Thomas Ahnert currently holds a Leverhulme Postdoctoral Fellowship within the Research Project on "The of Man in Scotland" at the University of Edinburgh, and is preparing a mono graph for publication entitled, , Religion and in the Thought of Christian Thomasius. He has also published a number of articles and reviews, inc1uding a study of Thomasius's perception of in Ius Commune XXIV (1997).

Robert von Friedeburg was educated at the universities of Hamburg and Bielefeld, and is now Professor of the History of Society at the University of Rotterdam. He has published on a wide range of historical subjects, including the following four monographs: Sündenzucht und sozialer Wandel. Earls Colne (England), Springfield und Ipswich (Neuengland) im Vergleich, ca. 1524-1690, (Stuttgart, 1993); Ländliche Gesellschaft und Obrigkeit. Gemeindeprotest und politische Mobilisierung im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert, (Göttingen, 1997); Widerstandsrecht und Konfessionskonflikt: Gemeiner Mann und Notwehr im deutsch-britischen Vergleich, 1530-1669, (Berlin, 1999); Kultur und Mentalität der unterständischen Schichten in der Frühen Neuzeit, (Munich,2001).

Frank Gronert studied philosophy, and sociology at the University of Münster in Westphalia. He obtained his doctorate in 1996 with a dissertation on the political and legal philosophy of the early German Enlightenment. For a number of years he worked within a research project on the penal theory of Spanish scholasticism at the University of Basel, and taught legal and social thought at the university in Vechta. He has also worked on the critical edition of the works of Christian Thomasius and has published articles on early modern practical philosophy. He is presently a member of a research project on memory and science in the eighteenth century based at the University of Giessen. His most recent work is Normbegründung und politische Legitimität. Zur Rechts­ und Staatsphilosophie der deutschen Frühaujklärung, (Tübingen, 2000).

Tim Hochstrasser has studied at and held research positions within the universities of Cambridge and Oxford, and is presently Lecturer in International History at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He has published a number of articles on themes close to the subject matter of this book, and a monograph, Natural Law Theories in the Early Enlightenment, (Cambridge, 2000).

319 320 NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS lan Hunter is Australian Professorial Fellow, Centre for the History of European Discourses, The University of Queensland, Brisbane. He is the author of a number of books and articles on the history of ethical discourses and institutions. He has completed a large study entitIed Rival Enlightenments: Civil and Metaphysical Philosophy in Early Modem , (Cambridge, 2001).

Clare Jackson is University Assistant Lecturer in the History of Political Thought and Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. She was formerly a Research Fellow at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, where she obtained her doctorate by researching a thesis on royalist ideology in late-seventeenth century ScotIand. In addition to publishing several articles on the history of ideas in early modern ScotIand, she is also the author of a historiographical survey entitIed 'Restoration to Revolution 1660-1690' in Glenn Burgess (ed.), The New British History: Founding the Modem State 1603-1714, (London, 1999). She is currently completing a monograph entitled Restoration Scotland, 1660-1690.

Petter Korkman studied at Universite Lyon 11 and at the University of Helsinki and is now assistant teacher in philosophy at the Abo Akademi University (in Finland.) He has published articles on naturallaw theory in Swedish and Finnish, and recently completed his doctorate .on the natural law theory of , which he is currentIy preparing for publication.

Jon Parkin obtained his B.A from Oxford in 1991 and his doctorate from Cambridge University in 1995 with a dissertation on Richard Cumberland, published as Science, Religion and Politics in Restoration England: Richard Cumberland's De legibus naturae (Woodbridge, 1999). He was Centenary Research Fellow at Selwyn College, Cambridge 1995-1998 and British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow at King's College, London, 1998-1999. He is now Lecturer in the Department of Politics, University of York. He is currently working on a project on the reception of Hobbes with the working title: Taming the Leviathan: the Reception of Hobbes in England 1640-1750.

Patrick Riley is Michael Oakeshott Professor of at University of Wisconsin (Madison). His scholarly interests have ranged widely across early modern European intellectual history, but have always retained an enduring focus upon the moral and political philosophy of Leibniz. Among his many books, he has published most recently Leibniz' Universal lurisprudence: lustice as Charity of the Wise, (Harvard, 1996). He has also translated and edited Malebranche's Treatise on Nature and Grace, (Oxford, 1992).

