NEW MEMBERS December 1961 - November 1962 Aires, Mr.and Mrs. Benjamin H. Mclllvane,The Rev. Donald W. Allerton, Miss Ida M. Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aulenbacher, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Meyers, Mr.James R. Baton, Mrs. George Scott Minno,Mr. George Mackey Baumann, Mrs. Helen Blair Nuttall, Miss Dorothy Broughton, Mr.and Mrs. P. S. Oliver, Mr.David B. Chase, Mr.F.B. Parsons, Miss Mary H. Coan, Mr.Donald J. Patton, Mrs. R. Lucien Cothery, Mrs. Alice Newlin Peightel, Mrs.Madelin S. Denny, Mr. James O'Hara, III Perlow, Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Duffy,Dr. John Powell, Mr.and Mrs. William M. Dunn, Mr.Edward J., Jr. Ray, Mr.John Brough Edgerton, Mrs. Richard Reynolds, Mr. Charles D. Finkel, Mr.A.D. Rose, Mr.and Mrs. Harold J. George, Mrs. Austin Lee Roth, Mr.Edgar A. Hepps, Mr.and Mrs. Samuel W. Scheetz, Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Hickox,Mr.Paul M. Smuts, Mr.Edward E. Hunter, Mr.Jack R. Snowden, Mr.and Mrs. C. L., Jr. Hurley, Mr.and Mrs. J. B. Spang, Mr.and Mrs. C. E. Izenour, Mr.Ansley A. Steele, Mrs. Arlene Bigley Jack, Dr. PhilR. Strommer, Mr.H.A. Johns, Miss Mary B. Thompson, Mr.and Mrs. Edward Johnson, Mr.Milburn Thornton, Miss Helen Kerr, Mrs. Allen H. Ullom,Mr.Donn Piatt McGee, Mr.Robert E. Walker, Mr. Thomas H.

IN MEMORIAM December 1961 November 1962 Arnold, Miss Ella J. Lehman, Mr. Carl A., Sr. Bigley, Mr.Nicholas Daniel Lehman, Mr.Homer F. Bowman, Dr. John Gabbert Lockhart, Mrs. Charles Crawford, Mr. James Stoner MacDonald, Mr. George Field Elliot,Mr.Byron K. McGovern, Col. Charles C. Hindman, Mr. James E. Rankin, Miss Grace Agnes Ledwidge, Miss Elizabeth Rose, Mr. J. Hanson Utley, Dr. Frederick B. 1962 HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOTES 359


