the BP oil spill. provision that my friend from Boulder The other point it makes is the En- Mr. Speaker, while H.R. 1231 may said that he’d support up in the Rules ergy Information Agency recently pro- make for a good sound bite, this is not Committee, it’s a violation of House jected what would happen if the Nation a serious solution to bringing down rules. tripled production on the Outer Conti- high gas prices. I urge my colleagues to So the idea here is we need to do nental Shelf. There would be no price oppose this rule and to oppose H.R. what we can to diminish the level of impact at all until 2020 and only 3 1231. subsidization. I personally have op- cents to 5 cents a gallon in 2030. I reserve the balance of my time. posed agriculture subsidization. I’m The bottom line is that we need an not a proponent of subsidization of pri- b 1230 energy policy that does not rely solely vate industry. I do think that in the on drilling for oil; and we’ve tried to Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased context of having the highest corporate pass a bill that would do that, only to to yield such time as he may consume tax rate of any nation in the world now have strong objection from my Repub- to the chairman of the Rules Com- that Japan has actually reduced their lican colleagues. mittee, the gentleman from California corporate rate, we need to look at ways I would also say I just want to make (Mr. DREIER). in which we can bring that rate down sure we’re clear on one thing because (Mr. DREIER asked and was given and deal with closing loopholes. And the chairman of the Rules Committee permission to revise and extend his re- that’s something that President Obama seemed to intimate that bringing up marks.) talked about here in his State of the my legislation that would allow for Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, let me Union message. there to be a vote to cut taxpayer sub- begin by thanking my friend, the new- So I think that if my friend would sidies to oil companies would somehow est member of the Rules Committee, recognize that we’ve had opportunities be against the rules. It’s not against the gentleman from Corning, New to do this when they were in the major- the rules. It would be totally within York, for a superb job in the way he ity, and we’ve been in session for a the rules, and the Rules Committee has comported himself in the manage- matter of a few months, and the idea of could have made it in order. ment of this rule and for his great serv- saying that we haven’t addressed it yet One of the things that I hear, when I ice on the Rules Committee. He has lit- on the House floor, I think, doesn’t go back home, from my constituents is, erally hit the ground running, and this really pass the laugh test because we Why are you cutting programs that is the third bill that he’s managed, the are right now in the process of looking help elderly people be able to heat second rule, on the House floor, and I at overall reform, and it will include their homes in the winter? Why are congratulate him for that. dealing with the issue of subsidies. So you cutting programs that would in- Mr. Speaker, I listened to the com- I agree wholeheartedly with the need vest in alternative energy and at the ments of my friend from Worcester, for us to step up to the plate and take same time you have Congress pro- and I will say that this measure that’s this issue on. tecting taxpayer subsidies to big oil before us is about several things. Num- I want to express my appreciation to companies that are making record ber one, job creation and economic the distinguished chair of the Natural profits? People are outraged by that. growth is something that Democrats Resources Committee, our friend Mr. [From the New York Times, May 6, 2011] and Republicans alike say that they HASTINGS. Unfortunately, due to an ill- THE RETURN OF ‘‘DRILL, BABY, DRILL’’ are concerned about; and that happens ness, he’s not able to be here this week, As President Obama observed in a March 30 to be, continues to be, our priority. but I spoke with him yesterday and address on energy issues, drilling alone can- Creating jobs for the American peo- he’s doing a lot better. And he has not possibly ensure energy independence in a ple who are hurting right now is what every degree of confidence, a high level country that uses one-quarter of the world’s this bill is all about and, at the same oil while owning only 2 percent of its re- of confidence, that we’re going to be serves. Nor can it lower prices, except at the time, the notion of trying to free our- able to effectively address this issue of margins. Only coordinated measures—great- selves or at least diminish the kind of working to drive energy prices down; er auto efficiency, alternative fuels, im- dependence that we have on foreign oil. to diminish the kind of dependence we proved mass transit—can address these I don’t personally believe that we ever have on foreign sources of energy; and issues. in this global economy should be com- the very, very important issue of cre- Still the oil industry and its political al- pletely free of the flow of energy and ating jobs here in the United States of lies persist in their fantasies. On Thursday, the House passed the first of three bills that other sources, but I do believe that we America, which continues to be our will require the Interior Department to ac- can take steps that will diminish the priority. celerate drilling permits without proper en- level of dependence that we have on So I thank my friend for yielding. I vironmental or engineering reviews, rein- sources of energy outside of our coun- encourage my colleagues to support state lease sales off the Virginia coast that

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:28 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.018 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3173 were canceled after the BP blowout, and partisan commission that was put for- When President Obama introduced his en- open up protected coastal waters—East, ward; Democrat and Republican testi- ergy plan in March, he pointed out that the West and in Alaska—to drilling. fied before the Natural Resources Com- U.S. keeps going ‘‘from shock to trance on The bills would make regulation of off- the issue of energy security, rushing to pro- shore drilling even weaker than it was before mittee that I serve on. But no Repub- pose action when gas prices rise, then hitting the spill. They would also do almost nothing lican effort is being made to implement the snooze button when they fall again.’’ to solve the problems of $4-a-gallon gas. those recommendations and say, okay, It’s true that since the Nixon administra- Here’s the hard truth: Prices are set on the we need to do certain things before we tion U.S. leaders have all made the same world market by the major producers, OPEC can do offshore drilling in these deep- commitment to cutting our reliance on for- in particular. Even countries that produce water areas. Nothing at all. So when eign oil, finding reliable sources of clean en- more oil than they need, like Canada, have ergy, and keeping energy prices low. Yet you open up these areas under this leg- Americans keep hearing only short-term so- little leverage. Canada’s prices track ours. islation to new drilling, you’re just in- The Energy Information Agency recently lutions and narrowly focused rules and regu- projected what would happen if the nation viting another BP-type spill because lations. The U.S. still imports more than tripled production on the outer continental nothing is being done by the Repub- half its oil, gasoline prices are at historic shelf. There would be no price impact at all licans to prevent it. highs, and consumers are paying the price. until 2020 and only 3 cents to 5 cents a gallon Now, I would point out there are all One bipartisan policy tradition is to deny in 2030. Americans the use of our own resources. kinds of leases out there now, on land, President George H.W. Bush took aggressive By contrast, the agency found, raising the offshore, that the oil companies can fuel efficiency of America’s cars would do steps to keep off-limits vast supplies of oil drill and they’re not doing it. They’re and gas along the coasts of California and real good. Increasing the fleetwide average just stockpiling them. There’s more oil Florida. Since then, the build-up of restric- from roughly 30 m.p.g. today to 60 m.p.g. in tions, limitations and bans on drilling (on- the next 15 years, an ambitious but not im- production that’s been put forward in shore and off) have cost the U.S. economy plausible goal, could bring prices down by 20 the last year or so under President Obama than ever before. So we’re pro- billions of dollars while increasing our de- percent. pendence on foreign sources of energy. Some politicians get it. Senator Max Bau- ducing oil. No one is saying that you In the year since the Deepwater Horizon cus, a Montana Democrat, is drafting a bill can’t drill in the areas that are already spill, the Obama administration has put in that seeks to repeal $4 billion in annual tax- leased. And there’s more production. place what is effectively a permanent mora- payer subsidies to the oil industry and use All we’re saying is, why in the world torium on deep water drilling. It stretched the proceeds to develop more efficient cars out the approval process for some Gulf-re- and alternative fuel sources. Mr. Obama has are you risking these areas that now we know, after the BP spill, shouldn’t gion drilling permits to more than nine tried twice, without success, to get rid of months, lengths that former President Bill those subsidies, and the House voted in be put into production when you’ve got Clinton has called ‘‘ridiculous.’’ March to preserve them in the current budg- all kinds of other opportunities out Then there’s tax policy. Why, when gas et. there? prices are climbing, would any elected offi- The tax breaks—fast write-offs for drilling Now, I offered an amendment. The cial call for new taxes on energy? And char- expenses, generous depletion allowances, and chairman of the Rules Committee said acterizing legitimate tax credits as ‘‘sub- the like—may have been useful years ago but that we were going to allow a lot of sidies’’ or ‘‘loopholes’’ only distracts from are wholly unnecessary when oil prices and substantive treatment of these issues. Law- industry profits are reaching new highs. amendments. Well, they didn’t allow makers misrepresent the facts when they Even John Boehner, the Republican leader, my amendment; and my amendment call the manufacturing deduction known as conceded in a recent ABC News interview simply said that the Atlantic coast for Section 199—passed by Congress in 2004 to that oil companies ‘‘ought to be paying their the next 5 years under the President’s spur domestic job growth—a ‘‘subsidy’’ for fair share.’’ When horrified aides reminded plan is off-limits because of what hap- oil and gas firms. The truth is that all U.S. him that ending the subsidies would amount pened with BP and that we should keep manufacturers, from software producers to to a tax increase—anathema among Repub- that in place. But my amendment was filmmakers and coffee roasters, are eligible for this deduction. licans—he backed off. not allowed in order. Repealing these breaks would reduce the We won’t achieve energy security by re- deficit and yield revenues to be invested in b 1240 stricting our own companies from drilling or singling them out for punitive taxes. We’re cleaner fuels, while having no real impact on What the President has done and prices. Mr. Obama may not be able to per- talking about an industry that provides mil- suade the House of these simple truths. But what all of us are saying here is, in the lions of jobs and, for the foreseeable future, he can and must seize whatever opportuni- aftermath of the BP spill, there are the power for our economic growth. So our focus right now has to be to find ties are offered in the Senate, involving him- certain areas that shouldn’t be allowed ways to encourage domestic energy supplies, self, not just rhetorically, in the hard but offshore production and in which the even while we encourage new sources of en- necessary struggle for a sane energy policy. leases shouldn’t go out. We learned ergy. President Obama is right that this At this time I would like to yield 3 from the BP spill that these areas isn’t a long-term solution. But we can’t lose minutes to the gentleman from New should be off-limits because we are sight of what the country needs today. Jersey (Mr. PALLONE). concerned about the environmental Here are a few steps to take: Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, the Re- risks. First, let’s conduct a comprehensive re- In my case in the State of New Jer- view of existing policies, rules and restric- publicans act as if they’re trying to tions and root out any that needlessly ham- help the consumer with this legisla- sey, we’re talking about billions and per energy production at home. Do the exist- tion. But all they’re really doing is billions of dollars in tourism related to ing environmental rules, for example, accu- helping Big Oil—bigger profits, bigger the shore that would be put at risk if rately reflect the industry’s technological tax breaks. I mean, the first quarter we had another oil spill. That’s where advancements in the ability to safely re- earnings for the oil companies were the jobs are. Tourism is the number cover oil and gas supplies? bigger than ever, billions of dollars in one industry in the State of New Jer- Second, let’s develop the skills we need to find new and better ways to recover domestic profits. Even BP, even after the dis- sey. Up and down the Atlantic coast, supplies of energy—and to develop next-gen- aster a year ago, was still making huge tourism is a huge business. It creates eration fuels to secure the future. That profits; and, of course, we’ve got about all kinds of jobs. What minimal jobs means encouraging more students to study $4 billion in tax breaks that the Repub- will be created by allowing these areas math, science and other disciplines this in- licans continue to give to the oil com- to be put out to lease and by allowing dustry needs. panies. the drilling compared to the risk of the And third, let’s stop demonizing Big Oil to jobs that would be destroyed? score political points. It does nothing to en- No more oil is going to be brought to courage the new talent, new ideas, and new market because of this legislation. As Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I submit for entrepreneurs who are most likely to make my colleague from Massachusetts said, the RECORD an editorial from the Wall breakthroughs in new sources of energy. we’re talking years before any oil could Street Journal by former Democratic The kickoff of the presidential campaign be brought to market. And at the same Member Harold Ford. season and the spike in fuel prices offer an time, we have the huge environmental [From the Wall Street Journal, May 11, 2011] opportunity to constructively debate a com- prehensive national energy strategy. Effec- risks. WASHINGTON VS. ENERGY SECURITY tive policies will ensure sufficient domestic The fact of the matter is that the BP (By Harold Ford, Jr.) production and the healthy operation of U.S. oil spill a year ago showed us the envi- Even former President Clinton calls the companies abroad, which together will pro- ronment risks that are involved with Obama administration’s deep water drilling vide the secure, affordable energy supply deepwater drilling. And there was a bi- policy ‘ridiculous.’ that Americans need.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:02 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY7.003 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3174 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 At this time I would like to yield 3 I am amazed that my colleagues on calling for Congress to do: open up for minutes to my good friend from Texas the other side of the aisle continue to production the areas that contain the (Mr. FLORES). be apologists for Big Oil. The fact of most oil and natural gas resources Mr. FLORES. Mr. Speaker, I rise the matter is that Big Oil in this coun- right here in America. today in strong support of the rule and try is about making profits for Big Oil. The hardworking people of my dis- of H.R. 1231, the Reversing President They don’t seem to care very much trict have made it abundantly clear Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act. about the consumer. that their number one concern is the When gas prices hit $4 a gallon in the I hold this chart up, Mr. Speaker, rising price of gas at the pumps. Over summer of 2008, Congress and President just to kind of prove a point that, not- the past week, this side of the aisle has Bush lifted a decades-old ban on drill- withstanding the fact that they’re rais- begun to show the American people ing, allowing for exploration off both ing prices on consumers, in the first that we are serious about addressing the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. How- quarter of this year as compared to our energy crisis and that we will not ever, these plans were postponed or last year, all of these oil companies— succumb to bringing up bogus pro- cancelled by the Obama administra- Exxon, Oxy, Conoco, Chevron, BP—all posals that may poll well in the court tion, and we are now back in the same made record profits. Exxon is up 69 per- of public opinion but that will only re- situation of high gas prices, of squeez- cent. They made $10.7 billion in profits sult in higher gas prices. ing the budgets of American families in the first quarter. In 2008, our country was also experi- and small businesses. The facts are What is particularly outrageous is encing record high prices at the pump, clear: The current administration is they’re making all this money, and my blocking American energy production and in a logical and commonsense re- friends on the other side of the aisle sponse to those record-high prices, that and is hurting middle class America. continue to protect the subsidies and On the other hand, they are also using Congress and that President took ac- the tax breaks that they get. It’s out- tion to end a decades-long drilling ban American tax dollars to help offshore rageous. They cut money for poor fami- drilling in Brazil. offshore by opening up new areas in the lies who are trying to heat their homes Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans for ex- Since President Obama took office, in the winter; and on the other hand, the national average price of gasoline ploration and production. Unfortu- they go out of their way to protect Big nately, this administration has re- has nearly doubled to $4 a gallon in Oil from any amendments that we most States, and the energy policies of versed the will of the people, and has could bring to the floor here to be able taken steps to reinstate this morato- the Obama administration have re- to go after these subsidies and tax sulted in the loss of hundreds of thou- rium from new lease sales in these off- breaks. shore areas. sands of barrels of domestic daily oil My colleague from California, the Not only has the administration production. To make matters worse, chairman of the Rules Committee, abandoned the plan to go forward with according to the U.S. Energy Informa- says, oh, he’s sympathetic. Well, we opening up new areas for production, tion Administration, offshore energy don’t want your sympathy. We want production is expected to drop 13 per- but they have also cancelled previously your vote. I brought this amendment cent in 2011. scheduled lease sales. We are now again to go after the subsidies that the oil It is not too late to change our coun- faced with rising prices at the pump, companies currently enjoy, taxpayer- try’s course of action and to begin to and instead of being able to focus on funded subsidies, three times in the undo the damage done by these poli- new ways to make America’s energy Rules Committee. All three times, it cies. The energy reserves off our coasts secure, we are forced to bring up legis- was voted down. So enough is enough. and under our public lands belong to lation that will do again what Congress In terms of this rule, I want to point the American taxpayers, and should be did 3 years ago. utilized in an efficient and environ- out something. There was an amend- ment offered by the gentleman from Mr. Speaker, recently, the Secretary mentally safe manner to create jobs, to of the Interior testified before the Nat- Iowa (Mr. BOSWELL). It was germane, grow our economy, to lower energy ural Resources Committee. Between prices, and to enhance our national se- and it complied with the Republicans’ new cut-go rules. It simply required his testimony and answers to ques- curity by reducing our dependence on tions, he made it painfully obvious foreign oil. that anyone who gets a lease under this bill would have to give preference to that this administration does not have The Federal Government also has the a real national energy strategy. Today, ability to realize substantial revenues hiring veterans—the men and women who we have sent over to Afghanistan with this legislation, we’re going to through the leasing of these areas, help the Secretary and the administra- which will help pay down our $14 tril- and Iraq. When they come back, we ought to go out of our way to make tion take a big step toward developing lion national debt. According to the a real energy plan for America. This CBO, enacting H.R. 1231 would increase sure they have jobs. This amendment was voted down in the Rules Com- legislation requires the administration receipts to the Federal Treasury by and the Secretary of the Interior to set about $800 million over the next 10 mittee, an amendment to help our vet- erans. specific goals on the amount of oil and years. This important legislation will natural gas production that is esti- require the Obama administration to I mean, it is unbelievable to me that the Republicans voted this amendment mated from each of the 5-year lease expand access to areas offshore that plans contained in this legislation. contain the most oil and natural gas down. Maybe there’s a reason someone During my 26-plus-year career in the reserves. When we do so, we will im- could give me on the other side of the United States Air Force, we set goals prove our energy security and grow aisle as to why this was ruled out of and objectives, and then we set out American jobs. order. It was germane, and it complied I want to thank Chairman HASTINGS with the cut-go rules; but the idea that about working hard to not only meet for his efforts in bringing H.R. 1231, we’re not going out of our way to help them but to exceed them. This legisla- along with two other American Energy our veterans, I think, is unconscion- tion sets the production goals at a Initiative bills, to the floor. I also able. level that is triple the level of Amer- would like to offer my special apprecia- I reserve the balance of my time. ica’s current production, and it there- tion to Chairman HASTINGS for his sup- Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased fore reduces foreign imports by one- port in allowing me to offer an amend- to yield 5 minutes to the gentleman third. ment to H.R. 1229, which includes lan- from Ohio (Mr. JOHNSON). Once this legislation is adopted, we guage from a bill I recently introduced, Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, will send a signal to the world oil mar- which extends certain leases affected today I rise in strong support of the kets that America means business by the administration’s moratorium Reversing President Obama’s Offshore when it comes to our energy future. I for 1 year. Moratorium Act, which will lift the am fully confident that if we set the I urge my colleagues to support the President’s ban on new offshore drill- bar high, as this legislation does, rule and the underlying legislation. ing by requiring the administration to American drive and ingenuity will rise Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield do what my constituents in south- to the occasion and will exceed this myself such time as I may consume. eastern and eastern Ohio have been goal.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:51 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.023 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3175 b 1250 the beaches of Cape Cod, of Georges demand with practical solutions that If we’re going to become energy se- Bank. We’re going to turn Georges will have an immediate impact on the cure, Mr. Speaker, we must increase Bank into ExxonMobil’s Bank. We’re price of gasoline, energy security, and our energy production, not limit it, going to turn, not shellfish into a prod- jobs. and we need to commit ourselves to de- uct that we sell, but Shell Oil will be Liberal Democrats are still adhering veloping our own resources. That is out there. That’s the agenda for the to the sort of demagoguery that may why I strongly support the Reversing Republican Party. score political points with their base, President Obama’s Offshore Morato- This is almost surreal that they want but that doesn’t create a single job nor rium Act, and I urge my colleagues to to take the tax breaks that the oil in- does it reduce the cost of energy by 1 do the same. dustry has, fight like the devil to pro- cent. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield tect them, even as they want to cut Republicans strongly believe that en- myself 10 seconds. Medicare for Grandma and cut wind ergy security depends on strong domes- It appears, based on what I’m hearing and solar as the energy sources for the tic energy production. The liberal here, that what the Republicans are future. It’s almost like they think it’s Democrats and President Obama have dedicated to is helping the oil compa- 1958 and gasoline is 28 cents a gallon actively blocked and delayed American nies make more profits but doing noth- and we’re all cruising around pre- energy production, destroying jobs, ing to help the consumer. tending that we’re not part of the rest raising energy prices, and making the With that, I would like to yield 5 of the world. U.S. more reliant on unstable foreign minutes to the gentleman from Massa- This debate today is kind of a micro- countries for energy. This is hurting chusetts, the ranking member on the cosm of what’s wrong with Republican American families and small busi- Resources Committee, Mr. MARKEY. policies. That before, I think; people nesses who are vital to creating the Mr. MARKEY. I thank the gen- want themselves to see oil rigs off of new private sector jobs we desperately tleman. their beaches in California and North need during this time of high unem- So here’s where we are. The Repub- Carolina, in Massachusetts and Maine, ployment. The liberal proposals fail to licans—this is unbelievable—are block- the least I think that you owe these create jobs in America but help create ing any legislation from passing that is people is that you have new safety jobs overseas for the citizens of foreign going to have new safety rules for drill- rules that reflect what happened. You nations. ing off of the beaches of the United have that BP commission report imple- President Obama’s reckless morato- States 1 year after the BP spill. mented. But you guys are just running rium on domestic energy production They’re blocking any new safety legis- ahead as though nothing has happened. has cost the gulf coast region 12,000 lation to make sure that the United By the way, do you want to know jobs since it was enacted last year. His States, which has four times the fatal- what else is really wrong here? We moratorium now threatens an addi- ity rate of countries in Europe in drill- know because of Goldman Sachs that tional loss of over 24,000 jobs in the gulf ing off our shores, has rules that are this $20 to $30 a barrel of oil of increase and 36,000 jobs nationwide if we do not put on the books to make sure that in price over the last 11 weeks comes reverse this dangerous liberal endeav- those worst of all safety violators, from speculators. What you’re doing is or. these companies that drill off of our you guys are trying to kneecap the The Republicans believe that energy shores, have those new safety rules. speculator cops on the beat so that security will not only create jobs but Number two, the Republicans are they’re not even out there policing will also help reduce the deficit. Ac- fighting any attempts to take away the these speculators, and you’re trying to cording to the nonpartisan Congres- $4 billion in tax breaks which the reduce the budget for the speculator sional Budget Office, H.R. 1231 will gen- American consumer gives to the oil cops, the people who will be chasing erate $800 million in revenue over 10 companies each year, even as the oil down these speculators. years while reducing foreign oil im- companies report ExxonMobil, $10 bil- So it’s all so ExxonMobil, it’s all so ports by nearly one-third. lion; Shell, $8 billion; BP, $7 billion; Shell and BP and Chevron and The solution provided by the Demo- Chevron, $6 billion, et cetera, for the ConocoPhillips—and, by the way, at crat elites? More taxes, resulting in last 3 months. That’s how much money least you’re true to your colors. At higher costs that will get passed on to they made. The Republicans think least this is really what you believe in. American families. The nonpartisan that’s not enough money, even as peo- You don’t believe in wind and solar, so Congressional Research Service says ple get tipped upside down and have you’re cutting that budget by 70 per- Democrat tax increases ‘‘would make money shaken out of their pockets at cent, and you want to open up the oil and natural gas more expensive for the gas pump. No, not enough money. beaches as well for drilling in the U.S. customers,’’ and even some lib- They also need to give the oil compa- States that don’t want oil rigs off their erals admit ‘‘it would cost thousands of nies tax breaks. That’s the Republican beaches. I mean, my goodness, this is jobs.’’ perspective. something that at least you should be Renowned economist Dr. Joseph What else do they do? They also slash able to respect. Mason has stated that Republican pro- the renewable energy budget, the clean You also disapprove the using of the posals for domestic energy production energy budget, by 70 percent. So you’re Strategic Petroleum Reserve as a will create 1.2 million American jobs. a kid out there in America; you’re in weapon to tell speculators, you could If the liberal Democrats care about the sixth grade; you’re looking to go bankrupt because we’re going to use our energy security, prices at the America for the 21st century. the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, the pump, job creation, and strengthening Here’s what the Republicans are 700 million barrels of oil that the U.S. our domestic energy capability, they doing: has stored. would join Republicans in supporting They’re slashing the solar and wind This is a very important debate to this rule and the underlying bill. budget by 70 percent; have. I’m glad we’re having it today be- Mr. Speaker, American families can- They are saying to the oil companies, cause this ‘‘Drill, baby, drill’’ just says, not wait any longer for relief at the you don’t need any more safety off of yeah, your policy is not all of the pump. American families cannot wait the beaches to drill; above; it’s oil above all. Everything any longer for jobs. If you stand with They’re saying that your profits are else gets defunded. American families, if you stand with not windfall profits, which, of course, Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased American energy security, and if you they are in the oil industry. to yield 3 minutes to the gentlelady stand for job creation in America, I But instead, here’s what we’re going from North Carolina (Ms. FOXX). urge my colleagues to support this rule to let you do: Ms. FOXX. I thank my colleague for and the underlying bill. We are going to let you drill off of yielding time. Mr. MCGOVERN. I yield myself 10 the beaches of California for oil, off of Mr. Speaker, Americans are demand- seconds. the beaches of Florida for oil. We’re ing relief at the pump and for Congress Mr. Speaker, my colleague on the going to let you drill off the beaches— to create an environment that creates Rules Committee talked about all the 3 miles off of the coast, by the way—off jobs. Republicans are answering that people she stands with. I want to know

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:51 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.025 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3176 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 why she didn’t stand with the veterans Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, can I re- agreement. The fact is, we’ve got 65 last night when we had a vote that spectfully ask how much time remains percent of the world’s reserves between would help make sure our veterans re- on each side? our oil shale. You just have to be will- turning from Iraq and Afghanistan The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- ing to go get it. Natural gas, we want would have preference in terms of these tleman from New York has 13 minutes. to use natural gas. Let’s utilize our so-called new jobs that were going to The gentleman from Massachusetts has own natural gas. We have some of the be created. I find it unconscionable 121⁄2 minutes. largest oil reserves in the world. We that the Rules Committee did not Mr. REED. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. just have to be willing to have Amer- make that amendment in order, the At this time, I am pleased to yield 2 ican jobs and reduce our reliance on Boswell amendment. minutes to my good friend from Cali- foreign oil. At this time, I would like to yield 21⁄2 fornia (Mr. DENHAM). Mr. MCGOVERN. I yield myself 10 minutes to the gentlewoman from Ha- Mr. DENHAM. I thank the gentleman seconds. waii (Ms. HIRONO). for yielding. Mr. Speaker, this bill does absolutely Ms. HIRONO. Yes, indeed, the tax- I rise today in support of the rule and nothing to lower gas prices, and it does payers are waiting for relief at the the underlying legislation. The rule we everything to increase profits for the pump, but this bill is not it. I rise in have before us today allows for an open big oil companies. Again, I repeat the opposition to this rule and to H.R. 1231. process and provides this body the op- question that I have been asking over portunity to debate an issue of increas- b 1300 and over again: why was the amend- ing importance to our constituents ment that would help our veterans get Once again the House will vote on back home. The future of our energy jobs on their return from Iraq and Af- Republican legislation that takes a policy in this country is at stake here ghanistan defeated in the Rules Com- ‘‘let’s put all our eggs in one basket’’ today, which is why I’m proud to co- mittee? I have no idea why. approach to our national energy policy. sponsor this bill reversing the Presi- And what’s their answer to high gas At this point, I would like to yield 5 dent’s offshore drilling moratorium. minutes to the gentleman from Michi- prices? Drill for more oil offshore, and This past weekend, I visited with a gan (Mr. PETERS). preserve taxpayer subsidies for Big Oil. number of constituents at gas stations Mr. PETERS. I thank my friend from Big Oil gets $4 billion in subsidies from throughout my district. Some are ask- Massachusetts for yielding me time, us taxpayers. This helped them rake in ing, Will we get to $5 gas prices? If you and I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ $35 billion in profits in the first quarter come to my district, we’re already on the previous question. of 2011 alone. Meanwhile, my taxpayers there. I visited Wawona, California, in Hana, Maui, have to pay over $6 per last week. Everybody likes to talk The bills proposed by the Republican gallon to fill up their cars to go to about tourism. In California, we’ve got leadership today, H.R. 1229 and H.R. work. Do these taxpayers get a sub- a great deal of tourism. But everybody 1231, do nothing to lower the high gas sidy? No. People in Hawaii pay the that I talked to at that pump said, We prices burdening America’s families highest gas prices in the country. When planned this trip quite a while ago. We today. That’s why I will be offering leg- I was in Hawaii recently, my constitu- can’t afford to do it today. We wouldn’t islation that will produce real fuel sav- ents were astonished to hear about the have done it had we known gas prices ings for consumers, reduce our depend- record profits and continuing subsidies would have been this high. Well, gas ence on imported oil, and stimulate that are provided to Big Oil. prices are still going up. We’re afraid American manufacturing. At the same time that the Repub- that in Wawona, we’ll see $6 gas prices. The Advanced Vehicle Technology lican majority is defending subsidies You want to affect tourism, try hitting Act proposes real solutions to high gas for oil companies which don’t lower the America’s pocketbook at $6 a gallon. prices by helping America develop the price at the pump, they’re also working But it’s not just tourism. If you go to next generation of high-tech fuel-effi- to cut Federal funding for clean, alter- one of the farms in my district, diesel cient vehicles. I hope my colleagues native energy, public transit, and en- gas has gone up. If you are frustrated will see that this is a better alternative ergy efficient programs. They also, about paying higher gas prices, wait to the bills that are being voted on adding insult to injury, want to disarm until you pay higher grocery prices, be- today. the Commodity Futures Trading Com- cause in California’s great ag economy, First, this bill has broad support, un- mission, which is the main cop on the the prices are going up. In fact, some like the Republican measures before beat when it comes to oil speculation. crops are going to stay in the field this us. My bill passed last Congress with a Republicans also want to pretend that year just because we can’t afford the bipartisan majority. A majority of the there are no consequences to the near gas to bring them to market. Members in the House today have al- indiscriminate drilling authorized by Parents are feeling the same thing. ready voted in favor of this legislation. these bills. Less than a year after the You know, as I’m going to swim prac- Unlike the Republican bills, this legis- catastrophic BP oil spill, which was tice over the weekend, talking to par- lation is supported by both business caused by lax regulation of a dangerous ents, they are frustrated about just groups, like the Chamber of Commerce industry, they want us to undo the re- being able to get their kids to school and the National Association of Manu- forms that have been made. And for every day. You think this bill won’t do facturers, as well as the League of Con- what? something for gas prices? It’s common servation Voters and the Sierra Club, The Energy Department’s Energy In- sense to know if we’ve got a greater proving that you can support the econ- formation Administration estimates supply here in our great Nation, gas omy while also protecting the environ- that drilling authorized by these bills prices are going to go down. We want ment. may lead to a measly 1.6 percent in- American jobs. We want to be self-reli- Second, this bill will quickly result crease in domestic energy production ant. in real cost savings to consumers. from 2012 to 2030. That is not a pre- We talk about veterans here on this Technologies have already been devel- scription for relieving pain at the pump floor. I am a veteran. I served my coun- oped to achieve remarkable fuel sav- in the short term, and it’s a poor strat- try. I don’t want to be reliant on for- ings, and putting more money into egy for long-term energy security. In- eign oil anymore. R&D increases the speed in which new stead, we need to invest in fuel-effi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The technologies can be adapted and used. cient technologies and expand our time of the gentleman has expired. Unlike the Republican drilling plan, transportation options. We need to Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I yield the which will take nearly a decade to focus on harnessing clean alternative gentleman an additional 1 minute. produce results, technologies being de- energy sources, and that way, we can Mr. DENHAM. I thank the gentleman veloped today can be commercialized leave our children a cleaner, healthier for yielding. and put into cars in the very near fu- planet and wean ourselves from foreign A lot is always talked about us uti- ture. I have visited auto companies and oil. I urge my colleagues to vote lizing 25 percent of the world’s gas. And suppliers in my district and have seen against this rule and against this drill- where we disagree is the number of 2 firsthand the level of technological ad- only bill. percent of the world’s oil. It’s not a dis- vancement. For example, they have

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:51 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.026 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3177 technologies that are ready to be com- hicle Technology Act will create part- We must do all these things while at mercialized that can improve effi- nerships between the Department of the same time making sure that what ciency by 30 percent and sometimes Energy and private companies, and en- we do in this House protects the Amer- more. That means you can drive your sure that the American automobile in- ican family budget and, especially in car 30 percent further on the same tank dustry and manufacturing base will regards to rising fuel costs. Most fam- of gas. That represents real savings to continue to be globally competitive ily budgets today are spending over 10 consumers. and that, as a Nation, we will not trade percent, right at, near and over 10 per- A large focus of this bill is on com- our dependence for foreign oil for a de- cent of their family budget on rising mercializing those technologies so that pendence on foreign batteries and other fuel costs. they can be brought to consumers and emerging technologies. Unfortunately, some of our col- start reducing gas bills today, not 10 This bill does what the American leagues today believe the best thing to years from now. This bill also targets people expect from us. It bridges the do, rather than to get out of this hole, fuel savings in medium- and heavy- partisan and ideological divide. is to dig this hole even deeper. As my duty trucks. It’s widely known that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The grandfather would have said, Son, that there are huge efficiency gains to be time of the gentleman has expired. would violate walking around sense? made in these vehicles. By placing a Mr. MCGOVERN. I yield the gen- Okay? Instead of getting out of the greater focus on research and develop- tleman an additional minute. hole, you just drive and dig a deeper Mr. PETERS. It’s legislation that ment in this area, we can achieve the hole. has support from the business commu- greatest bang for the buck. More effi- This chart that I’m looking at right nity, the environmental community cient trucks also yield consumer sav- here beside me that I want you to see and the labor movement. We must stop ings because it will reduce transpor- talks about the declining crude produc- voting on bills like the ones the major- tation costs of food and other goods tion in the Gulf of Mexico. In mid 2009, ity is offering that pit priorities that we buy at the store. The fuel sav- the United States was producing 1.73 against each other, and, instead, we ings we receive from these techno- million barrels of oil per day in the need to move legislation like my bill Gulf of Mexico. According to the En- logical advancements in cars and that brings our priorities together. trucks will have a national security ergy Information Administration, that This legislation will lower costs for number will fall to 1.18 million barrels benefit as well. Simply put, the bill re- consumers, reduce the amount of oil we duces the amount of oil we import from per day next year. import from countries that don’t like Earlier we heard one of my col- unfriendly nations. Sixty percent of us, and create and sustain manufac- leagues talk about the sixth graders our petroleum needs today are met by turing and R&D jobs here in the United around the country. Well, sixth grad- imported supplies. Reducing the de- States. ers, I will tell you, they understand mand for imported oil is one of the best I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on the previous and they will soon learn in economics ways to meet our energy independence question so that we can support this that, in order to reduce the price, you goals and end the immense transfer of legislation to Make It in America. have to have more of something. That’s American dollars to undemocratic and Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased simple. They’re going to learn that unfriendly nations. to yield 3 minutes to the gentleman much in basic economics. You have to Finally, the legislation supports from Florida (Mr. SOUTHERLAND). have more of it. American manufacturing and high-pay- (Mr. SOUTHERLAND asked and was What does this drastic reduction in ing jobs. Rising gas prices are going to given permission to revise and extend the gulf exploration mean for people in drive up demand for advanced vehicles his remarks.) Florida’s Second Congressional Dis- around the world, and it is in our na- Mr. SOUTHERLAND. Mr. Speaker, I trict? They mean that if they go to the tional interest to ensure that the re- rise today on behalf of the American marina to try to go catch their two search, development, and manufac- families, the farmers and the fisher- fish this year per day out in the Gulf of turing happens right here in the United men, especially those across north Mexico, that they’re going to spend al- States. That’s why this bill was in- Florida and northwest Florida who are most $6 per gallon of gas to fill that cluded in the Make It in America agen- being crushed today by these incred- boat up—$6 per gallon of gas. I’m tell- da, a plan to rebuild American manu- ibly high rising fuel costs. ing you, that is unbearable. facturing and create well-paying jobs, I represent and I am privileged to The second chart that I have right unveiled by House Democrats and represent the largest land mass district here is the exodus of American jobs, Democratic Whip HOYER last week. in Florida, and I’ll tell you, those that rigs leaving the gulf for foreign waters make their living in farming, those b 1310 under the Obama administration’s de that make their living in one of our The Advanced Vehicle Technology facto moratorium. eight coastal counties in the fishing in- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Act epitomizes the goals of Make It in dustry, they are being hammered day time of the gentleman has expired. America by ensuring that our country in, day out, day in, day out by rising Mr. REED. I yield the gentleman an remains a leader in producing the cars fuel costs, especially the cost of diesel additional minute. and trucks of the future and supporting fuel. Mr. SOUTHERLAND. You will see on high-tech research and engineering We have the responsibility to Amer- here that jobs are leaving the Gulf of jobs right here at home. ican people today to alleviate our en- Mexico, and they’re going to the Medi- Fuel-efficient vehicle research is a ergy crisis through tough economic terranean Sea, Egypt, Australia, Nige- win/win for our economy. It creates times. We can do this and must achieve ria and Sierra Leone and, as we know, jobs and makes transportation more af- this important goal while protecting our favorite pick of late is Brazil. fordable for American families. the sensitive coastal regions. I’m saying that what we have to do There is no doubt in the years ahead And, yes, I took my baby steps on the in this body today is we have to make that more Americans will be driving beaches of Panama City, so I under- sure that we put our lives in the lives hybrids, plug-in hybrids, battery elec- stand how important our environ- of the American family, and we have to tric vehicles, and cars and trucks pow- mental concerns are. My family’s been make sure that it is time today to do ered by hydrogen fuel or natural gas. there since Florida became a State, so what this body should have done many, The only question is whether these new I understand how critically important many years ago, and we have to make technologies will be researched, devel- our environment is. sure that we take care of them and oped and manufactured here in the But at the same time, we must also make sure that we tap into our natural United States or overseas. preserve our military mission capabili- resources that we have in this country. At the same time, domestic auto- ties. We are the home of Tyndall Air I stand today and rise in support of motive and commercial vehicle manu- Force Base and the home of the F–22, this rule as well as the underlying bill. facturers and suppliers have increas- and so I understand how critical they Mr. MCGOVERN. I yield myself 5 sec- ingly limited resources for research are to our communities and our envi- onds. and development of advanced tech- ronment and our economies down in Mr. Speaker, let’s be clear. This bill nologies. That’s why the Advanced Ve- Florida as well. does nothing, nothing at all to lower

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:51 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.028 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3178 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 fuel costs, and everything to increase wish that, when I fill it up, that it was on its hands and do nothing while the the profits by big oil companies. I affordable. price of gas goes up. think it shows where the priority of And we can make it in America. If we explore for energy here domes- the Republican Party is at this mo- Let’s make American energy. That’s tically and we do it now, we’re going to ment. what this bill, our bill, does. That’s bring relief today to those small busi- At this time I would like to yield 11⁄2 why I rise in support of this rule and ness owners in our region. They’re minutes to the gentleman from Rhode this bill. If we want to make things in going to be able to hire more people. Island (Mr. CICILLINE). America, let’s start with making our As we all go back to our districts Mr. CICILLINE. Mr. Speaker, I rise energy. When we can make our energy next week, we know we’re going to in strong support of H.R. 1367, the Ad- in America, we can make our products hear from moms and dads, we’re going vanced Vehicle and Technology Act here. to hear from business owners about the and ask my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on Mr. MCGOVERN. I yield 1 minute to high cost of gas. I invite my Demo- the previous question. the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. cratic colleagues to join with us. Let’s This legislation rewards American CLARKE). look our constituents in the eye and workers and American innovation. It’s Mr. CLARKE of Michigan. Mr. say: we supported legislation that will a true investment in American inge- Speaker, I want to recognize that the lower energy prices today to meet their nuity and will help us Make It in gentleman from Louisiana had it par- needs. America. By reauthorizing the Depart- tially right. You know, the way we cre- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield ment of Energy’s vehicle technologies ate jobs, we do it the old-fashioned myself the balance of my time. I just want to remind the gentle- research program, the Freedom car and way. We import great cars from De- woman that the Department of Energy the 21st century truck partnerships, troit. says that if we go ahead with this plan, the next generation of advanced vehi- So I urge you to defeat the previous prices will go down by 3 cents to 5 cles will be built in America. question, support the bill that we have been talking about that will create cents in the year 2030. The Advanced Vehicle Technology If you’re serious about alternative great fuel-efficient cars, that will cre- Act is one important part of the Demo- forms of energy, then my question is, ate jobs, and also save our motorists a cratic jobs plan, a jobs plan that fo- Why have you defunded all the pro- lot of money because they won’t have cuses on making it in America because grams that would fund those new to fill up their cars with this expensive there is no way that we can maintain clean, green jobs? our position as a great economic power gasoline. They will be able to power While my Republican friends cut without making things in America. their vehicles through other alter- Medicare; while they cut fuel assist- Making things in America is a key native sources of energy. ance for elderly people who can’t afford part of rebuilding our Nation’s econ- It’s good for our environment, it’s the cost of fuel during the cold months; omy. It’s about reversing the manufac- great for our country, it will save the while they cut Pell Grants; while they turing job loss trend, recommitting motorists money, but, most impor- go out of their way to protect the tax ourselves to the things that created tantly, it will create jobs. cuts of Donald Trump and millionaires America’s middle class, good-paying Let’s import these good-paying jobs while putting all the burden to reduce jobs, world-class education, top-notch by importing fuel-efficient vehicles the deficit on middle class families; research and sound infrastructure. from the city of Detroit. That’s how while they protect the subsidies for big I strongly urge my colleagues to sup- you make it in America. oil companies, it is shameful. It is port H.R. 1367, because when we invest Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 shameful that with the record profits in American ingenuity and innovation, minutes to the gentlewoman from that Big Oil is making, that taxpayers when we Make It in America, our mid- Washington (Ms. HERRERA BEUTLER). continue to subsidize them by billions dle class will be strengthened and our Ms. HERRERA BEUTLER. Mr. of dollars. It is unconscionable. Nation will be prosperous. Speaker, the rising cost of gas is quick- Do you want to reduce the deficit? Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased ly becoming the hottest topic in any My friends on the other side go after to yield 2 minutes to the gentleman meeting, and especially in my home- programs that benefit the poor. They from Louisiana (Mr. LANDRY). town and in my neck of the woods in protect programs like corporate wel- Mr. LANDRY. Hypocrisy. It’s hypoc- southwest Washington State. fare that goes to big oil companies. risy. Reuters’, April 27, reported that I hosted a job creators forum about We should be investing in alternative the President urged other countries to 11⁄2 weeks ago, and one of the biggest forms of energy. We should be invest- lift crude oil output, to lift crude oil issues I heard about was the rising cost ing in cleaner and greener tech- output. How come, if other countries of gas prices. nologies. That’s what we have been increase their output, it affects the One gentleman owns a pizza delivery trying to do, but my friends on the price; but yet, if we increase our out- operation. They make pizzas and de- other side have been obstructing every- put, it does not? liver them. You can all imagine what thing that we have proposed. So if other countries promote their rising gas prices do to a small business They say they want to not be so reli- drill, baby, drill, it affects the price; like this. They’ve had to let people go ant on fossil fuels in the future, and but yet, when we in America try to in the past, and they’re certain to hire yet they cut the very programs that drill, we don’t affect the price, accord- people again. One of his requests was: will allow us to become more energy ing to my colleagues on the other side. make this affordable. One of the ways independent. This bill here will do Electric cars. So let’s get this we can do that is by supporting this nothing, absolutely nothing, zero, to straight. They want Americans to bill, because we open up the oppor- impact the price of gasoline. It does charge their car up on a system, on a tunity to get more domestic energy. nothing. grid system that’s already failing and And that’s the reality. Everybody knows how Big Oil oper- broken. We’ve had rolling brownouts I can’t wait for the day when our ates, and they do whatever they want and blackouts in this country, and country no longer is dependent on fos- to do. At a time when they’re raising that’s what we want to plug our cars sil fuels, when we don’t need gasoline their prices, they’re going to make into? I’m sorry. No. or we don’t need to get it from coun- more money this year than they did tries that don’t like us. I can’t wait for last year. It’s outrageous what they’re b 1320 that day. And I support those explo- doing to the American people, how Then they say there are the hybrid rations of alternative energies. But the they’re gouging the American people. cars. I can’t pull my boat with a Prius. problem is we’re not there yet. We are This bill is not an answer to any- I can’t do it. I enjoy going fishing. I not there today. The reality is, every thing. It is just a sound bite for them enjoy the time that I get to take my time gas goes up, we lose jobs, and in to go home and say, hey, we did some- little boy out and teach him what my my neck of the woods, where we have thing, knowing it will never pass the father and my grandfather taught me, double-digit unemployment, 13 percent, Senate, but also knowing that even if and I have to do that pulling a boat 14 percent going on 3 years, it is unac- it did pass the Senate and if the Presi- with my Chevrolet pickup truck. I sure ceptable that this Congress would sit dent signed it, it would mean nothing.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:51 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.030 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3179 So rather than focusing on things to commit to our domestic supplies of en- THE VOTE ON THE PREVIOUS QUESTION: WHAT help create jobs, to help make it in ergy so that we have energy supplies IT REALLY MEANS America, to help create more products that will allow manufacturers in the This vote, the vote on whether to order the in this country, we are going through private sector to create the new oppor- previous question on a special rule, is not these ridiculous exercises every week tunities for generations of Americans merely a procedural vote. A vote against or- dering the previous question is a vote on different subjects; and today it hap- that are yet to come. against the Republican majority agenda and pens to be a bill that is a big wet kiss This is not a bill that is about pro- a vote to allow the opposition, at least for to Big Oil. tecting Big Oil. This is not about tax the moment, to offer an alternative plan. It To me, this is the wrong thing we subsidies. I take great disagreement is a vote about what the House should be de- should be taking our time up doing. We with my colleagues on the other side of bating. should be talking about how should we the aisle when they say we are fighting Mr. Clarence Cannon’s Precedents of the create jobs in this country, how do we for tax subsidies for Big Oil. What they House of Representatives (VI, 308–311), de- scribes the vote on the previous question on put people back to work. And, yes, we are talking about is intangible drilling the rule as ‘‘a motion to direct or control the should be talking about ways that we costs. They are talking about basic tax consideration of the subject before the House could truly reduce the cost of energy policy where there are income and ex- being made by the Member in charge.’’ To for consumers. penses that are being calculated and defeat the previous question is to give the Mr. Speaker, I am urging that we de- deducted off income taxes. It goes back opposition a chance to decide the subject be- feat the previous question. I will offer to my life in the private sector when I fore the House. Cannon cites the Speaker’s an amendment, if we defeat the pre- read income and expense sheets. All we ruling of January 13, 1920, to the effect that vious question to the rule, to provide are talking about are expenses, not tax ‘‘the refusal of the House to sustain the de- that, immediately after the House mand for the previous question passes the subsidies. control of the resolution to the opposition’’ adopts the rule, it will bring up H.R. If we want to engage in rhetoric, in order to offer an amendment. On March 1367, the Advanced Vehicle Technology that’s fine. But we are focused on the 15, 1909, a member of the majority party of- Act of 2011, introduced by Representa- substance of the issue, and that sub- fered a rule resolution. The House defeated tive PETERS. stance is getting Americans back to the previous question and a member of the I ask unanimous consent to insert work, 1.2 million jobs under this pro- opposition rose to a parliamentary inquiry, the text of the amendment in the posal. We will generate $800 million in asking who was entitled to recognition. Speaker Joseph G. Cannon (R–Illinois) said: RECORD along with extraneous mate- revenue over 10 years, and we are going rial immediately prior to the vote on ‘‘The previous question having been refused, to lead. the gentleman from New York, Mr. Fitz- the previous question. I urge my colleagues to support this gerald, who had asked the gentleman to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there rule and support the underlying legis- yield to him for an amendment, is entitled to objection to the request of the gen- lation by voting in favor of both. the first recognition.’’ tleman from Massachusetts? The material previously referred to Because the vote today may look bad for the Republican majority they will say ‘‘the There was no objection. by Mr. MCGOVERN is as follows: Mr. MCGOVERN. One final thing, Mr. vote on the previous question is simply a Speaker. Again, we had an amendment AN AMENDMENT TO H. RES. 257 OFFERED BY vote on whether to proceed to an immediate MR. MCGOVERN OF MASSACHUSETTS in the Rules Committee offered by Mr. vote on adopting the resolution . . . [and] At the end of the resolution, add the fol- has no substantive legislative or policy im- BOSWELL that would help give hiring lowing new sections: plications whatsoever.’’ But that is not what preferences to our veterans who are SEC. 2. Immediately upon adoption of this they have always said. Listen to the Repub- risking their lives in Iraq and Afghani- resolution the Speaker shall, pursuant to lican Leadership Manual on the Legislative stan, and it was defeated. That is an clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House Process in the United States House of Rep- outrage. resolved into the Committee of the Whole resentatives, (6th edition, page 135). Here’s Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to House on the state of the Union for consider- how the Republicans describe the previous vote ‘‘no’’ and defeat the previous ques- ation of the bill (H.R. 1367) to provide for a question vote in their own manual: ‘‘Al- tion so we can debate and pass a bill program of research, development, dem- though it is generally not possible to amend onstration, and commercial application in the rule because the majority Member con- that American companies develop the trolling the time will not yield for the pur- next generation of high-tech fuel-effi- vehicle technologies at the Department of Energy. The first reading of the bill shall be pose of offering an amendment, the same re- cient vehicles. I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on dispensed with. All points of order against sult may be achieved by voting down the pre- the rule. consideration of the bill are waived. General vious question on the rule . . . When the mo- I yield back the balance of my time. debate shall be confined to the bill and shall tion for the previous question is defeated, Mr. REED. I yield myself the balance not exceed one hour equally divided and con- control of the time passes to the Member of my time. trolled by the chair and ranking minority who led the opposition to ordering the pre- Mr. Speaker, on this rule and on this member of the Committee on Science, Space, vious question. That Member, because he bill, I think this side of the aisle is and Technology. After general debate the then controls the time, may offer an amend- bill shall be considered for amendment under ment to the rule, or yield for the purpose of demonstrating to all of America that amendment.’’ we are listening. the five-minute rule. All points of order against provisions in the bill are waived. At In Deschler’s Procedure in the U.S. House Right now, with gas prices going the conclusion of consideration of the bill for of Representatives, the subchapter titled through the roof, right now, with peo- amendment the Committee shall rise and re- ‘‘Amending Special Rules’’ states: ‘‘a refusal ple suffering high unemployment port the bill to the House with such amend- to order the previous question on such a rule across the Nation, we have before us a ments as may have been adopted. The pre- [a special rule reported from the Committee rule and a bill that will undoubtedly vious question shall be considered as ordered on Rules] opens the resolution to amend- create jobs, 1.2 million jobs, according on the bill and amendments thereto to final ment and further debate.’’ (Chapter 21, sec- passage without intervening motion except tion 21.2) Section 21.3 continues: ‘‘Upon re- to economist Dr. Joseph Mason. jection of the motion for the previous ques- We have a bill and a plan that is one motion to recommit with or without in- structions. If the Committee of the Whole tion on a resolution reported from the Com- going to bring us closer to less depend- rises and reports that it has come to no reso- mittee on Rules, control shifts to the Mem- ency on foreign energy supplies. It will lution on the bill, then on the next legisla- ber leading the opposition to the previous reduce foreign oil imports by nearly tive day the House shall, immediately after question, who may offer a proper amendment one-third. the third daily order of business under clause or motion and who controls the time for de- Mr. Speaker, we on this side of the 1 of rule XIV, resolve into the Committee of bate thereon.’’ aisle are going to deal with the Amer- the Whole for further consideration of the Clearly, the vote on the previous question bill. on a rule does have substantive policy impli- ican people in an honest fashion. We cations. It is one of the only available tools SEC. 3. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not are not going to scare the American for those who oppose the Republican major- people. We are going to have an open apply to the consideration of the bill speci- fied in section 2 of this resolution. ity’s agenda and allows those with alter- and honest conversation with the native views the opportunity to offer an al- ternative plan. American people. We will lead. And (The information contained herein was what we are doing here is answering a provided by the Republican Minority on mul- Mr. REED. I yield back the balance call that the American people have tiple occasions throughout the 110th and of my time, and I move the previous reached out to us to do, and that is to 111th Congresses.) question on the resolution.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:51 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.032 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3180 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The RECORDED VOTE Fleischmann Lankford Rivera Fleming Latham Roby question is on ordering the previous The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Flores LaTourette Roe (TN) question. has been demanded. Forbes Latta Rogers (AL) The question was taken; and the A recorded vote was ordered. Fortenberry Lewis (CA) Rogers (KY) Speaker pro tempore announced that Foxx Long Rogers (MI) The vote was taken by electronic de- Franks (AZ) Lucas Rohrabacher the ayes appeared to have it. vice, and there were—ayes 187, noes 235, Frelinghuysen Luetkemeyer Rokita Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, on not voting 9, as follows: Gallegly Lummis Rooney Gardner Lungren, Daniel Roskam that I demand the yeas and nays. [Roll No. 302] The yeas and nays were ordered. Garrett E. Ross (AR) AYES—187 Gibbs Mack Ross (FL) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Gingrey (GA) Manzullo Royce Ackerman Gerlach Pallone ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- Gohmert Marchant Runyan Altmire Gibson Pascrell Goodlatte Marino Ryan (WI) ceedings on this question will be post- Andrews Gonzalez Pastor (AZ) Gosar McCarthy (CA) Scalise Baca Green, Al poned. Payne Gowdy McCaul Schilling Baldwin Grijalva Pelosi Granger McClintock Schmidt f Bass (CA) Gutierrez Perlmutter Graves (GA) McCotter Schock Becerra Hanabusa PUTTING THE GULF OF MEXICO Peters Graves (MO) McHenry Schrader Berkley Hastings (FL) Pingree (ME) Green, Gene McKeon Schweikert BACK TO WORK ACT Berman Heinrich Polis Griffin (AR) McKinley Scott (SC) Bishop (GA) Higgins The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Price (NC) Griffith (VA) McMorris Scott, Austin Bishop (NY) Himes Quigley Grimm Rodgers Sensenbrenner RUNYAN). Pursuant to House Resolu- Blumenauer Hinchey Rahall Guinta Meehan Sessions tion 245 and rule XVIII, the Chair de- Boswell Hirono Rangel Guthrie Mica Shimkus Brady (PA) Holt clares the House in the Committee of Reichert Hall Miller (FL) Shuler Brown (FL) Honda the Whole House on the State of the Hanna Miller (MI) Shuster Buchanan Hoyer Reyes Harper Miller, Gary Simpson Union for the further consideration of Butterfield Inslee Richardson Harris Mulvaney Smith (NE) Capps Israel Richmond the bill, H.R. 1229. Hartzler Murphy (PA) Smith (TX) Capuano Jackson (IL) Ros-Lehtinen Hayworth Myrick Southerland b 1331 Carnahan Jackson Lee Rothman (NJ) Heck Neugebauer Stearns Carney (TX) Roybal-Allard IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Hensarling Noem Stivers Carson (IN) Johnson (GA) Ruppersberger Herger Nugent Stutzman Accordingly, the House resolved Castor (FL) Johnson, E. B. Rush Herrera Beutler Nunes Sullivan Chandler Jones Ryan (OH) itself into the Committee of the Whole Hinojosa Nunnelee Terry Chu Kaptur Sa´ nchez, Linda House on the State of the Union for the Holden Olson Thompson (PA) Cicilline Keating T. Huelskamp Owens Thornberry further consideration of the bill (H.R. Clarke (MI) Kildee Sanchez, Loretta Huizenga (MI) Palazzo Tiberi Clarke (NY) Kind Sarbanes 1229) to amend the Outer Continental Hultgren Paul Tipton Clay Kissell Shelf Lands Act to facilitate the safe Schakowsky Hunter Paulsen Turner Cleaver Kucinich Schiff Hurt Pearce Upton and timely production of American en- Clyburn Langevin Schwartz Issa Pence Walberg ergy resources from the Gulf of Mexico, Cohen Larsen (WA) Scott (VA) Jenkins Peterson Walden Connolly (VA) Larson (CT) with Mr. POE of Texas (Acting Chair) in Scott, David Johnson (IL) Petri Walsh (IL) Conyers Lee (CA) the chair. Serrano Johnson (OH) Pitts Webster Cooper Levin Sewell Jordan Platts West The Clerk read the title of the bill. Costello Lewis (GA) Sherman Kelly Poe (TX) Whitfield The Acting CHAIR. When the Com- Courtney Lipinski Sires King (IA) Pompeo Wilson (SC) Critz LoBiondo mittee of the Whole rose on Tuesday, Slaughter King (NY) Posey Wittman Crowley Loebsack May 10, 2011, a request for a recorded Smith (NJ) Kingston Price (GA) Wolf Cuellar Lofgren, Zoe Smith (WA) Kinzinger (IL) Quayle Womack vote on amendment No. 11 printed in Cummings Lowey Speier Kline Reed Woodall Davis (CA) Luja´ n part A of House Report 112–73 by the Stark Labrador Rehberg Yoder Davis (IL) Lynch gentleman from Florida (Mr. HASTINGS) Sutton Lamborn Renacci Young (AK) DeFazio Maloney Thompson (CA) Lance Ribble Young (FL) had been postponed. DeGette Markey Thompson (MS) Landry Rigell Young (IN) Pursuant to clause 6 of rule XVIII, DeLauro Matheson Tierney proceedings will now resume on those Dent Matsui NOT VOTING—9 Deutch McCarthy (NY) Tonko amendments printed in part A of House Bilirakis Davis (KY) Johnson, Sam Dicks McCollum Towns Braley (IA) Giffords Van Hollen Report 112–73 on which further pro- Dingell McDermott Tsongas ´ Costa Hastings (WA) Westmoreland ceedings were postponed, in the fol- Doggett McGovern Velazquez Visclosky lowing order: Donnelly (IN) McIntyre b 1358 Doyle McNerney Walz (MN) Amendment No. 4 by Ms. HANABUSA Edwards Meeks Wasserman Messrs. TERRY, SOUTHERLAND, of Hawaii. Ellison Michaud Schultz and HUIZENGA of Michigan changed Waters Amendment No. 6 by Mr. HOLT of Engel Miller (NC) their vote from ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ New Jersey. Eshoo Miller, George Watt Farr Moore Waxman Messrs. LOBIONDO, SMITH of New Amendment No. 7 by Mr. POLIS of Fattah Moran Weiner Jersey, CARSON of Indiana, and AL Colorado. Filner Murphy (CT) Welch GREEN of Texas changed their vote Amendment No. 8 by Mr. HASTINGS of Fitzpatrick Nadler Wilson (FL) Frank (MA) Napolitano Woolsey from ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ Florida. Fudge Neal Wu So the amendment was rejected. Amendment No. 9 by Mr. DEUTCH of Garamendi Olver Yarmuth The result of the vote was announced Florida. NOES—235 as above recorded. Amendment No. 11 by Mr. HASTINGS Stated for: of Florida. Adams Bono Mack Coble Aderholt Boren Coffman (CO) Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Mr. Chair, on rollcall The Chair will reduce to 2 minutes Akin Boustany Cole No. 302, had I been present, I would have the time for any electronic vote after Alexander Brady (TX) Conaway voted ‘‘aye.’’ the first vote in this series. Amash Brooks Cravaack Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Chair, on rollcall No. Austria Broun (GA) Crawford AMENDMENT NO. 4 OFFERED BY MS. HANABUSA Bachmann Bucshon Crenshaw 302, I was unavoidably detained. Had I been The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Bachus Buerkle Culberson present, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ business is the demand for a recorded Barletta Burgess Denham Stated against: Barrow Burton (IN) DesJarlais vote on the amendment offered by the Bartlett Calvert Diaz-Balart Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Chair, on rollcall No. gentlewoman from Hawaii (Ms. Barton (TX) Camp Dold 302, had I been present, I would have voted HANABUSA) on which further pro- Bass (NH) Campbell Dreier ‘‘no.’’ Benishek Canseco Duffy AMENDMENT NO. 6 OFFERED BY MR. HOLT ceedings were postponed and on which Berg Cantor Duncan (SC) the noes prevailed by voice vote. Biggert Capito Duncan (TN) The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished The Clerk will redesignate the Bilbray Cardoza Ellmers business is the demand for a recorded amendment. Bishop (UT) Carter Emerson vote on the amendment offered by the Black Cassidy Farenthold The Clerk redesignated the amend- Blackburn Chabot Fincher gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. HOLT) ment. Bonner Chaffetz Flake on which further proceedings were

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:56 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.035 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3181 postponed and on which the noes pre- Carter Huelskamp Poe (TX) The Clerk redesignated the amend- vailed by voice vote. Cassidy Hultgren Pompeo ment. Chabot Hunter Posey The Clerk will redesignate the Chaffetz Hurt Price (GA) RECORDED VOTE amendment. Coble Issa Quayle The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote The Clerk redesignated the amend- Coffman (CO) Jackson Lee Reed Cole (TX) Rehberg has been demanded. ment. Conaway Jenkins Reichert A recorded vote was ordered. RECORDED VOTE Costa Johnson (IL) Renacci Cravaack Johnson (OH) The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Ribble Crawford Jordan Rigell minute vote. has been demanded. Crenshaw Kelly Rivera The vote was taken by electronic de- A recorded vote was ordered. Culberson King (IA) Roby Davis (KY) King (NY) vice, and there were—ayes 174, noes 254, Roe (TN) The Acting CHAIR. This is a 2- Denham Kingston not voting 3, as follows: Rogers (AL) Dent Kinzinger (IL) minute vote. Rogers (KY) [Roll No. 304] DesJarlais Kline The vote was taken by electronic de- Rogers (MI) Diaz-Balart Labrador AYES—174 Rohrabacher vice, and there were—ayes 179, noes 247, Dold Lamborn Ackerman Gutierrez Pastor (AZ) Donnelly (IN) Lance Rokita not voting 5, as follows: Andrews Hanabusa Payne Dreier Landry Rooney Baca Hastings (FL) Pelosi [Roll No. 303] Duffy Lankford Ros-Lehtinen Baldwin Heinrich Perlmutter Duncan (SC) Latham Roskam AYES—179 Bass (CA) Higgins Peters Duncan (TN) LaTourette Ross (AR) Ackerman Garamendi Payne Becerra Himes Pingree (ME) Ellmers Latta Ross (FL) Andrews Gonzalez Pelosi Berkley Hinchey Polis Emerson Lewis (CA) Royce Baca Grijalva Berman Hirono Price (NC) Perlmutter Farenthold LoBiondo Runyan Baldwin Gutierrez Bishop (GA) Holt Quigley Peters Fincher Long Ryan (WI) Bass (CA) Hanabusa Bishop (NY) Honda Rahall Pingree (ME) Fitzpatrick Lucas Scalise Bass (NH) Hastings (FL) Blumenauer Hoyer Rangel Polis Flake Luetkemeyer Schilling Becerra Heinrich Brady (PA) Inslee Reyes Price (NC) Fleischmann Lummis Schmidt Berkley Higgins Braley (IA) Israel Richardson Quigley Fleming Lungren, Daniel Schock Berman Himes Brown (FL) Jackson (IL) Richmond Rahall Flores E. Schweikert Bishop (GA) Hinchey Butterfield Jackson Lee Rothman (NJ) Rangel Forbes Mack Scott (SC) Bishop (NY) Hirono Capps (TX) Roybal-Allard Reyes Fortenberry Manzullo Scott, Austin Blumenauer Holt Capuano Johnson (GA) Ruppersberger Richardson Foxx Marchant Sensenbrenner Boswell Honda Carnahan Johnson, E. B. Rush Richmond Franks (AZ) Marino Sessions Brady (PA) Hoyer Carney Jones Ryan (OH) Rothman (NJ) Frelinghuysen Matheson Braley (IA) Inslee Shimkus Carson (IN) Kaptur Sa´ nchez, Linda Gallegly McCarthy (CA) Brown (FL) Israel Roybal-Allard Shuster Castor (FL) Keating T. Gardner McCaul Butterfield Jackson (IL) Ruppersberger Simpson Chandler Kildee Sanchez, Loretta Garrett McClintock Capps Johnson (GA) Rush Smith (NE) Chu Kind Sarbanes Gerlach McCotter Capuano Johnson, E. B. Ryan (OH) Smith (NJ) Cicilline Kissell Schakowsky Gibbs McHenry Cardoza Jones Sa´ nchez, Linda Smith (TX) Clarke (MI) Kucinich Schiff Gibson McKeon Carnahan Kaptur T. Southerland Clarke (NY) Langevin Schwartz Gingrey (GA) McKinley Carney Keating Sanchez, Loretta Stearns Clay Larsen (WA) Scott (VA) Gohmert McMorris Carson (IN) Kildee Sarbanes Stivers Cleaver Larson (CT) Scott, David Goodlatte Rodgers Castor (FL) Kind Schakowsky Stutzman Clyburn Lee (CA) Serrano Gosar Meehan Chandler Kissell Schiff Terry Cohen Levin Sewell Gowdy Mica Chu Kucinich Schrader Thompson (PA) Connolly (VA) Lewis (GA) Sherman Granger Miller (FL) Cicilline Langevin Schwartz Thornberry Conyers Lipinski Shuler Graves (GA) Miller (MI) Clarke (MI) Larsen (WA) Scott (VA) Tiberi Cooper Loebsack Sires Graves (MO) Miller, Gary Clarke (NY) Larson (CT) Tipton Costello Lofgren, Zoe Slaughter Scott, David Green, Al Mulvaney Clay Lee (CA) Turner Courtney Lowey Smith (WA) Serrano Green, Gene Murphy (PA) Cleaver Levin Upton Crowley Luja´ n Speier Sewell Griffin (AR) Myrick Clyburn Lewis (GA) Cummings Lynch Stark Sherman Griffith (VA) Neugebauer Walberg Cohen Lipinski Davis (CA) Maloney Sutton Shuler Grimm Noem Walden Connolly (VA) Loebsack Davis (IL) Markey Thompson (CA) Sires Guinta Nugent Walsh (IL) Conyers Lofgren, Zoe DeFazio Matsui Thompson (MS) Slaughter Guthrie Nunes Webster Cooper Lowey DeGette McCarthy (NY) Tierney Smith (WA) Hall Nunnelee West Costello Luja´ n DeLauro McCollum Tonko Speier Hanna Olson Westmoreland Courtney Lynch Deutch McDermott Towns Stark Harper Owens Whitfield Critz Maloney Dicks McGovern Tsongas Sutton Harris Palazzo Wilson (SC) Crowley Markey Dingell McIntyre Van Hollen Thompson (CA) Hartzler Paul Wittman Cuellar Matsui Doggett McNerney Vela´ zquez Thompson (MS) Hayworth Paulsen Wolf Cummings McCarthy (NY) Doyle Meeks Visclosky Tierney Heck Pearce Womack Davis (CA) McCollum Edwards Michaud Walz (MN) Tonko Hensarling Pence Woodall Davis (IL) McDermott Ellison Miller (NC) Wasserman Herger Peterson Yoder DeFazio McGovern Towns Engel Miller, George Schultz Herrera Beutler Petri Young (AK) DeGette McIntyre Tsongas Eshoo Moore Waters Hinojosa Pitts Young (FL) DeLauro McNerney Van Hollen Farr Moran Watt ´ Holden Platts Young (IN) Deutch Meeks Velazquez Fattah Murphy (CT) Waxman Dicks Michaud Visclosky NOT VOTING—5 Filner Nadler Weiner Dingell Miller (NC) Walz (MN) Frank (MA) Napolitano Welch Doggett Miller, George Wasserman Giffords Huizenga (MI) Sullivan Fudge Neal Wilson (FL) Doyle Moore Schultz Hastings (WA) Johnson, Sam Garamendi Olver Woolsey Waters Edwards Moran ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Gonzalez Pallone Wu Ellison Murphy (CT) Watt Grijalva Pascrell Yarmuth Engel Nadler Waxman The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Eshoo Napolitano Weiner One minute remains in this vote. NOES—254 Farr Neal Welch Adams Black Capito Fattah Olver Wilson (FL) Aderholt Blackburn Cardoza Filner Pallone Woolsey b 1404 Akin Bonner Carter Frank (MA) Pascrell Wu So the amendment was rejected. Alexander Bono Mack Cassidy Fudge Pastor (AZ) Yarmuth Altmire Boren Chabot The result of the vote was announced Amash Boswell Chaffetz NOES—247 as above recorded. Austria Boustany Coble Adams Benishek Brooks AMENDMENT NO. 7 OFFERED BY MR. POLIS Bachmann Brady (TX) Coffman (CO) Aderholt Berg Broun (GA) Bachus Brooks Cole Akin Biggert Buchanan The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Barletta Broun (GA) Conaway Alexander Bilbray Bucshon business is the demand for a recorded Barrow Buchanan Costa Altmire Bilirakis Buerkle vote on the amendment offered by the Bartlett Bucshon Cravaack Amash Bishop (UT) Burgess Barton (TX) Buerkle Crawford Austria Black Burton (IN) gentleman from Colorado (Mr. POLIS) Bass (NH) Burgess Crenshaw Bachmann Blackburn Calvert on which further proceedings were Benishek Burton (IN) Critz Bachus Bonner Camp postponed and on which the noes pre- Berg Calvert Cuellar Barletta Bono Mack Campbell vailed by voice vote. Biggert Camp Culberson Barrow Boren Canseco Bilbray Campbell Davis (KY) Bartlett Boustany Cantor The Clerk will redesignate the Bilirakis Canseco Denham Barton (TX) Brady (TX) Capito amendment. Bishop (UT) Cantor Dent

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:56 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.037 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3182 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011

DesJarlais King (IA) Reichert RECORDED VOTE Flake Lankford Rivera Diaz-Balart King (NY) Renacci Fleischmann Latham Roby Dold Kingston Ribble The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Fleming LaTourette Roe (TN) Donnelly (IN) Kinzinger (IL) Rigell has been demanded. Flores Latta Rogers (AL) Dreier Kline Rivera A recorded vote was ordered. Forbes Lewis (CA) Rogers (KY) Duffy Labrador Fortenberry Lipinski Roby The Acting CHAIR. This will be a 2- Rogers (MI) Duncan (SC) Lamborn Roe (TN) Foxx LoBiondo Rohrabacher Duncan (TN) Lance Rogers (AL) minute vote. Franks (AZ) Long Rokita Ellmers Landry Rogers (KY) The vote was taken by electronic de- Frelinghuysen Lucas Rooney Emerson Lankford Rogers (MI) Gallegly Luetkemeyer Ros-Lehtinen Farenthold Latham vice, and there were—ayes 169, noes 258, Gardner Lummis Rohrabacher Roskam Fincher LaTourette not voting 4, as follows: Garrett Lungren, Daniel Rokita Ross (AR) Fitzpatrick Latta Gerlach E. Rooney [Roll No. 305] Ross (FL) Flake Lewis (CA) Gibbs Mack Ros-Lehtinen Royce Fleischmann LoBiondo AYES—169 Gibson Manzullo Runyan Fleming Long Roskam Gingrey (GA) Marchant Ackerman Gutierrez Pastor (AZ) Ryan (WI) Flores Lucas Ross (AR) Gohmert Marino Andrews Hanabusa Payne Sanchez, Loretta Forbes Luetkemeyer Ross (FL) Gonzalez Matheson Baca Hastings (FL) Pelosi Scalise Fortenberry Lummis Royce Goodlatte McCarthy (CA) Baldwin Heinrich Schilling Foxx Lungren, Daniel Runyan Peters Gosar McCaul Bass (CA) Higgins Schmidt Franks (AZ) E. Ryan (WI) Pingree (ME) Gowdy McClintock Becerra Himes Schock Frelinghuysen Mack Scalise Polis Granger McCotter Berkley Hinchey Schwartz Gallegly Manzullo Schilling Price (NC) Graves (GA) McHenry Berman Hirono Schweikert Gardner Marchant Schmidt Quigley Graves (MO) McKeon Bishop (GA) Holt Scott (SC) Garrett Marino Schock Rahall Green, Al McKinley Bishop (NY) Honda Scott, Austin Gerlach Matheson Schrader Rangel Green, Gene McMorris Blumenauer Hoyer Sensenbrenner Gibbs McCarthy (CA) Schweikert Reyes Griffin (AR) Rodgers Boswell Inslee Sessions Gibson McCaul Scott (SC) Richardson Griffith (VA) Meehan Brady (PA) Israel Shimkus Gingrey (GA) McClintock Scott, Austin Richmond Grimm Mica Braley (IA) Jackson (IL) Shuler Gohmert McCotter Sensenbrenner Rothman (NJ) Guinta Miller (FL) Brown (FL) Jackson Lee Shuster Goodlatte McHenry Sessions Roybal-Allard Guthrie Miller (MI) Butterfield (TX) Simpson Gosar McKeon Hall Miller, Gary Shimkus Capps Johnson (GA) Ruppersberger Gowdy McKinley Hanna Mulvaney Smith (NE) Shuster Capuano Johnson, E. B. Rush Granger McMorris Harper Murphy (PA) Smith (NJ) Simpson Carnahan Jones Ryan (OH) Graves (GA) Rodgers Harris Myrick Smith (TX) Smith (NE) Carson (IN) Kaptur Sa´ nchez, Linda Graves (MO) Meehan Hartzler Neugebauer Southerland Smith (NJ) Castor (FL) Keating T. Green, Al Mica Hayworth Noem Stearns Smith (TX) Chandler Kildee Sarbanes Green, Gene Miller (FL) Heck Nugent Stivers Southerland Chu Kind Schakowsky Griffin (AR) Miller (MI) Hensarling Nunes Stutzman Stearns Cicilline Kissell Schiff Griffith (VA) Miller, Gary Herger Nunnelee Sullivan Stivers Clarke (MI) Kucinich Schrader Grimm Mulvaney Herrera Beutler Olson Terry Stutzman Clarke (NY) Langevin Scott (VA) Guinta Murphy (PA) Hinojosa Owens Thompson (PA) Sullivan Clay Larsen (WA) Scott, David Guthrie Myrick Holden Palazzo Thornberry Terry Cleaver Larson (CT) Serrano Hall Neugebauer Huelskamp Paul Tiberi Thompson (PA) Clyburn Lee (CA) Hanna Noem Sewell Huizenga (MI) Paulsen Tipton Thornberry Cohen Levin Harper Nugent Sherman Hultgren Pearce Turner Tiberi Conyers Lewis (GA) Harris Nunes Sires Hunter Pence Upton Tipton Cooper Loebsack Hartzler Nunnelee Slaughter Hurt Perlmutter Walberg Turner Courtney Lofgren, Zoe Hayworth Olson Smith (WA) Issa Peterson Walden Upton Critz Lowey Heck Owens Speier Jenkins Petri Walsh (IL) Walberg Crowley Luja´ n Hensarling Palazzo Stark Johnson (IL) Pitts Webster Cummings Lynch Herger Paul Walden Sutton Johnson (OH) Platts West Davis (CA) Maloney Herrera Beutler Paulsen Walsh (IL) Thompson (CA) Jordan Poe (TX) Westmoreland Davis (IL) Markey Hinojosa Pearce Webster Thompson (MS) Kelly Pompeo Whitfield DeFazio Matsui Holden Pence West Tierney King (IA) Posey Wilson (SC) DeGette McCarthy (NY) Huelskamp Peterson Westmoreland Tonko King (NY) Price (GA) Wittman DeLauro McCollum Huizenga (MI) Petri Whitfield Kingston Quayle Wolf Deutch McDermott Towns Hultgren Pitts Wilson (SC) Kinzinger (IL) Reed Womack Dicks McGovern Tsongas Hunter Platts Wittman Kline Rehberg Woodall Dingell McIntyre Van Hollen Hurt Poe (TX) Wolf ´ Labrador Reichert Yoder Doggett McNerney Velazquez Issa Pompeo Womack Lamborn Renacci Young (AK) Donnelly (IN) Meeks Visclosky Jenkins Posey Woodall Lance Ribble Young (FL) Doyle Michaud Walz (MN) Johnson (IL) Price (GA) Yoder Landry Rigell Young (IN) Edwards Miller (NC) Wasserman Johnson (OH) Quayle Young (AK) Ellison Miller, George Schultz Jordan Reed Young (FL) NOT VOTING—4 Engel Moore Waters Kelly Rehberg Young (IN) Bilbray Hastings (WA) Eshoo Moran Watt Giffords Johnson, Sam NOT VOTING—3 Farr Murphy (CT) Waxman Fattah Nadler Weiner ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Giffords Hastings (WA) Johnson, Sam Filner Napolitano Welch Wilson (FL) The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Frank (MA) Neal Fudge Olver Woolsey There is 1 minute remaining in this The Acting CHAIR (Mrs. MILLER of Garamendi Pallone Wu vote. Michigan) (during the vote). There is Grijalva Pascrell Yarmuth b 1412 less than 1 minute remaining in the NOES—258 vote. Mr. KINGSTON changed his vote Adams Boustany Conaway from ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ Aderholt Brady (TX) Connolly (VA) b 1408 Akin Brooks Costa So the amendment was rejected. Alexander Broun (GA) Costello The result of the vote was announced So the amendment was rejected. Altmire Buchanan Cravaack as above recorded. The result of the vote was announced Amash Bucshon Crawford AMENDMENT NO. 9 OFFERED BY MR. DEUTCH as above recorded. Austria Buerkle Crenshaw Bachmann Burgess Cuellar The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished AMENDMENT NO. 8 OFFERED BY MR. HASTINGS Bachus Burton (IN) Culberson business is the demand for a recorded OF FLORIDA Barletta Calvert Davis (KY) vote on the amendment offered by the The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Barrow Camp Denham gentleman from Florida (Mr. DEUTCH) business is the demand for a recorded Bartlett Campbell Dent Barton (TX) Canseco DesJarlais on which further proceedings were vote on the amendment offered by the Bass (NH) Cantor Diaz-Balart postponed and on which the noes pre- gentleman from Florida (Mr. HASTINGS) Benishek Capito Dold vailed by voice vote. on which further proceedings were Berg Cardoza Dreier The Clerk will redesignate the Biggert Carney Duffy postponed and on which the noes pre- Bilirakis Carter Duncan (SC) amendment. vailed by voice vote. Bishop (UT) Cassidy Duncan (TN) The Clerk redesignated the amend- The Clerk will redesignate the Black Chabot Ellmers ment. Blackburn Chaffetz Emerson amendment. RECORDED VOTE Bonner Coble Farenthold The Clerk redesignated the amend- Bono Mack Coffman (CO) Fincher The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote ment. Boren Cole Fitzpatrick has been demanded.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:56 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY7.008 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3183 A recorded vote was ordered. Dent Kelly Poe (TX) A recorded vote was ordered. DesJarlais King (IA) Pompeo The Acting CHAIR. This will be a 2- Diaz-Balart King (NY) Price (GA) The Acting CHAIR. This will be a 2- minute vote. Dold Kingston Quayle minute vote. The vote was taken by electronic de- Dreier Kinzinger (IL) Reed The vote was taken by electronic de- vice, and there were—ayes 205, noes 222, Duffy Kline Rehberg vice, and there were—ayes 185, noes 239, Duncan (SC) Labrador Reichert not voting 4, as follows: Duncan (TN) Lamborn Renacci not voting 7, as follows: [Roll No. 306] Ellmers Lance Ribble [Roll No. 307] Emerson Landry Rigell AYES—205 Farenthold Lankford Rivera AYES—185 Fincher Latham Ackerman Gingrey (GA) Perlmutter Rogers (KY) Ackerman Garamendi Owens Fitzpatrick LaTourette Aderholt Gonzalez Peters Rogers (MI) Altmire Gonzalez Pallone Flake Latta Altmire Grijalva Pingree (ME) Rohrabacher Andrews Green, Al Pascrell Fleischmann Lewis (CA) Andrews Guthrie Rokita Baca Green, Gene Pastor (AZ) Polis Fleming LoBiondo Baca Gutierrez Rooney Baldwin Grijalva Posey Flores Long Payne Bachus Hanabusa Roskam Barrow Gutierrez Price (NC) Forbes Lucas Pelosi Baldwin Hanna Ross (AR) Bass (CA) Hanabusa Quigley Fortenberry Luetkemeyer Perlmutter Barrow Harris Ross (FL) Becerra Hastings (FL) Rahall Foxx Lummis Peters Bass (CA) Hastings (FL) Royce Berkley Heinrich Rangel Franks (AZ) Lungren, Daniel Pingree (ME) Becerra Heinrich Runyan Berman Higgins Reyes Frelinghuysen E. Polis Berkley Higgins Ryan (WI) Bishop (GA) Himes Richardson Gallegly Mack Price (NC) Berman Himes Scalise Bishop (NY) Hinchey Richmond Gardner Manzullo Quigley Bilirakis Hinchey Schmidt Blumenauer Hirono Roby Garrett Marchant Rahall Bishop (GA) Hirono Schrader Boswell Holden Roe (TN) Gerlach Marino Rangel Bishop (NY) Holden Schweikert Brady (PA) Holt Rogers (AL) Gibbs McCarthy (CA) Reyes Blumenauer Holt Scott (SC) Braley (IA) Honda Gohmert McCaul Richmond Bonner Honda Ros-Lehtinen Brown (FL) Hoyer Goodlatte McClintock Sensenbrenner Rothman (NJ) Brady (PA) Hoyer Rothman (NJ) Butterfield Inslee Gosar McCotter Sessions Roybal-Allard Braley (IA) Inslee Roybal-Allard Capps Israel Gowdy McHenry Shimkus Ruppersberger Brooks Israel Ruppersberger Capuano Jackson (IL) Granger McKeon Shuster Rush Brown (FL) Jackson (IL) Rush Carnahan Jackson Lee Graves (GA) McKinley Simpson Ryan (OH) Buchanan Jackson Lee Ryan (OH) Carney (TX) Graves (MO) McMorris Smith (NE) Sa´ nchez, Linda Butterfield (TX) Sa´ nchez, Linda Carson (IN) Johnson (GA) Green, Al Rodgers Smith (NJ) T. Capps Johnson (GA) T. Castor (FL) Johnson, E. B. Green, Gene Meehan Smith (TX) Sanchez, Loretta Capuano Johnson, E. B. Sanchez, Loretta Chandler Kaptur Griffin (AR) Mica Stearns Sarbanes Cardoza Jones Sarbanes Chu Keating Griffith (VA) Miller (FL) Stivers Schakowsky Carnahan Kaptur Schakowsky Cicilline Kildee Grimm Miller (MI) Stutzman Schiff Carney Keating Schiff Clarke (MI) Kind Guinta Miller, Gary Sullivan Schrader Carson (IN) Kildee Schilling Clarke (NY) Kissell Hall Mulvaney Terry Schwartz Castor (FL) Kind Schwartz Clay Kucinich Harper Murphy (PA) Thompson (PA) Scott (VA) Chandler Kissell Scott (VA) Cleaver Langevin Hartzler Myrick Thornberry Chu Kucinich Scott, Austin Clyburn Larsen (WA) Scott, David Hayworth Neugebauer Tiberi Cicilline Langevin Scott, David Coble Larson (CT) Serrano Heck Noem Tipton Sewell Clarke (MI) Larsen (WA) Serrano Cohen Lee (CA) Hensarling Nugent Turner Sherman Clarke (NY) Larson (CT) Sewell Connolly (VA) Levin Herger Nunes Upton Shuler Clay Lee (CA) Sherman Conyers Lewis (GA) Herrera Beutler Nunnelee Walberg Sires Cleaver Levin Shuler Cooper Lipinski Hinojosa Olson Walden Clyburn Lewis (GA) Costello Loebsack Slaughter Sires Huelskamp Owens Walsh (IL) Cohen Lipinski Courtney Lofgren, Zoe Smith (WA) Slaughter Huizenga (MI) Palazzo Whitfield Connolly (VA) Loebsack Critz Lowey Speier Smith (WA) Hultgren Paul Wilson (SC) Conyers Lofgren, Zoe Crowley Luja´ n Stark Southerland Hunter Paulsen Wittman Cooper Lowey Cuellar Lynch Sutton Speier Hurt Pearce Wolf Costello Luja´ n Cummings Maloney Thompson (CA) Stark Issa Pence Womack Courtney Lynch Davis (CA) Markey Thompson (MS) Sutton Jenkins Peterson Woodall Critz Maloney Davis (IL) Matsui Tierney Thompson (CA) Johnson (IL) Petri Yoder Crowley Markey DeFazio McCarthy (NY) Tonko Thompson (MS) Johnson (OH) Pitts Young (AK) Cuellar Matheson DeGette McCollum Towns Tierney Jordan Platts Young (IN) Cummings Matsui DeLauro McDermott Tsongas Tonko Davis (CA) McCarthy (NY) Deutch McGovern Van Hollen Towns NOT VOTING—4 Davis (IL) McCollum Dicks McIntyre Vela´ zquez Tsongas DeFazio McDermott Giffords Johnson, Sam Dingell McNerney Visclosky Van Hollen DeGette McGovern Hastings (WA) Schock Doggett Meehan Walz (MN) ´ Velazquez Wasserman DeLauro McIntyre ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Donnelly (IN) Meeks Deutch McNerney Visclosky Doyle Michaud Schultz Dicks Meeks Walz (MN) The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Edwards Miller (NC) Waters Dingell Michaud Wasserman Members have 1 minute remaining on Ellison Miller, George Watt Schultz Doggett Miller (NC) the vote. Engel Moore Waxman Donnelly (IN) Miller, George Waters Eshoo Moran Weiner Doyle Moore Watt b 1417 Farr Murphy (CT) Welch Edwards Moran Waxman Fattah Nadler Wilson (FL) Ellison Murphy (CT) Webster Messrs. ROGERS of Alabama and Filner Napolitano Woolsey Engel Nadler Weiner GINGREY of Georgia changed their Frank (MA) Neal Wu Eshoo Napolitano Welch vote from ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ Fudge Olver Yarmuth Farr Neal West Fattah Olver Westmoreland So the amendment was rejected. NOES—239 Filner Pallone Wilson (FL) The result of the vote was announced Adams Boustany Costa Frank (MA) Pascrell Woolsey as above recorded. Aderholt Brady (TX) Cravaack Fudge Pastor (AZ) Wu Akin Brooks Crawford AMENDMENT NO. 11 OFFERED BY MR. HASTINGS Garamendi Payne Yarmuth Alexander Broun (GA) Crenshaw Gibson Pelosi Young (FL) OF FLORIDA Amash Buchanan Culberson The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Austria Bucshon Davis (KY) NOES—222 business is the demand for a recorded Bachmann Buerkle Denham Adams Blackburn Capito Bachus Burgess Dent Akin Bono Mack Carter vote on the amendment offered by the Barletta Burton (IN) DesJarlais Alexander Boren Cassidy gentleman from Florida (Mr. HASTINGS) Bartlett Calvert Diaz-Balart Amash Boswell Chabot on which further proceedings were Barton (TX) Camp Dold Austria Boustany Chaffetz postponed and on which the noes pre- Bass (NH) Campbell Dreier Bachmann Brady (TX) Coble Benishek Canseco Duffy Barletta Broun (GA) Coffman (CO) vailed by voice vote. Berg Cantor Duncan (SC) Bartlett Bucshon Cole The Clerk will redesignate the Biggert Capito Duncan (TN) Barton (TX) Buerkle Conaway amendment. Bilbray Cardoza Ellmers Bass (NH) Burgess Costa Bilirakis Carter Emerson Benishek Burton (IN) Cravaack The Clerk redesignated the amend- Bishop (UT) Cassidy Farenthold Berg Calvert Crawford ment. Black Chabot Fincher Biggert Camp Crenshaw RECORDED VOTE Blackburn Chaffetz Fitzpatrick Bilbray Campbell Culberson Bonner Coffman (CO) Flake Bishop (UT) Canseco Davis (KY) The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Bono Mack Cole Fleischmann Black Cantor Denham has been demanded. Boren Conaway Fleming

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:56 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.043 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 Flores LaTourette Roby and, pursuant to House Resolution 245, nomic damages to those fishermen who Forbes Latta Roe (TN) reported the bill, as amended by that may have lost their livelihoods as a re- Fortenberry Lewis (CA) Rogers (AL) Foxx LoBiondo Rogers (KY) resolution, back to the House. sult of their oil spill? Franks (AZ) Long Rogers (MI) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under More than 407,000 residents and Frelinghuysen Lucas Rohrabacher the rule, the previous question is or- 102,000 businesses on the gulf have sub- Gallegly Luetkemeyer Rokita Gardner Lummis dered. mitted claims for damages due to the Rooney The question is on the engrossment spill, and fewer than half have been Garrett Lungren, Daniel Ros-Lehtinen Gerlach E. Roskam and third reading of the bill. paid. Shouldn’t BP have to resolve all Gibbs Mack Ross (AR) The bill was ordered to be engrossed of those claims before it takes more of Gibson Manzullo Ross (FL) Gingrey (GA) Marchant and read a third time, and was read the our publicly owned oil from America’s Royce Gohmert Marino third time. Outer Continental Shelf? Runyan Goodlatte Matheson In many cases, payment of claims is Ryan (WI) MOTION TO RECOMMIT Gosar McCarthy (CA) the difference, Madam Speaker, be- Gowdy McCaul Scalise Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Granger McClintock Schilling Speaker, I have a motion to recommit tween survival and bankruptcy for Graves (GA) McCotter Schmidt at the desk. small businesses. Of the 102,000 of them Schweikert Graves (MO) McHenry The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is the that claim damages as a result of the Griffin (AR) McKeon Scott (SC) gulf oil spill, more than 55,000 sub- Griffith (VA) McKinley Scott, Austin gentleman opposed to the bill? Grimm McMorris Sensenbrenner Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. I am in mitted claims in excess of $10,000. Guinta Rodgers Sessions its present form. Losses ranging from $10,000 to more Guthrie Mica Shimkus The SPEAKER pro tempore. The than $500,000 are not trivial, and we Hall Miller (FL) Shuster should not allow companies like BP to Hanna Miller (MI) Simpson Clerk will report the motion to recom- Harper Miller, Gary Smith (NE) mit. force businesses into bankruptcy even Harris Mulvaney Smith (NJ) The Clerk read as follows: while they seek permission to take Hartzler Murphy (PA) Smith (TX) Mr. Connolly of Virginia moves to recom- more oil from America’s Outer Conti- Hayworth Myrick Southerland Heck Neugebauer mit the bill H.R. 1229 to the Committee on nental Shelf. Stearns We still don’t know the full extent of Hensarling Noem Stivers Natural Resources with instructions to re- Herger Nugent Stutzman port the same back to the House forthwith cleanup costs resulting from Deepwater Herrera Beutler Nunnelee Sullivan with the following amendment: Horizon, but the costs continue to Hinojosa Olson Terry On page 4, after line 6, insert the following Huelskamp Palazzo grow. Consider how labor intensive res- Thompson (PA) new paragraph (and redesignate accord- Huizenga (MI) Paul toration is. To help prevent some sea Thornberry Hultgren Paulsen ingly): Tiberi turtles from being wiped out, restora- Hunter Pearce ‘‘(3) COASTAL RESTORATION.—The Secretary Tipton tion teams rehabilitated more than Hurt Pence shall not issue a permit under paragraph (1) Turner Issa Peterson to any applicant that has been required to 1,000 of them and relocated 14,000 turtle Upton Jenkins Petri pay a civil penalty, a criminal fine, or mone- hatchlings to Florida’s east coast Johnson (IL) Pitts Walberg Walden tary damages resulting from the applicant’s which was not damaged by oil. Johnson (OH) Platts activities on the outer Continental Shelf, More than 4,200 people are still work- Jones Poe (TX) Walsh (IL) Jordan Pompeo Webster until such penalties, fines, or damages have ing to clean up more than 544 miles of Kelly Posey West been paid in full, or the applicant has en- gulf coastline, and this work is essen- King (NY) Price (GA) Westmoreland tered a formal agreement to pay such pen- tial to restore the gulf’s fisheries and Whitfield Kingston Quayle alties, fines, or damages, in order to redress tourist economy. For example, the Kinzinger (IL) Reed Wittman economic and environmental harm caused to Coast Guard is still cleaning up tar Kline Rehberg Wolf the Gulf of Mexico Region. Labrador Reichert Womack balls and tar mats from Gulf Shores, Lamborn Renacci Woodall Mr. LANDRY. Madam Speaker, I re- Alabama. Lance Ribble Yoder serve a point of order against the mo- While we can all appreciate the re- Landry Richardson Young (AK) tion. Lankford Rigell Young (FL) sources that BP has put into the clean- Latham Rivera Young (IN) The SPEAKER pro tempore. A point up to date, it is important that we set of order is reserved. NOT VOTING—7 a clear standard for the Gulf of Mexico: The gentleman from Virginia is rec- Oil companies that cause oil spills have Giffords King (IA) Wilson (SC) ognized for 5 minutes. Hastings (WA) Nunes to clean up their mess first. We should Johnson, Sam Schock Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam never allow companies like BP to get Speaker, this simple motion to recom- away with giving the gulf coast clean- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR mit ensures that oil companies clean The Acting CHAIR (Mr. ROGERS of up a lick and a promise or let other oil up their mess from their oil spills prior companies continue extracting Amer- Alabama) (during the vote). One to receiving a new permit under the minute remains in this vote. ica’s oil until they have finished clean- guidelines of this bill. ing up their mess. b 1422 This is the final amendment to the If the oil companies responsible for So the amendment was rejected. bill, and if it is adopted, we will imme- spills do not pay for their oil spill The result of the vote was announced diately vote on final passage. cleanups and private damages, then as above recorded. Although we may disagree on the un- America’s taxpayers will end up paying Stated for: derlying bill, we surely can agree that for it. So we need to send a simple mes- Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Chair, I am re- it is necessary to protect taxpayers sage to oil companies that cause spills: corded as voting ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall vote No. who would otherwise have to foot the It’s your mess; you clean it up. We can- 307; this was inadvertent. I intended to vote bill for cleaning up oil companies’ oil not afford to be subsidizing them at a ‘‘aye.’’ spills. It’s also necessary to protect the time when we’re wrestling with record The Acting CHAIR. There being no individuals whose lives have been di- deficits and they’re experiencing further amendments, the Committee rectly affected by those spills. record profits. rises. To illustrate how important this By passing this simple final amend- Accordingly, the Committee rose; final amendment is look no further ment to the bill, we’ll be honoring the and the Speaker pro tempore (Mrs. than last year’s Deepwater Horizon oil lesson that most of us probably learned MILLER of Michigan) having assumed spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The gulf’s from our mothers: If you are respon- the chair, Mr. ROGERS of Alabama, Act- fisheries were worth $5.5 billion annu- sible for it, you’ve got to clean it up. ing Chair of the Committee of the ally prior to the spill. Shouldn’t we re- Whole House on the State of the Union, quire BP to pay those economic dam- b 1430 reported that that Committee, having ages before it receives another permit And if some oil companies aren’t had under consideration the bill (H.R. to drill again? willing to clean up their mess, then 1229) to amend the Outer Continental The gulf coast fisheries supported they shouldn’t get to extract more of Shelf Lands Act to facilitate the safe 200,000 fishing jobs prior to the Deep- our oil, because there are plenty of re- and timely production of American en- water Horizon oil spill. Shouldn’t BP sponsible businesses that would con- ergy resources from the Gulf of Mexico, have the responsibility to pay eco- duct business in a manner that doesn’t

