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12-10-1963 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News

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Scattered Snow *•*••? Mt9pUwt% I 1VP* '^9 Flu rries Miir jiw m _jJmF*Y' tmfppmp , . Reynolds Asks Prompt OK of Highway Program By HARVEY BREUSCHER ting started, Paul Alfonsi of I implore you, to join me in Associated Press Staff Write] Minocqua, the Assembly' s Re- resolving that divided govern- MADISON, Wis. Wl — Dem publican floorleader, said he ment need not bring this state ocratic Gov. John W. Reynold: was ready to introduce a resolu- to its knees; that men con- asked the Republican controllei tion to allow the voters to de- cerned with the wellbeing of Late Bulletins Legislature today to steer cleai cide the fate of the program in their state can free their minds an advisory referendum April of narrow political considera- - OSLO, Norway l/F) .-— Accepting the delayed of political considerations ani "' ANYBODY HOME? . . . Two boys peer up to nine inches of snow in North Dakota , give speedy approval to an ac 7, the date of Wisconsin presi- tions." ; 1962 Nobel Peace Prize, Dr. Linus Pauling de- dential preference primary. down at a car nearly buried in snow at and strong winds whipped it into high drifts. celerated highway constructioi The governor told the law- clared today, "The world without war is in sight." Bismarck, N. D. A weekend storm dumped (AP Photofax) program for Wisconsin. Republican spokesmen have The professor from the California Institute of Tech- said since Reynolds called the makers there was nothing new "We must be Wisconsinite about his proposal. nology was greeted with thunderous applause as he first, officeholders second, am special session that action on the program should be delayed. "A special highway advisory stepped forward and accepted the prize of $49 ,465. Democrats and Republican committee studied our high- ' last," Reynolds told the open And by calling for a referendum, - . Republicans would be denying ways six years ago and report- BONN, Germany* Iff) — British Foreign Secre- ing meeting of a special sessioi ed that we are not spending • of the Legislature. the Democratic governor any tary Richard A. Butler and West German* leaders Cuts Won t opportunity to make any politi- nearly enough to maintain them Undermine achieved a broad agreement today that will pro- in decent condition ," he said. The governor called the ses cal gain out of any decision that mote Western unity, a joint communique said. sion a week ago to enact a $4© might have been made by the Reynolds excused the law- makers for not acting on the million bonding program t lawmakers. WASHINGTON* (^ *— Speaker* John W. Mc- Military, complete Wisconsin's interstafi Reynolds called passage of accelerated highway construc- Johnson Says tion program he offered in Cormack said today that President Johnson will ask system and Milwaukee express the highway program a matter By FRANK CORMIER of relative military strength of military strength and McCone I ways by 1967 and finance som of "utmost urgency." May. "That proposal could not Congress to authorize a 50-cent John F. Kennedy WASHINGTON (AP)-Presi- the United States and Russia i on Russian strength. be considered by this Legisla- memorial coin. now and as projected through $120 million in added four-Ian "If you want to judge it on a dent Johnson told a bipartisan road construction during th partisan basis, you can do so ture because all our efforts (he 1960's. The White House issued this were bent towards solving our conference of Senate and House statement: next 10 years. today and this session will end ," leaders today that economies But as the session was gel Reynolds said "But I urge you, budget and tax problems." he An administration spokesman "The President asked Secre- said. will not undermine American emphasized that the briefing tary Rusk, Secretary McNa- He said that in the three-week military strength.. was not occasioned by any par- j mara and Mr. McCone to brief lall session that ended Nov. 21, A White House statement ticular event or worry or con- the congressional leadership oo Word | No a bipartisan effort forged a sub- quoted him as saying the de- cern at this point. Rather, he ; the latest estimates of the rela- fense program win continue to said the conference was held in ' sti tute bill incorporating "good , • live strength of the U.S. and So- and constructive changes. provide for a "strategic force line with Johnson's intention to viet military forces. The discus- " He Khrushchev Asks asked that the substitute be sufficiently large to absorb a keep Congress fully informed in sion covered both the status as | passed "before Wisconsin is Left Of Sinatra surprise attack and survive with a number of fields. of today as as it is forecasted (AP ) ) so far behind by its neighboring STATELINE, Calif. - of any ransom demand from the sufficient power to be capable The briefing was conducted by ( sic to be through the decade The FBI threw a wall of silence of destroying the states that we can never catch two gunmen who hustled young aggressor." Secretary of Defense Robert S. of the 60's. today around the case of kid- Sinatra into a Sierra snowstorm Republican and Democratic McNamara, Secretary of State up." The President emphasized that Industrial Boom The substitute would raise naped Frank Sinatra Jr. as fears Sunday night, Sheriff Ernest leaders of the Senate and House Dean Rusk and Intelligence Di- the United States military pro- By WILLIAM L. RYAN people were being told they state gasoline taxes one cent a grew for the safety of the famed Carlson said there is always sat in with Johnson on an hour's rector John A. McCone, with gram will continue to provide entertainer's 19-year-old son. fear for the victim's life in ev- briefing on the latest estimates McNamara focusing on U.S. AP Special Correspondent were entitled to more consumer gallon, making a total levy of for "a strategic force sufficient- goods. seven cents. The estimated $15 "We have a big job to do here ery kidnaping case. ly large to absorb a surprise at- Premier Khrushchev has million a year to be gained to solve this case, and I will tack and survive with sufficient placed before the Soviet Com- The program involves massive have nothing more to give until The worried father spent a investment — the equivalent of would be used to pay interest sleepless night in a chair by the power to be capable of destroy- munist party a program suggest- on money borrowed against fed- something happens," Curtis 0. ing the aggressor." ing he wants to erect a monu- $46 billion—in the chemical in- Lynum, the FBI agent in telephone in his Reno hotel dustry in a 7-year plan. This eral road construction funds ment to himself by plunging the charge, told a news conference. room. Friends said he caught This final sentence was cure-all proposal to attack ag- pledged to Wisconsin. Lodge Tr ial Soviet Union into an economic As time passed with no word only fitful dozing naps in keep- A seven-member freeway de- described by administration revolution. griculture's ailments and begin ing the telephone vigil he was sources as the key to what the providing the people with ade- velopment commission would advised by FBI agents to keep. relative strength is at this point. If he gets his program on the quate supplies of both food and be empowered to hold public road, it can signal sharp chang- John Foss, young Sinatra's consumer goods in all likelihood hearings to> determine the loca- trumpet player roomm ate, said These sources said conven- es in the global cold war. tion of new four-lane Up tional as well as strategic will require cuts in heavy in- roads and the gunmen left him bound and Balloon whether to finance them weapons were taken into ac- Khrushchev's program raises dustry investment. gagged on the floor of their Lake WASHINGTON (AP) — What discernable effect thus far on through added bond issues. count and that Johnson wanted a possibility that the premier— There will be grumbling and Tahoe motel room and took him seemed to be a trial balloon political pros on the ground. Support for Alfonsi's referen- out into the storm. labeled "Henry Cabot Lodge to reassure Congress that who will be 70 in April—hopes sullen opposition in high places, As one of them remarked : while he is working on economy dum suggestion came from for president" floated the poli- "Until the dust settles, to bequeath to the people some- notably among many unrecon- The weather turned clear and we in the defense department Robert Knowles, the Senate He- tical skies today but without can hardly see any trial bal- , the thing which will start them to- structed Stalinists and among publican majority cold today as 30 FBI agents and economies in no way will af- leader. "The loons, let alone gauge their ef- ward a more abundant consum- the high military brass to whom voters in my district more than 70 other officers fect basic military power. er economy. At last the Soviet are op- fect." heavy industry means promise posed to any further taxation pushed their hunt into a second of superiority in super-weapons, now, and that includes gasoline day. The dnst be referred to, of space and world power. taxes," he said. course, was stirred up by the Foss played in the band with Johnson Set fo The current Central Commit- Knowles also said approval of which young Sinatra was ap- sudden succession to the presi- tee meeting could mark a his- a referendum on the question dency of Lyndon B. Johnson. pearing. The Torch Is Passed toric turning by the government might be one way to save the There was a brief ilurry of This has created real turmoil project from being killed by the Cancel Space in the Republican ranks and has toward its domestic problems. excitement Monday night when A dreadful chapter in American history. That in turn might mean Mos- Legislature. FBI agents announced they had led to a lot of re-thinking. cow would want to avoid dang- The big issue is this: does the Alfonsi said his proposal con- seized six men and IS guns 20 erous cold war confrontations miles west of Lake Tahoe. effort to beat Johnson require A complete, beginning-to-end account of one with the United States. tained four questions that could Glider Project the GOP to put up a candidate of the most dreadful chapters in American his- be put in the referendum. In or- Two of the men were identi- quite different from the sort tory — the assassination of President Kennedy The people have been long der, they would ask a "yes" or fied as Joseph James Sorce, 23, WASHINGTON (AP> - Presi- , Calif., and Thom- who would have been needed to and the events that followed — is being prepared plagued by shortages and irri- "no" vote on these alterna- Frank Sinatra Jr. of El Cerrito dent Johnson's reported decision battle the late John F. Kenne- tated by lack of quality and tives: as Patrick Keating, 2L , of Riv- to cancel the Dyna-Soar by the Associated Press in a book titled "The No Word From Him manned dy? quantity in consumer goods. 1. Should the construction of erside, Calif., wanted for two space glider project deals a dou- Torch Is Passed." The Soviet Union must buy Wisconsin highways continue bank robberies whicl netted ble blow to the Air Force's mil- Former President Dwight D. $13,000. The Winona Daily and Sunday News has ar- grain abroad today to counter under the present program with- ltary-in-space ambitions. Eisenhower is evidently one of out any special tax increase ranged to make it available to all its readers at the disastrous shortages caused by ? After Sinatra Jr. varnished, of- It seemingly dooms what the those who has been re-thinking. 2. Should the construction of New Storm He is reported to have urged very reasonable rate of $2. It will not be sold farm failures. Popular opinion ficers had put out an alert, say- Air Force has tagged as a criti- must be taken into considera- Wisconsin state highways be ac- cal series of experiments lead- Lodge to make himself active- through bookstores. ing these two men wexe known tion by the party and govern- celerated on a pay-as-you-go to be in the area and might pos- ing to eventual manned space ly available for the Republican basis through a one cent per presidential nomination . Delivery of this handsome, large 10 by 13 ment. The public obviously is sibly be connected with the Sin- warships. tired of slogans and promises. gallon tax on gasoline? Headed for Lodge, 6.1, and now ambassa- inch hardcover book will start about Dec. 30. atra case. Put is broader implications 3. Should the construction of dor to South Viet Nam , said he You can order right now by filling out the cou- Wisconsin 's interstate highway But arresting FBI agents said could be more ominous to the was not running for anything , the two and their foor alleged Air Force. pon and mailing it to the address indicated with system be accelerated through but "naturally, anything from $2 for each copy of the book desired. borrowing and financed by a Middle West conspirators , seized in two cars on U.S. 50, were held only for Johnson long has been regard- Gen . Eisenhower would be treat- Ruby Getting one cent per gallon increase in By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ed as a believer in a strong mil- ed with great respect." Since the President's murder IMov. 22 there the gasoline tax to pay off the the bank robberies. itary role in space and Air Force It was Lodge who went to Su- have been thousands of stories and pictures, with interest and principal of the A pre-winter storm swept Officers took Foss to view the advocates thought they had rea- preme Allied Headquarters in memo ries p iling on memories. The AP's 10O-page loan? across wide areas from the men but he could mak« no posi- son to hope for a more sympa- Europe in 1951 and twisted Ei- 'Grumpy' in 4. Should the construction ot central Plateau region into the tive identification. book will bring together the best of these in a central Rockies and the north- thetic attitude from him than senhower's arm to for the nil Wisconson state highways be In Reno, the worried Sinatra from President Kennedy. permanent record of living history. ern Midwest today. Republican presidential nomina- nccelerated through borrowing Sr. said: At the same time, the action tion. It will include color as well as black and white nnd financed by a one cent per A second storm which dumped " I've always had a fear of kid- heavy amounts of snow in west- underscores Johnson's apparent photographs — some already classics, some pub- Dallas Prison gallon increase in the gasoline naping, ' especially when the determination to hold down on ) tax to pay off the interest and ern New York , mountain areas children were much younger lished for the first time. DALLAS (AP - Jack Ruby, of western Pennsylvania and defense spending, to keep it next the night club operator who principal of the loan? than they are now. year close to or below this The moving narrative will trace in detail the In addition to tin; accelerated northern Ohio appeared taper- " But I thought that was all ' killed accused presidential as- ing off. year s level of between 550 bil- Fears Mount events to the instant of the tragedy — Lee Os- sassin Lee Harvey Oswald , is road building program , Rey- past, now that they 're grown lion and $51 billion. wald's full history, the last happy moments of the described as "getting a little nolds asked the Legislature to Three Inches of snow fell In up. " consider three other items. Officially , the Defense Depart- Kennedy Texas tou r, and the last sad journey to grumpy " in his jail cell. a six-hour period in Salt Lake \ spokesman in his suite said One calls for the creation oi ment and the White House re- For Safety of Arlington. It will cover the President's death at "We've cut down on Ihe num- City and in Landers, Wyo., les- Sinatra was "sleepless, ner- nn additional court in the first ser amounts -were reported in vous, tired , worried , concerned fused to comment on a report the hospital , the transfer of power to President ber of phone calls he can make judicial circuit of Kenosha and by the trade publication Missile- Johnson and how the word reached the other Ken- nnd told him he can't have some other areas and heavy snow — everything a father should , Walworth counties, and an ad- warnings were issued for parts Space Daily thai tho defense ' of the visitors he wanted ," Sher- be. " nedy s , the nation and the world. ded branch of the Dane County of Kansas, Nebraska and South budget for the coming fiscal 21 in Bolivia iff Bill Docker said Monday, Court. yenr would omit funds for the "He 's not too happy about it. *' Dakota. Snow also was indicat- LA PAZ , Bolivia (AP)-Fears The story will be told by famous AP writers The second piece of legislation Dyna-Soar. who witnessed and recorded the four days nf tra- ed In parts of Colorado , New mounted today for the safety of The sheriff reported earlier p laced before the session would Mexico and Arizona and in most four Americans and 17 others gedy. And there will he the words and deeds of thai Ruby, 52, wns a model pris- nllnw the State Department of areas west of the Mississippi Kasson Judge held hostage by Communist-led many olhers who found themselves suddenly, oner. Public Welfare to buy a Me- River except Pacific Coast WEATHER Bolivian tin miners as a 24- somehow, playing roles on the slage of histo ry. Meanwhile, Docker was think- nominee Enterprises Inc., bonds states. nt their full market value FEDERAL FORECAST hour deadline neared. | ing abend to Feb. 3, Ruby is to In the northeast , 6 to fl inches The miners warned the gov- The whole story — concise, complete, lavish- due to appear in Criminal Dis- koep need y Indians from suf- Pays $50 Fine, WINONA AND VICINITY - 1 fering a loss in private of snow fell in Cambria and ernment to release two jailed ly illustrated — will appear in this one hook. trict Court that day for trial on sales. Somerset counties in western Most ly cloudy through Wednes- The final item on which the day with scattered light snow Communist union leaders by to- a charge of murdering Oswald. Pennsylvania. Gusty winds re- day or "suffer the conse- j Decker will be responsible for governor asked approval is a sulted in much drifting. \ two- flurries. Little temperature j THE TORCH IS PASSED j resolution that would allow re- ' Appeal changes. Low tonight 10-15, high quences." But the government the prisoner 's courtroom safe- inch snowfall in Pittsburgh Won t gave no indication it would re- ; WINONA DAILY NEWS j ty, and the. sheriff has received lated amendments to the Con- slowed travel, KASSON , Minn. (AT)-Judga Wednesday 1B-20. stitution lo bo voted on in a sin- lease the union leaders. numerous suggestions. L. A. Paulsrudc of Mantorvilla LOCAL WEATHER i P.O. Box 350 i gle referendum. The resolution Temperatures were below ze- The ultiuialum did not spell > i P0UGIIKEEPS1E , N.Y. ro in parts of tlie Dakota s and has paid a $50 fine levied Official observations for the j One proposal is for Ruby lo sit p assed the 1961 Legislature and ¦% against him for slapping a little- 24 hours ending at 12 m. today: out what the consequences might | inside a capsule of bill let-proof adopted by the special session Montana with in Minot , N.D. . be , but observers recalled a sim- ; Please send mo copies of "The Torch Is j one of the lowest readings. girl and does not plan an appeal Maximum , 2.'i; minimum , 14; ¦ i class while in court, would place it one the April bal- of his assault conviction. noon , 20; precipitation , trace. ilar crisis in 1949, when miners , Passed" (I There is a question in the lot for ratification in a public ' at $2 each . I enclose . under- ¦¦HI HI ¦ seized four American engineers, i i i «« ll m —m Paulsrude said he was drop- AIRPORT WEATIUOR i i minds of some lawyers, howev- vole. held them hostage briefly, then ! stand my order will be filled as soon as possible | er , about how far Decker could ping the case in tho "best inter- (North Central Observations) ests of tho child involved. He killed them. j after Dee. 30. ) j go without risk that the Texas Max. temp. 22 at 4 p.m. Mon- One hopeful aspect was n re Court of Criminal Appeals would GOODFELLOWS said he had slapped the girl as day, min. 1!) nt 7 a.m, today, port that Vice President Jumi • NAME I set aside a conviction, Previous ly listed $841. a disciplinary mensuro when he 20 at noon today, skies over- Lechin, leftist leader of the re- Lawyers speculate Ihe appeals The Violctte 's 2. saw her setting off fireworks on i ADDRESS i Oct, 25. cast, at 2,000 feet , visihilily 7 belling miners, had had friend- i i court would rule that n capsule John Kenneth Cnpron. 5. miles with light, snow , wind 10 ly relations with one of the • CITY STATE ¦ of bullet-proof glass or other Ml. Vernon Beacons V/hat's more, Paulsrude said , , 411 Club S, m.p.h. from northwest baro- Americans , Thomas Martin 27. I t elaborate arrangements could he planned to file for re-election meter 30.25 and rising, humid- of New York , n U.S. Informa- '...... «. • influence jurors us the y weigh Fred and Agnes 5. when his judge's term expires ity 71 percent. tion Agency officer. a verdict, Total to date $858. next year. ^K^HM __4HHBflHM _lM_HNKV.^ V* T *^ jA ¦ ¦ " " ¦ • ' . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' n i »i —I . ——r,, k ai^ friwjw fyr 1 . f^ . l l . . . . . • . .. . . r\3Es»• fS ______wkmawkwkwkw%w%wmm ^"M^^^ L g I a¦ ______sa-rr-^^r ^_r__i*_T+!/> nftn i i », I^HBssslHsls^__HBsPHBS_ssssslHI______siHs^_BS_B_H__l_l___^^ i 653. i ^___ | ___ ^1 _____| i I f » I I T:k ^^^P#w _t ifrj VA _____H______90H ¦ it K^_^t Oi<^k I //c « fi* ~~ ¦_ !-* LJ £ icTAiiT DMicii iTiniiTnrc^ HM.HH^PPR9^!lMtf^r M I I ^^«> i J st?^. wiiinj ruivfi HiillflliLO ^^^. |^ ^I^PPTFJ/'&^B^^^HiiijTTAiT^B I ««^««w««^^^_^^^«—«^^_^^^^^ 1 ^^ ¦ ^---- ff jsfvSi -. ^/^V -----P ^------^--8------li---l --—------snMCC'^ £_A^^^_!. -_-_------__B ¦ _-_-sr-¦ J------W ______B ^_fl ____| __ ¦ ^___V ______¦ ______¦ __E> B _B _____P^^___^«J^ ^^^V »^___L _K_U I5? 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' ' W ^- -/ Western Holster Sets and Guns. —-" ' ^ ^ ^ " ' {>'^^^ ^ ll • • Roomy storage door has IVO ^/ t ^ WfWM ^r ''" : iKHHH PfJ ^' .'^ .^y ^\:?^ \l-y\ J "/.-••. M \\\ \ ^^ OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK (CLOSED SUNDAYS) Your Good Health Governor Reports WASHINGTON CALLING AND WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU? Letters to The To On President's Funeral Editor Surgery GOP Tactics (Editor 's Note: Let- TODAY'S MAIL brought_j ltM»r from ters must be temperate , For Some Gov. Karl F. Rolvaag, telling of how he Will Change of reasonable length and first heard news of the assassination of signed by the w riter. By MARQUIS President Kennedy, and his subsequent CHILDS Bono fide names of all Bunions visit to Washington to attend the Presi- WASHINGTON-With the political landscape letter-writers will be By JOSEPH G. MOLNER. M. D published. No religious , dent's funeral. We thought our readers shattered by the events of the past 10 days the Dear Dr, Molner: I ruin of the old order presents a confusing and medical or personal con- would be Interested in reading the Gover- troversies are accept- have just arrived home nor's report: uncertain picture. The Republican high command, largely tak- able.) from the hospital after en over by the Goldwater wing of the party, a bunionectomy on both ' - * * * had planned a campaign attacking the Kennedy "Other Purposes" Provide feet. After your encour- dynasty. It would be interestine to know DURING THE two day* tha how Benefits, Services (or Public aging item some time Governors' Conference had been in prog- many thousands, or hundreds of thousands, of those posters To the Editor : back, I finally decided ress, there had been some lively discus- to have the surgery. showing the three rocking In reference to your Dec. sions on government operations. Tliere had , one for each of the Ken- , my de- chairs 2 editorial entitled, "Agri- With arthritis been some warm and friendly social nedy officeholders, had already formed toes and bunions events, too. At noon on that Friday, several culture Department a Grow- been printed. ing Industry," some com- were extra painful. This of the governors assembled and were driv- Chairman William Miller of ments appear necessary in note is to thank you for en to Offutt Air Force Base for a tour of the Republican National Com- defense of the department the relief I found. — J. our nation's important Strategic Air Com- mittee was blasting the Ken- and the farmer whom it rep- R. mand (SAC). nedy family for permitting such resents. indignities as the twist in the And I hope your letter every You said that $2 biJiion of will lead to the relief of a The governors and their parties arriv- White House. In short, sign was that it would be made the $6 billion budget is used great many people with ed at the SAC base about 12:30 p.m. and an intensely personal cam- Child* for payments to farmers bunions. were greeted not with the expected warm paign. While Gov. Nelson Rockefeller , the only and the remaining $4 billion . ¦' I don't , of course, say smiles and firm handshakes, but with sol- avowed candidate for the -nomination , was call- is used for "other pur- that all bunions require sur- emn faces and hushed voices. "I have ing for a constructive alternative to the Ken- poses," such as the secre- gery , for there are a lot of tary's salary and Dutch elm serious news for you,'' said SA.C Com- nedy policies, his voice seemed then to be a bunions in this world. , disease, but you did not fur- manding General Powers. "The President voice crying in the wilderness Whether or not to operate has been shot in Dallas. Texas." But even before the tragedy conscientious ther identify the "other pur- poses." The Impression left requires good judgment. If Republicans had become deeply disturbed by , care- their is that these "other pur- it is a minor bunion Naturally our tour of the base was can- the growing power of the forces within and perhaps which poses" are unimportant and ful shoe-fitting party bent on pursuing a course from other measures will celed when, a short time after we arrived, there could be no turning back. No one had wasteful. some the word came that the President was alleviate discomfort and followed the stampede of the Goldwaterites to Closer, inspection would the condition from dead. We were all numb with shock as we lock up the presidential nomination for their prevent show that these "other pur- worsening. rode back to our hotel where we quickly man with greater apprehension than Sen. poses' ' provide benefits and called the conference back into session Thomas Kuchel of California. His associates felt services for the general pub- THERE ARE other cases and promptly adjourned a day early. that after the Christmas recess, -when he could lic and in which the farmer In which the postponement consult with his political allies back home, he shares no more than any- of surgery or refusing to AT 6:30 A.M. on Saturday I was on my would declare for Gov. Rockefeller as a rally- one else. have it done is nothing but ing point. way to Washington. During the night tele- Food is supplied to the voluntarily accepting , end- grams had reached me announcing offici- KUCHEL IS unique in several respects. He school lunch program, a bil- less torture. ally the death of President John F. Ken- is the only Republican to hold a high state-wide lion dollar a year food serv- That "lump" at the joint nedy and the swearing in of President Lyn- office. While Richard Nefon was being defeat- ice and the nation's largest, of the toe won't go away. don B. Johnson. Men die but governments ed for governor in 1962 by "25O,0OO votes, Kuchel and about 7 million people There may be (and probab- is) callus which must -go on and the transfer of power was was re-elected to the Senate by a majority of benefit from USDA. dona- ly some THE WASHINGTON MERRy-GO-ROUND can be removed , or will swift and smooth. In Washington the very 750,000. tions of food for the needy. An endless list of research subside naturally, when air was heavy with a mournful sadness. In a forthright Senate speech he spoke out against the extremists and the kooks noisily is provided for improved pressure is relieved. But A great leader was dead and the shock of most of the "lump" is the ' infesting the right wing of California's brilliant- methods of food handling, it all left very little else to say. ly colored political spectrum. Th at speech and shipping and cooling ; in cot- joint of the toe, forced out one that followed helped me to explode some Rest Howe Tragedy Laid ton fabrics, insecticides, of position and often made I was deeply honored to be admitted to of the crude myths about Communist conspira- weed killers, and water extremely tender because President Kennedy's funeral. Like all the tors propagated by the extremists. It won na- p r o b 1 e m s: in regulatory of bursitis that has devel- others, I sat there deeply stunned, as tional attention and also letters of such viru- work in food inspections oped . though all of this were not really happen- lence and violence as to documents the sena- and grading. Soil conserva- In such a case surgery is To Delay in Medicare Bill , ing. Staring ahead at the flickering candles tor's point. tion forestry, and extension the only sound answer, and services protect the public on the altar my thoughts touched upon all Kuchel saw theses same elements rushing By DREW PEARSON were exhausted, and they In the darkness he had open- the sooner it is performed, interest and inform. Abra- misery enda. of those times when I had spoken to Pres- in, under cover of the Goldwater candidacy, WASHINGTON - One day had heavy medical expens- ed the wrong door. Only the sooner the to take control of the party in California. That es. ham Lincoln called this de- ident Kennedy and of his deep and abid- after the assassination of 21 of the 86 elderly people ' One - way to know when was a development he could not view with de- of partment "The Peop le s De- surgery is advisable is to ing , interest in people and their problems. President Kennedy in Texas, So they were living in ," tachment, since his rol e as the only Republican in the golden(^age their partment and so it is. muddle along with make- This can't be real, I told myself. Then , another tragedy occurred in what was originally a toy lives were leqvout of the who has had the approval of the voters is di- Fitchville, Ohio, when 63 factory, abandoned in 1952 The billions in grain ex- shift "remedies," pads and I Golden Age Nursing Hoine. from behind me, outside the church, rectlv at stake. elderly invalids burned to when a woman was killed ported for foreign aid and the like , until you finally heard the approach of muffled drums and death in the Golden Age in an explosion. The floor This is what Wilbur Mills, food for peace should be re- decide that you can't put the sad wail of bagpipes , and somewhere Rest Home. The oldest was was of cinderblock and con- the handsome, efficient, and garded as such, but it is up with them any longer. the muted sound of a band playing "The IN YEARS GON E BY 93, the youngest 68. All were crete, the walls of wood, likeable congressman from charged to the agricultural Navy Hymn." . placed in the home by rela- the roof of tar. The latter Arkansas should take his budget, along with its trans- ANOTHER WAY is to let Ten Years Ago . .. . 