All correspondence should be addressed to: Council Offices The Clerk to the Council 38 New Pond Road Bucks HP15 6SU

Phone: 01494 715429 e-mail [email protected]

DRAFT Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held via Zoom on 14th December 2020

Present: Parish: Councillor S Burke – Chair; Councillors D Baker, S Baker, D Hill, S Geraghty, and G Spiller County: Councillor P Birchley Officers: Helen Hogan – Clerk; Lynne Lusby – Assistant Clerk Members of the Public: None


1. Public Forum (Subject to the approval of the Chairman, Members of the Public will have the opportunity to ask questions relating to matters of community interest, which fall within the responsibility of the Parish Council). 15 minutes are allocated for this section.

2. To receive Apologies from Councillors for non-attendance. Councillor Peter Martin and Parish Councillor Jane Fallon gave apologies in advance of the meeting.

3. To receive declarations of interest relating to this meeting. (Under Sections 30(3) and 235(2) of the Localism Act 2011, Councillors are required to register their Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in the Register maintained by the Monitoring Officer of the District Council. The Council’s Code of Conduct also requests Councillors to declare these where they relate to any item of business to be discussed). None received.

4. To receive and approve the previous Council Meeting Minutes of 16th November 2020. It was RESOLVED that the minutes were an accurate record of the meeting and will be signed by Councillor Burke in due course.

5. To update the Actions Schedule. Updated and completed actions were noted.

6. To receive and note reports from Buckinghamshire Unitary Councillors.

Coronavirus – it was reported that two secondary schools in the local area have been closed due to large numbers of infections. Councillor Birchley informed Council that on Wednesday 16th December we will be made aware of any tier changes for Buckinghamshire residents.

Transport for Bucks (TfB) – the contract is due for renewal in 2023 and the process to negotiate the contract begins in April 2021. As a result of this there may be more services moved into Parish Council responsibilities.

HS2 Councillor Birchley reported that she has attended a meeting with the Commissioners for HS2 and that Councillor Burke had received no response from correspondence he had sent and to which she had been copied in. Councillor Birchley thanked Councillor Burke for all his hard work regarding HS2.

Councillor Birchley left the meeting.

7. Chairman’s Report – Councillor S. Burke

HS2 update – Councillors from , and Little Missenden Parish Councils, along with Mr Andrew Cordiner (representing Village Society), have been attending meetings with as the contractors are not being held to account by Buckinghamshire and should be. There are cones on the A413 that should have been removed in June, extensions to works mean that they remain in place. This is in breach of the Act of Parliament. Councillor Burke reported that the vent shaft at is starting which will result in an increase in commercial vehicles through the village of Hyde Heath.

Applications for funding - Councillor Burke reported that Phoebe Perkins of Groundworks has stated that Little Missenden Parish Council (LMPC) must wait six months after the survey of the completed works at Play Area before it can apply for further funding. ACTION Councillor Burke will write a brief for the ladies in the office to approach other sources of funding with.

HS2 Road Safety Fund – Councillors Burke and Hill had a meeting with Align and the Head Teacher of Little Missenden Church of School at which there was much heated debate. The steps taken by LMPC in Hyde Heath regarding road safety were discussed and it was explained that steps along similar lines are essential for the safety of pupils at the school in Little Missenden. Councillor Burke stated that the cost of a 20mph zone and installation of Permanent Vehicle Activated Signs (PVAS) would be £50,000.00. Align offered to send men in to repair the decking at the school. Child safety is paramount and decisions taken in isolation cause ripples which should be considered at the time. It was noted that the two contractors Align and Fusion who are responsible for different sections of the works do not communicate with one another and this has a detrimental effect on the traffic numbers on roads both in, and surrounding, the works. Fusion are about to double the number of trucks using the A413. Councillor Burke wished to note that Councillor Hill has been very supportive and done a great deal of work on behalf of LMPC and HS2, as has Mr Andrew Cordiner.

Community Board - Councillor Burke attended the meeting and wished to thank the Community Board for giving funding towards the Christmas lights in Holmer Green at the shopping centre. He also reported that Liz Charleston is looking into how LMPC can access further funds for HS2 projects needed in Little Missenden.

