\ • \ Happy Rambling Birthday! Whether your birthday (alls next' | Covering SPRINGFIELD and MOUJSTTAESFSIDE Around week or next month,-why not have It Hated here by calling THE SON, Mlllburn 0-13U, or Jot It on a pagU.1T Our (lleo will o»rpy over the date OraiCIAI. NBP.'SPAPEB SOBSCBIFT1ON PK10B PrlcTPIve Gents Town from year to year, so that it needn't VOL. XIII, No. 46 TOWNSHIP OP. SPBTNOFIKLD SpringBeld, N. j;T Friday, August 16, 1940 TWO D01XAB8 BY TUB YKAB bb repeated. . (.. TWO LOCAL BOYS PLAYED A "Happy Birthday" greetings are T0TBEAR CHARGES heroic role Wednesday morning in extended this Week by the SON to National Youth Centers Opened Harris -HarborrrBeach Haven, ac- the following residents: Boake Carter AGAINST TAVERN cording to a report which reached Pistol Range For us this morning.'. . . Prank Bitter, _jYUGUST: . v— To Often Technical Education Formal complaint against toe 17, of Crescent road and Edward 16—Jack McCarthy Disapproves Farmer's Hotel, Morris turnpike, by Several additionaU-resldent cen- llet. offices in the Town Hall. Gulvin of Tooker avenue, saved Martin J. Ganska Ras Olsen, of 642 Morris turnpike, , ters will be opened by the National jQU£-jrLm_irsrn_dxownin[*_ when a -Judith Pelos .' • • - At present there are three NYA Millburn, has been received by the Police is Proposed sailboat - upset, throwing the'men Youth Administration for New Jer- resident centers in New Jersey, one Township Committee. Olsen charges sey wIthttr"itKe—next-~tew~ weeksr -In-North Haledon; another -in Ben- overboard .... the.local youths 17—G. Mulford Brlggs that the proprietress. Mis Anna Bernard S. Miller, state youth ad- got them ashore without' casual- Mrs. Richard Whelan Mountainside Man Leans dix and a third at Lovelady. The Pelos, violated the "Alcoholic Bevef- ministrator, announced today. These tiesrrr: Etaer Holmquist number of youth at each of these -age Act by permitting brawls, dis- w mittee Toward-Army Training centers will provide work, experience Kenruoth- Sargent will be Increased and by September turbances and unnecessary noise at •— As Better Plan and. basic Instruction in mechanical 1 at least three more similar ceh-. ' Four newspaper reporters, three 18—Harold C. 'Brill - suchThours as to become a nuisance. pursuits which "Iwill prepare-ybung tcrs will be ready for operation and 1 township officials and three spec- -David Armstrong Schramm The board agreed that the Chief Wilbur Schuster Suggests MOUNTAINSIDE—An • .intensive men between the ages of 17 and 25 it is expected that later still others, tators waited for almost an hour Edward T. Pearson of-Police should serve notice of a. training period for the Regular for the increasing' employment in will be opened. Doghouse Kennel Plan^o Hasten Force Wednesday night—to witness the Charles D. Bannister" hearing to be held August 28. Earlier Army and National Guard in modern this area, much of which, it Is re- "In meeting the emergency of For Preparedness activities of the Township Commit- 19—Mrs. Edward J. Hoaglond' this year, the tavern lost its license means of warfare rather than con- ported, is in the; defense industries. completing our nation's defense pro- tee. . . . Mayor Wilbur M. Selander," William C. Hinze 1 for five days for selling liquor, to In New Quarters scription as is now proposed before The opening of-th<«e centers will gram, every one of us must do our •vTA""proposal that toe Township patiently waiting for another board Mrs. Eugene McDonough minors. : ; 1 Congress, was advocated by Boake necessitate some - shifting in. the part," Mr. Miller ' said, ^J'We-are Committee take steps to establish a member to appear in order that a William E. Townsend _ Carter, well known news commen- quotas on existing part-time work confident that the preparation for The boys of Kennel No. "1, Dog- police pistol range where local offi- quorum might be on hand, nodded dhannlng Brown — tktor, a resident of the-borough, projectvMr-i- Miller_said,^zAs far as industrial work which our, youngs hous6 Club of Springfield, have. cers may praetioe was contained ln~ tUL.,only member^ Jiresent, Fred - ^Tlniiglps flhrl.sHn.Ti _ a recommendation sent to toe meet- Wednesday.- He-conducted- aiopea in the' people 'will receive in these resident -played_the._par.t_of_toa_.cur_long_ A. Brown, affix announced that there , Norbert Kuffrier Jr. Building Going lng~Weanesclay night by Wilbur D. forum at the meeting of the Ean- centers' will be available "to"youtn" centers will be an iinportaht con- enough. For the pastjyjek or so would be no meeting ...... Township Mrs. Albert ,Torp "SchuslerfTof 43 "Wafner~'~avenTier woodrSCotch Plains Rotary Club' in who wlll_be displaced from these itribution by the NYA to this pro- they have been crawling around on Clerk Treat, who_has held the post Percy. O'Neill— Schuster stressed need of toe range the Maison Billia, Scotch Plains. projects. The fullest ^cooperation gram. Some of the young men of their hands and knees with scrub almost lS-ycarsr-^eouldn',!; recall a 20—Mrs. Mary. Jeakens Ahead For Year and asked the board to refrain from Mr. Carter indicated that the call from project co-sponsors is antic- our country are going) to be given brush, pall and" soap and have similar incident and the spectator Clarence W. Magulre considering his plan as was hysteria. for "conscription in the middle of ipated by NYA. officials since the training in the military agencies emerged with new-quarters fit for Mrs;:: Total building-- operations for toe The plan was greeted with interest t" Calvin-Wr Schwabe : October wds'-a-move 'to panic-the fundamental-unportancerOfthe-na- of the--government:••,Others,-:and ; toe best of pedigree dogs. In this ' side . door came Committee-man past~seven~monthsras;-reported-by by-town - off lcials -who' declated_tiie --.Mrs. Fred I. Huss. people of triis_country into voting tional defense program, is recog- their function will be equally agellof ""slxeamllritogr^even^thercast Macartney, beamingly tanned," and Inspector Reuben M. Marsh to the would' give it careful "conJsiderationT" . 21—Harry" Welter ; ; • • for Mr. Roosevelt for a' thlrcUterm nized1 by everyone, ne said. portant,-will • take' their places to put benedict must have the latest it was necessary to >change the O. Arthur ..Smith ,: Township; Committee Wednesday Mayor Wilbur M. Selonder approved' for President.. Residents of Springfield interested the industries involved to equipping thing in kennels. plans . . . ;'the"'reporters,' jubilant Joseph Plnkava night amounted' to $288,642. Build- the plan andt added that he thought—fj in enrolling are requested to •com- these military agencies. It is with Warm.with toe glow'of hard work over a night off-, groaned and the • James H.-Conley Stressing tho importance of avia- tag permits issued last month by there was "A lot of common-sense municate with Mrs. Kathryn Win- this second group that NYA is'con- well- done, the doggies held their Mayor rapped the gavel as" pro- 22—Mrs. Erwln S. Doerrles " tion in warfare, the speaker'advo- Marsh were as follows: Cheses Con- in toat." --.,.., ceedings began .... at 9:30 Com- cated universal aviation training disch, director Of welfare,' at the Rer (Continued on Pago Eight) first meeting last night in too new Donald Smith — struction Co., Park circle, one-fam- The lotter is reproduced in full mitteeman Wright ^neandercd in, for every boy reaching the age of lodge room at 163 Morris avenue David Hall ' , ily dwelling, $5,000; Baltusrol Golf as follows: ' having-- just arrlvecfji'rorn Goshcn, 21. He pointed out that if only one Club, alterations, $1,000; SoTBrettler, Enthusiasm for a long drawn out "TJTV., where Kc had attended the million •-> young people -who_ have Entry Forced In Four Morris avenue, oil burner installed1, session was weak due to the labor of "In reading toe papers I have Hamblctonian races and only one reached 21 years of age since^936, Over 150 Attend $400;—W-. L. Morrison, Severna ave- the past week but- final plans for learned that a number of munici- member was yet to be accounted for were suited for and put through Homes Over Week-End nue, a one-family dwelling, $4,000; too third annual picnic for members palities havejpistol ranges""for their Drive Launched police officers to practice on. Na- . . ,•". Committeeman Trundle didn't aviation training, a reserve pool James- Schweitzer, Meisel avenue, and friends to be held .Sunday were ool's Picnie turally, practice of this type makes:! - show up, but it didn't matter . . . . would be created for the army, for Sch a one fanuly dwelling, $5,000; Mill- concluded. Police "are investigating" the burg- T each officer more efficient to toe three members were enough but commercial flying jand for the avia- lary of four homes to the Severna town Construction Co., two one-fam- About 100 doghousers and friends On Willkie Clubs MOUNTAINSIDE — The annual performance of his duty. I, there- four was better and five would have tion industry. -tract which occured ^Sunday night lly"dwellings on Milltown road at will travel out to toe Mountainside picnic of the Sunr".<>.y School fore, suggest.you provide our police been oven bettor. ... Mr. Carter absolved Lindbergh of When the occupants were away at $4,000 each. • — -Grove,-on_Central avenue, to Moun- A state-wide meinbership-drive-by Union Chapel was 'held, Saturday department with a similar range. blame on the__charge frequently lev- the time. Breaks were Made into tainside to indulge in a few un- Willklo-for-Presldent Clubs was afternoon at Locust Grove, Echo Also, Milltown Construction Com- —"Nodoubt toe town owns vacant ied against, him of having accepted the homes of Richard-OTHorner, of doggle activities.'' -A" baseball" game r launched this week with toe dis- Lake Park, as~cver 150 members pany, four gas burners-Installed nn. land that can'be used' for this pur- a. medal from the Hitler Govern- 69 Severna avenue; Russell J. "will be the highlight of the day. tribution of membership and friends Joined,in' the activities Meisel avenue at-$400 each; Mill- pose, and I am sure toe construc- ment. He said.that if the flyer had Pfltzlnger, 73 Severna avenue; Van Tony Glutting, chairman of-the pic- Martyn-Gaul cards to the-320 New- Jersey _clubs of the day; Seventy-five children town Construction Co., gas burners tion of a range will not be very . according to announcement of Don- refused the medal presented by ,0. Lambert, of 14 Prospect place, nic committee is being aided in mak- of the Coles Memorial. Home, In- installed at So. Springfield aVenue costly. I further suggest that the ald J. Smith of Montclalr, presi- Marshall Goerring at a dinner, it and William Dickerson, of 16_Pros- ing plans by Dominick Poliseo and vited by the Chapel, participated in and-Milltown road at $400 each; town furnish 'toe ammunition.. Ad- dent of toe Associated Willkle-for- would have caused an international pect place. George Smith. ' tho events. A highlight of the day Olaf Eriokson, Severna avenue, gas ditionally, I think rifle praetioe President Clubs of New Jersey. incident. Mr. Carter scored Eng- This is the first report of burglary burner installed, $400; Elmer Sickley, should also be given-the police offl- ' The wedding of Miss Anna Duser was a baseball game between the Mr. Smith said toat "toe potential land and America for having ig- this Summer and extensive:search Morris avenue, gas burner installed, •ders. Martyn, daughter of Mrs. Ida D. married and single men, won by the members of these clubs could run nored the .warnings made by Colonel revealed it to be the work of ama- $165; Oheses Construction Co., Park Martyn, .of 103 West Grand street, bachelors, 16 to 8. "An officer may be a good shot to excess of a quarter of a million Lindbergh of German air might. teurs. Much of valjie was overlooked Circle, gas burner, $40^0. , County Legion Elizabeth, formerly of Springfield^ Children engaged In games and but.still if he does not continue to -persons," basing toe estimate on —^Queried as to the" reaction in except in the home of Mr. Dicker- Also Spring Brook Park Co., two to Victor-Herbert JECual, son .of. Mr, 1 prizes were awarded to the winners practice he is going to lose some of - pre-conventlqn activities — through America which would be caused by son where jewelry and other valu- dwellings on ax road' at $4,000 his shooting ability. Having police-— petltions-and^,tel'egrarns_froni_New_ the-fail,of^Englaiidr:Mr,-Carter_:re-- in the younger age groups. The ables to'Jthe extent of about $125 Elects Officers "" was held Saturday at, the Cranford girlP~froTnrthe-Memorlal-Home-lost each, one dwelling on-Crest place at men capable.of using firearms pro- Jerseyans on Mr. Wlllkie's behalf, •plied that either it might cause a wercftaken: —-—: -'— $4,000, and one dwelling on Park ficiently when to a tight spot is very '" Moto'Odlst~Church—Cranford;—The a Softball encounter to the girls County Vice-Commander Gustav At tlio same time~"ne'w7cl'ubs"~will .lane—ati$5,000 ;_JH._ 3tey.ens __Crest Rev. M. Y. Poynter of --Cranford irom the Chapel Sunday Scho J _of line-Union. essential. ,, ,','••' • be organized particularly to South ica might have to do business with 1 place, oil burner, $400;, Hans Deh, officiated. 1 -picnic (Was climaxed ' with supper County Committee of toe American "Of oourse/The cost of i 1 Jersey counties and to industrial the Hitler Government. If America Tho bride was given to marriage and tremendous ; portions of ice Route 29, addition and alterations, Legion, last Thursday night "was will be reflected to toe future bud- areas and largo cities. did not want to make friends with Auto Climbs On by her brother, John A. Martyn. cream. / $3,000; P. Serkes, Rose avenue, oil elevated to toe commondership, suc- gets, however, with toe present tur- The club memberships will be sold, Germany^ this nation then might Mrs. Lo Roy Euvard, of New York, Prize winners of the games were burner Installed, $400. :_- . ceeding William P. Heffernon, of moil, and please do not consider members being askod to contribute have to make friends with the Jap* this letter war hysteria, the police sister of the bride, was-matron of according to their means or "from as follows:— Porch In Crash Elizabeth. Bohnenberger headed' toe anese and Russians so we could pull departments of every municipality honor, and H. Herbert Crane, of nothing upwards," according to Mr. Boys, seven to nine years old, slate of officers which delegates the navy from the Pacific Into- the will be .colled upon to render greater Oranford, was best man. ''Miss Alli- Smito. He said an effort would be loon race,' Leonard Preston arid George. Foosaner, of 140 Scheerer elected without opposition at toe Atlantic,.ho said. > License Revoked services. • son Gaul of Cranford,_sister of the made to sell too memberships at $1 Jack' Kazmar; stand ball game, avenue!,' Newark, miraculously es- Courthouse. The speaker warned of the dqn- "J read1 recently toat plans are groom, and Miss Dorothy Burd-of- each but cards would be given with- Robert Gossett and William Comp- caped injury Tuesday morning when The conunander-elect, who takes ger of sending food to Europe and emg made Springfleld were bridesmaids., Leah out charge to those who" could not ton; 60-yard dash, William Gomp- ho swerved his car to^ avoid strlk- UP his duties following toe aimual|l? tor every policeman in bringing children here from the war. For Two Months Tie nation to be required to take a Martyn, another sister of 'the bride, afford to-pay. ton and Leonard Preston. •" inga ligtistruck, and losing control, State convention to Caniden Augus,„-,.t ~Eh< stricken areas. Ho descrlbed_the Federal oath. From this, I "Mi"i« was junior bridesmaid. Girls, seven to nine. years old; TJareeriea"UpTirsllght embankment, 22 to 24, resides at 335 Dogwood The cards bear too pledge: "I ease with whiclv"an~American ship The driving license of Robert C. officers will be called upon to func- The ushers—were—-Robert Davis, balloon race, MargaretEngotronand hurled through a hedge and crashed drive,, Union. He is-^-munlcipal hereby pledge thatjt am a voluntary, could-have its identity mistaken and Hoyt, of 5 Meadow Broot •Village, tion with toe F. B. I., as they did _:.. Milton Harris, and Clifford Sjurscn, Mary Batten; stand ball game", Mar- into the front porch' of the home of plumbing tospector-in Union Town- workoranurthat Iwill give my sin- be torpodoed, emorolling America in Plainfleld, was—revoked—for- two to 1917 with to* Department of Jus- all of Oranford, and Lo Roy Euvard cere efforts and all .the time I can garet Westberg and Margaret Eng- darence B. Meeker, of 493 Morris ship. A charter member and a past war.- This, said Mr. Garter, would months by Recorder Everett T. tice. If this develops, our police de- of New York. spore between now~7and Election stron; 50-yard dash, Margaret West- avenue. commander of Connecticut Farms The^brlde_wore_a_whito_ velyeray; only expand • the misery of war, Spinning in Police Court Monday jmrtottentHwlll be responsible, for in- Day-'toward-securing-theco-opera^ berg. and- Tholmp. Decker. According to the police, Foosaner night as a result of- a wild chase on Post 35, of Union, Bohnenbergerr —gown with a-short train and arfln- bringing-itr'to-Amerlcan-children^-— -v.estlgation"T}r~sabotage, espionage. tion of my friends and acquaintances BoysriO"toT.47balloorrrace-George -Tvas-drlvlng-his-poach-westerly—on Route -29—early—Sunday--morning has served as Americanism chair- ger-tip voilTflmmed with a sweet- etc., not only within our township in registering and voting for Wen- Clements and Thomas Gessett; Morris avenue when the^truck, which endangered toe life of Pa- man of toe county Legion organiza- heart, halo and orange blossoms. but perhaps in other towns or cities dell L. Willkie for President of the stand ball game, James Cook and driven by Henry Barranco, of 119 trolman Nelson Stiles. tion for toe past two years. She carried her motoor'jj handmade if directed to do sa_ United States." Howard McDougall; 50-yard dash, Lamberts MilT, Westflcld, attempted Bohnenberger served with" toe lace renaissance hankerchief and Accordlng-Jto police. Stiles pur- "Surely, these-added services will Players George Clements and Robert Cook. to make a~rlght-turn into Short Hills Fourth Replacement Battalion-ofrthe Mr. Smith said the clubs would sued Hoyt along Mountain avenue also cause future police- budgets to a bouquet of bridal roses and baby's- "-Girls, 10 to ,14; balloon race, avenue In front of him. Foosaner Signal Corps In the-World War. not solicit contributions, leaving after noticing his reckless "driving be higher than'in the past; but we breath. The-matron of honor wore Theresa Zangarie and. Barbara1 Dan- swerved" to the left and traveled .Others chosen by toe representa- that to tho Republican State Finance Up For Gridders He sounded his siren, .but the Plato- will be better off to pay the addi- pink" moire and net gown with" a enhour; stand ball game, Katherlne about 150 feet sldeswiplngv the tives of toe sixteen posts to the Committee, Ho added: "However, if field man failed to stop. Stiles fol- tional costs and continue to enjoy plnl.nrn Vint-, t.rirnmnrl In -Lykeland Ruth •Westberg; 50-yard Meeker porch. county are: Vice-commanders, Lloyd -an—lndeDondent^_a_Bomocrat or a The newly organized Springfield lowed him out of- toe township and living to a country whose form of -contrasting color and carried a bou- dstshi—^Barbara;—Da«eiffiOur~Ttr«i —Ttte~porch—was—badly—damaged. A. Rader of Roselle Park Post 60, Republican wishes to contribute Stars, semi-jirofesslonal football Mft'i1"talnside government is toat of a democracy." quet of pink roses and blue delph- Theresa Zangarie. . The • floor was ripped up and one -Michael—Ar^Zuccarollo of Hallway of Mr. club, met last night at the county where he drew abreast and focused Fire phief Charles Plnkava re- inium—— '••••' . • : "Column knocked the ground Post-5, and Lawrence'T. Reagan of Mr: Willklo and is desirous-toat. -park—playfleld, Herner jayenue, as his spot light on him. _ ported only one fire call recorded for The bridesmaids ..wore- blue nwire 1 -Linden Post 102 ;• finance officer, fmd net with leghorn picturo- jh'6" money not be used for the jpliiyejs signed up for 'the T9l0~sea^ -Hlnstead-of—stopptogr-HoytPfdrceS Fred E. Behre of Summit Post 138; the month of July. ' This, a small support of the roof." The porch rwas county or SEates campaign, we are son and plans "got underway.'for the Gertrude E. Smith To the ~pa5olman over to the middle brush fire on July 22, was quickly -U'immcd_i>^contrastlng color and knockecfout of Uho and away from historian, Herbert E. Gustafson of carried Pink roses and baby's-breath- permittcd^to" receive such contribu- first practiceHw _be_heid 'Wednes- of the superhighway uoatttJhe police, Unity Post 229, Roselle,- and ser- extinguEfieoT tions. ' ;l_i. --_-• __ _Say.nlght_at 7:30 on_the county pork the house., —.,-. car's left-wheels were cirthe- -The township clerfcrwa The junior bridesmaid-wore orchard Be Married August 24 The Foosener" car received con- '^Efforts of "our~Wlllkie ciabsHxo gridiron, Melsei avenue, r —:. iale.— The officer -ffiially. croSsea~irr to-notify Arthur E. Boutot, assistant - -rmwrc and not -and carried-ie-bou- sideraT5le"-damaBe^and-was-towed.to baum of Summit Post, a resident of l front_oL_Hoyt and forced" him; to ; 1 to bo direeled_toward—getting outr Ooaohes,Bill Br5wtf~ttnd,-Ed Ruby7 : _3pringfleldi- = —'—^ --. -Lstaio WPA supervisor-^ recreation The jweddlng of • Gjer£rudfl_JS_ 4he ' Brookside Garage. I left who-are-jototly handling _the reins' If was announced toat the - at Elizabeth, that'there are no,g.u and-tfae-- ^ pleioarguilty : *p'endonts^r33emocrats,jwh0—aro__fbr_ i;he' new. club.-annouhceJJve. fol- officefslwlUl be installed- formally liTBprtogneld to act. a«; .,-^ to-Henry Jadryzek, of JOnlon avenue, front badly ^pushed to. Barrancq's addition-TtpT toe. revocation y rled an orchid corsage. Mrs. Gaul Mr. WIllklo7 "and" lac'kac-Kisical • Ro- 7 superviBors =of ~ physlcal—activ 1 lowing players Uried up Tor~the. sea- Maplewood, will take place Saturday truck wa^slightly damaged: i~" SchpotT ;.•>..•.•_. pubUcans.' - —-— wois itoed $ltt and'$2 coats?" ; Boutot niay use- his own-?:-jj woro a navy sheer dress with navy son: Eddie Murzinski of Elizabeth, evening^ August 24,"at eight o'clpck following "a street parade iin.i wj)ich" and white accessories with an orchid "Our offorts to this direction willi who starred last year to toe Irvtog- in her:homerbn Milltown road. drumcorps and unit delegations of in assigning supervisors regardleaft- supplement toose of toe county Re^ of residence. The township hud re- . _: corsage. ; • ton Camptowners' backneld; M —Rev.,Dr. Gebrge A. Liggett, pas- HARRIS WARNER TO the county will participate. There The"bride is a graduate of Ro- publican organizations. While we Scarpltto of Rahway,- lineman llost tor of the Firsi? Presbyterian Church, WED SEPTEMBER 7 Helen Milton Will Be will be a reception after too Induc- cently asked toe, WPA to assign two sello Park High School and attended arc maintains our independence yoar wlto toe Scotch Plains F. C.; Will officiate. Miss Mabel E. Smito, tion at the Nineteenth Hole, Route supervisors of athletics and had from all political affiliations, we hopedj to have hod their service this Drake's Business College. She is Bud Hoffmflf of Elizabeth, 207- sister of the bride, will be brides- Miss Norma Julia Westervelt, 29. -, .