1953 tives who wanted to get rid collapsed on the patients Ways and Means Committee portation costs. The budget an expert examine the pain- ful foot or feet, and have On the steps of the church I watched Marilyn Lieberman was elected honored of them or couldn 't afford during the fi re. to see. is charged for millions loan- ed to BEA, commodity him tell whether your case as the President's body "was removed for queen of Bethel 8 Order of Job's Daughters. to keep them or by a state Four nurses were suppos- NOTE — The congress- which wasn't really concern- loans, and storage facility warrants an operation. Eith- the trip to Arlington Cemetery. All eyes Janet Tuttle is senior princess; Sherrin Jungh- ed to be on duty, but it took men blocking medicare in- orthopedic ans, junior princess; Linda Robinson , guide, ed about them. loans, all of which Ls to be er podiatrists or were focused on that flag draped coffin. a truck driver, Henry Dah- side the ways and means surgeons are experts on and Patricia Olson , marshal. About the time of this man of Sarber, Pa., repaid, but that is not tak- And as the coffin was placed on its cais- to spot- Committee include ten Re- en into account. bunions. T. W. Smeed has been named president of tragic fire, ftep. Wilbur the fire m the early morn- publicans and four Demo- son, little "Joh n-John", the President's the Association of Commerce succeeding C. W. Mills of Ar- ing of Nov. 23. When he and crats. The Republicans are: The editorial claims the Dear Dr. Molner : I son who was three years old on that day, Britts. kansas, who Rev. Clifford French of John Byrnes, Wis., who re- farmer's estimated 1964 net am 52 and have not stood at attention and saluted his father. p resi des Wooster, Ohio, got there, cently was revealed to have income will be $12 billion; menstruated for t-w o Then I saw old, experienced, hardened Twenty-Five Yea r Ago . . . . 1938 over the they found the front and made a $25,000 quickie pro- yet USDA leaflet . 4S1, just years. I suppose you photographers — men who had covered Ways and side doors bolted. When they fit from an insurance com- received, states the farmer have answered this ques- The appointment of Martin A. Beatty as Means Com- wars and revolutions, riots, civil and na- assistant city attorney was announced by City finally entered by the rear , pany after he did a tax fa- will spend $27 to $23 billion tion many times, but tural disorders — break down and m i 11 e e in they found the old people vor for it; James Utt , Calif., on farm goods and services , can I become pregnant cry Attorney Harold K. Brehmer, following an in- W ashington, perhaps for the first time in many, many formal vote taken by city aldermen. standing around in the hall. an extreme Tightest; Bruce another $15 billion on the now? — MRS. M. S. made a They didn 't know what was Alger of Texas, who jostled same things city people buy, years. William Koenig was elected president of the statement to German Society. going on. Lady Bird in a Dallas He* $2.8 billion for farm imple- Yes, I HAVE answered ot h er con- tel ; Howard Baker, Tenn., ments, S3.2 billion for fuel it upty-ump times, and my THERE IS no question that our lato gres smen THE . NORWALK . fire de- and lubricants, $1.5 billion only conclusions are _ these Fifty Years Ago .. . . - 1913 ' Tom Curtis, Mo., Victor President died a maityr's death . Those that he had partmen t at first refused Knox , Mich., Jackson Belts, for fertilizers and he will two : 1 — Most women are thoughtless, hate-filled minds that sought Capt. Leo Welch of the high school foot- no intention Pearson to respond to the call , said Ohio. Steve Derounian. N. buy 28 billion kw hours of interested in pregnancy, his end have not been successful, however. ball team was re-elected. of pushing the medical care it was outside their con- Y.. Herman Schneebeli, Pa., electricity. cilher for or against it , but The ideas of a man live on long after he Six dollars and a half a cord is being asked for the elderly bill out of tracture! area. There was and Harold Collier, 111. rarely neutral; 2 — Most for dry oak offered on the local market . no nearby fire hydrant, wa- The last two administra- has died. This is something that fanatics his committee this year. women have an Intuitive The Medicare bill , intro- ter had to be tanked five THE DEMOCRATS, be- tions have recognized that never understand. President Johnson has there are 60 million acres of ability to avoid reading my duced by Rep. Cecil King, miles. sides chairman Mills, are column on the day I answer sworn to uphold the Seventy-Five Years Ago . . . 1 888 c ropland which m ust be great Ideas and ideals D-Calif.. one Feb, 13. 19(i l . When it was . all over , the John Watts from the horse- this question. of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. I am sure A game of ball , was played between kept out of production one has now . been before the bodies inside were &o bad- racing country of Kentucky, There , that all Americans wish him the Red Stockings of the Fourth Ward and a way or another, or a really is no absolute rule wel l in his picked nine Ways and Means Committee ly burned that relatives Clark Thompson of Galves- but for all practical purpos- new tasks. for almost three years. But were not asked to identify ton. Tex., who lives in one fantastic surplus will result E. T. Hammond of the Town of Homer was which will ruin the family es, pregnancy will not occur In town exhibiting a fine horned owl he captur- the handsome Arkansas De- them. One invalid in a of the swankiest homes on when a woman has gone wheel chair was found cre- Ave., farm and with it the whob ed a couple of days ago. mocrat who rules the com- Massachusetts and A. , without a menstrual period mute with a deft but. iron mated in the linen closet. S. Herlong of Florida. rural economy including the small towns. The nation- for 12 months. A shorter Rochester hand has refused to help time is usually sufficient , Willing to One Hundred Years Ago . . . 1 863 vote it out. al economy in turn wouVi The festival given by the ladies of the Pres- be mortally stricken. Who but the 12 months gives a If he had , the tragedy in good margin of safety. Preg- Annex Suburbs byterian Church was well attended and we Ohio might have been avoid- Jhsi$J ALL wants millions of farmors learn that the net receipts amounted to $100. flocking to town to further nancy past 52 is very un- ed. likely. It will be invested in the purchase of a li- It would be salutary if jam t h e unemployment THE CITY COUNCIL at Rochesler took brary for the Sunday school. problem? action at Chairman Mills took his a recent meeting which ought to committee out to Ohio to Although the past three be of interest to other similar communi- smaller municipalities , has no place to see the charred remains of years have seen record per IF YOU ties in Minnesota. The council told resi- grow. the oldsters who perished acre yields for feed grains, dents ln housing developments outside the in the Golden Age Nursing the government is paying city limits that it is willing to annex those This also could happen to a city like Home because they had no about $386 thousand per day MEET ME areas if the people wish . Rochester and it could happen to Manka- medical insurance from (lie less in storage costs than to. Winona , .St. Cloud and other communi- government to help them in before it was begun. What FACE TO FACE The reason interest was shown in join- ties which , the pattern of growth has in- the golden years of their if the mi llions of acres di- » f&'^ - * ing the city was that the newly-developed dicated , will be among the major Minne- lives. verted had been in crop at ^ The committee would find this rate? Is the feed grain areas face sota population centers of the future. ' i't\ and police protection. The best forgotten individuals. They it "offer no hope for the fu- i* A solution was to become a part of the city. A CITY has no defense aga inst this un- 9 less it moves with wise planning to take were listed : "relatives un- ture" known. " Mrs . Et hel Seh- The present secretary has This type of suburban development is in adjacent areas that wish to become a wenk of East , m » •*! occurring In practicall y all of the growing part of the city so they can be involved in said that the best kept sec- whose father died in Ihe fire , ret in Washington is that communities of Minnesota. The postwar future municipal growth. If the two areas didn 't even know that he that now apparentl y waul tn jo in Roches- this department carries out years have found thousands of people rush- . was in the home. more activities of direct or ing into the country for a variety of pur- ter are added, the move in the long run indirect benefit to tJie con- probably will be beneficial to every body THK PKOPLK In the mmwMWfwK'' . * K. W. lift < hi poses, one of which is to escape the tax home, many of them in sumer lhan any other de- loads that face all incorporated commun- in that community, both inside and out- wheel chairs, were retired partment or agency in the UmmWM^ \ ''I I' 1 ities. side the city limits----Mankato Free Press. government. To make an ¦ .small businessmen, house- ^KSF JM -\M wives, a railroad worker , a unqualified claim that it ______Hi*^^^J_fl^ ______wt£? A f______j_____l^ ______>'I'lli«L ff~?fl , V » IN A number of Instances thejy have If we llvr In the Spirit let us also wnlk glazier , a meat cutter , a will spend $fl billion to earn ______R!. '.______B »> V ___r ^______K_P. vt» In the Spirit. Galatinns 5:25. the farmer $12 billion is at discovered that reducing their municipal part-time minister , a former ______H^W5 awawkwm best n very misleading taxes — which is the only tax they really coal and brick company , statement . wawmmW^my mmmmml avoid —- is offset by several other disad- owner and a fruit market WINONA operator. They had seen bet- vantages, some of which involve the san- DAILY NEWS Donald Stedman , A D Independent Newspaper — F.stahlishcd 1H5!S ter days. In the twilight of Office Manager itation and fi re and police- problems which their lives their earning pow- "Thoy all look darling to me. I knew I shou ldn 't have wmm\m\\\rnM R\f K mmmmWm_^H have confronted the suburbanites r Winon a ASCS at Ro- \V . I . W HITE <;. U. C I .OSWAY C . K . LINDEN er was nil. their savings had that cocktail for lunch." County Office chester. Publishe r F.rer , Director Business Mgr. I'd like to fell you personal)/ and Editor & Adv. Director OPINION WISE By S»kr en I consider it * great privilege But the problems of the residential de- W. .1. Coi.r Anm.iMi R RF. MI :H Fl. O . H YMKH to represent the City or Wi- velopments aren 't the only ones which Nmiaain g Editor Cily Editor C/rmlation Mgr. arise, The original cities also run into di- nona as Jack Frosf the XIV. - lemmas. The pri me example of this in H . H. II ABM K F. H. K I.AI :<; K L. V . ALSTO N I would also solicit your sup- Composing S UI U. Press Supt. Evgraving Sunt. Minnesota is Minneapolis , which has ac- port of Winona' s great Winter tually lost population since the end of the W ILLIAM H. E NGLISH (J OIIDON H OI.TI Carnival January 10 thru war but at domp troHer Sunday Editor the same time faces increased January 11 expenditures for public services. The rush MEMBER OK TDK ASSOCIATED PRESS of the people to the suburbs in the Min- Arnle Stenehjem neapolis area has been hardly a money- saving venture, for some of the heaviest The Associated I'ICSS tax loads in the stale are those in is entitled exclusively the su- lo the use for republication of all Ihe local STENEHJEM burban communities. But they mak e it dif- news printed in this newspaper a;; well us Jill Insurance Agency ficult for Minneapolis , , be- , A.I' news dispatches. 207 East Broadway cause the city, virtually surrounded by Tuesday, December 10, JlXiJ Phone 321* Rochester Dairy Supreme Court Upholds Deal Retired Oil Executive, vision in 1933. In 1939 he was j Yours at "WESTERN" Gasoline Station and Discount Store in Winona made general manager of the \ Native of State, Dead Nebraska division. He retired in Sales Increase; For Railroad 1952. (AP ) ¦ (AP) DENVER - John Han- WASHINGTON - The cock Hay, Supreme Court affirmed Mon- retired executive of Profit $148,072 day a.decision upholdin the Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, Rush City Man g acqui- died Saturday of complications ROCHESTER, Minn. - "We sition by the Chesapeake & Ohio after two operations. Dead in Fire Railway of control of the Balti- are in a good sound business," Hay, 77, was a native of Fer- RUSH CITY, Minn. (AP) - George Daley, more & Ohio Railroad. Lewiston, presi- The decision was given by a gus Falls, Minn. He served in Gus Tynelius, about 72, died dent of the Rochester Dairy special three-judge various capacities for Standard Saturday night when the small U.S. District converted garage lived Cooperative board of directors, Court in . It was ap- in Minnesota, North Dakota and where he told patrons at the cooperative pealed to the high tribunal by South Dakota, and was appoint- alone caught fire and he appar- 's ently was trapped inside. 22nd annual meeting here Sat- five unions. ed manager of the Montana di- urday. The Supreme Court, in a nine- 88 PROOF miSW oOMICIEKT HGt DIStlUIH. CO.. fflMWMT . VI. The dairy showed a 7 percent word order, affirmed the spe- increase in sales and distributed cial court's decision. The high a $148,702 overage to patrons, tribunal made no comment capital reserve, some 1,500 about the case, merely noting stockholders, employes and that the lower court ruling was creamery operators. Total in- upheld. come was $19,218,321 m DALEY, speaking at the Doctor Accompanies morning session , said the dairy industry has been in a "food fad Johnson to N.Y. cycle," during which persons NEW YORK (AP) — A White have been given the idea House physician was kept close with your purchase of 8 or more gallons of¦ ^^HK^^K^i dairy products add pounds and to President Johnson during his- ¦ - add to health problems, visit to the city Sunday in what ' WESTERN" Gasoline . . »£ ^^g ^p..%£: .. "It's a strange paradox that apparently is a new procedure ' now, when butter consumption adopted as a result of President ¦MMiMiHHH has decreased, the incidence of Kennedy's assassination. . SEE COUPON BELOW i————————— heart disease and circulatory When Kennedy was shot in problems have increased four- Dallas Nov . 22, Dr. George fold," he said. "The next 15 to Burkley, a Navy admiral , was I l£ YtStI 20 years look very favorable." four cars behind the presiden- ' Six directors were elected. tial vehicle. CAN EWE • Here s your chance to start this com- Harold Searles Jr., Byron, and Sunday, Burkley rode in a po- _ Raymond Powell, Waseca, were lice car just in front of John- Zl WF'T I VIA . j elected to two-year terms, while son's limousine. mmmagm^m Irving Larson, Rushford, Char- A__r___ i___"IH_PWM_k * * les Schell, Minneiska, and Daley mendous. It has no limits. Nor plete 10-piece set of Vacronware and Gregory Kramer, St. Char- does it have any measurement. les, were all re-elected for three- "The first rule to success in year terms. This monsy-saving Vacronware offer is made to you for a second SET-BUILDER¦ ¦ CARD¦» life is to set a goal , a definite time by popular demand - FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! You *"" * »«"*>¦»¦¦" . *•«» During the afternoon session goal. Then let nothing, abso- ... UlVt 1V\ James Hill of Minneapolis ra- can set four pieces FREE of extra cost —the remainder at low. Along with your first Vacronware tumbler we'll give you a lutely nothing stand in your low prices. valuable Set-Builder Card. This you can use to get your corn- dio station discussed "You Gotta way. There's no such thing as a ^ Let it Go." free lunch ," he stated. "The longer I live and the more traveling I do, and the ON"E OF THE important hap- more people I watch, the more penings at the cooperatives this convinced I am that the secret year was the merger of physi- of success lies in the power of cal facilities .with Marigold being enthusiastic." he said. Foods, Inc. This contract proved "The power of people is tre- successful, patrons were told. America3ms's Largest Selling 6 Year Old Kentucky *Bourbon

have the Vacronware pitcher for just $2. 49 — again with a pur- 1 0-piece chikse of 8 or more gallons "WESTERN" gas and by havin g ¦ Vacronware set includes: ; us validate your Set-Builder °fCard. Eight tumblers (85«-$l suggested retail value each); l-qt. pitcher The matching serving tray then can be yours for just $1.25 y alon with the Purchase of 8 or more gallons of our "WESTERN" ".and especiall ($5-56.50 suggested retail value); matching serving tray ($2-$2.50 e suggested retail value). gas and your Set-Builder Card. For just $5.30 and continuing purchases of our gas you «nd a new • Vacronware is guaranteed unbreakable, dishwasher safe, urn up with the complete Vacronware set—about $17.00 worth of , harmed by boiling or freezing, stain and scratch resistant. quality merchandise! ' WoW_WW8H_B_B^P_BeM__WB___ B8B______BHJMiB^^BI^iWg - gas • Vacronware has double-wall vacuum construction — keeps hot . drinks hot; cold drinks cold 1 ^ CHRISTMAS GIFT OFFER 1 Many of you were first introduced to this finest-quality I 1 clothes dryer!" Vacronware during our "Grand Ope ning" celebration last August. ¦ want the complete Vacronware set all at once? i Since then, our customers by the hundreds have already started | ' ,,._„- .. .u i_ __ 3 or completed their Vacronware sets which have eight individual I ll s y°urs for Just $3.95 with the purchase from us | cups, a pitcher and tray. Many of you have recently requested 5 of a $25 Gasoline Coupon Book — good for gasoline or H the opportunity to add other pieces to your Vacronware set. loil at any time. 1 So now for the benefit of you who want more pieces of Vacron- H . ______M____ n___r.__«iii___.e_____nm-»B-nJni No wonder. Because a gas clothes 's one of the ware and those of you whom we hope will be introduced to Vacrorv- _HMBKBB_BM_BMBBaWSHBBBHHeMeW>HMia^M__iiMw_ dryer is moreVthan a Christmas gift . It , ware for the first time, we make this exclusive money-saving ...... ¦ ¦¦¦ -p _->k few things you can give that never stops beingVappreciated. A gas clothes dryer offer : OFFER LIMITED 're making this spectacular Vacronware offer means hours saved, work made easier every time sheXwashes. ( And incidentally, over the You 'll get a Vacronware IO-OI. tumbler (pink and white ) freo N'aturally we of extra cost with your first purchase of 8 or more gallons of in the hope that you'll try-or continue using — our gas and years a gas clothes dryer will save you money because it\ operates for about half "WESTERN" gas when you bring alon g with you the coupon our service. We know you'll like them both , the cost of the other kind.) So this year, be a super Santa — live mod- below. And you have until Tuesday, December 24, to get that But remember, your first Vacronware tumbler must be picked ^gafc^^^f^^. first tumbler. up at our station by December 24. Matching set cannot be com- ern for less with gas. Put a gas dryer at the top °f y°ur ist - ,.,. ,.„.,. ., ,, , . .,, , , pieted after Saturday, March 7, 1964. We invite you to come in ^^^^f^f^^U S^* ^ with that first tumbler, you become eligible for Ihe complete today 10-pie-ce matching set of Vacronware (about $17.00 worth of merchandise). CLIP OUT AND USE THIS VALUABLE COUP ON NOW M n k f~ "VACRONWARE TUMBLER COUPON" " w/^^^_1 _ ^^^fflKr Good for 1 Vacronware tumbler (pink and white) free of extra J 8^__ _ gas at I ^W | costCoupon with, purchase of bearer8 or more gallons of "WESTERN" ¦ ¦ ¦ TIT OCT D 1 11 m our station. Limit: 1 pink and white Vacronware tumbler per } ^ ¦ ' f y&y&r wM ¦>& %6A HJ? family. _\m * ^ * ^UJ69 | I f r 1 *^ ^

ll GET THIS SAME OFFER ON VACRONWARE 1 i ll TUMBLERS OR CUPS AT SAM S "DIRECT 1 I I SERVICE" STATION IN WINONA j or vou if S We 8 for the.e itlSii ^' °' ''^i' '* *'op 'n ca" Sam'i "DS" time-saving, money-saving servicei for your car: \ _mm F S cl>an •Speedy lube jobs (Sam hat 3 luba bayt) Barai * ° ' °" 9"' • Exptrt front end Alignment torvlce • Complete JivM WW brake job • Minor tuna-up • Pick-up and delivery .ervlce ~ 7 A.M. to 10 P.M. aW HO

Northern Natu ral Gas Company Omaha, Nebraska * GR EAT GAS — COSTS YOU IESSI The pipeline aervlng Natural Gat to your local Qa* company [[ WM sissippi Valley barn Lines said the decreasing depth and shoals Mississippi in-the St. Louis riverport area PEAR ABBY: have required his company to lighten tome barges before Biggest Selection In Winona bringing them into docks. Capt. A. C. Ingersoll Jr., pres- Is Getting ident of Federal Barge Lines, Child said the drought this year will Sometimes probably worsen the depth con- dition of the river, causing de- Shallower lay and extra expense to river ST. LOUIS w—T h c Army traffic. Can Really Help Corps ol Engineers has been ¦ By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN charting a decrease in the depth of the Mississippi River Soldier Killed in DEAR ABBY: I am 35 and love both my parents very at St. Louis for over 100 years, TOYS TOYS Howitzer Explosion much, but I'm afraid they will end up in divorce court if a spokesman said Saturday. ¦ LOOK AT THIS SELECTION OF PLUSH TOYS, DOLLS AND my mother doesn't change her ways. Dad is a lawyer, around , AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP). •- Ft. good , Abby, if most people knew Lowell C. Oheiin chief of con- Gordon authorities are probing \M 50, and has a practice. But , struction and operations at the TONKA TRUCKS AT TAUSCHE'S WESTGATE HARDWARE how hard a lawyer works on briefs, court arguments wit- district office , said the decreas- the explosion of a 105-millimeter nesses, testimony, etc., they would break right down and depth of the Mississippi is howitzer Monday. One soldier cry. Tonight Dad came home at 7:15. Right away Monri said, ing was killed and two others in- not a threat except in low water mm "Have you eaten yet?" No "hello," just, "Have- you eaten periods. jured. \ ^ ^^______^_____^______E'_^______R__n j.HPJ^' V**'* ^^ ' ^^^^m/mmpmm _^^^^E9SBB______jM^______H yet?" He said, "No, I just got out of court." Then Mom The river has teen dropping said , "What do you think I'm running here, a restaurant?" AUTHENTIC STYLING This sort of thing goes on all the time. I know Mom loves about one foot in water lev- • • CORRECT FITTING lm el every ten years, he said , ¦ xt( m him, but how can I get her to treat him nicer? I was taught IMPORTED and DOMESTIC ^^ ¦tt J i ¦ wr MMI - *¦ * *^ '''*' * 1 S&SS^mlm^aWw\WL^^ JL^3SawaawWS^ f tmkwawawaaV^ffeWeB^ • ______MMiM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BBB fclMttliiL £?<~ ____ . rrSim* r^•^mK\ u3f Bl ^9TnW * -Aio_i1 » t t , j? ti!^iC?fS A jphki ^K Wl\ 3i ^^ *y'j^W that children should be seen and not heard. and has declined a little more WOOLENS ¦^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B^^^9^_B^9_V*n_j^ r _ jj ^^ _ » *^______E___D i___u_k_%U * 'w ^t^ii^i., .JB»iti5^_ IN THE MIDDLE than three feet in average wa- ter depth in the 35 years he has ^...¦TR ^____^______ftB_^___fe_i^R^r ^i¦-» ^>lal____ R_R______S^__Rw iiS^ i?\_«**^ _ ^j #V0 iCBa^awawawawawW *^ ^ _ __PQ____H^__K^______EeKS____R " * ___L%lV___iS«______l______( xPa!{^M(ib ^^e^vrtf *»*»« ^" r^ui 'ji U^y m ^^^^^^mmMr ^atmmkWxlmmmmk ^mmrMmmM ^mmmmmmmmmmM DEAR IN: I don 't believe that spent in St. Louis. *vi * ^31P^___W^______E_____MQ__^ I ^zw^S_^____n______ll______^_____B^____i_H_^_M_i____£ ^ r ttk ^" ' I i f|Tw^^^fBMpw^^w^^^^^^B|^BK^^^w^^^^^w children should be seen and not heard. Reason for the decreasing " 1?^f '%'*?y Wait for the opportune moment, and depth, Oheim said, is that "the 4 ,,il^__^_»^R _J_^__^______yrt?' ^W^M^B|^^B^B^fc|Wftj {fyfpf t M i"f - ( *,hi(^ffiyi__ HB^_r!Vl^_H______I when your, trother is alone, has plenty river, cuts ta. deeper channel and __ of time and is in a good mood , tell her also has a'tendency to seek a [______^_ " HJ______9 _[______B______^^ ^^ L____i^3-i HBBW_B H______r S^K ^^____EW H HE J M B "^^.....r-3 RH EH P t ^itiju _--i-noP!o^__^___ ^ >__. *ij.!^ she should be. more patient and gentle new channel on river bends. ¦ ^^H^^HSBMjH|^^^^^HB^^^^H|^^^^^HCrifl p :« ' ^______BHH______n___ll_8__$^ _____£__vi v ^ wt '4__9______i_____H_CI______Pl^____IRi_i_^ with Dad. Sometimes, from the mouths Mayor Raymond R. Tucker of BSH|____ ThpHEi\ | ^ jiBiL. H of babes ... St. : Louis has requested Mis- flj^Hj^^HQ||^Hj|^n[Hfl|^HSH^ftHH ^I__ B9^]»»^ Jori[ td|B|^MJjlP^fc * ^^^^^^^ souri representati ves to ask the >js w^^^w^'*******'^*^™ B e DEAR ABBY: When you said a 76-year- House Public Works Committee i'__B^^BPy^^» 'W?_^B' ^ ' ¦ s-a__L

