
This is anopenaccess article undertheCCBY-NC-SAThis Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Peer Review under the responsability of Manuscript February accepted: 11,2020 Corrected manuscript received: January 30,2020 Manuscript received: November 10,2019 BSGM2020v72n3a130220 72 (3), A130220.http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/ Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, the Caribbean Large Igneous Province: edge of : Arcmetallogenesisthe trailing on Redwood, S.,of Deposits 2020,The How tocitethisarticle: [email protected] * Corresponding author:(S. Redwood) Panama 0832-0757, Trade Center, Panama City, 1 Stewart D. provincia ígneadelCaribe Los depósitosmineralesdePanamá:MetalogénesisArcoenelbordeposteriorlagran Caribbean largeigneousprovince The mineraldepositsofPanama:Arcmetallogenesisonthetrailingedge license(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) Consulting Geologist, Economic P.O. Box Redwood 1,* Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín slip. Middle Arc Panama, The in western onthe north the Nazca Plate convergence to strike the change of of Panama arc shut down inthe lower Miocene asaresult Cu mineralization eastern and porphyry (Ipeti). The Cana mine) andcarbonates (RioMogue prospect), brecciasAu (Espiritu Santo de inhighgrade deposits sulphidation epithermal intermediate the arc formed Plate followed by the NazcaPlate. Panama, Ineastern the Farallon related to the NE-dipping subduction of oped inthe Oligocene to lower Miocene (31-18 Ma) Auand a porphyry prospect (Soná). A Middle Arc devel Au-Ag-Pb-Cu mineralization, epithermal of formation Azuero-Soná belt inthe middle to late Eocene with the lithocaps.Thein porphyry arc to the northern migrated Au-Cu (Cerro deposits Quema andothers) epithermal km sinistrally to the Azuero Belt, hostshighsulphidation prospects), continuation, while by the western offset 200 Panama Cu-Aueastern (RioPito andother porphyry in Cu-Auization. San Blas porphyry The belt formed Au-rich VMS Cu-Zn mineral belts with showings of exhalite inthe Nombre deposits de DiosandMontijo the Farallon Plate. It hassubmarine Si-Mn-Fetion of age (71-34 Ma)developed related to northerly subduc late Campanianto Eocene to south. AnEarly Arc of Panamawhereas ineastern the belts young from north from south to north away from the subduction zone, belts. Panama, Inwestern the - belts young the arc andmetallogenic tion andoroclinal bending of America since the middle Eocene resulted indeforma the Panama arc with South progressiveThe collisionof about 32 Mt copper and >984 t gold. Panama of ment of magmas, which may explain the strong endow chalcophile element-enriched, mantle plume-related Plate. Large igneous provinces by are formed goldand the Caribbean trailing edge of (CLIP), onthe western, oceanic plateau, the Caribbean Large Igneous Province age developedLate Cretaceous to Quaternary onan hosted by acomposite volcano-plutonic islandarc of the Panama microplate are of mineral deposits The ABSTRACT Large Igneous Province (CLIP). , metallogenic belts, Caribbean Keywords: copper, gold, porphyry epithermal and many other smalldeposits. Darien, Chepo, Coclé, Veraguas, Azuero-Soná, western and extensive Darien, placer Au inNorthern deposits Panama; of beach/marine inthe Gulf placer deposits Chiriqui-Veraguas belt; heavy mineral Fe-Ti sands in include lateritic andiron inthe by aseismic oceanic ridge. formed Quaternary Deposits the Cocos the belt isrelated to the subduction of part of the young porphyries inthe western Uplift of deposit). andthe Cerrodeposit Chorcha Cu-Au porphyry supergiant Cerro Cu-Mo-Au-Ag Colorado porphyry (Cerro Lloron, (the Cudeposits RioLiri),andporphyry Santa Rosa), Au deposits highsulphidation epithermal Au vein andbreccia-hosted (,, deposits Panama western hosts low sulphidation epithermal of the Central Cordillera age (18-0 Ma)of to Quaternary Miocene the Veraguas Later belt. The Arc of of deposits Au(Molejon) deposits, and probably the epithermal Au Cu-Mo-Au-Agporphyry and epithermal deposit) Cu(the supergiant porphyry Cobre Panama belt of the Central Cordillera, hosts the Petaquilla side of ern /72(3)A1302202020 ------del manto, la fuerte dotación de loquepuedeexplicar en oro y elementos calcófilos en unacolumna de convección enriquecidos por magmas vincias ígneas están formadas borde occidental de laPlaca del Caribe. pro Las grandes meseta oceánica, la Gran Provincia Ígnea del Caribe, enel una en desarrollado edad Cretácico tardío al Cuaternario están hospedadosarco un en de deisla volcáno-plutónico minerales de la microplacaLos depósitos de Panamá RESUMEN (CLIP). icos, Provincia Ígnea Grande del cobre, manganeso, metalógen cinturónes Palabras pórfido de clave: oro epitermal, aluvialesdeAu. depósitos playa /placerel Golfo marino en dePanamá; y extensos arenas deminerales pesados de Fe-Ti de depósitos en en elcinturón de Chiriquí-Veraguas;y mineral de hierro incluyenla meteorización cuaternaria bauxita laterítica por oceánica asísmica de Cocos. formados Los depósitos del cinturón está relacionado con la subducción de la cresta en la parte occidental de los pórfidos jóvenes levantamiento Colorado,pórfido Chorcha). Cu-Mo±Au (Cerro El Cerro de Llorón, Río Liri) y depósitos alta sulfuración (Cerro de Remance, de Auepitermales Santa Rosa), depósitos de Aubaja sulfuración (Capira, brechas epitermales Central del oeste de Panamá y de vetas tiene depósitos Ma) delaCordillera (18-0 del Mioceno aCuaternaria males de Audelcinturón deVeraguas. ElArco Tardío de Au (Molejón),y probablemente los epiter epitermales pórfido de CuPetaquilla (Cobre Panamá) y depósitos lado norte dela Cordillera Central, tiene elcinturón de de rumbo. ElArco Mediano en eloeste de Panamá, en el dela Placa deNazcade falla convergencia margen a un en elMioceno inferior como resultado del cambio de la de Cu(Ipeti). El arco del este dePanamá se terminó y carbonatos (Rio Mogue),ymineralización de pórfido brechasmedia en (Espíritu Santo de Cana) de alto grado de sulfuración inter de Auepitermales depósitos formó de la Placa deNazca. Eneleste de Panamá, el arco con la subducción al NE dela Placa de Farallón seguida el Oligoceno al Mioceno inferior Ma) relacionado(31-18 en pórfido Arcode Au(Soná).Un Mediano se desarrolló Au-Ag-Pb-Cu y un prospecto de mineralización epitermal norte de Azuero-Soná en elEoceno medio a tardío y tiene de pórfido.Quema) enlitocapas al cinturón El arco migró de alta de Au-Cu sulfuración (Cerro epitermales depósitos 200 kma la izquierda al Cinturón de Azuero, hospeda mientras que la continuación occidental, desplazada por enelestedePanamá (Río Pito), fido de San Blas se formó VMS de Cu-Zn rico en Au. El cinturón de Cu-Au de pór de mineralización tipo de Dios y Montijoocurrencias submarinos de Si-Mn-Felativos enlos cinturones Nombre hacia el nortedela placa Farallón. exhá depósitos Tiene por la subducción Ma) sedesarrolló al Eoceno (71-34 nicos.Arco Un Temprano deedad Campaniano tardío y la flexión oroclinal del arco ylos cinturones metalogé del Sur desde el Eoceno medio provocó la deformación del arcoLa colisión progresiva dePanamá con América metal dePanamá de 32Mtcobrey >984 tdeoro.

Caribe 1 ------

The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION / The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province EXPLORATION AND 1. Introduction 2 2 lr,19) oho which are alsogiant gold Clark,1993), bothof including two supergiant porphyries (>10 Mt Cu; gold deposits, copper and epithermal porphyry of Panama hasarich endowment IisthmusThe of prospects are described by metallogenic belts from 3 andare listed inTables and deposits 1 to 4.The arethe principal mineral deposits shown inFigure Panama are shownin Figure 2andthe locations of Panama. topographyof The and placenames of resources) define to work sufficient or mining prospectssignificant without occurrences (mineral estimates and/or significant historical mining) and (those withmineral resource mineraldeposits of (Figure 1). theCentral American Seaway and the closure of theisthmus which of also resulted the formation in the South American plate, North Andes Blockof collisionwiththe during the protracted of history which bent the isthmus into a recumbent S-shape oroclinal deformation Panamaern is the result of andwest metallogenic belts in eastern tribution of contrasting dis part. The volcanism inthe eastern subductionand subduction, andthe cessation of the island arc, the changeoblique tohighly tion of the metallogenic subduction, evolu initiation of the isthmusrecord the metallogenicbelts of The the isthmus. to the metal endowment of oceaniccrustandprobably contributedto normal Oceanic plateaus are enrichedmetals compared in to have at the Galapagos mantle hot-spot. formed bean Large Igneous Province (CLIP), interpreted the Carib province(LIP), the oceanic plateau of alarge igneous developed on the trailing edge of nic-arc related gold and copper metallogenic belts duction (Tables multiple 1, 2 and 4). The volca the historic gold pro not accountfor much of 32 MtCuand>984 t (31.6 Moz) Au, which does theisthmusabout is productionresources) plus of ternary. total metal endowment The (historical fromthe Late formed Cretaceous to theQua (>100 tAu;deposits Singer, 1995),which have / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín This paper describes the and history andhistory paper describes the geology This http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 /72(3)A1302202020 ------/72(3)A1302202020 Panama 2. Explorationandmininghistoryof exploration inPanama. as the author’s plusexperience quarter century of Wyoming),Heritage Center,well as Universityof pany archives (Thayer Lindslay Papers, American published onSedar (www.sedar.com), andcom rities Administrators’ NI43-101 technical reports papers, company press releases, Canadian Secu based on the published literature, historical news and prospectto west. deposit The descriptions are oldest to youngest, andwithineach belt from east 1985 tothepresent. gold and copper exploration and mining from modern 1957 to 1982; and 5) the development of coveries and regional exploration programs from Warcopper dis porphyry Two; 4)theperiod of as Panama, until gold mining washalted by World 1903 from and Colombia of part as firstly 1871, fromfrom mining 1821-1942,withmanganese gold mining 1821; 3) the Republican period of goldmining, 1501- colonial periodof the Spanish bian goldminingfrom about 100 CE- 1501; 2) pre-Colum 1) periods: historical five into divided bauxite. of and manganese ore, andalsohasresources of gold, and , isapastproducer producer. Panama currently produces copper, Panama to become a major copper of formation Cobre Panama2019 marked minein thetrans copper production at Quantum’s First the start of its were discovered in the mid-20 16 the Spanish empire in the richest gold provincesof the and Panama thishistory wasoneof most of dez, 2013). Mining wasdominated by gold for Mérida, 1973; Castillero Calvo, 2008,2019;Men (Redwood, 2020)andby(Carles, others 1962; lumbian times,paper asdescribed in acompanion mining over almost two millennia since pre-Co Panamaof a longandfascinating has history th Exploration andmininginPanama can be -18 th centuries.copper depos Majorporphyry th century, and ------Panama 3. Regionalgeologicalsettingof America (TrenkampAmerica Figure 1 the Panama Canal, and extendsinto the Chocó of east Panama of part the as defined is terrane) the northwest andisongoing(Barat wood, 2019). Collision wasoblique, propagated to (Cediel theCentral America landbridge Panama, part of the Isthmus of part forms bia, while the western Colom the WesternCordillera of part of form Plate Andesto and was accreted to the Northern the arc collided with the South American part of later the Nazca Plate. or Chocó southeastern The the Farallon Plate, and the northerly subductionof bean Plate from the late Campanian, related to the Carib trailing edge of on the southwestern, (Figure 1). Panama asavolcanic arc wasformed Nazca, Caribbean andSouth AmericanPlates the Cocos, Panamalocated is at the junction of The plate tectonic setting of Panama. Black arrows show present-day GPS velocities (cm/y) relative to stable South stable to relative (cm/y) velocities GPS present-day show arrows Black Panama. of setting tectonic The plate The Chocó Block (or Panama-ChocóBlock Chocó The arcor et al et ., 2003;Cediel and Shaw, 2019;Red et al., 2002). PFZ, Panama Zone; NPDB, North Panama Deformed Belt; UFZ, Uramita Fault Zone. Fault Uramita UFZ, DeformedBelt; Panama North Zone; NPDB, Fracture Panama PFZ, 2002). Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 et al et ., 2014). - - - irpaea aeo about 72 mm/year along the Microplate at a rate of the Panama part of America andthe western PlateCocos is beingsubducted beneath Central by the Middle Americasubductionzone. The Panama Belt, and from the Cocos Plate Deformed Belt, from the South American Plate bythe East the Nazca Plate by the South Panama Deformed Plate by the North Panama Belt, from Deformed detachedAmerica anditwas from theCaribbean al Microplate (Kellogg andVega 1995;Trenkamp rocksand are grouped together as the Panama blocksare underlain byoceanic plateau volcanic Panama western and Costa Rica. Both forms Colombia, while the Chorotega Block Province of which includesthe Coiba andBalboa Fracture and NazcaPlatesthe Panama is Fracture Zone, Rica border.between boundary theCocos The ducted beneath the isthmus at the Panama-Costa being sub oceanic ridge is Cocos aseismic The Middle America Trench (Trenkamp ., 2002). This formed after with South collision formed ., 2002).This /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 et al et ., 2002). 3 3 et et -

REGIONAL GEOLOGICAL The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province SETTING OF PANAMA GEOLOGICAL SETTING / The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province GEOLOGICAL EVOLUTION AND MAGMATIC 4 4 youngest volcanismoccurred at 15 Ma(Montes no active volcanic Panama, arc ineastern where the subduction, there is the lack of a consequence of Panama. eastern As margin of along the southern subduction 8 Ma and resulted in the cessation of motion started inthe late Miocene between 12 and dale and Klitgord that (1978) suggested strike-slip Panamaalong the Southern Fault Zone, while Lons at about 3.5 Ma based on the 140kmdisplacement estimated that the present tectonic regime started Trench (Defant theMiddle America the eastward continuation of in trench the filled has which prism accretionary an to the north by the South Panama Belt, Deformed Westbrook the margin (Kellogg and Vega 1995; Mann seismicity, duetoachangethe strikeof in of lack theAzuero Peninsula,marked bya fault east of tion inthe westto asinistralstrike-slip (50mm/y) plate changes from oblique ENE-directed subduc 2011b). Cretaceous to themiddleEocene(Buchs occurred from oceanicislands the Late accretion of the Farallon Plate. Episodic Miocene breakup of bean Plate. Subduction continued until the early the Farallon Plate beneath the Carib of subduction the northwards the Late Cretaceous as aresult of by a long-lived, intra-oceanic subduction zone since spot (Pindell to haveinterpreted at the Galapagos hot formed Igneous Province (CLIP) oceanic plateau, which is the Caribbean crust about Large30 Mylater to form were extruded onto pre-existing Caribbean Andes. mainly 90Ma Caribbean The the northern ping subductionzone between Central America and awest-dip about 120Mawiththedevelopment of Ocean opened (Pindell the between duringtheir westward drift as the Atlantic trapped was and Pacific-derived be al faults (Westbrook right-lateral oceanic transform Zones, which are north-trending,active, seismically al ., 2011). ., 1995). / / h otenbudr fthe Panama Micro of boundary southern The Panama ischaracterized margin of southern The Caribbean to The lithosphere is interpreted Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín et al et et al et ., 1995). The NazcaPlate., 1995).The is bounded et al et ., 2005). ., 1991a). Westbrook et al et ., 2005). This began atbegan ., 2005).This http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 et al et et al et ., 2010, . (1995) et et et et /72(3)A1302202020 - - - - - /72(3)A1302202020 arcs ofthePanamaMicroplate 4. Geologicalevolutionandmagmatic et f80kmbeneath theisthmus. of depth with a southward-dipping Wadati-Benioff Zone to a the Caribbean Plate amagmatic subduction of of cene. Camacho the since middle Mio been has actively forming Belt, a wide accretionary wedge,Deformed which NorthPanama bean Plate along the north sideof the Carib at 10mm/year (Reed and Silver 1995) of subduction flat or underthrusting the by defined is the Panama microplate of boundary northern The r n h otensd fthe Azuero arc. To the sideof arc andthe southern the San Blas sideof trend between the southern NW-SE a along measured as offset left-lateral km continues inthe Azuero Peninsula witha ca 200 (the and Mamonímountains San Blas arc), and no-plutonic arcs mapped in the San Blas, Chagres the Farallon Plate, the volca forming subduction of the CLIP during northerly ornorth-easterly edge of island arc, the Early Arc, developed on the trailing Arcs (e.g. Montes with the Late ArcEarlyand describeonly andLate include the Middle Arc2020); mostother authors al et 2005; Wegnerages (Lissinna, Whattam Arc(31-18 Ma)andLate Arc(18-0 Ma) following in thispaper as the Early Arc (71-34 Ma), Middle (Buchs the CLIP in Azuero andSoná occur to the south of sulas, andaccreted ocean islandbasalts(66-17 Ma) Azuero andSoná PeninDarien andthe southern eastern to Campanianagein (115-71 Ma)occur Aptian the Caribbean Large Igneous Provinceof al Wegner radiometric age dating 2005; (Lissinna, lations of Panama are shownFigurein compi 4basedon oceaniccrustandmagmatic arcsof agesof The ., 2012,2016;Perelló A Late Cretaceous (Campanian) to Eocene volcano-plutonicThe island arcsare designated Basalts from the accreted oceanic plateau of ., 2012a; Corral ., 2012a;Corral et al et et al et et al et ., 2011b). ., 2011;Montes . (2012) the with some modification of et al et et al et et al et . (2010)showed the existence ., 2012a;Buchs et al et ., 2012,2016;Perelló ., 2020). et al et et al et ., 2012a; Corral ., 2012a;Corral ., 2011;Montes et al et ., 2019b). et al et et et ., - - - - - (Buchs ner mountains, the Pearl Islands (Lissinna, 2005; Weg Ma) inthe late Oligocene in the Darien and Majé to the south andinitiated the Middle Arc (31-18 the Farallon Plate and then the Nazca Plate jumped Plates (Barat the Nazca andCocos Ma (late Oligocene) to form al et Arc withSouth America (Barat the Panama-Chocó interaction of by the start of (Whattam break-off ultimately and the subductingFarallon Plate by slabroll-back of break-up maybe explained by either steepening Chuqunaque-Tuira extension Basin. The andarc afore-arcthe in of resultingsional the formation in Panama eastern from compressional toexten of Eocene, there was a change in the tectonic regime dating. this may beanartefactfrom lackof ama from 38-28Ma(Montes Pan eastern and coincidedwithamagmatic in gap almost completed by the late Oligocene (~25 Ma), late Eocene –early Oligocene (38-28 Ma) and was slip faulting. Rotation andbendingstarted during the blocksand strike shape by vertical axis rotation of an oroclinal bendtogive Panama itsrecumbent S Montes Using the Campanian-Eocene arc asa strain marker, Panama. andwestern displacement between eastern northwards.migrated to the west in the Azuero-Soná Peninsula where it 2012a; Ramirez (Farris ages track fission (ca. 47–42Ma),coincidentwithuplift as shownby the SanBlasarcceased in tism the middleEocene in (Redwood ero andSoná Peninsulas, inthe Petaquilla district 34 Ma). arc (71-48 Ma)anda middle to late Eocene arc (47- can be subdivided intoaCampanianto early Eocene Andes. Early The the Northern Arc Cordillera of batholithsColombia, now in accreted to theWestern southeast, the arc continues asthe Acandi-Mande Coincident witharc shutdown inthe middle EarlyThe Arc shows curvature andleft lateral the Azu part of latterin the northern The occurs ., 2019). The Farallon., 2019).The Plate broke upat 25–23 et al et et al et ., 2011),theCentral Panama VolcanicField et al et et al et ., 2019a), and the Petaquilla batholith 21a hwdtedvlpeto . (2012a)showed thedevelopment of et al et ., 2021)andPortobello. Arc magma et al et ,21) Edpigsbuto f., 2014).NE-dippingsubduction of ., 2016). The arc., 2016).The remained active et al et Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín ., 2011;Montes et al et et al et http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 ., 2012a), although ., 2014;Montes et al et ., 2012),or et al et ., - - - - - 5. TheMetallogenicBeltsofPanama the middle Miocene as the Panama Microplate col Panama Belt the Darienregionin since Deformed 2019). Transpressive the East formed deformation al et and Kolarsky, 1995;Coates complete was byabout theearly Miocene (Mann Colombia the Chocó Blockof Ma, andcollisionof the North Andean Blockoccurred between 40-12 the Panama-Chocó arc with obliqueof collision as the Late Arc until the Quaternary. initial The strike-slip, but continuedthe Central in Cordillera due tothe change inthe Nazca Plate convergence to by Panama the early to middle Miocene ineastern Cordillera (Baker the Central side of and porphyries onthe northern ten porphyry copper and epithermal goldbelts: copperand epithermal ten porphyry exhalite Si-Mn-(Fe) and Au-Cu-Zn VMSbelts, and (Figure threethe mineraldeposits 5)andcomprise in defined this paper as a framework for the descriptions of are belts metallogenic following The poorlyknown areas suchDarien and SanBlas.as out in the future, them iscarried especially in of dating changes ages if insomeinferred deposit agenetic relationship. There maywell be tion of their volcanic-intrusive host rockson the assump isinferred by the others the age of and the age of haveA few mineral deposits radiometric age dating, activity onthelatter (Morrell active, withhistorical eruptions and micro-seismic ElValle,The LaYeguada and ElBarú volcanos are cano closeto Costa Rica (de Boer the Panama Canal, westwards tothe El Barú vol of extends from the El Valle stratovolcano, located west 400kmwhich domes andconesover a length of Miocene arc andhas10majorstratocones and31 volcanic arc (5-0 Ma) which issuperimposedonthe Panama, western and the Pliocene-Quaternary of arc the Central Cordillera (18-5 Ma) which forms Choco block (Kellogg the of break-off recent the mm/yr,with 1.6-1.7 of SouthAmerica,withacurrent motion lided against The LateThe Arc comprisesthe Miocene volcanic ., 2012;Barat /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 et al et et al et ., 2016). Magmatism ceased et al et ., 2014;Montes ., 2019). et al et et al et ., 2013). et al et ., 2004;Montes ., 1988,1991). et al et ., 2015, 5 5 - - -

