Orthopedics 1

Authors: M.Balakrishnana, S.Sakthivel & Roshan Akthar

www.dmaedu.com www.dmaedu.com 2 DMA’s Most Anticipated One Liners 1. S.aureus is the Mc organism causing osteomyelitis 2. Quadriceps femoris is the Mc muscle involved in osteoarthritis of 3. Mc malignancy is metastasis 4. Nasal bone is the Mc bone to get fractured in face and also is the 3rd Mc fracture of the body 5. Housemaid’s knee- prepatellar bursitis 6. Ankle is involved in Cotton’s fracture 7. In children, Ewings sarcoma is the Mc sarcoma of bone 8. Fibrous dysplasia- shepherd crook deformity 9. TB spine causes bony ankyloses 10. Injury to long thoracic nerve affects serratus anterior muscle, causes scapular wing- ing 11. ACL prevents from getting anteriorly dislocated 12. Popliteal artery is the Mc peripheral artery to get damaged in trauma 13. Radial nerve is involved in humerus shaft fracture 14. Ortoloni test is done for Developmental Displasia of Hip 15. Uric acid crystals are deposited in gout 16. In RA, MCP joint is involved and DIP is spared 17. Intranasal calcitonin is given for the treatment of Osteoporosis 18. osteoporosis 19. Wimberger ring sign is seen in scurvy Codfish vertebra is seen in 20. IOC for stress fracture is MRI 21. Garden classification is used for NOF fractures 22. In , posterior interroseal nerve is involved 23. Strontium 90 isotope is used for treating bone cancer 24. Hanging cast is used for humerus shaft fracture 25. Myositis ossificans is treated by immobilisation and cast application 26. Bumper’s fracture involves tibia (lateral condyle) 27. Spina ventosa is a radiographic picture of TB Dactylitis 28. Book test is done for ulnar nerve 29. Weaver’s bottom: ischial bursitis 30. In Acute Osteomyelitis: Periosteal reaction is seen at 7-10days 31. Hip spica is used for fracture www.dmaedu.com Orthopedics 3 32. Pott’s spine/ TB spine is commonest at Thoracolumbar spine 33. Lisch nodules on Iris 34. Spina ventosa: is a TB of- Phalanges is a feature of Neurofibromatosis 35. Mc type of lesion in Potts spine: Paradiscal 36. False about claudication: Rest pain 37. Tension Band wiring is used for Olecranon fracture 38. Osteoarthritis does not involve Ankle joint 39. IOC for disc prolapse is MRI. 40. Chondroblastoma- Bone tumor arising from epiphysis 41. Injury to Supraspinatus muscle causes Rotator Cuff Injury 42. Stoss therapy is used for rickets 43. Salter Harris Type IV- Fracture involves physis, epiphysis and metaphysis 44. Gallow’s Traction is used for Fracture Shaft of Femur 45. Motor march is seen in axonotmesis 46. Sodium Pyrophosphate crystals are deposited in pseudogout 47. Ape thumb deformity: median nerve injury 48. Mc type of dislocation is anterior 49. Most common type of Elbow dislocation is Posterior 50. Sub periosteal bone resorption is seen in Hyperparathyroidism

www.dmaedu.com 4 DMA’s Most Anticipated One Liners 51. Arthritis Mutilans is seen in Psoriatic Arthropathy 52. Shepherd Crook Deformity is seen in Fibrous Dysplasia 53. Osteosarcoma commonest site: Near the knee 54. Muscle in second compartment of wrist: ECRB and ECRL 55. Sunburst appearance in osteosarcoma is due: Periosteal reaction 56. Post menopausal women with osteoporosis is best treated with: Bisphospho- nates 57. Heberden arthropathy affects: Distal interphalangeal joints 58. Guyons canal syndrome: is entrapment of ulnar nerve 59. Most common site of osteoarthritis: Knee 60. Lauge-Hansen classification: 61. Pointing index finger is innervated by: Median nerve 62. Triad of triple arthropathy involves all except: Tibiotalar joint 63. Slip and fall: following which patient cannot externally rotate his shoulder and can- not move his . This is suggestive of: Posterior dislocation 64. Joint most amenable to manipulate - Knee joint 65. MC donor site for bone grafts - Iliac crest 66. MC joint in human body to dislocate - Shoulder joint 67. Common donor nerve used for nerve grafting - Sural nerve 68. MC cause of Sudek’s dystrophy in upper limb - Colle’s # 69. Most frequently injured joint - Knee joint 70. Dense sclerotic bone overlying a sequestrum is - Involucrum 71. Periostium is attached to bone by - Sharp’s fibres 72. Medial epicondylitis - Golfer’s elbow 73. Lateral epicondylitis - Tennis elbow 74. Frozen shoulder is common among - Diabetes 75. Brown’s tumour is in - Hyperparathyroidism 76. Healing of # - 3 stages - Reactive(Hematoma)/ Reparative(callus formation)/ Re- modelling 77. In fluorosis of , there is excess deposition of - Calcium 78. Characteristic joint involved in rheumatoid arthritis - Metacarpophalangeal joint 79. MC ligament injured in ankle sprain - 80. Rheumatoid arthritis affects - Cervical spine www.dmaedu.com Anterior Talofibular Orthopedics 5 81. Nerve damage due to Hamate dislocation is - Ulnar 82. Synovial TB site involved - Knee joint 83. TB Tenosynovitis - Compound palmar ganglion 84. TB bursitis - Trochanteric bursitis 85. Pulsatile Tumour is - Osteosarcoma 86. Nerve injured in Medial epicondylar # - Ulnar 87. MC site seen for osteogenic sarcoma in India - Lower end of Femur 88. Compression # is most common in which part of spine - Lower Thoracic 89. Non-union is commonly seen in - Lower tibial # 90. Healing time for # of Tibia is - 12 weeks 91. MC involvement in Dupuytren’s contracture is - 92. Nerve injured in # of Upper end of is - Posterior interosseus nerve Little finger 93. MC cause of Kyphosis among males is - TB 94. Common site for Avascular necrosis of head of femur - Subcapital region 95. Cause of Atonic bladder - Injury to sacral plexus 96. In Hammer toe ,flexion deformity is seen at - Proximal interphalangeal joint 97. Mcmurray’s sign is seen in injury to - Medial meniscus 98. Axillary nerve injury - Flattened shoulder

www.dmaedu.com 6 DMA’s Most Anticipated One Liners 99. Whip-Lash injury occurs due to - Acute hyper extension of spine 100. MC type of spinal injury - Flexion injury 101. Direct impact on bone will lead to - Transverse # 102. Bone formation markers are - Procollagen-1 & ALP 103. MC cause of Non-union # is - Inadequate immobilisation 104. Earliest radiological sign of OA is - Narrowing of joint space 105. Recurrent dislocations are common in - Shoulder 106. Compound # is defined as - fracture with skin involvement 107. Vitamin required for collagen formation - Vitamin C 108. Brown tumour is seen in - Hyperparathyroidism 109. MC charcot’s joint involved in T2DM - 110. How many blast cells should be in aspiration of bone marrow ? >10% plasma count 111. Most serious complication of # of a long bones - Fat embolism 112. Inability to adduct thumb is due to injury of - Ulnar nerve 113. Tinel sign indicates - Nerve regeneration 114. Partial claw is caused by lesion involving - Ulnar nerve 115. Total claw hand is seen in paralysis of - Ulnar & Median nerve 116. In Hansens disease, ulnar nerve commonly affected at elbow 117. Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy affects - calf muscles

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