Formations in oilset>d npt.' at Ou•rton, Hampshirt> Ma� 1995 photo: Lucy Pringle


Serpents and Dragons:- A sequence of patterns proYides clues for Wolfgang Schindler and ... Energy Lines & Dowsing suggest Predictions to Peter M earns & Michael Ne\\·ark John Sayer describes Carpet-circles & other Trul�· Strange Things Bottles and Brainwa\•es- Lucy Pringle reports progress and Anne Silk enlightens us on human reactions Chris Kenworthy pleads the cause of the human circlemaker Simon Burton urges respect for Sacred Space

plu.'l· •••other letters and articles, and a brief 1995 update andJor you to copv and use: the ·Non-human Effects' reports form with Conference dates and details

The Journal or the Centre ro,· Crop Circle Studies -

Spring Volume 5 e e Number 4 0 1995 e

The Quarterly Magazine of The Centre for Crop Circle Studies

Editorial Team Barbara Davies (overall and layout) John Sayer (assistant editor- CCCS notices & news, etc.) Additional typing by Claire Upton & Steve Jones

CCCS HOTLINES: Circles' Reports, from 1st May 1995 - 0171622-5044 (Michael Green) (Old Hotline number (01726 832367) will still be ac..tive, but graduallyphased out) General Queries to Secretary - 01603 611336 Contents

CCCS NOTICES &NE WS - John Say�r 3 EDITORIAL & UPDATE- Barbara Da,'it'"S 4 CCCS AGM - Ra�· Cox 4-5 CHAIRMAN'S SPEECH - Micha�l Green 5-6 THREE LINES OF RE SE ARCH - Water-memory: Human Effects - LucJ Pringk 7-8 HU MAN EFFE CTS - A plea tor academic analysis - Ann� Silk 9 THE SE QUE NCE AN D HOW I FOUND IT- •wolfgang Schindl�r {Part 1 in ne:ct issue] 10-11 DOWSING CROP CI RCLE S Part 2 {continued from last issue/- Pet� r M�arns 12-14 CRO P CIRCLES, CARPETS, CLUES, COINCIDENCES & CO MMON SE NSE - John Say� r 15-16 RAY' S COLU MN - Ray Cox (illus. Barbara Davit'"S) 17 LETTERS & SHORT ARTICLES 18-20 Humans in Black - Chris Kenworthy (·UFO no 20' cartoon by Richard P�acoc k) Offending the Spirits - Simon Burton Predicting crop lay - Micha�l Newark Let's Keep it positive - Chad Deetkin Simple Circles - Bob Boyd REVIEW: The Wanninster triangle - Ray Cox 20 POE M - St�n Jont'"S 20 ANO MALOUS EFFECTS REPORT FORM ("Non-human. effects) 21 COUNCIL ME MBERS' and CONVENORS' AddftSSeS 22

The Circular is published quarterly and supplied free to CCCS members. Non-members: Europe £3 per issue, £12.50 for 1 year (incl. p&p); overs� as: £15.00 ($30) for 1 year (airmail)- back numbers are also available at this price. JVrite to: Patrick. Palgrave-Moore. 13 West Parade, Norwich, NR2 3DN for CCCS membership and/or Circular orders/subscriptions. Cheques made payable to The Circular (Overseas: sterling. money order drawn in sterling, or US dollars only). Advertising rates: £I 00 full page . £60 half page, etc. ifor camera-readvcopv . F'or type-setting &!or artwork enquirefrom the editor:­ This issue: Barbara Da\ies, Old Stables, Lescrow, Fowey, Cornwall PL23 IJS (01726 833465) Next issue: John Sayer 34, Constitution Hill, Norwich, Norfolk NR2 4RU (01603 403 012) Views expressed in The Circular are not necessari(v held by the CCCS or the editorial and publishing team. All material in this journal is copyright and may not be reused without pennission. Copyright for articles'and illustrations rests with the original authors, photographers and artists. Printed by Mffln Vall�y Printers, AbMy mill, Station Road, Bishops Waltbam, Southampton SOJ lDH mation is going to all the right destina­ SUBSCRIPTIONS The new Hotline number: tions, i.e. Hotline, formations updates, 0171-622-5044 The Circular, computer Database and Payment can now be made by standing Archives. Michael will also be alerting order. The appropriate form will be en­ Our Chairman, Michael Green, has taken localBranches to any formations in their closed in The Circular along with your over from Barbara Davies on the Hotline areas which need surveying. next reminder notice about renewal. and producing the formations updates (Datalists) throughout the season. The lat­ Paul Vigay is responsiblefor merging the PROJECT SKY ter are sent regularly to the local Branch Database. This involves receiving up­ Convenors by John Sayer, but not all dates from Branches and incorporating Karen Douglas will be organising Project Branches can afford to then send out cop­ all new informationin the main Database Sky again this year, with a few alterations. ies to individuals. A suggestion was made then distributing it back to the local The dates set are Friday, 30th. June and at the AGM that CCCS members could Branches. To ensure the smooth running Saturday, 29th. July. Karen asks that those supply their Branch Convenor with the of this wieldy and time-consuming op­ participating send in individual, ratherthan necessary costs (and/or stamped, ad­ eration, Convenors have been asked to group, reports. For further information, dressed envelopes) to cover this. send to Paulany new data (and their disks please send a stamped, addressedenvelope for the current update of the main Data­ to Karen at 62, New Te rrace, Upper REPORTS/ARCHIVES base) in May and October of each year. Pleasley, Mansfield, Notts. NG 19 7PY. If you need help with the Database, (Talks on last year's project can also be The Archives are now held by John Sayer. please contact Paul. booked.) For the July session, the main A request has gone out to Branch Con­ group will be in the Avebury area. venors for a check to be made of their lo­ SURVEYING cal formations on the computer Database PUBLICATIONS in case anything has been missed. It would Jim Lyons (Scientific Research Officer) help enormously if individuals could li­ is preparing an updated "fieldguide" to Following the runaway success of the 1995 aise with their Convenors to make sure that be sent to all Convenors. His plan for the Calendar, CCCS intends to produce an­ all local information is actually on the next two years is to have a consistent and other one this year. If anyone wishes to Database. (Next Convenors' meeting, by systematic approach to data-gathering, submit photographs for consideration for the way, is 2nd. July 1995 in Alton involving dowsing, high altitude photog­ inclusion, please send them (clearly iden­ Bames.) John is sifting through the Ar­ raphy, electrostatic voltmeter testing, tified on the back) to Michael Green. We chives to make sure that everything there homeopathy and sampling, as well as may also be producing a set of postcards has been put into the Database. If you have detailed photography and measuring. in time for the CCCS Conference, which any pre-1995 information to send in to Because of the emerging significance of is to be held at the Cricklade College, him, please do so. Don't worry if it isn't geometry, detailedand accurate measure­ Andover, 22nd. - 23rd. July. Again, sub­ in the standard CCCS Report format, as ments are essential. Nancy Talbot has missions invited. he will convert it. produced a Sampling Protocol, from which Dr. Levengood works, a copy of CCCS COUNCIL All new reports/photographs should go to which can be obtained from Jim by any Michael Green. (These will then be for­ Branch which doesn't yet have it. Half a There have been one or two changes on warded to the Archives, after being entered dozen "hit squads" have been estab­ Council for the coming season: Anthony on the formations update. Copies will also lished, to survey formations in depth. Cheke has stood down after his one-year go to The Circular.) In the case of local term as a eo-opted member; Michael reports from your own area, it would help AVIATION Glickman has stood down; Richard An­ to keep things streamlined if reports are drews has stood down after his three-year channelled through and collated by your The system for detecting and photo­ term and not sought re-election because Convenor: these will be entered on the graphing formations fromthe air last year of ill-health (although he will be "there in local computer Database (to be merged at worked extremely well. A portion of the the background" and willing to offer his a later date) and then sent to Michael budget has been set aside to cover flying services and expertise to anyone who re­ Green. In the case of a Branch without the costs, but please note that any requests quests it); Michael Green has also stood computer Database, the reports will go to for CCCS-funded flights must be made down after his three-year term and been Michael, beforwarded to the Archives and to Richard Smith (Treasurer) by the lo­ re-elected (as well as Chairman); and join­ copies sent to Bob Walker, who will enter cal Branch Convenor. Funds are limited, ing Council this year is Ron Jones, who· them on the computer. If you have infor­ so priority is generally given to those was there in the early days along with Pat mation on circles outside your own local areas where the geography means that Delgado, Colin Andrews, Busty Taylor Branch, please send it direct to Michael. finding formations on the ground is vir­ and Don Tuersley, and who will be avalu­ This way, we can be certain that all infor- tually impossible. able addition. (Hi, Ron!)

The Circular Volume 5 Number 4 Page3 r and, more revealingly,scrapes along the stems. EDITORIAL West Overton, near Avebury, sported a much TheCCCSAGM broken design near the site of the 1993 1995 '666'. At King's Somborne, nr Stockbridge, Barbara Davies Hampshireshire, a perky but again damaged Reviewed by Ray Cox First - something personal: 1994-type figure appeared:- AB you see from the previous page, since May 1st Michael Green has kindly been The CCCS Annual General Meeting attended running the hotline and data-collating, and by some 50-60 members, was held this year John Sayer has taken the ever-increasing on 1st April at the Fayre Deal Motel, archives under his wing. Mter two-to-three Cholderton, near Salisbury. The pleasant years of intensive focus on these and other venue combined with fine weather was West Overton King'sSomborne CCCS responsibilities, I feel in dire need of reflected in the generally optimistic and Reportsof other, but reportedly unimpressive a rest! After this issue, therefore, with a harmonious gathering with some forward­ circles have come from near mixture of nostalgia and relief, I shall also looking and potentially excttmg , Hampshire, and just south of Alton behanding over the editorship of the Circular considerations outlined during the talks Priors. At Overton, near Basingstoke, came to John. I am very cheered that he not only which followed the main business reports. a more elaborate design (which included has the needed giftsand skills, but dedication some upright barley stems among the laid to network communication, which is how I The result of the membership ballot rape) appeared (see cover photo). have chiefly seen the role of the journal. It is confirmed Michael Green as Chairman for not always that one can hand on with such a further year. (The Council Members for However, tl1e Sussex group, fresh from the confidence something one has put a lot of the year are listed at the back of this success of their Bonanza, and well prepared heart into. issue). to take and send samples both to Levengood and to Cambridge, scored a bull's-eye in oil­ Some contributions to the journal will still In his Chairman's report Michael Green seed rape on May 8th at Southease, near come from me, though, in particular some of gave a distinctly upbeat presentation, Newhaven. Numerous synchronicities, the interesting articles that there has not offering grounds for confidence. He gave pristine condition when first found, intact been time yet to process. It has been tribute to Barbara Davies for her work flowers, 'hot-spot' electrostatic readings, rewarding to encounter so many original with the Hotline data. Michael himself is powerful dowsing reactions, 5- and 6-fold thinkers, and help to publicise their work. In taking over the hotline this year to relieve geometry and a locationvery near the ancient this edition, I find particular interest in Barbara Davies, who continued with the South Downs Way ... you name it, it had it. Wolfgang Schindler's Dragon insights (there much-admired and important job as overall are more to come!); and Peter Mearns editor of the Circular. He also remarked marathon dowsing pilgrimages have won on the success of the Calendar (a second my respectand belief He has beenone of the one will be produced this year), the Autumn regular 'hotline' reporters whose judgments Conference, and the resuscitation of the I have greatly valued, and (together with, for London winter lecture series. instance, Michael Newark), has given dowsing increased credibility for me in the Michael also acknowledged the work of had a semi-circular 'signature' within the tricksy phenomenon we are studying. It members and branches both overseas and tramlines about 85' to the west. at home, whose work and enthusiasm is so I am grateful to Nancy Hill for her hard work vital to the running of the society, the Of particular interest was an effect observed in doing the layout for the past six issues, maintaining of membership, research and by Andy Thomas - a curve of 90° in a 2' thick and for teaching me D.T.P. from scratch for activity in attempting to come to terms rape-stem which he sampled increased to this one. An increasing number of authorshave with the phenomenon. The days of the 180° by the next afternoon as it dried out. thoughtfully sent in their work on disc, and hoax seam, he said, were over, and it was Three-&-a-half days later it had 'bentthrough where they haven't, Claire Upton and Steve hoped that a possible breakthrough by Dr an alarming 540 ° This reminds me of Kay Jones' typing help have made my work lighter. l' Levengood in America would appeal to Larsen 's observation (March '93 Circular) scientists in seeing the phenomenon as that the circlemaking force is unidirectional And heartily I should like to thank all of the worthy of study. Not least was his - i.e. hits just one side of affected stems. many of you who have given me so much recognition of the work of Jim Lyons, warm support and encouragement. Perhaps whose new job as Scientific Research Co­ Getting together I can get round to writing to and calling some ordinator promised exciting days ahead. Many of us will meet at one or both of the of you, now! (See below). He expressed appreciation two now traditional Croppies' gatherings , of the importance Jim Lyons gives to at the height of the season - the Glastonbury Crop Circle Update method and testing combined with the Symposium in July and the CCCS The season seems to have begun very slowly more intuitive approach, a combination of Conference at Andover in August. See back - but then maybe we were spoilt by last scientific rationality and the more subtle cover fo r details. Also, after the season, year's early and dramatic srart. To date, only realms in which we - and the phenomenon another date for your diaries - seven formations, all in rape, have been - are involved. reported, and most of these have not DOLPHI NS & CROP CI RCLE S­ impressed those inspecting them. The earliest Our Secretary, Pat Palgrave-Moore, 'a memorable and unique evening' with spotted, in Lancashire, looked like a practice reported that the membership was steadily Lucy Pringle and Delphine Star at 'thought-bubble', but from the air, sadly, the growing again after a considerable drop in Haslemere, design showed up as awkward, and ground the last few years. However, members on Thursday, September 28th, at 7.30 pm inspection by the Yorkshire team showed abroad were fewer, so that overall the Doors open at 7.p.m. Tickets £7.00. stems merely leaning at 45° angles, breakage Enquiries fromLucy (01730 263454). Page 4 TheCircul ar Vo lume 5 Number 4 present number is similar to last year - public relations work in the localcommunity. about 550. Field inspections have been combined with In his Treasurer's report, Richard Smith a much better aerial coverage thanks to the reminded us of the need for constant reorganising of this area of our work by income, as with any society. Hence the Richard Smith. We were also able to venture with the Calendar and postcard ".. . with ... trodden weed; produce the excellent 1995 Calendar, sets, the former being particularly Thou ... silent form, dost tease us out of thought compiled by Lucy Pringle and Michael successful. As doth eternity" Glickman, and the postcards, compiled by myself with contributions from Steve

