Travel with Mediacorp Artiste Mr Zheng GePing 5D4N + 2N Bangkok Bangkok - Paro – – Punakha (PBBK7)

“The Kingdom of Bhutan or Drukyul (Land of the Thunder Dragon) is a paradise that awaits you. It is known as ‘The Last Shangrila on Earth’. For the true and discerning traveler who loves exploring virgin territory with breathtaking natural beauty featuring stunning landscapes, majestic snow-laden mountains and glaciers, sparkling waterfalls and crystal blue lakes and skies.

Bhutan is the land of Happiness as proclaimed by His Majesty the Fourth , . His Majesty said “Gross National Happiness is more important that Gross Domestic Product”.

Bhutan celebrates “Visit Bhutan 2015 Happiness” and to commemorate the 60th birth anniversary of his majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuk, the 4th king of Bhutan” as tag line. Those who join the specially and exclusively operated direct chartered flight onboard Bhutan Airlines in partnership with ASA Holidays under the aegis of Tourism Council of Bhutan, Royal Government of Bhutan will be given a exclusively designed and special Certificate duly signed by prominent person to every participant who will become the happiest people in this world for being in the Kingdom of Happiness, BHUTAN. ”

Exclusive / Tour Highlights : Bhutan – The Land of the Thunder Dragon P Kyichu Temple is one of the 108 temple built in 7 century A.D P Chime Lhakhang - The Temple of Fertility built in 15th century by Lama Drukpa Kinley P Punakha Dzong - one of the most beautiful dzongs in Bhutan P Dochu la pass - stunning scenery of Himalayan ranges P Taktsang Temple - one of the most sacred places in Bhutan Special Departure:

Day 1 (Nov 14) Singapore / Bangkok Nov 14 Assemble at Singapore Changi Airport and fly to Bangkok.

Day 2 (Nov 15) Bangkok (B) Explore the streets of this fascinating city as the locals do – on a tuk-tuk, by bicycle and on foot. Spend the day shopping, sightseeing at your own leisure.

Day 3 (Nov 16) Bangkok / Paro - Thimphu (50 km, 1 hour drive) (B/L/D) This morning, fly to Paro . Your holiday begins with the panoramic view of the Himalayan range from your Bhutan Airline seat, where you’ll be greeted by Mt. Everest and Mt. Kanchenjunga, and our very own Mt. Jomolhari and Mt. Jichu Drakey. Upon arrival you’ll be received by our friendly professional guides who will help you settle into your comfortable car and you will drive to the capital city, Thimphu. Visit Traditional Handmade Paper Factory ; Post office where you can create personalized postage stamps; Changlimithang Stadium & Ground, Changangkha Lhakhang ; Visit Bhutan Handicraft Emporium & Authentic Bhutanese Craft Street

Day 4 (Nov 17) Thimphu - Punakha sightseeing (77 km, 3 hours drive)(B/L/D) After a pleasant breakfast, drive to Punakha , driving past Dochula pass (3115m) where the Druk Wangyel Chortens are located, a collection of 108 Stupas which symbolize the greatness of the 4th King. Enjoy spectacular views of the Himalayan ranges. Visit Chhimi Lhakhang (1499), the fertility monastery built in dedication to the ‘Divine Madman’, a much revered lama known for his eccentric ways for teachings. Our escort will narrate the entire story during a short hike up to the temple.

PBHB6 Nov15 REV Updated as at 12Aug @ 3pm Local Farm House visit to see how Bhutanese farmers live The Punakha Dzong (built 1637) is the most beautiful fortress of Bhutan and is strategically located in between two mighty rivers, the Pho Chu and Mochu. The fabulous woodwork represents the finest example of Bhutanese architecture. Explore the city in the evening.