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:34 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY7.016 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3185 endanger the livelihoods and lives of Let’s put the gulf back to work so we Van Hollen Wasserman Weiner nearby residents. can put America back to work. Vela´ zquez Schultz Welch Visclosky Waters Wilson (FL) Remember, this final amendment Madam Speaker, I withdraw my Walz (MN) Watt Woolsey doesn’t stop a single oil well from point of order. Waxman Wu being drilled. All it does is ensure that I yield back the balance of my time. Yarmuth an oil company that caused the spill The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without NOES—239 clean up its mess before drilling new objection, the previous question is or- Adams Gibson Olson wells on oil on our property; it has to dered on the motion to recommit. Aderholt Gingrey (GA) Palazzo take responsibility for the cleanup. There was no objection. Akin Gohmert Paul I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote on this simple Alexander Goodlatte Paulsen The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Amash Gosar Pearce amendment. question is on the motion to recommit. Austria Gowdy Pence Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- Bachmann Granger Peterson The question was taken; and the Bachus Graves (GA) ance of my time. Speaker pro tempore announced that Petri Mr. LANDRY. Madam Speaker, I con- Barletta Graves (MO) Pitts the noes appeared to have it. Bartlett Griffin (AR) Platts tinue to reserve my point of order Barton (TX) Griffith (VA) RECORDED VOTE Poe (TX) while rising in opposition to the mo- Bass (NH) Grimm Pompeo tion. Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Benishek Guinta Posey The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Speaker, I demand a recorded vote. Berg Guthrie Price (GA) Biggert Hall Quayle tleman from Louisiana is recognized A recorded vote was ordered. Bilbray Hanna Reed Bilirakis Harper for 5 minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Rehberg Bishop (UT) Harris Mr. LANDRY. Madam Speaker, my ant to clause 8 and clause 9 of rule XX, Reichert Black Hartzler Renacci Democrat colleagues are trying to dis- this 15-minute vote on the motion to Blackburn Hayworth Ribble tract us from the central issue, which recommit will be followed by 5-minute Bonner Heck Bono Mack Hensarling Rigell is jobs. We’re trying to put people back votes on passage of H.R. 1229, if or- Rivera dered; ordering the previous question Boren Herger to work, but instead of putting people Boustany Herrera Beutler Roby back to work, we’re having to deal on House Resolution 257; and adoption Brady (TX) Huelskamp Roe (TN) with procedural gamesmanship. The of House Resolution 257, if ordered. Brooks Huizenga (MI) Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) American people are tired of games. The vote was taken by electronic de- Broun (GA) Hultgren Buchanan Hunter Rogers (MI) They want results. vice, and there were—ayes 186, noes 239, Bucshon Hurt Rohrabacher Last night, on the phone while I not voting 6, as follows: Buerkle Issa Rokita Rooney checked on my constituents who are [Roll No. 308] Burgess Jenkins preparing for floodwaters not seen in Burton (IN) Johnson (IL) Ros-Lehtinen AYES—186 Calvert Johnson (OH) Roskam some 50 years, constituents who may Ross (FL) Ackerman Filner Michaud Camp Jordan Royce lose their homes, one gentleman asked Altmire Frank (MA) Miller (NC) Campbell Kelly me, he said, Congressman, when are we Andrews Fudge Miller, George Canseco King (NY) Runyan going to get back to work? I will need Baca Garamendi Moore Cantor Kingston Ryan (WI) Baldwin Gonzalez Moran Capito Kinzinger (IL) Scalise my offshore job to pay for the damages Barrow Green, Al Murphy (CT) Carter Kline Schilling that this flood brings us. Bass (CA) Green, Gene Nadler Cassidy Labrador Schmidt Shockingly, I said, do you under- Becerra Grijalva Napolitano Chabot Lamborn Schock Chaffetz Lance stand that these floodwaters may not Berkley Gutierrez Neal Schweikert Berman Hanabusa Olver Coble Landry Scott (SC) recede for months? He looked at me Bishop (GA) Hastings (FL) Owens Coffman (CO) Lankford Scott, Austin and he replied, like any good old Cajun, Bishop (NY) Heinrich Pallone Cole Latham Sensenbrenner Blumenauer Higgins Pascrell Conaway LaTourette Sessions sha, them floodwaters were sent here Cooper Latta by God, and it will recede; the same Boswell Himes Pastor (AZ) Shimkus Brady (PA) Hinchey Payne Costa Lewis (CA) Shuster God who gave me my two hands and Braley (IA) Hinojosa Pelosi Cravaack LoBiondo Simpson my two feet, so that I can get back to Brown (FL) Hirono Perlmutter Crawford Long Smith (NE) Butterfield Holden Peters Crenshaw Lucas Smith (NJ) work. Culberson Luetkemeyer Capps Holt Pingree (ME) Smith (TX) Davis (KY) Lummis My job is gone because of a man and Capuano Honda Price (NC) Southerland Denham Lungren, Daniel my government, not God. Please tell Cardoza Hoyer Quigley Stearns Dent E. Carnahan Inslee Rahall Stivers them that we are not only ready to get DesJarlais Mack Carney Israel Rangel Stutzman back to work, we need to get back to Diaz-Balart Manzullo Carson (IN) Jackson (IL) Reyes Sullivan work. Castor (FL) Jackson Lee Richardson Dold Marchant Dreier Marino Terry Now, my friends, how do you say no Chandler (TX) Richmond Thompson (PA) Chu Johnson (GA) Ross (AR) Duffy McCarthy (CA) to him? Duncan (SC) McCaul Thornberry How do you say no to a people who Cicilline Johnson, E. B. Rothman (NJ) Tiberi Clarke (MI) Jones Roybal-Allard Duncan (TN) McClintock have endured over two calamities per Ellmers McCotter Tipton Clay Kaptur Ruppersberger Turner year since 2005. Katrina, Rita, Ike, Gus- Cleaver Keating Rush Emerson McHenry Farenthold McKeon Upton tav, the Deepwater Horizon incident, Clyburn Kildee Ryan (OH) Walberg Cohen Kind Sa´ nchez, Linda Fincher McKinley the Mississippi River floods that are Fitzpatrick McMorris Walden Connolly (VA) Kissell T. Walsh (IL) coming upon us? Conyers Kucinich Sanchez, Loretta Flake Rodgers Webster Costello Langevin Sarbanes Fleischmann Meehan These people simply want to get back West Courtney Larsen (WA) Schakowsky Fleming Mica to work. They understand that putting Westmoreland Critz Larson (CT) Schiff Flores Miller (FL) Whitfield them back to work will ease the price Crowley Lee (CA) Schrader Forbes Miller (MI) Wilson (SC) Cuellar Levin Schwartz Fortenberry Miller, Gary at the pump they too pay. Wittman Cummings Lewis (GA) Scott (VA) Foxx Mulvaney Let’s put our differences aside. Let’s Wolf Davis (CA) Lipinski Scott, David Franks (AZ) Murphy (PA) Womack put America back to work. Let’s crank Davis (IL) Loebsack Serrano Frelinghuysen Myrick Woodall up those steel mills in Pennsylvania. DeFazio Lofgren, Zoe Sewell Gallegly Neugebauer Yoder DeGette Lowey Sherman Gardner Noem Let’s tell the boys in Illinois that we Garrett Nugent Young (AK) need those Caterpillar engines. Let’s DeLauro Luja´ n Shuler Deutch Lynch Sires Gerlach Nunes Young (FL) tell the Texans, the Louisianans, the Dicks Maloney Slaughter Gibbs Nunnelee Young (IN) Mississippians, the ones in Florida, Dingell Markey Smith (WA) NOT VOTING—6 Alabama, Arkansas, and Oklahoma, Doggett Matheson Speier Donnelly (IN) Matsui Stark Clarke (NY) Hastings (WA) King (IA) that jobs are coming back to the gulf. Doyle McCarthy (NY) Sutton Giffords Johnson, Sam Polis Let’s fuel our plants with American Edwards McCollum Thompson (CA) energy and American oil. No more Ellison McDermott Thompson (MS) 1453 shall we beg those who hate us for Engel McGovern Tierney b Eshoo McIntyre Tonko their oil. America is on her way back, Farr McNerney Towns Mr. ROHRABACHER changed his and it starts in the Gulf of Mexico. Fattah Meeks Tsongas vote from ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:02 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.049 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3186 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 Mr. ROSS of Arkansas changed his Price (GA) Runyan Thompson (PA) CONGRESSIONAL SPORTSMEN’S vote from ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ Quayle Ryan (WI) Thornberry CAUCUS Quigley Scalise Tiberi So the motion to recommit was re- Reed Schilling Tipton (Mr. ROSS of Arkansas asked and jected. Rehberg Schmidt Turner was given permission to address the The result of the vote was announced Reichert Schock Upton Renacci Schweikert House for 1 minute.) as above recorded. Walberg Reyes Scott (SC) Walden Mr. ROSS of Arkansas. Madam Stated against: Ribble Scott, Austin Walsh (IL) Speaker, the Congressional Sports- Rigell Sensenbrenner Mr. KING of Iowa. Madam Speaker, on roll- Walz (MN) Rivera Sessions men’s Caucus is the largest bipartisan Webster call No. 308 I was tied up in an elevator. Had Roby Sewell caucus in the Congress. Every year, we West I been present, I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ Roe (TN) Shimkus Westmoreland go out and have a little bit of fun The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Rogers (AL) Shuster shooting sporting clays, skeet, and Rogers (KY) Simpson Whitfield question is on the passage of the bill. Rogers (MI) Smith (NE) Wilson (SC) trap. It’s kind of like the baseball game The question was taken; and the Rohrabacher Smith (NJ) Wittman and the football game and all the other Speaker pro tempore announced that Rokita Smith (TX) Wolf stuff that goes on around here where the ayes appeared to have it. Rooney Southerland Womack Ros-Lehtinen Stearns Woodall we try to get out and get to know one RECORDED VOTE Roskam Stivers Yoder another better. Mr. MARKEY. Madam Speaker, I de- Ross (AR) Stutzman Young (AK) This year, just yesterday, out at PG Ross (FL) Sullivan Young (FL) County, the Annual Congressional mand a recorded vote. Royce Terry Young (IN) A recorded vote was ordered. Sportsman’s Caucus Trap, Skeet, and NOES—163 The SPEAKER pro tempore. This Sporting Clay Competition was held, will be a 5-minute vote. Ackerman Grijalva Pastor (AZ) and I’m pleased to report, Madam Andrews Gutierrez Payne The vote was taken by electronic de- Baldwin Hanabusa Pelosi Speaker, that for the third consecutive vice, and there were—ayes 263, noes 163, Bass (CA) Hastings (FL) Peters year the Democrats won the trophy. not voting 5, as follows: Becerra Heinrich Pingree (ME) Did I say for the third consecutive Berkley Higgins Polis [Roll No. 309] year? Berman Himes Price (NC) Top Gun Member of Congress went to AYES—263 Bishop (NY) Hinchey Rahall Blumenauer Hirono Rangel MIKE THOMPSON. Adams Dold Kelly Brady (PA) Holt Richardson Top Gun Democrat went to COLLIN Aderholt Donnelly (IN) King (IA) Braley (IA) Honda Richmond PETERSON. Akin Dreier King (NY) Brown (FL) Hoyer Rothman (NJ) Alexander Duffy Kingston Butterfield Inslee Roybal-Allard Top Gun Republican went to JOHN Altmire Duncan (SC) Kinzinger (IL) Capps Israel Ruppersberger KLINE. Amash Duncan (TN) Kline Capuano Jackson (IL) Rush EFF UNCAN Austria Ellmers Labrador Top Skeet Member was J D . Carnahan Johnson (GA) Ryan (OH) Top Trap Member was AUSTIN SCOTT. Baca Emerson Lamborn Carney Kaptur Sa´ nchez, Linda Bachmann Farenthold Lance Carson (IN) Keating T. Top Sporting Clays Member was Bachus Fincher Landry Castor (FL) Kildee Sanchez, Loretta BENNIE THOMPSON. Barletta Fitzpatrick Lankford Chu Kind Sarbanes Top Beginner Member was RENEE Barrow Flake Latham Cicilline Kissell Schakowsky ELLMERS. Bartlett Fleischmann LaTourette Clarke (MI) Kucinich Schiff Barton (TX) Fleming Latta Clarke (NY) Langevin Schrader Top Laser Shot went to HEATH Bass (NH) Flores Lewis (CA) Clay Larsen (WA) Schwartz SHULER. Benishek Forbes LoBiondo Cleaver Larson (CT) Scott (VA) With that, Madam Speaker, I would Berg Foxx Long Clyburn Lee (CA) Scott, David Biggert Franks (AZ) Lucas Cohen Levin Serrano yield to my cochair of the Congres- Bilbray Frelinghuysen Luetkemeyer Connolly (VA) Lewis (GA) Sherman sional Sportsmen’s Caucus, the gen- Bilirakis Gallegly Lummis Conyers Lipinski Shuler tleman from Florida (Mr. MILLER). Bishop (GA) Gardner Lungren, Daniel Cooper Loebsack Sires Mr. MILLER of Florida. I thank the Bishop (UT) Garrett E. Costello Lofgren, Zoe Slaughter Black Gerlach Mack Courtney Lowey Smith (WA) gentleman for yielding, and I’ll make Blackburn Gibbs Manzullo Crowley Luja´ n Speier this very brief. Bonner Gibson Marchant Cummings Lynch Stark Bono Mack Gingrey (GA) Marino Congratulations. Davis (CA) Maloney Sutton It was a great day to be out there. I Boren Gohmert Matheson Davis (IL) Markey Thompson (CA) Boswell Gosar McCarthy (CA) DeFazio Matsui Thompson (MS) promise to those on our side of the Boustany Gowdy McCaul DeGette McCarthy (NY) Tierney aisle we will not be handicapped next Brady (TX) Granger McClintock DeLauro McCollum Tonko year by only shooting .410 slugs. We Brooks Graves (GA) McCotter Deutch McDermott Towns Broun (GA) Graves (MO) McHenry Dicks McGovern Tsongas will use shotguns with open chokes. Buchanan Green, Al McIntyre Dingell McNerney Van Hollen It was a great day. It went to a good Bucshon Green, Gene McKeon Doggett Meeks Vela´ zquez cause for those that enjoy the out- Buerkle Griffin (AR) McKinley Doyle Michaud Visclosky doors, conservation, and the environ- Burgess Griffith (VA) McMorris Edwards Miller (NC) Wasserman Burton (IN) Grimm Rodgers Ellison Miller, George Schultz ment. I appreciate the opportunity to Calvert Guinta Meehan Engel Moore Waters chair the Republican side of the Camp Guthrie Mica Eshoo Moran Watt Campbell Hall Miller (FL) Sportsman’s Caucus. Farr Murphy (CT) Waxman Congratulations to our friends. I was Canseco Hanna Miller (MI) Fattah Nadler Weiner Cantor Harper Miller, Gary Filner Napolitano Welch in the team right behind BENNIE Capito Harris Mulvaney Frank (MA) Neal Wilson (FL) THOMPSON. Bennie, we’re going to get Cardoza Hartzler Murphy (PA) Fudge Olver Woolsey you on our side. Carter Hayworth Myrick Garamendi Pallone Wu Cassidy Heck Neugebauer Gonzalez Pascrell Yarmuth Congratulations. Chabot Hensarling Noem f Chaffetz Herger Nugent NOT VOTING—5 Chandler Herrera Beutler Nunes Fortenberry Goodlatte Johnson, Sam PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION Coble Hinojosa Nunnelee Giffords Hastings (WA) OF H.R. 1231, REVERSING PRESI- Coffman (CO) Holden Olson Cole Huelskamp Owens b 1459 DENT OBAMA’S OFFSHORE MOR- Conaway Huizenga (MI) Palazzo ATORIUM ACT Costa Hultgren Paul So the bill was passed. Cravaack Hunter Paulsen The result of the vote was announced The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Crawford Hurt Pearce as above recorded. objection, 5-minute voting will con- Crenshaw Issa Pence A motion to reconsider was laid on tinue. Critz Jackson Lee Perlmutter Cuellar (TX) Peterson the table. There was no objection. Culberson Jenkins Petri Stated for: The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Davis (KY) Johnson (IL) Pitts Mr. GOODLATTE. Madam Speaker, on roll- finished business is the vote on order- Denham Johnson (OH) Platts call No. 309 I was unavoidably detained and ing the previous question on the reso- Dent Johnson, E. B. Poe (TX) DesJarlais Jones Pompeo missed the vote. Had I been present, I would lution (H. Res. 257) providing for con- Diaz-Balart Jordan Posey have voted ‘‘aye.’’ sideration of the bill (H.R. 1231) to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:34 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.051 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3187 amend the Outer Continental Shelf Sullivan Walberg Wittman RECORDED VOTE Terry Walden Wolf Lands Act to require that each 5-year Thompson (PA) Walsh (IL) Womack Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I offshore oil and gas leasing program Thornberry Webster Woodall demand a recorded vote. offer leasing in the areas with the most Tiberi West Yoder prospective oil and gas resources, to es- Tipton Westmoreland Young (AK) A recorded vote was ordered. Turner Whitfield Young (FL) tablish a domestic oil and natural gas Upton Wilson (SC) Young (IN) The SPEAKER pro tempore. This production goal, and for other pur- will be a 5-minute vote. poses, on which the yeas and nays were NAYS—179 The vote was taken by electronic de- ordered. Ackerman Green, Al Pastor (AZ) Andrews Green, Gene Payne vice, and there were—ayes 243, noes 179, The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Baca Grijalva Pelosi not voting 9, as follows: tion. Baldwin Gutierrez Perlmutter The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Barrow Hanabusa Peters [Roll No. 311] Bass (CA) Hastings (FL) Pingree (ME) question is on ordering the previous Becerra Heinrich Polis AYES—243 question. Berkley Higgins Price (NC) Adams Gingrey (GA) Noem This is a 5-minute vote. Berman Himes Quigley Bishop (GA) Hinchey Aderholt Gohmert Nugent The vote was taken by electronic de- Rahall Akin Goodlatte Nunes Bishop (NY) Hinojosa Rangel vice, and there were—yeas 241, nays Blumenauer Holden Alexander Gosar Nunnelee Reyes Altmire Gowdy Olson 179, not voting 11, as follows: Boswell Holt Richardson Brady (PA) Honda Amash Granger Palazzo [Roll No. 310] Richmond Austria Graves (GA) Paul Braley (IA) Inslee Rothman (NJ) Brown (FL) Israel Bachmann Graves (MO) Paulsen YEAS—241 Roybal-Allard Bachus Green, Gene Pearce Butterfield Jackson (IL) Ruppersberger Adams Fortenberry McCotter Capps Jackson Lee Barletta Griffin (AR) Pence Rush Aderholt Foxx McHenry Capuano (TX) Bartlett Griffith (VA) Peterson Ryan (OH) Akin Franks (AZ) McKeon Cardoza Johnson (GA) Barton (TX) Grimm Petri Sa´ nchez, Linda Alexander Frelinghuysen McKinley Carnahan Johnson, E. B. Bass (NH) Guinta Pitts T. Altmire Gallegly McMorris Carney Kaptur Benishek Guthrie Platts Sanchez, Loretta Amash Gardner Rodgers Carson (IN) Keating Berg Hall Poe (TX) Sarbanes Austria Garrett Meehan Castor (FL) Kildee Biggert Hanna Pompeo Schakowsky Bachmann Gerlach Mica Chandler Kissell Bilbray Harper Posey Schiff Bachus Gibbs Miller (FL) Chu Kucinich Bilirakis Harris Price (GA) Schrader Barletta Gibson Miller (MI) Cicilline Langevin Bishop (UT) Hartzler Quayle Schwartz Bartlett Gingrey (GA) Miller, Gary Clarke (MI) Larsen (WA) Black Hayworth Reed Scott (VA) Barton (TX) Gohmert Mulvaney Clarke (NY) Larson (CT) Blackburn Heck Rehberg Bass (NH) Goodlatte Murphy (PA) Clay Lee (CA) Scott, David Bonner Hensarling Reichert Benishek Gosar Myrick Cleaver Levin Serrano Bono Mack Herger Renacci Berg Gowdy Neugebauer Clyburn Lewis (GA) Sewell Boren Herrera Beutler Ribble Biggert Granger Noem Cohen Lipinski Sherman Boswell Huelskamp Rigell Bilbray Graves (GA) Nugent Connolly (VA) Loebsack Shuler Boustany Huizenga (MI) Rivera Bilirakis Graves (MO) Nunes Conyers Lofgren, Zoe Sires Brooks Hultgren Roby Bishop (UT) Griffin (AR) Nunnelee Cooper Lowey Slaughter Broun (GA) Hunter Roe (TN) Black Griffith (VA) Olson Costello Luja´ n Smith (WA) Buchanan Hurt Rogers (AL) Blackburn Grimm Palazzo Courtney Lynch Speier Bucshon Issa Rogers (KY) Bonner Guinta Paul Critz Maloney Stark Buerkle Jackson Lee Rohrabacher Bono Mack Guthrie Paulsen Crowley Markey Sutton Burgess (TX) Rokita Boren Hall Pearce Cummings Matheson Thompson (CA) Burton (IN) Jenkins Rooney Boustany Hanna Pence Davis (CA) Matsui Thompson (MS) Calvert Johnson (IL) Ros-Lehtinen Brady (TX) Harper Peterson Davis (IL) McCarthy (NY) Tierney Camp Johnson (OH) Roskam Brooks Harris Pitts DeFazio McCollum Tonko Campbell Jones Ross (AR) Broun (GA) Hartzler Platts DeGette McGovern Towns Canseco Jordan Ross (FL) Buchanan Hayworth Poe (TX) DeLauro McIntyre Tsongas Cantor Kelly Royce Bucshon Heck Pompeo Deutch McNerney Van Hollen Capito King (IA) Runyan Buerkle Hensarling Posey Dicks Meeks Vela´ zquez Carter King (NY) Ryan (WI) Burgess Herger Price (GA) Dingell Michaud Visclosky Cassidy Kingston Scalise Burton (IN) Herrera Beutler Quayle Doggett Miller (NC) Walz (MN) Chabot Kinzinger (IL) Schilling Calvert Huelskamp Reed Donnelly (IN) Miller, George Wasserman Chaffetz Kline Schmidt Camp Huizenga (MI) Rehberg Doyle Moore Schultz Coble Labrador Schock Campbell Hultgren Reichert Edwards Moran Waters Coffman (CO) Lamborn Schweikert Canseco Hunter Renacci Engel Murphy (CT) Watt Cole Lance Scott (SC) Cantor Hurt Ribble Eshoo Nadler Waxman Conaway Landry Scott, Austin Capito Issa Rigell Farr Napolitano Weiner Costa Lankford Sensenbrenner Carter Jenkins Rivera Filner Neal Welch Cravaack Latham Sessions Cassidy Johnson (IL) Roby Frank (MA) Olver Wilson (FL) Crawford LaTourette Shimkus Chabot Johnson (OH) Roe (TN) Fudge Owens Woolsey Crenshaw Latta Shuler Chaffetz Jones Rogers (AL) Garamendi Pallone Wu Culberson Lewis (CA) Simpson Coble Jordan Rogers (KY) Gonzalez Pascrell Yarmuth Davis (KY) LoBiondo Smith (NE) Coffman (CO) Kelly Rogers (MI) Denham Long Smith (TX) Cole King (IA) Rohrabacher NOT VOTING—11 Dent Lucas Southerland Conaway King (NY) Rokita DesJarlais Luetkemeyer Stearns Ellison Hirono McDermott Costa Kingston Rooney Diaz-Balart Lummis Stivers Fattah Hoyer Petri Cravaack Kinzinger (IL) Ros-Lehtinen Dold Lungren, Daniel Stutzman Giffords Johnson, Sam Crawford Kline Roskam Royce Dreier E. Sullivan Hastings (WA) Kind Crenshaw Labrador Ross (AR) Duffy Mack Terry Cuellar Lamborn Ross (FL) b 1510 Duncan (SC) Manzullo Thompson (PA) Culberson Lance Runyan Duncan (TN) Marchant Thornberry Davis (KY) Landry Ryan (WI) So the previous question was ordered. Ellmers Marino Tiberi Denham Lankford Scalise The result of the vote was announced Emerson Matheson Tipton Dent Latham Schilling as above recorded. Farenthold McCarthy (CA) Turner DesJarlais LaTourette Schmidt Fincher McCaul Upton Diaz-Balart Latta Schock Stated for: Fitzpatrick McClintock Walberg Dold Lewis (CA) Schweikert Mr. ROYCE. Madam Speaker, on rollcall Flake McCotter Walden Dreier LoBiondo Scott (SC) No. 310, I was unavoidably detained. Had I Fleischmann McHenry Walsh (IL) Duffy Long Scott, Austin Fleming McKeon Webster Duncan (SC) Lucas Sensenbrenner been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ Flores McKinley West Duncan (TN) Luetkemeyer Sessions Stated against: Forbes McMorris Westmoreland Ellmers Lummis Shimkus Ms. HIRONO. Madam Speaker, on rollcall Fortenberry Rodgers Whitfield Emerson Lungren, Daniel Shuster No. 310, had I been present, I would have Foxx Meehan Wilson (SC) Farenthold E. Simpson Franks (AZ) Mica Wittman Fincher Mack Smith (NE) voted ‘‘nay.’’ Frelinghuysen Miller (FL) Wolf Fitzpatrick Manzullo Smith (NJ) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Gallegly Miller (MI) Womack Flake Marchant Smith (TX) question is on the resolution. Gardner Miller, Gary Woodall Fleischmann Marino Southerland The question was taken; and the Garrett Mulvaney Yoder Fleming McCarthy (CA) Stearns Gerlach Murphy (PA) Young (AK) Flores McCaul Stivers Speaker pro tempore announced that Gibbs Myrick Young (FL) Forbes McClintock Stutzman the ayes appeared to have it. Gibson Neugebauer Young (IN)

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:43 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.054 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3188 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 NOES—179 tion as a member of the Committee on the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Ackerman Gonzalez Payne Agriculture and as a member of the may have until 5 p.m. on Friday, May Andrews Green, Al Pelosi Committee on Transportation and In- 20, 2011, to file its reports to accom- Baca Grijalva Perlmutter frastructure: pany the following bills: H.R. 1407, H.R. Baldwin Gutierrez Peters Barrow Hanabusa Pingree (ME) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, 1484, H.R. 1627, H.R. 1383, H.R. 1657, and Bass (CA) Hastings (FL) Polis Washington, DC, May 11, 2011. H.R. 802. Becerra Heinrich Price (NC) Hon. JOHN BOEHNER, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Berkley Higgins Quigley Speaker, House of Representatives, U.S. Capitol, Berman Himes objection to the request of the gen- Rahall Washington, DC. Bishop (GA) Hinchey Rangel tleman from Florida? Bishop (NY) Hinojosa DEAR SPEAKER BOEHNER: As the Steering Reyes There was no objection. Blumenauer Hirono Committee has formally selected me to sit Richardson Brady (PA) Holden on the House Committee on Financial Serv- f Richmond Braley (IA) Holt ices, I formally seek to resign my seat on the Rothman (NJ) Brown (FL) Honda House Committee on Agriculture and the PERMISSION FOR MEMBER TO BE Butterfield Inslee Roybal-Allard CONSIDERED AS FIRST SPONSOR Ruppersberger House Committee on Transportation and In- Capps Israel frastructure. I am very pleased with the op- OF H.R. 427 Capuano Jackson (IL) Rush Cardoza Johnson (GA) Ryan (OH) portunity to serve on the Financial Services Ms. BERKLEY. Madam Speaker, I Sa´ nchez, Linda Committee, and I look forward to being an Carnahan Johnson, E. B. ask unanimous consent that I may Carney Kaptur T. active and effective Member. Carson (IN) Keating Sanchez, Loretta Again, thank you for your assistance. hereafter be considered to be the first Castor (FL) Kildee Sarbanes Please contact me if I can answer any ques- sponsor of H.R. 427, a bill originally in- Chandler Kind Schakowsky tions. troduced by Representative HELLER of Chu Kissell Schiff Sincerely, Cicilline Kucinich Schrader Nevada, for the purposes of adding co- STEPHEN L. FINCHER, Clarke (MI) Langevin Schwartz sponsors and requesting reprintings Clarke (NY) Larsen (WA) Scott (VA) Member of Congress. pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII. Clay Larson (CT) Scott, David The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Cleaver Lee (CA) Serrano objection, the resignations are accept- Clyburn Levin Sewell objection to the request of the gentle- Cohen Lewis (GA) Sherman ed. woman from Nevada? Connolly (VA) Lipinski Sires There was no objection. There was no objection. Conyers Loebsack Slaughter f Cooper Lofgren, Zoe Smith (NJ) f Costello Lowey Smith (WA) ELECTING MEMBERS TO CERTAIN ´ PERMISSION FOR MEMBER TO BE Courtney Lujan Speier STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE Critz Lynch Stark CONSIDERED AS FIRST SPONSOR Crowley Maloney HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sutton OF H.R. 673 Cuellar Markey Thompson (CA) Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Cummings Matsui Thompson (MS) Ms. BERKLEY. Madam Speaker, I Davis (CA) McCarthy (NY) Speaker, by direction of the Repub- Tierney ask unanimous consent that I may Davis (IL) McCollum lican Conference, I send to the desk a Tonko DeFazio McGovern privileged resolution and ask for its hereafter be considered to be the first DeGette McIntyre Towns sponsor of H.R. 673, a bill originally in- Tsongas immediate consideration. DeLauro McNerney troduced by Representative HELLER of Deutch Meeks Van Hollen The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- ´ Dicks Michaud Velazquez lows: Nevada, for the purposes of adding co- Dingell Miller (NC) Visclosky sponsors and requesting reprintings H. RES. 263 Doggett Miller, George Walz (MN) pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII. Wasserman Resolved, That the following named mem- Donnelly (IN) Moore The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Doyle Moran Schultz bers be, and are hereby, elected to the fol- Edwards Murphy (CT) Waters lowing standing committees: objection to the request of the gentle- Engel Nadler Watt COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL SERVICES—Mr. woman from Nevada? Eshoo Napolitano Waxman Fincher. There was no objection. Farr Neal Weiner COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND INFRA- Fattah Olver Welch f Filner Owens Wilson (FL) STRUCTURE—Mr. Ribble. Frank (MA) Pallone Woolsey Mr. MILLER of Florida (during the AUTHORIZING THE USE OF THE Fudge Pascrell Wu reading). Madam Speaker, I ask unani- CAPITOL GROUNDS FOR THE Garamendi Pastor (AZ) Yarmuth mous consent to dispense with the GREATER WASHINGTON SOAP NOT VOTING—9 reading. BOX DERBY Brady (TX) Hastings (WA) McDermott The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Mr. DENHAM. Madam Speaker, I ask Ellison Hoyer Rogers (MI) objection to the request of the gen- Giffords Johnson, Sam Shuster unanimous consent that the Com- tleman from Florida? mittee on Transportation and Infra- b 1529 There was no objection. structure be discharged from further Mr. LANDRY changed his vote from The resolution was agreed to. consideration of House Concurrent Res- A motion to reconsider was laid on ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ olution 16 and ask for its immediate the table. So the resolution was agreed to. consideration in the House. The result of the vote was announced f The Clerk read the title of the con- as above recorded. PERMISSION TO FILE REPORTS ON current resolution. A motion to reconsider was laid on H.R. 1800, EXTENDING COUNTER- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the table. TERRORISM AUTHORITIES objection to the request of the gen- f Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- tleman from California? There was no objection. PERSONAL EXPLANATION fornia. Madam Speaker, I ask unani- mous consent that the Committee on The text of the concurrent resolution Mr. ELLISON. Madam Speaker, on May 11, the Judiciary may have until 5 p.m. on is as follows: 2011, I inadvertently missed rollcall Nos. 310 Wednesday, May 18, 2011, to file its re- H. CON. RES. 16 and 311. Had I been present I would voted ports on H.R. 1800. Resolved by the House of Representatives (the ‘‘yes.’’ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Senate concurring), f objection to the request of the gen- SECTION 1. USE OF CAPITOL GROUNDS FOR SOAP BOX DERBY RACES. RESIGNATION AS MEMBER OF tleman from California? There was no objection. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Greater Washington COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE Soap Box Derby Association (in this resolu- AND AS MEMBER OF COMMITTEE f tion referred to as the ‘‘sponsor’’) shall be ON TRANSPORTATION AND IN- PERMISSION TO FILE REPORTS ON permitted to sponsor a public event, soap box FRASTRUCTURE SUNDRY LEGISLATION derby races (in this resolution referred to as the ‘‘event’’), on the Capitol Grounds. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam (b) DATE OF EVENT.—The event shall be fore the House the following resigna- Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that held on June 18, 2011, or on such other date

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:43 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY7.027 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3189 as the Speaker of the House of Representa- and the Capitol Police Board, the event shall (Mr. YOUNG of Alaska asked and was tives and the Committee on Rules and Ad- be— given permission to revise and extend ministration of the Senate jointly designate. (1) free of admission charge and open to the his remarks.) SEC. 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. public; and Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Madam Chair- (a) IN GENERAL.—Under conditions to be (2) arranged not to interfere with the needs man, the Americans suffering from $4 a prescribed by the Architect of the Capitol of Congress. and the Capitol Police Board, the event shall (b) EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES.—The spon- gallon gas today, $5 a gallon gas next be— sor shall assume full responsibility for all month must feel like they’re experi- (1) free of admission charge and open to the expenses and liabilities incident to all activi- encing a sense of deja vu. It was just public; and ties associated with the event. three short years ago, in 2008, when (2) arranged not to interfere with the needs SEC. 3. EVENT PREPARATIONS. gasoline prices reached a record high of of Congress. Subject to the approval of the Architect of $4.11 per gallon. Those high prices cut (b) EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES.—The spon- the Capitol, the sponsor is authorized to deep into the pockets of Americans sor shall assume full responsibility for all erect upon the Capitol Grounds such stage, that summer and generated enough expenses and liabilities incident to all activi- sound amplification devices, and other re- ties associated with the event. public outcry to force Congress to act. lated structures and equipment, as may be That fall, the Democrat-controlled SEC. 3. EVENT PREPARATIONS. required for the event. Subject to the approval of the Architect of Congress and the Republican President SEC. 4. ENFORCEMENT OF RESTRICTIONS. took bipartisan action to lift the off- the Capitol, the sponsor is authorized to The Capitol Police Board shall provide for erect upon the Capitol Grounds such stage, enforcement of the restrictions contained in shore drilling ban that had been in sound amplification devices, and other re- section 5104(c) of title 40, United States Code, place for decades. This monumental lated structures and equipment as may be re- concerning sales, advertisements, displays, step opened up all of the Atlantic and quired for the event. and solicitations on the Capitol Grounds, as Pacific coasts to new offshore energy SEC. 4. ADDITIONAL ARRANGEMENTS. well as other restrictions applicable to the production. Three years later, most The Architect of the Capitol and the Cap- Capitol Grounds, in connection with the Americans would likely be shocked to itol Police Board are authorized to make event. such additional arrangements as may be re- learn that no energy development has quired to carry out the event. The concurrent resolution was agreed happened in these new areas and that SEC. 5. ENFORCEMENT OF RESTRICTIONS. to. they have actually once again been The Capitol Police Board shall provide for A motion to reconsider was laid on placed off-limits. enforcement of the restrictions contained in the table. The progress that was made in 2008 section 5104(c) of title 40, United States Code, f by lifting the drilling moratorium has concerning sales, advertisements, displays, been completely reversed by the and solicitations on the Capitol Grounds, as GENERAL LEAVE Obama administration. The President well as other restrictions applicable to the Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Madam says he wants to ‘‘win the future,’’ but Capitol Grounds, with respect to the event. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that his policies are taking us back to the The concurrent resolution was agreed all Members may have 5 legislative past. to. days in which to revise and extend Now American families and busi- A motion to reconsider was laid on their remarks and include extraneous nesses are once again facing $4 gaso- the table. material on the bill, H.R. 1231. line, as I said, $5 the first of June; and f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there we’re no further ahead in expanding AUTHORIZING THE USE OF THE objection to the request of the gen- American energy production than we CAPITOL GROUNDS FOR THE NA- tleman from Alaska? were 3 years ago. That’s outrageous TIONAL PEACE OFFICERS’ ME- There was no objection. and unacceptable. MORIAL SERVICE f The House has already passed two bills to increase offshore energy pro- Mr. DENHAM. Madam Speaker, I ask REVERSING PRESIDENT OBAMA’S duction, create jobs, and lower prices. unanimous consent that the Com- OFFSHORE MORATORIUM ACT Today, we will vote on a third offshore mittee on Transportation and Infra- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. drilling bill, H.R. 1231, in order to re- structure be discharged from further BROUN of Georgia). Pursuant to House verse the moratorium that President consideration of House Concurrent Res- Resolution 257 and rule XVIII, the Obama has single-handedly placed on olution 46 and ask for its immediate Chair declares the House in the Com- new offshore drilling. consideration in the House. mittee of the Whole House on the state This bill requires the administration The Clerk read the title of the con- of the Union for the consideration of to move forward with offshore lease current resolution. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the bill, H.R. 1231. sales in areas containing the most oil and natural gas. For the 2012–2017 lease objection to the request of the gen- b 1534 plan being written by the Obama ad- tleman from California? IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE There was no objection. ministration, this would include areas The text of the concurrent resolution Accordingly, the House resolved containing at least 2.5 billion barrels of is as follows: itself into the Committee of the Whole oil or 7.5 trillion cubic feet of natural House on the state of the Union for the H. CON. RES. 46 gas. Based on the government’s own es- consideration of the bill (H.R. 1231) to Resolved by the House of Representatives (the timates of our oil and natural re- Senate concurring), amend the Outer Continental Shelf sources, this would open up areas in SECTION 1. USE OF THE CAPITOL GROUNDS FOR Lands Act to require that each 5-year the north and central Atlantic coasts, NATIONAL PEACE OFFICERS’ MEMO- offshore oil and gas leasing program the southern California coast, and off- RIAL SERVICE. offer leasing in the areas with the most shore Alaska. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Grand Lodge of the prospective oil and gas resources, to es- Even in the face of rising gasoline Fraternal Order of Police and its auxiliary tablish a domestic oil and natural gas prices, the President wants to drill no- (in this resolution referred to as the ‘‘spon- where new. This bill says let’s move sor’’) shall be permitted to sponsor a public production goal, and for other pur- event, the 30th Annual National Peace Offi- poses, with Mrs. MILLER of Michigan in forward with leasing and drilling in cers’ Memorial Service (in this resolution re- the chair. those areas where we know America ferred to as the ‘‘event’’), on the Capitol The Clerk read the title of the bill. has real and significant resources. In Grounds, in order to honor the law enforce- The CHAIR. Pursuant to the rule, the contrast to the President’s drill no- ment officers who died in the line of duty bill is considered read the first time. where new plan, this is a drill smart during 2010. The gentleman from Alaska (Mr. plan. (b) DATE OF EVENT.—The event shall be YOUNG) and the gentleman from Massa- This bill requires the Secretary to held on May 15, 2011, or on such other date as chusetts (Mr. MARKEY) each will con- set specific production goals for 5-year the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Rules and Adminis- trol 30 minutes. plans. For 2012–2017 it sets a goal of 3 tration of the Senate jointly designate. The Chair recognizes the gentleman million barrels of oil per day and 10 bil- SEC. 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. from Alaska. lion cubic feet of natural gas per day (a) IN GENERAL.—Under conditions to be Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. I yield myself by the year 2027. By comparison to to- prescribed by the Architect of the Capitol such time as I may consume. day’s levels, this increase of oil equates

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:13 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY7.014 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3190 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 to a tripling of current American off- ing that we open up the beaches of 2011. We’re watching the Middle East shore production and would reduce for- California to drill for oil, we open up explode, and the Republicans cut wind eign imports by nearly one-third. the beaches of Florida to drill for oil, and solar in the United States by 70 This bill will not only significantly we open up the beaches of New Jersey percent. Keep the tax breaks for the increase American energy production; and New England to drill for oil. biggest oil companies, and ask grand- it would also create good-paying Amer- I will tell you right now, in most of ma to take a lower Medicare benefit to ican jobs. Economist Dr. Joseph Mason those places—actually, in all of those pay for it all for the oil companies. testified that this bill would create places, the only oil the people who live This is 2011, ladies and gentlemen. This 250,000 jobs short term and 1.2 million near those beaches want is the suntan is a message. It is so dangerous for our jobs long term. oil that they use when they’re out on country. This bill will also generate hundreds those beaches. They don’t want oil We have to oppose this bill because, of millions in new revenue to help coming in the way it did in the Gulf of first of all, they already have 60 mil- strengthen our economy and pay down Mexico. And why are they concerned? lion acres of American land—the size of the national debt. According to the They’re concerned because the oil com- Minnesota they already have to drill Congressional Budget Office, this bill panies, exercising their power—and on, that they haven’t drilled on yet, will generate $800 million in revenue right now, those oil companies are cen- which has about 11 billion barrels of oil over the next 10 years. tered down in the Gulf of Mexico— underneath it and an equivalent Recent polls show that the majority those companies have exercised their amount of natural gas. So vote ‘‘no’’ on of Americans—Republicans, Demo- power to block any new safety reforms this Republican bill. It’s just a give- crats, and independents—all support from being put in place that would pro- away to Exxon-Mobil and Shell, and increased offshore drilling. They recog- tect against another catastrophic spill. they’re the last people in the world nize that our national economic secu- So the temerity of these oil compa- right now that need a handout. rity should not be left in the hands of nies is that they are coming out here Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. I yield 2 min- Iranian-led OPEC and that expanding today, and they’re saying: No safety; utes to the gentleman from Georgia American energy production will trans- no lessons learned from what happened (Mr. BROUN). Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Madam late into more jobs, more revenue and in the Gulf of Mexico, devastating the Chairman, as record high gas prices are lower gasoline prices. beaches of the gulf. Now we want per- causing American families to suffer in Madam Chairman, the Obama admin- mission to drill off of the California their daily routines, like buying gro- istration is trying to lead us into a coast, the Florida coast, the New Eng- ceries at the grocery store and driving supposedly new era of time without un- land coast, the New Jersey coast with- to work each morning, it is inexcusable derstanding the importance of fossil out any new safety. And by the way, al- that this liberal administration con- fuels. It is the largest tax on every though we’ve made a fortune just in tinues to turn its back on the problem. family. Approximately $1,100, Mr. and the last 3 months, with the sky- Just last month, Americans spent Mrs. America, you’re paying to the rocketing prices that people who travel around $368 on average just to fill their Obama administration in taxes because here to Washington—they’ve been com- tanks, about the same amount a family of the high cost of oil, high cost of gas ing down all of the highways towards would spend on groceries for 2 weeks. to you. our Capitol, watching the price of gaso- line go up even as they are traveling, Yet the Democrats’ only solution to It’s time America steps up and be- the pain at the pump is to raise taxes comes independent from those that heading up to $4 and, in some places, $5 a gallon—they’re saying that the Con- on domestic oil producers, and they’ve have been selling this oil for the past 25 already admitted that it will not lower years. It’s not just this President. This gress shouldn’t take away their tax breaks. Don’t even touch those tax gas prices. has been going on for a while. But next I fully support H.R. 1231, a real pro- breaks, the oil companies are saying. year we’re going to send $400 billion posal which would lift the President’s Cut Medicare for grandma. Exxon- overseas to the countries that do not ban on offshore drilling and get the Mobil and Shell, they are advocating like us, that do not create one Amer- ball rolling on domestic energy produc- ican job, not anything for America— cutting Medicare for grandma, to take tion. I urge my Democrat colleagues to send the money over and buy foreign that money and to give it to the oil pass this bill because both our cars and oil. companies as tax breaks to put on our economy should be running on top—kind of like a cherry on top of the b 1540 American resources, not on their sundae—to put it on top of all of these empty promises. Pass this bill to cre- I watched the President say this profits that they are making off of the ate American jobs and a strong Amer- down in Brazil, We want to be your American consumer. That’s what ican economy. partner. You are developing new oil they’re trying to do, and that’s what Mr. MARKEY. I yield 2 minutes to fields, and we want to buy your gaso- this debate is all about. the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. line. So Mr. And Mrs. America, keep in So what we’re saying as Democrats PASCRELL). mind, we have the fossil fuels, we have is, let’s implement the safety rec- Mr. PASCRELL. Madam Chair, I rise the opportunity, and it’s time that we ommendations to make sure that the today in strong opposition to the rule open the offshore for development of drilling doesn’t endanger the beaches and the underlying bill. Look, we have the good State of America. of the east coast and the west coast the preserved millions of acres in Alaska. I reserve the balance of my time. way they did in the Gulf of Mexico. The We want to preserve the shores of New Mr. MARKEY. I yield myself 5 min- oil companies are coming in here, with Jersey. Now if you don’t understand utes. the Republicans as their advocates, that, there are even more major prob- Ladies and gentlemen, we are at a saying, Don’t worry about it. Yes, lems. historic juncture in our country’s his- we’re going to block any safety meas- Since last night, my friends on the tory, as northern Africa and the Middle ures from being put on the books, but other side have voted down no fewer East explode. And what we have, of that’s our prerogative because we have than four amendments dealing with the course, is a real instability in the oil the votes here. The Republicans are safety of drilling. You could be for marketplace, and we have to do some- going to make sure that the votes are drilling. But I think it’s common sense thing that fundamentally responds to there to block any safety—we want to that we preserve and not take the that challenge. keep the tax breaks; the Republicans chances that large companies are tak- In the first 3 months of this year, say fine. We don’t want any new safety ing, and we saw what happened in the Exxon-Mobil made $10 billion off of the regulations; the Republicans say fine. South. The Gulf of Mexico is still re- American consumer—in January, Feb- By the way, we don’t even like the covering from billions of dollars in eco- ruary, and March of this year. Shell re- idea of this competition from wind and nomic and environmental damages ported that they had made $8 billion. solar, so we would like to ask you, as caused by the Deepwater Horizon oil BP reported that they had made $7 bil- the Republican majority, to cut the spill. lion. So what are these companies ask- solar and wind budget by 70 percent— It’s almost unbelievable. When you ing for? These companies are now ask- and they did it, believe it or not. It’s watch it, one blamed the other, and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:13 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.063 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3191 those folks still don’t have relief. It’s are all using fossil fuels and must do We all know oil companies hardly almost unbelievable; in the wake of so. That’s what moves our commerce. need a boost right now. They’re receiv- such a tragedy, this bill is before us That’s also what will raise the price for ing billions of dollars in taxpayer sub- today. There are 60 million acres of everybody and every household in this sidies and reaping record profits. public land already under lease to drill, Nation. It is being taxed by these high On top of that, the oil industry is al- and I wouldn’t give 1 more acre up costs of fossil fuel. ready drilling more than ever before. until those companies drill on the land We can stabilize that cost if we’re al- For example, offshore production has that they already have. You blame ev- lowed to produce off our shores and on increased by more than a third in the erything on the President. You’re our shores. But to not say we’re going last 2 years, and the gulf produced 1.6 going to blame the plague on the Presi- to produce any more oil—which is ex- million barrels of oil per day last year, dent. That dog doesn’t hunt anymore. actly what this administration is say- an all-time record. Yet, despite all that Forget about it. ing, because they want to transfer into drilling, gas prices continue to soar, If we can’t come together on issues a new era of time. We want to trans- and the reason is clear: More drilling like this, the one that the American figure the country into a new era of here in the U.S. has little effect on the people are disgusted with when they do time. We don’t care about jobs. We global oil market. pay their gasoline bill—you want to ex- don’t care what happens to the econ- Nearly three-quarters of the world’s pand offshore drilling to vast new areas omy. We’re going to do it because we’re proven oil resources are owned by of our oceans, including the Atlantic right. I’m saying you’re dead wrong. OPEC nations. And even if we expanded coast, without taking any of the com- Can we use the fossil fuel in America offshore drilling significantly, we monsense steps that the President’s bi- to use it as a bridge to new fuels? Yes. wouldn’t see an impact on gas prices partisan oil spill commission rec- But you cannot stop using fossil fuels. until 2030; and even then, it would be a ommended. We’re buying $400 billion a year over- matter of just 5 cents a gallon. This is seas from foreign countries, bleeding b 1550 according to the Energy Information this country every day. It’s time we Administration. An oil spill on the Atlantic coast, get on with the job. If, instead, we further raised fuel effi- which the Federal Government would At this time, Madam Chairman, I ciency standards, we could lower driver be required to lease under this bill, yield 1 minute to the gentleman from bills at the pump. Building cars that go would devastate the economy. California (Mr. MCCLINTOCK). further on a gallon of gas is the best The CHAIR. The time of the gen- Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Madam Chair- way to protect American families. It tleman has expired. man, this truly is a tale of two parties. also creates jobs. It slashes our oil im- Mr. HOLT. I yield the gentleman an The Democrats have been very clear ports, and it reduces dangerous air pol- additional minute. in their approach on this issue. Heap lution. This is the kind of solution we Mr. PASCRELL. Tourism at the Jer- additional taxes on producers, which need right now. sey Shore supports jobs for over 500,000 will be immediately passed on to con- people, generates over $50 billion in We shouldn’t be promoting reckless sumers, and continue to delay and ob- drilling that will fail to lower gas economic activity every year. These struct the development of America’s people depend on the responsible stew- prices and endanger our coastlines. vast petroleum resources. Higher prices Vote ‘‘no’’ on H.R. 1231. ardship of our waters and coasts for at the pump, increasing dependence on Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Madam Chair- their livelihoods. foreign oil, and thousands more fami- man, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- Let’s set the record straight. This lies thrown out of work, that is the tleman from California (Mr. LUNGREN). legislation does nothing to address the Democratic plan. current spike in gas prices. What we The Republicans have also been very Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- need to do is: clear on our approach. Open America’s fornia. Madam Chair, I rise in support Stop wildly fluctuating oil prices. vast petroleum resources, triple the of the bill under consideration. And that’s up to the Commodity Fu- current production by 2027, cut foreign I heard one of my friends on the tures Trading Commission, which is imports by one-third. Even more im- other side of the aisle suggest that the writing the regulations as we speak portantly, this bill means hundreds of only thing people in California or other right now. thousands of new jobs and hundreds of places that live near beaches, the only Cap America’s oil reserves. For a billions of dollars of direct revenues oil they’re concerned about is suntan short period of time, we can afford to into the national and State treasuries, oil. I have to take exception to that. do that. not through higher prices for con- Even though I represent an inland Crack down on gas gouging, which is sumers but through growing prosperity district now, I was born a block from happening and the U.S. Attorney Gen- for our country. the beach. I was a resident of a eral is correct in investigating this. That’s the choice between the two beachside community for 42 years. I And, finally, evolve to a clean energy parties, plain and simple, and it’s the grew up with kids whose parents economy. It’s not just that we need to choice I believe the American people worked in refineries, worked on oil depend less on foreign oil, we need to are ready and eager to make. rigs, were wildcatters, worked in off- depend less on domestic oil. We know Mr. HOLT. I yield 2 minutes to the shore drilling in the Port of Long it’s going to take time. We need to be gentlewoman from California (Mrs. Beach, worked offshore, Huntington reasonable about this and be safe about CAPPS), who knows this subject very Beach. it as well. well. I just have to tell you, I find it in- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. I appreciate Mrs. CAPPS. Madam Chair, I rise in sulting to suggest that those people are the gentleman’s comments on why he strong opposition to H.R. 1231, the last not concerned about the good of the represents the area he represents. But and most egregious bill in the Repub- United States. We’re talking about the he did vote against ANWR, has sup- licans’ oil addiction agenda. loss of middle class jobs in America. ported no production, very, very impor- It’s unconscionable that we’re voting There’s nothing more middle class than tant to me. today to expand offshore drilling even those men and women who have I can say one thing. The Obama ad- before stronger safeguards can be put worked for years in the oil industry. ministration, I got a big kick out of in place, to mandate new leasing off Where do you think it comes from, someone saying we can blame the the economically important coastlines from the sky? You’ve got to drill for it. President. I can remember Bush was in of southern California, Alaska, and the You’ve got to produce it. You’ve got to office for 8 years and we blamed him entire eastern seaboard, each time refine it. And everything I hear on the for the earthquakes and the tsunami these waters are open to drilling. other side of the aisle is we’re not and I don’t know what else. And it’s cynical to claim that more going to allow you to drill; we’re not What bothers me the most is that drilling will relieve high gas prices. going to allow you to produce; we’re this country moves its economy with More drilling only means more profits not going to allow you to refine be- fossil fuels. Our trucks, our ships, our for the oil industry, not lower costs at cause somehow it’s just going to show planes, our automobiles and our trains the pump. up.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:13 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.066 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3192 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 We watched the President of the gulf spill, offshore drilling in U.S. wa- the 28 million nonproducing acres in United States, supported by the Mem- ters was four times more deadly than the gulf have more natural gas and bers on the other side of the aisle, jour- drilling of the same operations, the about as much oil as you would ever ney to Brazil and laud their efforts to same kinds of operations by the same get total from drilling up and down the use American technology to explore companies elsewhere in the world, even east and west coasts. and drill and maximize their recovery in the inhospitable territory of the Never mind, my friends, the fact of their resources. He lauded them for North Sea. that, from 2005 to 2009, Big Oil used less it. He thanked them for it. He ap- Never mind the fact that the Gulf of than 10 percent of their profits to ex- plauded them for it. Then he turned Mexico workforce suffered 1,550 inju- plore for oil while they used between 60 around and said, And we want to be ries, 948 fires over the last decade. and 90 percent of their profits to pay your biggest customer. In other words, Never mind that Congress has not en- dividends and buy back stock. These he promised that we would pay a for- acted a single piece of legislation to are behaving like financial industries, eign entity for a resource that we need. improve the safety of offshore drilling. not energy industries. I’m absolutely convinced that my Never mind the fact that there were 79 Never mind the fact that the major- friends on the other side of the aisle reported losses of well control in the ity refuses to end the $4 billion, actu- will oppose any notion that we can gulf between 1996 and 2009. ally more like $8 billion, in tax breaks have any offshore drilling unless we Never mind the fact that a single for oil companies at the very time that make Brazil the 51st State. That’s how blowout caused more than 4 billion bar- the top five oil companies took home absurd it is. rels of oil to spew from the Macondo over $32 billion in profits in just the The CHAIR. The time of the gen- well for 87 days, coating 1,000 miles of last 3 months. tleman has expired. coastline, closing over 88 square miles Never mind the fact that when the Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. I yield the of some of the Nation’s most produc- top four oil companies took home $485 gentleman an additional 30 seconds. tive fisheries. billion in profits during the 5 years Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- Never mind the fact that the inde- from 2005 to 2009, they still reduced fornia. Madam Chair, as someone who pendent Energy Information Adminis- their combined American workforce by grew up with family members, with tration has concluded that unlimited 10,200 employees. And my friends here people whose families worked in this access to U.S. offshore resources would are talking about jobs, when these industry and did not consider it a dirty have zero effect on gas prices over the companies make profits of nearly $500 industry, considered it an all-American next decade and might have an effect of billion, they lay off more than 10,000 industry, how far have we come that pennies after that. workers? What kind of reality are they now we denigrate it from top to bot- Never mind that U.S. oil production living in? tom? will remain above the 2009 pre-gulf spill Never mind the fact that the Gulf of We also hear from the other side, levels through 2035, as calculated by Mexico tourism and fishing industries well, it won’t have any impact because the Department of the Interior, with- employ five times as many people as it takes 5 to 10 years to develop it. I out the proposed acceleration in leas- the oil industry. Five times as many. heard that on this floor 32 years ago. I ing and drilling. Never mind that the Never mind the fact that the annual heard that on this floor 27 years ago. I United States cannot drill our way to value of coastal tourism and fishing in heard that on this floor 22 years ago. I lower pump prices when we possess the U.S. exceeds that of oil and gas ex- heard that on this floor 5 years ago, about 2 percent of the world’s oil re- traction by tens of billions of dollars. and it is correct. My friends on the serves. About 2 percent of the oils re- Never mind the fact that this bill be- other side are correct. It will make no serves. fore us is one more unjustified give- difference so long as they make sure we We are not dominant in this field. away to Big Oil. Never mind all of don’t drill now, we don’t drill 35 years Oh, yes, we have some of the best com- those facts. Ignore the spill. Drill, from now, we don’t drill 10 years from panies and certainly the most profit- baby, drill. now. able, but we consume 25 percent of the No, thank you. I prefer to live in the We are harming ourselves. It’s time world’s oil while we have about 2 per- real world where facts matter, and to stop the harm. cent of the world’s oil reserves. Prices where this bill could have devastating are determined by OPEC, with fluctua- real-world consequences. I urge my col- 1600 b tions above that basic price determined leagues, Remember the spill. Vote Mr. HOLT. I yield myself such time by speculation on the commodities down this bill. as I may consume. market. I reserve the balance of my time. Madam Chair, here we go again, con- Never mind the fact that 79 percent Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- sidering legislation that is written as if of all of the potential oil reserves on man, may I say there were no facts pre- the largest oil spill in U.S. waters did the entire Continental Shelf are al- sented in that last presentation. There not occur. This is the third of the am- ready available under the current leas- were opinions; there were no facts. nesia acts that we have seen offered in ing; 79 percent, I repeat to my friends, When everybody says never mind the the last week. are already available under the exist- facts, there were no facts there. That’s I say to my friend from California, no ing leasing program. Never mind that all opinion. one is saying that we oppose this bill 60 million acres are already under lease One thing that bothers me most, they because we shouldn’t drill, ever. But but not producing oil. That is onshore talk about what the oil companies let’s be smart. H.R. 1231 would force and offshore. And offshore, the existing made. They made it overseas; they the Interior Department to open up leases contain more than 11 billion, bil- made it overseas selling us oil. These vast swaths of the American coastline lion with a B, barrels of oil. are international companies. Inter- to drilling, including California and all Never mind the fact that the entire national companies. That is something of the Mid and North Atlantic. It is in- Atlantic contains less than 5 percent of that really disturbs me, when you un- comprehensible that the majority the potential U.S. offshore oil reserves derstand we’re burning oil produced would take such a reckless radical step and less than 9 percent of the natural overseas, yes, by the same companies before we even know the full cost of gas reserves. Never mind the fact that that work in the United States. the gulf spill. Let’s be smart. the entire Pacific contains only about And, yes, they did lay off 10,000 peo- This bill in particular represents 12 percent of the potential U.S. off- ple, because of this moratorium this something worse than the pre-spill shore oil reserves and less than 5 per- President laid in place in Louisiana in mentality; it represents an alternative cent of the potential natural gas re- the gulf. There’s where the jobs are reality: facts evidently don’t matter. serves. lost. Never mind the fact that, 1 year ago, 11 Never mind the fact that, in the Gulf The biggest economic impact of the workers died in a Deepwater Horizon of Mexico, the oil companies already Horizon spill was the loss of employ- oil rig explosion. Never mind that hold the drilling rights to 34 million ment of the people in Louisiana, Ala- about 60 died over the last decade. acres, but are producing oil on only 6 bama, and the Gulf of Texas, the loss of Never mind the fact that, prior to the million acres. Never mind the fact that jobs, loss of oil to this country.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:13 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.068 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3193 That’s the thing that concerns me, oil and gas resources, to establish a do- H.R. 1231 will hold the administra- because there are no facts about the mestic oil and natural gas production tion accountable by setting production profits made and the people laid off, goal, and for other purposes, had come goals to make sure that we provide other than the fact it was done by the to no resolution thereon. enough energy for our country while Obama administration. f reducing the dependence on foreign oil. At this time, I yield 1 minute to the Gas prices have increased by 12.9 cents REPORT ON RESOLUTION PRO- gentleman from Arizona (Mr. QUAYLE). per gallon in my hometown of Chat- VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF Mr. QUAYLE. I thank the gentleman. tanooga, Tennessee, during the last H.R. 754, INTELLIGENCE AUTHOR- Mr. Chairman, I rise today because I month alone. IZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR support this bill. Plain and simply, we know that in- 2011 And I do have a fact. The fact of the creased oil and natural gas production matter is that we have a gas crisis Ms. FOXX, from the Committee on will drive down gas prices. We should going on right now, and the fact of the Rules, submitted a privileged report have the ability to access our vast re- matter is, when I go home and I fill up (Rept. No. 112–75) on the resolution (H. sources at home. Mr. Chairman, we my tank, I cringe at how expensive it Res. 264) providing for consideration of have the means to provide relief for our is. Our friends on the other side of the the bill (H.R. 754) to authorize appro- growing energy deficit, and passage of aisle, their so-called solution is to in- priations for fiscal year 2011 for intel- this bill will be a step towards pro- crease our taxes and to demagogue oil ligence and intelligence-related activi- viding these means for our country. corporations, because that’s the classic ties of the United States Government, Mr. HOLT. I continue to reserve the bogeyman approach that they go to. the Community Management Account, balance of my time. But that is not a solution to get our and the Central Intelligence Agency Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. I yield 2 min- people back to work, to get our econ- Retirement and Disability System, and utes to the gentleman from North Da- omy moving again, because right now for other purposes, which was referred kota (Mr. BERG). we are having some anemic growth in to the House Calendar and ordered to Mr. BERG. Mr. Chairman, my home our economy. And if we start to in- be printed. State of North Dakota is rich in nat- crease taxes and have an energy in- f ural resources, and we have seen tre- crease in costs that is happening at the mendous economic opportunity from REVERSING PRESIDENT OBAMA’S pump, that is going to have a negative the Bakken field. Through EMPOWER OFFSHORE MORATORIUM ACT effect on economic growth. North Dakota, we were able to adopt a Instead of actually having solutions The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- long-term energy plan in our State. It where we can get the people in the gulf ant to House Resolution 257 and rule encouraged new energy development; back to work, where we can get our XVIII, the Chair declares the House in and it created high-paying, high-qual- economy moving again, where we can the Committee of the Whole House on ity jobs in the energy industry. In fact, actually tap the energy sources that the state of the Union for the further today our unemployment rate is the we have in the United States, we have consideration of the bill, H.R. 1231. lowest in the Nation. an administration that only pursues b 1616 We can have the same success on the moratoriums on gulf drilling, morato- national level, but to do so we need a IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE riums on actually having energy sup- long-term commonsense plan that is a plies. Accordingly, the House resolved national energy policy that must work The CHAIR. The time of the gen- itself into the Committee of the Whole to increase America’s energy produc- tleman has expired. House on the state of the Union for the tion, lower gas prices, and ultimately Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. I yield the further consideration of the bill (H.R. break our dependence on foreign oil. 1231) to amend the Outer Continental gentleman another 30 seconds. b 1620 Mr. QUAYLE. I thank the gentleman. Shelf Lands Act to require that each 5- If we actually started to look and in- year offshore oil and gas leasing pro- America’s families and small busi- vest in those sorts of thing and get our gram offer leasing in the areas with the nesses are hurting. Gas prices are over energy independence going, we could most prospective oil and gas resources, $4 a gallon. Energy bills are hindering have charts down on this floor that to establish a domestic oil and natural business growth. National unemploy- show job growth. gas production goal, and for other pur- ment remains a very high 9 percent. According to CBO, if we pass today’s poses with Mr. CAMPBELL (Acting There is enormous potential in the gulf legislation, we will generate $800 mil- Chair) in the chair. for energy development that can help lion in revenue over 10 years. Combined The Clerk read the title of the bill. turn our country’s problems around. with the energy initiatives that the The Acting CHAIR. When the Com- Our addiction to foreign energy is not House passed last week, these three mittee of the Whole rose earlier today, sustainable. It threatens our national votes will create an estimated 250,000 the gentleman from Alaska (Mr. security. It’s time to invest our re- jobs in the short term and 1.2 million YOUNG) had 161⁄2 minutes remaining and sources that we have here in the jobs over the long term. the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. United States. We need to lower energy So I urge my colleagues to support HOLT) had 121⁄2 minutes remaining. costs and get Americans back to work. this bill and get our economy and our Mr. HOLT. I reserve the balance of As a member of the House Energy American people back to work. my time. Action Team and a proud North Dako- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- tan, I’m committed to working hard b 1610 man, I yield 2 minutes to the gen- towards a national long-term energy Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- tleman from Tennessee (Mr. policy. Let’s pass this bill, get the gulf man, I move that the Committee do FLEISCHMANN). back to work and break our dependence now rise. Mr. FLEISCHMANN. I thank the on foreign oil. The motion was agreed to. gentleman for yielding. Mr. HOLT. I yield myself such time Accordingly, the Committee rose; If enacted, this bill will open up areas as I may consume. and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. of the Outer Continental Shelf where The majority, the sponsors of this FLEISCHMANN) having assumed the there are the greatest known oil and bill, say that we need it because supply chair, Mr. CAMPBELL, Acting Chair of gas reserves that contain billions of is dwindling and gasoline prices are the Committee of the Whole House on barrels of oil. With resources like climbing and employment is terrible. the state of the Union, reported that these, it is a wonder that we continue Well, I’ll grant they have got a point that Committee, having had under con- to rely on other countries for most of on a couple of items here. But it has sideration the bill (H.R. 1231) to amend our energy. While the administration is nothing to do with this legislation. the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act encouraging other countries to produce They bring forward a bill to help the to require that each 5-year offshore oil oil, Americans are unable to access oil supply when it is a fact, I say to my and gas leasing program offer leasing large areas of our own energy supply colleague, that 79 percent of all of the in the areas with the most prospective here. potential oil reserves as calculated by

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:13 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.070 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3194 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 the nonpartisan prospectors on the We do not need to open up the east been $5 billion spent to find oil. We whole Continental Shelf are already coast and west coast to willy-nilly have not had the permit to drill be- under the current leasing program. rapid drill prospecting. We certainly do cause of this administration. They Sixty million acres. This is indis- not. think there’s 27 billion barrels of oil in putable. Sixty million acres offshore Now, one thing I’ll hand my col- one offshore development. The other are under existing lease and contain leagues. They yesterday said we really one has approximately 14 billion bar- 11.5 billion barrels. So this ‘‘hurry up need to get away from these environ- rels of oil in one offshore development. and drill’’ legislation is certainly not mental regulations that are stymying Of course, we have ANWR, which that necessary for that. the oil companies, that are making it side does not support, to a great de- As for employment, I said it before hard for them to earn their profits, gree, that has probably 39 billion bar- and I’ll say it again. It is a fact. During these burdensome environmental regu- rels of oil. the 5 years previously when the four oil lations. I’ll give them one thing. These b 1630 companies took home $485 billion in regulations, the environmental impact You add up that amount of oil and profits, their combined American statement that was prepared for the you have oil that will last this country workforce dropped by 10,200 employees. drilling in the Gulf of Mexico this year for a hundred years. They made money. They laid people that they want to expand on into the Now, yes, we ought to have other off. So we can check that one off, too. future that has in it a plan for dealing forms of energy. But the Obama admin- It’s not about employment. with walruses, because they think istration is trying to force this country How about prices? This year’s leases that’s a really good environmental im- into a green energy future. This is a have nothing to do with this year’s pact statement that’s based on the real policy. I heard the former Speaker say price at the gas pump—or next year’s. world facts—you’re right. In the it. Of course it makes sense to reduce In fact, not for 20 years. Might it have Macondo well in the blowout of the our dependency on oil, as I said before, an effect? Oh, yes, there’s a supply Deepwater Horizon, we didn’t lose a but no one takes into consideration the problem. The supply problem is that single walrus’s life. impact upon the economy of this Na- U.S. oil reserves amount to about 2 I reserve the balance of my time. tion. percent of the world’s oil reserves. Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- New Jersey is building an LNG plant About 2 percent. My colleagues say, man, I have no further requests for to receive gas from overseas. That’s Oh, no, those calculations are wrong. time, and I reserve the balance of my well and good, buying foreign gas, Okay, I’ll give you a break. Let’s say time. when we have trillions of feet of gas in we’re off by a factor of two. How about Mr. HOLT. In closing, I just repeat, the United States of America. a factor of three? How about a factor of let’s live in the real world. Let’s deal We are costing not only jobs but the four? We would still be one of the with the facts. Facts matter. And this dependency—and everybody talks smallest oil supplies of the oil-pro- bill can have devastating consequences about the high price of gasoline. It’s ducing countries. So this is not about for workers, for those who have to caused primarily because of spiking. that. travel by car and buy gasoline, and for Some little incident in the Middle The prices are determined right now those who earn their living fishing and East—the OPEC countries supposedly at the pump largely by speculation. Ac- dealing with tourism in the gulf and in have 70 percent of our oil—raises the cording to the Commodity Futures New Mexico and in California. Let’s price of that gasoline. You can’t have a Trading Commission, speculators in- not pass another ‘‘Amnesia Act.’’ Let’s model economy and a business and creased their energy future contracts— not ignore the spill and drill, baby, have those spikes. If the price was $5 their positions—by 64 percent over the drill. across the board and you knew it was last couple of years, totaling more I yield back the balance of my time. going to be $5 across the board for the than a million contracts. They are Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. May I ask how next 40 years, you could build your trading in each day far more paper bar- much time is remaining? economy on that. But we have gas at $5 rels than barrels of oil are ever deliv- The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman a gallon now, the first of June, and it ered. It’s speculation, pure and simple. has 13 minutes remaining. may go up to $6 in August. It may be Speculators have moved from holding Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- down a little bit. We need to stabilize 30 percent of the open interest in the man, I urge the passage of this legisla- it. Only we can do this. commodity markets to 70 percent. And tion. I would like Americans to under- But this administration is trying to you wonder why the prices at the pump stand that the issue of whether we convert America into their green tech- are so high. Even Goldman Sachs says should drill or not is long overdue be- nology. Technology of wind. Tech- nology of, let’s say, solar. Wind power that speculation is responsible for cause I have heard this argument for 36 is 17 cents a kilowatt compared to 5 many tens of dollars of the hundred years because I was here when we cents for coal. Mr. and Mrs. America, dollars a barrel that is now the world drilled and opened the Trans-Alaska you’re paying for that. And again, as I price for oil. pipeline to provide 17 billion barrels of said in one of my statements, this, in Going back a decade, the majority oil to America—17 billion barrels of oil. fact, is a tax on the American people. voted to exempt all energy derivatives I’ve heard people say that there’s This is an Obama tax because of the from CFTC regulations. And then when only 2 percent. That is a figure that lack of the cheaper fuel that’s nec- the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill was arrived at in 1955. We have new es- essary to keep our economy running. came along, they opposed the enact- timates with new technology. We think The impediments of oil and gas pro- ment to give the CFTC the power to we have about 20 percent of the world’s duction is another reason, the slow- regulate energy derivatives. They reserves in fossil fuels. And we’re not down of Federal leases. We talk about voted to slash the CFTC budget as part producing them. I’ve heard the argu- everything that’s leased and permit- of H.R. 1. Right now in the Agriculture ment this wouldn’t change the price of ting offshore and onshore. Only six per- Committee and the Financial Services gasoline. It’s not quick enough. I heard mits have been issued since the Gulf of Committee, they are working to block that 25 years ago. Mexico, the time the BP spill hap- any possibility that the CFTC would We need to produce so we have a sta- pened—six permits. Leasing in the Gulf put in regulations to limit or reduce ble supply of domestic fossil fuels so of Mexico coast has been delayed for speculation. other countries and speculators don’t several years. Offshore permitting for So if my colleagues want to do some- take advantage. They have us right oil and gas has been slowed down to a thing to deal with the high gas prices, now in a position they can take advan- real slow crawl. I will give them a list of things to do. tage of because we are not producing America, I keep telling you, you are It is not this bill. We do not need to cut any oil of any consequence in the being taxed by an administration that corners. We do not need to deem that United States right now. We’re down to does not understand the necessity for inadequate applications for leasing are 600,000 barrels a day in Alaska. If we fossil fuels for our economy. The move- adequate. We do not need to deem that drop much more, we won’t even have ment of product, the receiving of prod- environmental impact statements that that 600,000 barrels a day. Yet we have uct and the shipping of product, the de- are clearly inadequate are adequate. in Alaska in the Chukchi Sea, there’s liverance of people, the deliverance of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:13 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.072 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3195 supplies by air, ship, plane, train, auto- 70 percent and 15 percent, respectively, of the Mexico begins at $11.00 per acre for lease in mobile, and truck. That’s what makes total U.S. workforce in those industries. water depths over 200 meters. Initial lease this country great. Houston is home to some of the world’s terms of 5–10 years are standard, and leases And here we sit with a group that largest oil, gas, and petrochemical facilities. continue as long as commercial quantities of says, oh, we’re going to save the envi- As the fourth most populous city in the hydrocarbons are being produced. ronment. I’m all for that. But you United States, and the greater Houston area Demand for petroleum products in the U.S. don’t have an energy policy and you remains a diversified regional economy, with remains strong. In 2005, each of the estimated can’t have it off fossil fuels. Anybody the energy industry contributing 50 percent of 296 million people in the U.S. used an aver- who says we’re going to have one off our economic base for employment. Even so age of almost three gallons of petroleum every fossil fuels is not even thinking about there is no denying the importance of the en- day. In 1978, the average American used 3.5 fuels, not even thinking about energy. ergy industry for creating jobs in Houston and gallons per day. You can’t do it with wind power. We across our Nation. In 2006, crude oil imports totaled 10.1 mil- might get a little wind power if we put We have consistently led the nation in pe- lion barrels per day (MBD), two-thirds of the a propeller on the top of this Capitol to troleum production since the early 10th cen- total U.S. supply of 15.2 MBD, according to collect all the hot air that comes out of tury and we have one-fourth of total U.S. oil the Energy Information Administration (EIA) of here most of the time. That might reserves. the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). After work. But we’re not going to do it with As a coastal state we provide the resources several additions of other petroleum products solar power. You need all the forms of and the mechanisms to support the offshore by refiners and fuel blenders, total petroleum energy. And this administration so far drilling industry and we also bare the highest consumption came to 20.6 MBD for 2006. The oil and gas industry supports job growth has not promoted anything but the two risk to our natural resources. Its stands to rea- most expensive: wind and solar. in my state of Texas and across our nation. son that we should also have access to rev- In Texas, the oil and gas industry supports We need our fossil fuels. We need to enue generated from Offshore leases. make sure the agencies under this ad- 1.7 million jobs and approximately 25 percent Federal Revenues from offshore leases of the state’s economy, whereas nationwide ministration make sure that we de- were estimated at $18.0 billion in FY 2008 by velop our energies, or we cannot go the industry supports 9.2 million jobs and 7.5 the Department of the Interior. During the pre- percent of our nation’s economy. anywhere. And if they can’t do it, then vious 10 years (1998–2007), revenues from it’s up to this Congress. This Congress, We should focus our attention on providing federal OCS leases reached as high as $7.6 the Department of Interior with funding and re- this bill, this legislation, and the two billion in FY 2006. Higher prices for oil and previous bills are a step forward, a nec- sources it needs to provide for training and gas are the most significant factors in the rev- staffing of technical engineers and other such essary step for this Nation. We need to enue swings. Of the $18.0 billion offshore rev- necessary personnel to review drilling permit keep going. So employ Americans and enue in FY 2008, $8.3 billion was from royal- applications and determine future offshore quit buying foreign oil. You talk about ties and $9.5 billion came from bonus bids. lease sale areas. being hooked on dope, that’s what we Coastal states can use that money to further The Department of Interior must be properly are. We’re hooked on foreign oil. Yet support the industry that utilizes our highways funded and staffed with technical engineers to we have people that say we can’t de- and waterways. review permits, examine lease sales, and en- velop our own oil, we can’t develop our A significant portion of oil and gas produced sure that each application is afforded proper own resources, that it will hurt some- from Gulf Outer Continental Shelf leases is consideration body, somebody will be harmed and we transported to those refineries for processing For these reasons, I urge the Members as can’t do it. via offshore pipeline through state waters. they vote on this important measure which That’s not true. We can do it. In the Providing coastal states with additional ac- certainly relates to job creation and national gulf there were 41,000 wells drilled cess to revenue will enable these states to energy independence, that they consider a fair without a spill. Add one spill and ev- protect their natural resources and advance and balance approach as we aim to protect erybody thinks the world came to an the transport of oil, gas, and petrochemicals the environment and determine the most re- end. It was bad, yes. Do we learn from across the United States. sponsible measures to provide for the energy it? Yes, as we did with Exxon Valdez. Coastal States like Texas with energy devel- our nation requires. We learned from that and we will im- opment off their shores in federal waters have Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Mr. Chair, I prove upon that. But not to let them been seeking additional federal revenues gen- rise today in support of H.R. 1231. This bill will drill, not to let them produce that oil, erated off our shores. ensure that our federal offshore oil and natural not to let them help America out, not We particularly want more assistance for gas resources are accessible to us. This is es- employ Americans, that is dead wrong. sential for America’s energy security. So I urge my colleagues to pass this coastal areas that may be most affected by onshore and near-shore activities that support For years, I have supported bills that would legislation and reject the amendments increase funding to research and development that are going to be offered. They are offshore energy development. Currently, the affected states receive rev- projects dealing with new and cleaner energy not the amendments they should be. sources as well as provide financial incentives enue indirectly from offshore oil and gas Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas. Mr. Chair, I to produce energy from wind, solar, biomass, leases in federal waters. This is in contrast to rise today in support of H.R. 1231. I had of- and geothermal, for consumers to purchase the direct revenues to states that have on- fered amendments because I believe in re- fuel efficient vehicles, increase energy effi- shore federal leases within their boundaries. sponsible increase in offshore drilling. I offered ciency standards for buildings and appliances, Coastal states bear the greatest risks if amendments to improve upon this bill that and promote public transit efforts. I will con- there is a disaster. Because of the current and would have provided for revenue sharing with tinue to support programs and projects seek- coastal states and a study and report back to wind patterns in the Gulf of Mexico, Texas’ ing to create cleaner energy technologies be- Congress to ensure that the Department of In- coastal natural resources are most at risk for cause we all benefit from a cleaner environ- terior has proper funding for staffing and train- environmental damage in the event of an oil ment. ing and technical engineers and such other spill from an offshore production platform or Finally, coming from Texas, which is the na- personnel as is necessary to responsibly in- pipeline. In addition, a substantial portion of tion’s leader in renewable energy production crease offshore drilling. federal Outer Continental Shelf production is and a pioneer in developing its own state port- As a Representative from an oil and gas refined in Texas and then transported via state folio standard, I support efforts to promote re- producing District and state, I am aware that highways or pipeline located in the state. newable energy production that meets the offshore drilling is an important component of A significant amount of the infrastructure unique circumstances and resources of each the nation’s energy supply and provides many that will be used to explore and develop the state. Gulf communities with significant jobs and in- resources in these new lease sales will be But even with these increases in renewable come. constructed in Texas and transported through energy, the Energy Information Administration My state supplies 20 percent of the nation’s state waters. The same might be said for found that oil, natural gas, and coal will con- oil production, one-third of the nation’s natural other coastal states whose shores and re- tinue to make up the large majority of U.S. en- gas production; a quarter of the nation’s refin- sources are dedicated to offshore drilling. ergy use in 2030 and beyond. As our nation’s ing capacity and nearly 60 percent of the na- Annual rental rates are $5–$9.50 per acre, energy demand continues to increase, reason- tion’s chemical manufacturing. with lease sizes generally ranging from 2,500– able access and exploration of our offshore re- The Texas energy and petrochemical clus- 5,760 acres. However, annual rental rates for sources is a key component of our nation’s ters employ 600,000 people, which represent the March 2009 sale in the Central Gulf of energy security.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:13 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.074 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3196 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 It is our job to provide affordable and reli- ‘‘(B) focused on meeting domestic demand Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Chairman, we able supplies of energy to American con- for oil and natural gas and reducing the de- have no objection and we urge swift sumers, and this bill will help in our effort. pendence of the United States on foreign en- passage. For these reasons, I encourage my col- ergy; and Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. I yield back ‘‘(C) focused on the production increases leagues to support this bill. achieved by the leasing program at the end the balance of my time. Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. I yield back of the 15-year period beginning on the effec- The Acting CHAIR. The question is the balance of my time. tive date of the program. on the amendment offered by the gen- The Acting CHAIR. All time for gen- ‘‘(2) 2012–2017 PROGRAM GOAL.—For purposes tleman from Alaska (Mr. YOUNG). eral debate has expired. of the 2012–2017 5-year oil and gas leasing The amendment was agreed to. Pursuant to the rule, the bill shall be program, the production goal referred to in AMENDMENT NO. 2 OFFERED BY MR. CONNOLLY considered for amendment under the 5- paragraph (1) shall be an increase by 2027 of— OF VIRGINIA minute rule. The amendment printed ‘‘(A) no less than 3,000,000 barrels in the The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order amount of oil produced per day; and in the bill is adopted. The bill, as to consider amendment No. 2 printed in amended, shall be considered as read. ‘‘(B) no less than 10,000,000,000 cubic feet in the amount of natural gas produced per day. House Report 112–74. The text of the bill, as amended, is as ‘‘(3) REPORTING.—The Secretary shall re- Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. follows: port annually, beginning at the end of the 5- Chairman, I have an amendment at the H.R. 1231 year period for which the program applies, to desk. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- the Committee on Natural Resources of the The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will resentatives of the United States of America in House of Representatives and the Committee designate the amendment. Congress assembled, on Energy and Natural Resources of the Sen- The text of the amendment is as fol- ate on the progress of the program in meet- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. lows: This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Reversing ing the production goal. The Secretary shall Page 3, line 12, insert ‘‘, except in locations President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium identify in the report projections for produc- that would interfere, conflict with, or im- Act’’. tion and any problems with leasing, permit- ting, or production that will prevent meeting pede operations of the Armed Forces,’’ after SEC. 2. OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF LEASING ‘‘conduct lease sales’’. PROGRAM. the goal.’’. Section 18(a) of the Outer Continental The Acting CHAIR. No further The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1344(a)) is amend- amendment to the bill, as amended, House Resolution 257, the gentleman ed by adding at the end the following: shall be in order except those printed from Virginia (Mr. CONNOLLY) and a ‘‘(4)(A) In each oil and gas leasing program in House Report 112–74. Each further Member opposed each will control 5 under this section, the Secretary shall make amendment may be offered only in the minutes. available for leasing and conduct lease sales order printed in the report, may be of- The Chair recognizes the gentleman including— ‘‘(i) at least 50 percent of the available un- fered only by a Member designated in from Virginia. leased acreage within each outer Continental the report, shall be considered as read, Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Shelf planning area considered to have the shall be debatable for the time speci- Chairman, this simple amendment largest undiscovered, technically recoverable fied in the report equally divided and clarifies that any expanded oil produc- oil and gas resources (on a total btu basis) controlled by the proponent and an op- tion will not interfere with ongoing op- based upon the most recent national geologic ponent, shall not be subject to amend- erations by the Armed Forces of the assessment of the outer Continental Shelf, ment, and shall not be subject to a de- United States. with an emphasis on offering the most geo- mand for division of the question. I appreciate Congressman BOBBY logically prospective parts of the planning area; and AMENDMENT NO. 1 OFFERED BY MR. YOUNG OF SCOTT and Congressman JIM MORAN for ‘‘(ii) any State subdivision of an outer Con- ALASKA their cosponsorship of this amendment. tinental Shelf planning area that the Gov- The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order There are no stronger advocates for the ernor of the State that represents that sub- to consider amendment No. 1 printed in military in my State than those two division requests be made available for leas- House Report 112–74. gentlemen. ing. Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- 1640 ‘‘(B) In this paragraph the term ‘available man, as a designee of Chairman DOC b unleased acreage’ means that portion of the HASTINGS, I have an amendment made As you know, the United States has outer Continental Shelf that is not under in order under the rule. more than two dozen coastal naval lease at the time of a proposed lease sale, The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will bases, including those located in Vir- and that has not otherwise been made un- designate the amendment. ginia, Washington, California, Texas, available for leasing by law. The text of the amendment is as fol- ‘‘(5)(A) In the 2012–2017 5-year oil and gas Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Geor- leasing program, the Secretary shall make lows: gia, South Carolina, Maryland, New available for leasing any outer Continental Page 3, line 10, strike ‘‘(4)’’ and insert Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Shelf planning areas that— ‘‘(5)’’. Maine, and Hawaii. ‘‘(i) are estimated to contain more than Page 4, line 6, strike ‘‘(5)’’ and insert ‘‘(6)’’. The Deputy Under Secretary of De- 2,500,000,000 barrels of oil; or The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to fense for Readiness published a report, ‘‘(ii) are estimated to contain more than House Resolution 257, the gentleman noting that many of these potential lo- 7,500,000,000,000 cubic feet of natural gas. from Alaska (Mr. YOUNG) and a Mem- cations for oil exploration could and ‘‘(B) To determine the planning areas de- ber opposed each will control 5 min- might conflict with DOD operations in scribed in subparagraph (A), the Secretary utes. shall use the document entitled ‘Minerals these locations. For example, DOD has The Chair recognizes the gentleman surface/subsurface operating areas and Management Service Assessment of Undis- from Alaska. covered Technically Recoverable Oil and Gas DOD special use airspace/warning areas Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- Resources of the Nation’s Outer Continental off every coastal State in the conti- man, I rise in support of this amend- Shelf, 2006’.’’. nental United States. SEC. 3. DOMESTIC OIL AND NATURAL GAS PRO- ment that corrects a drafting error in the bill that was discovered by the leg- You can see from this map that there DUCTION GOAL. are the red dots where they actually Section 18(b) of the Outer Continental islative counsel after H.R. 1231 was re- Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1344(b)) is amend- ported from the committee with bipar- have bases and that the spiderwebs are ed to read as follows: tisan support. where they have operations offshore. ‘‘(b) DOMESTIC OIL AND NATURAL GAS PRO- The amendment changes the para- These areas are important because DUCTION GOAL.—– graph numbers in section 2 so they cor- the military uses some of these areas ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—In developing a 5-year oil rectly reflect the sequence of appear- for surface and subsurface training as and gas leasing program, and subject to well as practice with live ordnance. Oil paragraph (2), the Secretary shall determine ance in the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act. wells and live ordnance don’t mix so a domestic strategic production goal for the well. For example, the Norfolk Naval development of oil and natural gas as a re- I urge support for the amendment. sult of that program. Such goal shall be— Mr. MARKEY. Will the gentleman Base in my home State of Virginia uses ‘‘(A) the best estimate of the possible in- yield? 78 percent of the proposed Lease Sale crease in domestic production of oil and nat- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. I yield to the 220 area right now for training and live ural gas from the outer Continental Shelf; gentleman from Massachusetts. ordnance practice. The Navy wants to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:13 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY7.032 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3197 ensure that oil drilling in that area this amendment would upset the bal- Now, we have been told verbally and does not interfere with live ordnance ance. in writing that there should be no lease release and impact, including air to May I say, Mr. Chairman, the Depart- sales in 72 percent of this lease area be- surface bombing; sensitive undersea ment of Defense never notified, never cause it’s in direct conflict with the op- and surface operations; combined ship- talked to us about any opposition to erations of the Navy. Five percent, in board systems qualification trials; and this legislation. addition, would interfere with aerial equipment testing and evaluation. H.R. 1231 fully supports the Depart- operations and should not host perma- Norfolk is America’s largest naval ment of the Interior’s work with the nent surface structures like drilling base and is a major driver of our Department of Defense in addressing rigs. There is another 1 percent that State’s annual $10 billion government the necessary stipulations that will would have site-specific stipulations. contracting economy. It would be dif- protect the military mission on the Then you’re left with 22 percent, and ficult to quantify how many billions of OCS during the development of lease much of that 22 percent is dedicated to dollars taxpayers have spent building sales. the shipping lanes for the country’s and maintaining these military instal- I also want to point out that gaining two busiest commercial ports: Hamp- lations all around the continental access to domestically available and ton Roads and Baltimore. United States, but relocation costs affordable energy resources is also of There are other areas offshore, I’m would be substantial, and we don’t paramount importance to our national sure, that are also important to the have that money. security because it lessens our depend- Armed Forces, but we are responsible My friend from Alaska talks about ence on foreign sources of energy. Let for Virginia. We know the situation putting people out of work or putting me say that again. It must be very there. We are not going to jeopardize people into work. Believe me, if we had clear: Energy security and energy inde- those jobs. I would say that national to close or relocate these bases, there pendence are a national security pri- security interests ought to trump oil would be a lot of weeping and mashing ority. and gas development. of teeth in the unemployment line all Additionally, developing our own en- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. May I inquire across America. The costs wouldn’t ergy resources benefits the Department of the time remaining on both sides? just be borne by the taxpayers, Mr. of Defense. According to the Brookings The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman Chairman, but also by the servicemen Institution, every $10 increase in the from Alaska has 3 minutes remaining. The gentleman from Virginia’s time and -women who would have to relo- price of a barrel of oil increases the has expired. cate, and by the tens of thousands of cost of Defense operations by $1.3 bil- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- lion. Lowering energy prices should be contractor employees who rely on the man, I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ a priority for American consumers and DOD. on this amendment. It’s unnecessary Perhaps it’s possible to co-locate oil for the Department of Defense. and boy if we can’t get the government drilling infrastructure in areas now This amendment isn’t truly aimed at to work together there is something protecting DOD activities. It’s aimed used by the Navy or other components wrong, something deadly wrong. This at trying to block lease sales and stop- of the Armed Forces. In that case, this is about defense. This is about the de- ping offshore energy and development. amendment would not get in the way partment of enter, this is about the That’s what this is about. So I con- of the oil exploration. This amendment American people. We ought to be able gratulate the people who are offering simply ensures that any additional oil to work together and I’m sure they drilling which takes place in accord- this amendment. It’s exactly what can. I’m confident of it and the idea ance with this bill will not conflict you’d like to do. that this is going to hurt the mission is Again, Defense activities are not hin- with the national security operations again a way to stop drilling. That’s all of the Armed Forces. dered by energy development. The De- it is. Maybe if we had that 23 percent I am sure that energy development partments of Defense and the Interior open and we knew exactly where it was and national security can be mutually work well together to balance the we might be able to drill there but I reinforcing and compatible, and I hope needs of our Nation. H.R. 1231 allows don’t think they would support that ei- that my colleagues on the other side of both offshore energy leasing and mili- ther. the aisle would support this common- tary activities to go forward and exist With that, Mr. Chairman, I urge a sense amendment to protect our na- in a safe, responsible way. ‘‘no’’ on this amendment. tional defense and national security. I I reserve the balance of my time. Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Chair, I rise in know we can all agree that preserving Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. I would support of the amendment offered by my those should be paramount as we con- just say to my friend from Alaska that friend and colleague from Virginia, Mr. sider changes to our Nation’s energy I won’t have anybody questioning my CONNOLLY. policy. sincerity about trying to protect the This amendment would prohibit offshore I reserve the balance of my time. national security interests of the lease sales from going forward if those leases Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- United States of America. I come from would interfere or impede the operations of man, I rise in opposition to the amend- a State with a long military tradition. the United States Armed Forces. ment. I am proud of that tradition, and I am I represent the Hampton Roads region of The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is here sincerely to protect national secu- Virginia, which is home to the world’s largest recognized for 5 minutes. rity. If we want to disagree with that, Naval Base at Norfolk. Our Navy trains exten- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. I yield myself that’s fine, but questioning the motiva- sively off the coast of my state in the Virginia such time as I may consume. tions of whether there is another agen- Capes Operations Area. A significant section Both the Outer Continental Lands da is a different matter. of a proposed lease sale for drilling off Vir- Shelf Act and the 2003 National Defense Mr. Chairman, I now yield the bal- ginia’s coast is within this important military Act already fully protect the Defense ance of my time to my distinguished training zone. Department’s responsibilities in the colleague from Virginia (Mr. MORAN). There are nearly 30 coastal naval installa- Outer Continental Shelf and the State Mr. MORAN. May I ask the Chair tions in the United States and the Defense coastal areas of the OCS. H.R. 1231 con- how much time is remaining? Department has expressed concerns that off- tinues these protections. The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman shore oil and gas development could hinder As Chairman HASTINGS stated last from Virginia has 1 minute remaining. the military’s ability to train in many of these week during debate on a very similar Mr. MORAN. I thank the Chair, and I offshore areas. amendment to H.R. 1230, preserving the thank my good friend from Virginia. I have long had reservations about drilling working relationship between the De- I would remind my good friend from off the coast of Virginia. I believe the environ- partment of Defense and the Depart- Alaska that the U.S. Atlantic Fleet is mental, economic and national security risks ment of the Interior is of great impor- based at the Norfolk Naval Base, and for drilling off the coast of Virginia far outweigh tance to the Natural Resources Com- operates in the same waters that this any benefits. This amendment would simply mittee. Because of this, H.R. 1231 meets legislation proposes to sell for oil and ensure that offshore oil and gas development the mutual goals of balancing national gas development. Filling this area with will not disrupt these vital functions to our na- security and energy independence, but drilling rigs is a bad idea. tional defense.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:08 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.080 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3198 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 I urge my colleagues to support the est in, or who derives a benefit from, a cov- oil, ‘‘royalties’’ is the word we use to Connolly Amendment. ered lease shall not be eligible to obtain by describe taxes. Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. I yield back sale or other transfer (including through a This blank check to the oil industry the balance of my time. swap, spinoff, servicing, or other agreement) is absolutely undeserved. The Repub- any new lease made available in an oil and The Acting CHAIR. The question is lican approach to offshore oil royalty on the amendment offered by the gen- gas leasing program under this section, or the economic benefit of such a new lease, un- policy is to treat the Big Oil companies tleman from Virginia (Mr. CONNOLLY). less the lessee or other person has— like royalty and to treat the con- The question was taken; and the Act- ‘‘(i) renegotiated each covered lease with sumers and taxpayers like peasants. ing Chair announced that the noes ap- respect to which the lessee or person is a les- They’re just going to give away all peared to have it. see, to modify the payment responsibilities these breaks to the oil industry. Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. of the lessee or person to include price You know, Prince William and Kate Chairman, I demand a recorded vote. thresholds that are equal to or less than the Middleton just left on their honey- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to price thresholds described in clauses (v) moon. Their royalty honeymoon is just clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- through (vii) of section 8(a)(3)(C) of the beginning. But for the oil companies ceedings on the amendment offered by Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. the gentleman from Virginia will be 1337(a)(3)(C)); or who are drilling for free on public land, postponed. ‘‘(ii) entered into an agreement with the they have a royalty honeymoon that Secretary to modify the terms of all covered has been going on for way too long, and AMENDMENT NO. 3 OFFERED BY MR. MARKEY leases of the lessee or other person to include today, we’re going to give the Members The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order limitations on royalty relief based on mar- of the House a chance to end the hon- to consider amendment No. 3 printed in ket prices that are equal to or less than the House Report 112–74. eymoon on the royalties that the oil price thresholds described in clauses (v) industry has to pay. Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Chairman, I have through (vii) of section 8(a)(3)(C) of the an amendment at the desk. Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 U.S.C. Now, what are the Republicans going The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will 1337(a)(3)(C)). to do? They’re going to oppose it. designate the amendment. ‘‘(C) DEFINITIONS.—In this paragraph— They’re going to say, no, we need more The text of the amendment is as fol- ‘‘(i) COVERED LEASE.—The term ‘covered tax breaks, $4 billion worth of tax lows: lease’ means a lease for oil or gas production breaks, for the oil industry. And so Page 4, line 19, strike the closing quotation in the Gulf of Mexico that is— where are they going to find the money marks and the second period, and after line ‘‘(I) in existence on the date of enactment for those additional tax breaks that 19 insert the following new paragraph: of this Act; they want to give to the oil industry? ‘‘(II) issued by the Department of the Inte- ‘‘(7) ELIGIBILITY FOR NEW LEASES AND THE Well, they looked around and they de- TRANSFER OF LEASES.— rior under section 304 of the Outer Conti- nental Shelf Deep Water Royalty Relief Act cided that the best place to find it was ‘‘(A) ISSUANCE OF NEW LEASES.— in Medicare, that is, in the health care ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—In each oil and gas leas- (43 U.S.C. 1337 note; Public Law 104–58); and ing program under this section, beginning ‘‘(III) not subject to limitations on royalty that we give to Grandma and Grandpa. with the 2012–2017 5-year program, the Sec- relief based on market price that are equal And so what they have done is they’ve retary of the Interior shall specify that the to or less than the price thresholds described set up a drilling rig for the oil industry Secretary will not accept bids on any new in clauses (v) through (vii) of section on top of the Medicare program so they leases offered pursuant to this Act from a 8(a)(3)(C) of the Outer Continental Shelf can drill into the pockets of Grandma Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1337(a)(3)(C)). person described in paragraph (2) unless the and Grandpa to find the $4 billion in ‘‘(ii) LESSEE.—The term ‘lessee’ includes person has renegotiated each covered lease tax breaks, and then on top of that, with respect to which the person is a lessee, any person or other entity that controls, is to modify the payment responsibilities of the controlled by, or is in or under common con- protect them against having to pay the person to require the payment of royalties if trol with, a lessee. royalties, the taxes on where they’re the price of oil and natural gas is greater ‘‘(iii) NEW LEASE.—The term ‘new lease’ already drilling for free on taxpayers’ than or equal to the price thresholds de- means a lease issued in a lease sale under land in our country. scribed in clauses (v) through (vii) of section this Act. Now, that’s an unbelievable combina- 8(a)(3)(C) of the Outer Continental Shelf ‘‘(iv) SECRETARY.—The term ‘Secretary’ tion, and they do it while cutting the Lands Act (43 U.S.C. 1337(a)(3)(C)). means the Secretary of the Interior.’’. renewables budget by 70 percent. Can ‘‘(ii) PERSONS DESCRIBED.—A person re- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to you believe this? It’s 2011. The Repub- ferred to in clause (i) is a person that— House Resolution 257, the gentleman licans have already passed a bill cut- ‘‘(I) is a lessee that— from Massachusetts (Mr. MARKEY) and ting the renewables budget—wind and ‘‘(aa) holds a covered lease on the date on a Member opposed each will control 5 which the Secretary considers the issuance solar, biomass, geothermal—by 70 per- of the new lease; or minutes. cent, and they’re setting up an oil rig ‘‘(bb) was issued a covered lease before the The Chair recognizes the gentleman on top of the Medicare program of date of enactment of this Act, but trans- from Massachusetts. Grandma and Grandpa to drill for even ferred the covered lease to another person or Mr. MARKEY. I yield myself such more tax breaks for the oil industry. entity (including a subsidiary or affiliate of time as I may consume. This is just an unbelievable debate that the lessee) after the date of enactment of Mr. Chairman, in the first quarter of we’re having. this Act; or this year, the oil companies were actu- And they say over here, ‘‘Well, you ‘‘(II) any other person that has any direct ally able to make $35 billion in profits; or indirect interest in, or that derives any know, we’re the all of the above party; benefit from, a covered lease. but in my amendment, we are able to we want to do it all.’’ But the truth is ‘‘(iii) MULTIPLE LESSEES.— say to them, because of a flaw in leases that they’re really the oil above all ‘‘(I) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of clause in the 1990s which required them to pay party, and that’s what this debate is all (1), if there are multiple lessees that own a no royalties on public lands—tax- about, how can we get even more for share of a covered lease, the Secretary may payers’ lands—for oil they’re drilling the oil industry. implement separate agreements with any for right now and charging $100 a bar- So what my amendment will do is to lessee with a share of the covered lease that rel, $4 a gallon at the pump, that we just give people an opportunity to re- modifies the payment responsibilities with think there is something wrong when respect to the share of the lessee to include claim that $53 billion from the oil in- price thresholds that are equal to or less the taxpayers don’t get anything back. dustry and give it to Grandma. Of all the people who don’t need a break, a than the price thresholds described in b 1650 clauses (v) through (vii) of section 8(a)(3)(C) subsidy this year, it’s the oil industry. of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (43 And so what my amendment says is You know who needs a break? You U.S.C. 1337(a)(3)(C)). that they can’t apply for any more know who needs a subsidy? It’s Grand- ‘‘(II) TREATMENT OF SHARE AS COVERED leases on taxpayers’ land unless they’re ma. Let’s not cut Medicare. Let’s not LEASE.—Beginning on the effective date of an willing to renegotiate the mistaken cut her health care in order to help the agreement under subclaseu (I), any share leases that were given to them that, by subject to the agreement shall not con- oil industry. Vote ‘‘aye’’ for the Mar- stitute a covered lease with respect to any the way, will allow them to escape hav- key amendment. lessees that entered into the agreement. ing to pay $53 billion in taxes, in royal- I reserve the balance of my time. ‘‘(B) TRANSFERS.—A lessee or any other ties. That’s another word for taxes, Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. I rise in oppo- person who has any direct or indirect inter- ‘‘royalties.’’ When you’re talking about sition to the amendment.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:08 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY7.040 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3199 The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is into wind and solar and all-electric ve- The text of the amendment is as fol- recognized for 5 minutes. hicles and the revolution that we need lows: Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. With all due to transform our country’s relationship Page 4, line 19, strike the closing quotation respect to Grandma and Grandpa, with OPEC. We should be able to tell marks and the second period, and after line there’s no Grandma and Grandpa that OPEC, We don’t need your oil any more 19 insert the following new paragraph: has Medicare taken away from them or than we need your sand. ‘‘(7) DATA REGARDING BONUSES PROVIDED TO anywhere else. That’s pure dema- This is a chance here to reclaim the EXECUTIVES.—In each oil and gas leasing pro- goguery on this floor, and we know $53 billion in windfall profits by escap- gram under this section, the Secretary shall that, tied into the oil companies. include requirements under which the Sec- ing royalties that the oil industry retary shall make available to the public It’s ironic to me, this House has de- owes, and put it into a new technology data provided by each lessee under the pro- bated and voted on this amendment innovation agenda that talks about the gram with respect to the bonuses provided to over the years. They’ve defeated it by a future of wind and solar and electric the executives of the lessee from the most bipartisan vote. Just like a bad penny, vehicles that will transform our rela- recent quarter.’’. it keeps showing up and the Big Oil is tionship with the rest of the planet. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to all bad. All I know, the American pub- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- House Resolution 257, the gentleman lic is being taxed every year, $1,100 man, I appreciate the gentleman from from Massachusetts (Mr. KEATING) and every year by this administration’s Massachusetts’ comments, but wind a Member opposed each will control 5 high gas prices. power is subsidized energy. That’s all it minutes. Let’s review the facts. The Deep- is. Wind power is subsidized by the tax- The Chair recognizes the gentleman water Royalty Relief Act leases were payer. Solar power is subsidized by the from Massachusetts. issued by, oh, boy, Bill Clinton and taxpayer. To try to transform this Mr. KEATING. Mr. Chairman, I yield Bruce Babbitt in 1996 and 2000. Oh, my country into using wind and solar by myself such time as I may consume. good Lord, it was the Republicans that raising the cost of gasoline to the I rise to urge my colleagues to sup- did all this. They’re the ones that American consumer is dead wrong. port my amendment to H.R. 1231. As issued these leases, and those who hold That’s not the way to solve this prob- our constituents see soaring gas prices, these leases have repeatedly been suc- lem. oil companies have revealed record cessful in challenging the Interior De- I will support wind power when it’s profits. The top five multinational oil partment’s authority to include price not subsidized. I will support solar companies earned over $1 trillion in the thresholds in lease agreements. The power when it’s not subsidized, and I past decade. These firms are eating up Department of the Interior has lost at will support nuclear power when we more and more of our constituents’ the Federal district court, the appel- can, which the gentleman’s opposed paychecks. late court, the United States Supreme every time, and I will support hydro- And where is it going? Only a small Court, and now we’re going to interfere power. In fact, I will support all forms portion of the profits are reinvested with a court decision? of power so we can become more inde- back into the company to pave the way If this amendment passes, those hold- pendent, and I go back to the concept for efficiencies and research into alter- ing such leases will be required to re- of fossil fuels. It moves objects. It natives to oil. Rather, oil companies negotiate the lease terms with DOI to moves objects. Wind power doesn’t are providing bumps to stockholders include price thresholds before getting move objects, no. Solar power doesn’t and high bonuses to their company ex- new leases. Bill Clinton would turn move objects, no. It takes fossil fuels ecutives, a pat on the back for high over—no, he’s not in his grave, so I to run our ships, our planes, our auto- prices at the pump. can’t say that. The Secretary does mobiles, our trucks, and our trains. My amendment would provide trans- not—and I repeat does not—have the That’s the commerce of this Nation, parency to the U.S. taxpayer. The authority to include price thresholds and that’s what’s hurting this Nation amendment requires the Secretary to on these leases. In addition, forcing today in the recovery. disclose the executive bonuses for any companies to renegotiate the leases We have to start producing our own company that is given a drilling lease. would be a violation of contract law fossil fuels so we can have the com- The time is now to hold the largest and would be challenged in court. merce that’s necessary to employ peo- oil companies accountable, and I urge Mr. Chairman, this is an amendment ple and create the jobs in this country. my colleagues to support this amend- that just comes out of where, I don’t In this country, it should be done. Yes, ment in order to provide transparency know. It’s a time to demagogue on the we can have the other forms of power, back to the American taxpayer. floor about Medicare. It has nothing to but we have to have the fossil fuels to With that, I reserve the balance of do with oil leases. It has nothing to do continue hopefully the recovery of this my time. with the so-called tax breaks that Bill country economically. Clinton and Bruce Babbitt put in place. I yield back the balance of my time. Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. I rise in oppo- George Bush wasn’t there. Mr. Obama The Acting CHAIR. The question is sition to the amendment. wasn’t there. Bill Clinton did this. on the amendment offered by the gen- The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is recognized for 5 minutes. Lo and behold, somebody has to re- tleman from Massachusetts (Mr. MAR- negotiate something. Let’s start re- KEY). Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- negotiating contracts all over the The question was taken; and the Act- man, when I first saw this amendment, countryside. Maybe we ought to start ing Chair announced that the noes ap- I was wondering if we were debating fi- doing that. Some of the contracts peared to have it. nancial services legislation here on the made, and I think we did this the last Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Chairman, I de- floor. Clearly, this amendment at- election, their contracts were termi- mand a recorded vote. tempts to raise issues outside the nated. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to realm of today’s debate on increasing I have no further requests for time, clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- American-made energy and creating and I reserve the balance of my time. ceedings on the amendment offered by jobs. Mr. MARKEY. Could the Chair tell the gentleman from Massachusetts will The Department of the Interior me how much time we have? be postponed. should spend its time focusing on re- The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman viewing permits, conducting environ- 1700 from Massachusetts has 30 seconds re- b mental safety reviews, protecting our maining. The gentleman from Alaska AMENDMENT NO. 4 OFFERED BY MR. KEATING resources and leasing offshore areas has 21⁄2 minutes remaining. The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order that are most prospective for oil and The gentleman from Alaska has the to consider amendment No. 4 printed in natural gas production. The Depart- right to close. House Report 112–74. ment shouldn’t have dozens of employ- Mr. MARKEY. We have a big choice Mr. KEATING. Mr. Chairman, I have ees sitting around reading companies’ here. We can reclaim $53 billion from an amendment at the desk. Securities and Exchange Commission the oil and gas industry that they owe The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will filings and assembling a list of which to the American taxpayer and put it designate the amendment. executives got what bonus.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:31 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.086 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3200 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 The information that this amend- That’s what’s wrong with this Con- when we drill, we should have a plan in ment would burden the Interior De- gress and this administration and, yes, place before an accident occurs. We partment with gathering and pub- previous administrations: they don’t shouldn’t wait until a disaster like last lishing is already publicly disclosed. It grasp the necessity of having more year’s 3-month-long spill has already should be made public, and that’s why power available to increase the econ- begun. There wasn’t a person I spoke to it already is. This amendment is not omy of this country. And we’re on the who wasn’t horrified by the dev- about openness and transparency of cusp right now. I believe this bill will astating oil spill in the gulf. I believe disclosing information. That’s already help us. If it does not help us, then that the American people want us to the law. shoot me another solution. I have not learn from that environmental and eco- The real effect of this amendment is seen one on that side of the aisle. nomic tragedy, and this amendment duplicative requirements and govern- I yield back the balance of my time. helps us accomplish that. When we ment waste. Let’s get away from the The Acting CHAIR. The question is drill, we should have a plan for dealing political games and gotcha amend- on the amendment offered by the gen- with possible disaster. ments. Let’s allow the Department of tleman from Massachusetts (Mr. Some have argued that we don’t need the Interior to focus on OCS safety, en- KEATING). a law because initial steps are being vironmental protection and leasing, The question was taken; and the Act- taken at the agency level or by oil and and leave the bonuses to the Securities ing Chair announced that the noes ap- gas companies. Some have said that re- and Exchange Commission officials peared to have it. quiring a worst-case-scenario plan is studying that. I oppose this amend- Mr. KEATING. Mr. Chairman, I de- anti-drilling or anti-jobs. We shouldn’t ment and urge my colleagues to do the mand a recorded vote. get distracted from the simple truth of same. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to this amendment: when we drill, we I reserve the balance of my time. clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- should have a plan. We have seen the Mr. KEATING. Mr. Chairman, in ceedings on the amendment offered by consequences of not having a plan, and terms of the relevancy to this debate, I the gentleman from Massachusetts will it was lost jobs. be postponed. would take this time, in the spirit of b 1710 bipartisanship, to thank the Rules AMENDMENT NO. 5 OFFERED BY MS. TSONGAS This amendment is pro-jobs. Requir- Committee for allowing this amend- The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order ing oil and gas companies to have a ment and, thus, I agree with them that to consider amendment No. 5 printed in plan in place will not prevent the cre- this is relevant to this debate. House Report 112–74. I would like to comment on one more Ms. TSONGAS. Mr. Chairman, I have ation of a single oil and gas job, but it thing. My friend from Alaska brought an amendment at the desk. will protect fishing jobs and tourism up the point of a burden. The burden The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will jobs instead of asking us to put those that exists right now is the burden designate the amendment. jobs at risk should a spill occur. that’s being borne right on the gas The text of the amendment is as fol- Our constituents deserve to know pumps of the people in my district, in lows: that we have required oil and gas com- panies to plan for the worst. Opposing his district, and the people in the Page 4, strike the closing quotation marks United States of America. That is the and second period at line 19, and after line 19 this amendment irresponsibly denies burden that working families are un- insert the following: the tragic events of last summer. For the sake of our economy, our en- dergoing, the suffering that they are ‘‘(7) WORST-CASE CONTAINMENT AND CLEAN- vironment, and our coastal jobs, I urge undertaking as they pay over $4 a gal- UP PLAN REQUIRED.—The Secretary shall in- my colleagues to support this common- lon for gasoline in my district. Trans- clude, in each 5-year oil and gas leasing pro- gram, a requirement that each applicant for sense, simple amendment requiring oil parency and accountability are nec- a permit to drill under a lease issued in a and gas companies to have a plan. Join essary, though the people who are be- lease sale under the program must include a me in demonstrating to our constitu- holden to the price spikes know where plan for containment and clean-up of a ents that we have learned from the their money is going. worst-case oil and gas discharge scenario in I yield back the balance of my time. activities conducted under the permit, if events of last summer, and we are tak- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. The question I issued.’’. ing steps to prevent such a disaster in the future. ask is, How much would this cost the The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to Department of the Interior? Would this I reserve the balance of my time. House Resolution 257, the gentlewoman Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- take away from safety inspections? from Massachusetts (Ms. TSONGAS) and man, I rise in opposition to the amend- And to my good friend from Massachu- a Member opposed each will control 5 ment. setts, the burden is going to get worse. minutes. The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is You are going to be paying about $5 a The Chair recognizes the gentle- recognized for 5 minutes. gallon by the first of June; if not, woman from Massachusetts. Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. I yield myself maybe a little bit later, but not later Ms. TSONGAS. Mr. Chairman, I yield such time as I may consume. than the Fourth of July. And the bur- myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Chairman, here again is another den is something that bothers me a Last summer, we all saw the pain- amendment that is redundant, but let’s great deal. fully disorganized and ineffective re- call it what it is: It’s an obstruction. But in Massachusetts alone, not one sponse to the oil spill in the Gulf of The Department of the Interior al- time has any one of your Members in Mexico. The frustration was palpable ready requires that applicants must the Congress ever voted to produce en- across our country. During that trag- calculate worst case discharge before ergy, other than wind power and solar edy, it was clear that BP and the Fed- approving a permit. On June 18, 2010, power. And that doesn’t drive your con- eral Government had no plan to con- the Department of the Interior issued a stituents’ automobiles. That doesn’t tain the oil spill and that BP lacked notice to lessees outlining the informa- drive your trucks that deliver your the capacity to respond to a spill of tion requirements and standards to be products to the restaurants or the hos- that magnitude. met before a permit would be approved. pitals. That doesn’t drive that train The amendment that I am offering In the notice it is required that a lessee that people ride to try to get auto- today is very straightforward and sim- ‘‘describe the assumptions and calcula- mobiles off the road. It doesn’t drive ple, one that seeks to implement the tions that you used to determine the the ships to bring the products to your lessons learned from the events of last volume of your worst case scenario.’’ shores. Fossil fuel is the key to our summer. My amendment would require It’s already required on permit appli- commerce; and we should recognize that all applicants for a drilling permit cations today, and is further reiterated that in this Congress. And we should under a lease sold under H.R. 1231 sub- by the language in H.R. 1229, which develop an energy plan that includes mit a plan for containment and clean- passed the House earlier today. everything. You can’t do it with just up of a worst-case scenario oil or gas The minority continues to try to di- wind power. You can’t do it with solar spill. vert attention away from the real issue power. But you can do it with all pow- This amendment does not limit drill- of increasing energy production, cre- ers. ing. It says simply and sensibly that ating jobs, lowering energy costs, and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:31 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.089 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3201 improving national security by less- Ms. TSONGAS. Mr. Chairman, I de- tremely deterrent to the State econ- ening our dependence on foreign oil. mand a recorded vote. omy and ecosystem. As we saw in the In fact, it seems that the Democrats The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to BP oil spill last year in the Gulf of simply do not want to face the fact clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- Mexico, wherein 11 workers died and an that this bill says we can move forward ceedings on the amendment offered by estimated 5 million barrels of crude oil with an aggressive program of respon- the gentlewoman from Massachusetts poured into the Gulf of Mexico, the sible oil and gas development while, at will be postponed. risks of drilling oil off of Florida’s the same time, ensuring that increased AMENDMENT NO. 6 OFFERED BY MS. BROWN OF shores bring about extreme risk to our safety measures are undertaken. These FLORIDA State in an already depressed economy, are not mutually exclusive goals. The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order and with unemployment in the State of Republicans want to make U.S. off- to consider amendment No. 6 printed in Florida still hovering at 11 percent, the shore drilling the safest in the world, House Report 112–74. last thing we need is to endanger near- and it is the safest in the world, so we Ms. BROWN of Florida. Mr. Chair- ly 1 million tourist-related jobs and the can produce more American energy, man, I have an amendment at the desk. $60 billion tourist industry in the Sun- create American jobs and strengthen The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will shine State. our national security. designate the amendment. Drilling off the coast of Florida is a I reserve the balance of my time. The text of the amendment is as fol- misguided miscalculation. The risk of Ms. TSONGAS. I thank my colleague lows: danger to the environment and the for bringing this issue up. The June 18 Page 4, line 19, strike the closing quotation economy greatly outweighs any poten- notice to lessees is a great first step to- marks and the second period, and after line tial benefits. I would very much like to ward having worst case scenario con- 19 insert the following new paragraph: see increased drilling in areas already tainment and cleanup plans. But a no- ‘‘(7) MAKING MORATORIUM IN THE EASTERN open and increased funding for research tice to lessees is not the same as legis- GULF OF MEXICO PERMANENT.—The Secretary for new technology. lation. It is not intended to set policy, shall not make available for leasing in any I reserve the balance of my time. and it is not intended to have the force oil and gas leasing program under this sec- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. I rise in oppo- of law, which is why I am offering this tion any area referred to in section 104(a) of the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of sition to the amendment. amendment today. We need Federal laws, not notices, 2006 (title I of division C of Public Law 109– The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is 432; 43 U.S.C. 1331 note).’’. that require companies to submit recognized for 5 minutes. worst case scenario oil spill contain- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- ment and cleanup plans to ensure that House Resolution 257, the gentlewoman man, I oppose this amendment. The un- another spill like the BP spill never from Florida (Ms. BROWN) and a Mem- derlying bill is focused on opening the happens again. Our constituents de- ber opposed each will control 5 min- Outer Continental Shelf to safe and re- serve to know that we have required oil utes. sponsible energy production. This bill and gas companies to plan for the The Chair recognizes the gentle- aims to fulfill the promise that both worst, or give them an honest reason woman from Florida. Democrats and Republicans made to Ms. BROWN of Florida. I yield myself why we think no such plan is nec- the American people when we voted in as much time as I may consume. essary, given the events last summer. a bipartisan basis in 2008 to lift the Mr. Chairman, I rise today to offer to If the majority agrees that we should moratoria on offshore energy produc- H.R. 1231 an amendment that would have a plan, they should support this tion. make the current ban on drilling in the amendment. It simply requires that oil Since taking office, President Obama eastern Gulf of Mexico permanent. This and gas companies have a plan, nothing and his administration has effectively amendment would not have any effect more. It is about drilling safely, it pro- reimposed the moratorium. This bill on the budget as scored by the Congres- tects jobs, oil and gas jobs, tourism and would reverse his actions. sional Budget Office. However, it would fishing jobs. And again, as I said, if the In December 2006, a majority of the have a significant impact on the econ- majority agrees that we should have a House and the Florida delegation voted omy of Florida, given that the State’s plan, they should support this amend- in favor of the Gulf of Mexico Energy tourist industry will be protected from ment. Security Act, a bipartisan compromise I yield back the balance of my time. future oil spills which could destroy that opened a portion of the western Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- our beautiful beaches and coastal and central gulf but maintained the man, I can only say that, to my knowl- areas. Certainly, Florida’s coastline is eastern planning area moratoria until edge, there’s little chance of any oil a treasure, not just for Floridians but 2022. for all Americans and people through- drilling off the coast of Massachusetts. b 1720 But there is a great possibility off the out the world. For years, the Florida coasts of Florida, Virginia, Alaska, delegation has worked together to pro- This amendment seeks to go back- California, and this bill really sets out tect our coastline and natural re- wards and single-handedly undo that which areas should be drilled, not in sources, and as long as those rigs are in agreement to close off forever the pos- large massive areas, but specifically. this area, the potential for devastation sible energy production in a portion of I personally will tell you, if I could to Florida beaches persists. the Gulf of Mexico. This is exactly the drill in Alaska, offshore, which we If an accident was to occur causing wrong direction for America to be should be able to do, but this adminis- oil to wash ashore and to Florida heading. tration has delayed a permit for 5 beaches, both the environmental and Congress should not foreclose the years—5 years. Five billion dollars put the economic damage would be dev- possibility of future energy production. into investment to develop that field. astating to the State. And following This is especially true in the eastern It can’t be done because of this admin- the disaster off of Louisiana’s gulf planning area of the gulf, which the istration. coast last year, we saw a quick glimpse Department of the Interior believes This bill tries to expedite that proc- of what could happen to Florida’s econ- contains technically recoverable re- ess for the good of this Nation and for omy in the event of an oil spill. sources in the amount of 4 billion bar- the good of the people, not the good of I toured the region by helicopter last rels of oil and over 21 trillion cubic feet the oil companies, because we need year and witnessed the devastation of natural gas. that oil. firsthand. That said, before any new Let’s be clear, the area in the eastern I yield back the balance of my time. areas are opened and Florida’s pristine gulf covered by this amendment is cur- The Acting CHAIR. The question is beaches are put at risk, I would very rently under moratorium until 2022. on the amendment offered by the gen- much like to see drilling in the areas That is over a decade from now. This tlewoman from Massachusetts (Ms. that are already open and increased bill does not propose to change the 2022 TSONGAS). funding for research for new tech- date. The question was taken; and the Act- nology. I reserve the balance of my time. ing Chair announced that the noes ap- I strongly believe that any drilling Ms. BROWN of Florida. More than 20 peared to have it. off of Florida’s gulf coast would be ex- years after the Exxon Valdez oil spill,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:31 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.093 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3202 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 we have yet to clean up Prince William Member opposed each will control 5 quire drilling off the coasts of Sound in Alaska. Oil is still being minutes. Mendocino, Humboldt, or Del Norte found buried in sand from the BP oil The Chair recognizes the gentleman Counties. spill. from California. I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote on this. The frequent occurrence of extreme Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. I reserve the balance of my time. weather that the eastern gulf coast ex- Chairman, according to this bill’s Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- periences, including hurricanes and se- drafters, the legislation would not re- man, I rise in opposition to the amend- vere storms, could easily produce an oil quire leasing permits in the northern ment. spill, even with the technological im- California planning area, which is the The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is provements in oil and natural gas oper- coastline of my district. My amend- recognized for 5 minutes. ations. Storms along the gulf coast in ment merely makes that clear. Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- 2005 caused 124 oil spills in the waters Drilling on the north coast of Cali- man, this is the second amendment of of the Gulf of Mexico, Hurricane fornia is a disastrous idea, and the leg- three today designed to close off por- Katrina caused a 233,000 gallon oil spill, islation must be clear that it is not ac- tions of the Outer Continental Shelf to and Hurricane Rita worsened the dam- ceptable to drill off California’s north oil and natural gas exploration produc- age with 508,000 gallons of oil spilled. If coast. Because this amendment is a tion, the opposite of what the bill these rigs were in the gulf coast, our clarification of the legislation’s intent, under consideration today is about. beaches would face complete destruc- there is no cost associated with it. The underlying bill is focused on open- tion. As we have seen recently, cleanup Just about 3 weeks ago, we marked ing the Outer Continental Shelf to safe methods for these spills are incapable the 1-year anniversary of the Nation’s and responsible energy production. of removing more than a small fraction worst oil spill. I will not let what hap- H.R. 1231 aims to fulfill the promise of the oil. pened to the Gulf of Mexico happen to that both Democrats and Republicans In addition, from the BP oil spill the north coast of California. I have in- made to the American people when we alone, Florida has over 284,000 claims troduced separate stand-alone legisla- voted on a bipartisan basis in 2008 to with only 117,000 paid. That is less than tion which would permanently ban lift the moratoria on offshore energy half, for a total of over $1.45 billion. drilling off the coast of my district. production. Since taking office, Presi- For the total gulf region, there have It is important to me and to my con- dent Obama and his administration been 10,000 fishing claims, 122,000 food stituents that H.R. 1231 clearly notates have effectively reimposed the morato- and lodging claims, 74,000 retail and that drilling will not occur in the rium, and this bill would reverse his sales claims, and a total of $1.6 billion northern California planning area actions. paid on even more lost earnings and along the coasts of Mendocino, Hum- This amendment proposes to take wages. We cannot afford another dis- boldt, and Del Norte Counties. The America in exactly the wrong direction aster of this magnitude. With more coastal area of my district is one of in which we should be heading. Con- drilling, we still are living on borrowed only four major upwellings in our gress should not foreclose the possi- time. Support the Corrine Brown world’s oceans. bility of future energy production. amendment. An upwelling is where cold, nutrient- With the price of gasoline going to $4 I yield back the balance of my time. rich waters are brought from the ocean and $5 a gallon, I urge my colleagues to Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. I urge my col- depths to the surface. Upwelling re- oppose this amendment and keep our leagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on this amend- gions promote seaweed and growth, focus on those offshore areas that con- ment, and I yield back the balance of which, in turn, supply energy for some tain substantial oil and natural re- my time. of the most productive ecosystems in sources, where increased American en- The Acting CHAIR. The question is our world, including many of our ergy production will create new jobs, on the amendment offered by the gen- world’s fisheries. lower energy prices, and increase our tlewoman from Florida (Ms. BROWN). North coast ecosystems also sustain economic and national security. The question was taken; and the Act- some of the largest salmon populations I reserve the balance of my time. ing Chair announced that the noes ap- in the lower 49 States and provide es- Mr. THOMPSON of California. I yield peared to have it. sential habitat for Dungeness crab, myself the balance of my time. Ms. BROWN of Florida. Mr. Chair- rockfish, sole, and urchin. The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is man, I demand a recorded vote. In 2006 and 2008, commercial fishery recognized for 11⁄2 minutes. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to disasters that virtually eliminated Mr. THOMPSON of California. Thank clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- salmon fishing in California were eco- you, Mr. Chairman. ceedings on the amendment offered by nomically disastrous to my district, to Again, I want to point out that the the gentlewoman from Florida will be our States, and our Nation. If an oil majority party has told me and told postponed. spill were to occur off the coast of my my staff that the bill that they have district, the environmental and eco- AMENDMENT NO. 7 OFFERED BY MR. THOMPSON offered today, the bill that we are OF CALIFORNIA nomic costs would be staggering. Drill- going to be voting on, does not affect ing for oil or gas off California’s north The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order the north coast of California. Now, my coast could cause serious harm to the to consider amendment No. 7 printed in effort with this amendment is merely unique and productive ecosystem and House Report 112–74. to trust but verify. abundant marine life found in this Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. area. b 1730 Chairman, I have an amendment at the My district is economically depend- To oppose this amendment really desk. ent upon the rich natural resources we calls into question, what is the under- The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will are blessed to have, but it is also sub- lying motivation of this bill? Does it do designate the amendment. ject to significant earthquakes which what they claim and not affect this re- The text of the amendment is as fol- exacerbate the issues, the threats, and gion of our ocean, again, one of only lows: the problems related to oil spills. four major upwellings in the world’s Page 4, line 19, strike the final closed One of my counties just wrote to me, oceans. This is an area that feeds and quotation mark and the following period. and I quote, ‘‘The modest amount of oil promotes the fisheries and the marine Page 4, after line 19, insert the following new subparagraph: available in terms of our Nation’s daily life not only in my area, but in all the ‘‘(C) Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), demand does not justify jeopardizing ocean. And the idea we would put it at the Secretary may not include in any oil and our fisheries, our environment, and our any kind of risk. Those of you who gas leasing program under this paragraph economic livelihoods.’’ know the area know how rough the any lease sale in the Northern California This amendment will merely protect water is, know how rocky the shores Planning Area.’’. the north coast of California and will are. If there was an oil spill there, it The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to simply clarify what the drafters of this would never be cleaned up. The area is House Resolution 257, the gentleman bill say that the bill does, and that is seismically active. To drill in that area from California (Mr. THOMPSON) and a that they claim that it does not re- with the threat of earthquakes, you are

VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:31 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.096 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3203 looking at a situation that would make continue to be dependent on foreign en- energy sources. I want to address each the Gulf of Mexico disaster pale in ergy sources is crazy. We ought to start one of those. comparison. drilling and doing what needs to be Basically our position is we don’t It is not too much to ask that we done here in America. And we can do in think in the State of Washington, or merely verify what it is the majority an environmentally safe way. We can any State, and particularly the State party says that they are not doing with do it in Alaska, offshore, we can do it of Washington, which is the Evergreen this bill. And the idea that this amend- in a number of places. But to sit by and State, we ought to have this policy ment would be opposed is quite star- continue to send our money to Saudi foisted upon us that is not an ever- tling to me. I believe that this is some- Arabia and other countries around the green energy policy for this century for thing that everyone can get behind. To world that aren’t our friends just three reasons. say that the bill doesn’t do this and doesn’t make any sense, and the Amer- Reason number one: Despite the fact then refuse to take the amendment ican people understand it. that we have had this enormous pas- calls into question the motive of the I think my colleagues on both sides sage of time since this horrendous spill bill. of the aisle ought to go back and talk in the gulf, this Chamber has not Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. How much to their constituents, who are paying passed into law one single safety provi- time do I have left, Mr. Chairman? the price at the gas pump. sion to bring additional safety to any- The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. I yield back where on our coastline. My amendment has 31⁄2 minutes remaining. the balance of my time. Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- The Acting CHAIR. The question is would simply say that the people of the man, my good friend from California on the amendment offered by the gen- State of Washington and their elected officials ought to be able to make a de- brings out some legitimate points. But tleman from California (Mr. THOMP- cision that we have got adequate, rea- right now, today, under existing law, SON). the northern California planning area The question was taken; and the Act- sonable safeguards for drilling before it is available for leasing. This bill does ing Chair announced that the noes ap- happens off of the State of Washington. not change that current situation. It peared to have it. That has not happened, and it is inex- has been available since 2008 when gas- Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. cusable. oline prices hit $4 a gallon and the Chairman, I demand a recorded vote. Second, before this happens, the peo- President and Congress lifted the off- The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to ple of the State of Washington ought to shore drilling moratoria. clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- have reasonable protection against the I will remind the House that in 2008 ceedings on the amendment offered by rampant speculation that is going on the coast of California was opened for the gentleman from California will be that is driving up these prices. Even potential leasing and drilling, that postponed. Goldman Sachs has recognized we have Democrats were in the majority in the AMENDMENT NO. 8 OFFERED BY MR. INSLEE had four times the speculative posi- House and NANCY PELOSI of San Fran- The Acting CHAIR. It is now in order tions taken and probably a $20 amount cisco was Speaker of the House. For to consider amendment No. 8 printed in that has driven up these prices associ- months, they resisted Republican ef- House Report 112–74. ated with this unchecked speculation. forts to end the offshore ban, but even- Mr. INSLEE. I have an amendment Yet this Chamber and my friends tually the American people won out at the desk. across the aisle have not done a single and the bans were lifted. The Acting CHAIR. The Clerk will thing to address this speculation. Until I would also like to point out that designate the amendment. we do that, we shouldn’t have my this bill provides direction that when The text of the amendment is as fol- neighbors and my constituents have the Federal Government is writing 5- lows: foisted down their throats this policy year leasing plans, that the focus be on Page 4, line 19, strike the closing quotation of mandatory drilling without them areas with the greatest estimated oil marks and the second period, and after line first making a decision. and natural gas resources. This par- 19 insert the following new paragraph: Third, the people of the State of ticular planning area does not have and ‘‘(7) WASHINGTON STATE APPROVAL RE- Washington want to help in our energy has not registered high in this regard QUIRED.—Under this section, the Secretary shall not make available for leasing for ex- crisis and they are capable of helping and this bill does not direct that leas- ploration, development, and production of in this energy crisis if this Chamber ing occur in this planning area. With oil and natural gas any area of the outer will just free them to do it. gasoline back to the 2008 highs of over Continental Shelf off the coast of Wash- Here is how they want to help. They $4 per gallon, let’s keep the focus on ington unless such leasing is approved by the want to produce lithium ion batteries where it should be, increasing Amer- Governor and legislature of the State of that can run electric cars so we don’t ican offshore energy production. That’s Washington.’’. have to start being shackled and just what we’re trying to do. The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to addicted to oil. But this Chamber I yield 11⁄2 minutes to the gentleman House Resolution 257, the gentleman hasn’t done a single thing, a single from Indiana (Mr. BURTON). from Washington (Mr. INSLEE) and a thing this year, to help clean energy Mr. BURTON of Indiana. I thank the Member opposed each will control 5 sources that Washington State busi- gentleman for yielding. minutes. ness people want to produce. I don’t know that there is a great The Chair recognizes the gentleman I look at the EnerG2 company that is deal more to add to what he has just from Washington. said about permits and about the issue Mr. INSLEE. Mr. Chairman, I yield making ultracapacitors. This Chamber that has been discussed just recently. myself such time as I may consume. isn’t helping them make electric bat- The thing that really bothers me is I rise to protect the beaches and teries for electric cars. just a few years ago, 25 years ago, we shoreline and economy of the State of I look at the REC company in Moses were importing about 28 percent of our Washington. This amendment is quite Lake, Washington, that is making the oil. Today we are importing 62 percent simple. It would simply say that we polysilicate cells for photovoltaic cells of our oil, more than double what we will not allow the Federal Government to produce the electricity for electric were doing just a few years ago, and to run over the State of Washington on cars. This Chamber hasn’t done a sin- the American people are paying the issues of drilling off of our coastline, gle thing to help that company ad- price. Instead of $1.50 or $2 a gallon for that we won’t be shackled to this anti- vance. gas, they are spending $4 a gallon for quated policy of drilling without first I look at the Targeted Growth com- gasoline. providing reasonable protection, with- pany and the Boeing company that are Nationwide, there are 86 billion bar- out first addressing the issue of ramp- developing biofuels so that we can have rels of oil. Fifty-one percent of that is ant speculation that is what is expos- a competitor to gasoline so we can in the Gulf of Mexico, which means ing my consumers to $4 a gallon gas in drive those prices down. This Chamber there are 44 billion barrels of oil in the the State of Washington, and without hasn’t done a single thing to help those Gulf of Mexico, and there are 240 tril- freeing us to do what we should be companies develop Washington State lion cubic feet of natural gas. For us to doing, which is developing new, clean jobs for a new energy future.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:08 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.099 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3204 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 Now, we have got a lot of energy off over certain types of offshore energy So they’re doubly taxed because now of our coastline. It might be in as- leasing. It singles out only oil and nat- they’re paying taxes because of the sorted ways. But I know it is in off- ural gas, but provides no such veto high cost of oil, the high cost of gaso- shore wind. But we aren’t doing a sin- power over other forms of energy leas- line. And $1,100 a year they have addi- gle thing to help the offshore wind en- ing. This includes wave energy, wind, tionally been taxed this year versus ergy. All we are doing is trying to solar, and other renewable forms. last year. And yet we talk about wind shackle an antiquated energy policy on This double standard exposes the real power. They’re taxed because that the people of the State of Washington. intent of this amendment. It’s not comes out of the general fund. We’re I would have liked this amendment truly aimed at ensuring a voice for borrowing money from the Chinese. to have helped all of my colleagues on Washington State; it’s intended to That’s reality. the Pacific Coast, but because of some score political points. But the political Wind and solar are fine as long as of the financial rules that we have, we points the amendment attempts to they’re subsidized. As long as you pay have only been able to bring this in- score are entirely hollow. Why? Be- for them, Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer, volving the Evergreen State. But I cause there isn’t estimated to be any they’re fine. But that’s an additional would hope that all of my colleagues recoverable oil or natural gas in Fed- tax on you. If it was so economical, so would join me in saying that before eral waters off of Washington State. well to be done, then we would have this gets forced on the citizens of Again, this bill only goes into areas done it a long time ago. And I say it Washington State, we adopt some rea- that have really large potential. Again, will work. It’s like ethanol. It works. sonable measures. multiple Federal laws already guar- It’s still not economical. So we have to go back to what com- I reserve the balance of my time. antee all Americans have an oppor- merce is run by—and it’s fossil fuels. tunity to participate in an offshore b 1740 We can have all those other forms of planning process, especially the Gov- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- energy. I do not want them subsidized. ernors, State and local officials, and We can have all those other forms of man, I rise in opposition to the amend- citizens living in coastal States that ment. energy, but we have to have the ability will be impacted by leasing, should it to move product. I look at the Port of The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman is take place. recognized for 5 minutes. Seattle, the Port of Tacoma. Every one For those reasons, I urge Members to of those ships is burning a fossil fuel Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Chair- oppose this amendment. man, acting for Natural Resources that deliver those goods. Every truck I reserve the balance of my time. that leaves that port that goes out to Committee Chairman DOC HASTINGS of The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman Washington State, I oppose this deliver those to the people around this from Washington has 45 seconds re- Nation is burning fossil fuels. Every amendment. maining. As explained in the debate on the train that leaves is burning fossil fuels. Mr. INSLEE. Thank you. Every airplane that lands, built by prior two amendments, this bill is fo- First, I wish my friend DOC HASTINGS Boeing, is driven by fossil fuels. cused on increasing American-made en- from Washington was with us today. This is a chance for us to speak up in ergy, creating new jobs, and decreasing He’s not feeling well. But Mr. YOUNG is Congress and say we are going to de- our dependence on energy from foreign doing an admirable job with a weak ar- velop our natural fuels in this country nations. Congress needs to focus on in- gument, and I’ll report that they’re so we can compete legitimately. You creasing energy production, and this getting represented. cannot compete by borrowing money to amendment goes in the opposite direc- I just want to point out we haven’t buy foreign oil, and that’s what that tion. In fact, this amendment attempts seen horrendous damage to any eco- side wants to do. I’m saying that’s to impose unprecedented and impos- system from a wind spill yet. If you wrong. And I will join hands with you sible obstacles to fostering more Amer- spill a little wind, you don’t end up if you vote for ANWR and you vote for ican energy in Federal waters. covering large gulf areas with hydro- other forms of energy, too. Let’s get it It is stated that the purpose of the carbons or destroying oyster and all together, guys. Let’s have an en- amendment is to give the State of shrimping grounds like have been in ergy plan. All we’re trying to do here is Washington a say on leasing in Federal the gulf. There are differences from undo what the Obama administration waters off the State’s coast. However, multiple sources. did, and that’s put a moratorium in. multiple Federal laws already provide We are simply saying that before we I urge the defeat of this amendment. Washington State, and every State, the move forward with additional offshore I yield back the balance of my time. opportunity to participate in any such drilling, we ought to have reasonable The Acting CHAIR. The question is decisions. What this amendment would safety protocols, we ought to address on the amendment offered by the gen- do is grant double veto power for Wash- speculation, and we ought to have an tleman from Washington (Mr. INSLEE). ington State to prohibit Federal activi- energy policy that looks at all of the The question was taken; and the Act- ties in Federal waters outside the above. ing Chair announced that the noes ap- State’s borders. The Interior Depart- My friends across the aisle told us peared to have it. Mr. INSLEE. Mr. Chairman, I de- ment provides repeated opportunities you were going to give us an all-of-the- for public comment and participation mand a recorded vote. above energy policy. All you have The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to throughout the planning and leasing given us is an all-of-the-below energy clause 6 of rule XVIII, further pro- process. policy. We need a little better than ceedings on the amendment offered by Furthermore, the Coastal Zone Man- this. the gentleman from Washington will be agement Act requires State consist- Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. How much postponed. ency review with its State coastal zone time do I have remaining? ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR management plan before the Federal The Acting CHAIR. The gentleman The Acting CHAIR. Pursuant to Government takes action in Federal 1 2 from Alaska has 2 ⁄ minutes remain- clause 6 of rule XVIII, proceedings will waters off of any particular State. On ing. now resume on those amendments top of that, the Outer Continental Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Thank you, printed in House Report 112–74 on Shelf Lands Act provides clear require- Mr. Chairman. which further proceedings were post- ments for consultation and cooperation My good friend from Washington, poned, in the following order: with affected State and local govern- they may not have a wind spill, but Amendment No. 2 by Mr. CONNOLLY ments. Considerable care and protec- there’s opposition to wind power. And of Virginia. tion is provided to each and every wind is extremely expensive and only Amendment No. 3 by Mr. MARKEY of State, with extra consideration guar- can be successful as long as it’s sub- Massachusetts. anteed to coastal States. This is as it sidized by the taxpayer. As long as this Amendment No. 4 by Mr. KEATING of should be. administration keeps insisting on wind Massachusetts. What is particularly revealing about and solar power, they’re doubly taxing The Chair will reduce to 5 minutes this amendment is that it only gives our taxpayers of this Nation and hurt- the time for any electronic vote after Washington State double veto power ing our economy. That’s reality. the first vote in this series.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:08 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.101 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3205

AMENDMENT NO. 2 OFFERED BY MR. CONNOLLY Austria Gowdy Nunnelee AMENDMENT NO. 3 OFFERED BY MR. MARKEY OF VIRGINIA Bachmann Granger Olson Bachus Graves (GA) Palazzo The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Barletta Graves (MO) Paul business is the demand for a recorded business is the demand for a recorded Barrow Green, Gene Paulsen vote on the amendment offered by the vote on the amendment offered by the Bartlett Griffin (AR) Pearce gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. gentleman from Virginia (Mr. Barton (TX) Griffith (VA) Pence Bass (NH) Grimm Peterson MARKEY) on which further proceedings CONNOLLY) on which further pro- Benishek Guinta Petri were postponed and on which the noes ceedings were postponed and on which Berg Guthrie Pitts prevailed by voice vote. the noes prevailed by voice vote. Biggert Hall Platts The Clerk will redesignate the Bilbray Harper Poe (TX) The Clerk will redesignate the Bishop (UT) Harris Pompeo amendment. amendment. Black Hartzler Price (GA) The Clerk redesignated the amend- The Clerk redesignated the amend- Blackburn Hayworth Quayle ment. Bonner Heck ment. Rehberg Bono Mack Hensarling Reichert RECORDED VOTE RECORDED VOTE Boren Herger Renacci The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Boustany Herrera Beutler Ribble has been demanded. Brady (TX) Holden Rigell has been demanded. Brooks Huelskamp Rivera A recorded vote was ordered. A recorded vote was ordered. Broun (GA) Huizenga (MI) Roby The Acting CHAIR. This will be a 5- Buchanan Hultgren Roe (TN) minute vote. The vote was taken by electronic de- Bucshon Hunter vice, and there were—ayes 193, noes 228, Rogers (AL) The vote was taken by electronic de- Buerkle Hurt Rogers (KY) not voting 10, as follows: Burgess Issa Rogers (MI) vice, and there were—ayes 189, noes 238, Burton (IN) Jenkins Rohrabacher not voting 4, as follows: [Roll No. 312] Calvert Johnson (IL) Rokita [Roll No. 313] AYES—193 Camp Johnson (OH) Roskam Campbell Jordan Ackerman Gonzalez Pascrell Ross (AR) AYES—189 Canseco Kelly Andrews Goodlatte Ross (FL) Ackerman Garamendi Pastor (AZ) Cantor King (IA) Pascrell Baca Green, Al Royce Andrews Gerlach Payne Capito King (NY) Pastor (AZ) Baldwin Grijalva Runyan Baca Grijalva Pelosi Carter Kingston Payne Bass (CA) Gutierrez Ryan (WI) Baldwin Gutierrez Perlmutter Cassidy Kinzinger (IL) Pelosi Becerra Hanabusa Scalise Bass (CA) Hanabusa Peters Chabot Kline Perlmutter Berkley Hanna Schilling Becerra Hastings (FL) Pingree (ME) Chaffetz Labrador Peters Berman Hastings (FL) Schmidt Berkley Heinrich Polis Chandler Lamborn Pingree (ME) Bilirakis Heinrich Schock Berman Higgins Posey Coble Lance Platts Bishop (GA) Higgins Schweikert Bilirakis Himes Price (NC) Coffman (CO) Landry Polis Bishop (NY) Himes Scott (SC) Bishop (GA) Hinchey Quigley Cole Lankford Price (NC) Blumenauer Hinchey Scott, Austin Bishop (NY) Hinojosa Rahall Conaway Latham Quigley Boswell Hinojosa Sensenbrenner Blumenauer Hirono Rangel Costa LaTourette Rahall Brady (PA) Holt Sessions Boswell Holden Reyes Cravaack Latta Rangel Braley (IA) Honda Shimkus Brady (PA) Holt Richardson Crawford Lewis (CA) Richardson Brown (FL) Hoyer Braley (IA) Honda Culberson Long Shuster Richmond Butterfield Inslee Richmond Brown (FL) Hoyer Davis (KY) Lucas Simpson Ros-Lehtinen Capps Israel Rooney Buchanan Inslee Denham Luetkemeyer Smith (NE) Rothman (NJ) Capuano Jackson (IL) Ros-Lehtinen Butterfield Israel Dent Lummis Smith (TX) Roybal-Allard Cardoza Jackson Lee Rothman (NJ) Capps Jackson (IL) DesJarlais Lungren, Daniel Southerland Ruppersberger Carnahan (TX) Roybal-Allard Capuano Johnson (GA) Dold E. Stivers Rush Carney Johnson (GA) Ruppersberger Carnahan Johnson, E. B. Donnelly (IN) Mack Stutzman Ryan (OH) Carson (IN) Johnson, E. B. Rush Carney Jones Dreier Manzullo Terry Sa´ nchez, Linda Castor (FL) Jones Ryan (OH) Carson (IN) Kaptur Duffy Marino Thompson (MS) T. Chu Kaptur Sa´ nchez, Linda Castor (FL) Keating Duncan (SC) Matheson Thompson (PA) Sanchez, Loretta Cicilline Keating T. Chu Kildee Duncan (TN) McCarthy (CA) Thornberry Sarbanes Clarke (MI) Kildee Sanchez, Loretta Cicilline Kind Ellmers McCaul Tiberi Schakowsky Clarke (NY) Kind Sarbanes Clarke (MI) Kissell Emerson McClintock Tipton Schiff Clay Kissell Schakowsky Clarke (NY) Kucinich Farenthold McCotter Turner Schrader Cleaver Kucinich Schiff Clay Langevin Fincher McHenry Upton Schwartz Clyburn Langevin Schrader Cleaver Larsen (WA) Flake McKeon Walberg Scott (VA) Cohen Larsen (WA) Scott (VA) Clyburn Larson (CT) Fleischmann McKinley Walden Scott, David Connolly (VA) Larson (CT) Cohen Lee (CA) Scott, David Fleming McMorris Walsh (IL) Conyers Lee (CA) Connolly (VA) Levin Serrano Serrano Flores Rodgers Webster Cooper Levin Conyers Lewis (GA) Sewell Sewell Foxx Meehan West Costello Lewis (GA) Cooper Lipinski Sherman Sherman Franks (AZ) Mica Westmoreland Courtney Lipinski Costa LoBiondo Shuler Shuler Frelinghuysen Miller (MI) Whitfield Crenshaw LoBiondo Costello Loebsack Sires Sires Gallegly Miller, Gary Wilson (SC) Critz Loebsack Courtney Lofgren, Zoe Slaughter Slaughter Gardner Mulvaney Wittman Crowley Lofgren, Zoe Critz Lowey Smith (NJ) Smith (NJ) Garrett Murphy (PA) Wolf Cuellar Lowey Crowley Luja´ n Smith (WA) Smith (WA) Gerlach Myrick Womack Cummings Luja´ n Cummings Lynch Speier Speier Gibbs Neugebauer Woodall Davis (CA) Lynch Davis (CA) Maloney Stark Stark Gingrey (GA) Noem Yoder Davis (IL) Maloney Davis (IL) Markey Sutton Stearns Gohmert Nugent Young (AK) DeFazio Markey DeFazio Matsui Thompson (CA) Sutton Gosar Nunes Young (IN) DeGette Matsui DeGette McCarthy (NY) Thompson (MS) Thompson (CA) DeLauro McCarthy (NY) DeLauro McCollum Tierney Tierney NOT VOTING—10 Deutch McCollum Dent McDermott Tonko Tonko Fortenberry Johnson, Sam Sullivan Diaz-Balart McDermott Deutch McGovern Towns Towns Giffords Marchant Waters Dicks McGovern Dicks McIntyre Tsongas Tsongas Hastings (WA) Reed Dingell McIntyre Dingell McNerney Van Hollen Hirono Schwartz Doggett McNerney Van Hollen Doggett Meehan Vela´ zquez Vela´ zquez Doyle Meeks b 1814 Dold Meeks Visclosky Edwards Michaud Visclosky Doyle Michaud Walz (MN) Ellison Miller (FL) Walz (MN) Messrs. YOUNG of Indiana, RIGELL, Edwards Miller (NC) Wasserman Engel Miller (NC) Wasserman and WEBSTER changed their vote from Ellison Miller, George Schultz Schultz Eshoo Miller, George ‘‘aye’’ to ‘‘no.’’ Engel Moore Watt Farr Moore Watt Eshoo Moran Waxman Fattah Moran Waxman Messrs. POSEY, ROONEY, JACKSON Farr Murphy (CT) Weiner Filner Murphy (CT) Weiner of Illinois, CRENSHAW, DIAZ- Fattah Nadler Welch Fitzpatrick Nadler Welch BALART, and FORBES changed their Filner Napolitano Wilson (FL) Forbes Napolitano Wilson (FL) Fitzpatrick Neal Woolsey Frank (MA) Neal Woolsey vote from ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ Fortenberry Olver Wu Fudge Olver Wu So the amendment was rejected. Frank (MA) Owens Yarmuth Garamendi Owens Yarmuth The result of the vote was announced Fudge Pallone Young (FL) Gibson Pallone Young (FL) as above recorded. NOES—238 Stated for: NOES—228 Adams Alexander Austria Adams Akin Altmire Ms. HIRONO. Mr. Chair, on rollcall No. 312, Aderholt Altmire Bachmann Aderholt Alexander Amash had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘aye.’’ Akin Amash Bachus

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:09 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.104 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3206 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 Barletta Graves (MO) Palazzo vote on the amendment offered by the Bonner Guinta Pearce Barrow Green, Al Paul gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. Bono Mack Guthrie Pence Bartlett Green, Gene Paulsen Boren Hall Peterson Barton (TX) Griffin (AR) Pearce KEATING) on which further proceedings Boustany Hanna Petri Bass (NH) Griffith (VA) Pence were postponed and on which the noes Brady (TX) Harper Pitts Benishek Grimm Peterson prevailed by voice vote. Brooks Hartzler Poe (TX) Berg Guinta Petri Broun (GA) Hayworth Polis Biggert Guthrie Pitts The Clerk will redesignate the Buchanan Heck Pompeo Bilbray Hall Poe (TX) amendment. Bucshon Hensarling Posey Bishop (UT) Hanna Pompeo The Clerk redesignated the amend- Buerkle Herger Price (GA) Black Harper Burgess Herrera Beutler Posey ment. Quayle Blackburn Harris Price (GA) Burton (IN) Himes Reed Bonner Hartzler Quayle RECORDED VOTE Calvert Huelskamp Rehberg Bono Mack Hayworth Camp Huizenga (MI) Reed The Acting CHAIR. A recorded vote Reichert Boren Heck Rehberg Campbell Hultgren Renacci Boustany Hensarling Canseco Hunter Reichert has been demanded. Reyes Brady (TX) Herger Cantor Hurt Renacci A recorded vote was ordered. Ribble Brooks Herrera Beutler Capito Issa Reyes Richmond Broun (GA) Huelskamp The Acting CHAIR. This will be a 5- Cardoza Jenkins Ribble Rigell Bucshon Huizenga (MI) Carter Johnson (IL) Rigell minute vote. Rivera Buerkle Hultgren The vote was taken by electronic de- Cassidy Johnson (OH) Roby Burgess Hunter Rivera Chabot Jordan Roby vice, and there were—ayes 186, noes 240, Roe (TN) Burton (IN) Hurt Chaffetz Kelly Rogers (AL) Calvert Issa Roe (TN) not voting 5, as follows: Coble King (IA) Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Camp Jackson Lee [Roll No. 314] Coffman (CO) King (NY) Rogers (MI) Campbell (TX) Rogers (KY) Cole Kingston Rogers (MI) Rohrabacher Canseco Jenkins AYES—186 Conaway Kinzinger (IL) Rokita Cantor Johnson (IL) Rohrabacher Costa Kline Ackerman Green, Al Pallone Rooney Capito Johnson (OH) Rokita Cravaack Labrador Andrews Grijalva Pascrell Roskam Cardoza Jordan Rooney Crawford Lamborn Baca Gutierrez Pastor (AZ) Ross (FL) Carter Kelly Roskam Crenshaw Lance Baldwin Hanabusa Payne Royce Cassidy King (IA) Ross (AR) Cuellar Landry Barrow Harris Pelosi Runyan Chabot King (NY) Ross (FL) Culberson Lankford Bass (CA) Hastings (FL) Perlmutter Ruppersberger Chaffetz Kingston Royce Davis (KY) Latham Becerra Heinrich Peters Ryan (WI) Chandler Kinzinger (IL) Runyan Denham LaTourette Berkley Higgins Pingree (ME) Scalise Coble Kline Ryan (WI) DesJarlais Latta Berman Hinchey Platts Schilling Coffman (CO) Labrador Scalise Diaz-Balart Lewis (CA) Bishop (GA) Hinojosa Price (NC) Schmidt Cole Lamborn Schilling Donnelly (IN) Long Bishop (NY) Hirono Quigley Schock Conaway Lance Schmidt Dreier Lucas Blumenauer Holden Rahall Schweikert Cravaack Landry Schock Duffy Luetkemeyer Boswell Holt Rangel Scott (SC) Crawford Lankford Schweikert Duncan (SC) Lummis Brady (PA) Honda Richardson Scott, Austin Crenshaw Latham Duncan (TN) Lungren, Daniel Scott (SC) Braley (IA) Hoyer Ros-Lehtinen Cuellar LaTourette Ellmers E. Sensenbrenner Scott, Austin Brown (FL) Inslee Ross (AR) Culberson Latta Emerson Mack Sessions Sensenbrenner Butterfield Israel Rothman (NJ) Davis (KY) Lewis (CA) Farenthold Manzullo Shimkus Sessions Capps Jackson (IL) Roybal-Allard Denham Long Fincher Marchant Shuler Shimkus Capuano Jackson Lee Rush DesJarlais Lucas Fitzpatrick Marino Shuster Shuster Carnahan (TX) Ryan (OH) Diaz-Balart Luetkemeyer Flake Matheson Simpson Simpson Carney Johnson (GA) Sa´ nchez, Linda Donnelly (IN) Lummis Fleischmann McCarthy (CA) Smith (TX) Smith (NE) Carson (IN) Johnson, E. B. T. Dreier Lungren, Daniel Fleming McCaul Stearns Smith (TX) Castor (FL) Jones Sanchez, Loretta Duffy E. Flores McClintock Stutzman Southerland Chandler Kaptur Sarbanes Duncan (SC) Mack Forbes McCotter Sullivan Stearns Chu Keating Schakowsky Duncan (TN) Manzullo Fortenberry McHenry Terry Stivers Cicilline Kildee Schiff Ellmers Marchant Foxx McKeon Thompson (PA) Stutzman Clarke (MI) Kind Schrader Emerson Marino Franks (AZ) McKinley Thornberry Sullivan Clarke (NY) Kissell Schwartz Farenthold Matheson Frelinghuysen McMorris Tiberi Terry Clay Kucinich Scott (VA) Fincher McCarthy (CA) Gallegly Rodgers Tipton Cleaver Langevin Scott, David Flake McCaul Thompson (PA) Gardner Meehan Turner Clyburn Larsen (WA) Serrano Fleischmann McClintock Thornberry Garrett Mica Upton Cohen Larson (CT) Sewell Fleming McCotter Tiberi Gibbs Miller (FL) Walberg Connolly (VA) Lee (CA) Sherman Flores McHenry Tipton Gibson Miller (MI) Walden Conyers Levin Sires Forbes McKeon Turner Gingrey (GA) Miller, Gary Walsh (IL) Cooper Lewis (GA) Slaughter Foxx McKinley Upton Gohmert Mulvaney Webster Costello Lipinski Smith (NJ) Franks (AZ) McMorris Walberg Gonzalez Murphy (PA) West Courtney LoBiondo Smith (WA) Frelinghuysen Rodgers Walden Goodlatte Myrick Westmoreland Critz Loebsack Speier Gallegly Mica Walsh (IL) Gosar Neugebauer Whitfield Crowley Lofgren, Zoe Stark Gardner Miller (FL) Webster Gowdy Noem Wilson (SC) Cummings Lowey Stivers Garrett Miller (MI) West Granger Nugent Wittman Davis (CA) Luja´ n Sutton Gibbs Miller, Gary Westmoreland Graves (GA) Nunes Wolf Davis (IL) Lynch Thompson (CA) Gibson Mulvaney Whitfield Graves (MO) Nunnelee Womack DeFazio Maloney Thompson (MS) Gingrey (GA) Murphy (PA) Wilson (SC) Green, Gene Olson Woodall DeGette Markey Tierney Gohmert Myrick Wittman Griffin (AR) Palazzo Yoder DeLauro Matsui Tonko Gonzalez Neugebauer Wolf Griffith (VA) Paul Young (AK) Dent McCarthy (NY) Towns Goodlatte Noem Womack Grimm Paulsen Young (IN) Deutch McCollum Tsongas Gosar Nugent Woodall Dicks McDermott Van Hollen Gowdy Nunes Yoder NOT VOTING—5 Dingell McGovern Vela´ zquez Granger Nunnelee Young (AK) Doggett McIntyre Visclosky Giffords Johnson, Sam Southerland Graves (GA) Olson Young (IN) Dold McNerney Walz (MN) Hastings (WA) Smith (NE) NOT VOTING—4 Doyle Meeks Wasserman ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Edwards Michaud Schultz Giffords Johnson, Sam Ellison Miller (NC) Waters The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Hastings (WA) Waters Engel Miller, George Watt There are 2 minutes remaining in this ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIR Eshoo Moore Waxman vote. The Acting CHAIR (during the vote). Farr Moran Weiner Fattah Murphy (CT) Welch b 1830 There are 2 minutes remaining in this Filner Nadler Wilson (FL) vote. Frank (MA) Napolitano Woolsey So the amendment was rejected. Fudge Neal Wu The result of the vote was announced b 1822 Garamendi Olver Yarmuth as above recorded. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN changed her Gerlach Owens Young (FL) Mr. PEARCE. Mr. Chairman, I move vote from ‘‘no’’ to ‘‘aye.’’ NOES—240 that the Committee do now rise. So the amendment was rejected. Adams Bachmann Berg The motion was agreed to. The result of the vote was announced Aderholt Bachus Biggert Accordingly, the Committee rose; as above recorded. Akin Barletta Bilbray and the Speaker pro tempore (Mr. Alexander Bartlett Bilirakis AMENDMENT NO. 4 OFFERED BY MR. KEATING DESJARLAIS) having assumed the chair, Altmire Barton (TX) Bishop (UT) The Acting CHAIR. The unfinished Amash Bass (NH) Black Mr. CAMPBELL, Acting Chair of the business is the demand for a recorded Austria Benishek Blackburn Committee of the Whole House on the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:09 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY7.045 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3207 State of the Union, reported that that would help protect those who protect I welcome our Nation to join in rec- Committee, having had under consider- us. H.R. 1789, the State and Local Law ognizing the contribution of our serv- ation the bill (H.R. 1231) to amend the Enforcement Discipline, Account- icemen and -women, past and present, Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to ability, and Due Process Act, would for all that they have done to preserve require that each 5-year offshore oil guarantee law enforcement officers our freedom and our way of life. and gas leasing program offer leasing have basic rights during disciplinary f in the areas with the most prospective actions. oil and gas resources, to establish a do- I ask and urge my colleagues to sign DIFFERING VIEWS ON mestic oil and natural gas production on to this legislation so we can also IMMIGRATION goal, and for other purposes, had come help protect our law enforcement offi- (Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- to no resolution thereon. cers. fornia asked and was given permission f f to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) AMERICAN ANGELS ABROAD TIME FOR CONGRESS TO GET OUR HOUSE IN ORDER Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was fornia. Mr. Speaker, I noted with inter- given permission to address the House (Mr. KINGSTON asked and was given est that the President announced this for 1 minute.) permission to address the House for 1 week he was going to give a major ad- Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, they minute and to revise and extend his re- dress on immigration. As one who’s are America’s angels abroad. They are marks.) been involved in this issue for three Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, can ambassadors for America, and they are decades, I was very interested to find you imagine in your household, if, for good folks that represent everything out the approach the President was every $1 you spent, 40 cents was bor- that is right about our country. They going to take. are the Peace Corps volunteers. And rowed? That’s the situation we’re in with So let me register my disappoint- this is the 50th year of the Peace Corps. every dollar that we spend in the U.S. ment at the demonization of those who These are the most wonderful people I Congress today. And yet there are might have a disagreement with the think I’ve ever met. those who do not want to reform or President that was expressed by him in But there’s a problem in the Peace change. his speech yesterday. Talking about Corps because many times these volun- But if I brought in my family and moats and talking about alligators and teers go overseas, they help out other said, listen, guys, for every dollar we talking about intransigence on the countries, but they become victims of spend, 40 cents is borrowed, we would other side of the aisle is not the way to crime and victims of sexual assault. In say, okay, what can we cut out? Can we attract bipartisan support to deal with fact, in 2009 there were 122 of them that do with less travel? Can we do with one of the most difficult and important were victims of sexual assault by pred- fewer clothes? Can we cut back on the questions of our Nation. I wouldn’t say ators in foreign countries. kitchen table a little bit? We would I’m outraged. I would say I’m dis- And the problem is there’s not much come up with some ideas. They might appointed at the tone of those remarks compassion, not much concern, and not be tough choices, but it’s the right of the President yesterday. much care with the Peace Corps about thing to do. If, in fact, we’re going to work to- the plight of these victims according to It is time for Congress to get our gether on issues as important as that, the victims who testified today. house in order and to think about the it would seem to me to be important But those things are changing. Direc- next generation, not just the next elec- for us to, in some way, at least accept tor Williams is committed to making tion. the fact that there may be legitimate the Peace Corps a safe place for our As a member of the Appropriations reasons for differences and try and volunteers overseas. We’re going to Committee, I can tell you, each and bridge those differences, rather than work with him and these victims to every day, people come to see me to expand them. promote legislation so that we will ask for more money to be spent. We’ve f have a protocol that is the law so that got to change our culture of spending THE WESTERN CAUCUS they are treated better. here and get the House under control. We are the greatest human rights Na- f The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under tion in the world. We promote human the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- rights, but human rights need to also RECOGNIZING NATIONAL uary 5, 2011, the gentleman from New apply to victims in the Peace Corps MILITARY APPRECIATION MONTH Mexico (Mr. PEARCE) is recognized for who are sexually assaulted overseas. (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was 60 minutes as the designee of the ma- And that’s just the way it is. given permission to address the House jority leader. f for 1 minute and to revise and extend Mr. PEARCE. Mr. Speaker, the West- her remarks.) NATIONAL POLICE WEEK ern Caucus has several members here Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I tonight. We would like to talk about (Mr. PAULSEN asked and was given rise tonight to recognize our men and what is going on right now in the coun- permission to address the House for 1 women in uniform and join our commu- try. The administration seems to be minute and to revise and extend his re- nity in celebrating National Military waging a war on the western jobs, and marks.) Appreciation Month. The month of that is carried out through a whole Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise May encompasses a number of range of activities. today to pay tribute to our Nation’s celebratory days linked to our Armed A couple of weeks ago, the adminis- law enforcement officers, the brave Forces, their families, and our Nation’s tration and the President said that the men and women who dedicate their proud history. From Military Spouse administration is not doing enough to lives to protecting our communities. Appreciation Day to Victory in Europe address the high gas prices. The Presi- This week is National Police Week, Day, and from Loyalty Day to Armed dent said in a speech at Georgetown and thousands of officers from across Forces Day and Memorial Day, the that he would like to cut foreign oil by the country will gather here in Wash- month of May is a time for our Nation one-third by drilling at home. Well, we ington to pay tribute to those who to come together and give praise to our have been in the process of offering have fallen in the line of duty. Sadly, most heroic citizens. him the solution to what he said he in the past year, 162 officers have died Our Nation traditionally recognizes would like to do. in the line of duty, including two from our troops’ sacrifice in a somber man- Now, keep in mind that while the Minnesota, Sergeant Joseph Bergeron ner on Memorial Day, but National President is saying one thing, he’s of Maplewood and Mahnomen County Military Appreciation Month allows us doing another. Sheriff’s Deputy Chris Dewey. to not only appreciate those who have As we remember these officers, Mr. given their lives for our freedom, but b 1840 Speaker, I want to call attention to also to celebrate the resolve of our Na- While he says that we would like to legislation that I have introduced that tion through its most difficult times. drill for more oil here, understand that

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:09 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.111 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3208 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 he has increased the moratorium on ating American jobs, jobs that the could and the very diverse geology that the offshore drilling. They have made West would be proud of, jobs that is different from State to State. You it more difficult to drill in on-land would produce energy, jobs that would are going to be hearing later this areas through the Rocky Mountains. produce high-paying careers and not evening from G.T. THOMPSON, a Mem- Know that they rejected Shell Oil Com- just jobs. We believe that these are the ber of Congress from Pennsylvania, pany’s $4 billion NEPA study because a things that the American people are where the Marcellus shale formation is paragraph was omitted. looking for. This is the leadership that being produced. I am going to talk So while we are hearing bold lan- they are asking for out of Washington. about the use of fracking technology in guage from this administration about H.R. 1231 requires each 5-year off- my State, where the geology is very increasing the amount of oil that we shore leasing plan to include lease different from the Marcellus shale, but are drilling here at home—and that sales in areas containing the greatest where it can be used in a responsible would create American jobs but it known oil and natural gas reserves. manner to produce American oil and would also create lower energy prices— Our offshore areas are tremendous re- gas with American jobs. understand that it appears that the serves of energy. All we have to do is The Wyoming Oil and Gas Conserva- President is not following through on tap into them and use them. It requires tion Commission, recognizing the con- what he said. that the Secretary establish a produc- cern that our drinking water could be So in the past couple of days, this tion goal when writing a 5-year plan. imperiled, set about and created a set Congress, this House, has passed out I am joined tonight by several mem- of rules and regulations to disclose the H.R. 1229, which says that we are going bers of the Western Caucus. Each one contents of fracking fluids and the to put the people back to work in the has got their own particular interest processes that are being used by com- Gulf of Mexico. area where the administration appears panies that are fracking wells in the I think everyone understands that to be conducting a war on western jobs. State of Wyoming. Those rules are BP is accountable and should be ac- So tonight, to lead off, I would like to being used to provide people with the countable for the problems that they yield time to my good friend CYNTHIA information that is needed to assure caused, but we should not have killed LUMMIS from Wyoming such time as them that fracking fluids are not con- 100,000 jobs offshore. she would consume. Our Nation is stuck at 9 percent un- taminating our water. Mrs. LUMMIS. Mr. Chairman, I Furthermore, there have been re- employment. We are stuck with a def- thank the gentleman from New Mexico icit that is having to be financed by peated stories, using an example from for yielding. I appreciate his leadership our own Federal Reserve. We are put- Wyoming, in Pavillion, Wyoming, of an of the Western Caucus and look for- ting the Nation’s economy at risk be- area that some argue was fracked to ward to this robust discussion tonight. cause of the way that we are treating the detriment of local water wells. The West is rich in natural resources. Well, we are learning more and more jobs and because of our deficit. And natural resources, their good stew- So we are saying: Put the American about those water wells. And what we ardship and using them for the benefit workers back to work in the Gulf, are finding is, out of over 100 water of our country is what the West does produce American oil, produce Amer- wells in the area, only about one-fifth ican jobs, and bring lower prices of gas- best. of them are permitted, and some of This administration is turning its oline to the consumer. them are not even cased. Well, this al- The same bill improves the safety by back on the stewardship that is avail- lows for the natural percolation of gas reforming current law. It sets able in the West as we produce our nat- into water that has nothing to do with timelines for the Secretary to act on ural resources and, instead, is taking fracking. permits to drill. Right now, one of the away the jobs, the environmental If we look at the science and apply it things that the Secretary is doing is progress, and replacing it with further correctly, using good stewardship prin- holding off approvals for those applica- dependence on foreign energy from ciples, we can produce oil and gas and tions for permits to drill, the APDs. places like Saudi Arabia and Ven- have good drinking water. ezuela. Know that the administration has b 1850 within its power to improve the situa- We can produce our own energy in tion with jobs immediately, but in- this country. Between the resources of I even have a photograph from some- stead they are doing the things that Canada and the United States, we can one in my home State, Mr. Speaker, harm our work. produce enough energy for us to meet that has a flame coming out of a pond. H.R. 1229 also establishes expedited our foreseeable needs. But that re- The flame is a consequence of a natural judicial review processes. quires us to use the technologies and methane seep coming out of the water We also have passed in this House the jobs associated with those tech- that has been on fire as long as this H.R. 1230, which says we are going to nologies that will create tens of thou- gentleman can remember. These are restart the American Offshore Leasing sands of jobs, in fact, hundreds of thou- natural phenomena. Now Act. It passed last week. It re- sands of jobs. Instead, we are actually We need to make sure that we are as- quires that the four lease sales in the going in exactly the opposite direction. suring people in this country that gulf and Virginia take place. Those Let me give you an example. drinking water will be safe at the same lease sales were previously scheduled, Fracking technology is advancing time we recover these resources. Those but instead of going ahead with them, dramatically the ability of America to very assurances require scientists, they the administration has put them on recover its rich natural gas resources, require environmental companies, they hold. Let’s simply produce the energy and it allows us to do so by casing a require fracking experts; more jobs, which has been verified to be there, well with perforations. There is an ex- more oil and gas, more diverse energy which would create American jobs and plosion that cracks the tight sands or for the American economy. which would aid American consumers the rock. Then fluids are forced into Of course, clean burning natural gas by lower prices of gasoline. these gaps in the rock, keeping the provides us also an extension of the air H.R. 1231 has also been passed, which seams open, allowing this gas or oil to quality that we value so well. These reverses President Obama’s offshore percolate back up the well casing and are American jobs that can be saved, moratorium. The President made a big be produced, allowing Americans to use nurtured and grown, and used success- deal just after he was sworn in 2 years American-grown energy. But the at- fully all over the United States, on and ago about reversing the moratorium. tack on fracking technology is based off shore. But after one analyzed the moratorium not on science but on the idea that Mr. Speaker, you just acknowledged that he reversed, we actually saw that fracking could damage drinking water. a project in the Beaufort Sea, which is he increased the moratorium, that None of us want to see our precious off of the coast of Barrow, Alaska, 87 more areas were put off limits to drill- drinking water polluted by contami- miles. Shell has put $4 billion, as you ing rather than the message that he nants that some people believe are pointed out, into preparing to produce gave the American people. being used in fracking fluids. that resource, and still does not have a So H.R. 1231 says to the President: The States know their own geology permit to produce it. At some point, We would like for you to join us in cre- better than anyone in Washington those investments begin to devalue

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:09 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.113 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3209 their sunken costs in a way that may has killed agriculture and mining jobs timber, if you don’t manage that forest make companies like Shell look else- throughout the West. Still the list goes in a healthy way, you subject yourself where. That takes jobs away from on and on. So it is not that these are to wildfires, to invasive species. It cre- America and into countries where we just hypothetical ideas that the war on ates an unhealthy forest. But it also are competing for jobs, and in places Western jobs is occurring by a govern- kills jobs, and that is what we have that sometimes are not our best friends ment. These are ongoing processes. seen. We have seen that all across the when it comes to foreign policy and One group, the Center for Biological Nation, in the West, frankly, all parts human rights. Diversity, has declared they are going of the country with our National For- So, Mr. Speaker, let’s produce oil and to list over 1,000 species this year, that ests where the Forest Service has gas with American jobs, with good pay, they are going to petition for the list- failed to do its job in terms of man- with good benefits, and with the resid- ing of over 1,000 species this year. Un- aging the forests I think in a produc- ual goal of having an all-of-the-above derstand that their lawyers get reim- tive way. That point came out very energy policy that benefits the West bursed at the rate of $350 to $500 per clearly in the first of what will be I and the country as a whole. hour. For every lawsuit that they bring think a number of hearings that we are Mr. PEARCE. I thank the gentlelady against the government, every lawsuit going to do on this issue. for her comments. that kills jobs provides employment Frankly, timber production is down. We are joined tonight by my good for lawyers in those groups, so know I am proud to say that it is up to 40 friend Mr. THOMPSON from Pennsyl- that the taxpayer is footing the bill million board feet in the Allegheny Na- vania. Before I yield time to him, I but yet losing jobs in the meantime. tional Forest, but that is only with the would like to walk through just a brief I would like to recognize Mr. THOMP- persistence of kind of being with the list of some of the other ways that the SON now, and thank him very much for Forest Service almost on a constant government conducts war on Western being here tonight. basis. But it is still a long ways from jobs. Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. I 90. Consider the listing of endangered thank my good friend from Hobbs, New The production of timber is down. species. No one of us wants to see a Mexico, for yielding. Representing part That means timber jobs, first of all. species be extinct or go extinct, but of Pennsylvania, it is an honor to be Our sawmills, our timber industry, what we have seen is an extreme inter- part of the Western Caucus. I represent those jobs, in many parts of the coun- pretation of the rules which kill jobs at western Pennsylvania and central try those jobs have gone away. They the same time. I think there are ways Pennsylvania and a little bit of eastern are extinct today. And the forest prod- that we could keep jobs and preserve Pennsylvania. My district is so large, ucts jobs that come as a result of hav- species, yet we are not doing that right so rural. ing that timber supply are going away. now. It has many of the same issues, Mr. b 1900 The Coho salmon was listed as endan- Speaker, that fit very well within the And the economies. Our rural com- gered. As a result, the farmers in the Western Caucus. We have public lands. munities were taken in order to create Klamath Basin in Oregon have been All of these issues you are hearing these national forests by the Federal forced into bankruptcy due to prohibi- about tonight in terms of what govern- Government. And the economies of our tions on water use by the listing of the ment does as a huge barrier and to kill rural communities that make up those salmon. the jobs, they are the same things that forests depended on the promise that The Methow salmon, water rights we certainly experience in western was made when the forests were formed holders in the Methow Valley of Wash- Pennsylvania. that the timber industry, minerals, oil, ington lost the use of their water, and Now, I am proud. I chair the largest gas, coal, all those sustainable re- property owners and timber owners subcommittee of Agriculture, Con- sources would be provided, would be face restrictions on their properties be- servation, Energy, and Forestry, so I produced, and that would maintain the cause of the imposition of egregious want to go down another road in which economies of those rural communities. stream buffers to protect the listed how government kills jobs, western Well, that’s been a lie by the Federal salmon. jobs, whether it is the West or western Government. They haven’t done that. The listing of the salmon in general, Pennsylvania or, frankly, throughout They haven’t met their responsibil- the court case over whether hydro- the United States. ities. And that has killed jobs and electric dam operators have done We recently had a hearing reviewing killed our economies in rural commu- enough to prevent the death of salmon the proposed United States Forest nities. in Washington and Oregon, billions of Service plan. Our National Forests, it In terms of energy, in my district I dollars have been spent to accommo- is very clear they are not National was sworn in for the first time in Con- date, according to Bloomberg Business Parks. Our National Forests were cre- gress in January 2009. Within a week of Week, but the environmental groups ated to provide sustainable resources, when I was sworn in, the Forest Serv- continue to sue. predominantly timber, but timber is ice chose to place a moratorium on any The northern spotted owl, the listing not the only thing. Our forests were new drilling permits in my national has killed the entire timber industry in created to provide us energy, access to forest. much of the West, especially in north- oil, to natural gas, to coal, to minerals. Now, you have to understand, 93 of ern California and Oregon. The Mexi- So that is why they were put in exist- the subsurface rights are privately can spotted owl, that listing also killed ence. owned. So these are owned by private the timber industry in New Mexico and As we look around the Nation, cer- individuals. And they came in and im- Arizona. Hundreds of thousands of jobs tainly in my congressional district, my posed this moratorium because of some have been lost. National Forest is relatively small lawsuit, as my good friend talked The Delta smelt, the listing of that compared to I think some in the West, about, and the taxpayers paid their species, a small 2-inch fish that lives in 513,000 acres, but it is profitable and lawyers and paid the organizations to the San Joaquin Valley, killed 27,000 home to the world’s best hardwood file, basically, and we went over a year jobs there. The San Joaquin Valley was cherry. It has a management plan that with people losing their jobs, families the source of 80 percent of our Nation’s says in a sustainable way, to keep the suffering for just that reason. vegetables. Now those vegetable farms forest healthy they are supposed to Thankfully, a Federal judge over- are gone. Bankruptcy. We are now im- harvest over 90 million board feet a turned that decision. Of course, the porting food from countries that can year. But yet for over a decade they Forest Service appealed and the Fed- spray pesticides that are outlawed in have been doing 20 million. One of the eral judge threw it out again. And now this country, so our food supply is less members of my subcommittee, Mr. the Forest Service has appealed again. safe. Fewer jobs, bigger government SOUTHERLAND, talked about his Na- They’ve taken it down to a different deficit, greater cost of vegetables and tional Forest, they harvest zero board court, down to the court, unsafe food supply. feet out of his National Forest. and we’ll see what turns out there. But The gray wolf was listed by the Fish Now, there are a lot of problems with that’s just another example of just bad and Wildlife Service as endangered and that. First of all, if you don’t harvest government.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:09 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.114 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3210 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 My good friend Mrs. LUMMIS from that’s the way it should be. We’re west gia, and was asking him about his food Wyoming talked about the Marcellus of somewhere. Thank you for being prices in his restaurant and what is natural gas. Let me just say that’s all here tonight. going on because of the high cost of private sector. The government is not Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Thank you, gasoline. He said his suppliers are add- involved in it. Natural gas is mostly Mr. PEARCE. I appreciate your yielding ing a fuel surcharge onto the cost of private lands. And it works. It has cre- me some time. Let me go forward with the foods that he’s buying and selling ated over 88,000 jobs in Pennsylvania. I what Mr. THOMPSON was just saying in his restaurant. And it’s the policies have counties that, for the first time in and what you were just commenting on of this administration that are doing history, their unemployment rates are about prosperity. that. below both State and national aver- Just today, I had a businessman in Just yesterday, I had a constituent of ages. my office relaying to me a conversa- mine who’s an egg producer in Georgia Prosperity is a good thing, and every- tion he had with one of the liberal come in and talk about some of the body benefits—not just the people that Democrat Senators, and he was talking issues that he faces. I am from Georgia. are getting the royalties or the leases, about the issues that concerned him I’m a good southerner, and I love my but, frankly, the churches, the Boy and his business. She was arguing over grits and cornbread. For folks who are Scouts, the Girl Scouts, the little and over again about how government not southerners, grits are made from leagues, the fire departments, the hos- needs to do all the regulatory con- corn. Cornbread, obviously, that’s self- pitals, because rural folks are generous straints on business and how businesses explanatory where that comes from. I and they support good causes. need to be taxed higher, and it’s not think even Yankees will know that And so the communities are growing. fair for businesses to be making money cornbread comes from corn, too. The The annual average earnings are going at the levels that they are. In fact, just thing is that I, as a good southerner, up. Frankly, government is benefiting today, we saw some of our Democratic cannot see driving down the road, because local, State, and even the Fed- colleagues talk about the oil compa- burning up my grits and cornbread in eral Government is getting a little nies and the kind of money that they the fuel tank of my GMC Yukon that I more tax revenue by all that economic have been making with increased used as my office, actually, when I was activity. And unemployment is down prices of gasoline. Finally, in frustra- making house calls as a medical doc- and energy security is there, and it’s tion, this Democrat Senator said to tor. lower energy costs for everyone, and this businessman: All you’re concerned I hear our Democratic colleagues it’s private sector. about is profit. You just want to make talk about we need to remove the sub- If the government owned that land, a profit. sidies for the oil companies. Well, the we’d never be experiencing those bene- Well, that’s what business does. It American people need to know that fits. Though, despite that fact, despite makes a profit for its shareholders. If those subsidies are actually tax cred- these are private lands—and I’ll end it’s a corporation, it makes a profit for its. They’re not true subsidies as such. my comments with these, because I small businesses. In fact, HARRY REID was recently want- know we’ve got other Members that The policies of this administration, ing a subsidy for gold mining in his want to speak tonight—this adminis- the policies that we’ve seen from our own State of Nevada. He also wanted tration is going after that natural gas Democratic colleagues when NANCY us to continue funding the cowboy po- production. They are. There are some PELOSI was running the House, now etry festival in his home State. in this body that are proposing Federal with HARRY REID running the Senate, We’ve got to stop spending these out- Government overreach. and certainly the Obama administra- rageous funds that the Federal Govern- We’re accessing that energy as a good tion, they’re trying to destroy profits. ment has been spending, and we need steward. We’ve got regulations. The They’re trying to destroy our economy, to start creating jobs in a strong econ- Department of Environmental Protec- in my opinion. omy. The best way to do that is to get tion in Pennsylvania is a tough agency, In fact, the President, himself, has rid of the policies of this administra- but they do a fair job. They’re always said that he doesn’t mind seeing gaso- tion that are destroying jobs, destroy- looking at their regulations. But we’ve line prices go up as long as they go up ing our economy, increasing the cost of got this administration who wants the incrementally. He doesn’t want to see gas and diesel fuel for farmers and ev- Federal Government to employ the the massive increases, but as long as erybody in this country. EPA and to send them into Pennsyl- they keep going up. His own Energy But back to my egg producer friend. vania and other parts of our country Secretary, Dr. Chu, fairly recently said I’ve got a chart here that we made up where we’re producing domestic en- somehow we have to find a way to in our office, a dozen eggs in Georgia. ergy, which will essentially shut down make gasoline in the United States at We have the subsidies—which are real- our energy production and will shut the same price that it is in Europe, ly not subsidies for the oil companies; down this prosperity, will shut down which is roughly $8 a gallon today. The they’re just tax credits. But we have these jobs that are being created, will policies of this administration are subsidies for ethanol production, which shut down the movement that we’re doing just exactly that. are true subsidies. Our administration making towards energy security. Today, in the Science, Space and has tried to pick winners and losers. I want to thank my good friend from Technology Committee, we were talk- One of the winners that they picked is New Mexico for hosting this hour to- ing about fracking. The EPA scientist the ethanol production. night. I’m proud to be a part of the that is studying fracking admitted 1910 Western Caucus and proud to be with that there has not been one single inci- b you this evening. dent—not one—where fracking has That’s been a total failure, and what Thank you. been implicated in contaminating that has done is increase the cost of Mr. PEARCE. I thank the gentleman drinking water. Not one. gasoline. It’s increased the cost of food from Pennsylvania for his comments. But I believe this administration is across this country too. In fact, the So far, the quote of the night is ‘‘pros- doing everything it can to try to de- major ingredient in feed for chickens is perity is a good thing.’’ Yet our gov- stroy energy production in this coun- corn. Corn, when I when I was farming ernment seems to have a war on pros- try and to try to destroy the free enter- back a number of years ago, was $2.50 a perity. Why is our government trying prise system. In fact, the President, bushel. Now it’s approaching $8 a bush- to undermine the economy when we’re himself, said that if his policies go into el. In 2005, before this ethanol subsidy, struggling with high deficits and unem- effect, to use his own words, energy the total feed cost per dozen eggs—so ployment? It defies imagination that prices will ‘‘necessarily skyrocket.’’ when a consumer goes out and buys a that’s going on. Well, who’s going to be hurt? Who’s dozen eggs—the food cost in that dozen I would like to recognize now my going to be hurt when fuel prices go up eggs was 21 cents per dozen of eggs. good friend from Georgia (Mr. BROUN) and food prices go up, not only gasoline Now, 2011, it’s approximately 52 cents for such time as he may consume. I ap- and diesel fuel? per dozen. preciate your being here. Georgia and I was talking to a manager in a res- So who pays for that? Does the egg Pennsylvania in the Western Caucus, taurant just last week in Athens, Geor- producer? No, it’s the consumer. When

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:09 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00048 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.115 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3211 you go to the grocery store and buy a political force in America is embodied people. As he was showing, it has a di- dozen eggs, you’re paying more money in the first three words of the U.S. Con- rect impact on the cost of food. For for the failed policies of this adminis- stitution: We the people. When we the every dime that diesel fuel increases, tration, particularly when it has to do people start contacting Members of that’s $400 million the agricultural in- with energy. Congress, particularly the Democrat dustry has to put onto the cost of food. If we start drilling for oil, tapping Members of the House, and the Mem- Not just in transporting the food but into our natural gas supplies, start pro- bers of the U.S. Senate, and demand for the fertilizer to grow it, for the box- ducing coal, particularly doing the that we develop our own energy re- ing, the shipping, the manufacturing of clean coal technology that we have, sources here in America, that we have it—all of those things are added to it. having an all-of-the-above energy pol- an all-of-the-above energy policy that For every penny that the cost of gaso- icy, what’s going to be the long-term looks at everything—nuclear energy, line increases at the pump, that is $1 outcome for the American consumer? alternative sources, clean coal, oil, billion that’s taken out of the house- For every single American, it’s going gas—everything, which we must do, hold income of Americans. to lower the cost of eggs and milk and and that’s what Republicans are fight- And whom is that going to impact bread because it’s going to lower the ing for, if enough people all over this the worst? Obviously the people at the cost of the production of all the food- country will contact their Senators lower end of the economic scale, who stuffs. Every single good and service in and their Members of Congress and say, have the most difficult time making this country is affected by these high let’s develop our own energy resources, their budget stretch to pay for higher costs of gasoline and fuel oil, diesel let’s develop American jobs, let’s de- transportation costs through fuel, for fuel, et cetera. The people who are velop a strong economy here in Amer- higher food costs because fuel goes up, going to be hurt the most are the poor ica, then we can do so. But it’s up to we for higher heating costs because fuel people, those on limited incomes, our the people to be able to demand that goes up. They’re the ones who are hurt. senior citizens. from your elected Representatives. Now, I also appreciate Mr. PEARCE I hear over and over again our Demo- Thank you, Mr. PEARCE, for yielding for illustrating that actually we have a crat colleagues say that Republicans to me. I appreciate the great job you’re situation in which the West, without are in the back pockets of Big Oil. doing as chairman of the Western Cau- trying to be specific to a region, but Wrong. I would like to see us end all cus, and I’m honored to be a part of the West has been treated with the subsidies, all of them, but particularly that caucus. heaviest hand over the past few years the ethanol subsidy, which has not Before I close, I encourage people to and has suffered the greatest con- made any sense whatsoever. And let’s go on my Web site, broun.house.gov, sequences of that heavy hand. start developing our own energy re- and they can actually look at all the Last year, according to the Bureau of sources, which will create jobs here in things on this chart. They can look at Labor Statistics, they simply said that America. it in fine detail and understand how the region that had the highest unem- Just yesterday and today, we’ve been high energy costs are creating high ployment for last year and the year be- debating three bills that came out of prices for eggs in the grocery store. fore happened to be the West. Six of our Natural Resources Committee. Thank you, Mr. PEARCE. the top 12 States that had the largest Those three bills will enable us to start Mr. PEARCE. I thank the gentleman decline in employment-to-population tapping into the God-given energy re- for his comments and his perceptions. ratio since the recession that began in sources that we have in this country, As he mentioned, it seems that Wash- 2007 are found in the West. help us to be less dependent upon for- ington has a war on profits. I think b 1920 eign sources for energy. If the Presi- that maybe our friends on the other dent will ever sign those three bills side of the aisle don’t understand that Three of the top five States showing into law, the short-term effect, I think profits pay high salaries. If you work the most stress last year in the sum- it’s been estimated, is that 200,000 new in an industry with no profits, you mer were found in the West, and unfor- jobs are going to be created. So 200,000 work at low salaries. tunately, Washington’s misguided poli- new jobs will be created just with those Profits pay to reinvest in new build- cies over the last several years are sim- three bills, just to be able to open up ings, creating construction dollars in ply making these situations worse. developing our own energy resources neighborhoods. Profits are put into Let me, if I could, talk about a cou- here in America that the President is youth training, baseball leagues, soccer ple of specific situations that I have blocking. Long term those three bills, leagues. Profits are reinvested into new found in my State that have added to it’s estimated, will create 1.2 million equipment, causing manufacturing this problem of what we call the ‘‘war new jobs here in the United States, firms to thrive. Profits are invested in on the West,’’ because they have had American jobs, and help create a dividends, and they cause increased the dual whammy of not only increas- stronger economy. values of stocks, helping retirees. ing the price of energy, which is the The failed energy policies of this ad- And, finally, profits are the only price of living and the price of doing ministration are hurting job creation. thing that corporations pay tax on. business, but at the same time of de- They are hurting our economy. They’re They do not pay taxes on losses. So creasing jobs in our particular area. raising the cost of gasoline. They’re when we begin to talk about taking Part of that is because the West simply raising the cost of diesel fuel. They’re away the profits of companies, under- has, as a region, over half of its land raising the cost of fuel oil. They’re stand that we’re talking about under- owned by the Federal Government. going to hurt egg producers and thus mining the American way of life. This This government—it was not planned egg consumers, consumers of all goods attack on profits is an attack on the this way; it just kind of happened— and services. Your food costs are going American way of life. owns 1 out of every 3 acres in the to go up. The cost of every good and I am pleased to be joined tonight by United States. Yet, west of Denver, it service in this country is going to go a good friend from Utah (Mr. BISHOP), owns 1 out of every 2 acres in the up all because of the failed policies of and I yield to the gentleman. United States, and we get to have the this administration because we cannot Mr. BISHOP of Utah. I thank Chair- fun of working with the heavy hand of develop our own energy resources, our man PEARCE from New Mexico for the Federal Government on all sorts of God-given resources, that we have in using the Western Caucus to illustrate efforts, especially when the Depart- this country. I submit if a nation is not some of these ideas and situations that ment of the Interior has unlimited, ar- energy independent, it’s not a secure are here. bitrary and capricious powers given to nation. And that’s where we are today. I’m also grateful that the gentleman them. We’ve got to become energy inde- from Georgia (Mr. BROUN) was just here For example, the Bureau of Land pendent. And how is that going to hap- and tried to show how whenever you Management in the State of Utah went pen? have a policy that prohibits or dis- through what they call ‘‘regional man- Former U.S. Senator Everett Dirksen criminates or lessens the amount of en- agement plans.’’ I have 16 areas. Half of one time said when he feels the heat, ergy that we have in this country, it them went through a regional manage- he sees the light. The most powerful has a direct impact on individuals and ment plan. The people on the ground,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:09 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.117 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3212 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 who are working there, who live there vate sector to go onto State lands and to know, when you deal with words, and who know that area, spent 7 years onto certain private lands. Then there that ‘‘lease’’ is not the same thing as a in developing a regional management was the ripple effect as they realized permit to drill, and a ‘‘permit to drill’’ plan, which means simply: How will what simply happened, which is that doesn’t mean you’re going to find any- the land owned by the Federal Govern- the private sector said, I’m not going thing for production. Just because ment—and remember, it’s still half of to put up with this. They took the in- there is a lease does not mean there is it—be used for development purposes? vestment capital that they were will- production. I had a company that was For 7 years, they held the public ing to put into the region of rural Utah in my office today which has a lease in hearings, and they went through all and took it somewhere else where they one of the Western States. They re- the processes. They came up with their didn’t have to deal with the Depart- ceived the lease 6 years ago. Only this plan. The Secretary of the Interior ment of the Interior. year did they finally check off all the came into office, and in the first few We have the same situation in the boxes, run through all the bureaucratic days, he simply said, Those plans don’t West in another particular area, spe- hoops and do the environmental impact fit the needs of this country because cifically with oil shale. The U.S. Geo- statements to get the permit 6 years they authorize 77 oil and gas leases, logical Survey, which oddly enough is later to finally start preparing to drill places where the professionals on the part of the Department of the Interior, to see if it is actually productive. ground determined that the best use of has estimated that, in a 16,000-square Those 6 years cost a lot of money to government land was used to develop mile area of Colorado, Utah and Wyo- that company, money which could have oil and gas in the State of Utah. The ming, there are, roughly, 2 trillion bar- gone to providing work, providing jobs, Secretary simply said no. He believed rels of oil that can be extracted from as well as resources to help grow the the last administration had made a oil shale. That is more energy than we economy of this country. That’s a real rush to judgment, and therefore it was get from Canada. This is not a new and cost, and that is real and legitimate. his best decision to suspend not only unusual process. Estonia, in the Baltic We’ve heard comments before about those oil leases but also the land man- states, has been using this same proc- how this country doesn’t have enough agement plans at the same time. He did ess of extraction from oil shale for 80 oil because we don’t have enough re- it simply by the stroke of his signa- years, and they have done it success- serves to make it worthwhile. Accord- ture. There was no work with it. There fully and in an environmentally friend- ing to the CRS, Congressional Research was no counterbalance. There was no ly manner. Study, we have $1.2 trillion worth of checks and balance system. He simply We could copy that same proposal— gas that is available for production said, I think it was wrong. It was a but no. Once again, this administration here in the United States. That puts us rush to judgment. I’m going to stop it. has decided to slow-walk any develop- in the top five countries in the world Now, like everything else, this situa- ment, slow-walk any allowance of for oil. We are not an oil-poor country. tion went to court, and the judge ruled projects to go forward to demonstrate However, when we talk about reserves, that, actually, the Secretary was what we can and cannot do. The net re- reserves are not the same thing as the wrong. There was not a rush to judg- sult of losing this opportunity for oil amount of money that’s available. Our ment by anyone other than the Sec- shale is at least $1.9 trillion added to reserves are a definition that is estab- retary when he suspended those leases. the economy of this country, and there lished by the SEC, and by the defini- However, because there was a timing is projected to be up to 100,000 new jobs tion we use, we will always have fewer element—one of those technicalities— that would be lost simply by this one reserves than other countries, by defi- and because those who were suing wait- decision as well. nition. ed too long to file the lawsuit, the deci- Now, this is a small area, but if you In addition to that, a reserve can’t sion of the Secretary would stand. compound that fact of what is hap- count as a reserve until you can actu- Now, what the Secretary said is, I’ll be pening not just in my State of Utah ally get to it. When we put parts of this magnanimous, and of the 77, I’ll let 17 but what is happening in Colorado and country off, when we have a morato- go forward. The other 60, they stay off Wyoming and New Mexico and Nevada rium, by definition, that takes us out the table. I don’t care what the re- and the rest of the West and if you see of the reserve. So, when someone says gional management plan did. the compounded problem we have, you we don’t have as many reserves as The end result of that was simply truly can understand why in the reces- other countries, it’s probably true. that you don’t have a whole lot of sion the West was the hardest hit—be- That doesn’t mean we don’t have leases that will be put out for develop- cause we were dealing with the Federal enough oil that can be used and pro- ment. Unfortunately, it has a ripple ef- Government in a way that was cer- duced. It simply means it doesn’t fit fect through the community because tainly unfair. the definition. ‘‘Reserve’’ is not the not all leases are found on Federal I’d like to say one last thing before I same thing as ‘‘amount of producible land. There is also State land and very yield back to the gentleman from New oil.’’ few pieces of private land; but often- Mexico. Just like as the gentleman from times they abut one another, and if In the last days, as the gentleman Georgia said, a subsidy—and we talked you block the leasing opportunity on said, we have been talking about the about all the subsidies the industries this piece of land, it sterilizes the leas- ability of trying to jump-start our en- are getting—is when the government ing development opportunity on its ergy portfolio, our energy self-depend- actually pays cash to somebody. The neighbor land at the same time. Plus, ence, our energy ability in three bills oil companies are not getting cash if all of a sudden the Department of the specifically dealing with offshore de- from the government. Interior is sending a message that velopment. We have that same poten- they’re going to be tough on this kind tial for energy development onshore as b 1930 of development, industry gets the mes- well that we need to talk about at the A subsidy should not be confused sage, and they’re not going to fight same time; but sometimes we also need with a tax credit or a tax deduction. If that kind of issue, and they will leave to talk here simply about under- it were, when I fill out my long form at the same time. standing how words have meaning. We and I write down my charitable con- The net result of this one action by have been throwing around words in tributions and get to write them off, the Department of the Interior was the debate over the last couple of that means the Federal Government is that unemployment in one rural coun- weeks in a way that, I think, has been subsidizing me or subsidizing the char- ty in Utah was a loss of 3,000 jobs in a somewhat unfair and somewhat dila- ity to which I’m giving. That doesn’t county that only has 30,000 residents. tory, and it has clouded the actual make any sense. The unemployment tripled over a issue of what is going on. What we need to do is talk about the course of months and only and solely For example, there are those who are words as the words really are meant to because of this one decision: that not saying we don’t need to actually de- be and make sure that the words are only did we not have the ability of velop any new oil or gas resources. used the proper way and not for some drilling on those Federal lands, but you There are plenty of leases out there rhetorical effort to inflame the situa- also lost the opportunity for the pri- that aren’t being produced. I want you tion and reach some other result.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:09 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00050 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.119 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3213 The last word we need to talk about write-offs that are allowed by account- they’re suggesting that we would want is simply ‘‘jobs.’’ Right now, there are ing techniques across the board in this to completely do away with the manu- twice as many government jobs as in country. Understand that when we facturing credit. Keep in mind, that’s all of manufacturing combined. In 1960, begin to penalize these oil companies, the refining of gasoline. That’s the def- those ratios were reversed. We have we’re going to cost America jobs. inition of manufacturing in oil and gas. gone to a lot of effort over the last 2 So let’s talk just a bit about the dif- So at a time when we’re starving for years to pass jobs bills, all of which ferent supposed subsidies that are, in jobs, we’re going to make U.S. manu- produced government jobs. What we fact, legitimate write-offs that compa- facturers, the U.S. refineries, less com- need to do is look at jobs in the private nies are given. petitive. We’re going to encourage Ven- sector, and the private sector which The suggestion was made that we re- ezuela and Hugo Chavez to send more creates a reliable, long-term job, a job peal the expensing of the intangible jobs there, to take more jobs and to that also equates wealth that goes drilling costs. The intangible drilling send more gasoline here. It just doesn’t back into the system and helps to grow costs usually represent 60 to 80 percent make sense. our economy and grow our country. of the cost of a well. Historic U.S. pol- Tonight, I’d like to wrap up with this Those are the jobs we should be after, icy allows a deduction for develop- one picture about the status that our and those are the jobs we need to do. ment. That’s since 1913 in this govern- country is in. Our country right now Unfortunately, we will never develop ment’s Tax Code; and yet, today, we’re has a tremendous problem with its those jobs until we have a govern- talking about reversing it at a time economy. The problem is this: in Wash- mental energy policy that is reliable, when we’re starving for jobs, 9 percent ington, we spend $3.5 trillion. Our reve- that is not dependent on the whims of unemployment, and we’re going to talk nues to the government are $2.2 tril- some foreign country, and that helps about making it harder to employ peo- lion. That’s a $1.3 trillion deficit. The us develop the resources that we have ple in this country. accumulated deficits over the lifetime in this country. We can do it and we Other businesses are able to expense of this country are almost $15 trillion. need to do it, and I appreciate Mr. their research and development I show those deficits running out the PEARCE from New Mexico for bringing projects. Pharmaceutical companies, end of the pipeline into our debt barrel up this issue because that’s exactly IEC specifically targets U.S. oil and to show the accumulated debt to the what we need to do as a policy. gas companies. It will discourage inno- Nation. I also show a green sludge With that, I thank the gentleman. vation in the energy sector at a time pouring over the edge of the barrel be- Mr. PEARCE. I thank the gentleman when we need more innovation, not cause we’ve got $202 trillion of accumu- for his comments. He pointed out that less. Disallowing the expensing of in- lated costs of Social Security, Medi- this Nation is rich in shale oil. We do, tangible drilling costs will put the care, and Medicaid. These are the in fact, have 2 trillion barrels in re- American consumer in a worse position things that are wrecking our economy. serve in shale. That all was outlawed and endanger American jobs. This chart given by OMB and CBO, from use by the American consumers The second idea that’s talked about the Congress, and the White House back in 2007 in a bill passed by NANCY in raising taxes for oil companies is to both show that our economy is going to PELOSI off the floor of the House. do away with the write-off, the dual ca- fail in 2038 because of these practices. To put that in perspective, what does pacity rule. The dual capacity rule was At a time when we’re starving for jobs, 2 trillion barrels of shale oil mean? We to ensure that income that is taxed by this administration has a war on west- have only used 1 trillion barrels of oil another nation is not also taxed by the ern jobs. It has a war on our energy. It completely in our history in just shale U.S. It’s something that the U.S. has has a war on the jobs in the timber in- oil. That’s not natural gas. That’s not been alone on in taxing double. We tax dustry. It has a war on our way of life. normal petroleum. We have double in not only the amount that is made here This is not the time to be conducting shale oil what we’ve consumed up to but the amount that is made in other partisan politics in this town. It’s a this point. countries, the profits made in other time for us to create jobs. With each Another comment that was made countries. That’s a tax inversion that job created, the 2.2 is greater because earlier is that we subsidize and that has cost us many jobs. each person pays in increment more consumers end up paying for things Now then, we have the allowance of taxes, but they also are no longer re- that they don’t know they’re paying. I dual capacity rule in place to stop ceiving welfare, unemployment, and just talked to a constituent last week. that, and yet our friends on the other food stamps. So the 3.5 decreases. He said that he was given a tax credit side of the aisle are saying that we The path forward is simple. We sim- for 40 percent of a solar facility that he must stop this practice. All it’s going ply ask that the President get on put on his own home. That was from to do is make the U.S. more inhos- board. the Federal Government; from the pitable for investment in energy re- State government, another 10 percent. sources. At a time when we’re seeing $4 f So about 50 percent of the cost of the gasoline, at a time when our economy b 1940 program was completely reimbursed by is struggling, when we need jobs, we’re the government. But the big deal is talking about making American busi- LOST JOBS AND THE TRADE they’re paying him 22 cents per kilo- nesses less competitive and making DEFICIT watt hour of energy that he is able to American jobs more scarce. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under sell back into the system. Now, that 22 The final section is maybe the most the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- cents needs to be compared to the 7 egregious of all, that is, the repeal of uary 5, 2011, the gentlewoman from cents that electricity normally costs. section 199 manufacturing exemptions Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR) is recognized for 60 So the consumer is tagged with three for oil and gas companies. In 2004, the minutes as the designee of the minor- times the cost of electricity that is Congress enacted section 199 for manu- ity leader. provided by solar power that is bought facturing companies to encourage Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, jobs need from individual producers. The con- them to bring jobs back to this coun- to be America’s number one priority. sumer will pay more for the power. It try. From 2004 to 2007, the oil and gas When people go back to work, it seems is not an easy process to understand, industry was responsible for 2 million fairly obvious that we’ll not only bal- but consumers will ultimately pay all new jobs that were created. The oil and ance family budgets, but we’ll be able of the higher energy costs. gas companies currently support 9.2 to balance America’s budget. They’re We hear much today in Washington million jobs. Almost all manufacturers tied together. But for some reason, too about the subsidies for Big Oil. Be receive a 9 percent credit. That’s, many officials here in Washington, aware that there are no subsidies for again, in order to encourage them to both elected officials and those who Big Oil. There are simply write-offs come back to this country. lobby, simply haven’t gotten that mes- that every company is allowed to take The oil and gas companies have only sage. At the end of last month, The legally; write-offs to encourage them been receiving a 6 percent credit be- Washington Post ran an excellent to invest in machinery; write-offs that cause they’ve already been picked on piece, asking, ‘‘What is it about the sound like depreciation, amortization; by the people in this town. But now word ’jobs’ that our Nation’s leaders

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:09 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00051 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.121 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3214 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 fail to understand?’’ ‘‘How has the making the money off of us. We have Korea. There is no requirement that most painful economic crisis in decades not had balanced trade accounts since it’s a tit for tat, a reciprocal agree- somehow escaped their notice?’’ and the 1970s. Every single year, more and ment, or it’s one car there for one car ‘‘Why do they ignore the issues that more of America’s wealth has been here. So we are going to lose more jobs Americans care most desperately outsourced to someplace else. Every if that agreement moves through here. about?’’ Very good questions. I tried to American knows that. You see the jobs This is a pattern that Americans answer them myself, as I have fought that have disappeared from your own need to understand. And if you look at the resistance to try to help reemploy community. that overall trade deficit that’s been those who seek work across our coun- I use the Maytag Washer Company in going on and getting worse and worse try. Newton, Iowa. I’m not from Iowa. I’m every year, what is the top category of I would have to say that, in some from Ohio, but I still have my old that deficit? The top category is im- ways, some here in this city are privi- Maytags, great product. Those jobs ported oil. I agree with some of my col- leged. They’ve really led very privi- ended up in Mexico after they were ac- leagues who have pinpointed the prob- leged lives. They’ve been insulated, in- tually outsourced because of a big lem, but we can’t continue to hold our- sulated from living in a family that buyout that happened in that com- selves hostage inside our own Nation gets a pink slip, insulated from being pany. And that’s happened in company on the spear of petroleum. We have to in a family that knows what it’s like to after company after company. That’s support additional exploration; and we live on an unemployment check and what’s happened to all of our manufac- are doing that on our own continent wonder if you will ever be able to get turing jobs. But this chart here shows with the Alberta oil sands project, for regular checks again, insulated from the U.S. trade deficit, every single example, in Canada, the largest con- families that desperately worry when year. In 2010, last year, we had $500 bil- struction project on our entire con- their unemployment checks expire and lion more in imports into our country tinent. But we also have to diversify. there is no job. than exports going out. This is a seri- We have to be smart. Prior generations A lot of people here inherited their ous part of the problem. were smart. We need to be smarter. wealth, and they truly are insulated, Now, those trade deficits result from Today, The Washington Post just but for the rare few. Others had their agreements America has signed that published an article on the latest trade educations paid for. They didn’t work were supposed to result in exactly the numbers. They tell us a lot about our for them. It’s unbelievable. There are a opposite, job creation in our country. economy. There was some good news. lot of people here just like that. Some Probably the best known is NAFTA. In We sold more exports and services. And of them always had enough to eat. 1993, this Congress passed an agree- why wouldn’t that happen? The value They really never had to scrimp and ment called NAFTA, and the people of the dollar has dropped as we’ve hem- choose whether they’d have milk, who voted for it said, Oh, it’s going to orrhaged jobs here in this country. But whether they’d have water, whether create all these jobs in the United a funny thing happened—the trade def- they’d split a cabbage in order to get States, and we won’t have to worry. icit grew again. More imported oil. their family through the weekend. So Relations with Mexico will be terrific. High-priced oil keeps pushing us fur- there really is a lot of distinction be- Well, guess what? Ever since NAFTA ther and further in the red. That $500 tween what people have had to endure passed, there hasn’t been a single year billion trade deficit from last year that in their own lives. And frankly, there when we have had even a trade balance I referenced, according to the Manufac- are a lot of people in this capital city with Mexico. No. Every year, our def- turing Policy Project, represents a loss that make a whole lot of money. I’m icit with Mexico—more imports com- of 7 million American jobs. In other going to talk about some of them in a ing in here from Mexico than exports words, this hole that’s been accumu- second. going out—has gotten worse. lated over the years, 7 million manu- But recent polls tell us what the ma- And what about in Mexico? In Mex- facturing and other jobs lost across our jority of Americans are thinking ico, over 35,000 citizens of that country country. That means jobs outsourced about. And according to two recent were shot last year related to the ille- someplace else, and then they’re im- polls, four out of 10 Americans believe gal drug trade. We are receiving the re- ported here. We keep shooting our- our country is heading in the wrong di- ciprocal of that across our border as selves in the foot over and over and rection. I agree with them. And as gas people flee just to try to have a better over again. We can no longer afford to add hun- prices rise and have climbed to record way of life. Because you see, the farm- dreds of billions of dollars annually to levels, 71 percent of our citizens are ex- ers in that country, the small holders, our trade deficit. We need a different periencing financial hardship. More were thrown off their land as a result trade model that results in trade bal- cars are along the roads in Ohio where of NAFTA. Two million people des- ances at a minimum and hopefully perate to earn a living. We said that people just simply run out of gas. Or trade surpluses because you simply would happen. People didn’t care. They you see them at the pump, and they can’t balance our Federal budget or simply didn’t care. And so we lost that only put in $20, and they hope that family budgets when our trade ac- vote on the margin of about 12 votes. maybe a week from now, the price counts are so costly and so out of But what we said would happen in ’93 won’t be as bad. whack and so many jobs have been I want to dedicate my time this has happened, and we’ve had over $1 moved offshore. evening to talking about jobs, about trillion of trade deficit with Mexico. America being held hostage to what The balance of trade with South b 1950 the gentleman ahead of me was talking Korea. Knowing the terrible trade We hear that the majority wants to about, Big Oil, and policy changes we record that this country has had with bring up more NAFTA-like trade agree- need to make to get our economy run- every country we’ve signed one of these ments, and one of the countries they’re ning strongly here at home. And I want free trade agreements with, what is the talking about is Colombia. They’re to just point out a couple of measures administration proposing and the ma- talking about Korea; they’re talking of our predicament so that people are jority here proposing? They want to about Colombia. What Colombia is thinking about different aspects of bring up more, more NAFTA-like really about is oil, more imported pe- what we face so that we can really fix agreements. They want to bring us troleum, when you really get into the it. Korea. They want to bring us Colom- weeds and you look at what that agree- Now, this first chart up here shows bia. I don’t know what else they’re ment is about. that for the last quarter century or going to throw in. But you know what? And the question for America really more, America has not had balanced We’ve already got a trade deficit with is, If this is the history of imported trade accounts. What does that have to Korea. We take hundreds of thousands consumption of petroleum, is that real- do with the budget deficit? When you of their cars. They take a few, a few ly the future that we want for this gen- are in the red and you are importing thousand from us. And the agreement eration and the next and the following? more than you are exporting, you are that the last administration and this The red lines here represent the having to actually borrow money to administration has reached with Korea growing share of petroleum consump- pay the difference. Somebody else is won’t bring us trade balance with tion in our country that’s represented

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:09 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.123 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3215 by imports. It’s increased steadily over ly feel sorry for them because, my ally risen slightly. And although de- the last quarter century. That is not a gosh, they’re making all this money, mand has remained steady, prices have path for American liberty nor Amer- but they need more tax preferences be- climbed by 23 percent. Meanwhile, oil ican economic success. cause they won’t invest. What are they stock prices have risen. Just at Chev- We need a trade policy that is results doing with all this money? These are ron, the stocks have risen 14 percent. oriented, that results in balance and the largest profits in American history. Tax loopholes, corporate welfare, energy independence here at home. We Oil companies aren’t paying what government subsidies, does this really need to grow our exports, yes, and cre- they owe in taxes. I’ll tell you one sound like a free market to Americans ate jobs here in our country by moving thing they are doing with their money. who are listening tonight? our Nation toward energy independ- They’re handing out handsome cam- I urge my colleagues to reject more ence here at home. paign contributions. giveaways for oil companies who are And we need for somebody in the ex- The Koch brothers of Texas, who raking in money by holding the Amer- ecutive branch to stand up and fight made a whole lot of money in that in- ican people hostage. It’s time to hold for reciprocal trade agreements. I said dustry, generously donated more than them accountable. They ought to pay that to President Obama. What’s wrong $2 million last year and recently their fair share. Other businesses do. with a trade surplus? What’s wrong bankrolled Governor Walker in Wis- Americans do. with a trade balance? Why do we keep consin and the anti-worker movement Let’s cut the billions of dollars in going in the red? Why would anyone that they’re pushing in that State. corporate welfare and focus on getting accept that as a solution for America? Overall, the big oil and gas industry hardworking Americans back to work. The unemployment rate rose this donated $27 million last year to polit- We need to create jobs in this country past month, I contend, because of ris- ical campaigns and, get ready, spent and close those trade deficits. We need ing gas prices. It was not good news for $146 million on lobbyists. That’s over, to stop outsourcing our jobs through an economy that has been struggling gosh—for each Member of Congress it’s these so-called free trade agreements to recover. And if we look back again like they’ve assigned one or two people that really aren’t free, and we need to at the last quarter century, and this to each one of us. No wonder Congress move to balanced trade accounts. chart looks a little complicated, but voted against closing $53 billion in tax We need to reform the NAFTA trade what it shows—the red line is oil loopholes to Big Oil. That’s a 300 per- model and not pass the same kind of prices—is that every time oil prices cent return on their investment, more deal for Korea or Colombia. We need peak, what follows? Higher unemploy- than they can make searching for new reciprocal trade, not trade deficits. Our ment. It’s a very predictable pattern. It sources of energy. country, for too long, has been held happened in the 1970s twice. Here we In 2010, the biggest oil company, hostage to these agreements. go, high oil prices with the Arab oil ExxonMobil, paid only 2.3 percent of its And we need energy independence to embargo back in the ’70s. What hap- profits to the United States. That’s help restore our own liberty. Wouldn’t pened? Rising unemployment. scandalous when businesses in my dis- it be great if we could put all Ameri- If you go back to the late 1980s, early trict are paying at a 35 percent cor- cans to work that need a job and help- 1990s, same thing. Higher oil prices, porate profit rate. And you know what? ing to create these new sources of en- higher unemployment. And certainly, They don’t ask me for all those special ergy? And I know full well it is within now, with the greatest recession since privileges. The businesses working the capability of American people to do the Great Depression, an enormous rise hard in my region, gosh, I can think of this. in 2008 when the stock market crashed. bakeries and of factories and of ma- But we shouldn’t put all our eggs in What preceded it was an increase in oil chine tool companies. They don’t ask the basket of Big Oil. We ought to give prices to over $4 a gallon. And what for special privileges. They want to them some competition on price. We happened? The crash. Yes, it’s a hous- help America. They want to do their ought to look at hydrogen-generation ing crisis. Yes, it’s an unemployment fair share. facilities across this country. We have crisis. But what triggered it? Gas But this group, they’re wired in here. the capability to do that. prices over $4 a gallon. The year before, ExxonMobil received We need to move into biofuels. The American people, once they un- an $838 million tax refund. Meanwhile, Through the Department of Agri- derstand what’s happened, will fix it. those in the majority would take away culture, working with our renewable America really is a hostage in her own unemployment benefits for working energy community, we are fully capa- land as a result of imported petroleum. Americans. And I can tell you what: ble of unlocking the power of the car- Just as America is starting to re- you can go across this country in the bohydrate molecule in this century grow her economy now, Big Oil wants food lines in community after commu- just as we did the hydrocarbon mol- to steer our country back toward reces- nity, and you know who’s lined up? So ecule in the last. sion. many of our veterans who have come Now, look at this chart. In the first home to no work. b 2000 quarter of 2011, just one of the compa- I say take some of this, create a civil We need to bring our natural gas re- nies, ExxonMobil took in $10.7 billion— works program, let our returning vet- sources forward. We really need to that’s a B—in profits in one quarter. erans lead it and improve communities crack the clean coal riddle and find a That’s a 69 percent increase over last across this country. Let them take un- way to use our huge reserve of clean year. employed Americans and move around coal. We need to keep investing, yes, in Occidental, that’s the group that this Nation, fixing up roads, fixing up solar and in wind power and in geo- wants to drill more in Colombia, and bridges, painting up what needs to be thermal. We are just bringing up these they need a free trade agreement to do done, reforesting, doing what Franklin technologies around the country and that and bring it in here. Their profits Roosevelt knew how to do a century creating thousands and thousands of are up $1.6 billion, 46 percent increase. ago. jobs. Conoco Philips, $2.1 billion. Their Of course, you know, looking at these I represent one of the three solar profits are up 43 percent in one quarter, numbers is British Petroleum. British platforms on the continent, and for the and most of these profits are being Petroleum, over the last 5 years, in- last four decades those who have pocketed tax-free. stead of paying taxes, actually took worked in the glass industry and the While working Americans earning over $48 billion in tax breaks. And in silicone industry have been trans- less than $20,000 paid 15 percent of their the first quarter of this year they’ve forming and creating companies like income in taxes, Chevron, which made already made $7.2 billion more, a 16 First Solar, which was the hottest $6.2 billion in one quarter—their profits percent increase over what they earned stock on Wall Street a couple years went up 36 percent—they only paid 4.6 last year. That’s despite the terrible oil ago, companies that are involved in percent in taxes on their total of $32 spill down in Louisiana and along the green energy production. billion in profits last year. gulf. Is it perfect yet? No. But neither was Now, I heard my colleague earlier So it’s clear who the winners are. Edison’s light bulb when he invented it talking about, oh, gosh, we should real- Since January, crude output has actu- in Milan, Ohio, where he did so much of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:09 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00053 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.125 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3216 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011 his work, a community that I rep- You inspire us all. And there is a way No.: FEMA-8175] received April 12, 2011, pur- resent, and we are about to put his for America not to be so dependent on suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- statue over in Statuary Hall. those who would extract from us but in mittee on Financial Services. So America has to think about a full fact use our genius to restore our lib- 1525. A letter from the Chairman and Presi- set of energy sources and not be so de- erty and independence again. dent, Export-Import Bank, transmitting a pendent on just one that, for whatever Imagine how many jobs we could cre- report on transactions involving U.S. exports to the Republic of Columbia pursuant to Sec- reason, lack of competition probably, ate in this country if we could bring but also abuse of power has just come tion 2(b)(3) of the Export-Import Bank Act of our military back home and could 1945, as amended; to the Committee on Fi- to play too important a role in our spend the trillions of dollars that have nancial Services. economy and in our people. It hurts been spent in oil-producing foreign 1526. A letter from the Assistant General our people too many times over and lands here, at home. Literally, we Counsel for Legislation, Regulation and En- over and over again. could rebuild the transmission grid of ergy Efficiency, Department of Energy, Fifty percent of what we could actu- this country from one end to the other. transmitting the Department’s final rule — ally save in energy comes through We could bring up the genius of patent Energy Conservation Program for Consumer more judicious consumption. We have holders who, as we are here this Products: Decision and Order Granting 180- tried to provide incentives for Ameri- evening, have ideas that can be Day Extension of Compliance Date for Resi- cans to insulate their homes, to put in dential Furnaces and Boilers Test Procedure brought to market and put that money new kinds of windows. There are new Amendments; Correction [Docket Number: to work for the American people. They building materials coming on the mar- EERE-2008-BT-TP-0020] (RIN: 1904-AB89) re- deserve it. ket, new types of insulation, building ceived April 12, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. God bless America. God bless the fu- your home in a manner that uses less 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and ture of this country. Commerce. energy in the way that it is sited on the spot, using the full energy of the f 1527. A letter from the Assistant General Counsel for Legislation, Regulation and En- sun where you can. We are much LEAVE OF ABSENCE ergy Efficiency, Department of Energy, smarter about the way we are building By unanimous consent, leave of ab- transmitting the Department’s final rule — than we were 30 or even 20 years ago, sence was granted to: Occupational Radiation Protection [Docket and those improvements need to con- Ms. JACKSON LEE of Texas (at the re- No.: HS-RM-09-853] (RIN: 1992-AA-45) received tinue. quest of Ms. PELOSI) for May 10 on ac- April 14, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Imagine an America where every roof count of official business in district. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and was a solar producer where there is Commerce. enough sunshine to make a difference. f 1528. A letter from the Regulatory Manage- Imagine an America where we captured SENATE CONCURRENT ment Division, Environmental Protection the power of the wind and properly RESOLUTION REFERRED Agency, transmitting the Agency’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality stored it and moved it to grid. Imagine A concurrent resolution of the Sen- an America where what you put in Implementation Plans; Kentucky; Approval ate of the following title was taken of Section 110(a)(1) Maintenance Plans for your tank, if you even put something from the Speaker’s table and, under the 1997 8-Hour Ozone Standards for the in your tank to fuel it, that it is grown the rule, referred as follows: Edmonson County, KY; Greenup County Por- and renewable in this country. Imagine S. Con. Res. 16. Concurrent resolution au- tion of the Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY; an America where you could have plug- thorizing the use of Emancipation Hall in Lexington-Fayette, KY; and Owensboro, KY in hybrids that move around this coun- the Capitol Visitor Center for an event to [EPA-R04-OAR-2007-1186-201114; FRL-9295-9] try and our gas stations become a dif- celebrate the birthday of King Kamehameha, received April 14, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. ferent type of fueling station. That is to the Committee on House Administration. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. all possible. f We are working through the U.S. De- 1529. A letter from the Director, Regu- partment of Defense, and I will just ADJOURNMENT latory Management Division, Environmental sort of end with this, because I believe Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I move Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- that the Department of Defense knows that the House do now adjourn. cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation The motion was agreed to; accord- of State Implementation Plans; State of Col- better than any aspect of our society orado; Interstate Transport of Pollution Re- what we are paying as an oil hostage. ingly (at 8 o’clock and 8 minutes p.m.), visions for the 1997 8-hour Ozone and 1997 PM Our soldiers are deployed all over the under its previous order, the House ad- 2.5 NAAQS: ‘‘Interference with Visibility’’ world and very close to oil reserves. I journed until tomorrow, Thursday, Requirement [EPA-R08-OAR-2007-1036; FRL- think they are worth more than that. I May 12, 2011, at 10 a.m. for morning- 9297-1] received April 14, 2011, pursuant to 5 think their genius can be used inside hour debate. U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on En- the boundaries of this country to make f ergy and Commerce. us energy independent again. Our en- 1530. A letter from the Director, Regu- EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, latory Management Division, Environmental ergy dependence is our chief strategic ETC. vulnerability. Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- Go to the Marine Corps Web site. I Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive cy’s final rule — Approval and Promulgation salute the Marines. They are taking communications were taken from the of Implementation Plans; State of Nevada; Speaker’s table and referred as follows: PM-10; Determinations Regarding Attain- the lead inside the Department of De- ment for the Truckee Meadows Nonattain- fense in trying to create new solutions, 1521. A letter from the Under Secretary, ment Area and Applicability of Certain not just on their own bases, but as Department of Defense, transmitting a re- Clean Air Act Requirements [EPA-R09-OAR- their troops move around the world. port of a violation of the Antideficiency Act, 2010-0995; FRL-9296-9] received April 14, 2011, I salute the Navy. Some of the in- Army Case Number 08-02, pursuant to 31 pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- credible inventions that they are com- U.S.C. 1517(b); to the Committee on Appro- mittee on Energy and Commerce. priations. ing up with to move power from one 1522. A letter from the Under Secretary, 1531. A letter from the Director, Regu- point to another with not a loss of one Department of Defense, transmitting a letter latory Management Division, Environmental kilowatt, are unbelievable, some of the in response to Pub. L. 110-84 Sec. 708; to the Protection Agency, transmitting the Agen- superconducting work that is being Committee on Armed Services. cy’s final rule — Revision to the South Coast done inside Navy today. 1523. A letter from the Chief Counsel, De- Portion of the California State Implementa- I congratulate the Air Force for try- partment of Homeland Security, transmit- tion Plan, CPV Sentinel Energy Project AB ing new biofuels and helping to push ting the Department’s final rule — Changes 1318 Tracking System [EPA-R09-OAR-2010- 1078; FRL-9293-6] received April 14, 2011, pur- America forward in terms of its ability in Flood Elevation Determinations [Docket ID: FEMA-2011-0002] received April 12, 2011, suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- to power itself internally. mittee on Energy and Commerce. And I salute the U.S. Army. Your pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- mittee on Financial Services. 1532. A letter from the Chief of Staff, Media work on solar tents, your work in try- 1524. A letter from the Chief Counsel, De- Bureau, Federal Communications Commis- ing to capture the power of the Earth, partment of Homeland Security, transmit- sion, transmitting the Commission’s final to power the systems that you are in- ting the Department’s final rule — Suspen- rule — Policies to Promote Rural Radio volved with today is something that is sion of Community Eligibility [Docket ID: Service and to Streamline Allotment and As- absolutely technologically amazing. FEMA-2011-0002] [Internal Agency Docket signment Procedures [MB Docket No.: 09-52]