Barbara Davies felt encouraged by the I am absolutely certain that when John Keats Alexander, Andrew King, Anthony Horn, ever-increasing response from members penned these lines in Ode on a Grecian Urn Chad Deetken, John Haddington, Mike with regard to the Hotline and database, he was not referring to crop circles. However, Husband, Lucy Pringle, Christine Green, but appealed for further good photographs he did have in mind the strange way in David Pearson, Mike Jackson, Leonie and particularly surveys. which movement and passion became Starr, Denis Pearson, Tony Caldicott, Colin encapsulated in matter. In the same way the Jackson, Nick Boyes, Beth Davis, Ron Jim Lyons reportedon the scientific research thoughts of the Crop Circle Intelligence also Russell, Busty Taylor and Richard proposals, a 2-year project, and the need for take form in the living crop for a brief Peacocke. It is a healthy development that data of quality, good branch group work and moment in time for us to study. I will return we now have so many members taking a fundamental recognition of earth energy. It to some reflections on this subject later. excellent aerial photos rather than having is proposed to concentrate on a few to rely on just one or two flyers as in the formations solidly, including simple circles, Reporting and recording past. through photos, measuring and surveying First, however , I must turn to the and dowsing - with two or three experienced achievements and work of the organisation. There have, of course, to be reports of major dowsers working on the same formations. I can say with confidence that we enter 1995 formations from abroad and particularly The joining of the scientific approach with with more grounds for real hope in the study North America and Canada. I must here the 'metaphysical' is now a valid path of our subject than at any other time. This is express my thanks to the dedicated work of towards progress. due in part to a careful and realistic approach ilyes (USA Network Coordinator) and the to our recording and reporting activities in Convenors Carol Pedersen (Oregon), Doug After lunch there was a series of short 1994. The evidence for this is Barbara Rogers (Connecticut), Ron Russell talks, including further development of Davies' s crop circle tabulation in Issue 19 of (Colorado), Sharon Warren (Arizona) and Jim Lyons' ideas with practical The Circular. Every year since 1992 we Forest Crawford (Illinois) - in Canada, Paul demonstrations, his work on 5 and 6-fold have published a list of formations. Each Anderson (Network Coordinator), with geometry and plasma balls and vortices. year the tabulation has been an improvement Daniel Clairmont (Saskatchewan) and Peter John Holman spoke on fascinating on the previous year, and last year's list must Miller (Ontario), and particularly Chad correlations and coincidences in Yorkshire Deetken. Various Council members have be regarded as Barbara's masterpiece. I am formations and 5-fold geometric sad to say that due to pressure of work lectured during the last year in the States, discoveries, Richard Andrews stressed the Barbara is handing over a number of her but I must pay a special tribute to Michael need for discipline in dowsing, and responsibilities this year, including the Glickman, who at no small expense to himself demonstrated how movable lines operate. Hotline and tabulation of formations. I have has travelled and lectured widely to many John Sayer told of apparent accelerated agreed for this season to take on this work American audiences. I have valued having a growth of potatoes in a crop formation, and I hope I can maintain the high standard trusted ambassador who can be relied upon and of horizontal bending of nodes, while she has set. The accessing of information for to present the evidence for the phenomenon Lucy Pringle reported on bottles and battles Archives and Database has been particularly and the work of the CCCS impartially and - her bottles of water patiently buried at onerous because of the sheer volume of enthusiastically. circle sites and the battles to get them information being sent in, which more than analysed by scientists in the hope that doubles each year. Administration anomalies will be discovered. The sheer administrative burden of running Although some of the information each an organisation of this character is George Wingfield,in his usual robust style, season comes from the general public, the considerable, and here I must thank those tackled without hesitation or doubt, the vast bulk is from specific CCCS Branch who I am conscious have worked particularly ever-thorny problem of human-made Convenors, their members and certain 'roving hard for the CCCS this last year: Patrick formations, showing slides of some of the reporters'. Of the latter I must make special Palgrave-Moore (Secretary) , Richard Smith immaculate 1994 formations which, he mention of Steve Alexander, Peter Mearns (Treasurer and Branch Liaison), Barbara sincerely believed to be undoubtedly man­ and Michael Newark, the latter two Davies (Circular editor, Datalist and made. This was somewhat dispiriting and combining observational gifts with Hotline ), John Sayer (Assistant Secretary ironical in view of his opening statement considerable dowsing skills. The Branch and mailings), Paul Vigay (Computer that he believed in the genuine nature of Convenors to whom we are especiallygrateful Database) and Anthony Cheke. I regret that the core phenomenon. are Colin Jackson (), the Dorset Anthony Cheke and Michael Glickman have team focalised by David Kingston, the resigned from Council for personal reasons Finally, Andy Thomas outlined attempted Yorkshire team focalised by John Holman, and our founding member, Richard Andrews, communications experiments in Sussex the Sussexteam focalised by Barry Reynolds, will not be standing again due to ill health. via channeling and his feelings that Anthony Cheke (Oxfordshire), Joyce Galley We will miss them. patterns are there waiting to be triggered. (Kent) and John Sayer (Norfolk), reporting Attempts would be made to activate the on most of East Anglia. I must pay special Events appearance of formations this season by tribute to the Sussex CCCS for the Events this last year have included a dowsing and other methods, via 'energy exceptionally high standard of reporting and successful Summer Conference in input to the earth energy grid'. Dorset CCCS for enlightened and thorough September,in London, organised by Michael

TheCircu lar Vo lume 5 Number 4 Page 5 Glickman and Uta Hope, which had a wide lucky to have the services of Jim Lyons, a theoretical framework based on tested range of speakers concerned with presenting qualified engineer, but with a wide hypotheses. It is my view that we must build the work of the CCCS. Our AGM in April generalist scientific knowledge, who has a on the evidence, however uncomfortable the last year was addressed by Jim Lyons, of particular interest in Earth energies and results might seem to old-style science. Ifwe whom more anon. This last winter we intelligence and who has devised a basic deal with our subject honestly and resuscitated the London Winter lectures at programme for the recording and testing intelligently, in time science will 'fall in' the Friends Meeting House in Bloomsbury. of a limited number of fom1ations over a behind us, not the other way around. The meetings have been well organised by two-year period. Jim will be speaking today Carol Darcy Cochrane and chaired by and tomorrow about his ideas, but briefly, Although I have personal, metaphysical Michael Glickman. The series has been his proposals include surveying, energy­ (indeed spiritual) views about what is mostly concerned with metaphysical line dowsing, ground and aerial occurring,I have fought tooth and nailagainst subjects. photography, sample collection, the CCCS becoming a religious cult or belief homeopathy tests, crop sample dowsing, system. We must rely on proven evidence to Disinfonnation campaign testing of electrostatic fields, make our case. One area, for instance, where Last year I stated in my Chairman's speech magnetorneters and microwave devices and this is not happening is in the strongly that the "hoax seam is over". Of course in what is loosely termed 'communications polarised views about whether the vast one sense it is not, and evidence of this experiments'. The considerable success of majority of the 200 formations this last year criminal nuisance was all too prominent in the last in a slightly different sense, last (not to mention earlier ones) are man-made Wiltshire this last summer. In one sense, year in Sussex, will be broadened and or not. Individuals believe passionately in however, the seam as a confidence trick extended in 1995. A thorough programme one scenario or other with consequent purporting to show that all formations are of sample collection has been arranged by unpleasantness between valued members of man-made, is well and truly over. The Nancy Talbot in the States to provide Dr. the organisation. The truth of the matter is admirable sleuth work of Marcus Alien has Levengood with material for his laboratory that (except in a handful of rare cases) the now, I believe, provided irrefutable evidence work. We are also making arrangements evidence simply does not exist to prove it of an international organisation behind the for similar work to be done under one way or the other. But if we test and racket (the American based Committee for professional conditions in this country. examine methodically in the future, firm the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the evidence will gradually accumulate until we Paranormal - CSICOP), and its UK So is research and the management of the are able to categorically state which subsidiary (the Wessex Sceptics). We know organisation in safe hands for the future? I formations are genuine or otherwise. the identity of its organisers and field think it would be useful to end by looking operators, their addresses and phone ahead to certain possible developments, if This of course goes against the grain of numbers, and more to the point, so now do only as a warning. The worst possible what might be termed the "Nihilistic also the police and farmers in the localities scenario to my mind is that the leadership of School", evident in certain influential New involved. The reasons why we should be the CCCS could fall into the hands of an Age circles. Here, in an attempt to sit targeted by this infamous organisation must ambitious individual who primarily views endlessly on the fence until the subject lie buried in the muddy pathology of the organisation as a showcase for his or her becomes respectable, claims are made that, fundamentalist scientism. However, now that self-promotion. This could not have happened inherently, nothing can ever be understood damage to crops by hoaxers has become a under the old voting arrangement for about the phenomenon; consequently there criminal offence under the Criminal Justice Chairman. Unfortunately, it could easily is no point in studying it and hypotheses and Public Order Act (1994), I hope that we occur now, and it would destroy the about its meaning are pointless. However, will see a major crackdown on hoaxing by organisation. once we have been able to prove the the police in southern England this year. genuineness of the crop circles, I think we Need for courage may be surprised at the number of New Scientific progress There are, however, more subtle but Age gurus who will come bustling forward The continued activities of hoaxers has made equally dangerous tendencies, and in this to jump on the front of the CCCS it more imperative than ever that we connection it might be useful to reflect on bandwagon, claiming that they have always understand the special, physical the history of the Society for Psychical known what the phenomenon was all about! distinguishing features of genuine formations Research. The SPR was founded a hundred as opposed to man-made circles or natural years ago primarily to investigate whether The truth of the matter is that we are an 'lodging' of crops by weather conditions. In there was life after death. In the early investigative organisation using a rational this field, at long last, there has been a major stages it had a brilliant success with the so­ methodology, all of which is clearly set breakthrough with the publication of Dr. called 'cross-correspondence' cases which out in our excellent constitution. It may Levengood's paper 'Anatomical Anomalies proved the point beyondany reasonable doubt seem prosaic, perhaps even dull, to say in Crop Formation Plants' in the reputable to a. rational and open mind. Unfortunately, that this is the route we must follow if the scientific journal Physiologia Plantarum in later leaders of the SPR wanted to beregarded CCCS is to fulfil its immensely important 1994. This should at last bring home to the as intellectually 'respectable' by the scientific role in society. If we keep our nerve, and more responsible fields of science that this community. There was no way the latter was our heads, we will, in time, carry the subject should be treated as a genuine likely to accept a premise which, if true, thinking public with us - and even the phenomenon worthy of intelligent study. would overthrow the whole basis of scientific community. However our own research has shown that mechanical science. As a consequence, the there are other related areas of research SPR has trodden water for seventy years, not Michael Green which are also showing distinguishing daring to take this subject any further. The Chairman CCCS features between 'genuine' and 'other' crop same could happen to us. There are those Postscript: - formations. Interestingly, these do not for both within and outside the CCCS who At the AGM on Saturday 1st April I was re­ the most part involve complicated electronic would be perfectly happy to see us endlessly elected chairman of the CCCS. I would like gear, but simple, intelligent observations collecting information, but would resolutely to take this opportunity to warmly thank that anyone can carry out. We are extremely oppose any further attempt to build a those members who supported my candidacy.