• .. nevertheless are working in harmony Married September 21 Summer. —- employed, as clerk of tho Regional pound lineman, formerly of Roselle maid and Arthur Jodryzok will be granddaughter of Mrs. Julia Jeffer- . Commander Heffernan, a past High School,' and is councillor of with toe Ropublican organization. commander of Bayway Post 260 of Road .Chairman Brown reported f Park High School; George Safar of Ms-brother's best man, son Westervelt, of Cranford, and Miss Helen Milton, daughter of Pride of Battle Hill Council' No. 17, It is going to be vory expenslvo for Elizabeth, urged participation in that toej county road gang Is expect- ® Rahway, lineman last year wlto toe A reception. will follow at the Harris Shaw Warner, son of^Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas,, W. Milton Daughters of America. 8ho groom tho Associated Willkie Clubs • to toe State convention parade August ed to. .start.the annual re-surtaclng._ • (; Rahwdy Ramblers; Pat Paruso, full- Smito home for the family and and Mrs. Arthur D. Warner, of 31 of 67 Tooker avenue, and -G,_ArnoW is a graduato of Oranford High carry on this effort to elect Mr. back last year wlto toe Scotch friends. Grove street, Oranford, formerly of 24~by~the~units.~~ Convention-dele- of streets this week. He said toat al- (Continued on tago Five) MJller,: T of vMr,-and-MJrs._ J gates -will- caucus Monday-night-at: most overy street Jin town has al- School and attended Union Junior Plains F. O.; Carl Vanclp of Ro- Springfield; will bo married' Satur- wards Miller of 297 Coloniall ave- College in Roselle, and the DreXel selle Park, back with Roselle Park day, Soptomber 7, at toe' Warner 88 West Grand street, Elizabeth. ready been, improved through the" nue, Union, will be. married Satur- WPA. Instltutcfbf Technology in-Philadel- NO OBJECTIONS TO Rams to 1039, and Nuck Druzek of TOWN REIMBURSED residence in Cranford. Tho Rev. F. day, ^September 21. • Plans for toe annual Amerlcaxi Legion Night program to Worlnanco • 4, . ; , phia. Ho is a membor of Dolta Slg- Garwood, former Regional,, High Hampton Berwager of toe Grace The ceremony will be performed SEWER ASSESSMENTS s ON RELIEF FUNDS Park (September 4 were outlined by " ma Alpha; He is employed at tho star. • • ' • Lutheran Church of Bayonne will at 5 P. M. to the Connecticut Pawns Mr. Bohnenberger, general—chair.^-- FRE^SMITH GETS Foderal Shipyards and Drydocks in No objections were raised at a Others include Red DeFrlotas, Township Treasurer A'. B. Ander- officiate at the ceremony. Presbyterian Church to Union^ The man. A paraded of participating Kearny. public hearing Tuesday night "in toe Joe DeMarlo, John and Bill Furze, son recelyed' a check Wednesday Miss L. Carol Olofson. of New Rev. Fred W. Druckeruniller, pastor, 10 DAY SENTENCE units, beginning at 7:30 o'clock, will After a mdtor trip tho couple will Municipal Building on a report of Well known. to Regional High folf from "the Municipal AJrf Oommlsslon York Oity, formerly, of Oranford, will officiate. " open toe prbgram.. Frederick Smito, 21 years old, of reside at 451 Brooksldo place, Oran- assessments for construction of lowers, as well as Frank Kaspereen for $2,958, representing 50 per cent will bo tho maid of honor and Alvln 1 A recaption will follow for rela - 8 Taylor street, Mlllburn, and fo . ford. • . and Matty Dandrea, Sprtogfleld of the 1040 State allotment to L. Warmer, of Flushing, L. I., will Mr: Rader, membership chairman; sanitary sewor on toe southerly side Uves and friends at toe Flagship, erly of town, was given a 10-day contributions to toe team. Ozzle Springfield for municipal relief be his brother's best man. Miss. announced thi^t toe 1940 rosier for Route 20, completed last Summer, ion- Route 29 to Union. sentenco to the county Jail by R«r ictweon Hillside avenuo for a dis- Nelson, outstanding star.at Tren- costs. ''. ..'..' Eva.E. Cross, of Westfleld, graduate Union County had reached an all- LUNCHEON .PCA'NNEtrK-etw- time record" of ~ 2,370, placing the corder Everett T. Spinning Wednes- tance of 1871.36 feet. | ton State Teachers' College and re- The balance Will not bo expected of 'the Westminster Oliolr College, G. O. P. WOMEN HENSHAW AVEJJTJE county fourth to too Stato, behind day hlght after pleading guilty to a Charles S. Gannon, Ebert B. John- cently named assistant football until the aotual -ocsfc of relief for Princeton, will play too wedding •coach at Roselle High, will be to BUILDING STARTS Bergen, Essex and! Hudson. charge of drlvtog a. car after his Tlio fourth annual luncheon of son and' Howard ML Orowell, mem- 1939 has been dotennined, after march. toe Stars' backfleld. There was received from National license had been „revoked. He was the Union County .Women's Repub- bers of toe assessment commission proper -audit by field auditors of the fined $100 and $2 costs but to de- SPEEDER FINED Building permits for three houses Commander Raymond j; Kelly, De- lican Club will be held, September 17 appointed by too Township Com- Paul Duychnlck, Roselle - Park State. _ fault of payment, was sent to the Arohib Earl Hector, of DanvUle,- on the northerly end of Henshaw troit, a letter of appreciation for the in too Winfleld Scott Hotel in Eliza- mittee to levy charges on toe Im- husky who starred at Lehigh until The last substantial reimburse- county Jail. ' ' 1 1 avenue were recently taken out by county organization's work in the beth/ • . provement, reported that toe total lost Fall and an outstanding place ment given Ejprlngfleld If or relief Ul., was taken to Police Headquar- the Ann Shore Construction Com- North Jersey reception and rally to Smito was arrested. Tuesday on -Mrs. Thomas J. Hanklns Jr. of cost of the project.was $5,884. The kicker, will be to toe line, it was was made to March, 19.39, for 1938 ters by Patrolman Stiles Wednesday pany, which Is contemplating a his honor June 29 to Elizabeth. Morris avenuo by Patrolman Schaf- Sprlngflold and Mrs. • Charley A. amounts due., No payments have night charged! with speeding over charge per running foot was ap- reported. .,. development ;to that area. The firm fernoth. The Mlllburn man's UcenM Murphy of Mountainside are among been made since for 1939, as antl- 50 uillos. an, hour along Morris ave- proximately$3.14; ' Th^-commission Business.Manager Ed Hpffert has recently acquired 41 township-owned BOAHJD WILL MEET was .taken up' in New Brunswick thOSe to servo on the ticket commit- will presont its final report to toe yet to close plans for the .opening lpajfed from the State. • This week's nue. .Rather'than waiting until top 1 lota from toe Governing Body, with The Regional Board of Education earlier this' year, ofter. his failure tcc. The dub will hold another : check , !!;• wa* ihdlcfttedj'.ls. tor the regular Monday, PoUoo Court, toe Govorntog Body Wednesday night. ' game, which is expected to bo held will meet, Wednesday night at 8 pay a fine for a motor, meeting in ,.about two the purpose of buUdiBK on the en- 1 weeks Eo about aepcemoer JLO at nomu wiui p AM n» tion' therer*"" ""™ ' ' and $2 costs. ^i^t in die BligK School. '. formulate • plans the luncheon. .WE DO PRINTING a strong oppdhent. • of 1940 expenditures^. Page Two IT- --THE SPRINGFIELD SUN Boomerangs WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS -By Farnham F. Dudgeon GENERAL CLASSIFIED 'Bats' for U. S. Battle Wagons HUGH S. Senate Votes to Gall National.Guard; DEPARTMENT As the great^Amerlcan—defense program goes into high gear, JOHNSON War Spreads to Africa and Far East; the Washington navy yard,-which makes most of thell.S. naval artilTery, and others throughout the nation are poised for the great- HOME STUDY COURSES England Offers Self Rule to India; est production race in their history. For. the new defense program MOHB BMPLOTMBMT OPPOKT0NITIB3 jir»- Washington, D. C. calls for a navy second to none in the world. Guns' and other AS TO PEESfflNG'8 SUGGESTION . Mat tbftmMlves if you know stenography. equipment %f defense will be turned out nt great speed and in NEW YORK.^General Pershing •elf-tsuhlnp IHHUlu lilltblX otaorthmd U. S. Armed Forces Start War Games .. GENERAL PEBSHING wrUlnv witl be-Bont 70a BDan receipt of IL0O. General Pershlng's solemn warn- such quantities that assure a warm reception to_any invader. saysjhat we ought to sell 50 "obso- " B. * H. DISTRIBUTORS (EDITOR'S NOTE—When 'opinion! are expresied in these columns, they Hllt A Baltiawr*, tM, are those of the neWi analytt and not necessarily ol this newspaper.) ing that unless aid is given the Brit- lete" destroyers to England to save our own country IN« cast of Colonel Lindbergh. When the "The question which~we' have to forltlirHsirs, Fuuttrowit). Lornr Llfo and Uapld ITeatberinff produces ohtulu of unusual Llva1- A.. E...F.. commander..(kc.idedJU_af ter ask ourselves—is_n_plain- one. It blllty. (Jrowtli, Kusi Feailierini: and Ualformlty. a study of confidential military.re- —ought-noMo-be-befuddlod-by—such- Jaafilro about our eaayimymeot plnn. ]Vrft* today for catalogu* and priom list ports, to come outr~of"retirement non-essentials as whether the trans- HILFORB MEEDnS UTCHERt,fiket.lltt.r.O,Rotk(l«l«,Bt and speak to the nation, he did not fer of destroyersTto~Great Britain know that the flyer also planned to would or would not be 'an act of talk.. war". It would be of course, but Also, Pcrshing wrote his speech that is only an academic question without any knowledge of what Lind- . . . The legal definitions of interna- bergh would say. However, Persh- tional conduct.. .arc now obsolete.'" ing did tune in on the latter's broad- It seems that everything is now cast. But it was only for a few obsolete as far as 'it suits the_pur- minutes. pose .of those who-are-hell-bent-on -—Boomerang throwing, warlike sport The General of the Armies be- getting this country into a war for of aboriginal Australia,—has an expo- came so incensed at Lindbergh's which it is completely unprepared. nent in official Washington in tho' per- views that he turned off the radio" son oj Henry Wallace, Democratic vice The destroyers are "obsolete." Our ~pT&idcTiliar~ri6miri'ee.~~fle"~is picturedand— snappedc ~That's~outrageous.. owii_engagemenls.~in... treaties_and_ here (Ic/l) gii'iniLJanisLJnstructions inI'm saying nothing about that young cbnventlons-and the things we-have the art to Attorney Gdneral Robert man inmytallc tonight, but I shall always stood and sometimes fought Jackson. Same day ' this picture tva$: make it my business to do so on for are, in international law, "obr taken, one of the curved throwing another occasion." bolote." slides went out of bounds, clipped a As to the destroyers being "obso- news frhotogruphcr' on the head and - lete1' :~If they are; how does it-hap-' jour stitches Had to, be tuken to close - TEN ANlHFAiiMERS—— 1 p"en7 as menrof this opinion intimate the wound. Despite all tho good intentions of Above: Molten .Henry Wallace regarding the share- or argue, that-the_baitle of Britain, /Il steel being poured the fate of the world's freedom and J '"'""*'*,,,fcrit, Here are the "Big Four" in the new cabinet of Japan, set up after tlio cropper and-tenant farmer, tho in- side fact is that both have been in- for making the the safety of our own country de-; resignation of Premier Yonal. Left to right: Premier Prince Fnmlrriaro CAMPAIGN": great naval guns at • pend upon sending them to Britain? DESIDES being a most attrac- | Konoye; Yosuke Matsuoka, foreign minister; VIce-Admlral Zengo Yoshlda, creasing in numbers and decreaSr The Farmer ',...'••' ing in security,'year by year. For Washington navy As an American officer said when- -" tive addition to lawn or garden minister of the navy; and Lieut. General Eikl Tojo, war minister. This new it was being argued that we ought cabinet Is pledged to closer co-operation with the Rome-Berlin axis and has anybody who wants to write an- yard. in vherself, this cute little sunbon- Republican candidate, Wendell also to send over a', million "obso- net girl has practical features too;' : set iip its own Monroe Doctrine of the East. • Willkie, bent an ear to tho wheat other "Grapes of Wrath," there is Left: Scene in q more abundant material than ever. lete" Springfield rifles, "No .rifle is The parasol trellis she holds is i ' - (For iurtber n^ws ol Japan, sep—Indignation.) and corn belt problems when he end- machine shop atthe -obsolete that will kill a man with idfeal for. climbing flowersJand.:, ed his Colorado vacation by "going -^It.-is riot being shouted fr6mUhe Washington navy housetops, but between 1930 and an aimed shot at 1,500 yards—espe- vines. Cut;-the' girl from plywood UTS. DEFENSE: BATTLE OF BRITAIN: to Des Moines, Iowa, to meet gov- yard. A 16-Tnch cially when you have nothing with ernors and their representatives 1935, the number of farm .tenants or other thin lumber-witlrjig, cop-, naval rifle is being •which to replace it." —- War Games ~~ Invasion from mldwestern states. What they increased at the rate of ^40,000 a ing or keyhole saw, add the trellis, Accent on war came closer to Information from——unoccupied told him form the basis for his-ag- year to reach the staggering total turned on a giant Arship doesn't necessarily become then paint according to the direc- homo for hundreds of thousands of France was that German troops in ricultural utterances in his accept- of 2,865,000. The 1940 census, when lathe. This machin- "obsolete" or-"surplus" simply be-' tions given on pattern Z9112, 15 American families when they saw great volumes were moving toward ance speech. But he indicated he tho figures areout, is expected to ist is turning the cause it is 16 years old. • cents. 1 General cutoj(it instructions 310.000_of jheir sons, brothers, and the French channel ports. Germany will-advocate no change in ~the_curr. show a^ still higher figure. outside of the bar- Nobody has shown this more accompany this pattern;^Send"or-~ "fathers march off—to—tho largest closed all travel and communica- rent farm program. Privately agriculture department rel. Another crew -clearly, and honestly than-Major der to:, '*-' — • •. peacetimo maneuvers in American tion routes between occupied and un- officials-admit that "they are just' docs the boring and Eliot. I don't know his qualifica- history. occupied France. Efforts of Senator Wheeler CD., tions as a naval expert, but apply- Montr) to learn the Republican can- about licked, and have almost aban- rifling. AUNT MARTHA Worried about the turn of events ing well known published naval From • coast to coast, border to didate's views on the conscription doned tholr drive to reduce ten- Box 166-W Kansas City, Mo. hi the Far East, England offered standards and opinions as to the border, U. S._army regulars, Nation- measures failed. WilUcie said the antry. "" . • "S ' Enclose IS cents for each, pattern snlf-riiln tn India after the war if • proper ratio of destroyers' to battle- al Guardsmen and organized re- President could have his opinion There are three'reasons for the desired. Pattern No. that country would now aid the) Brit- ships, Major Eliot showed that prac- serves were mobilized for a 2t-dny anytime he askod.for it. Otherwise increase in tenant-farming: - Name ....7...... training period that swung them In ish cause. tically none of these destroyers is they also will first appear in the 1. Increased mechanization. Best Address .'."...' divisions, corps and armicslnto sim- England, with a new army cbm- acceptance speech. index of this is the mounting sale surplus or can be taken without ulated battlo conditions in a war mandcr-in-chief, Sir Alan Brooke- stripping our own navy. They are Democratic candidate' for vice of tractors Technological unem- game around "the Canadian border. changed its mode of defense. Boast- ployment, which long ago hit the no more "surplus" than "obsolete." ing an army of 4,000,000 well-trained president, Farm Secretary Henry A. .factory, has now come to the farm. Just as a sidelight, most of them Harsh Words Congress men, it swung back to the old theory Wallace, changed his mind about are armed with four-inch and three- 2. Reduced acreage. To prevent A wound inflicted, by arrows Meanwhile—President. -Roosevelt • that thp best-defense is an offense. staying in pfllcq during tho cam- Jnch guns, as. well as with anti- Therefore road obstructions-laid- to paign. ~ He said"he-wlll-«esign-when p£cssinK__ surpluses', AAA lieals,-a-wood-cut-down-by an-axe qent a message asking congress for rcontractswithf armors-toplantlessr _aircr.aft_guns Except—for" World authority to call the faatioriaFGuard delay movement of j\n enemy-if-he -ho-aooepts'thernbminatiorn~Hcra]sff grpws, but harsh words are hate- jThis means fewer tenants are. neqd- war-75-mm.—^rtiUery-(about-three— -into—train ing—for—a—year—and—ga ver nrriwri wwn ring irp—fo pprgl't. *"n. had a little trouble with, a "boonlv inch), cannon of higher caliber-and_ ful—a wound inHict'ed"by theni his endorsement, to the movement British army to get at him faster, erang" Csee cutjr ed=to-plant,—tend-and._har_vest_the. does-not-heal.—Arrows of dif crops. Meantime, the rested land l-anti-aireraf fc- guns arc™wh"at we do ent sorts can be1 extracted from for.peacetime conscription. After a if ho did. ..' Above: Checking 'hot have, what we most need and favorable committee report the BRITAIN'S PROBLEM: next year gives higher yield, neces- the body, but a word-dart cannot : sitates further reduction of.acre- the bore of a l&inch what we have the least prospect of senate readily granted ffio National Bombings -getting quickly. be drawn out, for it is seated in England bombed Germany and Naval Losses age. rifle for material de- the heart.—Mahabbarata. - Guard authority (71-7) and sent this In Mr. .JKnudsen's last progress measure to the house. Germany bombed England. Both German claims to heavy destruc 3. In spite of AAA efforts, how- fects. Left: Unusual tion of British shipping show basis1 report as published, "bottle-neck"r Seriate. military committee ap- sides claimed heavy damage to the ever, tommts and sharecroppors-are view of the inside of for alarm. Britain started war with items of procurement were dis- proved the' modified Burke-Wads- other. Germany—claimed the port not getting proportional benefits of a 16-inch naval-gun- 183 destroyers. They admit 29 are cussed as -well as those in which worth conscription bill,. but there of Dover, England, a shambles. AAA payments. The money goes to barrel. The Inechan- WEARY DESPONDENT England claimed the port of Ham- sunk and more are laid up for re- there were ncrbottle-necks. But he. were predictions the weeks of com- tho landlords, many of whom are a Crying spalls, Irrltabls burg, Germany, "pulverized." Both pairs. Less than 100 are believed ics at the far end are didn't mention cannon. He proba- nerves due to functional mittee debate are only the prelude insurance companies and absentee 1 in operation. Nazis say British loss taking measurements bly didn't mention them because the GIRLS "monthly ' pain should find of what is ahead on the senate and sides denied they were hurt much. owners. AAA officials, headed by a real "woman's Iriond" in Lydl» E. Pink- in merchant ships Is larger than in < -with a star gauge. trouble there isn't just a bottle-neck. house floor. Bill now confines regis- Virtually all British raids on Ger- Cully Cobb, have insisted they can't barn's Vegetable Compound. Try ill many and German-held- territory tho World war, in excess of 5,000,000 make an issue of this or they will The finest precision is It's a needle's eye and a flock of tration to men between ages of 21 camels/ <* © have, been night calls, when-safety tons. loso landlords' compliance. _called for here. COMPOUND to 31. Former War Secretary Major Eliot is very frank and-very Woodring opposes tho measure and1 -Is—greatest for the fliers. On the" other hand, Germanahave paid day- Ships for Sale , accurate in calling tho shipment of urges lowering army enlistment pe- Economists in the department are ' destroyers* an "act of war." It is Cheerfulness Wears" rioiTbTone"year.an.d raising pay, in light "calls on England. This has Condition may- have reaction in led to the opinlon^the Nazi fliers now making a drive for security for war itself. But it is vicarious watv- Cheerfulness is also an excel- order to attract volunteers. —_ U. S. The United Statos has 238 tenants. This represents a radical undorcover war. The kind of war lent wearing quality. It has been were more interested in observation destroyers, twice as many as any -House—leaders—devoted—hours_o£ •(jhdh"destruction.—But several east- shift of direction. For until recent-^ we have always condemned and called the bright weather of the struggle to excess profits taxos and other lw6~hlvviesT~CoTnmitteVto D6^ ly, the drive was to convert tenants" pledged ourselves not to wage.- Tho heart.—Samuel Smiles? 'em and southern English ports vir- fend America by Aiding Allies is defense orders, combination of tually have ceased to be open for to ownejs, with government aid. Looking like gigantic base- weakness of this position seems to me" which promises to bo tightest bottle- agitating for sale of GO "over-age commerce. • .- 1 Instead, realizing that many ten- ball bats, big naval rifles are- to be this: Our policy always has neck. Present plan is to permit and unused destroyers'' to British. been not to be aggressors In any Thosb favoring sale argue it would ants arc incapable of owning and being stored in the gun park at cost of plant" expansions to be de- operating a farm, AAA planners are war.- Wo fight, only when wo are ducted from taxable earnings~over- In Africa ^__^_n____ be better to put sljips to practical the Washington navy yard attacked or threatened. There Are Two Way* MoanwHle~KtussoImFbegan-war-~ use than to allQw them to rust not trying to~ decrease the number flve-year period, at rate of 20 per of tenants but to. increase their in- after leaving the shops where cent each year. Manufacturers .like gestures in Africa. Italian in U. S. navy yards. they were precision-machined. These war minded' men are_put to Get at Constipation troops said to number 250,000 moved come and security. It is pointed out in the position of having to say, and want to not enough from defenso Agitation was brought Into the that tenantry in England is mbch for necessary new fa- from Italian possessions on Egypt they do say, that wo arc so -threat- open when Gen. John J, Pershlng, higher than in thp United Statos ened now—to the'death. If that is Yes, and only two ways-l>e/ora nnd British- Somallland. London- 1 and after it fcappensMnBteftie ditties, definitely; do-not want to risk newspapers warned thelirreaders to commander .of the A. E. I '., spoito (80 .per _ccnt~againsr-42)' but that paying-taxes on worthless property, In favor of tho sale. Ho said it ^ Mfnrl,-hmul. expect " some' " Italian successes. the English farm tenants-have a war—even to this blind-pig, bootleg achy days and then having to as many had to do after 1919. XL,S. Duco's goal is believed to be Suez might bo the . last act America degree of protection unknown here. war. _If_i^ is true, then wo ought it) might TJO able to.make "shotif!tof .takoanemergencycathartlc-why Chamber of Commerce said: "Prob- and thp goto to India.' ' Ijlrst step in this direction is to go to war tomorrow—with;_ .every- not KEEP regular with KeUogg's —abilities of loss oro so Tsreat—^-,-^- war," and said by sending help to formalize and legalize tho relation thing wo have. In a fight to iT" AH-Bran? You can, Jf-youtasu- - many business; men would .rather INDIGNATION: \ ^ tho British wo '.'still can hope=wlth between farmerli "and*^ tenant by Jcnockout you can't "hit soft."'