John Doe Tells All by Brian Jendryka and Carey Brian Meadors What to Think of It Because the Political About This Crap," Wynne Said
~~"'__ "">"V ••'I>.W~"'-'it\!"'*'#-t40-'<l<}.·''''~';'''!''~'~H.'$I!AA<'-'~'''I'{'~:i!~'''''''' """""""~"~" ''"'W' THE MICHIGAN REVIE Volume 8, Number 7 March 1990 John Doe Tells All By Brian Jendryka and Carey Brian Meadors what to think of it because the political about this crap," Wynne said. Action Office. Well, it says right here, For nearly a year, Wesley Wynne climate at the University of Texas is The last straw, however, was the by God, you're guilty of discrimina has led a double life as a graduate stu much different." pamphlet, "What students should tory harassment." dent in psychology and as John Doe, Seven months later, after graduat know about discrimination and dis ToWynne,thiswasablatantviola the plaintiff in the case that ruled the ing with a degree in psychology from criminatory harassment," that he re tion of students' First Amendment University of Michigan's policy on the University of Texas, Wynne en ceived in the mail in October 1988. rights. "I think the student's idea discriminatory harrassment unconsti rolled in the U- M's graduate school. "I looked through it and was com would be a dubious hypothesis, but tutional last August. Now, nearly His interest in the issue was rekindle-d pletely shocked," said Wynne. "It was one that should be allowed to be stated eight months later, Wynne has shed ~~ r)l=t~ill~ __--'-l:_J _ "~ _ m~~ ~~ saying that if you were a student and in an institution whose primary pur his alias and speaks freely about his ex you commit any of these particular pose is the open discussion of ideas," periences.
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