KAREN NG Department of Philosophy, Vanderbilt University 2111 West End Avenue, 111 Furman Hall, Nashville, TN 37240 Email:
[email protected] | Phone: 917.692.3089 ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Assistant Professor of Philosophy (tenure-track), Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN August 2014 – present Assistant Professor of Philosophy (tenure-track), Siena College, Loudonville, NY September 2012 – June 2014 EDUCATION Ph.D. Philosophy, New School for Social Research, New York City, January 2013 Dissertation: The Life of the Concept: Freedom and Form in Hegel’s Logic Winner of the Hans Jonas Memorial Award in Philosophy M.A. Philosophy, University of Essex, Colchester, UK, September 2006 B.A. Honors, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, June 2005 AREAS OF RESEARCH AND TEACHING AOS: Hegel, German Idealism, Frankfurt School Critical Theory AOC: Modern Philosophy (esp. Kant), 19th and 20th Century European Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy PUBLICATIONS Journal Articles “Leben, Selbstbewusstsein, Negativität. Zum Verständnis von Hegels These der Speculativen Identität,” forthcoming in Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 2016. “Life and Mind in Hegel’s Logic and Subjective Spirit,” Hegel-Bulletin 37:2 (2016): doi:10.1017/hgl.2016.35. “Ideology Critique from Hegel and Marx to Critical Theory,” Constellations 22:3 (September 2015): 393–404. “Hegel’s Logic of Actuality,” Review of Metaphysics 63:1 (September 2009): 139–72. Book Chapters “From Actuality to Concept in Hegel’s Logic,” in The Oxford Handbook of Hegel, ed. Dean Moyar (Oxford: Oxford University Press), forthcoming 2017. “Hegel and Adorno on Negative Universal History: The Dialectics of Species-Life,” in Creolizing Hegel, ed. Michael Monahan (New York: Rowman and Littlefield), forthcoming 2017.