Additions to the Library

Our library has been enriched by the addition of a large number of books and other publications. These came to us from two sources, gift and purchase. We also received the publications of many his- torical societies by exchange. All are available and valuable for research. The following is a list of books and other publications (exclud- ing the magazines) received between December 1961 and November 30, 1962: — Aikens, Miss Jeannette Roberts Pittsburgh Book of Sermons, Vol. II,1836, by Rev. Ebenezer Erskine, owned by great-grandfather of James W. Roberts, related to the Crumrines of Washington, Pa. Annenberg, Walter —Philadelphia, Pa. Beautifully illustrated supplement to The Philadelphia Inquirer, September 16, 1962, containing "The History of The Philadelphia Inquirer" by Nicholas— B. Wainwright Ashby Associates, Inc. , The Jonathan Hale Farm, A Chronicle of the Cuyahoga Valley. Published—by the Western Reserve Historical Society Beard, A.H. Maplewood, Mo. State Boundary Lines of the United States with a Map of each State and 48 maps of tracts of land called Islands, on the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers by Abner H. Beard, B.C.E., C.E. Copyright 1961 — Bowser, Mrs. Wayland S. Carnegie, Pa. Picture of Pittsburgh Female College, Eighth St., Pittsburgh. "This picture was a gift from Miss Helen R. Pershing to Mrs. Mary McFarland Wilson (class of 1886). Miss Pershing's father, Dr. I. C. Pershing, was president of the College from 1860-1896. Presented to the Historical Society by Mrs. Wayland S. Bowser, daughter of Mrs. Wilson." Also a book, A History of the Pittsburgh Female College 1854-1896 Briggs, Adrian J.—Pittsburgh 1782-1882 Geschichte der Ersten Deutchen Vereinigten Evangel. Protest. Gemeinde zu Pittsburgh, Pa. ... by Fr. Ruoff, Pastor. 360 HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOTES DECEMBER Louis Volz, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1882. Also The Story of Barney May,Pioneer. Told by George M.P. Baird. The Aldine Press, Pittsburgh, 1917 — Brose, Mrs. Robert J. Pittsburgh An "Obituary Book" compiled by Mrs. Brose's father, John W. Bakehouse, of Mount Washington. Mrs. Brose gave the follow- ing information to Mrs. Bothwell who printed it in her column "Departed Years" in the Mount Washington News, February 13, 1953: "He went to work at nine years of age for the old Pittsburgh Times. He was at one time employed by the Evening Penny Press Company, and he was the first mailing clerk on the Pittsburgh Press." The book is very valuable for reference as it contains obituaries— dating from 1881-1921 Callahan, Howard Pittsburgh Booklet: See Pennsylvania's Flaming Foliage, More Autumn Color Than Any Other State. Published by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1962 Booklet :The First Baptist Church of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1812-1962 Carnegie Library, Pennsylvania Division—Pittsburgh Amost welcome gift of many early numbers of Western Penn- sylvania Historical Magazine Chesebrough, Mrs. T. U—Oaktnont, Pa. Remember When, A Pictorial Chronicle of the Turn of the Century and of the Days Known as Edwardian .... Edited by M.Therese Bonney,—Foreword by Charles Dana Gibson Cummings, Hubertis M. Harrisburg, Pa. Photocopy of a draft of the Forks of the Ohio executed by Deputy Surveyor William Thompson in 1769 and certified by John Lukens, Surveyor-General of the Province of Pennsylvania. An "eighteenth century picture of what has now become Pittsburgh's Golden Triangle" Eakin, Miss Myrl—Pittsburgh The White House— AnHistoric Guide. Published by the White House Historical Association, Washington, D.C., 1962 Edgerton, Mrs. Richard— Buck HillFalls,—Pa. Hetrick, Calvin W.—The Iron King Dr. Peter Shoenberger, Early Ironmaster of Central Pennsylvania. Published by the Morrisons Cove Herald, Martinsburg, Pa., 1961. (Marginal corrections by Mrs. Edgerton) 1962 HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOTES 361

Elkin,Dr. C. W. W.—Pittsburgh Two copies of The Wayne Sentinel, Palmyra, N.Y., July 25, 1828, and March 13, 1829. Also The Book of Common Prayer .... Protestant Episcopal— Church, Hartford, 1827 Fisher, Lawrence M. Garrett Park, Md. Penn State Class of 1910. Presented Class Book (1910) contain- ing biographical —material of members after 50 years Hartman, Mrs. J. C. Pittsburgh Thirty-four much needed—copies of our magazine Hench, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Charlottesville, Va. Pamphlets: Silver— Linings—A. K. ("Rosey") Rowswell; Pitts- burgh Streets Their Names and Their Significance. "American Patriotism Must Be Revived/' editorial reprinted from the East Liberty Tribune, May 17; admission card for "An Evening of Scotch Poetry and Song," 3rd Presbyterian Church ;a bookmark; eight large scrapbooks, prepared by Dr.Hench' s mother Hench, Miss Eva—Pittsburgh Twenty-nine copies Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine — Henesey, Mrs. Edward (Mrs. Lida) Pittsburgh Five copies of Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine ; one copy of The Pittsburgh Times, Tuesday, May 10, 1898, con- tains obituary of Felix R. Brunot Henry, Charles M., Printing Co.—Greensburg, Pa. The Greater Greensburg Profile, Illustrated, Index Hyam, Miss Bessie (Estate of Robert Fowler) —Crafton, Pa. The Seventy-Seventh Pennsylvania at Shiloh; History of the Regiment— the Battle of Shiloh,— 1905 State Historical Society Springfield, 111. John Francis Snyder: Selected Writings. Edited by Clyde C. Walton with a Biographical Essay by Phyllis E. Connolly and an Appraisal of Snyder's Archaeological Work by Melvin L. Fowler — Historical Bureau Indianapolis, Ind. Shumaker, Arthur W., A History of Indiana Literature, Vol. XLII,Indiana Historical Collections James, Dr. Alfred P.—Pittsburgh David Lloyd—Colonial Lawmaker by Roy N. Lokken, Univer- sity of Washington Press, 1959; and Pennsylvania Constitutional 362 HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOTES DECEMBER