. stlpatlon Is the kind millions havo not undertake such business." " confidence to kobp the.wjir_on the 1 Japan So, Sorry- bringing- in_a_simplo, Jan if orm lease- ~ •""," .«.• «'" • -••'-•---• •--- ^rdueZto-laciruf-'-Tiuili'- -in \iia Also in Washington: , "^ other slde_0Olie,Atlantic ocean." to' bind the relation between them. —}llet,JPpr_AU-Bran goes right to _ Arrest of nine-British trade~load-_ " LINDBERGH ANDPERSHI^G—^ , C List of ceHtfacts -GolrrCharleg-AFrLlndbergh, ln~a Over 80 per cent of all_ tenants , You can get-a—sampler-taste of —the _c«!Me!of this. troublellte ers J55d~jbnrnallsts~ln~ Japan—was supplying the "bulk" you need. g pur- =ep«ech to the untl-wa-r-Kpally-at-Chi- and sharecroppers-have only ver~ what "can happen—here" from the -Iarg6-number-of_trawlora_to_ designa^ed~by__Tokyo as breaking g^^ ti^hft Eat- thUftoaated,~' natrltloqs bal-agreomenti-udth-thelrlundlords." tlebntojn the senate blasting-Charles- —cereal repularii/-wlth milk or lay submarine nets inprlncipal^rS. up-crf-att-eifplonago^pToiri^ipponeso ~Amerioa"iriay havo to deal with a reported "suicide" of one journalist ' Conferences, injho agriculture de- Lindbergh's speech. ""' cream,-or baked Jnto_nuifftnfcr harbors. . Europe-dominated • by Germany," partment nro preparing for such a Throe Now—JD<^il—senators, than drink plenty of water, and see If «(,- Alien registration to Include soon after his arrest. They saline and. advocated "non-interference by unfortunately leaped from a window. drive. Preliminary material has whom - there are none whlcher, your )ire-Isn't a whole lot bright- 3,600,000 will begin August 27. America with affairs in Europe." been drawn up,-under Economist er I Made by Kellogg's ln Battle England demanded .explanations danced around the torture stake: Assistant State Secretary Welles For these remarks the "lone eagle" Dover P. Trent. The country will Minton, Pepper and—with: deep Creek. If your condition Is chron- and London papers called for re ic, It U wise to consult a physician. . holds action by duress comes within was branded as "the chief of the soon hear about the "flexible farm blushes for.my own home state of tho act of Havana, tallation. .Four Britishers eventually flflh column in this country," by were released but London was leas«ji." Oklahoma—that, ineffable ex-teacher ifl. Tho house passed and sent to tho Senator Pepper of Florida. This -'• Approximately a million tenant, of elocution and Desarte, Josh Lee. senate^a bill to permit wire-tapping aroused by now and tho. arrest of statement resulted m some bitter an undisclosed number of Japanese families (5,000,080 persoris) move _ in investigations of espionagCjjmb- debate' on tho floor of the senate.. These gentlemen offered to dls- ln~ England,—and-elBowheroln-tho.. every year. . Benefit . payments, enibowel Lindbergh for saying that Busy Hangman otago and treason. British ompiro, put a further strain poured out by tho billions, never if we are going to do business at If lying were* a capital crime, on Anglo-Japaneso_ relations. MISCELLANY •"•' touch them. They are the birf un^ all after this war is over, we will hangman would have to work over-r Ambassador Namoru Shigemitsu solved problem of the New Deal's have to -do-it-with both victor and time. Disappointment agricultural reform. . NAMES lodged a "strong protest" with Vis- The duke and duchoss of Windsor vanquished, even if tho victor is Ger- count Halifax, Britain's foreign sec- • *. > many, that we shall have to recon- in the news frustrated the hopes of many ex- winnMiiiiiraHiiiDtEinniBiiiiiiiiMniiii.iniiiiiiiiijiiwiiii^ retary, against arrest in London of pectant dowagers when they decid- MERftY-GO^ROUND cllo ourselves to this idea and that representatives of two great Japa- ed not to como to America, on Rcpr~"J6o Martin, new G. O. P. it would be wise to try to intercede New York World's Fair C, Running for re-election to tho nese banking and commercial routo to tho former Icing's new.job, national chairman, has added to his to stop this war bofor.e. it destroys U. S. 'senate, in' tho Democratic houses. He was said to havo re- governor general of tho Bahamas. stuff Davo. Ingalls, campaign man- any more of civilization. 3 DAY ALL-EXPENSE TOUR and Republican primaries, Senator quested their immediate release. His royal highness changed plans, ager of Son. Bob Taft. ' • Somo journals imply that Llnd- Hiram Johnson of California ticurd There was no official comment, but decided to disembark nt Bermuda. The famed Indiana Two Per Cent • The • business end of an' army A 16-inchcr at Fort Tilden, bergh's"spoech had been ghost-writ- JMCtUDESi •~u^^ _ himself labeled by President Roose- unofficially it was said tho arrest of There havo been rumors, howover, club is virtually broke nnd pructicnl- ten by Nazis nnd contrasted it with " 1. T*ro daya' adirdraion lo Fair. "". velt as "no longor a liberal and cer- 16-inchcr at Fort Tilden, Rocka- Rockaway, Queens, N. V., hurl- the Brltulns in Japan and of tho that his Pennsylvanla-bovn, Balti- ly defunct. Harshest blow was tho way, Queens, New York. 16-inch' ing a shell for miles at some theo- General Pershing's urging that we t. JlunHro tlokol (you lelect Piny) tainly not-a-Pi'ogressive .Democrat." Japanese in Britain was "pure co- more-bred wife soon may . visit new Hatch act. This is costing tho send part of .our navy—50 destroy-, or edmlnlon to Radio City C J. E. McOilrL former comptroller incidence." Tokyo said the British Amorlca for a plastic operation, de- club hundreds of "dues" paying ers play an important part iti retical enemy. Note tho "mush- ers—Int6 this war by the subterfuge MuiloHall. ' i.^lghisetolng Bus Tour, or Taohi . general, died i In Washington. action was retaliation. tails unannounced. members. our coast defenso. room" effect of the explosion. of "selling" them. • C. Lord Beaverbrook, Canadian-born Cruise around Mnnlmllnn lilnnd. When reserve army officers of tho I disagree with part of what Lind- 4. Conducted lour, oi Radlp Clrr. IiOndon publisher, was added_io_ medical corps were called to Car- bergh said, but tho maiTwho denies B. 8 nights' lodolno at Slralioid . G. O. V. TROUBLES , his right to say it as bclng"urf- "England's, inner war cabinet and is Halo burracks, Pennsylvania, for ' Tho campaign orgunizlng difficul- Arms Hotel. -V expected toon to replace Alfred Duif Nation Alert training, tho major course was trop- Amarican convicts himself .thereby e. Dinnar and 2 bmaklmlj la hotel. ties of tho fnctlon-scarred Demo- ». 1 Cooper as minister of Information. . • G-Men havo Increased their force, ical and semi-tropical diseases. cruts havo boon widely advertised. of an un-American state of mind out- C. Neville Chamberlain, Britain's due to many complaints about ospl- A death sentence was voted by a Hltlerlng Hitler. : premier and advocate of nppense- Little has been said about it But Black Jack at 80 is still one of The Ksw York World'a pair I> leu onago, Chief G-Mun J. Edgar Hoo- French court for tho rebel Gen. tii» Republicans^ nro_ having their than one-hall hour iron the hotel. •ment, underwent an operation and tho world's great soldiers, but he ver told governors and their repre- Charles do Gallc, who lied tof"Eng- troubles too. may retlro from the cabinet. sentatives, called togethorby Pres-,. land when the armistice was signed knows as little naval strategy as I. World'* FalrSpeclal Overnight Rate Heal reason for "that gathering of C. Harrlqfcjpniot, consumers'' mpm- idont Roosevelt to form a common and has since organized ^French George Eliot unconsciously •"obso- $4.00—two panoni... lodging, braakdut, '7 party chiefs at Colorado Springs last caf-ilanige.j.Wrlt* lor complete rate _.ber. of the National Defense com- fa-tint against Fifth {Jolumnlsla.. Prior fojxes for.further reactance, Still leted" his text at the moment of Its ichedule and IHuilrol.d l.ofl.t B. week was to• qlQar-away a-.batch mission, revealed" that body Would to, 1988 the FBI investigated 33 oases' to hear, their fate tiro Former Pro- of inside snagsj which havo-caused utterance. However,-Ai! may -lal,er stagger buying ton the army and a year. In 193B the number rose to mlers Edouard Dnladler and Leon be dragooned by the apostate Knox. thaRs 11, qau.chine,jifte STRATFORD ARMS navy to prevent UIJ^UO pressuTo~On" 250 nnd last'year to l,«Bi. So Tar Hlum and MarSKHr Maurice .Ghme- "tTTiaWeTi~tg~lmoW7that; the ,imvy- "consumer and consequent price this year 16,035 Investigations have than a month of.activity, to bo less lln. Do Galle and Blum still are doesn't agree with General Pershing. Near Broadway •' N«w York City raises. been made. , ' not in French bands. than one-third organized. Phosphorus exploding during'a demonstration at Edgewood, Ma.


HOUSEHOLD nn QUESTIONS n r h eByH. CWIR E d WNU SERVICE © D; APPLETON-CENTURY CO. A reader suggests putting a lit- CHAPTEft XVII—Continued. It was a moment before she be- boots into the holes hers had leit, one shoulder, "What orders did Hol- KothWyeth Spears tle blue or green vegetable color- —10— gan again: "I must talk to you, squatted down and felt in the dark lister give you for today?" ing in the goldfish bowl to givo water. "I'm to stick right here," the boy Gandy swung up onto his palo- Walt. You're right Only, I^don't H STITCHES ititches into tufts; then the cur-the water a more realistic touch mino and followed, at first lifting know how. I've been putting it off, Only a press of cold ooze touched said, grave-faced. He was wearing THE HAEDEST THING IN GOLF CANDLEWKK tains were stretched into sfyape to of the deep. his fingers. The shelving bottom was his big "forty-five. "With_Helen," EDLE AND 4 4 hoping ... I don't know what for." dry but were not ironed. All this • • - • • the horse into on incautious run- "What is the hardest part of STRAND ning walk. Bent Lavic was deaf; Her eyes pierced through the dark shallow. Bat cattle wading here had he finished/ golf?" asks one of the scrambling about curtains has given Gram When frying don't put in th« he could crowd close to the man, to his. churned a soft pit, and suddenly "Where's Lavic?" devotees. "Is it the most wonderful idea for some- article to be fried until the fat is and yet those gray eyes were sharp He laughed softly, uneasily. "Go Walt Gandy knew .that the girl had "Dunno. Haven't seen him." wooden club play or thing fdrTTbride's-kitchen shower used Willow. Spring to hide a secret; still and' a faint smoke is seen ris- as an owlrs. He pulled down. ahead. I can lake it; I guess—all Helen was not in sight when Gan- iron play or putt- that is coming off soon. It is pret- could almost say what she had hid- ing from" the pan. Beyond timber and out upon the but one thing." dy tramped into the kitchen to grab ing? Is it getting ty clever, we think. Watch for den. a fa.st breakfast. -The gallon gran- . * • • bench the trail forked, one west, one • "What is that?" she asked quick- good foot actionTir it, next week. Browned pears make delicious -soulX-andV^fiaJXLJwiLh.a_nia tch.he] d ly. ' "" •. ' ' . He rolled up his sleeves, stretched ite-ware coffee pot was simmering ;etting good body * * * both-arms-fai—out-and-thrust-them (-on-the- baclc-ot-Ui&it5Se_-He-.pourcd_ garnishes for veal or pork chops. low Gandy found fresh tracks hold- "Never" rnifrdT"~He~"e"Vffded: uction?——Does—it- -NOTE:—-Many_other_old-time. "AUowilhalf- a~pear—to-a-portionr- ing to thcir_sm!thward course. ' • Out .of_the silence, Helen asked, down. It took many minutes' ex- a mug full, drank it while eggs and come from getting stitches have modern uses. Sew- ploring in the slime until his hands a round of ham were frying, then Dip each pear into flour and brown In an hour it was certain they "Will you do something for me?" the right use . of ing Book 2 contains directions for it in a little fat in a frying pan. were leading to Willow Spring. He He turned -his head to her. struck something hard, and straight- with those cooKea, poured more cof- hands and wrists? 42 of these stitches with sugges- ening, hc^tuggpd- upward, drawing fee, got biscuits hot from the oven Sprinkle with salt, pepper and moved at last along the dark hollow "What?" It was a wary question, There are so many ions fortheir useJnyour home,_To cinnamon. of the hill cove,.came to a familiar regardless of what he had just felt. out at ]ast~a~mud-coated rifle. and ate standing at a window over- tough sections to a get a copy send order to: \X7.HBN_weJast.heard of Marty • * * shallow -ravine sloplng~1"Eeirtly~up- "Do as I asked you to_do the oth- There-was little need to clean looking the ranch yard. ---» [olf swing that I * * and. Bill the' curved bottom Cold air. drops and hot rises. ward. Horn he . dismounted as on er day—leave this country. Go now, the gun. He hunched-down again, Impatience goaded him, but it thoughtthere might MRS.' RUTHWyETjrSPEAttS shelf of that old HuHet had not The, compartment of the refrigera- that first day and left the palomino. tonight; head oil south where you working with slow deliberation on was a safe bet that this moal would be some starting Grantland . Drawer 10 cameJrom." an unwanted job. be his last for many hours. He point" been used." Well, Bill made it into Bedford Mill - New York tor under the ice chamber is, The ravine topped out a good hun- Rice 1 "Sure!" he said. "Fine!" And Gandy laid the rifle down. Hol- filled up. The hardest thing cornice .board for,the bathroom; Enclose. 10 cents for each book therefore, always the coldest part dred-yards above the black-looking Helen came into the kitchen be- window, and painted it blue. Then ^the refrigerator." willow clump. Nothing showed have the sheriff of Emigrant County lister's. Carried those years they in golf is the ability to keep on con- ordered. - "-- .... had been on border duty together.- fore ho had .Quite finished He centrating along right lines. This is Marty went into action on curtains i down- there to indicate life, either on my trail for a year or so!" -Name .•Mv^.*«.. *^...»«.»*.«. Used up here to shoot a man in the promptly stacked'his plate and cup where most of the- stars crack up. to h Iron rust may be removed from animal or human. And thph as Gan- She shook her head. "No. Bat- Address white material with, sour milkv tle won't trairyou.' I can promise back. He sat staring into the black on the sinkboard and turned to the on certain days. Also, it is where Grandmother is an expert at do-. outer door, wanting" no talk with the average golfer, finds'...a big part guide-sign, a gray shape movcd_aj i-night; —felt.-alL_at—once..,.oJd^^SY'Ji!. ing old-fashioned candle wicking, "You can!" ' . - ' ' knowing too much. But it was more any one;~not'~eyen' Ttrnr-girlr—- It was of his- trouble, . so. toget!ier...tliejL.riia'daJ.he_tuited little, near the edge of trees and past time fof~ahyjm6re. words. there came the restless thud of a "Yes." than the shooting that put this For example, we might start .with curtains illustrated. They used Walt Gnndy looked down at this weight in his feeling against Bill But she called quickly; and what putting. No great Intelligence is re- plain white muslin marked off di- hoof. He had locatpd the gray nag. 1 she said jerked him around. —Whcn_he_woa: within five -paces ot- puzillng gitl. "Helen,' be jiskcd, Hollister. . HolHster must have quired to know that putting carries agonally jn three-inch squares. "why—do—you—want—mp-: ^"Walt! Did Lavic find you?'V;-- three manT'arigles: '"""• TRey found the blue, they'wanted thc nag, the gray head lifted, turned, l _"Bccnuso," she answered, "I'm Hi! moved—'a—step—noarex,—and_| rfot_the-_tpltirig in a soft string hung for a moment suspended in would have given everything he pos- air. -Then it dropped-wearily-wiuV afraid of you." , • _ .' , green. , ' ' type of cotton yarn. The slcelcF "Afraid?" . , ' • ' sessed to tell this girl that she n,eed 2. To pick, out tho right line to tells you the rest'. The dipping is out sound. Gandy took.a free breath worry no more, that it was all close and entered the corridon "Yes. You know too much. You the cup. what really, turned the clipped know about the inquest bullet,, and to- ah end. , 3. To stroke the ball smoothly. Now he could see nothing. Trees me, and you're gathering facts all "Lavic?" he asked. "Looking for roofed lo\y overhead, and the~tight •Whathappens? On entirely too the time and putting them together. me? What did hewant?" thicket of their trunks made walls many occasions tho golfer is still Walt, you mustn't! Listen. If "you "I don't know.' The poor fellow spaced' no farther, apart than the guessing about the speed of the knew Bill Hollister was clear of all was worked up over something and width of a steer. He-reached appoint, green and the right line in the mid- Jlsk Me trouble; then you'd go, wouldn'tyou? was hunting every place for—you.- where the pool's reflection was dim- dle of his_Strokc."'. So here com.es a That's what you came up here for. pHave-you se.eh him at all since, last A General Quiz ly visible. The trick of squinting In jab or a stab or a lifted head. His I know. Well, he is. Bill is safe." night when Battle was here?" concentration is completely scram- the dark brought a sharper outline Impatient to be gone and know- _of tho water and Its surrounding ba- Walt Gandy denied it with a slow bled. All he has to do, in set or- movement of his head. 7 "No, he ing that every minute was' carry- der7-is~to decide oh' grcen^speed, Bin. And then the Surface broke. ing Hollister closer to an enemy The Questions Ripples formed and widened across lsn!t._._ I'm not convinced that Hol- line and then smooth stroking. I lister is Yuilty here, but Ed Battle camp, still Gandy waited, feeling mean to make a definite decision 1. Who wrote the poem in which the faint gray disc. At once there an 'unexplainablo portent in what HOT- came a sucking sound as of a boot |-wiH do his best to hang it all onto in each case. Ee.w_do, appear the words: "Stone walls hlm'.'>Bn"ltle"has three bullets now. the girl was saying. do not.a prison make"? pulled from soft' mud. In less than "No," he answered, his words Advance Considerations "two minutes after that Walt Gandy If he has Bill's rifle . . ." 2. Do the_Eskimos-have a word "He,hasn't." hurried. "I haven't seen him. Why, You can also take tho start from for any number beyond twenty? WEATHER knew someone was coming stealth- The girl spoke so surely that Gan- Helen? What is it?" tho first tee. Tho average _gplfer 3. When a military—man speaks ily along the black corridor of troe^ ' Again_sho said, "I don't know. 1 trunks. — dy-stared -into her face a moment must understand there are just a of logistics, he refers to what? before demanding, "How do you Bent wouldn't-talk to me. Only ... ." few details to be considered in ad- He had no time to move aside, "" 4. Which President of the United TREAT! know?" "~ With an unexpected movement she vance: but stood hands down, one lifting States lived to be j)0 years of age? She looked ' away. "He hasn't. came across to him. At arm's length 1. To get a comfortable stance on the butt of his thirty-elghtr Then 5. Wh.ich.lof the^following Rave That's all I can tell you.'" she stopped. "Only, Walt, Bent where the feet are not planted and the highest^diplomatic rank—con- a better plan came, and he waited, Gandy stood silent, watching her Lavic knows something! I almost the body isn't locked in advance. as rooted as tho willows themselves, suls, ambassadors, or ministers? with an ache in his-arms.' bid sho think he knows exactly what has 2. To be sure he starts his back- Q. A long ton is equal to how until human closeness could almost think that he stilLhad only one pur- -happened here, and I've tried to swing smoothly with a natural body "be felt . many pounds? pose in being here? How could she make him tell. It's_no__sccret that turn. 7. What are bats classed as -As the dim blob of a face emerged not-knowl ... he is terribly bitter and hates dad, jLlThat he must finish his back- MADI from the pitch dnrkThis arms"shot birds,—flying_ mammals,.. _or__ro- 'Helen!" he said. "You're not maybe Hollister, toa~And~last~HIgKf swing and not hurry his downswing. dents? KILLOGG'SIN butrcTpsed.""Instantly he would have blind I-I; carne here to help Bill Hol- The girl spoko so surely that . . ." Her volce~trallod oS 4. That he ko'ens his head in place. eased them for thoy were locked 8. Where in the United States •ATTU CMlk |-lisler,-but-that4sn!i-all.o£-mytreason — Gandy_.stnred_lnto hcrjfojie_a_ "Last night." Gandy put in, "you WAtch^the_Blantcd_fcet.--tiie_atifr... are-the-Badlands?- "around the body of a girl,—She- for staying. Why can't you talk to moment before demanding, thought Lavic was going to talk to fened legs, the hurried backswing, went all at once limp, unstruggling, 9. Whioh of the following is me-7—You-know the truth! I'm going "How do you me here in the kitchen, so you hung qnd the uplifted dome of thought, poor' conductor of electricity—s.il- with onlya single short outcry, and to see this thing through, ~and~when around until he went outl I saw sometimes known as tho head Gandy knew it was Helen Cameron known how desperately the girl was verv mercury, or copper? that . . ,.". _•_ ... • that play, Helen. Why?" The best mental attitude in coif is Our Faults •-' -. Valuable Book hugged theFo~hard against him— trying to shield him. Did he even 10. Which of the Great Lakes is That is a good book which is It was not plain to Walt Gandy "Because I didn't want him to! to feel you are a bit lazy—that you the smallest, Lake Ontario, Lake Other men's faults are before He spoke her name. But tho un- himsclf-why he broke off. '- know Helen had promised to marry He has nothing to tell you. Noth OUr eyes;—our own behind our opened with -expectation - and Stoddard? • . _ are in no hurry to finish your back—! •Huron, or Lake Erie? nerving jar of his lunge reacted in Her eyes had dropped _qulckly ing! He hasn't seemed to mind hav- swing nor to start your downswing. backs.—Seneca, *•" closed with profit.—Alcott. It was plain what shchad^done. violent trembling after the momen- from his, and she, stood with head ing you here, and I Saw how he The best mental attitude is to keep No deputy sheriff had taken this ri- The Answers tary shock, and swiftly_putting one bowed. He put out a hand to her, looked at you last night when-Bat- your mind on the swing and on the fle from the^C Cj^anch house. Helen hand under her knees, he lifted the but sho avoided it and suddenly lift- tle was talking;—Butrhe-has nothing ball—without thinking ahead. {FLAVOR. STAYSINJ (EASY TO«JSE,-(DO.ONJ girl and turned to carry her out ed one of her own to her cheek. herself had, then pretended it had ,-that-you-should know!" 1. Richard—Lovelace ("To Al- (WHEN WU SEAL ) (AND OFF IN A OlfFV! ] upon the open hill slope. been stolen. —Walt-*knew now that — "I-know it already, Helen." They It is. better to try to keep your thea from Prison"). (WITHPE-KOEP6E) > PRICED RIGHT I "Helenl "he begged. mind onThe bairthan your eye on 2. NoT^Their word twenty actu- IARftlN6*fc At the willow edge she stiffened Her heud jerked up. Then with a She was hiding it hero the first day were' close, staring at each other. PRESERVE suddenly in his arms. "Don't stop they mot, and had come back to- "You can't go on with what you're the ball. Tho action of the eye fol- ally means "a-man-counted-to-the- queer, short laugh she told him, lows the direction of the mind. You here! Walt! Get away from the night to make certain the law had doing," Gandy said. "You- aren't end." "Walt, you|re fine. But it's no use. can't keep your' eye on the ball while -spring!". The other afternoon I said I was not discovered—her secret. All to hiding anything from me; I fmihd 3. Logistics refers to transpor -THE .shield Hollister! Only a-girl would -BilMHollister's rifle there at Willow thinking orebcyond of traps,-bunk- and supply. • - Within Gandy himself a dull bit- working out tho C C troubles^Jn_my_ ers, rough, ponds and out-of-bounds. terness was rising. Helen had come own way. Thavo. There's going to go_to^such scheming. The gun would Spring." •4. J.phn Adams. • \ here1 to meet someone. Ho could sec be no range war, and no more kill- never have beerrfiiand~in this pool, ^ho recoiled as if ho had struck Correct Foot Action 5. Ambassadors. FLAVOR nothing else in.this-secret nighi-ride.