Mariner's Mirror
THE MARINER'S MIRROR THE JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR NAUTICAL RESEARCH IND EX TO VOLUMES 6-6 lq.¡a' - \cil\l' Compiled by ELIZABETH ROLFE, ¡.A., A.L.A GREENWICH 198 I PREFACE 6 Index ls entlrely based on'the 10 Annual Indexes produced ¡g the perlod. Tbeir entrles have. been edited, cunulated sub-divided where necessary to form a single coherent Index, forn of entry follows Dr. R.C' Andersonts Index to Volumes as closely as posslble and the rules are as set out in Vo1. page 22O' aphlcal references have been lndexed only Úhen the text arqicle discusses the work of a particular author at some In doubtful cases, preference has been glven to foreign early works following changes have been made in preparlng thfs Index:- Books Reviewed now form a central section of the Index. I¡ the interests of clarlty the Index of Shipsr Names 1s set in Roman tyPe. Underlining has ¡Len employed to denote volume numbers. 1981 E.M. ROLFE NOTE eounctl of the Soclety gratefully acknowledges generous help the Lily Lanbert McCarthy Foundation ln defraying the costs and dlstrlbuting thls thfrd Cunulative fndex. GENERAL INDEX 1 fishing, 63, 48-9 Ahmuty, Surgeon , 59 , 29O Aicha, Sidi Abdallab ben, 62, 276 Aiguillon, Armand Duc d', 59, 4! et seq -*, ATMONE, A. C. ;#1fi i',,' l The Cruise of the U,S, Sloop Hoxnet ;lÍ;ill'1fi in 1815 , 67, 377-83 Aix, Isle of , M, 268-9 ;i3ne an chor Akrostolion , 56, 327, p1.6 *gi :i;i*'l?'i¿,#i"?l' Minoan paintings, discovery, 65, L4L et seq Akrotiri, hieroglyphs of Ancient Egyptian 99, t50; 64, 125-33,135-7 ^.#,1=, 103 rig' 7 Al6lzzi,
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