Development by Rosalind L.Branning, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1960 — Johnson, Milburn Braddock, Pa. Maps of the Battle of the Monongahela (Braddock's Defeat) : "The location of Battle Field and Road shown here is based on a study of the ground in connection with the two maps made by Pat Mackellar, Engineer with Braddock's Army and the plan from Winsor's Narrative and Critical History, Vol. 5, p. 499, and the Carnegie, McCandless Co.'s Property Map of 1873 show- ing contours of the Bottom Land in the vicinity of the Road/' Located by Sydney Dillon, chief engineer, Carnegie Steel Co.'s Edgar Thomson Steel—Works Kliskey, Mrs. Joseph B. Pittsburgh — Booklet: Historic Braddock's Field Bicentennial Braddock's Defeat July 9th, 1755, July 9th, 1955 Lancaster County Historical Society —Lancaster, Pa. Two Pittsburgh items :Annual Exhibition of Pittsburgh Archi- tectural Club, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, March 1912; The Pittsburgh Architectural Club, Sixth Exhibition.. 1911 Ledwidge, Miss Elizabeth (Estate of)—Pittsburgh // by Your Art, Testament to Percival Hunt. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1948; Planting of Civilisation in Western Pennsylvania by Solon J. Buck and E. H. Buck, University of Pittsburgh Press, 1939; A History of Latin Amerka by William Warren Sweet, Abingdon Press, N.Y., 1919; William Trent and the West by Sewell E. Slick, Archives Publishing Company of Pa., Inc., Harrisburg, 1947; Report of a Survey of the Public Schools of Pittsburgh, 1940;Pennsylvania Beautiful by Wallace Nutting, Copyright 1924, 1935, illus. by author; John Brown's Body by Stephen Vincent Benet, 1928. Booklets: Pittsburgh in 1816, published by Pittsburgh Carnegie Library, 1926; Grant's Hill,published by Union Savings Bank; Child Life in Colonial Western Pennsylvania by Percy— B. Caley Lehigh County Historical Society Allentown,— Pa. , Founder of Allentown Colonial Jurist, Indus- trialist and Loyalist by Ruth Moser Kistler, M.A.;James Allen and Trout Hallby John K.Heyl, A.I.A.;Vol.24, Proceedings, Lehigh County Historical Society, Allentown, Pa. Linder, Richard L.—Pittsburgh Old Williamsburg and Her Neighbors by William Oliver Stevens, 1962 HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOTES 363 1938; A Handbook for the Exhibition Buildings of Colonial Williamsburg ;Romantic Days in Old Boston by Mary Caroline Crawford; Old Park Street and Its Vicinity by Robert M. Lawrence; Old Monroe Street, compiled by Edwin F. Mack, Chicago, 1914; Pittsburgh Blue Book, 1936; The Pennsylvania Story by Robert Fortenbaugh and H. James Tarman, Penns Valley Publishers, Inc., State College, Pa., 1950; Not Far from Pittsburgh by Clarence E. Macartney, Gibson Press, Pittsburgh, 1936; Pamphlets: Gettysburg National Military Park, Pennsyl- vania by Frederick Tilberg, National Park Service, Historical Handbook Series No, 9, Washington, D.C., 1954; Sparrow- Hawk, A Seventeenth Century Vessel in Twentieth Century America, 1953, Pilgrim Society, Plymouth, Mass. Rooms with a View, Achievements of the Nationality Commit- tees, etc. ;Dean's Intellectual Arithmetic by Philotus Dean, A.M., published by A. H. English & Co., 98 Fourth St., Pittsburgh, 1861 ;Reprint of Albert Bloom's article, "Pittsburgh Today Made up of Many Villages," which appeared in Pittsburgh Post- Gazette for January 14, 1953; Booklet: Harmony 1805-1855, commemorating The Sesquicentennial of Harmony, Pa. ;Pitts- burgh Government, published by the League of Women Voters of Pittsburgh, 1961; Pittsburgh and the World War 1914- 1918; The New England Primer Improved, or, An Easy and Pleasant Guide to the Art of Reading to which is Added the Assembly's Shorter Catechism, United Presbyterian Board of Publication, Pittsburgh —(No date) Macfarlane, Miss Elizabeth Pittsburgh Seventeen issues of Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine Time, Vol. XIV,No. 14. Cover picture of Richard Mellon. An article, "Mr.Mellon's Patch," on the Pittsburgh Renaissance The Presbyterian Banner, February 25, 1937. University of Pittsburgh Sesquicentennial Number Town and Country, March 1959. "Pittsburgh, a Man's Town." Cover, Maj. Gen. Richard K. Mellon Holiday, March 1959. Article on Pittsburgh Renaissance Four Carnegie Magazines containing articles on Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania National Geographic, Vol. 91, No. 4. Article, "Steel: Master of Them All" 364 HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOTES DECEMBER — Clipping —long article on steel Pamphlet A Pittsburgh Composer and His Memorial by Fletcher —Hodges Booklet Official Report of the Dedicatory Exercises, New Court House,— September 24, A.D. 1888 Booklet The Strip, A socio-religious survey of a typical prob- lem section of Pittsburgh, Pa., made by the Pittsburgh Christian Social Service Union and other co-operating agencies, July- September,— 1915 Booklet The Pennsylvania Canal by James Macfarlane, Reprint- ed from—our magazine, Pittsburgh, 1919 Booklet Introduction to the Glacial History of Slippery Rock Creek by James Macfarlane, 1937 A typescript copy of "The Diary of R. B. Laughlin on an Over- land Journey to California, 1849" Russell Smith, Romantic Realist by Virginia E. Lewis Where the Rivers Meet by Clarence E. Macartney Swanee Ribber and A Biographical Sketch of Stephen Collins Foster by Fletcher Hodges Pittsburgh Portraits by Elizabeth Moorhead Of Long Age, the Children and the City by Mary E. Bakewell Early Glass of the Pittsburgh District,1797-1890 by Lowell Innes The National Road by Robert Bruce The Lincoln Highway inPennsylvania by Robert Bruce Booklet—Story of Religion in the Pittsburgh District (1958) by O. M. Walton— Booklet Treasured Antiques from Collections of the Region, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Pittsburgh Automobilist, 1938 Early Ohio Silversmiths &Pewterers, 1787-1847, and two copies of Early Ohio Taverns by Rhea Mansfield Knittle in the Ohio Frontier Series—(1767-1847) Marsh, Miss Ester Pittsburgh The Soldier Boys' Diary Book or Memorandums of the Alpha- betical First Lessons of Military Tactics, kept by Adam S. John- ston, from September 14, 1861, to October 2, 1864, Pittsburgh, 1866 (Miss Marsh's great-uncle) Mayer, Stanley —Pittsburgh The Golden Book of the Civil War, adapted for Young Readers by Charles Flato from The American Heritage Picture History 1962 HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOTES 365

