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PBC_2020.qxp_PBC Sample 2 3/16/20 5:14 PM Page 1 Spring 2020 Piñata Books for Children Are Full of Surprises! Dedicated to the publication of children’s literature that authentically and realistically portrays themes, characters and customs unique to US Hispanic culture New & Forthcoming Bilingual Picture Books Fuego, Fuegito / Fire, Little Fire When Julia Danced Bomba Jorge Argueta Cuando Julia bailaba bomba Illustrations by Felipe Ugalde Alcántara Raquel M. Ortiz Illustrations by Flor de Vita A Junior Library Guild Selection; Northern Lights Book Award Winner; A Junior Library Guild Selection Named to the 2020-2021 Tejas Star Reading List “ARgueta'S playful tRilingual homage to fiRe SpanS itS incaRnation fRom SpaRk to “AfRo-PueRto Rican dance tRaditionS aRe celebRated thRough one giRl'S bReak - lava flow. Full-page blazeS of oRangeS, yellowS, RedS and indigo undeRScoRe the thRough moment with bomba. A Solid RemindeR of muSic'S poweR and a good Simple naRRative of the poem. A gentle exploRation of cultuRe and natuRe.” pRimeR on PueRto Rican dance cultuRe.” —Kirkus Reviews (StaRRed Review) —Kirkus Reviews OctobeR 31, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-55885-887-9, HaRdcoveR, AgeS 6-10, 32 pageS, $17.95 OctobeR 31, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-55885-886-2, HaRdcoveR, AgeS 5-9, 32 pageS, $17.95 Arenas y trinos: Abecedario del río The Hero of Cinco de Mayo Sand and Song: The ABCs of the River El héroe del cinco de Mayo Alma Flor Ada Ignacio Zaragoza Seguín Illustrations by Gabhor Utomo José Angel Gutiérrez English translation by Rosalma Zubizarretta-Ada Illustrations by Stephen Marchesi A Junior Library Guild Selection “Still, Silent wateR / StaRtS to Run / dancing oveR RockS, tuRning into Song.” ThiS bilingual pictuRe book RecountS the StoRy of the Battle of Puebla and Acclaimed childRen’S book authoR Alma FloR Ada and heR daughteR RoSalma the Mexican aRmy’S unexpected win againSt a much StRongeR foe. Today ZubizaRReta-Ada ShaRe ShoRt poemS foR childRen about RiveRS and the life found thiS victoRy iS celebRated in the United StateS aS Cinco de Mayo, a day to along them. commemoRate the Mexican RootS of many US citizenS. May 31, 2020, ISBN: 978-1-55885-899-2, HaRdcoveR, AgeS 5-10, 40 pageS, $17.95 May 31, 2020, ISBN: 978-1-55885-898-5, HaRdcoveR, AgeS 6-10, 32 pageS, $17.95 New Bilingual Flip Books From Farmworker to Astronaut Vincent Ventura and the Mystery of the Witch Owl My Path to the Stars A Monster Fighter Mystery Vincent Ventura y el misterio de la bruja lechuza De campesino a astronauta: Mi viaje a las estrellas Serie Exterminador de monstruos José M. Hernández Xavier Garza Spanish translation by Darío Zárate Figueroa Spanish translation by Gabriela Baeza Ventura “HeRnández'S amazing jouRney fRom toiling in a field of cucumbeRS to floating “ThiS fun, illuStRated SpaniSh/EngliSh ShoRt chapteR book haS enough Mex- among a field of StaRS iS a poweRful tale of peRSeveRance. ThiS account of tRi - ican folkloRe and AmeRican teen angSt to keep middle gRade and Reluctant umph oveR adveRSity may SucceSSfully ignite the Same dRive in otheR kidS." ReadeRS inteReSted in the otheRwoRldly adventuReS of the monSteR-fighteR —Kirkus Reviews extRaoRdinaiRe.” —School Library Journal OctobeR 31, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-55885-868-8, TRade PapeRback, AgeS 8-12, 384 pageS, $10.95 OctobeR 31, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-55885-890-9, TRade PapeRback, AgeS 8-12, 144 pageS, $9.95 The Taco Magician and Other Poems for Kids Jimena Pérez puede volar El mago de los tacos y otros poemas para niños Jimena Pérez Can Fly Diane Gonzales Bertrand Jorge Argueta Spanish translation by Rossy Lima Padilla English translation by Elizabeth Bell A Junior Library Guild Selection; Named to KiRkuS ReviewS ’ Best Books of 2019 The poemS in thiS collection will encouRage childRen ageS 8-12 to conSideR “ARgueta tellS the StoRy of 10-yeaR-old Jimena PéRez, who unexpectedly wRiting odeS to the impoRtant people and placeS in theiR own liveS. jouRneyS fRom heR home in El SalvadoR to the U.S. Told in a Sequence of ShoRt poemS fiRSt in SpaniSh and conSequently in EngliSh, thiS poignant “A candid book of poemS that may connect ReadeRS with affable memoRieS StoRy intRoduceS Jimena'S home thRough heR SenSeS. A poignant, SinceRe, aSSociated with theiR own childhoodS.” empathetic glimpSe at family boRdeR SepaRation.” —School Library Journal —Kirkus Reviews (StaRRed Review) OctobeR 31, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-55885-891-6, TRade PapeRback, AgeS 8-12, 112 pageS, $9.95 NovembeR 30, 2019, ISBN: 978-1-55885-889-3, TRade PapeRback, AgeS 10-15, 96 pageS, $10.95 PBC_2020.qxp_PBC Sample 2 3/16/20 5:14 PM Page 2 Bilingual Picture Books Available in Paperback Family, Familia MuffleR Man / El hombRe mofle Diane GonzaleS BeRtRand Tito CampoS IlluStRationS by Pauline RodRiguez HowaRd IlluStRationS by LambeRto and Beto ÁlvaRez SpaniSh tRanSlation by Julia MeRcedeS CaStilla SpaniSh tRanSlation by Evangelina Vigil-Piñón Young Daniel doeSn’t ShaRe hiS dad’S excitement about going to a family Reunion. But InSpiRed by hiS fatheR’S aRt—made of diScaRded, uSed muffleR paRtS—young Chuy once theRe, Daniel pleaSantly diScoveRS the meaning of family , familia . GaRcía helpS find a way foR hiS family to pRoSpeR in theiR new homeland. “ThiS iS a Solid choice foR StoRytime and claSSRoom ShaRing.” “The folkSy pRoSe with itS gently deliveRed meSSage iS extended by eye-catching —School Library Journal aRtwoRk.” —School Library Journal 1999, ISBN: 978-1-55885-270-9, TRade PapeRback, $7.95 2001, ISBN: 978-1-55885-557-1, TRade PapeRback, $7.95 AR Quiz #23995 | ATOS EngliSh: 3.5 | ATOS SpaniSh: 3.5 | ATOS IL: LG AR Quiz #53984 | ATOS EngliSh: 4.2 | ATOS SpaniSh: 4.2 | ATOS IL: LG Sip, SluRp, Soup, Soup / Caldo, caldo, caldo SalSa Lorito Diane GonzaleS BeRtRand Lilian Colón-Vilá Audiobooks IlluStRationS by Alex PaRdo DeLange IlluStRationS by RobeRta CollieR-MoRaleS SpaniSh tRanSlation by Julia MeRcedeS CaStilla Salsa intRoduceS ReadeRS to the delightS of thiS Rich muSic and the combination of AfRican, “[ThiS iS] a bRiSk bilingual text that uSeS Rhythmic pRoSe to tell a Simple StoRy. The CaRibbean and AmeRican cultuReS that cReated it. With vibRant illuStRationS that captuRe Repeated RefRain, ‘ Caldo, caldo, caldo ,’ giveS a pleaSantly Rhythmic feel to a family the veRy eSSence, SpiRit and Rhythm of SalSa, thiS pictuRe book danceS in ReadeRS’ handS. Ritual—making Soup and buying toRtillaS to eat with it.” 1998, ISBN: 978-1-55885-238-9, TRade PapeRback, $7.95 —School Library Journal AR