Page 6 The Circular Vo lume 5 Number 4 bottles. A record of this process was kept in A 'plasma ball' is a glass ball filled with a Progress report: • a note book - e.g. rare gas mixture which makes beautiful 'streamers' when you switch on the ball on THREE LINES of RESEARCH Numbered sample Replaced label the high frequency supply. These streamers SU431001 (1) E go towards any earthed conductor, such as Lucy PriDgle SU431001 (2) z your hand, when you put it near. Nelson puts SU431001 (3) X a drop of the water, remedy, etc, on top of the 1. The Memory of Water SU431001 (4) L etc. ball and dips an earthed wire into it. The supply is switched on and a photograph Hot water bottles? By now the identity of the samples should be taken with a camera above the ball. The Water has an emotive quality. It is the very completely hidden. picture comes put as a pink blob of light essence of our being. The planet is 75% where the streamer is refracted by the drop. water, and our bodies66%. A line of research Dowsing success Not much, if any, differencesbetween remedy which I have been pursuing for the last two The only difficulty I foresaw in all this was and control can be seen at this stage. The seasonsand which has caught the imagination finding the bottles again! It was not advisable pictures (transparencies) are now subjected of all who have witnessed it, is to determine to leave any markers as mischievous people to laser beam analysis. According to the if there is any measurable difference between might investigate and possibly dig them up. instructions accompanying the laser beam water buried in bottles inside a formation I took measurements and compass readings analyzer, it is thought that what happens is against bottles of water buried outside it. in order to establish as nearly as possible the exact burial spots but, once the bottles were a great enhancement of any tiny difference in optical density. Nelson showed Dr Roger The procedure was as follows: - buried, the upturned soil dried very quickly, leaving little or no trace of any disturbance. Taylor some photos of the image of remedies after they had gone through this process. a) 20 ml brown glass bottles were used. I found the only way to locate them accurately There was now a wide 'aura' around the b) The bottles were all filled with water was by dowsing with my pendulum. central pink blob, with a variety of artificial from the same source (my kitchen tap). colours indicating variations in optical c) They were then sealed with sticking plaster Despite many difficulties in obtaining results density. and initialled at the join. of these tests to date, this project turned into d) One bottle was placed in the centre of the a most excellent dowsing experiment and in Technical difficulties, however, abounded: chosen formation. 1993, out of 51 bottles buried, only 8 were a special machine was required, that had to e) One bottle was placed on the perimeter of lost, a success rate of84%. (On one occasion be imported from the States. This the formation, though in very complex the field had been ploughed up.) In 1994 our unfortunately took farlonger than expected, formations more bottles might be placed retrieval rate was even higher. Also several and the machine needed calibrating. A colour inside. people(including a young child) who thought printer also was required. There were a f) At least two bottles (control samples) they could not dowse, successfully located number of other unexpected difficulties with were placed at varying distances outside the in this way bottles I had buried and had not the end result that the water has unfortunately formation. had time to collect. not yet been tested by this method. Roger h) The bottles both inside and outside were Taylor, being conversant with Nelson's all buried at an approximate depth of 2 lh (I also dowsed the formations involved and technique in operation, was enlisted to help inches. found that the 'energy' increased as I walked analyze the samples. He kindly agreed but i) At each formation, the bottles were all from the centre to the perimeter. The subsequently told me that a special part of buried at the same time and collected velocities at times were very strong: over the equipment was missing, costing simultaneously on a later date. past four years the chain on my pendulum approximately £300/400. However, he has j) The bottles were then clearly labelled has snapped twice. My jeweller now solders just written with the good news that he with numbers and/or letters. I also marked the chains onto the crystal and recently, as hopes funding for this part may soon be the labels with the Ordinance Survey the chain could not break, the crystal itself available. Reference number, as on several occasions fractured!) more than one formation has appeared not Wavelengths of water only in the same area but in the same field. The Signature of water I have also recently enlisted the help of Dr It has long beenmy opinion that we could be Cyril Smith, co-author with Simon Best of I kept a record of the labelling, clearly dealing with a phenomenon that may have 'Electromagnetic Man' [strongly marking the areas from which the bottles homeopathic properties. Dr Justa Smith's recommended reading- BD] who has also came, also the date on which the formation belief (see refs.,below) that water treated by kindly agreed to help. He blind-tested the was reported/formed, the date on which I a healer, when measured, revealed changes water samples, also seed from two seed placed the samples in the field and the date in the activity of the enzyme trypsin, relative heads. The preliminary results are promising on which I retrieved them (the duration to untreated water, encouraged me to think and indicate a measurable difference between between placing and retrieving varied that this might be an area worth pursuing. I the two bottles that had been placed in according to opportunity). I tried to get into therefore approached Dr Julian Kenyon from formations compared to the control sample. the formations as soon after they formed as the Centre for the Study of Complementary Seed head B which came from inside a possible, but that required establishing good Medicine, who most kindly agreed to test formation had very similar frequencies to relations with the farmers, many of whom samples of water using laser beam and the exposed bottles. This was not the case are understandably reluctant, as two visits electronic signature analysis to see if it with seed head A, the control. The following are involved. might reveal a change in the nature of the well developed radiesthesia technique water. devised by Dr Cyril Smith was used. k) At the end of the 1993 season, the samples were given to Dr Roger Taylor, who was not This is relatively untried technology used by Detection of resonances. with me at the time I buried the bottles. He an American, Bob Nelson, who claimed to For the subjective detection of resonances in either removed or pasted over my labels in have obtained results using this method water (and homeopathic potencies), the toro id such a way that I am unable to identify the which was described to me as follows: -

The Circular Vo lume 5 Number 4 Page 7 or solenoid (coil) and the tube containing the B. Grad The Biological Effects of the 'Laying on affect both red and white cells: if you have water need to be orientated North-South in o[Hands'on Animals and Plants: implications for visited many formations in the past years order to avoid interference from vector Biology' in Parapsychology: Its Relation to and really feel below par, it might be a wise Physics, Biology, Psychiatry, ed. G. Schneidler potential of the geomagnetic field which is & precaution to ask for a bloodtest, as magnetic (McTucken, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1967). in the East-West direction. The hands of the fields can affect both red and white cells. Dr Cyril Smith & Sbnon Best Electromagnetic experimenter need to be on the North-South Man'- Health and Hazard in the Environment.' axis, one on each side of the water being (Dent 1989) "Evidence is increasingly accumulating measured. One hand holds a pendulumwhich that in some frequent visitors to crop gives a positive indication when a resonance formations, unusual and possibly is reached as the other hand tunes the potentially serious health effects are oscillator feeding the toroid or solenoid. The 2. ESR & EEG tests continued developing which may last well beyond resonant frequency of the pendulummatches In July last year, Peter Staples and Isobel the time of the visit to the formation. It is a natural 2 Hz resonance in the autonomic Maxwell-Cade returned to the fields and a perhaps timely to consider that if the nervous system. date was setwhen they, plus the 3 volunteers energies present in formations are able to could all be present, with Keith W akeham as generate free radicals in the body (as will Jim Lyons, who is farnilarwith this technique, an observer. By great good fortune, two days magnetic fields of differing values to kindly explained that the oscillator frequency before our arranged date, the magnificent background) it is a wise precaution for is slowly increased from a starting value of 'Eye' event appeared in East Field, Alton visitors to take food supplements known near 1Hz through the kilohertz (KHz) range Barnes. The Carson family with their as the free radical scavengers (or to a megahertz (MHz). At particular customary generosity, granted us entry and antioxidants). These are composite frequencies, the pendulum oscillation David Carson allowed us to use his sitting capsules of carefully formulated Vitamins amplitude increases (stimulation) indicating room to conduct the control tests. To quote A, C and E with Selenium and Beta a modulation of the investigator's response Peter Staples: "The approach adopted was Carotene, with Zinc. by the resonance characteristic of the sample. the same [as in 1993] : to use portable At other frequencies the dowsing response electronic biomonitoring instruments to "These are a most efficient way of combating diminishes significantly (depression) and/ monitor Electrical Skin Resistance (ESR), free radicals in the body which, in excess, as or changes its direction indicating an peripheral temperature and electrical brain one doctor has stated act 'like a bull in a absorption effect, whichin a medical context rhythms via Electro-encephalograph (EEG), china shop' in the cell. Your localpharmacist is usually an allergy response. taking a set of reference measurements will advise you, also your health food shop". indoors and then taking equivalent The results obtained by Dr Cyril Smith are measurements in the crop circles." [More detailed suggestions from Lucy as follows: Pringle and Ann Silk on health precautions [PeterStaples ' report, which Lucy supplies, fo r frequent visitors to crop fo rmations, are TESTS ON CROP CIRCLES MATERIALS on the interesting and encouraging results available]. t =Stimulating frequency of the 1994 tests, will, fo r reasons of space, �=Depressive frequency be published in the next issue. -BD] Many thanks to all who have contributed. Please keep the reports coming in. Control Sample (tap water): 1.1 Mhzt Water sample 1: 9.5Hzt, 17Hz�, 160Hzt, Some people ask if there is any point in 9Khz�, 80Khzt, 960Khz�, 3.6Mhzt, 3. A matter of taste sending in ones of effects that happened 13.2Mhz � ' 59Mhz t A third area of research I will tryand develop this summer is saliva testing. This has come some years ago. YES! For instance, I have Water saniple 2: 5.5Hz t, 14Hd, 140Hzt, only 3 reports regarding the 1990 Alton 900Hz�, 6Khz t, 95Khz�, 350Khz t, 1.36 about as a result of reports and personal Barnes formation, though I know that Mhzl, 5.4Mhzt' 15Mhz� 58Mhz� experience. I experience the taste only when I am in or in the close vicinity of a crop hundreds visited it and that many felt strange Seed 1: 80Hz t, 14Khz�, 130Khzt, 640KhZ� effects. As always, your report will be treated 5.8Mhzt formation. I know of nothing comparable and the closest I can get to describing the in the strictest confidence, unless you give Seed 2: 7Hzt, 18Hz�, 50Hzt, 130Hz�, permission otherwise. - LP 650Hzt, 3Khz�, 16.5Khzt, 120Khz�, taste is 'metallic' . It is invasive and cloying 230Khzt' 440Khz�, 1.26Mhzt' 12.4Mhz�, and I cannot get rid of it by any physical 57Mhzt means. Debbie Benstead has also often experienced this or a similar taste and to her FOOTNOTE: The taste. The one I have Cyril Smith's Comment: The two exposed it is the litmus test of whether a formation is experienced is dryish and tingly, a bit like genuine or not. Barbara Davies tells me that brass or tin-fo il, and seems connected with water samples and seeds 2 finish up with she too has experienced it but feels it is not a sensation of hostility or threatfrom an very similar frequencies. - 513195 necessarily connected to the crop circle unA--nown source ('psychic' simply because I am keen that identical samples be phenomenon, but is of psychic origin. [see the cause is not known and it involves a scientifically tested by as many different fo otnote - BD]. Whatever the cause, until fe eling of irrational unease; the taste is real techniques as possible: excitingly, Dr Jacques we get the saliva analyzed, we will not know enough!). I have known others report it Benvenista, the internationally renowned if this is of similar parentage. outside the crop circle scene, when fe eling pioneer of the water memoryhypothesis, has threatened on what theytook to be an esoteric also been approached and expressed interest Health care for croppies level. Interestingly, Keats' Hyperion (the in helping. For those of us who go into crop formations sungod whose time is up) senses the approach on a regular basis, I suggest that you monitor of his doom (A pollo's birth) when his palace References: - your health generally. This would consist of fills with "Savour of poisonous brass and Dr Justa Smith 'The influenceof Enzyme Growth good basic dietary and exercise practice; not metals sick" . . . Even more specifically, in by the Laying on of Hands', in The Dimensions of smoking, limiting alcohol etc, and having a TerryPratche tt's novels, a metallic smallis Healing (Los Altos: Academy of Parapsychology regular health tests. Anne Silk advises that a sign that there is a strong thaumaturgical and Medicine, 1972) magnetic fields and perhaps crop circles can (magical) field around! ... - BD

Page 8 The Circular Vo lume 5 Number 4 F narrow bands of RF energy (directional an unusual manner in magnetic fields higher HUMAN EFFECfS • antennas) and reflection of fields from than background. A plea fo r academic analysi1 conductive surfaces as standing waves (188-9). Patterns of chaos Anne C Silk Rapid emotional change, euphoria, panic, The Single Stalk phenomenon is, more than dread, terror, but also joy, changes in any other factor, indicative of vortices of EM fields and the mind perception of time, can all betriggered in the intense, but infinitely short duration, By dint of diligent fieldwork over several brain by EM energy. This may beof relevance produced by the non-linear intermodulations years, Lucy Pringle and Diana Clift in the UK, when the locationsof formations are considered of seismic and man made energy - a chaotic with many others world-wide, have in relation to communication transmitters. state. Professor Richard Feynmann, the accumulated several hundred signed reports of But these energies are produced not only American Nobel physicist described this atypical systemic effects, both positive and RF by man made sources, but also seismic effect in fluid dynamics as superfluid negative, in visitors to crop formations. I have sources, e.g. faults, thrusts, earthquake whirlpools with vortices hanging down like read these with considerable interest as the precursors. There were 350 EQs in the strings, which circled about the tiniest atom many ocular and visual effects reported are UK in 1993-4 reported in the British Geological and lead to immense turbulence. But th� explicablein the context of exposureto unusual Survey Annual Report - perhaps surprising to central point would remain still and ambient electromagnetic fields. Some of those who think of the as a 'quiet' . In immobile. And as Professor Cardoso wrote these effects occur with great rapidity and UK area addition, a paper in Nature (374-34 1995) in Physics World, May 1994, "Fluid vanish on leaving the formation; others last for reports a 'vast sheet of hot rock' slowly forcing mechanics are wonderful laboratories for hours, days and rarely weeks, which may be a its way up beneath much of Europe, causing discovering new phenomena - the non pointer to the state of immunocompetence of thinning of the Earth's crust in these areas. linearity leads ... to the formation of patterns the individual or the field strength itself. and shapes". The illustration is of crescents Su btle energies - strange effects adjacent to circles, identical to the formations The reports cover visual, auditory (hum, Whether a formation is hoaxed or not, it is at West Kennet, Furze Knoll, , East buzz, click etc) effects, with very many now very clear that both adverse and Dean etc, in 1994. headaches, nausea, disorientation, 'drop' beneficial effects are found in certain places. attacks, pain increase and analgesia, and It is known that subclinical effects can be � unusual mental effects, euphoria, panic, dread, (East Dean, 1994) triggered in the brain by a magnetic field terror, 'sense of oneness with the Universe'. • •• only 1 00 times stronger than the natural background of 30 -70 microTesla. A study in Ecstasy and panic WANTED: specialists 1993 by the Institut Fur Geophysik and the I have carried out a preliminary analysis of All serious studies begin with data University College Hospital in Zurich these documented effects; thereis a remarkable collections; the second stage is analysis by showed that external magnetic fields can parallel with the signs and symptoms specialists in the field (no pun intended!). trigger brain cell discharges. Post synaptic documented in the literature of exposure to The methodology will depend on the subject, inhibition of the motor neurons cause electromagnetic fields (World Health can but there is surely now enough evidence temporary paralysis and inability to move, Organisation, 1989, 1993). In reactive near from the Trojan work of Lucy Pringle and precisely as described a few years ago in one fields eddy currents in the brain can generate her eo-workers world-wide to bring academic formation by a very senior retired civil a biochemical cascade affecting rigour to study these new and strange effects. servant. .. and many others since then. neurotransmitters, calcium efflux, sodium, potassium efflux and cell membranes· in Any scientists 'out there' with access to full A most interesting finding from case reports addition, an exogenous EM field will affect spectrum EM analysers, earth resistivity where animals were also involved was that the biological closed electrical circuits meters, seismic detection equipment, ultra­ panic behaviour was observed in many dogs, (BCEC) that extend throughout all tissues of and infrasonic detection and analysis, plant horses, birds; a well-reported effect from the body. This is an additional circulatory pathology, or -plasma modelling will be Extremely Low Frequency precursors in system to the mechanical systems (heart, welcomed by the several academics currently earthquakes world-wide. Sonic and infra blood etc) When the reticular portion of the working in this area. 'Blue Sky' research and ultra sonic energy can, depending on the mid-brain is stimulated by a transient signal projects a-plenty are ready and waiting for energy density per pulse, trigger what is of very specific frequency, a sense of silence, those with interest in this manifestation of known as 'Radar hearing', or 'the Hum'. 'oneness' with the Universe, even religious chaotic behaviour. Thresholds varywith the individual, metallic ecstasy can manifest. Effects of such implants (e.g. fillings) shape of skull, but stimulation will ascend to the cortex, and References: are nonetheless real. descend to the spinal cord, with increase of Shonland, Sir B The Flight of The Thunderbolts EEG activity and the individual may feel far Ox[. Univ. Press 1963 As a health research worker, specialising in more alert. Experiments in the US with Alien, S G Radiofrequency Fi eld Measurements neurological diseases of unknown aetiology, and Hazard Assessment - Radio!: Protection external signals sent from a distance J it does appear to me that the Roman concept (1 991) 11-1 transversely through the brain can produce of 'genius loci' or spirit of place, may have World Health Organisation Electromagnetic total panic, nausea and 'got to get away from great social relevance today. If a biological Fi elds 300Hz - 300GHz (1 993) here' feelings. Cardoso, Periodic Attractions of Fl uid system can respond in any way at all to an 0 Mechanics (Afay, 1994) Physics World external magnetic stimulus, it must be worth EM Hot-spots Lee CE/ectricalR Trauma Cani>. Univ.Press (l993) asking more questions about the health SilkA C Interference in Crop Formations Of especial relevance are what the WHO EM & implications of regular exposure. The (1 993) describe as 'Radio Frequency Hot AssociatedPhenomenaCircular4:1 25-27(1993) Bioelectromagnetics Societies in the US and Lyskov, et Influence o[Short TermExpo sure Spots'. These are defmed as a point or small E. al Europe are urgently addressing the effects of of Magnetic Field on Bioelectrical Processes of the area where the local values of electric and/or intermodulation and frequency 'windows', Brain. Int:J ofPsychophysiology 14(1993)227-23 1 magnetic field strengths are significantly especially where pulsed fields occur. There British Geological Survey Annual Report 1993-4 elevated above the typical ambient field levels. are many reports in EM literature of the fact They are produced by an intersection of that plant root systems grow and develop in The Circular Vo lume 5 Number 4 Page 9 •. 'Dragon/m Pal'l 1'