-|-ing. Tho only thing is, you'd better with cattle tramping it deeper until her, one hand against "her cheek. 6. A long ton is 2,240 pounds. it rusted away. The hardest physical action in golf 77~FIying mammals. -And-that_one_must beJJtoddnrd.. She go. Ploaso don't misunderstand me.- Quickly he added: "It'c all-right involves correct foot action. AS WELL AS THE had seen the 77 man yesterday, after" and don't "ask "me to 'explain ' any Gandy sat unmovlng for~a—long I put it baclcifl the mud. No one 8. -To. the- southeast -of -the -Black "I should say more golfers-have Hills/ in the western part of South more. A way to keep pence on the tlnie, trying to see what was ahead will ever know. Only you can't go trouble here than anywhere else," By the time ho reached the ra- Emigrant Bench was offered, and for him; saw only that he. would on shielding-Hollister forever. Girl Dakota. — Henry Plcard, P. G. A. champion 9. Mercury. -. vine bottom the dull bitterness had I've taken'it." stick and go through to the end. you've done your parti" He turned tells me. ^"Eve7rtew"7rf-the better FRUIT ^ grown close to a flood of anger. Once he had sworn that if Hollister from her, reaching for the door. "Do 10.-Lake—Ontario, 7,430 squar< Before the girl finished, Walt Gan- known, golfers are any, too able in miles; Huron, 23,010 square miles He set the girl on her feet and dy knew what she was going to say, had done the cold-blooded killing you know that Bill is headed for tho this derail. \ 77 right now?" and Erie, 9,940 square miles. released her, dropping the gray, and he stopd with tho life gone here, he'd quit. Not now. • Approved by Good Housekeeping In- nag's reins close to the-palomlno's. At. last he got up, took the"rlfle "Good foot action means your from him, heavy and cold, while "No!" , starting balance. It means trans- stitute and Household Searchlight. "For n moment, saying nothing, he Helen Cameron's voice sounded far and thrust it back into the mud. "I'm trailing him." inin the Upturned fn^c. ferring body weight from left to President Inviolable If your dealer cannot supply you, nff' "t nm ffoinK to marry Jeff Tho green-tinted mountain dawn "Nol" she cried again." "Let me right nnd iht>ri fmm ripht to left. -Was. in—his—fact;—by—the—time hi _; send 20j with your dealer's name Then before Gandy could launch Stoddard." "gal LeT~me handle this'.' WaTTGniv If- you havo, good foot action it his accusation, Helen Cameron reached the C C. dy, you stay_out..oOt!" Theoretically, the .President o. for a Trial Package of 48 genuine 1 means you aro balanced at the. top the United~States cannot be legal- TPe-Ko Jar Rings; sent prepaid; flared: "What do you think you're CHAPTER XVIII Ground mist was-rlsing,- Through Ho spun bnck and was suddenly of the swing to complete your down- —domg3=eei&iag=hcre--liko thls?-I told it ho. saw vnguo movement of fig- j:os:losc upon herer.. He stoood rigidig, llook- ly arrested for any act whatso swing. If your weight distribution "ever, even the commission.of.mur.- you once bptnro, Walt'Gnndy, that ures. Three.horses stood saddled at" ing into her desperaTeT " face. "Lc is out of ord'err tRe~"resuIti,. will be ALT GANDY stood alone in 1 der. His per^ojiJs_jnviolable_dur- everything you_do_Js_ialL..wrong! the corral post. Horaethief Fisher you go7. ho asked. "Go nnd .toll:.to nothing to chcer.-about. — PE-KO EDGE JAR RUBBERS Nowl_whjjt_do-you mean,: following the bottom of the dark ravine. ing his term.-.of office-and—he~is W came hurriedly from the__bjinl< StocMar Make more' promises, to "What will help, better foot ac-. •TfTeV~Wh;rt - did~you .ejepect to-find Helen had not wanted him to-rido-|jshack.i:At sight of him Gandy liftei d £!?~Tht'AV> TTI beyond the reach of; any' other de- back with her, and ho was.glnd thnf Snvn thp Hon?" Picard continued^ "To stand partment of the government,-** out, anyway?"7 his pony into a lbpp. to me.--~His^uroice was all at once upito-the-baU-muoh straighter-rthan 'Rockoriiirbr-Contcr, New York, N. Y. hls~bffo'r~ha~d' been refused."He liad Fisher was armed7. and—at the cept .through impeachment. If th They starcd-at-ench other through low' andjiurprisinglyimrer''You wil most-golfers do. ,To stand a little [-President were ' impeached, con- g nover-marry—Jeff ~Stodtlar.d7 Then-reason tolcT him that What [Evicted and ruiuoveti-Troiii o|TlcB~rnr said in a quiet,- even volee,~"l"I I ex- -faced, hand on his gun, unusually She stared-tip.-I^I-wm._...Yo.u_dori' feet closer together than most golf- rr tho girl had said, could never hap- would then be-subject to arrest"iF -'•' Bad Remedies- .:__.. ~ ~ Time for Good ~ —— .pected to find a traitor to the CC, jumpy. know—you have no reaecn to say ers do. What chance has the golfer : pen.—She-would-nover marry-Jeft • "Where the devil you been7"' ho anything else." .;• • ; a "private citizen. tThe Presiden There are some remedies worse That which is good to be.don*. Helen. And I.think I have. You to get his foot working' when h'e is might be arrested by mistake; " 1 than the disease. cannot be done too soon. were meeting- Stoddard, weren't Stoddard. No matter in what spirit wanted to know, as Gandy reined • "I haven't?" Tlien arms that had stooping over, when ho is. reaching you?" she had promised herself to tho 77 his Sunspot in close. been held-JflcJdly at his sides swopl for tho ball with his planted foot "I was meeting . . '. I',' owner, the thing was too ungodly. Walt cast a quick look over the the girl to him. Close to her lips wide apart? The words choked oft in a gasp. A Unless she loved him. Clinging to lot, swinging off beside the bronc ho said, "I've got the bost reason in glove.d hand flow to the girl's mouth. his own hope, Walt G.andy refused rider. "Never mind me," ho an- tho world!" And madly he klssqd Turning Made Easy Wide-eyed, sho stepped back from to believe that she did.- swered. "What's up?" ' her. . "Not a chance in tho world. Ho —he topped his league him. . .' .. In a little-while, lending the palo- "Declaration of war, boy!" Horse- wouldn't try to throw a basebal' "Ohll" she uttered. And tiien he mino, ho made his way back to tho thiof told him. "I'm ridin' in to get CHAPTER XIX from any such position... Ho is un- In pitching last year had. a display of tho Cameron torn- spring. Adroitly, he realized now, Bniloy and the bunch! Hollistcr's comfortable, , to start with. He ,per. "So that's what. you think! Helen had evaded answer why she orders!" Ho clamped down on tho XTOUNG Champion had fed the c doesn't give himself a chance. My CIGARETTE That's where you hold me in your had como horo tonight. He had to ntiwB with grim satisfaction. 1 palomino and shifted him into Make a point of standing up straight- \ mind—meeting the 77 out here!" know. Hollister's tall black was not dry saddle blanket. Freshened, tho er and not spreading your feet. HAS TO BE MILD. ', 'She spun around and would have •There came to mind tho faint among tho horses which stood sad- horse stood ready to go. This mokes it much easier to turn— CAMELS BURN fled, but his two hands gripped her sounds ho had heard while waiting, dled, nor in tho-corral. "Where's Gnndy enmo down to tho corrnlf to get your weight transference EXTRA MILDNESS shoulders, "Listen, Helenl Listen unaware of who was at tho pool; BUI now?" Gandy asked. . on a run. "Good," ho said working the right way. SLOWER AND GIVE to what I mean!" He turned her un- tho rippled surfaco and supking as "Rode" off before duybrenk," said "Thanks, boy." Mounted, he asked, "This applies especially to' chip ME EXTRA MILDNESS. til at arm's .length she was facing of boots drawn from mud. Tho girl Fisher, looking worried for tho mo- "Is thero a direct trail to tho 77,? shots and short pitches. On these EXTRA COOLNESS him n (in In. . had warned him away from the ment. "Told me *he wna going to "So-so," • Paul answered, "us far stand closer to the ball und keep I LIKE ALL THOSE "I didn't follow you.- I trailed'the spot, then hud given no sign that she try for a last talk'with Stoddard to as our Outpost Camp. That's th your feet much closer together. OTHER EXTRAS IN , gray nag and thought Lavic was rid- was afraid someono else might see if his herd mightn't bo turned limit of C C range and is ut tho south This will prevent sWping ovor and EXTRA FLAVOR ing. But now, it's you I found— come. bnck without gunflght. But I just end of the sink. Only a shunty. You tightening up. This also will give cmtisjoo what am I to think? Can't you tell Ho left his horse at the willow now saw that BiUjfs slxshooter ain't can't miss it if you keep angling.ir your hands and wrists a chnnco to me.' Helen? Can't you put me edge and groped on along the short hongln' thero ut the head of his that direction. ^No trail from thert work. , • In recent laboratory tests, CAMELS burped straight?" tree-trunk corridor. Warily he bunk. Boy, I'll bet it's more than on. All>ja>bt4an dcTls get up to tin 25.% slower than the average.of.thtlSjother talk no's gone after!" "If your feet and body are locked, Sho-moved a little closer to him struck a match, Tho disc of water rims sonffihow and travel Htr'uigh the hands and wrists will never have of the largest-selling brands tested—slower thon, still with his hands holding and its small basin leaped out of "He go alone?" west from\he Outpost. Walt?" Tht a chance to swing the clubhead. For than any of them. That means, on the average, I her shoulders, and the flaro of tem- tho dark; nothing more. Fisher nodded* boy hoaitatSd. example, locking the. left unkle.also a smoking plus equal t^> per was gone. In its place came a Lighting ono mutch from another ? "Good Lord!" Gandy burst out. • Gnndy lookod down from his sad locks tho left wrist.'. You just can' gentleness of surrender, not to him and holding the flame low, ho traced • "I,know," -Fisher agreed. "But die. "What is It?' finish your backswing. This will dc nor anything ho might-qsk.. but/to, Whore the girl had walked onco Bill slammed out of hero beforo any- "I've figured it out, maybe, '.who stroy rhythm of movement, destroy- what sho was going to say. around tho pool. Then she had back- ono figured .what he-was doing. As I shot at tho other' night. If it'll dc ing the accuracy of your swing. GET THE "EXTRAS" WITH SLOWKR-BURNMQ • ."No, Walt, Iiwns not meeting Jeff tracked. She-hud, stopped, as if for I said, I only-just now saw tys gun any good. Bent.Lavic" , "Anothor tough factor in :6oli,' Stoddard out Here, and I rode tho considerable time, her boots sinking was mlssin". Anyway I'm dustln' for "Not certain?" the Hershoy Hurricane continued, gray nag because my roan had al- town!" • ' . EXTRA SMOKES J In deep. He whnt Into his pockets Again-^ho boy hesitated, reluctant Mis keeping tho body working with - ready been in to Emlgrantnnd back. and brought out more matches, for Young Champion appeared from — :"Well," said Gandy, "suppose you th,e,'v.hands. "Tho body is the" more I ... ./•' Her vdice trailed off. the' now the mud showed.an imprint of around tho bunk ' house. Qandy keep it Under your . All right?' powerful. It Wants to get in thero PER PACK! word ending, urid yot hnnglng her hand. -| tossod over the palomino's reins, I .."Sure!1?1 Paul agreed.',. Then im and help get more distance. But nftelj upun the night-In Through a inlnuto niuiu )m utaod. ''food hlirii foul.- will-yuii? I'm rltl. ipulL't'.'uly-*"WI»ht I -'•"'lid, if"..'"1^ that filled Walt Gandy with dull imagining moves she have Ing npain ' In the act of moving on you!" But Gundy shrink his head. •mi wrists. r ••— frireboding. made here, and then. . 'VI' up-slopo t turned-'and asked over (TO UK CONTINUtiO) THE CIGARETTE OF COSTLIEJI TOBACCOS

'•::r;\. •:•••• Page Four THE SPRINGFIELD idayr-August-16, reporting construction valued at $1,394,036. Only In May was this Mountainside Activities What SUN Advocates ^Wages figure surpassed' when Elizabeth's second public "housing project was -i——_=r——— 1 "XJET THERE'BE LIGHT* included. Emphasis was on ijingle- GRACE GROFF WILL 1. Sidewalks wherever -needed. County Plants family dwellings and building in- Published every Friday at —" HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2. 5c bus fare to Union Center. spectors look to even greater activ- the I3roo"k«ia« Building. 8 Fl«mer Avenue, Sprlnltfleld,. N. J.. by •Qie MARRY FRED RUMPF MOUNTAINSIDE BPRINOFIICLJD BUN FUBLI8HINQ COMPANY, INCOBPORATED "Happy Birthday" _greetingp this 3. Extended local telephone ity in home-building this month. Telephone Mlllburn 0-1266 coining month from the SUN to the scope to Newark and Eliza- Index of Business Shows The fourteen • communities in- Entered u second clan matter at tbe Po»t OHloe. Springfield. N £n under MOUNTAINSIDE — Miss Grace - CALENDAR - an Act of March S. 1879. . following residents of MoiintainaTdeT beth. - Higher Average Pay- cluded in the Chamber's monthly,., rofl of Westfleld, daughter or Mrs. Aug. 16 (FrO—Youth Conference, 4. Federal Post Office buildings survey are Clark, Cranford, Eliza- BDITOH MIWON K.EBHBN JUlla Cordts of Whitehouse, and meeting, Union Chapel, 8 P. M. AUGUST: 5. Removal of dilapidated, build- "Htente-for July. beth, Garwood, Hillside, Kenilworfh, Subscription price—»2 per year In advande. Single copies, t cents. Frederick A. Rumpf, son of Coun- Aug. 26 (Mon.)—Mountainside Re- . 16—Bemhard Nolte Jr. . • •, ings which are sore-spots. ~ Linden, Mountainside, Rahway, Ro- Communications on any subject of locul Interest are welcomed. They must cilman and Mrs: Fred Rumpf of publican Club, meeting. Borough 18—Miss Mary Linden 6. An active "Board of Tradie Workers in sixty-eight of Eastern selle, Poselle Park; Springfield, Union be signed an evidence of good faith. Unsigned letters will not bo published. Union County's leading representa- Tho SUN reserves the right to print only those articles which It feels are worthy ipringfleld road, will be married' to- Hall, 8 P. M. 20—Frederick. SpitzhoS to stimulate "Try Spring- and' Westficld. _ • . of publication ' ,. Miss Lucille Pfelfler ' Held First" in purchasing. tive Industries earned an average All communications and contributions must be In our office not later man morrow In the Whltehouse Metho- Sept 5 (Thurs.)—Mountainside of $140.90 each during July, the noon on Thursday. Articles received later will not be published that week. Jt Is dist Church at 5 o'clock. .— Taxpayers - Association, meeOngT -=— 21—Miss Ethel Plttenger 7. Full-time position for the 22—Leslie Fritz Chamber of Commerce revealed this SEND IN YOUR NEWS Important that this rule be observed. "'' , The groom Is a7 graduate of the Borough Hall, 8 P. M. Township Clerk's office. week in its monthly index of busi- Mountainside"School and the West- Sept. 10 (Tues.)—Borough Council, Mrs. Charles Shomo 8. Encouraging clean industry, ness. This compares with an aver- fleld High School and Is affiliated meeting, Borough Hall. 8 P. M. 23—Miss Lottie Behlaw to increase tax ratables._.. age of $133.72 reported in June. udentlal Insurance Com- Sept. 12 (Thurs.)—Engine &; Hose Harry Behlaw 9. Municipal parking lot Blight decreases in employment pany. The bride has been employee!" Company,- meetingrflrehouse,-9 P-rJ/L 25—Matthew B. Walker 10. Extension of-mail delivery and payrolls compared wlth_the 27—Albert Bennlnger ~by" local R. T." D." routes,- to June-.figures.-Were__aitrlbutable_ to Incorporated 1857; townBh!p~form of government, settled early In 1700's. by the Telephone Company. WEDDING David Knoll all portions of the township. vacation periods and seasonal con- Springfield 1B essentially a township of homes, with little Industry except A reception will follow the cere- tractions in particular industries, for farming and nurseries. ' to third and after Barrett walked, Sharon Wlnn *l ralnutos from Now York City on~the Lackawanna R. R.: 7 mllon to Eliza- mony for the immediate members scored on a wild throw to second the Chamber claimed: Although beth, • 7 miles to Newark. Railroad stations at Mlllburn and Short Hills lens of the family at the home of the Donald Winn employment dropped 5 per cent to a Invitations than 1 mllo from Springfield, excellent bus connections to Nowark, Elizabeth, base on Barrett's successful steal. John Dwyer 60 genuine engraved announce- bride's'mother at Whitehouse. The Tigers came back with two total or 23,628, a longer • working Summit and Plalnueld. - 28—Edwin Leet Playground News month resulted hi only a fractional Ilahway Valley U. R. with freight station In township, affords service for runs in~the 'fifth and staged a last ments with envelopesto match factories,, commercial and Industrial purposes. TO ENTERTAIN COTJNCIL 29—John Frey decline in: payrolls. Total payroll Bfato Highway 29 In Sprlngfleld-malios New York-Clty-oonvanient—by auto Jnning_rally_whichj brought In the J 31—O. R. Evans The county playfleld on Flemer for the sixty-eight plants was $3,- In 30 minutes. * : MOUNTAINSIDE^The bori "' ' ig run,-but feU ~sh~ort~l>r~g6ing 329,335.28. : It has good streots, water, gau, electricity and modern_nanltary suwer sys- Rescue Squad will play hosts to the SEPTEMBER! avenue will* hold "Its lastr full five-- tem, excellent iSoltco, flre and school faollltles; and _|»_prptepted_ py Zoning ahead. Tbe Clovers were outhlt, 11 We have the largest and rlneit ^regulations, . '• , Sec6nd District, New Jersey State to 8, but Yarema fanned four Tiger 1—Charles Shomo, Jr. day program next week, as activities Larger 'and heavier manufacturers continued to maintain a high level Belectian oi genuine engtarad Site of :»COO.0OO Union County Regional High School, serving Springfield and First-Aid Council, on^October 14. batters, yielding three walks. Roger Doyle are scheduled to officially close five other oounty municipalities. A modern addltl«n to; tho Raymond Chlsholm 3—Miss Jean Hoag August 27. "Plans are being made of production in line with the na- wedding Invitation! and an- School, affording complete educational facilities In tho southern section, opened The. local units alternate^on holding © — ~C]5arles'Honecker ~*~ for an elaborate program at clos- tional defense program,, and indus- nouncements In town. . Ton can last September.. Mall carrier delivery sorvlce was recohtly Inaugurated on a rneetlngs, and Mountainside's turn BOttOUGH BREVITIES _ try in tho area reported healthy city service program. • \ — . — •• Susannah King ing day exercises. "'' ~iavo Irorn 25 to 50% BECAUSE is scheduled at that time. ; ..Police J3hlef and Mrs.'Charles E. activity in splte-of the~~generally _~£KSy Larson Five boys and four girls' repre- Honecker.and'thelr daugfife"r7~G«rx dull^ummer season. OUB PRICE INCLUDES THE COST OUT OF HIS ELEMENT ' 11—Miss Francis Doyle "III sented" Spftogfleld~atr"the" county HENRV 3. THOMAS _ trude, returned over the week-end ""Kellef "cosfe" ^ 12—Edwin Skidmore playground championships Wed- "The Lone Eagle" who won fame by his solo flight MOUNTAINSIDE-^Funeral serv- from Seaside Park where they spent clpalities reporting to tlie' Chamber prlcos lor at home cards, recojv ices for Henry J. Thomas, of Mana-i 13—Richard C. Qberdahn nesday at Warlnanco Park, Eliza- dropped~4.J8"percent to the lowest a week. Miss Barbara Arnold, of 1 tlon cards, Inionnals and vUltJng from the United States to Paris,_Col. Charles; A. Lind- tee, _ Fla., who died; Wednesday, 14—Miss Miriam. Fetzer— beth. David Beers finished third point of the year. Expenditures ^Elizabeth,' sister of Mrs. Honecker, 1 cards; •. ' ' August i. In the home of his-son- If^—James Hambacher in boys' ring tennis, for the total totaled $30,999.36,. compared with l" P.Vllpf ' See our complete dlaplay before in-law arid daughter, Mr. and~Mrs7 -7 Mlgq Tt.i\iyi Mnll of •.'t"i-A~j the-June- report-.of . $32,352..._.The latest radio broadcast on the foreign situation^ Some bfi=aitUf Leslie H. Thomas, of Springfield ecker has spent the last week of his delegation. Lorraine Peiper won p?p ; vacation at home. ~ : likewise. declined 13.44 per cent SPRINGFlEXD" of his critics have gone so far-as to call him "America's oad , were held Friday afternoon in Union Chapel the sectional paddle tennis cham- No. 1 Fifth Columnist," an appelation. which must 3ray's Funeral Home, Westfleld. .'. Mr. land Mrs, John Schweitzer of pionship at Scotch Plains Monday, continuing- the downward tfend of I'HONE MU.LBDBN 0-12B6 Summit road have returned frpm a Monntalnnldn, N. j. recent months. '. ' ' — . .' but. placed to place in the final 1 leave the Colonel even more bewildered than the kid- week's stay in Seaside Park. . RHV, ROLAND OBT, Pastor. The reduction in relief rolls and CLOVERS IN 4-4 Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. rounds. • costs was paralleled by a 19 per napping^and murder of his.young son. ~ County"3iiage Lloyd Thompson.of Morning worship,' 11 A. M. Others who participated included Springfield road has returned to his cent rise In WPA and a 12 per cent "~. It is-dimcult-to^ be charitable^^^u^as^vital as TIE ON WEDNESDAY Billy Detrlck, quoits; Herb Qulnton, increase in NYA employment. Pub- bench at the Courthouse hi Eliza- The monthly Plainfleld and vicl- foul shooting; JEd Logan, horseshoes, lic job placements Jell off •18. per CLASSIFIED ADS the one .Col. Lindbergh discussed in his broadcast.jTnd y. Yout^_Oonferencfi_will be, held MOUNTAINSIDE — The Moun- Beth'. He~has~beenivacationing-with and HamJ3ock._penknife, The^girjs cent at the state and 11 per cent "In Union-Chapel tonight at 8 o'clocC Rates: Minimum Price much as we disagree with the Colonel's point of view, tainside Clovers and Middlesex his family at Harpswell Center, Me." were Ann' Dotrick, quoitg; Doris atthe municipal employment serv- The Rev. Mr. Boughton, of Bridge- we dori*t believe the term "No. 1 Eifth Columnist" is Tigers battled to a 4-4 tie .in the Mr. and Mrs. Wlnfleld Rau of 17 Reeve jackstones; Charlotte Melzer, ices. Olaims for unemployment com- for insertion, 50 cents Recreation Commission Twilight Evergreen court ore the parents of ton will be the speaker. pensation went up almost-43 per for twenty-four words. quite fair,; To deserve such a harsh term, a.man must penknife, and Rita Kuffner, foul cent. • . — , Baseball League in Green Brook a daughter born on Monday In shooting. -b&-bey-ondla.doubt guilty of practical treason to hisPark, Plalnfleld, Wednesday night. Muhlenberg Hospital, Plainfleld. Private construction continued its Other rates on applica- At Stadium Yesterday upward^swing-wlth' building inspec- tion. — country, and we doubt that Lindbergh can be accused The locals put on their big rally —Miss Helen Edwards, of Oak ave- Forty-four boys went to the New- tors! in the fourteen municlpalites Owing to the great expense to the fourth Inning, getting all nue, is attending the Hebrew-Chris- ark Bears'-Rochester'game at Rup- of that.. Some of his ideas, or lack of ideas, may betheir runs as Doyle opened with a tian Bible Conference this week at involved in postage, stationery pert's • Stadium yesterday, as an- and billing of small charges, similar to those wjhich real fifth columnists hpld,_but single, and Wadas and Werle drew Stony brook, L. I. •-•—••- oth»_ "Knot Hole Day" was held. our customers ore asked to . we are inclined tc^believe that-that-is more HkeLyito be passes, filling the bases. Skrlpko Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ki Davis and Over 5,000 youngsters helped to fill pay cash on order. However, slashed a single through flrst and daughters, Joan and Sue, of Cen- the Newark ball park. - telephone .orders. will be ac- coincidence-rather than design.' ;econd to spore two ruijs and Werle tral avenue, are leaving' tomorrow Aug. 16 (Fri.)