v "" DEAR ABBY: I am the mother cf five children , but my ...... Hil^i^.!!. > '*jraj^B^^~' < " » «<¦« .^^¦^AmWW'^ 14-year-old daughter is my problem. 'When I tell her to clean l^^^l^______^_____^RiK^^______l_____H____ *4H9B ir^^B J^fcl %»< ^^^^^______FH^^^^E^^______RXV ^______K^_____K£__ri-^lfe^______S ______L ¦*rt>y™t ^7 ^& , ______* ' ^____H^______RP^__ *V9^^V______v^______^?*M' i T^*CL6- ^jt up her room or to turn off the TV and do her homework she *^¦^UrV-^E'^ Rr B _ ^^ 9^ i^Bn i._^HS9|BBBWlH^£i£f^Hi^HHM|[_____ I Skk ,> X !_a^5K ¦ ^*v tells me to shut up ! I told her she was getting out of hand HB| \ >J^ ^^V|H^^^K_^^ N|&H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ H| ^^^H M «_^____H___b ^3______^9_ F jfc^~ ~ ' <. Jk______p^______l____k ^^O^Bji^______rH______I lv__B' "^T^%_!^ ___ JT3___C _.^H^ffiW*M___K__'. £^"'8r______F______H& BK^^VVI_P^_____B______3ft «i>39______t ^/J :\^ M3C*«J_k£ Wsw-_* ^ and if she didn 't watch her step I'd tell her father. He is lBHBBBBM^i^i^^^BJ______ii__BL. iKIf:'______f T ______^> - ^______1^ H_^J_^J_^J_HMS K^ F k * not the father 's, to discipline the daughters. How can I \mBBtt!i_\_\___ir^^ A •* make my daughter mind without telling her father? Hrv^^B^JoHb ^MT -|____K-:^Jii_ii3tll______W^_^lllll_ A MOTHER'S JOB

DEAR MOTHER: Disciplining children (boys or ______E^r^^______ESS_i^ ^______p ^V______PE_i^___K^______^HHL __t girls) should be a team effort. Personally, I think you 've ^ ^ lost control. And once it is lost it is rarely regained. ¦ Unless you want even more serioiu problems with your eW^^___-______H__8VJ__-^^^* V JM%/WV' •> ^aw&aWawawawawawa\WaJawaw^awawWaw ¦ ^^^MKt ______|[ ¦¦ S9 ^^__ __¦¦ ^^|______, ^^^ ^ > w ^*w$$<-f<* r ^______HBBBBBK9^BHBBBH^^B_B1B H HHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB I ' ^^^^NM_BHBl daughter , let her father handle her. ,J ' ,vt " "jrriiT !^______HU«*« "™^ ^?' A - ^_BBMMBBBBB^BIBHBIMmr^W >«^iii ^^^^» 9. ¦ B___ni__w___ ^ ___ ^M JW»S___ll______^_H______H______HM«mESera . <»_0_f ¦A&i.M *^' v T*' ^_a___L *H_£_. i , I «™ I »»W M ¦ . What's on your mind? For a personal reply, send a self- IP" »f HKSB^$ ' m IBB ^*>* W»BBBB«B«BB "W«^^"""^^" "" . . addressed, stamped envelope to Abby, Box 3365, Beverly Hills/Calif. Start YoOr Savings Account Today With - Select Now. most t quarter century after ! Toys For All Age Children BOYLE'S COLUMN ¦ ¦¦ m !¦ — i i i ¦ -wa_»p_—— ., . ¦ his retirement as a warrant of- ficer in 1939. He was one of five survivors ' The FIRST More Old, of the wreck of the dirigible R38 Christmas Is Only 2 Weeks Away! at Hull, England, in 1921. He al- so survived the crash of the National Bank ' ¦ Young in Shenandoah in Ohio in 1925. _ _ ^_ WESTGATE ¦ , , ,, vs¦, v_ _ ¦ '_s _ ,¦'" _ ^' >^¦~' ' ¦ '^ '' ' *' '> ^ HARDWARE US. Now Cleveland Gets of Winona Mm MM By HAL BOYLE VFW Convention Member Federal Deposit Park With Ease at . . NEW YORK (AP)-Things a ^*£.--—„„„!„ columnist might never know if CLEVELAND (AP)-The 1964 he didn 't open his mail : national convention of the Vet- Insurance Corporation @ HARDWAR E SINCE 1 5 As more of us are born and erans of Foreign Wars will be ' jfl^BFH 8 6 more of us live longer, Ameri- held h*re Aug. 20-28. , cans seem to be getting both older and younger. By 1970, it is estimated, half the population will be under 20 or over 65. In the last 15 years the per- centage of the average con- sumer dollar spent on food has S,, _r€£T <.\ ...,> :tfl/ dropped from 31.4 to 23.7, the ___¦ _¦' -H H ____. ^^^^^mmmmmmmmw »§&$-_____: ^^^ ' &^^i : ^__| ^".^H / mM9M ____¦ \* ^H ^___r ¦ -.fl ^^^j t%.-^_____. ^^F —> l&Au percentage spent on clothing mW H ma -¦ A ^H ^^^^^^m^^^^^^^^^^ w-^ ^^_____ -&___r ' ^_H ^ml t mmW 'twM ^^ .___ ¦ Jmw V , ^__-_k ^^ /?>J?n<-L4E-f3_-r£v^f ^_ f wMv has fallen from 13.7 to 10.1, but we're, spending more on such things as housing, foreign travel education and medical care. It has been found that kissing speeds up the ordinary man's pulse only five beats a minute. The greeting card industry re- ports that more 50 - cent *'To My Wife" Christmas cards are sold than 50-cent "To My Hus- band" cards . Most wives prefer to stay in the 35-cent or under For the Thrifty Shopper Who Wants to Save Money On Quality Furnitu re at the L owest Prices! range. I llflfcl/* Df.nM Walnut Buffets and Chinas , CHOGfi 5 Drawer Student Desks , Walnut , OQ AC Our quotable notables: "Sor- LIVINU IfUUIYI starling at 4>ll3a3U Plastic Tops , 18x34 }£3.iO row is the mere rust of the Sofa and Chair , l-'oam Solid Maple (TfQ Desks 20x40 Formica Tops, Mahogany or QM(\ Qr soul. Activity will cleanse and 2-Pc Living Room Suites ™» - £- —**¦ $7.95 of $10,000 or more a year. l " John F. Kennedy is the sec- -Kl^S,""*"' " "'" $44.95 %££££, $149.95 • $6.95, $7.50 ,,,,, »- ond U.S. president to be sur- SS. Bassett 3-IV. Cherry Suites , Including Double S iuk $7.95 (x-ciiMonal C.luurs, Solid Walnut Arms am! C1Q QC. CI CO QC %R Q"i R ,fl „ McreostnrP.« /r_ « ftP vived by his lather . The other Frames, Plnsl iv Covers $ 19.99 . Dreiser, Chest , Bed JiDlMD J«MW g« «* was Warren G. Harding. Three $11.95 presidents were outlived by Iin-r-"MI; » „ their mothers—Kennedy , James »£?.. ... $24.95 $194.95 S $105 ; ;;;;;;;;; $3 9S Knox Polk and James A. Gar- $19.95 SpSxsste •">— $199.95 . « _ field.^Trrs Hiissett White Bedroom Suites, Konnit-n Tops iS.VhS $39 95 Jlidf A W HY Bed Soki.s . £100 QC , C1Q7 C.C Brass 1. tt"t PA rn Ai- New England folklore: If il $ 188.85 C ¦¦¦ snows the day you marry, you <¦'-«¦ Nylon F. uv, r„v„s t Kiln. Basket., * Md '" KKI win Sizeo Hollywoodn, Iteadhoard.s « , , ^S^E $7.50 $8.95 will wind up rich. If a young Low Back TV C/1Q QC Ili " J5 The longest sermon, delivered ^^^^x^rsi^-ir by Clinton Locy of West Rich- gSr^ up; ti ~ " mond , Wash,, in 11)55 , lasted 411 jj f^J^^ FRET DEUVER^ hours and 18 minutes. When be ' g^ finished , eight members of the S^ $2^5 congregation still >yere on hand. _ _ LIVING ROOM WOOD If you ' ____,. ______— — — _. — ______. 15l(ind nnd Wa nut (pr OP ,S, . , , , l,.. .^ ve lost all your . teeth , *^^ < ^ > ^^ +- ~ ^ +^* < *^^^^^ *~ *^ l .phols cred Ottomans , » * «r you 're suffering from agomphi- CucUtnll Tables $5.95 fi asis. or toolhlessness. Turkeys are polygam ous. DOWN PAYMENT HOLDS . ' <*" :'*" »"" „ ¦ x Z£ ?Z»*».^™^ „ ( r. &. S. ,W £i t $19.95 Kuarantec starting at ^4>J.Si>»> There arc 15 ,01)0 different kinds 0 K"' 1>r " ' '"" 24x:l ,i of wine in (he world. Chess is Boiws. . . $13.95 CI A qq »"44 MJ QC the most ancient game of pure skill. Portugal has foreign pos- KITCHEN & DINING ROOM -;™"- «':« »» ». gS . $24.95 *'* $17 95 aU(> ^>CO.aJ sessions 23 times its own sip.c. ».Pr . Dlnelle Suites. Tahlo Wit h mUe Suiles. lira , Ke s.-sta iil Tal le ' '"',wr K '"' l(> "<^^ ''" ' '""'" W »~* Observed , '"Every man has a CQ/l QC " COQ QC s^ fv Sln, V Mx«x00»72 a ml 8 MaM 11 „««-h: , 1 rs. $84.85 " " right lo be conceited until he is »'¦"«« $39.88 -S^ryru^n^r^^ I,p,l, successful ." W CIT s,„„.s $149.95 ,:u,n pl ,r Ki - storage Til T^K. : . : : $44.95 WaIj iHl J)mp lA. i ,f T:,l,l,s > Fe Christmas Koldmij Cots Pioneer Navy > $91.90 ^^ 3^^-^-£r^J- !^^ ?1RQC Airman Dead LONGMUADOW , Mass. (AP) —Shine S. Halliburton , 77, one of the Navy 's early airmen and a survivor of two dirigible crash- BORZYSKOWSKI FURNITURE es, will be buried Wednesday STORE at Arlington Notional Cemetery , 302 Mankato Avenue Open Every Evening Halliburton died Monday al- 100 Million the government will have to get ing in commercial channels. out of the grain trade. He He charged that the agency CLEANING termed the Commodity Credit dominated things because it has LEAF S Corp. as a "Frankenstein which , offices in virtually every coun- Share U.S. in time, could destroy all gram try, unlimited finances, giant cooperatives." computers and arbitrary control over the trade rules. Thatcher said the CCC had "Grain reserves must be froz- JPECIALS Surplus Food taken over the bulk of the grain en," Thatcher declared , "so ST. PAUL (AP) — More than business the past two years and that the government cannot con- SAVl 50< ON AN I Tak. No in that time has marketed 3.5 tinue to put surplus supplies on 8-LB. LOAD 100 million undernourished peo- billion bushels, or between a the market, unjustly depressing ple over the world have shared third and half of all grain mov- prices. " in America's abundance of food Clean Only T w^L. during the past year, Herbert , . "-——-"" Clothe. Waters said today. 8 Pounds -, . . Waters, assistant administr at- Cleaned by or of the resources division of the Agency for International De- . ¦ velopment, WEJrWEIT ¦ Professional said beneficiaries H Q_ J mfl M have included refugees fleeing THE GIFT WITH THE PERFECT TQ .^^ Cleaner. persecution ' disaster victims »CH ,. / ^^^^ M» Each Additional Pound uprooted by earthquake, flood, 25* and drought, and school child- SMITH-CORONA %S8^ilKp ren. "School construction, road SCHOOL NEARING COMPLETION ... section of St. Joseph Avenue and 1st Street. building, land reclamation rural World's Fastest Manual Portable • HsMP Sweaters it «l carrying V resettlement and housing are be- MS The six-classroom elementary school at Ar- Elementary students now are in the high Think portables are pretty much . . * cadia , Wis., is enclosed and interior work is school buUdihg. Penny Rural School will be ing carried on through use of food instead , . alike? Look at these features of the ' tSttom* closed and children transported here. This of dollars to pay GALAXIE...and of all Smith-Corona : under way. It will be ready for use March labor component costs," Waters V ti«etrott_t!a 1. The high section to the left background is part of a building project which also in- - portables. Choose your Christmas gift mn> c told the annual meeting of the oNE at... • piano-k«y 'is an all-purpose room and faces the high eluded an addition to the high school, now Farmers Union Grain Terminal •etlori 3ft school. The main entrance is in the center occupied. (King's Studio) Association. __, ______._____. • »»Hd »U«J WEEK **° ____ with sidewalk extending toward the inter- He said that 400 million school _. Cleaned and children , many too- hungry pre- ONLY Hand Blocked viously to attend classes, had A3 Sub Missile education bill are an extension consumed some 1.5 million tons of the impacted areas program of American food last flSfflftm year On Target Again 119 Ccnttr Street Phone 5222 Foreign Aid of aid to school systems, bur- in schools of Asia , Africa and Latin DIAL 2222- LEAF'S CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. CAP) dened by children from federal America. i . -i M.W. Thatcher, FUGTA gen- M nmn MOIE turn SMITM COMM THM ' LAUNDRY & CLEANING — The Polaris A3 submarine installations and of the 1958 Na- lur - »*T inn mnnti CBW M m sn mm? missile scored its 15th success eral manager, told delegates Second and Main ¦ tional Defense Education Act. Monday that either farmers or ' - ¦ ' ' Running on in its last 16 launchings Mon- ' - . , . - .. . i day night, striking a target Smaller Budget area 1,500 miles down range. WASHINGTON (AP) - The State Department has been run- Johnson Getting ning the f oreign aid program on a $2.6-billion annual level in case it doesn 't get more from Congress, it was learned on good Acquainted, Says authority today. The current 1964 fiscal year started July 1, but Congress still Sen. Humphrey +- *»^ has not appropriated funds; for An*** W^-wt-w <*M««fr MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -Pres- A ^^^ H *f &irSvWi\,4MM. A w -v -v \vw. /. the program. ¦ ^_\W * " -^-. jt^y x/ ^LwawhT^ ^ ILwawTI ident Lyndon B. Johnson will be y A ^^j______**&? ^H^n ^^ ?\_. A compromise authorization busy in the immediate future bill, which sets a $3.6-billion with "personal diplomacy" as awimkfl _^"^ J_B\V^_?7T I ^W ceiling, was approved by the he acquaints himself with the House Monday and may come numerous international prob* MEN S SHOP up for final action in the Seriate lems, says Sen. Hubert H. Hum- ' ______JLI'A______B__!__ ¦U11 ii murj______i i- 'H \jV /TV ___% phrey, D.-Minn . Main Level today. The appropriations bill , awawfflawawawawW; i iiawMi'¦ m ) I «__. ' ______K>'______Ki i awawawM I J'- -HP / ' aWk' W wawawawawt?mawawawawawawawa\\a\ti i '• * awawaw-s Mi t JaW / __^____t U Humphrey told an airport w\wawawawa^kwawawawawawawaw\wW% ' i I awawawMi!__K / _____k awawMtaawa^ . which provides the actual mon- \\ ¦ > awawawW!t' waW J V.-K ey, is still in Senate and House press conference upon his J-_-_------B------g jJR-. ^awawawawaw^WaW. committees. arrival from Washington Mon- In the absence of any appro- day night that such a proce- priation, the foreign aid pro- dure was, in fact, needful gram has been financed for the because Johnson as vice presi- past six months by resolutions dent couldn't become as well -_HBLi_ of Congress continuing the known overseas as the late J^*" -_?^^^^^____ mawawawawawawawawawawMM kwawawawawawawawawawawawM ^fc^L W*** spending at last year's level. President Kennedy. That level was $3.9-billion. The Minnesota tenator said However, an authoritative he did not expect any radical source said , the aid administra- departures from Kennedy poli- tors have been playing it safe cies either at home or abroad. by spending only at a $2.6 bil- He added there was no doubt lion level. but that Johnson would be the If it happens that Congress Democrats' 1964 presidential cuts back the progra m to that nominee. extent , this ensures a less pain- With respect to the Republi- ful adjustment. If they get more, cans, Humphrey mentioned they can step up the program Henry Cabot Lodge, Richard during the second half of the fis- Nixon , Nelson Rockefeller, Wil- cal year. liam Scranton and George Rom- ney as possible presidential nominees. He parried suggestions that he W isconsin Man would be Johnson's running mate as the vice presidential ' " candidate with a statement that ^' *7 Give him * ciever miniature Ai /vy @H______^__ ' _%¦¦ Accused of Trying he was a good legislative leader i lwa\ ^fS^MBvc ra''^ ^ * I \ * * but that Eugene McCarthy, Min- ' ¦ S Ve h'm the plcasure of se- \ / *< J R'^ -A / J f^ maawf / J I ' his new hat from our $W5Vfl_^^^^^^^^^^______H_ ^ S^ *M nesota 's junior Democratic sen- _ ' '' lecting V I M > M might be a good possibil- /v> v.^f l I"' 'Iff 'l-' "-'- __P^ -V*-^/ ^La ^mmM ^S. To Run Down Cop ator, I * |fe_^2_^3l \>'*f-T ___L____d__i_____| wonderful collection by Knox , ~^Mt______H__. km ^^ ity. L- M&MrmmZb^ PRINCETON, Wis. W — A cha^ SUITS Humphrey predicted civil . - .™^ mWL Rosendale man was accused fy wil f1 Ww&A-Ml.^ ->*f ^'I-wawawawaVmBH -tQ QC f_ ("1CQC ^^^wa%wawawawawTawawmwt¦^4«^^#kW*. j-rrzz^*r*tm0 ^li _H___b.£l Monday of knocking down a rights legislation would be ' \ m ^'-^W^^W^^^^M- 97.73 ro $\J.yy Choose MR from a V B^ ^^i ' enacted by Easter and that a handsomcf^^^^HR^^mj %IiS J T police off i r and then trying to Vi rf \ VY^S L wawawawmW ^--.,^-, ,,«¦-¦- selection by Kuppenheimer , Vm^mawawaT J^rWf ' MwY ^il __i ^PpwI broad program of federal aid to W Jt 1 If VI^HB. OTHER HATS . ' .' ,, ' >uJff ^"»3 W^f drive his car over him. Michael-Sterns . Griffon , J&F, VmawawaawWW^^MTJC<4§ ^F i * WM T* ^ education also would be ap- \V' 1 tmornU//M ml^¦ HV . _44.7 95t. fO0 il,»_7« . Dist. Atty. Arthur Wiesender >.> KIu«w * ' ?t___K __BH___BH__T > . Cnckatecr/-. • i i r> , , _. ^i^______fcstKr * I mr M a 9 proved. ^_ >-w|wHH9V other$, Rockingham , Sew- ^tmWr ^i- / Jr § $.#? of Green Lake County said Ro- ' e and New luxury ' TMF t, i y s# wf bert Kaplar , 21 , would be mW U^' > (^%^M |^_MI ' " ' 1- ' fabrics, superbly tailored. " "; / p * charged with resisting an offi- ' %" ' ^'1^ mL ^_HH__K ? /^ ' B, ' r "* He 'll wear the finest ! J cer and would be arraigned in . . W JmB|i f ,- ^fe County Court. Education Bill Kaplar 's companion , Rodney L. Wussow, 25, of Ripon, who { was charged with disorderly Near Passage , conduct ln the same incident WASHINGTON m - Senate- failed to appear in Municipal House conferees smashed a Court and forfeited bond of long deadlock and reached all $2».50. but the final agreement Mon- Police Officer Vic Lichtcn- day on a broad vocational edu- Sunday berg said he was beaten cation bill. by Kaplar after he stopped their Their success appeared to » ^LV D^___rf ^_I^TB__Boo^__i ¦^»¦.'(us_— J J __T rfij73r ""^*^«C^_f^T*'*e>T__\ mr ^J^AWakW ^e______Tt^______f wT been driven onto ^ ~__>* l ' L? VmW ¦ ^^^ \^f' "¦'¦*•«, A _r "*¦ —"•¦>--Z^V^^--.--^fc/ K __r __r ^______P^______F 4ri* car which had final passage ^ * ^ n sidewalk. Kupbr , ho said, open the way for major jumped from the car and kicked before Christmas of two backed and beat him. education bills strongly Lichtenborg sa id that as he by President Johnson and the lay helpless on the road-way, late President John F. Kennedy. be a $l,2-billion euff Kaplar returned lo the car and The other would r measure. Action on "V ; Select tried to drive it over him but college aid il ""^^ ,/ .- .,, links , ruff and tic the college bill had been held up < J '^ J /jj ^rm\W J ^^mill^ SOCKS jL passersby pulled Ihe officer to ' ' , pending agreement on the other li[ '' ; ^^M^ '"^ niany thi < 'to,ns m"' fi,'n n,v ''SC|uire anc Marum. Buy safety. I * •• 1 sil_fl_F^\li«i' \ s_/ /^ V^HHt. " * '" ' ^ The patrolman said Wussow measure. ' did . not leave the auto. Tied in with the vocational

HEART SAVER... HEART PLEASER! v LAZY BOY VA SELF-PROPELLED vA SNOW BLOWER JLL ,..,-* $129-95 1 GLOVES fSv/ L $39.95 to $89.50 V^^V J i^^^ % ::" /r " 'M ilES , | , 20-Inch , \ H.P. . ?¦ 69.96 \ ' : l l lm " jl^«*g \\ ¦>-. ¦ £KHado.solidsr' O»ir (MMw e j )iK»kin surde or cape by Day- Jf Ma <:WIPTQ >^A _ \ V*lt ,' :i./• ^ ^^awaw\W ton a. Black, brown or grey. T) Sf DMIKlb .____¦» ' Easy Terms lirojKlcloth , ^ ~-*^ ^P I • Av«ilabU oxford chilli , ^-Vv^ ^ *^ £ 1,l'<'l0l('1"' mW*^B* ^TC It 'Vl/anli "'"]• ' r* VISIT OUR GIFT SECTION LOADED WITH ITEMS FOR THI f W- « •' EV NO f WHO HAS . RVT H I , | ^ | rf (jy vzs l i $4.50 to $8.95

The Center of Fashion in the Center of Town - NASH'S - Fourth at Center Park Rec Squares club's float In the Winter Car- Goodview Trinity John Weimers neval this year. Christmas Party Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bielin- Guild Plans Party Will Be Saturday ski, Slinger, Wis., were guests Ladies Guild of Goodview Tri- Honored on of the club the previous Satur- Lutheran Church will hold The Christmas party of the day evening. The club will be nity Christmas party to- Winona Park-Rec Squares will square dancing at Lake Park its annual Anniversary church. A potluck be highlighted Saturday evening Lodge each Saturday this night at the ARCADIA, Wis. (Special) month, beginning at 8 p.m. and will be served at 6:30 — at Lincoln School, by a 7 p.m. supper Mr. and Mrs. John Wiemer Sr., ending with a potluck lunch after which a Christmas supper, followed by an exchange p.m., Arcadia, observed their 60th after U p.m. program will be given. Mem- of gifts wedding anniversary recently , playing of games and ¦ bers are asked to bring guests at a family gathering at the square dancing. and some Christmas cookies. A home of their son-in-law and The group jjf beginners who School Children' s cash offering will be taken for daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rein- Mission Fund. have been taking lessons this Yule Concert Set the German hold Tamke. be Mmes. Ger- fall have been invited to the Hostesses will Attending were all the Wiem- Rose, and Gerald party. Ray Benedett, St. Char- INDEPENDENCE, Wis. (Spe- ald Feils, Roy er children and their spouses. entertainment les, will be the caller. cial) Independence Public Bade. On the They are : Four daughters, Schools ¦will committee are Mmes. George ) Guests at the dance at Lake present their Christ- Mrs. Tamke (Viola , Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Wiemer Sr. mas Musical Dec. 19 at 8 p.m., Holies, Charles Frank and Mel- (Orp ) Kreirj . Park Lodge last Saturday eve- Clarence hie Arca- in Independence High School vin Pielmeier . The December ( Leora) ning were a couple of expert dia; Mrs. Clifford Gym. The program will include cleaning committee consists of , Fort Atkinson, Wis.; dancers from Jamestown, N. D., Kamla both grade and high'school stu- Mmes Rose, Manuel Snyder and L.udwig (Marie) Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schlos- Mrs. Tamke, dents. Iva Siem. Fountain City, Wis., and one ser, and guest caller was Harold son, John Jr. Annerud, Pigeon Falls, Wis. The grades will present tra- ditional carols as well as carols Also present were the Wern- It was announced that Mrs. Concert Band. set to story and dance. program is open to tha ers' 10 grandchildren and their Ronald Langowski, the Park- The of charge. Tha four great-grandchildren. At- Rec Squares' Queen of Square The n«wly organized Concert public, free serve lunch. tending the celebration were Dance Land, will ride on the Choir will perform, as will the Music Mothers will Mrs. Wiemer's brother and : ' ' ¦- sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- • ¦ ' .. ' . ' ¦ REMINGTON ELECTRIC SHAVER, BRIOO-PORT*. COH^ *'" *'______liam Ganschow, La Crosse , and ^l-_-_------_--ll^MH-&4*^Hfln3u - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ganschow, Arcadia, who were attendants at the wedding 60 years ago. They are brother and sister of the Wieners. jfl^______^______t jj%______|»^SH II______^___ i' The anniversary cake, which ______^______^______R_t* '^^^"^ ^a#!^ 5 3^a_^9l______l centered the table when a pot- luck lunch was served, was 9J____n_pO|^______RS^HH___^ ' u»______^______i made by the Wiemers' grand- ______K %^H^______I E J^______B& ^______l son 's wife, . Mrs. Roger Tamke. The Wiemers, who are both _a_^^^i>'^^__^______PP^Hi^>* »______l______B 82 years of age, were married ^ B A %sSS______r *Sn^HHnHHaSi^___H^____l WBSJS HS ? :. * /^& *iil______hivk^V ^^* " Dec: 8. 1903. at the home of •^ _-_RaM^ 3raa9ll______L I T Iit IzmM&glsmWsmMji8Sra_-_n___ l ' aBB!!? 'f*il^______»$0\^t. 'siHH_l9 Mrs. Wiemer s parents. Mr. «Hffis& %ss8smmmmmmmmmmmmW&% \ ^ s US sSmmmSamM and Mrs. Carl Ganschow, Town ' " ' of Glencoe. kawaWht ** - llk^kaawawawawawawawWae** t \ 1H -^__HP_____ The Wiemers, after their mar- ^ma ^m ^^ <&_ '«^l______H a__r* ^ti* * ¦¦ * " ]i^_____B^______l «BHfo ;-:M^. - ^______K_.r _4^ 1 i WawaWawmw riage, farmed in the Town of . ^l---____wta$_-l-----l_!. E^mmmmmmmmmmmmsy&ts* &i&&. * ^i„_^______H_a______i Glencoe and then moved into ^Vv__H_____B____9______H_^_^^S___ff T^ sr * " il^______^_____l Arcadia , where they stayed for ^^__^______E« s |9_I^______I ______^ Wm ____ . *^ e ^_, A s 389fi______i five years. They returned to ______B______IB___Sfl_rK!S'IS^_3 9i ^jy _*F .V*f-_LJ.m*. ji.^ _ M38__^B__mMwmmmma______l ^______H_ H&li%--&%«'5.*' 'i. 'i_M__liil^______|B| farming, this time in the Town mmmmmmmk^mmmMmmmmmmmWSk«S^LM^^&' ' ^^K^: aUKMWBm Vi of Arcadia, where they lived MRS. JAMES E. SLVlON. the former Miss Bette J______-__-l______^______L* nH^Hxi iH until a few years ago. 'When Jeanne Onsgard , daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. K. they retired , they returned to *™ Onsgard, Houston, Minn. , and Mr. Simon, the son ______[_____R ^^^^^ - -* * """ ' i f *4 —'"^ ' " \ j______^_l% ^ ' ' Margaret Rupp Cooper Arcadia. The family farm is 1 ; now being worked by their son , of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ft. Simon, Winona Route ^^______B f**-^- ^*__f^ii«-Tar'^'*__^'^''' ''""''' '~^BII---B-----i-l? .*P ,1' John Wiemer Jr. 3, Old Elms, were married Nov. 30 at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart. Attendants were Mrs. Frede- s ^______M______Hk /______Annual Holiday Concert" Mr. and Mrs. Wiemer are ^______------1K .______i______k ^mmmkwmMKxBS K^?vBJS_^ivp \ * members of the Arcadia Ameri- rick Reisenauer, Milwaukee, and PhiHp Conway, ^______l KH_ ^___nffii^^ ______i^i______HI *^______^mmmmMs£j i&ifas' i can Lutheran Church. Winona. The bride attended St. Olaf College at ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^l§ll______^____K. ______t ^______Ri^^^s^^ ¦^SB^^sEs 7"! At St. Teresa Announced Northfield and Winona State College. She is a kinder- ______HK wmm ^m?'¦" ''' A ^mmmW!m&Mf m??mt\ vmWM&sSiF''*- ' ^_H^______^_9___ H ^^^^*4«»______RHI ^^^_^^fx^^^ - ^l_ ¦____SS9I_S?%3' * garten teacher in Adams, Wis., schools. Her husband ^______K jfflfflH»»P'^^^^%^/ ^t ^SBmmBaB&!&>i'+^& iySm ^mM&$&s8st t Featured at the College of piano at the University of Wis- ^______H^£fn<^ jJkmaBW&mk?< Sm^ ImMBfi qmSBi* ' waaaaaWk ^ ' •* Saint Teresa annual holiday consin and a Bachelor of Arts OES Family Yule attended St. Mary s College and WSC and is a * aWaWawawawaaawaWMmi: i l-IPPli nil ^T^km' JaWmmM i concert will be the Teresan with a major in romance lan- a draftsman for Warner and Swasev Comoanv. Many shavers cost less than a REMINGT ON 25... Chorus, the Teresan Triple Trio, guages from the same univer- Party Attended Miss Anne York, pianist, and sity . Margaret Rupp Cooper has WINTER IN SOUTH Then why do guest artist Margaret Rupp been harp specialist at the Mu- Hig h School's Annual more men buy REMINGTON ? By 225 Persons \ Mr. and Mrs. Adam Buch- Copper, University of Wisconsin sic Clinic of the University of Yule Concert Set miller. 457 Dakota St., left Tues- harpist. The holiday concert "Wisconsin for a number of A fireplace trimmed in a day for Miami, Florida, where WWH^ will be held in the College Au- years. She has studied harp Christmas decor and a Christ- The annual Christmas concert Roller they will spend the winter Every REMINGTON ® shaver -Adjustable ditorium Sunday afternoon at 4 with Mareel Grand jany, direc- mas tree, gaily decorated, pro- ol Winona Senior High School ] | ^ ^ liU , l!a Combs, on . months. has 348 cutting }M3, p.m. tor of the harp department of vided the setting for the din- will be presented Wednesday at edges. Made bf^!k&*J!^&sW. top of the shaver head. Push of surgical high-carbon 070 the Julliard School of Music, ner and 8 p.m. in the school auditorium. steel, fT*""* '* ^ **^ skin down, pop whis kers up for The Teresan Triple Trio, di- program given for Wi- STOCKTON HOMEMAKERS ' f' T will New York. nona Chapter 141 OES's famil This year's concert will fea- J they ' re sharper, longer lasting close, comfortable shaves, rected by Sister Marie , y STOCKTON , Minn. (Special) p^iWm^awawaa ^aw^l open the holiday concert. Selec- Christmas party at the Masonic ture numbers performed by the ! than stainless steel. Whiskers 9BB BIHHBH . More REMINGTON Shavers THE GUEST artist will play — Homemakers Club Christ- j p| tions include the traditional temple Saturday evening. band under the direction of don't stand a chance. haVe bee'' made and sold the harp accompaniment for the Robert Andrus; the orchestra mas party will be held Wednes- mXwawawawawawawaW "Away in a Manger," a Ukrain- Following the dinner, which • Big shaving head. 756 slots (over 46,000,000) than any "Ceremony of the Carols," Brit- under the direction of Milton day at 8 p.m. at the home of ______R___T' ian carol , "Carol of the Bells," was served at tables beautiful- Mrs feed more whiskers to the cut- other make. Reason enough ten, which will be presented by Davenport; and the choir led , Ray Lafky. There will be ^______|' a Czech carol, "Little Jesus," ters for faster shaves. WaWaammmmmmmmm to pay a little more ? Yes. the Teresan chorus. Numbers in ly decorated , Mrs. Edwin Greet- by Meryl Nichols. an exchange of gifts between and Gorman's "Alleluia, Gloria " the "Ceremony of the Carols hurst, associate matron and Proceeds from the sale of the secret friends, games and j in Excelsis Deo." " "Wel- refreshments. * - ' include "Procession. chairman, introduced Merrill tickets will again be donated ^ " MISS ANNE YORK, senior cum," "There is No Rose, Holland who led the group in to the Goodiellows Christmas and music major, Riverside, "The Yonge Child," by soloist , singing various songs appropri- Drive for the needy. 