Wolfgang ScbirtdJer

Hamburg, December 1994

Connected elements Soon after I had started to make drawings of figures found in English cornfields back in autumn 1990, I realized that these so-called Fig. 1 Sequence by shape: - The Dragon pictograms not only looked similar to each Key to 'Dragon' fo rmations: other - they also displayed a kind of graphical (leftto right) Another short sequence of three figures is toprow: Chilcomb 23/5/90; Litchfield 23/6/90; evolution: Each pictogram contained at least connected to the East Kennett pictogram Hazeley Down2/5/90; Chilcomb 6/7/90; Longwood one element that was not there in another (27th of July 1990) and, peculiarly, the three­ 28/6/90; Crawley Down 13/7/90; Lockeridge 21/6/ pictogram and other elements changed their 91; Rockley 1 1/7/9 1;Alton Bames2/7/9 1 ; Avebury fingered claw of this figure pointed exactly positions from pictogram to pictogram. This Trusloe 9/6/9 1; Froxfield 19/8/91; Hackpen Hill to the corner of a field a few hundred metres made it easy to put them all into a sequence 12/7/9 1; Alton Priors 18/7/9 1; EastKennet 27/7/ to the west where the dumbbell with a hook which at that time was made out of six 91; Preshute Downs 14/7/91; Milk Hill 12/7/90; and a so-called signature appeared exactly a pictograms. They all had four long rectangles, Alton Bames 12/7/90; Milk Hill 16/7/92, with year later (27th of July 1991).The last figure two on each side of the connecting path Morestead 30/6/90; Westbury 7/8/90; Hazeley I added to the sequence is a figure from 1992 3/8/90. between the two main circles. Ifyou read the Down which also - like some of the large claw-and­ row. Clatford 14 /8 /9 1;Clench Common 13/ sequence fromleft to right, the four rectangles lower 8/91; Silbury Hill 27/7/9 1; East Kennet E/7/90; key pictograms -aligned with Silbury Hill's n oved up and induced a ring around the top � Milk Hill M/7/90. eastern edge. This figure delivers the "future cucle, and finally this ring gave birth to a kick", meaning that it brings the 7 metre small ringed circle. This sequence was � neighbour on the left, the next two had come �ircl� ck into the sequence. (Many circles obvious and George Wingfield was the first one after another (from leftto right) and the m stgmficant positions have a diameter of to mention it in the first Cerealogist. In 1991 last figure again had been found before its approximately 7 metres). The sequence many possible follow-up pictograms leftneighbour. It looked as if the right half of contains 27 (or 33) different formations. appeared. I linked them to the previous six the row could be a mirror image of the left N�arly all of them are standing "upright" on and in the end the sequence had grown into side seen in a chronological way. thts sheet of paper, which means their top a row of fifteen pictograms. was close to the nearest field border. If you �nee I understood it like that, it was not very look at fig. 1, you will see the sequence of What confused me then was that this sequence dtfficult anymore to find the missing figures cr?p formations displayed from left to right did not reassemble the chronological order of - I only had to arrange them according to the wtth similarity as its first principle of order. appearance of the pictograms in the fields hopefully complete sequence on the left. So The lines drawn between the figures make and that the row ended with a figure that was I added the long pictograms of 1990 and also clear which circle conforms with which in nothing but an unfolded element of the long others from the same year. Finally the dates the next formation. The second principle is East Kennett pictogram of the 27th of July of appearance, seen from left to right, looked that of chronological order. Small arrows 1990. (Later I saw that it was also a remake �me�hing like a large loop through time, between the figures indicate whether a of a nearly unnoticed figure that was found wtth tts beginning in May 1990 and going up formation came after (-) or before (-) its in a field near Bulkworthy, Devon, also in to 1991 and returning to 1990, where the line neighbour on the left side. This might seem 1990). So I waited for the 1992 season to crosses itself on the 12th/13th of July (Crawley a bit confusing, for in this special case time come to see what new elements would appear. Down 13th July 1990 /Aiton Bames 12th July is not shown as a straight line from past to In the end there were many new pictograms, 1990) before it becomes linear in time again. future, but as a space in which an action is but to my disappointment there was able to change its direction. seemingly not one I could use for the Three fingered claws sequence. This gave me the idea that maybe I also added other figures which are not in Circular tramway all pictograms that were necessary for the the row, but form a line of their their own I then connected the two pictograms that logical evolution of the row already existed, that is connected to the main line. I found appeared in the same wheatfield on Hazeley and that there was another connecting these figures by checking out where some of Down near Winchester in 1990 (2nd of June element between the figures which I might t�e three-fingered claws of the long & 3rd August). The easiest way to do so not have noticed yet. ptctograms pointed and it seemed as if they was to double the entire row of pictograms were pointing at other figures which were so I put a reversed row below the original Loops in time incorporated in the following figure in the row and the whole picture now showed I looked at the chronological sequence of sequence. For example, the large claw of the something like a closed circuit (fig. 2). appearance again and saw that there was a Milk Hill figure, (12th of July 1990) pointed The reason for the linking of these figures certain logic behindit After the chronological � at a single circle with a small three-fingered was t e fact that also the original crop direction had changed twice between the claw that appeared a few days later. In the formattons were connected by a tramline first four pictograms of the row, it stayed the nexi pictogram a circle with a claw is part of that ran through the ring of the first figure same for three figures, then moved backwards t�e whole figure, and also the preceding and then along the axis of the larger second for two figures and then into the future again ptctogram had a circle with a claw not toofar pictogram (fig. 3). But to make it complete, I for one pictogram. Mter this the pattern from it. And as with all figures which repeated this closed circuit and connected it to repeated itself, only the other way around: resemble each other, these similar-looking its loose ends on each side to form a virtually The twelfth figure had appeared before its circles with claws add up to three. endless row (fig. 4). Page 10 The Circular Vo lume 5 Number 4 •. the Dragon sound). with all the known consequences in linear There is also a spacetime. The required "distance in time" method of deriving would not have to be very long - the nucleus musical intervals would only have to tunnel through a tiny from the underlying fr action of a second. pe ntagonal, hexagonal and Probably this happens naturally fr om time to octagonal geometry time as the result of the so-called tunnel effect which was originally known to quantum physics. Nowadays the invented by Johannes latter is only accepted as an effect in space, but Kepler as a way to I can see no reasons why this effect should not make music out of take place in time. The problem is that there horoscopes. This are no known methods of observing, initiating method was refined and controlling tunnel effects like these. I by Hans Cousto: it really do not know if the sequence I fo und .. simply uses the stands fo r one or both of the two events angles of the planets' mentionedabove, or ifindeed it meansanything Fig. 2 aspects in the charts to find at all. But if it does describe something like a I justified this large link-up by the fact that the a geometrical figure that indicates intervals in Chronologically Induced Nuclear Fusion - dimensions of the two fo rmations connected: a doubled octave projected on to a fuR circle. and it certainly would if somebody who is they are nearly the same. (The diameter of the inspired by this sequence (or by anything else) large circle of the Chilcomb pictogram was discoverssomething to which the name C.I.N.F. 16.10 metres, while that of the ring of the could be attached - I only want to say that it Hazeley Down fo rmation was 16.70 metres). might be a very powerful source of energy, The small circle of the Chilcomb fo rmation probably not easy to handle, and that whoever was 7.20 metres across and the circle with two fo und it would be responsible for the spurs and an Y-shape attached to it 7 metres. Clue to energy transfonnation? consequences. Perhaps better steer clear of the Also the width of the four rectangles - 1.20 The other interpretation looksat the sequence temptations of capitalism and use the sequence metres - related to the width of the four small as a graphical description of the as an inspiration for a piece of music ... curves - between 1.20 and 1.30 metres). (All transformation of a molecular structure. One dimensions are takenfrom published surveys could see a circle as an atom and the rings, Visitation? drawn by Stanley Morcom and Peter Baillie) . paths and claws might represent its hulls, Finally I think it is best to explain why I seem Fig. 3 shows how well these two figures suit electron orbits, valencies and bonds. If the to be so obsessed with this sequence. In early each other when their largest circlesare drawn row of crop fo rmations shows a molecular November 1991 I extended the sequence in the same size. structure going through different stages of from its original six fo rmations to thirteen. I transformation, the main point of it seems to left all the small photocopied figures lying After all my drawing, measuring and searching be the melting together of two circles/atoms on my desk overnight. I woke up in the I got an interesting graphical structure as the into one by creating a chronological middle of the night to an invisible source of result. It was good to look at, so I hung it on my imbalance around them. It is difficult to a whistling, squeaking sound hovering above wall and because it seemed to f>1are back at me describe this in words and I think if the my heavy wooden table, which made creaking like a multi-eyed flying creature. I nicknamed sequence is seen in this way, figs. 1, 2 and 4 noises as if it was pressed by a heavy load. it "Dragon" [seeAutumn 1994 Cuadar- BD] . speak fo r themselves. (Do they?). I named I was amused while this was happening but this interpretation the "Chronologically I was scared the next moming and fo r the The Sound of the Dragon Induced Nuclear Fusion" and though I fo llowing six months. I don't have a suitable Though it doesnot talk tome, among the many invented this catchy phrase for the fu n of explanation fo r this but whatever it was, it associations I have had with it, there are two inventing a catchy phrase, it later appeared made me cling to that sequence and consider that I like especially. The first interpretation of to me that there really might be a possibility it to be more important than before. I don 't the Dragon sees it as a piece of music written of melting two atomic nuclei into one by know if it is alright to make public this down in a strange and yet to be decoded shifting one nucleus from its place in linear experience, but since the fa iries seem to notation. (However, since Gerald Hawkins spacetime backwards or fo rwards in time to have left me anyway, they probably won 't has fo und out that the graded diameters of crop another place which is already occupied by mind it - and I promise not to write anything circles fit into the diatonic scale of musical another nucleus. The two nuclei would then more about it than this! harmony, it shouldn 't be too difficult to make have to integrate themselves into each other

Fig. 4 The Circular Volume 5 Number 4 Page 11 in a Neutral line it is Neutral, in an Earth dome with four water lines coming off it and Serpent line it is Earth, and also where the a Negative field inside it. band of contraflow runs along the junction of the Earth and Neutral fields there is a band of rotation on each side. The Hollow Bar bury Castle When I thought I had finished I had a look around and noticed a hollow on the S.E. side of the hill. I found an Earth field around

Quest continued in 1992 th is; inside the Earth field On 2217/92 I had a careful look at the Michael was a ring-shaped Neutral Line in the Stone Avenue at A vebury: over field and within this was a the years I had been puzzled by the fact that circular Neutral field at the my brother and mother often found that lines bottom of the hollow. Three such as this were wider than I found them to Neutral lines left this and be, and that they flowed in a different headed North-East. These direction. As I was now familiar with various Neutral lines were the same types of energy field, I thought that there as the Neutral lines in the might be a large one around the line that Neg/Pos/Neutral sets except could be picked up before the line. of course that there were three of them. On dowsing very carefully across the Michael Line I found an Ea rth field on As I thought there might be each side of it, then a small gap, a Neutral a connection between these field just inside each edge of the line, and lines I had a closer look at a Positive field in the centre:- the rest of .