GEOLOGICAL EVOLUTION AND MAGMATIC / The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province THE METALLOGENIC BELTS OF PANAMA The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province THE METALLOGENIC BELTS 31-18 M 5.2. MIDDLEARC (OLIGOCENE-LOWER MIOCENE, 5.1. EARLY ARC (LATE CAMPANIAN-EOCENE, 71-34M Figure 2 6 6 deposits (Molejon). deposits ama, Palmilla) Au and low sulphidation epithermal • Petaquilla Cu-Mo (Cobre Belt: porphyry Pan Au (Emperador, deposits epithermal SantaRita). • Cuprospectsand porphyry (Cana,Ipeti). Au (Espiritu Santo de Cana, Rio Mogue) deposits sulphidation epithermal • Darien Belt: intermediate Au (Soná). Au (LosPozos,ermal Cerro Negro), andporphyry Cu-Au porphyry potential, low sulphidation epith Au-Cu (Cerro deposits Quema) and lithocaps with • Azuero-Soná Belt: high sulphidation epithermal and others). Cu prospects • SanBlasBelt: porphyry (Rio Pito • prospects. exhalite Si-Mn-(Fe) andAu-Cu-Zn deposits VMS • Nombre Belt: de Dios Belt and Chagres-Mamoni Montijo Belt (Azuero): exhalite Si-Mn-(Fe) prospects. Central Panama sulphidation Belt: low tointermediate / / a Digitalelevation modelofPanamashowing thenamesof themaintopographicfeatures, citiesand towns(S.Redwood). ) Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 a ) /72(3)A1302202020 - - /72(3)A1302202020 WEATHERING 5.4. QUATERNARY DEPOSITSFORMEDBY 5.3. LATE ARC (MIOCENETO QUATERNARY, 18-0M deposits (Cerrodeposits Colorado, Cerro Chorcha). • Western Central Cordillera Cu Belt: porphyry Au prospectssulphidation (RioLiri). epithermal Au (Remance, deposits termal Santa Rosa) and high • Central VeraguasGold Belt: lowsulphidation epi Au prospectsthermal (Cerro Lloron). (Capira, Cacao) and high sulphidationdeposits epi • El Valle Au Belt: low sulphidation epithermal Au (Margaja). deposits ermal • Veraguas(Santa Fé)Belt: lowsulphidation epith • Unconfirmed placer Pt deposits inDarien. placerPtdeposits • Unconfirmed and many othersmalldeposits. Chepo, Coclé, Veraguas Azuero-Soná, and western Darien, • Placer Auin Northern deposits Panama. of intheGulf placer deposits • Heavymineral Fe-Ti in beach/marinesands Chiriqui-Veraguas Belt. • Lateritic bauxite and iron ore inthe deposits a ) - - - Figure 3 Lissinna, 2005;Wegener Figure 4 The ages of the igneous rocks of Panama which comprise accreted oceanic terranes and volcanic arcs (modifiedafter arcs andvolcanic terranes oceanic accreted comprise which Panama ofthe igneous ofrocks The ages Location mapoftheprincipalmineral andofPanama(S.Redwood). deposits prospects et al., 2011; Montes Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 et al., 2012a;Corral et al., 2012,2016;Buchs /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 et al., 2019b;Perelló et al., 2020). 7 7

The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province THE METALLOGENIC BELTS

The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province THE METALLOGENIC BELTS

Table 1. List of the porphyry copper deposits and prospects of Panama. of prospects and deposits copper porphyry the of List 1. Table

accuracy for older prospects; 4) Resource is the total of measured, indicated and inferred; 5) Listed from east to west. west. to east from Listed 5) inferred; and indicated measured, of total the is Resource 4) prospects; older for accuracy Notes: 1) Abbreviations: Por, porphyry; 2) Coordinates in decimal latitude and longitude, datum WGS84; 3) The coordinates have low low have coordinates The 3) WGS84; datum longitude, and latitude decimal in Coordinates 2) porphyry; Por, Abbreviations: 1) Notes: 8 8 / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín

Name Latitude Longitude Type Age (Ma or Series) Arc Belt Resource (Mt) Cu (%) Contained Cu (Mt) Mo (%) Au (g/t) Contained Au (t) Ag (g/t) References & Notes

Rio Pito 8.611 -77.543 Por Cu-Mo-Au 48.5-49.2 Early San Blas 0.3 2.12 0.6 4.04 UN, 1972c, 1981; Kesler et al ., 1977. Rio Patikan 8.826 -77.704 Por Cu Eocene Early San Blas UN, 1972b. Mulatupo 8.890 -77.755 Por Cu Eocene Early San Blas UN, 1972b. Navagandi 9.032 -77.880 Por Cu Eocene Early San Blas UN, 1972b. Ipeti 8.920 78.580 Por Cu Oligocene? Middle Darien (Maje) UN, 1972a,1972b; Kesler et al ., 1977. Cobre Panama (Botija) 8.842 -80.657 Por Cu 28.96-27.48 Middle Petaquilla 4,754 0.26 16.38 0.006 0.06 285.2 1.28 Baker et al ., 2016; Gray et al ., 2019. Nueva Lucha 8.895 -80.724 Por Cu Oligocene Middle Petaquilla

Palmilla 8.903 -80.768 Por Cu-Au Oligocene Middle Petaquilla 38.0 0.23 0.09 0.54 20.5 0.81 Camus, 2013. Cutoff is 0.35 g/t Au equivalent.

Sona 8.014 -81.378 Por Au-(Cu) Eocene? Middle Azuero-Sona N http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 Clark et al ., 1977; Linn et al ., 1981b (Mo, Ag, Cerro Colorado 8.509 -81.798 Por Cu 5.90-4.21 Late Central Cordillera 3,539 0.42 14.80 0.006 0.07 247.7 4.1 Au grades); Kvaerner Metals, 1998. Cerro Chorcha 8.650 -82.100 Por Cu Pliocene? Late Central Cordillera 201.5 0.49 1.00 0.07 14.1 0.33 Druecker & Sandefur, 2008. /72(3)A1302202020 /72(3)A1302202020

The resource is total of measured, indicated and inferred; 5) Listed from east to west. to east from Listed 5) inferred; and indicated measured, of total is resource The Table 2. List of the epithermal gold deposits and prospects of Panama. Panama. of prospects and deposits gold epithermal the of List 2. Table

decimal latitude and longitude, datum WGS84; 3) The coordinates may have low accuracy for historical mines and older prospects; 4) 4) prospects; older and mines historical for accuracy low have may coordinates The 3) WGS84; datum longitude, and latitude decimal Notes: 1) Abbreviations: Epi, epithermal. LS, low sulphidation. IS, intermediate sulphidation. HS, high sulphidation; 2) Coordinates in in Coordinates 2) sulphidation; high HS, sulphidation. intermediate IS, sulphidation. low LS, epithermal. Epi, Abbreviations: 1) Notes:

Past Resource Contained Name Latitude Longitude Type Age (Ma or Series) Arc Belt Production Au (g/t) Ag (g/t) Cu (%) References & Notes (Mt) Au (t) Au (t) Espiritu Santo de Cana 7.755 -77.685 IS Epi Au Oligocene? Middle Darien (Pirre) 55.7 0.243 13.7 3.3 Restrepo, 1886; Tower, 1963. Rio Mogue 8.056 -78.088 IS Epi Au Oligocene? Middle Darien (Bagre) El Pablo (La Marea) 8.108 -78.006 LS Epi Au? Oligocene? Middle Darien (Bagre) Low, 1931. Mother Lode 8.489 -77.672 LS Epi Au? Eocene? Early? San Blas Sheridan, 1926. San Francisco 8.448 -77.661 LS Epi Au? Eocene? Early? San Blas Oller, 1933. Emperador 9.102 -79.662 LS Epi Au Oligocene? Middle Central Panama Santa Rita 9.335 -79.782 LS Epi Au Oligocene? Middle? Central Panama Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín Capira 8.756 -79.878 LS Epi Au Late Miocene Late El Valle 0.32 5.7 1.8 SGI, 1991a. Cacao 8.757 -80.018 LS Epi Au Late Miocene Late El Valle SGI, 1991a. 8.658 -80.100 HS Epi Au Quaternary Late El Valle SGI, 1991a. Cerro Lloron http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 Concepcion 8.632 -80.377 LS Epi Au Late Miocene Late El Valle SGI, 1991a. San Antonio 8.845 -80.534 LS Epi Au Oligocene Middle Petaquilla Taylor, 1852; Griggs, 2005. Santa Lucia 8.850 -80.528 LS Epi Au-Pb Oligocene Middle Petaquilla Griggs, 2005. Molejon 8.798 -80.650 LS Epi Au Oligocene Middle Petaquilla 7.2 31.6 0.8 25.3 Archibald et al ., 2012. Lata 8.875 -80.709 LS Epi Au Oligocene Middle Petaquilla Speidel et al ., 2001. Mina del Rey (Palenque) 8.808 -80.829 LS Epi Au Oligocene Middle Veraguas Taylor, 1852. Margaja 8.749 -80.987 LS Epi Au Oligocene? Middle? Veraguas 0.8 Wleklinski, 1969. Juan Diaz 7.470 -80.095 HS Epi Au Late Cretaceous? Early Azuero-Sona S Cerro Quema 7.560 -80.518 HS Epi Au-Cu 70.7 Early Azuero-Sona S 35.90 0.61 21.9 0.11 Tortelli et al ., 2014; Perello et al ., 2020. Cerro Negro 8.044 -80.598 LS Epi Au Eocene? Early Azuero-Sona N El Guacimo 7.907 -80.634 IS Epi Cu? Eocene? Early Azuero-Sona N Don Juan 7.801 -80.734 IS Epi Cu? Late Cret-Paleocene? Early Azuero-Sona S El Gallo 7.815 -80.735 IS Epi Au-Ag-Pb? Late Cret-Paleocene? Early Azuero-Sona S 7.934 -80.756 IS Epi Cu? Eocene? Early Azuero-Sona N Los Pozos 7.784 -80.649 LS Epi Au? Late Cret-Paleocene? Early Azuero-Sona S Pitaloza 7.641 -80.676 HS Epi Au Late Cret-Paleocene? Early Azuero-Sona S Los Ñopos 7.600 -80.733 HS Epi Au-Cu Late Cret-Paleocene? Early Azuero-Sona S UN, 1972b. Cerro Viejo 7.626 -80.810 HS Epi Au Late Cretaceous Early Azuero-Sona S Quebrada Barro 7.714 -80.954 HS Epi Au-Cu Late Cretaceous Early Azuero-Sona S UN, 1972b. with 2.49% Pb, 3.85% Zn; Wleklinski, 8.310 -80.973 IS Epi Au-Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn Miocene Late Central Veraguas 0.03 12.5 0.3 21.6 0.14 1969; Folk, 2004c. Remance 8.298 -81.075 LS Epi Au Miocene Late Central Veraguas 3.7 Boca de Higui 8.310 -81.132 LS Epi Au Miocene Late Central Veraguas San Pedrito 8.260 -81.150 LS Epi Au Miocene Late Central Veraguas /72(3)A1302202020

Santa Rosa 8.304 -81.220 LS Epi Au Miocene Late Central Veraguas 3.7 29.4 1.16 34.1 VeraGold Mining Company , 2016. / 72(3)A1302202020 Cerro Las Minas 8.340 -81.190 LS Epi Au Miocene Late Central Veraguas Cerro Caballo 8.254 -81.545 LS Epi Au Miocene Late Central Veraguas 2 1 2 Rio Liri 8.155 -81.568 HS Epi Au Miocene Late Central Veraguas 1.66 1.35 2.2 Folk, 2004b. 9 9

The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province THE METALLOGENIC BELTS

The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province THE METALLOGENIC BELTS

Listed from east to west. to east from Listed

datum WGS84; 3) The coordinates have low accuracy for older prospects; 4) Resource is total of measured, indicated and inferred; 5) 5) inferred; and indicated measured, of total is Resource 4) prospects; older for accuracy low have coordinates The 3) WGS84; datum Table 3 List of the manganese, VMS, bauxite and deposits and prospects of Panama. Panama. of prospects and deposits laterite and bauxite VMS, manganese, the of List 3 Table Notes: 1) Abbreviations: VMS, volcanogenic massive sulphide stockwork or occurrence; 2) Coordinates in decimal latitude and longitude, longitude, and latitude decimal in Coordinates 2) occurrence; or stockwork sulphide massive volcanogenic VMS, Abbreviations: 1) Notes: 10 10 / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín

Production Resource Name Latitude Longitude Type Age (Series) Arc Belt Mn (%) Al O (%) References Mn (t) (Mt) 2 3 Cerro Viejo 9.540 -79.515 Exhalite Mn Paleogene Early Nombre de Dios Simons, 1957. Rio Fato 9.526 -79.460 Exhalite Mn Paleogene Early Nombre de Dios Simons, 1957. Soledad 9.516 -79.421 Exhalite Mn Paleogene Early Nombre de Dios 47100 53.7 Simons, 1957. Hyatt No. 2 9.463 -79.539 Exhalite Mn Paleogene Early Nombre de Dios Sears, 1919; Simons, 1957. Hyatt No. 1 9.388 -79.570 Exhalite Mn Paleogene Early Nombre de Dios Sears, 1919; Simons, 1957. Boqueron 9.386 -79.568 VMS Cu Paleogene Early Nombre de Dios Simons, 1957. Viento Frio 9.540 -79.515 Exhalite Mn Paleogene Early Nombre de Dios Simon, 1914. Viento Frio 9.572 -79.403 VMS Au-Cu-Zn Paleogene Early Nombre de Dios Rio Zahira 9.522 -79.383 VMS Au-Cu-Zn Paleogene Early Nombre de Dios Island 9.551 -79.213 Exhalite Mn Paleogene Early Nombre de Dios 21000 Simon, 1914. Mandinga Bay 9.519 -79.078 Exhalite Mn Paleogene Early Nombre de Dios 19300 25.00 Simons, 1957. Maria Chiquita 9.445 -79.744 Exhalite Mn Paleogene Early Nombre de Dios SGI, 1991a.

Maria Chiquita 9.445 -79.744 VMS Paleogene Early Nombre de Dios SGI, 1991a. http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 Rio Mamoni 9.289 -79.191 VMS? Paleogene Early Mamoni SGI, 1991a. Harriet (Rosario) 7.793 -81.059 Exhalite Mn Paleogene Early Montijo Simons, 1957. Las Vacas-Los Leones 7.796 -80.876 Exhalite Mn Paleogene Early Montijo UN, 1972b. La Matilde 7.942 -80.942 Exhalite Mn Paleogene Early Montijo Simons, 1957. Nuestro Amo 8.001 -80.946 Exhalite Mn Paleogene Early Montijo Simons, 1957. La Mesa 8.177 -81.170 Laterite Fe Quaternary Late Chiriqui-Veraguas Riddell, 1927; del Giudici, 1965. Las Palmas 8.125 -81.435 Bauxite Quaternary Late Chiriqui-Veraguas Quiros, 1975. Tole 8.227 -81.705 Bauxite Quaternary Late Chiriqui-Veraguas Quiros, 1975. /72(3)A1302202020 David 8.457 -82.356 Bauxite Quaternary Late Chiriqui-Veraguas 64 46 Quiros, 1975. Total Tole and David. /72(3)A1302202020

from east to west. to east from

Notes: 1) Coordinates in decimal latitude and longitude, datum WGS84; 2) The coordinates are for the river or tributary-mouth; 3) Listed Listed 3) tributary-mouth; or river the for are coordinates The 2) WGS84; datum longitude, and latitude decimal in Coordinates 1) Notes: Table 4 List of the placer deposits and prospects of Au, Pt(?) and Fe-Ti of Panama. Panama. of Fe-Ti and Pt(?) Au, of prospects and deposits placer the of List 4 Table

Past Resource Grade Au Contained Name Latitude Longitude Type Metals District Production References & Notes (Myd3) (mg/yd3) Au (t) Au (t) Santa Maria la Antigua 8.214 -77.035 Alluvial Au Northern Darien 13.5 1514-1526, Mena Garcia, 2011. Darien 1931-41, Roberts & Irving R. Chucunaque 8.149 -77.767 Alluvial Au (Pt?) Darien 1.6 (1957) R. Tuquesa / R. Marraganti 8.368 -77.784 Alluvial Au (Pt?) Darien 184 640-871 160.2 Sheridan, 1926. R. Pito 8.702 -77.526 Alluvial Au Darien R. Cana 7.645 -77.589 Alluvial Au Darien Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín R. Balsas (Tucuti, Sabalo) 8.238 -77.985 Alluvial Au Darien 4.1 163.00 0.7 Low, 1931; Hull, 1940. R. Bagre (Maria) 8.226 -78.000 Alluvial Au Darien R. Tigre 9.081 -78.805 Alluvial Au Darien (Maje) http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 R. Pasiga 8.944 -78.902 Alluvial Au Darien (Maje) R. Bayano 9.000 -79.111 Alluvial Au Chepo 150 311.00 46.7 Stranahan, 1941. R. Terable 9.215 -78.971 Alluvial Au Chepo R. Mamoni 9.130 -79.058 Alluvial, terraces Au Chepo 8.624 -79.690 Marine Fe-Ti Gulf of Panama Reserve 3Mt in 5 deposits. 200,000 t at 64% Fe, 6% TiO Gorgona 8.522 -79.847 Marine Fe-Ti Gulf of Panama 2 produced. Rio Hato 8.346 -80.139 Marine Fe-Ti Gulf of Panama R. Cocle del Norte 9.081 -80.572 Alluvial Au Cocle 0.4 1604-07. Castillero Calvo, 1967a. R. San Juan 8.822 -80.541 Alluvial Au Cocle R. Toabre 8.929 -80.527 Alluvial Au Cocle R. Caimito 9.027 -80.682 Alluvial Au Cocle R. Petaquilla 8.956 -80.770 Alluvial Au Cocle R. Chiquero / R. Palmilla 8.922 -80.801 Alluvial Au Cocle R. Belen 8.888 -80.870 Alluvial Au Veraguas R. Veraguas 8.870 -80.910 Alluvial Au Veraguas R. 8.780 -80.948 Alluvial Au Veraguas Cocuyo (R. Santiago) 8.780 -80.948 Alluvial Au Veraguas 8.7 Castillero Calvo, 1967a. /72(3)A1302202020

Cocuyo (R. Santiago) 8.780 -80.948 Deep Au Veraguas 3.2 Mt 1.5 g/t 5 Wleklinski, 1969. / 72(3)A1302202020 R. 7.729 -81.015 Alluvial Au Veraguas 0.1 Castillero Calvo, 1967a. R. 7.438 -80.920 Alluvial Au Veraguas R. Tabaraba (R. San Pablo) 7.928 -81.266 Alluvial Au Veraguas 11 11

The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province THE METALLOGENIC BELTS EARLY ARC: CAMPANIAN- The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PALEOGENE EXHALATIVE DEPOSITS Figure 5 DEPOSITS 6.1.1. NOMBREDEDIOS–VIENTO FRÍOANDBOQUERÓN M 6.1. NOMBREDEDIOS exhalative deposits 6. EarlyArc:Campanian-Paleogene 12 12 Mariana mines and prospects)Mariana mines the west, in Rio Cerro Viejo (America, Maria-Defense, June and E-W wide.and 6km are principaldeposits The Nombre de Dios andViento Frio inazone 15km located districtis of manganese south main The setting the lateis Cretaceous-Paleogene Early Arc. and volcanic submarine sedimentary rocks. The in Si-Mn by replacement floor sub-sea or which were formed by sea floor precipitation and/ are deposits hydrothermalmanganese exhalites a belt trendingE-W by 75km wide.20 km The to San Blas, andsouth to the River Boqueron in Portobello the Nombre de Dios belt from west of Au, Ag,occur in Cu,PbandZn mineralization of andVMSstyle deposits Exhalite manganese / / Map of the metallogenic belts of Mapof Panama(S.Redwood). themetallogenicbelts Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 n

/72(3)A1302202020 /72(3)A1302202020 Viejo from and Soledad deposits 1993 for several Caribbean Mining Company minedthe Cerro ore athigh grade each Mostrecently, deposit. the potential for 15,000tons (13,600metric tons) of very little ore, (1919) estimated although Sears were2 deposits discovered in 1915 but produced Hyattsame period (Simon, 1914). The No. 1and ore in the 12,000 tons (10,900 metric tons) of 1902, andthe nearby mineproduced Concepción 53.7% Mnbetween ore 1895- manganese grading high grade 40,000 tons (36,300 metric tons) of Viento Frio, produceddad mine, about southof until the late 20 intermittently 1871 at Viento Frio, andthe mines were worked by (1919)and Simons(1957). Simon(1914),Sears No.were 1and2mines. deposits The described ing River Boqueron to Lake Madden to the Hyatt extends forSE alongthe025°-trend about15km zoneand Carano) in the east. The Concepción prospects) inthe middle andSoledad (Soledad, Ventura, Machita, Blaque and LaMesamines Fató (Monstroncosa,Mangue de Indio, Panama or Manganese mining was first carried out in out carried first was mining Manganese th century. Sole The - - 6.1.2. MANDINGABAY M cate in saprolitic , generally on hilltops(Simons, manganiferous jasper and cherty sili manganese jasper, chert, and abundant residualof boulders communication, 2019). 26 September personal Buchs, (D. tuffs of apron volcaniclastic sequences withandesite lavas andbreccias anda isoverlainin turn by pre-Oligocene volcanic arc bonates, as proto-arc interpreted volcanism,which lavas mixed andpeperites withrecrystallized car shown that the are overlain by pillow the Changuinola Group,of withdiorite intrusions. Recent work has tuffs) and (limestones tion them to the assigns late Cretaceous Ocú Forma sandstones andbreccias. DGRM (1991) map The 25-80°E and association with which noted dips of limestoneswere1957). The studiedbySGI (1991a) up to 45° southgoing inland (Sears, 1919;Simons, flat 5-10° lying near the coast, with steeper dips of are which beds, tuff and with and 45-55%Mnpermonth. tons of 5,000metric years withplanned production of west of the Soledad deposit. They the Soledad deposit. were mined in west of San Blas, about 40 km of the Gulf endof western mined inPanama are at Bay Mandinga at the to have deposits only other manganese The been (Simon, 1914,1957). O(OH)) and Mn were also recorded and rinds. ((Ca soft Mn oxides ( – MnO to weather silicates The fluid. of pulses multiple well as quartz and chalcedony veins, indicating Mnoxides andsilicates, as is alsocutby veins of probably at deposited the same time. jasper The nite – MnSiO silicatesMn ( – Mn alized by hard Mnoxides ( – MnO)or sea-floor texturesexhalites. Theof jasper is miner the replacement textures maybe mixing Some of deposits, aswell as structurally controlled veins. stratiform give to tuffs and rocks sedimentary of replacements jasper and chert1957). The form Mineralization consists of flat-lying beds, beds, flat-lying veins of consists Mineralization rocks host The were sandstone describedas 3 ) mixed with the jasper, which were n DEPOSITS Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín 6 2 (SiO )(Al http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 2 Mn)(Si 4 )O 2 ) on fractures 8 , andrhodo 2 O 7 )(SiO 4 - - - - - ) 6.1.4. VIENTO FRÍO VMSA C VMS 6.1.3. BOQUERON bysilicatesMn (bementite – Mn associated with red andyellowjasper replaced saproliticwith deep clay weathering, andMnis host rocks The Nabagana. are shale ormudstone the River NNE-trending ridge near the mouth of about 1,600m onfive a deposits over a distance of basalts (DGRM,1991).Mineralizationin occurs Playa Venado basaltsandpillow Formation of isshown regional asthe CretaceousThe geology 25-30% Mn and40-50% silica (Simons, 1957). 1916-1919 and produced 21,310 long tons with oxides (Simons, 1957). Mn (psilomelane), and is weathered to soft and neotocite – (Mn,Fe,Mg)SiO (Glamis Gold Ltd. from 1999) and drilled in the 1999 ina road cutting by Rayrock Resources Inc. hosted massive sulphidedeposits. Au-richCu-Zn volcanic stockworkfeeder zonesof occur near Viento Frio to be and are interpreted stockwork Au-Cu-ZnTwo mineralization zones of potential resource. not givenis more anditis likelytoindicate the mineralization, although forthe basis thisestimate 4.8% Cuassociated with themanganese tons of 900,000metric gave anestimated resource of g/t Ag and0.05g/t Au (SGI, 1991a). SGI(1991a) () and oxides (, sulphides azurite) ran 7.10% Cu, 7.2 copper of float of sample cross-cutting (Simons, manganese 1957). A grab calcite and specularhematite were described Hyatt No. 2mine, where late stage malachite, in the mineralization Boqueron occurs belt at the Volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) copper ore inthe1895-1902period(Simon,1914). manganese 23,000 tons(20,999metric tons) of Nombre and producedde Dios east 30 kmof Frio deposits.located Itis on asmall islandabout Baythe Mandinga andNombre de Dios-Viento The Island deposit occurs onthe coast between occurs Islanddeposit The The first zone at at zone discoveredViento first was in Frio The /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 u PROSPECT u -C u -Z n PROSPECT 3 H 2 O) andhard 7 Si 6 O 15 (OH) 13 13 8

