Litany for a Time of Pandemic Chapel Virtual of St. Cuthbert-Beyond- Canner
Litany for a Time of Pandemic Chapel Virtual of St. Cuthbert-Beyond- Canner Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. O God the Father, Creator of heaven and earth, Have mercy upon us. O God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy upon us. O God the Holy Spirit, Sanctifier of the faithful, Have mercy upon us. O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, one God, Have mercy upon us. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us. Holy Raphael, angel of healing, Pray for us. Holy Edmund the Martyr, patron saint against pandemics, Pray for us. Holy Quirinus of Neuss, Holy Hubertus, Holy Cornelius, Holy Anthony the Great, Ye Four Holy Marshals, Holy Blaise, Holy George, Holy Agathius, Pray for us Holy Erasmus, Holy Vitus, Holy Margaret of Antioch, Holy Christopher, Holy Pantaleon, Holy Cyriacus, Holy Giles, Holy Eustace, Holy Denis, Holy Catherine of Alexandria, Holy Barbara, Ye Fourteen Holy Helpers, Holy Anthony the Anchorite, Holy Leonard of Noblac, Holy Nicholas, Holy Sebastian, Holy Owald the King, Holy Sixtus II, Holy Apollonia, Holy Dorothea of Caesarea, Holy Wolfgang of Regensburg, Holy Roch, Ye Holy Healers, Holy Agrippina of Mineo, Holy Bernardino of Siena, Pray Holy Deodatus of Nevers, for us Holy Godelina, Holy Gotthard of Hildesheim, Holy Hugh of Cluny, Holy Patroclus of Troyes, Holy Quentin, Holy Theobald of Provins, Holy Valentine, Ye holy protectors against infections, fevers, coughs, and catarrh, Holy Amabilis of Riom, Holy Andrew Corsini, Holy Christina the Astonishing, Holy Dymphna, Holy Fillan, Holy Hermes, Holy Kentigern, Holy Maturinus, Holy Pio of Pietrelcina, Holy Walter of Pontoise, Holy Wilgefortis, Ye holy protectors against anxiety, stress, unrest, and panic, Holy Agatha Pray for us Holy Camillus Holy Catherine of Siena Holy John of God Holy Vincent de Paul Holy Cosmas and Damian Holy Luke the Evangelist, Ye holy patrons of nurses, doctors, and healers, From plague, pestilence, and all sickness, Good Lord, deliver us.
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