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Main article: Pain in the Brain

Junction: Michel ten Bulte

Master Thesis: Ornithopter Flight Dynamics

Year 36 Edition 2 1 Applied Micro Electronics “AME“ B.V.

AME is an independent developer and manufacturer of high quality electronic products located in the top tech- Title Blablanological region of the world (Brainport Eindhoven). Our goal is to create innovative products that exceed customer expectations. We accomplish this by in- tegrating product development and manufac- turing and keeping a clear focus on the product and its function. Introduction

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Do you ever feel like a plastic bag running in the wind? Only then instead of plastic you feel more like Jabba the Hutt after being strangled. That’s how it feels after running the Batavierenrace. Feeling those endorphins running through your body and hearing President the loud cheers of the supporters does however give a sensational vibe to this. You always start in a good mood, thinking you can do this! This is what you have trained for that one time, now comes

88th Bo cintilla the time to shine! And then you shine! … For like the first 500 ard of E.T.S.V. S meter. After that, it is just surviving, pulling yourself together and showing everyone that even though you are an electrical engineer, you can do sports!

And this years edition was a special one! The mood rises like the oxygen in the How? I don’t know yet, because as of air. And together with those little lambs writing this piece, I haven’t actually ran and little plants we have the pleasure of it yet. But I’m sure it will be a sight to seeing our association shine in all kinds behold! of activities that are left this year. Be- cause now comes the times of barbecues Another thing that is special is the way and bonfires, when people try to get how time has the ability to fly. Because the last study points of the year while the time between my last presidential also having more important things to note and this one seemed to have gone drink. But of course there are also more by like during a cantus. And in the serious activities that you can join, like meantime we as a board have done our the cantus or the annual scrapheap chal- best to keep the association running and lenge! So I would suggest that you take thriving. With notable activities as the your time to enjoy yourself and join one Skitilla ski trip and the prom as high- of the many festive occasions, because lights between all the other activities there is only one summer every year! that were held. Dames en heren, And now our time is slowly coming to an end. But in these last months when Op de koningin, op Scintilla! the weather is getting better and na- ture is starting to flourish with new life, Scintilla will also be blessed with little lambs called candidate board members. These lambs will happily start jumping around and being cute. Additionally, the Scintilla room has been improved Koen Raben, President of the 88th by the coming of various lovely plants. board of E.T.S.V. Scintilla

Year 36 Edition 2 3 tablearticle of contents table of contentsarticle

Masthead 08 Main Article Junction 20 Editorial So it is Wednesday evening and I am De Vonk BSS wrote a article about pain. We know This time we have the amazing Michel in the Scintilla Room once again. Af- Periodical of E.T.S.V. Scintilla. Publis- you might have some headache now from ten Bulte in our junction! Go quickly to ter some refreshing drinks and some hed four times a year in the amount of BSS al the studying, so quickly go to page 8 to page 20 to find out more about the life of warm food, I got the honour to write 775 copies. find out more on pain diagnostic tools. Michel. the Editorial. Year 36, Edition 2 Junction So I started this evening with some May 2018 spellchecking so other could do the Editorial team layouting. I hate layouting, so I just will not do that. After spellchecking I got Lynn Bruins, Mark van Holland, Jippe 23 Master Education 36 to do something fun! Go through all Rossen, Céline Steenge, Maarten Steven Gies did his master thesis with Stef will tell you more on how to get your Thoonen, Nahuel Manterola, Rik the photo’s of the last activities and see Clear Flight Solutions. Here he did mea- opinion heard in the UT councling. Also whether there are some beautiful pic- Engel, Wim Hoek, Gino van Spil, surements and analysis of the Robird’s more information on the higher hierachy Marissa Jonker, Guus Fri tures of members. I always have a nice Flapping Wing. More about this can be is given. Learn more and go to page 37. time picking photo’s. However, Lynn found on page 23. Cover Artist also hates layouting so she started put- Mathijs Aanen ting the photo’s in InDesign. Board Representative Friso van der Boom And that is why I am writing this. Be- Print News On Location cause everyone else is busy. Mark is Gildeprint, Enschede Shell Excursion layouting the Scintilla activities; Wim 06 28 is layouting News and Jippe is Jippe so Editorial office probably he is doing something useful. E.T.S.V. Scintilla, University of Twente, Postbus 217, 7500 AE Enschede, Main Article Datasheet You might think, I miss some people.. 0031 53 489 2810 Pain in the Brain That is true.. Guus is at home relaxing [email protected] 08 30 because he does not love us. We did however some voting, and Guus will Material bake a pie for the next Vonk meeting. [email protected] Activities Electric Superbike So maybe is looking for recipes. Maar- ten is trying to not look like an EE per- 32 son and is being social with the hockey All members of Scintilla receive De 13 people. Edwin (Nahuel, but this is to Vonk free of charge by post. difficult for me) is doing..? We do not Advertorial Advertorial really know, but I saw him walking to- Nothing in this magazine may be du- day! Almost the same is true for Rik. plicated or copied without explicit per- AME TNO No clue what he is doing, but he voted mission from the editorial team of De 34 16 in favour of Guus baking a pie. For Ma- Vonk . rissa, I also do not know where she is.

The editorial team reserves the right to Photo Page Education So now you know enough about our change or exclude material provided by Students in the university council layout evening to start reading the third parties, in part or in whole. The 18 36 Vonk. We tried to fill it with some lo- opinions expressed in the articles are vely articles you can all relate to. not necessarily shared by the editorial team. Junction Puuzle With love, Céline ISSN 0925-5421 Meet Michel ten Bulte 37 Year 36 20 Year 36 4 Edition 2 Edition5 2 Master Assignment 23 Ornithopter Flight Dynamics Year 36 Year 36 5 4 Edition 2 Edition 2 news news News for the In other news Electrical Engineer

It is now practical to electric cars are starting to have induc- stops, they become a lot more feasible. refuel electric vehicles tion pickup loops preinstalled. Toyota, At this point, wirelessly charged buses Audi, BMW, Daimler, Ford, Jaguar, run in Mannheim, Utrecht, Genoa, through thin air Mercedes-Benz and Volvo are likely to Turin, Salt Lake City and a number of launch remote-charging-ready vehicles cities in California. More cities are ex- At this time, there are still a lot of prac- soon. pected to follow in the future, including tical problems with recharging electri- Los Angeles. Future research is now cal cars, charging stations are not that Not only electrical cars will start to be directed at charging vehicles while mo- ubiquitous yet. Would they be there, wirelessly chargeable. A firm plans to ving. they lead to street clutter and the cop- install a wireless charging system for per makes them a target for thieves. container stackers in the port of Los An- The charging cables are also a tripping geles. At this point, the charging cables and-technology/21730623-electromagnetic- hazard. Therefore, engineers are looking may only be plugged in by electricians, induction-gets-rid-cables-it-now-practical-ref uel?zid=291&ah=906e69ad01d2ee519601 for a way to wirelessly charge cars. At which makes the vehicles expensive to 00b7fa502595 this point you can buy a wireless char- operate. Another promising type of ve- Figure 2. laptop with 2 4x4 element antennas. tant, the positioning is too. 5G signals ging kit for $2500 to $4000, but it is a hicle is buses. Now, electrical buses are are a lot more directional and suffer bit of a DIY solution and involves a loss impractical due to the long charging The World’s First 3nm Extreme Ultra-Violet Lithography is the etching process, 193nm. from much higher losses. Therefore, of input power of 11%. But as of 2018, times. If buses can recharge at certain used for the tapeout. This is a lithograp- multi-pronged antennas have to be de- Tapeout: Cadence hy technique using a ultra-violet wave- signed. Intel showcased a PC with 5G and Imec Demonstra- length of only 13.5nm. The process still world-first-3nm-tapeout-lithography-Caden- with two large 4x4 element antennas suffers from some precision problems, ce-Design-Systems-Imec/ on the back, as can be seen in the pic- te Novel Lithography due to the highly specialized mirrors ture. Software regulates signal reception Techniques needed to reflect the UV light. Still, MWC: Are Your 5 Fin- handoff if one of the arrays is blocked. high-volume is expected by 2020. Major There is still a lot of research to be done semiconductor companies have allotted gers Blocking Your regarding the best antenna configurati- Cadence Design Systems and Imec have resources to developing the method, as 5G? ons. They will inevitably have to com- announced the first 3nm tapeout. This it is one of the more promising ways to pete for space with batteries. allows even more FinFET transistor no- shrink transistor sizes. des to be implemented on one chip. At the Mobile World Congress, a lot of Another technique used is 193 Immer- chips, antennas and other developments id=1333026 In 2015, the two companies produced sion Lithography. This means a liquid for 5G were announced. The mobile in- a 5nm tapeout. The test chip produced medium instead of an air gap is used dustry plans to have a network up and is a 64-bit MCU, using a 3nm standard between the optics and the wafer stage. running by 2019. However, there are a cell library, TRIM metal flow, and a Because this fluid has a refractive index lot of problems still. routing pitch of 21nm. This is a big step, greater than 1, higher resolutions are With wavelengths in the millimeter as making smaller transistors is a major possible. The 193 in the name comes range, there are new challenges. Not Figure 1. Setup used for 3nm lithography challenge. from the wavelength of the light used in only is the strength of the signal impor-