EARLY ARC: CAMPANIAN- The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PALEOGENE EXHALATIVE DEPOSITS EARLY ARC: CAMPANIAN- The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PALEOGENE EXHALATIVE DEPOSITS 6.2.1. RIOMAMONÍVMSSTOCKWORK A 6.2. CHAGRES-MAMONÍ ARC 6.1.5 MARIACHIQUITA M 14 14 explored by Western Troy Capital Resources in projectThe was later acquired by Bellhaven and 2.1Mt at 1.7 g/t Au (3.57 t Au) for Viento Frio.of 24 holes.in 1,710 m reported Glamis a resource and drilled in 2001.Rayrockdrilled a total of sampling float by later discovered was southeast, same year.second zone A at RioZahino, 6.5km Mamoni was evaluatedMamoni bySGI (1991a). Mineral zone associated withalluvial gold in the River Stockwork sulphide mineralizationE-W ina5km g/t Au and11g/tAg. 2-260 ppm As,of and float samplesgave 0.11-0.17 . Stream sediment samples gave an anomaly Chiquita are in brecciated volcanic rock with described by SGI (1991a). Road cuts near Maria chert rocks in sedimentary overlying basalts was associated manganese with jasper and zone of Portobello,by a5km 3 km 16 kmsouthwest of Between Maria Chiquita and the River Cuango, association isAu-Cu-Zn-Ba-Mn-(Ag-As). at 0.55% Cuand0.1g/t Au. geochemical The at 0.56% Zn,50.3mat 0.24% Zn,and18.3m gaveRio Zahino 9.1mat 1.53g/t Au, 19.8m g/t AuCu andBa,while and30.6g/tAgwithZn, Frio. Drilling at Viento Frio 6 m at 1.28 returned NNW by 1,000m at150-250 m Viento an area of 2 g/t chip sampling overdefined a Au anomaly of have calcite-zeolite veinlets and are barren. Rock ite and supergene chalcocite, while the basalts with barite, calcite, pyrite, quartz, coarse sphaler alteration, with brecciation and stockwork veining sericite and silicification is sediments the of ation and cut by sillsor dykes. feldspar porphyry Alter mation interbedded withchert, and shale, the late Cretaceous Ocú For sediments of grained Au and38mat 0.95g/tAu. at 38m 0.79g/t 2007, withtrenchingresults of / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín h gooy opie wl bde, fine bedded, well comprises geology The n ANDVMSPROSPECT u -C http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 u -P b PROSPECT /72(3)A1302202020 - - - - /72(3)A1302202020 6.3. MONTIJO(AZUERO) M al and Utive-Mamoni Plutonic Basement (Montes Cretaceous to Paleocene Volcaniclastic Basement rocksare the Chagres-Bayano arc described as late related host to (SGI, a VMS system 1991a). The a stockworkas eralization wasinterpreted zone intrusive min contact and inthe intrusion. The to 0.35 g/t Au samples, ingrab inbasalts near the , sulfosalts , andbarite, withup silicification with quartz veinlets containing pyrite, nese-rich horizons. stockworks The are zones of dant pyrite and pyrrhotite, andthere are manga bedscontainabunintrusion. Some sedimentary cherts andlimestonesat the contact withatonalitic inbasaltsintercalatedization occurs with , jasper hosted by shaledipping 30°Nthat overlies silicates,jasper bed,Mn oxide andMn veinlets in oxide (psilomelane), a thinmanganiferous boulders ,a zone is about 1,000 mE-W with Mn of La MatildeThe prospect, located about 7 km NE and limonite in jasper andweathered andesite. Mnoxide (psilomelane), Mn silicate ing lenses of Montijo, hasN-strik of the Gulf the east sideof (Rosario) Harriet 2018). The prospect, located on Eocene Early Arc2005; Cardona (Lissinna, dating shows the zone to be in the Paleocene to parts (DGRM, 1991),while radiometric northern (tuffs and tuffaceous sandstones) in the central and the south andOligocene Macaracas Formation in tuffs) and (limestones Formation Ocú taceous holes (UN, 1972a). UN program in1964-1972 with 5shallow drill prospects were explored bythe and the DGRM (1957) whoSimons 1942. Twovisited in other the prospectswere describedby 1927). Three of thousand metrictonsat BahiaHonda(Riddell, ore manganese at Matilde and several hundred of estimated potential for several million metric tons ered by the Panama1927 which in Corporation NE byabout 30 km wide.20 km discov Itwas Montijothat is of between Atalaya andtheGulf Several prospects manganese occurinabelt ., 2011,2012b). The regional geology ismapped as the Cre regionalThe geology n PROSPECTS et al et et et ., ------7.1. CAMPANIAN –EOCENEARC porphyry andepithermaldeposits 7. EarlyArc:Campanian–Eocene exhalative Si-Fe-Mn oxides. Fe to have and are interpreted a similar orgin the host rocks. Azuero The prospects have more of Nombre deDios-Viento Frio deposits,the age asis the in shales and volcanic rock issimilar to that of Mn silicates and Mnoxides associated with jasper in limestonebetween Pesé andOcu. manganese most interesting being a large body of which potentially extend the belt considerably; the the Soná-Azuero peninsulasandnear Santiago, in prospects other several from float in showings (UN, 1972a). Riddell (1927) described manganese tuffs and lavas basic to intermediate in lomelane pyrolusite and psi prospect, have small lenses of the Harriet east LasMinasand20km of west of LasVacas-Los1957). The Leonesprospects, 12km body dipping35°W hosted by andesites (Simons, Atalaya, hasMnsilicate and oxides ina N-S of located prospect, Amo Nuestro The tuffs. basaltic andandesiticagglomerates, andrhyolitic (71-48 Ma) in the southern part, and a middle to (71-48 Ma) in the southern subdivided into a Campanian to early Eocene arc be can Arc Early the Azuero In offset. lateral left the Azuero andSoná peninsulas witha200km belts.Chagres-Mamoni San Blas orthe in western deposits ry-epithermal and other prospects. There are no known porphy part at theRioPito mineralizationthe eastern in sa-Espitia al et 2005;Wegnercene (Lissinna, been datedhas atthe Paleocene-Eo 65-39Main central Panama,in eastern mountains moni and Panama, eastern andtheChagres-Ma side of ern the San Blas mountains onthe north rocksforms rhyolite) and plutonic(gabbro-diorite to tonalite) volcanic(basaltic andesite to EarlyThe Arc of The EarlyThe Arc Panama continues inwestern in h tl f ieaiaino visadbd f veins andbedsof mineralization of styleof The ., 2012a,2012b;Cardona et al et ., 2019). The arc., 2019).The Cu porphyry has Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín et al et et al et http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 ., 2011;Montes ., 2018;Barbo 5 km SW as ------7.2. EASTERNSANBLASPORPHYRY BELT at Soná. Au Auand aporphyry prospect andCudeposits the arcepithermal has younger, part of northern Cerro andother prospects. Quema deposit The Au-Cu mineralization atsulphidation epithermal arcseveral contains lithocaps withhigh porphyry 2011b; Corral Caribbean Large Igneous Province (Buchs the to early Aptian Santonian age, part of of the Azuero IgneousBasement oceanic basalt of to Maastrichtian age which hasabasement of Azuero Primitive late Volcanic Campanian Arc of 2005). Itdeveloped(Lissinna, on the protoarc late part Eocene arc (47-34 Ma) in the northern olvle fbetween <300 ppm to over 1,300 soil values of Navagandi, Mulatupo, RioPatikan andRioPito. long. porphyries are The named, from NW to SE: Cu-Mo prospects inaNW-trending belt 75 km and 30ppmlead 540 ppmzinc and porphyry up to 1,200 ppmcopper, 28ppm molybdenum, multiple Cu, Mo and Zn anomalies with values of 1969-1971 found San Blasin part of theeastern of A United Nations regional stream sediment survey theEarly Arc Panama. inwestern of Thereno known is mineralization inthe arcback inaNE-vergingdeformed fold andthrust belt. 2001; Brandes volcaniclastic sedimentsandlimestones(Mende, backarc turbiditic and Eocene to Quaternary middle by Basin Limon offshore the in and tions which are overlain tothe north at lower eleva the Tuis Formation (Paleocene-lower Eocene), of tuffs and lavas deposits, flow debris turbidites, tian; Fisher and Pessango, 1965)andvolcaniclastic Changuinola Formation (Campanian-Maastrich the volcaniclastic rocksand pelagic limestones of the cordilleradel Toro. Bocas in comprises This the backarc belt on the north sideof presence of the Central Cordillera, the based on rockscanic of and isburied beneath the Oligocene-Recent vol the Soná peninsula to continue west-northwest of The lateThe Cretaceous to Eocene arc isinferred Rio Pito was the strongest anomaly withCuin /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 et al et et al et ,21) h le ato the older part of ., 2012).The ., 2007). Together these were et al et 15 15 ., - - -

EARLY ARC: CAMPANIAN – EOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS EARLY ARC: CAMPANIAN – EOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS 7.2.1. RIOPITO PORPHYRY C Figure 6 16 16 Acandi porphyry CuprospectAcandi porphyry inColombia which low out. Rio Pito is closeto the upwascarried were described by UN (1972a, 1972b) but no fol 1995). Navagandi, Mulatupo and Rio Patikan 1972 (UN, 1972a, 1972b, 1972c,1981;Nelson, up exploration out in 1970- program wascarried at least 10 km ppm inan area of eral United Nations reports (UN, 1972a,1972b, the Colombian border. It was described by sev San Blas close to part of located in the eastern Cu-Mo-Au RioPito porphyry The prospect is drilled. Pito district in the 1980s-2000s, but none have the Rio out reconnaissancecarried exploration of INGEOMINAS in 1975-1976. Several companies was discovered afewyears later by the UN and / / Geochemical anomalies of the Rio Pito district with drainages, geology and faults (after UN, 1972c). with drainages, geologyand Geochemical anomalies (afterUN, 1972c). faults of theRioPitodistrict Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín u -M o -A u PROSPECT http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 2 , anda follow /72(3)A1302202020 - - /72(3)A1302202020 porphyry Cu prospect porphyry it at tothe SE making least district is contiguouswiththe Acandi (Colombia) in rocks but notinstream sedimentsorsoils. The Gold andsilver 4-6km. were assayed a widthof about 14 kmNW-SE to the Colombian border and with Mo,over occur These PbandZn. alength of upto 2,400 ppmCu rock anomaliesof of clusters 1,200 ppmCu,28Moand540Zn, upto sediment anomalies from UNsamplingof (UN, 1972a,1972b, 1972c,1981). program includingshallow drilling in 1970-1972 survey in1969-1971 with follow up exploration (1995). It was discovered by a stream sediment 1972c, 1981),Kesler Tuquesa (Figure 6). Rio Pito, RioParraganti andRioCañaBlancaor Pito district are, fromNW toSE:RioNalundí, long.20 km in the Rio individualdeposits The Rio Pito is a porphyry district with streamRio Pito is aporphyry et al et . (1977)andNelson Figure 7 Fgr ) ieaiaincnit fpyrite, mag (Figure 7). Mineralizationof consists core, hostedby andesite, batholith and porphyry in acircle E-W 2.7 km bywith abarren 1.8km (Montes 49.7 ±1.6Ma(late Paleocene to lower Eocene) with ages betweencomposition 59.0± 1.9 Mato gabbro to Rio Pito from plutons of west of U-Pb zircon dating from the San Blas Mountains ages are with recent48.5 Ma.These in agreement 49.2and for the mineralized of quartz porphyry Fault. Kesler the NW strikingSanBlas Eoceneage south of of in faulted contactwithabasaltic volcanic complex ceous(?) basalts and andesites (Figure are 7). These dacite and rhyodacite porphyry, andUpper Creta tonalite, and quartzdiorite, granodiorite lith of host rocksThe at Rio Pito are the Rio Pito batho Geologicalmap of theRioPitoporphyry(modified fromUN,1972cand Nelson, 1995). i ioisl hssvnznso mineralization seven has zonesof Rio Pito itself et al et ., 2015). et al et . (1977) obtained K-Ar dates Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 - - - a supergene zone 20-70 m thick,withCuupto 1% quartz-sericite alteration. showed These zones of potassic alteration (UN, 1981;Nelson, 1995) tite and pyrite which phyllic suggests overprinting accompanied byquartz, sericite, biotite, magne drilling. Gold-copper mineralization at Palacios is g/t Au and4.04g/t Ag based on trenches and 2.12 297,300 t grading ical resource estimate of 0.92% Cuand0.2-0.6 g/t Au. UNmade a histor 0.23- 16mgrading m withthe best intercept of Palacios sector in which UNdrilled 2 holesfor 302 There is a gold-bearing brecciagalena. pipe at the pyrite, and gold and silver and a halo of netite, chalcopyrite and with minor Au (UN, 1981; Nelson,1995). 0.21%Cuand0.04-0.17 g/t tion was49.5mof and 0.33-0.67g/tAu. besthypogene The intersec UN drilled another 5 holesfor 1,290min /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 17 17 - - -

EARLY ARC: CAMPANIAN – EOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS EARLY ARC: CAMPANIAN – EOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS BELT 7.3. WESTERNSANBLASANDCHAGRES-MAMONÍ et al., Figure 8 18 18 2012). ever, theyhave not been systematically explored for mineralization: how knownporphyry-epithermal the arc have no Chagres-Bayano) segmentsof (or SanBlasandChagres-Mamoní western The arc wassubmarine. and Bayano,Mamoni ers andindicates that the placer Authe Riv in whichmay be thesource of VMS-style sulphide prospect, described above, mineralization arcthe Chagres-Mamoni in a is eralization (Kesler units, but min didnotdescribeporphyry-style diorite to quartz diorite batholith with porphyritic 61.58Ma,indicated thatfrom thesamplewas a of it,whichreported a K-Ardate inal descriptionof Nelson, 1995; Gray Panama City (e.g.prospect at Cerro Azul,east of tive. Several publications show copper a porphyry and are mineral deposits considered tobeprospec / / The geology of the eastern part of CampaniantoEocene Thegeologyof theeasternpart arcandin thesouthern Au-Cubelt Azuero peninsula(after Corral Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín et al et et al et ., 1977). The only known., 1977). The ., 2010); however, the orig http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 /72(3)A1302202020 - - - - - /72(3)A1302202020 7.4.1. OVERVIEW BELT 7.4. AZUERO-SONÁ EPITHERMAL-PORPHYRY A by the protoarc Azuero Primitive Volcanic Arc of to early Aptian Santonian age which isoverlain of the Azuero IgneousBasement oceanic basalt of of part(Lissinna,2005). ern middle to late Eocene arc (47-34 Ma) inthe north part, and a Eocene arc (71-48 Ma) inthe southern Arc canbe subdivided into a Campanian to early Early the Here offset. lateral left km 200 a by arc peninsulas, separated from theChagres-Mamoni EarlyThe Arc continues inthe Azuero andSoná ary Complexary which were accreted to the paleo-sub (Cretaceous?) to Paleogene age Azuero Accretion the accreted oceanic seamountsandplateaus of 2011b; Corral late Campanian toMaastrichtian age (Buchs The Campanian toEocenearcThe basement has et al et ., 2012). To the south there are u -C et al et u

., - - - topographic highthat extendstopographic acrossthe Azuero a NW-SE striking 10). Cerro Quema is part of the rocks(Figure almost 800m,despite the age of of groundup to920maltitude relief with high prospects high topographically in occur ermal Cerro Quema. atstyle mineralization at porphyry depth occurs gold, and, in fact, as high sulphidation epithermal prospective as well for copper deposits porphyry lithocap environmentbelt is a porphyry and is Diaz, Pitaloza and Cerro Viejo (Figure 8). The and other gold-copper prospectssuch Juanas per mineralization at the Cerro Quema deposit, gold-cop ation with high sulphidation epithermal silica alter advanced argillic andvuggy zones of Azuerofor andhasseveralin southern 100km Formation (middleEocenetoearly Miocene). the Tonosípartial cover by Neogene sediments of Cretaceous to Eocene age are exposed. There is late arc rocks, to felsicbatholiths of intermediate the volcano-sedimentary duction trench. Northof byNeogene sediments. There are several poorly part, with more extensivethan the southern cover area 2005). This atis (Lissinna, alower elevation Eoceneage Azueroof is andSonápeninsulas 1995; Kolarsky Andes inthe late Miocene (Mann andKolarsky, the Panama arc withthe Northern the collision of plate / Nazcaplate to the south and boundary related to the movement on the Panama micro slip movement along the Azuero Fault and others processes(Buchs and tectonism in the fore-arc linkedto subduction observationsThese indicate relatively recent uplift Fault Zone (Buchs faults, the Joaquin amajorsetof the orientation of high follows the topographic strike of 2011a). The the TonosiFormation turbidites of (Buchs cappedbyunconformably Eocene limestonesand Formation and oceanicplateau basalts are locally theOcu similar aged hemipelagic limestone of topographywhereto thenorthandsouth, broadly Peninsula andcontrastswiththe much lower The Cerro andother epith The Quema deposit Campanian toearlyThe Eocene arc extends h ocncaci h otenprso the volcanicThe partsof arcthe northern in et al et et al et et al et ., 1995a). . 2011b)ortoleft lateral strike ., 2011b; Corral ., 2011b;Corral Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 et al et ., 2018). et al et - - - - . PROSPECT A 7.4.3. CERRO QUEMA HIGHSULPHIDATION EPITHERMAL 7.4.2. JUAN DÍAZHIGHSULPHIDATION EPITHERMALA u -C u DEPOSIT Cyprus in1990-1994. Advanced argillic Azuero Au-Cu project belt. The was explored by the end of Cerro at Quemadeposit the eastern the prospectlocated is near Pedasi,east of 55km JuanThe gold DÍazhighsulphidation epithermal phyry prospect at Soná. the El Gallo Au-Ag-Pb and a gold por deposit, RioTinto (Ocú) Cu deposit, Guácimo Cu deposit, also, includingthe Cerro Negro Au prospect, El Eoceneage whichmines are presumed tobeof Au andCuprospectsknown andold epithermal is 24.6Mtat 0.71 g/t Au and0.04%Cuplus 11.4 (measured, indicated and inferred) oxide resource been explored byseveral companies. total The not recognizedwas when until1986,since ithas ping mineralization was found. gold potential The a stream draining Cerro Quemita but nooutcrop (UN, 1969).Chalcocite was found in inboulders sediment survey by the United Nations program sample copper anomalyinaregionalgle stream (2014). which the latest is Tortelli 43-101 reports of 2017, 2018),Perelló (2013), Corral described by Torrey andKeenan (1994), Corral hasbeen gene copper enrichment. geology The zone with enargite-chalcopyrite-pyrite and super advanced argillic alteration overlies a sulphide veining. Agoldoxidesilicaand zone withvuggy system which overprints porphyry epithermal Cerroa highsulphidation is The Quema deposit asclastsinferricrete.occurs to the east at Los Destiladeros. Residual quartz alunite is well exposed for 1,300monthe beach quartz-dickite-pyriteand quartz--pyrite with silica ledges with comprising flows and ates agglomer tuffs, ash bedded dacitic of alteration Cerro Quema was identified in 1967 by a sin a by 1967 in identified was Quema Cerro /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 et al et . (2010,2011,2012,2013,2016, et al et . (2020),andseveral NI u

et al et 19 19 - - - - - .

EARLY ARC: CAMPANIAN – EOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS EARLY ARC: CAMPANIAN – EOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS Figure 9 Figure 10 20 20 / / ThegeologyoftheCerro Quema(Pershimco). golddeposit Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Long of the La section (Puritsch Pavagolddeposit http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 et al et /72(3)A1302202020 /72(3)A1302202020 ., 2012). 2009). Figure 11 erate, sandstone, mudstone, limestone, turbidites volcano-sedimentary rockscomprising conglom dacite dome complex intruded into fore-arc basin 2.78% Cu. Cu from 75.0mincluding33 mat 0.49g/t Au and 3.12% Cu;and124.5mat 0.47g/tAu and1.54% in breccia,m at42 m including 0.36g/tAu and 147.7 mat 0.28g/t Au and1.25%Cufrom 42.5 with highlightsinthe supergene sulphidezone of chargeability drilled anomaly was in 2017-2018 Quemita, an 800mby 400m,NW-trending east of which isstillawaited. the outcomeof an environmental license to build a mine in2016, (Tortelli gold, with the majority in La Pava ing 15.18t of and Quema are 19.71 Mt at 0.77 g/t Au contain proven andprobable reserves inoxides at La Pava Quemita and LaMesita (Tortelli Cu, which infour occurs zones, La Pava, Quema, 22.10t Au and38,100t containing atotal of Mt at 0.41g/t Au and0.31%Cuinsulphides, dated bybiostratigraphy Upper Campanianto as the Rio Quema Formation which hasbeen of Mineralization at Cerro Quema is hosted by a At the Caballito (including Idaida) zone south TheCerro Quemalookingwith Cerro deposit La southwest and Pavaontheleft Cerro Quema third right(S.Redwood, et al et ., 2014). Orla Mining Ltd applied for Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 et al et ., 2014). The ., 2014).The - - - (Perelló that with dome emplacement was contemporary Au-Cu mineralization sulphidation epithermal Ma indicating an early Maastrichtian age for high dated byRe-Os at 70.74±0.29to70.66 al Eocene) for the Valle Rico batholith (Montes El Montuosobatholith; and 49.2± 0.9 Ma(early Formation; 67.5± 1.1 to 65.7 ± 1.0 Mafor the trichtian) for dacite domes inthe Río Quema al U-Pb dating (Corral by defined been have magmatism It iscutby basaltic to andesitic dykes. Two ages of Maastrichtian (Figure 9;Corral rounded byan advanced argillic alteration zone silicasur vuggy alization is hosted by a core of Miner andesitictodaciticcomposition. rocksof pyroclastic and flows dome, phyric hornblende (Figures hostrocksdeposits 9to11).The are a the La Pava, Quemita, Quema and LaMesita several zonesE-W alonga15km trend including ing ages. younger than the Re-Os dates andrepresent cool ., 2012a): 67.9 ± 1.1 to 65.6 ± 1.3 Ma (Maas ., 2012a).Molybdenite from Cerro Quema was Gold mineralization at Cerro in Quema occurs et al et /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 ., 2020): the Ar-Ar dates dates are et al et ., 2012,2016;Montes et al et ., 2012;2016). 40 Ar/ 39 Ar and 21 21 et et et - - - -

EARLY ARC: CAMPANIAN – EOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS EARLY ARC: CAMPANIAN – EOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS PROSPECT 7.4.4. PITALOZA HIGHSULPHIDATION EPITHERMALA 22 22 zone containingpyrite, chlorite, calcite and sider illite and smectite, andbeyond thisby a propylitic surrounded by argillic zone with anintermediate mineralizationto low (Figure is grade 10). This phyllite, kaolinite, barite and rutile) with medium phosphate sulphate (APS) minerals, dickite, pyro (with quartz, alunite-natroalunite, nrso ftheElMontuoso suite. intrusion of are crosscut by anunaltered, post-mineral diorite Quema Formation which are intensely altered and Rio the of tuffs ash cutting and lapilli andesitic to dacitic Caracucho at flows ash and block with about 3-4 km of Bejucosa, Caracucho andCementerio in anarea al et (2004a), Hedenquist (2010) and Medina Molero 2004-2010. outbycarried Bellhaven in Copper & GoldInc. S. A. in1991-1995. More recent exploration was Minerals Corp. withTransworld Exploraciones nally called Santa Clara, was explored byCyprus Cerro Quema Au-Cu project, The deposit. origi the prospect islocated west-northwest20 km of gold PitalozaThe highsulphidation epithermal transition. epithermal-porphyry cates that the Cerro Quema system iscloseto the Tortelli alteration (Pershimcopress release 14-11-2013; mineralization, andpotassiumfeldspar- rock, associated with chalcopyrite-molybdenite pyrophyllite- and sericite-bearing patchy-textured nar quartz veinlet stockworksand sheeted zones in veinsThe are highly contorted, banded and pla veining overprinted by advanced argillic alteration. B Aand porphyry-style identified centers alized below theoxide zone (Corral Supergene chalcocite and minorcovellite occur (up to35%),enargite, tennantite and chalcopyrite. hypogeneThe sulphidemineralizationpyrite is tains jarosite, and , withbreccias. ite. oxide The zone andcon isupto 150 mdeep / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín The geology hasbeen described by geology The Folk drillingbelowDeep LaPava andother miner . (2014).Alteration inthree occurs zones at et al et ., 2014;Perelló 2 . The host rocks. The are dacite domes et al et et al et ., 2020). This indi ., 2020).This http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 ., 2016). u