—Daughters of A girls' rope jumping contest was cepted from responsible par- —This is still a. free country and every man has aa'ter scored1 on PatreUa^s-fly to deep for a two weeks' motor tour through ties, but prompt remittance Is America, meeting, Quinzel Hall, 8 held yesterday with results as fol- center. Meanwhile Skripko advanced New York State. P. M. " requested, . , right to his opinions, but Lindbergh's opinions seem to lows: First, Ethel Howard; second, be based on immature reasoning that lacks moral sub- Aug. 18 (Sun.)—AJanual picnic- Kathryn Reddingtort, and third, Ann Tel. Millburn 6-1256^ outing, Doghouse Club of Spring- Detrick. The boys' event was won stance. Among his remarks over the air he said that GRANTLLENNOX TO AUTO, TRUCK CRASH field, Mountainside Grove, Central 1 by Bill Beers. the_war in Europe isnairimperialist war, with the have ENTER RENSSELEAR ON STATE HIGHWAY avenue,-Mountainside; 9:30 A. M. Winners in girls' basketball throw EUBBEB STAMPS nots fighting^he haves^and he indicated that-this count Aug. 19 (Mon.)—Battle Hill B & Friday -follow: "Kathryn ..Redding-, __Grant HrLennox, son of Mr. and Joseph Jala, of 505_Madjson L Association, meeting, 4 Flemer rtUBBHR STAMPS, In all BIIOB. SUN .try^houjd be prepared tdi deaT/wrfh~~a~vicToTimis\GBT^ Mrs. Arthur H. Lennox, of 178 Mor- ton, Phyllis Poetsche and Ethel oftloo, 8 Flomer Ave., or £hona Mllt- ; nue, Dunellen, _,was painfully Howard! In another divlslon7"Rita burn- 6-13B8-Ior-auiQknr8Qrvice, _,.,__,_. .;,„ many. "'"' ' :^—-—^—^z_-_;, "~:mnnz±szi: r _iUred^early Saturaay mornmg when J new students acceptedT>jrRens^ Kuffner,-Anna—Donato- and Doris the car he was driving crasrle"d~lnta" ROOM- FOR BJENT It is not so much what the Colonel said, as what he selaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, -Eeevfi flni.shed_ln that order. tho rear of a truck and' trailer on leftunsaid, that has revolted, a large part of the Ameri- N. Y., f6r~entrance^next;month, —The-boys- competed in sortball FURNISHBD ROOM for gontle- Route 29. Police reported that Jala, pitching, with Harold Searles finish- man. Call ovonlngs. 22 Saltor St., can public. The term "imperialist war" can mean al- Gxant graduated in June from the IF YOUR ROOF* iprlnRllold, N. J. Regional High School. He ^will driving west on the highway, fell ing on top, followed by Linia Colan- most anything. In the present instance, considering studjr, aeronautical engineerhig—at asleep, and pushed into the truck, tone and Billy Koonz. Is-Not STORMTITE FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET the fact Ihat the Nazis have invaded Czechoslovakia, Rensselaer. Rensselaer Polytechnic drjyen_by_Erank MartZi of i.26 Cen- Next week's schedule: Monday, ter street, Dupont, Pa., which was field' meet; Tuesday,—swashers CHlSHUli-Uti oloan single or Poland, Norway .Denmark, Holland-and-Belgium, just Institute is the oldest school of Consult doublo 'roam's. Kitchen privileges, science and engineering in theparked waiting for a traffic light (doubles); Wednesday, button sew- ~4iomo-liko atmasphoro. Cannon Ball what does the term "imperialist war" mean?. It .can "to change. ing for girls, and nail driving for Houso, X20 Morris Ave. Phono Mlllburn United States. 6-0057-J attor 1 P. M. mean only that Germany is bent on aggression, arid Jala was. taken to Overlook Hos- boys; Thursday, quoits. (doubles), The Stormtite pital where he was treated_Jpr a and Friday, horseshoe ringer con- UOOM FOR RMNT, single or double. "that whateveT~Tmperialism is involved has emanated WINS GOLF TITLE Convonlont. to Laokawanna R, R. or broken nose and body lacerations. test. .'••'"• Company Inc. Nowark bus. Board If doslrod. 248 Short from Berlin. It is imperialism, sure enough, but im- Johny Farrell, Baltusrol Goll His sedan was badly damaged in the Hills Avo., Sprlngnold, N. J. 88& STUYVESANT AVE. perialism more ruthless than the Kaiser's Germany eve? dub pro, won the Khode Island open front and was "towed to Mayer's » B. & t. MEETING 7 .. FUltNISHBD ROOM for rent, golf title at "Providence ~Tagsaay "Garage. Tho truck's toil board' and Battle Hill Building and Loan As- Irvtaglon ESsex 2-3221 Bim>ji2_HnU board optional. Con- dreamed ofrdestroying minorities and over-running na- T Jtanjoni!y_looatoa. Call at 24 Brook St., tions which have notJelt the heel of an-invader in over with a record breaking score of 279. rear lights were damaged. sociation will hold' its regular month- Splnlr~Nr~J~- Farrell defeated E. J. "Dutch" Har- LUBRICATION ly meeting Monday night at head- rison of Little Rock, runner-up, by „& century. All of,this is being done; of course, in the If you want to give the "olo quarters, '4~Flemer avenue. L -five-strokes; _:-__„_ _ nameof self-protectiqn.7 the superiorityjof the Teuton -Eatroniz&:..Our_Ady_eriis_ers bns'^—thoroueh, .WCobUubrica- overfall mankind and the idea of the supremacy of the tlon for- smoother Summer joyrides, come to "Al~ Smith's state. to increase the political influence oi the military, be- Friendly Service. _Our at- Of these things Col. Lindbergh said nbt_a_w_ord. cause those conscripted will be ordinary citizens like -tendants can find places to WE WILL NOT BE The fact that Hitler's Axis partner, Benito Mussolini, the rest of-usj arid" more interested in civil life than in oil that you'd never think "of UNDERSOLD openly declared his-enmity toward the democracies of military power. It wouldjprobably be more harmful to looking for. That's why you'll ^lepjrive them of the-right-to-vote than to permit them agree we do an expert lubri- the worlds which include the' United States, a.pparently- cation job. Come in today. 5cCIGA»S !3hClrmincK Since the Kome- -to-exereise-it.— . ' -- Berlin Axis stands-for everything that Americans .. CertainlyiitJ^auLdJKLjtQ rewarcLforIseLVJ.ce tojtfie - with a few exceptions abhor, the jreaction to the Colonel's talk was bound to nation to take-away, from men called to the service of Friendly ' their..-country ihe privilegejhj^h ^hi te violent " T Z. „ "•• z —Service-Station-- fcnitted to exercise. :-The^Nlew j.ergey ThR most^ch aritable thing that can Qj: Morris & Springfield Aves. those-&f all other states-wkieh have-si^arjaws, should^ SPBINGPIELP, K. J. him is that the bitter experience of the Lindbergh kid- when the-circumstagges Warrant,~epeal j)r amend the napping-must have affected his outlook onilife. What -lawsrdiserimi^ating against .thb"se~fifst calle3~to ..serve. ^h=lf^in7ft1^ ^ jjfljfl^--Calle--Calledd foforr ^^ncUXtel hardly expect that Aniericans-^ill look with-eciuanimity Wrr rr fryyyyyyr rirrrrrr r . on the-destruction of life, of property and the civilized ^.morality built up through centuries of toil and struggle THE SOLDIER VOTE 2 Packs 25C PRINTING atite best is done the With some kind of law providing for selective serv- Springfield SUN way! Don't send ice almost, certain to be passed by the Congress, which It's Heavfly Advertised NO TAX . would affect a large number of men of voting age, it is v your orders out of town when they Cigarettes can be handled by us BETTER and being pointed out that in a number of states, including Lucky ^Strike New jersey, calling a man for service in the armed Chesterfield more ECONOMICALLY here in HAS to be GOOD CAMEL forces of the country will automatically deprive him o OLD GOLD CARTON OF town. , his right to vote. The law in New Jersey, as elsewhere; PIEDMONT 1U provides that the voting'privilege be denied to mem O39R BRAND of democracy fails. Orfy a first rate prod' Sweet Caporal SPECIAL FOR THIS MONTH bers pf the .armed forces and "absentee voting is per DIINHILL mitted only in war time. •& woo foe ws, ami is bdng heJd for act, fairly priced, can stand die SPUD 1000 Business Cards It seems strange that such a law should exist, bu as, by men who chose their own 'dattafing glace of national adver- the thought behind it goes.back to Revolutionary times, careers, owned trig farms, bu3t trig tising. When yen think of the HORTON'S ICE CREAM Ice PPack 500 Letterheads when fear of domination by the armed forces was much factories, aoid bSd what sefikkg was greater than it has been in recent years. Should Con heavily advertised soaps, soaps, Full Pint 20C gress pass a selective service law, it will.be the firs necessary to keep those farms and breakfast foods, mechanical refrig- 500 Envelopes time in our history that men have been called for mili factories bbsjL • ' erators, automobiles, silverware, tary service in time of peace, which explains why! radios.— you are thinking of the will be the first time that the.law will have any reaj -One of the ttggest aids in mass MAIN • aristocrats among commercial arti- meaning. ' setSog is mass advertising, la the Good QUalltyT—Wide selection of : "TOBACCO CO. Other Prloea In proportion. ..., ...it is doubtlessly safe' to say that the necessity fo kwg ran, it "pieces" ksdL cles. • "• / - ' ••• ' such a disfranchising law no longer exists to-day. / — 2 STORES 2'— ' . --—real military^, clique, if .any exists In the iLJnited States, Advertising of poor, products al- Nation's Business 1440 Springfield Ave. at this time, is probably so small that its political in at 43rd Si/ frvlngtoii, N. J, Springfield Sun fluence is practically nil. Increase in the size of th< • 2 Millbum Avie. - Telephone Millburn 6-12^6:; at Springfield,. Ave., Maplewood arme"scd forceforces throug' h conscription wotild hardly tend Friday, August 16, 1940 SPRINGFIELD SUN Page Five mantlcally desirable uncle. clateed Wlllkie Clubs have been set in New Jersey, mostly in the~BUb- The uncle had just been brought up In Newark at 12 Commerce urbs of the northern section of the out of Vienna by Sldonla for a sum Building Of Willlcie Club street. This will be used as a point State, when the State association PERSONAL MENTION 3 Years Ago that amounted to nearly a king's (Continued jrom Page 1) of distribution of Wlllkie buttons, was formed. These had grown to ransom. It left her zo poor she Homes Is Up car stickers, pamphlets and infor- 168 clubs In hve weeks or by the had to "charge" the Summer ward- Wlllkie because the New Deal has mation on the campaign: Volun- time the Republican National Con- About People You Know robe she had bought to recapture more billions to spend in 1940 than teers will man this headquarters, vention started in Philadelphia In SUM Home building in New Jersey is in 1938^ and we hope that all citi- her husband. on the up-grade, according to a sur" Tha -^"m' Qrnr'gf quarter at„ 132 .June, and since the convention the - One day while Norman was clip- veyJust completed by the New Jer- zens will join clubs to support this- Connett place will be continued number has increased to 220 with Tb« nicest Gourtoay you can show are Summering there. The Comp- Independent "organization which did more being added daily. They range your »u*»L» u to h&ve their vl*IU.. AUGUST 16, 1»S5 ping the hedge he came face to sey State Chamber .of Commerce. for the present for clerical work and mentioned on tnU puice. The nlceat tons will be at Sea Girt for the face with a lion. He coaxed the The Chamber estimates that during so much toward nominating Mr. mailing of campaign material In in membership from 12 to more than courtesy you CUD nhow your friend* week-end. Township Attorney Charles Weeks the year 1939 the total volume of Willkie." \ioluine. 800 persons, depending on the size Is through ttaUr page when you «o reported to the Township Committee lion into the kitchen ..... Read away. We will consider It a courtesy —Mr. and Mrs,'.John Grockl, what happened. ' new residential construction in this State headquarters for the Asso- •* There were about 60 Willkie clubs of the locality. whenever you rive us an' Item of ormerly oLNewark, ate occupying that he had been served with notice State amounted to approximately any social interest. Call-directly to that appellants in the recent sewer GOLD FOR MY BRIDE by Nor- $50,000,000. tb* SUN office Mlllburn t-1266. .he premises at 350 Mountain ave- man Collins. An . aocident offered ue. assessment litigation. In which the Robert T. Bowman, Chamber township.was upheld,'are seeking a John Marco an opportunity to com- president, contrasts this with the —Mrs. O.—t.—Ste. . Marie and —Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Marks of mit a theft from the Amosite Taber-" 1 Baltimore, Md.—will be guests for modification of the court order to situation which prevailed In this _TT daughter, Virginia, of 18 Main street; permit levy of interest from the nacle where he regularly attended, State In 1933 when new residential have returned from an eight weeks: Jhe week-end at the home of the date of the decision, a month ago, services. His theft is detectei-hy. .construction fell to a volume of less sea trip with Captain Ste. Marie, latter's parents. Township Clerk and than" $10,000,000. r rather than from 1931, when .the Hesther Croome, a niece and heiress who is~i> {a£16hed at Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Robert D. Treat of 26 Bryant of a dead man who had left money The Chamber Is optimistic at the original assessment was made. The outlook for continued improvement —Township Commltteeman Arnolcf toJthe_iabernacle. foundland and Florida. She blackmails him into marrying —Miss Mildredjttttolo of 4 South- Wright of 36 Severna avenue at-:, Weeks was told. declares that reports for first quarter tended the famous Hambletonlan hei\ and thereby Marco looses Mary of 1940 indicate that the flgwes-for OWNED AND OPERATED BY WILKINSON, CADDIS & CO., A NEW JERSEY INSTITUTION SINCE 1864. Springfield avenue is visiting her Kent, to whom he was .engaged. At home building In New Jersey this cousin, Miss Wllma Smith, at Rock trottlngjiaces Wednesday at Goshen, Miss Mabel M. Stanton, daughter year will, be "substantially greater" 1 of Mr. arid-Mrs. Thomas Franklin first the loss" df-Mary" torments him It Ridge Lake, Dcnville, this week. y - . : and' he throws himself into the work than those reported • in 1939. IT'S LIKE TAKING CANDY FROM THE BABY! —Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Nye of St. —Charles Anderson, son of Mr. Stanton, of New Stanton, Pa., a It is encouraging also to learn teacher ' in the James" Caldweli of his store -doing more than, his Paul, Minn.; who have been visiting and Mrs. A. B. Anderson of 36 Ill-paid assistants. Later, his_ crime- that New Jersey Is exceeding the Mn. F. had a problem on her hands! HerJuuband always In- f rom_a School, became the bride of Paul average of other states in the build- nf fVipft. hn.nnt.fi hlrp, Wjt-hjhjg^vast. ing-of—^ew—homesr—Statlstlcs—for. listed Qn Ideal Tenderay Beef, because of its delicious tendcr- this week at the home of their son vacation at the Calvary Church G. Rlbflett7^rNew~YdrirCityrs fortune gone, he achieves repentance Jholr Camp, Beach Haven. His of Mr. and Mrs^ Jacob C. Hibblett, 1939 show "that for every 1,000 In- \~r— nets, then, one daylTie bought'ordlnorv beet. .. flii~pf6fesH~ and daughter-in-law, Mr. and. Mrs. and dies miserably, calling on habitants in New Jersey5 there was RolandJtfye of 78 WasKiiigton ave- brother, Johri7 who" has-been there of Youngwood, Pa. The ceremony from the head of. the family can only be described as, she Mary. expended. $13,072 for new construc- wrote, "like 'taking candy from the baby." * nue. for two weeks, will return- homo was the first to be performed hi -Helen—Hull's "THROUGH THE tion as_compared with $12,290 per —Mrs. Adolph_Hoch of 36 South Monday. . — .- at. Luke's (Reformed Church In HOUSE DOOR," Is a fine story of 1,000 population expended in the 37 Maple avenue, who has been con- —Mr. and Mrs. Fred Betz of Route New Stariton' since its erection many American life. It tells how Beatrice states east of the Rpcky Mountains. —flned-for.' several months at home^ls. 9, have returned after spending years ago. The church grounds were Many factors have contributed to f Downing becomes a career woman Jhts revival of home building Jn_New INSIST ON IDEAL TENDERAY BEEF ^ convalescing at home after a severe several days7 at" ~Av6n-by"-the-Sea ; "donflted"by-the-grandfather-of the. afterf"Ker" husband" loses- his—slghtr Mr. and Mrs. Betz will see their son; bride, the late James F.^Stanton. Jersey;. There is abundant space "for illness. and of the. effect of the success- expansion throughout the State. aUARANTEEIhTENDER—^OR-YQJHIMONEtBACK! _ —Mrs.. Fred Braun o£ 108 Morris Fred, off Sunday at La Guardla Air- upon her mother, daughter, hus- Funds for home building have be- avenue entertained' eight guests port on an extended trip to the Mrs. F. A. Weber, mother of Mrs. band and herself. come" more -available"thBn~~at any FANCY LONG ISLAND 3' Monday evening from'Newark, Union Pacific: Coast. Their son, who is .Freida Hotter. o08_Bryant ayenue It is the story, of a woman close; time..slnce-:l?29, due-largely to the and town at mahn" the—^Hamburg" to visit 'to—djaaater—Jwho—iiflnds": hprspif in nroeram of the Federal' Housing —Mr. and Mrs. Ke'erle Jackson of Chamber of Commerce,. will be relatives In Germany. time. Administration. CREAMOFTHt 26 firyant avenue are having guests away about three weeks. • ' '. •.•*'. ftAlso contributing to this year|s SEASON'S CROP "for the week-end frorn Michigan. —Miss Gloria Brodhead of Clin- Dr. Gabriel J. Llull, jrattve of building boom is the fact that'avail- aWe housing accommodations are —Mrs. Wilfred Weber of Route 29, ton avenue returned-home this week Porto JEWco and graduate of the NEEDS NO COOKING—READY TO EAT_ after vacationing for a. month in becoming relatively scare-through- who has been vacationing thls-wcct University of Virginia, opened medi- Church Services out the State. The percentage of at the shore, is jexpected' to return New York State and Canada. Her cal offices at 271, Morris avenue. vacancies has decreased since 1935 Sunday. sister,-June, spent two weeks -witU until at present it stands at less WHOLE her. Geoge Schwalbivch oITRidgewood, Presbyterian -than 3 per cent. or HALF Tooker avenue are making plans for i—and—Mrs:—Arthur -L.—IT,—pald^flnes-totallng—$10_in REV. DR. QUO. A. All thiS-ls-gratlfylng, New..hpmes_ COOKED HAM Lamb and daughters, Irene and Police Court when arraigned on Sunday School 8;45 A. M. — mean new ratables. New Jersey a motor trip to Maine later in the • Men's Dlble Clan 8:46 A. H.— needs new ratables at this time. IDEAL TENDERAY >• month. They will return after La- Doris, of Rose avenue are home three charges resulting from his MomlnK Service 11 A. M. " , __ transportation t>f 18 uniformed -Intermediate Ohrlatlan Budoavor New homes mean an ever-growing bor Day. from a two weeks' vacation at "Point 1 P. M. . group of home-owning citizens. We ROUND ROAST BEEF TOP * BOTTOM —Mike_and Tony "Bolger, sons of Pleasant. Naztes in a tfuck to an outing of need all the new. home-owners we the Qermaif-Amerlcan League of can get. Expansion of home-build- Mr. and~Mrs. Louis T. Bolgor o£ —Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. McMul- Methodist FANCY YOUNG NORTHWESTERN I SEASON'S FINEST — South Springfield avenue, returned len of 27 Molter avenue returned Essex County, at United Singers ing is a sound basis upon which to 1 RBV.'CARL C. B. MmHiBIiinO, Ph. D., promote the prosperity of the^tate. • Monday after spending ten days Wednesday from a week's trip to Park. Schwalbach was fined $7.50 Minister for driving without a license; sen- Sunday Sohool at 0:46 Ar-M. ._. TURKEYS with Rev. and Mrs. G. V. Hamilton Shlppensburg, Pa., where they vis- Mornlnff—frorablp at 11 o'clock. - '25c I BR01LERS&FRYERS >b 27< of EJtamfordrConn. ited, relatives. tence was suspended but $2.50 court Bpworth Loaguo at 7 F. M. SEND IN YOUR NEWS costs imposed in a charge of using Game—Warden-Andrew—ShraW- —Mrs. Frank- Hardy—of -South "Readers of the SUN are in- FRESH CAUGHT JERSEY FRESH CAUGHT CAPE < and family o£_32_ Battle H1H; ave- ;a~truck~as a bus, and a suspended —-John—Rogebopm,-of—Drew-tTnl-. vited to send in'news. —; Springfield avenue—is confined to sentence, with 65 cents costs, was verslty,"will be the guest preacher • hue, are vacationing at Lake Hopai- OtrerlookJEfoBPltal with illness. Clubs,' organizations and other WEAKFISH MACKEREL * 9c ' cong and expect to return early -decreed—on—complaint of __ faulty this. Sunday^ ___ _ . bodies are also extended an in- —Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hocking registration. • . ,., vitation to make use of__the next week. . and daughter, Mary, of Baltimore, columni of this newspaper. -r-Mr._and'JMrs, ThomasJH. Clark were guests last week at the home 1_ St. James' Catholic There is no-oharge for news fresh Fruits and Vegetables of 21 Molter avenue returned re- of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hocking of RBV. DANIBIi A. (DOYLE. Rootpr. .items. The only requirement is FRESH PICKED YELLOW FULL PODS. FANCY LARGE GREENING cently after a two weeks' vacation Mllltown road. The latter returned UBUM: 7:80, 1:46, 10:16 and 11:16 that the artlple be signed. Your OUR LIBRARY A. M. : name will not be published. This — in—Maine. Their daughter, Ruth, recently from a short trip to Con- Sunday Sohool following the 8:46 MILBH. CORN LIMA-BEANS APPLES remained at Friendship, Me., where necticut. _^ ' W««k-day llauoi 7:10 A. M. _ is- required as. evidence of good "she is1 the guest of^Mrr~and~Mrs7 Use Your Library flth-^r :±'1 Herald A. Jonesrof~townr who are —Mrs, Edwin D. Pannell of Main When writing news, be sure to street, MUJburn, president of the —Bvery_BtIernogn. 2:30 to 8. —St'Stephenls-fipiscopaL -mention /the prorjer- names, in fry Hin/Rllmmpr Mon. and Fri, Bventbga from 7:80 to 9. Mlllbnm, N. jr. full, flrst.'nnmw written nut, jind 3 1 —Mr .' and Mrs. William Brod- BV7juTjaHt77Tr also the place and when -the head and family-of 58 Clinton ave- J,urn this week-end' from Chicago, Among the books recently pur- Holy Communion at S A. M. where she attended the National chased by the library are the fol- Morning Drayer and Bormon by thu event dither took place or is~ nue returned Tuesday from- a two lowing: ._.• Rector, 11 A. M. scheduled to be held. • ORANGES Sri 3 - 2 5c | GRAPES .'•••=.. 2-15c weeks' tour of Canada. convention lie'ld during the past The SUN is your home-town week. .' A LION IN THE GARDEN,by G. newspaper.' Help make it more —Mrs. Henry- F. Kees and chil- B. Sterns, is according to the New — First Baptist dren, Barbara-Lu and' Richard, o —The Misses June and Mildred MlUbarn, N. J. interesting. — Levsen of Alvln terrace and Adele York Herald Tribune, a book "ad- 1 ... Address your envelope to the 9 Profltt aVenue are expected hom< ored by_ the "ladies." The story RBV. ,-ROMAlNB S . BATHMAN, Pastor. IDEAL 93.0 SCORE the end of the week after a vaca- Naumann of Warner avenue will Sunday School, 9:46 A. M. SUN, and mark."News" in the Soap Jt 5c 3 T. 25c has as its background, the HerrteK's Morning Service, H,, A. M. lower left-hand corner, tion at Lavallette. ~' . • roturn Sunday from a week's motor Young Pooplo'a. service, IP. M. trip -to Canada. — country house on a tiny island in To insure publication, all arti- Super SwlsuwMK . 2^". 35c —Township" Commltteeman and the upper Thames, and-rarEondtin Bvenlng service, 7:46 P. M. cles must reach the SUN office, Mrs. Lewis F. Macartney of 33 ROLL BUTTER flat. The principal characters are 8 Flemer avenue, not later than NO FINBR BUTTER AT ANY PMOI Kkx . . .2Xt.-15tife.i4c Sev erna avenue are_at Sea.Girt for Morning topic: "Messages Prom Thursday noon. Articles may ( the houseman, Norman, and Brooks, Jeremiah." several weeks. CHURCH OF CIIBIST, SCIENTIST the maidservant. also be telephoned to the office, Soap CWp« OCKMM • • X.19c —Mr. and Mrs. Lester Smith and Evening: Evangelistic services. Mlllburn 6-1256, but it will be "Soul" is the Lesson-Sermon sub- In the house of the Herrlcks; we Pour men from the Moody Bible appreciated If written notices be family of 32 Molter avenue returned ject for Sunday, August 18, .in all find Sidonia, the witty, divorced wife FA««N 3MM13c Tuesday after a week's stay hi Penn- Christian Science Churches and So- Institute conducted the prayer submitted as early In the week, of.Kurt Russeb and his sister, an meeting-last night. as possible. > . sylvania. .-.«.._ cieties throughout the world. actress, who would throw up her SWISS CHEESE *»» * 27c —Mr. and Mrs. Werner Potxy ol ~ The Golden Text, is: "Come and career for Kurt. .Then there was Soap Pdwder OOTMON . .^g. 14c' J young~nlfice~by~m»rriager MARGARSNE 3^^19c declare what he hath done for niy •:M -guests over the week-end from soul." (Psalms 66:16). who is trying to captivate her ro- South Carolina., Among the Lesson-Sermon cita- . —Mr. and Mrs. William Whltt tions Is the following from the -and family of 26 Warner avenue re- Bible: "He only is my rock and my Just as a Frown turned Saturday after spending. salvation: .... the rock of my 1 POMEROY SODAS . • 4 .25 week at Bradley Beach, as the guesl strength, and my refuge, is in God. ; of Mr. White's aunt,' Mrs. Johr (Psalms 62; 6, 7). Schm: The Lesson-Sermon also includes Spoils the Jell-o Ice Cream Mix u)3uu> 3 00.25c Fruit Cocktail • toH