111., will play Beethoven's "Var- Frances Nelson, Kaukauna, ate to the season, accompanied Tickets may be purchased iations in C Minor." Miss York Wis.: "Balulalow," by soloist , by Mrs . Paul Froker. from any member of the per- "As is a student of Sister M. Faber. Leni Wright, Oshkosh, Wis.; forming groups or may be " "This Little ENTERTAINMENT was pro- Solo numbers of harpist Mar- Dew in Aprille, bought at the door. Babe." "In the Freezing Win- vided by Miss Susan Godsey, ^0R garet Rupp Cooper include ter Night ," by soloists, Eliza- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mau- ^S^IlSr^pt^/2 SEWING CIRCLE I of- Grandjany's "Prelude in E beth Twomey, La Grange, 111., rice Godsey ; the Polachek Flat ," Thomas' "Variations on ; The Sewing Circle of St. Mar- and Colleen Horihan, Lanes- children , whose parents are a Welsh Theme" and Hoberg's ' "Spring Carol " Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Polachek, tin s Lutheran Church will hold "Romance." The harpist is di- boro. Minn., , a , Minneap- and the its regular meeting Wednesday rector of the Wisconsin Harp duet by Jane Daniel the Baesler children, olis, and Mary Anne Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. Wil at 7:30 p.m. in the church so- Choir, has been soloist with children of Sidney , Mont., and "Deo Gra- liam Ferguson. ; cial rooms. The Rev . Armin the Rockford Symphony, the ; Deye will conduct devotions. tias." "Then all of a sudden," one Green Bay Symphony, the Sin- The members will wrap gifts Paul Parthun of the college of the members said, "out of a fonia of Madison , and the Beloit for members who are in the department of music is direc- beautiful night, who should ap- ¦. a I Symphony. ; various rest homes. Hostesses . V KING tor. pear but old St. Nic with say- She earned a degree of Bach- wiU be Mmes. Donald Bauer Members of the Teresan Tri- ings of good -cheer and happiness elor of Music with a major ir and Walter Tarras. ple Trio are the Misses Mary to all. As he left with his sack : , Nilles, Rollingstone Minn.; on his back, he said Peace on INDIA CIRCLE PARTY ^^^ ^ Mary Clare Albrecht , Winona; Earth — God bless you and ETTRICK, Wis. (Special) — Jane Daniel , Minneapolis ; Pa- I'll be back next year." , Minn.; Members of India Circle of tricia Pierce, Crookston Mrs. Greethurst and Duncan SPECIAL! Kathleen Christonsen , La Presbyterian Women 's Associa- Green were chairmen, Mr and ; tion at Galesville, will hold a m™^^*^*^ TUES. NITE ONLY Crosse; Elizabeth Twomey, La ____H_l______ra 9Mi4__f*A *^^J¥*^-P_C JSttd^^H__^______F ' ^LwawawT H______M!___..1^___SV^__^______' j 7:15-9:15 I5e-50c-85c Mrs. Walter Dopke were in . Christmas party and exchange Orange , 111.; Elizabeth Cervin- ' charge of tickets, and Mrs. E ___^_S______*£l>^ JB___K*^___ff^ j**' 1______K- WawT^^ awawawWmmkaWWmM / waflffiftB ' ski , Bismarck, N.D. ; Dianne of gifts Dec. 19, at the home aavEawawawawM'^Sf W^f V r «*^* ^______i 3Bt ^ ¦ l .^U W. 'M S. Moe and Mrs. Hale Stow , fl______b__p^MAritt<_Ut^__£*^"" ¦kwtGB*™*a ..jk.y HN in ______F-^_____l______^^>_____i 1 Patnode , Bemidji , Minn.; and of Miss Gladys Bourn . India reservation. «Br ^^ Lynne .luriion , Green Bay, Wis. Circle is comprised of Ettrick '^__1______rjl^ __l______i^fc, j &LtJBr Cvftr ^ _^i____t___^itf_^___^______^___Hl___HH_^______l 1 X__H______B ^mT%^ MBr ^______J^___BPHv ^¦HP** ^M" VjU' ^^______^______I____^____^__9^______P^_____H__^__^______I I Miss Nicole Rath , Eastern , Others helping or assisting j and Frenchville women who Minn., is accompanist. were Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. j are members of the Galesville Johnson , ,lr. Mr. and Mrs. Rog- church. FORTY-EIGHT students are er Busdicker , Mr . and Mrs . Dun- ______F^_M^''^i^______B_C0K* in the Teresan chorus: The can Green , Mr. and Mrs. Hale , ' ::-y % ¦ Misses Mary Clare Albrecht Stow. Mrs. E, S. Moe , Mrs. ^¦H^______B_s _* it . ..-fcu-- t ' '?: 'ii^s~z ?ii .*' £¦ &*i&*:. • ¦ ,. • c. -*^'^ V m___ _, V "'V ¦ ¦ ¦ .\' -?* ,. : > '?j&j &^ **' - ' ' — ,'gi>-^***L^^' (^/{m etiain,^ lett/nyl V¥aiwwaWawmawawm\VMH1__B______. ^d_w- / ^" ' .•<'&' • i &x ***^ y _ »»»**¦~ Winona; Diane Agresta, Flat Charles Thompson . Mrs. Clar- < / i Rock, Mich. ; Mary Biesanz , ence Ford, Mrs . Earle North- PART OF EVERY Winona; Patricia Coughlin , Chi- 1 rup, Mrs . Lester Stevens, Mrs. _\^K__W__t_m__ ^__1__ ^_\^*m:*'' cago ; Alice Clark , Ladysmith , ' " - ¦' ¦ " ' ' Herbert Streich , Edwin Greet- \ ¦ .;< ; / ¦/ THE VKING MODEL 2000 is the finest s«wing Wis.; Patricia Casserly, Hast- ¦ ^Ste p t hurst and Miss Anna Frank. MERRY CHRISTMAS ^C . ' ¦{' >. ' . ™?y / rnachin* in th« world. It do«i professional-type taw- ings , Minn. ; Jane Daniel , Min- ** is ( Ing .and designed for tin newest fabrics. It neapolis; Nancy Decley , West- >^4 ; y will , «ew with , III.; Judith Drungle , ^ W. S-T-R-E-T-C-H fabrics a straight stitch that ! Chester Baptist Women ^ / Oilman . Wis. ; Mary Sue Dob- will stretch with the fabric! bin , Minneapolis; Nancy I)e- Sponsor Family ¦BfiligA i Lay , Norfolk , Neb., and Mary Might at Church Fleischhauer. Crystal Lake . 111. Also . Ihe Misses Mary Fuhr , Women 's Missionary Society Milwaukee; Mary Gallagher of the First Baptist Church held Chicago; Barbara Gardcwinc, a Christmas Family night re- Rockwell. Iowa ; Kathleen Hub cently with Mrs. Sophia JOlg erty, Sleepy Eye , Minn.; Linda presidi ng May, Crookston , Minn.; M;ir\ The Guild Girls under the di- COLOR |,y DE ¦ LUXE '// f^*i' f\\ ; Hunt , . Larimorc , N.I).; Mary rection of Mrs. Milton Lueck I Jean Hood , Algona , Iowa; ( !ol- gave a skit , "Beyond Bethle- I leen Horihan, Lanesboro, Minn. ; hem ," in drama , tableaux and ' Lynne Jmiion , Green Bay, Wis, ; music. Those taking part were Susan Krtmp, Le Mars , Iowa ; Sandy and Connie Glle, Aloha , Fairmont Denzer , Cheryl nnd Sharon I Catherine K a s p e r DISTINCTIVE CARDS and Jean Loftus , Glcncoe, Schultr., I'at and Dianne Lucek , i Minn. Mrs . M. O. Holland nnd Jon- and GIFT WRAPS i Also . Die Misses Jane Long alhon Diicken. Mrs. It. D. Corn- 3fM_U m i e r , Independence , W i s , well closed prayer. VISIT NOLDEN'S Shannon Laney, Prescotl, Wis, A fellowship hour followed TOYLAND SOON Mary Louis« Liiekcn. Mankato. with the Mmes . Harold Reed , Gel <-i copy of IIolcU'ii 's bje, M »j < Mary Anne Mercer , Sidney K. S. Moe , George Denzer, R. Christ mas toy nnd nift cata- % m ___a-_^-_ -_,*- - p^*** ,. ,. , , , , , , wonEI 4!>-A smoolh-running full rotarv r.\«- j Mont.: Kathleen Miller , Hush F. Nass, Hay Denzer , William log, ll will help you select MOI.„..,. hi, H--a popular froo-arm m.-u lune• thai is - W/. ' , ' ;f 7aR sewinfi ni;irhim ( ;llnrnn , m, fn]. 2 - ._ ford , Minn.; Rosaline Molinari Hlnneharri, W i M i a in Mnsten- the gjimes , puzzles , craft y , , ,, ; Winona: Frances Nelson , Kau brook nnd Mildred Yourif. ns items , and toys most likely - ">ml,>rlu mhroi ,< rs ,wn n ¦ knunii , Wis. ; Mary Ellen O'Mal hostesses. ri ™ : W mmmmmW3TT ^f ^mmmmm\' to appeal to your family, s zzs^sj . n::r!: 'ei; ' ' ™ [ ley, Chicago ; Treva O/.bun f ^ ¦^____ ^_ffl____E_!!_ffl!^___,1 Fergus F;ills, Minn. ; Norene Pi Theresa Wallace , Austin , Minn.; ^i?m $149.50 | -- D $159.50 ! her , Milwaukee; De-lores Hysa- Mary W e g m a n , Rochester; dioldsmA. TRADE-INS ACCEPTED vy, Austin , Minn,, and Jeanne Kathleen Wimer , Redfield , S.I).; 953 W. Sth St. — LO W DOWN PAYMENT — EASY MONTHLY TERMS 1 Roux , White Bear Lake , Minn Pamela Wolski , Chicago; Leni SEE THE ANNUAL Also , the Misses Christine Wrighl. Oshkosh , Wis. ; Anne MODEL RAILROAD SHOW Schmitz . Chicago ; Mary Anne York , Riverside, 111., and Nan- Seidl , Clinton. Minn.; Elizabeth cy Zens, Minneapolis. SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. Two/ney , Ln Grange, 111 .; Mary Accompanists nrc Miss Mary REGISTER FOR WINONA SEWING Vailliinl , Cloquet , Minn. ; (layle Louise Ehrhardt , Austin Minn,, FREE CHRISTMAS GIFTS 551 HUFF STREET MACHINE , B1CO._ T ™ Viehrnan , Owatonna. Minn.; and Nicole Rath , Enston , Minn. PHONE 9348 Chautauqua Mary E. Klas, Club Members Donald Slack Hea r Program Exchange Vows Christmas poems which are WABASHA, Minn. (Special) — not well known, but reflecting Miss Mary E. ' . Klas daughter the general attitude and mean- of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .A. ing of the times in which they Klas, Wabasha, became the were written were read to bride of Donald L. Slack, Min- members of Chautauqua Club neapolis, son of Mr. and Mrs. at its annual Christmas party George Gowdy, Nov. 30. at the home of Mrs. S. J Kryzsko Monday The wedding was in United afternoon. Church of Christ, Wabasha , with The following program was the Rev. A. J. Ward officiating. .arranged by Mrs. Howard Mun- Mrs. Lela Burkhardt was or- son, program chairman, and ganist and Mrs. Grace Scheel presented by Mmes. Melvin sang. Wedul, Rupert Cox, Earl Lauf- enberger , and Munson : THE BRIDE, given in mar- "The Storke," a Christmas riage by her father, was attired ballad from the flyleaf of an in a peau de soie gown with Edward VI prayer book in 1549; accents of lace in the bodice "Bells," by Henry Wadswarth and at the bateau neckline. Her Longfellow ; "Christmas Hymn, " veil of illusion was caught by anonymous, from the Civil War a pearl headpiece and she car- period; "From a Fairy to a ried her Job's Daughters Bible Child," written in 1867 by Lew- encased in lace - and topped by is Carroll; "A Legend." Tschai- a single white rose. kovsky ; "Stocking Song on Miss Alice Klas, St. Paul, Christmas Eve." written . by sister of the bride, was maid of Mary , Mapes Dodge in 1904 ; honor. Her gown was a peach- "Star Silver," written by Carl colored taffeta sheath with a Sandburg in 1918; "A Christmas floor-length overskirt. She car- Carol," by Gilbert K. Chester- ried a ¦white fur muff topped ton; "The Christmas That Was with peach-colored roses and " CHRISTMAS MEETING . . . Members of the Athletic ed treasurer ; Mrs. Harry Czarnowski , re-elected secretary; Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Slack and "The Christmas That wore a headpiece of matching renter Studio.) is to , :>l at the S pring Grove Lutheran Church parlors. Hours will be from 2 to 5 p.m. ¦ ¦¦' ¦ ' ' ii^&M- $$&*..;*$$&.'' - ; ^ 'i. V "' • -: JQ qiM^ rrrrri FOR EVERY GIRL... TALL, SMALL AND IN BETWEEN 8.95-14.95 Does she fancy pants? She'll love Davetv shire! Smarter / lea ner, more perfectly fitting! THE GIVING IS EASY WHEN YOU TEAM I \\ Our gift group includes the Royal Adagios blend of 70% rayon, 30% Business , Industry and Homes TER RIFIC TAMI SWEATERS AND S>KIRTS \ V sketched (a stretch nylon). Short , 8-14 ; Average, 10- l eft: Luidom nngorn pullover in floluxe-weigfil angora. \ \ 18; Ta ll , 12-20. Black and brights, 11.95. ' Bluo -surf , pink, itmo , .12-40 _ . 1 2.95 1 \ Through America s Leading ' o\Wsr styles and fabrics for aver- Matching flannel skirt , Si/os 8 lo 16 . . 9,95 \ ^\) Plus many • jjyL Right: Anq ofu cord loan, Mor , lime, pinl- , 1 4.95 " J 2^1 age and tall figures. Qj pr .&$% Ploalod slirt , Mac, d mf> ; white, 10-16. 11.95 / ! , >. Companies V WRAPPED Insurance +.*f ,n our • VK2r^ 8°,clen .•&>•¦ wrap at no aif u r • —~¦> ex,r* KBtraLi' kr^^ CO,t" /*^m¥\ WINONA INSURANCE ! T (\ IvmtiHmhxtir) ACINI / At INI * * YOUR CHRISTMAS-GIFT STORE INSURANCE QUESTION? - ASK US! Y-»|£f""' J » H YOUR CHRISTMAS-GIFT STORE i ^** m * *^ ,74 c.rtler Sf. Phont 336t OPEN WEDNESDAY , NIGHT TIL 9 OPEN WEDNESDAY. NIGHT TIL 9 $20.25 ; substitute secretaries, $143; evening school instructors, Alma Post Office Dynamiter Cash Taken at $2,287.50; driver training in- DAIRY BARN TOU R Temporary Assistant structors, $384; noon hour lunchroom supervisors, $448.50, Tries Hand and student cafeteria helpers, Bids Rejected Rushford Station $383.45. ALMA, Wis. — The three bids RUSHFORD, Minn. - A cash Named for Guidance Trempealeau Farmers At Painting Action on two public Requests of the Winona Act- Overtime payments were au- received by the Post Office De- register, taken last weekend by school cafeteria employes, partment, Minneapolis regional thieves from Bennie's Phillips Group for use of the Sen- thorized for faculty appointments was voted ivity $20.80, and custodians, $385.54. office, for furnishing post office MONDOVI, Wis. - A former 66 station, is still missing, the Monday night by the Winona ior High School auditorium for dynamiter for Fillmore County 'Check' on Neighbors quarters at Alma have been re- the Buffalo Coun- sheriff's office Board of Education. Winter Carni- jected, according to J. M. Mur- ty highway department now is said Monday. its 1964 Winona and Rescuers ETTRICK. Wis. (Special) — graded for drainage and be- phy, chief of the real estate an oil painter who likes to iden- Sheriff's officers asked any- Mrs. John G. Hughes, a form- val stage show Jan. 19 and the Dog More than 50 farmers attended yond the concrete apron has branch. tify his work with Grandma one finding an R. C. Allen cash er member of the Senior High Park-Recreation Board for use Fall Through Ice the dairy barn tour in Trem- been filled in with limestone. Murphy said the department Moses. register to contact them imme- Lincoln School gymna- Thursday. School guidance staff, was em- of fhe pealeau County In a feeding bunk built by will readvertise in the near Ralph D. Smith , 69, has turn- diately at Preston. Burglars ployed to assist the guidance sium for weekly meetings of a TROY, N.Y. (AP)—Dixie, a New concepts of planning and Brovold, cows are fed silage future for either an existing or ed out 50 paintings since he re- entered the station, located at department during the period square dancing group Jan. 4 to beagle hound, fell through thin design in barns and the hand- once a day, all they can eat in new building. Under the depart- tired four years ago and was the junction of Highways 43 and of high school registration be- Feb. 29 were approved. Regu- ice on a pond seven feet deep. ling of materials were discuss- an hour, usually in the fore- ment's lease construction pro- left with too much time on his 16, Friday night or Saturday rental rates will be charged. Rescuers joined in the icy swim. ginning the first week in Janu- lar s owner , Bill Sch- ed by Edward J. Brans and noon- Baled hay is fed in the gram, a contract will be award- hands. He copies scenes appear- morning. They took an estimat- ary. Her salary will be $35 a Informal approval granted First, Dixie' Lynn Brooks, building special- barn. For grain storage, Bro- the bidder who designates ing in magazines and on cal- ed $45 to $50 in cash, as well as St. Mary's legel, 11, fell into the water in !ed to day. last week for use by Then a ists with the college of agricul- vold has four galvanized steel a building suitable to the post endars and gives most of his the register, the sheriff's office College of the Senior High audi- suburban Sycaway. ture. University of Wisconsin, grain bins without hoppers. The office needs. copies to friends. said. DIRECTORS ALSO authorized torium for its annual winter friend, also 11, followed. Madison. larger bins hold 1,200 bushels Adding detail to the Entry was gained by breaking the administration to make ar- formalized Next a policeman tried. Two smaller 350 bushels. Interior space of approxi- paintings concert Sunday was finally reached Costs of electrical equipment l and the mately 1,700 square feet is re- is Smith's favorite work. He through a back door. No trace rangements for securing an in- Monday. other policemen were discussed and explained They are filled with oats. has no formal had been found of the cash reg- structor in the music depart- Dixie in a rowboat. quested with a platform 3,500 instruction in in tha by Charles Wolover, Arcadia, At the HEIMDAHL farm 46 square feet. art arid no interest in painting ister or the burglars yet this ment. PAYROLLS approved were The dog rode to shore with , the Trempealeau County cows are milked. Heimdahl sells until he painted a scene by morning, the sheriff's office The ap- for substitute teachers, $847.50; boat. Electric Cooperative. grade A milk with on-the-job PLAIISTVIEW FARM BUREAU numbers. He decided he could said. pointment will hornebound instructors, $1,016.- The boys and the policeman Bennie Baker is station pro- c L I , ; climbed onto thicker ice and Farms visited were the Arn- inspection conducted. He has a PLAINVIEW , Minn. (Special ) work without numbers. be made to OCNOOI 75; attendance teacher $48.75 old Brovold farm at Beach; the 400-galloh bulk tank and has His wife is amazed by his prietor. . fill a vacancy audio-visual department helper, walked ashore. pickup, — The Plainview Township The money changer of the Aldon Hemindal farm in the every-other-Mflk^____| "ttnm'yof income whileor you Hospital farm. designed and "built ' his milkiig ! oil cloth for painting. He's fus- said. It is open all night. gram. cctuso Illness accident . . . help* who wish to contribute to a ; B?1T71K7_^V At the BROVOLD farm 3- parlor. For yard feeding Heim- sy about detail after he gets the The new instructor will join ¦ H M B safeguardabout your future plans! Get facts to* cause in memory of President UNDERGOES SURGERY low-cost "Paycheck phase power is used. Brovold ; dahl has a silage unloader. All background of sky, water and Ralph H. Rydman, , the staff the beginning of the ¦klUJ ^^^ V day Protectionr has 42 cows and sells grade A , Kennedy should consider the foliage painted. Rochester second semester. silage is fed outside, while hay former Winonan , underwent ¦ rnilk. He has a 3O0-gallon bulk is fe-d in the barn. National Association for Re- "Detail is what makes the On the recommendation of tarded Children research fund , surgery Monday at St. Mary's t ank. For yard feeding Brovold DON HARDIE recently lost picture," he says. "That's why Hospita l, Rochester. the superintendent of schools, has two 18- by 50-foot silos with •, says Mrs. Robert Passe, Waba- I never liked modern painting; A. L. Nelson, the board author- his barn by fire. He has built ! sha, president of M' unloaders, filled with hayiage a new one-story barn with 34 the Wabasha it lacks something." play in the living room of his ized that two students be ex- A 50-foot feeding bunk has a ; County chapter. Gifts , may be His favorite painting is a 30- home. It took him two hours cused from school attendance ¦fill tie stalls. He has a pole-discon- ( sent to the fund at 386 roof over it. The area has been nect for electric power. H« Park by 36-inch . country scene he daily for two weeks to com- because of physical and mental . .. , ——— milks 34 cows and sells grade I Ave. S., New York:, N. Y., 10016. framed himself and has on dis- plete it. disabilities. B milk.- A 350-gallon bulk tanl is used. Bruns explained tht trend is for more one-story 36 Complete barns, and more farmers an feeding more silage with less hay , and perhaps no hay at all o It D J. D _L If ii* P^SSSII Harclie has hay and beddin. WSC Studies adjacent to the barn. A & Thirty-six students completed D Bootery Bets You Ladies At the JOHN LAMBERSON requirements for degrees at i i AND SON farm there is a 600 p p Winona State College at the end gallo>n bulk tank. The new ban of the fall Quarter , Dr. Nels is L-shaped and has room foi Minne, president, announced to- 74 cows. There are 74 tie stalls. day. At the TREMPEALEAl We Have His Receiving degrees formally at Size In Stock! COUNTY HOSPITAL farm , Car] frjjy commencement exercises next Nordhagen superintendent June will be: there are 240 registered Hoi- MASTER OF SCIENCE — steins, 85 milk cows and 155 7 GIVE HIM FLORSHEIMS OR A PAIR OF OUR NATIONAL- Miss Yvonne Carpenter, public head of young stock. The farm f%»% ^^SPik school teacher; George Hansen, is comprised of 979 acres. The Wabasha; Warren Magnuson, 72- by 212-foot barn was built ' LY KNOWN SHOES THIS CHRISTMAS E. Burns; Valley Rd., Winona , ^V-: _ , in 1962. There is a pole bam _flKFj public school teacher and Rob- for nay and bedding and to fl ert Wood , 4625 7th St.. Good- view. house dry cows and young stock. Six silos have a capacity BACHELOR OF SCIENCE — Richard Adank, 181 Harvester of 1,546 tons. The feeding bunk Ave., Winona; William J. Al- has two silo unloaders. A mix- len, Osseo Rt. 4, Wis.; Richard ture of hayiage and corn silage Arnold, Minneapolis; Albert is used. Heifers are fed out- Ballanger, Rochester ; Lorraine side, and the cows inside. A Benson, Peterson; Glenn Brat- self-unloading wagon is used for feeding silage in the barn. _J____m ¦¦¦¦¦¦ f ^ lHI ^fl berg, 418 Franklin St.. Winona; _\^_\^_\^_\^_\^_\^_\jf|_^^_\HJ_^_\^|_^^_\|_||__JpS. ^7^3_^|_^|_^|_^^^^- -y am CAI F ^ BgB ^j ^i^^^^ V _____IHSn_^&P^MRIH______L Jean Cogd all, Cresco, Iowa ; le- There is a four-stall tandem Vern DeVries, Elgin; James milking parlor, and a 600-gal- Gillen, Stillwater; Ion bulk tank. A fogger , with automatic walk-through, is used Karen Haines, 312 E. 4th St., ;: Winona; Olga Hauglum, Hay- for fly control. ^^Jj^J^^^^^^^JJj^^^^^^^ ^^^jjj ^^^^J^^^flJj^Jfc^^^^j^l^^^^^^^^y iQ______^___^______^_ffiP^ -^sBawaawWj ^^V^ -M-JES^^ - - • ' ' _«_¦______¦ ______B^_^^^VPIBil______Hbh^______B field Rt. 1; Larry Holsapple, 1680 Kraemer Dr., Winona, for- merly of Wykoff ; Delia Hoseth, Musicians Union Rochester; Jean Iwata, Honolu- lu , Hawaii; Lucille Jacobs, Elects Officers Zumbrota; Charles Jackson, 360 Pelzer St.. Winona , formerly of Gurrent officers of the Wino Kenyon; Terrence Kohner, St. na Musicians' Association, Lo Louis Park; Joan LaMoyne, Ro- cal 453 of the American Feder chester; Dan Lastavich, Hib- ation of Musicians, were re bing; Irene Marzolf, Belvidere, elected Monday to serve during III. ; 1964 . Anthony Mismash, Aurora; They are Edward L. Hostel Ronald Nelson, St. Paul ; David tier, president ; Fred Heyer Runkel , 121 E. King St., Wino- vice president, and Max Lewis na; Rosemary Schade, Millville; secretary-treasurer. Marilyn Theis, Winona, with Five men were elected to th< special honor ; Larry P. Thomp- executive board. They are son, St. Charles, and Robert Francis Lanik, James Casey W . Turner , Blooming Prairie. Jack Woods, Lyle Haney anc BACHELOR OF ARTS-Erik Harold Compton , A n t h o n 3 Elstad , Canton ; Frederick L. Welsch was re-elected sergeant Heyer, 458 Johnson St., Winona; at-arms. Alvin Mueller, 353 E. Wabasha Candidates were nominated a St.. Winona; Roger Skattum , the group's November meetin. Hills , and Richard Trusler , Ro- by a nominating committee am chester. from the floor by the members This Christmas Give »__ CHFCK ______K ^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ j^^^^^ HRn^H^H^Bfl^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ H /^______^____nffi^__l^______r ¦TC /\ Ml<» <_I7E ___^^^_^^^_^_____^^1

that keeps on \&%&yy\ { Giving ^P' ' "LACK ' 4 ,N)Z^^^»_«*B_ ^^^^ Nfcv V\ \MnY |CI |X 'X |X , X ! X XX , XX XX I T KD \ ^ WINONA DAILY JN KWS ™ '^ 1^ T'V^a^y %\ | D ! X 1 X | X ' X | X J X : XIX . X ' X x 'x ! ^ \ \ ' ^Vl \\nvllh $19.95 \ r ,-^1 /-• i ^^A NkQv lA 1 E ! x ! x l x l x ' x l x ! xl x| x . x x « I EEE ' x x " x,~' WINON A SundayNEWS *¦ - 'T ^^^^V^^feSrnAVv l ! l l x ' x l l x l x l xi x'. x ' l Phone 8-296 1 today or Y ^-JO^T iM ll Overnight Delivery From V ^ He'll treasure no gift wore than the pair of FLORSHEIMS you _ _, Mail This Order Blank Vw *iVfcriv\rl rlorn ineim• on _ V^.A^.t^GjviJAvml ^ ^ ^ i - ; give him this Christmas. Or, if he has another favorite in na- siz Tempo ; WINONA DAILY NEWS • \^ g f || |^^^ l /j |iV __^^^^ * N_ "°ut rarily I WINONA, MINN. : tionally known shoes we can fit him in many of these brands, ^ ^ of s,ock» ; Sviul to: ; ^ ^^^ mff S^^m ^^ ^ too. Check the size range box at right—you'll sec that A&D can V_v i_X " ^ ¦ /iJ&^^SI^^mm/ v \ j NAMK 'pli'ase pi ml '• fit most every man' s foot and right out of stock, No waiting— ^_5i___L /^H_wll ^^-^__' ^^^ J i ADDIlKSS f no wondering how the shoe will look—we have it for you. Come ^L aTMlw^^ /^ MAIL ^_*^ ^^ m^ ^ LKNIiTI! ()!•' V1MK • i in tomorrow. j ^ | | ^$r S^ry&k,J^ ORDERS ! CUT IS KIIOM ' your name j W Jr FILLED i y^T GIFT SUBSCRIPTION RATES: \ ; In Fillmore, Houston, Olmsted, Winona an<) coun- ; ! ties in Minnesota. In Buffalo, Trempealeau , Jackson and : ¦ Pepin counties in Wisconsin: I 1 Year $12.00; 6 Months $6. 50; 3 Montlu S3.50 ; i , ; All others in the U. S. or Canada and including servicemen ! A&D ^^ ; anywhere in the world: j Booterv* xS^ Open Wednesday ; 1 Year $15.00; 6 Months $8.00 ; 3 Months JUS ; 57 West Third Street ,„ „ Friday Don't wait until the last minute to do your Ctiristmas shopping. Send in your orders tor gilt subscriptions today. This oiler 9 Charge Accounts Invited good onl y until December 20, 1963. 0 Until 9 P.M. Sheehan Funeral Chapel after i Blatchly, St. Cloud; Mrs. A. F. Martha; one son, Henry Ste- and at the church I ) phen, with the Marine Corps, f TUESDAY 2 p.m. today (Marian Carlson, Cedar, Minn., after 1 p.m. Wednesday. A | and Miss Helen Strand , Decor- San Diego, Calif.; one daughter , ) Osseo Commercial The Daily^Recorc DECEMBER 10, 1963 prayer service will be held at ah, Iowa; seven grandchildren , Mrs. Bud (Karen Aders, Scott 8 tonight at the chapel. and one foster daughter , Mrs. AFB, 111. ; three grandchildren ; 40 Madison Club to Work on Toys Pallbearers will be Bert Ol- Dale (Elizabeth Strelow ~) Reis- two brothers, Dr. Roger, Wild At Community Winona * Funerals ( Two-State Deaths son , Clarence Thompson, Eli hus, Coon Rapids, Minn . Rose, Wis., and Gordon, Mon- OSSEO , Wis. — Members of Memorial Hospital Blattner, Emric Poison and Funeral services will be at dovi, and three sisters, Mrs. Trees Cut Down the Osseo Commercial Club John E. O'Dea Edward J. Cromey Harvey and Bernard Nass, all 1:30 p.m. Thursday at Green- Reuben ( Rosalie) Kravik. Ano- will meet in the basement of the Visiting hours: Medical and lurolcal John E. O'Dea, 53, 510 W. FOUNTAIN CITY, Wis. (Spe- nephews. Church, the ka, Minn .; Mrs. Arnold ( Amy) Gamble Store tonight to work ptlkntt: 1 (o 4 and 7 to t:30 p.m. (No i field Lutheran 12.) King St., died Monday evening cial)—Edward J. Cromey, 65, i Ford officiating. Delsrude, Wild Rose, and Mrs. on Christmas toys for under- children under at J Rev. Martin Maternity patients: J fo J:30 »nd 7 to Community Memorial Hospi- St. Paul, died «f 7 n m. Sun- John Opdahl Burial will be in the church Gordon ( Helen) Christenson, By Mistake privileged children. 1:30 p.m. (AdUlH only.) tal (Spe- ' after an Illness of several day on his 65th birthday. | LANESBORO, Minn. ! cemetery. Eau Claire. MADISON , Wis. W - Park Broken or unused toys wera cial) , MONDAY years. Born Dec. 8, 1898, he was em- ; — John Opdahl 80, Thoen Friends may call at Peterson- Funeral services will be at 2 Supt . J. G. Marshall has asked solicited from area residents. He was born here April 23, Hotel, died at 10 p.m. Monday The club will have its annual ADMISSIONS ployed by the U. S. Corps of j Abraham Funeral Home after p.m. Friday at Eleva Lutheran a Milwaukee construction firm 1910, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mi- Engineers at Guttenberg, Iowa , at the hotel. pancake day Jan. 18. New di- William J. Suffrins , Lamoille, 4 p.m. Wednesday and at the Church, the Rev. Calvin Larson to do something about 40 large Minn. chael O'Dea. He was a veteran i Dam 10, and at other stations, He was born Nov. 5, 1883 to after 12:30 p.m. Thurs- officiating. Burial will be in rectors are Ed Barber Jr. and of World j j church willow trees cut down near the Mrs. Cecilia Powell War II who served in He married Evelyn Grossell, a Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Opdahl. Eleva Cemetery. Clarence Gore. From among , Man- the Army from 1942 to 1945. Mr. country when day. these and the holdovers , Andy chester Rest Home. former Fountain Citian. He was I He came to this Friends may call after noon site of a storm sewer project O'Dea was a member of Cathe- he was 17 and spent most of his Huncher, Royce Olson and Gor- Mrs. Norval Johnson a member of the Masonic | Harold W. Tempke Thursday at Kjentvet & Son Fu- on Madison 's Far West side. , Utica , dral of the Sacred Heart and life in the Decorah and Cresco. don Hong, officers will be Minn. Lodge. j ! TREMPEALEAU, Wis. ISpe- neral Home and after noon Marshall said the firm em- was a cabinetmaker. Iowa, areas as a blacksmith. 