/72(3)A1302202020 ------/72(3)A1302202020 A 7.4.5. LOS ÑOPOSHIGH SULPHIDATION EPITHERMAL u -C u -M the higher temperature minerals pyrophyllite and the advanced argillic zone exposedindicated as by similar to Cerro level Quema, with a deeper of Au-Cu andis sulphidationa high is epithermal withstructural feeders. system The be stratiform and covellite. Silicic alteration at Bejucosa may aresulphides enargite and supergene chalcocite oxidized tohematite and jarosite. copper The and andalusite, withabundant pyrite which is dickite, alunite, , zunyite, pyrophyllite lite-pyrite and advanced argillic with quartz, in structural ledges and pervasive zones, quartz-il quartz-alunite-pyrite rather than residual quartz) silica (probably quartz, vuggy after granular Alteration at Pitaloza includes quartz-pyrite, samples gave upto440 ppmCu,rocksamples up limestone and greenschists. Stream sediment the Loma El Montuoso batholith, Cretaceous with quartz diorite, and diabase of granodiorite dacites andandesites comprises geology The further geochemistry, but no drilling (UN, 1972b). surveyfollowedand it was Phase IIwith upin discovered by the Phase 1 UNstream sediment the Azuero belt. Mineralization was part of ern LosÑoposprospectThe islocated in the west zone. on surface may beduetoenrichment inthe oxide Au much and 0.68%Cu.The higher goldgrades 19.95 mat 0.19 g/t Au and8.16mat 0.16 g/t with 2010 in Bejucosa at holes five drilled It Au. 0.6 g/t Au. 18mat 4.4 g/t Au, and10mat 1.0 g/t 16 mat 1.8g/t Au, 12mat 8.9 g/t Au, 34mat 2006-2010 whichin at 52m 2.3g/tAu,returned Au and0.32%Cufrom 34.15m. 0.35% Cu from 32.62m,and7.31mat 0.58 g/t 7.32mat 0.41 g/t Au and and Au of withgrades the supergeneSome holesended in zone withCu g/t Au. oxide The zonedeep.25.00-34.15 m was wereat 26.52m 0.70g/tAuat and 15.25m 1.80 oxides at Caracucho bestresults in1994.The andalusite. o PROSPECT Bellhaven dugexploration trenches at Bejucosa Cyprus drilled 9 shortholesto test the gold - - A 7.4.7. QUEBRADA BARRO HIGHSULPHIDATION EPITHERMAL PROSPECT 7.4.6. CERRO VIEJOHIGHSULPHIDATION EPITHERMALA u -C u PROSPECT the sulphidezone at Cerro Quema. and issimilarto ate to high sulphidation epithermal mineralizationintermedi is ppm Mo. styleof The 4.37 mat 0.46% Cu, 1.3 g/t Au, 4.0 g/t Ag and51 m at 1.08%Cu,0.90g/t Au and140ppmMo, and cocite and covellite. included 5.9 Drill intersections , enargite and barite,chal withsecondary pyrite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite, gold and minor adjacent to anE-W trendingof fault and consists associated with silicification and kaolinite alteration tuoso quartz diorite batholith. Mineralization is theLomaElMon diorites ontheSWmargin of andesitic to dacitic flows, tuffs and tuff breccias and drill holes (314.4 m)(UN, is geology 1972b). The survey andfollowed up inPhase II with9short was discovered by the Phase 1 UN stream sediment the Azuero belt. Mineralization part of western Quebrada BarroThe prospectlocated is in the upto1.1and0.9g/tAu. grades returned and advanced argillic withagossan.Surface samples quartz is residual Alteration clasts. silicified hydrothermal breccia with wellas ridges of as probable dome, a and deposits ash and tuffs, block lapilli of consists geology Hedenquist (2010).The are not available. It was described for Bellhaven by Cyprus drilled 13 shortholesin1994but the results by Bellhaven Copper & Gold Inc. in2004-2010. Transworld Exploraciones S. A.in1990-1994, and ect was explored by CyprusMinerals Corp. with part Azueroin the western Au-Cu proj belt. The the Cerro QuemaAu-Cu deposit west30 km of on FiloCabuya,ing E-Whigh and924m about about 3 km long trend prospect is a large massif CerroThe Viejo gold highsulphidation epithermal Au-Cu-Mo. epithermal of as highsulphidationmineralization isinterpreted Thestyle not assayed. was Gold silicification. gave an area anomalous inCu-Mo, associated with to 2.2% Cuand1,200ppmZn,soilsamples Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 u

- - - - - 7.4.8. LOS POZOSEPITHERMALA A 7.4.9. CERRO NEGRO LOW SULPHIDATION EPITHERMAL u -A g PROSPECT hosted bylate Cretaceous to Paleocene basal by1995-1997. AlterationBHP Mineralsin is exploredwas bythe UNDP program andlater PozosLos goldprospect () epithermal Recchi, 1969). teristics at Iguana (Montijo) (del Giudice and characCu withanomalousMoandporphyry at Cerro(Los Pozos), Ñopos anddisseminated lavas were Pb-Zn atZurrones Los (Montijo),Cu quartz diorite batholiths withdacite contact of located by the UNproject in Azuero at the basemetal mineralization Other occurrences of otenpr ftheAzuero Peninsula. part of northern the the Eocene volcanic arc of along strike of older as although it has notbeen dated, it lies the Veraguas Gold Belt; however,of it may be gold-silver similar to those system epithermal area. prospect The is a large, low sulphidation large a over alteration argillic and silicification pervasive widespread with breccia tuff and tuff lapilli tuff, ash and domes dacite cutting long quartz veins upto 3.0mwideand1,000 g/t Au and12.6g/tAg. 23.3 g/t Au and28.2g/t Ag, and1.2mat 4.9 0.6 mat 47.2g/t Au and16.6g/t Ag, 1.0mat intercepts in the Parisgrade Sur area such as drilled 24 holes for 1,873 mwithshort,high (1992-1993). Tenneco/Echo Bay Ltda, 1986-1988), Echo Bay (1988-1989) and by Tenneco Minerals Company (Minera Orion Chitre, wasexplored pect, about 20 kmNW of gold pros Cerro1927). The Negro epithermal Nata (Riddell, coined at a mintat the townof icas inthe early 16 Amer the in mine silver Spanish first the been CerroThe Negro mine was reported to have alteration andwithanomalousgoldonsurface. extensive silicic, argillic, sericitic and propylitic tic andesite lavas andpyroclastic rockswith Gold mineralizationhosted by is banded /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 th century, and the silver u PROSPECT 23 23 - - - -

EARLY ARC: CAMPANIAN – EOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS EARLY ARC: CAMPANIAN – EOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS 7.4.13. SONÁPORPHYRY A 7.4.12 .ELGALLO A 7.4.11. RIOTINTO (OCÚ)C 7.4.10. ELGUÁCIMOC 24 24 Copper mineralization is hosted by tuffs and com copper ore was mined. highgrade amount of inabout 1950 when1898) and again a small Peséthe latemined in was 19 ElGuácimo(or El Guásimo)copper mine atThe gold-richknown in Panama porphyry simi andis with abundantsystem magnetite. Itisthe only Soná prospectThe is a gold-rich Cu porphyry system. tion epithermal may be sulphida related to the same intermediate also mined in the late 19 style. tion epithermal sulphida intermediate abrecciasuggests pipeof the open pit with both precious and base metals 1969). There are no geological descriptions but ect, which found (del Giudice andRecchi, galena and the tunnels were reopened by the UN proj 1927), hill (Riddell, the into further tunnels five the exploredCorporation itbyextending one of (Posada, 1898;Oller, Panama 1933,1975).The mined for Au-Ag-Pb in the late 19th century diameter on thehill-top (Riddell, 1927). Itwas hole or open pit about 45 min mined ina glory as aSpanish 16 El Gallo gold mineatThe Las Minasisdescribed (del GiudiceandRecchi, 1969). ElGuácimo to similar tuffs or basalts by hosted which maybe have vein been an epithermal about the deposit, is nogeological information Ocú in the late 19 Copper was mined at the Rio Tinto copper mine at vein. tobeanepithermal appears whichdeposit aboutthis geological information (del Giudice andRecchi, 1969).There isnoother zeolite, epidote, chalcedony, calcite and pyrite accompanied by wall-rockalteration to chlorite, prises veins withcopper sulphides andcarbonates / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín The nearbyThe DonJuan Cu mine at La Mina, u -A g u -P DEPOSIT b th DEPOSIT u th u century discovery century which was -C DEPOSIT century (Posada, century 1898). There u PROSPECT th century (Posada, century 1898), th century (Posada, century http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 /72(3)A1302202020 - - - - - /72(3)A1302202020 MINERALIZATION 8.1. THEOLIGOCENE–LOWER MIOCENEARC AND porphyry andepithermaldeposits 8. MiddleArc:Oligocene-lowerMiocene ation andby supergene argillic alteration. There seminated magnetite, overprinted by sericite alter have relic Thediorites potassic alteration ( feldspar) with dis side. north the on tuff whichrite porphyry intrudes lithic lapilli andesite been drilled. out explorationcarried in the 2000s, but it has not tion inthe 1990s, andOro GoldResources Ltd. Corp.Minerals Cyprus discovered themineraliza is indicated by the place name, . Mioceneage. Historicalgoldmining it maybe of to belong to the Eocene arc,interpreted although Colombia. It has notbeen dated but is tentatively NW the Middle Cauca Gold Belt of lar to thoseof 2019a); and continues into western Panama2019a); and continues intowestern inthe Au mineralization (Buchs with epithermal al et no known mineralization2005; Wegner (Lissinna, phyryCu mineralization; the Pearlwith Islands and RioMogue; in the Majé mountains withpor Au mineralizationwhich at Cana host epithermal Panama eastern in the Darien mountains side of volcanic arc onthe southern (31-18 Ma) occurs Au Oligocene – lower The deposit. Miocene ermal and the Espiritu Santo de Cana epith Cu deposit in Panama as it hoststhe Cobre Panama porphyry important Cu-Au metallotectterms economic in Early Arc. Middle Arc The isarguably the most the of offset and bending oroclinal the post-dates Oligocene-lower Miocene age MiddleArcThe of NW trend. with a 2to3km over samples occurs an area of face geochemistryin soils, rocks, stream sediment sur by defined as mineralization Gold neotocite. and malachite to oxidation surficial locally and veinlets with pyrite, chalcopyrite and magnetite, magnetite veinlets, andbandedquartz-magnetite quartz A andBveinlets, is adensestockwork of Mineralizationhosted by is a multi-phase dio ., 2011);the Central Panama Volcanic Field et al et ., ------HOSTED INTERMEDIATE SULPHIDATION EPITHERMALA 8.2.1. CANA PORPHYRY C 8.2. DARIEN EPITHERMAL-PORPHYRY A DEPOSIT to be about 59 metric tons, much of it at grades it at grades to be about 59 metric tons, much of endowment (production +resources)estimated is total gold The system. a breccia a porphyry pipein goldmineralizationhosted by is epithermal grade important historical gold mine inPanama. High originally as Santa Cruz de Cana, was the most EspirituSanto gold mineatThe Cana,known 1995). cene-Pleistocene volcanic rocks(Drummond late Miocene Talamanca Intrusive Suite, andPlio El Barúplutoniccomplex (32.25±2.25Ma),the Oligocene tholeiitic gabbros, the middle Oligocene the CocosRidge. They includemiddle duction of exposed by rapid uplift associated with the sub Panama-eastern Costa Rica western dillera of the Talamanca Cordillera in the Central Cor of early Miocene. and central Panamaeastern ceased in tism the in probably the Veraguas (Santa Fé) Au belt. Magma PetaquillaCu belt (Baker porphyry 1895, 1899 and 1923). The mine was bought 1895, 1899 and 1923). The then reopened the EspirituSanto Mine (Woakes, North Mine) with no important production, and to 1912.Itinitiallydeveloped the El ReyMine (or from England 1887 Gold Mining Company Ltd. of mine wasrediscovered and exploited by the Darien gold (Restrepo, 1886,1888). The Moz or 48.6 t of goldinthisperiod, equivalent to about 1.562 of mated to have produced more than 30millionpesos Spaniards from before 1680 to 1727, andisesti ama City. Pan 600-900 m, 245 km SW of at an altitude of close to the Colombian border in the Pirre Massif Treverlocated (1989)andNelson (1995,2007).Itis Oller (1933, 1975),Tower (1963),Tippett and (1895, 1899, 1923), Chibas (1898), Low (1931), been described byRestrepo (1886,1888),Woakes and theminehave >1,000 g/tAu. geology The Oligocene age plutonic rocksoccur inthe core The Espiritu Santo mine was workedThe by the u -A u PROSPECT ANDBRECCIA- Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 et al et u -C ., 2016)and u BELT et al et u

., ------108,000 ounces (3.36 t) grading 13.7 g/t Au108,000 ounces (3.36 t) grading at the about of resource a of definition with companies, gold between 1964-1996 by variousepithermal subsequently explored for copper and porphyry potential for 11Mt(Foster, was deposit 1939).The 1.8Mtat 1g/t Au and estimated reserves of hill as a bulk mineable target in 1927-1932 and 1975). givenwas (4.42 t) as142,236ouncesbyOller (1933, 45-70 g/t, andfor 1900-1907 it of (1963) at grades given1910 was (7.17 t)by230,443 ounces as Tower operate production it until 1926. The from 1895- Panama, in1914who continued to Republic of the by the founders of DonTomás Arias, one of the South Mine or Espiritu Santo Breccia Pipe, information. and San José hill, about which there is nogeological gold mineralization at the North or ElRey Mine with chalcopyrite. Other drill programs targeted mineralizationry-style includingquartz veinlets tic alteration. Drillingencountered porphy deep centeredthe porphyry, on withperipheral propyli phyllic alteration with local potassic alteration is ing dykes(Figure 12; Nelson,1995,2007). Pervasive diameter 1,500 min and cross-cut byWNW-trend stockabout 1,000- porphyry hornblende-feldspar and volcaniclastic rocksintruded by acircular or late Oligoceneoryounger inthesecondcase. case, first the in post-Cretaceous be to constrained and mineralizationintrusion porphyry is age of rocksin the upper part (Coates mudstone, micriticcalcarenite and volcaniclastic the lowerbasalt in part, and calcareous andsiliceous and chert agglomerate, tuff, of Formation Darien (DGRM, 1991),orthe middle EocenetoOligocene taceous Playa Venado Formation basalt pillow lavas either the late Cre ananticlineof of to beformed or RioBalsasFault. Regionalshow maps the massif a major N-S to NE-trending reverse fault, the Pirre sidebybounded onthe western is massif Belt. The blockin thetranspressional East Panama Deformed North Mine(TippettandTrever, 1989). The PanamaThe explored Corporation San Jose oto the historicalgold productionfrom was Most of comprisesandesite lavas geology deposit The a NNE-trending is rotated fault Pirre Massif The /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 et al et ., 2004). The ., 2004). The 25 25 - - - -

MIDDLE ARC:OLIGOCENE-LOWER MIOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS MIDDLE ARC:OLIGOCENE-LOWER MIOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS CARBONATE-REPLACEMENT A 8.2.2. RIOMOGUELOW SULPHIDATION EPITHERMALAND Figure 12 26 26 oae nteBgeMsi i h edaeso of in the headwaters located Massif in the Bagre gold prospect is Rio Mogue epithermal The cene oryounger. late Oligo Darien Formation, indicating an age of the and mineralization crosscut volcanic rocksof stock porphyry The is probably alsoepithermal. mineralization at the North and San José Mines related Cu-Au to the Cana porphyry system.Gold in a phreatic or phreatomagmatic breccia pipe mineralization withbase metals tion epithermal Au-bearing,high grade sulphida intermediate calcite. pyrite, sphalerite, visible galena, gold, quartz and brecciaangular has rockfragments cemented by 45-50g/t Au (Figure 13).The average of grade 270mwith an SW, of and wasmined to a depth which is25mdiameter with 70°plunge to the / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín The Espiritu Santo deposit is interpreted as isinterpreted Espiritu Santo deposit The Geologicalmapof(modified theCanagolddeposit afterNelson,2007). u PROSPECT http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 /72(3)A1302202020 - - /72(3)A1302202020 gocene-Miocene Topaliza Formation (DGRM, the Eocene-Oligocene Tonosi Group and Oli sediments of pillow lavas overlain by of inliers Cretaceous Playa Venado basalt Formation of Winkie holesfor 390.8m. Paminexco andMineraRayrockwhich drilled 10 g/t Au. project The exploredwas in 1996-2000by Au; 14.02 mat 1.78g/t Au; and35.05mat 1.64 Au); 12.5 mat 4.04g/t Au; 13.72mat 2.97 g/t m at 2.11g/t Au (including 1.5mat 36.48g/t 37.5 36 shortholeswithbestintervalsdrilling in of diamond out 994.9 mof imental. DGRM carried rales (DGRM)underthePanama Proyecto Exper 1978 by the Dirección General de RecursosMine placer gold mining, andit was explored in 1975- artisanal method, probably by the presence of discovered at Rio Mogue in 1974by anunknown Panama Zone. Deformed Mineralization was a fault-bounded blockin the transpressional East the RiversMarea MogueandTaimatí, (orBagre), The regional geology isshown regional asthe lateThe geology - - - (Woakes, 1899). Figure 13 Cross section of the high grade breccia pipeand ofCana in1899 thehighgradebreccia Spanishmineworkingsthe EspirituSantoMineat Crosssection at Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 27 27

MIDDLE ARC:OLIGOCENE-LOWER MIOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS MIDDLE ARC:OLIGOCENE-LOWER MIOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS 8.2.3. IPETIPORPHYRY C 28 28 part by Coates calcarenite and volcaniclastic rocksin the upper and calcareous andsiliceousmudstone, micritic agglomerate, chert and basalt in the lower part, tuff, of Formation Darien Oligocene to Eocene Paleocene San Blas Formation andthe middle are1991). These called the late Cretaceous to 100-400 m width,with samplesupto 1,500 ppm 1,700 m, with an inner zone >500 ppm Cu of by m 1,200 of area an over Cu ppm 200 defined whichdrilled 13 holesforsurveysoil A 2,534m. TaurusLtd. and International Resources Inc, Panama S. CanAlaskaResources A.,International was explored from 1993-1999 by Aluvionesde surveyin 1969-1971(UN, 1972a,1972b)andit by a Cu-Mo stream sediment anomaly by a UNDP Kesler in the Majé mountains. It was described briefly by called Rio Guayabo, Ambroya andMajé) locatedis Cu-Mo-Au Ipeti porphyry The prospect (also and soislate Oligoceneoryounger in age. intrusions which crosscuts the Darien Formation probably related to the late stage dacite porphyry setting to Panama. Mineralization at RioMogueis nesia (Turner whichlocated is in anislandarc inSulawesi, Indo carbonate-replacement style Mesel gold deposit the Carlin-type and, inparticular, the of deposits rock-hosted sedimentary disseminated gold with similarities suggests limestone silicified and anomalous As-Sb-Hg, low Agandbasemetals, alous HgandSb, withlow Agandbasemetals. (1,000s to >10,000 ppm), accompaniedby anom As high with correlates Gold limestones. silicified including silicification and veins quartz by hosted ization is associated pyrite with arsenian and is argillic, propylitic andcarbonate. Goldmineral intrusions.dacitic porphyry Alteration is silicic, cut by tuffs, and finally breccias,by and limestone overlain byandesitic lavas, shale, limestone and the Playa Venadoites and basalts Formationof / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín h rsneo Au related toAs-pyrite, presenceThe of Rio Mogue comprises andes of geology The et al et . (1977). Mineralization was discovered et al et et al et u -M ., 1994,2002) in ananalogous . (2004). o -A u PROSPECT http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 /72(3)A1302202020 - - - - /72(3)A1302202020 8.3.1. INTRODUCTION EPITHERMAL A 8.3. CENTRALPANAMA VOLCANIC FIELD alteration. Kesler and propylitic potassic with sediments, and tuffs Ipeti hosted byis a multiphase and andesite stock ± 0.9 Ma (Whattam the cordillera datedwas byU-Pb on zirconsat 18.9 part of 2012). A diorite intrusion inthe northern sition withadakite-like chemistry (Whattam basalt to dacite compo intrusives of complex of Cu and0.269g/tAu. Cu and0.176g/t Au including29.5mat 0.33% best drill resulthigh. The was 160.7mat 0.20% Cu-Au anomaliesare coincident withamagnetic 200 ppmCu,withupto 0.1 to 0.3 ppmAu. The Cu. AsoilAu anomaly>50ppbcoincidentwith hto the youngest known arc volcanism ineast that of the youngest volcanismsimilar to the canal is in zonesubduction (Buchs water in the tional, consistent withsuppressionof Miguel Formations andpossibly alkaline/transi group to tholeiitic in the Las CascadasandPedro in the Bas ObispoFormation andCerro Patacon chemistrychanged at ca23Mafrom calc-alkaline Cucaracha andLaBoca Formations. magma The volcanic phasesshown by evidence in the Culebra, volcanismcontinued between these two proximal Formation,the BasObispo 25 Main andregional ca at deposited were tuffs volcanic Distal 2019a). Complex (ca18Maandyounger) (Buchs the Pedro Miguel Volcanicbasaltic volcanoes of VolcanicComplex (ca21Ma),andmonogenetic felsicstratovolcanoes inthe Las Cascadas tion of proximal volcanismassociated with the forma of hydrothermal alteration. There were two phases low temperature indicationsof as anumber of one historicalgoldmineaswellama Canal, has Buchs by defined Ma), 18 – 25 (ca age Miocene early to Central Panama Oligocene The Volcanic Field of but wasunable todate thedeposit. pyritization, and silicification as well as alteration The MajéCordilleraThe a subvolcanicis igneous et al et . (2019a), which istraversed by the Pan u DEPOSITS et al et et al et . (1977)describedbiotite ., 2012). Mineralization at et al et ,21b.Teaeo age of ., 2019b).The et al et et al et ., ., - - - - - 8.3.2. EMPERADOREPITHERMAL A cedony, opal, quartz and zeolites, andveinlets of veinletsquarries; andcracklebreccias withchal the Pedro Miguel Formation at the Maria Eugenia pseudo-brecciasstrongly in jointedbasaltplugsof chalcedony, agate and minorquartz cementing mal alteration. includegreen-blue toorange These low temperature hydrother spread indications of Santa Rita, near Sabanita. There are also wide further north inbasement volcanic rocksat Cerro sulphidation hydrothermalwere systems developed. Despite thechange to anhydrousmagmatism, low the last supra-subduction melts. the extraction of fault in the system Canal area probably helped a transisthmian early development (ca 40-32 Ma) of took place between volcanoes without a basin.The not inducedby extension, andthat sedimentation Buchs rift setting (Farris sedimentation hasbeen described as hinge-basin (Buchs suppressed hydrousmelting zone in the subduction Panama, Central in and Eastern subduction which Ma, andthe transition from orthogonal to oblique the Farallon plate at ca 23 following the breakup of magmatic cessation along a volcanic arc the result of Panama to be ern at isinterpreted ca 18Ma.This Rivers Sardinilla and Quebrada de Oro, tributaries the in the upper parts of the Emperador deposit mined fromGold was and quartz veins placers in canal excavations (MacDonald,1915). oxidation exothermic exposure on toairduringthe dynamite dueto and even premature detonation of amounts to have sufficient caused ground heating, smoking in pyrite grained fine very contain Cut the Cucaracha Formation inthe Culebra shales of cha Formation in the Hodge’s Hill cut. In addition, chalcedony, opal, quartz and zeolites in the Cucara tion, Bas Obispocut; and veinlets and breccias with the Bas ObispoForma vesicles involcanic rocksof near Bas Obispo;zeolite and calcite veinlets and Formation Las Cascadas of tuffs in calcite-pyrite Gold deposits occuratGold deposits Emperador and another the volcanismand tectonicsetting of The et al et et al et ., 2019b). (2019b) consider that (2019b)consider volcanismwas et al et ., 2011,2017).Alternatively, Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín u DEPOSIT http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 - - - - - 8.3.3. SANTA RITA A rocks1882; Woodring,(Anon, 1957),andis phyry stockandinaltered andesitic to dacitic at surface,a smallquartz in phyricdacite por accompanied bycinnabar, andstronglyoxidized and pyritized wall rock which resembled veins, silicified with fractures multiple on occurring as NNW trend. Gold mineralization was described isabout 1,000 mlong with a gold deposit The cadas Volcanic Complex (Buchs the19 of second half inthe out inSpanishtimesandagain was carried Emperador (Empire) district. Mining the former Canal) and theRiver respectively, Chagres in the Panama the River Obispo (now part of of host rocks. be older and related to the Cretaceous volcanic Central Panama Volcanic Field,although it may is probably related to volcanismin the nearby and sulphidation epithermal or intermediate mineralization to be low appears style of The the Gold Project in 1979-1982. drilling as part of exploration Santa Rita includingtrenchingand out carried DGRM or tonnage mined. The the grade streams drain.Therenorecord is of the Caribbean coast to the north, into which the the name to Bahia de las Minas(MinesBay) on minegaveThe adits”. date 1883; and“modern adits associated withaFrench boiler with the frommortars “indigenousoperations”;caved large stone mining:remnants of three periods of south. Woodring (1957) described evidence for about2,000mN-S, withalluvial gold tothe of Sabanitas in a zone the town of southeast of Playa Venado Formation onSanta Rita Hill quartz- the Cretaceous in veinlets in olivine-rich basalt of occurs mineralization Gold deposits. low sulphidation epithermal of and jasper. alteration The andveining are typical quartz veinlets,to colloform drusy chalcedony breccia. polymict silicified a float comprises Vein Alteration is silica and sericite-pyrite, including cut by unaltered post-mineral rhyolite dykes. Gold mineralization is hosted by the Las Cas /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 u DEPOSIT th century. et al et ., 2019a). 29 29 - -

