2012 Publication
Editor’s Note Dear Artists and Authors, Works of literature, whether whimsical or profound, arise from inspiration, consideration, observation and craft. At times the words flow effortlessly from the pen; occasionally the grip becomes worn and the ink nearly dries before producing works of merit. We call this creative writing. It is a highly coveted skill that makes this journal possible. Clearly, as one can see from perusing page-to-page, the end justifies the means. However, it has occurred to me in a powerful epiphany as I began reading and editing that the true art does not come to completion with publication or press release. No, the true art comes to fruition perennially via you, the reader. We call the process creative writing but the purpose is realized through a creative understanding, a creative interpretation formed from experience and phenomenology. In many ways, much like a piece of paper is a canvas for the writer, the literature itself is a canvas for the readers, on which they plant their own perception and unearth a work of art no other reader can harvest. On each page, a multiplicity of stories thrive, far more than the pages of this journal are capable of containing. Your distinct reading will find something different, an exclusive reflection of yourself both fertilized by and budding from the words in a circular and mutual appreciation. This is the very essence of creative understanding. Now turn the page and begin— reap what you will, experience each story in every way you know how and sow a parcel of yourself in our journal.
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