SKULL%% Parietal Tcmp0ra| . \ Pterion, \ \ Superior temporal line Inferior temporal line Supraorbital notch (foramen) Groove for \ superior \ Occipital sagittal sinus \ bone . . Frontal crest Frontal bone\ - Groove for anterior meningeal vessels Foramen cecum Superior surface of orbital part Ethmoid bone- *

Frontal bone

Coronal suture Glabella Supraorbital a notch (foramen)

Orbital surface Sphenoid bone Nasal bone Temporal bone Lacrimal bone Ethmoid bone

Zygomatic bone

inferior nasal com ha Maxilla Superior view

Frontal bone %BONES% Coronal suture Bregma Parietal bone

Sagittal suture Inferior view Frontal crest Frontal bone - S~ (for emissary vein) Groove for superior Lambda sagittal sinus

Coronal suture Parietal bone Granular foveolae (for arachnoid granulations) V: Diploe - Grooves for branches of middle meningeal vessels Parietal bone Grooves for branches of middle Temporal bone Lambdoid suture Occipital bone Coronal Internal suture acoustic

Sphenoid bone

Frontal bone Lambdoid suture / Ethmoid bone ; Occipital Crista galli bone Cribriform plate

Perpendicular plate - r . Nasal bone

Inferior nasal concha

Palatine bone Maxilla ]

Vomer LANDMARKS% Craniomefric Points. Lateral View

bregma: point of coronal and vertex saggital sutures Dieama apex

pterion: point of temporal, sphenoid and parietal bones pterion



glabella opisthocranion nasion: frontonasal suture nasion ectoconchion 1 FRANKFORT PlANE-orbitale to porlon olare nasospinale condylion prosthlon mastokjale alveolare incision ' ectomolare Infradentale - gonlon

pogonlon Condylar Head Coronoid process Neck


Angl Base of mandible Mandible of adult: Body anterolateral superior view

Coronoid process. Head. ly Condylar process Neck y' -Lingula Mandibular foramen Pterygoid fovea Mylohyoid groove

Mylohyoid line Ramus

I r /

Angle Submandibular fossa v Sublingual fossa Mandible of adult: -Digastric fossa left posterior view Mental spines Frontal bone

Nasal bone Parietal bone

Sphenoid bone-

MAXILLA% Lacrimal bone Temporal bone

.. Ethmoid bone .. ¥.. Zygomatic bone

Inferior nasal concha


Maxilla r Mandible V

Orbital surface

Infraorbital foramen

Frontal process Alveolar pn

Anterior nasal spine

Central incisors

Incisive lossa Lateral incisors

Canines ftilatine process of maxilla I si premolars IB

2nd premolars

V -1 st molars Horizontal plate of J 2nd molars V

3rd molars



Greater and lesser palatine | foramina 4 Upper permanent teeth Parietal bone Frontal bone Temporal bone OCCIPITAL% Ethmoid bone Occipital bone Lacrimal bone

Nasal bone Sphenoid bone External occipital protuberance Zygomatic bone V Maxilla


Transverse palatine suture

Zygomatic bone J Maxilla

Frontal bone Palatine bone

Sphenoid bone Vomer

Temporal bone (jugular \- foramen in its depth)

Parietal bone Occipital bone External occipital c rest

Hypoglossal canaP f Occipital condyle' . Condylar and fossa' 2 Basilar part' Inferior nuchal line' Superior nuchal line External occipital protuberance Frontal bone SPHENOID%

Sphenoid bone Ethmoid bone Lesser wing .til Greater wing X Groove for middle meningeal vessels (frontal branches) Body Jugum with Prechiasmatic groove o Sella turcica - Hypophyseal fossa Posterior clinoid process Occipital bone (for int. carotid a.) Parietal bone Temporal bone

Frontal bone Vomer

Sphenoid bone Maxilla I lamulus Medial plate Pterygoid process- Palatine bone Lateral plate T Zygomatic bone Greater wing -

Foramen ovale - Spine Temporal bone Occipital bone Temporal bone Parietal Squamous part bone I'tcrion Zygomatic process ZYGOMATIC% Frontal boneN External acoustic meatus Sphenoid bone Mastoid process TEMPORAL% Ethmoid bone,. Lambdoid suture

Lacrimal bone - N, \ V Occipital bone Nasal bone

-I Maxilla- styloid process

Zygomatic bone Temporal bone -jf-Mandible Squamous part Petrous part Groove for lesser petrosal n. Groove for greater petrosal n.- Trigeminal impression. Arcuate eminence- Groove for superior petrosal sinus Groove for sigmoid sinus

Zygomatic bone [temporal process Frontal bonev \ Sphenoid bone Maxilla Temporal bone Zygomatic process Palatine bone Articular tubercle

Mandibular lussciN Vomer Styloid process Foramen lacerum (external opening) Tympanic canaliculus Groove for pharyngotympanic External acoustic meatus (auditory) tube Mastoid process Petrous part Mastoid notch (for digastric m.) Occipital groove (for occipital a.) C\- ' with Jugular fossa ( in its depth) 1 Parietal bone Occipital bone