55, named for the next year. Mrs. Ardith M. Survivors include his wife ; j cial) - Harold W. Tempke, Wednesday at the church. ployed a tree cutter who cut Podien , El- He *s survived by three broth- There are no known survi- here Monday _own the trees by mistake. He The club gave a vote of com- ba, .Minn. two sons, Earl, Stillwater, and i died at his home ers, Harold, Charles and Don- vors. I afternoon. He had been ill since said the trees had red paint mendation to John Void for Roman A. Konter , Cochrane, ald Russell, St. Paul; one daughter, , all of Winona, and a sister, Carol, Funeral services will be at July . markings applied as a study plowing fire breaks in the Com- Wis. Miss Catherine O'Dea, Winona. St. Paul; six grandchil- dren , and one sister, 1 p.m. Thursday at Johnson He was born Aug. 15, 1908, project and the woodcutter mercial Club forest. Rudolph R. Noeska, Winona Three brothers are dead. Mrs. Jen- the Rev. A. C. Tompkins nie Horning, St. Paul. Funeral Home here, ' at Boyd , Mont., to Mr. and Mrs. thought the marks meant de- Rt. 3. Funeral services will be officiating. Burial 1 Funeral services will be held Leon Holtan William Tempke. He married struction. Joan M. Rupprecht , Lewiston, Thursday at 8:30 a.m. at Burke Lanesboro Cemetery. ' in 1945 . Marshall said residents in the at 10 a.m. Wednesday at St . will be in Helen Malchaski Minn. Funeral Home and at 9 a.m. at Friends may call Wednesday of World Dies of Injuries erea are unhappy about the loss Cathedral . i 'Paul. I An Army veteran Jury Drawn in Kim A. Troke , 473 Chatfield , of the Sacred Heart. afternoon and evening at the War II , he was an employe of of the trees and he has asked St. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Harold J. j Friends may call at Colby Fu- funeral home. Transportation Co., Arthur Clair Tompkins , 71 the Milwaukee firm to develop Dittman j neral Home after 3 p.m. : Gateway BIRTHS will officiate. Burial Wed- La Crosse, and had lived here Woodstock , Ga.. former long some plan for restoration . will be in St. Mary's Cemetery. nesday. Masonic Temple will j , died a Plainview Case Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Arm- j Lindon E, Sample 110 years. '' time Winona resident ¦ Friends may call at the fu- conduct service at 2 p,m. Thiirs-. , Minn. — Lindon ' 10 a.m. today at a Woodstocl WABASHA. Minn. ( Special)— ' ' strong, Pine Creek , Wis., a CHATFIELD Survivors are : His wife ; one neral home Wednesday after- ! day at the funeral home. Burial le, 72, longtime resident , hospital of injuries received ii A jury was drawn this morning daughter. E. Samp son, James, at home; his par- Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Glen- noon and evening. Msgr. Ditt- j will be in Fountain City Public died of a heart attack at 4 an automobile accident Thurs to hear the state's case against man will ents; Mr. and Mrs. William Warren Probers zinskl, 358 E. Wabasha St., a say a Rosary at 8 p.m. {Cemetery. a.m. today at Olmsted Commu- 1 , day. Kenneth Bigelow Jr., Plain- Wednesday. He Tempke, Regina , Saskatchewan son. ; Pallbearers will be Andrew nity Hospital, Rochester. two brothers, Earl and His wife, the former Edn; view, charged with stabbing night. Canada; Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Gus- and Laruits Gilbersen , Simon had become ill Monday Regina, and four sis- Brugger , died shortly after th< Donald Barker in the Goetz Gerhardt L , Miller at Bernard , Examine Evidence tavson, 727 E. 5th St., a son. Richtman, George Kletzke, Mil- He was born July 5, 1891, i ters, Mrs. Fred Fisher , Wat- crash. She was buried at Wood Bootery, Plainview, Sept. 11. Gerhardt L. Miller, 66; 457 E. Mar- lawn Cemetery here Monda Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Goetting, Broadway, ton Rath and Allen Fiedler. Spring- Valley to John and rous, Sask., Canada, and Mrs. . Testimony began this after- died Monday night married Fran- afternoon. Dakota , Minn., a son. at Lutheran , tha Sample. He Lloyd Harmon , Mrs. John Fer- noon. Judge Arnold W. Hatfield Hospital La Crosse. 12, 1919, at In Assassination DISCHARGES A part-time fireman Mary Jo Bronk ces Powers June leyko and Mrs. John Kushnier, According to his son. thi is presiding. for Ho- STOCKTON, tel Winona , Mr. Miller was a Minn. — Mary Rochester. Regina. crash was a head-on collisioi WASHINGTON (AP ) - Mem- Jurors drawn were: Edga r Baby boy Brand , Rushford , Jo Bronk , day-old daughter of A rural mail carrier for 31 with another car on a servici Minn. retired farmer. Funeral services will be at bers of a presidential commis- Asleson , John A. Miller , H. L. Mr. and Mrs. George J. Bronk, years, he had retired and was 10 a.m. Thursday at Sl. ' - Bar- road Thursday afternoon. Ni sion were expected today to be- Herman F. Hanson , 273 E. Survivors include his wife and to his death. He Mueller, Lyle O'Brien and Mrs. two sons. died Monday afternoon at Com- farming prior tholmew's Catholic Church , the one in the other car was in gin a point-by-point examina- Edmund Thornton, Lake City ; Srd St. was a veteran of World War 1 jured. Fawcett Funeral Home is munity Memorial Hospital ,.Win- Rev . Edward Sobczyk officiat- tion of an exhaustive FBI report Mrs. Ray Borgan. ; Mrs. Michael Bambenek and and was a member of the Chat- Millville completing arrangements. ona. She was born prematurely ing. Burial will be Holy Cross He was born at Cannon Falls on the assassination of John F. Mrs. Howard Drinkwalter , baby, 999 W. Broadway. al the hospital Sunday evening. field American Legion Post and Cemetery. Minn., to Mr. and Mrs. Charie Kennedy. Zumbro ; John Eversman , Mrs. Layton Mundt and baby, Surviving are her parents and Modern Woodmen of America. Falls Friends may call at Smith Tompkins and later moved here The report is said to conclude Kellogg ; Mrs. Norman Loech- St. Charles, Minn. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Survivors are : His wife ; five He lived here until ' moving , „ti Weather Mortuary, Galesville. afte r 7 that Lee Harv;ey Oswald, a bit- ler-and Mrs. Donald Roemer , Mrs. Delbert Wille , 259 E. George P. Bronk , Stockton, and sons, Lindon Jr., Colorado p.m. Wednesday. A Rosary will Woodstock about six years ago , ter ioner with a chip on his Wabasha: Robert Stoddard. Ma- Wabasha St. OTHER TEMPERATURES Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnson, Springs, Colo.; Joseph Richard be recited at 8:30. He was a member of Winon; shoulder , By THE , and Gary, coolly planned and zeppa , and Matt Taubel , Theil- Pamela K. Cisewski , 909 E ASSOCIATED PRESS ! Rochester. Minn. and James, Chatfield Lodge 18, AF&AM , and Scot carried out the murder alone. King St. High Low Pr. Burial services were conduct- Stillwater ; one daughter, Mrs Henry A. Kjentvet tish Rite Bodies. man. , ' Bigelow allegedly Candace Johnson , 208 W. Wa- Albany snow . . . 49 30 T : ed at 3 p.m. today in St! Mary's Martin (Martha) Lagro. Chi- ELEVA, Wis. (Special) - Survivors are: One son , El The detailed report, turned stabbed basha St. Albuquerque, cloudy 55 35 | Cemetery , Winona , the Rev. cago; 16 grandchildren ; one sis- Henry A. Kjentvet , 49, died lis , Woodstock : two daughters over to the commission Monday Barker in the left forearm Atlanta, , Camp- about noon when the proprietor ¦ Vincent - -bailey, ' Newport, clear . ... 46 28 I Donald Winkels, St! Mary 's ter , Mrs. Rose Herrick j suddenly Monday evening at Mrs. Richard (Margaret) Welk by the Justice Department , is Minn. Bismarck, cloudy .. 9 -3 Catholic Church , Winona , offi- bell , Calif.; two half-brothers, \ Buffalo Memorial Hospital, Arvada , Colo., and Mrs. Eldor believed to state also that Jack of the shoe store was at lunch. Boise , cloudy .36 22 .05 ciating. Marvin Sample, Chatfield, and ] M ondovi. He had been hospital- (Jeanne ) Manthey, Vancouver Ruby killed Oswald on his own He has been out on bond. Bark- Michelle F. Hegard , 656 E. Srd , ..; and St. Boston cloudy . . 52 31 Cecil Sample, Pine Island, ized five days. Wash.; four grandchildren , anc and without ever having known er is now at Marshalltown , Chicago , cloudy .. . 32 , Mrs. Violet Mrs. Duane Duellman 23 T Paul J. Poison three half-sisters He was born May 27, 1914 , at one brother , Verne R., Billings the 24-year-old Marxist. Iowa. . and , cloudy .29 25 (Special) Frisby , Minneapolis; Mrs. Pal- baby, Fountain City, Wis. LAKE CITY , Minn. Strum to Mr. and Mrs . H. L. Mont. . President Johnson ordered The charge is aggravated as- Cleveland , snow . .. 31 28 .11 — Paul J. Poison , 88, died sud- mer Skromstad. Enderlin , N. ! Kjentvet. He graduated from the FBI investigation. sault. Denver , Funeral services will be at I snow .. . . 31 13 T denly Monday morning at his D., and Mrs. Edna St. Antione, I Eau Claire State Teachers Col- In turning over the IMPOUNDED DOGS Des Moires, p.m. Friday at Breitlow Funer report to cloudy 18 12 . . home here. Chatfield. His parents, twin lege in 1835, did post-graduate al Home. Burial will be in Wood the seven-man commission head- the hands of a sniper in Dallas Detroit , snow .. ... 36 30 .08 one No. 81, Goodview He was bom in Oakwood daughters, one brother and work at the University of Wis- lawn Cemetery. There will b< ed by Chief Justice Earl War- Nov, 22 and to make them — Male Fairbanks, snow .. 34 22 .01 Township, Wabasha County, . known to the nation brown part Labrador , third day. , sister have died consin and began work "with the no visitation. ren, the Justice Department and the Helena, snow 20 3 T Jan . 14 , 1875, to Emric and Funeral services have been state of Wisconsin as classifica- world so there would be no No, 1971 — Female black , said the commission "has re- Honolulu cloudy .82 7R .05 Sopha Poison. He farmed in the tentatively set for 1:30 p.m. tion analysis and personnel quested that the report not be shadows of mystery. cocker spaniel, no license , third Jacksonville, clear . 57 32 day. area until he retired in 1919. Thursday at Boetzer-Akeson Fu- examiner in 1941. In 1943 he made public until the commis- Thus in studying the FBI re- Kansas City, cloudy 37 19 ¦ Ray Void Named port — gathered by scores of No. 1972 — Black part Labra- He married Martha Nass in neral Home. was employed by the -office- of sion has reviewed it and taken Los Angeles, clear . 62 48 . . Friends may call after 2 p.m. government agents who are con- dor pup. 1898 at Wabasha. He lived his ! the Secretary of War and later OSSEO, Wis. — An Osseo man whatever action it may feel ap- Louisville, clear ... 32 25 ., entire life in the county. He Wednesday. was regional chief of civilian propriate." tinuing their investigation —the No. 1973 — Male black and Memphis , clear . .. 43 25 has been named controller of seven members of the panel will white police dog, no license, was a member of Oakwood | personnel inspection through- lastics division of Dough- Miami, clear ... 70 54 Church near Mill- Mr», Carrie Strand the p The commission was charged be alert for any holes, flaws or first day. : Methodist out 15 states. Industries, New Richmond. Milwaukee, cloudy . 32 21 .01 ' ville. HARMONY, Minn. (Special) After World War II , he re- boy by Johnson to learn all the facts discrepancies they may have to Available for good homes. Mpls.-St.P. , snow 18 15 T — Mrs. Carrie Strand , lifelong Raymond S. Void , 30, son of surrounding Kennedy' , Survivors include two broth- i turned to Madison as personnel s death at clear up in hearings. Several large and small male Omaha , cloudy ... . , 23 10 resident, died at 9 p.m. Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Helmer Void here , and female, good farm dogs. ers, August , Minneapolis, and j and administrative officer for 1 Phoenix, clear 71 55 Carl , Red Wing, and two sis- day at Harmony Community ; the state board of health. For has been with Doughboy five Ptlnd, Ore., clear . 44 33 .. ters , Mrs. Amanda Blattner, Hospital. the past several years he had years. Since 1961 he has been TODAY'S BIRTHDAYS Richmond, clear .. 46 29 and Mrs. Emma Utigard, Mill- She had been at the hospital ; been associated with the Brandt controller of the firm's pack- Your Children Will Love to St. Louis, cloudy , 28 16 aging machinery division which Brenda Jean Johnson , 713% ville. Four brothers and three since suffering injuries in a Insurance Agency of Fond du Salt Lk. City, cloudy 36 22 .32 ! sisters have died. Mrs. Poison fall in her home Nov. 24. Lac, Wis. He moved here last manufactures machines and W. Sth St.. 1. San ' equipment for the packaging Fran., clear . 57 47 .. ! died Dec. 23, 1953. . The former Caroline Richter , September. LISTEN AND READ Seattle, clear 43 32 .01 Fvineral services will be at she was born here Mav '2 , 1874. He was a member of the industry . The plastics division Municipal Court Washington , clear . 45 28 .02 2 p.m. Wednesday at Oakwood to Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Rich- Elks, Madison Lodge 5. F&AM , makes family swimming pools , With Storybook Records Winnipeg, clear ... 10 -6 Methodist Church, near Miil- ter. She was married to Jacob wading pools, toys and games. ) the Madison Consistory , the WINONA (T-Trace ville, the Rev. Roy Gisler. Ste- Strand here Nov. 29. 1899. He Zor Shrine Club and the Grieg He received his bachelor of Trial on a charge of failure wartville, and the Rev. E. K has died. She was a member of : Chorus, all of Madison, the Elks science degree in mathematics to yield the right of way against Meyers, Lake City Methodist Greenfield Lutheran Church. | and the Elks Chorus at Fond and economics at Eau Claire John 0. Dalleska , 760 E. Mark Church, officiating. Burial will Survivors are : One son , Ar- i du Lac, and Eleva Lutheran State College and served four St., today was postponed until Plainview Car be in the church cemetery. thur, Forest City, Iowa ; three ( Church. years in the Air Force in this Dec. 19. He was arrested by Friends may call at Peterson- daughters, Mrs. J. L. (Bessie) ! Survivors include his wife , country and Korea. police , following an accident at Now you tan bring to your East King and Hamilton streets Park Considered Nov. 17. He pleaded not guilty homa tha b«it-fov«d stories to the charge Nov. 23 and has PLAINVIEW , Minn. (Special) —The Plainview City Council of childhood in an exciting posted $15 bail. • Forfeits: heard a plea for enforcement of the zoning ordinance at its mj£ _ new vv°y ... in this Chll- Donald C. Ellingson. 22 , ^__ _ W^_ ^_ ^_ ^ 73 meeting Monday night , consid- Lenox St., $25 on a charge of ered insurance coverage dren't Hcritag* series of speeding, 70 m.p.h. in a 55 and voted to purchase a parking thre« Record Albums and m.p.h. zone. He was arrested area. by the Highway Patrol on High- Fred Gerber complained that Storybooks! way 14-61 at ll .45 p.rn. Wed- in nesday. the residential area where he lives, he is awakened be- Leona A. Schnorenberg, Aus- tween 6:30 and 7 a.m. by milk ktep tin , Minn., $25 on a charge of trucks belonging to Vernon Zarl- Thesa are tha stories that speeding, 70 m.p.h. in a 55 • ing when they start out on (heir ^ children fascinated m.p.h. zone. She was arrested routes. j^S^Stt^T for by the Highway Patrol on High- Gerber contended that (he hours. Presented in this way, way 14-61 at 9:40 p.m. Friday. garage where the trucks arc Daniel M. Mathews , 21 , 151 > .. kept is a violation of the zon- they make reading easy to E. 3rd St., $25 on a charge of ing ordinance. The matter was speeding, 60 m.p.h. in a 50 referred to the Village Attorney learnl m.p.h. zone. He was arrested Alfred Burkhardt for study. by police at Highway fit and A letter from the Municipal the west city limits at 10:15 Liquor Liability Insurance Co. p.m. Monday. was read questioning whether Dean W. Robinson , Rochester , there is adequate insurance cov- • Minn.. $25 on a charge of speed- erage for the public in the local ing; 40 m.p.h. in a 30 m.p.h. store. The policy will be studied. rone. He was arrested by police On motion by James Mulli- at Gilmore Avenue -ind the gan with second by Harry Hal- OUR CHILDREN'S junction of Highway 14-61 at vorson , the council voted tc 8:40 p.m. Monday. make an offer for the Edwards property , off Broadway for a Loran L, Keller , 24 Minnesota parking lot , the offer to be City Rt. 1, $25 on a charge of based on assessed valuation. speeding, 40 m.p.h, in a 30 HERITAGE The Johnson lot on ;irtl SI root m.p.h. zone. He wns arrested SW also wns considered. May- by police nt West Sarnia nnd or Glenn Basse said (lie law A WONDERFUL Grand streets nt fl:17 p.m. Mon- states v illages m;i.V purchase day. II ______F __L _HE_^__^______I ______HHQEI___I property not to exceed one per- \\aw\W ^^ s9 ^^______iS_8v^_____S3n___n^_Ew_S___ will .spon- Dial 12-3-0 to HEAR the fun! He was arrested by police at .sor the annuiil Christmas parly ] NAME • Clark 's Lmie and Hi ghway 14-fil for children of Independence Visit the Brewery in Fountain City to JOIN the fun! at 4:40 p.m. Monday. ?iii d surrounding nren Dec . '21 : ADDRESS i : Gary P. Bronc, 20, Rich ards al 2 p.rn, in the high school Hnll . $10 on a charge of failure tqym. A Disney cartoon will be to stop for a stop sign. Ho wns shown nnd Snnln will arrive aft - ; CITY ZONE STATH ; arrested by police at Sioux er Ihe movie. He plans to stny Street and the Milwaukee Rail- lonR enough interview some I" I SIM UI I'heck or money order' road trucks ut \\\'l'.\ p. HI . Mon- of the du l(lra\ m\d distribute KWNO ___ .._.._ . . day. packitgos to nil. feEFORE MEETING TUNNEY FOR TITLE Jack Says He May Have Been Drugged MINNEAPOLIS <*> - Ex- the fight and offered no ex- after that," said Dempsey. mingham, Ala. Ne-ws had ter, were present when Demp- might grow bigger, crooked heavyweight king Jack Demp- cuse for dropping the 10-round However, the M a n a s sa quoted him as having said he sey made his remarks in money, obviously." sey admits he may have been decision in the- rain at Phila- Mauler was inclined to brush was drugged at the time of slipped a mickey b«fore he delphia on Sept. 23, 1926. More the whole thing off , saying, the fight. "I don't believe I New York about the big bout. The story that the great went into the ring against than 120,000 fans watched the "it happened about 40 years have ever been as sick, be- Marshall wrote that the heavyweight had been drug- Gene Tunney and got knock- fight. ago. Who could remember fore or since," Marshall quot- drug was slipped into Demp- ged has been whispered ed off the throne he'd held "A doctor told me the next what happened? I was all ed Dempsey. "It was terrible. sey's coffee at breakfast by a among old time boxing writ- seven years. day I'd probably been given right. I fought rny fight." Just terrible. " trusted companion who " pre- ers for many years. But it But Dempsey insisted he a Mickey Finn and I probably Dempsey commented after Marshall said he and Atlan- pared to arrange it so that has never been publicly re- felt fine the dav and night of was ill for three or four days Bennv Marshall of the Bir- ta restauranteur Harvey Hes- big monev back in Chicago vealed, at Dempsey's request. Redmen Win 5th, State Bows j.- . ' . J i i ir — ST. MARY'S — WINONA STAT E- Turn Back Wttwno, (Daily.Views. j Tumble to DEMPSEY DRUGGED? . . . Jack' Dempsey, facing pli^SPORTS camera, during the title fight in Philadelphia Sept. 23, 1926, \VE SHOULD HAVE known better than to disagree with he lost his championship to Gen» power of a woman ' intuition. was drugged the night the .s St. Norberi' Sports Sports editor Benny Marsh- Mary Papenfuss, the wife of Winona State grad and present s River Falls Tunney, a :columnist wrot^today. News said in his column today that Houston basketball coach Dick Papenfuss, kept' insisting to DE PERE, Wis. (Special) - RIVER FALLS, Wis. (Spe- all of the Birmingham In the battle of the unbeatens **¦¦¦¦»¦¦-» ¦¦¦¦ ¦ cial) — In the estimation of told , because Dempsey wouldn't fellow sports writer Bob Junghans all day *¦* j^-^-^-^y^,^- ^ ly-g-j-u-L_n/u*vvv^rijafV\jVLA "the story has never been Friday at Winona State that picking Rushford Monday night , St. Mary 's notch- Page 14 Tuesday, December 10, 1S63 Coach Dr. Bob Campbell, Wi- permit it." (AP Photofax) ed win No. nona State Monday night con- over Houston by five in Friday night's round . 5 while handing St. Norbert's its first loss by a vinced the Falcons of River of Root River Conference action was : all score of 92-77. Falls that the .Warriors were MAI N TAVERN TAGS 2,785 wrong. The point total was the big- beatable. Perhaps she knew that Tom Runningen gest of the season for the Red- ''In the first half , we convinc- was going to come up with a top individual men. St. Mary's jumped off to ed them that they could beat effort and score 37 points or maybe "Pappy " a 15-2 lead, and the Green us," said Campbell. "We didn't told her of some strategy he had up his Knights from Wisconsin could get the job done in the first sleeves. never close the gap. hall" • Winona State suffered its Betty Englerth Whatever it was, we took it (in the chin The Redmen held a 47-35 half- on that one. Another night like Friday and time bulge, and then added to third loss of the new season, we'll have to get a woman to do our weekly it by outscoring their hosts 45- bowing 81-77. Dick forecasting. 42 in the second half. Even with- THROUGHOUT THE final 20 Oh , well, perhaps it is a woman's world. out starting forward Roger Py- minutes, the Warriors played tlewski, who sat • out the game the Falcons even as each team Cracks 222-621 because of an injury, the pre- scored 41 points. River Falls WHAT WITH Houston 's npset of a . - high-scoring Rnshford cision ball handling and rugged led 40-36 at halftime. machine, Friday marked quite a night in the area. rebounding was too much for "In the first half , we were For instance, something of a defensive record must have the Wisconsin quintet. taking shots that I've never been recorded by the Lima Sacred Heart cage aggregation Four Redmen hit in double seen before ," explained Camp- when it held Emmanuel Lutheran of Eau Claire to 16 points figures , with last year's scor- bell, "and as a result, no one For 3rd Place while scoring 56 to win. Using the conservative approach , we ing leader Al Williams having was there to rebound and we Winona keglers enjoyed their picked that one correctly: Lima Sacred Heart over Emmanuel his finest night of the season. only got one shot." best night in quite some time Lutheran by l! Williams fired in 23 points to It was midway in the first Monday nighr as both the men half that Winona State got and w omen got into the high- , too. it seems that Bangor is becoming a regular pace St. Mary's. George Vai- , Then aika , subbing for Pytlewski, some help in the rebounding de- scoring act. block for Gale-Ettrick's basketballers. season stumbling came up with 15, while Captain partment. Dave Rosenau, &-4 • A year ago, the Hedmen took a 16-0 record into a late- Betty Englerth hit the first Tom Hall and Mike Maloney junior from Waterville, Minn., women's national honor count season contest against the Cardinals and fell 64-58. This year, chipped in with 14 each. entered the game and took per- was undefeated in two Coulee Conference outings in over a month and a half in Gale-Ettrick Leroy Weyenberg led the son al charge of th e offensive the Pin Topplers League at when Bangor knocked the team from the Green Knights with 22 points, caroms. Westgate Bowl . Betty socked ranks of the unbeaten by the same margin and Dave Renkin contributed Adong with grabbing 12 of the 13 offensive rebounds the War- 222-621 to pace Main Tavern to of six points, 57-51. 17. 2,785. The series gives her a It was also a night for top individual The game was won from the riors got, he scored 11 points in his best showing of the season. tie for third place, while the performances. free throw line , where St. team set pushes the Main Tav- ' "He played a fine game," Dave Sorenson became a one-man scoring Mary s connected on 32 shots. ern group into second place St, said Campbell. "I think he 's show for Randolph, hitting 49 points — a high Norbert's only hit 15 of the on the season's list. charity throws, but outscored earned himself a try." for this year in the area — in leading his That try, no doubt , will come Watkins Mary King rapped team past Elgin 81-54. Twenty-two of them the Redmen 31-30 from the floor. Wednesday night at Memorial 975 for sixth place in that top came in the final quarter. St. Mary ' LONG CLIMB . . . Japanese ski enthusiasts march Hall when the Warriors host pin department. Other 500 the runner-up scorer, hit- s takes two days off , which lost Runningen was from game action , toward the snow-covered slopes in a long line at Tengudaira , Northland College bowl were: Betty Schoonover ' after wind- 77-71 to Stevens Point Saturday ting 37 points in pacing Houston s victory. ing up a successful road trip well-known skiing spot 200 miles north of Tokyo. Thousands 583, Vivian E. Brown 564, Ir- night. How about that Maple Leaf Conference Meulemans which saw three wins posted. of skiers troop to snow-blanketed slopes in Japan on week- lene Trimmer 546, Isabelle Ro- race? With only first-night action out of the way, already the ends and holidays. (AP Photofax ) zek errorless 525, Irene Gos- Coach Kent Wiltgen said that »AVE ME1SNER led the BETTY EPCGLERTH team picked to win the title has been beaten and the runner-up with 18 tomski errorless 5U, Joanne this trip would be the proving Warriors in scoring Laces 621 Series candidate tested. ground for his cagers. If the points. Gary Peterson , wh 0 O'Reilly 503, and Elsie Dorsch Lanesboro , picked as the team to beat, was knocked off Redmen could hold up on larger MEET CAMPION fouled out with nine minutes to 501. by Tom Meulemans' Harmony group and Spring Valley just counts, they should enjoy a suc- play, hit 15 and Lyle Papenfuss Winona Typewriter splattered Doerers. Schmidts hit 904, and nudged Chatfield 49-48. cessful season. It seems that 959 in the St. Martin 's Ladies Bub's Oldtimers counted 2,602. some of Wiltgen's worries have River Falls was paced by for- circuit to edge into 10th place WINONA AC: Go-Getters - Marie Ellison hit 436 for been ended . The Eedmen have mer Durand High School stand- this season. Irene Bronk top- Tews THE CURRENT BIG NINE Conference cage race has the e-videntl y s haken off the road Ramblers Play out Ken Lee, who fired in 21 pled 210-520 to pace Coca Col a Garage, and Nancy Langowski experts scratching their heads. jinx that has plagued them in points. Rog Oestrich hit 16. to 2,472. spanked 164 for "Winona Plumb- For instance, no one picked Albert Lea , coming off a 't But while the Warriors lost to ing. Kramer Plumberettes took past years, when they couldn In the City loop at Hal-Rod 5-13 1962-63 record and having lost all-confer- combination maie their record 1-3 for the team laurels with 802-2,440. find the winning Lanes, Arne Steivang fired ence John Goodmanson to give anyone a battle. when they left the confines of season , there were several Monday — Polly Meadows Here Wednesday 241-674 for Linahan 's Cafe to almost pulled the Terrace Heights gym. bright spots. spilled 976-2,840 while John Cier- Already the Tigers have plant himself in the fifth posi- bowed to Winona 59-57 a Wednesday night , St. Mary 's School' "We showed flashes of good zan was tagging 589 for Phillips two upsets. They Cotter High s basket- Twin Cities C atholic power tion in men's series. KWNO , w-ill put its unbeaten record on ball team makes its home play, " said Campbell. "We shot 66 and Leon Edel 2PiO for weekend ago and then were nipped by Austin de- Minneapolis De La Salle (52- tipped 1.010-2,93:1, while Hal- the line when Loras College of but Wednesday night and John fairly well in the second half Schlitz. 