Emanuel Swedenborg, the Spiritual Colombus, by U.S.E. 2Nd., Revised
EMANUEL SWEDENBORG 'f~e Scpititual ColUfll eu~ A SKETCH IIY U.S. E. SECOND EDITION (REVISED) JAMES SPEIRS 36 BLOOMSBURY STREET, LONDON 1877 2/~. 'h-7. "9' "•' ,, Coogle PREFACE. GREAT changes are taking place in the very .structures of society. Old notions, like dilapidated houses, are passing away. New ones, possessing greater breadth and light and beauty are rising upon the ruins. The revolu tion is a silent one, accomplished over the heads of men nolms volms, by forces noiseless as the sunshine. The opposition is strong, for the positions disturbed are ancient; but many opponents, rather than be "behind the age," have accepted the situation, at first with distru.'lt, then with tolerance, then with ample wonder that such excellent things had not earlier arrived. One of the symptoms of these changes (itself almost a revolution) is the attention now given by pulpit, platform, press, and in the social circle, to the remarkable theories which EMANUEL SWEDENBORG promulgated more than a hundred years ago. Somehow or other SWEDENBORG is becoming a factor in many of the problems of to-day. His influence per vades modem literature and dogma to a surprising extent. His writings exist in many languages, and circulate by thousands every year. Many of the leaders of public opinion, and most of the public libraries, theo logical seminaries, and literary institutions possess them. Books, representing his views reduced to common parlance, multiply very fast, find a market, and are reviewed by the press, sometimes with favour, generally with respect. Further, a band of intelligent followers, whose strength is not to be measured by the foot-rule of the statistician, by means of lectures and " Silent Missionaries" make SWEDENJIORG's doctrines widely known, and defend them-when they get an opportunity.
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