MIDDLE ARC:OLIGOCENE-LOWER MIOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS MIDDLE ARC:OLIGOCENE-LOWER MIOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS DEPOSITS 8.4.2. COBREPANAMA (PETAQUILLA) PORPHYRY C 8.4.1. THEOLIGOCENEARC 8.4. PETAQUILLA PORPHYRY C 30 30 ermal gold prospect. Cobre The Panamaermal deposit Nueva Lucha andPalmilla, and the Lata epith Cu prospectsporphyry to the north including In addition, there 4.5km. are several other of in a 9 km long WNW-trending zone with a width Brazo and Botija Abajo (Figure 15). They occur called Petaquilla), Medio, Valle Grande, Balboa, Panama Botija, La Colina (previously deposit: Seven makeupthe Cobre Cu deposits porphyry Cordillera (Figure Oligocene belt only is 14).The theCentral the Caribbeanin lowlandsnorth of locatedcene age and is low in altitude rain forest Oligo CobreThe Panama isof deposit porphyry (Redwood on larger foraminifera in thinlimestone beds age (37.8-33.9 Ma), based Eocene biostratigraphic intrude andesitic volcanicThese rockswith alate 2001; Whattam on Ar-Ar and U-Pb zircon dating (Speidel from 28.96±0.62Mato27.480.68Ma,based dykeswere emplaced over about 2millionyears lower Oligocene,and whilestocks the porphyry from 32.20±0.76Mato28.280.61inthe about 4 millionyears emplaced over aperiod of Baker and andesitic volcanic rocks(Speidel phase quartz-feldspar-hornblende porphyries, batholith and is hosted by granodiorite, multi the margin of situateddeposits on the southern mineralization inseven occurs separate porphyry the (Figurecopper 14).Economic km longby 10km wide and trends northwest to which composition granodiorite about 25 is of is dominateddeposit by the Petaquilla batholith which isundated. continue west to the Veraguas Au belt, epithermal knownPanama here western in but itmaywell / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín h einlgooyo the Cobre Panama of regionalThe geology et al et ., 2016). The Petaquilla., 2016). The batholith was et al et ., 2021). et al et ., 2012; Baker u BELT http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 et al et et al et u -M ., 2016). ., 2001; o -A et al et u -A g .,

/72(3)A1302202020 - - - /72(3)A1302202020 (2001), Whattam described bywas Kesler biotite feldspar andpotassium such asthe higher which is preserved in certain zones with secondary and smectite which overprint potassicalteration, is 35years to 2054. 3.33 t Au, 52.88Agand2,717t Mo. mine life The tons per year, plusaverage annual by-products of Curisingto 377,000metric 310,000 metric tons of age annual copper inconcentrates production is 2019 increasing to 100Mtperyear in2023.Aver ppm Mo. plant capacity is 47 Mt per year The in 0.38% Cu,0.07g/t Au, 1.37g/t Agand59.38 3,143.7Mt grading probable mineral reserves of molybdenum. resources The includeproven and silver and 274,000tof gold, 6,096tof 300 tof copper, total contained metal is 16.38Mtof The The projectThe was reactivated in 2003.Inmet consol Corp.), Adrian Resources andTeck ComincoLtd. Mining Corp. and subsequentlyInmet Mining from 1991-1998 by Minnova (later called Metall Co. Ltd.(PMRD),aJapaneseand consortium, 1977 byPanama Mineral Resources Development exploredin 1968(Huhta,1991).Itwas from 1971- stream sediment geochemistry survey by UNDP called originally, wasdiscovered by a regional reports, the most recent being by Gray wood Baker a cut-off grade of 0.15% Cu (Gray Cu 0.15% of grade cut-off a Cu, 0.04 g/t Au, 1.09g/t Ag and0.005%Moat 1,097 Mt at 0.26% inferred mineral resources of 0.006% Mo inseven (Figure deposits 15), plus 0.37%Cu,0.07g/t Au,grading 1.34g/t Ag and 3,657Mt and indicated mineral resources of minestartedproduction(MPSA). The in2019. 10% through the operator Minera Panama S.A. 90% andKorea Panama MiningCorp. (KORES), Quantum, 2013 andthe First current is ownership QuantumMineralsLtd.boughtInmetin First by2008 andchanged thenametoCobre Panama. thePetaquilla deposit idated of 100% ownership The PetaquillaThe asit was deposit, porphyry The CobreThe Panama containsmeasured deposit The dominant alterationThe types are chlorite, illite et al et et al et . (2021) and several NI 43-101 technical . (2016), Sepp andDilles (2018), Red. (2016), Sepp et al et . (2012), Ireland et al et . (1977),Speidel et al et et al et et al et ., 2019). . (2014), . (2019). et al et - - - . Figure 14 micro-veinlets, fracture fillings, and quartz-sul and fillings, fracture micro-veinlets, Botija. upper partof with sericite halos occurValle Grande and the and Valle Grande, andquartz-pyrite D veinlets three deposits, Balboa, Brazo the upperpartsof phyllite) alterationlithocap roots are preserved in Sericite-pyrite and advanced argillic (dickite, pyro former, more widespread potassicalteration. of sulphide core grade Hypogene sulphides occur asdisseminations, The regional geology of the Cobre Panama deposit (modified TheregionalgeologyoftheCobrePanamadeposit after Speidel ± magnetite A andBveinlets are evidence at Botija (Speidel Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín et al et http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 ., 2001).Quartz - - - euto thepyrite-rich lithocap. result of which has oxidation, as a in both cases formed limited extent, and Valle Grande ment zone of a leached capandasupergene chalcocite enrich enrichment except at the Brazo which deposit has by hypogene mineralization withnooxidation or have asaprolitic weathering cap underlain directly foundcommonly quartz veinlets. in deposits The accompanied by molybdenite are pyrite. Traces of copper mineral with lesser bornite, andtheyare phide stockworks. Chalcopyrite is the dominant et al., /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 2001and Baker et al., 2016) 31 31 -

MIDDLE ARC:OLIGOCENE-LOWER MIOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS MIDDLE ARC:OLIGOCENE-LOWER MIOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS Figure 15 32 32 byfeldspar-quartz-hornblende bearing porphyries sive ischaracterized centers. Colina deposit The indicatingintrusions that they are separate intru porphyry deposits has a different porphyry suite of the of Each rocks. pyroclastic and flows basalt to porphyries withorwithout quartz, and andesite are hosted by feldspar-rich hornblende-bearing batholithicrock host and of component minor further from the batholith contact, have only a Balboa, Brazo and Botija Abajo, being located pre-existing potassicalteration. ture overprint of as lower central areas interpreted grade tempera with illite-smectite-chlorite alteration inthe higher a strong silica-chlorite in the periphery of consists porphyries have crowded phenocrysts. Alteration rocks granodiorites. The are hornblende-bearing lith and related porphyries. batholithic The mined, ishostedmainlyby the Petaquilla batho / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín The other deposits,The Colina, Valle Grande, be to first the 16), (Figure deposit Botija The The geology of the porphyry copper deposits at the Cobre Panama deposit (modified fromSpiedelthe CobrePanamadeposit at Thegeologyoftheporphyrycopperdeposits http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 /72(3)A1302202020 - - - /72(3)A1302202020 Valle Grande) rather than upright bodies which northwest (Botija, Colina,Brazo, Botija Abajo, tabular bodies dippingat 10-45° in aseriesof the mineralization occurs unusual inthat mostof dikes are present inalldeposits. intermediate to mafic Post-mineral deposit. the ciated with sodic-calcic alteration in the center of and exhibits strong sulphidenetwork veining asso nantly inafeldspar-quartz-hornblende porphyry breccias. ishostedpredomi Balboa deposit The with hydrothermal , as well as intrusion aredeposits dominated by milled matrix breccias the Colina andValle Grande sectorof southern are associated with goldenrichment. central The tuffs. andesitic replace area Quartz in the porphyriticsouthwestern stocks and Colina of margins areup to15mthick developed on the northeast andesites. Magnetite-pyrite-epidote rich skarns and propyliticallyintruding hornfelsed altered The CobreThe Panamaare deposits porphyry et al., 2001). - - presentation, 2012). Figure 16 below thehelicopter, andlies beyond theColinadeposit theridge(photo S.Redwood). Figure 17 Cross section of theBotija Crosssection showing porphyrydeposit theinclined porphyry intrusion(modified from anInmet The Cobre Panama deposit during TheCobrePanama deposit explorationthe Colinaexploration in2007,lookingat camp.lies TheBotija deposit west Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 33 33

MIDDLE ARC:OLIGOCENE-LOWER MIOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS MIDDLE ARC:OLIGOCENE-LOWER MIOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS 34 34 orerequires to anupright geometry shells removal copper deposits. porphyry However, restoring the many an inverted typical of cup-shaped geometry tiltingto the southeast and produces ore shellwith asingle of 15° to 10° removes faults identified along contours the modeled Cu-Mo grade of thatassuming vertically. they formed Restoration south-southeast tilting after mineralization, 40° of veins at suggested Botija deposit the dip of ment of copper deposits. measureupright porphyry Their that dismembered and tilted two ormore originally were deposits likelyproduced faulting bynormal eling. Theyconcluded that theseven porphyry orientations at Botija and three-dimensional mod vein andDilles(2018) basedonastudy Sepp of low bodies. angle plunge, which mayhave to the beenthe feeders to have at or down centers depth upright porphyry Balboa, Brazo andValle appear Grande deposits elevation (Ireland row range of stage the main stockworksarranging a nar within Post-mineral of effect the had extensionalfaulting late-mineral switch to transpressional conditions. occurred duringcompression,mostly with asyn- relationshipsThese implythat mineralization mal and magmatic stages are more dipping. steeply overall dykeorientation although later hydrother wall-rock.Early vein geometries the locally mimic Grande), while are others underlain by andesitic Valle(Botija, Colina, Brazo, Botija Abajo, part of intrusion porphyry mineral late a by depth at off are the deposits cut 2014). Inaddition, several of shallowly-inclined reverse fault zone (Ireland along a pre-existing moderatelyritic dyke to swarm amultiphase porphy byformed emplacement of featurethat isaprimary the low geometry angle low resistivityinterpreted anomaly in2010.Itis does notoutcropdiscovered andwas bydrilling a ore to waste. Balboa deposit The about 1:1 of of the knowndeposits, withalow stripratio one of allbut and related sulphide-bearing stockworkof exposesterrain the high temperature alteration are preserved in three presentdeposits. The incised weresystems removed mostly byerosion but relics the hydrothermal upper,The levels of epithermal (Figure deposits 16). porphyry are more typical of / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín An alternative tilting model was proposed by http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 et al et ., 2014). The ., 2014).The et al et ., /72(3)A1302202020 /72(3)A1302202020 - - - - - 8.4.3. PALMILLA PORPHYRY C DEPOSIT 8.4.4. MOLEJONLOW SULPHIDATION EPITHERMALA drilling in 60 holes.drilling in gave This ameasured and diamond 13,136mof in 2011-2013, with atotal of poration in1993-1996, and by Petaquilla Minerals Adrian Resources Cor Enterprises andMadison exploration program in 1969. It was drilled by the UN regional during the follow upphaseof Cobre Panama, wasdiscovered northwest of PalmillaThe Cu-Au porphyry prospect, located andDilles,ping faults(Sepp 2018). SW-striking andNW-dipearlier generationsof they cannotaccountfor andinfer was produced by southeast tilting that anadditional 25°to 30° of of Ltd. (ex-Adrian Resources) by minedthe deposit Resources in1994-1995.Petaquilla Minerals rock geochemistry, andwasdrilled by Adrian exploration around Petaquilla regionalusing district-scale of Mining) in1992the course discovered(2011, 2012).It was byMinnova (Inmet by Wahl (2005), Muller (2007) and Archibald by Speidel It was described Brazocopper deposit. porphyry the vein located southwestabout 2 km ermal of a low is Molejondeposit sulphidationThe epith gold-rich porphyry. gold (Camus, 2013), resultingepithermal in a mineralization overprinted bylow sulphidation alization style copper is described as porphyry alteration)the intrusions.described in is Miner and bornite. Weak (or potassic biotite hornfels has quartz-magnetite veinlets with chalcopyrite at the intrusion contact whichin biotite hornfels pyrite and magnetite. best mineralization The is propylitic (chlorite, epidote, carbonate, silica)with thevolcano-sedimentaryrocks is Alteration of intruding andesitic lavas and tuffaceous turbidites. at acut-off0.35g/t Au equivalent (Camus, 2013). 11 Mtat 0.22%Cu,0.40g/t Au and0.67g/t Ag, Au and0.87g/t Ag, andaninferred resource of 27Mtat 0.24%Cu,0.59 g/t indicated resource of The geology is hornblende granodiorite granodiorite hornblende is geology The et al et . (2001) and inNI43-101 reports u -A u PROSPECT u

et al et - - - - . Figure 18 brecciaswith chalcedony and toalesserextent in multi-phase quartz-carbonate veins andvein steeply-dipping, NE-strikingfaults. Goldoccurs and phacoliths. rocks These are cut by several which are lavas and cut by sills feldspar-quartz porphyries forming tuffs lapilli breccias, flow and fragmental andesitic volcanic rocksincluding (Archibald g/t 0.2 Au of atcut-off t), a (31.10 Ag g/t 2.1 and reserves were 15.3Mtat 1.31g/t Au (20.00t) t) (Archibald Mt at 0.35 g/t Au (1.16 t) and 1.05 g/t Ag (3.47 3.3 0.2 g/t Au, plus inferred resources of cutoff of g/t Au (25.42t)and1.74g/tAg(43.54at a indicated resources in2012were 31.6 Mtat 0.80 for a planned heap leach measured plant. The and stockpiled goldwas containing 4.73metric tons of later expanded material to3,500tpd.Low grade carbon-in-pulp plantwith2,200tpdcapacity,in processed byrecovered andgoldwas grinding gold with byproduct silver.tons of ore The was open pit from 2009-2014 to produce 7.20 metric lopeet fe naeso higher gold grade. also present, often in areas of dip andmorewith asteeper northerly strikeare raphy(Figure 18).Severalstructures subsidiary and dipshallowly NW, with stratig conformable and cockadestructures. vein The zonesstrike NE textures banding, such ascolloform cockscomb filling space open exhibit breccias and veins The in alteredor inquartz stockworks. intrusions h eoi shse yasqec fmassive hosted by is deposit The a sequenceof Cross section of the Molejon deposit looking of theMolejondeposit NW(modified Crosssection from Archibald et al et et al et ., 2012). ., 2012).Proven andprobable Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 - tetrahedrite (Speidel in quartz. Silver inelectrum and possible occurs electrum or gold of μm 1-15 of minutecrystals as occurs gold . Free fine very to due be may greyobtained in quartz bands, where thecolour often are grades high rare, are but Visiblesulfides weakly anomalous (Asand Sb mostly <10 ppm) or very only elements pathfinder only,with Ag and Au alizationcharacterized is bythe presence of pervasive (Speidel epidote (epidote-chlorite-hematite), containing up to 15% rocks. footwall The strong has propylitic alteration rocks, with sericite and silicification in the intrusive ite-carbonate (phyllic) assemblage in the volcanic typical, vein-type, low sulphidation epithermal Main Zone(Archibald sub-horizontal to SE-dipping and joinswiththe Northwest Zone sits above the Main Zoneandis 30° NWbecomingsub-horizontal at The depth. m dip length and width up to 75 m, and dips at on LomaBlanca, is 1,100mlong NE with 450 west Zones. MainZone, The which outcrops (Speidel about 30 m kaolinite and hematite of to adepth breccias. Therestrong is saprolitic oxidation to Au are found grades inthe upper zone in quartz are highly variable from highest 1:2to 2:1. The only found locallyintrace amounts. Au/Ag ratios belowdetection ar (Hg<0.01ppm).CuandMo Alterationcharacterized is bya chlorite-seric There are two orebodies, the MainandNorth et al et et al., /72(3)A1302202020 ., 2001;Wahl, 2005;Muller, 2007). / 72(3)A1302202020 2012). et al et et al et ., 2001;Wahl, 2005). ., 2012). Molejon is a ., 2012).Molejonis et al et ., 2001). Miner 35 35 - - -

MIDDLE ARC:OLIGOCENE-LOWER MIOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS MIDDLE ARC:OLIGOCENE-LOWER MIOCENE The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS 8.5.2. MARGAJA EPITHERMAL A 8.5.1. SANTA FÉEPITHERMALA 8.5. VERAGUAS EPITHERMALA 36 36 extensional tectonics (John, 2001;Sillitoe, 2002). are deposits associated with phidation epithermal However, sul ramps. low and flats thrust be may and indicates a low structural control, angle which sill-phacolith the porphyry of the mimic geometry stacked veins, vein breccias andwallrockbreccias gold-silver low The to sub-horizontal deposit. dip, odpae itito the River Santiago. Aquartz gold placer district of the Cocuyo Margaja Mine inthe upper part of best knownThe vein inthe belt is the deposit by Taylor (1852). at Mina del Rey (or Palenque) on the River Belén gold veins, were described presumablyepithermal, Calvo,1969). Quartz- 1967a,1967b;Wleklinski, most important being the Margaja vein (Castillero gold from alluvial and quartz vein deposits, the 1559-1589 and produced about 9 metric tons of on the River Santiago which wasminedfrom Spaniards.Cocuyoimportant most mine was The its were mined by andby indigenousminers the the latein depos (Wleklinski, 1969).The 1960s Veraguas and Belén. It was evaluated by UNDP placer gold onthe RiversSantiago, Concepción, about ten minedveinand widespread deposits ing ENEparallel to the coast by 4kmwide, with Veraguas, northern long trendabout 30km is of located the foothillsin andthe Caribbean lowlands VeraguasThe gold belt in the Santa Fé district, significantly younger event thantheporphyries. a much shallower crustal level and itmay be a deposits. However, at vein formed the epithermal porphyry withandperipheral to the cluster of rary mineralization iscontempo that the epithermal deposits.simplest explanationporphyry The is connects Molejon withthe Brazo andBotija Abajo a similar structural control. ANE-trending fault Cu mineralizationnot known is but theyshare relationshipThe to the Cobre Panama porphyry / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín u u DISTRICT DEPOSIT u BELT http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 /72(3)A1302202020 - - - - /72(3)A1302202020 9.1.1. VOLCANIC EVOLUTION VALLE VOLCANO 9.1. EPITHERMALA porphyry andepithermaldeposits 9. LateArc:Miocene-Quaternary eeCñzsFrainwt ml nrsoso cene Cañazas Formation with smallintrusions of 0.80 mvein width(Hull,1940;Wleklinski,1969). 130.0g/tover gavesamples anaverage of grade It was evaluated by UNDP in 1967 and 18 check 2,722 g/t over 2.5 mvein width (1934 mine plan). 1,000 g/t Au witha maximum of sample grade long.els upto177m more Ore than graded shoots ore. (26,239 The metric mine tons) had of five lev copperfrom 28,923tons and 427,169lb(194t) of silver gold, 20,269ounces(630kg)of (936 kg) of Ltd in 1933-1936 andproduced 30,094 ounces on lease from the Panama (Canada) Corporation by basalt. It was minedby Veraguas Mines Ltd. vein trendinghosted N75°Eanddipping65°Sis occur inthe El Valle volcano which islocated at andprospects gold deposits Several epithermal and Cerro Chorcha. Central Cordillera atthe western Cerro Colorado occur in Gold Belt, whileCu deposits porphyry these arcsat ElValle Volcano andtheVeraguas Au mineralization is relatedBarú. Epithermal to El Valle,stratovolcanos La Yeguada of and El the large activeis superimposedonit and forms volcanic arcthe Pliocene-Quaternary (5-0 Ma) Panama, western while Central Cordillera of Miocene volcanicThe the arc (18-5 Ma) forms volcanic rocks andlower Oligoceneplutons. thisbelt with late Eocene belt a continuationis of Cu-Au belt, probableand itis that the Santa Fé Au veinthe Petaquilla in deposit Molejon epithermal and the Recchi, is40kmwest deposit of 1969).The Giudice (del age Tertiary undifferentiated ProjectMining showsthe volcanic rocksto beof 1991) although the original map from the Azuero Oligocene age (DGRM, the Petaquilla suite of The host rocksThe are regionally mapped as Mio u DEPOSITSRELATED TO EL - - 1991a,1991b; Hidalgo 1.55to 0.03 Ma(Defant and domesof My, ignimbrites, then a Young lavas Group of Ma, followed by quiescence for about 4 to 5 10-5 volcanic definedrocks an of Old Group of 1991). by plugs anddomes(SGI, 1991a;DGRM, with numerousminor volcanic marked centers La Yeguada, El Valle and RioHato Formations, the lavas, ignimbrites and pyroclastic rocksof the Cañazas Group. isoverlain This by felsic the upper Miocene Tucué Formation, part of of and sills dikes breccias, tuffs, lavas, basaltic andesitic to of the volcano isformed part of summit caldera and resurgent domes. older The multiple, overlapping calderas includingayoung with 1,185m stratovolcano withanaltitude of stratovolcanos.and BarúQuaternary knownmineralization related to theLaYeguada Panama. western There is no volcanic arc of the Miocene to Quaternary endof the eastern sulphidation epithermal quartz-gold veins weresulphidation epithermal Campana and Trinidad mines; 2) Cacao - low quartz-gold veins were mined inthe epithermal El Valle volcano: 1) Capira - low sulphidation mineralization is known in four areas in the trenchingdrilling. anddiamond Gold of gram rockgeochemistry and, at Capira, alimited pro ping, regional stream sediment geochemistry, 1991a,1991b). inthe El Vallegram region in 1988-1990 (SGI, out amineral reconnaissanceBank, carried pro funded by theInteramerican Development (Defant the Young Groupadakite-like has geochemistry volcanic rocksare calc-alkaline, while Groups of and Colvinaux,1990).Both the Old and Young ± 1,800yrBP and2,370± 150yrBP (Bush El Valle Unit, with lake sediments, the of with >90 mthickness and 31.8 ka (Hidalgo between 56 summitcaldera formed 2011). The Radiometric dating byK-Ar andAr-Ar has El ValleThe volcano is a 60 km diameter Swedish Geological International (SGI), SwedishGeological International et al et ., 1991a;Hidalgo This included geological map This 14 Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín C ages between 31,850 et al et et al et ., 2011;Wegner ., 2011) and is filled is and 2011) ., http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 et al et ., 2011). et al et et al et ., ., - - - DEPOSIT 9.1.2. CAPIRALOW SULPHIDATION EPITHERMALA long zone trending NEbetween SanMartin(El quartz veins ina15km sulphidation epithermal low Capira gold district comprises a series of The Cerro Lloron ishostedby theYoung Group. Tucué the OldGroup, while Formation, part of theupperMiocene hosted byis volcanic rocks of eralization at Capira, Cacao and LaConcepción goldvein min near La Pintada. The epithermal silica alteration; mine–an and4)LaConcepción high sulphidation gold prospect related to vuggy mine; 3) Cerro Lloron - mined in the La Florida quartz. quartz quartz, and granular drusy cockscomb veinThe textures includehydrothermal breccias, N-S and E-W trends.is NNE,withsecondary NE-trending faults, andtheprincipalvein trend veins(SGI, 1991a). The are boundedbytwo Campana, Cerro Trinidad and Cerro El Viejo. propylitic alteration at Cerro Cerro Cermeño, pervasive argillic, silicic and There are zones of pana, Cerro Pan deAzúcarandLomaPeñon. Rica, Cerro Trinidad, Cerro Valloli, Cerro Cam volcanic or plugs at centers Cerro Viejo, Loma several and sills, and dikes lavas, tuffs, breccias, Formation including subaerial andesite/basalt the upper Miocene Tucué volcanicrocks of 1991-2010s. subsequently explored by Capira Dorada S. A.in at 1.2m 2.3g/tAu. Capira was of intersection veins,m) onthe Brenda and Flor anda best with trenching and7diamonddrill holes (641.5 (Brenda, Flor,Madrid and Suecia Dani,veins), the veins indetail m wide. They evaluated 5 of alteration up to 30 1,500 m long with zones of upto18g/t Auwith grades over 1.2 minazone 13 veins identified It 1991a). (SGI, 1988-1990 in out exploration carried Geological International out until the 20 was carried discovered30 km.Goldwas in1703andmining km (Figure total vein 19). The length is more than 10 Espino) andCerro Campana withawidthof h elg ftheCapira districtcomprises of geology The /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 th century. Swedish u