withnarrative by Bruce— Catton, Golden Press, New York, 1961 McClintock, Charles A. Pittsburgh Old Folks at Home by Stephen Collins Foster, Boston, Ficknor & Company, 1888 My Old Kentucky Home by Stephen Collins Foster, Boston, Ficknor & Company, 1888 History of the First Presbyterian Church of Allegheny, Read on July 2nd and the 9th, 1876 by Elliot E. Swift, D.D., Pittsburg, 1876. Contains also Brief Biographies of the Ruling Elders The Presbyterian Banner, Wednesday, December 7, 1887, con- taining an obituary of Rev. Elliot E. Swift, author of History of the First Presbyterian— Church of Allegheny McDowell,J. Spotts Pittsburgh Six copies of the North American Review for the year 1889 con- taining a series of articles on "An English View of the Civil War" by Viscount Wolseley. Also an article by Andrew Carnegie entitled "Wealth" — McGovern, Mrs. Charles Pittsburgh Thirty-six copies of —our magazine Miers, Mrs. T.Jefferson Pittsburgh Book: Fiftieth Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. Report of the Pennsylvania— Commission, Revised edition, April1915 Moore, Joseph W. Pittsburgh A typewritten history of Moore, Leonard and Lynch by J. Wade Miller.Revised June 3, 1924 Norwegian-American Historical Association —Minnesota Norwegian- American Studies, Vol. 21 Patch, Joseph Dorst—Texas Reminiscences of Fort Huachuca, Arizona by Joseph Dorst Patch, Maj. Gen. U. S. Army,— Retired, 1961 Peters, Mrs. Sherwood D. Pocono Manor, Pa. Souvenir Book of the Allegheny Post Office 1840-1897 Polygon Club—Pittsburgh "The Log of the Polygon" given by the Club through Dr. Theodore Finney Purchase Early American Pattern Glass by Alice Hulett Metz, Columbus, Ohio, 1961 ; Trans- Allegheny Pioneers by John P. Hale, Cin- cinnati, 1886; A Correct View of That Part of the United States Which Lies West of the Allegheny Mountains by John F. Scher- 366 HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOTES DECEMBER merhorn, Hartford, 1814; History of the Counties of Berks and Lebanon .... byI.Daniel Rupp, 1844; copy of Harper's Weekly, January 12, 1884, containing a double page spread of woodcut illustrations showing "Scenes in a Glass Foundry, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania" — Ramsey, Mrs. A.R. Slippery Rock, Pa. Washington's Expeditions (1753-1754) and Braddock' s Expedi- tion, 1755 by James Hadden; With history of Tom Faucett, the slayer of Edward Braddock. Uniontown, 1910 Riester, Mrs. Mary Lang—Pittsburgh Two copies of the Pennsylvania Thirteenth, dated November 8, 1861, and January 18, 1862, respectively. These news leaflets were printed and distributed during the CivilWar ;also Commis- sion issued by Andrew G. Curtin, Governor of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, to William Gray Lang, as First Lieuten- ant of a company of infantry. Mrs. Riester found these items among the effects of her father, John Shippen Lang, who died May 2, 1962 Ritchie, C.—Kent, England General Braddock 's Expedition, edited by Carson I.A.Ritchie Roy, Donald E.—Pittsburgh Goldenes Jubilaum bes Wirtens der Redemptorigtenvater an der St. Philomena Kirche in Pittsburg . . . Eigenthum der St. Philomena— Kirche in Pittsburg, Pa. by P. Bernhard Beck, 1889; Booklet beautifully illustrated copy of The Allegheny Confer- ence on Community Development— Scott, Miss A. Margaret Pittsburgh The Pittsburgh Gazette, Weekly Edition, Saturday, December 19, 1874, contains —an article by Jane Grey Swisshelm Seneff, Miss Jeannette Pittsburgh The First Presbyterian Church of Cambridge Springs, Pa. Cen- tennial Souvenir—Booklet, 1852-1952 Sommer, J. Phillip Pittsburgh History of the United States from Their First Settlement as Colonies, To the Close of the War with Great Britain in 1815, Cooperstown, N.Y., 1843 ;Booklet— The Stourbridge Lion, 1829; The First Locomotive to Turn a Wheel on The Western Hemi- sphere, Honesdale, 1905; The New York Herald, Sat., April 15, 1865 ;clipping from the Scranton Daily News, April 14, 1915 1962 HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOTES 367