De»Mrts . 7 Happily Pkased . . „. . QJPrbtectlon for your travel funds Delsey Tissue . . NertleV Stemi-Sweet .2b r25c Is as important as'protection for . 1T-o», 1C- box of GreeirGian* Peas 2 can. 25C Doeskin Facial Tissue 500 In the reception accorded in the your personal safety. Before you leave home, you can exchange the I opening of our new Furniture Store cash you planned to carry with TOWIL 1 on August 8th. you Into dependable FREE AMERICAN EXPRESS SILVER DUST 2X35« Astonished to note how many TRAVELERS CHEQUES SCOTT PAPER PRODUCTS HEINZ friends we have made in such a short ttavaUts Cheques, ale Issued In coniumlqrit space; of time in business in Summit. denominations oj $10, $20, $S0 and $100 SCOTTISSUE 3 al iha small v'osl ol 75a /of ou'c/i $100 Strained Foods •purchaaad. —,. WALDORF TISSUE 4 .17c I We trust to warrant this relation in Tliey nre HpeiiduLle evctywherc the conduct of our business and ex- (.lid if .lost ot sloleu a prompt TOWEL HOLDERS M 18c tend thanks for* the hearty co-opera- refmul It) mndc. 1 59 89 :>- tion. ... Com« into the Banlc for your BBTI WAX-55CI ,.1 ...2 Travelers Cheques before leaving 1 home. ° i Scraggly Yard Can r — —-r —— VALUABLE COUPON — —'' •— — —

' . /) £J -. . . ' ' ^^m^ ^m • t^^t Your Home The First National I CARTON I 10 PACKS Bank of Springfield Water is life to grass and CAMELS—LUCKY STRIK16—OLD GOLDS I CHESTERFIELDS—SPUDS—RALIIGHS I i Member .Federal beporit Insurance flowers. To freshen your yard I0OOD UNTIL AIKIU8T Zl it ._, WITH THIS COUPON ONLY! | Oorpoiatlon. givs it a good soaking today 1 465 SPRINGFIELD AVE. , ".SUMMIT,. NU}., Member Federal Beaerve 8j«tem. Phone Summit 6-1510 (Next to Strand Theatre) TU» Bank nUl bs dotA on Batnr- SgpfambgrHUi, UH^ATERCOi 265 MORRIS AVENUE In MoocdanM with the RarlMd Act of the MEAT, Pt»i DXIRY & GRCX:BRY PRICK EFFECTIVE AUGUST isth to AUGUST Page Six THE SPRINGFIELD SUN

Go-to-School Headwear QoolandDelightful Kathleen Norris Says: to theL New Shirlwaisler AILING HOUSE Include Chic Matched Better Days Are Ahead .by Roger B. Whitman.- DEJRFECT to put on and wear Reviewed by _ , By CHERlE NICHOLAS * right now; in-flat-crepe, silk- (Bell Syndicate—WNU Service.) CARTER FIELD (© Roller B. Whitman—WNU Service.) print or spun rayon, this beauti- Poor Chimney Draft. fully cut shirtwaist fashion will UESTION: My smokestack By VIRGINIA VALE be a cool delight on—the- hottest . .Treasury department and Q draws well when there is no (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) days of summer. No. 8727 will look the National Defense com- wind, but does not work satisfactor- HERE'S never a dull mo- so crisp and fresh,-in striped, lin- . ily on a windy day. The chimney en, polka dot silk or brilliant white mittee disagree on amorti- has been lengthened so thatitiswel] Tment at Big Bear, Calif., sharkskin. Arid it will feel com- zation of capital invested in above the roof, but that did not help. these days. . No sooner did fortable and unhampering, be- war industries^. .-TV,A The location of the house may have 20th Century-Fox' s""Brigham cause 4he lines are so simple and something .to do with it. The house Yxrarfg"-troupe-finish-work-on- free The .-bodice-can-be fastened— -power assistance for na- is in a valley_between two hills, tional defense presents about 50 feet taller than the house.. location near there than problems. . ' Both hills are about 200 feet from Monogram's "Queen of the (Bell Syndicate—WNU Sirvlce.) the house. I would appreciate your Yukon" moved in. advice. The town has just one im- WASHINGTON.—Preliminary dis- Answer: The force of the wind portant street, and_itls_ cussions among members^ J>f the coming down from the hills may> jammed nightly with bearded house ways and means committee cause: adown-draft condition-in the extras (whose beards «arn a and the senate finance committee chimney. A type of revolving chim- living for them) .and^ members ot reveal wide differ- ney , made of sheet metal, with the cast. Irene Rich, Charles Bick- ences of .opinion be- a vane on top may help.~The vane will turn the open part of the cap ford, Melvln Lang, Dave O'Brien^ tween the national and June Carlson are in the lineup. defense commission, away from the wind, minimizing the and the treasury de- downward sweep of thewind from Melvin Lang and DaVe O'Brien the hill. Any. sheet metal shop will to stage a fight the other day; iparatlon, Bickford spent sev- ter of the amortiza- be aBle to supply IE ' :~ Disintegrating Bricks. eral days teaching O'Brien how to tion "of 'capital in- avoid injuries. But—when Director vested in' war indus- Question: The brick^ori my bunga- tries. The defense low seems to be disintegrating. Phil Rosen called "Cutl" Q'Brlen commission wants Many of- them had scaled off to fell to the ground! and the company egislati6h~that-wlU' depths~of2from—onc-eighth-to-one-- do_c_tor_lfound_that he_ had a broken * stimulate invest- half inch. The"ib*uil3er~cla"lms. tffaY rlh TTi»'rl h } 7h~^lfa Henry ments in now plant all brick is more or less affected to femember Bic&tord's instruc- Morgenthau and equipment. The this way by the" frost He says a tions: • • clear waterproofing brushed on the This war will end. Humiliations will be snalloivcd; prices will be paid; treasury wants the most money pos- sible. wall will correct this condition. Do When young players in Hollywood . hearts broken; children starved or destroyed by malnutrition; the dead will be you think this will be adequate?. get discouraged they remind them- buried: and a great many loud voices will be silenced by death. As indicated in a previous dis- patch.-Eresident-Roosevelt will have Answer: A porous brick will ab- selves—and anyone who'll listen— ~ By KATHLEEN NORRIS _ to get a little tough with Henry sorb moisture, which .during the that It takes just one good'picture- DON'T BE AFRAID Morgenthau if the defense commis- winter may freeze, causing the brick tp make a star. ' . WQ pamphlets came to America is_as free from-dangcr to chip or scale off. Waterproofing "''Look at Pat O'Brien in 'Front of invasion as she ever was, Kath- sion is~to~have its way; my desk this morning, — General discussion among/ mem- the brick' will most likely prevent Page'," they'll say.- "Look at Cary leen Norris believes. She points out Grant1 in 'Topper'—Shirley Temple Tfrom the Writers Anti- that many years ivill pass before bers of the "committees indicates the absorption. If the brick Is very at thenapeof the- neck Is sure War bureau' for Anti-War Hitler can he. ready__to attack us,, that the bill likely to . bo. laid be- porous two coats may be necessary. nqws that is news. You can Mobilization. If your interior and a lot oj thiiiHs canjhai>l>en in fore congress Will raise somewhere Sawdust and Cement Mix. carry out the idea as extreme that .time. If ho does try to come- botwoon-$300,000,000 and $7OO,O00,00(L Question: I noticed in several rur- as you please. Knotted and tied, econbmy, like mine, has been over here, his invading fleets would in revenue from_exccss profits per al publications a reference made to, the ends will stream down to •. in-something of a quiver of ir- ha stopped long before they reached year. It Is realized thai no large a floor made of cement and saw- the waistline at the back or our shores, Miss Norris points, out. .., repressible terror over the amount of revenue will accrue for dust. What arc the advantages of TT'S high time.to-bo-tuckling_the_ "• stop at the shoulders. Ypu can 1940, even if tho bill is made retro- such construction, and.what is the get in the better shops a clever war news- of late, over the oceansr-is-at-a^disadvantage. That's formula? " L~Jr~rT~ - r~ go-to-school wardrobe problem. active, as seems probable. So. far as millinery is concerned, little chignon type such as Lillie horrors-that pour in upon jus. why we areas ndnrly invincible at AnsweruThisfornvof cement mix-_ Elache. interprets" via a"'red, white from the telephone, radi'b, home as any country can be. That's The" probability atthCTnomentis' thanks to-.the-char.ming-fashion-of that no rate higher than 40 per cent turo is still in the experimental wearing bewitching little match tur-' Imd biaclc"iilk~'scarf manipulated movie news, press, the two why it seems, to many women at stages— The purpose is to obtain a as you see above to the left in the least, a foolish thing to carry naval will be fixwTIor^xceSS profits, but bans,_such as have been so tre- treatises together form*a fine it seems likely that this _will be (concrete floor that may be some- mendously~popular-of ltlte, the col- oval. Note the saucy chignon frill threats too far away from home. what warmdr than ordinary concrete at the. back and see the impudent tonic for today's excitement Taking care of ourselves, maintain- divided into four brackets rather lege, girls' plan of action is made than the two brackets prescribed in in. barns and poultry houses. FUB- bow to the fore designed to accent and hysteria; the "frantic ing a dignified attitude to national ther information can be had by writ- "perfectly clear. Just keep in mind the amendment proposed by Sen. the slogan "a matching with your widow's peak to the utmost boast and fo&lish "word" of troubles overseas that are neither ing to the Extension Service Bureau, This type turban also adapts Itself understood by us nor of our mak- Robert LaFpllette~when the new University of New- Hampshire, at every frock . or blouse or" suit." Germany and Italy are affect- tax law was -under_consideration. Sounds like a big' order, doesn't it, to the new pompadour hairdress. ing, wpuldsecm the wiser policy. Jtt; ZHTZ bright stripes, telllhe ing us all, and we are already -Would sieem the characteristic Amer- Another? factor"" p]aylng~orT~ this" but-truth-is-itis-as-Eimple-a-way-to- -with!.~threei--buttons.~.ancL .turned. problem-is tha.t many' small com- Rust Stain on Cement. * get rid of the hat question as we world this falljvia a stylish peaked looking skyward to see~T,KeT ican policy. For while we are will^ Question: Please let me know how turban together with a-gigantic back in narrow, deep revers, or — parachuteMroops-darkening- ~ing-to-help-in-ovory-other-possible_ panics have not had many good know! . IDA MJPINO years in the last five, some of them to-remove-rust-stalns-from—white, e^gpired/^ buttoned almost to the throat, with -wav_and-ha3te-so-helned and while cement on a terrace; caused by iron fabric as. shallow revers. , ••. """""ouirfreeisktes: we are willing to give political rec- 1 ing_tQ_rcnr;iit' summer versions. yellow ami Blue"stripe In 'Little Miss Marker'—Errol Flynn furniture standing on 1 _ A victorious Germany, this ognition to totalitarian governments a' comparison with these, in comput- deed not! Just watch and see what "worrT~by " tHe~^Bmartly—clad—young: -ln-'eaptain-Blood'—Miiy-Robson-in- it's so very easy tojriake? There's Answer: Dissolve one part of so- happens, when the fall £tyle parade 'Lady for a Day.' " article reminds us, won't be, everywhere, and have so given it, it ing the "excess" profits they might diutrl^citrate in Bix parts of Water. woman pictured to the right.^ practically no detailing to it—jiist " much better off than a defeat- is too much to expect a normally enjoy-nex't-year, for instance, would is in full -swing. You are going to It adds to the glamour of the new Another name has been added to Mix thoroughly with six parts of see tho most captivating, unusual the "Look" lisWit's that of Ida a-few gathers beneath the yoke ed France ancTEngland. £'am- peaceful and friendly nation that she _be'very, hard on them indeed. commercial glycerine. Mix a por- jersey frocks that the majority of and darts at the. waistline. The be scared into sharing, in wars she HUMOR IN TVA APPROPRIATION little-pompa'dour-concoctlons enroll •them are accompanied with tur- Lupino, who did a nice job in "The ihe is staring all Europe in tion of-this-with enough, powdered under the turban regime,, that fancy circular skirt has a lovely, youth- did nothing to create. There is a bit of humor in this whiting to form a paste, then spread bans or made of the identi- -Light-That-Failedit-and-has won her ful swing. the face now, victors and van- can picture. cal jersey. The figure centered in spurs as "a result of her "mad" Life Will Go On. TVA national defense appropriation on tfie stain in a thick 'coat' When scenes in""Warner-Brothers' "They Pattern No. 8727 is designed for quished alike. This war will end. .Humiliations_ ^ -which tho administration had so dry, replace with fresh paste. Sev- Designers are bending their efforts the picture demonstrates how inter- sizes 14, 16, 18, 20; 40 and 42. Size • Jpollolng Task Tremendous. much trouble getting, started. - For eral applications may be necessary. to create turbans that take kindly estingly the alliance . of - a striped Drive By Night." She'll co-star : will be- swallowed; prices will be to the-idea of being posed back of with John Garfleld in "East of the 16 requires 4% yards of 39-inch 1- The complete picture of Hitler's paid; hearts broken; children Instance, Speaker-William B. Bank- Bedroom Celling. jersey frock and a matching striped material withreut nap. policing job would look like this, ac- head, who went to Chicago hoping the new pompadour_hairdo. So when jersey draped turban work out^Here River." ' / Send order to: . ••' • starved or destroyed "by malnutri- Question: I have the problem~of you take a piece of your dress goods a reefer of dusty rqse flannel over cording to the pamphlet. Forty-two tion; the dead will bo"burled; and passionately that he would be tho bad ceilings in some bedrooms. The vice presidential nominee. He knew to match up a turban to go with your a navy and while striped jersey We may have another Hogers- million Frenchmen, forty-six million, a great many loud voices will be plasterer advised plastering oii' wire new fall frock be sure the model you SEWING CIRCLE: PATTERN DEPT. British; seventeen million Belgians the left wingers suspected him of dress, navy shoes^witrTjclUstyrose Astaire picture, if RKO can find the silenced by death. And when we'll- lath, then applying some kind of select is the kind that will set off quilted bag and gloves add a defi- J17 W. Forty-Thlrd St. New Yolk and Dutch; plus Norwegians, Poles', all emerge, adjusted_to_the new=c,on-. being in sympathy with the south- paper before painting^ What is the rlght-story-for—it;—Fred Astalre-ls ; ern conservatives—so he tried ap- your flattering pompadour curlsto nite style touch; the cibochon twist free-lancing at present, and Ginger Enclose IS cents In coins (or Danes, Czechs, lAustrlans and Lux- ditlons, recognizing a little less pow- reason for this? There is no wali- perfection. Note the turban~shown of the rnatched jersey turban sup- . embourgers will bring the total to peasement is booked for three pictures, one_of Pattern No Size... er and pride in this nation, a little rpcinnrthe walls now. in the oval below to the left.~Here plying the final touch of chic. See them being a picturizaj;ion of the over one hundred fifty million per- more power and pride in that, a tag- "We established, financed arid set Answer: The. plasterer had jn a bright red drape is_ brought^ how flatteringly^Jt reveals the pom- Name ;;...... -up-on-a-firm-and-enduring-founda-- very popular novel, "Kitty Foyle." sons. . ~~ ~ of territory clippc~d~ott hero^ahdat" mind-the-appllcatlon-of -painter-s- pudour-which, as-said before.is^the- But some time next year-they-may_ Address :..'.t • "Most of these," the essay states, tached there. tlon," ho said _in his "keynote" cloth" over .the plaster. This Is a y characteristic feature of the newer speech, "the great Tennessee Val- that gives the exotic far cast caste be dancing together again. "are more bittcfiyopposed to Hit- ~^Shd fqr the great mass of Euro- strong fabric applied over plaster- turbans, : J — ler than wo are—they have more pean women the day's problem will ley authority which, for. all time,, surfaces to prevent the cracks from to tho picture: It tolls~yoiirthat-tur— Ten YBarentrf-Di8covei?f= f reason to be. Furthermore, inside will furnish a great vehicle* for the showing through the paint. bans that tilt forward_go fifty-fifty The vogue for matched fabric hats Herbert Moulton has a new Idea be what'it always was: a job for- is expressed not only in turbans for • Germany itself all is not well . . . the man, a welcome for the new development and conservation of the Separating Rooms. with the very now pompadour types. for screen entertainment, and he comrnetce and resources of that Assuming that you will be getting this fall- but we will seo many hopes you're going to like it. After Here are some of the things we j With this threatening mass of hatred, baby, a little less butter perhaps Question: My living room'and din- brimmed sports hats made of tweeds take for granted, today that we around him. Hitler would probably groat geographical area which it ing room adjoin with a wide space together a whole collection of < tur- six months of hard work ho has and fewer exchanges of old cars served, which will be a potential bans to match (with each dress, a to match suits and coats to which finished an abridged version of didn't ,have, or hadn't begun to think more than twice before he for new; pleasures that can't bo between the two rooms, so that they add a shopping bag of the same and use, 10 years ago: Streamline' -fafitrnMn-flnod-controL nnd nnviga- .enn-hp—usnd ns ont*. when desired; self-fabric headpiece) we especially "Love Me Tonight," starring Maur- kept away where there is health and" tlott^and which OFFERS NOW "behold a porlect ensemble lortroVeT trains. Television. Transoceanic - Friends Now, Foes Later. work and love; reconciliation to new When privacy is temporarily de- and town wear. .__.... READY .ASSISTANCE IN THE "Bired,-is^thcre 'any way "the two.hav" e in the group. The turban jvith and Myrna Xoy, and originally re- passenger Sir-service. Synthetic The article goes on to sketch the Ideas—ideas which will be fading.; PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM for a chignon-or with a bandanna tie (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) rubber. Fluorescent -lighting. Col- and blending and changing into the rooms may—be separated without leased In 1932. It wUl run just 48 situation of a completely triumphant —the manufacture of many of the es- minutes. ored movies. Half-anJozenJjiew Germany, holding a_ very. _shaky old ideas; bc?oroJheyinT.czfairlX3ic^: destroying tho present lay-out? plastics and resins. Polarized r cepted. . , ".'.:.• sentialTingredients oF national de- Answer: A .5g,t. of fqldlng.-doors —©ther--old-time—successes -being truce wTtSZEusSla7~lir"ir true> for fense." considered for streamlining are glass. Glass building blocks. Fi- —Stalin -is tiona too comfortable a _ _ It Has Happened Befofej^. -. can be installed, ifthe space is too Pompadour Eelt Fashion Hints for- ber glass for insulation and tex- But it so happens that, after wide for a~pair of iJ'rencn aoors. "Design for Living," "The Lives of " neighbor, and holding with IfaJjTone" For the foce-ofJEurope has been . months of searching.Jhe_PNLYj>ow- a~Bengal Larlcer," "Night, After tiles-Synthetic .hosiery replacing _of thoBO compacts-which, as we've war-riddled- and—tho-boundaries _of.: _Ypur_ only other alternatlye_would er shortage which" theHJew Dealers be to hang portieres^— -- "~, Night," and "OiwrHbittj, With You." silk. Synthetic vitamins and hojp- all seen in_-the_:laSOlIsgracefuk JEurope changed incessantly for one h'iive been able—to "dig-up in tHenf -While-tH^dFess^of the cpllege.girl -mdnes.^_Sulfanilamider an,d sulfa- 'weeks, is all ready to be transferred- -thousand years;—: Spain ruled~The _arcuments7Hor the gHarsystem~"on Qnpcti'nlT Trio nlltcirlh must assume, a casual looteryet in pyradine, drugs that kill the dead- wtenerj^as-soon-aB-that-8; - -Netherlands- •by—inherited-Right; =Po£7 reality-it rnust-oBserve-mosl-meup-r _ly. streptococcas^gerTns~ rhy~~ house are. 