Merio Scattola teaches philosophy and history at the "Liceo Classico G.B. Brocchi" in Bassano deI Grappa (Italy) and is member of the research group on the history of political concepts at the university of Padua (www.unipd.itlconceui/). His publications include La nascita delle scienze dello stato. August Ludwig Schlözer e le discipline politiche dei Settecento tedesco, (Milan, 1994), Das Naturrecht vor dem NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS 321

Naturrecht. Zur Geschichte des ius naturae im sechzehnten Jahrhundert, (Tübingen, 1999), and several contributions in books and periodicals about the role of political ideas and naturallaw in modem history.

Peter Schröder is Lecturer in Early Modem European History at University College London. His scholarly interests lie in the History of Political Thought with particular emphasis on the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. His publications inc1ude: Die Leitbegriffe der deutschen Jugendbewegung (Münster, 1996), Christian Thomasius zur Einführung (Hamburg, 1999), Naturrecht und absolutistisches Staatsrecht (Berlin, 2(01), and Klaus Mann zur Einführung, (Hamburg, 2(02). He is currently working on a book about the reception of the French revolution in Gerrnany.

Michael J. Seidler is Professor of Philosophy at Western Kentucky University. His scholarly interests inc1ude contemporary moral and political theory, applied ethics, and early modem philosophy, where he has specialized in the German naturallaw tradition, particularly Samuel Pufendorf and his influence. His publications in this area inc1ude Samuel Pufendoifs "On the Natural State of Men" (LewistonJ QueenstonILampeter, 1990); The Political Writings of Samuel Pufendoif (tr.) (Oxford, 1994); and a number of essays in journals and published conference proceedings, dealing with resistance theory, sociality, and history. He is currently preparing Pufendorf's Dissertationes academicae selectiores (1675) for the Akademie Verlag Pufendorf-Ausgabe. Future projects will inc1ude reprint editions of early English translations of Pufendorf and comparative studies of problems in seventeenth-century and contemporary social thought.

Simone Zurbuchen is a member of the Forschungszentrum Europäische Aufklärung in Potsdam, and also teaches philosophy at the university of Zürich. Her publications inc1ude Naturrecht und natürliche Religion. Zur Geschichte des Toleranzbegriffes von S. Pufendorf bis Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Würzburg, 1991), and numerous articles on natural and toleration in eighteenth-century Germany, France, Switzerland and England. She is currently researching a project on political theory in eighteenth-century Germany. INDEX

absolutism, 143, 145, 150-2 Achenwall, Gottfried, 12, 13,92,93, 155 Althusius, Johannes, 4, 142, 151, 155, 156-7 Aquinas, Thomas, 3-4, 5-6, 7, 8,13,73,77 Argis, Boucher d', 300 Aristotelianism, 18, 153-4, 181-2 Arnauld, Antoine, XII, 60-1 Arnisaeus, Henning, 156, 157 Augustine, 53, 55, 68

Barbeyrac, Jean, X, XIII, XIV, 298, 303 and Leibniz, 195-218 his edition ofPufendorf's De Officio, XIV, 81, 196 on theodicy, 203-5 on voluntarism, 205-8, 213-16 Baxter, Richard, 40 BayJe, Pierre, 239, 270 Beckmann, Johann Christoph, 91 Bennet, Henry (Lord Arlington), 42 Bentham, Jeremy, 68 BerkeI, Abraham van, 40 BeseIer, Georg, 144 Blackburne, Richard, 32, 45 BIom, Hans, 36 Blount, Charles, 112 Böcler, Johann Heinrich, 90, 91 Bodin, Jean, 156 Bohun, Edmund, 112 Boineburg, Baron Johann Christian von, 91

323 324 INDEX

Bossuet, Jacques Benigne, 59, 74 Boursier, Laurent, 62 Breithaupt, Joachim, 269 Brucker, Johann Jakob, 258, 298 Burlamaqui, Jean-Jacques, 209-10 Butler, Samuel, 46

Calvinism, 8, 233, 267, 270 Carmichael, Gershorn, 122 Carpzov, Johann Benedikt, 268 Cartesianism, XII-XII, XV, 36, 38, 53, 73, 77, 81-2, 271 Clarendon, Earl of, 33, 34-5, 38,40,41,42 Coke, Sir Edward, 120 Conring, Hermann, 153, 155 contract, theories of, 109, 117,118-24,301-3,308 cosmopolitanism, 283-4 Court, Johann & Pieter, 37 Craig, Thomas, 118 Cumberland, Richard, 33-4, 43-4, 119