Quiz #19994 | ATOS EngliSh: 2.7 | ATOS SpaniSh: 2.5 | ATOS IL: LG 1997, ISBN: 978-1-55885-241-9, TRade PapeRback, $7.95 AR Quiz #18301 | ATOS EngliSh: 3.1 | ATOS SpaniSh: 3.3 | ATOS IL: LG Chave’S MemoRieS / LoS RecueRdoS de Chave MaRia ISabel Delgado We ARe CouSinS / SomoS pRimoS IlluStRationS by Yvonne Symank Diane GonzaleS BeRtRand Included in the 1999-2000 Houston Area Independent School Library Network Recommended IlluStRationS by ChRiStina RodRiguez Reading List; Named a Commended Title, 1996 Américas Award for Children and Young Adult Named to the 2009-2010 Tejas Star Reading List Literature ThiS iS a loving, humoRouS StoRy about playmateS who aRe moRe than juSt fRiendS. “ThiS StoRy lendS itSelf eaSily to claSSRoom uSe . the RealiStic illuStRationS accom - “[A] joyouS bilingual, multicultuRal celebRation of the pleaSuReS of the extended family.” pany the text well.” —MultiCultural Review —Kirkus Reviews 1996, ISBN: 978-1-55885-244-0, TRade PapeRback, $7.95 AR Quiz #18342 | ATOS EngliSh: 3.6 | ATOS SpaniSh: 5.2 | ATOS IL: LG 2019, ISBN: 978-1-55885-502-1,TRade PapeRback, $7.95 AR Quiz #119000 | ATOS EngliSh: 1.2 | ATOS SpaniSh: 2 | ATOS IL: LG Icy WateRmelon / Sandía fRía MaRy Sue Galindo Lorito The LaSt Doll / La última muñeca Audiobooks IlluStRationS by Pauline RodRiguez HowaRd Diane GonzaleS BeRtRand IlluStRationS by Anthony AccaRdo Commended Title, 2000 Américas Award for Children’s and Young Adult Literature; Named a 2001 Parents’ Choice Approved Winner; Finalist, Tomás Rivera Mexican American Children’s Book Award “ThiS iS a high-inteReSt bilingual pReSentation of an impoRt ant HiSpanic Rite of paSSage.” ThRee couSinS enjoy Spending time with theiR abuelos , who teaSe theiR gRandchildRen with RiddleS called adivinanzas . So when GRandpa beginS to ReminiSce about hiS own —School Library Journal fatheR, and about the wateRmelonS they RaiSed long ago, the thRee youngSteRS “ThiS fRothy confection will pRobably delight the heaRtS of doll-loving giRlS and Recognize yet anotheR adivinanza in the telling. make non-LatinaS long foR theiR own quinceañera coming-out paRtieS.” “Highly Recommended foR any libRaRy oR bookStoRe SeRving HiSpanicS.” —Booklist —Críticas 2009, ISBN: 978-1-55885-291-4, TRade PapeRback, $7.95 2001, ISBN: 978-1-55885-307-2, TRade PapeRback, $7.95 AR Quiz #45974 | ATOS EngliSh 4.2 | ATOS SpaniSh 4.2 | ATOS IL-LG / SP-MG AR Quiz #42457 | ATOS EngliSh: 2.9 | ATOS SpaniSh: 2.9 | ATOS IL: LG 2 | 2020 Piñata Books for Children PBC_2020.qxp_PBC Sample 2 3/16/20 5:14 PM Page 3 Bilingual Picture Books Available in Paperback Juan and the ChupacabRaS / Juan y el ChupacabRaS The DeSeRt IS My MotheR / El deSieRto eS mi madRe XavieR GaRza Pat MoRa IlluStRationS by ApRil WaRd IlluStRationS by Daniel Lechón SpaniSh tRanSlation by CaRolina VillaRRoel Lorito Audiobooks Named to the 2007-2008 Tejas Star Reading List Recipient, 1995 Skipping Stones Honor Award; Included in the Houston Area Independent School Juan and hiS couSin SavoR Abuelo’S haiR-RaiSing StoRieS, but they aRe Skeptical when he Library Network Recommended Reading List for 2000 tellS them about a cReatuRe called the ChupacabRaS. “With a playful poetic text, thiS bilingual pictuRe book celebRateS a child’S connection “An excellent choice foR StoRytime and claSSRoom ShaRing.” —School Library Journal with heR deSeRt home.