Steel, Christopher Magee—Pittsburgh Lake Erie and Ohio Ship Canal, a report of the Provisional Com- mittee of the Chamber of Commerce of Pittsburgh, 1897, with map ;National Charter The Lake Erie and Ohio River Ship Canal Co. including Route Map; Bulletin of the Voters League con- cerning candidates for Mayor and Council for election, Tues., February 16, 1909; Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of In- dependence by Rev. Charles A. Goodrich, New York. Published by Jonathan Leavitt, 1829 Thomas, Arthur W.—Pittsburgh The Pittsburgh Daily Reporter, October 15, 1950, Vol. I,No. 1 and November 17, 1950, Vol. I,No. 34; two newspapers printed during the long newspaper strike in 1950 Trimble, A. G.—Pittsburgh — The Story of Jumonville, Methodist Training Center Under Four Flags, published by A.G. Trimble. Presented to the Society January 16, 1962. Brochure of 37 pages beautifully illustrated incolor — University of Illinois Press— Urbana, 111. Shelby M. Cullom Prairie State Republican by James W. Neil- son. Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences, Vol. 51, The Univer- sity of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1962 — The University of the State of New York New York The Papers of Sir William Johnson, Vol. XIII.Albany, The University of the State of New York, 1962 University of Pittsburgh Press —Pittsburgh AnArmyDoctor's Wife on the Frontier by Abe Laufe ;Herbert Hoover— and Economic Diplomacy by Harry Ward ;"Respects to Air Letters of Two Pennsylvania Boys in the War of the Re- bellion, edited by Aida Craig Truxall;Borderland Confederate, edited by Testus P. Summers— Unversagt, Miss Carolyn M. Pittsburgh Newspapers from her father's collection :The Haversack, Janu- ary 5, 1881, Pittsburgh (Lawrenceville paper) ;The Pittsburgh Press, January 1, 1899, contains review of the year 1898; New York Mercury, January 28, 1860; The Pittsburgh Dispatch, January 1, 1892, contains historical review of 1891 ;Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph, October 28, 1935. Map of U.S. showing indus- tries of the 48 states; The Clipper, Pittsburgh, May 30, 1890. Picture of Miss Unversagt's grandfather. Sunday Globe, July 368 HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOTES DECEMBER