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LATE ARC:MIOCENE-MIOCENE-QUATERNARY The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS LATE ARC:MIOCENE-MIOCENE-QUATERNARY The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS Figure 19 38 38 EPITHERMAL A 9.1.3. CACAO (LAFLORIDA) LOW SULPHIDATION / / i nrsos n neieaddct uf f of tuffs dacite and andesite and intrusions, nic the Tucué Formation,ites of andesitic subvolca 1990s-2010s by CapiraDorada,S. A.,Panama. out in the Cacao was carried Au. Exploration of 0.02to 2.21 g/t 89 chip samples withvalues of 1991a). Follow upexploration by SGI included veinlets (SGI, to 0.1g/tAu inchip samplesof alteration withquartz veinlets, andgave up of zone large a identified which 1988-1990 in SGI evaluated bythe regional geochemical surveyby ada) Ltd in the 1930-1940s, was andthe deposit bythe Panama La Florida (Can Corporation gold mineralizationThe atmined at Cacao was Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Geologicalmapof theCapiraepithermal(modified golddeposit from SGI, 1991a). The geology comprises fragmentary andes fragmentary comprises geology The u PROSPECT http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 /72(3)A1302202020 - - - /72(3)A1302202020 ical of low sulphidation epithermal quartz veins. low sulphidation epithermal ical of calcite, textures which are typ of pseudomorphs banding,textures, cockscomb andbladed quartz quartz veinsous with visible gold,colloform arsenopyrite. cedony, and there are breccias with pyrite and veinsquartz, andchalare and milky crystalline pyrite. vein The trends are N-S and N60°E. The sericite, and disseminated quartz, some epidote silicifi cation and propylitic alteration, with chlorite, as described is Alteration faults. NNE air photos are arcuate structures, NE,NWand two N-S faults, and structures mapped from NW-SE structures. Locally the zone is between E-W,locatedis at of N-S and the intersection the Río Hato Formation. Regionally the zone Observations bythe author showed numer - - - - 9.2.1. INTRODUCTION 9.2. CENTRALVERAGUAS GOLDBELT DEPOSIT 9.1.5. CONCEPCIÓNLOW SULPHIDATION EPITHERMALA PROSPECT 9.1.4. CERRO LLORON HIGHSULPHIDATION EPITHERMALA may either be structurally controlled or stratiform. called Muro Dorado(GoldenWall). Alteration cliff345°-trending a in outcropswhich ignimbrite silicaaltered Gold mineralization invuggy occurs inage given the youngQuaternary hostrocks. or older ring fracture. Mineralization must belate NNW-trending structure which may be an outer the El Valle summit caldera on a the margin of silica. in vuggy were 142 mat 0.5 g/t Au and50mat 0.93 g/t Au drilled 6 holes for bestresults 848min1996.The byRayrock Resources 1995-1997 whichin Inc. 1988-1990 (SGI, 1991a, 1991b). It was explored out by AB in Swedish Geological International lies inaregional exploration program carried discoveredtion was bystream sedimentanoma theElVallecaldera. Goldmineraliza summit of silica alteration in welded tuffs near the NE margin goldprospect hostedbydation epithermal vuggy Cerro Lloron(or Cerro Pelado)sulphi a high is has been given the prefix Central to distinuguish to Central prefix the given been has It is usuallycalled the Veraguas Gold Belt but it (Wleklinski, 1969;Nelson, 2001;Folk, 2004c). about 40 km E-W bywide 20km a length of Mioceneage with sulphidation of golddeposits low Central VeraguasThe Gold Belt a belt is of upper MioceneTucué Formation. the mineralization is hosted by volcanic rocksof up to 1.13 g/t Au.with free gold, with grades The tuffs altered argillic of dumps and entrance the at collapsed. SGI (1991a) reported an altered breccia There is a 57 mlong adit trending N20°E which is the El VallePenonomé volcano. onthe west sideof mineislocated Concepción 15 kmNof The er lrni oae bu mN fCerro Lloron is located about 2 kmNEof Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 u

u - - -

its andprospects which have been mined since gold depos district has numerousThe epithermal and domes, indicating a shallow erosional level. craters, volcanic centers, caldera ring fractures andstructures are including common landforms (Wleklinski, 1969andNelson,2001).Volcanic byK-Ar at 17.5± 0.6 Mato16.6± high-K calc-alkaline suite. hasbeen dated This calc-alkaline to Miocene Cañazas Formation of the middle basaltic to rhyolitic composition of of 60 kmuntilLaConcepción. Los Hatillos for other known east of gold deposits has historicalpriority for the name. There are no Veraguas,it from the gold belt in northern which ony, jasper, adularia and low sulphidecontent ( textures,cockscomb banding, colloform chalced features such asbladeddation quartz, epithermal quartz veins withtypical shallow level, low sulphi Remance. environment inlagoons, andsinter is described at inananoxic,sediments deposited subaqueous carbonaceous black bedded, thinly with fingered tuff deposits, and lithic tuffs. These are often inter volcanic breccias, block and pyroclastic apronsof gold mineralization tovolcanicand their domes Nelson (2001)who emphasized the relationshipof were described by NelsonandGanoza (1999) and thedistrict of and mineral deposits geology The the Santa Rosaplanned torestartmine is 2020. in 1999). Exploration has declined since then, but Remance (1990-1998) and Santa Rosa (1995- and two gold mines were put into production at 1990s, several out exploration carried companies and the 1980s 1969). In 1967-1969 (Wleklinski, in district was evaluatedabout 1620. The by UNDP SanFranciscofoundedwas in townthe mining of indicating a relationship between low sulphidation trol onthe mineralization which isN-S to NW, have the deposits aregional structural con All of breccias, crackle breccias andstockwork veinlets. is disseminated inphreatic or phreatomagmatic Hatillos). Mineralization at theSanta Rosa deposit high basemetal (Los has sulphides one deposit Remance, Bocade Higui, San Pedrito), although The host rocksThe are subaerial volcanic arc rocks Many of the gold deposits are the golddeposits hostedbybanded Manyof /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 39 39 e.g - - - - - .

LATE ARC:MIOCENE-MIOCENE-QUATERNARY The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS LATE ARC:MIOCENE-MIOCENE-QUATERNARY The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS EPITHERMAL A 9.2.2. LOS HATILLOS INTERMEDIATE SULPHIDATION Bigui whichisnow largetrees.(Photo: S.Redwood). Figure 20 40 40 and Simmons such ( systems ical of mineralization andextension,typ asis epithermal and tracechalcopyrite (Folk, 2004c). rock alteration, andcontain sphalerite, galena veins inandesite with quartz-sericite-pyrite wall mineralization is hosted by N-S trending quartz 1969 andFolk, gold and base metal 2004c).The and 0.14%Cuonthe La Blanca Vein (Wleklinski, 12.5 g/t Au, 21.6g/t Ag, 2.49%Pb, 3.85% Zn 30,000tonsgrading which reported reserves of evaluated was deposit byUNDP in1967-1969 ant veins are Peñon, LosAngeles and Blow. The g/t Au, other import The 3.1%Pband4.3%Zn. 14.0 grading tons 11,000 a defined reserveand of which discovered vein the La Blanca-La Cuelga bythe Panama Ltd.in1926-1932 Corporation Spaniards minewasdeveloped inabout 1620. The the by worked first were veins Hatillos Los The / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín ThePrincipalVein of theRemanceminelookingthe reforestation onCerro northwasin operationin1994.Note when it u DEPOSIT et al et ., 2005). e.g. John,2001; Sillitoe, 2002 http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 - - /72(3)A1302202020 /72(3)A1302202020 DEPOSIT 9.2.3. REMANCELOW SULPHIDATION EPITHERMALA drill intersections vary from vary drill intersections <1 to 68.5g/t Au over targets aswell asveins since the 1990s. of Grades out explorationcarried drillingfor bulk mineable tons at 6.0g/t Au (3.00t gold).Several companies 6.0g/t(Figure 20). of at aheadgrade gold A. which produced about 2.74 metric tons of operated from 1990-1998 by Minera Remance S. about3.72metrictons.last minewas The tion of mid 18 veinshave the since been mined intermittently RemanceThe gold low sulphidation epithermal g/t (Pacific Rimpress release, 20 August 2010). m at 4.15g/t, 34.0mat 2.2g/t, and29.7mat 1.8 14.2mat 3.9g/t, 44.4 shown by of intersections m at 12.6 g/t. Potentially bulk-mineable targets are g/t, 1.9mat 16.9g/t, 2.3mat 13.4g/t, and2.3 0.85 mat 68.5g/t, 0.6mat 37.3g/t, 1.1mat 18.7 0.17 to 6.4 m, with highlights of true widths of Reserves in1993were given as500,000metric th century with total known century goldproduc u

- S. Redwood). Figure 21 system over 1.0 kmwidthwith the main vein hosted by quartzveinssteep long a 3.0km in is Mineralization flows. andesite and tuffs tal crys tuffs, lapilli breccias, volcanic including flow-domes surrounded by pyroclastic deposits (2001) asseveral basaltic andesite to dacite Nelson by briefly described was geology The the Principal Vein is 0.6-3.0 m withzones up Vein by upto 50 m(Figure width of 21). The the Principal faults causing left-lateral offset of and Esperanza veins), andlate NE-trending 45°E (Huati, Baltazar, Dorita, San Fernando N20- suelo veins),vein asecondary trend of trend N15°W(Principal, Santa Rosa andCon Geological map of the Remance gold deposit (map Geologicalmap of by theRemancegolddeposit Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 - - A 9.2.4. BOCADEHIGUILOW SULPHIDATION EPITHERMAL u PROSPECT jasperoid veins. in and10-20% breccias black in pyrite fine 5-10% 1-2% pyrite, withhigher amounts of very low sulphidecontent which isgenerally black quartzoropenspace. veins The have mal vein breccias cemented by chalcedony, chalcedony andjasperoid, withhydrother ony, banding, banding, colloform crustiform bladed quartz after calcite, bladed chalced vein textures include granular, sucrose, drusy, wallrockThe alteration argillic. is quartz The veinsthe secondary conjugate R2 fractures. the main veins being R1 shear fractures and dextralwith Riedel fault system, strike slip as aNNW-trendingto 5.0 m.It is interpreted 1994 (Nelson, 2001;Folk, 2004c). was drilled with 24holes by Greenstone in was explored by Freeport in 1985-1989 and historical production from the Vasco mine. It ments. indicate Opencutsandstonemortars sedi carbonaceous bedded thinly and tuffs altered andesite flows, volcanic breccias, lapilli veinseast. The are hosted by propylitically at Remance, located about 5 kmto the south which have the same strikeasthe main veins quartz veinswide long and2m up to2km NNW-trending a cluster of Boca deHiguiis erals, vein textures andhighmercury values. shownsystem by low temperature silicamin the tural vein control, withashallow level of veinwith aregional system struc epithermal 2001). Remance is a typical low sulphidation ppm) andlow Sb, Cu, Pb and Zn (Nelson, panied by high As(3,600 ppm) andHg(20 to 6.71g/t Au and234.9g/t Ag are accom veinshowed samples up that grades suite of with jarosite 130-140m andhematite. A of oxidationThere is ite and galena. toa depth (2001) are arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, sphaler Other minor sulfides described by Nelson by described sulfides minor Other /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 41 41 ------

LATE ARC:MIOCENE-MIOCENE-QUATERNARY The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS LATE ARC:MIOCENE-MIOCENE-QUATERNARY The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS LOW SULPHIDATION EPITHERMALA 9.2.6. SANTA ROSA (ALTO DELAMINA) BRECCIA-HOSTED PROSPECT 9.2.5. SANPEDRITO LOW SULPHIDATION EPITHERMALA 42 42 gold peryear. 6,500 tpd in 2022 to produce about 3,173 kg of goldperyear, andtoramptheplantup of kg 2020 with a 500 tpd plant to produce about 250 website). company The plansto start production g/t Au (3.73) on the old leach pads(Veragold and Cerro Otero, inferredthree in deposits,Santa Rosa ADLM, and indicated 3.4 Mtatplus 1.80g/t (6.22 t) 21.0Mtat 1.16 g/t Au (24.26t) measured of Inc., Pan private company Veragold Mining Company an open-pit,heapleach operation (Figure 22). goldfrom 1995-1999in mined about 3.70 tof since the late 1800s. Greenstone Resources Ltd. (2001). (1997), ByingtonandRussell (2001)andNelson was described by White (1994), Fernández systems. geology The sulphidation epithermal near Cañazas are deposits breccia-hosted, low Santa RosaThe and Alto de la Mina gold 2001; Folk, 2004c). not altereddome is (Wleklinski, 1969;Nelson, with auriferousquartz veins, while the eastern aprons. onehasargillic alteration western The tuff with domes rhyodacite two comprises ogy altered andesite, andat Cerro geol Cristal. The NNE-trending veins inpropylitically series of drilled 5 holes in1988at Las Minitastotest a in 1938.Freeport explored in1985-1989and trenches, andanattempt was made to mine it tion explored it in 1927-1932 with adits and open-cut workings. Panama The Corpora There are early Spanishorpre-Columbian the Remance and Santa Rosa gold deposits. San PedritoThe prospect islocated between / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín The projectThe reactivated was in 2009by have deposits The been mined intermittently ama. It estimated resources in2016 inaddition to 5.0 Mt at 0.75 u DEPOSIT http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 et al et u

- - . /72(3)A1302202020 /72(3)A1302202020 in fractured andesite (White, laMina 1994).Alteration de Alto and tuffs, by hosted is which acaldera: Cerro Otero, Santa Rosa be the rim of a circular feature to interpreted the north side of ± 0.6Ma(Wleklinski,1969). and Russell,dated basaltwas 2001).The at 17.7 or sill,andbystock later latite dykes(Byington areThese intruded by athickporphyritic basalt sediments. and tuffs felsic coarser and sediments, by overlain tuffs grained fine with ments fine- very are laminated blackgrained, carbonaceoussedi rocks lowest The Formation. the Cañazas subvolcanic rocksand breccias of Mineralizationhosted by is volcaniclastic and aline. quartz veining withsericite, adularia and toum silicification, and is pyrite zonesore the in ation to 300mfrom the fault in NEfractures. Alter fault in the basalt porphyry, but can occurup (Figureassociated 23) oris with theSanta Rosa movement. Most ore in the breccia occurs pipes the Alto de la Mina orebody withreverse part of 4) the final stage was barren and offset the upper elements; pathfinder and Au-Ag of deposition quartz and sulphides; 3) this wasfollowed by of was strikeslipfault movement and deposition phreatomagmatic origin;2)the second stage of pipes in dextral fault jogs described as diatremes latite dykes, and created funnel-shaped breccia the basalt stock and focused the intrusion of which fault the formed stage first the 1) tures: Faultwith NE-trending and intersections frac NW-trending, dextral strike-slip Santa Rosa tec tonics and mineralization controlled by of the history four-stage different somewhat de laMina. quartz-calcite-pyrite-rich(10%) veinlets at Alto lowpyrite (<1%) at Santa Rosa,and by a stockwork of with matrix rock milled silicified a eralizationhosted by is “jigsaw” breccias with carbonate and chlorite alteration. Goldmin argillic (kaolinite-montmorillonite), zones of is central quartz-adularia-pyrite surrounded by There are three arcuate-shaped on deposits Byington andRussell (2001)describe a There is apropylitic halowith chlorite and ------Figure 23 Figure 22 General viewof theSantaRosaminelooking north in1997(photo S.Redwood). Schematic cross section through theAltode la Minaorebody (modifiedcross section after Byington Schematic and Russell,2001). Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 43 43

LATE ARC:MIOCENE-MIOCENE-QUATERNARY The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS LATE ARC:MIOCENE-MIOCENE-QUATERNARY The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS PROSPECT 9.2.8. CERRO CABALLO LOW SULPHIDATION EPITHERMAL A A 9.2.7. CERRO LASMINAS LOW SULPHIDATION EPITHERMAL 44 44 u PROSPECT Eleven drill holes byFreeport in 1990 gave best Resources andBHP Minerals in the 1980s-1990s. explored by Freeport Exploration, Greenstone gold prospect was CerroThe Caballo epithermal and quartzveining. anomaly >0.1 g/t on the hill associated with argillic alteration a gold defined sampling Rock 160°. ing are adits mine Old tuff. lapilli a a and on trendvein up to 7.88g/t Au are hosted bya diorite intrusion Arlo Resources (1995-1996). Vuggy quartz veins with Georecursos(1991), Minnova Inc. (1991-1992) and the early1900s. exploredIt was byUNDP (1966), Cañazas. Old mine workingsdate from north of km Au prospect Cerro lies3 The epithermal LasMinas type associated with breccias andstructures. lets. Mineralization low is sulphidation epithermal laria andpyrite inbreccia cement orcrackle vein adu silicification, with associated is mineralization either acaldera margin orastrike slipfault. Gold origin, with astructural control to the orebodies of phreatic orphreatomagmatic breccias likely of felsic dykes, with crackle breccias andmilled matrix sediments intruded by abasalt sillorstock andby pyroclastic sequence with laminated, carbonaceous “hydrovolcanic” orhydrothermal vent breccias. and dacitic domes, plugsanddykes which created amaareruption crater with basaltic the margin of aguilarite. as Nelson (2001)described the geology Silver inelectrum, andthe selenide occurs chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite galena, andsphalerite. pyrrhotite, minor marcasite and trace amounts of and fractures on at pyrite boundaries, grain andisassociated with size μm 20-200 of electrum as calcite, pyrite andmarcasite. Goldmostly occurs replacement by chalcedony, opal,quartz, adularia, calcite calcite veinlets, zone of andanintermediate / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín h omnfaue fthese descriptions are a commonfeaturesThe of http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 u - - - /72(3)A1302202020 /72(3)A1302202020

DEPOSIT 9.2.9. RIOLIRIHIGHSULPHIDATION EPITHERMALA The Rio Liri high sulphidation is The gold deposit style. low sulphidation epithermal eralization isof which are aligned longNW-trend.on a3.0km Min nearbysurface occur at Cerro BrujoandCerro Loro alteration zones withanomalousgold (>0.1 g/t) on to the host rocks at the Santa Rosa Other deposit. a silicified and argillic altered lithic lapilli tuff similar 2Mt at 1 g/t Au. Gold mineralization is hosted by of 3mat 9.8 g/t Au. It estimated a mineral resource of Auat24 m and 1.13g/tAu, withthehighestgrade 41mat 1.13g/tAu,at 56m 1.03g/t intercepts of silicified clasts and silica matrix; and propylitic matrix; silica and clasts silicified hematite oxidation; hydrothermal brecciaswith veinlets; pyrite, chalcocite, specular hematite; matrix and veinlets (advanced argillic); chalcedony ular hematite; quartz-kaolinite (argillic); dickite in vuggy quartz in pervasive zones andveinlets with spec and silicification are mineralization and blende-magnetite dacite dome Alterationor stock. lain by porphyritic feldspar-quartz-horn a coarse under are which tuff ash bedded minor with tuff alithiclapilli Cañazas Formation. of formed Itis the Miocene host rocksare volcanic rocksof (Figure a horst 24). The bounded hillthat forms distinctive, N20°E-trending, steep-sided, fault- gold. Au inoxides containing2.25tof 1.66Mtat 1.35 g/t inferred mineral resource of m at 0.77 g/t Au. Folk (2004b) later estimated an 14 mat 2.01 g/t Au, 26mat 1.13 g/t Au and34 41 m at 1.53 g/t Au, 1995, with best results of in 1994-1995.Itdrilled 13 holesfor 1,631min Cerro Pelado target, and byArlo Resources Ltd. the identified which 1991-1994 in Inc. Minnova five in samples in1990(SGI, 1991a). Itwasexplored by ppb 200 above Au reported Project ish Swed The 1988. in CEMSA by recognized first the Veraguas goldpotential was GoldBelt. The Santiago and west of peninsula 65 km west of the Soná part of located in the northwestern Mineralization onCerro occurs Pelado, a u

- - - - - 9.3.1. CERRO COLORADO PORPHYRY C C 9.3. WESTERNCENTRALCORDILLERAPORPHYRY S. Redwood). Figure 24 u BELT tains 1,754.7 Mtat 0.637%Cu (11.2Mtor25 Blb byKvaerner Metals (1998) for PanaCobre, con recent historical mineralresource estimate, made byseveral fromcompanies most 1969-2005. The gist in1957(Linn (1981a, 1981b)andSides(1984). al alteration withdisseminated pyrite andminor (1974), Kents (1975), Clark has been described by(1982), Issigonis Hargreaves 900to 1,460 m(Figure 25). It ama at an altitude of Pan western located in the Central Cordillera of is Cerro copper deposit The Colorado porphyry oxidation. ity, and silicification to due chargeabilityzonelow anomalies.coincident withahigh resistivis This 250 mby 350mwithcoincident As, Sb and Hg quartz veinletsdacite. in of gold anomaly soil A . (1977),Spatz (1979),Clark (1979),Linn The deposit wasdiscovered deposit The by aprivate geolo Silicified tuffs with gold mineralization form the fault-bounded Cerro Pelado at the Rio Liri prospect, viewed in 2005 (Photo in 2005 viewed prospect, Liri Rio the at fault-boundedPelado Cerromineralizationthe gold form with tuffsSilicified et al et ., 1981a) and was explored., 1981a)andwas Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín et al et u DEPOSIT http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 . (1977), Kesler et al et et et - - - - . contained copper) at 0.4% Cu cut-off Cu 0.4% at copper) contained h ieaiaino 1,800mE-W by 1,300 m the mineralization of al eral rhyodacite dykesat 4.21±0.08 Ma(Clark porphyries dated at 5.90 ± 0.10 Maandpost-min late Miocene to Pliocene age, with mineralized of 0.730% Cutotal. 0.459% Cu soluble and reserves of with grades proven and probable ore zone has 61.104Mt of 350Mtat supergene 0.74% Cu.The copper of pit 1,802Mt at 0.66% Cu,with ahighgrade of mineral resource contained within anultimate pit (1997) prefeasibility study for PanaCobre gave a (Linn cutoff) Cu Ag (14,510tAg)and0.07g/t Au (249t Au) (0% estimate as 0.006%Mo(212000tMo),4.1g/t Ag andAu whichwere givenan earlier in resource resourcecontained Cu). The hascredits for Mo, 3,539.2Mtat 0.417%Cu(14.8Mtor33Blb of contained within a global resource (0% Cu cut-off) Mt at 0.69%Cuinthe supergene zone. are These + indicated + inferred resource), including149 ,17) ti igedpstwt iesoso of withdimensions deposit a single ., 1977).Itis Cerro Colorado is a Cerro copper deposit Colorado isaporphyry /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 et al et ., 1981b).AKvaerner Metals