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HS2 / Ground works - Councillor Burke reported that this funding cannot be applied for until June 2021 which means that the areas being worked on now, and presently affected, will not be able to access the £3,000,000.00 funds available.

LMPC website – redesign and outsourcing – This project will be outsourced; quotes and details have been sought by the Clerk. Councillors Burke and Hill will look at the information and feedback to Council.

Councillor Burke stated that this year has been tough and thanked all for staying the course and supporting one another. He prays that it will be a better year next year.

8. Individual Committee Reports 8. A the Chair of Planning – Councillor S. Baker – updates

No updates. Councillor Baker proposed that the Planning Meeting on January 4th be postponed and incorporated as part of the next Council Meeting to be held on January 18th. It was RESOLVED that this be accepted. ACTION – postpone meeting on website and incorporate planning agenda accordingly.

Councillor Burke thanked Councillor Baker for the successes he has had this year and for all his hard work in making the planning meetings informative for all.

8. B the Chair and Vice Chair of Finance – Councillors S. Burke and D. Hill

i. AGAR Report – Councillor Hill reported that the figures for the year 2018-2019 were incorrect and that the consultant, Paul Burdick, is nearly there with finalising that year.

ii. Agree monthly cheque payments - RESOLVED to pay. ACTION – Assistant Clerk to raise cheques.

iii. Review of budget against expenditure – There has been an increase in consultancy fees and pension contributions. The cost for outsourcing the accounts will be up to £6,000.00.

iv. DCK invoice – this item was not discussed.

v. 2021 / 2022 Budget - The cost of repainting play area equipment has increased, additional budget of £1,700.00 is needed for office projects and £50,000.00 for two PVAS and flashing signs at Little Missenden. It was proposed by Councillor Hill, and RESOLVED, that a £20,000.00 contingency fund is set aside for the road safety requirements in Little Missenden and noted that LMPC will seek funding. ACTION – contingency fund to be set aside by Chair of Finance. Councillor Burke has circulated the draft budget to all Councillors. The flooring at Rossetti Hall will need to be replaced and this will be discussed at the next Rossetti Hall Committee Meeting. ACTION – to go on the Agenda at next Rossetti Hall Committee Meeting. LMPC have not received payment from Holmer Green Sports Association (HGSA) for rental this year. ACTION – Chair of Finance to write to HGSA.

vi. Precept 2021 / 2022 - It was proposed and RESOLVED to raise the Precept request by 10% in 2021. Councillor Geraghty commented that we must be mindful of raising too much in

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these current times. ACTION – Chair of Finance to set precept request for Buckinghamshire Council to send to LMPC. vii. Financial regulations – update – this item was not discussed.

Councillor Hill thanked Councillor Burke and Mr Andrew Cordiner for all the hours of hard work that they have, and continue to, put in on behalf of residents regarding HS2.

8. C the Chair of Open Spaces – Councillor S. Burke

i. Peek and Seek intrusive noise update. Holmer Green, Hyde Heath and Little Kingshill common areas - Councillor Burke has tried a range of suggestions from a music specialist to alter the noise levels and has conducted this at all three Peek and Seek owned by LMPC. So far these have not been successful however he has some more experiments to conduct. ACTION – Councillor Burke to conduct further experiments; Clerk to write to residents who have raised concerns to update them.

ii. Memorial Garden – budget – It was RESOLVED that a budget of £3,500.00 be made available for this project in Holmer Green, to include planting. ACTION – quotes to be sought and discussed at the next meeting.

iii. HS2 / Groundworks report – See item under Chairman’s Report.

iv. Pond fence update – Councillor S. Baker reported that he is working on this project and will be able to present quotes next year.

v. MVAS- update – Quotes have been sought however only one supplier is approved by Transport for Bucks therefore LMPC have to use this supplier. It was discussed that the use of a solar powered MVAS would be suitable for the site by Little Kingshill allotments.

9. Clerk’s Report i. Correspondence: Letter from Little Missenden Church requesting a donation towards the upkeep of graves. It was RESOLVED that a sum of £300.00 be given as £250.00 is the amount that has been donated for a long period of time and costs have risen. ACTION – Assistant Clerk to send cheque.

ii. Enhanced security on LMPC system – this will be presented once Great Oaks IT have presented a more detailed brief and costs for the Clerk to share with Council.

