Today, partly sunny with the high at 85. Thursday, cloudy. Friday-Saturday, storms. Highs: THE SHIELD low 80s. Lows: 60 Vol. 18, Issue 28 The University of Southern Indiana • Evansville. Indiana Wednesday. April 25. 1990 McCloskey says landfill Bayh and Blair space is ru~ning out by Shawn Rumsey a ction he might lake in pre­ Editor ve nting Browning Ferris In· dus lries (l:lFI), a loca l waste Frank McClos key came to disposal service. from expand· US! Friday with a warning I ha l ing its S t. Joseph Avenue site hit dose to home. 165 acres. She said des pite The Eighth Di s trict U.S. C'ollecling 4 .000 signa tures representative. who s poke a l opposing the expa nsion. the Forum Ill as pa rt of Earth Day city's Board of Zoning voted 4 - activities on campus. infonned 2 in favor of BFI on April 5. the a pproxima tely 20 people Ryan cit ed problems with in attendance that 2/3 of the the proposed expanded land counties in southwestern In ­ a rea: il s it s on a fault line. diana ·are within five years of waste leaches into a creek running out of la ndllll areas.· which runs through the middle McCloskey said tha t was of the la nd a nd feeds into Pi­ ·a big problem' which needs geon Creek and children on to be addressed more se1iously school buses travel right by it. than it is. She said Mayor Frank The congressman's com ­ McDona ld is · not willing to ment sparked a ques tion from look for any a lterna tives' a nd Tammy Ryan. a residenl of asked McCloskey what he n-)rthcrn \-'anderbur6}1 County, would do. MCCloskey said he w l1•• ask"<.l McCloskey what would try to help-oHt any way he could a nd s uggested Ryan gc before a stale board and pn~se nl her informa tion. McCloskey also said that photo by Greg Hartlei.'l India na contributes about seven percent of sulfur diox­ Gov. Evan Bayh (left) helps USI photography instructor John Bl air, who is also president of the ide emissions. though under environmental group Valley Watch, unfurl an Earth Day banner during festivities Sunday at Garvin Pari<. proposed clean-air legisla tion ·we would pay 11 percent of the national cleanup.· by Rhonda Courson difficult problems this genera­ Campus editor lion faces. She said Earth Day was a Nikki Giovanni quietly good idea. s trolled into Forum I Thurs­ ·we live here.· she said. day night and smacked every· "What the hell." one in their conscience. But underneath the hu· As the School of Liberal mor was a vein of concern. Art's 1990 Enlow Distinguished "It's not Earth Day we're Sch9lar, Giovanni visited US! discussing: she said. "It's for two days. talking to people human day. You and I need to and giving the campus her come to a better relationship view of the worl{l. She has had with ourselves. We're not wor· 19 poetry and essay books ried about the Earth, we're published and Is an English worried about ourselves.· professor at Virginia Polytech­ nic and Slate University In She is also concerned about Blacksburg. Va. For those this generation. She referred expecting to hear her poe try to her generation as the "Watch­ read. they got much more. dogs of the '60s" and said that "Anybody can read poetry: this generation Is a lonely one. she said. "I wanted to do "You go to college like it's something.· vocational school - you say 'If And S0!11ethlng she did. I come here, what kind of job She touched on a variety of can I get?" she sa,ld. "Hell. Poet Nikki Giovanni speaks to an attentive audience of about 400 people Thursday night. / subjects. from Earth Day to we're not a vocational school. children to rhinos to the home­ If you want a vocali.on, gq to tic. She said the "Donald do you have to be before you iled. but you're not: she said. less. Her humor was made secrelartal school. I'm not Trumps" of this world can buy have what is called 'enough?'" "There a re changes coming. even more poignant by the knocking secretaries. Go to anything they want. but they And she gave the s tudents I'm just trylng to gel you to serto).Jsness of her topics. something that will leach you can't buy happiness. listening the Incentive to try. think about the life you want Giovanni's gift to the audience a skill." "There has to be a polnl "There will always be those to lead. ., was making them laugh. but She also said that people when there's something called who are hungry. there will "This Is your watch. I'm making them think about the are becoming too malerlalis- 'enough,'" she said. "How rich always be those who are lim- hoping that you do well.