Day 5 (Nov 18) Punakha-Thimphu Sightseeing (77 km, 3 hours drive) (B/L/D) After early Breakfast drive back to Thimphu , your travel escort will take you to some of the treasures of the capital - Visit the National Folk Heritage Museum – a traditional Bhutanese lift glimpse, the Textile Museum , the Memorial Chorten (Stupa) and the Buddha Point (Kuenselphodrang) , the sitting Buddha statue is 167 feet high and situated on top of hill overlooking the city of Thimphu. Visit Motithang Takin Preserve (Mini Zoo) , a wildlife reserve area for Takin, the national animal of Bhutan. The Zorig Chusum School of 13 traditional arts/crafts

***Additional Cultural Event To truly immerse you in all things Bhutanese & enable visitors to enjoy an authentic experience in a country steeped in mysticism, rich in culture & tradition, we will arrange a private dinner served under colorful traditional tents with blazing bon fire to keep you warm. Authentic local delicacies from around Bhutan will be served and a culture program will be performed to entertain guests. All Guest will have the option to wear the national costume “Gho” for men & “Kira” for women, for the event. Group photo will be taken in the national attire and presented to guest before their departure from Bhutan. The group photo will be signed by a prominent person.

Day 6 (Nov 19) Thimphu - Paro Sightseeing (50 km, 1 hour drive) (B/L/D) After having breakfast at the hotel, the highlight of the day: Hike up the hill to visit the famous Tiger’s Nest temple and spend rest of the evening in the local market. Taktsang Monastery (Tiger’s Nest Temple) : The most famous of Bhutanese monasteries, it is said that Guru Rinpoche arrived here on the back of a tigress and meditated at this monastery hence it is called Tiger’s Nest. Precariously perched on the edge of 1,200 meter cliff, this monastery creates an impressive sight, and is the unofficial symbol of Bhutan. It is about 2-hour up-hill hike or ride a horse from the parking lot to the monastery. If the full hike sounds a bit tough you can hike for 1 hour to the cafeteria, a wooden tea-house restaurant which offers a good view of the monastery. (Horse & pony charges is US$ 20 paid directly to the Local tour leader) Note: Please wear comfortable shoes or hiking boots. Not recommended for pregnant women and those with health condition visitors. Drukgyel Dzong , a victory fortress of the 17th century. the 7th century Kyichu Lhakhang , one of the oldest monasteries in the country built by the Tibetan King Songsten Gampo

Day 7 (Nov 20) Paro – Singapore (B/L) After Breakfast we will take a short drive around Paro valley which will include: Rinpung Dzong (Paro Dzong) or “the fortress of the heap of jewels” is a large Dzong - Buddhist monastery and fortress. It houses the district Monastic Body and government administrative offices of Paro District. visit the National Museum , it has a unique character and beautiful panoramic views over Paro Valley. Opened in 1968, its collection of fine arts, paintings and bronzes are famous. Visit Hotel Uma by COMO, an intimate, 29-room resort featuring exclusive private villas in Bhutan with an enviable location in the Paro Valley. This is the place where Chinese actors, Tony Leung & Carina Lau wed in July 21, 2008. It’s the ideal place to enjoy evening tea/coffee (own expense) and to stroll along the sprawling pine forested compounds before you depart for the airport. (Arrived Singapore on Day 8-Nov 21 @ 0130hrs)

REMARKS 1. Flights are subject to government and regulatory approval. 2. Tipping for Guide & Driver US$6/pax/day (Adult & Child) ,total USD30/pax/tour; Bangkok SGD10/pax 3. In the event of local religious festivals, unforeseen circumstances and /or bad weather condition, the sequence of the itinerary may be changed or alternative sites substituted in without prior notice and/or at short notice in order to ensure smoother journey and tour. 4. Tours is conducted in English. 5. VISA Foreign nationals (except Indian nationals) are required to pay a Visa Fee (non refundable) 6. The sequence of the itinerary is subject to change without prior notice 7. In the event of discrepancies between English and Chinese itineraries, the formed prevails. 8. Passengers purchase optional excursions or Horse & Pony ride are on their own expenditure and at their own risk; ASA Holidays will not be responsible. Therefore, travel insurance is recommended to ensure coverage.