Dalrymple, James (Viscount Stair), 118-19, 121 Defoe, Daniel, 116 Denzer, Horst, 181 Descartes, Rene, 37,53,63, 74,198,261 Desmaizeaux, Pierre, 239 Diderot, Denis, XV, 298, 308 and naturallaw, 300-3 Domat, Jean, XIII Dreitzel, Horst, 143, 145, 146, 154, 155

Eachard, John, 34,42 Encyclopedie, 297, 299, 302 Enlightenment, definitions of, IX-XVI, 279-80, 290 Epicureanism, 42, 45, 177, 308 INDEX 325 equality, in Hobbes, 299 in Pufendorf, 300 Erastianism, 37, 39, 238

Fecht, Joachim, 269, Felden, Johannes von, 90

H!nelon, Fran~ois de la Mothe, 72, 74, 124 Filmer, Sir Robert, 154 Fontenelle, Bernard le Bouvier de, 77 Fowler, Edward, 43 Francke, August Hermann, 267 Frühaufklärung, IX, XVI

Gaius,lO Gerdil, Cardinal Giacinto, 81 Gierke, Otto von, 144 Glafey, Adam Friedrich, 91, 93-4 Göttingen, University of, 12,20,141,145-6 Gracian, Balthasar, 282 Grant, Sir Francis (Lord Cullen), XIII and Grotius, 107-12, 121-2 and Pufendorf, 107, 109, 120-2 and latitudinarianism, 115, 117 and presbyterianism, 116-18 and Roman Law, 120-2 biography, 113-14 on law of nature and nations, 114, 118-24 on right of resistance, 107-12 on witchcraft, 114, 117-8 Gribner, Michael Heinrich, 20 Grotius, Hugo, X, XII, 299 and Leibniz, 213-4 and scholasticism, 95 and Sir Francis Grant, 107-12, 121-2 in 'history of naturallaw', 96-7 reception in Early Enlightenment, 89-97 Works: De lure Belli ae Paeis, 89-97, 120, 122 Gundling, Nicolaus Hieronymus, 21, 91, 93 326 INDEX

Hall, John, 37 Harrington, Jarnes, 37 Hartung, Gerald, 94 Hazard, Paul, IX Heerebord, Adrianus, 37 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 89 Hertius, Nikolaus, 155 Hobbes, Thomas, XI, XII, 18,21-2,63,80-1,94,141,184,305,306,308 and absolutism, 42 and anti-c1ericalism, 37, 39,45 and Diderot, 301 and Epicureanism, 42, 308 and Pufendorf, 44-5,94, 199,298-9 and scriptural texts, 33-34 his method, 33-5 on moral obligation, 33, 304 on state of war, 44 reception and influence of, 31-46 Works: De Cive, 32, 34, 35, 36,37,39,203-4; Leviathan, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 40,42,46,61 Hommel, Kar! Ferdinand, 20 Honyman, Bishop Andrew, 111 Horn, Johann Friedrich, 154 Huber, Ulrik, 121, 155 Huguenots, XI, XIV Hume, David, 79-80, 307-8 Hutcheson, Francis, XV, 297, 302, 308 and Mandeville, 305-7 and Pufendorf, 303-7 on virtue, 303-7 innate ideas, 3-4, 12-14

Jacobites, 111, 116 James VIII, (King of Scotland and England), 143, 150, 151 Jansenism, XII, 62, 81,261 Jaucourt, Chevalier de, 298 on naturallaw, 301-3 on sociability, 299-300 INDEX 327

Jurieu, Pierre, 60 justiee, as 'charity of the wise', 65, 72, 169-70, 177-80, 182-4 universal,7-8, 18, 178-9, 184, 197-8