'badiyr :«^year-ago|—In^that^tlme-^ -Winner is declared. Tlzmd~rfas~been' anybody-Ond every-7 TVA territory. Which would seem -ulous detail-that insures for rTstyle But suppose all that settled, and body's; Calais was Queen Mary's; she's played-four big parts, So dif- to make this "nowreadyusslstarice" houso? How could they-bo replaced distinction. ^ Z ~l ferent from each other that "she's the European peoples, one hundred Alsace and Lorraine have to look in" notion1 of Mr. Bankhead the height, You will thrill with delight at the the envy of all the other young ac- «nd flf ty_ jnillion- strong, meekly the glass every morning to seo so I would^not havo^ trouble-with 1 of something~"or~other: " them agairi? sight .of the new^featherweight jer- tresses." Jn" What a Life!,; she was Miserable "herded into line; then we are to whether they'ro French or German; sey dresses styled in classic sim- the nice high school girl who was imagine Hitler turning toward us. autocracy starved and shot down SPEED WAS STRESSED Answer: Leaking leaders should Incidentally, thero Is ut least tho be replaced as soon as possible. , A plicity but spectacular at that be- Jaokle-Cooper's-sweetheart; In "Of with backache? His dead burled,'tho crippled activi- the peoplo of Russia within the cause of the fringed shawl of tho Mice and Men" she was the sultry, ties of a dozen nations mended and memory of man; nothing that can suspicion that . tho.. Now Dealers 16-ounce corrugated copper leader 1 pulled a rather fast one in thus con- should give you long and satisfac- self-jersey that is thrown noncha- amorous young woman who attract- W/HEN kidneys function badly «nd shakily busy once more, tho inev- happen there today can surprise lantly about one's shoulders. . Wyou suffer a nagging backache, itable famine of tho awful winter of vincing tho defense commission. In tory service, ' 7 ' ' ed ton Chancy Jr. In "Seventeen" them after what they knew in 1905, burst Boiler.' And then there are the newest-of- she was a giddy young siren, ond- .with dlzzlnets, burning, scanty or too HMQ-41 somehow survived, and the and all the long centuries before 1905. his report to tho President, Stettin- frequent urination and getting up at ius uses the words: "Delay of a few Question: When~ wo closed our. the-now pinafore frocks. Can imagil In "Victory," her latest picture, ._, dictators themselves still alive— Spain has had a dozen insurrections, Bhe's warm, tender, understanding. night; wh«n you feel tired, nervous, "" wfilch is always a big assumption- weeks in authorizing this' undertak- house for the winter lust fall, water nation go beyond this—a navy dress allupjct . use Doan't Pills. in a hundred years; her kings dis- with.a bright red plnafpre_of_sheer. then they're ready for us. The plan appear, reappear, fly again. Napo- ing (TVA dam) might delay a year in tho hoator wus qot druwn off. This Doan'i are especially for poorly ' would be to establish a great mili- in filling the dam for generation of spring on lighting the fire, we found wool with pleated upron skirt and Three years ago Ralph Edwards • working kidneys. Millions of boxes leon thought he owned Holland and a jumper top all carried out In de-hitch-hiked from his home in Oak- are used every.year. They are recom- tary base in otie of the Central Italy, and sallied gallantly into RUB- ' power as it is necessary to catch that tho boiler had been cracked by American countries. But hundreds the flood waters next spring." the freezing 6f the water. Can this mure little girl fashion yet skillfully land, Calif., to New York for a job. mended the country over. Ask your sia across what wasn't yet Belgium, tuned to teen age wear? You will A couple of weeksTBgo-he returned '_ neighbor! . of thousands of men must bo landed Obviously Mr. Stettinius did not be repaired, or must I get a new there before a gun can be fired, lines in 1800. In a generation or two'all heater? '' • • • • wunt to Include one of tho new and"to his home in a plane. These days the countries lapsed back to their mean "next" spring, though a,s this clever drawstring models done in he's so busy that, when ho decided of communication opened, and guns, original positions, if indeed Euro- is written thero has never. been a Answer: Boilers are built up of Whether tho hat be wide of brim, tanks, ammunition, hospitals, com- sections, any one of which can be jersey. They are fitted to waist with to take a six-week vacation, five pean countries may bo said to have correction to this effbet. But pre- a tiny , a draped turban or a drawstrings that tie in "front. An- other announcers had to bo called DOAN SPILLS missary, the tremendous stalls of viously . in hearings Stettinius had replaced. Any plumber, should bo dramatic , milliners are tem- engineers . and mechanics made Blich things. - -able to got new sections to replaco other suggestion is a plnld skirt with •in to sub for him. So "sursum corda." Which is one mnde it clear he wus "thinkinjr~ta -lusi a WtaB~BnBh~ot- "Magic in Music" j . rTyronK-Pmoet- ity, that our navy and airplanes sla aren't trying tp steal anything with benzine, (be careful of fire.) brown suede. Another dress bfbelgo and stripes. Lots of plaid is on the 150 could stop Hitler long before he got buok from us, as a result Let tho possibility tiTprlority for anV other way for fall. It will be-tailored into will do a series of picturti base"d on project, and when/all the lnbor that •Apply a. cqat of clear lacquer. This suede has STljcfront closing, a per- tafes about Zorro, the California •ni fir>li| anywhere near our shores. " other, nations learn that lesson and fectly straight skirl and deep, sad- long coats,' into separate jackets and bandit—his current one, "The Call- Obviou§ly, an Invading army, we'll' have a better world. .could possibly be used was.eager for will prevent the brass from tarnish- 1 ing ' V " •. dle-atltched pockets on either hip. for the costume entire. lornian," is a re-make of the old Doug- , Wttf for our JbMu especially acrSBS" site of the great Don't be-afraid; jobs.,,. ' ... ' :; ' • Us Fairbanks "The Marh.oJ Zwrfl?" AIR CBHDITIOHED BAUHDIKTAWHIIT THE SPRINGFIELD SUN Page Seven THE SUNNY SIDE OFJLIFE

ACCEPTANCE -<• Morning: - 1 Clean CbmicsThatWill Amuse Both Old and Young 1—Inspection of the house In which Wendell Willkie waB. born, with special at- tention to exhibits ByEDWHEELAN including: - (a) Milk bottle tMeS -4Mb ACTS OF VUITH fant Willkie when VN THE COMCERT - he heard for the first time the : CUPID AKT> THE mention ol a B HALTHOMPSOM . -- (3O6H. name that sounded like "Roose- \NHAT A SWELL; SUMMER SALADS FAM -PICTURE: CTAR velt";" (b) blackboard upon Which (Recipes BeloWi) AND \DOL OF VOLJNG AMERICA ' A\H'T~ SUNSHINE ) V *<*»£!'. he once drew a donkey and scrib- bled the words, "This is a turkey"; (c) faded Mother Goose book with page turned to a verse brought up to date as follows: Old Mother Hubbard went to the cup- board • • • • «-.' ~-T6-gefe her poor-doggie »-bone;__ When she got .there the cupboard was bareW ' The New Deal had skinned It by phone.. •

LALA PALOOZA—Hive« Can't Stand on Ceremony AnylLongef By RUBE GOLDBERG -••^B—Short^talk—by—nursemnld^wh.o_ remembers distinctly that as a chili • Salads,' in summerrare-as-impor- 1 UR-R-K>! I FEEL COLp! ' I NEVER DID ANYTHING \ in arms Willkie had the kind of per- : Xf you're planning a pienje for THERE ARE THE Y HO HUM . , DISHONEST IN IAY LIFE- Ho .tant as swimming or tennis, or golf 1 TRACKS OF THE CAR, ) WHY DIDN'T^ THAT THUG COULD AT sonality .'that made her give him a- Nothing tastes quite sorgood as a a cro.wdi be sure to read Eleanor AFTER MISTER VINCENT-I JL I BRING LEAST HAVE LEFT ME BUT.'AS SHAKESPEARE VtAYU lollipop; when thVdOCtoTrordered Howe's column nex^ week..You'll1 THE MY NECKTIE SAID, *WHEN NECESSITY cool, crisp mixture of fresh greens, RECOGNIZE THE.' -^/L.AL.QNQo paregoric. find in It Miss.Howe'sown tested' BACK-STAGE TREAD" OP THE J V A CHAIR f CALLS, SWIPING HE WE or fruits,_or_vegctables, served with BECOMES A • • • recipes for. picnic foods—a recipe, BIGHT, TIRES VIRTUE" WOW! just the proper dressing. 'The very VINCENT CAN I HAVE THE 3—Reception by Mr. and Mrs. word is refreshing—like a drlnk_of for a chocolate cake to serve 25 AND HIVES NEXT DANCE ? "FrafflcTMcCarthy, present tenants of cold, sparkling spring water after a hungry picnickers; directions for .7 •-. TRAIL the old Willkie home, marked by long and dusty hike. >. .' making barbecue sandwiches or -•—THE—- frequent _ exclamations by bothr^'If meat loaf—for the same, size CAR IN Very light salads may_be served we'd ever had an idea of this we'd as an appctizcr~Jlrst"course^ if de^ crowd;-and-a recipe for-a gallon, WHICH of inexpensive chocolate chip ice LALA never have taken the place!"' sired. Dinner sal- WAS '4—Address by the mayor of El- ads, too, are cream. SPIRITED wood: "Homo Town Boy Makes light; they'may OUT_ Good." be served as a stiffen, add remaining ingredients. OF <• - • * * • " separate course, Turn Into wet mold and~chiU until ' TOWN 5—Sight-seeing Jour through busi- or with the main firm. Unmold on lettuce. Serve with ness area, with 'special attention course of the ' mayonnaise or- fruit .salad dressings to the cobbler's shop where Willkie's meal. For lunch- _x Fruit Salad Dressing. slides were repaired, and ithe bar- eon, salads may be somewhat heav- 2 egg yolks -beeshop_where-he_w.a_s_flrst shaved ier, because the main luncheon dish % cup strained honey "and in which the barber is still trying 71FlilcelyTOe~llEbt.- Many-tlmes.a. S'MATTER POP— Oops! Some Etiquette Busted By C. M. PAYNE Juice^l-lemon — r luncheon salac? is a-whole meal -in Dash salt- — itself, sorved—with bread or crisp 1 cup whipping cream rolls, a beverage, and dessert. And Place egg yolks, honey, lemon there are many times in informal juice and salt in "top of double boiler , luncheons-andTdinncrs, when salads and cook ^~ hourr ^Remove from do duty for dessert. flame, beat with dower egg beater What makes a good salad? Plenty and cool. Whip cream and then pour of crisp,, fresh greens, a blend of the chilled honey mixture into the fruits; or'vegetables orrflsh, a zesty whipipepi.cream—beating entiremlx- -to-argue-him~into-gotting-hi^lhSlE_ -dressing-and-a-dash_of=color,__88y. ture with dover egg-beater. Serve cut some day. Review of places ~uurexperts~To make-salads-appe--- wltbrany-kind-of frult-Balad.—•—. -fnat.nr.inij Wfmripll Wlllkip Hamburg tizing and refreshing, as they should Appetizers. -gers, Wendell Willkie Barbecue "~Cut~tiie-orustsffrom slices-of-ver tunch, Wendell Willkie Haberdash- and well chilled.. Greens are fresh- fresh bread. Spread bread with I ened in ice water for half an hour, ery, and the. "Wendell Willkie Punch cream cheese generously mixed with —Positively-One to a Customer." well drained in a Balad ^basket or paprika. Roll as for a jelly roll' • • • bag, and left.in the refrigerator to and slice in very thin slices. Brush Noon to 2 p. m.: _ *' ' chill. To prepare with melted butter, toast lightly, and Band;1 concert on the Elwood -head lettuce for serve immediately. ' ~ Green. salads, cut out -Freneh Dressing. Selections: "Banks of the Wa- the core or stern (Makes 1% cups) It Looks Like the Jackpot bash," "Inquisitions of the Poto- with a pointed Vi clove garlic MESCAL IKE ByS.L.HUNTLEY mac," "I'm on My Way," "Throw knife, and let-cold- (grated) 'Em Down McClusky," "Just a Lit- water from the 4 lumps sugar tle White House Built for Two." faucet' run' Into 1 tablespoon salt 2 p. m.: "F= this opening. The 1 tablespoon pa- Athletic Events at Gallsway park. water forces the leaves apart and prika Greased Pole Climb: Bob Taft cleans them. 1 cup oil Escaping From Locked Trunk —Use other greens besides lettuce % cup vinegar" Demonstration: Mr. Willkie. for garnishing salads, and.in mixed Grate garlic on Throwing the 100-Pound- Racket: green salads, .as_well. Watercress, lump sugar, and = -THomas~Dewey. :—^~~ — _tender_insidejejwes^j^rawjptaach, let_standjbeforejusing, for several BoxingTlodeo: Mr. Frank Gan- endive, escarole and~romalne~arc" .hours. When roady~tirTnix," plade" nett vs.-the whole Now Deal. good for variety. all ingredients in order listed in jar.. Sack Race: Original Wiflkio' for Add cubed, leftover meats to green Shake vigorously and serve. - President men vs. alternatesr salad, for a hearty main dish. And Tomato Jelly Rings' With Salmon. Wrestling Events: Charlie Mc- for hot days, plan fruit salad plates - (Serves 5 to 8) • ' _ Nary vs. Past Performances; Mr. for lunch or supper. 1 tablespoon gelatin (unflavored) Willklovs. the field. Peeled oranges, sliced and served ~Vi cup-cold water ... tJ 3 p. in.: with fresh, whole berries, with let- 2 cups tomato juice tuce, watercress or endive for a- 1 tablespoon "sugar- Section 1—Republicans garnish,jnake an .attractive""ffnd n Just About Given Up Hope. . freshing meal. _ Dash pepper i • By J. MILLAR WATT Section 2r-Il*!publlc8ns Who Had Crab' Apple Salads. 1 bay leaf _ y in Get A Definitely Given Up Hope. (Serves 6) r 1 teaspoon^ onion (mlncedL Section 3—Battle-scarred Torlea.- Vz cup celery (choppeti)~ DID) VDM SAY YE-S ! - I'D 6 eggs LI KG- tO _• Section 4—Businessmen"g-Cluhs.ot , PlriK~pUre~tood color -3-teaspotins_lemon juice VOUlP LIKE- TO AmerjcaJ!on stretchers). . " " . : . 12 _cloyes _. " " 1 pound can- salmon' ^~ Section 57-Budget Balancers (in 6 tiny sDrigs of green ~ jffat'ercress" or. lettuce ^ •" ambulances) .-i-^- 1-head lettuce '• -'---••~^~ Salad dressing ~ ~ ,' Section ft-— Soak "gelatfir in-cold-water. Conk_ fttne: tomato julce,~~BiigmT^alt, spep- Section 7—Efn"cTeTOy~E3cpert5-tby- per—and-Tbay leal, Brra~brli : boiling water and-simmer gently'tiri" proxy). • — —'tll~eggs are hard cooked (about 15 boll.^-StraJn. Dissolve softened gel-, Section 8—Brass bands playing the minutes). Remove shells while eggs atln in the hot liquid. Allow to cool theme song, "Heaven Help the Poor aj;e very hot, then while holding egg until the mixture begins to thick- Businessman; the New Deal Never under hot water, flatten both ends of en. Folql in onion, celery and lem- Will." the egg until it takes on the Bhape on juice and pour into individual * * • * of a small crab apple. Paint a tint ring molds. Chill ^untll flrm; just 4 p. m.: • - of pink on each egg with pink liquid before serving unmold on beds of Mr. Willkie accepts the nomina- color; place a clove at the stem end watercress or,lettuce. Fill centers tion at Elwood high school while his of salad rings with large flakes of of the egg and another at the blos- salmon. Serve with salad dressing.' school teachers shake their head* som end. Add a tiny sprig of green and whisper, "You could-knock-us- —at-the-stom end and the "crab ap^ over with a feather," plo" will bo complete. Arrange let- T Have you -ever realized,JthaL.ey_-.._ 5 to 8: ' tuce cups on indlvlduaTBa1ltti~plates; ery single one of us includes, in Dancing, cold snacks and argu- place one egg on each plate and our daily routine, several hundred' THE SPORTING THING ments over the Gallup poll.. serve with mayonnaise. homely, household tasks? And have • "It • is the duty of evoryono to . « * • v ;,' Fruit Salad. you ever dlacoverd by accident some make at least one person happy dur- SUMMER PORTRAIT Toss lightly together in salad bowl simplified, easy, and practical w,ay . ing the week," saijla Sunday school Ball tUiullcaW. IM. s Hills and dales one cup Watermelon balls, one cup of doing one of these tasks? Then teacher. "Have you done so, Fred- And cars with banners muskmelon balls, one cup honey you know how valuable, a book would dy?" Full of folks 'dew melotrb»Hspl-cup Beeded red be that contained several hundred "Yes," salcTFreddy, promptly. WluVrotten manners. cherries, and 1 cup diced celery. just such helpful hints on homemak- "That's right. What did you do?" rr 4 "I-went to see my aunt and she Add" frencfi 3ressing-in sufficient' Add similes: As Ironic as the Idea quantity to thoroughly coat all Send 10 cents in coin to-"House- was happy when I went home." of Pierre Laval putting other French hold Hints," care Eleanor Howe, 019 fruits. Serve In bowl lined with N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, and leaders on trial for making mis- chilled greens. Crust takes. you'll receive your copy of this help- , Father—When I was a little boyi . ' Golden Fruit Salad. ful booklet, promptly. I always ate the crusts. • -'.••, •••'•.•?- (Serves 6) (Heleused by Weitern Newspaper Union.) ToVli AROUND WN- HOTS OrtlS Of FIORtio CWWMllB SEBRtW, Adolf Hitler has sent to Mussolini 1 tablespoon gelatin Willie—Did you like them? 1 .,.., „, _., IBsW.tf'WOlWiltf HlSlWf ANDWS6YERTO MW*iWB04HE&Wlffl as a gift a train of three' armored 2 tablespoons cold water Tasty Cases Father—Of course I did I WRiV WOM AfmVO* WWMEIhWWtM HISWeWf- HIS R)Of I cars equipped with 16 anti-aircraft 1 cup juice from canned pineapple Green peppers, cut in halves and WUHe— rhen-yo guns in the hope "that it may ac- (hot) - • ,.i___.'I.... "Simmered. for—ltLUnqinutes, make "tt tt —%-r-ctrp—aiignA-— —— • . • ' Hot Water Man your life."- This would indicate that Few grains salt fish. After the peppers have been "I makd a living keeping people the reaction to those balcony % cup-orange juice filled put them In (he oven for ftv* from getting In hot water." speeches isn't what it used tp be. V* cup vinegar minutes or so to brown the tops.. . '• "Oli, an-atfomoy.-eh?" ---. '-'•:- 1" orange (cut in pieces) . .'.. "Ho,' an apartment Janitor.".. ., Out .of 900.000 tulip bulbs planted 1 cup raw coj:ro| (coarsely grated) Clothes Space ' .' l by the city of Now York In » Bpe- 1^4 cup crushed pineapple For additional clgtb.es apace In the • ' Doesn't "clnl Riverside drive garden 8t)0,000 Soak gelatin in. cold water ^nd dts- clgset fasten a bird-cage hook to the" wm ut f n "fHlled to co'we up.—Altar that we i' jii "AM top of the closet door 'This will hold- * 'Scuse me, lady, could you give HHDS h BAU.WHICtt SWfflJUORRVllPBE- COMPLE S*HD51 ; a poor fellow a blto?" "I ,do.n't TWKS0Uf,M0WEV/ER. CoriEMOREIflMiTEtK. MHEVEMRNSSWXV don't feel so futile about the daffodil sugar, salt, orange juice and vine- gm or ^tglit hangers- aria'A\>m Keep \^i^*ix*~\^*?3s%?2 bite myself; I'U call the ddg."— 1bBE6lD«6lt)EM mMWOMEtb s BOESNT mvM*»» btd. . ' • .. >, gar. Cool,' and when beginning to long dresses up from- tha floors Quick, Mike, call » doctor, ftfoSnlUsli U bavin*, one ol bji dUijr Stray Stories. V

i :•—•'-V.1 iiv*r«: Page Eight SPRINGFIELD SUN Friday, August 16, 1940

the ttxamlnatlooH requeuled for Impoc- lared the Uourd adjouruttd until Thurs- uiibtUutloa of it^lu Stbte ho and the Junior Baseball League tor-T«ster and Highway aad Brld«« day, August 1'2. Hill, at two V. M. --. mint* Ib h«r«by proposed. And when tho End Of Home CoDHtructlon Inspector, referred to the CHAB. M. AKFL.ECK. ittme oliull be agreed Lu by a majority Standing of Teams CBS 'Beauty Brldgea. Drainage and Plood Control adv. ". Clerk. >f ull the intJiubera olucted to the S6nn.t© W, L.. Pet. Commlttbe. tnd House of Auuembly, thu uuld uiuend- Blitzkriegs j 6 0 1.000 Boro of Kenllwortb. calling attention neni shall Ue enterod'un their Journals, OUR DEFENSE LEGAL NOTICE •vUh thu yeua und nuys taken thereon Stay For Bears 3 3 to the need of a trafflo llyht at the Dodgers .500 huerooctlou of the Kenllworth Boule- nd referred lu t)tu L^gluluturo next to Clippers- 3 3 .500 vard undUlchlgaa Avenue, and usklng AMENDMENTS I'llOFOHEI) TO THE te chosen, und published for three that a Committee confer with th" Coun- CON8TITUTIOK OF THK STATE OF months pt-uvlous to the lirat Tuesday The Newark Bears conclude their Sluggers . 0 6 .000 ty af* to what can be done to alleviate NEW JKKHEY BY THK LEOIHLATUKE after the ttrst Monday of November next. home-stand with a five-game series Result* This Week The Army of the United States this condition, referred to the Road OF 1D4O. In ut leant one newspaper of each county. If any bo publluhed therein, to be desig- against the Buffalo Bisons this Clippers 2, Sluggers 1. • Comlmttee. ' Keglutfcr'B Office, advlulng the appoint- AHHEMIJLV CONCUnUENT nated by the President of the Senate, week-end at Ruppert Stadium. There Blitzkriegs 7, Sluggers 5. ment of Ulaa UaobelU L. IloLh of. £o- the Speaker of the- House of Assembly BJE8OLUT1ON Ma. £ ind tlm. Secretary of State. will be a Ladies Night doubleheader Scheduled Games selle aa Clork-Stenographer, for a period^ Friday night, starting at 7 p. aC, a of two months referred to the Finance" Junuurrent Ue»olatloa . propotting amend- Today—Dodgers vs. Clippers. The Men Who Used to Fight on Foot menU to Uie CouctitnUon or thu State PROPOSED- AMENDMENT • single game Saturday afternoon, Committee. ' of New Jeney. Amend-Artlole yilj sectloji two/ para- Township of ' Union, making Inquiry graph six of the/ Stute ComKftutlon, so and another twin-bill Sunday af- Tues.—Clippers vs. Sluggers. B12 IT HESO^VSD by the House of This is one of a Series Pre- weighing several pounds right t1o as to the matter of repairing the shoul- hut henceforth, an umended, it shall ternoon at1:45. ~- Frl.—Blitzkriegs vs.. • Dodgers. pared by the National Def*nse_. where the enemy is hiding behind a der along Stanley Terruce, Colonial Ave., Assembly of the State of New Jersey roud an follows: Advisory Commission. building. There will be a supply of and Valley St., State Aid Roads, re- (the. Senate concurring); SherltCs and coroimrH. ahulL be elected Following this series with Steve ferred to the Road Committee. 1. The following amendments to'the by the people of thulr respective coun- CNeill's sluggers, the Bears will The Blitzkriegs, acknowledged eighteen .50 caliber machine guns State Highway- Dept. advising that Constitution of the State of New Jesey les ut the general election and' they have to wage the biggest part- of ohamps of the Junior Baseball We have a reorganised—and re- that can stop anything up to andthe Commissioner authorised payment to are hereby proposed, and when the aha 11 hold their offices for live years. their battle with the-Rochester Red including light tanks, and another Union County of }C0,000 for 1940 Dirt same shall be u if reed to by a majority Sheriffs ahull unnuully renew their bonds. League at the Union County Park juvenated Army th^o days. It is Road Fund, referred to the Road _Com^ of the members elected to the Senate Filed July 2, 1040. ' ' -Wlngs_Jor the league pennant on play field, have yet to taste defeat made up of smaller, harder-punch- eighteen 37 r""v antitank guns mlttee. antnitjuse of Assembly, the said amend- foreign soil. After the Sunday ing units from the squad to the pla- whose 1%-inch shell will ruin al- First Ward Democratlo ASBOC, asking ments shall be «ntered on their Journals, doubleheader only seven widely this season, outslugging the Slug- toon, to the company, to the regi- Tnost~Rny^tank that" ever clanked. tho County to reconsider the erection with the yeus and nays taken thereon of a-County Vocational School, referred nd referred to the Legislature then scattered home games will remain" ment,— then—on -upr-to-the division Jn_additioitithe.infajitey_inust_be. -tcr~Financ*-Oomralttee» — next to be chosen and published for on the Newark schedule. The latter, In the bottom spot through- the corps, to the- field supplied with .45 caliber service pis- hree months previous to th~e~~nrsl TUB5^ with six straight defeats, lost a close tols, and a large number of hand *r*wp. of New Providence. . enclosing day* after the Orst Monday of November The Bears will be away until army. communications reoelved from the N. J. next, In. at least one nawupaper of each" tilt Friday to" the Sluggers, 2-1, and Where the old army divlsion( the grenades to present to nearby ene- Automobile Club, regarding a damaged county,- -If any be published thoreln, August 27 when they will return mies. ''."'" curb along the side of the road opposite for one contest with Jersey Oity, will try to grab their first win division is the smallest complete such newspapers to, be designated by the The job facing the nation today the Berkeley Garage, referred tb Road President of tho Senate, the Speaker of the only game at Ruppert Stadium against the Clippers Tuesday. unit which includes all kinds of Committee. - - ' . he House of Aaaemlily and the Secre- until September 3. Thus are these As a reward for their fine show- - -weapons under one command) of is to provide_ adequate manufactur- Union County Tax Board, advising tary of State; payment for such publi- ing facilities to supply- those weap- tho appointment of Myles J. McManua cation to be made by the Treasurer on remaining five games at home of ut- 20,0QQ-men-rushed to battle at the as Secretary, effective August 1, 194u, ing this season, Playground" Direc- n warrant of the Cbmptroller. most importance-becauseltheJBeara. speed of twelve miles a day, theons for the' existing divisions as and the appointment of James J. Me- -torpBUl-Brown-wiU-take the BUtzt new division can-snap toward-the rapidly. • as nossible,~and—to-.deliver. ICann-iLUd-Jqaeph. Leonte_as_Speclal In- PKOPO8BD AMBNDJ&E1NT cannot be_expected...to do better kriegs * to "Knot Hole Day" between 1. Amend paragraph one,' .uoctlon than hold their _own on the road enemy at more than forty miles a them to' the new divisions as. fast veBttgators, referred to the Finance hree, Article XV, of the Constitution of while the Wings are at home. tho New York Yankees and Cleve- day whenever motor transportation as they are ready for them. That Committee. ,: the State of New Jersey, to read as Following monthly reports were 'olio we: -•— * • — land Indians Thursday-afternoon. is made available. And the soldiers calls for 'special steels for the guncelyed and ordered Hied: ^founty-Treaa- About 12 boys are expected to make won't have flat feet when they get barrels. '• It call -fo machines that urer; Supt. of Weight* and Measures; The General Assembly nilu 11 be com- Latest International League ayer- can convert that steel into weapons. Third Judicial District Court, Fifth posed of .members biennially elected by the trip to Yankee Stadium, New Radio Is. as rich in beautiful there, because they ride to work Judicial District Court; Home' Demon- tho legal voters of the counties, re- _ages showttiat Tommy Holmes, jhe women as any other branch, of the in. trucks. * • •• And it calls for men who can oper- stration Agent; Assistant Home Demon- spectively, who shall bo apportioned •"' Bears', dfihunitive leadoft "man, "is York- Oity.