The Hollow Fields in & around Michael linein veburyA Ave. Later that summer In August I went back to Wiltshire, and � steps. ·. ·. EARTH · found the Caduceus line that run s across the FIELD . · . fjdqeo f MichaeJ Line 1 : .: .: .:: Avebury Avenue. Now that I was more gap .;:.•::.::itJ�tltRAt/Fjf?l{f·': · :: :: : · ·· ::•:•:•P.osiiivE:F.iE:t6 :.:: · · aso familiar with different fields I had a look for :::::Nffi:J. tRAt/F.ff?f:.D. :::·:::-;:; ::: :::· 1 , . ....edge of Michael Line them in this. There were none in or around the s�f:p �: . .. . EARTHA ELD Caduceus line, but I found it to be made up of Positive, Earth, Negative and Neutral. The After this I had another careful look at the line Caduceus line had gone up from 330 to 8990. and found two bands of contraflow where the From Silbury Hill 8/8/92 SU 108 681 flow was opposite to the main line:-

------';l>---;:-----2edge�iL'ofMiohaeJ Line + pos. - neg As I thought there might be a connection ··� ········· · · · neut. � tWoba� ds of contraflow 0 between these lines I had a closer look at -�- the rest of Barbury Castle. At the Bowl -----�----"'e,.,�e""-.o f dg MiohaelLi ne 9990 Barrow 1 found an Earth Field with a Positive ring field and a Positive circular If we combine the fields and contraflow field. From this, 3 Positive lines went N- W. bands the line looks like this. E;i-f¥; The Bowl Barrow \_ ·. ·.·.EARTH FIELD. ·.· . of Mi. chaeJ 0 0 rg�dosn.'Nit.tft.#M'.:P.iff.f(j•••:•.•:-:•:::•.::: Line · _ _ (This is typical of all the single Caduceus earth line

Plinths 9/8/92: I carried on walking down to the A4 to the crop circle that had appeared that . _., .. , · , line leaving plinth has night offthe B4003, but found it to be a hoax. ,,, .. --�� - · two rotational bands , J I went on to East Field and into the Dumbbell · � ' · � like those 1n the SnaJI, .roS/T/IIEf7£L O� EARTHFJELO 0 - etc with two appendages (4th Event) and found .P�- -� . ...- Earth lines and Neg/Pos/Neutral sets in it. - At the Disc Barrow I found an Earth Field � �"J with a Negative Ring Field and a circular 1017/92: I caught the bus to Ma rl borough While walking around one of the concrete Negative Field. From this 3 Negative lines and walked up to 1991 style pictogram at marking plinths [where Avenue stones are went N E. missing - BD] I found a line: Hallam. I found Earth lines and Neg!Pos/ Neutral sets in this also. A11 the lines in these sets were 110 and, :I have since found that all the Serpent lines except that they were in 3s and were going in I then went on alon g the Ridgeway to Barbury {see Part I in last Circularfo r defin ition of different directions, were identical with the Castle where I found an Earth Field going all these] have the same fields except that in a lines in the Neg!Pos/Neutral sets. I didn't around the Hill Fort, and a large Negative Negative line the central field is Negative, have time to find out where they were going

Page 12 Th e Circular Volume 5 Number 4 as it was getting late and I had to walk back line at 110; So the 3 x 110 + lines had [Peter includes a diagram of the whole to Avebury. fu sed together to fo rm one line of 110. The Avebury Avenue, not printed as such for The Disc Barrow same had happened to the Neutral and reasons of space - showing bands of Negative 3 x 110 sets. dowsable lines, fo rming in most cases 'ladders ' betweenpa irs of stones, even where Crop circle origin? these are represented only by concrete So at the bottom of the Ranchfe ature was the plinths: beginning at thefe nce at thefa r end point of origin of one of the Neg!Pos/Neutral fromAv ebury(s tone pair 3) theband s are a sets that I had fo und going through crop regular sequence of Ne utral (3, 7, 11, 15, circles. At first I thought that the Neg/Pos/ 19, 23, 27, 31, 35); Earth (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, Neutral set would strike out from the base of 24, 28, 32, 36); Positive (5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, NEtv:J TIVE FJEL D D EAR TH FJEL D D the Ranch fe ature, like a bolt of lightning, 29, 33, 37); Negative (6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, when a crop circle was fo rming, but I fo und 30, 34). When rechecked on 301511 993, When I went to the East Field on the Sunday that the Neg!Pos/Neutral sets were present Earth lines at 20 & 28 had disappeared, it had been very misty and I couldn't see the all the time The next day I went to Windmill and 3 of the 4 missing ladders were fo und, fields below Knapp Hill, but on the Monday Hill and fo und much the same. some fe et nearer Avebury than the stones I met a German student who told me about involved. Out-of-place ladders from stones the circles at Draycott Fitzpayne, so on 1 (Neutral) & 2 (Earth) were also identified Tuesday 11th of August I visited these and then.] fo und Earth lines in the single circle (SU1 3963 1 ); Earth lines and one set ofNegl To sum up: I thought the ladders were

Pas/Neutral lines in the Circle-with-a-hand �;z;;f�=f=�-�square connecting the stones in the A venue, but by (SU1 36634); Earth lines and two sets of enclosure 1992 I fo und that the ladders are a fe ature of Neg/Pos/Neutral lines in the Merc ury fence all the Serpent lines and that the pairs of fo rmation (SU 133629) {see photo on March stones in the Avenue that did not have 199 2 Circular cover] ; and Earth lines in the ladders were misplaced by the builders. Windmill ring and crescent at West Stowell (SU131623). HiD SU 087 714 The Earth lines seem to spin offthe Serpent lines at the end of the Earth ladders only. So At Windmill Hill there were:- a barrow with On Wednesday I went back to Barbury Castle fa r I have only fo und Earth lines on positive an Earth field and a ring of Positive with a to see where the three sets of lines went to. and negative Serpents. When it leaves a circular Positive field, and three Positive Before I started I went to the three circles at Serpent line the Earth line goes back lines; a barrow with Earth field and Negative Overtown, Hackpen (SU1 53783), which had upstream and rejoins the same Serpent line ring field, Negative circular field, three been harvested but where I fo und Earth lines again: Negative lines and a barrow with Earth field and one set of Neg/Pos/Neutral lines. and a Neutral ring field, Neutral circular Moving lines fields, and three Neutral lines. These three Back at Barbury Castle I fo llowed the sets of lines converged on the square On the Avenue the Earth lines fr om stones 8 three Positive lines across the lane to enclosure where they seemed to go into a and 36 are there all year, thosefrom stones 20 Wroughton, back across the same lane by tight spiral and fu se into an Neg/Pos!Neutral & 28 only seem to start in early August. the road to the racing stables, back round set of 110 lines. to Barbury Castle and through the plantation at the top of the 'Ranch Feature', which is a long ditch running down the hill with a bank on each side.

[rotatoois reversedin loop) The three Negative lines went East, turning F ormabon3 fike the 5 - at the 'Ranch Feature', the Neutral lines paceshtp 01 Scoreion eremede went to the end of the plantation and bya series of loops curved round to the 'Ranch Feature'.

Caught in a loop At the top of the slope each type of line The permanent Earth lines can loop was 3 x 110, but at the bottom there was a 110 10 I \ - 1100 anywhere along their length, as can those set of Neg/Pos/Neutral lines with each .. no fielmsquare foundat enclosl..eor allheRanch fr om 20 & 28. the Mary line, Earth lines Detail of the square enclosure. On are produced that are quite short and produce

Ladders of st one circles close to the Mary Line. Th ese Earth I have not On Friday 14/8/92 I was lines only exist when a circle fo rms. fo und the Winchester type Earth lines in a walking back up the stone circle. The Neg/Pos/Neutral- sets of lines avenue at Avebury, and have a permanent course; but thought I would look to see if they also loop there was a line or something into a pictogram and then cany on to their destination. They only go into pictograms. It between the stones of the does not seem to be the complexity of tl1e A venue. I fo und two narrow fo rmation but the abstract idea in the pattern bands crossing the A venue that makes their presence necessary. Because between the stones like rungs of thisI presumed that if there is an intelligence of a ladder, these could be in the crop circles it may be present in these dowsed as Negative, Positive, sets of lines. Neutral and Earth.

The Circular Vo lume 5 Number 4 Page 13 Network of lines hoaxer made a circle on a Neg/Pos/Neut set are pathways along which something I have concentrated most of my effort on these it wouldn 't deceive anyone as it wouldn 't energetic (Electro-Geomagnetic) passes lines for the last two years. The tapes [of have loops. during the fo rmation of a circle. anomalous sounds] which I sent to Larry Grant were recorded at the bottom ofthe Ranch Finally ... 7. Fonning forces fea ture at Barbury Castle and at the square As a conclusion I would just like to make Having looked carefully at a lot of circles enclosure on Windmill Hill. I have fo und and some notes as I am running out of time. would say that whatever fo rms them must take fu lly explored the sets of lines at:- up a position on the outside of the fo rmation Normanton - Stonehenge, Y arnbwy Castle Old 1. In the Summer the setsof Neg/Pos/Neutral like a fo rce field effectively marking out the Sarum, , Clearbury Ring, lines are all the same. When searching for shape and then induce the crop to fa ll towards , , 2 them in March I find that they are Positive­ it by some fo rce of attraction. This could Telegraph Hills, Fort, Litchfield, Seven Negative-Neutral. At different times of year account for the gentlenessof the flatteningand Barrows, SilburyHill, MilkManlen, Hill, Cherhill, the lines change so they may correspond to a the sharp edge. Oliver's Castle, Wmd mill Hill, Barbury Castle, 'circle season ' where Positive is in the middle. , Maiden Castle. At the Kings Play The Negative/Positive/Neutral sets do not Hill and Tidbury Rings I have fo und parts of 2. Different lines - different shapes always fo rm circles near to their source: the a set but the fields are always cultivated If the Wiltshire circles are fo rmed by the one in the East Field comes from Old when I visit so I can't really have a good look. Michael MaryCaduceus set andthe Hampshire Winchester Hill and may have combined with circles by the Triangular Caduceus set, then the one from Milk Hill to fo rm circles in Alton Glastonbury and Alton Dames this might explain George Wingfield's assertion Barnes area. It seems that a lot of circle areas All these sets of lines appear to be heading that the Hampshire and Wiltshire circlemakers have both a local and distant source. At Barbury towards Glastonbury, but I have only are different. While looking at the Neg/Pos/ Castle there is only the set fro m the Ranch fo llowed one set all the way from Cley Hill Neutral set at Maiden Castle I fo und another Feature, so the 1991pictogram may have been to Wearyall Hill. Wearyall Hill is like a set of lines that probably run through Dorset fo rmed when this source 'switched on', as giant Barrow with an Earth field around the and Sussex and there is probably another one there big pictogram seem to occurnear a source hill, then a Neutral field, then Negative with running from Canterbury and Cambridge to as though 'switching on' and then the lines run Positive occupying the top of the hill. I Nottingham. through to Glastonbury and may continue to haven't worked out precisely what happens fo rm circles along their length. when the lines arrive at Wearyall Hill yet, 3. Ladders but I hope to do so this Winter. If you look at the ladders in the Serpent line Having read the article about plants fo rming with an Earth line leaving and rejoining, it their own patterns, in the Cerealologist, I The set of lines that goes through East Field looks similar to the ladder of an insectogram; think it would be interesting to compare starts fr om Old Winchester Hill and runs the loop on an Earth line can look like the field size and fo rmation sizes. If some of the through Alton Barnes and on to Glastonbury. fish symbols from 1992, so perhaps we flattening fo rce does come from the plants, should consider pictograms to be cryptograms then a large field should produce more of it In 1993 I searched around the A vebury area containing clues. than a small one. Large fields such as the looking tor a Neutral and Earth Serpent to East Field do tend to have large fo rmations. compliment the Michael and Mary lines, but 4. Fusing in a whirlpool did not find them. In 1994 I fo und a Neutral I used to think that the sets of 3 x 110 fu sed 8. Ch anges of consciousness Serpent running just a few yards South of the to fo rm single lines of 110 but I couldn't I mentioned 'Greeting' earlier on [see Part I­ Wansdyke and an Earth one running through understand why the resulting line was not BD]; this refers simplyto 1hefact that youif cross Honeystreet. I have found these at Glastonbury 330. I have now realised that the two outside a line and make a mark with your heelto show as well, so the Michael and Mary lines are part lines go back into the Earth in a whirlpool the two edges then, when you are walking of a full Caduceus set like the triangular one. effect and leave the centre 110 of each type back, the line will move several feet towards fu sed into a set of Neg!Pos/Neutral lines. you as if it knows you are coming. I have done Litmus lines? this at night in complete darkness and in 5. Ch.rhtian and pagan? The circles and pictograms that have Earth daytime when I have spent all day walking to and Interestingly, though Serpentlines twine around lines and Neg!Pos/Neutral sets tend to be from somewhere and had completely fo rgotten the ones that have the most impressive lays the Caduceus lines they are radically different: where I had found the line on the way out. of crop with defmite flow and swathing etc. Serpent lines seem to revel in going through For this reason I tend to regard them as being churchesbut Caduceus lines willnot go through On barrows that have an Earth field and, for genuine, while circles without them I regard a church at any price. At Burrow Bridge it instance, a Positive ring and Positive circle as dubious. I acknowledge that it can be makes several attemptsto go through the church fields, if you dowse the field and drop a argued that I am rej ecting anything that does but just cuts through the end of the ruin. At marker on their edges and then do it again not conform to my own preconceptionsof what Salisbury the Caduceus line makes a violent you will find that they have moved: they a genuine circle is, but everyone has their own swerve to avoid the cathedral. Apart from seem to pulsate slowly. As some of the Earth preconceptions. It is not the case that I fm d bending at the corners of the triangle I have only lines seem to 'switch on ' in August, this lines in only the best circles, I quite liked found two other bends:going round a hollow on might accountfo r the increase in numbers of Oliver's Castle in 1994 and was quite the outskirts of Glastonbury Abbey and around circles as the season progresses. disappointed that I did not find any lines that the British Land Forces HQ at Wtlton . would have led me to consider it genuine. I would like to thank you fo r asking what 6. Fields and Lines ordinary CCCS members think. Ifanyone had When I refer to fields and lines I think the Ifanyone would like to check any of this I have asked before I would have taken the time to much more details of lines, sites and courses of difference is that a line is made up of moving write this down before. As you might have lines, lines in circles etc. The value of these energy whereas a field is comprised of noticed from the introduction I like to pick Earth lines and Neg/Pos/Neutral sets is that stationary or stored energy. With the Neg/ holes in other people's ideas. I would be quite they are specific to circles in as much as they Pos/Neutral sets and the Earth Lines I think happy if someone picked holes in mine as it only fo rm loops when a circle fo rms. If a that they are not so much energy lines as they might save a lot of wasted time and walking! Page 14 Th e Circular Vo lume 5 Number 4 r CROP CIRCLES, CARPETS, CLUES, COINCIDENCES AND COMMON SENSE (or c.c.c.c.c.c.s.)