Kant, Irnrnanuel, 21, 55, 76,170,172,177,188,212 Kulpis, Johann Georg, 91

Latitudinarians, 39,41-2,42-3,44,115,117 Law of Nations, 10-11,21-3, 107-8, 114, 118-24 Lawson, George, 38 Le eIere, Jean, 232-3 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, XI, XII, 53, 56, 57 and Barbeyrae, XIV, 195-218 and 'eharity of the wise', 65, 72, 170, 172, 182-4 and Grotius, 213-14 and Platonism, 171, 174 and Malebranche, 55, 61, 63-5, 68-9, 76, 78-9, 81 and Thomasius, 184-5 eompared with Pufendorf, 169-88 his anthropology, 173-4 his attaek on Pufendorf, 169,196-8, 199 his eoneept of justice, 55, 177-80, 182-4 his critique of voluntarism, 213-16 Works: Elements of Perpetual lustice, 64; Monadology, 173-4; Opinion on the Principles of Pufendoif, 63, 68, 196-8; Theodicy, 56, 63-5, 152 Leiden, University of, 113 Loeke,John,39,63,81,141 and Pufendorf, XIV-XV, 199,227-8,240-3 on Malebranehe, 75-6 on property, 236 on toleration, XIV-XV, 234-40 Works: Essay conceming Human Understanding, 235-7; Letter conceming Toleration, 230, 236-8, 239; Two Tracts on Govemment, 236-8 Luey, William, 34, 38 Luther, Martin, 7-8 Lutheranism, 179,233,258,266-71

MaeKenzie, Sir George, 113, 119, 120 Mairan, Dortous de, 74, 77 328 INDEX

Malebranche, Nicolas, XII-XIII and Leibniz, 55, 61, 63-5, 68-9, 76, 78-9, 81 and , 77-81 and occasionalism, 55, 73-5, 76 his practical philosophy, 54 on general and particular wills, 54, 55, 56-9, 60-4, 70-1,76-7 on grace, 55-6, 59 on naturallaw, 53-82 on 'relations of perfection' , 66-73, 77-8 on theodicy, 54, 56, 61-2 Works: Entretiens sur la mhaphysique, 55, 68-9,71,81; Meditations chrhiennes et mhaphysiques, 70, 72, 73; Recherche de la verite, 69, 70; Reflexions surla premotion physique, 53, 55, 61-4, 76-7, 79; Traite de morale, 53, 54, 66-7, 69, 73, 74; Traite de la nature et de la grace, 54, 55, 56-7,59,70-1 Mandeville, Bernard, 305-6 Martinius, Matthias, 4 Marvell, Andrew, 40 McIlwain, Charles, 146 Mecklenburg, constitutional conflict over, 148-50 Melanchthon, Philipp, XII, XIV, 4,6-7 Middleton, George, 113 Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de, and Malebranche, 77-81 Moore, James, 304 Moser, Johann Jacob, 146, 147 moral epistemology, 33 in Leibniz, 55,177-80,182-4,213-16 in post-scholastic naturallaw, 12-23 in Pufendorf, 94-5, 175-7, 180-2, 199-200,205-8,213-16 More, Henry, 32, 264 Moulin, Louis de, 40 naturallaw, and cosmopolitanism, IX and Frühaufklärung, IX-XVI and human , XI, 14-15, 17-18,206-8 and law ofnations, 10-11,21-3,107-8, 114, 118-24 and Old Testament Law, 4-5, 6-7,16-17 and positive law, XII, 2-3 INDEX 329

and Roman jurisprudence, 1-2, 10-11 and science, 263-6 and theodicy, 203-6 doctrines of Leibniz and Pufendorf, 169-88, 195-218 in Encyc1opedie, 297-303 in German constitutionalism, 141-58 in 'modem' form, 1, 12-23 in Scotland, 118-24 origins, XI relation to divine law, 6-7, 8 Nettelbladt, Daniel, 21

Osiander, lohann Adam, 91 Owen, lohn, 37

Palladini, Fiammetta, 199-200 Parker, Samuel, 42-3 Pascal, Blaise, XII, 60, 77 Pfeiffer, lohan Phillip, 232 , XV, 267, 288, 291 Plato, 55, 63, 68 Platonism, 53, 55, 64, 174,260 Pocock, lohn, 171 Presbyterians, 40, 116-8 property, 11, 13,21,236 Pufendorf, Samuel von, X, XII, XIIl, XIV, 1, 16, 19,91,93,93,107,109,120-2, 142,146,157-8,195,298 and Barbeyrac's interpretation, 195-218 and Hobbes, 44-5, 94, 199,298-9 and Leibniz's critique, 196-8,209 compared with Leibniz, 169-88 compared with Locke, 227-43 denial of innate ideas, 12-14 his anthropology, 175-7 his 'history of naturallaw', 96 his moral epistemology, 94-5,175-7,180-2,199-200,205-8,213-16 on sociability, 44-5, 206-7, 299-300 use of compacts, 185-7 views on religious toleration, 228-34 Works: De habitu religionis christianae ad vitam civilem, 186-7,228,230-2; De lure Naturae et Gentium, 44, 91, 95,122,175-7,180-2,185-7,207-8, 330 INDEX