· 2 The Shield-- April 25, 1990 Editors named for -CAMPUS BRIEFS Indiana Collegians For Life will host an end of a t 3 p .m. in Johnson Hall at Deaconess 1990-91 publications the year bonfire and hayride May ll at the AC Hospital. taking the place of the traditional Ranch Campground on Denzer Road from 6 p.m. "capping ceremony ... Nadine Coudret. dean dramatically the past couple Rhonda Courson and to ? The event will also feature a hot dog roast. of the School of Nursing and Health Profes­ Cheryl Knapp have been of years. and if tha t trend musical entertainment and fellowship. sions. will be the speaker. For information. named Shield and Transi­ continues next year. we contact Betty Griffis. nursing advisory coor­ tions editors. respectively. s hould be able to cover more The Administrative Management Society will dinator. or Cynthia Roberls. assistant pro­ for ne.x t fall. campus and community sponsor hotdog sales Friday and May 4 from ll fessor of nursing and freshman class spon­ Courson. who is currently events." Courson said . "And a.m. to I p.m. outside the Orr Center. Prices are: sor. at 428-7256. Campus editor for The Shield. our big goal is to print twice one hotdog and a drink- $l. 25. two hotdogs and and Knapp. The Shield's Stu­ a week by spring semester." a drink - $2. For deliveries call 464- 1981. Black Student Union meets today at l p.m. Knapp. ajournalism ma­ dent Government Associa­ in UC 118. tion beat reporter. were jor from Evansville. said she Amnesty International will conduct a "Write-A­ named to the posts after a expec·ts Transitions. which Than" today from 5 to 9 p.m. on the UC Bridge. Summer Child Care-The Children's Cen­ wil l be in it s third year as a rigorous interview session The group will be writing letters to governments ter will offer summer care for pre-school with the Student Publica ­ magazine fonna t. to wow not to bring about grea ler awareness ofh uman rights children (ages 2-6) and school-age children only in number of pages. but tion,Commitlee April II. abuses in their countries and across the globe. At (ages 6 - 12) beginning June 11 through Aug. Shawn Rumsey and Amy a lso in it s scope of stories. 7 p.m. James Short. a Jesuit priest from Belize. 29. The center will be open from 7:30a.m. to Heidel-Ridley are the cur­ "I'd like to see u s have Central America, will speak on human rights 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. except July rent editors and will be gradu­ 120 pages next yea•· (this / abuses in Central America. At8:30 p.m. Charles 4 . ating this spring. year's edition features 96 Barber. chairman of the political science depart­ Courson. a journalism pages). which should allow ment. will s peak on human rights abuses in the "Monet in the 90s: The Series Paintings" major from New Haven. Ill .. us more room for photogra­ Middle East. For more information. contact Wil exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago will said The Shield will see im­ phy and artwork. " Kna pp Kopp. AI president. at 423-4424 or Rick Vach at be the deslinaUon for a university sponsored provements over the next said. "There a re so many 422-03.80. triponJuly20-22. ConnieWeinzapfel. direc­ year. _ different things we can do torofthe New Harmony GalleryofContempo­ "The s ta ff has increased with a publication like this." Spring Film Series - "The Graduate." the dra­ rary Art. wi ll be expert commentator. provid­ matic comedy that made DusUn HolTman a house­ ing background on Monet and his work to hold name, will be s hown Tuesday at2 and 6 p .m. enhance appreciation of the exhibit. Regis­ - JOB PLACEMENT- in Forum I. The film tells the story of Benjamin­ lrationdeadlineisJune I. The fee is$195 per the inexperienced recent college graduate - as person (double occupancy; add $65 for single). The Shield is cooperating with the Placement Office by running he returns home a nd tries to prepare for his Call the Office of Continuing Education at weekly "Help Wa nted" ads spotlighting newly listed jobs. lfyou future. It is free and open to the public. 464-1989 for more information or to register. are a US! student or a lumni and feel you are qua lifled for any of these positions. contact the Placement Office in OC I 005 or National Volunteer Week - April 22-28.
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