The Messenger
the Messenger Published by the Swedenborgian Church of North America Volume 241• Number 3 • March 2019 Exciting Lineup of Mini-Courses for Annual Convention 2019 in Indiana! t every annual convention of This course will provide a rare oppor- that, when taken literally, discrimi- the Swedenborgian Church, in tunity for General Convention peo- nate against or negatively stereotype addition to business sessions, ple to glimpse the world of African groups of people based on race, gen- Aworship services, the annual meeting Swedenborgianism in one of its impor- der, religion or other generalized cat- of the Center for Swedenborgian Stud- tant story lines. egories. This session will discuss some ies, and ordinations, mini-courses are Rev. Tosin Ogunbodede received a B.A. of these texts, the history of their in- offered. There is always a variety of -ex from the University of Ibadan and an M.A. in terpretation, how other churches and citing and interesting courses to choose Public Administra- religions have thought about these is- tion from Ladoke sues, and our denomination’s official from, and Annual Convention 2019 is Akintola Univer- no exception. We have thirteen offer- sity, Ogbomoso. response, which will be voted on this ings for your consideration. Upon completion Convention. Members of the informal of the Diploma committee who have been studying The New Church in Nigeria: in Theology from the issues, who operate under the title History, Challenges, and Prospects The New Church “Manifold Angels” will be available to College of Theol- Bishop Tosin Ogunbodede ogy, Owo, he was share their thoughts. ordained in 2005 Rebecca Esterson is Assistant Professor A large New Church body in Nige- at The Lord’s New in Sacred Texts and Traditions and Dorothea ria was founded in 1935 by Africanus Church Cathedral, Owo, Ondo State, Nige- Harvey Professor of Swedenborgian Stud- ria, by the late Rt.
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