PBHB6 Nov15 REV Updated as at 12Aug @ 3pm 与新传媒艺人 郑各评 一起寻访国民幸福指数 “GNH” 的缔造国, 最后的香格里拉 —— 不丹王国! 让您梦回伊甸园,寻找幸福密码。

5 天 4 晚 不丹之旅 + 2 晚曼谷 感受幸福国度的简单快乐 曼谷 - 帕罗 - 廷布 - 普纳卡 (PBBK7)

不丹王国又称之为德鲁裘尔(雷龙国土),是一个人间天堂,等候您光临观光。 此王国以“地球上最末端的世外桃源”著称,凡是有识别和讲究旅游者,都喜欢 寻密探幽大自然原始状态,充满壮丽大自然景色的国土,且以魅力景致,令人叹 为观止的白雪,皑皑高山和冰川 ,波光粼粼的瀑布以及碧绿如晶的湖和蔚蓝色的天 空,最佳前往不丹观光一游。

不丹城是一个欢乐无忧的国土,正如不丹四世王国所宣称的,四世王国 说:“国民的快乐总值总比国民生产总值来的更重要。”

不丹欢庆它的欢乐国土而以“2015 年观光幸福不丹、及以纪念诞生 60 周 年他陛下吉格梅 · 辛格 · 旺楚克不丹第四代国王”作为他的品牌,凡 是参加乘搭由不丹航空公司联同中欧航旅在不丹旅游局赞助下所协办独特 优惠经营的直飞包机将获得由不丹当局颁发的独特设计证书。凭此证书,您将成为最快乐幸福的人。

行程特色 : 不丹 – 人们向往的幸福国度 • 不丹最古老和最美丽的寺院 -祈楚寺 • 切米拉康 -纪念癫狂圣僧朱卡库拉降伏恶魔而建的寺庙 , 又称求子圣地 • 普纳卡宗 -全不丹最美丽的宗堡与幸福圣殿 • 多雄拉山口 - 可欣赏到喜马拉雅山脉的壮丽景色 特别出发: • 帕罗虎穴寺 -被誉为世界十大寺庙之一 11 月 14 第一天 (11 月 14):新加 坡曼谷 齐集樟宜机场 , 搭乘飞机前往泰国曼谷。 抵达后, 入住酒店。

第二天(11 月 15 ): 曼谷 ( 早) 曼谷全天自由活动

第三天(11 月 16):曼谷 帕罗 v廷布 (午/晚) 今早,搭乘不丹航空飞往坐落于群山之中的帕罗国际机场,这绝对是段最特别的乘机经历,飞机会飞越 喜马拉雅山。在抵达神龙之国前 25 分钟,最佳的机会您可以欣赏到喜马拉雅山脉的壮观景色,机长便 会为您指示一连串的世界著名高峰:珠穆朗玛(像一座黑色金字塔),马卡鲁峰(形似椅子的灰色山 峰),世界第三峰 —干城章嘉峰等等。帕罗--不丹第二大城 – 素有雷龙之国的称谓。 不丹首都 -廷布 传统 手工 造纸 厂 不丹国家邮政总局 ,自费定制自己头像的邮票作为纪念或可以邮寄 不丹体育场 、射箭场 ;章岗拉康 建于 12 世纪,由不丹宗教之父 PhajoDrugomShigpo 选址兴建 不丹工艺品商场 及 正宗 不丹工艺街

第四天(11 月 17):廷布 -普纳卡 (早/午/晚)  多雄拉山口 ( Dochu La Pass) 欣赏到喜马拉雅山脉的壮丽景色  "108 座佛塔 "也被称为 "楚克旺耶纪念碑 "

PBHB6 Nov15 REV Updated as at 12Aug @ 3pm 切米拉康 (Chimi Lhakhang) 纪念癫狂圣僧朱卡库拉而建的。据说,此地为求子圣地,不孕妇女来此朝 拜便可怀孕,因而又称求子庙。 普纳卡宗 是不丹的第二座城堡,前不丹政府所在地,全不丹最美的古堡 参观 不丹农场 ,体验当地百姓的生活

第五天(11 月 18):普纳卡 -廷布 (早/午/晚) 民俗博物馆 收集了来自于王室和民间的珍贵古董,可以洞察不丹迷人的传统文化和生活方式 不丹 纺织品厂 - 从小箱包、外套到设计独特、色彩诱人的布料,应有尽有。 不丹 国家纪念碑 (National Memorial Chorten) 是廷布的标志,为世界和平而建的纪念碑 不丹大佛 - 不丹最大的一尊最大的释迦摩尼坐像 塔金动物保护园区 观看不丹的国兽 —塔金(Takin ), 这种羊头牛身的动物只在不丹能够看见 不丹国家绘画艺术学院 - 参观学生在这里学习不丹的 13 种传统手工艺 穿着不丹传统民族服装及观赏民族歌舞表演 - SGD35/ 人 要真正让你沉浸在一个真实的体验幸福国度,丰富的文化与传统,我们将安排丰富多彩的传统帐篷下配上燃 烧的篝火晚会,让你感到温暖的私人晚宴。地道的当地美食,并沉浸在不丹传统舞蹈表演中。所有的客人将 可以选择穿不丹的传统服装,男子的长袍叫做“够”(gho ),女子的衣服叫做“起袜”(kira )。并拍照留 念、每人将获赠将由一位知名人士签署合影作为纪念。

