Ctfastrak Year One Report

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Ctfastrak Year One Report CTfastrak Year One Report May 16, 2016 Connecticut Department of Transportation Bureau of Public Transportation www.ctfastrak.com CTfastrak Year One Report 2016 Message from the Commissioner I am pleased to present this report celebrating the completion of the first year of operations of CTfastrak. CTfastrak was launched on March 28, 2015. This first in the state Bus Rapid Transit system introduced an entirely new level of service and technology for transit customers in Connecticut. Featuring a regional network of service utilizing a 9.4 mile dedicated bus only roadway, distinctive stations, branded buses, new technologies, and most of all, a significant improvement in frequent, reliable bus service, CTfastrak is changing the landscape of public transportation in Connecticut. CTfastrak is state-of-the-art and user-friendly, integrating technology with transportation to provide on-the-go trip planning and real-time bus information using Transit App or Google Transit. Innovations will continue with a new fare collection system, including fare payment by smartcards and mobile phones in the coming year. CTfastrak has also improved connectivity among the many transportation services in the state. This includes new connections with the CTrail Waterbury Branch, connections with Amtrak and intercity bus service in Hartford, and connections with the CTrail Hartford Line which is scheduled to open for service in January 2018. By opening up new access to jobs, healthcare and shopping, while saving previous transit customers significant travel time by offering direct and frequent travel, and attracting a significant number of new customers, CTfastrak has delivered on its promises. Thank you for your support and patronage of the system in our first year of operation. We look forward to many more years of improving service, increasing ridership, and serving our customers. James Redeker Commissioner Connecticut Department of Transportation www.ctfastrak.com 1 CTfastrak Year One Report 2016 What is CTfastrak? CTfastrak is Connecticut’s first Bus Rapid Transit(BRT) certain locations to provide direct service to system. It is a system of routes that utilize a bus-only destinations in central Connecticut like UConn Health, roadway for all or a portion of the trip. Westfarms Mall, and Manchester Community College. All routes on the bus-only roadway circulate CTfastrak routes are integrated with the CTtransit through the downtown Hartford area to provide system, making it easy to connect, transfer and pay a access to popular destinations. fare. Connector routes link stations with other destinations There are different types of routes and services like St. Francis and Hartford Hospitals, West Hartford available. The Route 101, a basic “subway style” Center, Copaco Shopping Center in Bloomfield, and route, travels between Hartford and New Britain and Newington Center. stops at each of the ten stations. Express routes access the bus-only roadway at Downtown New For more information on CTfastrak please visit: Britain station and travel beyond New Britain to www.ctfastrak.com Bristol, Southington, Cheshire, and Waterbury. Circulator routes use the bus-only roadway for a portion of their trip, exiting the bus-only roadway at 2 www.ctfastrak.com CTfastrak Year One Report 2016 System Performance and Customer Satisfaction RIDERSHIP The most obvious and understandable performance To assure that passenger trip counts in the corridor now measure for transit services is ridership. Service plans served by CTfastrak truly represent the net growth in for CTfastrak were developed during the planning usage, ridership is monitored for both CTfastrak and the phase. Ultimately, ridership estimates for the year pre-existing CTtransit routes in the corridor. The 2030 were developed as a requirement for federal CTtransit routes provided service prior to the opening of funding. The “travel model” assessed the differences CTfastrak and continue to provide service today. The between transit usage of the existing system in the CTfastrak passenger counts are added to passenger corridor and the impact on ridership of a new fixed counts on CTtransit local routes in the corridor. This is guideway transit service that offered more reliable the total transit ridership in the corridor. travel times and permanent and highly visible To meaningfully assess the impact of CTfastrak on stations. The ridership estimate produced by the transit ridership, the total transit ridership figure can travel model for CTfastrak was 16,308 passenger trips then be compared with average ridership on the on an average weekday by the year 2030. CTtransit local buses in the corridor in the prior years. In 2013, the travel model was used to estimate Ridership in the corridor before CTfastrak opened ridership in the first year