JohnSayer Because the door had a defective hinge, it been in the carpet. Okay, I thought, it's prob­ hung permanently open. I realised instantly ably some form of electromagnetism, sun I've been involved in the crop circle phenom­ that whatever had made the marks could not spots, that sort of thing. But Richard's deliv­ enonfor almost five years now and duringthat have straddledthe door. This bothered me: it ery was brilliant: heled us alonggently through time I have considered several theories about meant that this business had moved from be­ the simple circles, to thecircles with rings, and it along the way, but one thing has remained ing unusualto positively strange. The marks then, the shocker - a "four dotson a dice" for­ unwaveringly constant - my knowledge that had definitely not been there the evening be­ mation. That was the clincherfor me. Then, of there is a genuine circles phenomenon. I use fore. They had arrived during the night, course, we got the quintuplets and other com­ theterm "knowledge"deli berately, becausemy astride an opendoor. This didn't seem rea­ binations of circles and all the other details conviction is not born of belief, but of direct sonable. which indicated "intelligentcontr ol", leading experience, logic and rational analysis. up to 1990's jewel in the crown, the Alton We discussed possible "rational" explana­ Bames pictogram. Now I realised that the Led CARPETS tions: someone must have broken in during Zeppelin poster wasn't a pictorial "hoax" af­ It all began for me one morningin August 1990. the night, made the marks then left, some­ ter all. At that time I knewnothing about cropcircles. how locking up after themselves on the way I had heard of the subject only to the extent out. No. I tried every circular object in the I picked up a CCCS application form on the that I had seen a shortclip on television which house - cups,saucers, plant-pots etc. Not only way out, and learned that there was a branch showed anoblique view of a field containing a did nothing match thediameter of thecircles, in Norfolk. Later, havingmet the local enthu­ circle and two men (who I now know were Pat even when I tried to replicate them by press­ siasts, we told them about the carpet circles Delgadoand Colin Andrews) talking about it: ing down on the carpet with something and and invited them to come out to Corpusty and swirled crop, stalks bentbut not crushed,clean twisting it round to swirl the pile, it simply dowse the room. (Pat Palgrave-Moore asked standing edge, no apparent signs of entry etc. didn't work. All I got was a vague disturbance me what I thought the carpet circles meant: etc. I hadn't heard of "Circular Evidence" or of the tufts, which didn't lie flat to thefloor. did I think it was a "tap on the shoulder" from the CCCS. Nor was I aware of the explosive the Circlemakers? I wasn't too comfortable effect the first Alton Barnes pictogram was Having exhausted the replication possibili­ with the thought although, logically, it seemed having in the crop circle community at that ties, I took a closerlook at the circles. It was plausible.) Chris Phillips not only got a reac­ time. I was staying at a friend's house. Jane as if the pile had been glued to the floor. I tion from his rods in the right area of the car­ asked me that morning if I had been standing picked at it with my fingernails. It was ex­ pet but also reported feeling a "pressure" on on a chair in the corner of her bedroom some­ tremely difficult to get up. It was quite defi­ his head when crossing the appropriate spot. time during the night. Surprised by the ques­ nitely swirled, notmerely pressed down. Each Thus it was that Jane and I began dowsing. tion, I asked herto explain. She saidthere were circle had a clean standingedge - the "cookie­ Unlike her, I got noreaction with rodsto start three depressions in the carpet, which looked cutter" effect. This didn'tmake sense. Sud­ with, but a very strong response with the pen­ as if they had been made by something heavy. denly I was grippedwith fear and panic: this dulum. Later, the rods worked for me too and was paranormal - worse, it could even be we were still getting responses right until we Sure enough, between the foot of the bed and black magic. moved to the village of Wood Dalling more an open wardrobe doorwere three circular (or than a year later. elliptical) clearly defined shapes in the quar­ In almost a frenzy, I tried to erase the marks. ter-inch plain pink pile, which, when viewed I couldn't fluff up the pile with my finger­ COINCIDENCES from a distance, looked exactly like a scaled­ tips. I scratched frantically with my nails, On the first anniversary of the carpet event, down version of circles in a field. From where which I nearly tore out in theeffort. Having Janewas talking on thephone to hersister Ros, I stood I could already tell there was some­ finally had some effect, I ran a vacuum­ wholives in Ely. Rosasked if we'd heard about thing unusual about them: they did not look cleanerback andforth over thecircles. Even­ the crop circles at nearby Sutton, on the farm like the kind of marks made by heavy furni­ tually,after aboutten minutesof scrapingand of some friends of hers. An articlehad appeared ture - they had clearly definededges andwere hoovering, I managed to remove all trace of in the Cambridge Evening News. We hadn't, arranged in a triangle. I said, jokingly, ''They them. A lingering fear meant I didn't give but got the phone numberof Peter and Mary looklike cropcircles ." Janeasked me whatcrop them much thought after that, until my chil­ Robinson, to ask permissionto visit. Mary was circles were and I told her the little I knew.I n­ dren, John and Lynn, told me that there was happy for us to come over, but regretted that trigued, I had a closer look. going to be a talk on crop circles in Norwich the field was at that moment being harvested soon. I hadn't seen any advert myself, but However, she added, Stewart and Julie Baker, I was astonished. Close up, I could now see decided to follow it up, to see what these friends of hers who belonged to the same that the carpet pile within the circles (which things were all aboutand whether they were microlite club, had taken several aerial photo­ were aboutthree inchesin diameter andspaced anything like the carpetcircles. In the mean­ graphs of crop formations in Cambridgeshire about six inches apart) was actuaJly swirled, time, I saw a poster for the new Led Zeppe­ recently, andwould nodoubt be happyto show justlike those cropcircle things on T. V. I poked lin boxed album set, featuring what I took to them to us, if we fancied driving over to the at them tentatively. The flattened pile was be a bit of artistic licence: a clever, pictur­ airfield at Sutton. We were off like a shot: in firmly pressed to the floor. It didn't brush up esque design based on crop circles. the meantime we had read "Circular Evi­ when I ran my fingers "against the grain". I dence",''The Latest Evidence" and ''TheCrop looked, and stared, and touched, and absent­ CROP CIRCLES Circle Enigma" andhad begunto receive ''The mindedlyclosed the openwardrobe doorto get The talk, in October, was given by Richard Circular"� now, at last, we might get to see a a clearer view - and there was a fourth circle, Andrews. It was then that we learned of the real live crop circle! completing the now-familiar "four dots on a CCCS. As each slide was displayed I real­ dice" formation. ised more and more that what I was seeing The video battery was flat, but I grabbed my was, apart from the size, exactly what had camera on the way out - as well as a business

Th e Circular Vo lume 5 Number 4 Page 15 card which was lying on the worktop nearthe crop circle. ''That's been cut,"said the driver . be "earthed". As I reached forward, I immedi­ back door. I had no reason to pick it up; its I asked about the shadow I'd seen from the ately regretted what I was doing: this was significancebecame apparent only later. Ninety road The driver didn't know if it was a crop something strange - I shouldn't stop it. But it minutes on and we were at the airfield outside circle, since no one had been into it, but yes, was too late. As I withdrew my hand, the crack­ Sutton. Our timing was immaculate: we arrived we were welcome to take a look, but we'd ling had already dropped away. just as the fliers weresitting down with a cup have to be quick as theywere harvesting the of tea to have a look at the crop circle photo­ fieldand intended finishing the job that day. CLUES graphs. I reached into my shirt pocket for some­ So our first cropcircle turnedout to be a beau­ Then it hit me: this was the "circle noise" I'd thing to sketch on and pulled out the business tiful pictogram in golden wheat, surveyed in heard so much about, and recalled the Opera­ card. Turning it over I read, "Sutton Garden the warmth of a glorious August afternoon - tion White Crow episode, during which George Centre". Underneath was the name of the rep­ and what an initiation ! Wingfield had approached thenoise andasked resentative, Chris Makepeace. I remarked on for a circle. Perhaps there was one nearby ! I the coincidence - that I bad picked up the card This stretch of road came to me in a dream a walked up to thecrossroads, wherefrom a bank absentmindedly, and it turned out to have the year later, only in the dream I was the pas­ I could get a reasonable view of the surround­ name Sutton on it, which was where we now senger in a car approaching from the oppo­ ing fields. There was nothing to see, but with were in Cambridgeshire. No one else shared site direction, and I spotted a pictogram in no one about to wonder what I was doing, I my excitement much,but thecoincidence grew thefirst field on my left,past thehouses there. closed my eyes and asked, "Please can you when we later discoveredthat the first reported The dream was so vivid it bothered me and I make me a circle?" Feeling only just a little circle in Norfolk was, indeed, at our own vil­ half-expected it to be ful filled. It wasn't, but foolish I returnedto the garden and picked up lage of Sutton (where the garden centre card Jane and I did discover a pictogram on the my book. I found the place where I'd left off came from). Furthermore, during the Glaston­ other side of the road, beyond the RiverNene, and read, "Now ask for something ... bury Symposium that year (1991), Christine directly opposite the field I'd dreamt about. Rhone introducedto the audience the very first I was convinced now that a circle would ap­ subscriber to "T he Cerealogist" - Chris "COSMIC FORCES " pear in the field, but also, as I told Jane, that Makepeace - the same name as on the business Another set of coincidences occurred that some sort of cosmic sense of humour was in­ card. Things were definitely getting odd. (The summer. I had been reading a book about volved in all this that would place the circle reason I had the businesscard, incidentally, was developing powers of ESP I had also been just over the slope, so that it couldn't actually because my mother had recently moved from wishing for something to happen in Norfolk, be seen from the house as I wanted. It was a Germany to Norfolk and neededa garden shed. so that I wouldn't have to travel all over the few weeks later that Jane found the circle, She had left the card behind on a visit. This country to look at circles. There was a field while out walking the dog one evening. She'd ties in with the bizarre string of "23" coinci­ of barley right next to the hou.c;;e where we followed Bufy up onto the bank at the side of dences - but at this point,that's another story !) lived in Wood Dalling, which sloped up the road. The circle-and-spur wasn't visible slightly before flattening out. Daily, I "willed" from the road itself. On returning to the house The circles photographs were of formations at a circle to appear inthat field, so that it could a couple of minutes later, Jane completely for­ Spaldwick, Keyston, Sibson Airfield, Sutton be seen from the house effortlessly. I hadbeen got to mention the circle! She only remem­ and Guyhim. The Bakers had also seen what doing this for several weeks, andone day was bered the next morning as we drove to work. they described ao;; a "heart shape", which later sitting in the garden reading a book about Naturally, I thought she was winding me up, turned out to be the Mandelbrot at Ickelton. I developing ESP I had just read an exercise but I finally got out of the car. I couldn't be­ made sketches to pass on to the CCCS. The in ''tapping into thecosmic forces" sothought lieve it. The frustrating thing was that I Bakers weren't sure that any of the formations I'd give it a go. Having completed the exer­ wouldn't be able to take a closer look until it remained unharvested, nor of any locations cise, I put down my book and climbed the was dark, since we were going straight from except one nearGuyhim, which was about half small apple tree to look into the barley field. work that day to Sutton, to check out a report an hour's drive away. We headed off. Nothing yet. Then I thought - I didn 't just of a line of fi ve circles there. want a circle to appear,I wanted to see it hap­ The route was straightforward, and we even­ pen.At that moment, from the precise spot I The next morning it was straight up the tually found ourselves on a five-mile stretch was staring at, a brown owl came up out of tramlinethat led virtuallyfrom the front door, of stmight road w1th full fields of wheat on our the crop and flew to my right, acrossthe road camcorder in hand. The first person to drive right. Things were looking good - until in the which ran along the side of the field,and past along and stop to see what I was doing was, distance we could see one field which had been a tall oak tree. coincidentally, the owner of the field, who cut. Surely this wasn't one with a circle? But it lived a couple of miles away. She had no ob­ was. We could see the mark of the ''Teapot" I was startled: what was an owl doing flying jection to what I was doing, and after a short formation beneath the rows of loose, unbaled out of a barley field on a bright afternoon, didcussion of crop circles, promised to let us straw as we shot past. Within seconds, how­ especially from the spot I'd beenlooking at know if she heard of anything turning up in ever, I spotted the tell-tale sight of what could while wishing for a crop circle? This had to the area and gave us blanket permission to be the shadow of a standing edge in the dis­ be portentous! I jumped down from the tree check her fields. tance, and at that moment we reached a layby and walked up the road to see if the owl was on our left. A timely coincidence ! We stopped. still about. No sign of it As I stood there pon­ One thing I couldn't understand was that the Crossing the very busy road, I looked around deringby the tree,oak what soundedJike elec­ circle was only about five hundredyards from in despair. This was fenland, flat for miles trical fizzing burst above my head I looked the house, yet couldn't be seenfrom there,even around. Where would we beginasking permis­ up quickly, expecting to see broken electric from upstairs. From walking up and down the sion to enter the field? We were high up on a cables sweeping down towards me. But the road a few times, I came to realise that the cir­ bank. There were harvesters in this field too. I cables were a hundred yards further up the cle had formed just over the brow of the gen­ panicked. I steppedforward and lookeddown. road. What was this? The noise was locat­ tle slope in the field - only a few inches fur­ Directly below us was a tractor, its driver ap­ able, a few feet above my head, in the lower ther towards the house and it would have been parently taking a break. Another coincidence ! branches of the tree, as if being made by clearly visible. My premonitionbad beenright. I clambered down, waving my CCCS mem­ something invisible. I was transfixed. After bership card in the hope that it would carry thirty seconds or so the thought came intomy (To be continued .. .) some weight and asked if we could view the mindthat if I touched the treesound the would

