Whareama School

www.whareama.school.nz Newsletter No. 13 31 August, 2020 Term 3, Week 7


Hi everyone welcome to week 7 of term 3. Time is really flying by and there are so many things happening at school to keep us all busy. I’ve been working in each classroom over the last couple of weeks and can honestly say

that all the kids are putting in a real effort in all the work that they are doing. The quality of the work has been

outstanding and has been very difficult for teachers to choose their golden ticket winners and for me to pick my

Principal’s pick of the week. We would love to see this continue for the rest of the term and into term 4. It is also

pleasing to see that spring is arriving and all that comes with it, which hopefully means some nice clear weather

to keep the kids outside and keep them busy and entertained. Also a quick reminder that on our school buses it is not mandatory for students to wear masks or face coverings but all of our bus drivers will be. These are the rules that are sent out to us from the Ministry of Education and so we will be following their recommendations. I hope you have a fantastic week and please continue to keep being safe and being kind to each other. I really liked a quote I read from Margaret Mead this week – ‘Children must be taught how to think – not what to think’


This Friday Timatanga will be going to the fire Sam has just completed his final session with us as

station for a Firewise visit. We usually do this every two part of our rippa rugby school sessions this term. It years and it is hard to believe that time has come around is great to have an expert come in from the again already. There will be separate newsletter coming Bush Rugby Union and take these skills home this week about this and if you would like to come with us as it supports the students and also helps and help us please let us know. the teachers with new ideas for PE classes. As part of the sessions we have also agreed to have a rippa QUIZNga mihi NIGHT nui FUNDRAISER – Darren Kerr rugby competition at the Whareama Domain. This Thank you so much to Flick Tatham for her organisation of will be for Year 3-8 students and Sam has invited the quiz night on Saturday night. We had a great night Tinui school to join us. We look forward to this and raised over $5000. Thanks so much for everyone competition on the last Wednesday of this term. A sending in their food for the night and also a special huge thanks for Sam for coming in and working thanks to Simon Kerr who was our auctioneer on the with us this term. night. Also I would like to thank all the sponsors who donated prizes for the auction and for the quiz things as without your support these events can’t take place. On the back of this newsletter we have made a list of all the supporters. Please support them if you are purchasing

something that one of them can help you with.

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SPORTS IN TERM 3 It is great to see rugby, hockey and football all still DESIGN TECHNOLOGY running and hopefully miniball can make a comeback soon. It has been good to hear the results The final session for this rotation is this Friday at from the kids each week and while we have had a . There will be one more 4 week restricted season the kids who have played have rotation next term to finish off Design Technology for really enjoyed being out it the fresh air with their 2020. friends. A huge thanks to all the coaches who help out each Saturday and take trainings each week.

DRESS UP DAY We have a range of different fundraisers coming up like Daffodil day, Wig Wednesday, Onesie day and also the Masterton food bank appeal. To culminate these into one event we have decided to do Wednesday the 9th of September as a dress up day. Kids can come in onesies, wigs, crazy hair or daffodil colours to help celebrate these combined fundraisers. We ask that each child brings a gold coin donation and also two cans of non-perishable food for the Masterton Foodbank that will be delivered to town once completed.

INTERHOUSE COMPETITION We have managed to secure 2 more portable basketball hoops so Mrs Tiley has decided it is a good time to go ahead with the house basketball competition. Later this term we will also have a Rippa Rugby day with Tinui School at the Domain and this will also help us find sportsmanship house points. We also have a general knowledge quiz house competition later this term.

MILK BOTTLE TOPS Events Calendar Can everyone please collect milk bottle tops (especially Fri 4th September Timatanga Fire Station Trip th yellow ones) and send them into school for us. We are Fri 4 September Design Tech – Y7/8 – Final session Tuesday 8th September Regional Cross Country Event doing 3D art this term and have a few cool activities that Weds 9th September DRESSUP Fundraising Day we need milk bottle tops to complete…..thanks so much. Mon 14th September. BOT Meeting – 5.30pm Weds 23rd September Rippa Rugby Comp – Domain th Fri 25 September END OF TERM 3 Mon 12th October TERM 4 STARTS Fri 16th October Pets’ Day 2020

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A huge thanks to the following businesses and people who donated prizes for our fundraising auction and for the prize packs: Please support these companies and business as they have supported us!!!!

The Lab, Ti Tree Cottage - Carol Hansen Coastal Chalet, - Nikki Jennings Store Putara Base Camp – Michelle Kucyniak/ Quinn Tua-Davidson Steen Honey Union Square, Nicola Newell Adam Newell Shoe Clinic Masterton Hunting and Fishing Kiwi Wood Langland’s Honda Masterton Scott Waldrom Farrah’s Food and Beverage Company Stihl Shop Masterton TRC Toyota Tunnel Tyres Mitre 10 Masterton Simon Kerr The Boatshed and Autos Pak n Save Masterton Tumu ITM Masterton Simon Stevens Hunting and Fishing Masterton Riversdale Beach Golf Club REAP House Masterton

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