Year 36 Year 36 7 6 Edition 2 Edition 2 main article main article

prehensibly large networks inside our very specific stimulation of the neurons brains. The combination of specialized located most nearby the electrode. The Pain in the Brain stimulators and electrodes with mathe- development of the AmbuStim is still matical techniques from statistics, signal ongoing, as new features are required to Developing Diagnostic Tools for the Human Pain System processing and telecommunications en- improve pain diagnostics. gineering help to shed light on the pro- perties of those networks. Even though we can accurately regulate the current pulses, we cannot simply sti- Stimulation mulate a single input. Instead, it’s input consists of billions of nerve fibers of va- rious kinds spread out over our bodies. One way to measure properties of the Generally, the fibers that provide input Pain affects the life of large amount of people. Almost everybody pain system is by determining input- into the pain system consist of 3 cate- has had a period in their life in which they suffered from a lot of output relations. To provide the pain gories (Figure 2). The largest fibers (A- system with an input, we use small loca- beta) are responsible for the conduction pain, by injuries, illnesses, surgeries or just spontaneously. Pain is BSS lized electrical currents to elicit action of tactile signals from the skin. Even not only a major physical and psychological burden for patients, potentials in pain-specific nerves. A though these fibers are not responsible but also has big economic and social impact on society. In Europe, major development project within our for the sensation of pain, they partially Figure 2. it was found that over the range of one month 20.2% of all people engineering, this is not the reason for group was the NociTrack AmbuStim connect to the same pathways in the suffer a form of pain. There is a big group among those people that writing this article. Diagnosing pain is stimulator, which is designed to provide spinal cord as the pain-specific fibers. those electrodes generate. One of the very complicated and we need engineers accurate electrical stimuli to the nervous Those fibers have a smaller diameter and electrodes we developed for specific sti- experiences chronic pain which was shown to have a prevalence of to develop smart tools to make smart system. Figure 1 shows a block diagram lie more superficially in the skin, the A- mulation of A-delta fibers (the IES-5, up to 30%. Forty percent of those people indicate to receive inade- measurements. Challenges in our field with the components of this stimulator. delta and C-fibers. To reduce activity of Figure 2) uses micro-needles to pene- quate treatment for their pain [1]. Even though it is already bad include the development of specialized The stimulator has to be isolated from tactile neurons, which would distort the trate the skin approximately 0.2 mm to to have pain due to an injury, chronic pain is completely different stimulation electrodes, medical-grade the power network for patient safety. activity of the pain-specific neurons, it is come close to the A-delta and C fibers in the sense that it can occur without a reason and keeps coming stimulation devices and software, re- Therefore, we have made a stimulator necessary to stimulate the A-delta and [2]. Due to the shape of the needles, cording signals of just a few micro-volts which can be used wireless in most of C fibers as specific as possible. the current density will only be strong back. People with chronic pain often receive an inadequate tre- and analyzing large amounts of recor- the cases and a trigger input which is enough for stimulation of nerves around atment because it is very difficult to determine the reason of the ded data. insulated from the stimulation circuit. Another practical engineering challenge the needle, excluding the more deeply chronic pain and which treatment could help to ease the pain. Furthermore, it can generate arbitrary is to develop electrodes for the specific located A-beta fibers. Since an electrode Therefore, there is a need for improved and new diagnostics of Moreover, it can be very helpful to look sequences of stimuli which can be pro- stimulation ofthese nerve fibers. Deve- with needles requires sterilization, deve- pain. To do so, we need to discover why, where and how our pain at the nervous system from an enginee- grammed and adapted in real-time via lopment of those electrodes involves 1) lopment of a needle-less electrode that is ring point-of-view. Our body includes LabView, providing us with an ideal choosing the structure and materials of as accurate and specific as the IES-5 is a system is generating this spontaneous pain. an incredibly complex system of nerves. interface for adaptive testing of input- the electrode, 2) modeling the current current subject of research. The connections between those nerves output relations. In addition, this sti- density during stimulation and the as- You might wonder what the connection ring. Even though mental pain is one comprise relatively simple circuits inside mulator can accurately stimulate at in- sociated activation of nerve fibers and Recording is between pain and electrical enginee- of the side-effects of studying electrical our tissue and spinal cord, and incom- tensities as low as 8 uA, which allows for 3) testing and validating the sensations

It would be impossible to characterize properties of the system, if we cannot measure the output. There is a wide vari- ety of psychophysical and physiological techniques available to measure a sub- ject’s response to a stimulus. Because we focus on the development of clinically applicable diagnostic methods for chro- nic pain, the method should be quick and relatively low-cost. Until recently, we have only used psychophysical measurements to quantify the output. The field of psychophysics studies the properties of stimulus perception. Our Figure 1. Figure 3.