10. Rossetti Hall Nothing to report.

11. Councillors Items for Discussion and, where necessary, approval. i. Quotes for MVAS units for the Parish – This item was not discussed.

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ii. Quote for drop kerb at Hyde Heath, budget already approved. It was noted that this has been ordered and that Hyde Heath Village Society (HHVS) will generously donate 50% of the costs. ACTION – Clerk to write to HHVS to request payment pledged.

iii. Quote for CCTV at Holmer Green Play Area – one quote has been discussed; a second quote has not yet been received.

iv. Quote for cradle swing replacement at Holmer Green Play Area – It was RESOLVED that this quote be accepted. ACTION – Clerk to raise purchase order.

v. Quote for removal of current and installation of new cradle swing at Holmer Green Play Area - It was RESOLVED that this quote be accepted. ACTION – Clerk to raise purchase order, Councillor Burke to tape off existing swing.

vi. Quote for new bin (arson has damaged) at Holmer Green Common - It was RESOLVED that this quote be accepted. ACTION – Clerk to raise purchase order. vii. Quote for installation of new bin at Holmer Green Common - It was RESOLVED that this quote be accepted. ACTION – Clerk to raise purchase order. viii. Quote for allotment signage – parking - It was RESOLVED that this quote be accepted. ACTION – Assistant Clerk to raise purchase order. Councillor S. Baker will fit.

ix. Quote for allotment signage – duplicate item – Clerk apologises for this error.

x. Budget to cut back branches etc. at Memorial Garden – It was RESOLVED that a £300.00 budget be made available for this work. ACTION – Clerk to seek quotes.

xi. Quote for repair works at Hyde Heath allotments - It was RESOLVED that this quote be accepted. ACTION – Clerk to raise purchase order. xii. A payment for Councillors to offset costs following Councillor Peter Martin’s overview. This item was discussed and it was RESOLVED that Councillors can claim for costs incurred if they wish as is the policy at present, however no payments for time given would be made. xiii. Funding a legal challenge as per Andy Cordiner presentation – November 2020 meeting. It was PROPOSED by Councillor Hill to set aside a budget of up to £3,500.00 towards and HS2 fund. RESOLVED to agree. ACTION – Councillor Hill to set aside funds for this purpose.

12. Youth Matters – Proposal for donation to Holmer Green Youth Club – update - Councillor Fallon. Councillor Fallon was not present at this meeting – see apologies above.

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13. Community Boards – feedback from meeting on 1st December 2020 LMPC would like to thank the Community Board for its kind donation towards the Christmas lights at Holmer Green. Councillor Burke reported that there are no updates at present for LMPC.

14. Allotments – Assistant Clerk L. Lusby. Councillor Burke wished to note that the Assistant Clerk has done a fantastic job to clear the allotments at Earl Howe Road and has taken the first deposit from a new tenant.

Bonfires - The Assistant Clerk is seeking advice on this matter and will update at a later date.

15. Ward Reports and Updates i. Holmer Green - Councillor Spiller reported that the ground next to the play area and behind the bus stop is saturated and not draining. Councillor Burke suggested that the option of French drains be explored and discussed at a later date to alleviate this issue. ACTION – Assistant Clerk to seek quotes.

ii. Hyde Heath - Councillor D. Baker reported that the two charities he supports – Missenden Walled Garden and Chesham Ops have given vouchers and gifts for Christmas to more than sixty clients and carers. He wished to note his thanks to LMPC Councillors who have supported this venture by giving their time to distribute the items due to restrictions this year. Councillor D. Baker has arranged a voluntary role for a local resident who has requested this for their Duke of Edinburgh award and is awaiting a response.

iii. Little Kingshill - nothing to report.

iv. Little Missenden - nothing to report.

16. Items for Next Agenda - Clerk to note – no items given.

Councillor Burke wished all a Happy and Safe Christmas.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 20:50.

Dates of next Meetings

Planning: - 4th January 2021 commencing 7:30pm. – CANCELLED – will take place as part of the Parish Council Meeting on January 18th.

Council: - 18th January 2021 commencing 7:30pm.

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