
WRITTEN QUESTION E-1988/10 by João Ferreira (GUE/NGL) to the Commission

Subject: Support for conservation at the 'Valongo' () Natura 2000 site

The site known as 'Valongo', in Oporto district (northern Portugal), includes territory belonging to three municipalities, Gondomar, Paredes and Valongo, and is classified as a Site of Community Interest. as well as forming part of the Natura 2000 network - a classification which testifies to the importance of its natural assets. It includes a number of protected habitats offering exceptional conditions for wetland species (flora and reptiles and amphibians), and is an important refuge for water . It also includes the only locations in mainland Portugal where one can find the rare and highly endangered royal species macrocarpa and Trichomanes speciosum. The site is also home to Narcissus cyclamineus, a species unique to Iberia which is at risk of extinction, as well being as the only location in all of mainland for Lycopodium cernuum and one of the most important sites for the gold-striped salamander (Chioglossa lusitanica), including a number of confirmed reproduction areas for that species found only in the .

Despite its importance, this site is now under threat from a number of factors, among them the deterioration in the quality of the water of the Ferreira river and its tributaries, the degradation of the forests, forest fires and the deteriorating system of mines and pits. There has not been sufficient funding to deal with these threats and promote the conservation of the site's natural assets.

Can the Commission state:

1. what programmes and measures could be activated in support of the conservation of the above- mentioned natural assets;

2. what Community funds could be mobilised to fight pollution of the Sousa and Ferreira rivers?

809533.EN PE 436.137