Year 36 Year 36 9 8 Edition 2 Edition 2 main article main article

mind is a very advanced classification rious techniques (PET, fMRI, MEG, activity. system and can perceive a wide variety EEG) are available to have a look inside of stimuli: it can distinguish around a the black box which is our brain. To ob- To understand the difficulties associ- million colors, subtle tactile sensations serve electrophysiological activity with ated with analysis of the EEG signal, and very low electrical currents in the a high temporal accuracy we can use we should start at the source-level. The skin (as small as 0.05 mA), which we magnetoencephalography (MEG) and outer layer of the brain, the cortex, con- use in our research. In the case of pain, electroencephalography (EEG). While sists of many billions of neurons, each the classification of your mind will dif- MEG is temporally accurate and pro- creating a small dipole field when they fer with respect to the input it receives vides a higher spatial resolution than fire. When millions similarly oriented from the spinal cord. Therefore, by mea- EEG, it is only sensitive to activity of neurons fire synchronously, they might suring the probability of your decision tangentially oriented neurons, while generate a local potential that is suf- with respect to the stimuli, we can also pain elicits activity in both radially and ficiently high to be measured by EEG. observe changes in the processing of tangentially oriented neurons. There- The shape of the potential field crea- Figure 5. your spinal cord. One of the methods fore, we use EEG to assess brain activity ted by those neurons will depend on we developed used a sequence of ran- with respect to pain, which provides a their orientation. However, activity of is used, which leads to exactly the afore- perturbation of the pain system but is hardware and software. domized stimuli to track changes of the good trade-off between temporal and a neuron is not necessarily related to mentioned problem: averaging does not by no means as efficient and elegant as subject’s detection threshold over time. spatial accuracy besides being relatively an event: local groups of neurons can lead to an accurate estimate of the tran- system identification approaches that Are you interested in working on an as- The detection threshold is the stimulus low-cost and easy-to-use [5]. By analysis be connected to one or multiple neu- sient signal (Figure 5A) or frequency are currently applied for the identificati- signment including technical and me- intensity at which 50% of the stimuli is brain activity with respect to stimula- ral networks within the brain, which spectra. Current work has shown that on of electrical and mechanical systems. dical challenges? Do you want to work detected, and is very sensitive to changes tion, we can measure one step earlier in communicate with other networks by we can exploit the approximately linear The problems encountered in develo- in the research group with the highest in the pain system, such as learning, me- the system: the neural activity that ad- generating an oscillating potential field. relation between stimulus intensity and ping such an approach are numerous: number of open access publications of dical interventions and external inputs vances stimulus detection. This means that, no matter how much brain activity to do a regression over all • To keep working on the deve- the faculty EEMCS? And are you inte- to the system, such as from tactile or you constrain your experimental condi- trials instead of averaging over small lopment of state-of-the-art pain diag- rested in working on one of these inte- thermally sensitive neurons [3, 4] (Fi- Analysis of Brain Sig- tions, there will always be a tremendous subsets. Where averaging minimizes the nostics we need the help of biomedical resting topics? Please send an e-mail to gure 3). The clinical applications of this amount of background activity. residual (η_i (τ)) in Equation 1, linear engineers, technical clinicians, electrical [email protected] or drop by at technique are currently further resear- nals regression minimizes of the residual in engineers and more. Our current road- the lab. ched and developed in the hospital in Signals related to the stimulus consist Equation 2. Regression is implemented map includes several new challenges: cooperation with anesthesiologists. In an EEG recording, we attempt to of a transient change in the potential by including relevant factors as regres- • It turns out that for 72.5% of all References measure the activity of a small subgroup measured by EEG (Figure 4) as well as sors (x_n). This requires the assumpti- stimuli, we can identify if somebody de- Even though tracking of the detection of neurons with respect to a stimulus modulations in the frequency domain. on that the variations with respect to the tected the stimulus based on the EEG 1. Breivik, H., et al., Survey of chronic threshold has proven to be very insight- from the surface of the scalp. As you can Transient changes in the potential ty- regression parameters are linear, which signal by using a linear model. However, pain in Europe: Prevalence, impact on daily ful in studying several processes within imagine, the signal will be very small, pically have an SNR of 0.01 to 0.3, de- can be largely verified by checking mo- we can do better: we want to use ma- life, and treatment. European Journal of Pain, the pain system, we are still looking for and the amount of noise and unrelated pending on the electrode position, and del residuals. Figure 5B shows that this chine learning techniques to develop an 2006. 10(4): p. 287-333. ways to obtain more specific and ob- background activity very large! There- frequency modulations even lower. We approach generates significantly cleaner optimal brain-activity based estimator 2. Steenbergen, P., et al., Characterization of a bimodal electrocutaneous stimulation jective measures of pain. One way to fore, the EEG signal offers very specific can estimate the true signal by avera- data which can be used to study the mo- of stimulus detection. device, in 4th European Conference of the acquire objective measures of sensation challenges in terms of processing, ana- ging a large amount of the same signals. dulation of brain signals with respect to • We are one of the only groups in International Federation for Medical and is by measuring the brain activity asso- lysis and interpretation. Using signal This can be done by applying the same stimulus properties. For example, this the world that apply system identifica- Biological Engineering. 2008, EMBEC2008, ciated with stimuli. Due to enormous processing techniques from electrical stimulus a large amount of times and technique will be used to observe the tion techniques on the human pain sys- Antwerp: Antwerp. p. 230-234. advances in brain research, which are engineering and mathematics, we can measuring the associated EEG activity. difference between patients with chro- tem. We would like to take our experi- 3. Doll, R.J., et al., Effect of temporal mainly attributable to engineering, va- filter relevant signals from this bulk of If the measurement includes a range of nic regional pain syndrome (CRPS) ments to the next level by development stimulus properties on the nociceptive detection continuous variables, the averaging is and a healthy control group. of new system identification methods probability using intra-epidermal electrical stimulation. Experimental Brain Research, done over bins of those variables. One which efficiently use the data generated 2016. 234(1): p. 219-227. can imagine that, if the number of sam- Future Research by stimulation and EEG recording. 4. Doll, R.J., et al., Responsiveness of ples in a bin is low, the fit will be of poor • The AmbuStim stimulator is not electrical nociceptive detection thresholds to quality: the power of the background only used at the University of Twente, capsaicin (8 %)-induced changes in nociceptive activity scales with 1/n with respect to Our first technologies are starting to but also at several hospitals. Although processing. Experimental Brain Research, the number of samples. find their way into clinical practice with the stimulator already successfully used 2016. 234(9): p. 2505-2514. the cooperation of companies and hos- for chronic pain research, we would like 5. Treede, R.D., Baumgartner, U., Monitoring Brain Electrical and Magnetic We are currently working on the deve- pitals, and with the help of clinicians. to continue improving the usability of Activity for Assessing Pain: Advantages and lopment of more sophisticated analysis However, there is still much work to be the stimulator in the clinic and in re- Limitations, in The Brain Adapting with methods. In our measurements, a large done. The current approach sheds light search. We have a wish-list including Pain, A.V. Apkarian, Editor. 2015. variety of stimulus types and amplitudes on variations in brain activity during several improvements to stimulator Figure 4.

Year 36 Year 36 11 10 Edition 2 Edition 2 EARL GOETHEER Principal Scientist INNOVATION At TNO you have the freedom to guide projects in WITH IMPACT the direction you want, just as long as your driving force is nding a solution to a For TNO innovation means demonstrating how signi cant problem society is facing. knowledge is for society, being aware of the latest develop- ments. Both now and in the future. WHERE DOES YOUR CHALLENGE LIE AT TNO?


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17-8871 advertentie A5-Earl Goetheer-2.indd 1 17-08-17 12:52 activities Activities

This period scintilla, again, organized lots of interesting and fun activities. Here are a few of these fun activities mentioned. Around half past one the Christmas dinner comes to an end. Everyone now Christmas dinner has to brace the seemingly less-cold weather again. Fortunately, they don’t Each year SCALA organizes one ama- have to clean, that is SCALA’s job in zing event. It is the talk of the town, this case. And after a good nights sleep scratch that, the talk of Scintilla come there are only a few more lectures (if Christmas. That event is of course the your headache permits it) and the holi- Christmas dinner. The best way to give day starts. Aaah... I am already looking an impression of this fabulous dinner is forward to next year. probably with the following sketch Bottrop Skiing trip You are standing outside. It is Decem- of light hanging through the room, a ber and you have strangled yourself in crisp fire projected on one of the walls a combination of sweaters, coats, scarfs and an ornate Christmas tree decorate The Dutch love the snow[1]. A hobby and gloves in an attempt not to get cold. the Educafé. The chatter quits a bit as that does not mix well with the Dutch As you walk you keep looking down the chair of SCALA tries his hand at landscape, unfortunately. There are so- every now and then to make sure you a speech. Afterwards the president of lutions however, but they require you to do not step on an icy patch and slip. Scintilla takes over and his practiced pack your things and get in a car to en- The cold wind blows meticulously in speech shows ahum. Everyone knows joy the 900km ride to Austria. Luckily, your face, the only part of your body there are just two important notices in Germany is just a few kilometers away. you were not able to cover. A snow- both speeches though, the price per bot- And as it so happens, Germany is host flake hits your eye and you look around. tle of and the start sign for dinner. to the longest indoor ski slope in the Most of the world is covered in white. Once the latter one is given the Christ- world. Alpin Center Bottrop is located The wind is almost gone now and snow mas dinner really starts and an evening a mere 100km away which makes the is softly falling from the sky. Your way is rich of joy, laughter, gourmet and wine ride a lot easier. lit not by lampposts but by little twin- begins. Once inside, you can decide to enjoy kling lights spread across all the houses Most have now finished baking and ea- the long ski slope or go to the restaurant in sight. It is almost like you are walking ting their food or have at least tried. Alt- area and eat to your heart’s content. Af- through a fairy tale. You did not leave hough the food is somewhat finished, ter going down the slope at top speed the safe warmth of your house to admire people are still buying and amicably taking no time to make zig-zag turns, the view outside though. Your journey sharing wine. Someone seems to have you would need to go back up using the brings you to the Zilverling. Upon arri- gotten their hand on a Christmas card. lift belt which was very slow and would val you shake off the snow and unwrap Once others realize this the hunt begins. stop everytime somebody would fall off yourself. You walk into the Educafé and As is common at the Christmas dinner, again. Fortunately, we went with a nice you know why you braved the cold. the board hands out Christmas cards. group of people so there always was SCALA’s Christmas dinner has just be- But just a plain card is boring, of course. good company around. Moreover, it gun. Everyone slowly enters; groups of The quest is thus to collect a personali- had become a challenge to find the Scin- friends, couples and dates alike. Dressed zed message of each board member on tilla stickers that were placed in the lift’s in suits and gowns they sit themselves at your card. Collecting six messages is tunnel, some from a long long time ago. a large array of tables set with glistering more difficult than it sounds though, After everyone was exhausted at the end tableware, gourmet sets and food. Tubes especially in this state and chaos. of a day going up and down the ski slope,