68-64 Friday . And Albert Lea played without 511. and we only had six mechani- Rod Lanes was hitting 1,010. HAL-ROD: Park Rec Jr. Girls Dubuque , Iowa , visits. Satur- Nett' s forces will be completely Game time Wednesday is set its leading scorer , Paul Nervig, against Ove cal errors for the game." Mich Schewe socked 600. and — Judy Schneider cracked 155- Berven 's team. day night , the MIAC confer- in the dark. for 8 p.m. with the "B" squad ence camp aign gets underway The contest was close all the Hal Biltgen triggered a 584 er- 301 for Spare Masters . Pin Rochester wasn't picked to have any trou- The Ramblers' opponent will preliminary getting under way way, with the Warriors cutting Smashers registered 687-1 ,321. as Macalester comes to town. at approximately 6:20. rorless . ble — outside of Austin , that is — rolling to be Prairie du Chien Campion the margin to one point at sev- WESTGATE: Alley Gaters - St. Mary '! <»2) St. Norbert'i (77) and Nett has no idea of what The Ramblers Wednesday The only other men's honor the Big Nine t itle that just eluded the Rockets lo. «t pl tp toj It pt tp eral times in the second half, count came from Shirley Squires splattered 467 Hall 1 1 414 Weyen'fl '• ' * « to expect. night will be wearing new Winona State (77) River Falls (81 ) the VFW but with Jim Kasten putting on a Vaiaika 4 t ) IS Hicplas 114 4 for Curley 's and Carolyn Gerth last vear , "Usually they send us a re- warmup jackets which are part lg ft pt tp fg It P» tp League at Hal-Rod where Bill superb demonstration of the fighting spirit it Burgman ! 1 3 5 Patterson ! ! Jli Pap«nfuu 7 O 3 14 Schilling 5 J 3 11 tapped 187 for Nash's. Mohan Hasten R ockers 5 4 4 ( RenWln 6 5 5 17 lease of some sort," said the of a complete set of new uni- 4 O 4 B Koepal 10 11 Hohmeister powdered 22:5-618 to City Kelly Window collected 860-2 ,537 . and takes to be a winner , Winona nearly dealt the Mayo William . t 5 13! Kelly 115 3 coach, "but this year we didn 't forms purchased this year. The Klome 0 O 1 C Krcmer 3 13 7 pace Wason's Supper Club to Clarkin 1 4 3 i Mintcn 10 5 1 Melaner 8 7 4 18 Pritchard 5 13 1} Montgomery Ward ripped 860. 's title hopes a severe setback , bowing by only 66-64 ] 1 )45 2,892. Don group Maloney < 4 14 Smith get one. I saw one score of Holy Name men of the Winona Dllley 7 O 1 4 Lee 4 1 3 31 Braatz led Golden Community — Lyle .lacobson after having led midway in the fourth period. Hoder 10 0} Holton J 0 1 4 theirs in the paper , but that Rosenau 4 S 1 11 Oestrich 4 i 4 1( Brand Foods to 1 ,062 with his Saustr 1114 Gagemler 3 0 3 1 parishes assisted in purchasing Collins 4 3 0 11 powered 246 for Schlitz Beer , " Schuster 3 13 7 242. is about all I know. the uniforms. Peterson 4 7 S 15 and Allyn Ruppc-rt split 571 for • • • R! of Total! 30 31 53 91 Total! 11 11 33 77 Nett , who gave his team Fri- COTTER SCORINO Because of a misspelling of AFTER FRIDAY NIGHT'S round, we have picked Scora by quarters: C FO FT PF TP Aug, Totals 3113 35 77 Totals 38 35 17 81 Sunbeam. Schmidt 's Beer rap- MARY'S 47 43—92 day and the weekend off Nam* ST , , will Schulli 1 IV H 5 54 18 0 Score by quarters: her first name , the 245 single 128 area games correctly for a .633 percentage. We have hit ST NORBERT'S 15 43—7) peri 045-2 .745. Gary Ruppert hit . be going with the same starting Nett 3 15 4 4 34 11 . J WINONA STATE 34 41 — 77 game laced by Carol Fenske in handicaps for a .555 mark. Jeresek J 1J J 11 3) » RIVER FALLS 40 41—81 a 130 tri plicate to enter the 300 71 of 129 with lineup that has opened through- .» the Guys and Dolls League at This week, the Swami polishes his crystal Judge 3 7 a I 33 7 3 club out the earl y going. Starieckl 3 7 8 7 13 7 3 Westgate Bowl Sunday was in- Ladies — Helen Grulkowski hall and sees: Cotter over Prairie du Chien Nothing Wrong John Nett Jr. and Bob Judge Fisk 3 7 3 7 17 5 . 7 Knopick 5 1 3 3 4 3 5 Denver University correct ly added to the men's led dmlkowski Beauty Shop to , Winon a State over Northland will be at forwards with Mike ' Campion by 7 Leal . 1 1 0 0 3 2.0 side of the ledger. 2.485 with her 525. Margaret by 4 , St . Mary ' s over Loras by 11 , Stewartville With Bay lor ' s Jeresek at center and Cone Pelowskl 3 1 1 3 3 1.0 Whi ps North Dakota The single Browne 1 0 I 0 1 .3 game , gives her McNally waxed 206 for Steve' , Kenyon over Schultz , who fli pped in 25 s over Kasson-Mantorville by 5 Allaire 1 « » » « .0 (API- third place in the women 's Lounge , and The Oaks belted Shooting Eye points in Cotter 's win over Let I 0 g 1 « .0 GRAND FORKS, N.D. Cannon Falls by 12. Houston over Spring single-game division this year. B90 . Other 500s were: Rochester Lourdes , and Pick Denver U n i v e r sity downed Shirley Grove by :-i , Peterson over Mabel by 12 , Cale- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MOD URN : Class B -- Ron (iehlhaart 521 , and Mary do ' Starzecki , a leading defensive 1 North Dakota fi-1 in a Western donia over Canton by <) , Dover-Eyot a over Klgin Baylor s got two aching I IK HAS LISTON'S NI MBIIR Collegiate Hockey Association Vondrashek bounced 1 97-501 for Grulkowski 50!i . Wykoff by 4 , knees nnd a sprained ankle but performer , at guards. JACKSONVILLE , Fla. M- Elgin by 6 , Grand Meadow over ' A reserve unit would have game Monday night . , Pepin there s not hing wrong with his Light heavyweight champion Lewiston over Caledonia Loretto by 14 shooting e.) e. Bill Browne, who was out of The same teams played to a ~ Heart by 1 , Trempealeau Willie Pastrami was preparing 1-1 tie Saturday. ~" "~ over Lima Sacred The Los Angeles Lakers ' ace school Monday, and Bob Al- ¦ 1 , for a non-title fight and talking ^ over Tay lor by 5 Blair over Arcadia by 7 proved that Monday when he laire at the guard positions with GRIFFIN SIGNS nnd Fall Creek over Augusta by 3. collected 211 points in LA\s 1I14- Russ Fisk at center and Dave about the future . Trainer Lou Gross brought up (rRAMHLI NC . La. (APWFhc 120 thrash ing of Balt imore in Knopick and Dan IVlowsUi at San Francisco -tilers of the Na- the National Basketball Associa- forwards. the subject of heavyweight champ Sonny Liston and said tional Football League Monday tion 's only game of the night . Cotter has been most impres- James "The only guy can beat him is signed Grumbling «'nd The game , played in Seattle , sive in its first three outings , (ir l-ffin. provided a showcase for Hay lor compiling a 2-1 record. Willie Pastrano," awawawW \&^M$ *£awawK. r who was performing in the city The Ramblers own victories To which Pastrano respond- The 1905 is the ^mtWmVWL vL^awWlt r ^*^mS^mawaw\ ^^ rVml^^waaW I J ' 'M&Sl ( 62-o* J' +L. Sf family the Happiest Holidays ever! ing the pressure," sa id center m ' ~ "We still have visions of su- nmui :mni Basketball Big Ten Still DENNIS THE MENACE Texas Wins Grid Crown Scores Can't Solve LOCAL SCHOOLS Navy Ends St. Mary' s 12, SI. Norbert'» 77 River Falli II, Winoni Stat* 77 EAST South Problem Blttl 71, Bowdoin 71 SOUTH CHICAGO Ml) . — Iowa joined Second in Kentucky lot, North Carolina 10 three other undefeated Big Ten Mississippi St. <7 , Delta St. M Wake Forest 77, Purdue 71 basketball teams Monday night TennMset 4», E. Ttnntttti 47 but Western Conference repre- Alabama 4J, Florida St. S3 Centenary ft, Mlitltj'PPl 7» sentat i ves again failed to solve Final Poll MIDWEST Southern foes. Kansas St. 93, Indiana 14 While Iowa was scoring a 79- NEW YORK (API-Unbeaten Oklahoma 105, Illinois 104 and untied Texas won the na- Iowa 71, St. Louli 77 77 triumph over St. Louis, Pur- Craighlon H, Idaho St, 41 due dropped a 77-72 decision to tional collegiate football cham- DaPaul 105, Lawrence Tech 39 pionship today in the final As- TesttS Tech H, Nebraska (O Wake Forest. sociated Press poll of Ohio U. 79, Southern III. 4» the 1963 DePauw 12, Wabash 77 This marked the fourth ti me season, earning the title for the SOUTHWEST this season that a Southern team first time since the Longhorns Texas 70 , Ltultiana St. iS had bested a Big Ten team in began playing the sport in 1893. Oklahoma St. 74, Arkansas IS as many games. Texas Christian ii, Houston 51 Becoming the first Southwest Rice »0, Tulane « Aside from the Iowa trium ph, Conference team to win the na- Baylor 71, Southwest Texas, 41 it was a sorrowful night for the tional championship since Texas FAR WEST Big Ten as Illinios and Indiana AfcM. in 1939 Washington 4?, Oregon 43 ,. Texas swept Utah 90, u. of Pacific 72 went down in defeat in addition through 10 opponents, wound up Seattle 14, St. Mary' s Calif I to Purdue. with the only unblemished rec- ord among major college teams Illinios lost at Oklahoma , 305- and is scheduled to meet Navy 104. and Indiana dropped a 93- 84 decision to Kansas State on in the Cotton Bowl , New Year's liONOKS FOR PAYS GONE BY . George Connor , Hely Cross and Notre Dame; Badgers Face Day. the Hoosier home floor; Pur- New members of football's Hall of Fame pose Ken Kavanaugh , Louisiana State; Cliff Mont- . due's initial loss came at Wake The Middies, losers only to ' ' IF r6TARVE O&M) WW EAT f inished in New York Monday with photos of them- gomery, Columbia; Henry R. Fund , Georgia Forest. 'NOW WE LL JUST $ff H,A M1UER SMU, second in the vot- toi)5y a' CAf?fiOTS f* ing in a bid for their first na- selves in their playing days. Left to right: Tech; and J. Edward Tryon , Colgate. (AP Unbeaten Pitt Only two Big Ten teams will 7)iw tional championship. Navy com- Alex Agase, who played at Illinois and Pur- Photofax) be in action Tuesday night as pleted the regular season last due; Edwin (Goat) G ale, Mississippi College ; Midwest interest turns toward Saturday with a 21-15 victory Quintet Tonight a doubleheader at the Chicago over Army. Texas had finished Stadium . Northwestern will bat- MADISON , Wis. wi—Wiscon- Lie New York University, the na- its season a week before. SHORT GAME DETERIORATING ' In the voting by a special AP sin s eager but inexperienced tion 's No. 2 team , while Loyol a , Badgers face a-stern basketball the nation 's No. 1 team takes Eanel of 49 sports writers and , roadcasters, Texas drew 34 fest tonight when they meet on Detroit , undefeated Pittsburgh. first-place votes and 460 points Wisconsin, meanwhile , is at to w) first and 418 points for Pittsburgh, winner of its three home against Pittsburgh. Navy. Pittsburgh drew the oth- Snead Nearing End starts this season , is the first of er five first-place votes. . two national powers Wiscon- ' Rose Bowl bound Illinois, how- sin w ill meet this week. St. Mary s Takes ever, squeezed into the No. 3 The Badgers, defeated . 77-75 Volleyball Lead spot with 361 points . to 340 for last Saturday by a tough Ohio the Panthers. Auburn was No. 5 Ot Tournament Career? University team, will travel to CRC LIEN'S VOLLEYBALL , SEEKING. Fla. (AP)—Endur- Seniors early next year. And Cincinnati on Saturday. W l W L followed in order by Nebraska and MiddLecoff , Palmer and St . Mary ' s 4 0 St. Stan 's 1 4 Mississippi, Alabama , Michigan ing Sam Snead , who came out look for him when it's tee-off Nicklaus. Pittsburgh won the Steel bowl Cathedral IS) 4 } SJ. John's 1 J Cotter Faculty 4 I Cathedral (I) 1 5 State and Oklahoma. of the hills of western-Virginia time in the National Open , the "When I was on ," he said , "I tournament last Saturday by de- Last year's champion , South- 30 years ago to give profession- one major championship that thought I could beat any of feating Duquesne 69-67 in over- St. Mary 's pull ed to a com- ern California , was not among al golf some of its great and has escaped him. them. And when I wasn 't on , I lime. The Panthers previously manding two-game lead in the the Top Ten. colorful moments, is nearing the Sitting in the pro shop at Hard- couldn't beat anybody ." had beaten George Washington Catholic Recreation Center The top ten football teams end of his tournament career. er Hall the other day, Snead and Fairfield universities. Men's Volleyball League Mon- with first place votes in paren- Sam Snead says so. took a look at himself , his game "Yon know ," he said , "I've Wisconsin coach John Erick- day night by taking three theses and points on a 10-9-8-7- He says at 51 he isn't in as and his profession . only played in eight or 10 tour- son expects Bobby Johnson , a straight games from St. Stan's 6-5-4-3-2-1 basis : good physical shape as he used "I've passed through a lot of naments a year since 1960. 6-foot-5 football end, to bolster by scores of 15-7 , 15-0, and 15- w. L. T PH. to be. these guys and they keep drop- "I don't hit them quite as the Badgers ' rebounding U. * 1. T«ll (J41 . . 10 ft • 46» He says his short game Is be- ping off and dropping off ," he long anymore. I've putted badly strength as he works into shape. Cathedral (2) also took three I. Navy (10) ... » 1 • 411 J Illinois 7 1 1 141 ginning to deteriorate. said with a satisfied grin. He for two years. Your short game One of the Badgers chief trou- games, whipping Cathedral (1) i. Pittsburgh ... » 1 0 340 ran down the generations of ¦ '1 He says he doesn 't enjoy tour- is the first thing that deterio- bles against Ohio was lack of 15-7 , 15-5, and 15-9. The sweep I. fcUburn ' » O 347 champions with whom he has rates. That's the hardest thing height. 4. Nebraska ... . * 1 0 341 nament golf any more gives them a tie for second 7. Mlailiilppl ... 7 » 1 IM matched strokes since turning to learn and it goes first. Ken Gustaf son, with 36 points place with Cotter Faculty, which I. Alabama 7 3 C 118 But don't count him out. pro in 1934: Picard and Sarazen , «. Michigan itat* 4 11 109 "I' m not in the physical con- in two games, leads the Badg- took two of three from St. John 's 19. Oklahoma 11 40 Snead will play in his first PGA Hogan and Nelson , Worsham • dition I used to be," he said. "I ers scoring after two games winning two games by 15-9, voiJ'# 'HGWT, ; DIP OPZH used to weigh 180 to 182. Now this season. Mike O'Melia is and then dropping the finale > rue I'rn at 195 . That extra weight second with 34 points. 15-2. WRONG- CAN ... IT- 15 D00 POOD./' OVER GRID TEAMS slows you up a little bit". Big Nin e By •Golf is fine, he said , "But I APARTMENT 3-G AUx Koliky don 't like tournaments any more. I like to play at the club Schedule where you play these guys for Pitt Harboring Dec. 11-Austln at Rochester; Winona at a buck or two a hole." Red Wins; Mankato »l Albert Lei; Faribault at Owatonna. Snead blames his erratic Det. 14—'Minneapolis Marshall at North- putting on nerves, and the (laid. nerves on the game he plays. Dee. 17—-Owatonna it Blooming Prairie.. Dec. )»— -Medtord at Mankato. "Golf has more of a nervous Mixed Emotions range than any other sport , " Dec. 10—Red Wing at Austin; •Eau Claire (Wis ! at Winona ; 'Albert he said. "There's more waiting. PITTSBURGH (AP) — This when ahead. Lea at Wells; -NorlWlelO al In other sports, like football, football-mad city is harboring It had the flashy backs like Lakeville. Fred Mazurek and Paul Mar- Dec. 11—-Winorla at Spring Valley ; 'Kan- it' s all action. But in golf , the mixed emotions this week over yon at Faribault . ' tha and big ferocious linemen Det. Ik—-Whit* Bear at Rochester. mistakes just wait for you to the fate of its two favorite foot- who literally bowled over oppo- Dec. 17—'Minneapolis South al Albert m ake thern." ball teams. nents. Lea; 'Moorttead at Mankato. Dec. U— -Rochester at Anoka; -Kasson- There's a feeling of joy over And most of all , it had a bold Mantorville at Faribault ; -North- the Pittsburgh Sleelers meeting chancellor , Edward Litchfield, field at Slayton; .Red Wing at the New York Giants Sunday for Farmlnyfon. MARY WORTH - By Saunders and Ernst who had publicly ordered Coach Jan. 1—Faribault al Albert L»a; Roch- Winhawk JV _ tha 's Michelosen before the season to ester at Mankato; Owatonna al Eastern Division, title. ' Northfield; -Winona at La Crosse throw out the old Pitt grind- em- Central; 'Minneapolis South at Yet the city is indignant and out offense and play more excit- Austin. ing football — . or else. Jan. 4— ' Elko vs. Faribault in Universit y puzzled over lh« rebuff given to of Minnesota preliminary. Whips Central the University of Pittsburgh 's Jan. 7— 'Winona af La Crono Logan; •Owatonna al Waseca. LA CROSSE, Wis. (Special) potent Panthers by the post-sea- Jan. 10—Faribault at Rochester; Austin — Winona High's Junior Varsi- son bowl committees. at Winona; Northfield at Albert ty basketball team belted out Pitt, NBA President Lea; Mankato at Red Wing. the fourth-ranked team Jan. 11— 'Hayfield at Owatonna,- 'Albert an 8,1-65 decision over La Crosse ln the nation , finished its sea- Lea at Mann City. Central Junior Varsity Monday son last Satmxlay with only a 24- Jan. 17—Winona at Mankato; Kocheater al Northfield; Albert Lea at night. 12 loss to second-ranked Navy Censures Ramsey Owatonna; Red Winq al Faribault . marring a 10-game schedule. Jan. lt—'Minneapolis Central at Roches- It was the first game of the NEW YORK (AP) — Frank ter; -Minneapolis Womburn at season for the junior Winhawks. But it was completel y ignored Austin; 'Mankato vs. Minneapolis by all the major bowls. Ramsey of the Boston Celtics , a West In Univ . ol Minn, prelim.; John Brandt and Gary Adding- "It was a little disappointing, " self-styled master of deception, •Minnctonka at Owatonna. ton each fired in 20 points, (he Jan. !)— • Ellsworth tl Red Wnj, Tony Raid Pitt Coach John Michelos- has been censured by Na- Jan, 14—Owatonna at Rochester; Man- while Bruce Holan and en, who was practically on the tional Basketball Association for kato at Austin; Faribault at Wi- Kreuzcr hit 13 and 12 , respec- a by-lined magazine article in nona; Northfield at Red Winq; tively. Goss had lfi and Abra- verge of losing his job before •Minneapolis Edison al Albert NANCY By Erni« Bushmiller the season . "The kids felt they which he detailed how he lured Lea ham 13 for Central. opponents into committing fouls. Jan. 11—Rochester •) Albert Lea; Austin had played the best in the coun- at Faribault; Winoni at North- Winona Jiever trailed in the The censure was con tained in field; Red Wing at Owatonna; try and they did a tremendous •Mankato at SI. Pet«r. contest , breaking to a 21-15 first job . They should have been re- a letter from league President Feb 1— 'Minneapolis North al Austin. quarter lead and then pouring Walter Kennedy that should be Feb. 4— -Red Wing at West SI . Paul. hosts warded with something and in Feb. 7—Northfield at Austin; Owatonna it on lo outscore their these days it's bowls, " in Ramsey 's morning mail. at Winona; Albert Lea at Red in every quarter . The next Just why Pitt was not invited The article by Ramsey, which Wing; Faribault al Mankato; scheduled game for the JV is •Rochester at Edlna . Is almost beyond comprehen- was published in Sports Illus- Feb. I- - Wells at Faribault . n return engagement with Cen- sion. trated under the title of "Smart Feb . U— • Slillwaler at Red Wing ; "North- tral Jan. fi nt Winona. Moves by a Master of Decep- finld nt Kenyon. Mere is n team that not only Feb 14—Wlnnna at Rocheiter; Austin Winona JV Hi) La Crosse Central had a gaudy record nnd hifih tion , " was accompanied by at Albert Lea; Faribault at fq It pi In JV (45) Northfield ; Mankato >t Owatonna , Urncss ? I S 5 fq

Tolalt llllllll VAN BROCKLIN MAKES SWITCH Sco re by quarters: WINONA JV 11 J4 U }| 13 CENTRAL JV . 15 17 11 10-45 VanderKelen Will Run Gillespie Quits Vikings Against Eagles As Braves' Voice MIlAVA CKKIO '.T- Karl Cil- MINNEAPOLIS Mi - Coach up to starling guard in place of for .101 yards and one touch- le.spie .said Monday thai "per- ' , Norm Van Brocklin handed the veteran (lo ry Hut h and rookie down, lie s had two aerials in- sonal family reasons " had Karl Kassulke inserted as a re- tercepted. forced him to withdraw as plny- Minnesota Vikings ' offensive placement for injured Chuck Tarkenton 's IDM mark Is 1 7(1 by-phiy announcer for Milwau- reins to rookie Hon V.iiideikelen I,unison al safely. Larnson suf- completions in 'J!I7 attempts for kee Hraves baseball game s . MARK TRAIL By Ed Dodd Monday. fered bruised ribs against Balti- 2.1111 yards and IS touchdowns . <;illcspie. who had broadcast VanderKelen will more. He 's had 15 intercepted , and tho games since the Hraves the Vikings in (heir .sca.son fi- VanderKelen shone In his first trails iii.s i nn:* loiichd own pass moved lo Milwaukee in l!lf>:i. nale Sunday at Philadelph ia. major assignment t his year, pace by seven. is .sports director al Hadio Van Brocklin said the .switch That was against the Chicago Mason has Hit' Viking rushing Station WKMP , which orifj i- docs not mean a demotion (or Bears two wwelis ago when Van- leadership sewed up again , lie 's iiit U'.s (he liroadmsls. quarterback Finn Tarkentcm , dy replaced Tnrkenton "when (he gained 7(>:t yards on lli fi carries A. M. S|iheeris , president of "We owe VanderKelen a slarl- latte t r was knocked senseless by for a average , Hill Brown WKMP , said (iillo. spie'.s decision lnu assignment " lie explained , a jarring tackle in Ihe «nrly go- has ;i77 yards in 1 VI curries , w;is accepted " reltictnii lly, " The Viking buss ulso inserted iii|4 , VanderKelen directed the nnd Wilson T/l yards on f>r> Splieem said WF.MP was in Tommy Wilson at halfback in Vikings lo a 17-,'i Inilfliwc lead , tries. contact with other outstanding place of ailing Tommy Mason, mid Minnesota eventuall y hung Kookie Paul Flalley still leads announcers in the country in who re-injured his knee against on for n 17- 17 lie. tho receiving corps with SI th« hopes of bringing one to Baltimor e in Ihe 41-10 defeat catches for 1)117 yards and four Milwaukee for (he expanded Siindny. 'I'IIIII 1! far , ViimlrrkHm lut i touchdowns. Mason has caught KKI4 broadcast scliodulo , design- Two other changes Monday completed l<> of 42 passes in thfl 40 for Mi yards and Jerry Kei- ed to carry the Hraves lo six $aw rookie Dave O'Brien moved National Football League, good chow 31 for 450 yards. states. 1 P. M. New York GRAIN Stock Prices MINNEAPOLIS Wl -- Wheat Want Ads Lunch Program receipts Monday 345; year ago VFW Members Model Railroad All'd Ch 55-14 IntU Ppr '32»i 237; trading basis unchanged to Here Kentucky in Shoot at Austin Als Chal 15*/8 Jns & L 63% one cent lower; prices V« lower Start Shows Profit Amrada 741i Kn 'ct 69'/4 to ?i higher ; Cash spring wheat Winona had a delegation of Open House Set Am Cn 42 Lrld 43V< basis, No 1 dark northern 2.28V4- N07ICI keglers at the Fifth Annual First The public schools' lunch pro- Am M&F 17\i Mp Hon 135 2.29^i ; Spring wheat one cent 4th Victory, gram, wtjich was running in the Am Mt 19 Mn MM 66% This newspaper will bt responsible District VFW Bowling Tourna- I Open house for all admirers of stalled after completion of the premium each lb over 58-61 lbs; for only ona Incorrect Insertion of small railroads will be held Sun- bench-work which provides a red most of last year, has AT&T 14U4 Mn&Ont 22V4 Spring wheat ore cent discount eny classified advtsllsemerit pub- ' | | , 1 ment at Austin s Echo Lanes day by the Winona Society of varied miniature landscape, dot- shown a net gain for the first Am To 26 y4 Mn P&L 42 each 4 under 58 lbs; Protein lished In the Went Ad section. Ch»cl( Ancda 43 Mn Chm 60Y4 your ad and call 3321 If ¦ corrte- last -weekend. The tournament two months of current year, prems: 11-17 per cent 2.29%- tion must be made. Model Railroad Engineers at ted by small building, punctu- Mon Dak Raps Tar Heels will be completed Sunday. l llolden's Drug Store. 953 W. 5th ated by hills and streams. The Business Manager Paul W. Arch Dn 43^4 35 2.3m. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Winon a team No. 1 from Post St. Trains will run from 2 to 5 layout, shaped like a dog leg, is Sanders reported to the Board Armc St 63V* Mn Wd 35 No 1 hard Montana winter Nt Dy BUND ADS UNCALLED FOR— , p.m. roughly 58 feet long. of Education Monday night. Armour 44% 64"4 2.15\4-2.23%. Question: When does a college 1287 hit 2 663. In the doubles Avco Cp 227 N Ant Av 51'/4 event John Sanstede and Har- 1 No admission will be charged The electrical circuitry need- Although fewer lunches had '8 Minn. S.D. No 1 hard winter E—17, 19 basketball team have to rebound Beth Stl 30V8 Nr N Gs 483<f the pike. One mans a ' Corn No 2 yellow 1.11%. tain City, wish to express sincere «p. the bluegrass country of Ken- , the first two C&NW 29 3B Penney 44 prtciation 1o relatives and frltmls for Oats No 2 white 61-65; No 3 the flowers, gilts, cards and calls In tucky and is coached by Adolph In singles. Brandt led Wi- said, but youngsters should be : control panel in the switch yards months of r»i Chrysler 90% Pepsi 51 nona 's bowlers with 621, Tarras accompanied by a parent or old- I white 56-64; No" 2 heavy white observance of their 50th. Weddlnfl Ao Rupp. and two sit at the central panel 1962. Ct Svc 64 Phil Pet 49 Vi nlversary, Nov. 26. shot 607 and Myers 604. er person. where they control traffic, using School 64 M.-69; No 3 heavy white 63%- - Rupp last season suffered A net loss Cm Ed . -4914 Plsby 55V*. Lost and Found M A total of 65 teams 66\i. through his worst year since tak- are en- over 50 toggle switches. An in- of $785 was Cn Cl 50=4 Plrd 182Vi tered in the tournament. SUNDAY'S OPEN house w ill D ^a-J Barley, cars 255, year age LOST—ladles ' black rimmed bifocal*. 709 ing over Kentucky in 1931. tercom telephone helps coordi- counted in Oc- PPqiq Cn Can 42V8 Pr Oil 4138 block on Washington. Tel. 5303 or 5350. be the 10th annual pre-holiday nate operations. 1 207; bright color 90-1.28; straw show staged by the railroad tober of this Cnt Oil 56 Vi RCA 96% LOST—Ladies white blouse In downtown Indications are, however, that , ' 7 color 90-1.28; stained 90-1.26; v icinity Mon. afternoon. Finder ptaast year but was substantially Cntl D ' . 109% Rd Owl 22 '8 Tel. 6-212 1. Rupp will notch the 7.00th vic- hobbyists. The system is said to THERE ARE: 35 electrically feed 82-90. ' , smaller than the $2,243 deficit Deere 73% Rp Stl . 3934 tory of his career somewhere : be one of the state s largest. It controlled hand fabricated Rye No 2 1.40',i-1.44Vi. Personals 7 has been under more or less track sw itches , an automatic for October operations & year Douglas 22% Rex Drug 40 through the Southeastern Con- Duluth Wins i¦ Dow Chm 66% Rey Tob 39% Flax No 1 3.05. continuous construction for nine turntable , 5-stall roundhouse, 2- ag0- MEMO TO MARK: Perhaps neKIng down ference schedule this, season and the price du Pont 244 Sears Roe 99 Soybeans No 1 yellow 2.62^. earlier on bowling night will Improve may have something going rem- j years, ' has 500 . feet of track and stall diesel house, bridges, tun- .A nickel increase in your game. Signed: Captain Herb. put in East Kod 117% Shell Oil 44Vi Message relayed by Ray Meyer, . Inn- of his teams that cap- j a rolling stock of 60 units. There nels and trestles. Part of the of regular lunches was CHICAGO (AP) — No wheat, iniscent 1 Ford Mot 50 Vi 'Sinclair 43% keeper, WILLIAMS. HOTEL. champion- MIAC Opener are eight members in the so- main line has automatic con- effect this fall and a special oats or soybean sales. Com No tured four national Gen-Elec ' 83% Socony — BATHROOM walls look dingy? Sparicjfna ships. cictv now. trols, complete with working ala carte lunch line for serv- 2 yellow 1.23% ; No 3 yellow CERAMIC TILE will make them gleam. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Gen Fds 86% Sp Rand 18% OJRLEY'S CERAMIC TiLE CO., 42S Activities this year have in- target signals, which make it ing hamburgers and French 1.21%; No 4 yellow 1.16%-18%; ¦ ¦ ¦ ' The Wildcats were ranked No. St. Thomas plays at St. Gen Mills 40% St Brnds 74% W. sfti . ' ; possible to run two trains on the provided to give stu- No 5 yellow l.l.T.4-%. _ _ P in the pre-season Associated John ' s tonight in another Minne- cluded installation of voltage fries was Gen Mot 79% St Oil Cal 59% ALWAYS be in the know with a BuloyD Soybean oil Sb-SUa. all transistor portable radio. Get yours) Press poll more on Rupp's rep- sota Intercollegiate basketball and amperage meters at all same track with the first pro- dents an alternate lunch selec- Gen Tel 3L% St Oil Ind 61 tected from being overtaken by now at RAINBOW JEWELRY, 116 W. utation than any other single contest after Duluth launched three of the system 's conlrol tion. Gillette 32" A St Oil NJ 72% 4th. (P .S. They art excellent Christ- 're beginning to panels. A rectifier has been re- the second. 