MS SO GOOD SO Many9 Many Ways*

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MS SO GOOD SO Many9 Many Ways* 1* <« tAOB TWENTY-FOUR r ■:i; IHU1U3IUY, JUNE 6» AY«raga D aly Net Praaa Ron ittanrlffator lEoi^ttfns HrraUt For toa Week Knded Amo 1. 1963 The Waathar Chapman Count, Order o f Ama- Mrs. Bkiward Socha, IS Moore ForeoMl of U. to WeaUwr Bamaa About Town maith; will meet tomoirow. at 7:46 St., recently was elected leader of Grade. 3 toaefasr at Nathan HUa pjn. at the Blascntc Temple. R ^ St. James’ Motoers Circle. Other Expert Driver! Town Hires School, to r peraoma raaaona; Mtoa 13,920 Cloudy, eooler wIMi ■uaNetid otficera are BIrs. Richard Luko, Willie Mae Btomw, a Grade 1 ahowera. Clearing toward eVMtag. tresfamenta will ba sarved by BIra. teacher at Buckley School, becauae Member o f toe Audit V«tpl«iok Seliool iPTA <w<U GiMtaf Anderson and a committee. co-leader; Bfrs. Thomas Derby, ■ o n e a o t OIrinilattoB Fair, cooler tonlglrt, lallirdoy ■pcM or Ns •nmial ptcnlo Monday treasiirar; Mrs. Edward Malloy, BDABH, Fla. (AP)—LUlIan T*n- Five Teachers ahe will move out o t town; BCra. (ram S to 7 pjn. on tbe acliool Bknaiuiel Chufchmen of Bknan- secretary; ;^Mrs. Edward Ristau ney, who is 92 and a motorist, Susan BCUler, sn art teochsr at TO MANCHESTb) M anchetter^A City o f VUlage Charm moaUy aunny, cool. nraundi. OoffM and toe eraam and Mrs. Paul O’Neill, representa­ plans to tolk with traffic officials lUlng Junior High Bchocri, for ma­ uel laitbaran Church wlU sponsor Five tetiohere were hired last ternity raasdns; and Blra. Eileen w H l^ avaUaMa. a “Ladles Night” tomorrow at 7:30 tives; Mrs. John Martin, contact about her lack of a driver’s li­ TOL. UDU O I, NO. i l l chairman; Mrs. John Funke, wel­ cense. night by the board of education M. Stiitoe, a bdimemaking teacher (nOHTBEN PAGES) p.m. in Luther HaU. John Poffin- 4 t Bennet, because of family re- MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, JUNE T, 1963 (Clooatfled Adrertialng on Pago M ) HM,Mk»aatary 6 l Our Lady o t barger will lead devotions. Blriand fare; Mrs. Sam Sipalo, librarian, She has been driving horses and for the next school year. ’The board , PRICE SEV1|N CEipS |i cars for 70 years and says all this sponslUlitiea Ctoaoe. Nortli wdUdird, wUI have Johnson la program chairman. and Mrs. Thom u Brennan, public­ also hired a secretary, accepted a Holy Hour.Sunday at 8:30 pjn fuss over her driving status is a One-year leavra were granted to Strawberry shortcake will be ity. _ seven resignations, and - granted on heliaK o< Pope John XXm . served. lot of folderol. She has a collec­ Mrs. Jane B. Mea, a Grade 4 Peraona c€ all (ailttui are Invited tion of nine unpaid citations and two leaves of absencs. teacher at Buckley Schopl, for State News to peiOdpaite. ’The State Past Chiefs Associa­ court officials aren’t sure what to Members of toe Salvation Army tion of Pythians will have its an­ The new appointMS are as fol­ health reasone; and to BCra. do. lows: Martha Routhier, a secretary In Star ot toe East, Royal Black will meet tonight at '7:15 for nual picnic Sunday at 12:30 p.m. prayers at toe atadel. There will at the Pythian Center in-Cheshire. You simply can’t go out and ar­ Miss Doris M. Mortenson, 21, of the administrative office, for ma­ Preceptory, will meet FYiday at rest a 92-year-old woman and you Hartford, who will teach English ternity reasons. f p.m. at Orange Hall. be an open air service at Main Those planning to attend are re­ Layoff of 400 and Birch Sts. at 7:30, conducted minded to bring a covered dish can’t have her breaking the law at Manchester High School; Mrs. Three of the five teachers have Tension Grips Lexington hy David Addy. In toe event of and gift for a kitchen social. ’Those either, said Richard Brlnker, Irene C. Wright, 35, of Manches­ had previous experience. Membens o t Girt Scout Troop 7, rain the service will be held at desiring transportation may call court clerk. ter, Grade 6 at Lincoln School; Btrs. Wright, a graduate of Set at Kaman Center OongregBitSonal Church, the Citadel. Mrs. Raymond Gamble, 481 Lydall “ Why, I am an expert, unusual­ Mrs. Gwen E. Brooks, 36, of Man­ Keene ’Teachera’ College with a wtn reoeive cuit^ bars at cere­ St. ly fine driver,’’ said Mrs. Tenney, chester, Grade 6 at Lincoln; Miss Jsachelor of edimation degree, has monies Friday st 7 p.m. at Oamp The Salvation Army’ Sunday who uses a crutch. "People sim­ Barbara Bird, 31, of Andover, had seven yeaira experience and bloomfibild (AP) — ■mo Merrtowood. Parents and friends School will have Ha annual picnic Miss Paula G. Adams, daughter ply keep running into me.’’ Mass., and Miss Rosalie Ann Brad- will earn |6,500. Miss Bird,' a Kaman Aircraft Corp. wlU lay off are Inrvtted. Saturday at Maahamoquet State of Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Adams, Her 1954 model auto has dents street, 25, of New Haven, ele- graduate of Blerrimac College with 400 more workers between now and in the fenders but is clean as a Park, Aahford. A bus will leave 15 S. Hawthorne St., has accepted mentary grades as yet unasslgned. a ' baohelcM' of arts degree Beptember Including both aalaries Brownie Troop 617 of Highland the Citadri at 10:30 ajn. Those pin. Mrs. Ruth Jenkins was hired as and hourly employes, the com­ Park School wiU have a picnic a position as research assistant in with a history and philos^hy In Wake of Racial Riot The former teacher said when pany announced yesterday, m e planning to attend should bring psychology at the Bio-Metric a secretary in the administrative major, has had 7H years ex­ Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 pjn. she saves a tidy bundle of tickets office at a 18,900 salary. oompany laid off some 600 em- box lunches. Beverages and ice Corp., at Brooklyn (N.Y.) State perience and will earn 37,040. at toe home o t Mary Montany, 280 cream wiU be prodded. she malls them to West Miami 'Hie teaxhers who submitted res­ ployea in March. A leveling off In Ferguaon Rd. Flyup ceremoniee Hospital. She gradual^ cum police with a poUte little note and Miss Bradstreet, a graduate of LEXINGTON, N. C. (AP)f age In the city today, said It wastton. He died before reaching laude recently from Vasear Col­ ignations, all effective at the close jproduction of helicopters for notni’li aattJI great asoa first believed. AA i__. ... ^ . But Smith said he ".saw sparks: a High Point news {fiiotograifiier. for girls entering G i^ e 4 in Sep­ a 85 bill. Baffled police forward of the current schcxil year. Includ­ Wheelock College wltii a bach­ the U.8 . Army and U.S. Air Force •—Seven youngr Negroes were Winston-Salem hospital with a bul­ from bullets hitting the sidewalks James J. Kerrigan Jr. of the lege, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and is elor of science degree in edu­ plate glass window In a store waa let wound In the head. The crowd began dispersing aft­ tember will be held at thia time. them to court. ed: wae blgmed for the decision. arrested here today on open and the Negroes .said the police er the shootings, but police U. 8 . Air Force, son of Mr. and a member of Phi Beta Kappa. "Once I sent them 884,” she cation, has had four yean ex- broken, several windshields In Art Richardson, 25, a photogra­ Mrs. James J. Kerrigan, 14 Ensign Miss Ann Gilman, an art teach­ Kaman now employes 4,200 per- charges in the aftermath of a automobiles were broken, and a aren’t going to protect us.” brought on fire hoses and scat­ Registrationa for Brownies and said. “ They seem to be such nice er at Bennet Junior High Schcxil, experience and will earn 36.780. ■ons. m e layoff will affect the pher with the High Point Enter­ The eruption of violence came St., recently received his airman WILD WEST TAIMED and always deUvared Utclnn fresh race riot Thursday night that Negro church at the corner where prise, was .struck in the back by tered remaining. CHn Scouts wtU be token tomor­ gentlemen.” bocMriise she wfil teach hi another Bliss Mortenson and BIra. oompany’sV - gssrassamplants axsIn nOAUUAVHartford after a group of Negroes made Several Negroes were treated first class stripe at Bentwaters LANG’TRY, Tex. (A P )—The ’The young policemen who fre­ Brooks, both starting teachiars, Windsor U left one white man dead and the shooting occurred had small a bullet. He was reported In sat­ row at 7:30 pm . at Nathan Hale and Woodbridge AFB, England, town; Bliai Nancy Rowe, a social Frashly made State Una Potato Chips ‘ Locks, Mossup and Bloom holes in a section of stained glass feeble attempts to gain service at for cuts from flying glass. A School auditorium. law, west of the Pecos, is a wom­ quently give her traffic tickets studies teacher at Bennet, for per­ ■will earn 34,700. Bliss Mortenson field a newspaper photographer isfactory condition. segregated cafes, a theater and where he has been stationed since an since Mrs. Doris Chamberlain, ara delivared In our own trucks t a i f y window. white man, James Comer, 28, waa are very nice, said Mrp. Tenney, sonal reasons; Mis. Alison Rhodes, was graduated tola month from wounded by gunfire. Roosevelt Smith, a Lexington bowling alley in the downtown charged with striking a Negro November of last year.
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