Whitehall, August .14, 1923. Admiralty, Wth August, 1923. The KING- has been pleased, by Warrant In pursuance of His Majesty's pleasure, Capt. under His Majesty's Koyal Sign Manual, bear- John E. Cameron, C.B., M.V.O., has been ing date the llth instant, to appoint the appointed a Naval Aide-de-Camp to The Reverend Reginald Cholmeley Wathen, Curate King, in place of Capt. Charles P. Beaty- of Holy Trinity, Harrow Green, to the newly Pownall, C.M.G., promoted to Flag Rank. •constituted Living of Saint George, East Ham, 4th Aug. 1923. in the county of Essex and Diocese of Engr. Capt. Reginald W. Skelton, C.B., Chelmsford. C.B.E., D.S.O., to be Engr. Rear-Admiral 1st Aug. 1923. Lieut.-Comdr. Trevor R. Chamberlin, O.B.E. Whitehall, , 1923. (Retd.), to be Comdr. (Retd.). 6th Aug. 1923. The KING has been pleased, by Warrant- Surg. Lieut. Robert R. Baker, M.B.,- trans- under His Majesty's Royal Sign. Manual, bear- ferred to Emergency List. 14th ing date the llth instant, to appoint Roland Edmund Lomax Vaughan Williams, Esq., R.N.R. K.C., to be Recorder of the Borough of Swansea. Lieut. John Byron placed on Retd. List. 20th . Lieut. (Retd.) John H. Gaskell to be Lieut.- Comdr. (Retd.). 24th July 1923. factory Department, Home Office, , 1923. Lieut. Walter C. Hake, R.D., placed on Retd. List. 22nd July 1923. The Chief Inspector of Factories has appointed Dr. J. A. Hutchinson to be Certi- fying Surgeon under the Factory and Workshop Acts for the Northallerton District of the War Office, County of York, North Riding. 14th August, 1923.

REGULAR FORCES. Factory Department, Home Office, COMMANDS AND STAFF. August 10, 1923. G.8.O., 2nd Grade.—The notification in the The Chief Inspector of Factories gives notice Gazette of 24th July 1923, regarding Capt. that in consequence of the death of Dr. C. N. G. B. Groom, M.O., P.W. Vols and W.I.R., Thomas, an appointment as Certifying Surgeon is cancelled. under the Factory and Workshop Acts at Lydney, in the County of Gloucester, is vacant. The undermentioned appts. are made: — Embarkation Comdt. (01. X).—Col. F. W. Radcliffe, C.M.G., C.I.E., C.B.E., vice Col. H. McMicking, C.B., D.S.O. 7th Aug. Admiralty, 1th August, 1923 1923. R.M. Attd. to Gen.. Staff.—Capt. R. G-. R. Davies, Capt. Garden S. Desprez is removed from, the M.C., 16th/oth L., to be Adjt., O.T.C., vice list of Special Reserve on account of age. Marj. C. J. Balfour, S. G'ds. 14th Aug. 9th Aug. 1923. 1923.

Admiralty, 8th August, 1923. Staff Capt.—Lt. W. H. Griffiths, M.C., Lieut. (Retd.) Robert Holmes, M.B.E., to be North'd Pus., relinquishes his temp. appt. Lieut.-Comdr. (Retd.). 8th Aug. 1923. and the temp, rank of Capt. 1st Oct. 1922. The undermentioned temp. appt. is R.M. made:— .Lieut. Chas. B. Coxwell, O.B.E., relinquishes Dep. Judge Advocate-Gen. (Cl. BB).—Temp. his appt. in the Special Reserve. 30th July Lt. R. C. Carrington, Serv. Bns., S. Wales 1923. Bord. 15th July 1923.

Admiralty, Vth August, 1923. 'Commissioned Supply Officer Ernest R. Darby TERRITORIAL ARMY. to be Payr. Lieut. 2nd . IPayr.. Sub-Lieut. Stuart A.- Jolliffe to be 1 'ayr COMMANDS AND STAFF. Lieut. 15th Apr. 1923. The undermentioned appts. are made:— R.N.R. Div. Comdr.—Marj.-Gen. Sir W. Thwaites, •Comdr. (Retd.) Henry G. G. West-mere, K.C.M.G.. C.B., vice Maj.-Gen. Sir N. M. D.S.O., O.B.E., R.D., to be Capt. (Retd.). Smyth, V.C., K.C.B. 30th July 1923. 31st Dec. 1921. Brig. Comdr.—Lt.-Col. (now Col.) R. ."Payr. Lieut.-Comdr. John W. Wilson, R.D., McDouall, C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E,, D.S.O. placed on Retd. List. 9th July 1923. 20th July 1923.