(measured 45 45 et et -

LATE ARC:MIOCENE-MIOCENE-QUATERNARY The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS LATE ARC:MIOCENE-MIOCENE-QUATERNARY The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS Figure 25 Figure 26 46 46 / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín TheCerro Coloradoporphyrylooking copper depositwest,withLaEscopetacamp,in2007(Photo S.Redwood). Thesurface geology oftheCerro Coloradoporphyry copper(after Linn deposit http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 /72(3)A1302202020 /72(3)A1302202020 et al .,1981a). 9.3.2. CERRO CHORCHA PORPHYRY C of +800 m. This is accompanied by +800 m.This quartz-pyrite of which drilled canoccuruptothe greatest depths alteration. There isasericite alteration overprint (Linn at the deposit depth 0.04% Mointhe core of 0.02- magnetite. a zone of Molybdenum forms pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, molybdenite and/or and anABquartz veinlet stockwork with alteration withearly biotite and magnetite veinlets phreatic and rhyodacite dykes. There are inter-mineral porphyries,granodiorite andpost-mineral rhyolite porphyry,granodiorite late mineral diorite and earlymineral quartzdiorite porphyry, intermineral Miocene age (Figure porphyries are 26). The an Oligocene to andesitic todaciticvolcanicrocks of thick. copper enrichmentsecondary blanket 40 to 150 m is a leached cap up to 90 m thick,underlain by a the resource but is primary there majority of The over 1,000 m. N-S, withaknown vertical extent of ker andSandefur (2008). wasdescribed bygeology Folk (2005) and Druec Cerro Colorado, at 600 to 2,213 maltitude. The Panama, western west 37km of tral Cordillera of inthe Cen locatedterrain mountainous in rugged CerroThe ChorchaCu-Au porphyry is deposit depth. at followed depth bythe anhydrite zone at greater gypsum zonewith atop of withleached gypsum, enrichment zone overlies sulphide the primary supergene argillic alteration towhite clays. The cap and enrichment zone are accompanied by leached the Both sulfides. primary replacing ellite chalcocite and cov enrichment zoneof consists barite withtennantite-tetrahedriteandsphalerite. veinlets. There arelate minor stage veinlets of veinlets, thickerpyrite veins, andlate molybdenite It is hosted by stockwhich aporphyry cuts The leached supergeneThe capisgoethitic. The The principalhydrothermalThe alterationbiotite is et al et breccias. ., 1981b).There is retrograde chlorite Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín u -A http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 u DEPOSIT - - - Zone of 202 Mt grading 0.49%Cuand0.07g/t 202Mtgrading Zone of and inferred mineral resources inthe Guariviara indicatedout in47holes. has carried deposit The diamonddrilling was 10,546mof 2008. Atotal of Explorationand Dominion & GoldInc. 2007- in 1997-1998; and BellhavenMinerals in Copper S.International cursos A.in1994-1995;Cyprus (managed by MKGold Company) and GeoRe projectThe was drilled by Arlo Resources Ltd. 600mbythe GuariviaraZone.in 300 m area of mineralization >0.2% Cu by trenching over an copper in 1969.By1976it had outlined porphyry stream sedimentsamplingprogram whichstarted Chorcha byAsarco Ltd. byMinerals a regional quartz-magnetite stockwork veining over a length twoThe main events are structurally controlled and 4) very late zoisite-carbonate-(pyrite) veinlets. stylequartz stockwork(porphyry mineralization); late quartz-chalcopyrite-bornite-pyrite-zoisite (quartz-magnetite stockwork mineralization); 3) phide; 2)quartz-magnetite-chalcopyrite-bornite sequence is: 1) actinolite-chlorite-magnetite-sul intrusions.quartz diorite veinletporphyry The quartz-magnetite stockworks and veins inthe mineralization instructurally controlled occurs sulphide (chalcopyrite theprimary and bornite) of Most composition. intermediate to mafic dykesof age. porphyries are The cross-cut by post-mineral Miocene-Pliocene the Tabasara Group of sion of large (9 km by intru 12 km) granodiorite/tonalite a porphyries lie just northof about 4-6 Ma. The of are toassumed be a similar age to Cerro Colorado (Figure porphyries have 27). The not been dated but flows and tuffs Formationlapilli Cañazas andesite and dacite composition which cutsMiocene-age diorite, quartz diorite, monzodiorite phyryof stock 1.82% Cuand0.37g/tAu. zones such with drill intersections as144mat Sandefur, hypogene 2008).There are highgrade and 0.16 g/t Au (cut-off 0.65% Cu) (Druecker and 37.4Mtat 0.93%Cu hypogene central zone of grade ahigher including Cu), 0.2% (cut-off Au Copper mineralizationdiscovered was at Cerro Mineralizationhosted by is acompositepor /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 47 47 - - - -

LATE ARC:MIOCENE-MIOCENE-QUATERNARY The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province PORPHYRY AND EPITHERMAL DEPOSITS QUATERNARY DEPOSITS FORMED BY The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province WATHERING IRON OREDEPOSITS 10.1. CHIRIQUI-VERAGUAS LATERITIC BAUXITE AND wathering 10. Quaternarydepositsformedby Figure 27 48 48 deposits havedeposits been described byWilmot (1960), lateritic iron ore prospect at bauxite La Mesa. The ama in a belt about long,145 km and include a and at Tolé and David Pan in Chiriqui in western occuratBauxite deposits Las Palmas inVeraguas (Folk, 2005;DrueckerandSandefur, 2008). encountered, and onlyminor supergene sulphides lite, malachite, azurite and minor native copper with blackdeep copper oxide, chrysocolla, covel alteration. potassicalteration, surrounded by propylitic of dominated by sericite-illite alteration with relics at least 1,300 mby 600m.Alteration is area of quartz stockworkporphyry-style veining over an 25 to 150 m,and 1,100mandwidthsof of / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín ThegeologyoftheCerro Chorcha(modified porphyrydeposit afterDruecker and Sandefur, 2008). Oxidationpartial is and canbeupto135m http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 /72(3)A1302202020 - - /72(3)A1302202020 10.1.1. DAVID ANDTOLÉ BAUXITE DEPOSITS Fe tive, while the Tolé has46%Al deposit 17% Fe compositions. David The 46% Al has deposit deposits at David and Tolé have different chemical from main upto 10 m.The a few centimeters thickness in (Quirós, vary m deposits 1975).The and Tolé at elevationsbetween sea level and200 25kmbetween David about 85 kmand a width of Chiriqui Provincesurface in for adistanceof SiO 40% Al bauxite grading (64 Mt) of 70 Mst to the 1960s, which estimated resources of the US from 1956 Aluminum CompanyKaiser of America()and Aluminum Companyof were Chiriquideposits The investigated bythe there are noresource estimates. exploited. Veraguas The are deposits smalland Patterson and (1971) Ferenčić (1969), Recchi and Patterson(1967), Quirós (1962;1975),delGiudice 2 O lne-yedpst fbauxite occur onthe of Blanket-type deposits 2 et al et (Quirós, 1975). 3 and4% SiO 2 . (1986). None of the deposits have the deposits been . (1986). None of O 3 and10%SiO 2 fwhich 3%isreactive. The , of 2 fwhich 6%isreac , of 2 O 3 2 and6% O 3 , 28% 2 O 3 - - , 10.2. HEAVY MINERALSANDS(F 10.1.2. LAMESALATERITIC IRON OREPROSPECT ir more basic composition,resulting in higher of in situvolcanic rocks from weatheringformed of volcanic rocks, while those at higher elevation composition intermediate from gravelsformed of source: at the deposits lower elevation two typesof times (Patterson, 1967).Quirós(1975)described mediate volcanicrocks Pleistocene in to Recent inter by formed tropicalite deposits weathering of (Quirós,small deposits 1975). is35km deposits the area 1.6m.The of an averageof thickness B bauxiteclass were 29.3%Alwith 32Mtgrading 2.2 m, and reserves of an average of thickness ite were estimated 36.5% Alwith at 37 Mt grading classAbaux and classB has 25-30%. Reserves of 30% aluminarecoverable bythe Bayer method, reserves:a minimumhas A class of estimation of bauxite divided intotwois classes, AandB, for the n ieaCaeS .o Panama. black The and Minera Chame S.of A. Japan ture of between Sumitomo Corporation 1971-1972 by Hierro Panama S. A.,a joint ven in dredging by exploited were Beach Gorgona off 1969; Quirós, shallow 1975). The marine deposits at an They have 3.0 Mt estimated “proven reserves” of Pacific coast in Panama West and Coclé provinces. Punta Chamé andBocadel Río Hato on the 60kmbetween eral occur oversands a distance of heavymin Five shallow of marine placer deposits rich basalt. iron- butdeposits derived from the weathering of lateritic withasimilarorigintothe bauxite deposit to be an iron-richdel Giudice (1965). It appears lain bybasalt by Riddell goethite (1927), andas by hematite under trend.a bedof described as Itis about 13 km long by 3 km wide with an ENE- Veraguas (or El Alto de la Mesa) plateau which is Santiago, onthe Meseta de about west20 km of A lateritic iron ore prospect at occurs La Mesa, on andtitaniumcontent. The bauxite deposits are bauxite deposits tropicalThe lateritic baux unspecified grade (del Giudice and Recchi, and Giudice (del grade unspecified 2 bti smd po numerous but it is made up of Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín e -T i http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 ) ------10.3.2. NORTHERN DARIEN PLACER GOLDFIELD 10.3.1. INTRODUCTION 10.3. PLACER GOLD curne fblackare sands known inother Occurrences of volcanic rocks. derived from the weathering of whichdeposits have concentrated heavyminerals abandoned. and badlydamaged it, andthe operation was whenblownwas theship the loading pier against three shipments. produced and75,000metric weretons exported in onto bulk for export carriers to Japan. Atotal of tromagnets atand loaded Bona Island, aplanton weresands stockpiled andconcentrated byelec colonial period inthe late 16 important producers during the early Spanish the pre-Columbian period and were particularly Theylead) deposit. have been exploited since in Panama and include a paleo-alluvial (deep alluvial type are common of Placer gold deposits uated orexploited. but the country have no others been eval parts of and grading 64% Feand ilmenite grading and 6% TiO magnetite concentrates of 200,000 metric tonsof Aritio, region 2014). The was exploited in the first described byVasco Nuñez deBalboa in 1513(Blas River Atrato (now in Chocó, Colombia), were first the near Santa María la Antigua, at the mouth of Darien thenorthern richThe placer of gold mines andprospectseral deposits in Panama. the other min aredeposits recorded at many of Azuero andSoná. Inaddition, smallplacer gold Veraguas3) Chepo, and4)southern western in the Caribbean Sea; Mosquitosof of into the Gulf flow that Coclé and Veraguas northern of Darien Province; 2) and the rivers part of eastern the 1) areas: main four in occur goldfields Placer Colombia. comparable of to the placer deposits large, industrialscaleby bucket-wheel dredges turies. However, nonehave beenexploited a on The deposits are deposits beachThe andmarineplacer An accidentoccurred onthe fourth shipment /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 th to early 17 th 2 were were cen 49 49 - - - -

QUATERNARY DEPOSITS FORMED BY The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province WATHERING QUATERNARY DEPOSITS FORMED BY The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province WATHERING 10.3.3. DARIEN PLACER GOLDFIELD RIVERBALSAS PLACER A 50 50 2019; MenaGarcía, 2011). by raids, trade and mining (Castillero Calvo, 2008, gold obtained Castilla de Oro produced 13.5t of yearsafter theconquest(1514-1526)duringwhich River Sabalo, near Tucutí, in 1928-1931, defined 1928-1931, Tucutí,in near Sabalo, River ration Ltd on the River Balsas and itstributary the drilling byPitting and churn the Panama Corpo (Oller, 1933,1975). River Tuquesa, worked inthe early 20 1926); and veins at the San Franciscomine onthe the River Tuquesa (Sheridan, a major tributary of Spanish mineworkingson the River Marraganti, are more than 3 km long and 1.2-5.5 m wide with 1909; Low, 1931);the Mother Lode veins which mined inthe early 17 vein at LaMarea ontheRiver Marea whichwas mined historically. includethe El Pablo These quartz-gold vein which deposits wereepithermal, deposits. Additional sources are other, presumably gold itu Santo de Cana andRioMogueepithermal Pito,(Colombia), Cana andtheEspir andAcandi Rio derived from Cu-Au the porphyry of systems Pasiga (UN, andTigre 1972b). the MajéMassif,the Riversin alluvialgold occurs evaluated by UNDP(UN, 1972b).Further west in gold deposits, on the Caribbean drainage, were (Roberts andIrving, River 1957).The Pito placer 13,895ounces(432 kg) in1934 with a peak of 1931-1941 averaged (162 kg)ayear5,200 ounces (Stranahan, 1941). Gold exports from Darien in 1940) and by in 1941 the Isthmian Corporation 1928-1931 (Sheridan, in 1926; Low, 1931; Hull, were evaluated by the Panama Ltd Corporation Chuqunaque, BalsaandSabalo (or Tucuti) placers bythe Spaniards Tuquesa,in about 1665. The UN,1975; were deposits workedfirst The 1972b). (Marea)and Bagre (Sheridan, 1926; Oller, 1933, aque, Tuquesa, Tuira, Marraganti, Balsas (Tucuti) part on the Rivers Chuqun are in the southeastern goldfield Darien the in deposits placer main The / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín h lcrgl eoiso the Darien are of placer gold deposits The th u century (Lach-Szyrma, (Lach-Szyrma, century DEPOSIT http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 th century century /72(3)A1302202020 - - - /72(3)A1302202020 RIVERTUQUESA PLACER A 10.3.5. COCLÉPLACER GOLDFIELD 10.3.4. CHEPOPLACER GOLDFIELD eore f184millioncubicyards withavalue resources of drilling andwereand churn estimated to contain Panama Ltd in 1928-1931by Corporation pitting dredges.were placer deposits The evaluated bythe suitable for mining by and bucket-wheel dragline the river were described as the lower part of of the largest in Panama and the broad reaches RiverThe Tuquesa are placer deposits probably gold(Low, 1931;Hull,1940). t of $35per ounce) containingabout 670 gold price of yard18.36 centsper cubic (163mg/yd 4.1millioncubicyards witha value of reserves of hr n ptemldpst fCobre Panama, of deposits phyryand epithermal the alluvial gold is the por source2005). The of Colón Province (Griggs, in the District Donoso of Caimito, SanJuan, Toabré and Coclé del Norte the Coclé districtare the Chiquero, Petaquilla, of rivers auriferous The histories. different their of district butsingle are described separately because a are goldfields placer Veraguas and Coclé The artisanalminers. at thetimeby alarge number of the upper River Mamoni which wasbeing mined over interraces gold deposit in length on 20 km (Stranahan, 1941). SGI (1991a) studied a placer between Pintuko the River Terable and the townof 35c per cubic yard (311 mg), containing 47 t gold, 150 millioncubicyards at estimated reserves of (1933, 1975).In1941,the Isthmian Corporation Bayano near El Llanowasdescribed by Oller ama City.the Riveron Alluvialgoldmining Pan district, east of and Mamoniinthe Chepo the Riverson Terable, Placer gold occurs Bayano (Stranahan, 1941). yardper cubic (927mg/yd $1.043 155 millioncubicyards withavalue of estimated resourcesthe Isthmian Corporation of containing 160t gold (Sheridan, 1926). In 1941 $0.72-$0.98 per cubic yard (640-871 mg/yd of u 3 DEPOSIT ) containing143tAu 3 at thethen 3 - - ) COCUYO- DEEP-LEAD PLACER A 10.3.6. VERAGUAS PLACER GOLDFIELD century. mostimportant mine wasCocuyo The important Spanish goldproducer inthe late 16 Veraguasthe Coclé district. The district was an Veraguasin northern in the continuation of the Santa Fé district the Caribbean lowlands of Veraguascepción, andBelén inthe foothills and on the RiversPlacer gold occurs Santiago, Con Chiquero (Castillero Calvo, 2008). the River on the River Palmilla, a tributary of La Palma which wasfounded in 1619 town of Spanish gold rush wascentered on the mining River Cocle delNorte (Griggs, 2005).Another San Antonio andSanta Lucia (with lead) on the quartz-gold veins, at presumed tobeepithermal, There wereon mines historical Spanish also the River Coclé del Norte. near the mouth of Nueva Lisboa foundedsettlement the mining of SpaniardsThe conquered the region1603 and in were mined by indigenoustribes in 1522-1526. that inthe Coclé region alluvial gold deposits Molejon andPalmilla. Spanish documentsrecord valley covered by a young basalt flow 8-10 m thick fromgold belt was inanold analluvial deposit the historical production inthe VeraguasPart of Margaja. which is veins,from the best known epithermal of buried paleo-channel gold deposits.is derived The are and placer gold deposits alluvial, terrace The the AzueroProject Mining (Wleklinski, 1969). of evaluated by United Nations in1965-1969 as part the 18 since 1640, andhascontinued intermittently Mining wasre-started at in1629- Concepción (Castillero Calvo,1969). 1967a,2008;Wleklinski, Turlurú between the Santiago and Barrera rivers Santiago de mouth andthe mining settlement of wasestablished Concepción at the river town of gold from alluvial and quartz vein deposits. The 1559-1589 and produced about 9 metric tons of on the River Santiago which wasminedfrom th century. Veraguas The gold district was Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 u DEPOSIT th -

10.4. PLACER 10.3.7. SOUTHERNVERAGAUS PLACER GOLDFIELD rao 850,000m area of UN estimatedGuinea (190 maltitude). The an at Cocuyo (230maltitude) to anarrowvalley at gently atdips from about one degree awidevalley paleochannel1965-1969 (Wleklinski,1969).The (Low, 1931), and by the UN (1969) program in by the Panama Ltd in 1928-1931 Corporation 400 tunnelsdugbelowevaluatedthe basalt.Itwas 1559-1589 frommined in was deposit over The ridge between the Rivers Santiago and Barrera. aboveand about40m thepresent valleythe on eoreo 5tgold(Wleklinski,1969). a resource of higher atis 1.5g/t, with the head grade gold, or, if gravel at 0.3g/t Au containing1metric ton of in 1928-1930. He reported alluvial gold on the England River for the Panama Ltd.of Corporation the Chuqunaque evaluating of the gold placers ince. Theywere describedbyLow (1931) while Chuqunaque and Tuquesa rivers inDarien Prov platinum inPanama are inthe in placer deposits of occurrences unconfirmed but known only The theVeraguas GoldBelt. of Au deposits and the low sulphidation epithermal fromits origin gold prospect the Soná porphyry theTabarabá mayhave Ñopos,Los while that of pects such asQuebrada Barro, Cerro Viejo and Au-Cufrom pros highsulphidation epithermal (Castillero Calvo, 1967b; 2008). Nuestra Señora de la Regla was founded town of the River San Pablo) near Montijo where the lost or Mariato), andtheRiver Tabarabá (nowcalled SanJuan deMariato (nowLlano deCatival of Guanete (Azuero Massif),around the mining town River Tebario and River Quebro inthe hills of asthe region weretury was settled. These on the Spanish inminorgold rushes inthe 16 Veraguassouthern andwere exploited bythe Azueroin the western and Soná peninsulas of severalin occur Small placer gold deposits rivers The alluvial gold of western Azuero western isderived alluvial gold of The /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 2 wt otiig32M f withcontaining3.2Mtof th -17 th cen 51 51 - - -

QUATERNARY DEPOSITS FORMED BY The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province WATHERING QUATERNARY DEPOSITS FORMED BY The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province WATHERING/DISCUSSION MINERALIZATION INTHEEARLY ARC 11.1. EXHALITES 11. Discussion 52 52 are believed to be derived from small, zoned ultra deposits Colombia. These placer platinum belt of the Chocó occurrences may be a continuation of platinum alluvial unconfirmed These prospect”. Tuquesa, heexamined a“gold-with-platinum platinum”, and,40kmupstream, on the River of river “containing anappreciablebanks amount ial porphyry-epithermal Cu-Au systems. ial porphyry-epithermal subaer thus notfavorable for the development of the arc which are indicates submarine segments of ispoorlydeposits distribution constrained. Their the Panamanianand Denyer, age of 1979).The on the Nicoya Peninsula inCostaRica(Kuÿpers al et inashallow marineenvironmentformed (Leistel Iberian pyrite belt where they are widespread and but they in somedeposits have Mn oxides, asinthe exhalitesThese are pyritic usually orhematitic, ( deposit markeras astratigraphic laterally away from the massive sulphide mounds and extends the top of tuffite sedimentary horizon that form a veneer over mineralization resembles the siliceousexhalite or the Campanian-Eocene arc. Si-Mn-Fe The oxide in submarinevolcanic rocks andsedimentary of poorlyChiquita. These occur known deposits with pyrite-cemented brecciated basalt at Maria probable VMS style at Viento Frio,Cu-Zn of and Boqueron,Au-rich stockwork feeder zonesof Cuat spatially associated with occurrences of are They replacements. sea-floor sub-sea-floor the formed or on either precipitated and origin probable exhalative and Montijobelts are of rockstary that occur inthe Nombre de Dios ciated with jasper and chert hosted by sedimen Si-Mn-(Fe) oxides asso Widespread of deposits eroded arcs (Foley 1994; Tistl (Tistl, plutons Alaskan-style mafic-mafic / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín ., 1998). Similar manganese deposits occur deposits ., 1998).Similar manganese et al et e.g. ., 1994), which are common indeeply Lydon, 1984;Franklin i -M n -(F et al et e ) ANDVMSA ., 1997). http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 u -C u et al et -Z n ., 2005).