第六天(11 月 19):廷布 -帕罗 (早/午/晚) 举世闻名的《虎穴寺 》您可以选择攀登或者自费骑马上山,这里是不丹的象征。虎穴寺地势险要,这 座雄伟壮观的寺庙位于帕罗山谷上方 900 米高的悬崖峭壁上,海拔 3000 多米,是不丹国内最神圣的佛 教寺庙,被誉为世界十大超级寺庙之一。据古代经书记载,传说中的第二位佛,相传莲花生大师 Guru Rinpoche 当年从印度去西藏,骑虎飞过此地,在这里修行。曾在一处山洞中冥想,就是现在的虎穴 寺。虎穴寺作为不丹最重要的佛教圣地,游客有幸踏入这座不丹 “悬空 ”的神秘佛殿。但摄影、摄像设备 和背包都得寄放在寺庙之外,不得带入这片圣地。徒步到达这所寺庙需要大约 4-5 小时,途中有嘹望台 和自助餐厅,这里的餐非常的简单,上下山分别需要 2 个小时,健行时,您可根据自己的身体状况决定 是否走完全程,或者走一半再依原路返回。(可自费骑马美金 20 元)。游罢后, 可闲暇逛逛帕罗市 区。注:要登山上虎穴寺的游客请穿舒适的步鞋或登山鞋。不建议孕妇和有健康状况的游客登山。 杜克耶堡 (Drukgyel Dzong )于 1649 年建造,为纪念不丹战胜西藏入侵者而建 不丹最古老和最美丽的寺院 -祈楚寺 。著名香港影星梁朝伟和刘嘉玲曾在此举办瞩目的世纪婚礼

第七天(11 月 20 ):帕罗 新加坡 (早/午) 帕罗宗 —日蓬堡 (Rinpung Dzong )是不丹最为知名的寺庙,意为 “一堆珠宝上的城堡 ” 国家博物馆 珍藏不丹丰富文物 参观香港明星梁朝伟与刘嘉玲选择结婚的酒店 —— 不丹的 Uma Paro 酒店 。此酒店前身为不丹贵族的 寓所,环境清幽,酒店只有二十间客房和九座别墅,全部房间的窗口都可看到优美风景,就连不丹公主 也曾入住该酒店的别墅套房。 再见不丹,回返新加坡。祝您有个愉快又难忘的不丹假期。与中欧航旅度过美好时光。谢谢您的支持 。 ( 抵达新加坡在第八天 11 月 21 日的凌晨 0130hrs)

*备注 : 1. 可上航班有待两国有关当局最终批准 2. 不含导游司机小费-美金 6 元每人每天,共 5 天 USD30/人/团; 曼谷 SGD10/人/团 3. 当地旅行社有权视当地的情况更改行程次序,酒店住宿或膳食。任何叁人房都以折叠式加床为标准 4. 不丹签证:所有外国人士需申请不丹签证入境(除了印度护照)不丹签证也不能单独办理,必须向旅行社代理才能申办 5.有关航空如遇不可抗拒之情况或班机调度的因素而造成班机 变动及延误,保留变更行程之权利若中英文行程版本出现不 符之处,将以英文版本为依据 6. 在选择攀登或者自费骑马上虎穴寺;本公司将不承担任何责任及风险。因此,本公司建议你买旅游保险,为您的旅游有个 保障。 7. 游访宗教圣地,旅客服装须整齐。如果被拒进入,中欧航旅 将不负任何责任。 8. 行程次序或会因宗教活动、未曾预见的气候状况有所更动,如有任何改动,恕不另行通知。

PBHB6 Nov15 REV Updated as at 12Aug @ 3pm