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:08 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K11MY7.127 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3217 received March 17, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. enth Circuit (Groesch, et al., v. City of intelligence and intelligence-related activi- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Springfield, IL., No. 07-2932 (March 28, 2011)); ties of the United States Government, the Commerce. to the Committee on the Judiciary. Community Management Account, and the 1533. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- 1544. A letter from the Chairman, Surface Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and ment of the Treasury, transmitting as re- Transportation Board, transmitting the Disability System, and for other purposes quired by section 401(c) of the National Boards’s final rule — Solid Waste Rail Trans- (Rept. 112–75). Referred to the House Cal- Emergencies Act, 50 U.S.C. 1641(c), and sec- fer Facilities [Docket No.: EP 684] received endar. tion 204(c) of the International Emergency April 8, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); f Economic Powers Act, 50 U.S.C. 1703(c), a to the Committee on Transportation and In- six-month periodic report on the national frastructure. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS emergency with respect to Syria that was 1545. A letter from the Chief, Publications declared in Executive Order 13338 of May 11, and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Under clause 2 of rule XII, public 2004; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule bills and resolutions of the following 1534. A letter from the Chairman, Com- — Safe harbor method of accounting for de- titles were introduced and severally re- modity Futures Trading Commission, trans- termining the recovery periods for deprecia- ferred, as follows: mitting the Commission’s Federal Employee tion of certain tangible assets used by wire- By Mr. BLUMENAUER (for himself, Antidiscrimination Retaliation Act of 2002 less telecommunications carriers (Rev. Proc. Mrs. CAPPS, Mr. CONNOLLY of Vir- (No FEAR Act) Report for FY 2010; to the 2011-22) received April 8, 2011, pursuant to 5 ginia, Mr. FILNER, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. Committee on Oversight and Government U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on KUCINICH, Mr. MCGOVERN, Mr. Reform. Ways and Means. GEORGE MILLER of California, Mr. 1535. A letter from the Director, Environ- 1546. A letter from the Chief, Publications MORAN, Mr. SIRES, Mr. POLIS, and Mr. mental Protection Agency, transmitting the and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue RANGEL): Agency’s annual report for FY 2010 prepared Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule H.R. 1825. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- in accordance with Section 203 of the Notifi- — Extension of Relief and Procedures Under enue Code of 1986 to improve commuting and cation and Federal Employee Antidiscrimi- Notice 2010-30 for Spouses of U.S. transportation options; to the Committee on nation and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Servicemembers who are Working in or Ways and Means. Act), Public Law 107-174; to the Committee Claiming Residence or Domicile in a U.S. By Mr. BILIRAKIS (for himself and Mr. on Oversight and Government Reform. Territory Under the Military Spouses Resi- WALZ of Minnesota): 1536. A letter from the Equal Employment dency Relief Act [Notice 2011-16] received H.R. 1826. A bill to amend title 38, United Opportunity Director, Farm Credit Adminis- April 12, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. States Code, to reinstate criminal penalties tration, transmitting the Administration’s 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and for persons charging veterans unauthorized annual report for FY 2010 prepared in accord- Means. fees; to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, ance with Notification and Federal Em- 1547. A letter from the Chief, Publications and in addition to the Committee on the Ju- ployee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue diciary, for a period to be subsequently de- Act of 2002 (No FEAR Act); to the Committee Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule termined by the Speaker, in each case for on Oversight and Government Reform. — Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities consideration of such provisions as fall with- 1537. A letter from the Equal Employment Issued at a Premium [Notice 2011-21] received Opportunity Director, Farm Credit System in the jurisdiction of the committee con- April 21, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. cerned. Insurance Corporation, transmitting the 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and Corporation’s annual report for FY 2010 pre- By Mr. SCHRADER (for himself and Means. Mr. KIND): pared in accordance with with the Notifica- 1548. A letter from the Chief, Publications tion and Federal Employee Antidiscrimina- H.R. 1827. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue enue Code of 1986 to provide a standard home tion and Retaliation Act of 2002 (No FEAR Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule Act); to the Committee on Oversight and office deduction; to the Committee on Ways — Supplemental Notice to Notice 2010-60 and Means. Government Reform. Providing Further Guidance and Requesting 1538. A letter from the Chairman, Federal By Mr. BOUSTANY: Comments on Certain Priority Issues Under Communication Commission, transmitting H.R. 1828. A bill to authorize the Secretary Chapter 4 of Subtitle A of the Code [Notice the Commission’s FY 2010 Annual Report of the Interior to provide financial assist- 2011-34] received April 12, 2011, pursuant to 5 pursuant to Section 203, Title II of the Noti- ance to the State of Louisiana for a pilot U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on fication and Federal Antidiscrimination and program to develop measures to eradicate or Ways and Means. Retaliation (No FEAR) Act of 2002; to the control feral swine and to assess and restore 1549. A letter from the Chief, Publications Committee on Oversight and Government wetlands damaged by feral swine; to the and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Reform. Committee on Natural Resources. Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule 1539. A letter from the Chairman, Federal By Mr. BOUSTANY: — Clarification of Controlled Group Quali- Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, H.R. 1829. A bill to provide for the eradi- fication Rules [TD 9522] (RIN: 1545-BG94) re- transmitting the Commission’s FY 2010 An- cation and control of nutria; to the Com- ceived April 12, 2011, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. nual Report pursuant to Section 203, Title II mittee on Natural Resources. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and of the Notification and Federal Anti-dis- By Mr. PAUL: Means. crimination and Retaliation (No FEAR) Act H.R. 1830. A bill to authorize the interstate 1550. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- of 2002; to the Committee on Oversight and traffic of unpasteurized milk and milk prod- ment of Health and Human Services, trans- Government Reform. ucts that are packaged for direct human con- 1540. A letter from the Director, EEO and mitting a report on two Agency’s Drug-Free sumption; to the Committee on Energy and Diversity Programs, National Archives and Workplace Plans, pursuant to Public Law Commerce. Records Administration, transmitting a copy 100-71, section 503(a)(1)(A) (101 Stat. 468); By Mr. PAUL (for himself, Ms. BALD- of the Administration’s Fiscal Year 2010 No- jointly to the Committees on Appropriations WIN, Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. CLAY, Mr. tification and Federal Employee Anti-Dis- and Oversight and Government Reform. COHEN, Mr. DEFAZIO, Mr. ELLISON, crimination and Retaliation (No FEAR) Act 1551. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- Mr. FARR, Mr. FRANK of Massachu- Annual Report; to the Committee on Over- ment of Health and Human Services, trans- setts, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. HINCHEY, sight and Government Reform. mitting a report entitled, ‘‘Finalizing Medi- Mr. MCCLINTOCK, Mr. MCDERMOTT, 1541. A letter from the Assosciate Special care Regulations under Section 902 of the Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California, Mr. Counsel, Office of Special Counsel, transmit- Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, MORAN, Mr. NADLER, Ms. PINGREE of ting the Office’s annual report for FY 2010 and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) for Maine, Mr. POLIS, Mr. ROHRABACHER, prepared in accordance with Title II of the Calender year 2010’’; jointly to the Commit- Ms. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. STARK, Ms. Notification and Federal Employee Anti- tees on Energy and Commerce and Ways and WOOLSEY, and Mr. KUCINICH): discrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 Means. H.R. 1831. A bill to amend the Controlled (No FEAR Act), Public Law 107-174; to the f Substances Act to exclude industrial hemp Committee on Oversight and Government from the definition of marihuana, and for Reform. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON other purposes; to the Committee on Energy 1542. A letter from the Director, PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS and Commerce, and in addition to the Com- Adminsitrative Office of the United States Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of mittee on the Judiciary, for a period to be Courts, transmitting the Office’s report enti- committees were delivered to the Clerk subsequently determined by the Speaker, in tled, ‘‘2010 Annual Report of the Director of each case for consideration of such provi- the Administrative Office of the U.S. for printing and reference to the proper sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the Courts’’; to the Committee on the Judiciary. calendar, as follows: committee concerned. 1543. A letter from the Clerk of the Court, Mr. SESSIONS: Committee on Rules. By Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania United States Court of Appeals for the Sev- House Resolution 264. A resolution providing (for himself, Ms. BERKLEY, Mr. enth Circuit, transmitting an opinion of the for consideration of the bill (H.R. 754) to au- MCCAUL, Mr. MEEKS, Mr. PLATTS, United States Court of Appeals for the Sev- thorize appropriations for fiscal year 2011 for Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, Mr. CLEAVER, Mr.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:09 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L11MY7.000 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H3218 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 11, 2011

KISSELL, Mr. WESTMORELAND, Mr. procedures to protect computerized data con- WEST, Mr. GARRETT, and Mr. GINGREY HANNA, Mr. BUCSHON, and Mr. LONG): taining personal information, and to provide of Georgia): H.R. 1832. A bill to amend title 10, United for nationwide notice in the event of a secu- H.R. 1848. A bill to prevent a fiscal crisis States Code, to expand the State licensure rity breach; to the Committee on Energy and by enacting legislation to balance the Fed- exception for certain health-care profes- Commerce. eral budget through reductions of discre- sionals, and for other purposes; to the Com- By Mr. BERMAN (for himself, Ms. ROS- tionary and mandatory spending; to the mittee on Armed Services, and in addition to LEHTINEN, and Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD): Committee on the Budget, and in addition to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, for a pe- H.R. 1842. A bill to authorize the cancella- the Committee on Rules, for a period to be riod to be subsequently determined by the tion of removal and adjustment of status of subsequently determined by the Speaker, in Speaker, in each case for consideration of certain alien students who are long-term each case for consideration of such provi- such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- United States residents and who entered the sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the tion of the committee concerned. United States as children, and for other pur- committee concerned. By Ms. SCHAKOWSKY (for herself, Mr. poses; to the Committee on the Judiciary, By Ms. NORTON: RYAN of Ohio, Mr. WU, and Mr. and in addition to the Committees on Edu- H.R. 1849. A bill to amend title 23, United STARK): cation and the Workforce, and Homeland Se- States Code, to make the funding available H.R. 1833. A bill to amend the Public curity, for a period to be subsequently deter- for carrying out section 140 of title 23 man- Health Service Act to improve mental and mined by the Speaker, in each case for con- datory instead of discretionary; to the Com- behavioral health services on college cam- sideration of such provisions as fall within mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- puses; to the Committee on Energy and Com- the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. ture. merce, and in addition to the Committee on By Ms. BORDALLO: By Mr. NUGENT: Education and the Workforce, for a period to H.R. 1843. A bill to designate the facility of H.R. 1850. A bill to expand retroactive eli- be subsequently determined by the Speaker, the United States Postal Service located at gibility of the Army Combat Action Badge to in each case for consideration of such provi- 489 Army Drive in Barrigada, Guam, as the include members of the Army who partici- sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the ‘‘John Pangelinan Gerber Post Office Build- pated in combat during which they person- committee concerned. ing’’; to the Committee on Oversight and ally engaged, or were personally engaged by, By Mr. BRADY of Texas (for himself, Government Reform. the enemy at any time on or after December Mr. MATHESON, Mr. DOLD, Mr. COO- By Mr. BOUSTANY: 7, 1941; to the Committee on Armed Services. PER, Mr. NUNES, and Mr. POLIS): H.R. 1844. A bill to amend the Security and By Mr. OWENS: H.R. 1834. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Accountability for Every Port Act of 2006 to H.R. 1851. A bill to authorize the Secretary enue Code of 1986 to allow a temporary divi- clarify that a notice of arrival is not re- of the Interior to enter into agreements to dends received deduction for 2011 or 2012; to quired for certain documented vessels unless compensate local educational agencies and the Committee on Ways and Means. arriving from a foreign port or place; to the units of local governments for tax revenues By Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- Committee on Transportation and Infra- lost when the Federal Government takes fornia: structure. land into trust for the benefit of a federally H.R. 1835. A bill to direct the Architect of By Mr. BRADY of Texas (for himself, recognized Indian tribe or an individual In- the Capitol to fly the flag of a State over the Ms. MATSUI, Mr. BURGESS, Mr. SAR- dian; to the Committee on Natural Re- Capitol each year on the anniversary of the BANES, Mr. PAUL, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, sources. date of the State’s admission to the Union; Mr. TIBERI, Mr. RUPPERSBERGER, Mrs. By Mr. PITTS (for himself, Mr. to the Committee on House Administration. BLACKBURN, Mr. SCHIFF, Ms. JENKINS, PALLONE, Mr. BURGESS, and Mrs. By Mr. GRIMM (for himself, Mr. Mr. KIND, Ms. FUDGE, Ms. RICHARD- CAPPS): TOWNS, and Mr. KING of New York): SON, and Mr. RUSH): H.R. 1852. A bill to amend the Public H.R. 1836. A bill to establish appropriate H.R. 1845. A bill to provide for a study on Health Service Act to reauthorize support procedures and sanctions to ensure that un- issues relating to access to intravenous im- for graduate medical education programs in paid parking fines and penalties owed to New mune globulin (IVIG) for Medicare bene- children’s hospitals; to the Committee on York City by foreign countries are paid; to ficiaries in all care settings and a dem- Energy and Commerce. the Committee on Foreign Affairs. onstration project to examine the benefits of By Mr. POE of Texas: By Mr. NUNES (for himself, Mr. providing coverage and payment for items H.R. 1853. A bill to amend the Immigration MCCARTHY of California, and Mr. and services necessary to administer IVIG in and Nationality Act to provide for deferred DENHAM): the home; to the Committee on Ways and action and parole only in for urgent humani- H.R. 1837. A bill to address certain water- Means, and in addition to the Committee on tarian reasons or to gain a significant public related concerns on the San Joaquin River, Energy and Commerce, for a period to be benefit, and for other purposes; to the Com- and for other purposes; to the Committee on subsequently determined by the Speaker, in mittee on the Judiciary. Natural Resources. each case for consideration of such provi- By Mr. RYAN of Ohio: By Ms. HAYWORTH: sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the H.R. 1854. A bill to require the Secretary of H.R. 1838. A bill to repeal a provision of the committee concerned. Veterans Affairs to carry out a program of Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Con- By Ms. FOXX: outreach for veterans, and for other pur- sumer Protection Act prohibiting any Fed- H.R. 1846. A bill to amend titles 23 and 49, poses; to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- eral bailout of swap dealers or participants; United States Code, to repeal wage require- fairs. to the Committee on Financial Services, and ments applicable to laborers and mechanics By Mr. WALZ of Minnesota (for himself in addition to the Committee on Agriculture, employed on Federal-aid highway and public and Mr. BILIRAKIS): for a period to be subsequently determined transportation construction projects; to the H.R. 1855. A bill to amend title 38, United by the Speaker, in each case for consider- Committee on Transportation and Infra- States Code, to improve the provision of re- ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- structure, and in addition to the Committee habilitative services for veterans with trau- risdiction of the committee concerned. on Education and the Workforce, for a period matic brain injury, and for other purposes; By Mr. WEINER: to be subsequently determined by the Speak- to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. H.R. 1839. A bill to ensure and foster con- er, in each case for consideration of such pro- By Mr. WOLF (for himself and Mr. tinued patient safety and quality of care by visions as fall within the jurisdiction of the SMITH of New Jersey): making the antitrust laws apply to negotia- committee concerned. H.R. 1856. A bill to amend the Inter- tions between groups of independent phar- By Mr. INSLEE (for himself, Mr. national Religious Freedom Act of 1998 to macies and health plans and health insur- JONES, and Mr. BILBRAY): strengthen the promotion of religious free- ance issuers (including health plans under H.R. 1847. A bill to amend title 41, United dom in United States foreign policy and to parts C and D of the Medicare Program) in States Code, and title 10, United States Code, reauthorize the United States Commission the same manner as such laws apply to pro- to extend the number of years that on International Religious Freedom, and for tected activities under the National Labor multiyear contracts may be entered into for other purposes; to the Committee on Foreign Relations Act; to the Committee on the Ju- the purchase of advanced biofuel, and for Affairs, and in addition to the Committees diciary. other purposes; to the Committee on Over- on Financial Services, and Oversight and By Mr. CONAWAY (for himself, Mr. sight and Government Reform, and in addi- Government Reform, for a period to be sub- QUIGLEY, Mr. MCHENRY, Mr. BOS- tion to the Committee on Armed Services, sequently determined by the Speaker, in WELL, and Mr. NEUGEBAUER): for a period to be subsequently determined each case for consideration of such provi- H.R. 1840. A bill to improve consideration by the Speaker, in each case for consider- sions as fall within the jurisdiction of the by the Commodity Futures Trading Commis- ation of such provisions as fall within the ju- committee concerned. sion of the costs and benefits of its regula- risdiction of the committee concerned. By Mr. CARTER: tions and orders; to the Committee on Agri- By Mr. MACK (for himself, Mr. BROUN H.J. Res. 58. A joint resolution dis- culture. of Georgia, Mrs. LUMMIS, Mr. RIBBLE, approving a rule submitted by the Environ- By Mr. STEARNS (for himself and Mr. Mr. STUTZMAN, Mr. CAMPBELL, Mr. mental Protection Agency relating to ‘‘Na- MATHESON): BARTLETT, Mr. KING of Iowa, Mr. tional Emission Standards for Hazardous Air H.R. 1841. A bill to protect consumers by ROSS of Florida, Mr. MILLER of Flor- Pollutants for Major Sources: Industrial, requiring reasonable security policies and ida, Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee, Mr. Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:09 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L11MY7.100 H11MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3219 Process Heaters’’; to the Committee on En- voters amended the Constitution by popular the Debts and provide for the common ergy and Commerce. vote to provide that ‘‘Congress shall have Defence and general Welfare of the United By Mr. CARTER: power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises H.J. Res. 59. A joint resolution dis- from whatever source derived. . . .’’ (Six- shall be uniform throughout the United approving a rule submitted by the Environ- teenth Amendment). The Commuter Relief States.’’ mental Protection Agency relating to ‘‘Na- Act modifies the income tax code in a man- By Mr. BRADY of Texas: tional Emission Standards for Hazardous Air ner that is consistent with these Constitu- H.R. 1834. Pollutants for Area Sources: Industrial, tional authorities. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Commercial, and Institutional Boilers‘‘; to By Mr. BILIRAKIS: lation pursuant to the following: the Committee on Energy and Commerce. H.R. 1826. Article 1, Section 8 By Mr. CARTER: Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- H.J. Res. 60. A joint resolution dis- lation pursuant to the following: fornia: approving a rule submitted by the Environ- Article I, section 8 of the United States H.R. 1835. mental Protection Agency relating to Constitution (clauses 12, 13, 14, and 16), which Congress has the power to enact this legis- ‘‘Standards of Performance for New Sta- grants Congress the power to raise and sup- lation pursuant to the following: tionary Sources and Emission Guidelines for port an Army; to provide and maintain a U.S. Constitution—Article 4 Section 4 Existing Sources: Commercial and Industrial Navy; to make rules for the government and The United States shall guarantee to every Solid Waste Incineration Units’’; to the Com- regulation of the land and naval forces; and State in this Union a Republican Form of mittee on Energy and Commerce. to provide for organizing, arming, and dis- Government, and shall protect each of them By Mr. CARTER: ciplining the militia. against Invasion; and on Application of the H.J. Res. 61. A joint resolution dis- By Mr. SCHRADER: Legislature, or of the Executive (when the approving a rule submitted by the Environ- H.R. 1827. Legislature cannot be convened) against do- mental Protection Agency relating to Congress has the power to enact this legis- mestic Violence. ‘‘Standards of Performance for New Sta- lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. GRIMM: tionary Sources and Emission Guidelines for The United States Congress has the au- H.R. 1836. Existing Sources: Sewage Sludge Inciner- thority to enact this bill pursuant to Sec- Congress has the power to enact this legis- ation Units’’; to the Committee on Energy tions 7 & 8 of Article I of the United States lation pursuant to the following: and Commerce. Constitution and Amendment XVI of the Article I, Section 9, Clause 7; By Mr. HENSARLING: United States Constitution. Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 H. Res. 263. A resolution electing Members By Mr. BOUSTANY: By Mr. NUNES: to certain standing committees of the House H.R. 1828. H.R. 1837. of Representatives; considered and agreed to. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Ms. BORDALLO (for herself, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: HONDA, Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA, Mr. WU, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United Clauses 1, 3, and 18 of section 8 and clause Mr. PIERLUISI, Mrs. MALONEY, Mr. States Constitution 7 of section 9 of article I, of the Constitution CONNOLLY of Virginia, Mrs. By Mr. BOUSTANY: of the United States. CHRISTENSEN, Ms. LEE of California, H.R. 1829. By Ms. HAYWORTH: Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. AL GREEN of Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1838. Texas, Mr. SCOTT of Virginia, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- SABLAN, and Mr. MCDERMOTT): Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United lation pursuant to the following: H. Res. 265. A resolution supporting the States Constitution Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 (relating to goals and ideals of National Asian and Pa- By Mr. PAUL: the power to regulate interstate commerce). cific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day; to H.R. 1830. By Mr. WEINER: the Committee on Energy and Commerce. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1839. By Mr. KELLY: lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H. Res. 266. A resolution expressing the This act is justified by the Commerce lation pursuant to the following: sense of the House of Representatives that Clause of the United States which, by grant- Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 of the United the President should, without any further ing Congress the power to regulate com- States Constitution. delay, submit the United States-Korea Free merce among the several states, allows Con- By Mr. CONAWAY: Trade Agreement to Congress for its consid- gress to prevent federal agencies from inter- H.R. 1840. eration and immediate approval under fast fering in American’s ability to buy or sell Congress has the power to enact this legis- track procedures pursuant to the Bipartisan unpasteurized milk across state lines. lation pursuant to the following: Trade Promotion Authority of 2002; to the By Mr. PAUL: The Constitutional authority on which Committee on Ways and Means. H.R. 1831. this bill rest is the power of Congress to reg- Congress has the power to enact this legis- ulate Commerce among the several states, as f lation pursuant to the following: enumerated in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3. PRIVATE BILLS AND This act is justified by the Commerce By Mr. STEARNS: RESOLUTIONS Clause of the United States Constitution H.R. 1841. that, by granting Congress the power to reg- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Under clause 3 of rule XII, ulate commerce among the several states, lation pursuant to the following: Mr. CONYERS introduced a bill (H.R. allows Congress to prevent the federal gov- Article I, § 8, clause 3 1857) for the relief of Bartosz Kumor; ernment from interfering in Americans’ abil- By Mr. BERMAN: which was referred to the Committee ity to grow and process industrial hemp and H.R. 1842. on the Judiciary. by the Ninth Amendment and Tenth Amend- Congress has the power to enact this legis- ment of the United States Constitution that lation pursuant to the following: f recognizes that rights and powers are re- Article I, section 8, clause 4 of the Con- CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY tained and reserved by the people and the stitution. STATEMENT states. By Ms. BORDALLO: Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of By Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania: H.R. 1843. the Rules of the House of Representa- H.R. 1832. Congress has the power to enact this legis- tives, the following statements are sub- Congress has the power to enact this legis- lation pursuant to the following: mitted regarding the specific powers lation pursuant to the following: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 7 of the United granted to Congress in the Constitu- This bill is enacted pursuant to the power States Constitution granted to Congress under Article I, Section By Mr. BOUSTANY: tion to enact the accompanying bill or 8, Clause 14 of the United States Constitu- H.R. 1844. joint resolution. tion which gives Congress the power ‘‘to Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. BLUMENAUER: make Rules for the Government and Regula- lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1825. tion of the land and naval Forces.’’ Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the United Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Ms. SCHAKOWSKY: States Constitution lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1833. By Mr. BRADY of Texas: The Constitution of the United States pro- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1845. vides clear authority for Congress to pass lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- legislation regarding income taxes. Article I The constitutional authority of Congress lation pursuant to the following: of the Constitution, in detailing Congres- to enact this legislation is provided by Arti- Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1: The Congress sional authority, provides that ‘‘Congress cle I, Section 8 of the United States Con- shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes stitution (Clause 1), which says, ‘‘The Con- Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the . . .’’ (Section 8, Clause 1). Further clarifying gress shall have Power to lay and collect Debts and provide for the common Defence Congressional power to enact an income tax, Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay and general Welfare of the United States; but

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all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uni- By Mr. POE of Texas: H.R. 401: Mr. CLEAVER, Mr. ELLISON, Mr. form throughout the United States. H.R. 1853. HASTINGS of Florida, Mr. MEEKS, and Mrs. By Ms. FOXX: Congress has the power to enact this legis- CHRISTENSEN. H.R. 1846. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 421: Mr. LATHAM, Mr. SHUSTER, Mrs. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8, Clause 4, which states BACHMANN, and Mr. ROYCE. lation pursuant to the following: that Congress has the power to establish a H.R. 440: Mr. DUFFY. Pursuant to Article I, section 8 of the uniform Rule of Naturalization. H.R. 452: Mrs. BLACK, Mr. SCHWEIKERT, Mr. United States Constitution, the bill is au- By Mr. RYAN of Ohio: LABRADOR, and Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. thorized by Congress’ power to ‘provide for H.R. 1854. H.R. 459: Mr. BENISHEK. the common Defense and general Welfare of Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 463: Mr. GARRETT. the United States.’ lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 466: Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas, Mr. By Mr. INSLEE: Art. 1, Section 8: To make all Laws which CRITZ, and Mr. HEINRICH. H.R. 1847. shall be necessary and proper for carrying H.R. 470: Mr. LEWIS of California. Congress has the power to enact this legis- into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all H.R. 485: Mrs. MYRICK. lation pursuant to the following: other Powers vested by this Constitution in H.R. 488: Mr. BARLETTA. The Constitutional authority of Congress the Government of the United States, or in H.R. 589: Ms. ESHOO. to enact this legislation is provided by Arti- any Department or Officer thereof. H.R. 591: Mrs. CAPPS and Mr. RANGEL. cle 1, Section 8, which provides that Con- By Mr. WALZ of Minnesota: H.R. 609: Mr. ROE of Tennessee. gress shall have the power to make Rules for H.R. 1855. H.R. 645: Mr. WOMACK, Mr. SHUSTER, Mr. the Government and Regulation of the land Congress has the power to enact this legis- THOMPSON of Pennsylvania, Mr. WEBSTER, and naval Forces; by Article 1, Section 8, lation pursuant to the following: Mr. KLINE, and Mr. COBLE. which provides that Congress shall have the This bill is enacted pursuant to Section 8 H.R. 690: Mrs. MALONEY. power to make all Laws which shall be nec- of Article I of the United States Constitu- H.R. 733: Ms. DELAURO. essary and proper for carrying into Execu- tion. H.R. 763: Mr. THORNBERRY and Mrs. tion the foregoing Powers, and all other By Mr. WOLF: MCMORRIS RODGERS. Powers vested by this Constitution in the H.R. 1856. H.R. 771: Mr. BRADY of Texas, Mr. Government of the United States, or in any Congress has the power to enact this legis- GOHMERT, Mr. SMITH of Texas, Mr. PAUL, Mr. Department or Officer thereof; and by Arti- lation pursuant to the following: MARCHANT, and Mr. BURGESS. cle 4, Section 3 which provides that Congress The constitutional authority on which this H.R. 822: Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mr. shall have Power to dispose of and make all bill rests is the power of Congress ‘‘secure FLEISCHMANN, Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan, needful Rules and Regulations respecting the the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Mr. WALBERG, Mr. ISSA, Mr. ROHRABACHER, Territory or other Property belonging to the Posterity,’’ as enumerated in Article 1, Sec- and Mr. CAMPBELL. United States. tion 8 of the United States Constitution. H.R. 874: Ms. HAYWORTH. By Mr. MACK: Mr. CONYERS: H.R. 886: Mrs. CHRISTENSEN, Mr. COLE, Mr. H.R. 1848. H.R. 1857. CARTER, Ms. BROWN of Florida, Ms. HIRONO, Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. SHIMKUS, Mr. BISHOP of Utah, Mr. HARP- lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: ER, Mr. MANZULLO, Mr. POSEY, and Mr. Article I, Section 8, Clause 1—The Con- Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 and Amend- CHAFFETZ. gress shall have Power to lay and collect ment I, Clause 3 of the Constitution. H.R. 892: Mr. KLINE. Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay By Mr. CARTER: H.R. 912: Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California. the Debts and provide for the common H.J. Res. 58. H.R. 937: Mr. FORBES. Defence and general Welfare of the United Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 949: Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California. States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 962: Mr. GARRETT. shall be uniform throughout the United ‘‘This bill is enacted pursuant to Amend- H.R. 964: Mr. ROSS of Arkansas. States. ment X of the United States Constitution.’’ H.R. 965: Mr. NADLER, Mr. DEUTCH, and Mr. By Ms. NORTON: By Mr. CARTER: WELCH. H.R. 1849. H.J. Res. 59. H.R. 972: Ms. HERRERA BEUTLER. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 998: Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of Cali- lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: fornia. section 1 of article I, and clause 18, section ‘‘This bill is enacted pursuant to Amend- H.R. 1006: Mr. ROTHMAN of New Jersey. 8 of article I of the Constitution. ment X of the United States Constitution.’’ H.R. 1026: Mr. KILDEE. By Mr. NUGENT: By Mr. CARTER: H.R. 1032: Mr. RIBBLE and Mr. LONG. H.R. 1850. H.J. Res. 60. H.R. 1041: Mrs. CAPITO and Mr. MCGOVERN. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1054: Ms. CASTOR of Florida. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1057: Mr. NADLER. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 15 which grants ‘‘This bill is enacted pursuant to Amend- H.R. 1058: Mr. TERRY. Congress the power to make rules for the ment X of the United States Constitution.’’ H.R. 1070: Mr. PAULSEN. Government and Regulation of the land and By Mr. CARTER: H.R. 1105: Mr. POLIS and Ms. CLARKE of naval Forces. H.J. Res. 61. New York. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 16 which grants Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1113: Mr. KUCINICH. Congress the power to provide for organizing, lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1121: Mr. CARTER. arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for ‘‘This bill is enacted pursuant to Amend- H.R. 1126: Mr. FARENTHOLD. governing such Part of them as may be em- ment X of the United States Constitution.’’ H.R. 1130: Mr. PETRI. ployed in the Service of the United States, f H.R. 1145: Mr. TIBERI. reserving to the States respectively, the Ap- H.R. 1176: Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. pointment of the Officers, and the Authority ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 1191: Mr. CONYERS. of training the Militia according to the dis- Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 1193: Mr. RANGEL. cipline prescribed by Congress. H.R. 1195: Mr. HEINRICH. By Mr. OWENS: were added to public bills and resolu- H.R. 1240: Mr. CICILLINE. H.R. 1851. tions as follows: H.R. 1254: Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 38: Mr. AUSTRIA. H.R. 1259: Mr. GRAVES of Georgia, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 44: Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia. YOUNG of Indiana, and Mr. GIBBS. This bill is enacted pursuant to the power H.R. 58: Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. H.R. 1269: Mr. MCCAUL. granted to Congress under Article I, Section BENISHEK, Mr. BISHOP of Utah, Mr. ROGERS of H.R. 1288: Mr. CUMMINGS and Mr. POSEY. 8, of the United States Constitution. Kentucky, Mr. STUTZMAN, Mr. COBLE, Mr. H.R. 1299: Mr. KLINE. By Mr. PITTS: SOUTHERLAND, Mr. FORBES, Mr. QUAYLE, Mr. H.R. 1311: Ms. CASTOR of Florida. H.R. 1852. KLINE, Mr. MCHENRY, and Mr. ISSA. H.R. 1331: Mr. BUTTERFIELD and Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 85: Ms. CLARKE of New York. PAULSEN. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 104: Mr. CARNEY. H.R. 1360: Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 127: Mr. AUSTRIA. H.R. 1375: Ms. DEGETTE, Mr. HIGGINS, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: Article I, H.R. 177: Mr. PLATTS. LARSON of Connecticut, and Mr. HIMES. Section 8, Clause 1: The Congress shall have H.R. 198: Ms. WOOLSEY. H.R. 1380: Mr. FORBES. Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Im- H.R. 303: Ms. SUTTON and Mr. TERRY. H.R. 1385: Mr. MORAN. posts and Excises, to pay the Debts and pro- H.R. 333: Mr. HEINRICH, Mr. MURPHY of Con- H.R. 1397: Mr. MCNERNEY. vide for the common Defense and general necticut, Mr. CONYERS, Mr. REICHERT, Mrs. H.R. 1404: Mr. COSTELLO, Mr. LIPINSKI, Mr. Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, MCCARTHY of New York, and Mr. TERRY. FRANK of Massachusetts, and Mr. WATT. Imposts and Excises shall be uniform H.R. 396: Mr. JONES, Ms. SUTTON, and Mr. H.R. 1407: Mr. GRIMM, Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio, throughout the United States. STIVERS. and Mr. BRALEY of Iowa.

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H.R. 1418: Mr. MEEKS. H.R. 1684: Mr. CLARKE of Michigan. H. Con. Res. 39: Mr. MARCHANT. H.R. 1431: Mr. BISHOP of Utah. H.R. 1686: Mr. LIPINSKI and Mr. HULTGREN. H. Res. 60: Ms. NORTON and Mr. JOHNSON of H.R. 1441: Mr. GRIMM. H.R. 1689: Ms. WOOLSEY. Illinois. H.R. 1448: Ms. PINGREE of Maine. H.R. 1697: Mr. WESTMORELAND and Mr. H. Res. 95: Mr. COBLE and Ms. RICHARDSON. H.R. 1451: Mr. DEFAZIO and Mr. GRIJALVA. COFFMAN of Colorado. H. Res. 137: Mr. FITZPATRICK, Mr. FATTAH, H.R. 1466: Mr. STARK. H.R. 1705: Mr. BUCSHON and Mr. DUFFY. and Mr. PERLMUTTER. H.R. 1479: Mr. SESSIONS, Mr. RYAN of Ohio, H.R. 1712: Mr. CANSECO, Mr. FINCHER, Mr. H. Res. 141: Mr. HOLT and Mr. FORBES. and Mr. PASCRELL. WOMACK, Mr. NUGENT, Mr. ROSS of Florida, H. Res. 180: Mr. RYAN of Ohio. H.R. 1489: Ms. WOOLSEY and Mr. Mr. HALL, Mr. FORBES, Mr. WITTMAN, Mr. H. Res. 241: Mr. FORBES and Mr. BUCSHON. MCDERMOTT. LANCE, Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS, Mrs. H. Res. 244: Mr. RANGEL, Mr. ENGEL, and H.R. 1498: Ms. SPEIER and Mr. FRANK of CHRISTENSEN, and Mr. CONAWAY. Mr. ISRAEL. H.R. 1716: Mr. CARSON of Indiana. Massachusetts. H. Res. 254: Mrs. CAPITO and Mr. FORBES. H.R. 1515: Mr. ENGEL. H.R. 1735: Mr. STARK, Ms. WOOLSEY, Mr. H.R. 1523: Mr. SCHOCK. COHEN, Ms. SUTTON, Mr. ROTHMAN of New H.R. 1529: Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia and Mr. Jersey, Mr. HOLT, Ms. PINGREE of Maine, and f LANGEVIN. Mr. COURTNEY. H.R. 1536. Mr. NEUGEBAUER. H.R. 1744: Mr. RIBBLE. CONGRESSIONAL EARMARKS, LIM- H.R. 1748: Ms. NORTON and Mrs. MCCARTHY H.R. 1573: Mr. YODER. ITED TAX BENEFITS, OR LIM- H.R. 1581: Mr. LAMBORN, Mr. GRIFFITH of of New York. Virginia, Mr. BENISHEK, and Mr. REHBERG. H.R. 1777: Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina, ITED TARIFF BENEFITS H.R. 1585: Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Mrs. MILLER of Michigan, Mr. LABRADOR, Mr. Under clause 9 of rule XXI, lists or H.R. 1588: Mr. GOHMERT, Mr. BISHOP of HUIZENGA of Michigan, Mr. MCCLINTOCK, Mr. statements on congressional earmarks, Utah, Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio, and Mr. BURTON of Indiana, Mr. GRIFFIN of Arkansas, limited tax benefits, or limited tariff MARCHANT. Mr GRAVES of Georgia, Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio, benefits were submitted as follows: H.R. 1592: Mr. ISRAEL and Mr. ROTHMAN of Mr. CANSECO, Mr. ROE of Tennessee, and Mr. New Jersey. FORBES. The amendment to be offered to H.R. 754, H.R. 1623: Mr. BLUMENAUER and Mr. H.R. 1781: Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas, Mr. the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal KUCINICH. MCDERMOTT, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. JACKSON of Il- Year 2011, by Representative ROGERS, or a H.R. 1671: Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. linois, and Mr. BLUMENAUER. designee does not contain any congressional H.R. 1674: Mr. POLIS. H.R. 1797: Mr. POLIS. earmarks, limited tax benefits, or limited H.R. 1676: Mr. KUCINICH. H.J. Res. 56: Mr. BURTON of Indiana, Mr. tariff benefits as defined in clause 9 of rule H.R. 1681: Ms. WOOLSEY and Mr. ACKERMAN. MCCLINTOCK, and Mr. GOWDY. XXI.

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Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 2011 No. 64 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was appoint the Honorable KIRSTEN E. Mr. REID. Madam President, I object called to order by the Honorable GILLIBRAND, a Senator from the State of New to any further proceedings with respect KIRSTEN E. GILLIBRAND, a Senator from York, to perform the duties of the Chair. to this bill at this time. the State of New York. DANIEL K. INOUYE, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- President pro tempore. pore. Objection having been heard, the PRAYER Mrs. GILLIBRAND thereupon as- measure will be placed on the calendar. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- sumed the chair as Acting President fered the following prayer: pro tempore. f Let us pray. f Almighty God, ruler of history and NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY the nations, we praise You, we adore BOARD LEADER You, we magnify Your holy Name. May Mr. REID. Madam President, I recog- Your presence be felt in our midst The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- nize we are in a partisan environment. today, guiding our thoughts and order- pore. The majority leader is recog- In a partisan environment, there is ing our steps. nized. temptation to turn every issue into a Permit the Members of this body to f political issue. We certainly live in one receive a fresh awareness of who You of those environments today. That is are and what You desire for them to SCHEDULE regrettable but far from unfamiliar. do. Lord, the challenges they face are Mr. REID. Madam President, fol- Politics play a role in our representa- so great that they need Your wisdom to lowing any leader remarks, the Senate tive government, of course, and they meet them. Use our Senators this day will be in a period of morning business always have. The Founders created a so that Your will may be done on Earth until 2 p.m. today. Republicans will system of checks and balances—three as it is done in heaven. Let Your peace control the first 30 minutes and the branches of government, for example, come to them as they commit their re- majority will control the next 30 min- and two Chambers of the Congress— sponsibilities to You and then work utes. Following morning business, the precisely because they anticipated with Your guidance and grace. Senate will be in executive session to these passions. Our Founding Fathers We pray in Your sacred Name. Amen. consider the nomination of Arenda wanted to keep us from losing our way. f Wright Allen to be U.S. District Judge Long after that system was created, for the Eastern District of Virginia. So a new, independent Federal agency was PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE at approximately 3 p.m., we will vote created in the same spirit of checks The Honorable KIRSTEN E. on confirmation of the Allen nomina- and balances. That agency is the Na- GILLIBRAND led the Pledge of Alle- tion. tional Labor Relations Board and acts giance, as follows: There is a special caucus at the as a check on employers and employees I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the White House this afternoon, so we will alike. It safeguards employees’ rights United States of America, and to the Repub- close early today. The Republicans will to unionize or not to unionize if they lic for which it stands, one nation under God, have their meeting at the White House so choose. It mediates allegations of indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. tomorrow. unfair labor practices. It does all this f f independent of any outside influence. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING The Acting General Counsel of the PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE MEASURE PLACED ON THE NLRB is a man who is as nonpartisan CALENDAR—S. 940 and as independent as the agency for The PRESIDING OFFICER. The which he works. Last month, he issued clerk will please read a communication Mr. REID. Madam President, S. 940 is a complaint against one of America’s to the Senate from the President pro at the desk and due for a second read- ing. largest companies, Boeing. The com- tempore (Mr. INOUYE). plaint alleges that after Boeing work- The assistant legislative clerk read The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ers in some States went on strike, the the following letter: pore. The clerk will report the bill by title for the second time. company retaliated by opening a new U.S. SENATE, The assistant legislative clerk read production line in a nonunion facility. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Washington, DC, May 11, 2011. as follows: That kind of retaliation, if that is what To the Senate: A bill (S. 940) to reduce the Federal budget happened, is, of course, illegal. Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, deficit by closing big oil tax loopholes, and That is just the background. I am not of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby for other purposes. here to judge the merits of the case. In

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY6.000 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2852 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 fact, I am here to do the exact oppo- MORNING BUSINESS ing whether to give them a Federal site—to remind the Senate that pre- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- contract. judging the case is not our job. That pore. Under the previous order, the Here is how he put it: This is the No. would overstep long-established bound- Senate will be in a period of morning 2 Democrat in the House: aries and weaken our system of checks business for debate only until 2 p.m., [The] White House plan to require federal and balances. Lately, though, some of with Senators permitted to speak contractors to disclose political contribu- our Republican colleagues have at- tions could politicize the bidding process and therein for up to 10 minutes each, with undermine its integrity. tacked the NLRB and have tried to poi- the first hour equally divided and con- Similar efforts have already been re- son the decisionmaking process. They trolled between the two leaders or jected by the Supreme Court, the Fed- are interfering with the case pending their designees, with the Republicans eral Election Commission, and the before a legal body. For example, every controlling the first 30 minutes and the Congress during the last session of the Republican Senator on the HELP Com- majority controlling the next 30 min- Congress. Now there is bipartisan oppo- mittee—and let’s remind everyone, the utes. sition to the administration’s Execu- ‘‘l’’ in HELP stands for ‘‘labor’’—sent a The majority leader. tive order. letter to the Acting General Counsel Mr. REID. I note the absence of a The White House is spinning this as defending Boeing. The letter itself, quorum, and I ask unanimous consent ‘‘reform,’’ claiming the American peo- sent 6 weeks before a hearing even that the time run equally. ple deserve to know how taxpayer takes place, seems questionable at the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- money is being used by contractors. very best, but these 10 Republicans pore. Without objection, it is so or- However, the proposed Executive order went further. They went out of their dered. would exclude Democratic allies, in- way to link their request to the Acting The clerk will call the roll. cluding Federal employee labor unions, General Counsel’s pending nomination. The assistant legislative clerk pro- environmental groups, and, of course, If there were ever a case of intimida- ceeded to call the roll. Planned Parenthood. tion, that sounds like it to me. But The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- As I have said, no White House—no that is not all. Eight State attorneys pore. The minority leader. White House—should be able to review general—all Republicans—also signed a Mr. MCCONNELL. I ask unanimous a contractor’s political party affili- letter to the Acting General Counsel consent that the order for the quorum ation before deciding if they are wor- calling on him to withdraw the com- call be rescinded. thy—worthy—of a government con- plaint against Boeing—again, long be- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- tract. No one should have to worry fore an administrative judge has had pore. Without objection, it is so or- about whether their political support the opportunity to even look at the dered. case, let alone review the case. will determine their ability to get or to f I strongly encourage all of them to keep a Federal contract or to keep a take a step back, my Republican col- RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY job. leagues on the HELP Committee and LEADER The issuing of contracts by the Fed- eral Government should be based on these attorneys general. We all know The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Republicans dislike organized labor. the contractor’s merits, bids, and capa- pore. The minority leader is recog- bilities. Under no condition—no condi- We know they disdain unions because nized. unions demand fairness and equality tion—should political contributions f from the big businesses Republicans so play a role in that decision. However, often shield at all costs. So let’s be ENERGY the White House draft Executive order honest—Republicans are threatened by makes it crystal clear that if a con- Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, tractor wants to do business with the unions. They are threatened because yesterday Democrats unveiled yet an- when a large organized group is so con- government—if they want to do busi- other attempt to slow American energy ness with the government—they can- cerned with workers’ rights, the mem- production, this time through a tax bers of that group vote in large num- not contribute to the Republicans. hike on American energy. They ac- As Senator COLLINS recently pointed bers. And because Republicans and the knowledge, however, that this will not out, this Executive order would basi- big businesses they defend so often try lower the price of gas, and they are cally repeal the Hatch Act and inject to take away workers’ rights, workers right. politics back into the procurement don’t often vote Republican. The Congressional Research Service process. This is simply unacceptable. This kind of interference is inappro- tells us that raising taxes on American Democracy is compromised when in- priate, it is disgraceful and dangerous. energy will do two things: It will in- dividuals and small businesses fear re- We wouldn’t allow threats to prosecu- crease the price of gas, and it will in- prisal or expect favor from the Federal tors or U.S. attorneys trying to stop crease our dependence on foreign com- Government as a result of their polit- them from moving forward with petitors. By taxing American energy ical associations. So the recent press charges they see fit to bring to the production, they are also outsourcing reports about this unprecedented Exec- courts, and we shouldn’t stand for this. American jobs. So let me get this utive order raise troubling concerns It may not be illegal, but it is no better straight: higher gas prices, fewer about an effort to silence or intimidate than the retaliation and intimidation American jobs, and more dependence political adversaries’ speech through that is the fundamental question in on foreign competitors at the expense the government contracting system. this case, and it should stop. of American energy? That is their The White House still has an oppor- We need agencies such as the NLRB plan? No thank you. tunity to not go forward with this to be able to operate freely and with- f order, and you can rest assured we will out political pressures. We need to be watching very closely because the keep our independent agencies inde- DRAFT EXECUTIVE ORDER proposed effort would represent an out- pendent. This case is for them to de- Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, rageous—a truly outrageous—and anti- cide, not for us to decide. I was happy to see the No. 2 Democrat democratic abuse of executive branch Would the Chair now announce morn- in the House yesterday take a stand authority. ing business. against the President’s proposed Exec- It is my sincere hope that the recent utive order, a proposal disguised as in- reports of the draft Executive order f creased ‘‘transparency,’’ which would were simply the work of a partisan allow the administration to review a within the administration and not the company’s political donations before RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME position taken by the President him- deciding whether to award a Federal self. He should state his position. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- contract. That is right; the administra- Mr. President, we are waiting for pore. Under the previous order, the tion would be able to review a com- your response. leadership time is reserved. pany’s political donations before decid- Madam President, I yield the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.001 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2853 The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- as a percentage of our economy, attrib- erally, on that one program, that one pore. The Senator from South Dakota. utable to a couple factors: One was policy, the stimulus program that went f strong economic growth, and the sec- into effect a couple years ago, that is ond was a government that managed to literally a thousand times more than RAISING THE DEBT CEILING keep spending relatively low. what we spent as a nation in our first Mr. THUNE. Madam President, since When we look at the post-World War 60 years of its existence. I first came to the Congress back in II time period, and we get into the If we look at the projections included 1997 as a freshman Member of the 1960s and we reach the end of the 1960s, in the President’s budget, it is reveal- House of Representatives, I have been in that time period to 2008—from 1969 ing that it never balances, and that is talking about spending and debt and to 2008—on average government spend- due entirely to spending. Spending deficits, and that was a key, central ing consumed about 20.6 percent of our under the President’s budget never element of my campaign for my first entire economy while taxes during that falls below 23 percent of our entire election to the House of Representa- time period on average were about 18 economy, of our GDP. After 2015 it tives way back in the day. Of course, at percent of our economy. That, in bal- grows, and there is not a single year that time the numbers were a lot less ance, led to a sizable but a manageable when the spending does not grow as a daunting than they are today. national debt. Debt held by the public share of our economy. So we have this If we just look at even where we were just before this President took office constant growth in overall spending as 15 years ago in relative terms, the was $6.3 trillion. a percentage of our GDP that is way point at which we find ourselves today Now, to put it into perspective, dur- beyond the norm if we look at any sort is almost overwhelming. The debt now ing the previous 40 years the budget of historical average. is over $14 trillion. We are being asked was balanced on five occasions. So if So when the President submitted his to raise the debt ceiling even further. I we look back, in the last 40 years of initial budget to the Congress, I think would argue we can no longer afford to our Nation’s history there were five oc- we were all hopeful it would dem- put these hard decisions off because casions on which we were able to bal- onstrate an acknowledgement that he these are serious times and these call ance the budget. In each of these gets it; that he understands the dimen- for serious solutions and serious lead- years—and those were 1969, 1998, 1999, sions of this problem and how serious ership. I hope we are up to that task. 2000, and 2001—spending was below the our fiscal and financial straits are. But For a long time we thought debts and historical average. the budget he submitted to Congress a spending and deficits and all those In 1969 spending was just 19.4 percent few months ago actually increased sorts of things could be acceptable up of our GDP. In 1998 it was 19.1 percent spending over the 10-year time period, to a certain level, and I suppose to of our GDP. In 1999 it was 8.5 percent of massively increased the debt, and GDP. In 2000 and 2001 it was only 18.2 some degree that is true. Historically, raised taxes on our small businesses at percent of our GDP. So when we look if we look at our country in terms of a time when, as I said earlier, we are at the years when our budget was bal- revenue and spending, over time we hoping to get the economy growing and anced, spending averaged just under have consistently had a certain expanding again, which helps address 18.7 percent of GDP. So what are we set amount of debt that we carried. But I many of the problems I just mentioned. to spend this year? Madam President, think by any stretch, any American, We cannot have economic growth when 24.3 percent of our GDP—an aston- any economist, anybody who watches we are raising taxes on the job creators ishing 30 percent more than we have this closely has to recognize the situa- in our economy, which is our small spent historically when our budget was tion in which we find ourselves today is businesses. balanced. Our debt held by the public I would argue the two things that are unprecedented in American history and at the end of this year will be nearly going to be necessary for us to get our cries out for action—immediate action double what it was when this President economy back on track and to address and bold action. took office. this issue of spending and this out-of- This is something I would argue my So how did we get to such a high control debt are to get spending under constituents are very concerned level of spending? Well, to be fair, I control, to make the hard decisions about—I think all Americans are very think we would have to say some of that have been put off for far too long; concerned about—because, again, if we this is attributable to the economic and, secondly, to put policies in place look at it in relative terms, where we downturn. Obviously, tax receipts, rev- that will enable and create the condi- are today—$14 trillion in accumulated enues, are down as a consequence of tions for economic growth and job cre- debt—and we go back in the annals of the economy being in a recession. We ation. history and look at from the formation also have the ongoing conflicts in Iraq Well, if we look at what the current of this country back in the late 1700s and Afghanistan, which have been ex- administration is doing in terms of until 1849, our Federal Government pensive and, obviously, have required a policies, what I hear as I travel in my spent—if you can imagine this—only large commitment of resources in State of South Dakota from small busi- about $1 billion over that 60-year time order to conduct the operations that nesses—I hear it from agricultural pro- period. are necessary for success there. But I ducers—is that at almost every turn Today, we will borrow $4 billion. Be- would also argue that a substantial they are facing new regulations, new tween today at 9:50 a.m. and this time chunk is due to the spending spree that policies coming out of Washington that tomorrow at 9:50 a.m., our Federal Congress has been on since 2008. do not reduce the cost of doing busi- Government will borrow $4 billion, Between 2008 and 2010 spending on ness but actually increase the cost of which, to put that into perspective, nondefense discretionary programs doing business and drive down their suggests we will borrow, in the next 24 went up more than 20 percent even margins, make it more difficult for hours, more than four times what we though inflation over that same time them to invest capital, to hire new peo- spent in our first 60 years as a nation. period was around 2 percent. When we ple, and to get this economy going and Now, in fact, in 1835, under President add in what eventually the bailouts of expanding again. Andrew Jackson, the government Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are going There are numerous examples of debt—for the only time in our Nation’s to cost, which will be hundreds of bil- that. We have a number of agencies history—was completely paid off. Since lions of dollars, that adds significantly that are just issuing, promulgating that time, our debts have been large to the debt. Of course, the stimulus regulations, pursuing an aggressive and small, with large runups in the boondoggle cost us over $800 billion in agenda, much of which cannot be ac- debt during times of war, while the the short term. When we add in the in- complished in Congress because there debt largely declined during times of terest costs that are associated with are not the votes in the Congress to ac- peace. Never, though, did our debt top that, it will be over $1 trillion—which complish much of that agenda. So the even 50 percent of our entire economy, was all borrowed, borrowed money, administration has decided, by just of our GDP, until the Great Depression. borrowed from our children and grand- sort of an executive power grab, to try At the end of World War II, debt children. to accomplish much of that agenda. topped 120 percent of GDP. But in the When we look at the percentage, as I Well, as I said before, most of those postwar period, debt steadily declined said before, of spending $1 trillion, lit- policies are things that make it more

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.003 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2854 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 expensive to do business in this coun- things you would not do is raise taxes is already being immediately attacked. try and are going to make it more dif- and make it more costly and expensive Perhaps it is not perfect, but it is a se- ficult for our small businesses to get for people to do business. If you look rious effort to control spending. back on track. I mentioned the tax in- at, again, EPA and their attempt to The only other suggestions we have creases the President has proposed, regulate greenhouse gas emissions seen, as I mentioned, are some state- consistently proposed, not only in the under the Clean Air Act, which they ments made by the President about his budget he released to Congress several don’t have the authority to do but proposals, again, all of which increase months ago but more recently, a cou- want to do anyway, has made it more taxes, increase spending, and add mas- ple weeks back, when he came out with difficult for energy companies to get sively to the Federal debt. It seems to his sort of new improved budget still permits, and a number of projects have me that we are not having a serious loaded up with tax increases on small been scratched across this country. I discussion about balancing our budget businesses—the very opposite of what can think of a couple in South Dakota. and paying off our debt, particularly, we would want to do if we want to en- If you look at the fact that if we con- again, when you put into perspective courage small businesses to invest and tinue to get 60 percent of our fuel from where we are. Between now and 10 a.m. create jobs. outside the United States—we are lit- tomorrow, we will borrow another $4 The economic uncertainty that is erally sending $1 billion a day to for- billion, which, as I said before—I think created by tax policies which are not eign countries because of our addiction it bears repeating—is literally four permanent, expire in a couple years, to foreign energy—and if you look at times the amount our entire country the economic uncertainty created by the policies here that we should be im- spent in the first 60 years of its exist- not knowing what the next regulation plementing if we are interested in get- ence. Again, that is $4 billion between coming out of Washington, DC, is going ting to be energy independent and now and this time tomorrow. to do to their bottom line is creating produce more American energy, you We are being requested to raise the an anxiety out there among investors find a complete contradiction with debt limit, the amount we can borrow, and keeping on the sidelines a lot of what the President and his allies in raise the limits on our credit card in the capital that otherwise would be put Congress say. They all talk about en- the next few weeks because we are up to work and deployed in creating jobs. ergy independence, getting away from against that ceiling. We have hit the So if we look at just a few examples— spending $1 billion a day on foreign oil. maximum. We have capped out our the EPA is probably the most notable Yet, their policies tell another story, ability to borrow money. We are going one; that is the one I hear the most because we are limiting even more the to be asked to make a vote to increase about—it does not matter whether I amount of area in this country that that borrowing ceiling. I don’t think am talking to a small business group would be open to energy exploration that can occur honestly until such or whether I am talking, again, to and production. We have enormous re- time as we are willing to put into place farmers and ranchers, consistently, sources in the United States—oil and and take the necessary steps to get they say: These regulations coming out gas, clean coal, biofuels, and others this issue of spending under control. of Washington, DC—and specifically in that we can gain access to. This is, by definition, a spending this case, most of them are referring to Right now, we have energy policies issue. Some people argue that we need policies that are coming out of the that seem more intent on and con- tax increases and additional revenue. EPA—are making it very difficult for cerned with some other agenda rather The observation I made about bal- us to create jobs, to put people back to than energy independence. If you are ancing the budget was that at the work, and to invest, reinvest in our interested in energy independence, I times we did that over the last 40 businesses. would think you would put policies years—on those five occasions, in every So we have these types of regulations into place that encourage the produc- case, we spent less than the average— that are coming out of these agencies. tion of more American energy. Exactly in some cases significantly less—as a We also have, as I said, a runup in costs the opposite is occurring. We have percentage of our GDP. associated with many of the policies more and more areas that have been Clearly, the way to attack this issue the Congress has enacted, the spending taken off limits—public lands. We can- is to get spending under control. That and debt issues that have been created not get to the Outer Continental Shelf. will require hard decisions, many of by the stimulus bill, the new health A permatorium is in existence in the which have been postponed. We have care bill, which when it is fully imple- South. The North Slope of Alaska has been kicking the can down the road for mented will cost $2.5 trillion or there- tremendous energy resources. Much of a long time. We are out of road now. abouts, but it is going to pass on lots of this is off limits, and that will con- We have come up to the cliff. We can- new costs to businesses across this tinue to drive us into the arms of for- not kick the can any further. The road country not only in the form of tax in- eign countries—many that don’t have is at an end. We are up against some creases but also in the form of higher the best interests of this country in very serious impediments if we don’t insurance rates which they are going mind and, perhaps even worse, fund or- take the necessary steps to fix the to be looking at. ganizations that plan attacks against problem. I think you are going to see a contin- the United States and our allies. Again, when I talk about the serious- ued period where businesses in this It strikes me at least that if you are ness of it, over the last few years we country—small businesses—because of serious about getting deficits and debt have paid lipservice to the issue of this economic uncertainty, will con- under control, the one thing you would spending and debt. I maintain that you tinue to sit it out and don’t do the do is put policies into place that enable have to judge people by what they do things that are necessary to get people small businesses to do what they do and how they vote, not by what they back to work and to deal with high un- best, and that is grow and create jobs. say. We need to debate this issue. As employment. There is also the issue of Secondly, you would put constraints on we get into the discussion over raising a depressed economic downturn that Federal spending in Washington, DC— the debt limit, it creates an oppor- will make it more difficult for us to ex- this issue I mentioned earlier—so that tunity for both sides—Republicans and pand the economy and address this the consistent runup in the amount we Democrats—to come together behind a issue of increasing revenues at the Fed- spend on our Federal Government as a plan that will meaningfully reduce eral level, which will help solve the percentage of GDP will start to not spending in this country, which will problem we have with the deficit and only taper off but come down. deal with entitlement reform, which is debt. There are a number of suggestions needed. We cannot solve this problem Another issue that I think is signifi- that have been made out there—cer- in the long term unless we address the cant now, but it is always an issue for tainly, perhaps, no perfect one. At issue of entitlement reform and get the people I represent in South Dakota, least people are taking a legitimate some limits on spending that will be is high energy costs. The Democratic shot at trying to address this issue. binding, that we cannot get around. prescription—the most recent one—is There has been a lot of discussion It is too easy too waive things here to tax energy companies. If you want about the Ryan budget that was passed and declare an emergency and continue to get lower cost energy, one of the by the House of Representatives. That to spend as if there is no tomorrow.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.004 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2855 These are serious times. They require I hope we will have a budget markup gas, and oil in an environmentally re- serious leadership and serious solu- where we can get these issues out in sponsible way will resist loudly—we tions. That point is no better made front not only for us to discuss but also can no longer allow this Nation and than by some of our leaders in this in front of the American people. This is our hard-working families to be held country. As we all know, the chairman their future we are talking about. If we hostage by high gas prices. We can no of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ADM Mike don’t act, we are putting in great peril longer allow partisanship and politics Mullen, has said in testimony before and jeopardy the future for our chil- to undermine the common ground that Congress that the greatest threat to dren and grandchildren. can be achieved if we work together America’s national security is our na- I wanted to point out where we have with one goal in mind—true energy tional debt. I think that is a stunning come from and where, in my view, we independence within this generation. and powerful statement about where need to go if we are going to solve this Let me make it perfectly clear, high we are and the importance of acting problem. I hope my colleagues will join gas prices are not the only high price now. We had the former Federal Re- in that discussion, not only rhetori- we are paying as a nation. For decades, serve Chairman, Alan Greenspan, say cally but that their actions will follow. our great men and women who serve us not too long ago that there is a 50-per- We cannot just talk about this; it is so well have been called to action in cent probability that we will face a time for us to quit talking and start defense of our vital interests in the debt crisis in the next 2 to 3 years. And acting. Middle East and all around the world. then, of course, we had Standard & I yield the floor and I suggest the ab- Thousands have been killed and in- Poors provide a negative assessment to sence of a quorum. jured. Their families have suffered the our credit rating in this country. That, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- incredible pain of loss. Our nations too, is something we have not seen be- pore. The clerk will call the roll. have spent trillions in the course of fore. I hope we are willing to take the The legislative clerk proceeded to these missions. Yet too many of these necessary steps to avoid our credit rat- call the roll. oil-rich countries have and will con- ing being downgraded. When you get an Mr. MANCHIN. Madam President, I tinue to use against us our dependence assessment such as that, it is not too ask unanimous consent the order for on their oil. long that a downgrade in your credit the quorum call be rescinded. For all these reasons and for the sake rating follows. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- of our national security, it is time for Those are not just anecdotal things, pore. Without objection, it is so or- our Nation to become truly energy those are fact-based assessments and dered. independent within this generation. I analysis of where we are. These are f believe we can do it, and I know we can people who know the importance of because just this week in beautiful HIGH GASOLINE PRICES dealing with these issues. If we con- Mingo County, WV, my State took a tinue to borrow more money from Mr. MANCHIN. Madam President, I major step to confront our gas prices other places and don’t take the nec- rise to speak about an issue that is di- head on. On Monday, West Virginia essary steps to fix this, we will con- rectly impacting each and every fam- said enough is enough. On a sunny tinue to put our future of our children ily, not just in West Virginia but morning in the town of Gilbert, WV, I and grandchildren at greater risk and throughout this whole country. It is helped break ground on a promising in greater jeopardy. the high gas prices. The truth is, in new project that could help bring down This will not be easy. Obviously, States all across this Nation, and par- the crushing gas prices our families are there will be political consequences to ticularly in West Virginia, countless confronting. There, entrepreneurs and any decisions we make. But these deci- families have to drive to survive. For State and local governments are par- sions are more difficult because we these families, a jump in the gas price ticipating to create hundreds of jobs at have put them off for so long. The easy is not just an inconvenience or an an- a coal-to-gasoline plant that is at the decisions, the low-hanging fruit is no noyance, it is a threat that hits ex- forefront of any technology in the longer out there. We have to decide tremely hard in the pocketbook and world. now, are we going to continue to spend could change their way of life. The anticipated production of this and spend and borrow and borrow, to But as every American knows, the plant is very impressive. It is projected the point where we head over the cliff cycle of high gas prices is not a new to convert 7,500 tons of West Virginia because we ran out of road, or will we phenomenon with any of us. I still viv- coal into 756,000 gallons of premium make these decisions now and get seri- idly remember waiting in line for gas gasoline each and every day, which can ous about providing a stronger and bet- in the early 1970s, when gas was ra- be used to run our cars and our trucks ter and more prosperous future for our tioned based on our license number— and even some of our military equip- children and grandchildren? when we could buy gas. It is something ment. We cannot act as though the Federal I thought could never happen in Amer- Over a 4-year construction period, it Government doesn’t have a spending ica, and I am sure those whom it hap- is estimated that 3,000 skilled trade problem. Those days are gone. We no pened to felt the same. workers in America will be employed. longer have that luxury; the numbers This all came about because of our When the plant is finished, it is ex- bear that out. So we need to look at dependency on foreign oil. If we think pected to create 300 direct jobs and the debt limit and the upcoming vote back to the early 1970s, we were 28 per- hundreds of more ancillary jobs in the as an opportunity for Republicans and cent dependent on foreign oil, which we community. Democrats to come together behind a thought was a high number at that In West Virginia and Mingo County, plan that will meaningfully address our time. But today we are more than 50 the government is acting as a partner— spending problem. percent dependent on foreign oil, which and as a good partner, not an obsta- The status quo is not acceptable. It is has caused a massive transfer of Amer- cle—and that is the role our Federal going to require leadership from the ican wealth to countries that do not Government should take toward energy President, which has been nonexistent like us that much and want to do us independence. This is exactly the kind so far. I hope he will step forward. It harm. We have seen this bad movie of project the Federal Government will require leadership from Democrats time and again. Yet somehow it seems should work on with us to make sure it in the Senate. They control the agenda Washington keeps thinking there is succeeds. They should be our ally, not here and they have the majority. I going to be a different outcome or a an obstacle or an adversary. If my lit- hope we do a budget this year. We different ending. The right ending will tle State has the courage to step out didn’t do one last year in the Senate. I only come when our Nation makes it a and invest in our independence, then think it is important to have that de- high priority to achieve energy inde- the Federal Government should also bate, so that the American people see pendence within this generation. have the courage to do the same. West us debating how we are going to spend While crafting such a bold plan will Virginians are sending the right mes- their tax dollars. That is something be difficult, I recognize—and the spe- sage for this country. We will not let every American should expect and de- cial interests that oppose using our ourselves be held hostage to foreign serves from their elected leaders. own resources such as coal, natural countries that want to see the United

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.005 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2856 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 States be financially crippled simply For all of the wonderful families of Walsh when he was in the process of because those countries have oil. West Virginia, for the great people of making the decision: Do what is right My State of West Virginia also the United States of America, and all and I will stand by you. I know what I proves we can and we must use all our of our children and grandchildren, this want you to do, but do what is right. I domestic resources to break our cycle country must finally answer the call. think he did the right thing, and I of dependence on foreign oil within this It is time. It is truly time. It is time to stand by him. generation. It doesn’t matter whether free this Nation, put politics aside, and Now I stand by those living in Mis- your State has oil, coal, natural gas, work together to make energy inde- souri who were affected by that deci- geothermal, nuclear, biomass, wind, pendence a national priority. sion. If they in any way suffered hard- solar or hydro because we have to har- I truly believe that if we work to- ship or inconvenience or loss of income ness all the tremendous resources right gether as Americans and focus on a as farmers, we need to stand by them, here in America or we are going to con- commonsense approach, we can develop as we do with so many across America tinue to rely on countries that have a strong bipartisan energy plan that in times of disaster. contributed directly or indirectly to will not only break the power of for- I know we have had a big challenge changing America for the worse. eign oil countries and speculators, but in our State. Governor Quinn and I At the end of the day, it is going to use the resources that we have right were on the phone the day before yes- take everything we can do and every here in America. We can chart a new terday talking about the response. He resource we have to become truly inde- and promising energy future for this was on his way down to Metropolis. A pendent. That is one of the many rea- great Nation and we must start today. mutual friend of ours, Mayor Billy sons why I am cosponsoring the Amer- I yield the floor. McDaniel, down there is working with ican Alternative Fuels Act with my The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Pulaski County Board Chairman Monte colleague, JOHN BARRASSO, from Wyo- pore. The Senator from Illinois. Russell to find places for people to stay ming. Among other things, the bill Mr. DURBIN. I want to thank the as they wait for the flood waters to re- would break down barriers to alter- Senator from West Virginia for his cede in Metropolis. native energy fuels, including those comments on our dependence on for- In Carmi, Mayor David Port and Gol- from coal, biomass, algae, and waste. eign oil. We import about $1 billion conda Mayor Bill Altman are working There are other smart, targeted ac- worth of oil a day. That does not make with our office to make sure that tions we can take in the short term to our Nation any stronger. In fact, it pumps and other supplies are there help reduce the price of gas for our makes us more dependent. For our when they are needed. In Cairo, we had families. I have signed on to an impor- economy to grow, we need to have good a change in administration. I worked tant piece of bipartisan legislation homegrown energy sources. We may with Judson Childs, the former mayor. sponsored by my friend, Senator HERB never be totally independent, but if we He has now been replaced by Tyrone KOHL, from Wisconsin. It is the No Oil do not move toward independence, then Coleman. We will continue to work Producing & Exporting Cartels Act, I am afraid we are going to continue to with them. They vacated a lot of better know as NOPEC. This bill would be victimized, as we have been re- homes. People are staying in gyms and finally allow the Department of Justice cently, by not only oil companies but other places and waiting for a chance to go after foreign countries, such as the greed the Senator mentioned that to go back home. We are going to do the members of OPEC, because of their drives up gasoline prices every Spring. our best to make sure that happens. price-fixing behavior. Just as sure as the baseball season is A special salute to our Illinois Na- The other major issue we must ad- going to open, gasoline prices are going tional Guard. These men and women dress now is speculators and oil com- to go sky high. Then they are going to come to the rescue of our State every pany subsidies. This is not a supply retreat, but they never retreat to time we face a disaster. This is no dif- issue. The real problem is pure greed— where they started. They always end ferent. They are putting in long hours. some who are taking advantage of the up higher as we go into the summer va- I thank them for their unselfish com- instability in our world to line their cation season. The Senator from West mitment. And GEN Bill Enyart can be pockets on the backs of American fam- Virginia has some thoughtful ideas proud of the men and women of the ilies—or a tax policy that does not here on how to address this. I share his Guard units across the State of Illi- make any sense at all, that continues support of HERB KOHL’s legislation that nois. to subsidize oil companies when the deals with NOPEC, the OPEC cartel, The Illinois Emergency Management price of a barrel of oil is at the highest and the fact that we have been victim- Agency under Director Jonathon Luck it has ever been and the profits are at ized by them for way too long. has been in touch with our office every a record high. This doesn’t make any Like the Senator’s State, we have a single day. They are assessing the dam- sense to American families. lot of coal in Illinois. We want to find age that has been done. They will Wouldn’t it make more sense that an environmentally responsible way to measure that damage, and at the ap- these subsidies they now have should use it, to take all of the energy out of propriate moment—and I am sure it only be available when the cost of pro- the ground and put it to work for will be soon—will move forward with duction exceeds the price of a barrel of America so Americans can go to work. our congressional delegation to ask for oil? That would be a commonsense so- I thank the Senator for his leadership Federal disaster status and Federal dis- lution. It would ensure stability and on this important topic. aster assistance. That is something steady production, and it does not f that I think will definitely be needed force taxpayers to fill the bank ac- and is appropriate for the magnitude of counts of major oil companies when ILLINOIS FLOODING this challenge. they are already making record profits. Mr. DURBIN. Madam President, clos- I will work with my colleague Sen- Because we must do so much more to er to home in Illinois, we are fighting ator KIRK, who visited last week in this protect American families, I have also the floods. It happens regularly, and we region. We are going to work together, encouraged the Commodity Futures have had a tough time with it. The in a bipartisan way, to make sure that Trading Commission to take aggressive Ohio River, the Illinois River, and the our State and the people who are suf- steps in the short term to regulate and Mississippi River have all been threat- fering under these flooding conditions pursue the oil speculators who are driv- ening communities such as Metropolis have a chance to recover, get back to ing the price of a gallon of gas through and Old Shawneetown. I was down in their homes and back to their busi- the ceiling. Cairo, IL, a couple of weeks ago and nesses and back to work. While the most important thing our saw how bad it was. It was a scary situ- (The remarks of Mr. DURBIN per- country can do is establish a national ation in a very poor town. taining to the introduction of S. 952 are energy plan for independence, all of The Corps of Engineers had a tough printed in today’s RECORD under those actions are steps we can take to decision to make. They had to blow a ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and make sure we relieve the financial levee, which means opening farm land Joint Resolutions.’’) pressures on our families and help se- to be flooded. To take the pressure off The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- cure our country. the rivers, they did it. I said to General pore. The Senator from Rhode Island.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.009 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2857 OIL COMPANY SUBSIDIES and how much oil companies rake in. dispose of some grubby subsidies that have As gas prices climbed from 2002 to 2008, rewarded Big Oil for bad behavior. And he Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Madam Presi- wants to replace them with more effective dent, I am here to call for the end of so did profits. When gas prices fell in 2009, down went profits. Sure enough, incentives for saving energy and shifting to the $4 billion in giveaways that tax- cleaner, greener and safer energy choices. payers are providing to big oil compa- as gas prices climb again to over $4 per It’s a sensible plan for leveling a playing nies every year. At a time of sky- gallon, oil profits are up sharply. field too long tilted in Big Oil’s favor. It rec- rocketing gas prices and of record oil With people in Rhode Island and ognizes that we can’t just pump our way out company profits and of difficult deci- across the country being forced to of our energy problem. And it would provide sions about where and how to cut the tighten their budgets, and with the the entrepreneurs who are creating tomor- Federal Government working to reduce row’s energy sources with the same kind of Federal deficit, we should not be pro- help the nascent oil industry got more than viding big oil with expensive and un- our deficit, it is all the more frus- trating to read about these taxpayer- a century ago but no longer needs. necessary taxpayer handouts. The plan is also a welcome sign that, in Gas prices nationwide are averaging subsidized, sky-high profits. At the the wake of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, $3.96, up over a dollar from this time a very least, when we are looking at cut- we are recognizing the true costs of dirty en- year ago. In my home State of Rhode ting Head Start, for instance, we ergy. We don’t pay just once for that gallon Island the average price per gallon is should not be wasting $4 billion per of gas or quart of oil. We pay at least three now over four bucks. These prices are year in precious taxpayer dollars to times: Once at the station; again on Tax Day for the subsidies; and again every time tax- putting a significant dent in family help these big oil companies earn high- er profits. They are doing wonderfully payers have to help clean up the environ- budgets across the country. mental and economic mess created by a In the last 50 years prices in real on their own. So I am proud to join my colleagues leaking pipeline, smashed supertanker or terms have only been this high twice— burning offshore rig. in 1981 after the oil crisis and in parts in introducing the Close Big Oil Tax It’s one thing to mourn the lost lives, oiled of 2007 and 2008. High gas prices not Loopholes Act to end some of these birds, fouled beaches and fishing grounds cre- only increase the cost of driving, but egregious subsidies for the big five oil ated by these catastrophes. It’s quite an- they leave families with less to spend companies. To highlight a few, the pro- other, however, to realize that billions of our tax dollars contributed to these disasters by on other basic necessities. They ripple posal would repeal subsidies to oil com- panies for producing oil overseas. It cushioning these companies from the true throughout the economy as gas-guz- costs of their mismanagement. zling buses strain school district and would repeal a deduction that can often eliminate Federal taxes for oil So what’s the problem? Apparently, the public transportation budgets, food WD–40 has made its way to Congress, and the prices increase from trucking costs, companies, and it would repeal the well-lubricated process has so far ensured and wherever transportation is a factor head-scratching classification of oil that oil-industry subsidies continue to slip it raises costs for American consumers. companies as manufacturers which al- through the legislative process. The current price spike could not lows them to take a tax credit aimed At Oceana, we’re calling on Congress to end this expensive, self-destructive coddling. have come at a worse time. When gas at getting our manufacturing industry back on its feet. It is time to close Oil and natural-gas companies have already prices last peaked in July 2008, unem- received at least $190 billion in subsidies ployment nationally was 5.8 percent. these loopholes and make sure oil com- panies are paying their fair share to since 1968, said a recent analysis by congres- Now unemployment nationally is 8.8 sional staff. That could grow by an addi- percent, and it is even higher in many help us lower our deficit. tional $36.5 billion over the next decade, if I ask unanimous consent to have States. In my home State of Rhode Is- our laws aren’t changed. And that doesn’t printed in the RECORD an op-ed from land, we are still struggling under a count an additional $2 billion to $3 billion in Jacqueline Savitz which ran today in staggering 11-percent unemployment royalties a year that companies aren’t cur- my hometown paper, the Providence rently paying on the oil pumped out of cer- rate. Journal, calling on Congress to end tain federal leases offshore, due to sloppy I recently heard from Tony, a con- these handouts. lawmaking and political gridlock. A private stituent in Wakefield, RI, about the There being no objection, the mate- company would never give that oil away for impact rising gas prices have had on rial was ordered to be printed in the free. Why should we the people? his wallet. He said: In these lean times, we can’t afford to RECORD, as follows: waste more money on further enriching the We have few options to offset the higher [From McClatchy-Tribune News Service, pricing and thus much less to spend. oil behemoths. Instead, we could: Pay down May 11, 2011] our debt. Help our kids become the next Gas prices are forcing individuals JACQUELINE SAVITZ: MAKE CONGRESS END Thomas Edison or Bill Gates. Let today’s such as Tony to make difficult choices HANDOUTS TO BIG OIL: PROVIDENCE JOURNAL small offshore-wind and ‘‘smart power’’ firms about what to cut out of the family OP-ED become tomorrow’s Google—or even tomor- budget. Yet even as families are strug- (By Jacqueline Savitz) row’s BP creating new jobs and big fortunes gling, oil companies are once again Maybe the Internal Revenue Service along the way. reaping record profits. should rename its 1040 Form the WD–40. Replacing oil won’t happen overnight. But Here are the earnings numbers the After all, after millions of Americans paid it won’t happen at all unless we make smart- er choices now about spending the public’s oil companies recently announced for their taxes this year, a hefty chunk of their hard-earned pay went to grease the palms of money. this quarter: ConocoPhillips earned a First, Congress should act now, as urged by first-quarter profit of $3 billion, up 44 some of the world’s richest oil companies. But these companies are already well lu- President Obama, to end unnecessary hand- percent from the period last year. bricated. Despite profits that surged to near- outs to Big Oil. Second, make sure that the Chevron earned $6.2 billion, a 36-per- ly $80 billion in 2010, Big Oil will pocket companies pay fair royalties on the crude cent increase in profit. Royal Dutch nearly $5 billion in taxpayer handouts this they pump from public lands and waters. Fi- Shell earned $6.3 billion, a 30-percent year—even as gasoline prices soar and our nally, invest in people and companies that increase in profit. BP earned $7.1 bil- national debt deepens. will create the next energy revolution— One year after the Deepwater Horizon oil building everything from better offshore lion, a 17-percent increase in profit. wind turbines to electric cars. It’s time we And the big one, ExxonMobil, earned a disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, it’s time to ask whether we keep shoveling so much tax started using our scarce tax dollars for the profit in one quarter of $10.7 billion, a money to companies that need it so little— benefit of all Americans—and stopped hand- 69-percent increase from last year in and seem to care even less about the long- ing them over to a handful of rich oil execu- quarterly profit. term health of America’s economy and envi- tives. Come on Congress, it’s time for an oil These companies combined for a ronment. change. total profit of $33.3 billion in the first Not surprisingly, in poll after poll, the Mr. WHITEHOUSE. I have also called quarter. That is $370 million per day or American people are saying: ‘‘No!’’ A Feb- on President Obama to release some of more than $250,000 in profit every ruary NBC/Wall Street Journal survey found the oil stored in our Nation’s Strategic minute. I have probably been speaking that a whopping majority of Americans—74 Petroleum Reserve. History has shown percent—support ending longstanding oil-in- for at least 4 minutes, so they have dustry tax credits worth tens of billions of that releasing some of this oil into the made 1 million bucks. dollars. President Obama has proposed a market can have a short-term impact There is a direct correlation between change designed to keep the engine of inno- on prices. When President George H.W. how much consumers pay at the pump vation humming. He has asked Congress to Bush announced he was authorizing a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.011 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2858 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 drawdown in 1991, oil prices fell by The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- We are in the middle of a fiscal crisis. nearly $10 per barrel the next day. pore. Without objection, it is so or- There is no doubt that the single great- There is not much we can do to reduce dered. est threat to America at this point in oil prices in the near term, but this ac- Mr. SESSIONS. Madam President, I time is the financial situation in which tion could bring some relief to Amer- ask unanimous consent to be able to we find ourselves. This year, we will ican consumers. speak in morning business for up to 15 spend, by September 30—and we are We must also clamp down on exces- minutes. moving on to that date—$3.7 trillion. sive oil speculation. I joined 47 of my The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- We will bring in revenue of $2.2 trillion. colleagues in opposing a Republican pore. Without objection, it is so or- Forty cents of every dollar we are proposal to cut one-third of the funding dered. spending this year is borrowed. It is an for the Commodity Futures Trading f unsustainable path, as every expert has told us in the Budget Committee, Commission, the cop on the beat, for THE BUDGET improper speculation. The Commission where I am ranking Republican. is responsible for cracking down on il- Mr. SESSIONS. Madam President, a We have heard witness after witness, legal speculative activities that artifi- headline in the Hill today reads ‘‘Budg- Democratic and Republican, and the cially inflate the price of oil. We need ets everywhere, but not [a single] one President’s own debt commission tell to make sure Wall Street is not un- has votes to pass.’’ Well, that is not ex- us we are on an unsustainable path. Er- fairly gouging and hurting middle-class actly correct. In reality, there is only skine Bowles, the man chosen by Presi- families. We should not be taking this one budget that has been presented, dent Obama to head the fiscal commis- cop off that beat. publicly debated, worked on in com- sion the President established, told I am joining Senators CANTWELL and mittee, shared with the American peo- us—along with Alan Simpson, his co- WYDEN in sending a letter calling on ple, and passed on the floor in one chairman—that this Nation has never the Commission to impose position house, and that is the budget of the Re- faced a more predictable financial cri- limits on oil trading that were required publican House. PAUL RYAN led the sis. We are heading right to it. It is by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform fight on that, and it is a courageous, going to hammer us, our children, and bill. This congressionally imposed serious budget that would restore fiscal our grandchildren. If we don’t get off deadline has already passed, and the sanity and prosperity to this Nation. this course, the bond markets are Commission should act swiftly to pro- It deals with our short-term funding going to revolt, and we are going to tect consumers by helping to restrain crisis and the long-term ability of our have a serious financial crisis of some speculation. I am glad President financial system. We had another budg- kind that will not be good for this Obama has directed an investigation et presented by President Obama. It economy. When asked when such a crisis could into the role of speculation in our cur- was an irresponsible budget. The budg- occur, Mr. Bowles said 2 years, maybe rent gas prices. et presented by the President to the a little less or a little more, and Alan In the long run, we must invest in Senate is about this thick. It is re- Simpson said he thought it would be 1 electric vehicles, alternative fuels, quired by law that the President sub- year. These are independent people who public transit, high-speed rail, and mit one every year. He has around 500 love America. They are warning us to freight rail. Each of these transpor- people in the budget office who help prepare that. That budget—analyzed by take action now. The President’s budg- tation methods can significantly re- et simply doesn’t get it. duce our reliance on oil in the trans- the CBO, our independent group of ana- lysts—was found to not reduce the debt The American people are not happy portation sector. Indeed, moving with us. They think we are not meet- freight by rail is three times more fuel path we are on but to actually increase the debt over 10 years more than would ing our responsibilities. efficient than by truck. Are they right? They hammered a lot occur based on the Congressional Budg- If we do not take long-term action, of big spenders in the last election. et Office baseline we are already on— these price spikes we are seeing now Were they right? I totally believe they substantially, $2 trillion more. It has are going to keep on coming. We have are right. I totally believe that. I am of tax increases in it too. This is not a re- seen them before, and we will see them the view that there is no way this again. As President Obama said, the sponsible budget. It was never received country should be in the present debt United States keeps going ‘‘from shock responsibly in the Senate and not by situation. It should never, ever have to trance on the issue of energy secu- the independent commentators. They happened. I opposed a lot of the spend- rity, rushing to propose action when all said it fails to do the job we have to ing. I would like to think I was more gas prices rise, then hitting the snooze do. vigorous than most in warning against button when they fall again.’’ Let’s not I have to say, by contrast to the it. But I don’t think I have done hit the snooze button after this one. House, that there still is no Senate enough. There is no reason to borrow 40 Let’s take the long-term action nec- Democratic budget—a budget set up to cents out of every dollar we spend; it essary to get our country off of foreign be passed by a majority. The majority threatens our future. oil. But in the meantime, let’s work to- party always has the responsibility— We will double the entire debt of our gether to end the unnecessary and and sometimes they meet it and some- country in 4 years under this Presi- costly $4 billion giveaway to these times not—to present a budget. No ac- dent’s watch. When he leaves office, highly profitable oil companies and tion has even been scheduled in the completes his 4-year term, he will have promote instead long-term solutions to Budget Committee. No plan or resolu- doubled the entire debt of America, and move us off oil and to protect Amer- tion has been brought up for a vote. In we are on a course that continues to be ican consumers from the harmful price fact, it has been 742 days since the Sen- dangerous. shocks they are now experiencing. ate passed a budget—2 years. The As we know, Budget Committee I would leave with this question: Can Democratic-led Senate has missed the Chairman CONRAD has been meeting the deficit be at once the most impor- statutory deadline of April 15 to privately with his Democratic caucus— tant challenge facing our Nation, as produce a budget for the second year in it has been in the press—to try to fi- many of my colleagues say it is, and at a row. In fact, as a statutory require- nally bring some sort of budget for- the same time less important than pro- ment, the committee is to start work ward. The Democrats apparently have tecting big oil subsidies? I think not. on it by April 1. We have not begun it been unable to do so, from reports we I yield the floor. yet and it is mid-May. Is it any wonder see, because the big spenders in their I suggest the absence of a quorum. that this country is in a financial cri- caucus cannot support a plan that The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- sis, that we are not containing spend- would actually get the job done and pore. The clerk will call the roll. ing, when we don’t even have a budget put us on a sound financial path, and The assistant legislative clerk pro- and we didn’t even bring one to the they can’t produce a plan that will ceeded to call the roll. floor last year? Majority Leader REID withstand public scrutiny, apparently, Mr. SESSIONS. Madam President, I chose not to bring a budget to the floor and that the American people would ask unanimous consent that the order for debate or to even attempt to pass a support. So they have a difficult prob- for the quorum call be rescinded. budget. lem.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.012 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2859 This was shown, as reported in The those ratios indicate, as I said, and I Tax driven— Hill, because Chairman CONRAD—who fear that the composition of this new ‘‘Tax driven,’’ that means tax in- served on the debt commission and I Democratic budget proposal may not creases— believe fully understands the dangers even meet the 50–50 plan. The others fiscal adjustments, by contrast, typically this country faces—has repeatedly ac- have it in terms of taxes and spending fail to correct fiscal imbalances and are knowledged that. I really respect Sen- cuts. damaging for growth. ator CONRAD’s insights into the chal- The merits of this 50–50 split between That is the Goldman Sachs study. lenges this country faces. Apparently, savings and taxes are both a question Half of our U.S. Treasury Department his proposal, which was going to be of philosophy and economics. Philo- has been manned by people who served somewhat better than President sophically, the American people don’t at one time or another at Goldman Obama’s, I assume, failed to win the want Washington to continue raising Sachs. They are not considered a right- support of his conference and of Sen- taxes to pay for larger and larger wing group. That is what their analysts ator BERNIE SANDERS, who is a gutsy spending. American families should not have said to us. Senator and is open about what he be- be punished for the sins and excesses of The Democratic Senate, I believe, lieves. But he has described himself as Washington. should heed the large body of research a Socialist and is the Senate’s most According to the CBO, we are going showing that spending cuts on a basic powerful advocate for bigger govern- to spend $45 trillion over the next 10 economic level work better than trying ment. He is a member of the Budget years. The Senate Democratic plan, to drain more out of the economy by which no one is likely to see until after Committee. The reason Senator SAND- way of taxes. In other words, the Sen- the committee meets—that is what we ERS’ vote became important is because ate should produce a budget based on the Democrats have apparently been have been told, that we won’t see it facts. They should produce a budget working to pass a budget through com- until it is plopped down at the begin- that grows the economy, that imposes ning of the committee markup, where mittee without a Republican vote. real spending discipline on Washington. amendments are supposed to be offered They don’t expect to get any Repub- They should produce a budget without soon thereafter—their own plan, at lican votes. The committee only has gimmicks and empty promises. They least from what we read about it, says one more Democrat than Republicans, should produce this budget publicly, it will cut or save just $2 trillion out of so the chairman needs Senator SAND- openly, and allow the American people $45 trillion over the next 10 years. ERS’ vote if he wants to get the budget The American people know there is to review and consider it before the out of committee. much more we can and must do to committee meets in 72 hours, as my Here is an excerpt from The Hill: bring this government under control colleagues have pleaded with the chair- Reid said Senator Conrad presented to the and to achieve real balance in this man twice to do but he will not do. [Democratic] Caucus a 50/50 split when asked country. What kind of balance? Be- They should produce a budget the about the preferred ratio of spending cuts to American people deserve—an honest tax increases. . . . Conrad has moved his tween raising taxes and cutting spend- ing, 50–50? No. The balance we need is budget that spares our children from budget proposal to the left in order to gain both the growing burden of debt and the support of Senator Bernie Sanders, an one that respects the American people, outspoken progressive on the budget panel. that reduces the growth in spending the growing burden of an intrusive big government. You know, ‘‘progressive’’ is a word and wealth taken by Washington and allows it to be kept by the American I hope we can continue to have the they are using now for big government opportunity to talk about this issue. It types. They want to take more money people, who earn it. There is also a question of econom- is right that the American people be from the American people because they engaged in it. I have to say, I feel as believe they know better how to spend ics. Our committee has conducted an exhaustive survey of available research though we failed in our responsibility it than the American people who earn to conduct open hearings and markups it. They want to spread it around the which conclusively shows that debt re- duction plans that rely equally on sav- on a budget. way they want to spend it. I yield the floor. This is a remarkable turn of events. ing money, reducing spending, and raising taxes are far less successful and The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. It is particularly stunning because the FRANKEN). The Senator from Iowa. President’s budget—repudiated for its result in far weaker economic growth f dramatic levels of spending and taxes— than those plans that rely on cutting claimed there was a 3-to-1 ratio of spending. We will release a white paper NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS very soon that will share these findings spending cuts to tax hikes. ‘‘We cut BOARD with my colleagues and the country. It spending $3 for every $1 in tax hikes’’ is is very important that we understand Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, recently what the President said. Chairman this. What history is showing us is that the National Labor Relations Board CONRAD has indicated that would have when you reduce spending, you get general counsel issued a complaint been his choice. He praised that. He more growth and prosperity than in- against the Boeing Company alleging said he favored that same ratio. I don’t creasing spending and taxes. that the company had violated the Na- think that is necessarily a good ratio. Here is one example of the many tional Labor Relations Act. This rou- We need to reduce spending more than studies we analyzed. This is a Goldman tine administrative procedure has set that. Sachs study by analysts Ben Broadbent off what I call a melodramatic outcry Taken literally, what this means is and Kevin Daly. The report resulted from Boeing, the business community, that Senator CONRAD has, in a funda- from a cross-national study of fiscal re- the editorial writers of the Wall Street mental respect, moved his plan to the form that: Journal, the National Chamber of Com- left of the President and the fiscal In a review of every major fiscal correction merce, and, of course, our friends on commission, which also proposed a in the OECD— the Republican side of the aisle. plan that actually did reduce spending The Organisation for Economic Co- A headline in the Wall Street Journal $3 for every $1 in tax increases or pret- operation and Development, the editorial page calls it: ‘‘The death of ty close to that, pretty fairly, without world’s major developed economies— right to work.’’ gimmicks, and came close to achieving South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley de- that. The President’s budget was so since 1975, we find that decisive budgetary adjustments that have focused on reducing clared that it was ‘‘government dic- gimmicked that it really didn’t achieve government expenditure have (i) been suc- tated economic larceny.’’ $3 in spending cuts for every $1 of tax cessful in correcting fiscal imbalances; (ii) At a press conference held at the increases. It did not. It wasn’t correct typically boosted economic growth; and (iii) Chamber of Commerce yesterday morn- for him to say that. resulted in significant bond and equity mar- ing, Senator DEMINT from South Caro- It is important to note that the ket outperformance. lina referred to it as ‘‘thuggery.’’ President and the fiscal commission In other words, the stock market and The senior Senator from Utah use a baseline that assumes tax rates the bond market improved, and both of warned that foot soldiers of a vast and will go up. Fairly analyzed, those plans those are a bit shaky now after some permanent bureaucracy were trying to rely much more heavily on taxing than rebound. implement a ‘‘leftist agenda.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:33 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.014 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2860 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 One would think this one decision by the career civil service. The acting We follow similar processes in other an administrative arm of an inde- general counsel now has been a civil independent agencies of the Federal pendent agency was surely going to servant for 30 years. Government. I mentioned the Federal bring about the death of capitalism in What happens is, a business or a Food and Drug Administration, the the world today. This has taken on in- union—it does not have to be them; it Federal Trade Commission. A lot of credible proportions in terms of the can be anybody—can file a complaint other independent boards and agencies outcry and the mischaracterization of with the NLRB, alleging that certain have that same process. what has happened. actions were in violation of the Na- What has happened now is, many of Instead of talking about how we get tional Labor Relations Act. One of the our friends on the Republican side and Americans working again, get the mid- provisions of the National Labor Rela- in the business community have now dle class on its feet, our colleagues on tions Act says it is unlawful for a com- taken up the hue and cry that this the other side of the aisle are taking pany to retaliate against workers for a process should be interfered with, that their time on the Senate floor and in protected activity conducted by those this process should somehow be press conferences downtown attacking workers—protected activity. stopped politically. I do not think it is the handling of a routine affair—an un- One of the protected activities under our right, our job here to interfere in fair labor practice charge. the National Labor Relations Act is, of something such as that politically. If I do not think it is worth the time of course, the right to organize, the right my friends on the Republican side do the Senate to debate this issue. How- to join a union, and, of course, under not like the provision of the National ever, because of this huge outcry and the Taft-Hartley bill, some years later, Labor Relations Act which says it is il- the fact that the Wall Street Journal the right not to join a union if you do legal to take retaliation against work- has chosen to editorialize on this issue not want to, so-called right-to-work ers for protected activity, if my friends and because of the disturbing misin- States. on the Republican side want to change formation that has distorted public dis- The protected activity in this case is that law, offer a bill, offer an amend- cussion of this case, I am going to take the right to strike. The National Labor ment. That law can be changed. With some time on the Senate floor to try Relations Act protects that activity. both bodies—the House and the Sen- to, as they say, set the record straight. Organized workers in a union have the ate—and the President signing it, we I have said before this Boeing case is right to strike. It is a protected activ- can change it. But it is wrong for, I be- a classic example of the old saying that ity. A company cannot retaliate lieve, elected officials, such as myself against workers for exercising that a lie is halfway around the world before or anyone else, to interfere in that right. the truth laces up its boots. I would process and to cast it as a political de- say, in this case, Senate information So if—if, I say ‘‘if’’—if the Boeing Company did, in fact, move a produc- cision. But that is what is being done travels even faster than that. So it is by so many Republican Senators and time to set the record straight. tion line to another State in retalia- tion against the workers who exercised people in the business community. Here are the facts in the case. It is They have alleged that President their right to strike in Washington, undisputed Boeing recently decided to Obama was behind this, that somehow that would be illegal for Boeing to do locate a production facility for the new because he has appointed a couple that—unlawful. I said ‘‘if’’ because I Dreamliner planes in South Carolina. members of the National Labor Rela- am not here taking a side in the case. They decided to do that. Many state- tions Board that he is behind this I am not certain where the truth lies. ments were made by executives of Boe- issue. President Obama had nothing to ing, publicly stated, that the decision This is for the trier of fact and the trier of law. do with it. This was a complaint filed to move there was based in whole or in When a complaint such as this comes by the Machinists Union, the Inter- large part on the fact that there had to the National Labor Relations Board, national Association of Machinists, been work stoppages, strikes in the they investigate it. The National Labor with the NLRB. President Obama has last few years at the Boeing plant in Relations Board investigated, under nothing to do with this whatsoever, Everett, WA. The NLRB’s complaint the general counsel’s office, the civil and he should not have anything to do alleges that this decision was unlawful service part. They did an investigation. with it. But, again, people on the Re- retaliation against the Boeing workers They took affidavits. They talked with publican side are alleging—again, mis- in Washington State. people to find out whether there was information, misinformation, misin- This has been put into a political any cause to move forward. formation going out—that somehow context, but let’s again be clear about Again, whether it is right or wrong, I this is being orchestrated out of the how this happens. The National Labor do not know, but this independent civil White House. Relations Board is an independent servants decided there was enough evi- Again the facts: The facts are there agency set up under the Wagner Act 75 dence for them to warrant taking this was a complaint filed. The National years ago. There are two branches of case to an administrative law judge. Labor Relations Board is doing exactly the NLRB. One is the Board, the NLRB, That is the process. Boeing then can what they have done for the last 75 the national board. It is a five-member make its case before the administra- years. It is going to go before an ad- board appointed by the President, with tive law judge. The general counsel’s ministrative law judge and then find the advice and consent of the Senate. office can make its case. The adminis- out how it works its way through the On the other hand, there are the career trative law judge then makes a deci- courts at that time. service people, outside of the General sion. As I understand it, the adminis- I would ask my friends on the Repub- Counsel, the civil servants who are not trative law judge can find for the gen- lican side, if in, fact—if, in fact—the appointed. They are nonpolitical. They eral counsel, it can uphold their theory Boeing Company did retaliate against carry out the day-to-day functions of or it can modify it. workers because of a protected activ- the National Labor Relations Act. If I After that is done, either side can ap- ity, do my friends on the Republican may say, it is similar to the Food and peal it. That appeal then goes from the side say that should be OK? Is that Drug Administration. The Food and civil service part over to the National what they are saying; that if workers Drug Administration has an Adminis- Labor Relations Board. After the Board exercise a legally protected right and a trator appointed by the President, with then reviews it, they make a decision. company retaliates against those the advice and consent of the Senate, They either uphold what the adminis- workers anyway they ought to be able as do a lot of other independent agen- trative law judge said or they do not to do that? cies. But then there is a civil service uphold it. I can take all kinds of cases. Let’s side of it that is professional—profes- From there, either side can appeal to say a company decides to move a plant sional people not appointed by the the circuit court of appeals, and from from Southern California to, let’s just President. They have career civil serv- the circuit court of appeals, they can say Fargo, ND, and the reason they ice status. appeal to the Supreme Court of the state they moved it was because there The general counsel of the National United States. That is the process. were too many Hispanics working in Labor Relations Board is appointed, That process has been followed now for their plant in Southern California and but the rest of the staff in the area of 75 years. they didn’t like that. They wanted to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.015 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2861 move it to Fargo, ND, because there dence to warrant going forward. Obvi- families—how we can create jobs in are not that many Hispanics there. ously, the general counsel’s office de- Washington, and, yes, in South Caro- Guess what, folks. That is illegal. cided there was. lina, in Iowa, and across the country; That is illegal. Do my friends on the I would also point out, Mr. President, how we can rebuild the middle class, Republican side say they ought to be the general counsel’s office in cases how we can ensure that working hard able to do that in violation of all our such as this works long and hard to try and playing by the rules will help re- civil rights laws in this country? Of to settle the case—to get both sides to build a better life for families and for course not. settle. I know the general counsel’s of- their children. Playing by the rules is People say: Of course, they can’t fice in this case did try to do that, but what the workers did. They played by make that kind of decision based on they were unsuccessful; therefore, the the rules. They exercised their legal that. They can’t make a decision to case goes forward. rights, and now there is a complaint move a plant where there are more So I want to point out again—just to filed. I say it is wrong for us to inter- men than women so they won’t have to reiterate, Mr. President—this is not fere in that. hire more women; or less African about doing away with the right-to- Again, if we don’t like the law, if we Americans so they don’t have to hire work laws. It has nothing to do with don’t like the administrative proce- more African Americans. We can carry that. It has nothing to do with inter- dures that undergird this, it can be this on and on. fering with businesses’ making deci- changed. It can be changed. But I dare- So I hope my friends on the Repub- sions on where to locate their plants or say we have had 75 years of the Wagner lican side are not saying a company anything such as that. It has nothing Act—of this process, and I will close on can retaliate and then just walk away to do with that. It has nothing to do this: Sometimes businesses file a com- without any penalties, without even with destroying capitalism. It has to plaint with the NLRB against a union any recourse by the workers to have do with whether workers have a right— activity, and that is investigated. That their cases heard. That is what I am first of all, can they exercise their le- goes before administrative law judges, here defending. I am defending the gally protected rights, and then can too. So both sides use this. rights of the workers in the plant in they make a case to the NLRB they I think it is unbecoming for us now Everett, WA, to have their complaints were retaliated against because they to try to turn this into some kind of a heard. exercised their legal rights. That is political maelstrom, a political tor- Now, I don’t know the facts. I know what this case is about. That is what nado, when it shouldn’t be that. Let’s a little of the law, but I don’t know the this case is about. let the law and let’s let the administra- facts. That is for the trier. That is for Again, I understand the desire of cer- tive procedure do its job. Then, if cor- the administrative law judge and the tain people to raise money for political rective action needs to be taken, then NLRB and the appeals court and the campaigns. I understand that. I under- it is the purview of Congress to deal Supreme Court. That is their jurisdic- stand how one might exaggerate things with it at that time. Not now. tion. But for us to say it shouldn’t even a lot of times in direct mail and in the Mr. President, I yield the floor. go there; that these workers can’t even press. I am sure there will be a lot of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- bring a case—and I might add, there businesses that will hear: You have to ator from Virginia. are a lot of cases that are filed with the contribute to this campaign or that f NLRB that don’t go there because the campaign to stop President Obama or ALLEN NOMINATION NLRB investigates; they do their due to stop the National Labor Relations diligence; and they find out there is Board from taking your business deci- Mr. WEBB. Mr. President, I would not even enough evidence to warrant sions away from you. like to express my appreciation to the going forward. Well, that is misinformation. I know leadership in the Senate of both parties So all I can assume is here there was it can be used to raise a lot of cam- for scheduling a vote today on Arenda enough evidence to warrant going for- paign money, but it is not right. It is Wright Allen’s confirmation for a seat ward. Whether there is enough to actu- not right to deceive and to misinform on the U.S. District Court for the East- ally find that Boeing did retaliate, the American people about a basic ern District of Virginia. again, I don’t know. That is up to the right that protects middle-class work- All of us in this body know how im- trier of fact—the administrative law ers in America. Americans understand portant it is to fill the vacancies on judge. But I am hearing from these dra- fairness, and they resent it when the our Federal bench, and particularly matic outcries that somehow we are wealthy and the powerful manipulate when we have highly qualified nomi- destroying the right to work. This case the political system to reap huge ad- nees who have no particular issues that has nothing to do with right to work— vantages at the expense of working need to be discussed in a political nothing—zero. It has nothing to do people. sense, and Virginia is no exception in with right-to-work laws. This case has I think I have always been a pretty this matter. The sheer volume of our nothing to do with the outcry that good friend of the Boeing Company. I Federal court workload demands we somehow this is destroying the essence have been a big supporter of Boeing in appoint dedicated, qualified jurists. of a business to be able to decide, in its so many things, going back in my 30 In that regard, Senator MARK WAR- best economic interest, where to lo- years in the Congress. It is a great NER and myself were very pleased to cate. company. They provide a lot of great have recommended Arenda L. Wright If Boeing wants to open their plant in jobs for American workers. They build Allen to the President in June of last Timbuktu, they can do that. If they great airplanes—better than Airbus, I year for this position on the U.S. Dis- want to open a plant in South Caro- might say. But it is wrong for them trict Court for the Eastern District of lina, they can do that. What they can’t now to come in and try to get the po- Virginia. President Obama nominated do is open a plant someplace in retalia- litical system to undo a legal adminis- Arenda Wright Allen last December. tion against the workers exercising trative procedure the workers at that She was renominated this year. She their legally protected rights; that, Boeing plant have instigated and have was reported out of the Judiciary Com- they can’t do. asked for the NLRB to investigate and mittee without opposition on March 10 Now, again, this is an evidentiary- to charge Boeing with retaliation. of this year, and I believe the President type hearing. So the evidence will have What is happening in this case is that has made an extraordinary choice in to come forward as to just what deci- the powerful and the big are trying to nominating Ms. Wright Allen. sions were made, why they were made. manipulate the political system. Pow- Whenever a vacancy has occurred on Quite frankly, there are executives of erful corporate interests are pressuring the Virginia Federal bench, Senator Boeing who have publicly stated—pub- Members of this body to interfere with WARNER and I have very carefully con- licly—that one of the reasons they an independent agency rather than let- ducted thorough and extensive reviews moved was because of the work stop- ting it run its course. of candidates for the position. This re- pages at the Everett plant—work stop- We should not tolerate this inter- view process includes interviews and pages, strikes. Is that enough evidence? ference. We should turn our attention recommendations by the bar associa- I don’t know. Maybe it is enough evi- to the issues that matter to American tions and in-person interviews with