/72(3)A1302202020 - - - - /72(3)A1302202020 DEPOSIT OF ANOLDHIGHSULPHIDATION EPITHERMAL 11.3. PRESERVATION, UNROOFING ANDOXIDATION ARC EMERGENCE ANDA 11.2. LATE CAMPANIAN SUBDUCTIONINITIATION, al and mineralization (Buchs hydrothermal alteration a fullydeveloped belt of aerial felsic islandarc magmatism at ~71 Ma with evolved, sub more to volcanism mafic submarine Ma through early, proto-arcprimitive intraoceanic the arcfrom subduction-initiation at ~75-73 of phyry Au-Cu system indicates the rapid evolution eralization at the Cerro Quema epithermal-por min Large Igneous Province. 70.7 Ma age of The anoceanicplateau, the Caribbean trailing edge of anarc onthe resents the early development of Azuero arc Southern The andAu-Cu belt rep lt ac lt onayadtecliino plate / Nazca plate and the collision of boundary related to the movement on the Panama micro slip movement along the Azuero Fault and others (Buchscesses uplift in the fore-arc linkedtosubductionpro observationsThese indicate recent tectonism and faults(Buchs amajorsetof tion of highfollows the topographic the orienta strike of the rocks. The almost800m,despite the age of of high ground upto920maltitude with highrelief occur in topographically deposits The the deposit. Formation which are believed to have preserved the late Eocene to Miocene Tonosi sediments of the mineralized dome were buried by fore arc such asburial. RioQuemaFormation The and older deposits are required for the preservation of to erosionsusceptibility andspecial conditions areOlder deposits rarely preserved due to their areglobally middle Miocene oryounger in age. Cerro Quema is unusual, asmostsuch deposits in anold belt systems at phidation epithermal lithocapsandhighsul preservationThe of subaerial environment (Perelló regional arc emergence and uplift resulting in mal telescoping at Cerro Quema is indicative of ., 2012;2016;Perelló et al et . 2011b)orto left lateral strike u -C u MINERALIZATION et al et et al et ., 2020).Hydrother et al et ., 2011b; Corral ., 2011b;Corral ., 2020). et al et ., 2011b). et et ------METALLOGENIC BELTS 11.4. THECONTRASTINGDISTRIBUTION OF exception to this trend is the Oligocene Petaquilla the Central Cordillera (Figure 5).The belt of Au-Cuero-Soná, and the Miocene-Quaternary Azu northern ro-Soná, to the Eocene Au belt of Azue southern nian-early Eocene Au-Cu belt of from the subduction zone, from the late Campa progressive younging from southto north away Panama,In western the copper-gold belts show a Panama. andwestern genic belts between eastern the metallo Therea contrastingdistribution is of at thedeposit late MiocenetoRecent. of history by to be relatively tectonic history young in the oxidationthus indicated is below). timingof The gold oxide aneconomic (discussed deposit to form a150mthickoxide zone erosion of and formation covertary exposed the Cerro to Quema deposit al et late Miocene (Mann andKolarsky, 1995;Kolarsky the Panama Andesinthe arc withthe Northern uC etrltdt Edpigsbuto fAu-Cu belt related to NE-dipping subduction of the volcanic arc and late Oligocene, the location of the FarallonFollowing Plate the in the break-up of break-off (Whattam the subducting Farallon Plate and ultimately slab ama which may have of been due to steepening a fore-arc Pan basinineastern development of part theEarlyArc by left laterally,200 km of the western andthe of offset and rotation block in America starting in the middle Eocene, resulting thearcwith South collisionaltectonicsof result of side.is the Darien on the southern This belt of poorly knownOligocene to early MioceneAu-Cu side,San Blas Cu-Au belt on the northern andthe to south, withthe late Campanian-early Eocene belts young in the opposite direction from north the fore-arc (Buchs the subduction zone and/or subduction erosion of of progressiveflattening to due be may migration lera, whichbelow.discussed is northward The the Central Cordil side of belt on the northern h os pitadrmvlo the sedimen uplift and removal horst The of In contrast, in eastern Panama eastern contrast, in In theCu-Au ., 1995a). et al et et al et ., 2011b). ., 2012;Barat Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 et al et ., 2014). ------PANAMA DEPOSIT 11.5. THEANOMALOUS LOCATION OFTHECOBRE belt (e.g. Kesler this in Arc Middle the of presence the identified metallogenic belts that Indeed, it was the study of the basin. the Nazca Plate jumped to the south of Cu mineralization. arc inthe Central Cordillera with related Au and to build subaerial volcanic upathick Quaternary duction continued throughout theMioceneand Panama, magmatism.western In oblique sub subduction-related belt records the cessation of Cu-Au defined poorly the strike-slip,and to angle due tothechangethe NazcaPlate in convergence Panama eastern in the early in to middleMiocene the CLIP.plateau basalt of Arc magmatism ceased previousstudies showing Cretaceousonly ocean belt into the early Oligocene. interpretation This this 32.2-27.5 Ma, extend the age of ages of together with the intrusive and mineralization late Campanian-Eocene arc andCu-Au belt, and the volcanic rocks to be part of are interpreted 2015; Cardona 2005; Wegner Panama eastern (Figure 5; Lissinna, mountains of 80 kmto the south, and inthe San Blas-Chagres ro-Soná arc andAu belt 2005), about (Lissinna, Azue the Northern the Eocene belt of rocksof volcanic andplutonic overlaps withthe ages of belt (Redwood the Early Arc andCu-Au nation that it is part of as late asalternative expla Eocene in age suggests thehostvolcanic rocks datingbiostratigraphic of arcthe back positionremains unexplained. The the Neogene arc andCu-Au belt, although part of the early age was considered to be an inlier of wood Panamain western (Baker arcsand Au-Cu belts the northward younging of volcanic arcternary anomalous withrespectis to theMiocenetoQua side of age thenorthern on lower Oligocene Panama of Cu deposits porphyry the Petaquilla batholith and Cobre locationThe of h g fthe volcanic rocksat Cobre Panama age of The et al et ., 2021). The lower., 2021).The Oligocene intrusive /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 et al et et al et et al et et al et ., 2021). ., 2011;Montes ., 2018). The Cobre., 2018).The Panama ., 1977; Redwood, 2010), all et al et ., 2016andRed et al et ., 2012a, 53 53 - - - - -

The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province DISCUSSION The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province DISCUSSION CORDILLERA BELT C 11.7. ASEISMICRIDGECOLLISION ANDPORPHYRY CORDILLERA BELT 11.6. EPITHERMALA 54 54 u DEPOSITSINTHEWESTERN CENTRAL Panama Canal(Lissinna,2005;Barat than, orinaddition,toaninferred fault in the as shownby Montes Petaquilla, the arc must be west of placement of requires that the fault that caused the sinistral dis to Petaquilla from San Blas andChagres. This would indicate that the Early Arc continues west deposits including Cerrodeposits Colorado and Cerro major,has veryyoung Cu-Mo-(Au) porphyry the Central Cordillera belt part of western The understood. its (LosHatillos?) is notable and the reason isnot depos sulphidation epithermal and intermediate high sulphidation (Cerro Pelado and RioLiri), important role in metallogenesis. scarcity The of highly oblique subduction, played an result of thearc,possibly a as that regional extension of Sillitoe, 2002;Simmons low sulphidation veins( typical of is which are N-S.commonly An extensional setting veins2001). The have regional structural controls in anoxicdeposited crater (Nelson, lakes ormaars grained, to havecarbonaceous sediments interpreted fine been with aprons pyroclastic their and (e.g.cias Santa Rosa), often related to felsicdomes veins( epithermal are deposits low sulphidation epithermal part. The inthe western copper deposits part, and porphyry andcentral inthe eastern gold deposits epithermal Panama western hosts Central CordilleraThe of subduction. of theangle ing of flatten to due broadening arc or setting back-arc largeThe displacement would either a suggest theCentral Cordillera. the wideMiocenearcof post-displacement, a windowand is or inlier below thelate Eocene arc the northward of migration Petaquilla volcano-plutonic center represents An alternative explanation isthat that the / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín u DEPOSITSINTHECENTRAL e.g. Capira, Remance) and brec et al et et al et . (2012a,2012b),rather ., 2005), and suggests ., 2005),andsuggests http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 e.g. John,2001; et al et ., 2014). /72(3)A1302202020 - - - - /72(3)A1302202020 ihrtpgahceeain fup to 3,474 m in elevationshigher topographic of resulted Costa Rica. This in uplift to mucheastern Panamawith the subduction zone in western and the aseismic oceanicCocosRidge the collision of the Central Cordillera is related to part of western copper in the gold in the east to porphyry ermal from mineral deposits epith the distribution of of Cordillera (Drummond cene plutonicrocksare exposedthe Talamanca in undated mayand some be older, andmid-Oligo age (Clark latest Miocene toPliocene dated at ~4-6 Ma of Rica (Nelson,1995).Cerro Colorado has been the Talamancain and others Cordillera Costa in Chorcha inPanama, and Sukut, Rio Nari, Nimaso porphyry deposits (Sillitoe, deposits porphyry 2010). crustal thickening would favor of the formation faults, andahiatus involcanismassociated with basement exhumation,uplift and reactivation of to theuppercrust(Cooke transporting Cu,Au andSO of ments which maygenerate oxidized meltscapable sedi metalliferous from flux sulphur in increase ridge causing metasomatism inthe mantle wedge, subductionzones, volatile release from the of flattening are subduction ridge during important Factorsforformation. porphyry that maybe downgoing slabappear to act as tectonic triggers anomalies onthe andthermal that topographic ridges. aseismic model is Their subduction of with deposits giantporphyry the association of of (2005) whoused Cerro Colorado an exampleas bydeposits, suggested as porphyry Cooke the subduction contributed of to the formation 2-3km. required upliftanderosion of almost1,500mand over it, has anelevation of ridge and maximum uplift rather than directly the subducted itself, which liesto the east side of (Kolarskysystems the hydrothermal to expose parts of the deeper erosion the belt, deeper causing part of eastern about 1,000 minthe compared withelevations of Costa Rica, ripó) in the Talamanca Cordillera of Panama (Volcan Barú) and 3,820 m (Cerro Chir The associated The compressional tectonism,rapid question ariseswhetherThe ridge aseismic et al et ., 1977). The other porphyries are., 1977). The et al et ., 1995b). Cerro Colorado et al et et al et ., 1995). The zonation., 1995).The ., 2005). 2 fromthe mantle et al et - - - - . 11.9. METALLOGENESIS ONANOCEANICPLATEAU CENTRAL PANAMA VOLCANIC FIELD 11.8. LOW SULPHIDATION EPITHERMALGOLDIN occurs inthe Oligocene to earlyoccurs Miocene Central gold mineralization Low sulphidation epithermal enrichment. supergene copper and forming deposits porphyry erosion was, however, responsible for exposing the than Cerro Colorado. resulting The uplift and role unlesssomeare younger in their formation, andsodidnotplaycopper deposits a porphyry the of post-datesridge subduction theformation with the estimate from Cerro Colorado. However, uplift which isinagreement about 2,000 mof of al et volcanism at 9-7 Ma (Morell normal cessation of and coolingages after analysis the morphological m/mythereafter, andat <3Mabydetailed geo 0 near and Pacific, the on Ma 3.6-1.6 about from tigraphy, about 1,000 m/My withemergence of been dated to about 3.6 Maby detailed biostra the Cocos Ridge subduction has start of The provinceshave gold concentrations two to thirteen large igneous volcanicThe andintrusive rocksof anoceanicplateau. the arcson the edge of of the formation Cu deposits, maybe the result of including two supergiant (>10 Mt Cu) porphyry the Panama arcs, strongThe metal endowment of bimodalism. youngest magmatism inbasicwith noevidence for at about23Ma(Buchs change from calc-alkaline to tholeiitic volcanism tral Panama andthe Panama Canal Basin andthe inCen sistent withextensionand basin formation Sillitoe, 2002;Simmons to tholeiitic bimodal volcanism ( extensional settingsassociated with calc-alkaline in form systems Lowsulphidation epithermal agate, quartz, calcite, zeolite, pyrite and smectite. pH hydrothermal minerals such aschalcedony, low temperature, near-neutral occurrences of Panama Volcanic Field, as well as widespread ,21) oho these studies indicate a total ., 2012).Bothof et al et et al et Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín ., 2019b),althoughthe ., 2005), which iscon http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 e.g. John, 2001; - - - - C 11.10. ADAKITIC-LIKE MAGMATISM ANDPORPHYRY u DEPOSITS ment-enriched, mantle plume-related magmas ( chalcophile goldand ele a resultridges as of at mid-ocean times greater than those formed systems as soonsubductionwasinitiated,systems by porphyry-epithermal favored the development of is comparable to continental crust, mayalso have andJowitt,magmas (Ernst 2013). dissolved into the sulphur-undersaturated silicate Cu andAu, inthemantle source region maybe sulphidesandchalcophile elements, including of plume-related LIP events meansthat the majority the mantle associated with large mantle melting of partial of degrees addition, thehigh itt, 2013). In 2011;WebberPitcairn, This results Sr/Y ratioa high in This (>20) which indi (Richards andKerrich, 2007;Richards, 2011). wedge-derived magmas withhighwater contents asthenosphericmantle innormal also be formed are not exclusively derived by slab melting and can (Oyarzun relationship with large copper deposits porphyry viewdue to a proposed a metallogenic pointof Gutscher ing (Kay, 1978;Defant and Drummond,1990; adakites, which mayhave by formed slab-melt al et Panama CostaRica(Gazel in western toeastern adakitic lavas anddomesalsooccurfrom 6.5Ma al et volcanicnary arc (Defant (Whattamintrusions Adakitic-like magmatism inOligocene age occurs potassium (Kesler evolved and became calc-alkaline and enriched in phyrymineralization, whichdeveloped the arcas an early tholeiitic stage that did not generate por arc evolution with contrasts with the model of This high-Fe medium-K arc suites(Buchs AzueroThe arcpetrochemistry typical of is phase. vapor and fluid a of formation and ation differenti magmatic for path longer a allowing hstikcuto the oceanic plateau, which crust of thick This ,21) hr sdbt bu h rgno ., 2011).There is debate about the origin of ., 2011;Morell et al et et al et /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 ., 2000), and they are significant from ., 2001).However, adakiticsignatures et al et et al et et al et ., 1977). et al et ., 2012)andtheQuater ., 2013).Small volume ., 2013; Ernst andJow., 2013;Ernst et al et ., 1991a; Hidalgo et al et ., 2010). 55 55 e.g. ------

The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province DISCUSSION The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province DISCUSSION 56 56 kite-like major andtrace element abundances lower Miocene Majé subvolcanic suite have ada (Richards, 2011). indicateparameters high magmatic water content deposits, because these and epithermal porphyry the magmatic suitesfor cates the prospectivity of spectivity of the Quaternary volcanic suite for the Quaternary spectivity of indicates water-richpromagmas andthehigh (Morell the Cocos Ridge beneath Baru-Tisingal tion of al et (Kellogg andVega1995; Westbrook 1995;Mann Panamaslip plate margin incentral and eastern subduction andchange to a strike the cessation of with magmachemistrycoincides changeThe of >150 (Defant <6 ppm Y, La/Ybratios >15, and Sr/Y ratios adakite-like geochemistryincluding <1ppmYb, La Yeguada, volcanos El Barú and Tisingal have with noinputfrom lower crustalmelts. source through fractional crystallization processes derived froman enriched, volatile-richmantle They concludethat the Petaquilla porphyries were and La/Yb(<20) ratios to be called adakitic-like. enrichment, and Sr/Y (40-60) HREE depletion, LREE insufficient have rocks intrusive Petaquilla However, Baker Cu prospect belt, and aporphyry intheMajébelt. the Petaquilla in supergiantCu deposit porphyry adakitic-like magmatismassociatedis with a Oligocene to lower30 and19Ma.The Miocene Plate that propagated from west toeast between subducting the Farallon in break-off and slab-tear sub-horizontal a above crust mafic lowermost of theseadakite-like byintrusions partial melting of tam between lies midway Petaquilla and Majé.What Panama Volcanic Field(Rooney age (ca 25Ma)at Cerro Pataconthe Central in lower Miocene adakitic-like of andesite intrusions (Whattam to >120, and strongly fractionated REE patterns ppm Sr, <1.9ppmYb, <18ppmY, Sr/Yratios up >15 wt.%Al including / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín The Oligocene PetaquillaThe batholith and the h utrayvlai ok fthe El Valle, volcanic rocks Quaternary The of . 1995),andwithaslabtear causedbysubduc et al et et al et . (2012)proposed amodelfor formation et al et ., 2013). The high Sr/Y ratio., 2013).The (>150) ., 2012). They are similar to minor et al et et al et ., 1991a;Hidalgo . (2016)considered that the 2 O 3 , >3.5 wt.%Na et al et http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 ., 2010)which et al et 2 ., 2011). O, >400 /72(3)A1302202020 - - - - /72(3)A1302202020 11.11. DEPOSITSFORMEDBYWEATHERING 11.12. SUPERGENE OXIDATION ANDENRICHMENT eoisdrvdfo ra fporphyry-epither deriveddeposits from areas of placer gold in alluvial and by the concentration of Panama, western of slopes Pacific the on deposits lateritic bauxite and iron ore the development of subaerial weathering is shownby of A longhistory mineralization. these stratocones to expose deeper erosionof Cerro LloronEl Valle;on however, thereno is Au prospecta highsulphidationis at epithermal volcanic alization knownrocks in theQuaternary Richards only miner (2011). The the criteria of magmatic hydrothermal mineralization, basedon continues tothepresent as indicated byactively be sometime since the late Miocene, andoxidation oxidation is indicated by to the tectonic history of aneconomicAu oxide timing form The deposit. a150mthickoxide zone to of and formation Au-Cu to erosion deposit sulphidation epithermal coversedimentary exposed the Cerro Quema high ama given therightconditions. oxide and supergene have deposits in Pan formed erosionrates notallowing accumulation; however, to high rainfall washing away the metals and high ered favorable for oxidation andenrichment due ering. Atropical climate is generally not consid by formed weath deposits tively are other types of protore andporphyry respecfrom epithermal enrichment zones( ( deposits oxide Oxidation andenrichment gold toform shore drift. submarine reworkingby wave actionandlong sea levels ing beaches asQuaternary rose, with retrograd probably by formed a combination of Panama were of black inthe Gulf sanddeposits ting and young volcanism. shallow The marine channel down-cut of history geomorphological at deposit Cocuyoterrace indicates aprotracted mal mineralization. basalt-covered The alluvial h eaieyyugulf n eoa fthe relativelyThe young uplift andremoval of e.g. Cerro Quema) and supergene copper e.g. Cerro Colorado, RioPito) ------surface zone of vuggy quartz and primary gold quartz and primary vuggy surface zone of a relativelyis deep. originalshallowto near The the highsulphidationpreserved system the level of the underlying hypogene zone. indicates This that enargite, tetrahedrite and chalcopyrite, similarto of form the in presumably sulfides copper tained can be inferred that the oxide zone originally con per in what is now the oxide zone. From thisit cop and chalcopyrite.required This a source of covellite on hypogene pyrite, enargite, tennantite chalcocite and the water table of withdeposition copper below supergene enrichment of zone of oxidationdeep at Cerro Quemaalsoproduced a water a deep table. to form The relief topographic seasonally, waterdeep table to form aswell as high wetorderin climateseason for with alongdry a argillic alteration to not neutralize the acid, anda quartz andadvanced thevuggy ering capacityof buff low the acid, free produce to pyrite of tent the rock, but alsoona high con of permeability zoneon the notonly high porosity depended and oxide a deep Keenan, of formation 1994). The ferricrete Cu (Torreywith anomalous forming and only minor supergene chalcocite and covellite; 135mwith has in-situ oxidation of to a depth Ridge.Cocos nearby The Cerro Chorcha deposit the uplift anderosioncaused by of the subduction rapid a resultthan 4Maas less of the shorttimeof lithocap, now in eroded. enrichment The formed advanced argillic alteration zones inthe former probablywas derived from pyritic sericite and pyriteThe acidfor required leaching toform ics the mountain-top and they thinat the edges. these zones mim leached cap. of geometry The als, 1998)wasdeveloped beneath a 0-90 m thick 0.724%Cu(Kvaerner 102.6Mtgrading Met of containing aresource (measured andindicated) gene chalcocite and covellite enrichment zone a40-150 m thick,super deposit, rado porphyry mineralization.primary Cusuperimposedon supergene enrichment of azone of Cuat to form depth re-deposition of to remove an oxide Au Cu and form body, with Au-Cu been mineralization.oxidizedhas This of mineralization has been eroded to expose a zone At thelatest Miocene toPliocene Cerro Colo Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Mexicana Mexicana Geológica Geológica Sociedad Sociedad la la de de Boletín Boletín http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 ------f urzsrct leainitretdazn f quartz-sericite alteration a zone intersected of of Cu-Au where deposit, shortdrill holes inzones oped onthe lower Eocene RioPito porphyry lithocap togenerate acidfor leaching. difference herepyrite in was the the abundance of limited extent; the chalcocite enrichment zone of and whicha leached has capandasupergene thepreservedlithocap is wheredeposit the base of saprolitic weathering. exception The is the Brazo and mineralization is entirely hypogene with deep porphyries have no supergene copper enrichment zonethe potassic in thesystem exposed. is level of lacks pyritethe deposit for leaching sincea deeper zones upto15-30m thick. pyritesolution collapsetoleave causing rubbly upto 35% volume reduction from the leaching of to be silica alterationdue to and wasinterpreted residual over strongest was effect This only. face Quema, which drillingindicated to benear-sur 4-6g/t Auzones grading intrenches at Cerro wide described (1994) Keenan and effect. Torrey gold-bearing rathersoil, quartz in than achemical or gold of effect lag residualconcentrationor a to Pitaloza, Cerro isbelieved Negro). This to be due ( drilling in reflected not are and trenches, gold valuesgrids soil in but which in Panama, resulting incontinuous, highgrade take place in the tropical weathering environment andsaprolite gold in soils may enrichment of processing. leach in cyanide and grinding fine requiring als, free gold orelectrum andgenerally base met no The hypogene sulphide zones contain finegrained mining. early influenced strongly and Remance, m at Santa Rosa (White, 1994)and130-140 m at vein andbreccia is20-40 golddeposits epithermal leaching. cates azone withpyrite whichrequired was for quartz-sericite alterationNelson, 1995). The indi availablewith little other information (UN, 1981; upto 1.0% Cuand0.67g/t Au,thick, withgrades supergene copper enrichment between 20-70 m A supergene enrichment zonealso devel is In contrast,the much older Cobre Panama xlrr sol bwr ta superficial that beware should Explorers thelowsulphidation oxidation of of depth The /72(3)A1302202020 / 72(3)A1302202020 e.g. Cerro Quema, 57 57 - - - -

The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province DISCUSSION CONCLUSIONS / The mineral deposits of Panama: Arc metallogenesis on the Caribbean large igneous province ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 12. Conclusions 58 58 alteration in the upper parts of porphyry systems porphyry alteration in the upper parts of sericite (phyllic) andadvanced argillic in zones of for leaching. Highpyrite contents typicallyoccur abundant pyrite free acid to form the presence of the keyrequirements is tropical climates. Oneof and enrichment cantake place in highrainfall oxidation significant that show examples These took place in anislandarc during the prolonged the metallogenic belts Plates. development The of the Farallon Plate into the Nazca and Cocos of followed byplate reorganization withthe breakup the arc withthe South Americanplate collision of Early Arc and its metallogenic belts were caused by the various metallogenic belts. Displacementsof which can be divided into age,Quaternary each of Miocene to lower Miocene age and a Later Arc of Oligocene to age was followed by aMiddle Arc of Campanian toEocene Panama.Early An Arc of which may have contributed to the metal source in plateau, the Caribbean Large IgneousProvince, alarge igneousprovinceoceanic trailing edge of weremineral deposits developed on the western, the Early Arc. arcs The and submarine parts of canic massive sulphide mineralization occurinthe Si-Mn-(Fe) oxides andAu-Cu-Zn vol of deposits to Quaternary.addition, submarine exhalative In volcanic-intrusive island arcsfrom the Campanian deposits, multiple in whichant porphyry formed Cu-Mo±(Au-Ag) including twosystems supergi are Au dominated by and porphyry epithermal Panama and prospects mineral deposits The of isimportant. deposits of history thus the tectonic and geomorphological oxidation isyoung andisrelated to tectonic uplift, Quema, and unknown at Rio Pito: where known, late Miocene orlater to thepresent dayat Cerro enrichment<4 Ma at is Cerro Colorado, from oxidation and contributing factors.age of The from Eocene to Pliocene, soage and time are not deposits. epithermal and the overlying lithocaps andhighsulphidation / / Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana Geológica Sociedad la de Boletín The age of the deposits inthe examples the deposits ranges age of The http://dx.doi.org/10.18268/BSGM2020v72n3a130220 /72(3)A1302202020 - - /72(3)A1302202020 Acknowledgements References Minnova/Inmet, Carl NelsonandDavidBuchs. los Carrasco,and Colin Burge Darren King of in particular to Marc Boisvert, Fred Speidel, Car Panama with over the years, and of and geology worked the withanddiscussed mineral deposits are Thanks due to the many geologists who Ihave trends, rather thansimplelinearbelts. and discontinuous belts with contrasting younging displaced oceanic plateau, resulting in deformed, interaction with multiple oceanic plates and an collision withacontinent, related to the complex Baker, M.J., Hollings, P.,J. 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