Rato Akoranga A Rohe Annual Report Wairarapa REAP 2013 working to develop our people and our communities Annual Report 2013 Wairarapa REAP Find us Contents REAP House, 340 Queen Street, Masterton. About Wairarapa REAP .....................................3 Contact us at: Chairman’s Report .............................................4 Freephone: 0800 WAIREAP Phone: (06) 377 1379 Fax: (06) 377 1378 Director’s Report ................................................5 Email:
[email protected] Post: PO Box 442, Masterton. Our priorities for action ......................................6 Office hours are Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm, Influencing educational achievement .................7 (closed public holidays). Supporting quality early childhood education ....8 Putting the principles of Ka Hikitia into practice ..9 Enabling digital literacy through family Visit us at www.facebook.com/ and whānau .......................................................9 WairarapaREAP Collaborating and partnering to achieve progress .............................................10 Developing leadership across the community ...10 Using government money for government priorities .......................................11 Maintaining sound organisational structure .....12 Our Board ........................................................13 Our staff ...........................................................14 Acknowledgements .........................................15 Playdays down at the beach Playdays continued to be a key strand in our support to rural playgroups,