Ayrshire Economic Partnership Board
AYRSHIRE ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP BOARD MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 3 DECEMBER 2019 AT 1300 HRS IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS, EAST AYRSHIRE COUNCIL HEADQUARTERS, LONDON ROAD, KILMARNOCK PRESENT: Councillor Alex Gallagher, North Ayrshire Council; Councillors Douglas Reid, John McGhee and Tom Cook, all East Ayrshire Council; Councillors Douglas Campbell, Brian Connelly and Brian McGinley, all South Ayrshire Council; Fiona Lees, Chief Executive and Alex McPhee, Depute Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer: Economy and Skills, both East Ayrshire Council; Craig Hatton, Chief Executive, Karen Yeomans, Executive Director of Economy and Communities and Neale McIlvanney, all North Ayrshire Council; Eileen Howat, Chief Executive, Donald Gillies, Director – Place and Theo Leijser, all South Ayrshire Council; Douglas Cowan, Highlands and Islands Enterprise; Simon Foster, Spirit Aerosystems; Craig Hume, Utopia Computers; Hisashi Kuboyama, Federation of Small Businesses; Laura Worku, Scottish Government; Mark Newlands, Scottish Enterprise; Val Russell, Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce; Adrian Gillespie, Chief Commercial Officer, University of Strathclyde; Carol Turnbull, Principal, Ayrshire College; and Ian Welsh, Third Sector Representative. ATTENDING: Sharon Hodgson, Head of Ayrshire Growth Deal; and Jennifer Morrison, Democratic Services Officer, both East Ayrshire Council. APOLOGIES: Councillors Joe Cullinane, Marie Burns and John Bell, North Ayrshire Council; Alison Irvine, Director of Transport, Strategy and Analysis, Transport Scotland; Katie Hutton, Skills Development Scotland; Alan McGregor, Glasgow University; Alistair Dobson, Managing Director, Taste of Arran; and Marcus Ross, University of the West of Scotland. CHAIR: Councillor Alex Gallagher, North Ayrshire Council. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS 1. The Chair welcomed Ian Welsh, Third Sector Representative to his first meeting. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 2. There were submitted and approved as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on 9 September 2019 (circulated).
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