Year 36 Edition 2 13 activities activities

we went to the to order some drinks. the trip back is short. Eating contest, no res a lot of food. The theme of this year Grail of the night was finally reached. The student entrance ticket sadly only sport!? was ‘spicy sandwiches’. Assuming that That’s when the true fun started. Once allows for three alcoholic drinks, which [1] E. Weinberger, “Why the Dutch Hit the average hungry Electrical Enginee- we all got inside and warmed up, teams as it turns out is not unovercomable. We the Slopes”, The New York Times, Feb. Throughout the year, the EE-Sports ring student eats roughly one baguette, began to form. Different parties emer- were not the only ones exhausted and as 14th 2014. committee is host to a large variety of this would require 25 baguettes. Adding ged, preparing to face old friends as other skiers passed by on their way out, https://www.nytimes. sports activities ranging from the Bata- spiciness requires copious amounts of enemies in the darkness of the laser they were happy to deposit their beer com/2014/02/15/opinion/why-the- vierenrace to the stAf-tournament and sambal, jalapeños and more extra spicy gaming arena. Teams split, as some en- coupons on our table. This way, whilst dutch-hit-the-slopes.html obviously the Eating contest. Many sambal. These come in large and heavy tered the fighting arena and others the drinking we obtained even more drinks. people seem to have troubles with this jars. Finally, you need some filling for bar and vice versa. When you wouldn’t Unfortunately, I was the designated dri- last activity and I do not get why. the sandwiches, so we needed to include be sipping on a drink chatting with your ver for the night, which left me no other Take for example the preparations; the- some lettuce, cheese and ham too. Pack what happened the December 11! After friends around a pool table or a dart choice than to stay away from the alco- re are at least 25 people signed up. All of all of this in a couple of the large shopper a few months of preparation, Sjaarcie, game, you would find yourself running hol and observe from a distance. Luckily them want a proper diner, which requi- bags and you got yourself a real exercise. the first year committee of Scintilla, ma- around with the most powerful weapon As it so happens, you are still at the shop naged to pull off an incredible night of ever created: a laser gun. That’s when and far removed from the destination: fun for the hard working students who the adrenaline would rush through your the eating contest. What comes next is all desperately needed a break. veins, forcing you to dive in the heat of a tedious journey back home including The night started with the two true stu- the battle to collect as many points as the heavy bags. If you disagree, feel free dent spirit animals: pizza and beer. Or, possible by shooting at your enemies. to join us next year. as most would call it, the typical student Glasses piled up at the bar and you With the preparation of some delicious diet. After each student completed de- could feel the atmosphere of the Tap- and more importantly spicy sandwi- vouring their pizza and drank a few glas- perij gradually warming up. Pool play- ches, another challenge arose. There was ses of (95%) water, it was time for the ers would become better, dart players a a huge pile of sandwiches which had to last ingredient. LASER GAMING. little more dangerous, and laser gamers be eaten. Nine ambitious men started But before we could all enjoy the mad- true stormtroopers. It was, nevertheless this challenge and most of them were ness of darkness, killer lasers, and un- to say, an amazing night. able to reach the end, but not without limited drinks, students first had to Even when we ran out the clock and we some struggle. The sandwiches became defeat the Netherlands’ most feared all got kicked out of the bar, the fight logarithmically more spicy which came monster. Snow. It was everywhere. still persisted. As soon as you would as a surprise to some. This brought some Roads were covered and slippery, the step outside, you would find yourself in grown men to tears. Besides the spice cold was flowing through our bones and the middle ground of a snowball war. there was the struggle to eat an entire the way from the student bar to the la- Coming from all directions, there were baguette as quickly as possible. This re- ser gaming bar proved to be a long and no teams, only oneself against everyone. sulted in bright red heads and loads of tedious way. However, students did not Though, every good story has an end. sweat and effort. I would certainly call get discouraged. It’s only after half an Fingers got cold and everyone decided this a sports event! hour through this wild arctic expedition to return back to the campus to com- Student’s secret recipe that the sign of the Tapperij ultimately plete the night, where we always do, the lighted up in front of our eyes. The Holy Vesting Bar. From there on, some went for FUN home but some courageous student de- cided to fight back their exhaustion and What would be the best student activity stayed until early in the morning, just a you would ask me? Well, first you need few hours before the next class. some basic ingredients for a successful One thing was sure after this night. We recipe. Those are, in my opinion, good all got to know the best recipe for FUN! friends, a pizza for everyone, unlimited alcohol, and of course, laser gaming! No need to look any further. If you manage to assemble all those ingredients for a night, rest assured that you can expect an unforgettable night (or at least for the majority). Luckily for the first year students of Electrical engineering, that’s exactly

Year 36 Year 36 15 14 Edition 2 Edition 2 advertorial advertorial

At this moment, Remco is working at AME as a System Engineer, where he is Applied Micro Elec- working on various projects. However, within some months he will start with his PhD. Due to his innovative design tronics, AME and the doors that the design opened,

he was offered to continue his gradu- “My graduation project extended the bidirectional isolated DC/ ation project in order to expand the DC converter to an innovative and modern conversion stage that research done on bidirectional optimal trajectory control. AME offered to pro- combines most advantages of the state-of-the art solutions cur- vide the resources and possibilities for rently in use”. Remco Bonten (27) is a fresh master graduate of Remco to reach his doctorate. “I cannot the TU/e that performed his graduation project at Applied Micro sibilities of these converters. Although first seven months of the graduation thank AME enough for the options and Electronics “AME” B.V, where he performed his research on con- resonant converters are not new, they lead to this moment and the struggles the possibilities they have provided and trol of series resonant converters with bidirectional power-flow generally use a control algorithm that were all worth it! Without the tools are still providing me!” operates under the assumption that the provided by AME and the knowledge capability. With the research results, a prototype converter was converter is in steady-state, i.e. there is of my colleagues, I’m not sure whether build. The main contribution of Remco’s work was extending an no change in the load or the voltages such a prototype would have been pos- existing unidirectional modulation method for resonant conver- applied. This assumption really limits sible.” ters to allow bidirectional power flow. the dynamic performance of resonant converters.”

“Although I already worked on some AME is a company that is always sear- (400V) and the lower voltage used by Remco started to work on optimal con- smaller DC/DC converters, the me- ching for opportunities to develop new, the vehicle’s peripherals (48V). trol (OTC). OTC is a control method dium-power application did certainly innovative, and high-tech products. The that regulates the amount of charge that arouse my interest. Along with the chal- design goal was to achieve a large-step “Initially I had some problems grasping is transferred to the output during each lenge that the converter should be able down ratio (400V to 48V) for electric the core of the problem. Many conver- resonant cycle. To do this, it calculates to operate in a bidirectional fashion vehicle applications. With the chosen ters that operate in a similar fashion the exact moment of switching required made the graduation project challen- specifications the converter would be were already developed and I did not for the set amount of charge that should ging.” able to transfer power between the want to copy someone else’s work, but be transferred. OTC is not yet used in storage battery of an electrical vehicle industrial and commercial products but is an actively research topic at universi- ties. Solutions for unidirectional power flow were already developed at the EPE group. In order to realize bidirectional power flow, he had to extend the OTC algorithm to take the bidirectional really contribute to the field of power power flow into account. Through cal- conversion. As such, my research co- culations and simulations, the design vered a large scope and I came into became conclusive and a prototype was contact with resonant converters. Series built. resonant converters are often dismissed due to its complex operating nature, “I still remember the moment when the however, I was fascinated with the pos- converter first operated as designed. The

Year 36 Year 36 17 16 Edition 2 Edition 2 article article

Cantus Scinterklaas

Casino night


SKIC theme announcement drink

LasEErdrinking Constipatieborrel

Year 36 Year 36 19 18 Edition 2 Edition 2 junction junction

ging new furniture. That’s how I rolled Junction into it, and I felt happy doing that job. A chat with: Michel ten Bulte What do you think of the new elevator and the bal- cony?