22, 1877, articles on labor conflict railroads; Frank Leslie's Il- lustrated Newspaper, Railroad Riot Extra. August 4, 1877; The Pittsburg Leader, January 29, 1882 Walter, Alex Dean, Jr.—Pittsburgh Pioneer Medicine in Western Pennsylvania by Theodore Diller, M.D., 1927 (copy belonged to Mrs. Augusta Wallace). Two Bibles :a Cottage Bible and— a large Bible Warrick, Mrs. Mauva McB. Washington, Pa. Raymond Martin Bell, A History of First Methodist Church, Washington, Pa., 1962 William Wallace Chapter D AR—Pittsburgh Annals of Old Wilkinisburg and Vicinity. The Village 1788-1888, edited by Elizabeth M.Davison and Ellen B. McKee, Wilkins- burg, Pa., Group for Historical Research, 1940; The Pennsyl- vania Story by Robert Fortenbaugh and H. James Tarman, Penn's Valley Publishers,— 1950 Wilson, Mrs. Lytle— M. Beaver Falls, Pa. Scrapbook Sugar HillEchoes, the story of the early settlers in a small community in Snyder Township, Jefferson County, Pa.; Deep Roots, the Brockway Area Story, published by the Brockway Centennial Committee during the celebration (125th Anniversary) — Wisecarver, George S. Pittsburgh Synopsis of the Proceedings of the Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania. Late Old Resident's Association, during the first five years of Pittsburg, printed by Myers, Shinkle & Co., 1884; "George Rapp &His Associates" (The Harmony Society). Ad- dress delivered by J. S. Duss, June 6, 1914, at the Centennial Celebration at New Harmony, Ind.