Page 16 Th e Circular Vo lume 5 Number 4 It is not surprising that crop circles have and property, imagines the end of caused so intense and conflicting gatherings with more than twenty people, (_�RA-Y'S..;;,._C-OLUMN ] polarisations,even more than the UFO scene, such as parties, country rambles, bird _ _ _ perhaps. The circles are manifest visible, watching etc.! This is nonsense. physical residues of some energy , some During the winter I gave a slide presentation activity, be it human or other. They are And crop circles? Well, trespass is now a on crop circles to two local groups, one visited, enjoyed and have the ability to induce criminal offence, so we just might see less called 'Para-Search' whose range of subjects wonder, and a conscious awareness of matters clandestine activity (trespassing assemblies!) include all aspects of the paranormal and the otherwise in the background of our lives. in the corn fields. Police now have powers to other an Earth Mysteries group . At the end That is the positive side. They have also prohibit gatherings of people i.e. groups of of each I asked the question: "Are all these brought the negative, which disparages and twenty or more, (Ref. clauses 65 & 66 ) beautiful formations too good to be true! ?" ridicules, ranging from deviant and whom they consider may disrupt local The general answer was ''No, of course not. reactionary attacks (a lack of rationalism in people or may damage property etc. If I How could they all be man-made and in the itself, ironically), to the seemingly ingrained were such a 'local' person this is precisely dark too? They're too good". propensity on behalf of the academic and what I would want the police to do - and for critical intelligence to be distrustful of the rather less than twenty at that. Right brain; left brain possibility of any occult or esoteric This was a welcome and positive answer, of connection. Critics suggest that it is in the fine detail course , but was it not to be expected from where problems might arise and the folks already attuned to the possibility - even The phenomenon progresses along two completely innocent crop-watcher be reality - of an objectivity beyond the confines almost parallel lines (which perhaps are confused with the potential trouble-maker. of rationalism and materialism, of scientific gradually converging). But what really has the crop circles exactitudes? Reflecting the intuitive side of community to fear? The only situation where the brain, they would not be likely to have At infmity ... the police are going to become involved with problems accepting the genuineness of a There is nothing wrong with the cultivation crop circle activities - they have far more mystery which might be allied to other­ of the power of feeling from the inanimate important matters to deal with - is any dimensional actuality. and enjoying the phenomenon, as with all possible traffic hazard. These days groups of nature, especially the less obviously living more than twenty coincidentally appearing Scientists and other rational people manifestations such as earth, stone, wind at a field side are not so likely. Even then necessarily pronounce differently. For and sea. And this includes crop circles, they would have to give the police the example, one such well-known scientist however they arrive. appearance of being likely to cause some commenting on the 1991 lckleton disturbance outside the bounds of good

"Mandelbrot" said "It has to be a hoax, The straight , parallel trarnlines in the expanse behaviour. doesn't it?". It could not, to him, remotely be of the corn field curve around and join up anything other. Certainly not anything of again at the end. . . Agriglyphic Assemblies unknown origin, not even an unknown So what has changed? Croppies on an meteorological event e.g. the Meaden plasma organised coach party will be bona fide vortex (a concept itself out on a limb for visitors, permission from the farmers to many scientists as a unprovable hypothesis. Croppies prohibited? visit already having been given - as in the Incidentally, where has the plasma vortex On the subject of reactionary attacks - there past. Individuals likewise - as in the past. gone?). have been some quite irrational ones over If, though, you're still worried as an the Criminal Justice Act. It's as if the law­ ordinary citizen, don't go out in the country There is nothing wrong with scepticism if abiding majority are the victims of this, (or gather in town), in a group; if you do, it does not spill over into mere debunking, rather than the criminal, vandal and general don't get out of your car; if you do that, but the sceptical position requires nuisance, potential or actual, who wishes to don't approach the field edge with your justification just as does a position of be immune to respect for any authority or binoculars. Oh dear - and don't go to belief, and there is often it seems as property. Ironically, some people feel A vebury, or even Alton Barnes, as there's capricious a basis for the disbelief of the freedom is are being eroded, and this view of sure to be more than twenty there already! sceptics as there is for a the credulity of an Act which seeks to address in a rather the believer. Where a credulous individual more forcefulmanner the protection of people Ray Cox can find extraordinary things to believe in, the sceptic oftenappears to try hard to find things to disbelieve. The philosophical standpoint of experience being the only test of truth is no more fallacious than the scientific acceptance of only proven theory having any substantive reality.

The New Physics It is a refreshing development in recent years to see some kind of middle ground appearing, where physics, for example, is moving towards a more accommodating view of mind, accepting that we are involved in the nature of reality in a quite fundamental way, the precise nature of which has to await the participation of a conscious observer.

The Circular Vo lume 5 Number 4 Page 17 Crop circles remained simple and quite rough Even at that point I had no intention of fo r many years, until hoaxers started to copy making a circle there, but that night, on them. Then the process of evolution began. impulse, I pulled up at the edge of the field. More circles appeared in new areas, and the Without any ofthe usual precautions, I waded designs evolved in responseto our knowledge through standing crop to the first tramline. of them. Once we learnt the rings, corridors When I reached the place where the imaginary

Imagine finding a way to contact the came. I believethat the 1989-1991 explosion circle had been, it occurred to me that I may Circlemakers. A way to attract crop circles would never have happened if we hadn 't have seen the fu ture of this piece of land. I to new areas of the country, enabling interacted with the circles as they were laid wasn't being a fra ud, I was completing a interaction with the language of crop glyphs. down. In many cases, I believe that a design causation loop. Something had caused me to A ·mechanism for connecting with earth or fe ature was repeated by the Circlemakers, see a circle in that location, and now I was energies and the structure of the landscape until we copied it well, and then it was finishing the job off for it. The crop went dropped or abbreviated. down easily, bending without breakage. All in a way fa r more advanced than dowsing. If such a technique was invented, don't you I wanted to do was make a simple circle, but think we should be interested in it? I believe Circlemakers respond? then I saw something unexpected. Leading the method has already been found, but My hoaxing activities would have died out a out from under the lay of my swirl, was a thin many researchers regard it as nothing more few weeks after they began, if my only line of stalks, curving round towards the than deceptive time-wasting. Most people achievement was to fool and deceive. tramline. I knew that I had to make a path call it hoaxing, but I will call it circlemaking. Circlemaking requires a great deal of following that line, so flattened it accordingly, patience, nerve, planning and energy, as and left the field .

People call me a deceptive cheat, a vandal, well as expense. I would have given up ifthe a troublemaker. I have been told to leave the Circlemakers had ignored me. Thankfully, This in itself was strange, but the pattern I fields alone. Criminal damage is involved, they didn't. I found that by making grapeshot made that night has disturbed me ever since. after all, and for this reason I have stopped in remote locations, I could attract larger On the same night, in another part of making circles. But, looking at it fr om the circles. On several occasions I made grapeshot Wiltshire, somebodyor something else made point of view of the planet, rather than in hidden places, where only the farmer would a pictogram containing 'my' pattern within someone's fa rm: if I am a vandal, so are the have fo und them, and then discovered much its design . The pattern appeared several real Circlemakers! The genuine Circlemakers larger circles in the same field at a later date. more times, with variations, during 1993, have chosen the fa rmed crops of earth as the This even occurred after the initial grapeshot and although I didn't know it at the time, it medium of first contact. Who am I to argue had vanished through regrowth. Conversely, had al so appeared the year before. My with this? my large circles were sometimes adorned with fo rmation contained five fold symmetry; at a couple of grapeshot a few days later, even the time, I hadn't even heard of this. Without when the fields were miles from view. doubt, my actions that night were driven by Tapping in the dark Many people oppose hoaxing, becauseof the something exterior to myself. deception and confusion. Crop circles are These results were encouraging, but because about communication, and hoaxing simply I was working in the North, I knew that a lack Working with the phenomenon confuses the message, they tell me. But real of circle history made the dialogue quite Circlemaking humans are rarely caught. It's restricted. When I moved to Wiltshire, I not because we dress in black, plan carefully, communication has to work both ways. Ifwe merely look at the pretty circles, we are found that hoaxing isn't simply a and monitor the watcher activities - we do all ignoring the potential for dialogue. communication, it is a direct interaction these th ings, but they aren 't our real with the Circlemaking force. protection. If we are working in harmony If you were trapped in a dark cave and heard with the Circlemakers, we remain hidden tapping, you would listen for a while, and Leading light fr om view. We are awarded the same ability then you would tap back. If the tapping At dusk, in a famous crop circle location in to be covert, because our intent brings us Wiltshire, I saw a strange light rolling across into the fo ld of the genuine phenomenon. responded toyours, becomingmore complex, you would increase the complexity of your the surface of the wheat. I know that it was message. Without knowing the language not a balloon, or car, or flare, because I had This is why it might be impossible to develop you were speaking, the two of you would the presence of mind to watch how it moved, a litmus test. A hoax smashed out by a have set up a communication. The worst where it was in relation to other objects, and biologist as a control will be just that, a thing you could do in that situation, would be how it illuminated the landscape. I had the hoax, with no anomalies of any kind. A to ignore the sound. advantage of being above it, looking down, circle made by somebody with the intention so I know it wasn't Venus, or a helicopter, or of being a part of the genuine phenomenon,

We are trapped in darkness of many form s, a meteor. When it vanished, I instinctively is different. Itwill often show all the evidence fr om personal to global . Ignoring the fe lt that it had made a crop circle. I ran down of a genuine circle. I have created circles messages in our fields is the worst thing we to the edge of the field, and saw a dark with magic bends, node expulsion, complex can do. Most people find crop circles circular area. Was it wind damage, or layering and petalling, and tangible energies. intriguing and beautiful, many find them discoloured crop? I felt certain it was a crop Most ofthis was not planned.It just happened. fa scinating. Only a few of us are obsessive circle, but by then it was dark, and I didn't If I tried to demonstrate these effects, I and want to be involved with them. For those want to go into the field. The next day I would probably fail, because it would just be of us who are close to crop circles, it is our returned, and there was no circle, no damage. an elaborate hoax (as opposed to a circle responsibility to communicate. made with genuine intent)

Page 18 Th e Circular Vo lume 5 Number 4 I admire the integrity and dedicated efforts of scientific researchers, but feel that more could be achieved by concentrating on the imagery of circles, and our interaction with them. By getting into the field, rolling your own, and takingpart in the dialogue, more can The crop lay of any circle is dictated by its John Holman's account of 'Strange Goings­ be achieved than by working out exactly how Earth Energy force, that is to say the direction the things are From a scientific point of in the West Kennet Long Barrow Flying made. On of its flow across the circle. A formation view, I am fascinated to fm d out what is going Duck Formation' (The Circular 5:3) struck a with its energy force running N to S and W familiar chord with me. It was strikingly on, but I don't think the science will ever lead to E will give a anticlockwise crop lay. us to a trueunderstanding. You don't understand reminiscent of events described in Laurens Those with N to S and E to W will give a Van DerPost's book 'The Lost World of the Shakespeare by analysing the ink. clockwise crop lay, and those with E to W Kalahari'. and S to N will give a radial crop lay within Secrecy remains vital for all makers of crop the circle. This I have found after a study of Colonel Van Der Post describes his circles. Without secrecy, the intention to be circles over the last two years -it's another a part of the phenomenon is lost, and it expedition to make contact with the part of the puzzle we seek to solve. becomes nothing more than pointless corn remnants of the aboriginal Bushman people stomping. in the Kalahari desert, in the course of which he is led by a bushman Holy Man to Intent is all 'The Slippery Hills' where are said to We shouldn't be surprised that human-made reside the Archetypal Spirits of Bushman circles exhibit similar effects to the real ones. creation myth. Many ancient sites, such as Silbury Hill and Avebury are fizzi ng with energy(usually enough Van Der Post's team are given a dire warning to give me a headache), and they were made by by Samutchoso, the Holy Man not to do people. What makes them more than just anything that would offend the Spirits of the stones and soil, is the intent behind their Place - a warning that is inevitably ignored Since I formed this theory of the way a crop construction. The same applies to crop circles; by some of the expedition. lay will go in a crop circle, two formations when they are made with the intention of being came along to change it a little. The above is a part of the phenomenon, they become a part As a result we read among other true of any crop circle formation which has of it. increasingly distressing mishaps of a whole no connecting ley path between the circles, catalogue of extraordinarily unlikely but where this occurs, the crop lay does It is easy to dismiss these ideas, and say one of failures of camera equipment culminating change because of the dominant ley three things. 1) There aren't any convincing in the clean shearing-through of a steel connecting path, so the above statement hoaxes.2) The hoaxesare irrelevant and confuse camera swivel (a part so secure that no does not apply. Where an active ley is formed, proper research. 3) Hoaxes are a malicious spare for it is ever carried). a circle may form at two week intervals deception, masterminded by the CIA ... but along it, be it N to S or W to E. Some leys it's worth remembering that even Schnabel, These failures will be all to familiar to many form part of two or more circles within a few lrving, Lundberg, Dickinson, Chorley and circle hunters, in particular to John Holman, hundred yards, while others are miles apart. Bower have publicly agreed that some crop whose radio-controlled aircraft's 4mm circles aren't man-made. If you put aside propeller bolt sheared through. suspicion, and think about the possibilities Circlemakers copy circlemakers? of circlemaking, you will see that we are What I believe is significant about the In 1994 for the first time I noticed a change more than humans in black, out to cause similarities between these stories is that taking place with the crop circle phenomenon: trouble. We are a driving force behind the both Colonel Van Der Post's expedition and in the past hoaxers have copied genuine John Holman own up to a failure to 'ask formations, but in 1994 the circle maker permission' before entering what might be made genuine formation patterns from earlier termed 'sacred space', and as a result are hoaxed patterns. Two crop circle formations plagued by mishaps. Van Der Post finally which, for me, were hoaxed, later had decided that the correct thing to do was to genuine crop circle patterns like them apologise to the Spirits of the Place and did formed in Wiltshire, taking almost the so by obliging all the members of his same original shape. . . expedition to sign an apology, which was buried in a bottle!

I wonder how many other circle hunters LET'S KEBP rr POSITIVE can own up to entering formations without 'asking permission' (and I don't mean from the landowner!), and have been punished in some way? Van Der Post's apology was accepted, though Samutchoso Could people please think for a moment warns that the punishments meted out by before making negative statements on crop the Spirits could easily have been much circle authenticity? Especially statements worse, even fatal, if his intention at least, which are based on personal opinion, had not been pure. ignorance and ego? Lord knows the flames of negativity don't need more fuel. It is You have been warned! "DAMN HOAXERS GOT HERE FIRST AGAIN!"