I like that they’re here. I’m glad we’ve been able to push it through, in consul- I was born in Deventer 56 years ago. I’ve lived there until I came tation with the facility company. The elevator had to get there eventually. The here to study. After my pre-university education I studied Analy- associations rooms, were some of the few tic Chemistry in Deventer, which was a 3-year HBO course. After places of the university which were pu- that, I went into military service, which was still mandatory back blic, but not accessible for wheelchairs. then. I was military engineer and was in the nuclear biological che- We’re glad that they are now. Plus, it is mical disinfection company, which means I designed disinfection beneficial for the associations, for car- rying heavy materials etc. The extra bal- streets. Thereafter I had a job during the holidays, and in the sum- cony and storage room underneath are a mer of ’85 I came here. I started with the study Applied Mathema- nice bonus. I like it the way it is. tics. That’s how I ended up here and that’s how I stayed here. I had a bit of a delay with my study, I’m a so-called long-term student. Junction I spent exactly 22 years on my study and during my study I had to earn money to pay for it. I mostly did that by being a student I did an internship at Fokker, at Schip- assistant, nowadays the flex jobs. I had flex jobs at the faculty, and hol, the plane factory, on the depart- those jobs eventually led to a permanent job. Since 1996 I’ve been ment of numerical aerodynamics. That’s the official facility manager. I started as secretary, as replacement also the direction I graduated in. Michel ten Bulte for my pregnant wife. After half a year of doing her job I picked up my other work again. I met my wife here during my study and at the moment we have 2 kids who’ve both moved out. We have been What do you think of the Age 56 living in the centre of Enschede for lots of years now. new styling of the entrance of the Zilverling? What used to be your o’clock on a Thursday, but I would be Favourite dream job? present at a lecture on Friday morning I like it, could be better as it is not com- Bright Pink at 8:30, that went pretty well. pletely finished yet. The lockers are Color I have never had one. I never thought: going to be moved to the other wall, on “This is what I want to be when I grow Is there anything you which new plates will be attached first. up.” Then the letters have to be adjusted. I Favourite would have done different- like the way it has become, though. artist Bob Marley What kind of student were ly as student? Why did you become faci- What is your view on stu- you? Yes, I spent 22 years on my study, that lity manager after the study could never have been on purpose. As a mathematics? dent culture? Favourite Chinese, How should I put this: a serious party student, I would have done my intern- food animal. I liked parties, but I also did my ship differently, since that’s where it I kind of rolled into it. A lot of people Well, I have been a student myself and Indonesian homework pretty well. Mathematics is went wrong. Also, as a student I would get a job that’s very different from what I think we have a nice club of students an education of lots of practicing. I’m have liked to get my drivers license. I they studied, and that is the case for me at EWI. I recognise lots of my own stu- Favourite not the most clever student, so I have started taking lessons back then, but I’ve too. One of my flex jobs was facility dent life in it. It’s one of the best periods Coffee to work for things, which I always have. got my license for about two years now. manager, making an inventory of work- of your life, you can do lots of things, Drink So, I did like to go out partying until 4 What kind of internship did you do? places, arranging new workplaces, arran- you’re discovering yourself, you have

Year 36 Year 36 21 20 Edition 2 Edition 2 junction

lots of freedom. All I can say is, enjoy. I GPS-coordinates, you’re going to find What keeps you up at like being in contact with students. On those tubes. The GPS system is quite night? the other hand I have the impression accurate, so you can reach the location that serious work is being done. I like of the treasure with maybe a few meters Nothing. I sleep well. seeing that combination. I have had that difference. That’s where you search, and experience myself as well of course. when you find the tube, which contains Is there something that you What do you like most a logbook, you can write your name on it and register it online. Should you would still like to achieve? about what you do now? find it under special circumstances, for example with a full logbook, that it’s I would like to find all geocaches in En- The diversity, there are many cases you soaked, that something is broken, you schede. There are a few hundred, but run in to everyday. Cases that need im- can inform the owner of the cache that that’s just a matter of keeping up. I only mediate attention. Being able to res- something is wrong. That’s how the have a few left to find, but those are re- pond quickly in situations. Lots of con- whole thing is being held operational, ally hard to reach, for example in a tree. tacts in the faculty, with students, with and I think that’s fantastic. Sometimes If there is someone with climbing equip- co-workers. Lots of contacts outside of the GPS-coordinates are just given, but ment who would like to geocache with the faculty. I often leave my spot. I like sometimes you have to solve puzzles me, please. the diversity. to get the numbers. That brings me to another hobby, solving puzzles. I love to Do you have an advice for What are your hobbies? solve all kinds of logical puzzles, and to attend quizzes. I attend one every students? I like to do sports, playing soccer. I like week, on Monday evening. I really like playing softball. Next to that, I am a doing that. I even organized one here Not really, other than the usual clichés: pretty active geocacher, which I’ve been for Abacus, together with colleagues enjoy this time, think of the future, for a few years now. For those who don’t and students. work seriously, but don’t forget to just know: imagine that there are little tubes enjoy it. hidden all over the world, which are re- gistered on the internet, and based on

Year 36 22 Edition 2 master assignment Ornithopter Flight Dynamics Measurement and Analysis of the Robird’s Flapping Wing

It was back in January 2016, when I visited an overfull lecture hall in Carré for a lunch lecture by UT-spinoff Clear Flight So- lutions. This company is the developer of the Robird; a robotic bird that looks like a falcon and actually behaves similarly, since it uses flapping wings to achieve flight. Not only is the Robird of great interest for research (the combination of 3D aerodynamics and moving, flexible body parts is pretty difficult stuff ), it also has some very nice field applications: The Robird looks and behaves like a bird of prey, so it can be used to scare away pest birds, for example at airports or in agricultural areas. I like the art of bio- mimetics (imitating nature to create technology), the fact that the Robird faces multidisciplinary challenges as well as the idea to visit the Robotics and Mechatronics of doing research on something that is actually already being used group to find out. Although the Robird (many people have actually seen it on TV) and thus I quickly knew already flies, we don’t really know what that this would be a nice topic for my Master’s thesis. At the end is the best combination of these moti- ons (i.e. what is the optimal degree of of the lunch lecture, I left my e-mail address. One year later, after pitching, the optimal flapping frequen- I finished most of my courses and my internship, I was ready to cy, etc.). Of course, there are many more start my Master’s thesis. Ornithopters

Research has shown that ornithopters (machines designed to achieve flight by means of flapping wings) require two key motions to stay airborne: Heave and pitch. A simplified, 2D situation of this is shown in Figure 1, where h indicates heave and θ indicates pitch. The Robird is also able to generate both of these motions. The mechanism behind this Figure 1: Ornithopter flight is achieved by the combination of a heaving motion h(t) and a is semi-secret, and thus you will have pitching motion θ(t).