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.022 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2862 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 many of the candidates. I am proud to the Armed Services Committee. He has The second thing the bill does is to say the Virginia candidate pool from been a leader in the House on nuclear ensure that nuclear doctrine and tar- which we had to choose on this par- and missile defense issues. I understand geting guidelines and the New START ticular occasion was excellent. It was many of the provisions have been in- force levels that the former deep. It included judges, legal scholars, cluded in the chairman’s mark of the STRATCOM commander, GEN Kevin and skilled trial attorneys. National Defense Authorization Act in Chilton, said were ‘‘exactly what is From this very competitive field, the House and that the remainder will needed’’ are not arbitrarily cut by the Senator WARNER and I moved for the be introduced as amendments later administration that seems eager now nomination of Ms. Wright Allen. She today at a full committee level. I spe- to go to even lower levels, perhaps even distinguished herself as the premier cifically wish to thank Chairman unilaterally, than were negotiated in candidate in a very competitive field TURNER for his leadership. the START treaty. The President has for this vacancy. Nuclear deterrence issues are among indicated his desire for a world without Ms. Wright Allen has displayed dur- the most complicated and technical nuclear weapons and said he would like ing her career the highest degree of in- issues that we in the Congress are con- to do new things in the future to re- tegrity, competence, and commitment fronted with, and he deserves full cred- duce the numbers of these weapons. We to the rule of law. She exemplifies the it for tackling them with vigor and for simply want to make certain the guide- best of the Virginia Bar and, in fact, mastering them so quickly. lines that are militarily necessary ref- received the highest ranking from the Similar to the House legislation, it is erence points for the number of weap- Virginia State Bar. my hope that the Senate bill will be in- ons we have, the types we have, how As one who was privileged to serve as corporated into the Senate version of they are deployed and so on, are not Secretary of the Navy and also as a the National Defense Act for fiscal modified in order to be a reason for or combat marine, I personally under- year 2012. Let me now explain a little an excuse for reducing strategic weap- stand the sacrifices that veterans have bit why I think this legislation is nec- ons thereafter. made to their country. Ms. Wright essary at this time. I think this is necessary because the Allen is a veteran of the U.S. Navy. I voted against the New START trea- President’s National Security Adviser She served for 5 years as an Active- ty for reasons I have made clear pre- said on March 29 that, even as ‘‘we im- Duty JAG officer, and she continued viously on the floor. But I recognize plement New START, we’re making her service as a Reserve JAG officer the President’s stated commitment to preparations for the next round of nu- until her retirement from the Navy as the modernization of our nuclear deter- clear reductions.’’ In developing op- a commander in 2005. rent is necessary and is important and tions for further reductions, he said: Her record of military service is ex- that Congress needs to codify the com- ‘‘We need to consider several factors, cellent. Given the huge military pres- mitments made during the debate on such as potential changes in targeting ence in the Eastern District of Vir- the New START ratification process as requirements and alert postures that ginia, I believe this military experience well as the agreements the President are required for effective deterrence.’’ will be valuable to her in her capacity has indicated through his comments We were told the New START force as a Federal judge. and letters to us. This is important for levels were exactly what is needed for Ms. Wright Allen has dedicated her the future, for future Congresses and deterrence. Yet now the administration civilian career to serving her commu- future Presidents, because this process may seek to alter deterrence require- nity, first as a Federal prosecutor and is going to take place over a period of ments in order to justify further reduc- since 2005 as a Federal public defender. at least 10 to 12 years. Modernization of tions. My view is, the administration Unanimously, prosecutors and defend- our nuclear weapons facilities and the cannot use one set of facts to ratify the ers who have worked with or have been strategic delivery systems all will re- treaty and then immediately change on the opposing side to Ms. Wright quire commitments over the space of those facts in order to suit its Global Allen have attested to her talent, her another decade or more. Memories Zero agenda. Forty-one Senators made dedication, and above all her excep- fade, people’s interpretations may clear in a letter to the President on tional character. Upon meeting her, it change over time, circumstances March 22 that we expect the adminis- was clear to me she possesses the cor- change, and what we want to make tration to consult with Congress before rect judicial temperament and dedica- sure of is that over the time period in- directing any changes to U.S. nuclear tion to make an excellent judge. volved during which this moderniza- weapons doctrine or proposing further I have also had the pleasure of meet- tion process must occur, the under- strategic nuclear reductions with Rus- ing her family and a number of her standings that were agreed to at the sia. No consultations have occurred to friends. Her dedication to her family, time of the START treaty ratification date, and we expect that those con- her church, and her community is will be memorialized in statute and sultations would occur before any dis- clearly evident. I am proud Virginia complied with by the Congress and by cussions with Russians take place. has such an exemplary individual to the administration as time goes on. Third, the legislation would ensure put forward as a Federal district court The five key features of the legisla- that the triad of strategic nuclear de- judge nominee, and I urge all my col- tion are these. First, it would link the livery systems—that is to say, the leagues to support Ms. Wright Allen funding of the administration’s 10-year bombers, cruise missiles, ICBMs and today. nuclear modernization program with ballistic missile submarines—are mod- I yield the floor. any U.S. nuclear force reductions dur- ernized and that their reliability is as- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ing the implementation phase of the sessed each year. Even today, we are ator from Arizona. treaty. What that means is, as in the still uncertain about the administra- f later years of the treaty, funding is tion’s plans to modernize the ICBM leg, necessary for the demobilization, the nor do we know if the new bomber will NEW START IMPLEMENTATION dismantling of some of the weapons be nuclear certified upon its deploy- ACT that are called for to be dismantled ment. For example, according to an Mr. KYL. Mr. President, on behalf of under the treaty but that funding is co- April 22, 2011, press account in the myself and Senators MCCAIN, SESSIONS, ordinated with the funding for the Global Security Newswire, ‘‘The US CORNYN, VITTER, WICKER, and INHOFE— modernization program which is going Airforce cannot say exactly how much and probably others before the end of on at the same time. It urges the Presi- it will spend to explore options for the day—I am going to introduce legis- dent to stand by the timelines he modernizing its ICBM fleet, nor where lation called the New START Imple- pledged on warhead modernization in the money will come from.’’ mentation Act, which I would like to the revised plan he submitted in No- Obviously, if we are currently plan- describe briefly. This legislation is vember of 2010. This is key to ensuring ning the modernization of these fleets, nearly identical to a companion bill in- that Congress will support these mod- but we do not even know where the troduced in the House of Representa- ernization efforts that were deemed money is going to come from for the tives by Mr. TURNER, the chairman of necessary in conjunction with the New planning, we have a problem that needs the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of START treaty. to be resolved now rather than later.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.023 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2863 That is what the third requirement of Ms. AYOTTE. Mr. President, I yield I yield the floor and suggest the ab- the legislation would require. the floor, and I suggest the absence of sence of a quorum. Fourth, the bill would affirm that a quorum. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Will the the New START treaty contains no The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator withdraw his request? limitation on U.S. missile defense be- clerk will call the roll. Mr. WARNER. Yes, I will be happy to yond the language in article V, section The assistant legislative clerk pro- withdraw my request. 3 and that any future agreement with ceeded to call the roll. Mr. INHOFE. I thank the Senator Russia that would attempt to limit Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I ask from Virginia. U.S. missile defenses could only be unanimous consent that the order for The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- done by a treaty that would require the the quorum call be rescinded. ator from Oklahoma is recognized. Senate’s advice and consent. This is no The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Mr. INHOFE. It is my understanding different than what we all talked about objection, it is so ordered. we are in morning business until 2 on a bipartisan basis when the New f o’clock. START treaty was ratified, but we ALLEN NOMINATION The PRESIDING OFFICER. That is correct. think these commitments should actu- Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I rise ally be codified to ensure they are to speak in support of the nomination f kept. of Arenda Wright Allen to serve as the ENERGY Finally, the bill would counsel next U.S. district court judge for the Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, yester- against unilateral reductions or with- Eastern District of Virginia. drawal of U.S. nonstrategic nuclear day, I spent some time on the floor I am very pleased to see that our talking about the recoverable reserves weapons in Europe without the unani- leadership came together to move this mous approval of NATO’s members. Ob- in the United States of America. I was nomination forward. I want to recog- shocked so many Senators—first of all, viously, in NATO, one State should not nize Chairman LEAHY and Ranking be permitted to end NATO’s successful I was shocked that many listened but Member GRASSLEY for holding the more shocked they came up to me and article V policy, the policy that an at- nomination hearing and reporting this tack on one is an attack on the others said: We were not aware we have this nomination by unanimous consent. opportunity. and will be met with resistance from Senator WEBB and I had the privilege I have, from the Congressional Re- the other NATO allies. of interviewing several candidates to search Service, a breakdown of where In conclusion, I think this bill should fill this vacancy on the bench. Ms. all of it is. I wish to share that break- enjoy broad congressional support, Wright Allen stood out for her excep- down and get it into the RECORD. I ap- given the fact that it merely builds on tional qualifications and impressive plaud Senator MURKOWSKI and others what the Senate and the administra- record in the Norfolk community. tion agreed to in the New START reso- She has spent her entire legal career for trying to open and fully develop the lution of ratification with respect to in public service, beginning with her resources in the Gulf of Mexico. That is nuclear modernization and our freedom service as a JAG officer in the Navy. very significant. I applaud their effort, of action to develop and deploy missile She also has the unique perspective and I join them in their effort. defenses. It ensures that a future Con- of having served as both a prosecutor We need to go further than that be- gress and a future President under- and a public defender. She spent 14 cause in the Gulf of Mexico are—these stand and support the current commit- years serving as an assistant U.S. at- are figures of the Congressional Re- ment to nuclear modernization and en- torney for the Eastern District of Vir- search Service—undiscovered, tech- sures that there will be no further limi- ginia and 1 year in the Western Dis- nically recoverable resources. Our re- tations on our missile defense efforts. trict of Virginia. Today, Ms. Wright sources, according to CRS, are greater Finally, it builds in vital checks to Allen is a Federal public defender in than any other country in the world in permit congressional oversight of im- Norfolk. Without a doubt, her exten- oil, gas, and coal. I am going to talk pending activities by the administra- sive trial experience will go a long way just about gas right now because one of tion that portend significant changes on the bench. the big issues, of course, not just with to U.S. nuclear doctrine, further stra- While I was considering Ms. Wright my wife but with others, is the price of tegic nuclear reductions and potential Allen’s record, I read several letters of gas at the pumps. activities with, and possibly conces- support for her nomination. In addi- If we look at the undiscovered, tech- sions to, Russia with regard to missile tion, the Virginia State Bar ranked Ms. nically recoverable resources just on- defense and tactical nuclear weapons in Wright Allen as ‘‘highly qualified,’’ and shore, in the United States—some ac- Europe—all of which might be counter she came ‘‘highly recommended’’ by tually would be on public lands—it is to U.S. security. the Virginia Bar Association and the 37.8 billion barrels of oil. Throw in I will be pleased to add other col- Virginia Women Attorneys Associa- Alaska and that would be 26.6 billion leagues as cosponsors to the legisla- tion. barrels; the Atlantic, 3.8 billion bar- tion. As I said, I intend to actually in- I would also be remiss not to mention rels; the Pacific, 10.5 billion barrels; troduce this toward the end of the day, the historic nature of this nomination. the Gulf of Mexico, as I already said, and I am sure we will have additional Ms. Wright Allen would be the first Af- 44.9 billion barrels. The total U.S. en- cosponsors by that time. rican-American woman to serve as a dowment—our endowment—of tech- I suggest the absence of a quorum. Federal district court judge in Vir- nically recoverable oil is 162.9 billion The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ginia. I know she will serve with dis- barrels. clerk will call the roll. tinction and make all Virginians We have talked about this before and The bill clerk proceeded to call the proud. talked about the fact that we have all roll. Mr. President, President Obama nom- these resources, but our problem is a Ms. AYOTTE. Mr. President, I ask inated Ms. Wright Allen in January of political problem because the politi- unanimous consent that the order for this year. The time is now to confirm cians will not let us reach these re- the quorum call be rescinded. her nomination so that she can begin serves. We are talking about the fact The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. to serve the people in the Eastern Dis- that they are hardly able to reach UDALL of New Mexico). Without objec- trict of Virginia. them in the Atlantic and the Pacific, tion, it is so ordered. I look forward to casting my vote in and we know what has happened on the The Senator from New Hampshire is support of Ms. Wright Allen’s nomina- North Slope, ANWR. We have talked recognized. tion and encourage my colleagues on about that for a long time. Ms. AYOTTE. I thank the Chair. both sides of the aisle to do the same. People do not realize public lands—90 (The remarks of Ms. AYOTTE per- I hope the Presiding Officer, who has percent—are off-limits, off-limits po- taining to the introduction of S. 944 are spent extensive time as a great attor- litically. printed in today’s RECORD under ney general, lawyer, and attorney of I have to correct some of the state- ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and great repute and respect, will be able ments some people have made that Joint Resolutions.’’) to join us in this effort. conveniently misrepresented what our

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.024 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2864 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 reserves are. Instead of using ‘‘recover- in 1995, at this very podium, when the same thing back in the days of Presi- able reserves,’’ they use ‘‘proven re- Clinton administration came out with dent Kennedy. Of course, he was a serves.’’ That is a technical term. In a budget for fiscal year 1996 and it was Democrat. They felt overregulation order to prove a reserve, you have to $1.5 trillion. I said: We cannot sustain and high taxation was an inhibiting drill and analyze and core and see how that level. Now it is $1.5 trillion in factor to slow down revenue. Of course, much oil there is. Obviously, if we will each of the three budgets, just the def- in the case of Ronald Reagan, the total not let anyone drill, they cannot prove icit. That is more than the entire revenue coming from the marginal it. United States of America back in 1996. rates of 1980 was $244 billion. In 1988, it When they say we only have 2 per- I suggest that when people say there was $466 billion. That was at a time cent of the world’s proven reserves, are only two solutions to this problem, when we had the largest reduction of that is absurd because we have to drill either reduce spending, which would be taxes and regulations in this society. It to determine what that is. Other coun- my choice, or increase taxes, which I is shown to be true over the years. tries do not have that problem. We are would not do, I say there is a third op- My bottom line is this: People know the only country in the world that does tion. That option is to do something about spending. People know about not exploit our own resources. about the cost of regulation. Right taxes. They do not know about regula- People are going to have to realize now, if we just take what the EPA is tions. The people who are affected di- that if you want to do something, it is doing in five—in fact, I will say three rectly—the manufacturers—understand such a simple thing to do deal with. It of the major overregulations we are it. The figures I am using are actual is supply and demand. There is not a going over right now—people in the figures we have gotten with which no person here or a person listening today Senate know we have defeated cap-and- one argues. The fact that $50 billion of who has not gone through the elemen- trade legislatively by massive percent- increased revenue comes from each 1 tary experience in school of learning ages five times since 2003. This admin- percent increase in GDP is a fact that supply and demand. We have the supply istration says: If we cannot have cap is supported by the CRS. in America and we have the demand. and trade, we are going to do it, not I offer that, along with our oppor- tunity to become totally independent The politicians will not let us exploit legislatively, we will do it through the from the Middle East, with regard to our own resources. That is the problem EPA. That is what is going on now our ability to run this machine called we have. You do not have to overly with greenhouse gases. complicate this issue. If you add up what the administra- America. Before I yield the floor, I see the Sen- It is interesting—and I hate to say it; tion is doing in terms of the cost of ator from Alaska. I hope he was listen- I am not pointing fingers in a partisan greenhouse gas regulations, that is be- ing to what I was talking about be- way—when Democrats and the admin- tween $300 billion and $400 billion; on cause the opportunities in Alaska are istration say: We are going to tax big ozone, if they choose—and they said tremendous—26.6 billion barrels of oil. oil, they say actually they are going to they are going to choose—the 60-parts- I am sure he understands that. I wish do away with some of the benefits big per billion standard, that would be $676 to make sure everybody else does. oil has. They are not benefits. These billion; the boiler MACT would be I yield the floor, and I suggest the ab- would be four huge tax increases the something in excess of $1 billion. sence of a quorum. Democrats are doing on big oil. That is Throw in utility MACT and cement The PRESIDING OFFICER. The not big oil. That is oil, period. I will MACT, it comes to $1 trillion. This is clerk will call the roll. not go into the details of depletion al- what I am trying to get at. I used the The assistant legislative clerk pro- lowances and percentages. It is not im- figure that for every 1 percent increase ceeded to call the roll. portant. in economic activity, it produces new Mr. BEGICH. Mr. President, I ask The point is, they have the same ben- revenue of $42 billion. That has unanimous consent that the order for efit every other manufacturer has, and changed. According to the Congres- the quorum call be rescinded. to single them out and say: We are sional Research Service—they are bi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without going to punish big oil, all that is partisan, they are factual—for every 1 objection, it is so ordered. going to do is make the price at the percent increase in GDP, it produces f pumps skyrocket. It gets right back to $50 billion additional revenues. supply and demand. If we just take these regulations and CONCLUSION OF MORNING By the way, those who are trying to add them up, all the increase of costs BUSINESS use the argument that this somehow is to GDP of the three regulations I men- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning going to produce revenue that is going tioned, that is $1 trillion. If we take business is closed. to be used, I suggest even the White the fact it is $14 trillion GDP in a given f House’s figures, the maximum revenue year, this would be 7 percent of that $14 EXECUTIVE SESSION generated would be $4 billion. Keep in trillion. For each 1 percent, it would be mind, they lose all the benefits, so that $50 billion. We could generate new rev- is not a net of $4 billion. enue of $350 billion just by taking this NOMINATION OF ARENDA L. Take the State of Texas, for example. overregulation out of our society. WRIGHT ALLEN TO BE UNITED They do not have an income tax. They One can argue: INHOFE, that is not STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR have the oil tax that has run that true because these regulations have THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF VIR- State very well for a long period of not passed yet. That is right, so it GINIA time. Senator MENENDEZ made a state- would probably right now be about half The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ment and said taxing the oil companies that. When the Obama administration the previous order, the Senate will pro- is not going to bring down the price of came in and announced these regula- ceed to executive session to consider gas. They are not even claiming it will. tions were coming, the manufacturers, the nomination of Arenda L. Wright I just think that when one sees such an the producers, those who are driving Allen, which the clerk will report. obvious solution to the problem—just the economic ship were the ones who The assistant legislative clerk read exploit our own resources—we are very said that because of the uncertainty of the nomination of Arenda L. Wright foolish not to do that. these regulations, we are going to slow Allen, of Virginia, to be United States We all talk about the solutions to the down what we are doing. If we were to District Judge for the Eastern District problem. We talk about the spending of lift all these regulations, I assure my of Virginia. this administration, more debt in- colleagues we would be approaching, at The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under creases in just the first 2 years of the least by 1 year, $350 billion. That is the previous order, there will be 1 hour Obama administration than the entire without a tax increase. That is without of debate with respect to the nomina- debt since George Washington, in the reducing spending. tion, with the time equally divided in history of this country, the huge We need to look at this realistically the usual form. spending, the $5 trillion in the Presi- because this is an opportunity we have. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I thank dent’s three budgets of deficit—I re- A lot of people remember back in the the majority leader for scheduling to- member coming down and complaining days of Ronald Reagan. I can say the day’s vote on the nomination of Arenda

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.027 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2865 L. Wright Allen to fill a vacancy on the Urbanski; Clair C. Cecchi to fill a va- fice. So far, well into President Federal District Court for the Eastern cancy in New Jersey; Esther Salas to Obama’s third year in office, the Sen- District of Virginia. This is the fifth fill another vacancy in New Jersey; ate has only been allowed to consider judicial nomination the Senate has Paul Oetken and Paul Engelmayer to 82 of President Obama’s Federal circuit considered since returning from the fill vacancies in the Southern District and district court nominees, well short Easter recess. I hope this is a sign of of New York; Ramona Manglona to fill of 205. progress. Another 11 judicial nomina- a vacancy in the Marianas Islands; and The last 2 weeks are a sign that the tions are pending on the Senate’s Exec- Bernice Donald of Tennessee, to fill a Senate can consider these nominations. utive Calendar, and with judicial va- vacancy on the Sixth Circuit. We must work together to ensure that cancies around the country remaining I also hope that we can soon consider the Federal judiciary has the judges it above 90, we still have a long way to go two of the nominees currently awaiting needs to provide justice to Americans to address the needs of the Federal ju- a Senate vote who have twice been con- in courts throughout the country. Ju- diciary. sidered by the Judiciary Committee dicial vacancies throughout the coun- Arenda Wright Allen’s nomination and have twice been reported with try hinder the Federal judiciary’s abil- has the strong support of both of her strong bipartisan support, first last ity to fulfill its constitutional role. home State Senators, Senator WEBB year and again in February. They are That is why Chief Justice Roberts, At- and Senator WARNER. When she is con- Susan Carney of Connecticut to fill a torney General Holder, and the Presi- firmed, Ms. Wright Allen will become judicial emergency vacancy on Second dent of the United States have spoken the first African-American woman to Circuit and Michael Simon to fill a ju- out and urged the Senate to act. serve as a district court judge in Vir- dicial emergency vacancy on the Dis- I congratulate Ms. Wright Allen and ginia. Her nomination was reported trict Court in Oregon. We should also her family on her confirmation today. unanimously by the Judiciary Com- consider the nomination of Goodwin The Senator from Alaska is recog- mittee over a month ago, along with Liu to fill a judicial emergency va- nized. that of another Virginia nominee, Mi- cancy on the Ninth Circuit, a nomina- Mr. BEGICH. Mr. President, I ask chael Francis Urbanski, who has been tion we have reported favorably three unanimous consent to speak as in nominated to the Western District of times, and the nomination of Caitlin morning business and that the time be Virginia. Halligan to fill a judicial vacancy on counted against the Democratic side. In her 25-year legal career, Ms. the DC Circuit, which we reported fa- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Wright Allen has served as a Federal vorably over 2 months ago. objection, it is so ordered. defense attorney, a Federal prosecutor, All these nominees have a strong ENERGY SECURITY and a military attorney. She is cur- commitment to the rule of law and a Mr. BEGICH. Mr. President, I say to rently a supervisory assistant Federal demonstrated faithfulness to the Con- my friend from Oklahoma, absolutely, public defender in the Eastern District stitution. They should have an up-or- I am aware of the quantity and value of of Virginia having previously served as down vote after being considered by Alaska oil and gas today. I rise to dis- an assistant U.S. attorney and in the the Judiciary Committee and without cuss this issue, as well as a few others U.S. Navy’s Judge Advocate General’s additional weeks and months of need- related to the issues of oil and gas. Corps. It is vital to have men and less delay. I rise to discuss an issue foremost on women serve as judges who have been Federal judicial vacancies around the the minds of my constituents and a prosecutors and defense attorneys. country still number too many, and concern to all Americans: the rising This nominee has been both, and I am they have persisted for too long. cost of energy. I wish to outline the sure her experience will serve her well Whereas the Democratic majority in proposals aimed at providing short- when she is confirmed. the Senate reduced vacancies from 110 term relief for high prices at the pump Recently, Republican Senators have to 60 in President Bush’s first 2 years, and to ensure America’s long-term en- tried to twist qualified nominees’ liti- judicial vacancies still number 91 over ergy security. These are the issues gation experience against them. Their 27 months into President Obama’s which have been discussed many times partisan attacks are not consistent. term. By now, judicial vacancies in this Chamber. The time for talk has Republicans oppose some nominees by should have been cut in half, but we passed. The time to act is now. High saying that they do not have sufficient have barely kept up with attrition. If energy prices today already are pinch- litigation experience. When a nominee we join together to consider all of the ing the pocketbooks of families and has extensive experience and is a suc- judicial nominations now on the Sen- crippling our small businesses across cessful trial lawyer, they reverse them- ate’s Executive Calendar, we would be my State and across this country. selves and complain that the nominee able to reduce vacancies to 80 for the When I was home over the recess, I has too much experience and will be bi- first time since July 2009. visited the roaded areas of Alaska. ased by it. They opposed Judge McCon- Regrettably, the Senate has not re- These are communities connected by nell of Rhode Island on this supposed duced vacancies as dramatically as we our highway road system, from Kenai ground. They opposed Judge Chen of did during the Bush administration. In Peninsula to Fairbanks, where gas California despite his 10 years as a fair fact, the Senate has reversed course prices are well over $4 a gallon. As one and impartial Federal magistrate during the Obama administration, with can see on the poster next to me, they judge. I hope they will not now oppose the slow pace of confirmations keeping range from $4.15 to $4.45 a gallon. These Ms. Wright Allen because she served as judicial vacancies at crisis levels. Over prices might look good to some of my a Federal public defender. All of these the 8 years of the Bush administration, colleagues who saw gas prices over $5 a nominees have assured us that they un- from 2001 to 2009, we reduced judicial gallon in their States, but off the road derstand the difference between being vacancies from 110 to a low of 34. That system in Alaska prices are much high- an advocate for a client and serving as has now been reversed, with vacancies er. The fact is prices for gasoline and a judge. I have no doubt that they do. staying above 90 since August 2009. The home heating oil never came down in With continued cooperation from vacancy rate—which we reduced from rural Alaska. They have been well over both sides of the aisle, the Senate 10 percent at the end of President Clin- $5 a gallon for years. Some places, such should also consider the other 11 judi- ton’s term to 6 percent by this date in as Anaktuvuk Pass are nearly $10 a cial nominees ready for final Senate President Bush’s third year and ulti- gallon. action. We should certainly proceed mately to less than 4 percent in 2008— I started a discussion with Alaskans with the judicial nominees for whom is now back to more than 10 percent. on Facebook to just see how these high there is no opposition and no reason for We have a long way to go to do as prices are affecting their budgets. delay. That would allow us to confirm well as we did during President Bush’s Some families are already facing another seven nominees. They have all first term, when we confirmed 205 of tough choices to make their budgets been thoroughly reviewed by the mem- his judicial nominations. We confirmed balance. For families commuting into bers of the Judiciary Committee and 100 of those judicial nominations dur- Anchorage from the Mat-Su Valley have all been recommended to the Sen- ing the 17 months I was chairman dur- every day, they are forced to pay more ate unanimously. They are Judge ing President Bush’s first 2 years in of- than $100 a week to fuel up. That is

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:33 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.029 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2866 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 more than a pocketbook pinch, it is a $100-a-week gas prices folks from Mat- better. Instead of addressing the prob- punch. Su pay as they drive into Anchorage lem with specific solutions, they are Even worse, families know the price for employment. going for headlines by dragging energy isn’t coming down anytime soon. Even Solving our energy security chal- company executives before committees though speculation ranges all over the lenge cannot just focus on reducing or proposing the rollback of incentives place, prices are expected to rise still consumption. Yes, it is important. But for increased domestic energy produc- another 30 to 40 cents by July. we must cut the use of fossil fuels in tion, some of which have been on the Mr. President, families know the all sectors—as identified through con- books for decades. price of fuel is not coming down any- sumption, especially transportation— Let’s stop the headline grabbing and time soon. As I mentioned, it is con- but we also need to increase our domes- get serious about energy security. I tinuing to rise. It is not just affecting tic production. have three ideas: First, better coordi- families but businesses. They feel the Every new oil and gas development nate the Federal offshore permitting sticker shock also at the pump. We are buys our country more energy and na- process. I introduced legislation before seeing businesses through rising food tional security while also creating our recess to create the Arctic OCS Co- and delivery prices making up the dif- American jobs. Unfortunately, we are ordinator, modeled after legislation ference. These families and businesses going in the wrong direction. Thirty the late Senator Ted Stevens passed es- expect us to act now. No more excuses. years ago, 28 percent of our oil was im- tablishing a Federal gas pipeline coor- Energy is one place where we should ported; today it is 60 percent. dinator. My bill addresses the problem be able to find bipartisan common While our largest share of oil imports too many projects are caught up in. ground. I have been calling for a com- comes from Canada, too much is com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- prehensive energy bill from day one in ing from unstable countries or those ator’s time has expired. the Senate. Our lack of progress is openly hostile to the United States. Mr. BEGICH. I ask unanimous con- frustrating. We were real close last Not only will we become increasingly sent for an additional 3 minutes. spring, but now here we are again. dependent on these countries for our The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without We need to provide Americans with oil, we are exporting over $1 billion a objection, it is so ordered. reliable and affordable energy in three day. Let me repeat that: We export $1 Mr. BEGICH. Too many projects are ways: short-term relief for consumers, billion a day. caught up in what I call the ‘‘regu- new renewable energy sources for reli- In my home State of Alaska we have latory whack-a-mole.’’ You think you able electricity prices and keep strong vast potential to increase America’s have smacked down one regulatory investment in alternative transpor- energy security. The fact is, developing hurdle and another one pops up. My tation systems, and increase domestic Alaska’s oil and gas resources buys our bill would give authority to work oil and gas production so we are not de- country decades of energy security by across the agencies causing companies pendent on unfriendly foreign sources. offsetting foreign imports from un- so much heartburn today—the EPA, First, the short term, which I call friendly countries. the Army Corps of Engineers, and the the pocketbook relief. We must help Consider a few examples which I have Department of the Interior, just to families keep their budgets balanced reflected on the board next to me. name a few. and help ensure that increasing con- Developing offshore resources in the Second, let’s align the clean air sumer confidence doesn’t falter. To do Chukchi and the Beaufort Sea will standards for offshore drilling permits that, I have introduced the Family Ac- produce 1.8 million barrels of oil a day. among the affected Federal agencies. count to Save on Transportation—or This is easily enough to offset oil im- We must have a level playing field the FAST Act—to help families get ports from Saudi Arabia. We could even whether you are in Alaska or the Gulf through high gas prices over the next 2 cover Iraq too. Developing the oil be- of Mexico or the Eastern United years. neath the Arctic National Wildlife Ref- States. This bill will allow us to set up uge, ANWR, could offset imports from As my colleague from Louisiana pretax transportation savings ac- Nigeria. Developing the CD–5 project in knows—who is here joining me on the counts—just like medical savings ac- the National Petroleum Reserve-Alas- floor—Louisiana has one rule, and counts—to help offset the pain of high ka—the National Petroleum Reserve- Alaska has another rule for the same gas prices on the family pocketbook. Alaska, set up for petroleum products issue. The bill would sunset in 2 years, so it and production—and BP’s Liberty Third, let’s invest in American trans- would have no long-term burden on the project could replace daily imports portation and safety infrastructure to Federal budget. from Libya. develop oil and gas resources in fron- Second, we have to bring online al- This does not even include the tre- tier areas. The fact is, we need a far ternative power sources to buffer power mendous onshore and offshore natural greater Coast Guard presence in the companies from price shocks of rising gas resources we have in Alaska. One- Arctic for oilspill prevention and re- oil and gas prices. No matter where third of the country’s supply is in Alas- sponse. you are in Alaska, you don’t have to go ka. So why aren’t we developing these We also need to invest in our pipeline far to find alternative energy sources— enormous resources in my State? Two infrastructure, including the Alaskan wind, tidal, geothermal, and hydro. words: politics, bureaucrats. Natural Gasoline, to move oil and gas Even in these tough budget times, this Mr. President, earlier this year Presi- resources from the Arctic to other U.S. is a good investment to strengthen our dent Obama went to Brazil where he regions. economy far into the future. declared that America wants to be a There is a lot of talk right now about The same is true for alternative customer for Brazilian oil and natural ending tax incentives for the oil and transportation systems and fuels. We gas. I have to say, we don’t need to go gas industry. With the high profits must fully support efforts to develop to Brazil to do that. We can do it right right now, these companies are easy electric, hybrid, and highly efficient here in Alaska, with our people, our re- targets. But one thing every Alaskan vehicles. At the same time we must sources and our opportunities. I re- knows—just because you have an easy recognize most working families can- minded the President of that, and I will target doesn’t mean it is the right not afford to purchase a new vehicle. remind him on a regular basis. To his thing to shoot. It would not decrease So we need to find other ways to re- credit, I will say later in the month he gas prices at the pump for our families duce their transportation costs, such did mention Alaska. In his call for en- and our small businesses. It will dis- as greater investment in city-to-city ergy and domestic energy independ- courage companies, especially the inde- commuter services. ence, he mentioned Alaska. pendents, from domestic investment The recent investment in high-speed Unfortunately, the bureaucrats in his and job creation. rail is positive but is not reaching most administration are not listening. They As someone who represents a State of the country, and will not. Even in are tossing up barriers to additional with the highest energy prices in the Alaska we have the potential for com- Alaskan oil and gas production every country, and some of the best renew- muter rail. It is critical to move com- chance they get. Sadly, some of my able and traditional energy resources, I muters from city to city and cut the colleagues in this body are not much am ready to join my colleagues on both

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.031 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2867 sides of the aisle to address America’s coal, nuclear, solar, hydro, et cetera, that consume a lot, talk a lot, and energy needs now. We need to set a account for 85 percent. Oil and gas is produce nothing. hard target. That is why I am asking less than 15 percent—actually, 13 per- California has the greatest deficit. It my colleagues to get serious about a cent. consumes a tremendous amount of en- real energy plan and give Americans Now, you would think because of this ergy, and the imbalance is the highest. freedom from high gas prices by the bill, S. 940, that big oil and gas compa- It produces the least, consumes the Fourth of July. nies are getting all the subsidies, mak- most. To California’s benefit, before Let’s work together, roll up our ing all the profits, paying no taxes, and Senators FEINSTEIN and BOXER run sleeves and pass a real comprehensive the rest of us are suffering. Nothing down here to argue this point, I want energy plan our families and our small could be further from the truth. to concede this one point: California businesses can get behind. Let’s finally Let me repeat: This bill, S. 940, is has been on the forefront of energy invest in our energy future and put the going to repeal virtually all subsidies conservation and efficiency. This chart reforms in place for our long-term en- from one industry, and one sector of does not recognize them for that, but I ergy security. one industry—oil and gas companies— will concede that point, and I am going Mr. President, I recognize my col- but they only get 13 percent of all the to have some further data to explain league from Louisiana—another great energy subsidies. that. California, while it doesn’t State for oil and gas development—is Why aren’t we talking about the produce a lot of energy—it consumes a on the floor with me, and I yield the other 85 percent? Some of them—in tremendous amount—at least Cali- floor at this time. some people’s minds—create some fornia has been in the forefront of sav- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- harm to the environment, whether it ings and efficiency because there are a ator from Louisiana. be dams blocking up rivers so fisheries lot of States up here that don’t Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I are extinct or whether it is coal that produce, don’t conserve, are not effi- thank my colleague from Alaska for has its own issues. Of course nuclear cient, and all they want to do is yell asking me to join him in a general doesn’t have any problems. We must about high gas prices. Why don’t you presentation and potential colloquy be- not be paying attention to what is hap- do something about it? tween the two of us about the impor- pening in Japan. Why are we singling Florida is a perfect example. Florida tance of continuing our support for oil out one sector of one part of the energy has a net deficit in Btu’s. I guess it is and gas production in the United industry to repeal the subsidies when it 3.889 billion. Florida is a great exam- States by the large international com- will, in fact, have the opposite effect of ple. I don’t think Florida does much in panies that have operated in our coun- reducing gasoline prices? Even one of nuclear. I don’t think they do much in try and around the world now for many its cosponsors said publicly for us not hydro. They have a lot of Sun; I don’t years, as well as by the hundreds, if not to be fooled, this will not reduce gaso- know how much solar they are doing. thousands, of independents that oper- line prices. Why are we doing it? Will it They will not let anybody produce oil ate doing the same. create jobs? No. It will actually hurt and gas on or off their shores, but they There is going to be a bill that will job production in the United States. sure fill up a lot of their gas tanks be debated in the Senate Finance Com- According to the EIA study—which is every day. They sure fire up those ho- mittee tomorrow. It is S. 940, sponsored the U.S. Government, not a company— tels and those restaurants with that by the Senator from New Jersey, our published in 2008, the oil and natural energy. Where do they get their energy colleague, Senator MENENDEZ. I want gas industry received 13 percent of the from? If it weren’t so serious, it would to go on record in strongly opposing it, subsidies while producing 60 percent of be laughable. They have a gas line that and I will give some reasons why, and the energy. Let me repeat. This indus- goes from Mobile, AL, to the Florida I urge my colleagues, when this bill try got only 13 percent of the subsidies peninsula. We pump the gas out of Lou- comes up—which I understand it will but produced 60 percent of the energy. isiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, put it come directly to the floor of the Senate But the bill, S. 940, is going to be de- in a pipeline, and ship it under the Gulf without being heard, as is tradition, in bated in the Finance Committee where of Mexico so they can light up their the committee—to vote it down. the industry leaders are going to be State. Would they ever think of put- I doubt the bill, in its current form— called to talk about this gimmick, 940, ting in an oil and gas well or building or in any form that it could be modi- but the oil and gas industry, with their a nuclear powerplant? If they can’t do fied—can get the 60 votes necessary for independent counterparts, produced 60 that, why don’t they conserve their en- passage, but I would like to add my percent of the energy. ergy? strong voice in urging my colleagues to I would like to say where exactly New York is another user of energy read this bill, to look at it and under- that energy comes from because it which produces very little; Ohio, Geor- stand the inherent unfairness in it, the really is a bone of contention. The Sen- gia, New Jersey, North Carolina, lack of significant deficit reduction, ator from Alaska will appreciate this. Michigan, and Illinois. Some of these and the fact that it will not—although The sponsor of this bill represents a States, such as New Jersey and Michi- it is being touted to do so—reduce gas- State that is one of the highest deficit gan—think about what they look like. oline prices by one penny. energy-producing States in the Nation They have big factories, they have big Mr. President, I want to start with because some of us do this better than industries. Michigan is home to the some facts that people might find very others. Louisiana produces a lot of en- automobile industry, so they use a lot interesting, or hard to believe, based ergy. Alaska produces a lot of energy. of gas in producing things we all use, on the political rhetoric they have Texas produces a lot of energy. so we want to give them credit for been hearing from the sponsors of this Some States like to consume a lot that. But still the fact remains that bill and others in the Senate. The story and produce nothing. That would be Michigan uses a lot more energy than line goes something like this: Big oil like some of our States that put some it produces. makes huge profits at the expense of of their land in agriculture so they can Then you get down here to what I everyone. They pay virtually nothing produce food—other States saying: We call the gold-star States. in taxes, and we subsidize them. Why don’t want to produce food, but we ex- We get criticized so much, we are are we doing this? Why don’t we stop? pect you to provide it to us—provide it treated like we are some sort of pariah I think it would be good to get a few to us when we want it, how we want it, sometimes, but I think we do a great things clarified for the record. It may and for the price we want it. And I am job—Kentucky, Alaska, New Mexico, be surprising to American taxpayers to tired of it, and so are the people I rep- Louisiana, West Virginia, and Wyo- know that of the $16.6 billion spent on resent. ming. Alaska is up here somewhere— U.S. energy subsidies over the course of I want to put this deficit chart up Alaska is right here. Kentucky, Alas- 1 year, oil and gas subsidies account for here. We have seen a lot of deficit ka, New Mexico, Louisiana, West Vir- less than 13 percent. I want to say that charts about deficits of infrastructure, ginia, and Wyoming. We produce again. Of the $16.6 billion spent on U.S. real deficits of money, debt. Let me enough energy for everybody in our energy subsidies over the course of 1 talk to you about the deficit and the State, what we need, and we export it year, fuels such as renewables, refined debt owed by some States in this Union to everyone else in America who needs

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.031 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2868 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 it. And what do we get? We get bills you could produce it by nuclear; you Democrats, to be against this bill, it is like this that go after, directly, the big could stop driving your automobiles going to be because we just have to companies in our State, that work in and have everybody walk; you could coddle this industry. I don’t coddle this our State, to somehow put them in a give everybody a bicycle. We don’t industry. I am holding BP’s feet to the position to make them feel as if they care. Just eliminate the energy deficit. fire. I want Exxon to pay the tax they are not really good companies, they are That would be a very interesting dis- owe. I want Chevron to pay the tax not American companies, they don’t cussion to have, and I might even file a they owe. I want this President and pay tax, they get all these subsidies. I bill like that because this one is so ri- this administration to stop the mora- am going to read into the record what diculous, people might actually read torium and the permatorium in the taxes they pay. It is going to surprise the one I would file. gulf. I want to get our people back to you. Then, on top of that, we get mora- Let me give a couple of other stats, work. toriums, we get permatoriums. We and then I know I am exceeding my I would much love to reduce gasoline can’t even drill for the oil we have. We time. I want to ask for 2 more minutes. prices, and one way we could do it is if can’t even look for the oil we might I want to put to rest this issue that the cars did not have to be so dependent on have. big oil companies don’t pay any taxes. gasoline. Why don’t we give a signifi- When I go home, my people ask me— This is from Forbes magazine, so cant subsidy to produce different kinds and it is a very hard thing for me to take it as it is. It is slanted toward in- of automobiles? I would vote for that. I answer, and maybe they ask Senator dustry, I give you that. It is not left of have voted for that. If you had a car BEGICH the same thing—they say: Sen- center, it is right of center, sometimes right now running on natural gas, you ator, since we do so much to produce very right, but I think you can check would be paying the equivalent of $2 a energy for the country, why do we pay these figures with anybody else. I am gallon for gasoline at the pump. That $4 a gallon for gasoline and sometimes assuming they are accurate. This is for is much better, I say to the Senator, we pay a little bit more than every- the top 20 most profitable U.S. corpora- than $10. Why don’t we take some body else? They don’t produce any- tions in 2010. money and invest in natural gas vehi- thing, Senator. Why do we pay so ExxonMobil’s net income was $30 bil- cles or more incentive for electric vehi- much? lion. Their tax rate was not 10 percent, cles? If people are really serious about Can the Senator tell me what he an- not 15 percent, not 25 percent, not 35 breaking the back of OPEC, then start swers his people because I don’t know percent—a 45-percent tax rate. Their building the kinds of automobiles and what to tell them other than this place estimated worldwide tax bill was $90 infrastructure in this country nec- is a little screwed up. Until I get an an- billion. Of $10 billion in total taxes paid essary to do it and stop introducing swer for that, and I will ask the Sen- in the United States, $3 billion was in- gimmicks such as this that might get ator—go ahead, what do you tell them? come tax. Let’s go on. ConocoPhillips’ you a few political points in the short Mr. BEGICH. That is a hard one to tax rate was 42 percent; pre-income run, but it is not leading us in the right answer because they see the oil flow- tax, $19.8 billion; net, $11.4; tax rate, 42. direction. ing. As I mentioned, we have $10-a-gal- Chevron was 40 percent. Having beat up on the Democrats, let lon gas in some of our communities— So let’s review: Exxon, 45 percent; me say something about the Repub- $10 a gallon. So it is hard to explain Conoco, 42; and Chevron, 40. Do you lican side. All they want to talk about is drill, that, yes, we are the big producer, but want to know what Google was? Google drill, drill. We cannot drill our way out the rest of the country then picks on is a pretty big company. They don’t of the situation we are in. Do I want to us. produce oil and gas. They have another drill more? Yes. Do I think there is I am just listening, and it is unbe- line of business. Their tax rate was more than 2 percent of the world’s oil lievable, the green slice you have only 21 percent. and gas in America? Yes. But you know there. Let’s take Hewlett-Packard—not in what? You have to look for it in order Ms. LANDRIEU. I say to the Senator, my State, in other parts of the coun- because he raises an excellent point, to find it. try. Their headquarters is not in the We are under certain provisions—the President Obama is not the first Presi- South. Their tax rate was 20 percent. Senator knows in Alaska, we cannot dent to go overseas and ask them to Apple Computer’s tax rate was 24 per- even go look for the oil and gas we produce more oil to send it to us. This cent. might have. The Senator might want goes on—President Clinton did it. People will say: It is not just the to talk about that, and I am going to President Bush did it. We beg Saudi rate; it is what you paid. But I think if close in a minute. Arabia to produce more energy. We ask you look—Coca-Cola, very big com- Mr. BEGICH. To the Senator from OPEC to please don’t tighten it so pany, their tax rate was down to 16.7 Louisiana, let me say, when you de- much so our prices—why don’t you go percent. scribe the moratorium or whatever to the local OPEC or the local pro- Does this make sense? No. So that is they call it in the gulf, it is even worse ducers, which are Kentucky, Alaska, why we need tax reform, significant in the Arctic, or even on, as I men- New Mexico, West Virginia, Louisiana, transformational tax reform, so all big tioned when I had the map and I and Wyoming? Why don’t you help us companies pay similar in taxes and we showed the National Petroleum Re- produce more, because we can do it. eliminate some of these loopholes that serve. That is not a name picked out of But we get shut down by bureaucracy, don’t make sense. I could be for that. I the sky by the industry. That was set moratoriums, permatoriums, rules, could be for that when we are talking aside by the government to prepare our regulations, EPA, refuges. We can’t about Google, Apple, GM, GE, country for more energy independence even get free to produce the energy ExxonMobil, and Chevron. But if you decades ago. that we can produce for this country. are going to ask me to stand here and We cannot even get a permit to go Then you have all these middle States pick on one industry that pays billions across—in some places, they call it a that do a fairly good job on balance. of dollars in taxes, that only gets 13 stream. But everyone else now calls it But I tell you, if we passed a law here percent of the energy subsidies, that a big river. It is not. It is a very small that said every State in America had hires—350,000 people in my State are area. But a bridge to go over to explore to produce the energy it needed, we hired by oil and gas companies or their for what you described—we cannot would have an energy policy all right, contractors or affiliates, large and even get onto the land the government Senator BEGICH knows. I don’t know small, not just the large. And when I set aside that would then determine if what it would be, but it would be an in- see what our people produce and these we have oil and gas. We believe there teresting rule, you know, just like in States produce nothing, or virtually is, because obviously they have—it is the old days—if you wanted food, you nothing, and you ask me can I vote for set aside as the National Petroleum produced it. It would be a great law. a bill like this? No. Not only can I not Reserve. Every State in America, all 50, if you vote for it, it is laughable. But the other piece to this—the Sen- consume energy, you need to produce I hope the Senator from Alaska and ator hammered away on it and I agree something. You could produce it by I—I know we are going to be the with her—if we are skunks at the gar- wind; you could produce it by hydro; skunks at the garden party because, as den, so be it, because it is a question of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.033 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2869 fairness. As the Senator described the cussion, but not singling out an indus- long term. Because if we decide today 13 percent of the subsidies or incentives try because it is a good political score to have a comprehensive energy plan they receive, they produce 60 percent of and good fodder for the newsprint and that includes conservation, alternative the energy. But her other statistic is everything else. I appreciate the Sen- energy, renewable energy and, yes, do- even more dramatic. ator yielding me a few more minutes to mestic production, the Senator from Of the remaining 87 percent of those ramble there a little bit. Louisiana knows, as I know, you can- subsidies, they only produce 40 percent Ms. LANDRIEU. I thank the Senator. not walk down the street and say, we of the energy. If this were a business, I wish to ask the Senator a final point. are going to start drilling tomorrow you would eliminate that part of the We are going to hear tomorrow speech- and suddenly, voila, there is fuel. It is equation because it does not give a es given about America is at the high- a 7- to 10-year process. So that chart is good return on investment. But we are est production levels ever. That may be a critical chart, because in order to still doing that, because there is a lot true. But it is true for a very short pe- reach that decline, you have to start of politics being played. riod of time—maybe the next month or doing something today. Unless we de- The point on the tax issue. Like the two—because as you can see, there is cide the policy of this country, what Senator, I think there should be an going to be a precipitous fall. Why? Be- the energy policy of this country is, we overhaul to this tax system. But pick- cause of the Deepwater Horizon, the will pick up the phone and we will call ing on one industry because it sounds shutdown in the Gulf of Mexico. Even Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Iraq, Iran, good, rates good in the polls, gets you though people say we are at the high- Libya—that is the list, that is our pol- a couple of headlines, is not what the est production levels we ever have icy—then so be it. I think that is the American people want us to do here. If been, it is going to be temporary. Then worst policy we could have ever for anything, they are getting fed up with the production levels are going to de- this country. that. cline down to the lowest level since Again, thank you to the Senator What they want us to do is sit down 1997. from Louisiana. Again, if we are and, as you have described so elo- I want people to understand, we are skunks at the garden, my view is we quently in the description of the coun- not on a path to produce more in will be good-smelling skunks. try, you bet, I would love every State America. We are on a path to produce I suggest the absence of a quorum. to do it, produce. Then they would see less. And taking all subsidies away The PRESIDING OFFICER. The what we go through. Because we are a from the five major international oil clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk proceeded to collective group of States, we do our companies is not going to change this part, but we should not be picked up call the roll. line. It is going to make it continue to Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask because we do more than our share, be- go down. It is not going to reduce the unanimous consent that the order for cause we are trying to help out States price of gasoline at the pump, not by the quorum call be rescinded. that are producing vehicles or pro- one penny. It is not going to get us on The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ducing, you know, a lot of chemical in- the path to a strong, sound energy pol- objection, it is so ordered. dustry, and other things, or the phar- icy. Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, maceutical industry. We can go I will say in conclusion, should some today the Senate continues its very through those lists that somehow do of these subsidies and tax credits be rapid pace to confirm another of Presi- not end up on these, getting rid of their looked at? Yes, in a comprehensive for- dent Obama’s judicial nominees. The subsidies. mat. And I will say, I will be open to Judiciary Committee’s workload has Your point is right on. If there is the ones that are the least effective, not slowed since this Congress con- anything we should be doing right the least necessary, and are fairly ap- vened. I am pleased to report we are now—I agree with the Senator—it is plied across companies such as Google, ahead of the pace of the 108th Congress. the issue of—when I open the paper and AT&T, GE, and other companies. I will With this vote, the Senate will have I see administration officials, current be happy to do my part. People in Lou- confirmed 22 nominees in just 47 days. and past, saying the way we are going isiana will do our part. That is a rate of one judge almost to control our energy cost is talk to But we are not, along with Texas and every other day of Senate session. We Saudi Arabia. Is that our energy pol- Oklahoma and Alaska, going to take it have confirmed 32 percent of President icy? Because that sure the heck is one all on our shoulders. We have had Obama’s judicial nominees this Con- that, one, does not create one job here; enough. We have had high water. We gress compared to only 29 percent of two, is the worst national policy from have had high wind. We now have a President Bush’s confirmed during the a national security perspective; and, high river. We have a moratorium. We same time period. three, it is foolish, as I mentioned ear- have a permitatorium, and now we We have also reported out of com- lier, that we export $1 billion a day out have no more subsidies. mittee another 11 nominees. We have of this country to buy from countries— At least they left the independents reported out of committee 46 percent of and in some cases good allies. Canada out. I want to thank them for not put- President Obama’s nominees sent to is a good example. Some of these coun- ting independent oil and gas companies the Senate this year. That exceeds the tries are not our friends, but we are in this bill. But still, the big five pay a 38 percent of President Bush’s nomi- giving them cash so they can then use significant amount of tax. They take a nees reported out during a comparable it against us. It does not make any smaller percentage of the overall sub- period. sense. You are right, this piece of legis- sidy. I think we need to do this in a Furthermore, we have held hearings lation they have put down without a fairer way. on 10 nominees. Some of those, I ex- committee process on it is a gimmick; I am yielding my time. pect, will be reported out of committee a gimmick to get the next week of ac- Mr. BEGICH. If I can make one last at our markup scheduled for tomorrow. tivity, get some press out there. But comment, the chart that you have up In total, we have taken positive action we have to be serious. there, there is one other piece on there. on 43 of 71 judicial nominees submitted I appreciate the Senator yielding for It is the Alaska oil pipeline. We are at this Congress or approximately 61 per- me to rant a little bit. I am glad you a little over 600,000 barrels a day going cent of all nominees. I hope these facts said the part too, the assumption is through there. We are losing 6 to 7 per- will put to rest, once and for all, any that these companies pay no taxes, cent a year in volume, and it will not complaints that we are delaying or ob- that somehow they get the subsidies be a question—somebody will say: Well, structing judicial nominees. and they pay nothing. You bet you you will get down to zero and then you There are currently 89 vacancies be- they are profitable. They are big com- will stop the pipeline. No. No. When we fore the courts. Yet the President has panies. They are huge companies. But get down to a level of 300,000 or 400,000 not sent nominees for 51 percent of they pay taxes in the billions to the barrels, then it will be questionable if those vacancies. He has, however, sent Treasury of this government. When we can even run the line. Then you can the Senate four nominees for seats you listed out all of those differential actually potentially shut off the whole which are not yet vacant. This is per- rates, that is again why we need tax re- volume. So the chart there is impor- plexing to me since the current va- form. Then I am happy to have this dis- tant because we have to look at the cancy rate is 10 percent. I would think

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.034 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2870 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 the White House would concentrate on pump as they are paying for their the future, including jobs. I am very current vacancies. Nevertheless, we health care and almost as much as excited about the announcements being simply cannot confirm nominees who they are paying for groceries right now made now—in fact, on Friday by Gen- do not exist. to put food on the table for their fami- eral Motors about expanding their op- I have a few remarks regarding the lies. erations—and to see what Chrysler and nomination we are voting on today— What adds insult to injury is that we Ford are doing is very exciting. It is Arenda Lauretta Wright Allen, who is are seeing an industry, the top five jobs for us, and it is real competition nominated to be U.S. district judge for companies with the highest profits for the oil companies that know right the Eastern District of Virginia. Mrs. ever, also receiving taxpayer subsidies. now the only choice we have is to pay Allen received her B.A. from Kutztown So we pay twice. We pay at the pump whatever price they put up at the State College in 1982 and her juris doc- in outrageous prices, and we pay again pump. torate from North Carolina Central when we are paying as taxpayers to We have begun to create some other University School of Law in 1985. Fol- support an industry that clearly does choices, and we need to continue to lowing law school, she was commis- not need to be subsidized. support those. I find it so interesting sioned into the U.S. Navy as an ensign. We are involved in a major debate that we are going to be debating short- She served there as legal intern in the right now about what to do about a ly whether to support ethanol and EA5 Naval Legal Service, Office of Judge very large deficit. I was here when we and the ability to create some alter- Advocate General’s Corps. In the same balanced the budget in 1997, when I was native to gasoline at the pump. There year, she was promoted to lieutenant in the House, and I was proud to do will be those who will argue: Well, we and became a defense attorney for the that. I was here when we had the larg- have supported them for a few years Navy. In 1988, the nominee became the est surplus in the history of the coun- now. They are a maturing industry. staff judge advocate at the Naval Air try. In 2001, a number of things hap- They no longer need support; that is, and Engineering Center, where she was pened, including policy decisions that maybe 5 years, 6 years, 8 years, 10 the sole legal advisor to the com- put us back into a deficit. So we have years. We are talking 70 or 80 years, a manding officer. to dig out again, and it is very serious. subsidy that is now going to the larg- Leaving the Navy in 1990, Mrs. Allen So the question is, What are our pri- est, most profitable companies in our joined the U.S. Attorney’s Office for orities? Our Republican colleagues in country and probably the world. Yet the Western District of Virginia as an the House have said their priority is to because of sheer politics and nothing assistant U.S. attorney. In 1991, she eliminate Medicare as we know it— else, we have not been able to get these moved to the Eastern District of Vir- eliminate Medicare and balance the subsidies stopped. ginia, where she remained for the next budget on the backs of tens of millions Taxpayers in our country are saying 15 years as an assistant U.S. attorney. of seniors in our country. In the Senate we need to make better choices to bal- In 2005, the nominee left the U.S. At- we are saying: Wait a minute. Let’s ance the budget. We need to decide torney’s Office to become an assistant start with taxpayer subsidies, some of what is important, what is not impor- Federal public defender with the Fed- which have gone on for 70 or 80 years tant, and we need to cut the things eral Public Defender’s Office for the that are now being given to an industry that are not important. Clearly, sub- Eastern District of Virginia. The that is the most profitable in our coun- sidizing the top five big oil companies American Bar Association Standing try and probably the world and that in this country is not a priority when Committee on the Federal Judiciary clearly do not need taxpayer subsidies. they are making huge profits. We has given her the rating of majority Why don’t we start there. By the way, should be investing in what will, first ‘‘qualified’’, minority ‘‘well qualified.’’ let’s make sure we are sending a clear of all, bring down the debt because we I congratulate the nominee and her message that we don’t appreciate pay- are taking away this $4 billion and achievement and public service. I urge ing twice. We don’t appreciate paying using it to pay down the debt. We my colleagues to support this nomina- at the pump and at the same time pay- should then make choices about how tion. Hopefully, it will be supported ing through our taxpayer dollars. we do create jobs and create alter- unanimously. When we look at the numbers, just in natives in clean energy manufacturing, I yield the floor and suggest the ab- the first quarter of this year, it is stag- alternative fuel vehicles, whether it is sence of a quorum. gering. We certainly don’t begrudge in- advanced biofuels, natural gas, clean The PRESIDING OFFICER. The dustry profits, although with the gas diesel, electric vehicles. We have a lot clerk will call the roll. prices going up, what we are talking of choices we need to present to con- The legislative clerk proceeded to about now are consumers getting sumers so they can get off the price- call the roll. gouged in the face of these numbers. gouging efforts that are going on at the Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, I ask But we are talking about $35.8 billion pump. unanimous consent that the order for in total profits in just 3 months for the There is another issue as well. We the quorum call be rescinded. top five oil companies in America. have heard from the companies that The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without These folks are asking us to subsidize they need to be able to drill more. Yet objection, it is so ordered. them on top of that. So our message, at the same time, we know there are 60 Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, I ask and what we will be voting on next million acres under lease by the oil unanimous consent to speak as in week, is a message that says: That companies. They hold on to 60 million morning business. check for $4 billion a year, we are going acres right now that are oil and gas The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without to void it. We are done with that—no leases where they are not drilling. objection, it is so ordered. more taxpayer subsidies for an indus- They hold on to them, maybe because Ms. STABENOW. I understand we are try that clearly does not need it. they don’t want their competitors to in the time of our Republican col- What we need to be doing are a cou- get them, but they are not drilling. So leagues, so I would just indicate that if ple things. First of all, we need to cre- I strongly support, and I am pleased to we have a Republican who comes to the ate real competition at the pump. We cosponsor, Senator MENENDEZ’s legisla- floor during that time, I will certainly need to create competition that maybe tion that simply says use it or lose it— be glad to stop and yield to them. doesn’t require a pump or at least not use the leases you have for domestic GAS PRICES—PAYING TWICE very often. In my great State of Michi- drilling in America or lose it. Mr. President, I wish to speak about gan, we are making new, terrific, I also held hearings, as chair of the something that is incredibly important award-winning automobiles that are Senate Agriculture Committee, to to the families and businesses of Michi- electric vehicles—the Chevy Volt, the focus on and investigate how much gan—I am sure it is true in Pennsyl- Ford Focus, other hybrids—that are market manipulators are driving up vania as well—and that is the great winning awards, top-quality vehicles prices and to explore ways to strength- concern about what is happening in that are going 100 miles or 200 miles on en Americanmade biofuels industries terms of gas prices going through the a gallon of gas. Real competition is and other alternatives to foreign oil be- roof right now. We have families that what we need, investing in alternative cause our farmers are very much a part are paying as much for gasoline at the vehicles, alternative fuel vehicles for of the solution for the future.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.035 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2871 So there is much we can do to create LEGISLATIVE SESSION ecutive director for Tri- County Com- real consumer choice, get off of foreign The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- munity Action Program, CAP, which oil. But part of our deficit reduction ef- ate will resume legislative session. serves New Hampshire’s North Coun- fort should start by eliminating the try. outrageous subsidies that are going to f Larry’s career has been one of admi- the top five oil companies in America. ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS rable service to New Hampshire and his We should stamp this check ‘‘null and community. Through various roles, in- void.’’ cluding positions at the Community Mr. President, I yield back. 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE Services Administration in Boston, The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. WOMAN’S CLUB OF BETHESDA Federal Regional Council of New Eng- MERKLEY). The question is, Will the ∑ Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, today I land, and other CAP agencies, Larry’s Senate advise and consent to the nomi- invite my colleagues to join me in cele- career has been dedicated to helping nation of Arenda L. Wright Allen, of brating the 100th anniversary of the others and serving the less fortunate. Virginia, to be United States District Woman’s Club of Bethesda, MD. The In 1984, Larry joined Tri-County Judge for the Eastern District of Vir- club, a nonprofit organization, was or- CAP. Larry’s dedication to the greater ginia? ganized on May 27, 1911. It was founded Berlin community and the entire State Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I ask by seven women for the purpose of pro- of New Hampshire, coupled with his for the yeas and nays on the nomina- moting civic activities and welfare in decades of volunteer service, is a testi- tion. the neighborhood. Those activities in- mony to his character. His kind and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a cluded assistance and fundraising for gentle disposition is complemented by sufficient second? schools, churches, and hospitals. Club a passion and drive to make his com- There appears to be a sufficient sec- members selected the American Beau- munity a better place in which to live ond. ty Rose as their flower; ‘‘An Earnest and work. Always putting the commu- The clerk will call the roll. Club for Earnest Women’’ as their nity’s interests above his own, Larry The assistant bill clerk called the motto; and American Beauty Red and has been a champion for the neediest roll. green as their colors. Before a club- among us, advocating on behalf of Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the house was built, meetings were held at those without a voice and without Senator from West Virginia (Mr. various members’ homes, limiting hope. He has been rightly recognized as ROCKEFELLER) is necessarily absent. membership to 35 and allowing only a a leader among his peers throughout Mr. KYL. The following Senators are cup of tea and a cracker to be served. his professional life, receiving national necessarily absent: the Senator from During World War I, from 1914 to 1916, awards such as the Community Action Mississippi (Mr. COCHRAN), the Senator the members sold over $10,000 worth of Foundation’s Executive Director of the from Alaska (Ms. MURKOWSKI), and the Liberty Bonds, raised funds for French Year Award. Senator from Louisiana (Mr. VITTER). orphans, worked with local merchants On a personal note, I am very grate- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there to beautify the roads into the Nation’s ful to Larry for his support and counsel any other Senators in the Chamber de- Capital, and worked to secure a new during my years in public office. siring to vote? fire truck for the community that was Whether it was a CAP-related matter The result was announced—yeas 96, capable of fighting chemical fires. or not, Larry was always ready and nays 0, as follows: In 1925, club members raised $1,500 to willing to assist in whatever capacity purchase three lots at the corner of he could. I consider Larry a friend, and [Rollcall Vote No. 69 Ex.] I know his contribution to the North YEAS—96 Sonoma Road and Old Georgetown Road for construction of a clubhouse. Country will be missed. Please join me Akaka Franken Menendez On May 27, 1927, the club laid the cor- in congratulating Mr. Larry Kelly of Alexander Gillibrand Merkley Berlin, NH, on his retirement.∑ Ayotte Graham Mikulski nerstone for the clubhouse, which is Barrasso Grassley Moran still in use today. In 1948, the mortgage f Baucus Hagan Murray was burned—quite a feat for women Begich Harkin Nelson (NE) MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Bennet Hatch Nelson (FL) who began the club without the right Bingaman Heller Paul to vote. Messages from the President of the Blumenthal Hoeven Portman During World War II, the clubhouse United States were communicated to Blunt Hutchison Pryor Boozman Inhofe Reed was used to host USO entertainment. the Senate by Mrs. Neiman, one of his Boxer Inouye Reid Today, the club continues its philan- secretaries. Brown (MA) Isakson Risch thropic efforts by raising money for Brown (OH) Johanns Roberts f Burr Johnson (SD) Rubio local charitable organizations—Friends Cantwell Johnson (WI) Sanders of the Maryland Library; Mobile Med- EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED Cardin Kerry Schumer ical Care, Inc., Montgomery; Crisis As in executive session the Presiding Carper Kirk Sessions Center of Montgomery County; Be- Casey Klobuchar Shaheen Officer laid before the Senate messages Chambliss Kohl Shelby thesda Cares; and Manna Food Banks— from the President of the United Coats Kyl Snowe and by supporting national and inter- States submitting sundry nominations Coburn Landrieu Stabenow national efforts to curb homelessness Collins Lautenberg Tester which were referred to the appropriate Conrad Leahy Thune and domestic violence, and promote ac- committees. Coons Lee Toomey cess to health care and clean water. (The nominations received today are Corker Levin Udall (CO) There is no doubt that the Woman’s printed at the end of the Senate pro- Cornyn Lieberman Udall (NM) Club of Bethesda has made significant Crapo Lugar Warner ceedings.) contributions to the betterment of the DeMint Manchin Webb f Durbin McCain Whitehouse surrounding community and is a valu- Enzi McCaskill Wicker able asset to the people of Montgomery MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Feinstein McConnell Wyden County and the State of Maryland. I At 10:16 a.m., a message from the NOT VOTING—4 would ask my colleagues to join me in House of Representatives, delivered by Cochran Rockefeller congratulating the past and present Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- Murkowski Vitter members of the Woman’s Club of Be- nounced that the House has passed the thesda on their century of service.∑ The nomination was confirmed. following bill, in which it requests the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under f concurrence of the Senate: the previous order, the motion to re- TRIBUTE TO LARRY KELLY H.R. 1016. An act to measure the progress consider is considered made and laid of relief, recovery, reconstruction, and devel- upon the table and the President will ∑ Mrs. SHAHEEN. Mr. President, today opment efforts in Haiti following the earth- be immediately notified of the Senate’s I congratulate and honor Larry Kelly, quake of January 12, 2010, and for other pur- action. who is retiring from his position as ex- poses.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:33 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.036 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2872 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 MEASURES REFERRED mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- agement Staff, Food and Drug Administra- fairs. tion, Department of Health and Human Serv- The following bill was read the first EC–1584. A communication from the Chair- ices, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- and the second times by unanimous man and President of the Export-Import port of a rule entitled ‘‘Medical Devices; Re- consent, and referred as indicated: Bank, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- classification of the Topical Oxygen Cham- H.R. 1016. An act to measure the progress port relative to transactions involving U.S. ber for Extremities’’ ((21 CFR Part of relief, recovery, reconstruction, and devel- exports to the United Arab Emirates; to the 878)(Docket No. FDA–2006–N–0045)) received opment efforts in Haiti following the earth- Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban in the Office of the President of the Senate quake of January 12, 2010, and for other pur- Affairs. on May 5, 2011; to the Committee on Health, poses; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- EC–1585. A communication from the Assist- Education, Labor, and Pensions. tions. ant General Counsel for Legislation, Regula- EC–1593. A communication from the Sec- tion and Energy Efficiency, Department of retary of Labor, transmitting, pursuant to f Energy, transmitting, pursuant to law, the law, the Department of Labor’s fiscal year MEASURES PLACED ON THE report of a rule entitled ‘‘Energy Conserva- 2009 Office of Workers’ Compensation Pro- CALENDAR tion Program: Test Procedures for Fluores- grams annual report; to the Committee on cent Lamp Ballasts’’ (RIN1904–AB99) received Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. The following bill was read the sec- in the Office of the President of the Senate EC–1594. A communication from the Execu- ond time, and placed on the calendar: on May 5, 2011; to the Committee on Energy tive Director, Interstate Commission on the S. 940. A bill to reduce the Federal budget and Natural Resources. Potomac River Basin, transmitting, pursu- deficit by closing big oil tax loopholes, and EC–1586. A communication from the Direc- ant to law, the Commission’s financial state- for other purposes. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ment for the period of October 1, 2009 to Sep- Office of Policy, Environmental Protection tember 30, 2010; to the Committee on Home- f Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the land Security and Governmental Affairs. MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME report of a rule entitled ‘‘TSCA Inventory EC–1595. A communication from the Dep- Update Reporting Modifications; Submission uty Assistant Administrator of Diversion The following bill was read the first Period Suspension’’ (FRL No. 8874–2) re- Control, Drug Enforcement Administration, time: ceived in the Office of the President of the Department of Justice, transmitting, pursu- S. 953. A bill to authorize the conduct of Senate on May 6, 2011; to the Committee on ant to law, the report of a rule entitled certain lease sales in the Outer Continental Environment and Public Works. ‘‘Self-Certification and Employee Training Shelf, to amend the Outer Continental Shelf EC–1587. A communication from the Direc- of Mail-Order Distributors of Scheduled List- Lands Act to modify the requirements for tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ed Chemical Products’’ (RIN1117–AB30) re- exploration, and for other purposes. Office of Policy, Environmental Protection ceived in the Office of the President of the Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Senate on May 5, 2011; to the Committee on f report of a rule entitled ‘‘Approval and Pro- the Judiciary. EXECUTIVE AND OTHER mulgation of Air Quality Implementation EC–1596. A communication from the Dep- COMMUNICATIONS Plans; Maryland; Adoption of Control Tech- uty Assistant Administrator for Fisheries, niques Guidelines for Large Appliance Coat- Office of Sustainable Fisheries, Department The following communications were ings’’ (FRL No. 9304–2) received in the Office of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant to law, laid before the Senate, together with of the President of the Senate on May 6, 2011; the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Atlantic Highly accompanying papers, reports, and doc- to the Committee on Environment and Pub- Migratory Species; Bluefin Tuna Bycatch uments, and were referred as indicated: lic Works. Reduction in the Gulf of Mexico Pelagic EC–1588. A communication from the Direc- Longline Fishery’’ (RIN0648–BA39) received EC–1579. A communication from the Direc- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Office of Policy, Environmental Protection fice of the President of the Senate on April Office of Policy, Environmental Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the 19, 2011; to the Committee on Commerce, Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Modification of the Science, and Transportation. report of a rule entitled ‘‘Saflufenacil; Pes- Significant New Uses of 2-Propen-1-one, 1-(4- EC–1597. A communication from the Dep- ticide Tolerances’’ (FRL No. 8872–7) received morpholinyl)-’’ (FRL No. 8871–5) received in uty Assistant Administrator for Regulatory in the Office of the President of the Senate the Office of the President of the Senate on Programs, Office of Protected Resources, De- on May 6, 2011; to the Committee on Agri- May 6, 2011; to the Committee on Environ- partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. ment and Public Works. ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Pro- EC–1580. A communication from the Direc- EC–1589. A communication from the Direc- tective Regulations for Killer Whales in the tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Northwest Region Under the Endangered Office of Policy, Environmental Protection Office of Policy, Environmental Protection Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Act’’ (RIN0648–AV15) received during ad- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Propiconazole; Pes- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Revisions to the journment of the Senate in the Office of the ticide Tolerances’’ (FRL No. 8873–2) received California State Implementation Plan, Cali- President of the Senate on April 26, 2011; to in the Office of the President of the Senate fornia Air Resources Board—Consumer Prod- the Committee on Commerce, Science, and on May 6, 2011; to the Committee on Agri- ucts’’ (FRL No. 9278–9) received in the Office Transportation. culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. of the President of the Senate on May 6, 2011; EC–1598. A communication from the Dep- EC–1581. A communication from the Direc- to the Committee on Environment and Pub- uty Assistant Administrator for Regulatory tor of the Regulatory Management Division, lic Works. Programs, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, Office of Policy, Environmental Protection EC–1590. A communication from the Assist- Department of Commerce, transmitting, pur- Agency, transmitting, pursuant to law, the ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- suant to law, the report of a rule entitled report of a rule entitled ‘‘Glyphosate; Pes- ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to ‘‘Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone ticide Tolerance’’ (FRL No. 8872–6) received law, a report relative to the status of the Off Alaska; Gulf of Alaska License Limita- in the Office of the President of the Senate Government of Cuba’s compliance with the tion Program’’ (RIN0648–AY42) received in on May 6, 2011; to the Committee on Agri- United States-Cuba September 1994 ‘‘Joint the Office of the President of the Senate on culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. Communique’’ and on the treatment of per- May 5, 2011; to the Committee on Commerce, EC–1582. A communication from the Regu- sons returned to Cuba in accordance with the Science, and Transportation. latory Analyst, Grain Inspection, Packers United States-Cuba May 1995 ‘‘Joint State- EC–1599. A communication from the Acting and Stockyards Administration, Department ment’’; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant to tions. partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Export In- EC–1591. A communication from the Dep- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled spection and Weighing Waiver for High Qual- uty Director of Regulations and Policy Man- ‘‘Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone ity Specialty Grains Transported in Con- agement Staff, Food and Drug Administra- Off Alaska; Pacific Cod by Catcher Vessels tainers’’ (RIN0580–AB18) received in the Of- tion, Department of Health and Human Serv- Using Trawl Gear in the Bering Sea and fice of the President of the Senate on May 5, ices, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- Aleutian Islands Management Area’’ 2011; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nu- port of a rule entitled ‘‘Medical Devices; Im- (RIN0648–XA275) received during adjourn- trition, and Forestry. munology and Microbiology Devices; Classi- ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- EC–1583. A communication from the Gen- fication of Ovarian Adnexal Mass Assess- dent of the Senate on April 19, 2011; to the eral Counsel of the National Credit Union ment Score Test System; Correction’’ ((21 Committee on Commerce, Science, and Administration, transmitting, pursuant to CFR Part 866)(Docket No. FDA–2010–N–0026)) Transportation. law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Conver- received in the Office of the President of the EC–1600. A communication from the Acting sions of Insured Credit Unions, 12 CFR Parts Senate on May 5, 2011; to the Committee on Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- 708a and 708b’’ ((RIN3133–AD84)(RIN3133– Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- AD85)) received in the Office of the President EC–1592. A communication from the Dep- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled of the Senate on May 5, 2011; to the Com- uty Director of Regulations and Policy Man- ‘‘Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:17 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY6.012 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2873 Off Alaska; Pollock in the West Yakutat Dis- EC–1608. A communication from the Acting of the Senate on April 21, 2011; to the Com- trict of the Gulf of Alaska’’ (RIN0648–XA331) Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- received during adjournment of the Senate partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- tation. in the Office of the President of the Senate ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Pa- EC–1616. A communication from the Regu- on April 19, 2011; to the Committee on Com- cific Halibut Fisheries; Limited Access for lations Officer, Federal Highway Adminis- merce, Science, and Transportation. Guided Sport Charter Vessels in Alaska’’ tration, Department of Transportation, EC–1601. A communication from the Acting (RIN0648–BA96) received during adjournment transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- of the Senate in the Office of the President a rule entitled ‘‘Public Road Mileage for Ap- partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- of the Senate on April 20, 2011; to the Com- portionment of Highway Safety Funds’’ ant to law, the report of a rule entitled mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- (RIN2125–AF42) received during adjournment ‘‘Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone tation. of the Senate in the Office of the President Off Alaska; Octopus in the Bering Sea and EC–1609. A communication from the Ad- of the Senate on April 21, 2011; to the Com- Aleutian Islands Management Area’’ ministrator, Transportation Security Ad- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- (RIN0648–XA322) received during adjourn- ministration, Department of Homeland Se- tation. ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- curity, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- EC–1617. A communication from the Assist- dent of the Senate on April 19, 2011; to the port relative to the Administration’s deci- ant Chief Counsel for Pipeline Safety, Pipe- Committee on Commerce, Science, and sion to enter into a contract with a private line and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin- Transportation. security screening company to provide istration, Department of Transportation, EC–1602. A communication from the Acting screening services at Kansas City Inter- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- national Airport; to the Committee on Com- a rule entitled ‘‘Pipeline Safety: Completing partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- merce, Science, and Transportation. Regulation of Hazardous Liquid Pipelines ant to law, the report of a rule entitled EC–1610. A communication from the Senior Operating at Low Stress’’ (RIN2137–AE36) re- ‘‘Fisheries of the Northeastern United Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Adminis- ceived in the Office of the President of the States; Spiny Dogfish Fishery; Annual Quota tration, Department of Transportation, Senate on May 9, 2011; to the Committee on Harvested’’ (RIN0648–XA333) received during transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Commerce, Science, and Transportation. adjournment of the Senate in the Office of a rule entitled ‘‘Part 95 Instrument Flight EC–1618. A communication from the Trial the President of the Senate on April 19, 2011; Rules (4); Amdt. No. 492’’ ((RIN2120– Attorney, Federal Railroad Administration, to the Committee on Commerce, Science, AA63)(Docket No. 30778)) received in the Of- Department of Transportation, transmitting, and Transportation. fice of the President of the Senate on May 9, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled EC–1603. A communication from the Acting 2011; to the Committee on Commerce, ‘‘Track Safety Standards; Concrete Cross- Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- Science, and Transportation. ties’’ (RIN2130–AC01) received in the Office of partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- EC–1611. A communication from the Senior the President of the Senate on May 9, 2011; to ant to law, the report of a rule entitled Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Adminis- the Committee on Commerce, Science, and ‘‘Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone tration, Department of Transportation, Transportation. Off Alaska; Pollock in Statistical Area 610 in transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of EC–1619. A communication from the Trial the Gulf of Alaska’’ (RIN0648–XA337) received a rule entitled ‘‘Revisions to the Pilot, Attorney, Federal Railroad Administration, during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- Flight Instructor, Ground Instructor, and Department of Transportation, transmitting, fice of the President of the Senate on April Pilot School Certification Rules (Part 61); pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled 19, 2011; to the Committee on Commerce, Technical Amendment’’ ((RIN2120– ‘‘Safety Appliance Standards, Miscellaneous Science, and Transportation. AI86)(Docket No. FAA–2006–26661)) received Revisions’’ (RIN2130–AB97) received in the EC–1604. A communication from the Acting during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- Office of the President of the Senate on May Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- fice of the President of the Senate on April 9, 2011; to the Committee on Commerce, partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- 21, 2011; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. ant to law, the report of a rule entitled Science, and Transportation. EC–1620. A communication from the Acting ‘‘Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, EC–1612. A communication from the Senior Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- and South Atlantic; Coastal Migratory Pe- Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Adminis- partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- lagic Resources of the Gulf of Mexico and tration, Department of Transportation, ant to law, the report of a rule entitled South Atlantic; Closure’’ (RIN0648–XA01) re- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of ‘‘Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone ceived during adjournment of the Senate in a rule entitled ‘‘Amendment of VOR Federal Off Alaska; Pollock in the West Yakutat Dis- the Office of the President of the Senate on Airways V–1, V–7, V–11, and V–20; Kona, Ha- trict of the Gulf of Alaska’’ (RIN0648–XA362) April 21, 2011; to the Committee on Com- waii’’ ((RIN2120–AA66)(Docket No. FAA–2011– received during adjournment of the Senate merce, Science, and Transportation. 0009)) received during adjournment of the in the Office of the President of the Senate EC–1605. A communication from the Acting Senate in the Office of the President of the on April 20, 2011; to the Committee on Com- Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- Senate on April 21, 2011; to the Committee on merce, Science, and Transportation. partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- Commerce, Science, and Transportation. EC–1621. A communication from the Regu- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled EC–1613. A communication from the Senior lations Officer, Federal Highway Adminis- ‘‘Fisheries of the Northeastern United Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Adminis- tration, Department of Transportation, States; Northeast Multispecies Fishery; Trip tration, Department of Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Limit Adjustments for the Common Pool transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Highway Systems Technical Fishery’’ (RIN0648–XA304) received during a rule entitled ‘‘Amendment of Federal Air- Correction’’ (RIN2125–AF35) received during adjournment of the Senate in the Office of ways; Alaska’’ ((RIN2120–AA66)(Docket No. adjournment of the Senate in the Office of the President of the Senate on April 21, 2011; FAA–2011–0010)) received during adjournment the President of the Senate on April 21, 2011; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, of the Senate in the Office of the President to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. of the Senate on April 21, 2011; to the Com- and Transportation. EC–1606. A communication from the Acting mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- EC–1622. A communication from the Senior Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- tation. Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Adminis- partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- EC–1614. A communication from the Dep- tration, Department of Transportation, ant to law, the report of a rule entitled uty Chief Counsel for Regulations and Secu- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of ‘‘Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone rity Standards, Transportation Security Ad- a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthiness Directives; B– Off Alaska; Pacific Cod by Catcher Vessels ministration, Department of Homeland Se- N Group Ltd. Model BN–2, BN–2A, BN–2A–3, Using Trawl Gear in the Bering Sea and curity, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- BN–2A–6, BN–2A–8, BN–2A–9, BN–2A–20, BN– Aleutian Islands Management Area’’ port of a rule entitled ‘‘Reporting of Secu- 2A–21, BN–2A–26, BN–2A–27, BN–2B–20, BN– (RIN0648–XA347) received during adjourn- rity Issues’’ (RIN1652–AA66) received during 2B–21, BN–2B–26, BN–2B–27, BN–2T, and BN– ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- adjournment of the Senate in the Office of 2T–4R Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64)(Docket dent of the Senate on April 21, 2011; to the the President of the Senate on April 15, 2011; No. FAA–2010–1255)) received during adjourn- Committee on Commerce, Science, and to the Committee on Commerce, Science, ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- Transportation. and Transportation. dent of the Senate on April 21, 2011; to the EC–1607. A communication from the Acting EC–1615. A communication from the Pro- Committee on Commerce, Science, and Director, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, De- gram Analyst, National Highway Traffic Transportation. partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- Safety Administration, Department of EC–1623. A communication from the Senior ant to law, the report of a rule entitled Transportation, transmitting, pursuant to Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Adminis- ‘‘Fisheries of the Northeastern United law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Federal tration, Department of Transportation, States; Summer Flounder Fishery; Quota Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard— transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Transfer’’ (RIN0648–XA338) received during 2012 Light Duty Truck Lines Subject to the a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthiness Directives; adjournment of the Senate in the Office of Requirements of This Standard and Exempt- The Boeing Company Model 737–600, –700, the President of the Senate on April 20, 2011; ed Vehicle Lines for Model Year 2012’’ –700C, –800, –900, and –900ER Series Air- to the Committee on Commerce, Science, (RIN2127–AK91) received during adjournment planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64)(Docket No. FAA– and Transportation. of the Senate in the Office of the President 2009–1253)) received during adjournment of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:17 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY6.016 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2874 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011

the Senate in the Office of the President of transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of South Dakota, Mr. BENNET, Mr. the Senate on April 21, 2011; to the Com- a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthiness Directives; UDALL of Colorado, Mr. FRANKEN, and mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- Airbus Model A340–541 and –642 Airplanes’’ Mr. CONRAD): tation. ((RIN2120–AA64)(Docket No. FAA–2011–0263)) S. 946. A bill to establish an Office of Rural EC–1624. A communication from the Senior received during adjournment of the Senate Education Policy in the Department of Edu- Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Adminis- in the Office of the President of the Senate cation; to the Committee on Health, Edu- tration, Department of Transportation, on April 21, 2011; to the Committee on Com- cation, Labor, and Pensions. transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of merce, Science, and Transportation. By Mr. JOHANNS (for himself, Mr. a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthiness Directives; EC–1631. A communication from the Senior TOOMEY, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. HOEVEN, Mr. Airbus Model A310 Series Airplanes, and Air- Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Adminis- WICKER, Mr. MORAN, and Mr. COCH- bus Model A300 B4–600, B4–600R, and F4–600R tration, Department of Transportation, RAN): Series Airplanes, and Model C4–605R Variant transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of S. 947. A bill to provide end user exemp- F Airplanes (Collectively Called A300–600 Se- a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthiness Directives; tions from certain provisions of the Com- ries Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64)(Docket No. Honeywell International Inc. LTS101 Series modity Exchange Act and the Securities Ex- FAA–2010–1162)) received during adjournment Turboshaft Engines and LTP101 Series Tur- change Act of 1934, and for other purposes; to of the Senate in the Office of the President boprop Engines’’ ((RIN2120–AA64)(Docket No. the Committee on Banking, Housing, and of the Senate on April 21, 2011; to the Com- FAA–2009–1185)) received during adjournment Urban Affairs. mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- of the Senate in the Office of the President By Mr. MERKLEY (for himself and Mr. tation. of the Senate on April 21, 2011; to the Com- ALEXANDER): S. 948. A bill to promote the deployment of EC–1625. A communication from the Senior mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- plug-in electric drive vehicles, and for other Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Adminis- tation. purposes; to the Committee on Energy and tration, Department of Transportation, EC–1632. A communication from the Senior transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Natural Resources. Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Adminis- By Mrs. SHAHEEN (for herself, Ms. a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthiness Directives; tration, Department of Transportation, SNOWE, Mr. REED, Mr. BURR, and Mr. Pratt and Whitney JT8D–209, –217, 217A, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of SANDERS): –217C, and –219 Series Turbofan Engines’’ a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthiness Directives; ((RIN2120–AA64)(Docket No. FAA–2010–0452)) S. 949. A bill to amend the National Rolls-Royce plc (RR) RB211-Trent 768–60 and Oilheat Research Alliance Act of 2000 to re- received during adjournment of the Senate Trent 772–60 Turbofan Engines’’ ((RIN2120– authorize and improve that Act, and for in the Office of the President of the Senate AA64)(Docket No. FAA–2011–0233)) received other purposes; to the Committee on Energy on April 21, 2011; to the Committee on Com- during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- and Natural Resources. merce, Science, and Transportation. fice of the President of the Senate on April By Mr. CARDIN (for himself and Mr. EC–1626. A communication from the Senior 21, 2011; to the Committee on Commerce, Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Adminis- CASEY): Science, and Transportation. S. 950. A bill to amend title 23, United tration, Department of Transportation, EC–1633. A communication from the Senior States Code, to repeal a prohibition on al- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Adminis- lowing States to use toll revenues as State a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthiness Directives; tration, Department of Transportation, matching funds for Appalachian Develop- Piper Aircraft, Inc. (Type Certificate Pre- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of ment Highway projects; to the Committee on viously Held by The New Piper Aircraft, Inc.) a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthiness Directives; Environment and Public Works. Models PA–46–310P, PA–46–350P, and PA–46R– Bombardier, Inc. Model CL–600–2C10 (Re- By Mrs. MURRAY (for herself, Ms. 350T Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64)(Docket No. gional Jet Series 700, 701, and 702) Airplanes, MURKOWSKI, Mr. ROCKEFELLER, Mr. FAA–2010–1295)) received during adjournment Model CL–600–2D15 (Regional Jet Series 705) AKAKA, Mr. BAUCUS, Mr. BEGICH, Mrs. of the Senate in the Office of the President Airplanes, and Model CL–600–2D24 (Regional BOXER, Mr. BROWN of Ohio, Mr. of the Senate on April 21, 2011; to the Com- Jet Series 900) Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120– CASEY, Mr. COONS, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- AA64)(Docket No. FAA–2009–0703)) received TESTER, Mr. LEAHY, and Mr. BROWN tation. during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- of Massachusetts): EC–1627. A communication from the Senior fice of the President of the Senate on April S. 951. A bill to improve the provision of Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Adminis- 21, 2011; to the Committee on Commerce, Federal transition, rehabilitation, voca- tration, Department of Transportation, Science, and Transportation. tional, and unemployment benefits to mem- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of bers of the Armed Forces and veterans, and f a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthiness Directives; for other purposes; to the Committee on Vet- Bombardier, Inc. Model CL–600–2B19 (Re- INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND erans’ Affairs. gional Jet Series 100 and 440) Airplanes, CL– JOINT RESOLUTIONS By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. REID, 600–2C10 (Regional Jet Series 700, 701, and Mr. LEAHY, Mr. SCHUMER, Mr. MENEN- 702) Airplanes, CL–600–2D15 (Regional Jet Se- The following bills and joint resolu- DEZ, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Mr. ries 705) Airplanes, and CL–600–2D24 (Re- tions were introduced, read the first AKAKA, Mr. BEGICH, Mr. BENNET, Mr. gional Jet Series 900) Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120– and second times by unanimous con- BINGAMAN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mrs. AA64)(Docket No. FAA–2010–0703)) received sent, and referred as indicated: BOXER, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. CARDIN, during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- By Mr. HATCH (for himself and Mr. Mr. CARPER, Mr. COONS, Mrs. FEIN- fice of the President of the Senate on April STEIN, Mr. FRANKEN, Mrs. 21, 2011; to the Committee on Commerce, BAUCUS): S. 943. A bill to amend title IV of the So- GILLIBRAND, Mr. HARKIN, Mr. KERRY, Science, and Transportation. Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. KOHL, Mr. LAU- EC–1628. A communication from the Senior cial Security Act to require States to imple- TENBERG, Mr. MERKLEY, Ms. MIKUL- Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Adminis- ment policies to prevent assistance under SKI, Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. NELSON of tration, Department of Transportation, the Temporary Assistance for Needy Fami- Florida, Mr. REED, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of lies (TANF) program from being used in strip UDALL of Colorado, and Mr. a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthiness Directives; clubs, casinos, and liquor stores; to the Com- mittee on Finance. WHITEHOUSE): Airbus Model A340–200 and –300 Series Air- S. 952. A bill to authorize the cancellation By Ms. AYOTTE (for herself, Mr. planes’’ ((RIN2120–AA64)(Docket No. FAA– of removal and adjustment of status of cer- GRAHAM, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Mr. 2011–0256)) received during adjournment of tain alien students who are long-term United CHAMBLISS, Mr. BROWN of Massachu- the Senate in the Office of the President of States residents and who entered the United setts, Mr. RUBIO, and Mr. WEBB): the Senate on April 21, 2011; to the Com- States as children and for other purposes; to mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- S. 944. A bill to reaffirm the authority of the Committee on the Judiciary. the Department of Defense to maintain tation. By Mr. MCCONNELL: EC–1629. A communication from the Senior United States Naval Station, Guantanamo S. 953. A bill to authorize the conduct of Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Adminis- Bay, Cuba, as a location for the detention of certain lease sales in the Outer Continental tration, Department of Transportation, unprivileged enemy belligerents held by the Shelf, to amend the Outer Continental Shelf transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of Department of Defense, and for other pur- Lands Act to modify the requirements for a rule entitled ‘‘Airworthiness Directives; poses; to the Committee on Armed Services. exploration, and for other purposes; read the Bombardier, Inc. Model BD–100–1A10 (Chal- By Mr. COBURN (for himself and Mr. first time. lenger 300) Airplanes’’ ((RIN2120– WARNER): By Mr. LUGAR: AA64)(Docket No. FAA–2010–1200)) received S. 945. A bill to save at least $5,000,000,000 S. 954. A bill to promote the strengthening during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- by consolidating some duplicative and over- of the Haitian private sector; to the Com- fice of the President of the Senate on April lapping Government programs; to the Com- mittee on Foreign Relations. 21, 2011; to the Committee on Commerce, mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- By Mr. KERRY: Science, and Transportation. mental Affairs. S. 955. A bill to provide grants for the ren- EC–1630. A communication from the Senior By Mr. BAUCUS (for himself, Mr. ovation, modernization or construction of Program Analyst, Federal Aviation Adminis- ROCKEFELLER, Mr. BEGICH, Mr. law enforcement facilities; to the Committee tration, Department of Transportation, LEAHY, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. JOHNSON of on the Judiciary.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:17 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY6.017 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2875 By Mr. KERRY: JOHANNS) was added as a cosponsor of land (Mr. WHITEHOUSE) and the Senator S. 956. A bill to establish a pilot program S. 390, a bill to ensure that the right of from Washington (Mrs. MURRAY) were for police departments to use anonymous an individual to display the Service added as cosponsors of S. 641, a bill to texts from citizens to augment their anony- Flag on residential property not be provide 100,000,000 people with first- mous tip hotlines; to the Committee on the Judiciary. abridged. time access to safe drinking water and By Mr. BOOZMAN (for himself and Mr. S. 414 sanitation on a sustainable basis with- BEGICH): At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the in six years by improving the capacity S. 957. A bill to amend title 38, United name of the Senator from Mississippi of the United States Government to States Code, to improve the provision of re- (Mr. COCHRAN) was added as a cospon- fully implement the Senator Paul habilitative services for veterans with trau- sor of S. 414, a bill to protect girls in Simon Water for the Poor Act of 2005. matic brain injury, and for other purposes; S. 643 to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. developing countries through the pre- vention of child marriage, and for At the request of Ms. STABENOW, the f other purposes. name of the Senator from Minnesota SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND S. 431 (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a co- SENATE RESOLUTIONS At the request of Mr. PRYOR, the sponsor of S. 643, a bill to amend title The following concurrent resolutions name of the Senator from Nevada (Mr. XIX of the Social Security Act to di- and Senate resolutions were read, and REID) was added as a cosponsor of S. rect Medicaid EHR incentive payments referred (or acted upon), as indicated: 431, a bill to require the Secretary of to federally qualified health centers and rural health clinics. By Mr. MCCONNELL: the Treasury to mint coins in com- S. Res. 179. A resolution to constitute the memoration of the 225th anniversary of S. 658 minority party’s membership on certain the establishment of the Nation’s first At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the committees for the One Hundred Twelfth Federal law enforcement agency, the names of the Senator from Maine (Ms. Congress, or until their successors are cho- United States Marshals Service. COLLINS), the Senator from Texas (Mrs. sen; considered and agreed to. S. 504 HUTCHISON) and the Senator from Cali- By Mr. LIEBERMAN (for himself, Mr. E INT fornia (Mrs. BOXER) were added as co- RUBIO, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. KIRK, Mr. At the request of Mr. D M , the CASEY, Mr. MCCAIN, Mr. COONS, Mr. name of the Senator from Florida (Mr. sponsors of S. 658, a bill to provide for GRAHAM, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. KYL, RUBIO) was added as a cosponsor of S. the preservation of the Department of Mr. ISAKSON, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. 504, a bill to preserve and protect the Defense of documentary evidence of BARRASSO, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Ms. free choice of individual employees to the Department of Defense on incidents AYOTTE, Mr. DURBIN, and Mr. form, join, or assist labor organiza- of sexual assault and sexual harass- HOEVEN): tions, or to refrain from such activi- ment in the military, and for other S. Res. 180. A resolution expressing support ties. purposes. for peaceful demonstrations and universal freedoms in Syria and condemning the S. 547 S. 671 human rights violations by the Assad re- At the request of Mrs. MURRAY, the At the request of Mr. SESSIONS, the gime; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- names of the Senator from Virginia name of the Senator from Montana tions. (Mr. WEBB), the Senator from South (Mr. TESTER) was added as a cosponsor f Dakota (Mr. JOHNSON) and the Senator of S. 671, a bill to authorize the United from Minnesota (Mr. FRANKEN) were ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS States Marshals Service to issue ad- added as cosponsors of S. 547, a bill to ministrative subpoenas in investiga- S. 164 direct the Secretary of Education to tions relating to unregistered sex of- At the request of Mr. BROWN of Mas- establish an award program recog- fenders. sachusetts, the names of the Senator nizing excellence exhibited by public S. 725 from Mississippi (Mr. WICKER) and the school system employees providing At the request of Mr. ISAKSON, the Senator from Florida (Mr. RUBIO) were services to students in pre-kinder- name of the Senator from Delaware added as cosponsors of S. 164, a bill to garten through higher education. (Mr. COONS) was added as a cosponsor repeal the imposition of withholding on S. 576 of S. 725, a bill to amend title XVIII of certain payments made to vendors by At the request of Mr. HARKIN, the the Social Security Act to provide for government entities. name of the Senator from Minnesota coverage, as supplies associated with S. 217 (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a co- the injection of insulin, of contain- At the request of Mr. DEMINT, the sponsor of S. 576, a bill to amend the ment, removal, decontamination and name of the Senator from Nebraska Elementary and Secondary Education disposal of home-generated needles, sy- (Mr. JOHANNS) was added as a cospon- Act of 1965 to improve standards for ringes, and other sharps through a sor of S. 217, a bill to amend the Na- physical education. sharp container, decontamination/de- tional Labor Relations Act to ensure S. 595 struction device, or sharps-by-mail pro- the right of employees to a secret bal- At the request of Mrs. MURRAY, the gram or similar program under part D lot election conducted by the National name of the Senator from Minnesota of the Medicare program. Labor Relations Board. (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a co- S. 734 S. 260 sponsor of S. 595, a bill to amend title At the request of Ms. STABENOW, the At the request of Mr. NELSON of Flor- VIII of the Elementary and Secondary names of the Senator from Michigan ida, the name of the Senator from Ar- Education Act of 1965 to require the (Mr. LEVIN) and the Senator from Or- kansas (Mr. BOOZMAN) was added as a Secretary of Education to complete egon (Mr. WYDEN) were added as co- cosponsor of S. 260, a bill to amend payments under such title to local edu- sponsors of S. 734, a bill to provide for title 10, United States Code, to repeal cational agencies eligible for such pay- a program of research, development, the requirement for reduction of sur- ments within 3 fiscal years. demonstration, and commercial appli- vivor annuities under the Survivor S. 603 cation in vehicle technologies at the Benefit Plan by veterans’ dependency At the request of Mr. NELSON of Flor- Department of Education. and indemnity compensation. ida, the name of the Senator from S. 737 S. 300 Georgia (Mr. ISAKSON) was added as a At the request of Mr. MORAN, the At the request of Mr. GRASSLEY, the cosponsor of S. 603, a bill to modify the name of the Senator from Arkansas name of the Senator from Delaware prohibition on recognition by United (Mr. BOOZMAN) was added as a cospon- (Mr. CARPER) was added as a cosponsor States courts of certain rights relating sor of S. 737, a bill to replace the Direc- of S. 300, a bill to prevent abuse of Gov- to certain marks, trade names, or com- tor of the Bureau of Consumer Finan- ernment charge cards. mercial names. cial Protection with a 5-person Com- S. 390 S. 641 mission, to bring the Bureau into the At the request of Mr. WEBB, the name At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the regular appropriations process, and for of the Senator from Nebraska (Mr. names of the Senator from Rhode Is- other purposes.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:17 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY6.030 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2876 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 S. 738 STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED to conduct attacks in Texas and in New At the request of Ms. STABENOW, the BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS York. Al-Qaida and their fellow terror- name of the Senator from Minnesota By Ms. AYOTTE (for herself, Mr. ists continue to threaten our country. (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a co- GRAHAM, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Mr. Bin Laden’s death is a significant blow to al-Qaida and associated terrorist or- sponsor of S. 738, a bill to amend title CHAMBLISS, Mr. BROWN of Mas- ganizations and a great accomplish- XVIII of the Social Security Act to sachusetts, Mr. RUBIO, and Mr. ment for our country, but the threat provide for Medicare coverage of com- WEBB): prehensive Alzheimer’s disease and re- S. 944. A bill to reaffirm the author- continues and our detention policies lated dementia diagnosis and services ity of the Department of Defense to must reflect that reality. in order to improve care and outcomes maintain United States Naval Station, Since 2001, we have captured and de- for Americans living with Alzheimer’s Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as a location tained thousands of terrorists who disease and related dementias by im- for the detention of unprivileged have planned and conducted attacks proving detection, diagnosis, and care enemy belligerents held by the Depart- and who have served as terrorist train- planning. ment of Defense, and for other pur- ers, financiers, bomb makers, body- S. 755 poses; to the Committee on Armed guards, recruiters, and facilitators. In- terrogations of these terrorists, includ- At the request of Mr. WYDEN, the Services. names of the Senator from Maryland Ms. AYOTTE. Mr. President, nearly ing those at Guantanamo, have pro- vided valuable intelligence that has (Mr. CARDIN) and the Senator from 10 years after the September 11 ter- prevented attacks, saved lives, and Maine (Ms. COLLINS) were added as co- rorist attacks, our country remains at sponsors of S. 755, a bill to amend the war with violent extremists who want helped locate other terrorists. Deten- Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow to kill Americans. Yet the administra- tion and interrogation of terrorists at an offset against income tax refunds to tion has not designated a secure loca- Guantanamo not only protects Amer- pay for restitution and other State ju- tion for detaining, interrogating, and ican lives which is the core function of dicial debts that are past-due. trying current and future terrorist de- our federal government, but detention tainees. Rather than seeking to address and interrogation of terrorists at S. 778 this problem, the administration con- Guantanamo also protects our allies. At the request of Mr. MORAN, the tinues to insist on closing Guantanamo Of course, the most recent and note- name of the Senator from Mississippi Bay. worthy example that demonstrates the (Mr. COCHRAN) was added as a cospon- Earlier this week, Attorney General value of intelligence gleaned from de- sor of S. 778, a bill to amend title XVIII Holder in Paris reiterated the adminis- tainee interrogations is the case of of the Social Security Act with respect tration’s determination to ultimately Osama bin Laden. Our intelligence to physician supervision of therapeutic close the Guantanamo Bay facility. community would never have found bin hospital outpatient services. This determination to close Gitmo rep- Laden if it weren’t for the intelligence S. 906 resents a misguided view that treats gleaned from the interrogation of ter- At the request of Mr. WICKER, the terrorism like everyday crime, hesi- rorist detainees. names of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. tates to call this war on terrorism Not only have interrogations of de- ROBERTS) and the Senator from South what it is, and places the perceptions tainees helped us track down other ter- Carolina (Mr. GRAHAM) were added as of others over the safety of Americans. rorists, but detaining terrorists helps cosponsors of S. 906, a bill to prohibit I believe this desire to close Guanta- prevent future attacks. Unfortunately, taxpayer funded abortions and to pro- namo represents an unacceptable abro- as Secretary Gates confirmed in re- vide for conscience protections, and for gation of the Federal Government’s sponse to my question during an other purposes. most important responsibility: pro- Armed Services Committee hearing in S. 931 viding for the common defense. There- February, approximately 1 out of 4, or At the request of Mr. SCHUMER, the fore, today I rise to introduce and to 25 percent of the Guantanamo detain- name of the Senator from New Mexico urge my colleagues to support Senate ees who have been released, have re- (Mr. UDALL) was added as a cosponsor bill 944, the Detaining Terrorists to Se- engaged or we suspect have reengaged of S. 931, a bill to amend the Internal cure America Act of 2011. in hostilities against the United States Revenue Code of 1986 to reform the Our diligent intelligence profes- and our allies. I can tell my colleagues, rules relating to fractional charitable sionals and our brave special oper- as a former prosecutor that is an unac- donations of tangible personal prop- ations forces who brought bin Laden to ceptable reengagement rate. erty. justice don’t need to be reminded that Former Guantanamo detainees are the United States and our inter- conducting suicide bombings, recruit- S. 940 national partners remain engaged in a ing radicals, and training them to kill At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the war with violent Islamist extremist Americans and our allies. Said al name of the Senator from Minnesota groups, including al-Qaida and associ- Shihri and Abdul Zakir represent two (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a co- ated terrorist groups that are com- examples of former Guantanamo de- sponsor of S. 940, a bill to reduce the mitted to killing Americans and our al- tainees who have returned to the fight Federal budget deficit by closing big lies. Indeed, in the treasure trove of in- and assumed leadership positions in oil tax loopholes, and for other pur- formation our forces gathered at bin terrorist organizations that are dedi- poses. Laden’s compound, we have learned the cated to killing Americans and our al- S. CON. RES. 12 terrorist groups are actively plotting lies. Said al Shihri is now working as At the request of Mr. LUGAR, the new attacks against our country. This the No. 2 in al-Qaida in the Arabian Pe- name of the Senator from North Caro- is the latest in a long string of attacks, ninsula. After a recent promotion, lina (Mr. BURR) was added as a cospon- or planned attacks, against our coun- Abdul Zakir now serves as a top sor of S. Con. Res. 12, a concurrent res- try in the last 2 years alone. Taliban military commander and a olution expressing the sense of Con- Just some of the examples of what we senior leader in the Taliban Quetta gress that the President should take have seen: In September 2009, the plot Shura. In the world of terrorists, it has certain actions with respect to the to conduct a suicide bomb attack on become a badge of honor to have served Government of Burma. the New York subway system; to the at Guantanamo, and then to have been S. RES. 80 November 2009 attack on Fort Hood released, and then to get back into the At the request of Mr. KIRK, the name that killed 13 people and wounded 32; to fight against us. of the Senator from Maine (Ms. SNOWE) the Christmas Day 2009 attempted It is unacceptable for even one re- was added as a cosponsor of S. Res. 80, bombing on an international flight to leased detainee to reengage in the fight a resolution condemning the Govern- Detroit; to the May 2010 attempt to against our country. As a military ment of Iran for its state-sponsored bomb Times Square; to the October spouse and a member of the Senate persecution of its Baha’i minority and 2010 attempt to send explosives to Jew- Armed Services Committee, I find it its continued violation of the Inter- ish centers in Chicago; to a February sickening that our country has re- national Covenants on Human Rights. 2011 plot to manufacture explosives and leased dangerous prisoners who are