Additions to Genealogy — Barekman, Miss June Barrickman Chicago, 111. The Barrickman Families of Franklin, Ripley and Marion Counties, Indiana, Second volume Bothwell, Mrs. Margaret P.—Pittsburgh Schoenbrunn and the Moravian Missions in Ohio by James H. and Mary Jane Rodabaugh, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, 1961. Much valuable genealogical material on old families of the community 1962 HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOTES 369

Edmundson, Walter, Jr., M.D.—Pittsburgh Family history: (3 books) Geschichte der von, dem Bussche, Bearbeitet von Freiherrn Gustav von dem Bussche; Photostat, Verzeichnis der Mitglieder der Familie v.d. Bussche Aufgestellt in September, 1933; Family "trees"; Stamm-Tafel Nos. XVII, XV, XIII,XVIII,V, XIII(dup), X, XI Emison, James W.—Vincennes, Ind. Supplement (1962) to the Emison Families, Revised (1954) (McCaffrey), Sister M. Hieronyme (Catherine Stella McCaffrey) — Pittsburgh The Thomas McCaffrey Family McClintock, Charles A.—Pittsburgh "The Shaws of Glenshaw, Pennsylvania" (Typescript) Meisel, Mrs. J. J.—Pittsburgh Three sets of penned notes pertaining to the ancestry of Delilah (Jones) Mills. Some of the families mentioned in the notes are: Robinson, McClung, Alexander, Frew, Speer, and Williams. A typed copy of each set—has also been received Miers, Mrs. T.Jefferson Pittsburgh Book: Johann Baltasar Kramer, or "Baltzer" Kramer, Pioneer Glass Blower. A record of his known descendants and relatives, compiled and privately— printed by Leroy Kramer, Chicago, 1939 Stein, Simon Gerberich Muscatine, The Steins of Muscatine, A Family Chronicle, privately printed, 1962. Illustrated, nicely bound and printed

Additions to Archives and Museum Aikens, Miss Jeanette Roberts —Pittsburgh Slate framed in single piece of wood from old Third Ward School and owned— by her father who would be 106 years old Barragan, Mrs. K. Luton, Bedfordshire, England Goulston, Mrs. C.—Coventry, England Howard- Jones, Mrs. M.—Deal, England Mesdames Barragan and Goulston, sisters, and Howard-Jones, cousin, collateral descendants of General Edward Braddock, through Dr. Agnes Starrett, presented to the Society some in- teresting Braddock material, notably: Three volumes of typed manuscript, Various notes, writings, and letters connected with research, also Notes and Queries, publications of general interest, and press writings from the Daily Chronicle, December 1900, The 370 HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOTES DECEMBER

Times, November 1914, The Graphic, November 1914 (English papers) and a copy of the Uniontown, Pa., Weekly News Standard, October 16, 1913, which contains articles and illustra- tions on the unveiling of the Braddock monument. Research for the above listed material was carried out by Mr. Frederick Robertson Smith, father of Mrs. Barragan and Mrs. Goulston, during the years 1913 to 1931. "The papers on his death were sent to his brother Dr.Edwin Smith. The wish of Dr. Smith was to publish a book in the U.S.A. to coincide with the Bicentennial year inPittsburgh. Dr.E. Smith died leaving the unfinished man- uscript. He received three days before his death the 'advanced notices* (which must have pleased him) —of the publication of Mr. McCardeirs book" (Ill-Starred General Braddock of the Cold- stream Guards). The Braddock material is now in the archives of the Society and is available for reading and research. Battelle, J. M. (Asst. Curator)— Lima, Ohio Ten photographs of Pittsburgh scenes probably taken in the early 1900's by a Lima photographer Browne, Mrs. A. C—El Nido, Calif. Old ledger, empty except for a pension claim dated 6-2-92, fol- lowed by the number 1108774. The claim is for James Norris, Co. K-12, Pa. Inf. Interesting sketch of their camp, inside back cover Carroll, Mrs. Howard—Pittsburgh Mrs. Howard Carroll inmemory of her husband, small painting of Stephen Foster by M. B. Leisser, copied from the original in Carnegie Galleries. Two paintings were made from this copy by the same artist for the Old Kentucky Home and the Phila- delphia Exposition. Deyo, Merton —Pittsburgh Souvenir Programme of Pittsburgh's Sesqui-Centennial 1758- 1908, published by and presented with the Compliments of Pickerings* —"Nuff Ced." Historical Data Courtesy of Pittsburgh Leader Johnson, Milburn—Pittsburgh Photostat of "Directory and appraisment of the goods and chat- ties of Col. John Gibson deceased, late of Allegheny County, Pa." Lindef,Richard —Pittsburgh Framed picture of "Great House" at Old Economy Glass negative of Allegheny High School Band, November 11, 1919 1962 HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOTES 371