on CTfastrak. Results showed was around 8,000 weekday passenger trips. Weekday that weekday average passenger trips in the corridor passenger trips now average between 12,000 and would increase from 8,000 to over 11,000. Actual 16,000 trips in the corridor. This provides a more ridership performance is shown in the table below. accurate picture of CTfastrak’s impact on ridership in the corridor as a whole. CTfastrak ridership data is gathered using Automated Passenger Counters at each door of each bus. For more information on ridership please visit: www.ct.gov/dot/ctfastrak CTfastrak Corridor Ridership July 2015 – MarchMarch 2016 2016 Year one corridor ridership goal 11,180 CTfastrak corridor local service CTfastrak express service CTfastrak service www.ctfastrak.com 3 CTfastrak Year One Report 2016 OPERATING BUDGET | FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE | (July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015) The operating budget was developed using scheduling tools that estimated hours and miles of bus service and applied standard cost allocations for vehicle maintenance including parts, supplies, technician time, etc. The budgetingalso included costs associated with station maintenance, roadway maintenance and additional personnel required for road supervision and the fare inspection process. The budgeted expense for the CTfastrak system operations and maintenance for state fiscal year 2016 is $22.5 million. Revenues were estimated to be about $4.2 million based upon an “average fare times total ridership” calculation. A comparison of budgeted expense and revenue compared to actual is included in the table on page five. OPERATING BUDGET | REVENUES | FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE CTfastrak uses a proof of payment system where fare vending machine on the platforms to purchase their compliance is managed by means of fare inspection. ticket prior to boarding at any door. Because of all of For more information on fare compliance, see Fare these off-board purchasing options, revenue Collection on page seven of this document. A proof of generated from pre-paid fare media cannot be payment system tracks ridership and revenue directly attributed to a specific CTfastrak route. differently than the rest of the CTtransit bus system CTfastrak revenue is determined by multiplying the where riders enter through the front door and use the average fare per passenger by the total number of farebox. passengers. For budgeting purposes, average fares The most popular fare instruments (10-Ride tickets, were based on the passengers and revenue for multi-day passes, 31-day passes) used by CTtransit November 2014 through February 2015. riders are not sold on the bus. Fares can be Using this same process, revenues for the first six purchased in advance at the downtown Hartford months of fiscal year 2016 for CTfastrak local and customer service booth, Stop & Shop stores or on-line express routes totaled $2.4 million, or about 14% with fulfillment by mail. Any of these pre-paid fares ahead of forecasts, due to ridership figures that can be used on the CTtransit and CTfastrak systems. exceeded initial forecasts. CTfastrak riders without a pre-paid ticket use a ticket Ridership and Revenues – Budget vs. Actual – 7/1/15 to 12/31/15 CTfastrak CTfastrak CTfastrak CTfastrak CTfastrak Average CTfastrak Local Express Average Express Total Revenue Express Local Revenue Ridership Ridership Local Fare Revenue Fare 2,243,098 88,269 $0.94 $3.24 $2,108,512 $285,992 $2,394,504 Forecasted Annual Revenue $4,193,521 Forecasted Revenue Prorated 7/1/15 to 12/31/15 $2,096,761 Favorable (Unfavorable) to Forecast $297,743 4 www.ctfastrak.com CTfastrak Year One Report 2016 OVERALL PERFORMANCE | FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE For fiscal year 2016 beginning on July 1, 2015 actual expenses for CTfastrak bus service were slightly favorable to budget. The costs for these services are driven primarily by bus service scheduling decisions and resulting bus operator pay hours. More efficient scheduling results in lower operating expenses for bus service. Expenses for non- bus service items, such as field supervision and snow removal, are unfavorable to budget by approximately $0.3 million. The non-bus service budget was based on an estimate of potential facility and support staff costs since there was no actual operating experience to use as guidance for maintenance of a BRT facility in Connecticut. CTfastrak passenger revenue is slightly favorable to budget by approximately $0.3 million. Passenger revenue directly corresponds with ridership. Higher ridership levels have resulted in higher passenger revenue. This trend is expected to continue through fiscal year 2016. The budgeted and actual expenses breakdown is as follows: * FY 2016 YTD * FY 2016 YTD * YTD *FY 2016 July - December
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