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:17 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY6.019 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2877 now actively plotting to kill Ameri- rorists according to the law of war, and have made there way back to the bat- cans and our allies. I also believe Guantanamo represents tlefield. So we have to stop that. And Some have expressed concerns re- the ideal facility for detaining, interro- this legislation will prohibit the con- garding the legality of long-term de- gating, and trying current and future struction or modification of facilities tention for these terrorists, or ex- terrorist detainees. in the United States of America for de- pressed concerns about the conditions Some may ask, Why introduce this taining terrorists, to make sure we at Guantanamo. I wish to address both legislation now? Why is it needed? In keep detained terrorists at Gitmo and of those concerns. February, during a Senate Armed Serv- off U.S. soil. First, as the former Attorney Gen- ices Committee hearing, I asked Sec- I am proud to introduce this bipar- eral of the State of New Hampshire, I retary Gates where we would detain tisan legislation called Detaining Ter- am as eager as anyone to ensure that high value terrorists that we capture rorists to Secure America Act of 2011, our detention policies conform to the in the future if the President goes for- S. 944. I am especially proud that many rule of law and reflect our core values. ward with his plan to close Guanta- friends and colleagues have decided to Some have questioned the legality of namo. Secretary Gates candidly said to support this bipartisan legislation, in- detaining terrorists. Yet we should be me: ‘‘I think the honest answer to that cluding Senators GRAHAM, LIEBERMAN, very clear that, according to the law of question is we don’t know.’’ CHAMBLISS, BROWN, RUBIO and WEBB, war, detention is a matter of national I was encouraged by President all of whom have been leaders when it security and military necessity and has Obama’s decision to resume military comes to fighting terrorism and pro- long been recognized as legitimate commissions at Guantanamo. Yet the tecting Americans. under international law. administration was careful to reiterate Everything we do in this Chamber Second, some have expressed con- its determination to ultimately close must be guided by our Constitution, cerns about the conditions at Guanta- and the Federal Government must ful- namo. In March, I visited the Guanta- Guantanamo. Unfortunately, as I pre- fill its most important constitutional namo Bay detention facility. Gitmo viously mentioned, on Monday Attor- duty of protecting the American peo- now represents the most professionally ney General Holder, in Paris, reiter- ple. Pretending we are not at war with run detention facility in the world. ated the administration’s desire to terrorists will not change the fact that International human rights activists, close Guantanamo. But we know intel- terrorists continue to plot against us reporters, Members of the Congress and ligence gathered at Guantanamo the Senate, constantly stream through played a valuable role in helping to ul- and to attack Americans. Consistent Guantanamo checking on the condi- timately find Osama bin Laden. We with our values and the rule of law, we tions and holding the Department of know there are other terrorists out must establish the Guantanamo deten- Defense accountable. Guantanamo is there who want to do us harm, and we tion facility as the permanent location no Abu Ghraib. Detainees are treated need to keep this facility open. For for detaining, interrogating, and trying in a manner that conforms to inter- this reason, I believe Congress must terrorists. I urge my colleagues to support this national law and honors our values. pass this legislation without delay. legislation, and I thank the Presiding Guantanamo detainees receive three Before concluding, let me briefly meals a day tailored to the preferences summarize what S. 944 will do. Officer. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- of each detainee. They also have access This legislation reaffirms the author- sent that the text of the bill be printed to topnotch health care facilities. ity to maintain Gitmo as an operating in the RECORD. Their religion is respected. They have facility for the detention of current and future unprivileged enemy bellig- There being no objection, the text of television, newspapers, books, English the bill was ordered to be printed in classes, and art classes. In fact, the of- erents. the RECORD, as follows: ficials at Guantanamo bend over back- It directs the Secretary of Defense to S. 944 wards to respect the cultural and reli- take actions to maintain Gitmo as an gious preferences of the detainees who operating facility for the detention of Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the United States of America in are held there. Don’t get me wrong; current and future unprivileged enemy belligerents. Congress assembled, Guantanamo is no Club Med, but the SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. terrorists who are detained there, most It extends permanently the limita- tion of transfer of detainees to foreign This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Detaining of whom would undoubtedly kill Amer- Terrorists to Secure America Act of 2011’’ entities and the prohibition of con- icans if they were given the chance, are SEC. 2. FINDINGS. getting much better treatment than struction or modification of facilities Congress makes the following finding: they deserve. in the United States of America for de- (1) The United States and its international As a former prosecutor, I have been taining terrorists. We have heard loud partners are in an armed conflict with vio- in a few prisons in my time, and I can and clear from the American people lent Islamist extremist groups, including al tell my colleagues the detention facil- that they do not want terrorists de- Qaeda and associated terrorist organizations, ity at Gitmo is much nicer than some tained on American soil. that are committed to killing Americans and our allies. that our common criminals are in, in Finally, it supersedes sections of President Obama’s Executive order (2) In the last 2 years, terrorists have re- the United States of America. I was peatedly attempted to kill Americans both also impressed with the state-of-the- that he issued shortly after he got into here at home and abroad, including the fol- art courtroom at Guantanamo which office on January 22, 2009. He issued an lowing attacks, plots, or alleged plots and would rival any Federal courtroom in Executive order saying that Guanta- attacks: the United States. However, unlike namo would be closed. This legislation (A) A September 2009 plot by Najibullah your average courtroom, it is set up to will supersede the portions of that Ex- Zazi—who received training from al Qaeda in address the special security concerns ecutive order related to the closure of Pakistan—to conduct a suicide bomb attack associated with trying terrorists and it Gitmo, the determination of transfer, on the New York, New York, subway system. the prosecution of terrorists in article (B) A November 2009 attack by Nidal Malik is also especially designed to enable Hasan at Fort Hood, Texas, that killed 13 the judge to ensure that classified in- III courts and the military tribunals. people and wounded 32. formation will not be compromised or In short, this legislation would estab- (C) A Christmas Day 2009 attempt by Umar leaked. This courtroom is the appro- lish Gitmo as the permanent location Farouk Abdulmutallab to detonate a bomb priate courtroom and venue for Khalid for detaining, interrogating, and trying sewn into his underwear on an international Sheikh Mohammed and the other 9/11 unprivileged enemy belligerents or ter- flight to Detroit, Michigan. conspirators to be held accountable for rorists. To accomplish this, we will (D) A May 2010 attempt by Faisal Shahzad their roles in the horrific attacks on permanently limit the transfer of de- to bomb Times Square in New York, New our country on September 11. And after tainees to foreign entities because York, on a crowded Saturday evening, an at- what has happened is that terrorist de- tack that was unsuccessful only because the almost 10 years, the victims of Sep- car bomb failed to detonate. tember 11 have waited much too long tainees have been transferred to for- (E) An October 2010 attempt by terrorists for justice. eign countries and then the foreign in Yemen to send, via commercial cargo I believe our country stands on a countries release the former detainee. flights, 2 packages of explosives to Jewish solid legal framework in detaining ter- That is how so many former detainees centers in Chicago, Illinois.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:17 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.019 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2878 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 (F) A February 2011 plot by Khaled fense shall take appropriate actions to main- cated in small, geographically isolated Aldawsari, a Saudi-born student, to manu- tain United States Naval Station, Guanta- school districts. The size, diversity, facture explosives and potentially attack namo Bay, Cuba, as an open and operating and complexity of rural education sup- New York, New York, the Dallas, Texas, facility for the detention of current and fu- port a greater policy focus on the home of former President George W. Bush, as ture individuals as described in subsection well as hydroelectric dams, nuclear power (a). unique challenges and solutions for plants, and a nightclub. (c) PERMANENT EXTENSION OF CERTAIN LIMI- rural education. (3) Since the September 11, 2001, attacks on TATIONS RELATING TO DETAINEES AND DETEN- Montana is the fourth largest state our Nation, the United States and allied TION FACILITIES.— by land mass, totaling over 147,000 forces have captured thousands of individ- (1) LIMITATION ON TRANSFER OF DETAINEES square miles. More than half of Mon- uals fighting for or supporting al Qaeda and TO FOREIGN ENTITIES.—Section 1033(a)(1) of tana’s 830 schools enroll less than 100 associated terrorist organizations that do the Ike Skelton National Defense Authoriza- students. From Eureka to Ekalaka, not abide by the law of war, including de- tion Act for Fiscal Year 2011 (Public Law from Scobey to Darby, these small 111–383; 124 Stat. 4351) is amended by striking tainees at United States Naval Station, schools dot the landscape, providing Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, who served as plan- ‘‘during the one-year period’’ and all that ners of those attacks, trainers of terrorists, follows through ‘‘by this Act’’ and inserting not only a learning environment but financiers of terrorists, bomb makers, body- ‘‘the Secretary of Defense may not use any often a community center. guards for Osama bin Laden, recruiters of amounts authorized to be appropriated’’. Montana’s rural communities are terrorists, and facilitators of terrorism. (2) PROHIBITION ON CONSTRUCTION OF DETEN- doing an excellent job educating Mon- (4) Many of the detainees at United States TION FACILITIES IN UNITED STATES.—Section tana’s next generation. Overall, Mon- Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay provided 1034(a) of such Act (124 Stat. 4353) is amended tana graduation rates are higher than valuable intelligence that gave the United by striking ‘‘None of the funds authorized to the national average. Montana stu- States insight into al Qaeda and its methods, be appropriated by this Act’’ and inserting dents taking the National Assessment prevented terrorist attacks, and saved lives. ‘‘No funds authorized to be appropriated or (5) Intelligence obtained from detainees at otherwise made available to the Department of Educational Progress, NAEP, in 2009 United States Naval Station, Guantanamo of Defense, or to or for any other department scored higher than the national aver- Bay was critical to eventually identifying or agency of the United States Govern- age in both reading and math. the location of Osama bin Laden. ment,’’. But despite the success of Montana’s (6) In a February 17, 2011, hearing of the (d) SUPERSEDURE OF EXECUTIVE ORDER.— rural schools, these schools face a Committee on Armed Services of the Senate, Sections 3, 4(c)(2), 4(c)(3), 4(c)(5), and 7 of Ex- unique set of challenges that their the Secretary of Defense confirmed that ap- ecutive Order No. 13492, dated January 22, urban-centric peers may not even com- proximately 25 percent of detainees released 2009, shall have no further force or effect. prehend. In 2004, the U.S. Government from the detention facility at United States Accountability Office released a report Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay are con- By Mr. BAUCUS (for himself, Mr. firmed to have reengaged in hostilities or are ROCKEFELLER, Mr. BEGICH, Mr. highlighting the needs and distinctive suspected of having reengaged in hostilities LEAHY, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. JOHN- challenges of rural schools and dis- against the United States or our allies. SON of South Dakota, Mr. BEN- tricts across this nation. (7) Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, an NET, Mr. UDALL of Colorado, For example, rural schools report organization that includes former detainees Mr. FRANKEN, and Mr. CONRAD): greater difficulties in recruiting and at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo S. 946. A bill to establish an Office of retaining qualified teachers, due to in- Bay among its leadership and ranks, has Rural Education Policy in the Depart- ability to offer competitive salaries, claimed responsibility for several of the re- ment of Education; to the Committee geographic isolation, and for some, se- cent plots and attacks against the United vere weather. Rural districts often States. on Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- (8) Detention according to the law of war is sions. have fewer personnel. The district su- a matter of national security and military Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, Mike perintendent is often also the high necessity and has long been recognized as le- Mansfield once said, ‘‘Knowledge is es- school principal. He or she may also be gitimate under international law. sential for acceptance and under- the Title I coordinator, math cur- (9) Detaining unprivileged enemy belliger- standing.’’ riculum specialist, and sometimes also ents prevents them from returning to the This statement is all too true for the the head of transportation services! In battlefield to attack United States and al- students and educators residing in isolated areas, schools face challenges lied military personnel and engaging in fu- in providing professional development ture terrorist attacks against innocent civil- rural areas. While rural education is ians. becoming an increasingly large and im- and training for teachers and prin- (10) The Joint Task Force-Guantanamo portant part of the U.S. public school cipals. Small rural districts are often provides for the humane, legal, and trans- system, the unique challenges and cir- located long distances from other dis- parent care and custody of detainees at cumstances within these rural commu- tricts, towns, and universities, dras- United States Naval Station, Guantanamo nities are often misunderstood or over- tically reducing opportunities to part- Bay, notwithstanding regular assaults on the looked. According to the Digest of Edu- ner or collaborate. Additionally, the guard force by some detainees. cation Statistics reported annually by long distances students must travel be- (11) The International Committee of the tween school and home make it more Red Cross visits detainees at United States the National Center for Education Sta- Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay on a quar- tistics, the number of students attend- difficult to participate in traditional terly basis. ing rural schools increased by over 11 remedial services, mentoring, and after (12) The detention facility at United States percent, from 10.5 million in 2004 to school programs. Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay benefits nearly 11.7 million by 2008. Rural stu- I commend the Secretary for efforts from robust oversight by Congress. dents now comprise almost 1⁄4 of the he has taken to try to address concerns SEC. 3. REAFFIRMATION OF AUTHORITY TO Nation’s public school enrollment. And of rural areas. However, these efforts MAINTAIN UNITED STATES NAVAL have fallen short, and in some cases, STATION, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA, nearly one-third of all schools in the AS A LOCATION FOR THE DETEN- nation are located in rural areas. even good intentions have created ad- TION OF UNPRIVILEGED ENEMY Rural is also becoming increasingly verse consequences. Most recently, the BELLIGERENTS HELD BY THE DE- diverse. According to NCES, the in- Investing in Innovation, i3, competi- PARTMENT OF DEFENSE. crease in rural enrollment between 2004 tive grant program provided ‘‘competi- (a) REAFFIRMATION OF AUTHORITY AS LOCA- tive preference points’’ for applicants TION FOR DETENTION OF UNPRIVILEGED ENEMY and 2009 was disproportionally among BELLIGERENTS.—United States Naval Sta- students of color. And in the 2007–2008 serving at least one rural district, in tion, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is and shall be school year the national average rate an effort to encourage and support a location for the detention of individuals in of student poverty in rural school dis- rural applicants. However, the depart- the custody or under the control of the De- tricts, as measured by the rate of par- ment’s lack of guidance and inde- partment of Defense who have engaged in, or ticipation in federally subsidized meals pendent scorers’ lack of understanding supported, hostilities against the United programs, was almost 40 percent. of rural areas still left authentically States or its coalition partners on behalf of Yet despite the significant percent- rural programs at a clear disadvantage. al Qaeda, the Taliban, or an affiliated group to which the Authorization for Use of Mili- age enrolled in rural schools, the im- The Rural School & Community Trust tary Force (Public Law 107–40) applies. portance of rural education is often ob- highlighted in its report Taking Ad- (b) MAINTENANCE AS AN OPERATIONAL FA- scured by the fact that rural students vantage that this ‘‘rural preference’’ CILITY FOR DETENTION.—The Secretary of De- are, naturally, widely-dispersed, lo- instead had the effect of inducing

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:17 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY6.020 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2879 urban applicants to include minimal S. 946 (8) The National Center for Education Sta- rural participation merely in order to Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- tistics reports that base salaries of both the gain the additional scoring points for resentatives of the United States of America in lowest and highest paid teachers are lower in primarily urban projects. Congress assembled, rural schools than any other community I am joined today by my colleague SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. type. (b) PURPOSES.—The purposes of this Act from West Virginia, Senator ROCKE- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Office of Rural Education Policy Act’’. are— FELLER, in introducing the Office of SEC. 2. FINDINGS AND PURPOSES. (1) to establish an Office of Rural Edu- Rural Education Policy Act. This bill cation Policy in the Department of Edu- (a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds the fol- will establish the Office of Rural Edu- lowing: cation; and cation Policy, housed at the Depart- (1) The Secretary of Education has recog- (2) to provide input to the Secretary of ment of Education’s Office of Elemen- nized that ‘‘[r]ural schools have unique chal- Education regarding the impact of proposed tary & Secondary Education. This of- lenges and benefits’’, but a recent report by changes in law, regulations, policies, rules, fice and its director will be tasked with the Rural School and Community Trust re- and budgets on rural schools and commu- nities. coordinating the activities related to fers to the ‘‘paucity of rural education re- search in the United States’’. SEC. 3. ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICE OF RURAL rural education and advising the Sec- EDUCATION POLICY. retary on issues important to rural (2) Rural education is becoming an increas- ingly large and important part of the United (a) IN GENERAL.—Title II of the Depart- schools and districts. The legislation States public school system. According to ment of Education Organization Act (20 U.S.C. 3411 et seq.) is amended by adding at requires the department to consider the Digest of Education Statistics reported the end the following: the impact of proposed rules and regu- annually by the National Center for Edu- lations on rural education and to cation Statistics, the number of students at- ‘‘SEC. 221. OFFICE OF RURAL EDUCATION POL- ICY. produce an annual report on the condi- tending rural schools increased by more than ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—There shall be, in the 11 percent, from 10,500,000 to nearly 11,700,000, tion of rural education. The Office of Office of Elementary and Secondary Edu- between the 2004–2005 and 2008–2009 school Rural Education Policy will be tasked cation of the Department, an Office of Rural years. The share of the Nation’s public with establishing a clearinghouse for Education Policy (referred to in this section school enrollment attending rural schools in- collecting and disseminating informa- as the ‘Office’). creased from 21.6 percent to 23.8 percent. In ‘‘(b) DIRECTOR; DUTIES.— tion related to the unique challenges of school year 2008–2009, these students at- rural areas, as well as the innovative ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Office shall be head- tended 31,635 rural schools, nearly one-third ed by a Director, who shall advise the Sec- efforts under way in rural schools to of all schools in the United States. retary on the characteristics and needs of tackle these challenges. (3) Despite the overall growth of rural edu- rural schools and the effects of current poli- The strong list of supporters of this cation, rural students represent a demo- cies and proposed statutory, regulatory, ad- bill further solidifies the need for an graphic minority in all but 3 States, accord- ministrative, and budgetary changes on Office of Rural Education Policy. We ing to the National Center for Education State educational agencies, and local edu- have received strong support from: Statistics. cational agencies, that serve schools with a (4) Rural education is becoming increas- locale code of 32, 33, 41, 42, or 43, as deter- American Association of Community ingly diverse. According to the National Cen- mined by the Secretary. Colleges, American Association of ter for Education Statistics, the increase in ‘‘(2) ADDITIONAL DUTIES OF THE DIRECTOR.— School Administrators, Alliance for rural enrollment between the 2004–2005 and In addition to advising the Secretary with Excellent Education, Association of 2008–2009 school years was disproportionally respect to the matters described in para- among students of color. Enrollment of chil- Educational Service Agencies, Center graph (1), the Director of the Office of Rural dren of color in rural schools increased by 31 for Rural Affairs, Coalition for Commu- Education Policy (referred to in this section percent, and the proportion of students en- nity Schools, Council for Opportunity as the ‘Director’), through the Office, shall— rolled in rural schools who are children of in Education, Montana School Board ‘‘(A) establish and maintain a clearing- color increased from 23.0 to 26.5 percent. house for collecting and disseminating infor- Association, Montana State Super- More than one-third of rural students in 12 intendents Association, Montana Rural States are children of color, according to re- mation on— Education Association, National Asso- search by the Rural School and Community ‘‘(i) teacher and principal recruitment and ciation of State Boards of Education, Trust (Why Rural Matters 2009). retention at rural elementary schools and rural secondary schools; National Association of Development (5) Rural education is varied and diverse across the Nation. In school year 2007–2008, ‘‘(ii) access to, and implementation and use Organizations, National Association of of, technology and distance learning at such Elementary School Principals, Na- the national average rate of student poverty in rural school districts, as measured by the schools; tional Association of Federally Im- rate of participation in federally subsidized ‘‘(iii) rigorous coursework delivery through pacted Schools, National Education As- meals programs, was 39.1 percent, but ranged distance learning at such schools; sociation, National Congress of Amer- from 9.7 percent in Connecticut to 71.9 per- ‘‘(iv) student achievement at such schools, ican Indians, National Farmers Union, cent in New Mexico, according to the Na- including the achievement of low-income National Indian Education Association, tional Center for Education Statistics. and minority students; National Rural Education Association, (6) Even policy measures intended to help ‘‘(v) innovative approaches in rural edu- rural schools can have unintended con- cation to increase student achievement; National Rural Education Advocacy ‘‘(vi) higher education and career readiness Coalition, National School Board Asso- sequences. In awarding competitive grants under the Investing in Innovation Fund pro- and secondary school completion of students ciation, Organizations Concerned about gram under section 14007 of the American enrolled in such schools; Rural Education, Public Education Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Pub- ‘‘(vii) access to, and quality of, early child- Network, Rural School and Community lic Law 111–5), the Secretary of Education at- hood development for children located in Trust, and Save the Children. I want to tempted to encourage and support rural ap- rural areas; thank all the supporters of the bill, and plicants by providing additional points for ‘‘(viii) access to, or partnerships with, want to particularly thank the efforts proposals to serve at least 1 rural local edu- community-based organizations in rural of the Rural School and Community cational agency. But according to research areas; ‘‘(ix) the availability of professional devel- Trust for its steadfast commitment to by the Rural School and Community Trust (Taking Advantage, 2010), this ‘‘rural pref- opment opportunities for rural teachers and this proposal. erence’’ mainly had the effect of inducing principals; Mike Mansfield was right. ‘‘Knowl- urban applicants to include rural participa- ‘‘(x) the availability of Federal and other edge is essential for acceptance and un- tion merely in order to gain additional scor- grants and assistance that are specifically derstanding.’’ I look forward to work- ing points for primarily urban projects. geared or applicable to rural schools; and ing with my colleagues here in the Sen- (7) Rural schools generally utilize distance ‘‘(xi) the financing of such schools; ate to move this legislation, to bring education more often for both students and ‘‘(B) identify innovative research and dem- about greater knowledge of rural teachers. A fall 2008 survey of public schools onstration projects on topics of importance schools and ensure they are both ac- by the National Center for Education Statis- to rural elementary schools and rural sec- 1 cepted and understood. tics found that rural schools were 1 ⁄2 times ondary schools, including gaps in such re- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- more likely to provide students access for search, and recommend such topics for study online distance learning than schools in cit- by the Institute of Education Sciences and sent that the text of the bill be printed ies. A September 2004 study from the Govern- other research agencies; in the RECORD. ment Accountability Office reported that ‘‘(C) coordinate the activities within the There being no objection, the text of rural school districts used distance learning Department that relate to rural education; the bill was ordered to be printed in for teacher training more often than non- ‘‘(D) provide information to the Secretary the RECORD, as follows: rural school districts. and others in the Department with respect

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:17 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.007 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2880 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 to the activities of other Federal depart- Montana and my colleagues Senator involvement and support is typically ments and agencies that relate to rural edu- BEGICH of Alaska, Senator BENNET of high. Rural schools can be very innova- cation, including activities relating to rural Colorado, Senator FRANKEN of Min- tive, and research on what works in housing, rural agricultural services, rural nesota, Senator JOHNSON of South Da- transportation, rural economic development, rural schools needs to be completed rural career and technical training, rural kota, Senator LEAHY of Vermont, Sen- and disseminated. health care, rural disability services, and ator SANDERS of Vermont, and Senator The Office of Rural Education Policy rural mental health; UDALL of Colorado, in introducing leg- is modeled after the successful Office of ‘‘(E) coordinate with the Bureau of Indian islation today to establish an Office of Rural Health Policy at the Department Education, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Rural Education Policy at the Depart- of Health and Human Services which Department of the Interior, and the schools ment of Education. Senator BAUCUS’s Congress established in 1987. The office administered by such agencies regarding leadership in bringing attention to edu- will be led by a director charged with rural education; cation in our rural areas is remarkable, ‘‘(F) provide, directly or through grants, coordinating the activities of the De- cooperative agreements, or contracts, tech- and I am proud to work with him on partment of Education concerning nical assistance and other activities as nec- this increasingly important issue. rural education. It will establish and essary to support activities related to im- In addition to my colleagues who are maintain a clearinghouse for issues proving education in rural areas; and cosponsoring this legislation, I want to faced by rural schools, such as teacher ‘‘(G) produce an annual report on the con- acknowledge the many organizations and principal recruitment and reten- dition of rural education that is delivered to who have already announced their sup- tion; partnerships with community- the members of the Education and the Work- port for it. Their concern for the stu- based organizations; and financing of force Committee of the House of Representa- dents living in rural America is greatly tives and the Health, Education, Labor, and rural schools. Pensions Committee of the Senate and pub- appreciated. These organizations in- The office will identify innovative re- lished on the Department’s website. clude American Association of Commu- search and demonstration projects on ‘‘(c) IMPACT ANALYSES OF RULES AND REGU- nity Colleges, American Association of rural schools, and recommend research LATIONS ON RURAL SCHOOLS.— School Administrators, Alliance for to bridge any gaps. It will issue an an- ‘‘(1) PROPOSED RULEMAKING.—Whenever the Excellent Education, Association of nual report on the condition of rural Secretary publishes a general notice of pro- Educational Service Agencies, Center posed rulemaking for any rule or regulation education, and an analysis of the im- that may have a significant impact on State for Rural Affairs, Coalition for Commu- pact on rural education from proposed educational agencies or local educational nity Schools, Council for Opportunity regulations and other activities will be agencies serving schools with a locale code in Education, National Association of made public. of 32, 33, 41, 42, or 43, as determined by the State Boards of Education, National Rural schools have been a part of our Secretary, the Secretary (acting through the Association of Development Organiza- national fabric since its very begin- Director) shall prepare and make available tions, National Association of Elemen- ning. Their students deserve the focus for public comment an initial regulatory im- tary School Principals, National Asso- this legislation will provide. It has pact analysis. Such analysis shall describe ciation of Federally Impacted Schools, the impact of the proposed rule or regulation been said that education in rural on such State educational agencies and local National Congress of American Indi- America is ‘‘too large to be ignored but educational agencies and shall set forth, ans, National Education Association, too small and diverse to be highly visi- with respect to such agencies, the matters National Farmers Union, National In- ble.’’ We need to establish this office so required under section 603 of title 5, United dian Education Association, National that it is not ignored and so that its States Code, to be set forth with respect to Rural Education Association, National successes are made more visible. I urge small entities. The initial regulatory impact Rural Education Advocacy Coalition, my colleagues to support this bill. analysis (or a summary) shall be published in National School Board Association, Or- the Federal Register at the time of the publi- cation of general notice of proposed rule- ganizations Concerned about Rural By Mr. CARDIN (for himself and making for the rule or regulation. Education, Public Education Network, Mr. CASEY): ‘‘(2) FINAL RULE.—Whenever the Secretary Rural School and Community Trust, S. 950. A bill to amend title 23, promulgates a final version of a rule or regu- and Save the Children. United States Code, to repeal a prohibi- lation with respect to which an initial regu- We rightly focus quite a bit on edu- tion on allowing States to use toll rev- latory impact analysis is required by para- cation around here—the future success enues as State matching funds for Ap- graph (1), the Secretary (acting through the of our nation depends upon today’s stu- palachian Development Highway Director) shall prepare a final regulatory im- dents. Since nearly one quarter of the projects; to the Committee on Environ- pact analysis with respect to the final version of such rule or regulation. Such anal- students in America are at rural ment and Public Works. ysis shall set forth, with respect to State schools and the share of students in Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, today educational agencies and local educational rural schools has been increasing, our Senator CASEY and I are introducing a agencies serving schools with a locale code Nation’s success depends considerably bill to help facilitate the completion of of 32, 33, 41, 42, or 43, as determined by the on success in rural schools. Over half of critically important transportation in- Secretary, the matters required under sec- the schools in West Virginia are in frastructure to the Appalachian region tion 604 of title 5, United States Code, to be rural areas. This legislation will create of the United States. The Appalachian set forth with respect to small entities. The Secretary shall make copies of the final reg- an Office at the Department of Edu- Development Highway System, ADHS, ulatory impact analysis available to the pub- cation to make sure the programs is designed to alleviate Appalachia’s lic and shall publish, in the Federal Register there are working for students in isolation from major commercial cor- at the time of publication of the final schools in rural areas. ridors and create better transportation version of the rule or regulation, a state- Rural schools are not just miniature connectivity between communities ment describing how a member of the public versions of their urban counterparts. within the Region and to destinations may obtain a copy of such analysis. They face special challenges and they outside of Appalachia. ‘‘(3) REGULATORY FLEXIBILITY ANALYSIS.—If have unique capabilities. Among the According to the Appalachian Re- a regulatory flexibility analysis is required by chapter 6 of title 5, United States Code, challenges faced are shrinking local gional Commission, ARC: ‘‘Because the for a rule or regulation to which this sub- tax bases, recruiting and retaining cost of building highways through Ap- section applies, such analysis shall specifi- teachers and principals, limited access palachia’s mountainous terrain was cally address the impact of the rule or regu- to advanced courses, and proportion- high, the Region had never been served lation on State educational agencies and ally higher transportation costs. At by adequate roads. Its network of nar- local educational agencies serving schools the same time, rural communities, and row, winding, two-lane roads, snaking with a locale code of 32, 33, 41, 42, or 43, as de- I am very proud of the communities in through narrow stream valleys or over termined by the Secretary.’’. West Virginia often provide a strong mountaintops, was slow to drive, un- (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—Section 221(c) of the Department of Education Organization Act, foundation for support and improve- safe, and in many places worn out. The as added by subsection (a), shall apply to ment. They are leaders in the use of Nation’s interstate highway system regulations proposed more than 30 days after distance learning. While smaller had largely bypassed the Appalachian the date of enactment of this Act. schools lack an economy of scale, they Region, going through or around the Mr. ROCKEFELLER. Mr. President, I often profit from this small size and Region’s rugged terrain as cost-effec- am proud to join Senator BAUCUS from their closeness to community. Parental tively as possible.’’

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:17 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY6.022 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2881 That’s why in 1964, ARC rec- S. 950 on Veterans’ Affairs, I am proud to in- ommended that investments in improv- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- troduce the Hiring Heroes Act of 2011. ing Appalachia’s highways were essen- resentatives of the United States of America in My colleagues, including Senators tial to economic growth of this histori- Congress assembled, MURKOWSKI, LEAHY, BAUCUS, ROCKE- cally economically depressed region of SECTION 1. MATCHING FUNDS FOR APPA- FELLER, AKAKA, BOXER, SANDERS, LACHIAN DEVELOPMENT HIGHWAY BROWN of Ohio, CASEY, TESTER, BEGICH, the country. The ADHS is currently PROJECTS. authorized at 3,090 miles and is nearly Section 120(j)(1)(A) of title 23, United COONS, and BROWN of Massachusetts 88 percent complete or under construc- States Code, is amended by striking ‘‘and the join me in introducing this important tion. The remaining miles left to be Appalachian development highway system legislation. I appreciate their contin- built are located in some of the more program under section 14501 of title 40’’. ued support of our Nation’s veterans. I difficult places to build located near Mr. CASEY. Mr. President, I rise also want to thank the veterans service the mid-Atlantic portion of Appa- today to discuss the development of organizations and their representa- lachia. the Appalachian Development Highway tives, who have supported this legisla- The difficulty of construction in this System, ADHS. The completion of this tion, including Iraq and Afghanistan region makes these stretches of the highway system, which connects 13 Veterans of America, Military Officers ADHS more expensive to build as well. States from New York to Mississippi, is Association of America, The American The legislation I am filing today will critical to the economic development Legion, Disabled American Veterans, provide Appalachian States with great- of the region as a whole. and the Veterans of Foreign Wars of er flexibility on how they may raise Despite the significant progress Ap- the United States. Today, we are taking a huge step for- and their portion of matching funds palachia has made over the past few ward in rethinking the way we treat that are used towards ADHS projects. decades, the region has continued to our men and women in uniform after Toll credits, first authorized in the face economic challenges. In the 420- they leave the military. For too long in Intermodal Surface Transportation Ef- county region, approximately one this country we have invested billions ficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA), are being fourth of these counties are designated of dollars in training our young men used extensively by States with toll fa- as having high poverty, meaning that cilities. As of May 31, 2007, over $18 bil- and women with new skills to protect the poverty rate is 1.5 times the U.S. our nation, only to turn our backs once lion in toll credits had been approved average. According to the Appalachian they have left the military. For too in 22 States and Puerto Rico. Toll cred- Regional Commission, two thirds of the long, at the end of their career we pat- its are designed to encourage States to Appalachian counties have unemploy- ted these troops on the back for their increase capital investment in trans- ment rates that are higher than the na- service and then pushed them out into portation infrastructure and enable tional average. the job market alone. Where has that States to simplify program administra- Completion of the Appalachian De- left us today? tion. However, there is an interesting velopment Highway System will spur Today, we have an unemployment exception for how and where toll credit economic development in the region rate as high as 27 percent among young may be used. and create much needed jobs. The Fed- veterans coming home from Iraq and SAFETEA–LU included a modifica- eral Government has played a signifi- Afghanistan. That is over one in five of tion to the toll credit requirements as cant role in the development of this our Nation’s heroes who cannot find a codified in Section 120(j) of Title 23, initiative and I urge my colleagues to job to support their family; who do not United States Code, U.S.C., prohibiting renew this commitment. have an income that provides stability; the use of toll credits on the Appa- Today, my colleague Senator CARDIN and do not have work that provides lachian Development Highway System from Maryland and I introduced a bill them with the self-esteem and pride program under Section 14501 of Title 40. that will help the continued develop- that is so critical to their transition Our legislation, quite simply, repeals ment of this highway system. Our bill home. this prohibition against States using will reverse language in the 2005 Safe, All too often we read about the re- toll credits as their state matching Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Trans- sults of veterans who come home— funds for ADHS projects. portation Equity Act: A Legacy for often with the invisible wounds of Given these particularly difficult Users, SAFETEA–LU, that prohibits war—who cannot find the dignity and economic times that have presented the use of toll credits for the non-fed- security that work provides. We read exceptional budgetary challenges for eral share for ADHS projects. This leg- about it in skyrocketing suicide statis- States to revenue adequate revenues to islation would allow States to unlock tics; problems at home; substance pay for essential infrastructure existing unspent balances and make it abuse problems, and even in rising projects, I believe States need the easier for States to access and leverage rates of homelessness among our young flexibility to use highway revenues as additional funding. Our bill will allow veterans. they see fit regardless of the means in ADHS projects to move forward, such I frequently hear from veterans that which those revenues are raised. The as Route 219 in my home State of we have failed to provide adequate job SAFETEA–LU prohibition against the Pennsylvania. In addition, this change support. I have had veterans tell me use of toll credits on the ADHS is dis- would eliminate a disparity that does that they no longer write the fact that criminatory against a particular rev- not exist for the vast majority of other they’re a veteran on their resume be- enue mechanism. Federal transportation programs. cause they fear the stigma that em- Allowing a State to use toll credits I urge my colleagues to support this ployers might attach to the invisible towards an ADHS project does not re- important piece of legislation. wounds of war. I have heard from med- quire that State to raise the tolls reve- ics like Eric Smith, a former Navy nues on the ADHS road that the toll By Mrs. MURRAY (for herself, Corpsman who returned home from credits were used towards. Ms. MURKOWSKI, Mr. ROCKE- treating battlefield wounds and could I urge my colleagues to join Sen. FELLER, Mr. AKAKA, Mr. BAU- not get certifications necessary to be CASEY and I in repealing SAFETEA– CUS, Mr. BEGICH, Mrs. BOXER, an emergency medical technician or to LU’s prohibition against one particular Mr. BROWN of Ohio, Mr. CASEY, drive an ambulance. revenue stream that could be used to Mr. COONS. Mr. SANDERS, Mr. I have heard from veteran after vet- complete an incredibly important sys- TESTER, Mr. LEAHY, and Mr. eran who said that they did not have to tem of transportation infrastructure BROWN of Massachusetts) go through the military’s job skills designed to serve a historically under- S. 951. A bill to improve the provision training program or that they were served region of rural America. of Federal transition, rehabilitation, never taught how to use the vernacular Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- vocational, and unemployment benefits of the business world to describe the sent that the text of the bill be printed to members of the Armed Forces and benefits of their experience. These sto- in the RECORD. veterans, and for other purposes; to the ries are as heartbreaking as they are There being no objection, the text of Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. frustrating, but more than anything the bill was ordered to be printed in Mrs. MURRAY. Mr. President, today, they are a reminder that we have to the RECORD, as follows: as Chairman of the Senate Committee act now.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:33 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY6.025 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2882 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 The bill we are introducing today al- U.S.C. 1071 note) is amended by striking ‘‘De- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘in sub- lows our men and women in uniform to cember 31, 2012’’ and inserting ‘‘December 31, section (b), (c), or (d)’’ and inserting ‘‘in sub- capitalize on their service, while also 2014’’. section (b), (c), (d), or (e)’’; ensuring that the American people cap- SEC. 3. EXPANSION OF AUTHORITY OF SEC- (2) by redesignating subsection (e) as sub- RETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS TO section (f); and italize on the investment we have made PAY EMPLOYERS FOR PROVIDING (3) by inserting after subsection (d) the fol- in them. For the first time, it would re- ON-JOB TRAINING TO VETERANS lowing new subsection (e): quire broad job skills training for every WHO HAVE NOT BEEN REHABILI- ‘‘(e)(1) The limitation in subsection (a) TATED TO POINT OF EMPLOY- servicemember as they leave the mili- ABILITY. shall not apply to a rehabilitation program tary as part of the military’s Transi- Section 3116(b)(1) of title 38, United States described in paragraph (2). tion Assistance Program. Today, near- Code, is amended by striking ‘‘who have been ‘‘(2) A rehabilitation program described in this paragraph is a rehabilitation program ly 1⁄3 of our servicemembers do not get rehabilitated to the point of employability’’. pursued by a veteran under section 3102(b) of this training. SEC. 4. TRAINING AND REHABILITATION FOR this title.’’. This bill would also allow VETERANS WITH SERVICE-CON- NECTED DISABILITIES WHO HAVE (c) EXCEPTION TO LIMITATION ON RECEIPT OF servicemembers to begin the federal EXHAUSTED RIGHTS TO UNEMPLOY- ASSISTANCE UNDER CHAPTER 31 AND ONE OR employment process prior to separa- MENT BENEFITS UNDER STATE LAW. MORE PROGRAMS.—Section 3695(b) of such tion in order to facilitate a truly seam- (a) ENTITLEMENT TO ADDITIONAL REHABILI- title is amended— less transition from the military to TATION PROGRAMS.— (1) by striking ‘‘No person’’ and inserting jobs at the VA, Homeland Security or (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 3102 of title 38, ‘‘Except as provided in paragraph (2), no per- many of the other federal agencies in United States Code, is amended— son’’; and (A) in the matter before paragraph (1), by (2) by adding at the end the following new need of our veterans. striking ‘‘A person’’ and inserting the fol- In addition, this bill also requires the paragraph: lowing: ‘‘(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply with re- Department of Labor to take a hard ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—A person’’; and spect to a rehabilitation program described look at what military skills and train- (B) by adding at the end the following new in section 3103(e)(2) of this title.’’. ing should be translatable into the ci- paragraph: SEC. 5. ASSESSMENT AND FOLLOW-UP ON VET- vilian sector, and will work to make it ‘‘(b) ADDITIONAL REHABILITATION PROGRAMS ERANS WHO PARTICIPATE IN DE- simpler to get needed licenses or cer- FOR PERSONS WHO HAVE EXHAUSTED RIGHTS PARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS tifications. TO UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS UNDER STATE TRAINING AND REHABILITATION LAW.—(1) A person who has completed a re- FOR VETERANS WITH SERVICE-CON- Finally, this bill will allow for inno- habilitation program under this chapter NECTED DISABILITIES. vative partnerships with organizations shall be entitled to an additional rehabilita- (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 3106 of title 38, that provide mentorship and training tion program under the terms and conditions United States Code, is amended— programs that are designed to lead to of this chapter if— (1) by adding at the end the following new job placements. All of these are real, ‘‘(A) the person is described by paragraph subsection: substantial steps to put our veterans to (1) or (2) of subsection (a); and ‘‘(g) For each rehabilitation program pur- work, and all of them come at a pivotal ‘‘(B) the person— sued by a veteran under this chapter, the Secretary shall contact such veteran not time for our economic recovery and our ‘‘(i) has exhausted all rights to regular compensation under the State law or under later than 180 days after the date on which veterans. Federal law with respect to a benefit year; such veteran completes such rehabilitation I grew up with the Vietnam War and ‘‘(ii) has no rights to regular compensation program or terminates participation in such I have dedicated much of my Senate with respect to a week under such State or rehabilitation program and not less fre- career to helping to care for the vet- Federal law; and quently than once every 180 days thereafter erans we left behind at that time. The ‘‘(iii) is not receiving compensation with for a period of one year to ascertain the em- mistakes we made then have cost our respect to such week under the unemploy- ployment status of the veteran and assess nation and our veterans dearly and ment compensation law of Canada; and such rehabilitation program.’’; and have weighed on the conscience of this ‘‘(C) begins such additional rehabilitation (2) in the section heading, by adding ‘‘; pro- ’’ at the end. nation; yet today we stand on the program within six months of the date of gram assessment and follow-up such exhaustion. (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of brink of repeating those mistakes. ‘‘(2) For purposes of paragraph (1)(B)(i), a sections at the beginning of chapter 31 of We cannot let that happen. Our Na- person shall be considered to have exhausted such title is amended by striking the item tion’s veterans are disciplined, team such person’s rights to regular compensation relating to section 3106 and inserting the fol- players who have proven they can de- under a State law when— lowing new item: liver under pressure like no one else. It ‘‘(A) no payments of regular compensation ‘‘3106. Initial and extended evaluations; de- is time for us to deliver for them. can be made under such law because such terminations regarding serious This is not a full summary of all the person has received all regular compensation employment handicap; program provisions within this legislation. How- available to such person based on employ- assessment and follow-up.’’. ment or wages during such person’s base pe- ever, I hope that I have provided an ap- SEC. 6. MANDATORY PARTICIPATION OF MEM- riod; or propriate overview of the major bene- BERS OF THE ARMED FORCES IN ‘‘(B) such person’s rights to such com- THE TRANSITIONAL ASSISTANCE fits this legislation would provide for pensation have been terminated by reason of PROGRAM OF THE DEPARTMENT OF America’s servicemembers as they the expiration of the benefit year with re- DEFENSE. transition into civilian life. I also ask spect to which such rights existed. (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 1144(c) of title 10, our colleagues for their continued sup- ‘‘(3) In this subsection, the terms ‘com- United States Code, is amended by striking port for the Nation’s veterans. pensation’, ‘regular compensation’, ‘benefit ‘‘shall encourage’’ and all that follows and Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- year’, ‘State’, ‘State law’, and ‘week’ have inserting ‘‘shall require the participation in sent that the text of the bill be printed the respective meanings given such terms the program carried out under this section of under section 205 of the Federal-State Ex- the members eligible for assistance under in the RECORD. tended Unemployment Compensation Act of the program.’’. There being no objection, the text of 1970 (26 U.S.C. 3304 note).’’. (b) REQUIRED USE OF EMPLOYMENT ASSIST- the bill was ordered to be printed in (2) DURATION OF ADDITIONAL REHABILITA- ANCE, JOB TRAINING ASSISTANCE, AND OTHER the RECORD, as follows: TION PROGRAM.—Section 3105(b) of such title TRANSITIONAL SERVICES IN PRESEPARATION S. 951 is amended— COUNSELING.—Section 1142(a)(2) of such title Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- (A) by striking ‘‘Except as provided in sub- is amended by striking ‘‘may’’ and inserting resentatives of the United States of America in section (c) of this section,’’ and inserting ‘‘(1) ‘‘shall’’. Congress assembled, Except as provided in paragraph (2) and in SEC. 7. FOLLOW-UP ON EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. subsection (c),’’; and MEMBERS OF ARMED FORCES WHO This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Hiring He- (B) by adding at the end the following new RECENTLY PARTICIPATED IN TRAN- SITIONAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM OF roes Act of 2011’’. paragraph: ‘‘(2) The period of a vocational rehabilita- DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. SEC. 2. TWO-YEAR EXTENSION OF AUTHORITY OF tion program pursued by a veteran under For each individual who participates in the SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS TO PROVIDE REHABILITATION AND section 3102(b) of this title following a deter- Transitional Assistance Program (TAP) of VOCATIONAL BENEFITS TO MEM- mination of the current reasonable feasi- the Department of Defense, the Secretary of BERS OF THE ARMED FORCES WITH bility of achieving a vocational goal may not Labor shall contact such individual not later SEVERE INJURIES OR ILLNESSES. exceed 24 months.’’. than 180 days after the date on which such Section 1631(b)(2) of the Wounded Warrior (b) EXTENSION OF PERIOD OF ELIGIBILITY.— individual completes such program and not Act (title XVI of Public Law 110–181; 10 Section 3103 of such title is amended— less frequently than once every 90 days

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:17 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY6.034 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2883 thereafter for a period of 180 days to ascer- ‘‘(v) veterans who remained in such em- study. The report shall include such informa- tain the employment status of such indi- ployment as of the date of the assessment; tion as the Secretaries shall specify in the vidual. and contract under paragraph (1) for purposes of SEC. 8. COLLABORATIVE VETERANS’ TRAINING, ‘‘(B) submit to the appropriate committees this section. MENTORING, AND PLACEMENT PRO- of Congress a report that includes— (4) TRANSMITTAL TO CONGRESS.—The Sec- GRAM. ‘‘(i) a description of how the grant recipi- retary of Defense, the Secretary of Veterans (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 41 of title 38, ents used the funds made available under Affairs, and the Secretary of Labor shall United States Code, is amended by inserting this section; jointly transmit to Congress the report sub- after section 4104 the following new section: ‘‘(ii) the results of the assessment con- mitted under paragraph (3), together with ‘‘§ 4104A. Collaborative veterans’ training, ducted under subparagraph (A); and such comments on the report as the Secre- mentoring, and placement program ‘‘(iii) the recommendations of the Sec- taries jointly consider appropriate. (b) INDIVIDUALIZED ASSESSMENT OF CIVILIAN ‘‘(a) GRANTS.—The Secretary shall award retary as to whether amounts should be ap- POSITIONS AVAILABLE THROUGH MOS grants to eligible nonprofit organizations to propriated to carry out this section for fiscal SKILLS.—The Secretary of Defense shall en- provide training and mentoring for eligible years after 2013. ‘‘(e) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— sure that each member of the Armed Forces veterans who seek employment. The Sec- who is participating in the Transition As- retary shall award the grants to not more There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $4,500,000 for the period sistance Program (TAP) of the Department than 3 organizations, for periods of 2 years. of Defense receives, as part of such member’s ‘‘(b) COLLABORATION AND FACILITATION.— consisting of fiscal years 2012 and 2013. ‘‘(f) DEFINITIONS.—In this section— participation in that program, an individual- The Secretary shall ensure that the recipi- ized assessment of the various positions of ents of the grants— ‘‘(1) the term ‘appropriate committees of Congress’ means the Committee on Veterans’ civilian employment in the private sector for ‘‘(1) collaborate with— which such member may be qualified as a re- ‘‘(A) the appropriate disabled veterans’ Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs of the House of Representa- sult of the skills developed by such member outreach specialists (in carrying out the through such member’s military occupa- tives; and functions described in section 4103A(a)) and tional specialty. The assessment shall be ‘‘(2) the term ‘nonprofit organization’ the appropriate local veterans’ employment performed using the results of the study con- means an organization that is described in representatives (in carrying out the func- ducted under subsection (a) and such other section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code tions described in section 4104); and information as the Secretary of Defense, in ‘‘(B) the appropriate State boards and local of 1986 and that is exempt from taxation consultation with the Secretary of Veterans boards (as such terms are defined in section under section 501(a) of such Code.’’ Affairs and the Secretary of Labor, considers (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—Section 101 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 appropriate for that purpose. 4103A of title 38, United States Code, is (29 U.S.C. 2801)) for the areas to be served by (c) FURTHER USE IN EMPLOYMENT-RELATED amended— recipients of the grants; and TRANSITION ASSISTANCE.— (1) in paragraph (1), by inserting ‘‘and fa- ‘‘(2) based on the collaboration, facilitate (1) TRANSMITTAL OF ASSESSMENT.—The Sec- cilitate placements’’ after ‘‘intensive serv- the placement of the veterans that complete retary of Defense shall transmit the individ- ices’’; and the training in meaningful employment that ualized assessment provided a member under (2) by adding at the end the following: leads to economic self-sufficiency. subsection (a) to the Secretary of Veterans ‘‘(3) In facilitating placement of a veteran ‘‘(c) APPLICATION.—To be eligible to receive Affairs and the Secretary of Labor. under this program, a disabled veterans’ out- a grant under this section, a nonprofit orga- (2) USE IN ASSISTANCE.—The Secretary of reach program specialist shall help to iden- nization shall submit an application to the Veterans Affairs and the Secretary of Labor tify job opportunities that are appropriate Secretary at such time, in such manner, and may use an individualized assessment with for the veteran’s employment goals and as- containing such information as the Sec- respect to an individual under paragraph (1) sist that veteran in developing a cover letter retary may require. At a minimum, the in- for employment-related assistance in the and resume that are targeted for those par- formation shall include— transition from military service to civilian ticular jobs.’’. ‘‘(1) information describing how the orga- life provided the individual by such Sec- (c) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of nization will— retary and to otherwise facilitate and en- sections at the beginning of chapter 41 of ‘‘(A) collaborate with disabled veterans’ hance the transition of the individual from such title is amended by inserting after the outreach specialists and local veterans’ em- military service to civilian life. item relating to section 4104 the following ployment representatives and the appro- SEC. 10. APPOINTMENT OF HONORABLY DIS- new item: priate State boards and local boards (as such CHARGED MEMBERS AND OTHER EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE. terms are defined in section 101 of the Work- ‘‘4104A. Collaborative veterans’ training, (a) APPOINTMENT OF HONORABLY DIS- force Investment Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 2801)); mentoring, and placement pro- CHARGED MEMBERS OF THE UNIFORMED SERV- ‘‘(B) based on the collaboration, provide gram.’’. ICES TO CIVIL SERVICE POSITIONS.— training that facilitates the placement de- SEC. 9. INDIVIDUALIZED ASSESSMENT FOR MEM- BERS OF THE ARMED FORCES (1) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 33 of title 5, scribed in subsection (b)(2); and United States Code, is amended by inserting ‘‘(C) make available, for each veteran re- UNDER TRANSITION ASSISTANCE ON EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN SKILLS DE- after section 3330c the following: ceiving the training, a mentor to provide ca- VELOPED IN MILITARY OCCUPA- reer advice to the veteran and assist the vet- ‘‘§ 3330d. Honorably discharged members of TIONAL SPECIALITIES AND QUALI- the uniformed services eran in preparing a resume and developing FICATIONS REQUIRED FOR CIVILIAN job interviewing skills; and EMPLOYMENT WITH THE PRIVATE ‘‘The head of an executive agency may ap- ‘‘(2) an assurance that the organization SECTOR. point a member of the uniformed services will provide the information necessary for (a) STUDY ON EQUIVALENCE REQUIRED.— who is honorably discharged to a position in the Secretary to prepare the reports de- (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Defense, the civil service without regard to sections scribed in subsection (d). the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and the 3301 through 3330c during the 180-day period ‘‘(d) REPORTS.—(1) Not later than 6 months Secretary of Labor shall jointly enter into a beginning on the date that the individual is after the date of enactment of the Hiring He- contract with a qualified organization or en- honorably discharged, if that individual is roes Act of 2011, the Secretary shall prepare tity jointly selected by the Secretaries, to otherwise qualified for the position.’’. and submit to the appropriate committees of conduct a study to identify any equivalences (2) TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING AMEND- Congress a report that describes the process between the skills developed by members of MENT.—The table of sections for chapter 33 of for awarding grants under this section, the the Armed Forces through various military title 5, United States Code, is amended by recipients of the grants, and the collabora- occupational specialties (MOS) and the adding after the item relating to section tion described in subsections (b) and (c). qualifications required for various positions 3330c the following: ‘‘(2) Not later than 18 months after the of civilian employment in the private sector. ‘‘3330d. Honorably discharged members of the date of enactment of the Hiring Heroes Act (2) COOPERATION OF FEDERAL AGENCIES.— uniformed services.’’. of 2011, the Secretary shall— The departments and agencies of the Federal (b) EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE: OTHER FED- ‘‘(A) conduct an assessment of the perform- Government, including the Office of Per- ERAL AGENCIES.— ance of the grant recipients, disabled vet- sonnel Management, the General Services (1) DEFINITIONS.—In this subsection— erans’ outreach specialists, and local vet- Administration, the Government Account- (A) the term ‘‘agency’’ has the meaning erans’ employment representatives in car- ability Office, and other appropriate depart- given the term ‘‘Executive agency’’ in sec- rying out activities under this section, which ments and agencies, shall cooperate with the tion 105 of title 5, United States Code; and assessment shall include collecting informa- contractor under paragraph (1) to conduct (B) the term ‘‘veteran’’ has the meaning tion on the number of— the study required under that paragraph. given that term in section 101 of title 38, ‘‘(i) veterans who applied for training (3) REPORT.—Upon completion of the study United States Code. under this section; conducted under paragraph (1), the con- (2) RESPONSIBILITIES OF OFFICE OF PER- ‘‘(ii) veterans who entered the training; tractor under that paragraph shall submit to SONNEL MANAGEMENT.—The Director of the ‘‘(iii) veterans who completed the training; the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Office of Personnel Management shall— ‘‘(iv) veterans who were placed in meaning- Veterans Affairs, and the Secretary of Labor (A) designate agencies that shall establish ful employment under this section; and a report setting forth the results of the a program to provide employment assistance

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:33 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY6.026 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2884 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 to members of the armed forces who are order to facilitate a transition of the indi- ways have a majority when we call this being separated from active duty in accord- vidual from service in the Armed Forces to bill. But because of the threat of a Re- ance with paragraph (3); and employment in the civilian labor market. publican filibuster, we needed 60 votes, (B) ensure that the programs established (c) DURATION.—The pilot program shall be and we did not reach the 60 votes nec- under this subsection are coordinated with carried out during the two-year period begin- the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) of ning on the date of the commencement of essary. So 55 Senators, a bipartisan the Department of Defense. the pilot program. majority, voted for the DREAM Act. I (3) ELEMENTS OF PROGRAM.—The head of (d) REPORT.—Not later than 540 days after have reintroduced it today. By way of each agency designated under paragraph the date of the enactment of this Act, the background, this is a simple piece of (2)(A), in consultation with the Director of Secretary shall submit to the Committee on legislation, but it is one that affects the Office of Personnel Management, and Armed Services and the Committee on Vet- thousands of people across America. It acting through the Veterans Employment erans’ Affairs of the Senate and the Com- came to my attention 10 years ago mittee on Armed Services and the Com- Program Office of the agency established when a Korean-American woman called under Executive Order 13518 (74 Fed. Reg. mittee on Veterans’ Affairs of the House of 58533; relating to employment of veterans in Representatives a report on the pilot pro- me in my Chicago office and told me the Federal Government), or any successor gram that includes the findings of the Sec- she had a problem. thereto, shall— retary with respect to the feasibility and ad- She had come to the United States (A) establish a program to provide employ- visability of providing covered individuals about 18 years before and brought her ment assistance to members of the Armed with work experience as described in sub- little girl with her. She had raised a Forces who are being separated from active section (a). family. She was now a naturalized cit- duty, including assisting such members in SEC. 13. ENHANCEMENT OF DEMONSTRATION izen. The children who were born in the seeking employment with the agency; PROGRAM ON CREDENTIALING AND United States were citizens. But her (B) provide such members with informa- LICENSING OF VETERANS. tion regarding the program of the agency es- Section 4114 of title 38, United States Code, older daughter was in a different sta- tablished under subparagraph (A); and is amended— tus. Her older daughter was a special (C) promote the recruiting, hiring, training (1) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘may’’ person. Her older daughter was a con- and development, and retention of such and inserting ‘‘shall’’; cert pianist who had been accepted at members and veterans by the agency. (2) in subsection (b)(1)— the Julliard School of Music in New (4) OTHER OFFICE.—If an agency designated (A) by striking ‘‘Assistant Secretary shall’’ York, the best. As she filled out the ap- under paragraph (2)(A) does not have a Vet- and inserting ‘‘Assistant Secretary of Vet- plication form, and they asked for her erans Employment Program Office, the head erans’ Employment and Training shall, in citizenship, she turned to her mom and of the agency, in consultation with the Di- consultation with the Assistant Secretary rector of the Office of Personnel Manage- for Employment and Training,’’; said: USA, right? ment, shall select an appropriate office of (B) by striking ‘‘10 military’’ and inserting And her mom said: You know, we the agency to carry out the responsibilities ‘‘five military’’; and never filed any papers for you. of the agency under paragraph (3). (C) by inserting ‘‘of Veterans’ Employment So the little girl said: What should SEC. 11. OUTREACH PROGRAM FOR CERTAIN and Training’’ after ‘‘selected by the Assist- we do? VETERANS RECEIVING UNEMPLOY- ant Secretary’’; and And her mom said: We ought to call MENT COMPENSATION. (3) by striking subsections (d) through (h) DURBIN. (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Labor and inserting the following: So they called my office, thinking I shall carry out a program through the As- ‘‘(d) PERIOD OF PROJECT.—The period dur- could solve this. I found out the awful sistant Secretary of Labor for Veterans’ Em- ing which the Assistance Secretary shall ployment and Training, the disabled vet- carry out the demonstration project under truth. Our laws currently say the only erans’ outreach program specialists em- this section shall be the two-year period be- recourse for that little girl—who came ployed under section 4103A of title 38, United ginning on the date of the enactment of the here at the age of 2, who grew up in the States Code, and local veterans’ employment Hiring Heroes Act of 2011.’’. United States, going to school here, representatives employed under section 4104 saying the Pledge of Allegiance to our of such title to provide outreach to covered By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. flag every morning, singing the only veterans and provide them with assistance in REID, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. SCHUMER, national anthem she knew, speaking finding employment. Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. LEVIN, Mr. (b) COVERED VETERANS.—For purposes of the only language she knew—under our this section, a covered veteran is a veteran LIEBERMAN, Mr. AKAKA, Mr. law could never be a U.S. citizen and who— BEGICH, Mr. BENNET, Mr. BINGA- had to leave our country. (1) recently separated from service in the MAN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mrs. What is wrong with this? Well, it is Armed Forces; and BOXER, Ms. CANTWELL, Mr. unfair. That is what is wrong. At 2 (2) has been in receipt of assistance under CARDIN, Mr. CARPER, Mr. COONS, years of age, she had no voice in the de- the Unemployment Compensation for Ex- Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Mr. FRANKEN, cision of her family to come here. She servicemembers program under subchapter II Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. HARKIN, had done everything right. All she was of chapter 85 of title 5 for more than 105 Mr. KERRY, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. days. asking for, all she continues to ask for, KOHL, Mr. LAUTENBERG, Mr. SEC. 12. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE PILOT PRO- is a chance to be part of the only coun- GRAM ON WORK EXPERIENCE FOR MERKLEY, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mrs. try she has ever known, a country she MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES MURRAY, Mr. NELSON of Flor- dearly loves. ON TERMINAL LEAVE. ida, Mr. REED, Mr. SANDERS, The DREAM Act gives young people (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Defense Mr. UDALL of Colorado, and Mr. that chance. It says: You can have a may establish a pilot program to assess the feasibility and advisability of providing to WHITEHOUSE): chance if you graduate high school, covered individuals work experience with ci- S. 952. A bill to authorize the can- have no criminal record involving any- vilian employees and contractors of the De- cellation of removal and adjustment of thing of a serious nature, if you are partment of Defense to facilitate the transi- status of certain alien students who prepared go through and prove that tion of the individuals from service in the are long-term United States residents you have been in the United States, Armed Forces to employment in the civilian and who entered the United States as came before the age of 16, been here at labor market. children and for other purposes; to the least 5 years, then you will have a (b) COVERED INDIVIDUALS.—For purposes of Committee on the Judiciary. this section, a covered individual is any indi- chance to apply. If you apply, you have vidual who— Mr. DURBIN. We had a historic vote two ways that you can reach legal sta- (1) is a member of the Armed Forces; in the Senate last December on the tus in our country: Serve in our mili- (2) the Secretary expects to be discharged DREAM Act. Senator HARRY REID, the tary, or complete at least 2 years of or separated from service in the Armed majority leader, promised that we college. For thousands of young people Forces and is on terminal leave; would bring this measure for consider- across America, this is the only way to (3) the Secretary determines has skills ation on the floor of the Senate. Some get them out of their current situation. that can be used to provide services to the people on both sides of the aisle said, it We just had a press conference with Department that the Secretary considers is a bad idea, do not do it. But he kept Senator HARRY REID and Senator BOB critical to the success of the mission of the Department; and his word, and I am glad he did. MENENDEZ, as well as Senator (4) the Secretary determines might benefit We called it. We had three Repub- BLUMENTHAL of Connecticut to reintro- from exposure to the civilian work environ- lican votes, and we fell short. Oh, we duce this DREAM Act. At that press ment while working for the Department in had a majority. It seems as if we al- conference was a young woman who

VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:17 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY6.026 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2885 told her story. Like thousands of oth- tunity to expand this pool to the advantage status within 1 year of obtaining a high ers it is a compelling personal story. of military recruiting and readiness. school degree or GED, or within 1 year Her name is Tolu Olubunmi. She was The first casualty in the war in Iraq of when the bill becomes law. born in Nigeria and brought to the was a Hispanic who was not a citizen of This is not an amnesty. On many oc- United States as a child. She graduated the United States, was not even a per- casions I have come to the floor to tell her high school with honors. She was manent resident of the United States. the personal stories of people who are awarded a full scholarship to one of the But he had volunteered to serve his involved. Their lives speak more elo- Nation’s top universities. In college, country and gave his life. I think that quently than anything I can say on the she was a leader: a peer counselor, a shows the level of commitment these floor. Let me tell you about Nelson and resident assistant, a volunteer in an young people have to this great Nation. Jhon Magdaleno. They are brothers abused women’s shelter, and a research A recent study at UCLA found that who came to the United States from analyst in the department of engineer- allowing the DREAM Act to pass would Venezuela when Nelson was 11 and ing. put so many productive young people Jhon was 9. They were both honor stu- Tolu received a bachelor’s degree in into our economy, they will generate dents at Lakeside High School in At- chemical engineering in 2002. But she jobs, they will build businesses, they lanta, GA. This is a picture of Nelson has never been able to work 1 day as a will help our economy grow. Magdaleno at graduation. Jhon, his chemical engineer in America because I want to salute in your home State brother, served with distinction in the she is undocumented. of New York, Madam President, Mayor Air Force Junior Officer Reserve Corps. She cannot leave this country, be- Michael Bloomberg who has spoken out He was the fourth highest ranking offi- cause she could not return. She cannot in support of the DREAM Act, and said: cer in a 175-officer cadet unit and com- get a job in this country because she is They are just the kind of immigrants we mander of the Air Honor Society. Here undocumented. Her whole life is fo- need to help solve our unemployment prob- is a picture of Jhon in his ROTC uni- cused on America. She is asking for a lem. Some of them will go on to create new form in high school. chance to be an engineer, to be a pro- small businesses and hire people. It is sense- Both Jhon and Nelson are honor stu- ductive part of America, to move us less for us to chase out the home-grown tal- dents at Georgia Tech University, a forward as a nation. The DREAM Act ent that has the potential to contribute so great school. It is one of the most se- significantly to our society. would give her that chance. lective engineering schools in America. When we introduced the bill today, When you take a look at the sup- Nelson, who is now 21, is a junior. He is a computer engineering major with a we have 32 original cosponsors. We are porters of the DREAM Act, they have 3.6 GPA. Jhon, 18, is a freshman. He is hoping for more. We have the Demo- such diverse backgrounds. They in- a biomedical engineering major with a cratic leadership, the Chairs of the Ju- clude business leaders such as Rupert 4.0 GPA. diciary, Armed Services, and Homeland Murdoch, and the CEOs of companies such as Microsoft and Pfizer. Let me ask my colleagues, can we af- Security Committees, and all 10 Demo- ford to lose these two young people? cratic members of the Judiciary Com- There are some who oppose the DREAM Act and argue that we need to Well, I guess we could but at great ex- mittee. I want to thank the lead spon- pense because their talent, their en- sors over in the House: HOWARD BER- enhance border security first. I can cer- tainly make the argument, as the ergy, their determination to make a MAN of California, LUIS GUTIERREZ, contribution to America can make us a from my State of Illinois, and ILEANA President did yesterday, that we have done extraordinary things, more than better nation. I don’t think returning ROS-LEHTINEN of Florida. Thanks to them to Venezuela, a country they their leadership last year, the House doubling the number of people at the border, adding technical devices there have never called home, is going to be passed the DREAM Act. good for the United States. to detect people who are trying to I want to especially thank the Presi- John David Bunting, Nelson and cross, using drones, building fences. dent. As a Senator and my colleague Jhon’s uncle, wrote me a letter about We have gone, I think, as far as I can from Illinois, he was a cosponsor of his nephews. Here is what he said: imagine, but I am open—I told a Re- this bill. He has been a strong sup- They will be able to give back so much to porter ever since. He never fails to publican Senator this morning: I am our country if they are allowed to stay. I am mention the DREAM Act in his con- open to any reasonable suggestion to overwhelmed by my pride in them and how versations with America about immi- make the border safer. But I say to my they have managed to persevere and even gration. Yesterday, he said: friends on the other side of the aisle, if flourish under these circumstances. . . . I we show good faith in border enforce- also have two young sons and I teach them These are kids who grew up in this coun- about the incredible history of the United try, love this country, and know no other ment, can you join us by showing good faith in helping to pass the DREAM States and the way that our country can ad- place as home. The idea that we should pun- dress wrongs committed in its name and ish them is cruel and it makes no sense. We Act? I do not think that is an unrea- come out of the process even stronger. are a better nation than that. sonable exchange. I am open to their Please help us. The President is right. This is a mat- ideas. I hope they are open to the idea Nelson and Jhon asked the Depart- ter of simple justice. Thousands of im- of the DREAM Act. ment of Homeland Security to stop migrant students in America were I also have to say that many of the their deportation proceedings. After I brought here as children. It was not young people who are affected by this received their uncle’s letter, I con- their decision to come here. But they have been dramatically positive in tacted the Department and asked them grew up here and they called it home. their contribution to America. There to consider this case. The Department The fundamental premise of the are restrictions in the DREAM Act has decided to grant a stay to Nelson DREAM Act is an American premise. that prevent abuse. The DREAM Act and Jhon to give them a chance to con- We do not hold children responsible for students would not be eligible for Pell tinue their education. That was clearly the wrongdoings of their parents. grants or other Federal grants, which the right thing to do. These young people do not want a means they are going to pay more to Some have criticized the Obama ad- free pass. They do not want amnesty. go to school. ministration for granting this kind of All they want is a chance to earn their DREAM Act students will be subject deferral action to a small number of place in America. That is what the to tough criminal penalties for fraud, DREAM Act students, but this is ex- DREAM Act would give them. The including a prison sentence of up to 5 actly what the Bush administration DREAM Act would strengthen our na- years. No one is eligible for the did. I wish to commend President tional security, making thousands of DREAM Act unless they arrived in the George Bush, who was steadfast and young people eligible to serve. That is United States at least 5 years before consistent in his support of immigra- why the Department of Defense and the bill becomes law, and there is no tion reform. Secretary Gates support it. exception and no waiver. It is a waste of limited resources to In fact, the Secretary said: Also the DREAM Act specifically in- deport two fine engineering students There is a rich precedence supporting the cludes a 1-year application deadline. from the United States, and it is en- service of non-citizens in the U.S. military. An individual would be required to tirely consistent with the law to grant . . . The DREAM Act represents an oppor- apply for conditional nonimmigrant them deferred action.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:00 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.016 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2886 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 Let me tell my colleagues about an- of them had tears in their eyes, and Sec. 5. Removal of conditional basis of per- other student, Pedro Pedroza. Here is they would say to me: Senator DURBIN, manent resident status. his photograph. Pedro was brought to please pass the DREAM Act. It is my Sec. 6. Regulations. Chicago from Mexico when he was 5 life. Sec. 7. Penalties for false statements. Sec. 8. Confidentiality of information. Times have changed. Ten years of ef- years old. He graduated from St. Agnes Sec. 9. Higher education assistance. Catholic School in Little Village, a fort, even passing it with a majority, SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. great part of our city of Chicago. He hasn’t resulted in this becoming a law In this Act: was an honor student at St. Ignatius because of the Republican filibuster. (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as otherwise spe- College Prep, one of the best schools in Times have changed to the point where cifically provided, a term used in this Act Chicago. He is now a student in New the DREAM Act students are now step- that is used in the immigration laws shall York at Cornell University in Ithaca. ping up and saying: Here we are. This is have the meaning given such term in the im- His goal is to become a teacher. who we are. We are not going to hide in migration laws. Do we need teachers with his quali- the shadows anymore. (2) IMMIGRATION LAWS.—The term ‘‘immi- ties? You bet we do, not just in New When we debated that bill on the gration laws’’ has the meaning given such York but in Illinois and across Amer- floor of the Senate last December, the term in section 101(a)(17) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(17)). ica. But, unfortunately, Pedro is in de- galleries were filled with students (3) INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION.—The portation proceedings. He was riding a wearing graduation gowns and caps, term ‘‘institution of higher education’’ has bus from Chicago back to school in waiting, praying for the vote, and it the meaning given such term in section 102 New York when immigration agents ar- failed. They left, many of them crying. of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. rested him. He has asked the Depart- They went downstairs, and I met with 1002), except that the term does not include ment of Homeland Security to grant them. They couldn’t have felt worse. an institution of higher education outside him a stay, and I hope they will. It They just don’t know where to turn. the United States. makes no sense to send someone like They are being rejected by the only (4) SECRETARY.—Except as otherwise spe- cifically provided, the term ‘‘Secretary’’ Pedro, who has so much to contribute, country they have ever known, the means the Secretary of Homeland Security. to a country he barely remembers. only place they have ever called home. (5) UNIFORMED SERVICES.—The term ‘‘Uni- Here is what he wrote to me in a let- I said to them: I am not giving up on formed Services’’ has the meaning given the ter: you. Don’t give up on me. We are going term ‘‘uniformed services’’ in section 101(a) Mexico is not only unfamiliar to me, but to keep working on this. of title 10, United States Code. leaving the U.S. means leaving everything We reintroduced the bill today. I SEC. 3. CONDITIONAL PERMANENT RESIDENT and everyone I know. I only hope I can have thank my colleagues who have already STATUS FOR CERTAIN LONG-TERM a future in the U.S. for as long as I am here. RESIDENTS WHO ENTERED THE cosponsored it. I urge and plead with UNITED STATES AS CHILDREN. Even if I am left no choice but to leave for others who have not for simple justice Mexico, I would still strive to adjust my sta- (a) CONDITIONAL BASIS FOR STATUS.—Not- tus and return to a place I consider home— and fairness. Give these young people a withstanding any other provision of law, an The United States of America. chance. That is all they are asking for. alien shall be considered, at the time of ob- The last photograph I wish to show is Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, taining the status of an alien lawfully admit- let me express my great appreciation ted for permanent residence under this sec- Steve Li. This is his photograph. His tion, to have obtained such status on a con- parents brought him to the United to Senator DURBIN of Illinois for his many years of leadership on this issue. ditional basis subject to the provisions of States when he was 11 years old. He is this Act. I am very proud to be a cosponsor of a student at the City College of San (b) REQUIREMENTS.— his legislation, and I look forward to Francisco where he has majored in (1) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any nursing and is a leader in student gov- passing this bill. other provision of law, the Secretary may ernment. He wrote a letter: I am reminded of the story in the cancel removal of, and adjust to the status of Bible of Joshua at Jericho. It was not an alien lawfully admitted for permanent My dream is to become a registered nurse residence on a conditional basis, an alien at San Francisco General Hospital and be a the first time around Jericho that the horns of Joshua and his Israelite Army who is inadmissible or deportable from the public health advocate. I want to give back United States or is in temporary protected to my community by raising awareness brought down the walls. If I recall the Bible correctly, it was seven times status under section 244 of the Immigration about preventive care and other health care and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1254a), if the issues. I am well on my way to achieving around those walls before they came alien demonstrates by a preponderance of that dream. By passing the DREAM Act, I tumbling down, but tumble down is the evidence that— will be able to achieve these goals and con- what they did. (A) the alien has been continuously phys- tribute to the growing health care industry. I look forward to joining the Joshua ically present in the United States since the So can we use more health care pro- of this crusade, Senator DURBIN, to go date that is 5 years before the date of the en- fessionals? You bet we could. Nurses, around those walls as long as it takes actment of this Act; we need a lot of them. In fact, the in order to get the DREAM Act passed. (B) the alien was 15 years of age or younger United States imports thousands of Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask on the date the alien initially entered the United States; foreign nurses each year in this coun- unanimous consent that the text of the try because we just don’t have enough. (C) the alien has been a person of good bill be printed in the RECORD. moral character since the date the alien ini- Unfortunately, Steve Li is also in de- There being no objection, the text of tially entered the United States; portation proceedings. His case is espe- the bill was ordered to be printed in (D) subject to paragraph (2), the alien— cially complicated because while his the RECORD, as follows: (i) is not inadmissible under paragraph (2), parents are Chinese, he was born in S. 952 (3), (6)(E), (6)(G), (8), (10)(A), (10)(C), or (10)(D) Peru. So he could be deported back to of section 212(a) of the Immigration and Na- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- tionality Act (8 U.S.C. 1182(a)); Peru where he knows no one and has no resentatives of the United States of America in family members. (ii) has not ordered, incited, assisted, or Congress assembled, otherwise participated in the persecution of Senator FEINSTEIN asked the Depart- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. any person on account of race, religion, na- ment of Homeland Security to consider (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as tionality, membership in a particular social his case. They have given him a tem- the ‘‘Development, Relief, and Education for group, or political opinion; and porary stay, for now. Alien Minors Act of 2011’’or the ‘‘DREAM (iii) has not been convicted of— I first introduced the DREAM Act 10 Act of 2011’’. (I) any offense under Federal or State law years ago. Since then, I have met so (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- punishable by a maximum term of imprison- many immigrant students who would tents for this Act is as follows: ment of more than 1 year; or qualify for it. When I first brought up Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. (II) 3 or more offenses under Federal or this bill I used to have meetings in Chi- Sec. 2. Definitions. State law, for which the alien was convicted cago. After the meetings, without fail Sec. 3. Conditional permanent resident sta- on different dates for each of the 3 offenses tus for certain long-term resi- and imprisoned for an aggregate of 90 days or there would be someone waiting for me dents who entered the United more; outside. Sometimes in the dark of States as children. (E) the alien— night they would be standing by my Sec. 4. Terms of conditional permanent resi- (i) has been admitted to an institution of car. They were always young and most dent status. higher education in the United States; or

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:01 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G11MY6.017 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2887 (ii) has earned a high school diploma or ob- basis shall file an application for such status (A) ceases to meet the requirements of sub- tained a general education development cer- in such manner as the Secretary may re- paragraph (C) or (D) of section 3(b)(1); or tificate in the United States; and quire. (B) was discharged from the Uniformed (F) the alien was 35 years of age or younger (2) DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICA- Services and did not receive an honorable on the date of the enactment of this Act. TION.—An alien shall submit an application discharge. (2) WAIVER.—With respect to any benefit for relief under this section not later than (d) RETURN TO PREVIOUS IMMIGRATION STA- under this Act, the Secretary may waive the the date that is 1 year after the later of— TUS.— grounds of inadmissibility under paragraph (A) the date the alien earned a high school (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in (6)(E), (6)(G), or (10)(D) of section 212(a) of diploma or obtained a general education de- paragraph (2), an alien whose permanent the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 velopment certificate in the United States; resident status on a conditional basis expires U.S.C. 1182(a)) for humanitarian purposes or or under subsection (a)(1) or is terminated family unity or when it is otherwise in the (B) the effective date of the final regula- under subsection (c) or whose application for public interest. tions issued pursuant to section 6. such status is denied shall return to the im- (3) SUBMISSION OF BIOMETRIC AND BIO- (e) LIMITATION ON REMOVAL OF CERTAIN migration status the alien had immediately GRAPHIC DATA.—The Secretary may not grant ALIENS.— prior to receiving permanent resident status permanent resident status on a conditional (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary or the At- on a conditional basis or applying for such basis to an alien under this section unless torney General may not remove an alien status, as appropriate. the alien submits biometric and biographic who— (2) SPECIAL RULE FOR TEMPORARY PRO- data, in accordance with procedures estab- (A) has a pending application for relief TECTED STATUS.—In the case of an alien lished by the Secretary. The Secretary shall under this section; and whose permanent resident status on a condi- provide an alternative procedure for appli- (B) establishes prima facie eligibility for tional basis expires under subsection (a)(1) or cants who are unable to provide such biomet- relief under this section. is terminated under subsection (c) or whose ric or biographic data because of a physical (2) CERTAIN ALIENS ENROLLED IN PRIMARY application for such status is denied and who impairment. OR SECONDARY SCHOOL.— had temporary protected status immediately (4) BACKGROUND CHECKS.— (A) STAY OF REMOVAL.—The Attorney Gen- prior to receiving or applying for such sta- (A) REQUIREMENT FOR BACKGROUND eral shall stay the removal proceedings of an tus, as appropriate, the alien may not return CHECKS.—The Secretary shall utilize biomet- alien who— to temporary protected status if— ric, biographic, and other data that the Sec- (i) meets all the requirements of subpara- (A) the relevant designation under section retary determines is appropriate— graphs (A), (B), (C), (D), and (F) of subsection 244(b) of the Immigration and Nationality (i) to conduct security and law enforce- (b)(1); Act (8 U.S.C. 1254a(b)) has been terminated; ment background checks of an alien seeking (ii) is at least 5 years of age; and or permanent resident status on a conditional (iii) is enrolled full-time in a primary or (B) the Secretary determines that the rea- basis under this section; and secondary school. son for terminating the permanent resident (ii) to determine whether there is any (B) ALIENS NOT IN REMOVAL PROCEEDINGS.— status on a conditional basis renders the criminal, national security, or other factor If an alien is not in removal proceedings, the alien ineligible for temporary protected sta- that would render the alien ineligible for Secretary shall not commence such pro- tus. such status. ceedings with respect to the alien if the alien (B) COMPLETION OF BACKGROUND CHECKS.— is described in clauses (i) through (iii) of sub- (e) INFORMATION SYSTEMS.—The Secretary The security and law enforcement back- paragraph (A). shall use the information systems of the De- ground checks required by subparagraph (A) (C) EMPLOYMENT.—An alien whose removal partment of Homeland Security to maintain for an alien shall be completed, to the satis- is stayed pursuant to subparagraph (A) or current information on the identity, address, faction of the Secretary, prior to the date who may not be placed in removal pro- and immigration status of aliens granted the Secretary grants permanent resident sta- ceedings pursuant to subparagraph (B) shall, permanent resident status on a conditional tus on a conditional basis to the alien. upon application to the Secretary, be grant- basis under this Act. (5) MEDICAL EXAMINATION.—An alien apply- ed an employment authorization document. ing for permanent resident status on a condi- SEC. 5. REMOVAL OF CONDITIONAL BASIS OF (D) LIFT OF STAY.—The Secretary or Attor- PERMANENT RESIDENT STATUS. tional basis under this section shall undergo ney General may lift the stay granted to an (a) ELIGIBILITY FOR REMOVAL OF CONDI- a medical examination. The Secretary, with alien under subparagraph (A) if the alien— TIONAL BASIS.— the concurrence of the Secretary of Health (i) is no longer enrolled in a primary or (1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to paragraph (2), and Human Services, shall prescribe policies secondary school; or the Secretary may remove the conditional and procedures for the nature and timing of (ii) ceases to meet the requirements of basis of an alien’s permanent resident status such examination. such paragraph. granted under this Act if the alien dem- (6) MILITARY SELECTIVE SERVICE.—An alien (f) EXEMPTION FROM NUMERICAL LIMITA- onstrates by a preponderance of the evidence applying for permanent resident status on a TIONS.—Nothing in this section or in any conditional basis under this section shall es- other law may be construed to apply a nu- that— tablish that the alien has registered under merical limitation on the number of aliens (A) the alien has been a person of good the Military Selective Service Act (50 U.S.C. who may be eligible for adjustment of status moral character during the entire period of App. 451 et seq.), if the alien is subject to under this Act. conditional permanent resident status; such registration under that Act. SEC. 4. TERMS OF CONDITIONAL PERMANENT (B) the alien is described in section (c) DETERMINATION OF CONTINUOUS PRES- RESIDENT STATUS. 3(b)(1)(D); ENCE.— (a) PERIOD OF STATUS.—Permanent resi- (C) the alien has not abandoned the alien’s (1) TERMINATION OF CONTINUOUS PERIOD.— dent status on a conditional basis granted residence in the United States; Any period of continuous physical presence under this Act is— (D) the alien— in the United States of an alien who applies (1) valid for a period of 6 years, unless such (i) has acquired a degree from an institu- for permanent resident status on a condi- period is extended by the Secretary; and tion of higher education in the United States tional basis under this section shall not ter- (2) subject to termination under subsection or has completed at least 2 years, in good minate when the alien is served a notice to (c). standing, in a program for a bachelor’s de- appear under section 239(a) of the Immigra- (b) NOTICE OF REQUIREMENTS.— gree or higher degree in the United States; tion and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1229(a)). (1) AT TIME OF OBTAINING STATUS.—At the or (2) TREATMENT OF CERTAIN BREAKS IN PRES- time an alien obtains permanent resident (ii) has served in the Uniformed Services ENCE.— status on a conditional basis under this Act, for at least 2 years and, if discharged, re- (A) IN GENERAL.—An alien shall be consid- the Secretary shall provide for notice to the ceived an honorable discharge; and ered to have failed to maintain continuous alien regarding the provisions of this Act (E) the alien has provided a list of each physical presence in the United States under and the requirements to have the conditional secondary school (as that term is defined in subsection (b)(1)(A) if the alien has departed basis of such status removed. section 9101 of the Elementary and Sec- from the United States for any period in ex- (2) EFFECT OF FAILURE TO PROVIDE NOTICE.— ondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801)) cess of 90 days or for any periods in the ag- The failure of the Secretary to provide a no- that the alien attended in the United States. gregate exceeding 180 days. tice under this subsection— (2) HARDSHIP EXCEPTION.— (B) EXTENSIONS FOR EXTENUATING CIR- (A) shall not affect the enforcement of the (A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may, in CUMSTANCES.—The Secretary may extend the provisions of this Act with respect to the the Secretary’s discretion, remove the condi- time periods described in subparagraph (A) alien; and tional basis of an alien’s permanent resident for an alien if the alien demonstrates that (B) shall not give rise to any private right status if the alien— the failure to timely return to the United of action by the alien. (i) satisfies the requirements of subpara- States was due to extenuating circumstances (c) TERMINATION OF STATUS.— graphs (A), (B), (C), and (E) of paragraph (1); beyond the alien’s control. (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall ter- (ii) demonstrates compelling cir- (d) APPLICATION.— minate the conditional permanent resident cumstances for the inability to satisfy the (1) IN GENERAL.—An alien seeking lawful status of an alien, if the Secretary deter- requirements of subparagraph (D) of such permanent resident status on a conditional mines that the alien— paragraph; and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:01 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY6.029 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2888 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 (iii) demonstrates that the alien’s removal (ii) any other expiration date of the alien’s in accordance with title 18, United States from the United States would result in ex- conditional permanent resident status, as ex- Code, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or treme hardship to the alien or the alien’s tended by the Secretary in accordance with both. spouse, parent, or child who is a citizen or a this Act. SEC. 8. CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION. lawful permanent resident of the United (B) STATUS DURING PENDENCY.—An alien (a) PROHIBITION.—Except as provided in States. shall be deemed to have permanent resident subsection (b), no officer or employee of the (B) EXTENSION.—Upon a showing of good status on a conditional basis during the pe- United States may— cause, the Secretary may extend the period riod that the alien’s application submitted (1) use the information furnished by an in- of permanent resident status on a condi- under this subsection is pending. dividual pursuant to an application filed tional basis for an alien so that the alien (3) ADJUDICATION OF APPLICATION.— under this Act in removal proceedings may complete the requirements of subpara- (A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall make against any person identified in the applica- graph (D) of paragraph (1). a determination on each application filed by tion; (3) TREATMENT OF ABANDONMENT OR RESI- an alien under this subsection as to whether (2) make any publication whereby the in- DENCE.—For purposes of paragraph (1)(C), an the alien meets the requirements for re- formation furnished by any particular indi- alien— moval of the conditional basis of the alien’s vidual pursuant to an application under this (A) shall be presumed to have abandoned permanent resident status. Act can be identified; or the alien’s residence in the United States if (B) ADJUSTMENT OF STATUS IF FAVORABLE (3) permit anyone other than an officer, the alien is absent from the United States DETERMINATION.—If the Secretary determines employee or authorized contractor of the for more than 365 days, in the aggregate, dur- that the alien meets such requirements, the United States Government or, in the case of ing the alien’s period of conditional perma- Secretary shall notify the alien of such de- an application filed under this Act with a nent resident status, unless the alien dem- termination and remove the conditional designated entity, that designated entity, to onstrates to the satisfaction of the Secretary basis of the alien’s permanent resident sta- examine such application filed under such that the alien has not abandoned such resi- tus, effective as of the date of such deter- sections. dence; and mination. (b) REQUIRED DISCLOSURE.—The Attorney (B) who is absent from the United States (C) TERMINATION IF ADVERSE DETERMINA- General or the Secretary shall provide the due to active service in the Uniformed Serv- TION.—If the Secretary determines that the information furnished under this Act, and ices has not abandoned the alien’s residence alien does not meet such requirements, the any other information derived from such fur- in the United States during the period of Secretary shall notify the alien of such de- nished information, to— such service. termination and, if the period of the alien’s (1) a Federal, State, tribal, or local law en- (4) CITIZENSHIP REQUIREMENT.— conditional permanent resident status under forcement agency, intelligence agency, na- (A) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in section 4(a)(1) has ended, terminate the con- tional security agency, component of the De- subparagraph (B), the conditional basis of an ditional permanent resident status granted partment of Homeland Security, court, or alien’s permanent resident status may not be the alien under this Act as of the date of grand jury in connection with a criminal in- removed unless the alien demonstrates that such determination. the alien satisfies the requirements of sec- vestigation or prosecution, a background (c) TREATMENT FOR PURPOSES OF NATU- tion 312(a) of the Immigration and Nation- check conducted pursuant to section 103 of RALIZATION.— ality Act (8 U.S.C. 1423(a)). the Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act (1) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of title III of (Public Law 103–159; 18 U.S.C. 922 note), or (B) EXCEPTION.—Subparagraph (A) shall the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 not apply to an alien who is unable because national security purposes, if such informa- U.S.C. 1401 et seq.), an alien granted perma- of a physical or developmental disability or tion is requested by such entity or con- nent resident status on a conditional basis mental impairment to meet the require- sistent with an information sharing agree- under this Act shall be considered to have ments of such subparagraph. ment or mechanism; or been admitted as an alien lawfully admitted (5) SUBMISSION OF BIOMETRIC AND BIO- (2) an official coroner for purposes of af- for permanent residence and to be in the GRAPHIC DATA.—The Secretary may not re- firmatively identifying a deceased individual United States as an alien lawfully admitted move the conditional basis of an alien’s per- (whether or not such individual is deceased to the United States for permanent resi- manent resident status unless the alien sub- as a result of a crime). dence. mits biometric and biographic data, in ac- (c) FRAUD IN APPLICATION PROCESS OR (2) LIMITATION ON APPLICATION FOR NATU- cordance with procedures established by the CRIMINAL CONDUCT.—Notwithstanding any RALIZATION.—An alien may not apply for nat- Secretary. The Secretary shall provide an al- other provision of this section, information ternative procedure for applicants who are uralization during the period that the alien concerning whether an alien seeking relief unable to provide such biometric data be- is in permanent resident status on a condi- under this Act has engaged in fraud in an ap- cause of a physical impairment. tional basis under this Act. plication for such relief or at any time com- (6) BACKGROUND CHECKS.— SEC. 6. REGULATIONS. mitted a crime may be used or released for (A) REQUIREMENT FOR BACKGROUND (a) INITIAL PUBLICATION.—Not later than immigration enforcement, law enforcement, CHECKS.—The Secretary shall utilize biomet- 180 days after the date of the enactment of or national security purposes. ric, biographic, and other data that the Sec- this Act, the Secretary shall publish regula- (d) PENALTY.—Whoever knowingly uses, retary determines appropriate— tions implementing this Act. Such regula- publishes, or permits information to be ex- (i) to conduct security and law enforce- tions shall allow eligible individuals to apply amined in violation of this section shall be ment background checks of an alien apply- affirmatively for the relief available under fined not more than $10,000. ing for removal of the conditional basis of section 3 without being placed in removal SEC. 9. HIGHER EDUCATION ASSISTANCE. the alien’s permanent resident status; and proceedings. (a) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any pro- (ii) to determine whether there is any (b) INTERIM REGULATIONS.—Notwith- vision of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 criminal, national security, or other factor standing section 553 of title 5, United States U.S.C. 1001 et seq.), with respect to assist- that would render the alien ineligible for re- Code, the regulations required by subsection ance provided under title IV of the Higher moval of such conditional basis. (a) shall be effective, on an interim basis, Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1070 et seq.), (B) COMPLETION OF BACKGROUND CHECKS.— immediately upon publication but may be an alien who has permanent resident status The security and law enforcement back- subject to change and revision after public on a conditional basis under this Act shall be ground checks required by subparagraph (A) notice and opportunity for a period of public eligible only for the following assistance for an alien shall be completed, to the satis- comment. under such title: faction of the Secretary, prior to the date (c) FINAL REGULATIONS.—Within a reason- (1) Student loans under parts D and E of the Secretary removes the conditional basis able time after publication of the interim such title IV (20 U.S.C. 1087a et seq. and of the alien’s permanent resident status. regulations in accordance with subsection 1087aa et seq.), subject to the requirements (b) APPLICATION TO REMOVE CONDITIONAL (b), the Secretary shall publish final regula- of such parts. BASIS.— tions implementing this Act. (2) Federal work-study programs under (1) IN GENERAL.—An alien seeking to have (d) PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT.—The re- part C of such title IV (42 U.S.C. 2751 et seq.), the conditional basis of the alien’s lawful quirements of chapter 35 of title 44, United subject to the requirements of such part. permanent resident status removed shall file States Code (commonly known as the ‘‘Pa- (3) Services under such title IV (20 U.S.C. an application for such removal in such man- perwork Reduction Act’’) shall not apply to 1070 et seq.), subject to the requirements for ner as the Secretary may require. any action to implement this Act. such services. (2) DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICA- SEC. 7. PENALTIES FOR FALSE STATEMENTS. (b) RESTORATION OF STATE OPTION TO DE- TION.— Whoever files an application for any relief TERMINE RESIDENCY FOR PURPOSES OF HIGHER (A) IN GENERAL.—An alien shall file an ap- or benefit under this Act and willfully and EDUCATION BENEFITS.— plication under this subsection during the knowingly falsifies, misrepresents, or con- (1) IN GENERAL.—Section 505 of the Illegal period beginning 6 months prior to and end- ceals a material fact or makes any false or Immigration Reform and Immigrant Respon- ing on the date that is later of— fraudulent statement or representation, or sibility Act of 1996 (8 U.S.C. 1623) is repealed. (i) 6 years after the date the alien was ini- makes or uses any false writing or document (2) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The repeal under tially granted conditional permanent resi- knowing the same to contain any false or paragraph (1) shall take effect as if included dent status; or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined in the enactment of the Illegal Immigration

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:01 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY6.029 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2889 Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of nity in order to help address these SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. 1996 (division C of Public Law 104–208; 110 challenges in underdeveloped econo- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Veterans’ Stat. 3009–546). mies such as that of Haiti. As an exam- Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitative Serv- ices’ Improvements Act of 2011’’. ple, the Polish Fund received a USG By Mr. LUGAR: SEC. 2. REHABILITATIVE SERVICES FOR VET- S. 954. A bill to promote the grant of $240 million in 1990 and used ERANS WITH TRAUMATIC BRAIN IN- strengthening of the Haitian private that to attract more than $2.3 billion JURY. (a) REHABILITATION SERVICES IN PLANS FOR sector; to the Committee on Foreign to Poland over the next several years. Since Senator LEAHY and I intro- REHABILITATION AND REINTEGRATION.—Sec- Relations. tion 1710C of title 38, United States Code, is Mr. LUGAR. Mr. President, I rise to duced legislation authorizing the cre- ation of an enterprise fund for Haiti in amended— introduce legislation that will lead to April 2010, the Administration has re- (1) in subsection (a)(1), by inserting before the establishment of the Haitian-Amer- the semicolon the following: ‘‘with the goal quested that enterprise funds also be ican Enterprise Fund. The Haitian- of maximizing the individual’s independence created for Pakistan, Egypt, Tunisia American Enterprise Fund bill author- and quality of life’’; and Jordan. Such keen interest in uti- izes the Administration to allocate, (2) in subsection (b)— lizing the enterprise fund model for ad- from existing resources, such sums as (A) in paragraph (1)— vancing sustainable economic growth (i) by inserting after ‘‘improving’’ the fol- required to create the Fund. The mis- is welcomed. Empowering a group of lowing: ‘‘(and sustaining improvement in)’’; sion of the Fund will be to help em- U.S. citizens who understand demo- (ii) by inserting ‘‘behavioral,’’ after ‘‘cog- power Haiti’s private sector to create cratic capitalism to help translate our nitive’’; jobs, which will contribute towards foreign assistance strategies into prac- (iii) by inserting ‘‘and mental health’’ after achieving long-term social stability tical actions will complement the im- ‘‘functioning’’; and (iv) by inserting ‘‘, quality of life,’’ after and economic growth. portant work performed by our capable Last month, I asked six of the most ‘‘independence’’; diplomats and development experts. distinguished directors of the former (B) in paragraph (2), by inserting ‘‘rehabili- The May 14, 2011 inauguration of Mr. tative services and’’ before ‘‘rehabilitative enterprise funds in Eastern Europe and Martelly as President of Haiti provides the former Soviet Union to travel to components’’; and an opportunity to start anew. Congress (C) in paragraph (3)— Haiti to evaluate the current status of should aide the President-elect in this (i) by striking ‘‘treatments’’ the first place Haiti’s private sector, the scope of U.S. important effort by honoring his re- it appears and inserting ‘‘services’’; and Government efforts targeting sustain- quest for the creation of a Haitian- (ii) by striking ‘‘treatments and’’ the sec- able job creation, and the role, if any, American Enterprise Fund. I ask for ond place it appears; and an enterprise fund might play there in your support on passage of this bill. (3) by adding at the end the following new promoting economic growth. Led by subsection: Kim Davis, a founder of the private eq- By Mr. BOOZMAN (for himself ‘‘(h) REHABILITATIVE SERVICES DEFINED.— uity firm Charlesbank Capital Part- For purposes of this section, and sections and Mr. BEGICH): 1710D and 1710E of this title, the term ‘reha- ners, each member of the Delegation S. 957. A bill to amend title 38, bilitative services’ includes— has had a very successful private sector United States Code to improve the pro- ‘‘(1) rehabilitative services, as such term is career and each traveled to Haiti, at vision of rehabilitative services for vet- defined in section 1701 of this title; his or her own expense, in order to pro- erans with traumatic brain injury, and ‘‘(2) services (which may be of ongoing du- vide the Congress an experienced per- for other purposes; to the Committee ration) to sustain, and prevent loss of, func- spective as to whether proven eco- on Veterans’ Affairs. tional gains that have been achieved; and nomic growth strategies they employed Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, trau- ‘‘(3) any other services or supports that to strengthen other fragile countries matic brain injury, TBI, is becoming may contribute to maximizing an individ- an increasingly common injury on the ual’s independence and quality of life.’’. might work in Haiti. They were also (b) REHABILITATION SERVICES IN COM- asked to describe what immediate ac- modern battlefield. Thankfully, be- PREHENSIVE PROGRAM FOR LONG-TERM REHA- tions they would recommend, if any, to cause of advances in medicine, service- BILITATION.—Section 1710D(a) of such title is jump-start Haiti’s private sector, with members who would not have been ex- amended— a particular emphasis on entrepreneur- pected to survive catastrophic attacks (1) by inserting ‘‘and rehabilitative serv- ship, and other initiatives that could in previous conflicts are returning ices (as defined in section 1710C of this assist Haiti in its necessary transition home today from combat in Iraq and title)’’ after ‘‘long-term care’’; and (2) by striking ‘‘treatment’’. to a nation with a middle class and a Afghanistan with unprecedented severe and complex injuries. Since 2001, over (c) REHABILITATION SERVICES IN AUTHORITY market economy. FOR COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS FOR USE OF In a recent letter to me, Haitian 1,500 service members have suffered NON-DEPARTMENT FACILITIES FOR REHABILI- President-elect Michel Martelly noted from a severe TBI, many of whom re- TATION.—Section 1710E(a) of such title is he is fully supportive of efforts to cre- quire rehabilitative programs ranging amended by inserting ‘‘, including rehabili- ate an enterprise fund for Haiti. Enter- from total care for the most basic tative services (as defined in section 1710C of prise funds have historically filled im- needs to semi-independent living sup- this title),’’ after ‘‘medical services’’. (d) TECHNICAL AMENDMENT.—Section portant voids in the nascent capital port. A restrictive approach to reha- bilitation puts these wounded warriors 1710C(c)(2)(S) of such title is amended by markets of fragile economies. Presi- striking ‘‘opthamologist’’ and inserting dent-elect Martelly has indicated a at risk of losing any progress they ‘‘ophthalmologist’’. made towards recovery. For this rea- keen interest in creating an enterprise f son, my colleague, Senator MARK fund in order to generate lending vehi- BEGICH of Alaska, and I are introducing SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS cles for mortgages and agricultural the Veterans’ Traumatic Brain Injury loans—as housing and agricultural pro- Rehabilitative Services’ Improvements duction rank among his top priorities. Act of 2011. I would also like to thank SENATE RESOLUTION 179—TO CON- There are many other voids in Haiti’s my House colleagues, Rep. TIM WALZ of STITUTE THE MINORITY PAR- economy that have been identified, Minnesota and Rep. GUS BILIRAKIS of TY’S MEMBERSHIP ON CERTAIN which previous enterprise funds have Florida, for their support and leader- COMMITTEES FOR THE ONE HUN- effectively worked to address in other ship on the House companion version of DRED TWELFTH CONGRESS, OR countries. this legislation. UNTIL THEIR SUCCESSORS ARE The Delegation’s report makes clear Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- CHOSEN that enterprise funds are not silver bul- sent that the text of the bill be printed Mr. MCCONNELL submitted the fol- lets. However, at a time when we face in the RECORD. lowing resolution; which was consid- significant domestic and global eco- There being no objection, the text of ered and agreed to: nomic challenges, the enterprise fund the bill was ordered to be printed in S. RES. 179 model, if implemented effectively, pro- the RECORD, as follows: Resolved, That the following shall con- vides a proven vehicle by which the S. 957 stitute the minority party’s membership on U.S. Government can leverage the ex- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- the following committees for the One Hun- tensive intellectual and financial cap- resentatives of the United States of America in dred Twelfth Congress, or until their succes- ital of the American business commu- Congress assembled, sors are chosen:

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:01 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY6.029 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2890 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, Whereas several respected international Mamluk, director of Syria’s General Intel- AND TRANSPORTATION: Mrs. Hutchison, human rights organizations, including ligence Directorate; Ms. Snowe, Mr. DeMint, Mr. Thune, Mr. Human Rights Watch and the Damascus Cen- Whereas, on May 6, 2011, envoys of the Eu- Wicker, Mr. Isakson, Mr. Blunt, Mr. ter for Human Rights Studies, have docu- ropean Union’s 27 nations agreed to impose Boozman, Mr. Toomey, Mr. Rubio, Ms. mented a nationwide campaign of arbitrary sanctions on the Government of Syria for Ayotte, and Mr. Heller. arrests and enforced disappearances of activ- the human rights abuses it is perpetrating, COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NAT- ists, protesters, and their family members, including asset freezes and visa bans on 13 URAL RESOURCES: Ms. Murkowski, Mr. by the Government of Syria; members of the Government of Syria and an Barrasso, Mr. Risch, Mr. Lee, Mr. Paul, Mr. Whereas the International Crisis Group, an arms embargo on the country; Coats, Mr. Portman, Mr. Hoeven, Mr. Heller, independent international nongovernmental Whereas, on April 29, 2011, the United Na- and Mr. Corker. organization, reported on May 3, 2011, that tions Human Rights Council passed Resolu- COMMITTEE ON FINANCE: Mr. Hatch, there is ‘‘ongoing, credible evidence’’ in tion S-16/1, which condemns the Syrian re- Mr. Grassley, Ms. Snowe, Mr. Kyl, Mr. Crapo, Syria of ‘‘abundant instances of excessive gime for its human rights abuses and estab- Mr. Roberts, Mr. Enzi, Mr. Cornyn, Mr. and indiscriminate state violence. . . includ- lishes a mandate for an international inquiry Coburn, Mr. Thune, and Mr. Burr. ing arbitrary arrests, torture and firing into led by the Office of the United Nations High COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY peaceful crowds’’; Commissioner for Human Rights to inves- AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS: Ms. Col- Whereas the International Crisis Group has tigate all alleged violations of international lins, Mr. Coburn, Mr. Brown (Massachusetts), also reported a ‘‘determined and cynical at- human rights law in Syria ‘‘with a view to Mr. McCain, Mr. Johnson (Wisconsin), Mr. tempt to exploit and exacerbate’’ sectarian avoiding impunity and ensuring full account- Portman, Mr. Paul, and Mr. Moran. COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET: Mr. Ses- tensions by the Government of Syria; ability’’; sions, Mr. Grassley, Mr. Enzi, Mr. Crapo, Mr. Whereas, despite sectarian provocations by Whereas the Government of Syria, prior to Cornyn, Mr. Graham, Mr. Thune, Mr. the Government of Syria, demonstrations March 2011, had a well-documented track Portman, Mr. Toomey, Mr. Johnson (Wis- have maintained a message of national unity record of human rights abuses against its consin), and Ms. Ayotte. and solidarity; own citizens and violations of international SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING: Mr. Whereas, on April 15, 2011, the United Na- agreements and international law; Corker, Ms. Collins, Mr. Hatch, Mr. Kirk, Mr. tions Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial Whereas, in February 1982, the Syrian Heller, Mr. Moran, Mr. Johnson (Wisconsin), executions, Christof Heyns, stated that live army, under the orders of then-Syrian Presi- Mr. Shelby, Mr. Graham, and Mr. Chambliss. ammunition has been used by the Syrian re- dent Hafez al-Assad, killed at least 10,000 ci- gime against demonstrators ‘‘in clear viola- vilians in the city of Hama in an effort to f tion of international law’’; quell an uprising there; SENATE RESOLUTION 180—EX- Whereas international organizations, in- Whereas, according to the Department of PRESSING SUPPORT FOR PEACE- cluding Amnesty International and Human State’s most recent Human Rights Country FUL DEMONSTRATIONS AND UNI- Rights Watch, have documented evidence Report, published on April 8, 2011, the Gov- that peaceful protestors detained by Govern- ernment of Syria commits unlawful killings VERSAL FREEDOMS IN SYRIA ment of Syria security forces are being sub- against civilians; has severely and system- AND CONDEMNING THE HUMAN jected to torture, including with electro- atically restricted basic freedoms of speech, RIGHTS VIOLATIONS BY THE shock devices, cables, sticks, and whips, and press, assembly, association, and religion; is ASSAD REGIME are being held in overcrowded cells, deprived responsible for ongoing politically motivated Mr. LIEBERMAN (for himself, Mr. of sleep, food, and water for days at a time; arrests, detentions, and disappearances; Whereas international non-governmental lacks an independent judiciary system; and RUBIO, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. KIRK, Mr. organizations, including the International maintains prisons where torture and phys- CASEY, Mr. MCCAIN, Mr. COONS, Mr. Committee on the Red Cross and Human ical abuse are widespread and where detain- GRAHAM, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mr. KYL, Mr. Rights Watch, have reported that Govern- ees lack access to food, proper clothing, and ISAKSON, Mr. CORNYN, Mr. BARRASSO, ment of Syria security forces have prevented medical treatment; Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Ms. AYOTTE, Mr. DUR- injured protesters from accessing hospitals Whereas the Department of State has des- BIN, and Mr. HOEVEN) submitted the and have denied medical personnel and hu- ignated Syria since 1979 as a ‘‘state sponsor following resolution; which was re- manitarian relief organizations access to of terrorism’’ and according to the Depart- ferred to the Committee on Foreign those in need of medical attention; ment of State’s most recent ‘‘Country Re- Relations: Whereas the Government of Iran is pro- ports on Terrorism,’’ published in August viding material support to assist the Govern- 2010, the Government of Syria provides ‘‘po- S. RES. 180 ment of Syria in its efforts to suppress litical and material support to Hizballah in Whereas, in March 2011, large-scale peace- peaceful protestors, including the transfer of Lebanon and allowed Iran to resupply this ful demonstrations began to take place in equipment to help security forces crack organization with weapons’’; Syria; down on protests and curtail and monitor Whereas the Government of Syria’s trans- Whereas the Government of Syria, led by protesters’ use of the Internet, cell phones, fer of weapons to Hizballah in Lebanon is in President Bashar al-Assad, responded to pro- and text-messaging; violation of United Nations Security Council tests by launching a violent crackdown, Whereas the White House Press Secretary Resolution 1701 (2006), which established an committing human rights abuses, and vio- has repeatedly condemned the Government arms embargo requiring all states to prevent lating its international obligations, includ- of Syria’s brutal crackdown, including on the supply of arms and weapons to militias ing the International Covenant on Civil and May 6, 2011, when he stated, ‘‘The Syrian and terrorists in Lebanon; Political Rights (ICCPR) and the United Na- government continues to follow the lead of Whereas the Government of Syria has vio- tions Convention against Torture and Other its Iranian ally in resorting to brute force lated the territorial integrity and sov- Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or and flagrant violations of human rights in ereignty of Lebanon in contravention of Punishment; suppressing peaceful protests.’’; United Nations Security Council resolutions, Whereas demonstrations have now spread Whereas the Department of State has re- including Resolution 425 (1978), Resolution to more than a dozen towns and cities across peatedly condemned the Government of Syr- 520 (1982), and Resolution 1701 (2006); all parts of Syria; ia’s brutal crackdown, including on May 6, Whereas Syria, as a party to the Treaty of Whereas demonstrators initially demanded 2011, when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, is political reform, but under violent attack by condemned ‘‘in the strongest possible terms’’ legally bound to declare all its nuclear activ- the Government of Syria, have increasingly the Government of Syria’s continued use of ity to the International Atomic Energy demanded a change in the Syrian regime; force and intimidation against peaceful Agency (IAEA) and to place such activity Whereas Insan, a respected international protestors and pledged to ‘‘hold to account under the monitoring of the IAEA; nongovernmental organization, has docu- senior Syrian officials and others responsible Whereas the IAEA issued a report on Feb- mented more than 600 deaths since dem- for the reprehensible human rights abuses’’; ruary 25, 2011, criticizing Syria’s implemen- onstrations began in Syria, and reported Whereas, on April 29, 2011, President tation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement, that ‘‘arbitrary detained and enforceable dis- Obama issued an Executive Order author- concluding that ‘‘Syria has not cooperated appearance in the country easily exceeds izing targeted sanctions against individuals with the Agency since June 2008’’ in connec- 8,000 people’’; and organizations responsible for the human tion with the Agency’s investigation of the Whereas the Government of Syria has de- rights abuses in Syria; Dair Alzour site and 3 other locations’’ and ployed tanks and snipers against civilian Whereas President Obama on April 29, 2011, warning that ‘‘the Agency has not been able population centers, including the cities of designated 3 individuals pursuant to the Ex- to make progress towards resolving the out- Daraa and Baniyas, and the Damascus sub- ecutive Order issued that same day: Mahir standing issues related to those sites’’; urbs of Douma, Harasta, Saqba, and al-Assad, the brother of Syrian President Whereas it has been widely reported that Zabadani; Bashar al-Assad and brigade commander in the Government of Syria was developing a Whereas the Government of Syria has cut the Syrian Army’s 4th Armored Division; covert nuclear program, in violation of its off civilian population centers from access to Atif Najib, the former head of the Political international obligations under the NPT, food, water, electricity, mobile and land Security Directorate for Daraa Province and until that site was bombed by Israel in Sep- lines, Internet, and medical services; a cousin of Bashar al-Assad; and Ali tember 2007; and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:01 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY6.037 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S2891 Whereas, on December 12, 2003, Congress (16) urges the United Nations Human hold a Near Eastern and South and passed the Syria Accountability and Leba- Rights Council— Central Affairs subcommittee hearing nese Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2003 (A) to swiftly implement United Nations entitled, ‘‘Human Rights and Demo- (Public Law 108–175) in order to, among other Human Rights Council Resolution S-16/1 and cratic Reform in Iran.’’ purposes, hold the Government of Syria ac- to ensure that the international investiga- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without countable for its actions and as expression of tion into violations by the Government of support consistent with these aims: Now, Syria of international human rights law objection, it is so ordered. therefore, be it called for in the resolution is undertaken im- SUBCOMMITTEE ON ANTITRUST, COMPETITION Resolved, That the Senate— mediately; and POLICY, AND CONSUMER RIGHTS (1) expresses solidarity and support for the (B) reinforce the crucial need for the Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I ask people of Syria as they seek to exercise uni- United Nations General Assembly to reject unanimous consent that the Com- versal rights and pursue peaceful democratic Syria’s candidacy for membership on the mittee on the Judiciary, Sub- change; Human Rights Council and terminate the committee on Antitrust, Competition (2) strongly condemns and deplores the consideration of Syria’s candidacy. Policy, and Consumer Rights be au- human rights abuses of the Government of f thorized to meet during the session of Syria, including the use of arbitrary and le- the Senate on May 11, 2011, at 10:15 thal violence and deployment of military AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO forces against peaceful demonstrators; MEET a.m., in room SD–226 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building, to conduct a (3) strongly condemns and deplores the COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND Government of Syria’s extrajudicial killings, TRANSPORTATION hearing entitled ‘‘The AT&T/T-Mobile enforced disappearances, torture, and arbi- Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I ask Merger: Is Humpty Dumpty Being Put trary and mass arrests against civilians in unanimous consent that the Com- Back Together Again?’’ Syria; mittee on Commerce, Science, and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (4) strongly condemns and deplores the de- objection, it is so ordered. liberate cut-off of water, electricity, food, Transportation be authorized to meet SUBCOMMITTEE ON NATIONAL PARKS telecommunications, and other basic serv- during the session of the Senate on ices to civilian population centers in Syria; May 11, 2011, at 2 p.m. in room 253 of Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I ask (5) strongly condemns the Government of the Russell Senate Office Building. unanimous consent that the Sub- Iran for assisting the Government of Syria in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without committee on National Parks be au- its campaign of violence and repression objection, it is so ordered. thorized to meet during the session of against the people of Syria; the Senate on May 11, 2011, at 2:30 p.m., COMMITTEE ON FINANCE (6) warns that international crimes are in room 366 of the Dirksen Senate Of- Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I ask being committed by the Government of fice Building. unanimous consent that the Com- Syria against its people, for which the re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sponsible officials must be held accountable; mittee on Finance be authorized to objection, it is so ordered. (7) finds that the Government of Syria, led meet during the session of the Senate by Bashar al-Assad, through its campaign of on May 11, 2011, at 10 a.m., in 215 Dirk- SUBCOMMITTEE ON STRATEGIC FORCES violence and gross human rights abuses, has sen Senate Office Building, to conduct Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I ask lost legitimacy and expresses support for the a hearing entitled ‘‘The U.S.-Colombia unanimous consent that the Sub- people of Syria to determine their future for committee on Strategic Forces of the themselves; Trade Promotion Agreement.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Committee on Armed Services be au- (8) commends President Obama for author- thorized to meet during the session of izing targeted sanctions on human rights objection, it is so ordered. abusers in Syria, including United States the Senate on May 11, 2011, at 2 p.m. COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without visa bans and asset freezes, and using that AND PENSIONS objection, it is so ordered. authority to designate 3 individuals; Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I ask (9) urges the President to act swiftly to ex- unanimous consent that the Com- SUBCOMMITTEE ON PERSONNEL pand the list of sanctioned persons to include mittee on Health, Education, Labor, Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I ask all individuals responsible for gross human unanimous consent that the Sub- rights abuses in Syria, including Bashar al- and Pensions be authorized to meet during the session of the Senate, to committee on Personnel of the Com- Assad; mittee on Armed Services be author- (10) urges the President to speak out di- conduct a hearing entitled ‘‘Diverting ized to meet during the session of the rectly, and personally, to the people of Syria Non-urgent Emergency Room Use: Can about the situation in their country; It Provide Better Care and Lower Senate on May 11, 2011, at 1:30 p.m. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (11) urges the President to work, in con- Costs?’’ on May 11, 2011, at 10 a.m., in objection, it is so ordered. junction with international partners, to en- 430 Dirksen Senate Office Building. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- sure access of humanitarian relief organiza- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tions, medical workers, and international jority leader. objection, it is so ordered. media to affected areas of Syria, and to im- f pose consequences on the Government of COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY AND Syria and its leaders if access by these orga- GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREE- nizations continues to be impeded; Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I ask MENT—EXECUTIVE CALENDAR (12) urges the President to work, in con- unanimous consent that the Com- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- junction with international partners, to en- mittee on Homeland Security and Gov- imous consent that at 1 p.m., Thurs- sure access by the people of Syria to accu- ernmental Affairs be authorized to rate news and information, as well as infor- day, May 12, 2011, the Senate proceed mation and social networking technologies; meet during the session of the Senate to executive session to consider Cal- (13) urges the President to continue to on May 11, 2011, at 10 a.m. endar No. 47 on the Executive Cal- work with the European Union, the Govern- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without endar; that there be 1 hour for debate ment of Turkey, the Arab League, the Gulf objection, it is so ordered. equally divided in the usual form; that Cooperation Council, and other allies and COMMITTEE ON RULES AND ADMINISTRATION upon the use or yielding back of that partners to bring an end to human rights Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I ask time, the Senate proceed to vote, with- abuses in Syria, hold the perpetrators ac- unanimous consent that the Com- countable, and support the aspirations of the out intervening action or debate, on people of Syria; mittee on Rules and Administration be Calendar No. 47; that the motion to re- (14) encourages United States officials, in- authorized to meet during the session consider be considered made and laid cluding through the United States Embassy of the Senate on May 11, 2011, at 2 p.m. upon the table, with no intervening ac- in Damascus, to engage with civil society in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tion or debate; that no further motions Syria, including human rights and democ- objection, it is so ordered. be in order to the nomination; that any racy activists, political dissidents, and oppo- NEAR EASTERN AND SOUTH AND CENTRAL statements relating to the nomination sition leaders; AFFAIRS SUBCOMMITTEE be printed in the RECORD; that the (15) urges the President to work with our Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, I ask allies and partners at the United Nations Se- President be immediately notified of curity Council to condemn and hold account- unanimous consent that the Com- the Senate’s action; and that the Sen- able human rights abusers in Syria and to mittee on Foreign Relations be author- ate resume legislative session. support the human rights of the people of ized to meet during the session of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Syria; and Senate on May 11, 2011, at 10 a.m., to objection, it is so ordered.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:01 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY6.032 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE S2892 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 11, 2011 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ceive its second reading on the next RANK OF CAREER AMBASSADOR, TO BE DEPUTY SEC- RETARY OF STATE, VICE JAMES BRAIDY STEINBERG. legislative day. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE f imous consent that the Senate proceed THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES FOR PERSONNEL AC- to the consideration of S. Res. 179, APPOINTMENTS TION IN THE REGULAR CORPS OF THE COMMISSIONED which was submitted earlier today. CORPS OF THE U.S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE SUBJECT The PRESIDING OFFICER. The TO QUALIFICATIONS THEREFORE AS PROVIDED BY LAW The PRESIDING OFFICER. The AND REGULATIONS: Chair, on behalf of the Vice President, clerk will report the resolution by To be senior assistant surgeon pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 9355(a), appoints title. the following Senators to the Board of MANISHA PATEL The assistant bill clerk read as fol- Visitors of the U.S. Air Force Acad- To be nurse officer lows: emy: the Honorable JOHN HOEVEN of LISA L. GILLIAM A resolution (S. Res. 179) to constitute the North Dakota (Committee on Appro- To be senior assistant nurse officer minority party’s membership on certain priations) and the Honorable LINDSEY DEANA M. FOSTER committees for the One Hundred Twelfth CHRISTOPHER P. HAYNES Congress, or until their successors are cho- GRAHAM of South Carolina (At Large). FRANCISCO J. MARI-LASSALLE sen. f SONYA L. MCNEIL LINSEY M. MILLER There being no objection, the Senate ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, MAY 12, FILITA O. MOORE KRISTINA D. SERBY proceeded to consider the resolution. 2011 Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- To be assistant nurse officer Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- imous consent that the resolution be SARAH K. BREWSTER imous consent that when the Senate JEREMIE D. GREGORY agreed to and the motion to reconsider completes its business today, it ad- MATTHEW A. MADRID be laid upon the table. SUDHIR S. PERAKATHU journ until tomorrow, Thursday, May The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without To be junior assistant nurse officer 12, at 9:30 a.m.; that following the pray- objection, it is so ordered. HAYDEE C. CRUZ The resolution (S. Res. 179) was er and pledge, the Journal of pro- JACQUELINE S. GARDINER CRYSTAL J. HOWARD agreed to, as follows: ceedings be approved to date, the morning hour be deemed expired, the AMANDA J. RAMIREZ S. RES. 179 JUSTIN D. TAFOYA time for the two leaders be reserved for To be senior assistant engineer officer Resolved, That the following shall con- their use later in the day; that fol- stitute the minority party’s membership on STANLEY B. EUGENE the following committees for the One Hun- lowing any leader remarks, the Senate To be junior assistant engineer officer proceed to a period of morning business dred Twelfth Congress, or until their succes- CHRISTOPHER J. PELTIER sors are chosen: for debate only until 1 p.m., with Sen- To be scientist officer COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, ators permitted to speak for up to 10 AND TRANSPORTATION: Mrs. Hutchison, minutes each, with the first hour di- RAGHU N. SAMY Ms. Snowe, Mr. DeMint, Mr. Thune, Mr. vided and controlled between the lead- To be senior assistant scientist officer Wicker, Mr. Isakson, Mr. Blunt, Mr. ers or their designees, with the Repub- IRAM R. HASSAN Boozman, Mr. Toomey, Mr. Rubio, Ms. TAMARA J. HENDERSON Ayotte, and Mr. Heller. licans controlling the first 30 minutes DAVID T. HUANG MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND NAT- and the majority controlling the next URAL RESOURCES: Ms. Murkowski, Mr. 30 minutes; and that following morning To be senior assistant environmental health Barrasso, Mr. Risch, Mr. Lee, Mr. Paul, Mr. business, the Senate proceed to execu- officer Coats, Mr. Portman, Mr. Hoeven, Mr. Heller tive session under the previous order. DANIEL D. ADAMS and Mr. Corker. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without To be junior assistant environmental health COMMITTEE ON FINANCE: Mr. Hatch, objection, it is so ordered. officer Mr. Grassley, Ms. Snowe, Mr. Kyl, Mr. Crapo, f ALEXA M. DEPTOLA Mr. Roberts, Mr. Enzi, Mr. Cornyn, Mr. CYRAJ M. EL-BAKOUSH Coburn, Mr. Thune and Mr. Burr. PROGRAM KRISTA S. TUGGLE COMMITTEE ON HOMELAND SECURITY Mr. REID. Mr. President, there will To be pharmicist officer AND GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS: Ms. Col- ELENI Z. ANAGNOSTIADIS lins, Mr. Coburn, Mr. Brown (Massachusetts), be a rollcall vote around 2 p.m. tomor- MARIA D. ANTONUCCI Mr. McCain, Mr. Johnson (Wisconsin), Mr. row on confirmation of Executive Cal- JUDY J. PARK Portman, Mr. Paul and Mr. Moran. endar No. 47, the nomination of Mi- MELINDA M. WILSON COMMITTEE ON THE BUDGET: Mr. Ses- chael Urbanski, to be U.S. District To be senior assistant pharmacist officer sions, Mr. Grassley, Mr. Enzi, Mr. Crapo, Mr. Judge for the Western District of Vir- JORI L. BAILEY Cornyn, Mr. Graham, Mr. Thune, Mr. RAICHELL S. BROWN ginia. ANDREW J. FINE Portman, Mr. Toomey, and Mr. Johnson NIKI S. HANEY (Wisconsin), and Ms. Ayotte. f MARK A. LIBERATORE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING: Mr. ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 9:30 A.M. ISAIAH W. LITTON Corker, Ms. Collins, Mr. Hatch, Mr. Kirk, Mr. HANNAH E. MCMILLAN TOMORROW STEPHEN J. MOTTOLA Heller, Mr. Moran, Mr. Johnson (Wisconsin), AYANA K. ROWLEY Mr. Shelby, Mr. Graham, and Mr. Chambliss. Mr. REID. Mr. President, if there is To be assistant pharmacist officer no further business to come before the f AMANDA R. BONNER Senate, I ask unanimous consent that DAVID G. ENG MEASURE READ THE FIRST it adjourn under the previous order. LEVI C. HALL TIME—S. 953 MICHELLE R. HATCHER There being no objection, the Senate, MEGAN C. HOSTETTER Mr. REID. Mr. President, I under- at 3:34 p.m., adjourned until Thursday, MARCUS K. LOCKHART GRANT A. MCELWEE stand that S. 953, introduced earlier May 12, 2011, at 9:30 a.m. OGECHI C. OLUMBA today by Senator MCCONNELL, is at the f DAVID C. STECCO desk and I ask for its first reading. DANIEL J. TRUE NOMINATIONS The PRESIDING OFFICER. The To be senior assistant dietitian officer clerk will report the bill by title for Executive nominations received by THELMA M. LUCERO ALYSIA M. SALONIA the first time. the Senate: To be assistant therapist officer The assistant bill clerk read as fol- THE JUDICIARY MICHAEL P. ANDERSON lows: RICHARD G. ANDREWS, OF DELAWARE, TO BE UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE DISTRICT OF DELA- To be health services officer A bill (S. 953) to authorize the conduct of WARE, VICE JOSEPH J. FARNAN, JR., RETIRED. certain lease sales in the Outer Continental CATHY ANN BENCIVENGO, OF CALIFORNIA, TO BE DENISE DURAN Shelf, to amend the Outer Continental Shelf UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE SOUTHERN STEPHANIE M. LOVELL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, VICE JEFFREY T. MILLER, RE- To be senior assistant health services officer Lands Act to modify the requirements for TIRED. exploration, and for other purposes. JEFFREY J. HELMICK, OF OHIO, TO BE UNITED STATES OLUYEMISI O. AKINNEYE DISTRICT JUDGE FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF OHIO, ALEXIA D. BUTLER Mr. REID. I now ask for its second VICE JAMES G. CARR, RETIRED. MARJORIE CEANT SIMLEEN KAUR reading but object to my own request. DEPARTMENT OF STATE The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- To be assistant health services officer WILLIAM J. BURNS, OF MARYLAND, A CAREER MEMBER tion having been heard, the bill will re- OF THE SENIOR FOREIGN SERVICE WITH THE PERSONAL NICOLE M. BELL



VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:01 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\A11MY6.005 S11MYPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with SENATE May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E853 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

PUTTING THE GULF OF MEXICO Hills State University in Spearfish, South Da- consumers who wish to use environmentally BACK TO WORK ACT kota. Judd was returning to the University from friendly, active transportation modes that save his home in Colorado at the time of the acci- them money in the long run, such as public SPEECH OF dent. transit, carpooling, biking, walking and tele- HON. GENE GREEN Out of this horrible tragedy Anne Fulton, commuting. This not only makes environ- OF TEXAS Judd’s mother, saw opportunity. In 2005, Anne mental and public health sense, it makes eco- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES started a Memorial Scholarship Fund in her nomic sense: at $4 a gallon gasoline, Amer- son’s name. The Judd Kazuto Fulton Memorial ican families can save $5.6 billion each year Tuesday, May 10, 2011 Scholarship is a dedicated scholarship fund for on gasoline costs by using transit. Bicycle The House in Committee of the Whole Northridge High School students and Black commuters annually save an average of House on the State of the Union had under Hills State University football players. $1,825 in auto-related costs, conserve 145 consideration the bill (H.R. 1229) to amend Every year, Anne holds a fundraiser for the gallons of gasoline, and avoid 50 hours of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to fa- scholarship by holding a Golf Tournament in gridlock traffic. cilitate the safe and timely production of American energy resources from the Gulf of Eaton, Colorado. This tournament happens The Commuter Relief Act will provide con- Mexico: every May and raises money and increases sumers with commuting choices, and make it awareness for this memorial scholarship. Anne easier for companies to implement commuting Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Chair, I describes her son as unassuming, dedicated, programs that benefit all employees. It en- rise today in support of H.R. 1229. H.R. 1229 is important because while the hard working team player, with a willingness to sures that the federal government is a better moratoria on shallow water drilling and deep do whatever it took to get the job done. Stu- partner as we work to provide Americans with water drilling were lifted on May 28, 2010 and dents who receive this scholarship exemplify transportation choices, reduce congestion and October 12, 2010 respectively, since that time, the same characteristics. decrease our dependence on foreign oil. BOEM has only issued 51 permits for new It is my honor to remember Judd Fulton I hope my colleagues will join me in sup- shallow water wells and only a handful of per- today, and to recognize Anne Fulton for her porting this legislation to support businesses in mits for deepwater activities that were subject never-ending dedication, hard work, and for their effort to provide choices for commuting to the moratorium. This is in comparison to an improving the lives of students in Greeley, employees. average of 10 permits issued per week pre- Colorado. She has provided many with oppor- f spill. tunities they could have only dreamed about. Thanks to Anne’s generosity and tireless ef- ELEVATING RELIGIOUS FREEDOM While I support the safety requirements that IN U.S. FOREIGN POLICY the Department of the Interior has put into fort, the dream of these students has become place since the Macondo Spill, I continue to reality. hear from companies that the BOEM is reject- f HON. FRANK R. WOLF OF VIRGINIA ing drilling applications without providing ade- INTRODUCTION OF THE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES quate guidance as to what is needed to get COMMUTER RELIEF ACT the application approved. This is getting us Wednesday, May 11, 2011 nowhere. We need this production. America’s offshore, primarily the Gulf of HON. EARL BLUMENAUER Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mexico, supplies 30% of American oil and OF OREGON bring to the attention of my colleagues legisla- 10% of American natural gas. Yet, a recent IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion I am introducing to amend the Inter- national Religious Freedom Act (IRFA), includ- study done by Wood Mackenzie concluded Wednesday, May 11, 2011 that nearly one third of American deepwater ing reauthorizing the U.S. Commission on production would become uneconomic if the Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, today I International Religious Freedom (USCIRF). Department of the Interior increases the time am proud to introduce the Commuter Relief Religious freedom, often referred to as the first spent reviewing and permitting drilling permit Act, legislation that will expand the popular freedom, is of central import to the American applications. Based on these figures, some transit benefits program to provide commuters experiment. As such it should feature promi- estimate as many as 125,000 jobs could be with options to avoid high gas prices, make it nently in U.S. foreign policy. lost in 2015. easier for companies to provide transportation Recognizing that this critical issue and other That is why I support H.R. 1229 and why it benefits for all employees, and spur public-pri- human rights related issues are often rel- is desperately needed. I encourage my col- vate partnerships for commuting purposes. egated to the sidelines within the State De- leagues to support this bill. Americans have made it clear that they partment, I authored legislation more than ten want transportation options. In a recent study years ago, in 1998, to establish the Inter- f by the Pew Charitable Trusts, 52 percent of national Religious Freedom Office at the State HONORING ANNE FULTON Americans support increased funding for bike, Department, headed by an ambassador at- pedestrian and public transportation programs. large, and to create the USCIRF—an inde- HON. CORY GARDNER On average, transportation costs are now pendent, bipartisan commission charged with OF COLORADO Americans’ second largest expense after monitoring the status of freedom of religion or housing. As gas prices increase, many Ameri- belief abroad and providing policy rec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cans are already changing their daily behav- ommendations to the President, Secretary of Wednesday, May 11, 2011 iors to decrease fuel costs: taking fewer trips, State, and Congress. Mr. GARDNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to keeping their cars tuned, even trading in their Since the passage of this legislation, reli- honor Anne Fulton from Greeley, Colorado. gas guzzlers for more fuel-efficient models. As gious freedom has been elevated within U.S. Anne’s story reminds us that out of tragedy, we search for solutions to our congested road- foreign policy. But it still does not enjoy the opportunity is born. One August 16, 2003, ways, increasing gas costs and expanding preeminence it deserves. And sadly, a strong Anne lost her 19-year-old son Judd Fulton in waistlines, it’s time for the federal government U.S. voice on this critical issue has arguably a fatal automobile accident. Judd was an ex- to become more aggressive in helping to pro- never been more needed. emplary student and athlete. He was a grad- vide choices. According to a Pew Research Study re- uate of the inaugural class at Northridge High For too long, the federal government has leased in December 2009, one-third of all na- School in Greeley in 2003. Not only did Judd supported commuters who drove to work, but tions, containing 70 percent of the world’s excel in the classroom, he was a phenomenal has not helped those who use other methods population, severely restrict religious freedom. student athlete. It was his skill on the football of transportation. Through the incentives in We need look no further than the daily news- field that earned him a scholarship to Black this bill, the federal government can support papers to know that these statistics are not

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.001 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E854 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 11, 2011 mere numbers. Rather, they are sobering re- USCIRF, as an independent, bipartisan Fed- basketball sporting event just concluded in alities for millions of people of faith around the eral Government commission, has been a reli- Des Moines. globe. Consider the following headlines from able voice for the world’s persecuted people. There can only be one champion at the end recent weeks alone: ‘‘Chinese Christians Face It monitors and reports on religious freedom of any sport’s season, and I am honored to Tense Easter in Beijing,’’ ‘‘Egyptian Copts, abroad and makes informed policy rec- represent the great state where the Iowa En- Reeling From Violence, Want Protection,’’ ommendations to Members of Congress, the ergy play and win. This feat marks years of ‘‘Baha’i Citizens Are Forced to Leave Iran,’’ President and the State Department, based in unwavering commitment by the players, man- ‘‘Pakistan’s Other Blemish: Anti-Religious Vio- part on information gathered during extensive agement and fans of the team and represents lence,’’ ‘‘Indonesia Pressured Over Ahmadiyah travel and meetings with senior foreign offi- the best of Iowa’s people and their well known Muslim Sect Killings,’’ and ‘‘Thousands of cials. work ethic. Cameras Watch China’s Uighurs, Inhibiting USCIRF regularly holds briefings and hear- Mr. Speaker, all Iowans should take heart in Discourse.’’ ings for interested parties on and off the Hill MVP Curtis Stinson’s proclamation after the The bill I introduce today will make a num- and is frequently called upon to provide expert championship game: ‘‘We’re certified; we’re ber of strategic improvements to the Religious witness testimony to Congress. champions. They can’t ever take this away Freedom Office at the State Department. To Just in the last year the Commission has from us.’’ I know that all members of this body start, it places the ambassador-at-large in the taken a leadership role on a series of key join me in congratulating the Iowa Energy and office of the Secretary of State as opposed to issues. It was quick to recognize the strategic the tradition of basketball excellence that I ex- burying it within the Bureau of Democracy, importance and courageous voice of the late pect to continue well into the future. Human Rights and Labor. This change is Shahbaz Bhatti, Pakistan’s federal minister of more in keeping with the original intent of the f legislation that Congress passed. Over suc- Minorities Affairs, an outspoken critic of his TRIBUTE TO RIDGECREST ARMED cessive administrations this critical position nation’s draconian blasphemy laws. During a FORCES DAY 2011 has not been treated with the seniority it de- critical time for the people of Sudan, it also serves and this revised language will help rec- issued special recommendations on the imple- tify this problem. mentation of the historic Comprehensive HON. KEVIN McCARTHY Peace Agreement. It has made a series of The legislation also provides the ambas- OF CALIFORNIA policy recommendations aimed at preserving sador with oversight and management author- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ity of the IRF Office and other religiously ori- and protecting Iraq’s besieged religious minori- ented positions and programs at the State De- ties. It also has actively worked with dozens of Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Hill offices on combating the ‘‘defamation of partment and carves out funding in the larger Mr. MCCARTHY of California. Mr. Speaker, religions’’ resolution before the United Nations. Human Rights and Democracy Fund to enable I rise today to recognize the efforts by many the IRF office to promote religious freedom In short, ensuring that the commission is re- in the community of Ridgecrest to honor our through advocacy, reporting and programming. authorized is of paramount importance. In a service men and women on Armed Forces The legislation requires the Secretary of State, Constitution Day speech, President Ronald Day 2011. Reagan famously described our founding doc- in coordination with the Department of De- The City of Ridgecrest is home to the Naval uments which enshrine basic liberties, among fense, Homeland Security, the Treasury and Air Weapons Station (NAWS) China Lake. them religious freedom, as a ‘‘covenant we the U.S. Agency for International Development NAWS China Lake was established during have made not only with ourselves, but with to issue a one-time report to Congress on the World War II for the purpose of weapons test- all of mankind.’’ Passage of this legislation will best uses of foreign assistance to promote re- ing. Since then, NAWS China Lake has be- go a long way in helping us keep that cov- ligious freedom and religious engagement. come the premier weapons development lab- enant. I urge my colleagues’ support. In addition the legislation requires religious oratory for the United States Navy. Many of freedom training for every Foreign Service Of- f my constituents living in Ridgecrest work at ficer (FSO) and states that USCIRF must be NAWS China Lake and take great pride in the A TRIBUTE TO THE IOWA ENERGY involved in that training. American embassies support they provide to our Nation and they abroad must be islands of freedom. Whether are properly recognized for their efforts on this in Vietnam, China, Pakistan or Iraq—every HON. TOM LATHAM day. FSO should be trained and committed to ad- OF IOWA The 2011 Armed Forces Day is especially vocating for those whose voices have been si- significant to the community of Ridgecrest be- lenced by their own governments. This man- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cause this year marks two significant anniver- datory training will help ensure that our diplo- Wednesday, May 11, 2011 saries for NAWS China Lake and the United matic corps is equipped in this regard. My legislation also strengthens the ‘‘Coun- Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to States. This year marks the centennial anni- tries of Particular Concern’’ (CPC) designation congratulate and recognize the Iowa Energy, versary of Naval Aviation. In this anniversary, process and effectiveness. CPCs are coun- the 2011 Champions of the National Basket- the Navy will be commemorating 100 years of tries whose governments are found to have ball Association’s Developmental League and Naval Aviation and honoring a century of mis- engaged in or tolerated particularly severe vio- pride of Iowa. sion-ready men and women and their many lations of religious freedom. The amended lan- The Energy captured the crown on Friday, aviation achievements. Additionally, this year guage will require that CPC designations are April 29th, before an enthusiastic home crowd is significant for veterans of World War II be- made 90 days after the issuance of the State at the Wells Fargo Arena, where they de- cause it will mark the 70th anniversary of our Department’s annual religious freedom report. feated the defending NBA D-League cham- Nation’s entry into that war. One hundred and twenty days after a country pions the Rio Grande Valley Vipers by a score There have been many significant achieve- has been designated a CPC, the Secretary of of 119–111. ments by the scientists and engineers at State must submit a report to Congress that This is the first league championship for the China Lake. For example, they developed the identifies the action taken, the purpose of the Iowa Energy, which is affiliated with the Chi- air-intercept missile 9 Sidewinder in 1950. This action, and an evaluation of its effectiveness cago Bulls and the Phoenix Suns. The team’s has become the world’s most used air-to-air and impact. Also included is language tight- establishment took place in 2007, inspired by missile technology. Additionally, other rockets ening the President’s waiver authority, so that the vision of Jerry Crawford, Gary Kirke, Shel- and missiles developed or tested at China indefinite waivers are not an option. don Ohringer and Paul Drey to bring quality Lake include the Mighty Mouse, Zuni, Shrike, Very significantly, this legislation will reau- basketball to the heart of the heartland. The Joint Stand-off Weapon and Joint Direct-At- thorize the U.S. Commission on International franchise has continually grown in stature and tack Munition. Religious Freedom until September 30, 2018. success, culminating this year with not only Considering these two significant anniver- USCIRF, unlike the State Department, is the team’s first championship of many to come saries and their importance to the City of unencumbered by the impulse to maintain but also the D-League’s MVP, Iowa State Uni- Ridgecrest it gives me great pleasure to rec- good bilateral relations above all else—an im- versity Alumni Curtis Stinson. The Energy can ognize the Ridgecrest community and their ef- pulse which sadly can result in critical issues also boast that the two largest crowds in the forts there to pay tribute to the dedicated men of religious freedom being sidelined in the pur- entire NBA D-League’s history are solely the and women who devote their lives to military suit of broader foreign policy goals. product of this franchise and the incredible service.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.004 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E855 PERSONAL EXPLANATION leagues who are interested in supporting Azer- Middle East, it is more vital than ever that we baijan to join me as a member of Congres- protect and strengthen that friendship. I am HON. MIKE POMPEO sional Azerbaijan Caucus, a bipartisan group deeply committed to ensuring that Washing- OF KANSAS of nearly 40 Members of Congress working to ton’s steadfast support of Israel will continue IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES help foster the growing partnership between to grow over the years, and I am honored to the United States and Azerbaijan and to ad- serve as a Member of Congress so I can bring Wednesday, May 11, 2011 vance U.S. interests in this pivotal region. my unwavering support for Israel to work Mr. POMPEO. Mr. Speaker, on May 5th, I f every day. missed Rollcall vote numbered 295 because I This Congress must continue to show Israel was unavoidably detained in an Energy and HONORING ASTON PARK HEALTH the love and support that we have provided for Commerce hearing. CARE CENTER OF ASHEVILLE, more than six decades. There is much to re- Rollcall No. 295 was a vote on the Holt NORTH CAROLINA joice on this momentous anniversary. Mazel Amendment to H.R. 1230, Restarting Amer- tov, and may you continue to go from strength ican Offshore Leasing Now Act. Had I been HON. HEATH SHULER to strength. present I would have voted ‘‘no.’’ OF NORTH CAROLINA f f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN CELEBRATION OF ISRAELI HONORING THE REPUBLIC OF Wednesday, May 11, 2011 INDEPENDENCE DAY AZERBAIJAN ON ‘‘REPUBLIC DAY’’ Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the Aston Park Health Care Center of HON. CAROLYN McCARTHY HON. BILL SHUSTER Asheville, North Carolina during this year’s OF NEW YORK OF PENNSYLVANIA National Nursing Home Week. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES For over 30 years, Aston Park Health Care Center has treated residents and their families Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Wednesday, May 11, 2011 with respect, support, and friendship. They Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York. Mr. Speak- Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, I ask my col- recognize that these values, along with high er, I rise in honor of Israel’s Independence leagues to join me in honoring the Republic of quality medical care, ensure the dignity of life Day. For 63 years and counting, Israel con- Azerbaijan in celebration of the 93rd anniver- for their residents. The Aston Park Health tinues to be a valuable ally and friend. From sary of Republic Day on May 28th. Later this Care Center has earned a five star rating from fighting global terrorism, to containing the year, Azerbaijan will also celebrate the 20th the U.S. News & World Nursing Home threat of Islamic radicalism, to impressive sci- anniversary of its freedom from the Soviet Rankings for their holistic approach to Alz- entific research, Israel and the United States Union and the start of diplomatic relations with heimer’s care, adult home care, assisted liv- have developed a unique bond that is based the United States. ing, skilled nursing care, and short-term reha- upon shared visions, democratic values, and Located in a geopolitically dynamic region bilitation. That is how they do their part to foreign policy goals. between Europe and Asia and sandwiched be- carry out this year’s National Nursing Home Still, significant challenges remain for our tween Russia and Iran, Azerbaijan is a secular Week theme, ‘‘Fulfilling the Promise.’’ close ally. Citizen uprisings in nations such as county with a predominantly Muslim population I would like to commend and thank all of the Egypt, Libya, and Syria have changed the po- that has also been home for more than a mil- skilled and trained staff members at Aston litical landscape of that region. While there is lennia for vibrant Christian and Jewish com- Park Health Care Center who strive to ensure potential for positive political change, as citi- munities. a proud life for Aston Park residents. Their zens speak out and demand their rights, there Azerbaijan has opened Caspian energy re- warm, friendly, sincere, and comfortable at- is also increased uncertainty that threatens the sources to development by U.S. companies mosphere allows their residents to continue to stability of the already volatile region. and has emerged as a key player for global live life to the fullest. Mr. Speaker, as we celebrate Israel’s inde- energy security. The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipe- Mr. Speaker, in recognition of their excel- pendence this year, let’s give them a gift they line project is the most successful project con- lence in care, I ask my colleagues to join me surely deserve—the full-faith assurance that tributing to the development of the South Cau- in celebrating the staff and residents of Aston this Congress will continue to robustly aid and cuses region and has become the main artery Park Health Care Center. assist its most trusted ally in the region. delivering Caspian Sea hydrocarbons to the f I wish President Peres, Prime Minister U.S. and our partners in Europe. Notably, in Netanyahu, and the people of Israel all the 2009 Azerbaijan provided nearly one quarter RECOGNIZING YOM HA’ATZMA’UT, best on this very important occasion. ISRAEL INDEPENDENCE DAY of all crude oil supplies to Israel and is consid- f ered a leading potential natural gas provider for the U.S. supported Nabucco pipeline. HON. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ NO TAXPAYER FUNDING FOR ABORTION ACT On the security front, immediately after 9/11 OF FLORIDA Azerbaijan was among the first to offer strong IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES support and assistance to the United States. SPEECH OF Azerbaijan participated in operations in Wednesday, May 11, 2011 HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. Kosovo and Iraq and is actively engaged in Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. Speaker, OF GEORGIA Afghanistan, having recently doubled its mili- I rise today to congratulate the people of Israel IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tary presence there. Azerbaijan has extended on their Independence Day. On this very spe- important over-flight clearances for U.S. and cial day, we recognize and celebrate 63 years Wednesday, May 4, 2011 NATO flights to support ISAF and has regu- of Israel’s independence as the national Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Madam Speaker, larly provided landing and refueling operations homeland of the Jewish people. This is a time I rise today in opposition to H.R. 3, the ‘‘No at its airports for U.S. and NATO forces. Also, to commemorate the rich history and journey Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.’’ Azerbaijan, as highlighted by Secretary of De- from a scattered and persecuted Diaspora to The title of this bill is misleading. This is not fense Robert Gates, plays an important role in the thriving modern nation we see today in the about funding abortions; it’s about restricting a the Northern Distribution Network, a supply state of Israel. woman’s right to choose. This bill is not nec- route to Afghanistan by making available its Throughout their challenging history and essary—the Hyde Amendment already pro- ground and Caspian naval transportation facili- against all odds, Israel has become a pros- hibits federal funds from being used for abor- ties. Moreover, Azerbaijan provides vital sup- pering democracy whose groundbreaking con- tion. This bill also raises taxes and penalizes port for U.S. nonproliferation efforts. tributions in technology, medicine, agriculture, individuals and small businesses that chose Again, as the Co-Chairman of the Congres- and environmental innovation have truly been health plans that include abortion care. sional Azerbaijan Caucus, it is my distinct a beacon to the world. The majority is using this bill as a tool to pleasure to honor the Republic of Azerbaijan Since 1948, when the United States be- push the abortion debate into the tax code. in celebration of the 93rd anniversary of Re- came the first country to recognize the Jewish H.R. 3 would increase taxes in order to pre- public Day and to recognize the valuable bilat- State of Israel, we have always stood by her vent women from obtaining abortion care. eral relationship between the United States side as a strong ally and friend. As each day Under the confines of the bill, rape victims and Azerbaijan. I also encourage my col- brings a new set of complex changes to the could be subject to invasive IRS audits to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.006 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E856 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 11, 2011 prove that their assault qualifies for abortion congratulating Joan on her well deserved rec- vate stakeholders from academic research in- care. The same lawmakers who campaigned ognition of a job well done. Again, I thank stitutions, environmental advocacy, and gov- on growing our economy and cutting taxes are Joan for her continued, unwavering commit- ernment, and the aerospace and aviation, now trying to impose new tax penalties on in- ment to her passion, her career and her fellow biofuels, and agriculture and forestry industries dividuals who happen to choose a procedure realtors and I offer her my best wishes for have formed the Sustainable Aviation Fuels that they do not agree with. continued success in the future. Northwest (SAFN) initiative. This effort was The majority campaigned on a promise of f convened by regional aviation leaders Boeing, job creation. Instead the majority is pushing Alaska Airlines, the region’s largest airports— H.R. 3 which would make it more difficult for DOMESTIC FUEL FOR ENHANCING Port of Seattle, Port of Portland and Spokane women to obtain reproductive healthcare serv- NATIONAL SECURITY ACT OF 2011 International Airport—as well as Washington ices. Judging by the number of this bill, it is State University, a center of advanced biofuels the third highest priority for the majority. At a HON. JAY INSLEE research. Stakeholders include fuel producers, time when America is digging itself out of a re- OF WASHINGTON farm and forest managers, non-governmental cession, and nearly 14 million people are out IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES organizations and key government leaders, in- of work, we should not be prioritizing bills that Wednesday, May 11, 2011 cluding representatives from the U.S. Depart- limit and restrict a woman’s access to health ment of Agriculture (USDA) and the Defense care services. We should be focusing on Mr. INSLEE. Mr. Speaker, today I am intro- Logistics Agency. This diverse group rep- growing the economy and creating jobs. I am ducing the bipartisan Domestic Fuel for En- resenting all points along the supply chain is ready to get to work and move legislation that hancing National Security (D–FENS) Act of working to create a ‘‘flight path’’ that will over- would create jobs and revitalize the economy, 2011, which will allow Civilian Agencies and come challenges to deploying advanced avia- not restrict women’s healthcare coverage. Military Agencies to extend multiyear contracts tion biofuels. This legislation will support This bill is nothing more than a mean-spir- from the current limit of 5 years to up to 15 Washington’s effort to make the Northwest re- ited attack on women’s healthcare. It targets years for the purchase of advanced biofuels. I gion a market leader in the advanced biofuel women, many of whom are low-income and thank my colleague Mr. JONES of North Caro- industry. women of color, and seeks to permanently lina for working with me on this issue, which will increase our national security and help With our nation’s security and energy inde- deny them coverage for a pregnancy-related pendence in mind, I urge my colleagues to healthcare benefit. Then, under the misleading build an American industry. Accounting for about 2 percent of U.S. en- support the Domestic Fuel for Enhancing Na- guise of protecting tax-payer dollars, it manip- tional Security (D–FENS) Act of 2011. ulates the tax code to advance the majority’s ergy consumption, the Department of Defense is the largest single consumer of energy in the ideological agenda. f I cannot vote for a bill that punishes women country. According to Admiral Mike Mullen, for making their own private healthcare deci- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ‘‘[the VIETNAM HUMAN RIGHTS DAY sions and subjects them to government intru- Department of Defense] is using 300,000 bar- sion. rels of oil every day. The energy use per sol- Madam Speaker, I strongly oppose this bill dier creeps up every year. And our number- HON. ZOE LOFGREN one import into Afghanistan is fossil fuel.’’ and urge my colleagues to do the same. OF CALIFORNIA U.S. Navy Secretary Ray Maybus has out- f lined several goals to lead the Navy toward a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A TRIBUTE TO JOAN BALLANTYNE more energy-secure fleet. By 2015, the Navy Wednesday, May 11, 2011 will reduce petroleum use in the commercial HON. TOM LATHAM fleet by 50 percent. By 2020, the Navy will Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California. Mr. OF IOWA produce at least 50 percent of shore-based Speaker, I rise to commemorate the 17th anni- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES energy requirements from alternative sources versary of Vietnam Human Rights Day. and 50 percent of total energy consumption Wednesday, May 11, 2011 The inspiring images of young people fight- will come from alternative sources. ing for democracy in the Middle East remind Mr. LATHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to No one knows better than the Department us of the ongoing struggles around the world recognize the achievement of one of my con- of Defense that energy supplies are critical to for the basic human rights that we’ve enjoyed stituents, Joan Ballantyne of Cherokee, Iowa. combat troops and our national security. To ul- in America for so long. It’s a struggle that has Joan was recently honored by the National timately realize these goals, we must dramati- been going on in Vietnam for far too long. Association of Realtors with their ‘‘Meritorious cally scale-up advanced biofuel production in Journalists, bloggers, whistleblowers, and reli- Service Award’’. the United States. With added Congressional gious communities face harassment, abuse, The National Association of Realtors is authority to purchase longer-term contracts, and imprisonment for speaking out. America’s largest trade association with more our defense sector could adopt domestically Pro-democracy activists are arrested and than a million members nationwide. The Asso- produced sustainable fuels for the security of jailed under draconian and wide-reaching anti- ciation developed the Meritorious Service our troops. propaganda laws, often without due process. Award as a way to provide recognition to Companies already have developed tech- The U.S. Commission on Religious Freedom those who go above and beyond in their serv- nologies to produce ‘‘drop-in’’ ready fuels, (USCIRF) released its 2011 Annual Report ice to NAR. The presentation of this award to meaning our military could use these fuels in two weeks ago, on April 28, and it states that Joan embodies the long-standing tradition that existing infrastructure, aircraft and ships. The ‘‘[t]he government of Vietnam continues to its recipients are not only experts of their in- longer-term contracts provided by this bill will control religious communities, severely restrict dustry, but also effective educators for me and not only increase our energy security, but can and penalize independent religious practice, other Members of Congress on the issues of ultimately help unlock private investment for and brutally repress individuals and groups concern to realtors across this great nation. construction and development of large ad- viewed as challenging its authority.’’ This national award is only bestowed upon vanced biofuel refineries in the United States. two Realtors in America annually. This In states like Washington, North Carolina, Despite consistent pressure from Congress achievement requires a demonstrable history California, Montana and others, interests from and human rights organizations, the Viet- of dedication and commitment to the Associa- the private sector, universities, ports and namese government continues to violate its tion while understanding, and advocating for, major airports are already working to bring the international human rights obligations, silenc- the most important issues facing the real es- first generation of biofuels to the market, and ing the voices of its citizens through repres- tate industry and realtors in Iowa and across their efforts can be greatly enhanced by this sion. the nation. legislation. On this May 11th, I ask my colleagues to re- Mr. Speaker, I am honored to know and to Washington state and the Pacific Northwest flect on the struggles of the courageous Viet- work with Joan and I am proud to represent are well-positioned to commercialize aviation namese citizens who are striving to implement such an exemplary and dedicated Iowan. Her biofuels—all elements of the supply chain are change in an authoritarian society. I would passion has taken her all around Iowa, and all feasible, and the region has come together to also ask my colleagues to urge the State De- around the country, to promote the ideals in map out a strategic and sustainable path to partment to redesignate Vietnam as a Country which she believes. I know that my colleagues bring advanced bio-based jet fuels to market. of Particular Concern, as USCIRF has rec- in the United States Congress will join me in Already in the Northwest, 40 public and pri- ommended every year since 2001.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.011 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E857 IN HONOR OF DR. JANOS HORVATH HONORING MARTIN ‘‘CHIP’’ are not required to do so. In fact, most states AND THE WILLIAM PENN ASSO- DOORDAN do not commit transportation and infrastructure CIATION funds to training, and training that does occur HON. JOHN P. SARBANES is spotty. The Transportation and Infrastruc- OF MARYLAND ture Committee has already set an important HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES precedent for my bill by specifically including training funds, at my request, in the American OF OHIO Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. SARBANES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today $3 million specifically targeted for training in to pay tribute to Martin ‘‘Chip’’ Doordan for his the General Services Administration section of Wednesday, May 11, 2011 nearly forty years of outstanding service to the the bill. Also included in ARRA was $20 mil- Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise in honor people of Anne Arundel County, Maryland, lion for federal highway training programs. of Dr. Janos Horvath and the William Penn culminating in his leadership role as President The bill is also necessary to finally afford and Chief Executive Officer of Anne Arundel minorities and women the opportunity to gain Association for the tireless work they do on Health System. Chip first joined Anne Arundel a first foothold in the high-wage construction behalf of Hungarians and the Hungarian- Medical Center (AAMC) in 1972 as a graduate industry, as part of the cohort replacing retiring American community in Cleveland, Ohio and student, became President of AAMC in 1988 construction workers. Although deliberate ex- across the nation. and, in 1994, the Board of Trustees named clusion has largely receded, a significant train- Dr. Janos Horvath was born on November him president and CEO of the Health System. ing deficit in the skilled construction trades re- 7, 1921 in Hungary. He studied economics at Under Chip’s leadership, this downtown An- mains. the Palatine Jozsef University of Technology napolis hospital was transformed into a re- As the large cohort of baby-boom construc- and Economic Sciences. In November of gional medical center on a 100-acre campus. tion workers begin to retire, the bill will help The center boasts a highly qualified staff meet the nation’s need to train a new genera- 1956, he left Hungary. While in exile in and has grown to include a diagnostics and tion, from every race and background. At the Strasbourg, he became a leader of the Hun- imaging company, a foundation, a research in- same time, the bill also will ensure compliance garian Revolutionary Council in 1957. Later, stitute, a freestanding substance abuse inpa- with the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitu- while in New York, he became a founding tient treatment center and many other centers tion and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of member of Kossuth Foundation. He received of excellence. Chip also positioned AAMC as 1964, which bar discrimination in the use of his PhD from Columbia University in 1966. He a leader in Maryland on joint replacement and government dollars. taught at various American universities until he started an affiliation with Johns Hopkins for f moved back to Hungary in 1997, after 41 cancer services. In April 2011, Chip opened a 35TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE years. In 1998, Dr. Horvath became the Chair- new patient tower that expands the emer- gency department, adds more private beds CONTRA COSTA CHILD CARE man of the Economic Policy Committee of COUNCIL Fidesz—Hungary’s Civic party. He has been a and has a dedicated pediatric emergency de- partment. All of these achievements are the Member of Hungary’s parliament since 1998 culmination of many years of hard work and HON. GEORGE MILLER and is currently the Doyen of the Hungarian Chip’s strong dedication and commitment to OF CALIFORNIA Parliament. the people of Maryland and improving our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The William Penn Association was founded health care system. Wednesday, May 11, 2011 on February 21, 1886 in Hazleton, Pennsyl- Throughout his career, Chip has been rec- Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Mr. vania by thirteen Hungarian coal miners under ognized as a quiet and thoughtful leader who Speaker, I rise with my colleagues Congress- the name ‘‘Verhovay Aid Association.’’ The strives to find new and creative ways to give man JERRY MCNERNEY and Congressman goal of the founders was to extend a helping back to his community. You can often find Chip walking the halls of AAMC day and night, JOHN GARAMENDI, to recognize the tremen- hand to each other and to the many Hun- ensuring that patients are getting the care that dous work of the Contra Costa Child Care garian immigrants who worked and suffered in they need and staff have the tools to carry out Council as the organization celebrates its 35th the mines and industrial centers of America. their critical mission. Chip has made an enor- anniversary of invaluable service to our com- The Verhovay Aid Association has grown into mous impact on Anne Arundel County and munities. the largest of all the Hungarian American fra- has changed the lives of countless families in With its inception on August 11, 1976, the ternal organizations. In 1972 the organization’s the State of Maryland and beyond. I am proud Contra Costa Child Care Council began to de- name was changed to ‘‘William Penn Associa- to call him a friend and I thank him for his vi- velop and promote quality child care through a tion.’’ sion, leadership and commitment to public multitude of nonprofit programs and services. service. Over the years, the Council has increased The Hungarian American Coalition is a public awareness of the benefits and signifi- f Washington based non-profit organization cant impact of early care and education to the founded 20 years ago to coordinate the talents INTRODUCTION OF THE PRE-AP- success of our children, the economic vitality and resources of its members in promoting the PRENTICE AND APPRENTICESHIP and well being of families and neighborhoods, interests of the Hungarian American commu- TRAINING ACT OF 2011 and the future promise for California. nity. Its goals include: to foster a deeper un- This organization reflects the well known derstanding and appreciation of the history, HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON fact that early childhood education and quality culture and scientific achievements of both the OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA run child care are important and integral parts of Contra Costa’s economy, contributing at United States and Hungary through cultural IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES least $2.66 billion value added to the gross and educational exchanges; to protect and Wednesday, May 11, 2011 product of the County and generating $225 preserve the human and minority rights and Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, the Pre-Ap- million in direct tax revenues, as well as sup- cultural heritage of Hungarians throughout the prentice and Apprenticeship Training Act of porting 35,600 jobs. This service has also world; and to support democratic institutions 2011 requires states to use the one half of been proven to be an essential component of and economic development in Hungary. Every one percent of funds now available under 23 the infrastructure of the entire State of Cali- year the Coalition honors outstanding mem- USC 140(b) for federal highway construction fornia. bers of the Hungarian-American community in training, which is necessary to combat a seri- Since its inception, the Child Care Council recognition of their extraordinary contributions ous skills shortage as the current cohort of has been true to its mission to ‘‘Help Parents to both Hungary and the United States. journeymen and other skilled workers is retir- Put the Pieces Together’’. Over 265,000 par- ing, and also counters the effects of past dis- ents have accessed the free referral service of Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me crimination in the construction industry. The the Council to find care that meets the specific in honoring Dr. Janos Horvath and the William current surface transportation law, TEA–21 (23 needs of their families and tens of thousands Penn Association and the work they do on be- USC 140), permits states to use one-half of of Contra Costa early educators and child care half of the Hungarian and Hungarian-American one percent of highway funds to administer providers have received free training, technical community. highway construction training, but the states assistance and support through the Council’s

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K11MY8.005 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E858 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 11, 2011 many programs. Throughout the county, thou- NO TAXPAYER FUNDING FOR The unfolding events make it amply clear sands of low income families have received fi- ABORTION ACT that Israel is a flourishing and enviable democratic oasis surrounded by a vast wil- nancial assistance from the Council to pay for derness that is crying for change. We are SPEECH OF child care so parents can work, knowing their witness to an amplified echo of the ancient children are not only in good hands but are HON. STEVE KING Israelites’ inspiring saga of the Exodus, iron- ically from Egypt’s House of Bondage, in- truly thriving. OF IOWA structing humanity through the ages to up- We salute the tireless work of the members IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hold freedom and responsibility as non-nego- of the Council’s Board of Directors, Adminis- Wednesday, May 4, 2011 tiable divine gifts worthy of sacrifice. This most noble mandate of replacing deg- tration, and staff, both past and present and Mr. KING of Iowa. Madam Speaker, today radation with dignity is reverberating thank them for the enormous contribution to Members of this House took part in a debate throughout a troubled and stagnant Arab our community their efforts have made. that addressed the issue of using taxpayer world that has for so long been lagging be- hind the West’s progress, suffering from Today, we invite our colleagues to join us in dollars to fund abortions. As an original co- sponsor of this legislation, I commend Mr. long-standing neglect manifested in poverty, honoring the Contra Costa Child Care Council illiteracy, and the lack of economic and so- SMITH from New Jersey for his conviction in on its 35th anniversary and on behalf of our cial mobility, under authoritarian rule of bringing this bill to the floor and for his leader- fear and intimidation with corrupt leaders children, families and communities, wish all ship in the pro-life movement. Today, our de- unaccountable for the public welfare. All continued success. bate extends the legacy of Congressman that is being challenged in a world becoming Henry J. Hyde, who was passionately pro-life an interconnected and interdependent global f and helped lay the foundation for the victory village with sophisticated communication that can mobilize the masses like never be- we celebrate today with the passage of H.R. fore. INTRODUCING LEGISLATION AL- 3, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. However, there is a looming threat that ex- LOWING INTERSTATE SHIPMENT In light of this debate, I think we should all treme groups such as the Muslim Brother- OF UNPASTEURIZED MILK take time to reflect on a bold statement made hood and Al Qaeda will take advantage of by Mr. Hyde, a statement that was printed in the unrest for their own purposes, for they the program at his funeral. I attended Con- loathe a representative democracy and the gressman Hyde’s funeral and was touched by West as a whole, rejecting the idea and pres- HON. RON PAUL ence of a Jewish state. After all, democracy the wisdom of his words. He said, ‘‘When the thrives best with well-developed democratic OF TEXAS time comes as it surely will, when we face that institutions requiring time and experience, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES awesome moment, the final judgment, I’ve which rely upon progressive education that often thought, as Fulton Sheen wrote, that it is respects and fosters human rights as well as Wednesday, May 11, 2011 a terrible moment of loneliness. You have no women’s rights anchored in law. advocates, you are there alone standing be- The peace treaties that Israel established Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to introduce fore God, and a terror will rip through your with both Egypt and Jordan should be en- hanced and fortified by responding to Israel’s legislation that allows the shipment and dis- soul like nothing you can imagine. But I really yearning for closer cooperation in all en- tribution of unpasteurized milk and milk prod- think that those in the pro-life movement will deavors in a context of a‘‘warm’’ peace. This ucts for human consumption across state not be alone. I think there will be a chorus of historic crossroads is an opportune and ur- lines. This legislation removes an unconstitu- voices that have never been heard in this gent time for all Arab and Muslim states to finally join Israel in peace to transform in tional restraint on farmers who wish to sell or world but are heard beautifully and clearly in the next world, and they will plead for every- tandem the Middle East, that the cradle of otherwise distribute, and people who wish to Western civilization may be renewed as a one who has been in this movement. They will consume, unpasteurized milk and milk prod- flowing source of Shalom’s blessings. Let the say to God, ‘Spare him because he loved us,’ ucts. campaign cease to de-legitimatize and de- and God will look at you and say not ‘Did you monize the only sovereign Jewish state in Hard as it is to believe, the federal govern- succeed?’ but ‘Did you try?’ ’’ I hope we find the world through economic and culture boy- ment is actually spending time and money comfort in knowing that yes, we are trying. We cotts, utilizing the twin evils of anti-Semi- tism and anti-Zionism. The attempt to thus prosecuting small businesses for the ‘‘crime’’ are fighting to defend and protect innocent human life, and we will not stop until every divert attention from the Arab states’ dire of meeting their customers’ demand for predicaments of bankrupt regimes has point- unpasteurized milk! Recently the Food and life—born and unborn—is protected. edly proven fruitless and counter-productive. Drug Administration conducted a year-long f It should be amply clear now that Israel is the only democratic and stable ally that the sting operation targeting Rainbow Acres DR. ISRAEL ZOBERMAN United States enjoys in a critical part of the Farms in Pennsylvania. As a result of this ac- world, through a special bond reflecting tion, Rainbow Acres’ customers will no longer HON. E. SCOTT RIGELL shared values and commitments, and whose be able to purchase unpasteurized milk from steadfast preservation and cultivation is es- OF VIRGINIA sential for both model free nations with he- this small Amish farm. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES roic legacies leading pluralistic societies. In the present complex scenario Iran’s dan- Mr. Speaker, many Americans who the gov- Wednesday, May 11, 2011 ernment wishes to deny the ability to purchase gerous role should not be lost as it is poised to take advantage of the transitional uncer- unpasteurized milk have done their own re- Mr. RIGELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to enter a statement into the RECORD on behalf tainty of the Arab world. Iran’s tyrannical search and come to the conclusion that theocracy, whose leaders are Holocaust of my constituent, Dr. Israel Zoberman. Dr. deniers, remains a mortal threat to the free unpasteurized milk is healthier than pasteur- Zoberman is the Founding Rabbi of Congrega- ized milk. These Americans have the right to world, still insisting on acquiring a nuclear tion Beth Chaverim in Virginia Beach, Virginia. capability to conclude what Pharaoh began consume these products without having the He is also the president of the Hampton and Hitler almost accomplished. federal government second-guess their judg- Roads Board of Rabbis and Cantors. Iran’s proxy, Hamas, refusing to release ment about what products best promote Dr. Zoberman asked me to enter the fol- Israeli soldier Gilad Shallot who is both an health. If there are legitimate concerns about lowing remarks into the RECORD regarding the Israeli and French citizen, after more than 63rd anniversary of the State of Israel. Dr. five years in isolated captivity, the cold- the safety of unpasteurized milk, those con- blooded murder of five members of the Fogel cerns should be addressed at the state and Zoberman’s statement follows: family in Itamar, including an infant, the local level. The 63rd Anniversary of the State of Israel bombing in Jerusalem, and the relentless is celebrated against the backdrop of the rocket and mortar, also on a school bus, I urge my colleagues to join me in pro- monumental eruptions of Biblical propor- from Gaza, do not reflect peaceful Pales- moting individual rights, the original intent of tions in the Arab world, further highlighting tinian intentions. Let Hezbollah, Iran and the Constitution, and federalism by cospon- the uniqueness of the Jewish state in the Syria’s proxy in Lebanon, know along with Middle East where the historical Jewish peo- soring my legislation to allow the interstate all of Israel’s adversaries, that the Jewish ple came to make a difference for the entire state will fight to ensure that its divine shipment of unpasteurized milk and milk prod- human family, through its transforming promise of survival is never withdrawn, even ucts for human consumption. gifts of the spirit and unparalleled endur- as it struggles for Shalom’s sake of healing, ance. hope and harmony.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.014 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E859 IN TRIBUTE TO KATHERINE PERSONAL EXPLANATION turned to Presidential Libraries in 1997, there HALEY AND NORMA LAGO- were no women serving as library directors MARSINO HON. THOMAS E. PETRI and almost no representation by minorities in OF WISCONSIN library positions. She pursued a goal of build- HON. ELTON GALLEGLY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing a more representational work force in the libraries, hiring a more diverse and represent- OF CALIFORNIA Wednesday, May 11, 2011 ative workforce. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, I was not recorded I congratulate Sharon K. Fawcett for her Wednesday, May 11, 2011 as voting for final passage of H.R. 3 on May dedication in building strong and productive Mr. GALLEGLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise in trib- 4, 2011. I am a cosponsor of this bill and relationships with a variety of stakeholders ute to the Norma Lagomarsino and the late would have voted for final passage of the bill. that includes the White House, Congress, and Katherine ‘‘Kay’’ Haley, who were honored re- f Presidential Library foundations. I thank her for her service to the National Archives and to cently by the Livingston Memorial Visiting HONORING SHARON K. FAWCETT Nurse Association for their decades of philan- the Nation and I wish her a very happy and fulfilling retirement. thropic work in Ventura County. HON. JOHN L. MICA Norma Lagomarsino is the wife of former f OF FLORIDA U.S. Rep. Bob Lagomarsino and a true force IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NO TAXPAYER FUNDING FOR in making Ventura and Santa Barbara Coun- ABORTION ACT ties strong, vibrant communities. I am blessed Wednesday, May 11, 2011 to have Bob Lagomarsino as one of my trust- Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay SPEECH OF ed mentors and to have Bob and Norma count tribute to Sharon K. Fawcett, the Assistant Ar- as among my wife, Janice, and my closest HON. BETTY McCOLLUM chivist for Presidential Libraries, who is retiring OF MINNESOTA friends. after more than 34 years of outstanding public IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Norma Lagomarsino has been a member of service to the National Archives and Records the Congressional Club in Washington, D.C., Administration (NARA). Wednesday, May 4, 2011 since 1974 and served as its president from On February 28, 2011, the Committee on Ms. MCCOLLUM. Madam Speaker, I rise 1981–1983. Among her many community ac- Transportation and Infrastructure held a joint today in strong opposition to H.R. 3 and the tivities, Norma Lagomarsino serves on the hearing with the Committee on Oversight and ongoing Republican war against women’s Santa Cruz Island Foundation Advisory Coun- Government Reform to highlight the impor- health care in America. H.R. 3 continues the cil, is a long-standing member of the Assist- tance of our presidential libraries to our na- Tea Party Republican’s extreme social agenda ance League, is a member of the Board of Di- tion’s history. Following the hearing, I was to pursue unprecedented attacks on women’s rectors for Interface Children and Family Serv- pleased to host a luncheon and symposium to health and economic security. ices and the National Institute of Mental further discuss how we can ensure these na- The Republican majority passed H.R. 1 and Health, and was honored as a ‘‘Champion of tional treasures can be preserved efficiently. slashed billions of dollars from programs that Mental Health’’ by the Turning Point Founda- Ms. Fawcett was instrumental in helping to allow women to provide and care for their fam- tion. make that day productive and successful and ilies such as Head Start, Women, infants and Norma and Bob also are major donors to her insight at the symposium added a tremen- children (WIC), Community Service Block California State University, Channel Islands, dous amount of knowledge to our discussion. Grants (CSBG), and the Maternal and Child where they created the Robert J. and Norma Her love and commitment to the Presidential Block Grant. Clearly their efforts targeted vul- M. Lagomarsino Archives. They also co-chair Library system developed at an early age: she nerable women and their children—people the San Buenaventura Mission School Build- was born in Abilene, Kansas in a house that who do not have high-paid, high-powered lob- ing Campaign. is now part of the campus of the Dwight D. Ei- byists, as the victims of budget cuts. Kay Haley, another longtime friend, was senhower Presidential Library. In 1969, Ms. Their bill H.R. 2 repealed the Affordable born in the Ventura County city of Oxnard to Fawcett started working at the Lyndon Baines Care Act, which ensures women have greater Walter H. Hoffman Jr. and Edith Hobson Hoff- Johnson Presidential Library. After raising her access to affordable health coverage and rec- man, who owned Rancho Casitas, a thorough- young children, she returned to the National ommended preventative care. The Republican bred breeding farm. As an adult, Kay Haley Archives in Washington, DC, to be Chief of repeal of the Affordable Care Act would strip raised champion shorthorn cattle and quarter the Reference Service Branch and later the 32 million Americans of health insurance cov- horses on her own ranch, Rancho Mi Solar. Director of User Services. In these jobs she erage, again making families vulnerable. Her most famous horse, Mr. Spats, was Ron- was responsible for the overall planning, de- Now, H.R. 3 seeks to place unprecedented ald Reagan’s favorite mount. velopment, direction, coordination, staffing and restrictions on a woman’s ability to receive Kay Haley had a long relationship with control of all research rooms in both the Na- and pay for a legal medical procedure. This President Reagan, having raised funds for him tional Archives building in downtown Wash- Republican bill places the federal government during his campaigns for California governor ington, DC, and at Archives II, NARA’s state- directly between a woman and her doctor. and president. In addition to raising funds for of-the-art facility in College Park, Maryland. H.R. 3 is not about ‘‘codifying the Hyde President Reagan and other Republicans, Kay She returned to the Office of Presidential Li- Amendment’’ as my colleagues have stated. raised many thousands of dollars for the Ven- braries in 1997. Federal law already prohibits even a single tura County Museum of History and Art and Ms. Fawcett has served as Assistant Archi- federal dollar from being used to pay for abor- served on Community Memorial Hospital’s vist for Presidential Libraries for the past tion services, except in the cases of rape, in- Board of Trustees for 30 years. seven years and as Deputy Assistant Archivist cest, or to save the life of the mother. Instead, In 1986, she was given the Milton M. for Presidential Libraries for seven years be- this legislation furthers a radical agenda that Teague Award for Outstanding Volunteerism. fore that. In both roles she led the Library sys- seeks to limit a woman’s right to access com- She was grand marshal of the Ventura County tem in the development of award-winning edu- prehensive reproductive medical care. Fair parade in 1987. cational programs, web sites, and exhibits. Exploiting the federal tax code for ideolog- When Ronald Reagan was governor, Haley Under her leadership, the Libraries continued ical purposes, this bill enacts new restrictions was appointed vice chairwoman of the Cali- to open key Presidential materials—such as on a woman’s ability to pay for legal medical fornia State Fair Board, vice president of the the Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon tape record- services with private insurance, a health sav- board of directors of Cal Expo and served as ings—that help the public understand Presi- ings account, or private funds. A responsible founding chairwoman of California’s Racing dents and Presidential decision-making. The small business owner that includes com- Hall of Fame. After eight decades of life and multi-library conferences on such topics as prehensive reproductive care in their com- service, Kay passed away in 1999. Vietnam and the Nuclear Age have become a pany’s insurance policy will be denied their Mr. Speaker, I know my colleagues join the mainstay of C–SPAN programming. She also federal health care tax credit. A survivor of Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association developed innovative initiatives to start staffing rape or incest may have to prove to an IRS and me in honoring the philanthropic and vol- early for a Presidential Library, and to add ad- agent with a detailed account of her brutal- untary contributions of Norma Lagomarsino ditional staffing for the newer Presidential ization in order to use her health savings ac- and Kay Haley and in thanking them for mak- Record Act Libraries to try to meet the grow- count to pay for the procedure or qualify for an ing our community vibrant and strong. ing demand for their records. When she re- itemized medical deduction on her taxes.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.018 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E860 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 11, 2011 These restrictions allow politicians and IRS nessman in the City of Cleveland until his and education on Army programs. The impact bureaucrats to influence medical decisions death on April 21, 1999. of his efforts will benefit the United States that should be made by a woman, her physi- Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me Army for decades to come. cian, family, and often with support and guid- in honor and remembrance of Mayor Ralph J. Lieutenant Colonel Kent A. D. Clark’s obser- ance from a spiritual leader. I strongly oppose Perk as he is celebrated at vations and advice to the Army leadership any effort in Congress that creates govern- ClevelandPeople.com’s International Hall of have impacted the decisions to implement the ment interference with private decisions that Fame ceremony. most comprehensive transformation of the should be made between a doctor and a pa- f Army since World War II, building versatile tient. I strongly oppose this war on women in and modular units capable of conducting a America that threatens our freedoms and our PAYING TRIBUTE TO LIEUTENANT full-spectrum of operations. This Commis- rights. COLONEL KENT A. D. CLARK’S 24 sioned Officer has continued the traditions of Instead of focusing on this divisive agenda, YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR NA- the United States Army and is an American we should be focusing on policies that will im- TION hero who has been selfless in his service to prove the lives of America’s women and girls the Nation through war, peace, and personal such as addressing the quality of women’s HON. C.W. BILL YOUNG trial. His performance and accomplishments health care, fighting gender discrimination, in- OF FLORIDA throughout his long and distinguished career creasing economic opportunities, and pro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES have left a legacy of trained, disciplined pro- viding them with the education and support to Wednesday, May 11, 2011 fessional leaders at all levels and care for succeed. families that is without equal. When history I encourage my colleagues to oppose this Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise looks back at this leader and his legacy it will bill and fight to keep safe, comprehensive re- to pay tribute to Lieutenant Colonel Kent A. D. be clear that his abilities as a trainer, leader, productive and family planning services acces- Clark for his extraordinary dedication to duty advisor, Commander and Soldier produced the sible to all Americans. and service to the United States of America. best Army in the world. Lieutenant Colonel Clark will retire from active f Mr. Speaker, On behalf of a grateful Nation, military duty in May 2011 after 24 distin- I join my colleagues today in saying thank you IN HONOR AND REMEMBRANCE OF guished years of service to the United States to Lieutenant Colonel Kent A. D. Clark for his MAYOR RALPH J. PERK Army and of those years over 43 months were extraordinary dedication to duty and service to spent in combat. this country throughout his distinguished ca- HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH Lieutenant Colonel Kent A. D. Clark is a reer in the United States Army and we wish OF OHIO resident of Florida and entered the United him, his wife Nicole, and his daughter Kaitlyn IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES States Army in April 1987. He entered the Grace all the best in his well-deserved retire- Army and while serving his first enlistment de- ment. Wednesday, May 11, 2011 cided to pursue a career in the United States f Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Army by entering the Special Forces. He has honor and remembrance of Mayor Ralph J. served in every enlisted leadership position ST. RAPHAEL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Perk, the 52nd mayor of the City of Cleveland, through the rank of Sergeant First Class and 75TH ANNIVERSARY as he is posthumously inducted into then pursued a career as a Commissioned Of- ClevelandPeople.com’s International Hall of ficer by attending Officer Candidate School at HON. THADDEUS G. McCOTTER Fame. Fort Benning, Georgia. OF MICHIGAN Mr. Speaker, It has been a pleasure to work Mayor Perk was born on January 19, 1914 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in Cleveland, Ohio to Mary and Joseph Perk. closely with Lieutenant Colonel Kent Clark He attended elementary school at Our Lady of over the last several years of his career. He Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Lourdes School. After earning his high school has proven himself to be a tremendous war- Mr. MCCOTTER. Mr. Speaker, today I rise diploma, Mayor Perk studied history, political time leader who demonstrated unselfish devo- to honor and acknowledge St. Raphael Catho- science and mathematics at Case Western tion to the Nation and the soldiers he led. He lic School, located in Garden City, Michigan, Reserve University and St. John College. has been a friend and trusted advisor to my as they celebrate 75 years of commitment to Throughout his adolescence Ralph worked as colleagues and I on the Appropriations Com- the education of the youth of our community a pattern maker and later an ice peddler with mittee as he worked tirelessly to restore bal- and our country. his brother, George, at Perk Coal & Ice Co. In ance to a force stressed by the demands of Established in 1936 upon land generously 1940, Perk married Lucille Gagliardi; they had the war on terrorism. He was instrumental in donated by Ms. Florence Cowperthwithe, the seven children and were together for 59 years. significantly improving our Armed Forces meeting hall which became the first school At the age of 20, Perk joined the 13th Ward equipment modernization and funding of crit- was built using primarily donated materials, Republican Club and in 1953 was elected as ical systems affecting the Department of De- contributions and volunteer labor. The original the ward’s council member. During his five fense while he served here on Capitol Hill. In windows were donated by the Sisters of the terms as the Broadway-E.55th Street council- 2010 Kent went back to the United States Immaculate Heart of Mary Convent. Undoubt- man, Perk organized the American Nationali- Army and Represented the Secretary of the edly, this demonstrates a literal truth; it is the ties Movement, an agency that represents 35 Army and Chief of Staff of the Army as a liai- people who build a parish. ethnic and nationality groups. Mayor Perk was son officer with the United States Congres- Father Anthony Kirchner, the second pastor an outspoken proponent of human rights and sional Appropriations Committees for Defense of the fledging St. Raphael the Archangel par- is well known for his celebration of cultural di- and Military Construction. Prior to his retire- ish, led the effort to convert the hall into a versity. In 1962, Perk was elected as Cuya- ment he was the principal point of contact for four-room school. Again, the labor and mate- hoga County Auditor, and became the first Re- Members of Congress and staff on matters rials used were largely donated. The IHM sis- publican elected to county office since the concerning the Wheel Track Combat Vehicle ters could no longer stay on and the Sisters of 1930s. He was reelected twice and served as Program, Brigade Combat Team Moderniza- St. Francis agreed to take on responsibility for a county official until 1970. tion, and Other Procurement Army One & the school. They have remained diligent in Mayor Perk became the 52nd mayor of the Three Appropriations; He provided direct inter- their commitment. As the parish and the com- City of Cleveland in 1971 and was reelected face between Congress and the Army; Inte- munity grew, additional school buildings were in 1973 and 1975. While in office Mayor Perk grated the Office of the Chief Army Reserve built in 1950 and 1956. In its 75-year history, was instrumental in the creation and establish- staff and Congress for all United States Army St. Raphael’s School has grown from a con- ment of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer Reserve related issues and questions; Gath- verted hall serving a handful of students to a District, the Greater Cleveland Regional Tran- ered information, prepared strategies and rec- campus with a capacity of 500. sit Authority, the Office of International Trade ommended Army positions for corresponding Mr. Speaker, for 75 years St. Raphael at Cleveland’s City Hall and the U.S. Con- with the Congress on appropriation issues; Or- School has provided a Catholic education for ference of Mayors’ Republican Mayors cau- ganized briefings and responded to requests students ranging from pre-kindergarten cus. After serving as the Mayor of Cleveland, for information across all appropriations for through eighth grade. Today, I ask my col- in 1978, Mr. Perk began a consulting busi- Congressional Members, their staff and Pro- leagues to join me in congratulating the stu- ness, Ralph Perk & Associates Inc. Mayor fessional Staff Members; Coordinated Con- dents, parents, faculty and alumni of St. Raph- Perk was a political figure and prominent busi- gressional travel for fact-finding opportunities ael Catholic and in recognizing their years

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.021 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E861 growing in friendship, knowledge and God’s sion on Teaching and America’s future since Mr. Speaker, I ask the House of Represent- spirit as part of our community and our coun- 1994 and a myriad of other national commit- atives to join me in congratulating the Norton try. tees and commissions which have led to Male Chorus for 90 years of music and good- f changes in how our country crafts public pol- will. I wish them the best in the coming years icy concerning education. In addition to all of and many, many more years of performing HONORING DR. JAMES P. COMER this, he has also somehow found the time to and entertaining audiences. AS HE IS RECOGNIZED WITH THE serve on the boards of a multitude of edu- f NAACP LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT cational institutions and community organiza- AWARD tions. RECOGNITION OF PHILIP T. Dr. Comer’s work and scholarship has been INGLIMA—2011 JOHN CARROLL HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO recognized across the country with forty-seven AWARD RECIPIENT OF CONNECTICUT honorary degrees and innumerable awards, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES commendations, and honors including the HON. DAN BURTON John P. McGovern Behavioral Science Award Wednesday, May 11, 2011 OF INDIANA from the Smithsonian Institution and the pres- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker I am deeply tigious Heinz Award in the Human Condition Wednesday, May 11, 2011 honored to rise today to join the Greater New from Heinz Family Philanthropies. His vision- Haven Branch of the National Association of ary leadership and exceptional contributions Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, on the Advancement of Colored People as they have changed the face of education in Amer- April 30th in San Francisco, the 2011 John recognize the invaluable contributions of an ica. There are few have had such an extraor- Carroll Awards were presented to five excep- outstanding member of our community, Dr. dinary impact on our way of life which is why tional individuals whose achievements exem- James P. Comer. Dr. Comer is an internation- I can think of no one more deserving to re- plify the ideals and traditions of Georgetown ally renowned psychiatrist, social scientist, and ceive the NAACP’s Lifetime Achievement University. Named after the University’s found- author whose work in early childhood develop- Award. er, Archbishop John Carroll, the John Carroll ment has changed the way that we, as a soci- Over my years in Congress, I have had the Award was established by the Georgetown ety, have approached early learning and edu- unique opportunity to work closely with Dr. University Alumni Association in 1951 and is cation. This year, the Greater New Haven Comer and I could not be more proud to stand the highest honor awarded by the alumni as- NAACP has named Dr. Comer the recipient of today to recognize him for all of his good work sociation. Recipients have distinguished them- their Lifetime Achievement Award—only the and congratulate him on this very special oc- selves through achievement and unparalleled second time in its history that such a recogni- casion. His is a legacy that will continue to service to Georgetown University, and the tion has been bestowed. make a difference in the lives of our young 2011 recipients embody the true meaning of Like so many of us, the importance of edu- people for generations to come. I wish him, Magis. Magis is a Jesuit phrase that means cation was instilled into Dr. Comer at a young his wife, Bettye, and their family many more ‘‘the more.’’ It is taken from Ad majorem Dei age by his parents. His mother had less than years of health and happiness. gloriam, a Latin phrase meaning ‘‘for the 2 years of formal schooling and his father only f greater glory of God.’’ It is an expression of an six, but they understood that their children’s RECOGNIZING THE 90TH ANNIVER- aspiration and inspiration. Magis reflects the future success would depend on a quality edu- SARY OF THE NORTON MALE Jesuit concept of a continuous commitment to cation. They worked hard and ensured all five CHORUS excellence, grounded in gratitude. of their children had the opportunity not only to The 2011 John Carroll recipients are Mary finish their elementary and secondary edu- Taylor Behrens, Philip T. Inglima, the Honor- cation but to attend college as well. Indeed, in HON. DALE E. KILDEE able M. Margaret McKeown, Paul F. Pelosi, a recent interview Dr. Comer remarked that OF MICHIGAN and Michael L. Vespoli. I congratulate them all ‘‘they gave us the developmental experience IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on their achievements. All five of them are es- we needed’’—a lesson that has guided his ca- Wednesday, May 11, 2011 teemed members of the Georgetown commu- reer. Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, the Norton Male nity, but today, I rise to give special recogni- Dr. Comer is currently the Maurice Falk Pro- Chorus of Flint, Michigan will celebrate 90 tion to Philip Inglima, known as Phil, to his fessor of Child Psychiatry at Yale University years of singing together by holding an anni- friends. School of Medicine’s Child Study Center and versary concert on May 14th in Flint. An exemplar of the Jesuit tradition of he has been a faculty member since 1968. In 1921 a group of men affiliated with Buick women and men for others, Phil Inglima has Over the course of his career, his focus on Motor Division organized the Buick Male Cho- found no shortage of ways to give back to the child development as a means of improving rus under the direction of Dr. W.W. Norton. alumni community. It would be hard to find a schools has earned him a distinguished rep- Two years later the Industrial Mutual Associa- volunteer post at Georgetown that Phil hasn’t utation as well as international recognition. He tion became the sponsor and the group was occupied. As an undergraduate, he served as is perhaps best known for founding the Comer renamed the IMA Glee Club. This relationship the co-chair of his senior class gift committee. School Development program—a concept that lasted until 1939 when the Chorus became an He has chaired many of his undergraduate promotes the collaboration of parents, edu- independent organization named the Norton and law classes’ reunion committees, served cators, and community to improve social, emo- Male Chorus. Dr. Norton continued as the di- on the board of regents and worked as vice tional, and academic outcomes for children rector until 1951 when he left for a new posi- chair of the law annual fund. A member of the that, in turn, helps them to achieve greater tion in California. The group has had 3 direc- board of governors since 1997, Phil served as success in school. This model has become a tors since that time, Arthur McCombie, C.L. president of the alumni association and was a national model, implemented in more than five Bergman, and currently, Dan Hill. The group well-respected member of the board of direc- hundred schools across America where its has performed throughout the United States tors for two years. goals of improving the educational environ- and Canada including a performance at the After graduating in 1984 with a degree in ment and student achievement have exceeded 1964 World’s Fair in New York City. The English, Phil remained at Georgetown as an expectations. Its remarkable success has im- group annually awards a scholarship to a male assistant to the Rev. Timothy S. Healy, S.J., pacted the lives of millions of our young peo- vocal student and the 2011 winner, Matthew then president of the university. He spent two ple—providing them the educational building Mitchell, will also perform at the anniversary years working closely with Father Healy while blocks that have allowed them to realize their concert. studying at the Georgetown University Law dreams. Currently the group includes: director, Dan Center. His dedicated work for the Juvenile A prolific writer, Dr. Comer has published Hill; accompanist, Margaret Meade; first ten- Justice Clinic earned him the honor of being nine books and countless articles on children’s ors, Terry Powell, Matt Brown, Matt Jackson, named ‘‘Outstanding Advocate.’’ health and development as well as race rela- Jack Smith; second tenors, Don Chambers, Phil began his law career as a clerk to the tions. He has also served as consultant to the Mike Dumanois, Paul Brown, Jim Segar, Don Honorable June L. Green of the U.S. District Children’s Television Workshop, the producer Wagle, Don Hetherington; baritones, Don Court for the District of Columbia before enter- of Sesame Street and The Electric Company, Gerger, Sam DeLorenzo, Jerome Wolbert, ing private practice with criminal defense leg- as well as to the Public Committee on Mental John Roach; bass singers, Dennis end Plato Cacheris (F’51, L’56). Since then, Health, a group chaired by Roslyn Carter. He Cavanaugh, Bob Maupin, Don Russell, Don he has amassed more than two decades of has been a member of the National Commis- Coolich, Adam Coolich, and Len Posio. experience as a litigator specializing in white

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.022 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E862 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 11, 2011 collar criminal law, including two years as a municate with the common person, but he is without question that Ms. Bergen is com- special prosecutor. could also communicate with the most sophis- passionate and dedicated to providing quality Now a partner at Crowell & Moring LLP, Phil ticated of individuals. This made him re- education for our youth. defends criminal and civil matters in trial and spected and loved by those who truly knew In addition to receiving the 2010 Presidential appellate courts. He has been recognized re- him who have described him in recent days as Award for Excellence, Ms. Bergen has been a peatedly in the premier legal review guide, a: gentleman, a scholar, a man of his word, recipient of many awards for her dedication to Chambers USA, as well as in Super Lawyers and a man of honor. teaching. These awards include the Amgen and The Best Lawyers In America, as a lead- Judge Turner understood the importance of Award for Science Teaching Excellence in ing lawyer in white collar criminal defense. service and helping other people as evidenced 2006, Stanislaus County Teacher of the Year Georgetown University with its rich, Jesuit by his involvement in numerous community or- in 2002 and Woman of Distinction in Edu- tradition runs through Phil’s veins. In addition ganizations. Judge Turner and my wife Vivian cation by Soroptimist International in 2002 and to serving the alumni community, Phil teaches worked together for many years on the Munic- 2003. Additionally she was awarded the distin- a course in federal white collar crime at the ipal Court, and we are both thankful for his guished California Teacher of the Year Award university’s Law Center. service and friendship over the years. Vivian in 2003. Phil met his beautiful wife, Elizabeth Wieser and I extend our deepest condolences to his I encourage my colleagues to join me in (C’86, L’92), at Georgetown. They have three mother, Rebecca Sellers Turner, his daughter honoring Anne Marie Bergen on receiving the children—Joseph, Rosalia and Paulina—who Clisby Cox and his many other relatives and 2010 Presidential Award for Excellence in were all born at the Georgetown University friends. Mathematics and Science Teaching. Hospital. Phil Inglima is a great friend, father, Mr. Speaker, we are all put here for a sea- f husband as well as one who excels profes- son to try to make the world a better place to sionally. He makes those individuals and insti- live. I can truly say that Judge Henry Haywood SCIENCE EDUCATION IN tutions that he touches better. Turner, III used his season to make this world FREDERICK COUNTY f more hopeful and less fearful because he trav- elled here. HON. FRANK R. WOLF HONORING JUDGE HENRY f OF VIRGINIA HAYWOOD TURNER, III IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING ANNE MARIE BERGEN HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. Wednesday, May 11, 2011 OF GEORGIA HON. JEFF DENHAM Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to rec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA ognize The Frederick County Public School IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES District for its pursuit of bettering its science Wednesday, May 11, 2011 education programs. I visited Sherando High Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise Wednesday, May 11, 2011 School in Stephens City on April 19 and saw today to honor Judge Henry Haywood Turner, Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to firsthand how the school and its students are III, a man of many talents and interests who honor Anne Marie Bergen of Oakdale, Cali- improving and excelling the fields of math and sadly, passed away on May 8, 2011 at the fornia. Ms. Bergen was selected to receive the science. age of 67. 2010 Presidential Award for Excellence in Kelley Aitken, the Frederick County Public Judge Turner was born in El Paso, Texas, Mathematics and Science Teaching. She has Schools Supervisor of Science and Visual on May 3, 1944. His father served as a Navy made outstanding contributions to the teaching Arts, explained that ‘‘the school division’s Corpsman physician in the South Pacific dur- and learning of mathematics and science. science curriculum is moving from a fact/ ing World War II. Judge Turner graduated Ms. Bergen has spent 24 years teaching in knowledge level of thinking to one which is from Columbus High School in 1962, and Oakdale and has played an influential source based on conceptual understanding and appli- earned a BA in math and history from Mercer in improving the education for students in cation.’’ The teachers have been provided with University. Stanislaus County. She has served as the information from the University of Virginia’s Inspired by his father, he served in the U.S. Gifted and Talented Teacher and Coordinator, faculty on how to develop inquiry-based les- Navy as a radioman for the USS Charles R. Science Mentor, Science Olympiad Coach and son plans. Ware, DD–865 Destroyer. After completing his District Science Fair Coordinator. As the Dis- The school district has also changed its cur- naval service, he managed the Texas Native trict Science Teacher, she developed and cre- riculum requiring students in grades six Inertia Nutcracker Company, a business start- ated a laboratory and field-based science pro- through eight to complete inquiry-based ed by his father that held several U.S. patents gram. This program has helped to educate science projects every year. It is the district’s for their inventions. He later went on to teach 2,000 students and train 120 teachers annu- hope that by engaging the students in middle math and physics at Columbus Technical Col- ally. Since 2009, Ms. Bergen has served as school they will be able to carry that under- lege. the chair of CalTAC, a STEM teaching advi- standing and passion for science throughout Judge Turner earned a law degree from the sory council. their education. Mrs. Aitken also explained a University of Georgia in 1977, and was one of Currently, Ms. Bergen is a Teacher in Resi- number of community partnerships that the nine students who former Secretary of State dence at the California Polytechnic State Uni- school district has developed. These include Dean Rusk advised. This was the start of a versity, San Luis Obispo in the Biological DuPont, the Blandy Experimental Farm, the very distinguished legal career that would in- Sciences Department. She works to train Lib- Alice Ferguson Foundation, and Valley Health, clude practicing general law, doing appellate eral Studies undergraduate students, seeking which provide students with hands-on instruc- work for the city of Columbus, and most nota- to become K–12 teachers, on how to effec- tion in science. bly, serving as an Assistant District Attorney, tively instruct science classes and laboratory After Mrs. Aitken’s presentation I was hon- and Judge of the Municipal Court for 20 years. experiments. Additionally she is working to re- ored to meet with and learn about the stu- The great Irish poet Brendan Francis once shape the curriculum in several courses tar- dents who have excelled in the district’s said, ‘‘If you have a talent, use it every way geted to future classroom teachers. science programs. I heard from three high possible. Don’t hoard it. Don’t dole it out like Ms. Bergen’s teaching philosophy is ‘‘Active school students and one middle school teach- a miser. Spend it lavishly like a millionaire in- Learning, Meaningful Experiences, and Com- er about their experiences. The first student tent on going broke.’’ Judge Turner was a passionate Teaching.’’ The unique teaching was a senior who worked with the Pulsar man of many diverse interests and talents, style Ms. Bergen uses the natural connection Search Collaboratory (PSC), where he discov- who went broke sharing them with the world. students have with experiential learning and ered a pulsar, a highly neutralized neutron ro- He rebuilt engines, made his own diesel fuel has incorporated it into successful education tating star. The senior along with the high and knives, gardened, and became well programs. Through using hikes, nature and school’s Astronomy Club, analyzed data from versed in geology, history, and music com- the outside world, she has created an effective the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in position. He was a well-read man who loved curriculum that has led her students to excel West Virginia. The student is going to pursue stray cats,, and spoke several different lan- in the areas of science and mathematics. Ad- his interest in science at James Madison Uni- guages. ditionally, Ms. Bergen actively works to share versity. The last skill served him very well when her successful educational methods so that The next student, a sophomore, explained people who were unable to speak English other teachers can effectively teach their stu- her project, which examined the effect of came to his court. Judge Turner could com- dents using her experiential learning model. It chemicals and pesticides on the regeneration

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.025 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E863 of planaria. The student will be competing in business leaders, American diplomats, and members of St. Mary’s Parish gather to cele- the International Science Engineering Fair members of the U.S. armed forces stationed brate the twenty-fifth anniversary of his ordina- (ISEF) in Los Angeles, California, in May. The in Korea. tion to the priesthood. Throughout his profes- next student, a junior, will also be competing One truly powerful moment came on my first sional career, Father Weezorak has spiritually in the fair for her second year in a row. The full day, when I visited the Demilitarized Zone, guided and mentored many parishioners. His student used the Eratosthenes’s Theory, to DMZ, including the Joint Security Area. Gaz- honorable actions are worthy of this body’s determine the diameter of the earth. ing out over the barren border area into North recognition. A sixth grade teacher in the district’s Robert Korea was a truly eye-opening experience for Father Weezorak was ordained to the E. Aylor Middle School, in Stephens City ex- me. priesthood on May 3, 1986 in the Cathedral of plained the Discovery Education online In addition to meeting with Korean executive St. Mary in Ogdensburg, New York by Bishop science module, which is used throughout the branch officials—including Minister of Foreign Stanislaus Brazana. He began his career as district in the middle schools. He explained Affairs and Trade Sung-Hwan Kim, Deputy an Associate Pastor and Administrator in St. that the program is used to let the students Minister for Trade Seok-Young Choi, and Na- Patrick Parish in Watertown, New York. During interact and manipulate investigations as they tional Security Advisor Yung-Woo Chun—I his tenure, Father Weezorak also served as are learning science material. was also able to meet with our legislative Associate Pastor at three different New York At the end of my visit, Superintendent Patri- counterparts in the Korean National National State Parishes: St. Peter, St. Mary and St. cia Taylor was awarded the Discovery Edu- Assembly, including the chairman of the Unifi- Thomas. Father Weezorak later served in the cation’s Visionary District Award by the Vice cation, Foreign Affairs, and Trade Committee military chaplaincy for the United State Air President for Discovery Education. I am proud (the equivalent of the House Committee on Force at various locations including Lackland to have such an outstanding school in my dis- Foreign Affairs), the Honorable Kyung-Pil Air Force Base and the hospital chaplaincy at trict. I congratulate the school for recognizing Nam. Wilford Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. the importance of providing our youth with the All of these meetings were informative, pro- He was finally installed as Pastor at St. Mary tools to pursue careers in science, technology, ductive, and educational. I learned so much Parish in South Amboy, New Jersey on Octo- engineering and math. about the history and the breadth and scope ber 26, 1997. of the U.S.-Korea alliance partnership. f In addition to his parish duties, Father Meetings with business leaders were equal- Weezorak is active with the Municipal Alliance PERSONAL EXPLANATION ly fruitful. It was my pleasure to attend a din- for Drug Abuse for the Township of South ner hosted by AMCHAM, the American Cham- Brunswick/Monmouth Junction, New Jersey. HON. DONALD A. MANZULLO ber of Commerce in Korea, and I am grateful He also remains an active member of the for the time I was able to spend with Amy OF ILLINOIS Sayreville/South Amboy Chapter of Rotary Jackson, the AMCHAM president. International. Father Weezorak earned a bach- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Similarly, a tour of the Hyundai Motors cor- elor’s degree in business from Pennsylvania Wednesday, May 11, 2011 porate headquarters and of the company’s re- State University and attended St. John Semi- search and development facility in Hwaseong Mr. MANZULLO. Mr. Speaker, on Monday, nary in Boston, Massachusetts. He is the son was particularly valuable. Hyundai has signifi- May 10, 2011, I unfortunately missed a series of Pauline and the late Robert Weezorak. He cant investment in the United States, including of votes. If I was here, I would have voted has one brother and sister. ‘‘no’’ on rollcall No. 299, ‘‘no’’ on rollcall No. several engineering and design facilities in Mr. Speaker, I hope that my colleagues will 300, and ‘‘no’’ on rollcall No. 301. California, not far from Los Angeles, as well join me in congratulating Father Dennis as in several other states. If one includes all f Weezorak upon the celebration of his twenty- their dealerships and repair shops, Hyundai fifth anniversary of his ordination to the priest- U.S.-KOREAN RELATIONS employs over 30,000 American workers. hood and also for his leadership and service One of the topics that came up over and to the community. HON. KAREN BASS over during my visit to Korea was the much discussed trade agreement between our two f OF CALIFORNIA countries. The Korean government officials IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES RECOGNITION OF ISRAELI and business leaders I met tried very hard to INDEPENDENCE DAY Wednesday, May 11, 2011 persuade me that the agreement should be Ms. BASS of California. Mr. Speaker, it is ratified soon. It is an issue I continue to follow HON. JOHN P. SARBANES closely, seeking out insights and analysis from my great honor to represent the people of OF MARYLAND a wide spectrum of individuals within my con- California’s 33rd congressional district, which IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES is a microcosm of America. The cultural and gressional district and beyond. This visit to economic vibrancy of the communities in our Korea further expanded my horizons and the Wednesday, May 11, 2011 district is possibly matched only by its vast di- knowledge gained was invaluable. Mr. SARBANES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today versity. Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the Ko- in recognition of Israeli Independence Day. I am proud that the 33rd district includes rean Government for the opportunity to visit Sixty-three years ago this week, the dream of Koreatown, the home to many Korean-Ameri- their country through the Congressional Mem- so many Jewish people around the world be- cans and recent immigrants from Korea. By ber Exchange Program. Prior to my departure, came a reality. From desert and swampland some estimates, there are more Americans of I had the opportunity to have breakfast with emerged a nation that is now a leader in tech- Korean descent living in this neighborhood Korea’s Ambassador to the U.S., Duk-Soo nology, medical advances and environmental than anywhere else in the United States. Han, and our discussion was very insightful research; and from the ashes of the Holo- It should come as no surprise, then, that my with respect to all the challenges and opportu- caust, a people was reborn. constituents and I have strong concerns about nities on the Korean peninsula. As I represent Israel remains an important strategic ally U.S.-Korean relations. We celebrate the mili- the congressional district with the largest Ko- and the only true democracy in a very unsta- tary and diplomatic alliance between the rean-American constituency in the United ble part of the world. In the wake of World United States and the Republic of Korea that States, I also look forward to returning to War II and its tragic legacy for the Jewish peo- has entered its seventh decade. We encour- Korea to continue building on the relationship ple, the United States has considered the ex- age Korean students who come to American with our great friend and ally. istence of Israel a profound moral and spiritual colleges and universities to pursue their edu- f imperative and was the first nation to recog- cational goals, and we welcome Korean busi- IN RECOGNITION OF FATHER nize the state of Israel in 1948. nesses that invest in the United States and DENNIS WEEZORAK Even sixty-three years later, however, there engage in trade with American businesses are ongoing threats to Israel’s stability. It is and consumers. critical that all parties in the region recognize It was with great interest that I was able to HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. Israel’s right to exist as well as Israel’s right to OF NEW JERSEY travel to the Republic of Korea last month insist on the basic security of its citizenry. Mr. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES through their Congressional Member Ex- Speaker, I stand here today to honor the men change Program. Over the short course of Wednesday, May 11, 2011 and women who have fought to defend three days, I participated in a packed itinerary Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Israel’s independence year after year, to those of meetings with Korean government officials, congratulate Father Dennis Weezorak as the who keep the hope for peace in the forefront

