Name, Designation and Other Particulars of Public Information Officers
` 0 List of PIOs / APIOs Name, Designation and other particulars { Section 5 (1) 5 (2) } OPERATION CIRCLES OF TSSPDCL CONTENT Sl.No. Name of the Circle Page No. 1. Mahaboobnagar 1 - 3 2. Nalgonda 4 - 11 3. Medak 12 - 18 4. Ranga Reddy (North) 19 - 20 5. Ranga Reddy (South) 21 - 23 6. Ranga Reddy (East) 24 - 25 7. Hyderabad (North) 26 - 34 8. Hyderabad (South) 35 – 37 9. Hyderabad (Central) 38 - 39 ` 1 Name, Designation and other Particulars of Public Information Officers { Section 5 (1) 5 (2) } Mahaboobnagar Circle Sl. Name of the office Name of the PIO and Cell No. Name of the APIO and Cell No. No. District office Circle / Sri N.S.R.Murthy, DE/Technical,,Cell:9440813415, Sri B. Manikyalu, ADE/Tech., 1 Mahaboobnagar 08542-272946-272714,Fax 08542 - 272798 ,cell:9440813415, 08542-272730 G.Sudha Rani AE/Tech/D.O./MBNR,, 2 Division /Mahaboobnagar Venkataiah, DE/OP/MAHABUBNAGAR,, 9440813418 08542-273138 Sub-division, Sureshkumar, Sub-Er/MBNR(TOW),, 3 Srinivasa Chary, ADE/OP/MBNR(TOWN).,, 9440813431 Mahaboobnagar 08503-272926 Shanthi , Sub-Er./OP/TOWN-1, 4 Section Town-I/MBNR B.Ramesh Babu, AE/OP/TOWN-1,, 9440813457 08542-241666 Vacant, Sub-Er./OP/TOWN-2, 5 Section Town-II/MBNR Satyanna, AE/OP/TOWN-2,, 9491066205 08542-243666 6 Section /Town-III/MBNR M.Srinivas, AE/OP/TOWN-3,, 9440813459 K.Venkatesh/ Town-3,, 08542-243555 Ramakrishna, Sub-Er/MBNR(RURAL),, 7 Sub-division,MBNR Rural B.Srinivasulu, ADE/OP/MBNR(RURAL),, 9440813444 08542-273146 Chandra Shekar sub-eng I/C AE/OP/C&O/MBNR,, Chandra shekar sub-Er (I/C), 8 C&O/Section/MBNR 9440813890 Sub-Engineer, 9 Section/Koilkonda B.
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