299; De Officio Hominis et Civis, XIV, 81,120,169,185,196,197,304-5; De statu imperii Germanici, XIII, 157-8; Elementa Jurisprudentiae Universalis, 38-9,44; Jus Feciale Divinum, 228-9; 232-4 Pütter, Johann Stephan, 92, 93

Rachel, Samuel, 179-80 Raey, Johannes de, 37 reason, human, 14-15, 17-18,206-8,211-12,260,287 Reimmann, Jakob Friedrich, 92 religious conflict, X-XI, XIII-XIV, 46 representation, 143-4, 146-7 republicanism, 37, 144 resistance (right ot), defences of, 142 in Scotland, 107-12 rights, natural, 10,38,39,43,45,46, 142 Riley, Patrick, 174 Robertson, John, 279 Rogers, G.A.J., 32 Roman law, 10,20-21, 64-5,120-2,171,179 Roth, A.C., 269, 270 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 54, 81, 302

Saastamoinen, Kari, 200 Scargill, Daniel, 41, 42 scepticism, X, 95, 117 Scheffer, Johann, 91 Schlözer, August Ludwig, 20 Schmauss, Johann Jakob, 97 Schneewind, J.B., 81,195,199,200-2,206,210,261-2 scholasticism, 3, 5, 11 Schröder, Wilhelm von, polemic with Treuer, 141-58 Scott, William, 122 self-preservation, right to, 43-5, 298 Shafte, John, 43 INDEX 331

Sharrock, Robert, 39 Sidney, Algernon, 141, 142, 152, 158 sociability, 13, 19-20,36,38,43,44-5,206,283-6,287,298-9,306-7 Soto, Domingo de, 3, 8-10, 11 sovereignty, 122,303,308 divine, XII, XlV, 62-3, 74,116-7 in Hobbes, Xl, 18-19,21-2,43,46,62 in Holy Roman Empire, 141-58 in Pufendorf, 171, 185-7, 197,298-9,302 Spinoza, Baruch (Benedict) de, 40 state ofnature, 19,23,39,302,304,306 Stillingfleet, Edward, 39 Stoicism, 10,45, 177 Stosch, Friedrich Wilhelm, 232 Stubbe, Henry, 37

Tenison, Thomas, 34,41-2 Thomasius, Christian, XlI, 36, 141 and Cartesianism, 263-6 and Grotius, 92, 95, 96-7 and Leibniz, 184-5,259,261 and Lutheran opponents, 288-9 and voluntarism, 261-3 distinction between justum, honestum and decorum, 280, 288-90 his scientific theories, 263-6 his theological views, 266-71 his natural1aw theory, 259-63, 266, 271 on decorum, XV, 279-91 on his tory of the church, 97 on 'mosaic physics', XV Works: Ausübung der Sitten-Lehre, 261; Einleitung zur Sitten-Lehre, 261, 284-6, 288, 289-90; Fundamenta Juris Naturae et Gentium, 257-8, 259-63, 270-1, 284, 287, 290; Institutiones Jurisprudentiae Divinae, 257, 259-63; Versuch von Wesen des Geistes, 257, 263-6 Thrasymachus, 198 toleration, religious, XlV, 40, 41, 114-18, 227-43 Treuer, Gottlieb Samuel, XIII and constitutionalism in the Empire, 153-8 his polemic against Schröder, 141-58 332 INDEX

on the Mecklenburg conflict, 148-50 on the role of the law of nature, 152-3 Tuck, Richard, 95 Tyrrell, J arnes, 227

Ulpian, 10, 11 utilitarianism, 195

Vattel, Emer de, 199 Velthuysen, Larnbert van, 32, 35-7, 38,45 Venturi, Franeo, 279 Voet, Johannes, 113 , Franc;ois-Marie Arouet de, 64, 77,80 voluntarism, 170 defmed, 205-8 divine, 200-2 Hobbesian, XII in Pufendorf, 175-7, 195, 196-8,205-8,213-6,229,261 in Thomasius, 261-3

Waller, Edmund, 38,40 Weigel, Erhard, XII, Wolff, Christian, X, XI, 15,91,96, 187, 199, Wolseley, Sir Charles, 41, Wren, Matthew, 38, ARCHIVES INTERNATIONALES D'HISTOIRE DES IDEES * INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE HISTORY OF IDEAS

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