Downtown Development Plan
Chapter 7 One City, One Plan Downtown Development Plan KEY TOPICS Downtown Vision Hartford 2010 Downtown Goals Front Street Downtown North Market Segments Proposed Developments Commercial Market Entertainment Culture Regional Connectivity Goals & Objectives Adopted June 3, 2010 One City, One Plan– POCD 2020 7- 2 recent additions into the downtown include the Introduction Downtown Plan relocation of Capitol Community College to the Recently many American cities have seen a former G. Fox building, development in the movement of people, particularly young profes- Adriaen’s Landing project area, including the sionals and empty nesters, back into down- Connecticut Convention Center and the towns. Vibrant urban settings with a mix of uses Connecticut Center for Science and Exploration, that afford residents opportunities for employ- Morgan St. Garage, Hartford Marriott Down- ment, residential living, entertainment, culture town Hotel, and the construction of the Public and regional connectivity in a compact pedes- Safety Complex. trian-friendly setting are attractive to residents. Hartford’s Downtown is complex in terms of Downtowns like Hartford offer access to enter- land use, having a mix of uses both horizontally tainment, bars, restaurants, and cultural venues and vertically. The overall land use distribution unlike their suburban counterparts. includes a mix of institutional (24%), commercial The purpose of this chapter is to address the (18%), open space (7%), residential (3%), vacant Downtown’s current conditions and begin to land (7%), and transportation (41%). This mix of frame a comprehensive vision of the Downtown’s different uses has given Downtown Hartford the future. It will also serve to update the existing vibrant character befitting the center of a major Downtown Plan which was adopted in 1998.
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