30,950 lunch- ¦ mas gilts!) factor, but they the conference season with an During October Goodrich 54% Swft & Co 42% ^ make the selection look good. placed and uncoupling ramps Mot ive power for trains is pro- served , compared with LIVESTOCK IT'S^^TflNG PRETTY LATE to order 87-68 victory over Gustavus es were Goodyear 42¦'' 4 Texaco 66% toys now. See them In lovely, living They ripped off victory No. 4 Adolphus Monday night. have been installed at strategic vided by seven steam type and 33,531 the same month a year Gould Bat 35% Texas Ins 88 CHICAGO color at ROBB BROS. STORE, 576 E. CHICAGO Kf — (USDA) — . Hogi !, - • . points in the trackwork. four diesel locomotives. They this -4th. __ _ • _ _ In an unbeaten season with a Last year's MIAC titlist . ago. The two-month total Gt No'Ry 54% Un Pac 40% 00O; butchers 23 to 50 lower; mostly 1-2 More than 1,800 man-hours are are built to a one-quarter inch 2 0O-22J lb butchers 15,25-15.50; mixed WHEN CHRISTMAS SHOPPING don't 100-80 waltz over North Carolina Augsburg, plays a non-confer- year was 62, 125, also down Gryhnd 47 > 2 US Rub 47 forget RUTH'S is right downtown, con- ' estimated to have gone into con- scale. Most were constructed 1-3 190-230 lb U.25 15.23; 2-X lb. 14.00- Monday and moved Rupp s life- ence game at South Dakota from 1962 s figure of 63,784. Gulf Oil 47% U S Steel 52V 8 14.75; 2-3 240-260 Ibs 13.75-14,25; 250-270 venient to the stores, tor that noon- struction and equipping of the from kits but two were com- time or coffee break , 126 E. a|rJ. time record to 688-134. State , and Macalesfer goes No specific reason could be Homestk 43% Westg El 33 Ibs 13.25-13.75; 1-3 330-400 lb sows 11.50- ~ " r "" against Eau Claire. Wis: model system. Trackage , yard pletely hand fabricated and two drop, although Su- IB Mach 483 Wlworth 79% 12.00 ; 400-450 lbs. 11.00-11.50; 2-3 450-500 PLEASE DON'T put off having coats, , cited for this Ibs 10.50-11.00. trousers shortened until Dec. 24. WAR- Another old master Hank Iba The Gusties managed to rally and terminal facilities were in- others still are being built. Cattle 2,000; calves , none; ilsughter REN BETSINGE R, Tailor, 66V» W. 3rd. perintendent of Schools A. L. Int Harv 58% Yg S & T 126 - _ of Oklahoma State, is making steers steady to weak; load mostly LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-M)ill within six points of Duluth mid- suggested that the un- prime around ' 1,200-lb slaughter steers in the Big Eight. Nelson tablets. Full week ' s supply only 98c. his weight felt way in the third quarter , but the 23.25; mostly choice 900-1,250 lbs 22.00- seasonably warm weather dur- For d Hopkins. His Cow-boys. unrarrked but high- 22.50; a few loads and lots choice 1,000- Bulldogs rallied to put it ..well have ' " ly considered, remained unbeat- ing the early fall might hlSO ibs 22.7S-23.CO; good 900-1,200 Ibs ARE . YOU A PROBLEM DRINKER?— out of reach. Mike Patterson been a factor. Sanders thought 21 .00-22.00; choice 800-1,000 lb slaughter Man or woman, your drinking creates en with a 74-65 decision over scored 33 for the winners on 12 Slight Gain heifers 21.00-21.7i; mostly good 20.00- numerous problems. If you need and that perhaps with the advent 20.50 ; utility aip commercial cows 12.- want help, contact Alcoholics Anonym- Arkansas. field goals and 9 free throws. Teacher Salary number 00-13.50 . J ous, P ioneer Group, Box 622, Winona, unbeaten, of colder weather the Iowa also remained In other Monday night games. Sheep 400; t^irly active, wooled slaugh- Minn . ter lambs -sready to 50 higher; several but had to survive a foul-filled of students carrying bag lunch- 0UGHTER GUTTER-5 In., 26 gauge iVIoorhead smashed three school packagesyKhoice ond prime PO-110 lb "K" gutter , prime coaled. Machine fray and a fist-fight to score a records with a 117-69 victory es might decrease. In Stocks, slaughter lambs 20,00-20,50; good and . made on job — any length . cr»oice 18.50-20 ,00 ; cull, lo good wooled two-point victory over St. Louis. Sanders said that during Oc- Julius Pellowskl Tel . Lewiston 2864 over Wahpeton as James Mc- slaughter ewes 4.50-6:50. Dave Roach tossed in 32 points tober 47.4 percen t of all stu- CONTINUAL HOUSE GUTTER CO. Tague tallied 26 points although SOUrH ST. PAUL " Stockton, Minn. Slated SOUTH ST. PAUL, Minn. If) - (USDA) decision that was Session in the 79-77 ' dent lunches served at the outscored by Wahpeton s Henry The first meeting of the cur- cussions with other schools. —Cattle 7,000; TRUSSES - ABDOMVNAL BELTS marked by 69 personal fouls. calves 2 ,000; trading on Holte with 32: Winona dropped rent school year with represen- Senior High School cafeteria Steady Trade steers and heifers opening slow; early SACRO-ILIAC SUPPORTS Seven players went out on per- an 81-77 decision to River Falls. FOURTH W A It D Director were from the ala carte line. sales mostly 50 lower; cows week to ' tatives of the public schools fa- NEW YORK (AP)-Weakness .25 lower; bulls strong to 50 higher; few GOLTZ PHARMACY sonals. Tillman mentioned , 7H E 3rd Tel 2547 Wis.; Mankato lost a 71-59 game culty for the discussion of 1964- Frank-lin in aerospace issues failed to im- loads choice 1000-1205 lb slaughter steers . . In some of the other major 21.75-22.50; good 20.00-2],50 ; standard to State College of Iowa and St. 65 teachers' salaries was sched- "Our intentions could be mis- and Auto Service games, Rice bombed Tulane 90- pede a slight gain in the stock low good 18.00-20.00; load average and , Repair! ng 10 Mary's posted its fifth victory understood and we could leave high choice 1088 lb slaughter heifers ~ ~" " ~ uled tentatively Monday night market early this afternoon. YOlF cAN SAVE gas by not trying t« 62. Utah humbled Pacific 90-72. oursel ves open to accusations of 22.00; good 19.25-20.75 ; standard and low without defeat in a .92-77 de- by the Board of Education for Osseo to Ask Trading was moderate. . beat everybody away from traffic lights defending SEC champ Mississip- good 17.00-19.25; canner and cutter I2.0O- by hitting the accelerator hard. You cision over St. Norbert. conniving. It could turn out , in 14 Jan. 20. The aerospace issues yielded .50; utility and commercial cows 12.- can save money by having -your repair pi State came from behind for working with other districts, 50-14 .00; utility bulls 17.50-19.00; com- Next month's meeting will ground in the face of possible work done at GOODVIEW TEXACO, a 67-52 decision over Delta State. that we might be forced to mercial and good 77. 00-18.00; vealers 1650 Service Drive. mark the resumption of salary- General Meeting budget cuts for various space- and slaughter calves Steady: high choice Texas remained unbeaten with make commitments we might and prime vealers 27 talks begun last spring when (Special)-Osseo age projects. .00-29.00 ; good and Business Services 14 a 70-65 victory over LSU, Texas not want to make." OSSEO, Wis. choice 23.00-26,00; good and choice ^ " ~ ' Christian outlasted Houston 65-59 a joint committee representing businessmen, meeting Monday The rest of the market ap- slaughter calves 18.00-23.00. EXP.ERT WORK done on Easy splndry NSP Wholesale First Ward Director Ray Hogs 14,000; moderately active ; bar- washers-automatic and driers. 164 E. in overtime. Wake Forest had a the Winona Education Associa- night , decided to request a peared to be staging a mild and rows and gilts weak to 25 lower than 3rd between 8 and J . p.m. Gorsuch feared that even though - * tough time edging Purdue 77-72; tion and Winona Federation of the discussions were to be con- meeting with Genera l Tele- uneven recovery f rom a couple Monday ' s best time;, sows steady to 25 HOM E FOR THE HOLIDAY, all spark - Teachers submitted a proposal Wisconsin offi- lower; l-l . 190,240 lb barrows and gilts ling and gay? Let WINONA RUO Tennessee just got by Tennes- fined to procedural matters the phone Co. of of sessions of moderate decline. 14 .25-14 .50; mixed 1-3 190-240 Ibs 13.75- CLEANING help - keep it that way I 48-47 and 7-foot Roger to a school board salary com- cials this week to discuss..pur- Studebaker continued fairly 14.25; 1, 2 and medium I6O190 Ibs 13.0O- 116 W. 3rd. Tel. 3722. see State Inquiry action could be misconstrued 14 _ Rates mittee for revisions of the sal- .0O ; 1-3 270-409 lb sows 11.25-12.25; 2-3 Suttner scored 29 points in Kan- with the' implication that joint chase of its exchange here. active and with a slight edge to 400-550 Ibs 11.00-11.50 ; feeder pigs Dressmaking, Sewing 16 sas State's . 93-84 victory over In- ary schedule and liberalizing approval on actual salary mat- Beef River Valley Telephone the upside after reporting it was steady; choice 120-160 Ibs 12.50-13.00. of other teacher benefits in the Sheep 5,000; trade -fairly active on WE HAVE all the supplies you nee^l diana. ters was being considered. Co. already has said it would ending its unprofitable car man- slaughter lambs, steady to 25 higher; to make the lovely centerpieces you next contract year. see in magazines. Metallic net; rain- by FPC The board decided against sell to the group. ufacturing in the United States. ewes steady; few fancy feeder lambs Asked bow net; plain net of every color; 50 higher; remainder mostly General said Friday it steady; ; any immediate contact with Other auto stocks also ad- choice and prime 90-105 lb wooled slaugh- gold, silver, colored braids; sequ ns; WASHINGTON CAP) — The THE TEACHERS' proposal velvet and grosgrain ribbons; plain wouldn't sell to the municipali- vanced. Oils, utilities and chem- ter lambs 19.00-20.00; good . 80- 95 Ibs other schools but agreed that rickrack or woven with gold and silver . Power Commission instituted ; seeks, among other things , a 17 .00-19.00; choice and prime 89 lb " ty but would consider discuss- icals displayed a higher trend CINDERELLA 5HOPPE, 214 Mannalo, Monday an investigation of the S403 increase Santelman's suggestion should shorn slaughter lambs No. I pelts 18.50 ; ing a sale to individuals. farm imple- cull to good wooled slaughter REDMENS CLASS B receive additional studv. on balance. Rails, ewes 5.50- wholesale electric rates of , in maximums . > 7.50 ; mostly fancy 82 Plumbing, Roofing 21 VY L , — John Ward , Osseo , attorney lb wooled feeder Redmem ments and airlines were down lambs 18.00; choice ¦ ' Sunbeam ...... : 27 15 j Northern States Power Co., Min- of basic sal- jCnOOl said and fancy 60-BO , . COMPLETE PLUMBING M 18 for the Beef River Co., a bit. Ibs 16.50-17.50; choice 78 lb shorn feed- Hydronic Healing System Doerers neapolis. It said a hearing will ary schedules er lambs 16.50. . Bubi OWtimen , 17> , 24'i General wouldn't consider sell- The Associated Press average Schmidts 15' i 36' j i be ordered later. at both the Q^-. -J Ex- Preston Irian SANITARY ] ing to a group that would bor- of 60 stocks at noon was un- PLUMBING & HEATIN3 WESTGATE LADIES I Involved in the case are 135 bachelor and DOdia Wntgate W . t. row from the competitive REA changed at.-283.2-with industrials WINONA MARKETS 168 E. 3rd St, Tel. 2737 wholesale rate schedules cover- master degree > Tha Oak* . » 14 j Ma kes Satellite telephone loaning agency be- up .1, rails off .4 and utilities NEVV . . . Remarkable advance In water Grulkowski Beauty Shop .. .24 15 i ing service to private power , levels. Reported by conditioning. Lindsay solves. Iron water Steve't Lounge 71 It cause it is a government age.i- up .3. Swift & Company problems automalically. Exclusive 11 I projects, municipalities , and ) The tentative decision on a Sensing Package Winona Chick Hatchery 21 cy not engaged in private en- Boeing, down about 2 points, Buying hours are from 8 a.m. te / Lindsay "Iron-Free " system with Tauiche's H 13 .' rural electric cooperatives. , d ate for the first meeting with BAN-I RON solution . . . removes iron PRESTON , Minn.-A package terprise. was dampened by a report that p.m. Monday through Friday. Country Kitchen .10 2* There will be no calf market during Irom Incoming water . , . automatical- COMMUNITY the teachers was made Monday The commission director! that of miniature sensing devices Ward expected to contact its Dyna-Soar space glider proj- the winter months on Fridays. ly . . . continuously. Westgate W L in response to a request from launched from Cape Canaveral , General today to try to ar- administra- These quotations apply as of noon Ichmidti Beer ,30 15 i its staff study of Northern ect is in trouble with today, Frank O'Laugihlin 30 >5 the joint teacher committee " Sunbeam Bread : ' Fla., Nov . 26, was made under range a meeting between the tion budget cutters. All livestock arriving after closing time ' PLUMBING J. HEATING Bubl Pilsen 16 If Slates electric utility opera- asking for resumption ea rly the direction of a former Pres- local businessmen and company Chrysler , up more than a will be properly cared for, weighed and _ M7 E. 3rd SI. Tel. 3703 Schlit: Beer J4'i 20' i tions , system costs , and rates next month , if possible, priced tho following morning: 21 of sal- " ; Hackoarth Feed Mill 24 1 ton man, Dr. Kinsey A. Ander- officials. Alvin Johnson , mem- point , was the biggest gainer HOGS ELECTRIC EOTOTRO OTER , j • and charges that are all subject ary discussions. Salary issues Coca Coll . 22' 22' The hog markel Is steady. For clogged sewers and drains Oasn 19 34 son , son of Mr . and Mrs. Mop- ber of the board of Beef River among the leading auto stocks. to commission jurisdiction , in- usually are resolved in Febru- Strictly meal type additional Tel , 9509 or 643<5 1 year guarantee Miller High Lite \1 U the 20-40 cluding transactions with its py Anderson. company, was chairman of General Motors and Ford added cents; fat hogs discounted 20-40 cents Erdmann Trucking 15 30 ary or March , prior to the April CALL SYL KUKOWSKI affiliate , Northern States Power The associate professor of meeting. fractions. p«r hundredweight. Blumenlrilt Store 15 30 1 deadline for signing of con- Good hogs, barrows and gills— PIN TOPPLERS j Co.. Eau Claire, Wis. physics at the University of Xerox ran up half a dozen 160-180 12.00-13.00 Septic Tank & Cesspool Weslgiate W L tinuing teachers contracts. In Minneapolis, Northern j California said he hopes for in- points. Polaroid advanced more 180-200 13.00-13.50 Main ravern .32 10 2QO-220 13.50 Cleaning Service . 34 18 Most of Monday night's dis- formation about the unresolved Milk Truck Overturns Ltktiku Citiei Service .. Slates said Monday night it had i than a point . IBM dropped 2. 220-240 13.35-13.50 Special truck. Sanitary & Odorless Watklnj Mary King , . 11' i 30' i i cussion by school directors was ' quest ion of the source for the Prices were irregularly high- 240-270 12.90-13.35 G. S WOXLAND CO. Lincoln Insurance . 20' : jl' i heard nothing official from the ' (Special} . concerned with procedures to TAYLOR , Wis . — 270-300 12.0O-I2.90 Rushford, Minn. Tel. S44-924S Wallys . 30 22 high energy exhibited by elec- er on the American Stock Ex- FTC and would have no com- ij ' Warren Benedict , 18, Taylor , 300-330 11. 75-12.00 Winona Paint & Glm . 30 22 be followed in this year s con- 330-360 ' i ment until the company was trons in the radiation belts. The change. II.Sail.75 Hel p Wanted—Female 26 Hamernik* Bar '8 24 ; t acts with the teachers group. was not injured Sunday fore- G-ood sows— Vici Bar 12 30 two-pound instrument package were off ' contacted . Corporate bonds 270-300 12.00 RECEPTIONIST , with typing abllityTfor ALLEY GATERS noon when the milk truck he Superintendent of Schools A. made in Berkeley, Calif., was slightly. U.S. government bonds 300-330 -.. II 75-12 00 doctor ' s office. Vvrlle E-31 Dally News. Westgste W L a was driving overturned on 330-360 11.50-11 75 29 13 L. Nelson said that it was his among nine experiments in the rose a bit. . ' Curleyj Floor Shop .... miles 360-400 Hel p Wanted—Male Moliaiu Window Co 27 15 town road about six 1I.0O-11 .50 27 feeling that the teachers desir- scientific satellite shot up to 400-450 10.75-11.00 Montgomery Ward .. JJ'i 19' i ¦ southeast of Taylor. The truck , ~ ~ Chatfield Youth cd several meetings with the 175 ,000 miles above the earth. 450500 10.50-10.75 GOO D DEPENDABLE MAN lo opera1i Naihs . . . 23 20 1 belonging to Basil Osegard , PRODUCE S t.iqs— portable tend mill, mmt have chauf- Taverna Barber Supply . 18 34 board prior to final action on Anderson said he believes the (AP) (USDA) 450 down 1 50 feurs licen'.o Wynltvllle Feed Mill, William! Hotel 17' ] 24' ') Taylor , received onl y minor NEW YORK — Charged With 1 salaries so that all aspects o( earth' (50 up ... 7.50- B Lewiston, Minn . Daily Newi 17 25 s magnetic field may act ; de- 50 damage . The accident was in- - Butter offerings ample Thin end unfinished hog s discounted Budt Bar 15 27 the salary issue can he explored, MAN for part-lime production work. Av- as a kind of giant accelerator CALVES PARK REC JR vestigated by Jackson County mand steady ; prices unchanged. erage around too hours per montti . . GIRLS Procuring Liquor to boost the electron energy . Th« vral market Hal-Rod W L Cheese steady; prices un- is steady. Hours very flpxihle . Age open, but BOARD MEMBERS were In authorities. Top choice 2B 0O Hal-Rod All Start » 1 CHATFIEIJ) The multi-experiment satel- need mnch.inica I nhillty. !> nrl brief re- . Minn. -- A 19- general agreement that some ¦ changed. Choice 25.0O -27.0O sume to PO. flox 66, Dover, Minn . Pin Dwslers 4 4 lite , known as the IMP , is the C-ood Pin Smasher* . . i 4 yc;ii' -ukl Chat field youth is free Wholesale egg offerings ade- ...... 20.0O-2.V0O limit should be established on first of a series of interplanet- I'ATTKNT I-'RO.W KI.AIR Commercial lo g ood 14 . 0O-I8.0O Lucky Mnkci 5 5 on S:iO() hoiid on a ch arge ol quale; demand good, Utility Diamonds i 5 the number of representative's BLAI-ft , Wis, (Special)--Wal- 12.00 13 1)0 ary monitoring; platforms plan- tanners and rolls Spare Maslrrs 4 i furnishin g intoxicatin g liquor to alteiiding the joint .sessions with ( Wholesale sellin g prices 12 00-down ned by the Niational Aeronau- lace I.ovberg is a patient at The veal market Ii closed to- Powder Puili ] 7 ;i minor 10 or 12 -- that would he five based on exchange and other morrow Alley j -3V;. Utility li.OO down KWNO Radio II would appoint a hoard salary Diy led hellers— Pepsi Cola 11, , Liquor Store. When he w;is ar- ! oonimitleu nt the Jnniiarv meet- Mondovi Dedicates Whiles : extras (47 lbs. min.) Extreme lop 21 .00 Bubs (Irer i\ ,»; (40 Ibs. thoice to prim* 20 00-20 , JO Graham A r, ,cGwre raigned in court at Rochester , ing. Jfi-:' extras medium ' ji ) 1 Good lo choict 19.00-20 (10 (First Pub. Tuesday, Dec . 10, 1963) Oaili Bar ie he requested a prel iminnry average 31-32 -; top quality Comm . lo good 15.0O -I5.5O | He also wondered if the \Vi- , Mfll« nf Minnesota ) ss MONDAY LEAGUE (47 min.) v-:iH me- Uflhly 14 oo down . hearing. It was set for Jan. 21 . ' nona board should arrange for lbs. 3fi' 2; County of Winona ) In Atlllclic w I Largest Expansion , Cows— Pinnate Cour t (41 ) '{2 _ '!4 ; , M M1 Polly Meadow u 10 lie was charged with pur- a meeting with school boards of diums Ibs. average . -. I -'tr erne top . 13 00 Nn . 1st National nanii ( ) (, (" nmnieicinl III R o Estate of u n cliasiii) : li quor and Iwr-r for other Hig Nine high school con- Mt )M)OYl , Wis. Special -- ed , including Blum , board pres- smalls '(() lbs. average) 2H-29; 12,00 12 JO . E«it End Coal Co. » vi ident ; .) . ll. llessel in an ,- treasur- •UMil V 11 SO.13.CO Peter V nuK, Decedent , Ph llip-s 64 . MM four Chatfield . 17-year-old.s who ference .schools to discuss pro- Approximately .'150 heard Archie peewees 24-125. ( .Diners and culleri II 7 5 down Order lor Hennnq on Final Account Scllllll Boer 10 II wero involved in a traff ic acci- er; It. 11. Kcke , clerk ; Cha rles ltrowns: extras (47 lbs. min i Bulls . and Petilinn for Distribution Cabine-ti hy PatiM cedures followed in teacher sal- Huckmiller , assistant superin- The iriinv.rnliil IVI - nl the ahovo . t 11 Nov, (iiese , ltandall Morey, James %-\iV -y. top quality (47 lbs. ""locina 14 50M 00 nniii'd V I' W . dent in Fillmore County ary negotiations. Comiw oM non-15 on ulnle havuirj fili-d iici (m.\l account end Mal Rod tendent of the slate Department ¦ ' petition Inr U'lTWncnf nnd allowanrt w I :m Hchltein 's attorney Friday He raised tho quest ion with lleike am! Paul Itieek , direc- min.) Ml ' i- M;' mediums (41 lbs, Light dun 14 . S0 down Golden Brand r onih 10 1 thereof nnd lor rir-lritmllnn lo Ihe pr-i• filed motions lo invalidate the of Public Instruction , dedicate a tors ; llerpsl and Maynard Ol- average) 32'i!-34 ; smalls ( 3(1 lbs, , 7Up , , the comment that it was his im- Winonn D Market son' thri eiinlo rnlillrrl . Snppei club Pi O j;7.'l() , illt:i addit ion to Mondovi son , elementary princi pal. average ) 2JI-2H ; peewcos 24.25. RK 11 IS ni.'DI'R I n , Hint llm lieailim warrant and complaint. ppos- pression that the mem hers of ilHi 'w riiKifflllnns nnrily as of Blancrtrs Tavem . 1 \ llii'i rnf he liail on Jniuiaiy 3, 1 ?(VI , al 1 20 High School Sunday afternoon , .lames Kulschow , president of 10 10 rt.m. lodny) B»rnin DX .. ; in i- , attorneys were fjiven Winona 's faculty haven 't been 111:30 n ' l lnfk A K\ , in-inie thh Court In > CHI :A<;0 (AP) -- Chicago firorie A (lumhn) js Fountain (s r i- w . ., 1, ( da\ to file briefs. Huck-miller is former superin- Ihe student council , spoke on III* prolMlu couit room in Ihe murl tion s« completely satisfied with the (irade A (Irtiuel 3n Bunkei APCO .. .. , j Mercantile Exchange ¦- Butler In Wlnon.i, Minnesnla, and lhat nnlire ' tendent of the Hlair district. behalf of the students. Mrs. Ver- tirade A (medium) Wlnonai Milk Co •, ; The youths were involved in procedure followed by the Wi- 11 hcrrol he oivrn liy publication of steady; wholesale buying prices Grade A Ihn Bakke«i Con . Co. . . \ 1 The building expansion pro- non Schroeder spoke for the fac- (sninlll 12 ordrr In the W inona Doily Newi an accident near Chatfield and nona board in previous years Grade (1 and Bubs Ben < j unchanged; 113 score AA 57V, Wl 34 liy mnlli'il nntiii> M pmvuti'd hy law. extensively damaged their car gram was the largest in the his- ulty. The high school glee club , Gi/irH C |A Abrami Furnace Co. 4 1 during salary discussions. A 57V 89 H f>7 ; I!!) C SB; cars D.strd Deccmtit'i 1, IV6 I Hammi Beer I II hut apparently were not in- tory of Mondovi public schools, directed by Hobert Hauer sang. E . IV I I tlfRA, r Hi) GO cent IIS jured. HE TMOrwiT, Santelman The addition covers !>(i „>ri7 Paul Iliillheck Associates were •III B 57V O 57' i, FroPiltrrt IMnlt Corpora (Ion Probate Judge . Athletic w I ICgfis steady ; wholesale buy- Noun fl pin lo 4 p.rn 1 c lo- .rd Snlurdnyi (Probate Court Seal) Krimrr Plumbernlli said , that perhapv^T^rneeting square feet and cost $12.70 per architects of the building ; Walk- ' Slrenlrr J. Murpny. \i 10 j high- Submit sample btilnrt loading E. B. ' s Corner 15 \; vvi1h «t-h+>*—tunlj/rence Vchool squa re loot, lt contains 11 class- er brothers , general contrac- ing prices unchanged to ' Nn , 1 har ley V . 08 Attorneys tor Pol lllnnsr . Tews Garage 14 Vi ^ No ? lint hy |04 MI H AIWIKW biyfms might provide iiifXj 'ii),-!- gym seating l ,li()() er; 70 per cent or bet ter grade Grahaen 'McGuire n 11 :* :11v<.s \r . rooms , a new , tors ; H.irlingale Co., heating r : Mo , .1 hiir If/ 94 (First Puh. Ti-rcirfay, Dec . 10, 1963) Warnkeni Meats 12 I! A whiles ll. > ; mixed :W y, me- Mo, 4 liai ley ns I'l.AIW IKW , Minn. ( Special) -fmti about procedures that Kave and additional office and stor- and ventilating, all Eau Claire Slate of Minnesota ) ss . Winona Plumbing 10 11 diums 2!i; standards 33; dirties County of Winonn ) In ST. MARTINS I ADIF', The I'leasaiil Hour Christmas proved mutually salisfacloryNo age space. firms ; Starkweather Electric , Pmhate Court j Itny Slate Milling Company Nn, )V>Y) 51, Martin' s W I. both hoard 2!>; checks 2\). part y will he held at the home and teachers groups Oconomouoc , elect rical , and ( ' .levator "A" Grain Trices In Ra filial, of Winona T yprwrltir Service 31i j la' i THE 1IK.H school concert Howv a a 111. lo 1 10 p.m. William C. Hoitettler , Decodtnt Coca Col<< 39 \\ of Mis Arthur Schad tonight at in other cities. llalverson Pros., Menomonie , | (AP) ( USDA)- . CHICAGO - (C|o'.eit SnUirrtnyM Older (or Hearlnq on Fln»l Account United Building Cenler 21' i IB 1 , Santi'lirum said there mi band , directed by Hubert liauer , ll Members xvill bring .samp les fjht plumbing, | Nn. I northern M»liiu wheal ., .. 7)1 and Petition for Distribution. Breillowi 31 31 ' Livo poultry : wholesale buying also lie the possibility of formu- played « prelude lo the pro- No. ? northern »|iiinu ,. The representative ol the Winonn F arm A. Garden ot sweets , _ wheal . 2 19 nhovci named 14 2B wivli enough tvxtra to prices 1 lower lo '•• higher ; No , .1 noi them iprlnn eslnte hnvlnq fllrd Deep Rock RocMIci ¦ 34 lating some general procedure gram and Ihe nationa l anthem THE TWO-STORY addition Is wheal .. , 2 H lis final account and . .end a box to roasters 23-24 ; special fed White No. 4 noilhern sprlnu wheal .... 3D pellllon mi settlement unci allowance ' patients at the following Invocation hy the Hev. in the park area north of Ihe Roc hester acceptable lo all parties "so Hock fryers III' -.;-Ill; heavy hens Nn. I hard wmlrr wheat 2 1)6 lliei eof and lor ilKli iliullon lo the par- rui-OR I IRI ; I\H:N I:I,I: < r State Hospital for No. 2 haul wnl«N ion*. Hid etint n entitled , 1 1 hat , in following this to the let- Harold llaugland of Central original school. , 1 wheat ., ,,., . 2 04 ( Christ inas. Cills 111-11); Kcese 21I-2II -..; few young No , 1 hard winter wheal 7 00 II IS ODDI I.MI1, Hint II.. healing TAYLOK . Wis. Special) -- will he ex- ter , we couldn 't he. subject to Lutheran Church. The American A year ago Ihe Anlhony area changed . The I'riscilla Club of hen turkeys 'fl\- t . Nn. 4 haid winlur wheat . ,\ 1 »« lliei rol ha hart nn Mmiaiy ), 1M<, al Raymond Olson has been re- any criticism in our methods of Legion post , ( ml Oilier! , com school and an all-purpose room Nn , I rye in 10a? o 'rlnrk A.M , helnra this Court In elected chief of the Taylor vol- Immaiuiel Lutheran C hu re h No, 3 rye 111 Mil prohntn roiirt mom In Hie court linn st .dealing with the teachers." mander , presented a flag to the was bu ilt by the district al a | NEW YORK (AP) -- ( USDA) In Wlnnnn, unteer fire (l(>pn will hold its Christmas meeting MlnnnsoM. am) |hal notici lirncnt . IJj isil While nut rejecting I his sug- school , it was accepted by John cost of aboui $101) , OIK). Total en- , -- Dressed poult ry: Northeast up nmplc , youtiR hens fi-lfi Ida lierrof be niven hy puhllrn lion of Ihli Osegunl was re-elected us as- In connection with a dinner at OIIIIM In the Win on,i Hally News and Hy gestion entirely, and acknowl- llci' p st , high school principal. lollmeiH of the district is l .'.Vil), , car lot and trucklot turkeys, ample, movement of young loins mailed notice as provided Timm 's Cafe at ii;:i(i tiy l/iw , sisting chief; Wa lter MnlzHle , p.m. today. edging that il merited furt her | .lames Ilium , president of Ihe in Ihe city high and element ary grade A and U.S. grade A , nnd younfi liens only' fair. Sales 0fllci( (ieiHiilsi-r s , 19a| secretary, and Henry Mnlson , Members will exchange nifts considerat ion , several board board of education , extended the schools and in the Anthony, (' I' . 0 I lid RA, I an- ready-to-rook, frozen; Offerings young liens Jl-lli lbs 35-.1B cents; I' inhale Judge. treasurer. Team cap tains are with their secret pals and members questioned the advis- [ welcome. Superintendent VV. II, lori-Mimdovi , Modcna and Na- j of young loins 14-^0 lbs ade- voting toms M-20 lbs .W i-W i , (Pinhale fnur| Se/s ll Vernon Olson and Giles Herg. learn their identity. StrefttiT & Mill p by. ability of initiating group dis- llehli and others were introduc- pies area schools. quate , young toms 20 lbs and 20-24 lbs 34-34 U. Alloniayt fur Pnlit loner.