Year 36 Edition 2 23 master assignment master assignment

students have developed a mechatro- the experiments were too stiff, and the nic setup (Figure 2) on which you can setup was not able to implement the pit- place one of the Robird’s wings. In this ching motion very well. The controller way the setup replicates approximately software was thus redesigned (as part one half of a Robird. Using 20-sim 4C, of a BSc assignment) while I prepared the user is able to control both flapping a new series of force and stereo vision frequency ([0, 6] Hz) and the amount experiments. of pitching by means of a parameter defined as γ. In the past there have been students who placed the setup in the wind tunnel (at the UT) and even in a vacuum chamber (at ESA). They per- formed force measurements as well as stereo vision measurements (more on that later), but due to lack of time and limitations of the setup, the processing and application of these measurements Figure 2: Drawing of the flapping wing setup. has remained limited. Another problem was that the force and stereo vision mea- Figure 5: Principle of particle image velocimetry (PIV). I managed to borrow a six degrees of parameters that are known to have a gre- surements could not be related to each freedom force sensing plate, developed at influence on the flight performance, other, since they were performed with at the department of Mechanical Au- such as the flexibility of the wing, the different wings and the control settings tained. Since the on-time of the LEDs to do just that, for each frame of each tomation. Using a laser cutter I produ- size and shape, and the flight speed. differed. My task: …to start by proces- Figure 4: The wing used during the experi- is very small (1 ms), the videos do not video, and thus I ended up with full di- ced a perspex plate such that the wing sing and analyzing these measurements, ments is covered in black spray paint and a re- show any motion blur, even though they gital reconstructions of wing beats. setup could be mounted onto the force and then to perform follow-up research troreflective checkerboard pattern. The corners only record at 30 frames per second. sensing plate (Figure 3). In particular, I using the setup. of this pattern can be tracked with computer These videos were produced for various Surprisingly, what I found out was that could now measure the force in the for- vision algorithms. Another checkerboard is placed on the windshield and acts as a static combinations of wind speed, flapping the pitch control input γ did not have ward direction, i.e. the thrust force, for And so I started processing the old ste- reference frame. frequency and pitch control input γ. any influence on the wingbeat at all; any combination of flight speed (wind reo vision measurements. These measu- any differences in amount of pitching tunnel air speed), flapping frequency rements were performed as follows: The As you might know, a 3D reconstruc- were caused by wind speed or flapping and amount of pitching. I also measu- flapping wing setup was positioned in to flash at a frequency a tiny bit smaller tion of an object can be made when it is frequency instead. Similarly, the force red input power for each experiment front of the UT’s wind tunnel, and for- than f (i.e. 0.99f ). By then turning off imaged from two or more different an- measurements showed no change as a by monitoring the current drawn by the Nature forms a nice source of inspira- ced to flap at a given flapping frequency the lights and using a wing covered in gles. With some computer vision skills result of pitch control either. It would motors, such that I could compute the tion: real birds tend to use long hauls f. Two cameras recorded the flapping black spray paint and stickered with re- and a lot of Matlab coding I managed later turn out that the wings used during propulsive efficiency as the ratio of out- with a high amount of pitching when wing, while a stroboscope (consisting of troreflective tape, a very nice “slow-mo- put power to input power. they take off, compared to very short LEDs and an Arduino) was configured tion” video of the flapping wing is ob- and quick wing beats when flying at a Clear Flight Solutions provided me with high velocity. In contrast, the current the latest, more flexible wing design and version of the Robird flies at a constant spray painted it black. I then applied my amount of pitching and usually also at a own design of reflective markers in the constant flapping frequency. It would be form of a checkerboard pattern (Figure interesting to see whether its flight per- 4). This allowed me to apply the sim- formance can be improved by making plified twenty strip analysis method to these control settings variable. multiple parts of the wing. The assignment During the preparations, I also teamed up with the chair of Engineering Fluid Dynamics. Of course, they were very in- As with many Bachelor’s and Master’s terested in the Robird’s flight dynamics theses, I started with a pretty vague des- as well and proposed to use one of the cription of my assignment. In my case, Figure 6: The measurement setup with the wing flapping in front of the wind tunnel. Left: it was described as follows: Previous Stroboscope and stereo cameras. Top: PIV camera. Right: PIV laser. The force sensing plate is Figure 3: The wing setup mounted onto the perspex plate. underneath the black wind shield.

Year 36 Year 36 25 24 Edition 2 Edition 2 master assignment master assignment

latest measurements techniques availa- this in Figure 9. As γ increases, the pit- ble in the wind tunnel, called particle ching profile changes a bit. But most of image velocimetry (PIV). The concept the pitching is caused by the flexibility of these measurements is shown in Fi- of the wing and the forces acting on it gure 5. A laser module produces a hori- while it is flapping. I also visualized the zontal sheet which intersects the wing at effect of the wind speed in the same fi- a height that is configurable (by moving gure. It is clear now that the wind speed the entire laser up or down). A particle has a much larger effect on the pitching seeder injects tiny liquid particles into profile, than the pitch control parame- the flow of air. A high-speed camera, ter γ. focused at the same height as the laser sheet but oriented perpendicularly to The PIV measurements took a lot more the sheet, then takes two consecutive time than expected due to a lack of ex- perience with the setup and the fact that the entire setup has to be moved whene- ver I wanted to focus on a different sec- tion of the wing. In the end, I was able to produce some nice visualizations of the Figure 7: Thrust normalized w.r.t. the case when no pitch is forced by the controller, i.e. when flow, however I could not draw strong γ=0°. The plots show that it is beneficial to decrease pitch as flight speed increases. conclusions from them. Proper analy- sis of the wing using the PIV setup will take a lot more time and will therefore be performed as part of a new research images, and correlates them to obtain configured to excite such a trigger signal together with the technicians of the assignment. the path and velocity of the particles once during every wing beat. Since the EFD chair to install the entire measure- around the wing. Since the wing is a laser unit inside the PIV setup was quite ment setup in the wind tunnel, did some Conclusion moving object, the whole PIV setup powerful, I had to take a short course on test measurements, performed the ac- had to be triggered exactly at the mo- laser safety first, which was fun. tual experiments and then de-installed a Figure 9: Top: The influence of pitch control parameter γ on the actual pitch and heave profiles ment when the wing passed its upright large part of the setup again. over one wing beat period (at constant fflap=3 Hz and U=14.9 m/s). Bottom: The influence of The experiments I performed resulted position. The wing controller was thus Within two very busy weeks, I worked wind speed U on the pitch and heave profiles (at constant flapf =3 Hz and γ=6°). Clearly, the in two main conclusions. In line with pitching profile is dominated by wind speed instead of pitch control. observations in nature, the force mea- surements suggested that it is beneficial The results at higher velocities. In other words: The for the Robird to decrease pitching of its measurements support what we ob- wings at higher flight speeds. The stereo served in nature! Of course, this is not vision measurements showed that the After the measurement stage, I had all there is to it yet; flight performance current mechanism is able to control about a month to process and analyze is not only about thrust – lift forces are the degree of pitching of the wing, alt- all the data I had obtained. just as important. hough the overall pitching profile was dominated by the flexibility of the wing I first focused on the force measure- Next, I also processed all the new ste- and wind speed. The first PIV measure- ments. For each of the 55 experiments reo vision measurements. The tracking ments on the Robird’s wing did not re- (combinations of flapping frequency, algorithm I developed was well able to sult in strong conclusions, but are to be degree of pitching, and wind speed) I track the wing’s checkerboard pattern in continued in follow-up research. recorded the forces excited by the wing each video and created some nice slow- for 30 seconds. I then averaged the for- motion reconstructions of the wing Finally, my Master’s thesis turned into ward force Fx (t) to obtain the mean beats. A reconstruction based on one vi- a multidisciplinary challenge with a lot thrust force. See Figure 7 for an over- deo frame pair can be seen in Figure 8 (I of practical work, which I definitely view of the influence of pitch control on wish I could show videos in the Vonk). enjoyed. I would like to thank my su- the mean thrust force. We can conclude Fortunately, in contrast to the previous pervisor Geert Folkertsma, Clear Flight from this graph that it is beneficial to stereo vision measurements, this time Solutions, and the research chairs RaM, apply more pitch at lower flight veloci- the controller was able to control pitch, EFD and PE for their support and col- Figure 8: The high-contrast video frames (left). The 2D locations of the checkerboard corners in each video frame can be triangulated to obtain 3D ties, while it is beneficial to reduce pitch but only to some extent. You can see laboration during my thesis. coordinates (right). All 3D coordinates in all video frames will together form a digital reconstruction of the wing beat.