—-•——'-.—- '___.___ ate— thcae-—machmes^~TheL_Army. stration Agent and- Agricultural Agent.. among the Bald counties- as nearly as 1 ^yg 1 leading the circuit in total hits, as • In Play Offs knows its needs. It Is the job of the Heporl""".ljy " Committee^ on—Brldgea, may be according to the number of their at the top of the heap In the mat- vision, only about 13,000, but with Drainage and .Flood Control, advUlnif welj as in starting doubleplays from — The 1940' championships of county ter of pulchritude ' is copper- new weapons these men will be able National Defense Advisory Commis- of bids received for constructing new ahull contlnuo until the next census of the outfield. Holmes, a Brooklyn playgrounds^ for the Junior Base- sion .to find out how we fulfill those concrete bottoms and underpinning, to tho United States shall hav-u been taken, haired Marian Shockley, heard in to sling more pounds of assorted nd un apportionment of members of Summer Vacationists lad in his fourth year of profes- ball title will get under way Mon- 1 requirements without crowding anil bridges at Oakland Ave., noar Walker sional baseball, Is a sure bet to go to the role of "Nikkl" in the popu- steel at the enemy in less time than Ave., and Walker Avenue near Mulford the Goneral Assembly shall bo made by* day morjUngftt;^ at Wart- lar ^EUery Queen" jirograms the old divisions could. confusion. But that list above is Avo., Union, and recommending award the Legislature at its flrst session after Go Everywhere —broa3cast-bver tiSttS -rmlyrmhnt.- n. mrtrlnrn InfflntT Tf g*-. of *"contract. to lowest "bidder, wag re^ and every .subsequent enumora- Vianco : ion or census, and when mado shall re- And •wherever they go. th6W> go' kriegs, representing Springfield, will day nights.. -- er has, as his direct aides, .an in- ment can more or less carry over and or3elro3~niSff main unaltered until andther unumera- Alex Kampourls, Newark's lead- fantry- general and an artillery .gen- its shoulder in the way of weapons^ Report by Committee on Bridges, tlon shall have been talfon; provided, ing homerun hitter of all time, will oppose' Railway on Diamond No. % JPrftinage and Flood Control, reporting that euoh county shall at all times be AMERICAN EXPRESS eral. Through these men the or- There are also fast modern* tanks on eoveral communications re for rod to entitled to one momber; and, the whole be glven-a "Night" September 6 and nearby, the Plainfleld' champs ders will be . transmitted down which.carry substantial armor and it by the Director, was reoolved and nunrbor of membors' 'shull * nover exceed TRAVELERS. CHEQUES when, 600 of his Greek, admirers will wP.ll take on Roselle._ Respective Realty Transfers ordered filed. **—-^^v. ''> sixty. •through the regiments, the battal- machine guns. We will have small Report of Publlo Welfare Committee Whatever your destination for your turn out and honor him "in the usual winners will meet in the finals Wed- ions that make up the regiments, ones capable of galloping over good on bids received for altering the In- . PROPOSED 'AMENDMENT manner. The slugging second sacker. nesday on Diamond No. 8 for tho Mr; and Mrs. Norman "Vv*. Wool- the companies that- make up theroads at' thirty-five miles an hour, cinerator construction at Bonnie Burn 1. Strike-out paragraph seven of sec- summer holiday, you can make an recently became a daddy, a daugh- : ley to. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Gordon Sanatorium and recommending award tion four of Article IV and Insert In coveted title. battalions, to the platoons, ~and_jindLmoving over rough ground at a of contract to the lowest bidder, was lieu thoro of a now puragraph which Important step toward, Its complete ter arriving at his- Sacramento, Evans,- Jr., property in the center eventually to the squads where the good clip. And there will be bigreceived and ordered tiled; : alUroad^ao,.follows; success by changing-the- cash you 7. Members of the Senato shall • home. line of old Coles avenue—distant corporal will indicate to our recruit, ones capable of slugging it out with Following resolutions were Introduced: planned to carry with you Into these , Freeholder -Brooks- for — tho -Public colvo annually the sum of two thousand 281.84 feet from center line of Coles John Smith, what is necessary. anythlngthat comes along. Under dollars -<|2,00b.00y during the time for dependable travel funda. ~^ Ed Levy, six foot, five a'nd a half Weapons for the Infantry new contracts, these steel turtles are Grounds and Buildings Committee, whluh they shall, have been olectod, and N. Y. A. Centers avenue, as riow relocated and estab-; granting Frank L, Wehrle, Englnomun, while they, shall hold their said offlcos. Inch tall first sacker of the Bears. The 13,000 John Smiths in thebeing turned., out in the Middle additional leave of '* absence for two who has accounted for 45 extra base lished by the County of Union, near months, with pay, was on roll call un- Mombcrn of the General Assembly shall Travelers Cheques protect your (Continued froM-Pape'TT' lands of Norman Woblleyr Moun- new streamlined divisions will find' West. The steel industry has al- receive unnuully tho sum, of two thou- hits including 19 homers, also leads ready told: the Advisory Commission animously adopted. ' uand dollarB ($2,000.00). "during the tlmo "travel hinds"—for when you have the International League In stolon tainside. an attractive array of weapons to Freeholder Brooks for the Public for ^vhlch thoy shall have been eleotod, corned. These young people must choose from. In the first place there that preparations are under way toGrounds and Buildings Committee, signed them at the time of purchase bases as well as In executing un- ' Mr, and Mrs. Nephl S. Woolley increase production of light armof granting David Ougel, Engineer and and while they shall hold their sa}d of- here at the Bank, no one-can spend be given the opportunity to acquire will be 4,500 new Ml rifles for one Machinist, additional leave of absence, IICOB. Mombors of tho Senate and Gen assisted doubleplays, His huge size to Mr. and Mrs. Prank Gordon plate to meet requirements." oral Assembly shall receive no othei them but you. makes It almost impossible to get a the necessary baslc^skills and-3ob of these streamlined-divisions of in- for three-months, with pay, was on roll allowance or emolument, directly or In- Evans, Jr., property in the center fantry. These new semi-automatic Ammunition Needs call unanimously adopted. directly,—for—any purpose -whatever. line drive through, his territory.. Information to enable them to make Freeholder Smith for tho Finance Cotn- They; are spendable everywhere, 4 1 line of old Coles avenue, distant rifles," weighing only nine, pounds, That more or lesss settletles ththe ewea- mlttee, approving temporary appoint- PROPOSED AMENDMENT up for the scarcity ^)! skilled workr will pump outH;wo-to three times as - and if lost or stolen a prompt refund '• crs resulting from the depression 281.04 feetjrom center line of Coles pons that the infantry has handy. ment of Maebolle £J. Roth as Clork 1, Amend * paragraph live of section To preserve leftover putty, wrap avenuej as now relocated and es-many shots per minute .as the. old But these modern, agile, war ma-Stenographer, In tho Register's Office, two, Article VII, to road as folio' Is made. ~in~waxed'paper-and-keep-in-a-sealed -years—when—no—new—workers_were_ ^•ifleszwould One_ofJiheJprime_johs_ chlnes_can_.diBRose_of_a. surprising for a period of two months, was on roll Clerks and surrogates of counties shall trained in industry itself. In- the "tablished^y^the^County-of Union, -oall—unanimously—adopted. __— bo—olocted—by__the_pQbple ^of_, thelr_.re-_ _fruit jar.- near lands of Norman Woolley, facing the Army,_and^lri turn the quantity ,pf ammunition in a short Freeholder Smith for the Finance Com- spoctlvo counties, at the time, elections " Tor naala~at-1hiB-Bank- fa-J10/~ shops at the centers they will gain Nutional~Defense Advlsorjr Commls^ time. For example, the Ml riflej "mltteo, ' approving salary of Myles J, for mombors of the Senate or General 120, $50 and $100 denominations A screw or nail will penetrate Mountainside. — slon, is~ where and how to turn out with a good, man on the trigger end McManua as Secretary In the Union Assembly are held In the Stato of New experience using tools and equip-- County Board of Taxation, ! effective Joraey/ at 75c per $100 purchased. hard, wood easier If first rubbed ment, trade terms, shop arithmetic, Sarah B. Dewlck and Oliver N., rifles fast enough to equip these new can fire over 130 shots in fivemin -August 1, 1940, was on roll call unanf Thoy shall hold their offices for five ' with soap. safety practices, drafting, and gen-her husband, to Battle Hill Build- troops. And that problem is being utes. A jna'chine.. gun can, loose mously adopted. "- years.' . " * worked out day by day. about 2,500 shots in the direction of Froohoider Smith for tho Finance ^ — PROPOSED AMENDMENT eral shop practice, under actual ing and Loan Association of Sprin.gr Committee approving appointments of 1 There are other new weapons- the enemy f& the same time. So.it 1, Amend puragraph six of section production conditions. .This ex- fleld , property in the southeasterly James J. McCunn and Joseph Ixjonto two. Article VII, to read as follows: There is the .30 caliber-automatic is evident that there will have to be as Spoclal Investigators, for a period Sheriffs and coroners shall be electee The First National SCHEDULE OF MAILS side of Marion avenue, 524.68 feet L perience, of course, will'iw as great rule or light machine gun, enough considerable expansion of the na-of throe monthu, was on roll call unani- b,y the people of thetr respective coun an~asser"toTyouth~ during:f ordinary from-Morris avenue.: 1 : " tion's —ainmunltion-f acuities -in mously adopted. .—.. tlofl, at the tlmo elections for memben - Incoming* .' • Outgoing* ilke-a-rlfle-for-a^man-to -pick- up tfrooholdor Dudloy-for the Public "Wel- of the Senate or Genaral Assembly- ari lndustrlal_production_as it 1sJ»-the •Mr. and Mrs. Herman Metsky to and walk away with it. There will hurry. And, ths In turn, will call for faro Commlttoo, -recommending the held In" the State of New_ Jersey, and Bank of Springfieh 12.06 P. W. "' 12.10. P_M.. present period." Mr. and Mrs. William P. Gasblin, be about-Jawenty 81 mm, mortars, more powder plantsfjand stepping award of contract to S. Hammond thoy shall hold tttelr offices for -UDubjLDroducUorilQf; brass shell cases, Inc., for alterations to the Incinerator years. Sheriffs shall annually renew -property—rknown—r-as—Nos.—88=68. and m mm. mortars fur- each tilvi- -oonttttootlon-a t- Bonnie -Burn-Bonatorlunv •Must bo In 20 r -their—bonds.— •Allow for "sort-. Earn $30 Monthly Marlon avenue'. ' " • sion. A mortar can lob a shell and steel-Jacket bullets. All thiswas on roll call unanimously adopted. •Fllod July 2, 1940. lnff. mlnutoa ahead., Frooholdor Brokaw for the Bridges, ••l&xcopt,. Satur- . • In the Now Jersey • centers the Cheses Construction Company to has to be done without creating •Kxaopt Satur- Drainage and Flood Control Commit ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT Membtsr Federal Reserve System. day. day. • ' young men earn a monthly wage^)f Augusta H-. Hoops, lot 23, map of SHERIFF'S SALE bottle-necks, without waste motion. tee, recommending the award of, con * • And that's the way'it's being done. tract for work on bridges at Oakland RESOLUTION No. 8 — This Bank will be closed on Satur- The Saturday noon mall Is emlttod $30 from which $19.80 is deducted Spring Brook Park. • -Avonue noar Walker Avenuo and W Concurrttnt Resolution proposing amend- SIIKllIFP'S SAM—In Chanoory of Now munt to tho Constitution of the Statt days antU September 14th, inclusive. a> well as tho evonlner mall. . Tho for subsistence. They live in clean ' August O. Ba'der,'widower, toHar - 1 or Avenue noar Mulford Avenue In the two are combined In ono dollvory pleasant barracks and are served Joraoy. Botwoon Homo Ownom Loiin Township of Union, to tho lowest bidder, ot New Jersey. In accordance with the.BevUed Act and departure at 1:26 P. M. old Q. and William A, Rader, one Corporation, a body corporate of tho was oh roll cull unanimously;, adopted. .-BE IT RESOLVED by-the House~o •f the Xiefflftlatture,' -•> properly balanced, well-cooked and Unltod States, complalnunt, anil David Synopsis of Minutes o£~ tract at the Intersection of the 1 There being no further business am Assembly of the State of New Jerse ample meals. Emphasis Is placed1 P. Cartor, widower', ot ala., dofondants. upon motion, of Freeholder Dudley duly (the Senate 'concurring): northwesterly sideline of New Jersey i. fa. for uulo of mortgatfod promlHoa. Board of Freeholdersseconded and carried tho Director de on the development crtTgood work By vlr.tuo of tho ahovo.-statod writ of 1. The following amendment to th< State Highway Route No. 29 andfiiorl fiiciaH to mo dlrobtod I shall oxposo habits and the program of civic", Rogular meeting of the Union County — A1B-COOLKI> — •the westerly sldeiine of Evergreen ifor ualo by publlo vonduo, In tho Dlutrlct cultural, social and recreational court and_one tract at the intersec- 'Court Room, In tho Court HOUHO, In thoBoard of Chooon Freeholders wa«—hold actlvitlesjfosters clean-cut American oity of ISUzabath, N. Jr., on at tho Court House, Ellzaboth, ^T. J.i on tion of the northwesterly sideline o£ W,10DNHSDAY, TUB 11TH DAY OF Thursday, August 8th, 1940, at two P. M. citizenship. BiaPTlQMBIDR, A. P., 1940, Roll call showed eight mombors* proa- Maplewood Theatre New Jersey State Highway Route- ent and ono, Freeholder Aakerman, abr Opp. DLAW BB-Stil^ 8.O. I-gOOO at ono o'clock Htandurd (two o'olook The work day is about evenly di- No. 29 and the easterly sideline of Duylleht Savins) Tlmo, In tho afternoon sent. . ~ Prloe»T—Wad. & Sat. Mat 35o-B6o of uald day. Minutes of the meeting of July 26th. Hives. (So—1.10 vided between time spent in theEvergreen court, Mountainside. 1940, *wero approvod as per prlntod Next wook: Cheryl Crawford presents All the-following tram "or parcol of 1 various shops doing productive work Millburn Purchasing Company, land and promises hereinafter particular- oojiloy on the members desks. PAUL ROBESON for governmental cosponsorlng agen- Inc., and others to Abe Silverste'ln, ly deserlbod, nltuuto, lylllK and bolliK In Resolution that all bills approved be cies and. In classes for training re- tho -Townuhlp of BpHngflold . In tho ordered paid was adopted. Niijrro actor; Knsono O'N^U's lot 84, map of Sprlng'fleld Park, and County of Union and Stato of Now Jor- Following communications were i ro- lated-tcr-this j(rork^ Plenty of time ono . tract_ in._the__wes;terly side of Boy. colvod and orderod filed: "EMPEROR JONES" is left for health-building recrea- —BEUHNNINQ-at-a-pGlnt-oii-tho-north- Sheriff, advising that ^[ohn R. Van Battle Hill avenue, 881.67 feet from orly flldo lino of Clinton Avonuo dlutant Dusen, Guard~ln-•Uib"~Jall,- has~beo^>~: This week! tional pursuits as well as for other llovod of all dutlofl as of Juno .30, 1940, i K lmt Morris avenue. ..._ ; four hundred olghty olcht and forty KDNA FKUHKIti" group activities that promote good eovon himdrodtliH foot easterly from tho pending;,.,tho. result of an operation to "THE ROYAX. PAMULY" Guy Harold Mulligan, single, to pantorly side lino of Wostllold Avonuo bo performed on Ins knee, — citizenship and democracy. Henry A. West; property In the(now known .as Mountain Avonuo) Sheriff, advising that Arthur I. Mac- Among the work experiences that thonco (1) at rlcht anflus to Clinton d on aid, Guard in tho Jail, is to receive westerly sidoline of Sherwood park- Avonuo north twenty nlno degreoB thirty 75a por hour. are included In the resident center way, 65 feet from Marlon place, sovon minutes oast, two hundrod foot Civil Service Commission regarding program are the following: aviation. thonco (2) parallel ' with Clinton Avo- Mountainside. nuo uoutli nlxty dogroeo twenty throo motor and automotive mechanics, mlnutoH • oast forty foot; thonco (3) L Y R I C -electric—and—acetylene—-welding. parallel with tho^ first aoumo WHERE ~rwqntynrno—tloffi all _)LBIIMMMrJSLJ. ' Phono 6-aM ; woodworking and carpentry, sheet uton woHt two'Hunllrod foot to tho aforo UNION iv metal work, machine shop, electrical montlonod northerly side lino of Clln TODAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY: ' The SUN is on sale every-Krlday ton Avonuo; thonoo ,(.4) along tho north THEflTRE -UNION workp concrete construction and afternoorr^at the following news- orly sldo lino of Clinton Avonuo north radio mechanics. - . \ nlxty dotrrooH .twonty throo minutes v — XABT TWO DAYS T- Aug. 16, 17, 18 . • " stands in Springfield: forty foot to the point and plaoo ~ The minimum enrollment period JDoglnnlng; • p. ' ' ' SONS" —~:::-A -^^ Chester _;_• - Anita 234 MMorris avenue; Buckalew's," 247 starring _ is-loLsix months and the maximum Morris avenue; Shack's, 279 Mor- Bolng the woBtorly ono-half of Lot No, i r -8 on a oor'taln map ontltlnd "Map . 01 Don Alnoohe, ISuscne Ijeontbvlcli Morris ' . ™:; 7 ' Louise: is" for one year.' ^However, permis- ris avenue; PhillipsV "1IJ1 Morris Martin Butato at •Sprlntfflold, New Jor- toakAWU sion "Is—gianta a youth to-l-aSienii&xJEStz _Gessner's, ." noy," which uald map_waH duly (Hod In with Bay Mlllund and ifore ZZ~BuclcJTones, __ avenue; Paul -Mlllburn the Union-County- Iloglstor'u OKIco Hvory Frl. Bve.Jt..8»t, MaL— terminate his rjnnuary 0, 1015 un M»y Nn--ai1 n. BBRIATJ^^Wlnoenl ot the Wost." six months have ,eliipsed when her Morris avenue~and ^folujf it. part of tho namo promlBo l^altlnt South Springfield-^and uonvoyod to David"P. Gartor anrt Holona. SUNDAY, MONDAT, TUBSDAt"; ^tlJ Pi3IS3tru~wlio7=^tiy-Tlood-rT>f—-Jh at Bllwise's, 1 Springfield road. uml—Hi'irVi'a—Puulun. h'ln } tf3fco datod^Dooombor 17, II)2U^- rooordod Do. "wltli Olivia Dvlluvlllund, Jeffry Lynu, comber 2a, 1020, In Lho Union Count Chau. Wlnulnser—and lCddlo Albert Itotrlutor'n Offloo In-Unok 1087 of Doodi on pagoti 73 $o. •The Mwv Who Talked Too Much' XCnowh au No. 41 Clinton Avonu< wltli tioor«;« Ilrent, Virginia— Mruoe ACADEMY" SprlnBllold, N; 3. Kutra VTUlavetx_"esM JXAO. 8PMAKB" Bt — with — FREE PARKING Thoro la duo approximately I0.4UI1.21, F1U0U1 Ice Cream to All Kldillos Bobby Jordan - Tommy Kelly MILLBURN with lntorout from July 10, 1040, an e.osoo UOHts. • ' WBDNB TO SATOKDAY b MILLBURN AliMX CAMPBIOIIIJ. Shorlrt. Telephone Summit 6-3900 Weekdays Show Start, at ,1:10 P. M. WAIIRHN J. i,YNcir, soiv. "The Mortal Storm" MON.-TUES. *"AUG. 19-2ff; IDve'a, 1:U sacx-071 wnt 10-4 (Iliiuod mi Pl)yIUa Bottomo's Novel) —TODAY AND SATORDAY— Sat, Sun. at 1 IP. M. - OontlnMom with MurKorot Bullavun, Junuw Loon Errol - Dennis O'Kcofe Ht.nvuH, Robert Younar, Uonlta Gruli- JOAN CRAWFORD NOW PLAYING — LAST DAY — vlUu, Vrank MUTKCUI " ' Frl., Aug." 16 PRINTING Also "FHIVATE ASTAXBSf' "POP ALWAYSJAYS" FBEDIUC MARCH aturrluB Nanoy Kelly, Boland Young' "MY LOVE LET UB DO YOVB PB1NTIKO "ITAfeETHISOATH" "SUSAN AND GOD" CAMETBACK" • Gordon Jones .- J. Compton Donald Duck Cartoon "The Man Who Talked SAT. BVB. AT 11 P. M." — J Too Much" WED.-THURS. AUG. 21 22 • s r "Cat and the Canary" —SAT., SUN., MON., TUES.— CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Donald Woods - Katliryii Adams', With. BOB HOPE Aug. 17. 18, 19, 20 Sun. - Mon. - Tues. "THEMORTAL ••••••••»••••••••••»•» »••»»»••••< "LOVE, HONOR AND Printing ' August 18-20 ' STORM" Automobiles \ George Raft Margaret Sullnvan L«t us handle your OH, BABY!" uonnia AVO. MOTOR OAR CO., INC. order for —••. —1-~- ,Co-foatura • : James Stewart Ann Sheridan Frank Morgan - Robert Young Chrysler, Plymouth PHINIINO - " ' General Repair* from a card to a booklet. "Frontier Crusader" 156 Morris Ave..' Sprlnsdold 'They Drive By Night' "One Million B.C." Mlllburn f-01»» . . HPRINQITIKLD BUN with TIM McCOV •;. . — EXTEA — Lon Chancy Jr. - CaroW Lw4!8 Mlllburn t-lltf "One For The Book" FltlCK ICW OKMAM OHOCOLATB EVERY SATOHiDAV NTTE 1>OV8 TO ALL TIIK UIUDIKS who Auto Repairs Betty (Jlggerbug) Button -attend oar Tuoaday Hntlnee*, Shoe Repairing -^=EXTRA—Sunr-Mat. Only J—Sat, * Hun. Mat. Only— Body—andyenderWoglc . ,r " ''DKUMS^OIT FC-MANCmJ" D«y or Nlsht Towlnc anaT Road Beryl ' Bxpert Bhoe RebulUInc PLAYS ."Man From Tumbleweed" Bport Footwear; all styles, for Growing •WED., THUBS., FBI.;' SAT— JOB OBIMM Girls and J>dle«—lt.ll . . "Screen Tally-Ho" " "Aug/21; 22, 23, 24 Eleven Bridie nd.. near Morris Ave. COLANTONE'8 IfAMILY 8HOB STOM EVERY TUES. MAT. & EVE. Mlllburn «-J0«7 Bstab. II Tears.. I45-A Morris Ave. .."$ ^Big Jack Pot $ I Royal Ruby Dinnerware "THEY DRIVE y p Battery & Radio Welding & Grinding TO EVEBY LADY George Haft -• Ann Sheridkn PUBLIC —STARTS WED. llJltt4 - ujd • R&dlo HIIIIM BIBJ feanettfr "LADIES MUST IIVE^ I^impj.s C»r I»nlUon, Appll»ns« i. & THURST Repairs. . I4&WN MOWBIUB GROUND . Nelson Wftyne Morrto -.'Rosemary Unac ' ". fi.ti and •» ' • SprtnifleU ItaiMerr * Meetrte Itan Now leoaUd at levn Bride* Boas, Spoetel KlddU Show StTory Sat. Mat. •Mt, 111) ' KB. OUrtm. Mi. Ul Morrta AY* .H!«w™_«-!«• - ••«• -Utrrtt ATW«»