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.028 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E864 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 11, 2011 of our minds, and with a strong commitment to Interior Department has issued 51 shallow energy requirements from alternative sources seeing that dream become a reality. water permits and 12 deepwater drilling per- and 50 percent of total energy consumption f mits—or roughly the same pace as before the will come from alternative sources. Deepwater Horizon disaster. The major dif- No one knows better than the Department HONORING DR. WILLIAM TONTI ference is that the Obama Administration is of Defense that energy supplies are critical to ensuring that future drilling be accompanied combat troops and our national security. To ul- HON. PETER WELCH by safeguards reflecting the lessons learned timately realize these goals, we must dramati- OF VERMONT from the Deepwater Horizon. cally scale-up advanced biofuel production in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The so-called ‘‘Putting the Gulf of Mexico the United States. With added Congressional Back To Work Act’’ would deem drilling per- authority to purchase longer-term contracts, Wednesday, May 11, 2011 mits approved after sixty days with or without our defense sector could adopt domestically Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to a completed safety and environmental review. produced sustainable fuels for the security of recognize an outstanding Vermonter, Dr. Wil- While the intent of H.R. 1229 is to clearly to our troops. liam Tonti of Essex Junction. expedite permitting, the reality is that this kind Companies already have developed tech- On February 1, 2011 Dr. Tonti celebrated of ‘‘drill first, ask questions later’’ approach nologies to produce ‘‘drop-in’’ ready fuels, an astonishing milestone: He earned his 250th could easily result in fewer drilling permits meaning our military could use these fuels in patent making him one of the most accom- being issued as the Interior Department could existing infrastructure, aircraft and ships. The plished inventors in Vermont and the country. in many cases simply be forced to reject per- longer-term contracts provided by this bill will This impressive accomplishment is worthy of mits that are still in process rather than having not only increase our energy security, but can recognition by this Congress. them ‘‘deem approved’’ without adequate safe- ultimately help unlock private investment for Dr. Tonti is a graduate of Northwestern Uni- guards in place. construction and development of large ad- versity where he earned his Bachelor’s of H.R. 1231 proposes to expand the scope of vanced biofuel refineries in the United States. Science in Electrical Engineering. He contin- this initiative’s overarching recklessness by In states like Washington, North Carolina, ued his education in Vermont, first earning an opening much of the outer continental shelf on California, Montana and others, interests from MBA from St. Michaels College and then a the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to drilling be- the private sector, universities, ports and Master’s of Science and a PhD in Electrical fore Congress has enacted a single legislative major airports are already working to bring the Engineering from the University of Vermont. reform to improve safety. Lost in all of the first generation of biofuels to the market, and In 1978, he began what would prove to be rhetoric is the reality that oil and gas compa- their efforts can be greatly enhanced by this a distinguished career at IBM in Essex Junc- nies are already today sitting on more than 60 legislation. tion, Vermont. Dr. Tonti’s work focused on million acres of public lands with an estimated Washington state and the Pacific Northwest areas fundamental to the functioning of our 11.6 billion barrels of oil and 59.2 trillion cubic are well-positioned to commercialize aviation society, including advanced DRAM semi- feet of natural gas that have yet to be devel- biofuels—all elements of the supply chain are conductors, nanotechnology, microprocessors oped—or nearly as much oil and natural gas feasible, and the region has come together to and chip reliability. as could realistically be recovered by drilling map out a strategic and sustainable path to In addition to his professional accomplish- up and down the east and west coasts. bring advanced bio-based jet fuels to market. ments, Dr. Tonti has been an been an active Mr. Speaker, this country deserves better Already in the Northwest, 40 public and pri- community member and citizen. His commit- than carelessness masquerading as an energy vate stakeholders from academic research in- ment to IBM is only surpassed by his dedica- policy. We need to end the billions in wasteful stitutions, environmental advocacy, and gov- tion and commitment to his wife, Debbie, and subsidies for the already highly profitable oil ernment, and the aerospace and aviation, daughters, Janelle and Samantha. and gas industry and accelerate the develop- biofuels, and agriculture and forestry industries Dr. Tonti was recently named an IBM Mas- ment and deployment of clean energy alter- have formed the Sustainable Aviation Fuels ter Inventor for Life, a great honor that IBM natives that will power the 21st century. Northwest (SAFN) initiative. This effort was bestows to only a handful of its most innova- f convened by regional aviation leaders Boeing, tive employees worldwide. This is a fitting rec- Alaska Airlines, the region’s largest airports— ognition for a lifetime of impressive accom- DOMESTIC FUEL FOR ENHANCING Port of Seattle, Port of Portland and Spokane plishments and for a Vermonter of high char- NATIONAL SECURITY ACT OF 2011 International Airport—as well as Washington acter. State University, a center of advanced biofuels As Vermont’s Representative in this Con- HON. JAY INSLEE research. Stakeholders include fuel producers, gress, I ask that Dr. Tonti be recognized for OF WASHINGTON farm and forest managers, non-governmental his accomplishments and applauded for his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES organizations and key government leaders, in- contributions to the state of Vermont and this Wednesday, May 11, 2011 cluding representatives from the U.S. Depart- country. ment of Agriculture (USDA) and the Defense f Mr. INSLEE. Mr. Speaker, today, I am intro- Logistics Agency. This diverse group rep- ducing the bipartisan Domestic Fuel for En- resenting all points along the supply chain is THE PUTTING THE GULF OF MEX- hancing National Security (D–FENS) Act 2011, working to create a ‘‘flight path’’ that will over- ICO BACK TO WORK ACT (H.R. which will allow Civilian Agencies and Military come challenges to deploying advanced avia- 1229) AND THE REVERSING Agencies to extend multiyear contracts from tion biofuels. This legislation will support PRESIDENT OBAMA’S OFFSHORE the current limit of 5 years to up to 15 years Washington’s effort to make the Northwest re- MORATORIUM ACT (H.R. 1231) for the purchase of advanced biofuels. I thank gion a market leader in the advanced biofuel my colleague Mr. JONES of North Carolina for industry. HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN working with me on this issue, which will in- With our nation’s security and energy inde- OF MARYLAND crease our national security and help build an pendence in mind, I urge my colleagues to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES American industry. support the Domestic Fuel for Enhancing Na- Accounting for about 2 percent of U.S. en- tional Security (D–FENS) Act 2011. Wednesday, May 11, 2011 ergy consumption, the Department of Defense f Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, last week is the largest single consumer of energy in the the majority rammed through an ill-advised country. According to Admiral Mike Mullen, IN RECOGNITION OF CHRISTINA M. measure requiring the sale of four specific off- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ‘‘[the GOLEZ shore drilling leases even if appropriate work- Department of Defense] is using 300,000 bar- place and environmental safeguards aren’t in rels of oil every day. The energy use per sol- HON. JOHN GARAMENDI place. This week’s bills continue the same dier creeps up every year. And our number- OF CALIFORNIA reckless ‘‘pre-spill’’ mentality. In the aftermath one import into Afghanistan is fossil fuel.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the Deepwater Horizon tragedy, more drill- U.S. Navy Secretary Ray Maybus has out- ing with less safety is simply not a responsible lined several goals to lead the Navy toward a Wednesday, May 11, 2011 energy policy, and it will do nothing to en- more energy-secure fleet. By 2015, the Navy Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today hance America’s energy security. will reduce petroleum use in the commercial in honor of Police Officer Christina M. Golez, Let’s be clear: There is no drilling morato- fleet by 50 percent. By 2020, the Navy will who is retiring after nearly 27 years of law en- rium in the Gulf of Mexico. Since October, the produce at least 50 percent of shore-based forcement service—24 years of service to the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.032 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E865 City of Fairfield and a combined two years their lives in service to the community they ceeds continue to benefit the church. Carnival with the Yolo County Sheriff’s Department and sought to protect. We are forever indebted to rides, traditional Italian fare, and musical en- the Antioch Police Department. As her col- them, and I join the people of Norwalk in hon- tertainment are part of the festivities, but the leagues, friends and family gather together to oring their memory today. heart of the event happens Sunday, when, celebrate the next chapter of her life, I ask all We also remember the retired officers of the after Mass, the church’s statue of St. Sebas- of my colleagues to join me in saluting this Norwalk Police Department who passed away tian is carried in a procession and I Nuri, a outstanding public servant and defender of this year. All who serve today carry on a group dressed in white with red sashes, run peace and safety. proud tradition inherited from those who wore barefoot or in socks in a show of devotion for Christina started her law enforcement career the uniform in days gone by. We commemo- the saint. The procession has grown to include as a Reserve Police Officer with the Antioch rate their service and we celebrate their lives. hundreds of people and, as you might imag- Police Department. She was then hired as a Every officer deserves our praise. Their ine, it is an extraordinarily beautiful dem- Deputy Sheriff by the Yolo County Sheriff’s daily work makes it possible for each of us to onstration of faith and culture. Department in November of 1985 and on Au- enjoy the benefits of liberty, secure in the It is events like the Feast of St. Sebastian, gust 18, 1986, she was hired as a Police Offi- knowledge that our neighborhoods and places those forged in the bonds of family and com- cer with the Fairfield Police Department. Chris- of business are safe. The dedication of Nor- munity, which allow generation after genera- tina worked in various capacities that included walk’s officers to preventing crime and edu- tion to understand and celebrate their shared Patrol, Investigations, Youth Services, School cating the public has spared so many families heritage. They enrich our communities as well Resource Officer, Cadet Advisor, Gang Sup- from experiencing unnecessary tragedy. And as renew our commitment to faith and family. pression, Police Probation Team, Crime their collaboration with residents and business I am honored to stand today to extend my Scene Investigator, and Property. She re- owners has promoted a sense of shared re- warmest congratulations to the St. Sebastian ceived numerous commendations for her per- sponsibility that makes the city an example to Parish and its many families as they celebrate formance including Police Officer of the Year other communities nationwide. the 90th Anniversary of their Feast of St. Se- for 1997. To every officer who has served Norwalk bastian. The Feast is a real community treas- Christina’s two most significant contributions with pride in years past, and every officer ure and I wish them all the best for many to the Police Department were her expertise serving today, I offer my gratitude. And to the more successful years to come. as a composite sketch artist and her talent in families of those men who gave their lives in f mentoring youths within the community. Her the line of duty, I express the eternal thanks artistic talent and ability to create like images of a city, a state and a nation that can never A TRIBUTE TO BETTY JEAN of suspects has helped solve numerous say ‘‘thank you’’ enough. VERETT PEPPER crimes in Fairfield. Her work as a Cadet Advi- f sor and Diversion Officer was also excep- HON. RANDY NEUGEBAUER tional. She intervened at many different levels CONGRATULATING THE ST. SEBAS- OF TEXAS by confronting and challenging youths that TIAN PARISH ON THE 90TH ANNI- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES VERSARY OF THE ST. SEBAS- were showing destructive behavior through the Wednesday, May 11, 2011 TIAN FEAST appropriate amount of counseling and inter- Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Mr. Speaker, Betty vention opportunities for them and their fami- Jean Verett Pepper was born on April 28, lies. Christina’s work has made a difference to HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO 1931, in Crosby County, Texas, to Charley the citizens of Fairfield. OF CONNECTICUT and Maggie (Fenoglio) Verett. She was the Christina was a valued employee and leader IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES youngest of the family’s nine children who and her commitment to the community was Wednesday, May 11, 2011 were raised working on the family farm. Betty evidenced on a daily basis. She was a loyal Jean graduated from Ralls High School and representative of the law enforcement commu- Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, it is with great pleasure that I rise today to extend my sincere went on to graduate from Texas Technological nity and admired for her hard work, dedication, College in Lubbock, Texas, in 1952. and positive work ethic. congratulations to the St. Sebastian Parish as they celebrate the 90th Anniversary of the St. At Texas Tech she met Herbert Leslie Pep- Mr. Speaker, I am truly honored to pay trib- per and they married in 1953. Leslie and Jean ute to this dedicated public servant. I ask all Sebastian Feast. This wonderful annual cele- bration has become one of Middletown, Con- moved to the San Antonio area where their of my colleagues to join with me in wishing three sons were born and raised, also working Christina M. Golez continued success and necticut’s most beloved community events. This is a remarkable milestone and I am proud on the family farm and in agriculture-related happiness in all of her future endeavors. businesses. f to have this opportunity to commemorate this very special anniversary. Now back in Lubbock and known as Mama HONORING NORWALK, The Feast of St. Sebastian is a blend of Jean to her own family and the expanded CONNECTICUT POLICE OFFICERS faith, culture, and tradition. The three-day Verett families, she not only remembers the event reconnects city residents to their Sicilian birthdays, anniversaries and other special oc- HON. JAMES A. HIMES heritage. The tradition dates back to 1414, casions of this group, but personally calls when it is said that a statue of St. Sebastian each one on those special days. OF CONNECTICUT That is why we want to take this opportunity washed up on the shores near Melilli, a small IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to remember her 80th birthday on April 28, town in Sicily. No one could lift the statue ex- 2011, and to wish her many more joyous cele- Wednesday, May 11, 2011 cept for the residents of Melilli, and they car- brations with her sons, six grandchildren and Mr. HIMES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- ried it to a place where they later built a three great-grandchildren. ognize and honor the police officers who have church in the saint’s name. dedicated their lives to serving the people of In the early 20th Century, immigrants from f Norwalk, Connecticut. Melilli moved in large numbers to Middletown COMMEMORATING THE 25TH ANNI- Since its formation in 1913, the Norwalk Po- and soon there were enough families there to VERSARY OF THE ASIAN & PA- lice Department has improved the quality of form a vibrant and close-knit Italian community CIFIC ISLANDER AMERICAN life for generations of citizens. Its officers’ vigi- that desired its own place of worship. Through HEALTH FORUM lant protection of the city’s residents and their a massive fundraising effort, the donation of property has formed the foundation of public materials, and the labor of masons, plasterers HON. JUDY CHU peace, order and tranquility that has allowed and stone carvers, the Italian community real- OF CALIFORNIA Norwalk to prosper. ized the dream of its own church, a significant IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Every day, Norwalk’s police officers take on local cultural symbol and the only Italian na- the responsibility of keeping the city safe. It tional parish in the Diocese of Norwich. The Wednesday, May 11, 2011 can be a dangerous job. Five times in its his- Feast of St. Sebastian was first celebrated in Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- tory, the Norwalk Police Department has suf- Middletown in 1921 and proceeds from the ognize the board and staff of the Asian & Pa- fered the loss of one of its own in the line of feast’s early years helped finance the building cific Islander American Health Forum on the duty. Sergeants Frank S. Stratton and Nich- of the church. 25th anniversary of their founding. They are olas W. Fera, and Officers Sherrald Gorton, Today, the Feast is run by a committee of guided by a mission to influence policy, mobi- Marco Carias and Matthew Morelli each lost dedicated congregation members and pro- lize communities, and strengthen programs

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.036 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E866 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 11, 2011 and organizations to improve the health of OPPOSING GIVEAWAYS TO BIG OIL it was not his time. He has been part of one Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pa- AND DRILLING OFF THE CALI- of the most courageous units, losing over 150 cific Islanders. As the largest national Asian FORNIA COAST United States Marines. In a few short months American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Is- he has come so far and a large part is due to lander advocacy organization in the country, HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK his family. His lovely supportive wife and new they maintain strategic relationships to move OF CALIFORNIA born child have put a smile on his face and sound policy forward that benefit our commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES given him something to live for. Some people nities. are put upon this earth to teach us and inspire Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Founded in 1986, the organization came to- us. Well, Brandon is one of those people. In Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in honor of Brandon, I ask that this poem, gether in response to the federal government’s strong opposition to allowing drilling off the penned by Albert Caswell, be placed in the first groundbreaking report on minority health. California Coast and dismantling basic oil drill- RECORD. ‘‘The Secretary’s Report on Black and Minority ing safeguards. U . . . B . . . LONG! Health’’ erroneously concluded that Asian Barely a year after the worst environmental U ... Americans and Pacific Islanders were disaster in our history, Republicans have healthier than other minorities despite the U ... B ... brought legislation (H.R. 1231) to the floor that U . . . B . . . LONG! ‘‘paucity of data.’’ Community leaders, advo- shows they are suffering from amnesia. This cates and medical providers who served Asian As Brandon, as is your fine life’s song. . . . legislation, when coupled with the two earlier With but the greatest of all Americans, so American populations came together to chal- drilling bills—H.R. 1229 and H.R. 1230—would very strong. . . . lenge this ‘‘model minority’’ myth and formed mandate that vast swaths of the East and All in our nation’s history, who now so be- the Asian American Health Forum, solidifying West Coasts be open to drilling, while fast- long. . . . the visionary idea of a national organization tracking new leases without sufficient safety or Belong, to the defenders of the free! As there is but such a list of most magnifi- that would grow into the Asian & Pacific Is- environmental review. lander American Health Forum. Working out of cent Americans, so indeed! Under H.R. 1231, the Interior Department Who all for our Country Tis of Thee, would a basement of the old Chinese Hospital in San would have to make at least half of the Outer Francisco Chinatown with few staff, the orga- so die and bleed! Continental Shelf (OCS) available to leasing, Ooo . . . rah Jar Head, As a United States nization has now grown to be a national orga- including the California Coast, regardless of Marine we see! nization with over 30 staff headquartered in state objections or safety, economic, or envi- As Freedom Fighters, who but bring our lib- San Francisco, an office in Washington, DC, ronmental concerns. This is on top of the two erty! and a national network comprised of more earlier bills that would actually make drilling All to leave, a better world for you and than 15 groups. me. . . . safeguards weaker than they were before the Men and women, of such magnificent Over the years the Asian & Pacific Islander BP Spill while destroying judicial review of grace. . . . American Health Forum has reached several leasing decisions. Who one and all, the darkest of all evils so milestones. In the early ’90s, the organization This legislation does nothing to bring down face. . . . received funding from the Department of gas prices. It is nothing more than a gift- With tears in eyes, as they so watched their Health and Human Services to implement in- wrapped handout to the oil industry. Repub- fine brothers die as still they kept novative outreach programs targeting chronic licans are not working to end the $4 billion in pace. . . . disease issues in the Asian American and Pa- yearly taxpayer subsidies that go to the largest And still so valiantly marched onward, as cific Islander communities, like HIV/AIDS and oil companies. They are not working to crack their most heroic hearts so raced. . . . The ones, such men of The Dark Horse who Hepatitis B. As the number of API individuals down on the speculation that we know is driv- came home without arms and legs. . . . in the U.S. increased, the organization contin- ing up the price of oil and gas. Instead, they All in their most amazing grace, teaching us ued to grow to do work to improve the health are pushing legislation that would give these all the meaning of courage and of the community by developing tobacco ces- companies free reign over our oil reserves and faith. . . . sation programs, cancer education and out- put our coastlines and the jobs that rely on And now comes another honored name. . . . reach programs and reducing domestic vio- them at risk. The Energy Information Agency Lance Corporal Brandon Long, of Lima Co. lence. In 2006, the Asian & Pacific Islander has estimated that even if the entire OCS as one in the same. . . . American Health Forum received the largest were exploited for oil, gas prices would drop For in our nation’s history, have but come such Hoosiers so indeed. . . . ever philanthropic investment in Asian Amer- by only three cents—and not until 2030. The Such fine patriots of peace, sons and daugh- ican, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander U.S. accounts for just 7% of world oil produc- ters who so believe. . . . communities through a $16.5 million grant by tion and we have only 3% of the world’s re- Who are a part of one of the greatest fighting the W.K. Kellogg Foundation which has serves. Despite the bumper sticker slogan of machines, The United States Marines! helped build capacity across the country ‘‘drill baby drill,’’ we cannot drill our way out of Who once upon battlefields of honor seen, so through the Health Through Action Program. high gas prices. courageously fought all in green. . . . Today the organization continues to advocate I urge all of my colleagues to oppose this As Brandon, as was your sheen! on behalf of our communities as the Afford- misguided bill and focus on sustainable and And when, all out on point as an IED explo- sion almost took your life. . . . able Care Act is implemented. responsible solutions to rising gas prices. Dying four times, but for his daughter and As the Chairwoman of the Congressional f wife. . . . somehow your strength ig- Asian Pacific American Caucus, I have had nited! HONORING LANCE CORPORAL At Heaven’s gate, you said you were told it’s the privilege of working with the Asian & Pa- BRANDON JOSEPH LONG cific Islander American Health Forum to elimi- not your time yet. . . . As when you Marine, your new battle had nate health disparities in this country. Their HON. MARLIN A. STUTZMAN just begun. . . . analysis and research have informed the work As . . . The Walls . . . came tumbling down OF INDIANA of policymakers for many years at the local, . . . tumbling down, you Indiana’s son! state and national level. The work produced IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES All in your most magnificent shades of by its programs and divisions are valuable re- Wednesday, May 11, 2011 green, all in what must be won! sources for community groups, legislators, As when you awoke, and you did not just Mr. STUTZMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today step . . . but began to run. . . . agencies and researchers in understanding to honor a true American hero, Lance Cor- the unique health issues that affect Asian Running to recovery, as deep down inside poral Brandon Joseph Long of the 3rd bat- . . . your fine heart shone like the sun! American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Is- talion, 5th Marines, ‘‘Darkhorse’’ Lima Com- Bringing you back from the dead, as you lift- lander populations. pany from my district in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. ed up your head. . . . On behalf of the Congressional Asian Pa- On September 27, 2010, while out on point in And saw what you had left, take the hill Ma- cific American Caucus, I would like to once Helmand Province, Afghanistan, Brandon rine . . . as all of our lives you so bless! As You So Teach Us . . . and So Beseech Us again congratulate the Asian & Pacific Islander stepped on a pressure plate which nearly cost . . . and So Reach Us, oh so yes! American Health Forum on their 25th anniver- him his life. He died four times on that day. He All with what that you so had left, as your sary and wish them the best in their work to said the thought of Nicole and his child Clair courage began to crest! achieve health justice over the next 25 years kept him alive and that he left his body, but All for his beautiful daughter Claire and his and beyond. when he rose up to Heaven they told him that lovely wife Nicole so yes. . . .

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.040 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E867 As you so reached so deep down inside, your produced in the Finger Lakes region of New KORUS FTA. On this note, I respectfully urge fine soul! York. Korean consumers are quite discrimi- my colleagues to join me in support of this im- To find that kind of courage, that you can nating wine drinkers and, as you might expect, portant agreement. I hope to see it brought up only find in hearts of gold! And if ever I had a son, I wish he could be have developed a taste for fine wine from the for consideration very soon, so that it can be like you the one. . . . United States, especially from New York ratified and implemented at the earliest oppor- Who such magnificent courage so holds. . . . wineries. tunity. Who all in his most heroic shades of green, is Currently, however, American wine exports but a fine champion so seen. . . . to Korea are subject to a tariff that puts them f For only so few in our Nation’s history, have out of the reach of many potential buyers. so lived so such lives so splendidly! There is a glimmer of hope on the horizon, RECOGNIZING AMBASSADOR TONY And took up that charge, and into that val- though, once the Congress ratifies and imple- HALL’S HUNGER FAST ley of death so marched. . . . ments the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement All so that we may be free! All out on their most heroic course, to make (KORUS FTA). HON. FRANK R. WOLF The KORUS FTA reduces Korea’s tariff on a difference with it all and go forth! OF VIRGINIA And so answered out Nation’s call. . . . U.S. wine imports to zero. That will be good For only a few will know this song, for only for New York vineyards. There are more than IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a few to such heights will belong. . . . 60 family-owned wineries in the area around Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Right at the top of that list! As America’s my hometown, and many of them will benefit greatest of all sons . . . their song! immediately from this new tariff-free situation. Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- Oh yes Brandon, that’s U. . . . In addition to the meetings with business ognize and commend my dear friend and our U ... B ... leaders, I also had important discussions with former colleague, Ambassador Tony Hall, for U . . . B . . . Long! Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Sung- his devotion to those less fortunate. Ambas- f Hwan Kim, Deputy Minister for Trade Seok- sador Hall went on a 28-day fast after learning U.S.-KOREA FREE TRADE Young Choi, and National Security Advisor of proposed budget cuts for programs that AGREEMENT (KORUS FTA) Yung-Woo Chun, as well as with Kyung-Pil help those less fortunate domestically and Nam, chairman of the Unification, Foreign Af- abroad. HON. TOM REED fairs, and Trade Committee of the Korean Na- Here are some comments that he made re- garding his recent fast: OF NEW YORK tional Assembly. Additionally I met with U.S. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ambassador Kathleen Stephens and President ‘‘Back in 1993, as a Member of Congress, of the American Chamber of Commerce in I went on a 22-day fast to protest the lack of Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Korea Amy Jackson. conscience of the U.S. Congress towards poor Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, two weeks ago, I All of these government leaders were strong and hungry people. Now, almost twenty years had the privilege of visiting the Republic of advocates of the U.S.-Korea Free Trade later, the stakes are even higher. That’s why Korea through their Congressional Member Agreement. They did not have to do much to on March 28, 2011—almost one month ago— Exchange Program. In just 3 busy days, I was convince me, as I share their advocacy and I stopped eating and started fasting, calling on able to meet and converse with top officials in appreciate their leadership and efforts to con- friends and colleagues from across the coun- the Korean Government, my counterparts in solidate our alliance partnership overall. try and around the world to join me. the Korean National Assembly, business lead- Today, Korea has the world’s eleventh-larg- ‘‘This coming Easter Sunday I will stop fast- ers, Korean War veterans and members of the est economy, known for its high-technology in- ing. The Hungerfast campaign is coming to an Armed Forces. dustries. It is the seventh-largest trading part- end, but the movement to ensure our leaders My father was a veteran of the Korean War, ner of the United States, the fifth largest mar- don’t balance the budgets on the backs of so it was particularly touching and meaningful ket for agricultural goods, and the third largest poor and hungry people is only getting started. for me that I was able to visit the Korean War destination for U.S. foreign direct investment ‘‘But before moving forward, I want to pause Memorial and Exhibition, lay a wreath and to in the Asia-Pacific region. for a moment to look back on what we have meet with officials at the Ministry of Patriots Bilateral trade between the Republic of accomplished together, and to express my and Veterans Affairs. My visit to the War Me- Korea and the United States averages about gratitude for all the ways people have broken morial served as a sobering reminder of the $80 billion each year. The KORUS FTA rep- out of their normal routines—going above and cost of freedom that was paid 60 years ago resents the largest and most commercially sig- beyond—in order to make the Hungerfast through the service and sacrifice of all Korean nificant free trade agreement ever signed by movement possible. War veterans. the United States in over a decade and since ‘‘Hungerfast has brought together a large I had similar chills the next day, when our the ratification of the North American Free and diverse coalition of partners; Meals on delegation visited the Demilitarized Zone and Trade Agreement. Wheels and the ONE Campaign. World Vision the Joint Security Area. It is difficult, if not im- This free trade agreement will ultimately and MoveOn.org. Christian, Jewish and Mus- possible, to describe the flood of emotions I eliminate tariff and non-tariff barriers, create lim organizations breaking out of business as felt looking out across the DMZ and realizing better jobs, enrich consumer choice, boost in- usual to call their constituencies to fasting, what life is like in North Korea, a country with dustry and enhance overall welfare for both prayer and personal sacrifice. one of the world’s most oppressive govern- nations. It will immediately eliminate tariffs on ments and, because of that, one of the world’s almost two-thirds of U.S. agricultural exports ‘‘With over 36,000 Americans, including 28 poorest populations. worth over $1.9 billion. Members of Congress, committed to fasting, While these two occasions were strikingly Overall, the KORUS FTA is expected to prayer and other forms of serious personal memorable, they provided an important frame- boost the more than $80 billion in annual two- sacrifice, the HungerFast movement will have work for when I had the opportunities to meet way trade between South Korea and the U.S. repercussions long into the future; it has not with Korean business leaders about trade, in- by $10 billion to $20 billion about 5 years after only set the stage for our ongoing budget de- vestment, and tourism. ratification. The reasons for swift approval by bate, it has moved all of us into deeper levels Prior to my election as a Member of Con- the Congress of the Korea-U.S. Free Trade of solidarity with those who Jesus called, ‘the gress, it was my great privilege to serve as Agreement are numerous and compelling. least of these.’’ mayor of Corning, New York, and of course In closing, I wish to extend my sincere grati- As the Congress continues the budget proc- Corning is part of the 29th congressional dis- tude to the Government and people of Korea ess, we must carefully consider proposals that trict that I am honored to represent. Corning is for their tremendous hospitality during my visit impact the most vulnerable. Scripture (Prov- home of Corning Incorporated, a Fortune 500 2 weeks ago. In particular, I wish to thank and erbs 19:17) tells us, ‘‘He who is kind to the company with interests and facilities across recognize Korean Ambassador Duk-Soo Han poor lends to the Lord.’’ And in the New Tes- the globe—including in South Korea. for all his help and support that paved the way tament Jesus talks a lot about the poor. In While in Korea, I was taken on a tour of for a successful and productive trip. He is a Matthew 25 he says that if we ignore the poor Samsung Corning Precision Materials and was great advocate for his country and I appreciate and hungry it is the same as ignoring him. given a very informative briefing about the our mutual friendship. It is imperative that we all work together rein company’s activities which are critical to my Mr. Speaker, I came away from my visit in our nation’s unfunded liabilities to ensure district. I also had an opportunity to do one of emboldened and excited by the opportunities that resources are available to help society’s my favorite things—talk about the great wines that lay ahead with respect to benefits of the neediest and most vulnerable members.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.043 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E868 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 11, 2011 PERSONAL EXPLANATION brave men and women who gave their life in challenge themselves by approaching political the line of duty. and current issues in different ways. In fact HON. JAMES R. LANGEVIN As we celebrate National Police Week 2011, one of the members of Mishkan Israel was re- OF RHODE ISLAND let us take time to recognize that our law en- cently quoted as saying, ‘‘he has brought the forcement officers risk their lives every day to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES congregation to a place of social participation protect our families and keep us safe. Every and awareness that does not happen all the Wednesday, May 11, 2011 peace officer serving in Minnesota or any time.’’ It has been through his strongly held Mr. LANGEVIN. Mr. Speaker, on Tuesday, community across this country knows that view that everybody has something to offer May 10, 2011, I was unavoidably detained and wearing a uniform carries a special responsi- and that everyone should be heard that he unable to be in the Chamber for three rollcall bility and exceptional risk. has become a community leader in interfaith votes. Had I been present, I would have voted Today marks nearly one year since Maple- relationships. Indeed, at his Silver Salute, he ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 299, the Polis amend- wood Police Officer Joseph Bergeron was will be honored by an imam, a bishop, and ment to H.R. 1229; ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 300, killed in the line of duty after responding to re- several ministers—a testament to his advo- the Garamendi amendment to H.R. 1229; and ports of a suspected carjacking. This was a cacy and the respect he has earned through- ‘‘yea’’ on the Markey amendment to H.R. time of great pain and loss for the State of out our religious communities. 1229. Minnesota. In the year since, the law enforce- Rabbi Brockman has inspired hundreds to f ment community continues to heal from this not only talk about those issues that impact loss and will ultimately do so because of their our community, but to act on them as well. HONORING RUTH BURR POWELL strength and resilience. The residents of the Among those is Abraham’s Tent, a program City of Maplewood will continue to have my that Rabbi Brockman helped found which was HON. DALE E. KILDEE full support during this time. created to address the problem of the many OF MICHIGAN We must never forget the heroic sacrifice of homeless men who are turned away from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES our fallen peace officers. The valiant bravery shelters because of high demand and limited of these brave men and women helps ensure capacity. Each week a house of worship is Wednesday, May 11, 2011 the safety of our families and communities. opened to these men so that they may have Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to This National Police Week, I urge my col- a warm place to sleep at night and volunteers pay tribute to Ruth Burr Powell, as she cele- leagues to join me in honoring the courage from the congregation also provide them with brates her 100th birthday on September 24th. and sacrifice of all law enforcement officers a hot meal. This effort has not only provided The Colonial Dames of the 17th Century are who gave their life in the line of duty. shelter to many who might have otherwise hosting a party in Ruth’s honor on May 19th f been subjected to the bitter conditions of a in Florida. New England winter, but has also kept the Ruth Burr Powell hails from Linden Michi- HONORING RABBI HERBERT N. issues of homelessness at the forefront of our gan. She graduated from Linden High School, BROCKMAN ON HIS 25TH ANNI- community’s public discourse. attended Flint (Mott) Community College, and VERSARY WITH CONGREGATION Through his spiritual leadership and advo- the University of Michigan. After receiving her MISHKAN ISRAEL cacy for social justice, Rabbi Herbert Master’s Degree in Music and Art from Wayne Brockman has left an indelible mark on our State University, Ruth taught in the Detroit HON. ROSA L. DeLAURO community. His infinite compassion and com- Public Schools. OF CONNECTICUT mitment to service inspires others to make a A lifelong interest in history and genealogy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES difference—a gift that has and continues to led her to publish a book on the genealogy of Wednesday, May 11, 2011 make the Greater New Haven community a her mother’s family. Along with her husband, better place to live, learn, and grow. I am so Harold F. Powell PhD, she inventoried the Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, it is with great pleased to have the opportunity to extend my grave-sites and headstones of Fairview Ceme- pleasure that I rise today to join Congregation deepest thanks to him for all of his good work tery. The Cemetery covers 29 acres in Linden Mishkan Israel and the Greater New Haven and to join the congregation of Mishkan Israel and dates back to 1836. Together they wrote community in paying tribute to the outstanding in congratulating him on his 25th Anniversary a reference book about the Cemetery still in efforts of Rabbi Herbert N. Brockman as he with them. I wish him, his wife, Elin, and their use today. Ruth has served as the Regent of celebrates his 25th year of leadership at the children Harry and Jonathan all the best for the Ezra Parker Chapter, Daughters of the synagogue. Rabbi Brockman is not only an many more years of health and happiness. exceptional religious leader, but has earned a American Revolution; President of the Hugue- f not Society of Michigan; Elder of the Society distinguished reputation as an advocate for of Mayflower Descendants in Michigan; State social justice and interfaith understanding. His HONORING SISTER MARY ANN President of the Michigan Chapter of the Soci- commitment to these issues have enriched the SMITH ety of Women Descendants of the Ancient and lives of his congregation and fostered better Honorable Artillery Company; Vice President communication and understanding among var- HON. THADDEUS G. McCOTTER of the Florida Genealogical Society; and she is ious community groups. In doing so, he has OF MICHIGAN a life member of the Linden Chapter of the helped to mold the character of our commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nity—going a long way in creating an environ- Order of the Eastern Star. She has volun- Wednesday, May 11, 2011 teered her time with several hereditary soci- ment of mutual awareness and respect. eties and with the Historical Collections at the Though he originally came to Yale Medical Mr. MCCOTTER. Mr. Speaker, today I rise Detroit Public Library and the Florida Genea- School planning to become a psychiatrist, like to honor and acknowledge Sister Mary Ann logical Society Library. six generations before him, Rabbi Brockman Smith, President/Principal of Ladywood High Mr. Speaker, I ask the House of Represent- heard a call to another purpose. Upon comple- School, as she receives the Helen Kern Morris atives to join me in wishing Ruth Burr Powell tion of his rabbinic studies in the Reform tradi- Award from the Father Kern Foundation and much joy as she celebrates her 100th birthday tion, he served two other synagogues before Most Holy Trinity Church, located in South- and for many, many more years to come. finding a more permanent home at Mishkan west Detroit. Each year the Helen Kern Morris f Israel in Hamden, Connecticut. Award is presented to an individual who has His experiences led him to a broader world demonstrated a deep commitment in the HONORING THE LIFE, SERVICE, view and it has been through this holistic view Catholic faith and dedication in serving her AND SACRIFICE OF MINNESOTA of humanity that he has taught and inspired community and the needs of the less fortu- LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS not only his congregation but the community nate. as a whole. Rabbi Brockman holds firm to the Born in Bronson, Michigan, Sister Mary Ann HON. BETTY McCOLLUM belief that in order to really learn you must be is the third of four children born to Leo and OF MINNESOTA willing to listen to opposing viewpoints and Martha Smith. She completed her elementary IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES while you may not agree, you must respect education in Bronson at St. Mary’s Assump- that there are opinions other than your own. tion and responded to God’s calling to enter Wednesday, May 11, 2011 He is both renowned and beloved for his the Aspirancy of the Felician Sisters. After at- Ms. McCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise to encouragement of the congregation at tending both the Felician Academy in Detroit honor the life and public service of all the Mishkan Israel, and the community at-large, to and Livonia’s Ladywood High School, Sister

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.046 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E869 Mary Ann entered the Congregation of the tions in Europe, Asia, North America, and JOHN PANGELINAN GERBER POST Sisters of St. Felix of Cantalice, Felician Sis- South America. The Industrial Hemp Farming OFFICE BUILDING ters. She earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Act will relieve this unique restriction on Amer- Music/Education from Madonna University in ican farmers and allow them to grow industrial HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO 1972 and went on to Wayne State University hemp in accord with State law. OF GUAM where she earned a Masters in Music/Edu- Industrial hemp is a crop that was grown le- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cation in 1980. Impressively in 1987, Sister gally throughout the United States for most of Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Mary Ann received a Master’s Degree in Edu- our Nation’s history. In fact, during World War cational Administration at the University of II, the Federal Government actively encour- Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Dayton. From the State of Michigan she ob- aged American farmers to grow industrial to introduce a bill to rename the U.S. Post Of- tained Administrative Certification K–12 Build- hemp to help the war effort. The Department fice Building in Barrigada, Guam, the John ing Level Leadership Improvement, a Sec- of Agriculture even produced a film ‘‘Hemp for Pangelinan Gerber Post Office Building. John ondary Certificate in Music-K–12 and in Music Victory’’ encouraging the plant’s cultivation. Gerber, a former Marine and lifetime resident of the village of Ordot, Guam, passed away on 9–12. In recent years, the hemp plant has been May 4, 2010, at the age of 58. Sister Mary Ann Smith has served on nu- put to many popular uses in foods and in in- John Vincent Pangelinan Gerber was born merous Boards and Committees in the aca- dustry. Grocery stores sell hemp seeds and oil in Guam on May 31, 1951. The eldest son of demic community, is a member of the Livonia as well as food products containing oil and Martin and Dolores Gerber, John attended Chamber of Commerce and is a choir member seeds from the hemp plant. Industrial hemp is Barrigada Junior High School, Father Duenas and cantor at St. Monica Parish. She taught also included in consumer products such as Memorial School and George Washington school in Detroit, Hamtramck, Wyandotte, Bay paper, cloths, cosmetics, carpet, and door High School. On June 4, 1969, immediately City and Livonia and served as Principal at St. frames of cars. Hemp has even been used in after graduating from high school, John en- Florian High School in Hamtramck before be- alternative automobile fuel. coming Principal/President of Ladywood High listed in the United States Marine Corps. Upon It is unfortunate that the Federal Govern- completion of basic training at Marine Corps School in my hometown of Livonia. ment has stood in the way of American farm- Mr. Speaker, Sister Mary Ann Smith has Recruit Depot in San Diego, John was de- ers competing in the global industrial hemp bettered the lives of countless students. Cele- ployed to Vietnam where he served with the market. Indeed, the founders of our Nation, brating more than 40 years in Catholic Edu- Fleet Logistics Command in support of the 1st some of whom grew hemp, would surely find cation, Sister Mary Ann Smith has been a and 3rd Marine Divisions. After completing his that federal restrictions on farmers growing a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of tour in Vietnam, John was assigned to Marine safe and profitable crop on their own land are St. Felix of Cantalice for 44 years. As she re- Barracks Guam where he would remain until inconsistent with the constitutional guarantee ceives this much deserved award for her tire- he was honorably discharged as a Corporal of a limited, restrained Federal Government. less efforts on the behalf of the youth of our from the Marine Corps on June 3, 1975. Therefore, I urge my colleagues to stand up metropolitan area, I ask my colleagues to join Following his service in the Marine Corps, for American farmers and cosponsor the In- me in applauding her legendary leadership, John returned to Guam and became a radio dustrial Hemp Farming Act. and in thanking her for her unfaltering service disc jockey with his signature ‘‘Wireless Rock’’ to our community and our country. program. He had the most popular radio show f f on Guam at the time, and he was a local ce- HONORING BRAIN CENTER HEALTH lebrity. As his program’s popularity soared, INTRODUCING THE INDUSTRIAL AND REHABILITATION OF HEN- John showed his business acumen by opening HEMP FARMING ACT DERSONVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA a record store called the Wireless Rock Music Box. John was an entrepreneur and he com- HON. RON PAUL bined his love of our island and our ocean OF TEXAS HON. HEATH SHULER with a business venture, establishing a charter IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NORTH CAROLINA boat tour company that offered visitors a tour of Guam’s best diving and fishing spots and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Chamorro fiesta food on board. He promoted Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to introduce Wednesday, May 11, 2011 the Chamorro culture in his tours and was one the Industrial Hemp Farming Act. The Indus- Mr. SHULER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to of the pioneers of what is now recognized as trial Hemp Farming Act requires the Federal honor Brain Center Health and Rehabilitation culture-based eco-tourism. Government to respect State laws allowing the In 1992, John joined the Guam Chapter of of Hendersonville, North Carolina, during this growing of industrial hemp. the 3rd Marine Division Association. As a year’s National Nursing Home Week. Nine States—Hawaii, Kentucky, Maine, member of this organization, John devoted his Maryland, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, Brain Center Health and Rehabilitation pro- time and energy to helping fellow Marines and Vermont, and West Virginia—allow industrial vides extended care and skilled nursing serv- veterans. He was active in promoting and pre- hemp production or research in accord with ices to seniors with short-term and long-term serving the history of the 3rd Marine Division State laws. However, Federal law is standing disabilities. The center houses a dedicated and its role in the War in the Pacific and the in the way of farmers in these States growing staff that provides 24-hour continuous care Liberation of Guam during World War II. He what may be a very profitable crop. Because throughout the year to 120 patients. Through was a history buff and he immersed himself in of current Federal law, all hemp included in associate partners, they are able to offer reli- collecting memorabilia and military equipment products sold in the United States must be im- able and high-quality medical assistance to from the World War II era. ported instead of being grown by American residents in multiple states. John also promoted the idea of welcoming farmers. In celebration of this year’s National Nursing active duty Marines and other servicemembers Since 1970, the federal Controlled Sub- Home Week, the theme of which is ‘‘fulfilling who visited Guam on temporary duty or de- stances Act’s inclusion of industrial hemp in the promise,’’ Brain Center Health and Reha- ployments. He teamed up with the Guam the schedule one definition of marijuana has bilitation Center will host events to recognize Chamber of Commerce’s Armed Forces Com- prohibited American farmers from growing in- residents and staff that focus on maintaining mittee and veterans organizations to host fies- dustrial hemp despite the fact that industrial the high level of care that helped it be named tas for visiting Marines, World War II veterans, hemp has such a low content of THC (the one of the only 5 Star centers in the region. and military units deployed to Guam. He psychoactive chemical in the related marijuana I would like to applaud and thank the skilled hosted numerous fiestas each year and it is plant) that nobody can be psychologically af- and trained staff members of Brain Center estimated that his hospitality was appreciated fected by consuming hemp. Federal law con- Health and Rehabilitation. Their focus on indi- by nearly 20,000 servicemembers who visited cedes the safety of industrial hemp by allow- vidualized care respects the rights and dignity his home in Ordot called ‘‘Gerber’s Ranch.’’ ing it to be legally imported for use as food. of their residents and their philosophy of car- Gerber’s Ranch was a mini-complex of out- The United States is the only industrialized ing and curing provides quality results. door pavilions, cooking facilities, and a mini- nation that prohibits industrial hemp cultiva- Mr. Speaker, in recognition of their excel- museum of his collection of World War II tion. The Congressional Research Service has lence in care, I ask my colleagues to join me memorabilia. John collected and restored noted that hemp is grown as an established in celebrating the staff and residents of Brain many World War II armored vehicles, weap- agricultural commodity in approximately 30 na- Center Health and Rehabilitation. ons and uniforms and artifacts. His collection

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.050 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E870 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 11, 2011 was known worldwide among Marines and his Corps when members of the community made groups, speaking more than 100 languages mini-museum was visited by many of the Ma- negative comments about ‘‘his’’ Marines. and dialects. This resolution recognizes the rine Corps’ senior leadership, including the After his passing, community leaders, fam- importance of providing access to culturally- Commandant. ily, friends, and John’s fellow servicemembers and linguistically-competent services, espe- John worked tirelessly to educate the public spoke fondly of John’s service and his dedica- cially HIV testing. According to an analysis of about Guam’s significance during World War II tion to honoring his fellow Marines and vet- recent data from the Centers for Disease Con- and the Marine Corps’ role in liberating the is- erans. On April 16, 2011, the Marine Corps trol and Prevention (CDC), Asian Americans land. On July 21, 2008, the 64th anniversary Heritage Foundation posthumously awarded and Pacific Islanders were the only racial/eth- of Liberation of Guam, John opened the Pa- John Gerber the prestigious Colonel John H. nic groups with a statistically significant in- cific War Museum, transferring his collection to Magruder Award in Quantico, Virginia. This crease in new HIV diagnoses. The CDC esti- a site more accommodating to the public. This national award recognizes an individual or or- mates that 37% of the HIV diagnoses among facility, located below a bluff named after U.S. ganization for their excellence in depicting and these communities progress to AIDS in less Navy Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, served as an perpetuating Marine Corps history. than 12 months. Additionally, the CDC esti- appropriate display venue for John’s collection Mr. Speaker, John Gerber was a proud son mates that 1 in 3 Asian Americans, Native Ha- of World War II-era memorabilia and military of Guam who dedicated his life to honoring his waiians, and Pacific Islanders living with HIV/ equipment. beloved Marines, veterans, and the people of AIDS are unaware they are infected. In 2004, John was instrumental in an effort Guam. Renaming the Guam Main Post Office Yet, with increasing rates of infection, they to rename Route 1 on Guam from Marine Facility will serve as a permanent honor to the continue to have the lowest rates of access to Drive to Marine Corps Drive to clarify that this legacy and memory of John Pangelinan Ger- HIV testing services. Although there are a highway honors the 1,548 Marines who lost ber, and I urge my colleagues to support this number of factors that contribute to increasing their lives and the 6,000 Marines that were bill. rates of infections, stigma and discrimination wounded during the Liberation of Guam, and f associated with HIV/AIDS has proved to be a that it is not named Marine Drive because it INTRODUCTION FOR A RESOLU- leading factor in low testing rates and in- parallels Guam’s western shoreline as many TION SUPPORTING THE GOALS creased risk-taking behaviors. tourists believe. When the bill stalled in the AND IDEALS OF NATIONAL The observance of National Asian & Pacific Guam Legislature, John called attention to this ASIAN AND PACIFIC ISLANDER Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day was estab- issue by walking the entire 27 miles from An- HIV/AIDS AWARENESS DAY lished by the Banyan Tree Project, and began dersen Air Force Base to Naval Base Guam as a national campaign to raise awareness of pulling a handcart with a billboard that de- HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO the impact of the HIV/AIDS-related stigma and manded action. His walk, which occurred dur- how it contributes to lower testing rates and OF GUAM ing the morning rush hour, captured the greater risk-taking behaviors. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES public’s admiration and support for this auda- I look forward to working with my colleagues cious stunt. John went to this extreme to en- Wednesday, May 11, 2011 in addressing this need and advancing the sure that our community will always remember Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, today I have larger cause of reducing HIV/AIDS-related the heroism of the Marines who liberated introduced a resolution to honor the memory stigmas and disparities in access to HIV pre- Guam, especially those who gave the ultimate of 3,408 Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, vention, testing, and treatment. I would like to sacrifice for our freedom. The following day, and Pacific Islanders we have lost to AIDS, thank my colleagues, Representative HONDA, Route 1 was officially renamed Marine Corps and to recognize the 9,000 whom are still liv- Representative FALEOMAVAEGO, Representa- Drive by an Executive Order of the Governor, ing with HIV/AIDS in the United States. It sup- tive WU, Representative PIERLUISI, Represent- overcoming the objections of the Legislature. ports the goals and ideals of National Asian ative MALONEY, Representative CONNOLLY, John was elated when the Department of and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Representative CHRISTENSEN, Representative Defense announced in 2005 that Marines from Day, its observance, and, draws attention to LEE, Representative GRIJALVA, Representative the 3rd Expeditionary Force would be trans- the stigma and disparities that hinder proper AL GREEN, Representative ROBERT SCOTT, ferred from Okinawa, Japan to Guam. He treatment and prevention within these commu- Representative SABLAN, and Representative viewed the relocation of the 3rd Expeditionary nities. MCDERMOTT for their support as original co- Force as a homecoming for the Marine Corps Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders com- sponsors to this resolution. and was always the first to defend the Marine prise more than 40 different ethnic sub-

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11MY8.053 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS May 11, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E871 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS 10:30 a.m. Armed Services Appropriations Readiness and Management Support Sub- Title IV of Senate Resolution 4, Department of Defense Subcommittee committee agreed to by the Senate on February 4, To receive a closed briefing the United To hold hearings to examine the current 1977, calls for establishment of a sys- States Northern Command (NORTH- materiel readiness of U.S. Forces in re- tem for a computerized schedule of all COM) and the United States Southern view of the Defense Authorization Re- meetings and hearings of Senate com- Command (SOUTHCOM). quest for fiscal year 2012 and the Fu- mittees, subcommittees, joint commit- SVC–217 ture Years Defense Program. tees, and committees of conference. Homeland Security and Governmental Af- SR–232A fairs Veterans’ Affairs This title requires all such committees Federal Financial Management, Govern- to notify the Office of the Senate Daily To hold hearings to examine seamless ment Information, Federal Services, transition, focusing on improving Vet- Digest—designated by the Rules Com- and International Security Sub- erans Affairs and Department of De- mittee—of the time, place, and purpose committee fense collaboration. of the meetings, when scheduled, and To hold hearings to examine addressing SR–418 any cancellations or changes in the the U.S. Postal Service’s financial cri- 2:30 p.m. meetings as they occur. sis. Appropriations SD–342 Energy and Water Development Sub- As an additional procedure along 2:15 p.m. with the computerization of this infor- committee Foreign Relations To hold hearings to examine proposed mation, the Office of the Senate Daily Business meeting to consider S. 618, to budget estimates and justification for promote the strengthening of the pri- Digest will prepare this information for fiscal year 2012 for the Department of vate sector in Egypt and Tunisia, S. printing in the Extensions of Remarks Energy. Con. Res. 15, supporting the goals and section of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD SD–192 ideals of World Malaria Day, and re- on Monday and Wednesday of each Foreign Relations affirming United States leadership and European Affairs Subcommittee week. support for efforts to combat malaria To hold hearings to examine Administra- Meetings scheduled for Thursday, as a critical component of the Presi- tion priorities for Europe in the 112th May 12, 2011 may be found in the Daily dent’s Global Health Initiative, and the Congress. nominations of Daniel Benjamin Sha- Digest of today’s RECORD. SD–419 piro, of Illinois, to be Ambassador to Israel, Stuart E. Jones, of Virginia, to Energy and Natural Resources MEETINGS SCHEDULED be Ambassador to the Hashemite King- Public Lands and Forests Subcommittee MAY 17 dom of Jordan, George Albert Krol, of To hold hearings to examine S. 220, to provide for the reforestation of forest 9:30 a.m. New Jersey, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Uzbekistan, and Henry S. landscapes, protection of old growth Foreign Relations forests, and management of national To hold hearings to examine strategic Ensher, of California, to be Ambas- sador to the People’s Democratic Re- forests in the eastside forests of the implications of Pakistan and the re- State of Oregon, S. 270, to direct the gion. public of Algeria, all of the Department of State, and Mara E. Rudman, of Mas- Secretary of the Interior to convey cer- SD–419 tain Federal land to Deschutes County, 10 a.m. sachusetts, to be an Assistant Adminis- Oregon, S. 271, to require the Secretary Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs trator of the United States Agency for of Agriculture to enter into a property To hold hearings to examine oversight International Development, and a pro- conveyance with the city of Wallowa, and reauthorization of the Export-Im- motion list in the Foreign Service. Oregon, S. 278, to provide for the ex- port Bank of the United States. S–116, Capitol change of certain land located in the SD–538 2:30 p.m. Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forests in Energy and Natural Resources Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions the State of Colorado, S. 292, to resolve To hold hearings to examine S. 516, to ex- To hold hearings to examine strength- the claims of the Bering Straits Native tend outer Continental Shelf leases to ening medical and public health pre- Corporation and the State of Alaska to accommodate permitting delays and to paredness and response. land adjacent to Salmon Lake in the provide operators time to meet new SD–430 drilling and safety requirements, S. 3:30 p.m. State of Alaska and to provide for the 843, to establish outer Continental Intelligence conveyance to the Bering Straits Na- Shelf lease and permit processing co- To hold hearings to examine the nomina- tive Corporation of certain other public ordination offices, S. 916, to facilitate tion of Lisa O. Monaco, of the District land in partial satisfaction of the land appropriate oil and gas development on of Columbia, to be an Assistant Attor- entitlement of the Corporation under Federal land and waters, to limit de- ney General, Department of Justice. the Alaska Native Claims Settlement pendence of the United States on for- SD–562 Act, S. 322, to expand the Alpine Lakes eign sources of oil and gas, and S. 917, Wilderness in the State of Washington, to amend the Outer Continental Shelf MAY 18 to designate the Middle Fork Lands Act to reform the management 9:30 a.m. Snoqualmie River and Pratt River as of energy and mineral resources on the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs wild and scenic rivers, S. 382, to amend Outer Continental Shelf. Securities, Insurance and Investment Sub- the National Forest Ski Area Permit SD–366 committee Act of 1986 to clarify the authority of Finance To hold hearings to examine the state of the Secretary of Agriculture regarding To hold hearings to examine financing the securitization markets. additional recreational uses of Na- 21st century infrastructure. SD–538 tional Forest System land that is sub- SD–215 10 a.m. ject to ski area permits, and for other Judiciary Homeland Security and Governmental Af- permits, S. 427, to withdraw certain Immigration, Refugees and Border Secu- fairs land located in Clark County, Nevada, rity Subcommittee Business meeting to continue consider- from location, entry, and patent under To hold hearings to examine improving ation of S. 772, to protect Federal em- the mining laws and disposition under security and facilitating commerce at ployees and visitors, improve the secu- all laws pertaining to mineral and geo- America’s northern border and ports of rity of Federal facilities and authorize thermal leasing or mineral materials, entry. and modernize the Federal Protective S. 526, to provide for the conveyance of SD–226 Service, S. 550, to improve the provi- certain Bureau of Land Management 10:15 a.m. sion of assistance to fire departments, land in Mohave County, Arizona, to the Appropriations and S. 792, to authorize the waiver of Arizona Game and Fish Commission, Transportation and Housing and Urban De- certain debts relating to assistance for use as a public shooting range, S. velopment, and Related Agencies Sub- provided to individuals and households 566, to provide for the establishment of committee since 2005. the National Volcano Early Warning To hold hearings to examine proposed SD–342 and Monitoring System, S. 590, to con- budget estimates for fiscal year 2012 for Judiciary vey certain submerged lands to the the Federal Railroad Administration To hold hearings to examine improving Commonwealth of the Northern Mar- and the National Railroad Passenger efficiency and ensuring justice in the iana Islands in order to give that terri- Corporation. immigration court system. tory the same benefits in its submerged SD–138 SD–226 lands as Guam, the Virgin Islands, and

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M11MY8.000 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E872 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 11, 2011 American Samoa have in their sub- 2:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. merged lands, S. 607, to designate cer- Foreign Relations Appropriations tain land in the State of Oregon as wil- African Affairs Subcommittee Department of Defense Subcommittee derness, to provide for the exchange of To hold hearings to examine the next To hold hearings to examine proposed certain Federal land and non-Federal steps in Cote d’Ivoire. budget estimates for fiscal year 2012 for land, S. 617, to require the Secretary of SD–419 the Missile Defense Agency. the Interior to convey certain Federal Energy and Natural Resources SD–192 land to Elko County, Nevada, and to Water and Power Subcommittee 2:30 p.m. take land into trust for the Te-moak To hold hearings to examine S. 201, to Energy and Natural Resources Public Lands and Forests Subcommittee Tribe of Western Shoshone Indians of clarify the jurisdiction of the Sec- To hold hearings to examine S. 233, to Nevada, S. 683, to provide for the con- retary of the Interior with respect to withdraw certain Federal land and in- veyance of certain parcels of land to the C.C. Cragin Dam and Reservoir, S. terests in that land from location, the town of Mantua, Utah, S. 684, to 333, to reinstate and extend the dead- entry, and patent under the mining provide for the conveyance of certain line for commencement of construction laws and disposition under the mineral parcels of land to the town of Alta, of a hydroelectric project involving the and geothermal leasing laws, S. 375, to Utah, S. 667, to establish the Rio Little Wood River Ranch, S. 334, to re- authorize the Secretary of Agriculture Grande del Norte National Conserva- instate and extend the deadline for and the Secretary of the Interior to tion Area in the State of New Mexico, commencement of construction of a enter into cooperative agreements with S. 729, to validate final patent number hydroelectric project involving the State foresters authorizing State for- 27–2005-0081, S. 766, to provide for the American Falls Reservoir, S. 419, to au- esters to provide certain forest, range- designation of the Devil’s Staircase thorize the Dry-Redwater Regional land, and watershed restoration and Wilderness Area in the State of Oregon, Water Authority System, S. 499, to au- protection services, S. 714, to reauthor- to designate segments of Wasson and thorize the Secretary of the Interior to ize the Federal Land Transaction Fa- Franklin Creeks in the State of Oregon facilitate the development of hydro- cilitation Act, and S. 730, to provide for as wild rivers, S. 896, to amend the electric power on the Diamond Fork the settlement of certain claims under Public Land Corps Act of 1993 to ex- System of the Central Utah Project, S. the Alaska Native Claims Settlement pand the authorization of the Secre- 519, to further allocate and expand the Act. taries of Agriculture, Commerce, and availability of hydroelectric power SD–366 the Interior to provide service opportu- generated at Hoover Dam, and S. 808, MAY 26 nities for young Americans; help re- to direct the Secretary of the Interior store the nation’s natural, cultural, to allow for prepayment of repayment 10:30 a.m. historic, archaeological, recreational contracts between the United States Appropriations and scenic resources; train a new gen- and the Uintah Water Conservancy Dis- Department of Defense Subcommittee eration of public land managers and en- trict. To receive a closed briefing on the United States Central Command thusiasts; and promote the value of SD–366 (CENTCOM) and United States African public service, and S. 897, to amend the Intelligence Command (AFRICOM). Surface Mining Control and Reclama- To hold closed hearings to examine cer- SVC–217 tion Act of 1977 to clarify that tain intelligence matters. uncertified States and Indian tribes SH–219 have the authority to use certain pay- JUNE 15 10:30 a.m. ments for certain noncoal reclamation MAY 24 projects and acid mine remediation Appropriations programs. 9 a.m. Department of Defense Subcommittee SD–366 Foreign Relations To hold hearings to examine the Sec- Armed Services To hold hearings to examine al Qaeda, retary of Defense and the Chairman of SeaPower Subcommittee the Taliban, and other extremist the Joint Chiefs of Staff. To hold hearings to examine Marine groups in Afghanistan and Pakistan. SD–192 Corps acquisition programs in review SD–419 of the Defense Authorization Request 2:30 p.m. JUNE 16 for fiscal year 2012 and the Future Judiciary 10:30 a.m. Years Defense Program; with the possi- To hold hearings to examine certain Energy and Natural Resources bility of a closed session in SVC–217 nominations. To hold hearings to examine S. 343, to following the open session. SD–226 amend Title I of PL 99–658 regarding SR–232A the Compact of Free Association be- MAY 25 tween the Government of the United MAY 19 10 a.m. States of America and the Government Homeland Security and Governmental Af- of Palau, to approve the results of the 10 a.m. 15-year review of the Compact, includ- fairs Foreign Relations ing the Agreement Between the Gov- To hold hearings to examine how to save To hold hearings to examine evaluating ernment of the United States of Amer- taxpayer dollars, focusing on case stud- goals and progress in Afghanistan and ica and the Government of the Repub- Pakistan. ies of duplication in the Federal Gov- lic of Palau Following the Compact of SD–419 ernment. Free Association Section 432 Review, Homeland Security and Governmental Af- SD–342 and to appropriate funds for the pur- fairs Veterans’ Affairs poses of the amended PL 99–658 for fis- To hold hearings to examine ten years To hold hearings to examine seamless cal years ending on or before Sep- after 9/11, focusing on if intelligence re- transition, focusing on meeting the tember 30, 2024, to carry out the agree- form is working, part II. needs of service members and veterans. ments resulting from that review. SD–342 SR–418 SD–366

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:59 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\M11MY8.000 E11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Daily Digest Senate Cathy Ann Bencivengo, of California, to be Chamber Action United States District Judge for the Southern Dis- Routine Proceedings, pages S2851–S2894 trict of California. Measures Introduced: Fifteen bills and two resolu- Jeffrey J. Helmick, of Ohio, to be United States tions were introduced, as follows: S. 943–957, and District Judge for the Northern District of Ohio. S. Res. 179–180. Pages S2874–75 William J. Burns, of Maryland, to be Deputy Sec- retary of State. Measures Passed: 1 Air Force nomination in the rank of general. Minority Party’s Committee Membership: Senate 8 Coast Guard nominations in the rank of admi- agreed to S. Res. 179, to constitute the minority ral. party’s membership on certain committees for the 26 Navy nominations in the rank of admiral. One Hundred Twelfth Congress, or until their suc- Routine lists in the Navy and Public Health Serv- cessors are chosen. Page S2892 ice. Pages S2892–94 Appointments: Messages from the House: Page S2871 Board of Visitors of the U.S. Air Force Academy: Measures Referred: Page S2872 The Chair, on behalf of the Vice President, Pursuant Measures Placed on the Calendar: to 10 U.S.C. 9355(a), appointed the following Sen- Pages S2851, S2872 ators to the Board of Visitors of the U.S. Air Force Academy: Measures Read the First Time: Pages S2872, S2892 Senator Hoeven (Committee on Appropriations) Executive Communications: Pages S2872–74 and Additional Cosponsors: Pages S2875–76 Senator Graham (At Large) Page S2892 Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: Urbanski Nomination—Agreement: A unani- Pages S2876–91 mous-consent time agreement was reached providing that at 1 p.m., on Thursday, May 12, 2011, Senate Additional Statements: Page S2871 begin consideration of the nomination of Michael Authorities for Committees to Meet: Page S2891 Francis Urbanski, of Virginia, to be United States Record Votes: One record vote was taken today. District Judge for the Western District of Virginia; (Total—69) Page S2871 that there be one hour for debate, equally divided in the usual form; that upon the use or yielding back Adjournment: Senate convened at 9:30 a.m. and of time, Senate vote without intervening action or adjourned at 3:34 p.m., until 9:30 a.m. on Thurs- debate on confirmation of the nomination; that no day, May 12, 2011. (For Senate’s program, see the further motions be in order to the nomination. remarks of the Majority Leader in today’s Record on Page S2891 page S2892.) Nomination Confirmed: Senate confirmed the fol- lowing nomination: Committee Meetings By a unanimous vote of 96 yeas (Vote No. EX. (Committees not listed did not meet) 69), Arenda L. Wright Allen, of Virginia, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District APPROPRIATIONS: NATIONAL INSTITUTES of Virginia. Pages S2864–71, S2894 OF HEALTH Nominations Received: Senate received the fol- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Depart- lowing nominations: ments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Richard G. Andrews, of Delaware, to be United Education, and Related Agencies concluded a hear- States District Judge for the District of Delaware. ing to examine proposed budget estimates for fiscal D480

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year 2012 for the National Institutes of Health, after Years Defense Program, after receiving testimony receiving testimony from Francis S. Collins, Director, from Gregory L. Schulte, Deputy Assistant Secretary Anthony S. Fauci, Director, National Institute of Al- for Space Policy, Rear Admiral David W. Titley, Di- lergy and Infectious Diseases, Griffin P. Rodgers, rector, Oceanography, Space and Maritime Domain, Director, National Institute of Diabetes and Diges- Awareness Division, OPNAV N2/N6 (Information tive and Kidney Diseases, Harold Varmus, Director, Dominance), John A. Zangardi, Deputy Assistant National Cancer Institute, and Susan B. Shurin, Act- Secretary of the Navy for Command, Control, Com- ing Director, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Insti- munications, Computers, Intelligence, Information tute, all of the National Institutes of Health, De- and Space, General William L. Shelton, Commander, partment of Health and Human Services. Air Force Space Command, Lieutenant General Susan APPROPRIATIONS: GUARD AND RESERVE J. Helms, Commander, Joint Functional Component Command for Space, Lieutenant General Richard P. Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Depart- Formica, USA, Commanding General, United States ment of Defense concluded a hearing to examine Army Space and Missile Defense Command and proposed budget estimates for fiscal year 2012 for Army Forces Strategic Command, and Major General the Guard and Reserve, after receiving testimony John E. Hyten, Director, Space Programs, Assistant from General Craig R. McKinley, U.S. Air Force, Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, all of the Chief, National Guard Bureau, Major General Ray- Department of Defense; and Christina T. Chaplain, mond W. Carpenter, U.S Army, Acting Director, Director, Acquisition and Sourcing Management, Army National Guard, Lieutenant General Harry M. Government Accountability Office. Wyatt III, U.S. Air Force, Director, Air National Guard, Lieutenant General Jack Stultz, Chief, U.S. MANUFACTURING A STRONGER ECONOMY Army Reserve, Vice Admiral Dirk Debbink, U.S. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Navy, Chief, Navy Reserve, Major General Darrell L. Committee concluded a hearing to examine manufac- Moore, U.S. Marine Corps, Director, Reserve Affairs, turing our way to a stronger economy, after receiv- and Lieutenant General Charles E. Stenner, Jr., U.S. ing testimony from Leo W. Gerard, United Steel, Air Force, Chief, Air Force Reserve, all of the De- Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, partment of Defense. Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union (USW), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on behalf DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION REQUEST AND of the United Steelworkers; Stephanie A. Burns, FUTURE YEARS DEFENSE PROGRAM Dow Corning Corporation, Midland, Michigan; and Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Per- Mike Rowe, Discovery Communications, Inc., Silver sonnel concluded a hearing to examine the Active, Spring, Maryland. Guard, Reserve, and civilian personnel programs in review of the Defense Authorization Request for fis- NATIONAL PARKS BILLS cal year 2012 and the Future Years Defense Pro- Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: Sub- gram, after receiving testimony from Thomas R. La- committee on National Parks concluded a hearing to mont, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower examine S. 114, to authorize the Secretary of the In- and Reserve Affairs, Lieutenant General Thomas P. terior to enter into a cooperative agreement for a Bostick, USA, Deputy Chief of Staff, G1, Juan M. park headquarters at San Antonio Missions National Garcia, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Man- Historical Park, to expand the boundary of the Park, power and Reserve Affairs, Vice Admiral Mark E. to conduct a study of potential land acquisitions, S. Ferguson III, USN, Chief of Naval Personnel, Lieu- 127, to establish the Buffalo Bayou National Herit- tenant General Robert E. Milstead, Jr., USMC, Dep- age Area in the State of Texas, S. 140, to designate uty Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, as wilderness certain land and inland water within Daniel B. Ginsberg, Assistant Secretary of the Air the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore in the Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, and Lieu- State of Michigan, S. 161, to establish Pinnacles Na- tenant General Darrell D. Jones, USAF, Deputy tional Park in the State of California as a unit of the Chief of Staff, Manpower, Personnel and Services, all National Park System, S. 177, to authorize the Sec- of the Department of Defense. retary of the Interior to acquire the Gold Hill Ranch in Coloma, California, S. 247, to establish the Har- DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION REQUEST AND riet Tubman National Historical Park in Auburn, FUTURE YEARS DEFENSE PROGRAM New York, and the Harriet Tubman Underground Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Stra- Railroad National Historical Park in Caroline, Dor- tegic Forces concluded a hearing to examine military chester, and Talbot Counties, Maryland, S. 279, to space programs in review of the Defense Authoriza- direct the Secretary of the Interior to carry out a tion Request for fiscal year 2012 and the Future study to determine the suitability and feasibility of

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:31 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D11MY1.REC D11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with DIGEST D482 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST May 11, 2011 establishing Camp Hale as a unit of the National Defense, Coral Gables, Florida; Jeffrey S. Vogt, Park System, S. 302, to authorize the Secretary of American Federation of Labor and Congress of In- the Interior to issue right-of-way permits for a nat- dustrial Organizations, Washington, D.C.; and Gor- ural gas transmission pipeline in nonwilderness areas don Stoner, Montana Grain Growers Association, within the boundary of Denali National Park, S. Outlook, Montana. 313, to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRATIC issue permits for a microhydro project in nonwilder- REFORM IN IRAN ness areas within the boundaries of Denali National Park and Preserve, to acquire land for Denali Na- Committee on Foreign Relations: Subcommittee on Near tional Park and Preserve from Doyon Tourism, Inc, Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs con- S. 323, to establish the First State National Histor- cluded a hearing to examine human rights and ical Park in the State of Delaware, S. 403, to amend democratic reform in Iran, after receiving testimony the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate seg- from Michael Posner, Assistant Secretary for Democ- ments of the Molalla River in the State of Oregon, racy, Human Rights, and Labor, and Philo Dibble, as components of the National Wild and Scenic Riv- Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iran, and Near East- ers System, S. 404, to modify a land grant patent ern Affairs, both of the Department of State; Kambiz issued by the Secretary of the Interior, S. 508, to es- Hosseini, Voice of America Persian, and Andrew tablish the Chimney Rock National Monument in Apostolou, Freedom House, both of Washington, the State of Colorado, S. 535, to authorize the Sec- D.C.; and Rudi Bakhtiar, International Campaign for retary of the Interior to lease certain lands within Human Rights in Iran, New York, New York. Fort Pulaski National Monument, S. 564, to des- BUSINESS MEETING ignate the Valles Caldera National Preserve as a unit Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- of the National Park System, S. 599, to establish a fairs: Committee ordered favorably reported the fol- commission to commemorate the sesquicentennial of lowing business items: the American Civil War, S. 713, to modify the S. Res. 174, expressing the sense of the Senate boundary of Petersburg National Battlefield in the that effective sharing of passenger information from Commonwealth of Virginia, S. 765, to modify the inbound international flight manifests is a crucial boundary of the Oregon Caves National Monument, component of our national security and that the De- S. 779, to authorize the acquisition and protection partment of Homeland Security must maintain the of nationally significant battlefields and associated information sharing standards required under the sites of the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 2007 Passenger Name Record Agreement between under the American Battlefield Protection Program, the United States and the European Union; S. 849, to establish the Waco Mammoth National H.R. 793, to designate the facility of the United Monument in the State of Texas, and S. 858, to au- States Postal Service located at 12781 Sir Francis thorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a spe- Drake Boulevard in Inverness, California, as the cial resource study to determine the suitability and ‘‘Specialist Jake Robert Velloza Post Office’’; feasibility of designating the Colonel Charles Young S. 349, to designate the facility of the United Home in Xenia, Ohio as a unit of the National Park States Postal Service located at 4865 Tallmadge System, after receiving testimony from Senator Car- Road in Rootstown, Ohio, as the ‘‘Marine Sgt. Jer- per; Stephen E. Whitesell, Associate Director, Park emy E. Murray Post Office’’; and Planning, Facilities, and Lands, National Park Serv- S. 655, to designate the facility of the United ice, Department of the Interior; Joel Holtrop, Dep- States Postal Service located at 95 Dogwood Street uty Chief, National Forest Systems, Forest Service, in Cary, Mississippi, as the ‘‘Spencer Byrd Powers, Department of Agriculture; and Raymond Loretto, Jr. Post Office’’. Valles Caldera Trust, Jemez Springs, New Mexico. DIVERTING NON-URGENT EMERGENCY UNITED STATES-COLOMBIA TRADE ROOM USE PROMOTION AGREEMENT Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: Committee on Finance: Committee concluded a hearing Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging con- to examine the United States-Colombia Trade Pro- cluded a hearing to examine diverting non-urgent motion Agreement, after receiving testimony from emergency room use, focusing on if it can provide Miriam Sapiro, Deputy United States Trade Rep- better care and lower costs, and health center strate- resentative; Sandra Polaski, Deputy Under Secretary gies that may help reduce their use, after receiving of Labor for International Affairs; General James T. testimony from Jim Macrae, Associate Adminis- Hill, USA (Ret.), former Combatant Commander, trator, Bureau of Primary Health Care, Health Re- United States Southern Command, Department of sources and Services Administration, Department of

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Health and Human Services; Debra A. Draper, Di- Knowledge, and Larry Cohen, Communications rector, Health Care, Government Accountability Of- Workers of America, both of Washington, D.C. fice; Peter Cunningham, Center for Studying Health System Change (HSC), Washington, D.C.; Alieta BUSINESS MEETING Eck, Zarephath Health Center, Zarephath, New Jer- Committee on Rules and Administration: Committee or- sey; and Dana Kraus, St. Johnsbury Family Health dered favorably reported the following business Center, St. Johnsbury, Vermont. items: S. Res. 116, to provide for expedited Senate con- AT&T/T-MOBILE MERGER sideration of certain nominations subject to advice Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Anti- and consent; trust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights con- S. 739, to authorize the Architect of the Capitol cluded a hearing to examine the AT&T/T-Mobile to establish battery recharging stations for privately merger, after receiving testimony from Randall Ste- owned vehicles in parking areas under the jurisdic- phenson, AT&T Inc., Dallas, Texas; Philipp Humm, tion of the Senate at no net cost to the Federal Gov- T-Mobile USA, Inc., Bellevue, Washington; Daniel ernment; and R. Hesse, Sprint Nextel Corporation, Overland Park, The nomination of William J. Boarman, of Mary- Kansas; Victor H. Meena, Cellular South, Inc., land, to be Public Printer, Government Printing Of- Ridgeland, Mississippi; and Gigi B. Sohn, Public fice. h House of Representatives Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act: Chamber Action The House passed H.R. 1229, to amend the Outer Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 32 pub- Continental Shelf Lands Act to facilitate the safe and lic bills, H.R. 1825–1856; 1 private bill, H.R. timely production of American energy resources from 1857; and 7 resolutions, H.J. Res. 58–61; and H. the Gulf of Mexico, by a recorded vote of 263 ayes Res. 263, 265–266 were introduced. Pages H3217–20 to 163 noes, Roll No. 309. Consideration of the Additional Cosponsors: Pages H3220–21 measure began yesterday, May 10th. Pages H3180–86 Rejected the Connolly motion to recommit the Report Filed: A report was filed today as follows: bill to the Committee on Natural Resources with in- H. Res. 264, providing for consideration of the structions to report the same back to the House bill (H.R. 754) to authorize appropriations for fiscal forthwith with an amendment, by a recorded vote of year 2011 for intelligence and intelligence-related 186 ayes to 239 noes, Roll No. 308. Pages H3185–86 activities of the United States Government, the Rejected: Community Management Account, and the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability Sys- Hanabusa amendment (No. 4 printed in part A of tem, and for other purposes (H. Rept. 112–75). H. Rept. 112–73) that was debated on May 10th that sought to state that the Secretary shall not issue Page H3217 an offshore drilling permit without certifying that Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he the applicant has calculated a worst-case discharge appointed Representative Ellmers to act as Speaker scenario for the proposed drilling operations; and has pro tempore for today. Page H3163 demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Secretary that Recess: The House recessed at 10:45 a.m. and re- the applicant possesses the capability and technology convened at 12 noon. Page H3168 to respond immediately and effectively to such Chaplain: The prayer was offered by the guest chap- worst-case discharge scenario (by a recorded vote of lain, Reverend Wallace Shepherd, Second Baptist 187 ayes to 235 noes, Roll No. 302); Page H3180 Holt amendment (No. 6 printed in part A of H. Church, Santa Barbara, California. Page H3168 Rept. 112–73) that was debated on May 10th that Report Filing: Agreed by unanimous consent that sought to strike a provision in the underlying bill the Committee on Armed Services have until 5 p.m. that would ‘‘deem’’ drilling permits approved after on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 to file its report to ac- company H.R. 1540. Page H3171

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Rept. 112–73) that was debated on May 10th that 1383, H.R. 1657, and H.R. 802. Page H3188 sought to lift timeline requirements if the agency Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for lacks an adequate budget or lacks staff expertise to the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby: The properly review permits (by a recorded vote of 174 House agreed to discharge and agree to H. Con. Res. ayes to 254 noes, Roll No. 304); Pages H3181–82 16, to authorize the use of the Capitol Grounds for Hastings (FL) amendment (No. 8 printed in part the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby. A of H. Rept. 112–73) that was debated on May Pages H3188–89 10th that sought to require a detailed description of Authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the extent to which and by when any oil found on the National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service: the leased property will decrease the price of crude The House agreed to discharge and agree to H. Con. oil and at the pump for hardworking Americans (by Res. 46, to authorize the use of the Capitol Grounds a recorded vote of 169 ayes to 258 noes, Roll No. for the National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service. 305); Page H3182 Page H3189 Deutch amendment (No. 9 printed in part A of Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Morato- H. Rept. 112–73) that was debated on May 10th rium Act: The House began consideration of H.R. that sought to strike section 202 of H.R. 1229, so 1231, to amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands that states outside of the 5th Circuit could have Act to require that each 5-year offshore oil and gas their courts hear civil actions relating to energy leasing program offer leasing in the areas with the projects in the Gulf of Mexico (by a recorded vote most prospective oil and gas resources and to estab- of 205 ayes to 222 noes, Roll No. 306); and lish a domestic oil and natural gas production goal. Pages H3182–83 Consideration is expected to resume tomorrow, May Hastings (FL) amendment (No. 11 printed in part 12th. Pages H3171–80, H3186–88, H3189–H3207 A of H. Rept. 112–73) that was debated on May Pursuant to the rule, the amendment rec- 10th that sought to strike section 207 of the bill ommended by the Committee on Natural Resources which pertains to limitations on attorneys’ fees (by now printed in the bill shall be considered as adopt- a recorded vote of 185 ayes to 239 noes, Roll No. ed in the House and in the Committee of the 307). Pages H3183–84 Whole. H. Res. 245, the rule providing for consideration Agreed to: of the bill, was agreed to on May 5th. Young (AK) amendment (No. 1 printed in H. Pursuant to section 3 of the rule, in the engross- Rept. 112–74) that makes technical numbering cor- ment of H.R. 1229, the Clerk shall (1) add the text rections to section 2 of the bill. Page H3196 of H.R. 1230, as passed by the House, as new mat- Rejected: ter at the end of H.R. 1229; (2) conform the title Connolly amendment (No. 2 printed in H. Rept. of H.R. 1229 to reflect the addition of H.R. 1230, 112–74) that sought to clarify that new offshore as passed by the House, to the engrossment; (3) as- drilling would not conflict with military operations sign appropriate designations to provisions within (by a recorded vote of 193 ayes to 228 noes, Roll the engrossment; and (4) conform cross-references No. 312); Pages H3196–98, H3205 and provisions for short titles within the engross- Markey amendment (No. 3 printed in H. Rept. ment. 112–74) that sought to require that new 5-year leas- ing plans require that companies bidding on new Committee Resignation: Read a letter from Rep- leases first renegotiate any royalty-free leases they resentative Fincher, wherein he resigned from the own; thus raising more than $2 billion over 10 years Committee on Agriculture and the Committee on (by a recorded vote of 189 ayes to 238 noes, Roll Transportation and Infrastructure. Page H3188 No. 313); and Pages H3189–99, H3205–06 Committee Election: The House agreed to H. Res. Keating amendment (No. 4 printed in H. Rept. 263, electing Members to certain standing commit- 112–74) that sought to require the Secretary to tees of the House of Representatives. Page H3188 make public information about the lessee’s executive

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bonuses from the most recent quarter (by a recorded DEFENSE—APPROPRIATIONS vote of 186 ayes to 240 noes, Roll No. 314). Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Defense Pages H3199–H3200, H3206 held a hearing on Defense Health Program. Testi- Proceedings Postponed: mony was heard from Jonathan Woodson, Assistant Tsongas amendment (No. 5 printed in H. Rept. Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs; Lieutenant 112–74) that seeks to require that all applicants for General Eric B. Schoomaker, Surgeon General of the a drilling permit under a lease issued under H.R. U.S. Army; Vice Admiral Adam M. Robinson, Jr., 1231 would have to submit a worst-case scenario oil Surgeon General of the U.S. Navy; and Lieutenant spill containment and clean-up plan; Pages H3200–01 General Charles B. Green, Surgeon General of the Brown (FL) amendment (No. 6 printed in H. U.S. Air Force. Rept. 112–74) that seeks to make permanent the current moratorium on drilling in the eastern gulf of LEGISLATIVE BRANCH—APPROPRIATIONS Mexico that expires in 2022; Pages H3201–02 Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Legisla- Thompson (CA) amendment (No. 7 printed in H. tive Branch held a hearing on the Government Rept. 112–74) that seeks to clarify that the legisla- Printing Office, Congressional Budget Office, Mem- tion does not allow for oil and gas drilling on the bers and Public Witnesses. Testimony was heard northern coast of California; and Pages H3202–03 from William J. Boarman, Public Printer of the Inslee amendment (No. 8 printed in H. Rept. United States, GPO; Doug Elmendorf, Director, 112–74) that seeks to require the Washington state CBO; and public witnesses. Governor and legislature approve any leasing of the Outer Continental Shelf off of Washington state. INTERIOR, ENVIRONMENT— Pages H3203–04 APPROPRIATIONS H. Res. 257, the rule providing for consideration Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Inte- of the bill, was agreed to by a recorded vote of 243 rior, Environment, and Related Agencies held a ayes to 179 noes, Roll No. 311, after the previous hearing on National Endowment for the Humanities question was ordered by a yea-and-nay vote of 241 FY12 Budget Oversight. Testimony was heard from yeas to 179 nays, Roll No. 310. Jim Leach, Chairman, National Endowment for the Pages H3171–80, H3186–88 Humanities. Senate Message: Message received from the Senate MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES today appears on page H3164. Committee on Armed Services: Full Committee held a Senate Referral: S. Con. Res. 16 was referred to the markup of the following: H. Res. 208, Directing the Committee on House Administration. Secretary of Defense to transmit to the House of Pages H3164, H3216 Representatives copies of any document, record, Quorum Calls—Votes: One yea-and-nay vote and memo, correspondence, or other communication of twelve recorded votes developed during the pro- the Department of Defense, or any portion of such ceedings of today and appear on pages H3180, communication, that refers or relates to any consulta- H3181, H3181–82, H3182, H3183, H3183–84, tion with Congress regarding Operation Odyssey H3185, H3186, H3187, H3187–88, H3205, Dawn or military actions in or against Libya; and H3205–06 and H3206. There were no quorum calls. H.R. 1540, to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2012 for military activities of the Department of Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and ad- Defense and for military construction, to prescribe journed at 8:08 p.m. military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2012, and for other purposes. The bill was ordered reported, as Committee Meetings amended. REMOVING INEFFICIENCIES IN THE INTERIOR, ENVIRONMENT— NATION’S JOB TRAINING PROGRAMS APPROPRIATIONS Committee on Education and the Workforce: Sub- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Inte- committee on Higher Education and Workforce rior, Environment, and Related Agencies held a Training held a hearing on Removing Inefficiencies hearing on National Endowment for the Arts FY12 in the Nation’s Job Training Programs. Testimony Budget. Testimony was heard from Rocco was heard from Andrew Sherrill, Director for Edu- Landesman, Chairman, National Endowment for the cation, Workforce, and Income Security, GAO; and Arts. public witnesses.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:31 May 12, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D11MY1.REC D11MYPT1 rfrederick on DSKD9S0YB1PROD with DIGEST D486 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST May 11, 2011 MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES Drug Cartel Violence.’’ Testimony was heard from Committee on Energy and Commerce: Full Committee Grayling Williams, Director, Office of Counter- continued markup of the following: H.R. 5, the narcotics Enforcement, Department of Homeland Se- Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely curity; Amy Pope, Deputy Chief of Staff and Coun- Healthcare (HEALTH) Act of 2011. The bill was or- selor Criminal Division, Office of Assistant Attorney dered reported, as amended. General, Department of Justice; Steven C. McCraw, Director, Texas Department of Public Safety; Thom- MONETARY POLICY AND THE DEBT as C. Horne, Attorney General, Arizona; Sigifredo CEILING Gonzalez, Sheriff, Zapata County, Texas; and Victor Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on Do- Rodriguez Chief, McAllen Police Department, Texas. mestic Monetary Policy and Technology held a hear- GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE ing entitled ‘‘Monetary Policy and the Debt Ceiling: Examining the Relationship Between the Federal Re- Committee on House Administration: Subcommittee on serve and Government Debt.’’ Testimony was heard Oversight held a hearing on GPO—Issues and Chal- from public witnesses. lenges: How will GPO Transition to the Future? Testimony was heard from William J. Boarman, LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS TO ADDRESS Public Printer, GPO; and public witnesses. THE NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES OF THE DODD-FRANK WHISTLEBLOWER USA PATRIOT ACT PROVISIONS Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Crime, Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on Cap- Terrorism and Homeland Security held a hearing on ital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises the USA PATRIOT Act: Dispelling the Myths. Tes- held a hearing entitled ‘‘Legislative Proposals to Ad- timony was heard from former Congressman Robert dress the Negative Consequences of the Dodd-Frank Barr; and public witnesses. Whistleblower Provisions.’’ Testimony was heard LEGISLATIVE MEASURES from public witnesses. Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Immi- PEACE CORPS gration Policy and Enforcement held a hearing on Committee on Foreign Affairs: Full Committee held a H.R. 1741, the Secure Visas Act. Testimony was hearing on the Peace Corps at 50. Testimony was heard from Gary Cote, Acting Deputy Assistant Di- heard from Aaron S. Williams, Director, Peace rector, Office of International Affairs, Immigration Corps; Kathy A. Buller, Inspector General, Peace and Customs Enforcement, Department of Homeland Corps; Jessica Smochek, Former Peace Corps Volun- Security; David Donahue, Deputy Assistant Secretary teer; Carol Clark, Former Peace Corps Volunteer; for Visa Services, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Depart- Karestan Chase Koenen, Former Peace Corps Volun- ment of State; and public witnesses. teer; and public witnesses. USAID: FOLLOWING THE MONEY MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Sub- Committee on Foreign Affairs: Full Committee held a committee on National Security, Homeland Defense markup on H. Res. 209, Directing the Secretary of and Foreign Operations held a hearing entitled State to transmit to the House of Representatives ‘‘USAID: Following the Money.’’ Testimony was copies of any document, record, memo, correspond- heard from Rajiv Shah, Administrator, U.S. Agency ence, or other communication of the Department of for International Development; and Donald State, or any portion of such communication, that Gambatesa, Inspector General, U.S. Agency for refers or relates to any consultation with Congress International Development. regarding Operation Odyssey Dawn or military ac- TRANSPARENCY AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO tions in or against Libya. The bill was ordered re- THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT’S ported, as amended. REGULATION OF RISK RETENTION ON THE BORDER AND IN THE LINE OF Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Sub- FIRE: U.S. LAW ENFORCEMENT, committee on TARP, Financial Services and Bailouts HOMELAND SECURITY AND DRUG CARTEL of Public and Private Programs held a hearing enti- VIOLENCE tled ‘‘Transparency as an Alternative to the Federal Committee on Homeland Security: Subcommittee on Government’s Regulation of Risk Retention.’’ Testi- Oversight, Investigations, and Management held a mony was heard from Edward DeMarco, Acting Di- hearing entitled ‘‘On the Border and in the Line of rector, Federal Housing Finance Agency; and public Fire: U.S. Law Enforcement, Homeland Security and witnesses.

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INTELLIGENCE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR Appalachian Jobs—Part II. Testimony was heard FISCAL YEAR 2011 from Nancy Stoner, Acting Administrator, EPA Of- Committee on Rules: The Committee granted, by voice fice of Water; and public witnesses. vote, a structured rule on H.R. 754, the Intelligence EXAMINING VA’S IT STRATEGY FOR THE Authorization Act for FY 2011. The rule provides 21ST CENTURY one hour of general debate equally divided and con- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: Subcommittee on Over- trolled by the chair and ranking minority member sight and Investigations held a hearing on Reboot: of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Examining VA’s IT Strategy for the 21st Century. The rule waives all points of order against consider- Testimony was heard from Roger W. Baker, Assist- ation of the bill. The rule provides that the amend- ant Secretary for Information and Technology and ment in the nature of a substitute recommended by Chief Information Officer, Department of Veterans the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence shall be considered as an original bill for the purpose Affairs; and Belinda J. Finn, Assistant Inspector of amendment and shall be considered as read. The General for Audits and Evaluations, Office of Inspec- rule waives all points of order against the committee tor General, Department of Veterans Affairs. amendment in the nature of a substitute. The rule MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES makes in order only those amendments printed in Committee on Ways and Means: Full Committee held the Rules Committee report accompanying the reso- a markup on H.R. 1745, Jobs, Opportunity, Bene- lution. The rule provides that each such amendment fits, and Services Act of 2011. The bill was ordered may be offered only by a Member designated in the reported, as amended. report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, Joint Meetings shall not be subject to amendment, and shall not be GROWING PRESSURE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS subject to a demand for division of the question. The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe: Com- rule waives all points of order against the amend- mission concluded a hearing to examine Central Asia ments printed in the report. Finally, the rule pro- and the Arab spring, focusing on growing pressure vides one motion to recommit with or without in- for human rights and whether the factors that drove structions. Testimony was heard from Chairman the uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East Mike Rogers of Michigan; Rep. Ruppersberger; and exist in any of the Central Asian States, after receiv- Rep. Gibson. ing testimony from Robert O. Blake, Jr., Assistant HYDRAULIC FRACTURING TECHNOLOGY Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Af- AND PRACTICES fairs; Stephen Blank, Professor, National Security Af- Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: Full Com- fairs, Strategic Studies Institute, United States Army mittee held a hearing on Review of Hydraulic Frac- War College, Department of Defense; Paul A. turing Technology and Practices. Testimony was Goble, Institute of World Politics, Staunton, Vir- heard from Elizabeth Ames Jones, Commissioner, ginia; Scott Radnitz, University of Washington Jack- Texas Railroad Commission; Robert M. Summers, son School of International Studies, Seattle; and Secretary, Maryland Department of the Environment; Gulam Umarov, Sunshine Coalition, Uzbekistan, Harold Fitch, Michigan State Geologist; Director, Memphis, Tennessee. Office of Geological Survey, Michigan Department f of Environmental Quality; and Board Member, Ground Water Protection Council; Paul Anastas, COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR THURSDAY, Administrator, Office of Research and Development, MAY 12, 2011 EPA; and public witnesses. (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES Committee on Small Business: Full Committee held a Senate markup on H.R. 1425, Creating Jobs Through Small Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Transpor- Business Innovation Act of 2011. The bill was or- tation and Housing and Urban Development, and Related dered reported, as amended. Agencies, to hold hearings to examine proposed budget EPA MINING POLICIES estimates for fiscal year 2012 for the Federal Aviation Administration, 9:30 a.m., SD–138. Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Sub- Subcommittee on Legislative Branch, to hold hearings committee on Water Resources and Environment to examine proposed budget estimates for fiscal year 2012 held a hearing on EPA Mining Policies: Assault on for the Secretary of the Senate, the Senate Sergeant at

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Arms, and the United States Capitol Police, 1:30 p.m., ‘‘Fighting Fraud to Protect Taxpayers Act of 2011’’, and SD–138. the nominations of Henry F. Floyd, of South Carolina, to Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on SeaPower, be United States Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit, to receive a closed briefing on threats faced by our naval Kathleen M. Williams, to be United States District forces and the capabilities of our naval forces to respond Judge for the Southern District of Florida, Nelva to those threats in review of the Defense Authorization Gonzales Ramos, to be United States District Judge for Request for fiscal year 2012 and the Future Years Defense the Southern District of Texas, Richard Brooke Jackson, Program, 2:30 p.m., SVC–217. to be United States District Judge for the District of Col- Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: busi- orado, Sara Lynn Darrow, to be United States District ness meeting to consider the nominations of Peter A. Di- Judge for the Central District of Illinois, and Donald B. amond, of Massachusetts, to be a Member of the Board Verrilli, Jr., of the District of Columbia, to be Solicitor of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, David S. General of the United States, Department of Justice, 9:30 Cohen, of Maryland, to be Under Secretary for Terrorism a.m., SD–226. and Financial Crimes, Daniel L. Glaser, of the District of Select Committee on Intelligence: to hold closed hearings to Columbia, to be Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financ- examine certain intelligence matters, 2:30 p.m., SH–219. ing, and Timothy G. Massad, of Connecticut, to be As- sistant Secretary, all of the Department of the Treasury, House and Wanda Felton, of New York, to be First Vice Presi- dent, and Sean Robert Mulvaney, of Illinois, to be a Committee on Agriculture, Full Committee, hearing to re- Member, both of the Board of Directors of the Export- view pending free trade agreements, 10 a.m., 1300 Long- Import Bank of the United States; to be immediately fol- worth. lowed by an oversight hearing to examine the Dodd- Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Interior, Frank implementation, focusing on monitoring systemic Environment, and Related Agencies, hearing on Smithso- risk and promoting financial stability, 9:30 a.m., nian Institution FY12 Budget Oversight, 9:30 a.m., SD–538. B–308 Rayburn. Subcommittee on Housing, Transportation and Com- Subcommittee on Legislative Branch, hearing on the munity Development, to hold hearings to examine the House of Representatives FY 2012, 11 a.m., HC–5, Cap- need for national mortgage servicing standards, 2 p.m., itol. SD–538. Committee on Education and the Workforce, Subcommittee Committee on Energy and Natural Resources: to hold hear- on Workforce Protections, hearing on Reviewing Work- ings to examine carbon capture and sequestration legisla- ers’ Compensation for Federal Employees, 10 a.m., 2175 tion, including S. 699, to authorize the Secretary of En- Rayburn. ergy to carry out a program to demonstrate the commer- Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on cial application of integrated systems for long-term geo- Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade, markup of legisla- logical storage of carbon dioxide, and S. 757, to provide tion regarding the Enhancing CPSC Authority and Dis- incentives to encourage the development and implemen- cretion Act of 2011 (ECADA). 9 a.m., 2322 Rayburn. tation of technology to capture carbon dioxide from di- Subcommittee on Health, markup of H.R. 1683, the lute sources on a significant scale using direct air capture State Flexibility Act of 2011, 10 a.m., 2123 Rayburn. technologies, 9 a.m., SD–366. Committee on Financial Services, Full Committee, markup Committee on Environment and Public Works: Sub- on the following legislation: H.R. 1309, the Flood Insur- committee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety, to hold hear- ance Reform Act of 2011; H.R. 1573, to facilitate imple- ings to examine Federal efforts to protect public health by reducing diesel emissions, 2:30 p.m., SD–406. mentation of title VII of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Re- Committee on Finance: to hold hearings to examine oil form and Consumer Protection Act, promote regulatory and gas tax incentives and rising energy prices, 9 a.m., coordination, and avoid market disruption; H.R. 1121, SD–215. the Responsible Consumer Financial Protection Regula- Committee on Foreign Relations: to hold hearings to exam- tions Act of 2011; H.R. 1315, the Consumer Financial ine assessing the situation in Libya, 9:15 a.m., SD–419. Protection Safety and Soundness Improvement Act of Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: to 2011; and H.R. 1667, to postpone the date for the trans- hold hearings to examine the middle class, focusing on fer of functions to the Bureau of Consumer Financial Pro- if the American dream is slipping out of reach for Amer- tection if the Bureau does not yet have a Director in ican families, 9:15 a.m., SD–430. place. 10 a.m., 2128 Rayburn. Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs: Committee on Foreign Affairs, Full Committee, hearing to hold hearings to examine ten years after 9/11, focusing on Export Controls, Arms Sales, and Reform: Balancing on if intelligence reform is working, 2:30 p.m., SD–342. U.S. Interests, Part 1, 10 a.m., 2172 Rayburn. Committee on the Judiciary: business meeting to consider Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Emer- S. 350, to require restitution for victims of criminal vio- gency Preparedness, Response, and Communications, lations of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, S. hearing entitled ‘‘Taking Measure of Countermeasures 623, to amend chapter 111 of title 28, United States (Part 2): A Review of Efforts to Protect the Homeland Code, relating to protective orders, sealing of cases, dis- Through Distribution and Dispensing of CBRN Medical closures of discovery information in civil actions, S. 890, Countermeasures.’’ 2 p.m., 311 Cannon.

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Subcommittee on Transportation Security, markup of Fiscal Year 2012 Budget: Ensuring Fiscal Sustainability.’’ the following: H.R. 1690, MODERN Security Creden- 8:45 a.m., 2154 Rayburn. tials Act; H.R. 1801, Risk-Based Security Screening for Subcommittee on Federal Workforce, U.S. Postal Serv- Members of The Armed Forces Act; and H.R. 1165, ice and Labor Policy, hearing entitled ‘‘Where Have All Transportation Security Administration Ombudsman Act the Letters Gone?—The Mailing Industry and Its Fu- of 2011. 11 a.m., 311 Cannon. ture.’’ 1:30 p.m., 2154 Rayburn. Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Water Full Committee and the Committee on Small Business, and Power, hearing on the following: H.R. 470, to fur- joint hearing entitled ‘‘Politicizing Procurement: Will ther allocate and expand the availability of hydroelectric President Obama’s Proposal Curb Free Speech and Hurt power generated at Hoover Dam, and for other purposes; Small Business?’’ 1:30 p.m., 2154 Rayburn. H.R. 489, to clarify the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Committee on Small Business, Subcommittee on Over- the Interior with respect to the C.C. Cragin Dam and sight, Investigations and Regulations, hearing entitled Reservoir, and for other purposes; and H.R. 818, to di- ‘‘Green Isn’t Always Gold: Are EPA Regulations Harm- rect the Secretary of the Interior to allow for prepayment ing Small Businesses?’’ 10 a.m., 2360 Rayburn. of repayment contracts between the United States and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Sub- Uintah Water Conservancy District. 10 a.m., 1334 Long- committee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, worth. and Emergency Management, hearing on How to Stop Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans, and In- Sitting on Our Assets: A Review of the Civilian Property sular Affairs, hearing on the following: H.R. 295, to Realignment Act, 10:30 a.m., 2167 Rayburn. amend the Hydrographic Services Improvement Act of Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Full Committee, markup 1998 to authorize funds to acquire hydrographic data and of the following: H.R. 1407, Veterans’ Compensation provide hydrographic services specific to the Arctic for Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2011; H.R. 1484, Vet- safe navigation, delineating the United States extended erans Appeals Improvement Act of 2011; H.R. 1627, to continental shelf, and the monitoring and description of amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for certain coastal changes; H.R. 670, to convey certain submerged requirements for the placement of monuments in Arling- lands to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Is- ton National Cemetery, and for other purposes; H.R. lands in order to give that territory the same benefits in 1383, Restoring GI Bill Fairness Act of 2011; H.R. its submerged lands as Guam, the Virgin Islands, and 1657, to amend title 38, United States Code, to revise American Samoa have in their submerged lands; H.R. the enforcement penalties for misrepresentation of a busi- 991, to amend the Marine Mammal Protection Act of ness concern as a small business concern owned and con- 1972 to allow importation of polar bear trophies taken in trolled by veterans or as a small business concern owned sport hunts in Canada before the date the polar bear was and controlled by service-disabled veterans; and H.R. determined to be a threatened species under the Endan- 802, to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to estab- gered Species Act of 1973; H.R. 1160, McKinney Lake lish a VetStar Award Program; 3 p.m., 334 Cannon. National Fish Hatchery Conveyance Act; H.R. 1670, Committee on Ways and Means, Full Committee, hearing Sikes Act Amendments Act. 11 a.m., 1324 Longworth. on the burdens that the tax code imposes on American Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Sub- companies and how such burdens place them at a com- committee on Health Care, DC, Census and the National petitive disadvantage as they try to sell goods and services Archives, hearing entitled ‘‘The District of Columbia’s around the world, 9 a.m., 1100 Longworth.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 9:30 a.m., Thursday, May 12 10 a.m., Thursday, May 12

Senate Chamber Chamber Program for Thursday: After the transaction of any Program for Thursday: Complete consideration of H.R. morning business (not to extend beyond 1 p.m.), Senate 1231—Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Morato- will begin consideration of the nomination of Michael rium Act. Begin consideration of H.R 754—Intelligence Francis Urbanski, of Virginia, to be United States Dis- Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011 (Subject to a trict Judge for the Western District of Virginia, and after Rule). a period of debate, vote on confirmation of the nomina- tion at approximately 2 p.m.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Johnson, Henry C. ‘‘Hank’’, Jr., Ga., E855 Pallone, Frank, Jr., N.J., E863 Kildee, Dale E., Mich., E861, E868 Paul, Ron, Tex., E858, E869 Bass, Karen, Calif., E863 King, Steve, Iowa, E858 Petri, Thomas E., Wisc., E859 Bishop, Sanford D., Jr., Ga., E862 Kucinich, Dennis J., Ohio, E857, E860 Pompeo, Mike, Kans., E855 Blumenauer, Earl, Ore., E853 Langevin, James R., R.I., E868 Reed, Tom, N.Y., E867 Bordallo, Madeleine Z., Guam, E869, E870 Latham, Tom, Iowa, E854, E856 Riggell, E. Scott, Va., E858 Burton, Dan, Ind., E861 Lofgren, Zoe, Calif., E856 Sarbanes, John P., Md., E857, E863 Chu, Judy, Calif., E865 McCarthy, Carolyn, N.Y., E855 Shuler, Heath, N.C., E855, E869 DeLauro, Rosa L., Conn., E861, E865, E868 McCarthy, Kevin, Calif., E854 Shuster, Bill, Pa., E855 Denham, Jeff, Calif., E862 McCollum, Betty, Minn., E859, E868 Stark, Fortney Pete, Calif., E866 Gallegly, Elton, Calif., E859 McCotter, Thaddeus G., Mich., E860, E868 Stutzman, Marlin A., Ind., E866 Garamendi, John, Calif., E864 Manzullo, Donald A., Ill., E863 Van Hollen, Chris, Md., E864 Gardner, Cory, Co., E853 Mica, John L., Fla., E859 Wasserman Schultz, Debbie, Fla., E855 Green, Gene, Tex., E853 Miller, George, Calif., E857 Welch, Peter, Vt., E864 Himes, James A., Conn., E865 Neugebauer, Randy, Tex., E865 Wolf, Frank R., Va., E853, E862, E867 Inslee, Jay, Wash., E856, E864 Norton, Eleanor Holmes, D.C., E857 Young, C.W. Bill, Fla., E860

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