McClintock, Charles A.—Pittsburgh Atterbury letterhead. Aninteresting display item. This letterhead was the basis of the photostat in Atterbury case in glassroom. Two badges (1) , mourning badge, probably worn in a procession, 1865 ;(2) George Washington- Whig Cele- bration, July 4, 1834, "Pater— Patriac" McMurray, Miss Mildred J. Pittsburgh Photograph of Lt. Friend W. Jenkins of Allegheny "who was killed on the Maine when that battleship exploded, or was mined in the harbor —of Havana." Meisel, Mrs. J. J. Pittsburgh A bronze medallion, which was one of those authorized to be made by an act of Congress of June 1874, "In Commemoration of the Hundredth Anniversary of American Independence 1776-1876" — Miers, Mrs. T. Jefferson Pittsburgh Two pieces of paper money, inbad condition, dates illegible :one for $5.00, Railroad Bank, State of Michigan; one for $2.00, Farmers Bank, Bucks County, Pa. Two receipts for army blankets dated 1776 bearing names well- known in Western— Pennsylvania Negley, Miss Edith New York City Fan once owned by Grace Ashton Negley, wife of Gen. James Scott Negley. Carried at formal and diplomatic functions at the time Gen. Negley— was serving in the United States Congress Negley, the Misses New York City Small oval portrait of Gen. James Negley; an intrenching tool, evidently of Confederate type ;a foot stool from old Roup home Scaife, Richard Mellon—Pittsburgh A portrait of William B. Scaife Two oil paintings of Charles Cooke Scaife, son of William B. Scaife, president of William B. Scaife and Sons, 1893-1915 Picture of the plant of William B. Scaife and Sons, Oakmont, Pennsylvania — Scull, Edward, M.D. Hartford, Conn. Dr. Scull presented to the Society recently, on conditions stipu- lated by him, considerable data which had been collected by his uncle, John Irwin Scull, of Somerset, Pa., relating to the notable Scull family. The material has not been fully catalogued as yet. 372 HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOTES DECEMBER

An article based upon these papers willappear in a later issue of this magazine. Slack, Miss Dorothy Hall—Sewickley, Pa. A file of Hungerford cartoons from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette covering historical— events from 1933 to 1961 Sommer, J. Phillip —Pittsburgh Nine Calendars The Stourbridge Lion Volkwein, Walter E.—Pittsburgh A Record :"Pittsburgh biography of a city" by Frank Metis & Randy Starr, Mayflower Records, released during the Pittsburgh Bicentennial — Wallace, Frederick S. Pittsburgh Framed picture of "North Common 1868," copied from an old photograph inpossession of Charles Davis, County Engineer (old label on picture), shows area between Federal, North Avenue and Montgomery, old— Third Ward School in rear Walter, Alex Dean, Jr. Pittsburgh "Indenture (framed) John Penn &John Penn, Jr. conveying lot 441 in Woods Plan of Pittsburgh to Roderick McKinney for 12 pounds, dated 18 March, 1785, being site of Grogan Jewelry Co., Wood &6th St." ;Statement of Noah W. Shafer, Attorney, re the titles of Win. Penn and his heirs, framed ;three tickets for passengers: 6th St. Bridge: Pittsburgh Railway Transfer, Mo- nongahela Incline; Pittsburgh Motor Coach Co. (20 for $2.00)

Additions to Glass and China Brooks, Mrs. Harold K.—Pittsburgh Glass (vintage of 1830): one cup plate; one pair Pittsburgh pressed candle sticks; one pressed sugar, clear, no cover; one spoon holder, clear, pressed, Huber or Loop Blue-green Sprig china, 1817: one teapot, covered; one sugar, no cover; two cups with saucers; six bread and butter plates; one cake plate ;one lavender cow plate Wurtz, Mrs. Thomas C—Pittsburgh One candle stick, blown and pressed; one paneled jar with cover; one cut glass celery, Bakewell type; one swirl, 3-mould decanter from Mt.Vernon Glass Works