TheCircular Vo lume 5 Number 4 Page 19 unfortunate so many so-called"experts" (mostly of the armchair variety) still fe el compelled to C take centre stage with their visions of shadow � J t T E s E_ ) (...______..... _H ___:__ bP L_:,_Y_�_L_ __ and darkness, when in fa ct the cropcircle [Extract from a report on extraordinary 'lights The Triangle - Ken Rogers __ _ phenomenon is bathed in brilliant light. Are anomalies ' and crop circles, photographed 1991- (Coates Parker, 36 Market Place, Warminster, these the same people who would describe a & by Plymouth UFO Group . (Seepicture o[B ob plus Wilts BA12 9AN 1994). glass of water as being half empty instead of light globe in CircularSummer '94, p.l4). Now half full, or is there more to it than that? Let me not onlyglobes but squares appear!M ore to come.] The cover of this book states: "Astounding first of all say that there is nothing wrong with UFO and Crop Circle Sightings". However, speculation. In fa ct, speculation is a very ... It may be a mistake to look/hope for bigger there is very little here about crop circles, a important and constructive process in the and 'better' fo rmations. The essence of the phenomenon only beginning to become news corn circle mystery must exist in the smallest learning process. It opens the mind to new longafter the peak of thesaga locally known as concepts and possible answers. of fo rmations. The sites we investigated in '91 the Warminster 'Thing'. Ken Rogers relates ranged from small to medium size. It was the the events of what was, for me, a nostalgic era, But when speculation takes on a negative 'quality' and impact of the small perfect circles the late 1960's and 70's, recalling dozens of air it becomes counterproductive . We that made us realisethat here we had the whole UFO sightings and other mysterious certainly don't need any more of that. Maybe phenomenon. The complexity of a fo rmation happenings, including the ghostly variety, a fe w guidelines would help the situation. does not alter the basic phenomenon. Further, around the area over that long period. He also huge and complex fo rmations cannot be ' seen' lists such manifestations from further back in * If you wish to make a public statement on the ground, whereas a small fo rmation history and also occurring over a much wider see about a crop circle having been hoaxed, fine, contains everything in one small area; you area than that around Warminster. Months, but you'd better present some convincing the complete picture ... Corn circles are days and dates are given - a whole stream is evidence. We would all be interested. But if created. They must have a purpose,a reason. listed through the chapters with little you can't produce or divulge the evidence, If the appearance oflights at the circles is the chronological order, but useful for readers fo r whatever reason, then please keep it to next step in the corn circle mystery, what interested in, and even active in, that time, yourself. Making an unsubstantiated else may follow? especially as the books of Arthur Shuttlewood, statement is not only invalid but irresponsible the main chronologistofthe W arminster events, and damaging...... _ are out of print. There's more enough to c CJRCL o:r IM _) than __ _Es__ T__E act as the history of a major UFO wave. Bright, light, and_ full _ of energy. _ * If you walk into a fo rmation, look around Crafted by unseen hand, a bit and for some personal or aesthetic I was there skywatching sometimes, and never Harmonious with the land, reason don't like the looks of it, that's your saw a 'Thing'. Cradle Hill was the shrine and In isolated splendour. prerogative. You're entitled to your opinion, it was always a case of "You should have been I am. everyone is. But it's simply your opinion. Of here last week!" Obviously satellites were course, if you've spent long hours examining responsible for some of the over-enthusiasm, Sculpted in the corn, the physical evidence and have come up as were other natural or man-made objects, Drawn by unseen hand, with hard proof, one way or the other, that's and almost very likely Earthlights - there are, I am the land, different. We all need to know about that. indeed, geological fa ults covering the area - a My energy hidden fr om sight, concept only to be thought of much later. (It is Seen only by the inner eye. * If you hear a rumour which casts doubt on interesting to attempt to relate Earthlights to Created in the night, the genuineness of a formation, don't repeat some of the descriptions given here - some I am. it until you know for certain it's true. Ifyou tally, many don't.) Even so, there's enough to can come up with some corroborating suggest genuinely strange phenomena. It's Of circle born and same in shape, evidence, you should at that time go public. fascinating reading, setdown in a journalistic Moulded to the field, Every off-the-cuff rumour I've ever heard reporting style - much like Shuttlewood. The With invisible ties, was twisted, distorted or completely erroneous. are I draw the seekers of truth, photo reproductions, though, unfortunately disappointing. Young and old, aged youth, Every crop circle fo rmation is different. Each Time has no barriers, for has unique features which provide valuable I am. clues as to authenticity and possible origin, and thus each From the past or fu ture, I needs to be carefully studied. What know no time, irks me are the individuals who Space and being are mine, need to share their gloom with I speak in riddles, unanswered everyone when they haven't and teacher, bothered to do their homework. A lesson to all, Maybe they believe they've spent A guide through the mists, enough time in the fields in the To open man's mind, past to make them experts. Or lam. maybe they are just too lazy? Expert or not, no-one can make a Whatever my shape, valid judgement with closed eyes. Large or small, I mean to all, So let's just keep it positive and The question or the answer, stick to the facts. The path to fo llow, the way To enlightenment, lam. Comish barley circle - Hatt 1994 GeorgeBishop Steve Jones 19.3.95 Page 20 The Circular Vo lume 5 Number 4 CENTRE FOR CROP CIRCLE STUDIES ANOMALOUS EFFECTS REPORT FORM

(To be used to report only those cases not concerned with Physiological or Psychological effects on Health)


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DETAILS OF ANOMALY: (use reverse of this form for continuing if necessary and attach any relevant drawings or photographs.)

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THIS FORM TO BE RETURNED TO PAT PALGRAVE-MOORE, ANOMALOUS EFFECTS, 13 West Parade, Norwich, Norfolk NR2 3DN. Tel:(0603) 611336; Fax:(0603) 763097

Th e Circular Vo lume 5 Number 4 Page 21 C.C.C.S. COUNCIL 1995 - 1996

Prof. Archie E. Roy (President) 40, Highburgh Road, GLASGOW G 12 9EF (01413 - 3�1) John Haddington (Patron) Mellerstain, GOROON, Scotland TD36LG (01573 - 410292) (Fax: 410388) Michael Green (Chairman� Hotline) 40, Northside, Clapham Common, LONDON SW4 OAA (0171 - 622 - 6884� Fax /Hotline: 5044) Barbara Davies (CircularEditor) Old Stables, Lescrow, FOWEY PL23 US (Tel./Fax: 01726 - 833465) John Dolman 20, Newton Gardens, RIPON HG4 1 QF (Tel./Fax: 01765 - 602898) Ron Jones "Hill view", Abbots Ann, ANDOVER SB 11 7BA (0 1264 - 710356) Jim Lyons (Scientific Research Officer) 28, Newgate Street, COTTINGHAM HU16 41Jf (01482 - 845 123) Pat Palgrave-Moore (Secretary� Membership� Anomalous Effects) 13, West Parade, NORWICH NR2 3DN (01603 - 61 1336) (Fax: 763('!)7) Lucy Pringle (Vice-Chairman� Human/Animal Effects) 5, Town Lane, Sheet, PEfERSFIELD GU32 2AF (Tel./Fax: 01730 - 263454) John Sayer (Asst. Secretary� Archives� CircularAsst. Editor) 34, Constitution Hill, NORWICH NR3 4BU (01603 - 4030 12) Richard Smith (Treasurer� Branch Liaison) 4, Mount EdgcumbeTerrac e, FALMOUTH TR11 2BS (0 1326 - 212503) (Fax: 21 1685) Busty Taylor (Conferences) 52, Appletree Grove, ANDOVER SPlO 3RG (Tel./Fax: 01264 - 324496) Paul Vigay (Computer Database) 104, Manners Road, Southsea, PORfSMOUTH P04 0BG (0 1 705 - 87 1530) BBS: 87 1531 (ANSI,8NI) George Wingfield HearneHouse, North Wooton, SHEPI'ON MALLEf BA4 4HW (Tel./Fax: 01749 - 890257)


AVON: Alick Bartholomew, The Hollies, Wellow, BATH BA2 8QJ (01 225 - 835127) (Fax: 8400 12) BERKSHIRE: Steve Jones, 5, High Fields, The Rise, SUNNINGDALE Sl5 OBA (0 1344 - 27755) CAMBRIDGESIDRE : Christine Saltmarsh, 13, West Close, Alconbury Weston, HUNTINGOON PE 17 SIT (01480 - 8906 19) CORNWALL: (C.C.C.G.) Barbara Davies (asabove) (Cornwall 2): Simon Lackford, 8, Woodland Close, LANIVET Pl30 5JF (0 12� - 831700) DEVON: Jane Allison, 2, Colleton Crescent, EXETER EX2 400 (01392 - 7161 1) DORSET: DavidKingston, 4, Monkton Cottages, Winterbourne Monkton, OORCHESTER 1Jf29Pf (01305 - 266832) EAST MIDLANDS: Tony Caldicott, 514, Moor Road, BestwoodVillage, NOTT INGHAM NG6 8UN (0 115 - 979 - 5333) ESSEX: Peter Henden, 13, Birch Drive, Brantham, MANNINGTREE CO ll lTE (01206 - 395760) GLOUCESTERSHIRE: Ann Appelmelk, 1, Strathmore Cottages, Walkley Wood, NAILSWORfH GL6 OR2 (01453 - 833513) HAMPSHIRE: Lucy Pringle (as above) HEREFORDSHIRE: Andrew Waddington, 1, Belle Bank House, Holmer, HEREFORD HR4 9RM (01432 - 277 140) HERTFORDSHIRE: Mike Rogers, Drumnessie, Ivy House Lane, BERKHAMSTED HP4 2PP (0 1442 - 864127) KENT: Joyce Galley, Underhill Farm, CUDHAM TN14 7QH (01959 - 573433) NORFOLK: John Sayer (as above) OXFORDSHIRE: Anthony Cheke, 139, Hearst Street, OXFORD OX4 lHE (0 1865 - 248344) SOMERSET: Roland Pargeter, 91, Roman Way, GLASTONBURY BA6 6AD (0 1458 - 834252) SUFFOLK: DavidEly, 38, Hunters End, TRIMLEY IPlO OXH (01394 - 270996) SURREY: Ken Seddington, High Twelve, Tekles Park, CAMBERLEY GU 15 2LE (01276 - 23433) SUSSEX: Barry Reynolds,44, Meadow Lane, BURGESS HILL RH15 9JA (01444 - 232873) WEST MIDLANDS: Ray Cox, 4, Lulworth Close, HALESOWEN B63 2UJ (01384 -383) 566 WILTSHIRE: Francine Blake, Broomsgrove Lodge, New Mill, MILTON LILBOURNE SN9 7SL (0 1672 - 810505 I 51 1689) (Fax: 5161 10) YORKSIDRE: John Holman (as above)& Ann Shepherdson, 5, Bowyers Close,Copmanthorpe, YORK Y02 3XW (01904 - 709864) SCOTLAND: John Plowman, 131, Stirling Drive, Bishopriggs, GLASGOW G643AX (0 141 - 772 - 4.588) HOLLAND: Herman J. Hegge, de Zaan 51, 8251 WC DRONTEN, Netherlands CANADA: (Network Co-ordinator) Paul Anderson, Suite 202, 2086, West 2nd Avenue, VANCOUVER BC V6J 114 Canada (Tel/Fax: 604

- 73 1 - 8522) SASKATCHEWAN: Daniel Clairmont, Box 1702, Esterhazy, SASKATCHEWAN SOA OXO, Canada (Tel: 306 -745 - 2483)(F ax: - 2487) ONTARIO: Peter Miller, 29 1, Pallnall Street, London, ONTARIO, Canada N6B 2G8 (Tel: 519 -433 - 4201) (Fax: - 5267) UNITED STATES: (Network Co-ordinator) ilyes, PO. Box 1732, PORf ANGELES, WA . 98362 U.S.A. (Tel: 360 -452 - 9673) (Fax: - 0849) OREGON: Carol Pedersen, 20075, SW Imperial Street, ALOHA, OR 97006 U.S.A. (503 - 642 - 1203) CONNECTICUT: Doug Rogers, Shepard Hill Farm, NEWTOWN, CT. 06470 U.S.A. (Tel: 203 - 426 - 9463)(Fax: - 3918) COLORADO : Ron Russell, Box 4307, DENVER, CO. 80204 U.S.A. (Tel: 303 -458- 1118) (Fax: - 1119) ARIZONA: Sharon Warren, 25012, North Vado Court, RIO VERDE, AZ. 85263 U.S.A. (602 - 471 - 2062) ILLINOIS: Forest Crawford, 219, Emilie Street, COLLINSVILLE, IL. 62234 U.S.A. (Tel: 618 -345 - 0554) (Fax: - 863 1) VIRGINIA: Larry Newman, PO. Box 552, ARLINGTON, VA. 22216 U.S.A. (703 - 524 - 6498) CALIFORNIA: Marge Krstien, 24663, Moon Avenue, LOMITA, CA. 907 17 U.S.A. (3 10 - 539 - 2765)

Hotline: 0171 - 622 - 5044

Page 22 Th e Circular Vo lume 5 Number 4 Glastonbury Symposium INVESTIGATING CROP CIRCLES AND SIGN S OF OUR TIMES At the Assembly Rooms Glastonbury Features a full programme of illustrated presentations, updates, debates, videos, musical entertainment and a coach tour on Friday of the latest formations.

4th, 5th, 6th August Price:£50.00 fu ll weekend £25.00 single day Concessions available

For advanced booking and enquiries contact . Roland Pargeter, PENDRAGON, 2-4 High Street, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9DU Tel: (01458) 834252 or Tel /Fax: (01458) 832533 C.C.C.S. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 1995


am: THE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE Contributions fr om Jim Lyons, Nancy Talbot, Lucy Pringle, Barry Reynolds


Contributions fr om regional teams, including East Anglia, Somerset, Sussex and Wiltshire

CROP CIRCLES IN 1994 Videos by Busty Taylor & Andy Thomas

Day 2 (£25) THE METAPHYSICAL EVIDENCE Contributions from Prof. Gerald Hawkins, ilyes, Michael Green, John Haddington 0 22nd. & 23rd. JULY 1995

The Cricklade Theatre, Andover, Hants. SPlO lEJ

For details and booking, write to: Carol Darcy Cochrane, 33, Walker House, Phoenix Road, LONDON NW I IEN (0171 380 0836)

Two -day ticket: £40.00 I 10% discount fo r CCCS members