Year 36 Year 36 27 26 Edition 2 Edition 2 on location on location

Luckily for me, this was the exact sub- sensors that are earlier in the system to possible if you have worked with it in ject for the case that was planned. In determine the amount of chemicals that person. Shell Excursion groups, we got a sheet of paper with a can pass through. The system pushes A look at the plant in Moerdijk couple of the large columns of the in- the information instead of pulling it. We were able to see the personnel wor- stallations just talked about. We had Both regulation systems had to be used king outside as we continued our tour. to connect certain sensors to vaults to to create the best system for two of the One of Shell’s employees showed us regulate the flow of liquids and gases columns in which all the chemical pro- around the site and explained what cesses take place. everything was. I was fascinated by how complicated the installations were We also got to see how these processes compared to the schematics that were On the fourth of December, Scintilla organised a trip to Shell in got monitored and altered during the shown before. I don’t think I would be tour. In a room full of screens, camera able to design any of that. As the sun Moerdijk. At this facility Shell makes chemical products using pe- footage, graphs and schematics of the went down we were able to see the fire troleum. In Moerdijk we got an explanation of what the facility big installations outside were showed. that peaked out of one of the enormous does exactly, a case to work on, and a tour. As the personnel was just changing from high pipes. dayshift to nightshift, we sadly could Moerdijk is not a short drive away from I have been to an industrial site before. in the pipes and columns. Even though not ask them any questions regarding After the tour, our visit was over. We Enschede, therefore we were going However, that was nothing compared this had nothing to do with Electrical their work. However, it was still very said thanks and goodbye to the employ- to drive to Shell in two vans. The first to Shell. Moerdijk was impressive. As Engineering, I still found it very interes- interesting to see how the site was mo- ees of Shell. The drive back to Enschede would go to Moerdijk directly. The se- we arrived, I saw the whole site. It is just ting. There were two main types of re- nitored and how the information of the was accompanied with the view of an cond would first pick someone up along a whole lot of nothing with a couple of gulators we could create. The first used sensors was processed. We also learned orange moon and again a lot of chatting the way and then continue to drive to huge installations. As we were a bit late, information from the sensors further in that everyone who works in this room and music. Overall, I really enjoyed the Shell. After some time, we arrived at the the planning was changed, and we could the system to determine how much che- must have worked outside for several day. I might not have understood every- point where we had to pick someone up, immediately go have lunch, which was micals could pass, the information so to years first. In order to work in the con- thing and not everything was applicable 10 minutes too late. This would not be provided by Shell. During the lunch we say pulls the amount of chemicals. The trol room, you need to know everything to Electrical Engineering. Nonetheless, a mayor problem for the day. Driving to got to talk to some of the employees of second type uses information from the about the installation and that is only I found it very interesting! Shell was fun as everyone was chatting the company. Being in my first year, it such as what Shell as a company in its with each other and singing along to the was interesting to find out how people whole does to the chemical processes music that was played. However, after from different studies worked together that goes on in the installations at Moer- having been on the road for a while, we for one big company and what they dijk. The main two themes that most of took the wrong turn and ended up in exactly did after having studied, as I had the presentations revolved around were the middle of nowhere. This gave us a never orientated myself on that before. the optimisation of the processes and delay of more than half an hour. So, as how to be better than the competition. the first van was already in Moerdijk, we After lunch, multiple employees of Shell were still on our way there. came and went to give us presentations. The presentations ranged from topics

The presentation I found most interes- ting was the latter. It showed how one system might seem simple, but so much thought has gone into optimizing all the different chemical processes, which all influence each other.

The group that joined the visit to Moerdijk Rick van Keken giving a lunch lecture on behalf of Shell

Year 36 Year 36 29 28 Edition 2 Edition 2 datasheet datasheet

Do you want to build a snowman? (snow- Datasheet man dessert)

Do you want to play outside? We are not Elsa and Anna and our world is (hopefully) not frozen, but these little snowmen are easy to make and look lo- These cold days make you want to stay inside. But you still want vely. to impress people. With these receipts, you can make the perfect Ingredients (8 snowmen): breakfast, dessert and quiche with limited ingredients and time. • 16 frozen whipped cream puffs Do you have a receipt that is worth sharing? Do not hesitate and • 8 marshmallows sent it to [email protected]! • 1 tb XL chocolate sprinkles (but normal sprinkles work as well) System on a chip (Kai- • Some herbs (chives, pepper, wha- • 8 strawberries tever you like) • Bit of powdered sugar ser rolls with egg and • Some cheese • Some edible dye bacon) What to do: in the oven • sticks 8. When you like the egg more coo- What to do: What to do: You want a fancy breakfast, but you 1. Pre-heat the oven at 200 degrees ked, cover the rolls with aluminium 10. Finish the mixture bit some don’t want to be in the kitchen for ano- 2. Hollow the Kaiser rolls out. foil and bake them for another 10- 1. Pre-heat the oven at 200 degrees cheese at top 1. Stack 2 puffs and fix them with ther hour. These rolls will safe your life. Make sure there is no hole in the bot- 15 minutes. 2. Defrost the puff pastry 11. Bake the quiche for 30 minutes cocktail sticks. They are easy to make and look so fancy tom! 3. Cut all the vegetables in the oven. Take a look once in a while, 2. Add 1 marshmallow per stack your roommates might start thinking 3. Put some breakfast bacon at the Variations: 4. Mix the 5 eggs with the milk/ when the quiche is nicely gold/brown, it at the side where the cocktail stick is you can actually cook! inner side of the hollow rolls. cream is also finished. out. Make sure the cocktail stick goes 4. Add some cheese if you like and This is the easy basic breakfast type, but 5. Grease the cake tin. Variations: through the whole marshmallow. Ingredients (4 rolls): press everything a bit into the roll you can fill the rolls with whatever you 6. Spread the puff pastry at the in- 3. With a cocktail sticks, make lit- 5. Break 1 egg per roll like! side of the cake tin, make sure also the A quiche can be made with any vegeta- tle hole in the marshmallow for the eyes • 4 home-final baking Kaiser rolls 6. Add some herbs and maybe some upper ring is covered. bles, meat or fish you want. Just think and the nose. • 4-6 pieces of breakfast bacon more cheese Booster (Quiche) 7. Put the cut vegetables in the cake of some nice combinations and try 4. Add chocolate sprinkles in the • 4 M eggs 7. Bake the rolls for 10-15 minutes tin. them out! When you have puff pastry holes. 8. Add the egg/milk mixture to the left over, decorate the top of the quiche 5. Give the snowmen a mouth with Is it a cake? Is it is main dish? It is both! vegetables. before you spread the cheese. Also some the edible dye. Make this easy quiche with left over ve- 9. Add all herbs you want to use. sesame seeds look nice on top! 6. Remove the crowns of the straw- getables or just buy whatever you like berries. (or has discount) in the shop. 7. Halve the strawberries and put Ingredients: the lower side on top of the marshmal- low at the cocktail sticks. • Puff pastry (how much depends 8. Finish off with some powdered bit on the cake tin that is used, just buy sugar over the snowmen the one in the freezer) Variations: • 800 gr vegetables (carrot, paprika, bunch onion) These snowmen are lovely, but how • 500 gr smoked chicken strips much more lovely will they be when you • 5 medium eggs add a chocolate hat?! • Bit of cheese • 600 ml milk or cream • Some herbs (chives, pepper, salt, garlic powder, whatever you like)

Year 36 Year 36 31 30 Edition 2 Edition 2 superbike superbike

industry the possibilities of Bluetooth. Bluetooth in a The final product, a PCB with all the hardware included, is currently being finished. It is designed to fit perfectly in a selected polyester box. Also, the high frequency antenna for the Bluetooth signal has very specific requirements for racing motorcycle the thickness of the copper and sheet layers. Finally, a little bit of thermal ma- nagement is included as well, since the PWM drivers will dissipate some heat.

All in all, the ECU is a very exciting pie- Electric Superbike Twente is currently in its production phase. ce of hardware the team has designed. That means almost all hardware design is done and that the hard- It has turned out to be very specialistic, due to the automotive requirements and ware is in production at our technical partners. The electrical en- the integration of a high frequency Blu- gineers worked hard to finish the designs in time: three custom etooth antenna. If you have any questi- PCBs forming the battery management system in collaboration ons, ideas, or if you are just interested with Prodrive Technologies, one PCB as ECU (Electronic Con- 5 V), multiple GPIO stages, and some very exciting, since the Bluetooth chip in the superbike of our team, feel free trol Unit, the main vehicle controller) in collaboration with Dia- protection hardware against reverse is not yet on the market, and we are the to come over for a cup of coffee. We are polarity for the 12 V supply. On top of first to use it! On top of that, we work very happy to talk about racing, techni- log Semiconductor, and other hardware, including supporting also a very important aspect in software that, a Bluetooth chip will be integrated. closely together with them to review our cal details, designs, electric transporta- hardware for external communication and two liquid cooling design. It should be robust, and in the designs, to make the ECU as reliable as tion, or anything else. systems. In this article, some technical details of the ECU are ex- exceptional case of a design fault or er- The Bluetooth chip is a very cool in- possible, and to show the automotive plained. ror, the ECU should enter a safe state tegration project between Electric for both the driver and vehicle. Superbike Twente and Dialog Semi- conductor. Dialog has developed an First, it is important to give some func- cooling system, sensor data of the bat- automotive Bluetooth chip, and we are tional requirements about the ECU. As tery management system, sensor data integrating it as a proof of concept. The mentioned, the ECU is the main vehicle about vehicle dynamics (brakes, sus- controller. That means it should handle pension) and, of course, some start-up a lot of input and output. Inputs are the and shut-down commands. Outputs throttle of the driver, sensor data of the are at least as important, and include the inverter (also known as motor drive or controller), the battery management system, data logging systems, antenna, and the driver’s display. On top of that, it should have some processing power, to enable decision-making based on in- The microcontroller is chosen to be the put variables. MCP5744 from NXP. This microcon- troller has enough processing power To make the ECU as reliable as possible, and enough dedicated and GPIO pins integration consists of an onboard Blu- all components are required to be classi- to support our needs. To meet the func- etooth chip of Dialog and an integrated fied as automotive grade. This holds for tional requirements, the surrounding antenna in the PCB. For now, only the the main microcontroller, but also for hardware futures multiple high current wireless tire pressure monitors will make simple components such as transistors, PWM stages for the coolant pumps, a use of Bluetooth, since the other sensor op-amps and connectors. This makes CAN driver and UART driver for in- data is too critical to miss. However, in the selection process for components a ternal communication, ADC buffers, the future, the ECU is ready to enable time-consuming part of the design. In an IMU (inertial measurement unit), a complete sensor network over Blu- a few weeks, the automotive grade is multiple power supplies (1.25 V, 3.3 V, etooth. The collaboration with Dialog is

Year 36 Year 36 33 32 Edition 2 Edition 2 advertorial advertorial

Manage your own the projects involve plenty of variety. Advertorial TNO career Each project you work on is different Ambitious starter? When you start at TNO, from day one, your work at TNO will involve active Are you interested in getting a flying participation in projects and you can start at TNO? There are many diffe- directly apply your knowledge of signal rent options within our organisation. processing, measurement and control Whether you want to be a top resear- technology, cyber physical systems, chip cher, consultant, project leader or busi- design and much more to societally re- ness developer. Once you join us, you TNO innovates with impact by bringing together a wide range levant themes. You will work together will have the freedom and responsibility with other experts within and outside and so your own creativity and expertise for shaping your own career path. of disciplines and thereby tackling societal challenges. At TNO TNO and with clients. are always required. electrical engineers work on a wide range of themes, with a focus on signal processing, control technology, automation software de- The people of TNO velopment and systems engineering. The know-how developed by Discover your possibi- TNO is used in practical applications up to the level of demonstra- TNO employs around 3000 people lities at: tors or prototypes. with all kinds of backgrounds, qualities and interests. This multidisciplinary as- Projects our electrical engineers work on are, among other things, tion with different kinds of customers pect is essential to be able to innovate. a sonar that detects mines, a self-driving car, a simulation tool for and their work process in order to create We combine the right, existing and ne- Twitter: @tno_talent smart mobility, semiconductor equipment to improve chip pro- a good understanding of these needs. At TNO you are given a lot of freedom wly acquired expertise from different TNO has provided me a creative and to manage your own career. This ran- disciplines to get the optimum results. Facebook: TNOresearch duction, smart grids for far-reaching integration of energy sources dynamic environment in which I can ges from choosing your own projects Together with universities and top tech- and the development of 5G for mobile telephony. grow and develop new skills. Within to determining the direction in which nology institutes we develop knowledge LinkedIn: company/tno my department there is a good balance you want to develop. You always have that is closely aligned with the latest Instagram: @tno_research between experienced senior co-workers the option of taking part in projects at international trends and developments. Spectrum Intelligence benefits in proof of concept designs and and enthusiastic juniors, as well as a other departments, too. What’s more, how they fit within the customer needs. good balance between serious work and Vincent Voogt studied Electrical Engi- I like that this requires a lot of interac- social interaction.” neering at the TU Delft. He is Scientist Integrator at the research group Elec- tronic Defence and works on Spectrum Intelligence, monitoring and analysis of signals in the electromagnetic spectrum. “Detection and classification algorithms are used to create a real-time picture of who is transmitting, what is being trans- mitted and what the content is of the transmitted message. The application of Software Defined Radio enables the design of flexible receivers to carry out this task autonomously.” Creative and dynamic environment

Vincent tells “Working at TNO allows me to prove the potential of new ideas and technologies by demonstrating their

Year 36 Year 36 35 34 Edition 2 Edition 2 education Education Student involvement in the university council

My last educational article in the Vonk (35-4) was about educati- onal issues close to the association, but games are being played on many more levels, in many more organizations. How does educa- tion work on an institutional level? And what influence could you exert as a student on the decision-making processes higher up in the UT hierarchy? I will try to give a nice, idealized overview of how it all works and provide some options for you to make your opinion heard!

Organizing education that are university-wide, like housing, funding and the language/internatio- The University of Twente has about nalization policy. At the University of 10.000 students supported by many Twente, the council consists of nine staff members. These staff members have staff members and nine students that simple: elections! The members of the organized themselves in several depart- also take seat in several specializing University Council are elected every ments that all work on executing the ‘committees’, just like in the parliament year around June. Cast your vote to two core tasks of the university: provi- make sure the students that share your ding education and doing research. On opinions on education end up in the a university-wide level the executive council! If you cannot find anyone that board (in Dutch: College van Bestuur) you think is fit to represent your inte- is charged with administration and ma- rests, you can always try to get elected nagement, it is supported by the secre- yourself. tariat of the university which acts as the highest official adviser of the board. In Of course there are numerous other this role the executive board can think ways in which the student members of of policies and have them worked out the council gather feedback from stu- by the Strategy and Policy department. dents. The party members often take An example of an impactful university- on a national level. The students have seat in important university-wide mee- wide policy on education introduced organized themselves in council parties tings on internationalization and edu- by the executive board was the Twente that each have different views on the im- cation that are being attended by board Educational Model. Currently, the exe- plementation of education. members from most study associations, cutive board is working on revising it in also Scintilla. In addition, there are of- a new Learning2020 policy. Being involved as a ten member meetings organized by the different parties where you can have The executive board answers to the Uni- student nice discussions on various topics. If versity Council, which mainly acts as an you’re interested, have a look at the acti- advisory body. Sometimes the executive How do these council parties look after vities the council parties are organizing board has to acquire approval from the interests of the students they repre- in the near future! the University Council for impactful sent? And how can you as a student discussions. The council treats topics make your voice heard? The answer is

Year 36 36 Edition 2 puuzle Puuzle

Dear sparkling friends,

Last edition’s puzzle turned out to be very popular. I have received some awesome creations. Unfor- tunately, i cannot award each entry with a pie. The lucky contestant of the price puuzle of the last edition is Thomas Hoen, Congratulations! You can contact the Vonk about your prize!

For this edition I have been somewhat creative. I have had some laughs with our cover artist Matthijs and we came up with the following. This edition features a cover which is an artist impression on a particular object. The puzzle is quite straightforward, I am looking for the object which is hidden in the EEG waves. So take a good look at the cover, and send in your solution before July first to be eligible for a delicious pie!

Love, Tr uusje

Year 36 Edition 2 37 Title Blabla where great Introduction minds

Main text work

We are a group of high-tech companies in the Northern Netherlands that joined forces to work on solutions for the big challenges of the future at the cutting edge of technology. We call this the Big 5 of High Tech: 3D metal printing, remote sensoring and big data, robotics, visual intelligence and all-electric propulsion. We do this by using the latest technology and developing in-house if necessary. We can do this because of the unique collaboration between our R&D departments that, instead of competing with each other, support and reinforce each other. The result of this collaboration is more than 50 new product innovations a year worldwide. These introductions include products that save people’s lives, render the control of complex systems easy, adjust products to the individual needs and wishes of consumers, and make data needed for further improvement of food quality accessible. Our collaboration is called Innovation Cluster Drachten and is the heart of the smart factory region in Northwestern Europe.