1 V STRICTLY BUSINESS Article for Sal» 57 Good Thing* to Eit 65 Houses For Sale 99 Tro«kt, Traet'i , TralUrt 108

tf a*mmammawm **ammam¦¦ , n * ¦ WMMraMPM ^w—Mart i^lM—t^f<^Wit| AMERICAN FUYER TRAIN-extrTTirot LARGE SELECTION of Chrijtma* nuts, NEAR LEWVISTON-5 bedroom country Mt, gaad conolHOfl. Ttl. Wl. candles and trulr baskets. WINONA homa on five acre plot, automatic heat, POTATO MARKET, 111 Mkr, 2 Wafer systems, 4 bedrooms may be SANTA'S SPECIAL Uted Can 109 Died Cart 1Q> Olympian Sleds closed off making this home adaptable PONflAC—1W V-8. Practically7 new VOLKSWAGEN—>WJ Itiltl, A-1, fl»» to U.7S (5 toct) Guru, Sporting Goods 66 for elttitr couple or large family. Total heater. tl,M5. V»rnoft Karll, Mabtl< - ~ ~ Save $700 inowtlrsj; new mofller, tail pipe. Runs Check our prices on Trleycloi price t(,O00, SI,000 down. Balance on good. J75 or best offer takes. Mrt. M inn. Ttl. 12 alter i p.m. before you buy! tAVAOE J»IFLEHF22callber Wim W#e7- cont ract for deedM'el. Mlura 7521. tr K4 scop*. Ed Ebert, Rt. i, Wl- ~ virgii Smith, 7S0 vv. tin. . BUICK-1H3 Eltctrt »S, A-1 condition , noria. (7 mllet E. ot Wlliipn) I . GOOD WEST 7th slrreetTl^corneprop- New International 4-wheel white, Moor. •!) powtr. rMla, ridar FIRESTONE ~ trly, 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms down, 4 W0 wast 3rd Ttl, tCW DISTRIBUTOR tor Howttt » Blade Wid- drive walk-thru Scout Cpt. detector, othtf »>trat, 11,600 milt*. Co»t rooms end 2 , bedrooms up. In Madison |4,535. Sell Ibr SJ.350 CBtb. No d*»l»r», ow bow», complett tin* of arctiery School district. Near bus. May be •with new International 64' GILCHRIST'S, tn VW. Sth. Open il\ E. Jtfftnon, Arerilt, Wis. Ttl. STEREO tic*la boujhl with low down payment of WHAT A ' we«k night» 'till 18. anowplow. «21 or Sil*. BtAUTIFUL MUSIC by a Motorola kttrco _ _^ $1,400. Call us lor an appointment to hl-tl. We have trie finelt jeltctlon «hd s** this good buy . ABTS AGENCY, 0UDSWO8ILE-1M4 «JJ*or "M" . Bood largwt supply of sett In tht Winona Houichold Articloi 67 List Price $3200 lltimtdUH lata. INC., Realtors, 159 Walnut St . Tel. condition, Chaap¦ for area. In of call WINONA FIRE ¦ ¦ Com* KEEP your carpets beautiful despite con- 4242 or after hours: E, R. Clay 8-2737, CHRISTMAS Tel. 5714. . It POWER CO., 54 E. 2r)d. Tel. $045. stant footsteps of a busy family. Get Bill Zlebtll 4854, E. A, .Abts 3)84. DODSe—I»5T Xfosr V-J, aufomatK an- (Across from tha ntw park ing lot,) _ Blue Lustre . R«nt electric shampooer, ~~ $2500 gina luit overhauled. Sharp, Sea at THREE BEDROOMS, on large lot7~J 52! 52* Warfarin tl . H. Choate tV Co. baths, baseboard heat, built-in stove All winterized, licensed t, 8th attar 8 p.m. wee»dayt. Musical Merchandise 70 and oven, fireplace, rock-laced outside, PRESENT!! Rat and Mouse Killer attached garage, sodded lawn. In An- and ready to go. Ready-made bait. tTEREO—Motorola 3 channel sttreo derson Addition, between Goodview and 1963 Rambler console, fn extremely fine condition. Minnesota Clfy. Tel. Rolllngstont 5411 SPECIAL 3-lb. Bag $1.89 Russonablt. ?53 w. Mark, Tal. 2MJ. collect, B-ob Rolb leckl, Minnesota City. Winona Truck 1963 Chevrolet Impala 2-door American 16 bags at 55c a lb.) LUDV/ICK SNARE DRUM—beglnnerl set, L/TCRESCENT OWNER— 3 bedrooms, ex- Convertible with basutlful cold body Blso case. US Kansas. Tel. 9543. cellent construction, desirable floor plan, hardtop, 327 engine with »nd matching Interior. Carafully drlv- TED MAIER DRUGS - good location. 701 S. 4th. Tel. 895-4839. tn, and 1,000 mllel guaranteed by vibCiN—Mattilas Hornstelner Atino Service stick $2496 '803. local owner, who'i name will be giv- Ha j hand carved head with red tongue. F. EAST LOCATION. 2-story , 5-t»edroom home. Idea l home. 2 blocks to bus. IHC TftUCK SALES en upon request. Equipped wlfh fwtn Previous owner. Mr. Vance, Instructor Shirt on the floor along with over- CHRISTMAS of Music, University ol Montana, in- Close to churches, schools and shop- & SERVICE 1963^ Ford fast back , 390 drive. Still carrlei factory warranty. fjuire at 374 W. Mark, Winona, Minn. ping center. Give us a call and we engine, stick. See this car now at Nystrom ' s heat- TREES Tel, mi. will be glad to make appointment to 65 Laird Tel. 4738 ______show . ABTS AGENCY, Inc., Realtors, 1959 Ford 2-door , automatic, ed ahowroom, ChrlstrnsJ g ift price at fV Wreaths ^- Roping Radio*, Television 71 159 Walnut St. Tel: 4242 or after hours: E. R. Clay 8-2737, Bill Zlebell 4854, rebuilt motor. $2, 195 •fc Boughs Winona's Finest Eliclrle Repair E. A. Abts 3184. Li.ud Cor. 109 for All Makes 1958 Ford 2-door hardtop, IF YOU WANT to buy, sell or trade HUFF & BELLEV IEW Authorized Dealer for be sure fo see Shank, HOMEMAKER'S automatic, power steer- ADMIRAL - MUNTZ — ZENITH EXCHAN GE, 552 E. 3rd. ing, power brakes. NYSTROM'S Don Ehmann TV Service FOUNTAIN CTFY — large 11 room build- LOW Chrysler - Plymouth WO W Fifth 1958 Ford Custom 300 4-dr., PINE & BALSAM > . . _; Tel. <303 !ng on M. Shore Drive. Suitable for Open Monday - Friday N If•> apt? . warehouse or store. For sale or • stick, rebuilt motor. Needles and Service rent. Also large modern mobile home, PRICED Mobile Homes, Trailers 111 CHRISTMAS TREES All Makes of Record Players sacrifice for quick , sale. C. SHANK, 1958 Edsel convertible. "It's true he shot a Big Moose on the hunting trip — that . Homemakens Exchange, SJ2 E. 3rd. PRICES SLASHED on all used mobile ' BARGAINS 1958 Oldsmobile 4-door. homes. Save »T00' s now. Red Top W» was the name of his Indian guide." Hordt's Music Store A. 3 ROOMS and shower bath In this bile Homa Sales. Also w r e a t h 8, roping, lie E 3rd ' Winona . neat cottage. Electric s tove and space '56 Ford wagon . .. $395 1958 Chevrolet, 6-cylinder, branches, tree stands, find Refrigerators 72 heater included. A big lot with ample stick. Auction Sale* Halp Wanted—Male 27 Poultry, Eggs, S uppllas 44 garden space. On paved street. I block —~ - other decorative items both to bus. Choice west location, Full price '57 Rambler wagon $295 1957 Plymouth 2-door hard- '. ALVIN KOHNER "" Ed^Refrigeration & Supply INC., Real- WANT ED DEKAL B 50 wet* old pullets, fully vac- 12,500. ABTS AGENCY, top. AUCTIONEER. City and state licensed SALES AGENT for art calendar and clnaM, light control ltd, raised On tlat for indoor and outdoor. Corhmtrclel and Dotnastlc tors, 159' Walnut St. Tel. 4242 or after and bonded, 2JJ Liberty St. (Corriet »ptcl»lty lines. A-1 territory, available. floors. Available yea r around SPELTZ 533 E 4th Tel . 5533 hours; E. R. Clay 8-2737, Bill Ziehen '55 Oldsmobile 51IY and Liberty). Tel. <7M. . 1956 Chevrolet 2-door with E. _ __^ Write for particulars. Trios. D . Mur- CHICK HATCHE R Y, Rollingstone, 4654, E. A. Abts 3184 . phy Co., 'Red Oak, lo-*a. Specials at the Store 74 4-door . $295 stick . - Minn. Te). 2349. . A. GRAM WEST LOCATION—near South Baker: Minnesota "~ & SONS CHRIS TMM ^PEcTAC^colored indoor See this ?-room house, 3 bedrooms, 5 1955 Olds 2-door hardtop. WINONA AREA Wanted—Livestock 46 120 East 2nd Tel. 3120 flood light, complete With socket and rooms and bath on 1st floor, 1 rooms '53 Plymouth 4-door $195 Land & Auction Sales NO TRAVEL- necessary. Sales experience 150 watt colored bulb. S2.9J. BAMBE- up. Basement, full lot, S6. 40O. Easy 1949 Ford 2-door "8" with Everett J Kohrter desirable but not required. Company terms. 3700 down, balance S50 per 781. CHAROLAIS CROSS feeder calvtl, 350- OPEN SUNDAYS NEK'S, 9th and Mankato. _ . '55 Chevrolet wagon 158 Walnut. Tel, 8-3710, after hourt will train right man. Liberal guarantee month. Immediate possession. See or $195 stick. ~ ~ 500 lbs. Joe Olldn*-r, Pr»stbn, Minn. oTMa!r and futur* Income substantial. Send TOY CLOSE-OUT SAL El s DEC. 13—Fri. 1 p.m7TaYt end Tel. SO 5-2450. Wilt to 50% Savings 1954 Chevrolet A-ton truck. St. In West Coticord, Minn., , which Ii resume to E-20 Dally News. al SH '51 DeSoto sedan . .. $99 LEWISTON SAJ.ES BARN S^op and save now UMSKI'S W. STAHR 60 miles S. ot St. Paul on riwy. 56 " A reel good auctltt* market tor yaur DA ILY NEWS 58 West 3rd, Ttl. t-338? 374 W. Mark Tel. 4925 FranKHn Mattilas, owner; Bartel I HOUSTON COUNTY livestock . Dairy ta ttle on hand all '54 Ford convertible $99 Huntington, auctioneers; Thorp Se le MAN, llvmo In or willing to move fo this Co., dark week, hogs bought «very day. Truck! JERRY'S . . area, to take over established fran- ~ " - available. Sale Thurfc., l p,m. Tel. 2647. MAIL MAKE IT A ti¥c . 14—SSI. 1J noon. 4 miles e. o chise. t90 Per week starting guarantee. _^,We Advertise Our . Prlcei -«_ SKELLY SERVICE Houston, Minn, on Hwy . U, then ' Marries, to age 40. For Interview see WEST I NGHOUSE ^ mile S. Forrest E. Widen, owner; Car Mr. Kocrr, Winona Hotel, Tues., Dec. Farm ImpUmtn ts AND AUTO SALES 48 SUBSCRIPTIONS Olson ki Son, auctioneers; Thorp Salei¦ 10, 7:30 to 9 p.m. CHRISTMAS 1804 Service Drive Co., clerk. ALUMINUM -lt n. train and corn ele- May Be Paid At Christmas Shopping? DEC. 14—Sat., <:M^7m7~H«menT Wis vator, like new,- S^rVB I!'j-t6n Tel. 9780 truck. Hat Box Hair Dryer $19.95 Why not put a new home on EsmDg) A. O. Jostad Co., ownet i Kohner 8 Contact Arthur Knasjf, Utica, Minn, Train for PR INTING TED MAIER DRUGS Hair Dryer ...... $15.95 yoOr shopping list? Open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sehroeder, auctioneer; Cbrtm. Loan ( SILO UNLOADERS, tounTTleederi, bam Greenhousfe ...... $18.95 West Lincoln—Mercury—Falcon Fin, CO., clem. cleaners, parlors, bu Ik tanks, pipe line ~ ^ 14—Mon.. 1:30 p.m. 5 mllM N; 0 New three-bedroom home, ceramic DEC. >fr Hand Composition milkers, all other supplies far tht beef Book., Periodical! Steam Iron $10.95 Oalesvllle, Wis. William A. Thomas 60 bath. Larue lol . Immediate posses- Comet—Fairlane, man or dairy farrnesr, Can Opener ...... $10.95 Owner; Alvth Kohner, auctioneer; North OAK fclDOt SALES ft SERVICt sion. Will arrange suitable financing. Telephone Your Want Ads Linecasting and Presswork Open Mon. k Fri. Evenings erh Inv. CO., clerk, . Mlnnaitka . Ttl, Alhjri 7»44, ATlas 5-668« Fry Pan .. $19,95 to The Winona Daily News Greaseless Broiler- West Central and Saturday p.m. I DEC. 16—Mim. lj:30 p.m. J miles SE . Write See the Ne-w 12-Lb. F. E. Compton & Company Two-story, three-bed room home In Dial 3321 for an Ad Taker. I of Houston. Myron Unnash 8. Son, own Horftelite XL-12 Chain Saw Publishers — Compton's Pry Pan ...... $34.95 first cla ss condition . Carpelihg and I ersi Freddla Frickson^ auctioneer GRAPHIC ARTS VC10 Canister drapes included. Immediate posses- I Minn; Land «. Auction Serv., clefk. Soon At Pictured Encyclopedia sion. Vacuum Cleaner.;.' Technical School AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE (Half price trade in privilege) . $34.95 East . 2nd 8. Johnson Tel. 5455 (Fact volume) 1963 BUICK for Catalog. index in each WINONA ELECTRIC Two-story tiome with new batti end Wilbur M. Gibson partially remodeled kitchen. A good Approved for Veteran Training CONSTRUCTION CO. home for tha handy men. . Full lot. Special FARM Sales Representative Reasonably priced. Will finance. ( Former Pepin Co Supt. 119 W. 3rd Tel. 5802 1104 Currie Ave., Minneapolis MACHINERY . You cou ld be settled by Christmas. 4-Door Sedan of Schools) We will help you arrange financing. 4 miles East of Houston, Minn., on Highway 16, then 1 Stoves, Furnaces, Parts 75 Call us today. ¦it New Spreaders Rt. 1, Box 26, Arkansaw , Wis. - Automatic Transmission . Situation* Wanted—Fern. 29 SIEGLER oil Mjffur With jW gal. ofl l mile South. Follow Auction Arrows ~ • AMs Chalmers tank. Ttl. StM. . RESIDENCE PHONES: -fr V-fl Motor Wiun» CLEANiNO and TronlnB, I or Buitnex Equipment 62 E. J. Hartert ... 397J 2 days a week. Ttl. 7178. t Minnesota • New Idea WOOD OR COAL burning stbve. Ideal Mary Lauer . . . 4523 it Radio fo>r garaot 6r¦ bakement. 127 E. 4th. J erry Berthe . . . 8-2377 LADY WOULD address Christmas cards Used Spreaders USED COMWERCIAL fountain equip- Tel. n». . . . : Philip A. Baumann . . . M40 •& Heater | Saturday f December 14 for you In her home or youri; alio ment for sale. Complete setup or In- OAS OR OIL heaters, ranges, water address office letters, etc. Reasonable. Flail Type and Single Beater dividual pieces. Sufficient lot- complete Tinted Glass heaters, complete Installations. Service, ft 1 Starting Time: 12:00 Noon Lunch on Grounds Tel . 8-2422 between & and 7:30 p.m. Single kitchen, fountain or dining room. Wrlta Beater Spreaders P.O. Box 804, Winona. palrts RANGE OIL BURNER CO., 907 •ft White Sidewail Tires Business Opportunities 37 In good condition E. Sth. Ttl. 7-479. Adolph Mlchalowskl, Outside Reiir View Mirror I 92 HEAD CATTLE — 16 Holfetein heifers, springing; ~ Coal, Wood, Other Fu«l 63 ft open ; 3 Holstein 1st ESTABLISH ED BUSINliF right on Thlr d Typewriter* 77 60V Main-St. Tel, 2849 I 15 Holstein heifers, 12 to 15 tno., St., In business district . Reasonable rent Used Tractors Deluxe Wheel Covers IN TUVIN8 to ft il1 calf heifers, calves fit side ; 1 Black Holstein cow, calf on M' x«0' building. Oil heat, basement. supply our customer! OHl-Y AT Winona Typewriter Servlca do • Allis Chalmers WD « with the greatest variety of fuels tiOOt will handle. For details see or at you get a full I year service guaran. ft Tu-tone Bronze and White I at side; 6 Holstein steers, 12 mo*.; 6 Kegistered Hereford the lowest possible cost, wa htive call Diesel again tee on new And used machines Buy IBOB put in a supply of "RED EMBER" . rt I calves, about 400 lbs., suitable for 4-H ; 13 Hereford now—during out Big Port. Typewriter ft Finish Minneapolis-IMoline 4 row coal. "Red Ember ", the economy fuel W. STAHR • Trade-In Allowance Sale WINONA I steers, 12 to 18 moS.; 5 White Face heifers, 12 mos.; 8 »« popular during the war days, sells . 13,000 Actual Miles 374 W. Mark Tel. 6WJ cultivator , ft TYPEWRITEfe SERVICE, 161 E. 3rd. 12 mos.; 3 Black heifers, 12 tor only $16.50 per ton delivered. Haul 1 U.u ov . Tel. 2349 Tops in Economy I Black White Face steers, • John Deere D — Late It yourself and save $2 per ton. Try TYPEWRITERS ahfl adding machines I pt u ^ ft I mos.,v 4 Shorthorn steers, 12 mos. Laboratory tested for « toad todayl East End Coal & Futl far tale or rent. Reasonable rates, I 120 Center St. ARE YOU EARNING Model. Co., 901 E. Sth . "Where you get mora free delivery. Sea us for all your of. I Inter-state shipment. -• ' hear at lower cost!" flee supplies, desks, files or oHJca mmmmmmmmmmimm $2295 ALSO USED MILLS - $10,000 TO DRY BIRCH WOOb flr8pl8et lOOs. Ees» chairs. Lund typewriter Co. Tel. S322. AND WA GONS! End Coa l and Fuel Oil Co., 901 E. 8th. Built-lns! HEREFORD BULLS, Vk TO 3 YRS. Washing, Ironing Mach. I 8 REGISTERED $15,000 PER YEAR? OAK WOOD 79 A magic word In making a tdtchen ALL THE ABOVE " Grxxi oak slabs sawed In stove lengths. ' convenient and a toy to work In; filrrblvTATlcWMHER^i 'ett offeTbefort ARE PRICED AS Suitable for range and furnace. Price tee this three bedroom rambler If you are or are not and Ttnirs, night takes. Tel. i 5 HORSES — 1 Buckskin gelding, age 7, riding pony ; HOLIDAY SPECIALS! rtaaonbale. Haul It yourself or we will t!72. with built-in range and oven, bath WALZ _ are interested in the inde- and a hall . . carpet ed living room ; 1 Morroco marfe, very getotie, age deliver . GENE'* APPLIANCB B, TV SERVICB . Buick—Oldsmobile—CMC | 1 Shetland mare colt pendence, prestige and se- BRUNKOW SAW MILL 11)52 W. Broaawty on an over-sired lot. S 7 vr.; 1 Palomino marfe colt, 6 mos.; 1 Palomino geldiftg curity of being your own F. A. KRAUSE CO. Trempealeau, Wis. Tel. »4-«3l« Ttl. 8-1767 (Karl's .Rental Service) Open Mon.-Fri. Nites colt, 8 mos. MAYTAG AND FRIGIDAIRE—Fast, ax- Golf Club . . . | boss, we can at this time "BREEZY ACRES" Prepare Now for Ol' Man pert service. Complete stock and parts. Your vtew from this unusual con- I TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT - J.D. Model G, 1949, offer you the opportunity to H Choate 8. Co. Tel. 2871. tempora ry three bedroom home Is South on New Highway 14-61 overlook Ing the Country Club. See tht | | Power-trol , rollomatic tractor in very good condition, earn this income as an in- Winter Who Will Soon big living-dining area with glass I 16.9x34 new tires; J.D. hydraulic cylinder ; J.D. tractor Closed Saturday afternoons Wanted to Buy 81 wall, the kitchen wlfh bullt-lm plu« LAUGH dependent businessman in a Be Here iky light window screened porch 1 canopy ; Ford tractor and Sears Roebuck loader with growing retail business. WM77AiLL BR^eiUiOidTr*rMETAL ... and motor court entrance. CO pays hlshest I step up transmission ; New Idea awheel manure spreader Hay, Grain, . prices for scrap For information call Mr. Fee-d SO Iron, metals, hldet, wool and raw fur Stone and Brick .. AT WINTER! I on rubber; J.D. 999 3-poiftt hitch corn planted with fert. FILL UP NOW ! 222 W. 2nd Tel. 2M7 .. Timmons at Minneapolis HIGH QUALITY Alfalfa baled hay, con- Closed Saturdays are the exterior of this substantial I attachment; 2 New Idea side delivery rakes. rambler wllh expansive slone dltlon ed, stored Inside . $20 per tdn. plant- 339-808L or write P.O. Box WANTED SCRAP IRON & METAL, er. Bafhi wllh tub nnd These two cars are winter- MOTIVE EQUIPMENT - 1956 Ford V-8 2 ton truck Carroll K los, Rittnbrd, Mltm. Ttl. it Commander Coal separate show- | 732, Winona , Minn. mnn. _ COW HIDES, WOOL & RAW FURS. er stall, recreation room, kitchen hat ized and just waiting for and hoist, dual rear end, with stock rack ; 1957 Ford 2-dooi Four sizes of America'! HIGHEST PRICES PAID dishwasher , disposal . , . land- II finest household coal. M 8. W IRON AND METAL CO . scaped -yard with patio. winter tc come. II automobile ; 6 cylinder, standard transmission . Money to Loan 40 Articles for Salts 87 107 W. 2nd, across Spur Gas Station I GUN — Browning automatic 12 gauge shotgun. Large Lump, 6x3 Egg, For your Convenience Handy Man... AFRICAN vfoTeTrisnabego tMii, »ome Wt Art Now Agtln Open On Sats . CAN CONVERT THIS TWO STORY 3x2 Range, 1" Stoker. ~ 1958 RAMBLER Ambassa- | THORP SALES COMPANY'S EASY TERMS Loans— Insurance — blooming, some new ones; emordlder- ^ * FRAME INTO LARGE FAMILY ed pillow cases and dish towels: some HIGHEST PRICES PAID HOME OR DUPLEX. «,5O0 your cost dor , V-8 motor, automatic , Real Estate Christmas tree trim mings. Reasonable , for scrap Iron, metals, rags, hides, FORREST E. MOEN OWNER ir Petroleum Coke nowl Improve as you find the time. p 459 raw furs and wool! FRANK WEST AGENCY _ _ E. _5th. .AFTER HOURS CALL: transmission, full power. j|Auctioneers: Carl Olson & Son Clerk§: Strand & Renslo - ~ ash! 175 Lafayette St. Tel. 5240 HAVE A COMPLETE sef or pjp«rlna No smoke — No Sam Weisman & Son Lee & Bee Koll 45!1 Quite a buy! | Thorp Sales Co., Clerk , Rochester, Minn . (Ne«t to Telephone Office) tools, boards, straig ht edge and pHnk, INCORPORATE D M L. (Wlbl Helrcr 8-2181 166 E. 3rd between 8 and 5 p.m. 450 W. 3rd Laura Fisk 2I1B ~ ~ "" it Mobilheat Fuel Oil Tel. 5847 Bob Selover 7B27 I MOUNTED AMERJC AN fl/ar electric 1961 CHEVROLET straight train, S20; mounted Auto-Rama * ~j i,L. r < u IMS rui , i_o—VVII IIC, bed. 3]6 e Zrd. a fter 3. Ruby-Glo Stoker, Zeigler I ^ 120 Ccnler St. Rln Tin Tin blood lire. Excellent with ^ FOR WOMEN—sleeping rooms ' or shT STRAW, 200 bales; Super Fierce- oil and Orient Stoker. Dry Oak d«nts or working women. Excellent bus children and as welch dogs, eager to burner, reasonable; electric hop water- learn. Michael M. Soppn, 8rawnsW(/e , connections, 13 week . furnished upstairs, l your homa Are Being Offered at Tremendous Savings. All Carry Bills, good type, reasonably priced. mach ine, cash register, 10 stcllont of at lower coat." .bedroom apl., Paul Grant, Gnloivllle, Wis. Tel. 7F23. largo kitchen, living room, sunporch, and have trouble financing, * It, Shelving, c»r»dy case, fireproof Full Warranties. steel safe, dining room table and 4 back and fron t stairway, laundry facil- HAMPSHIRE BOAR -450 Ibs, But Broth- it ies, garage. Inquire Walz Quick. contact LAST ers, Tel. Peterson 875-6168 . chair v 2 bird cao ei. 376 MlntttMoU, Furrt., Rugs, Linoleum. 64 Tel. 4773. THIRD E . Wl—upper 4 room nnt vlth IMPALA Convertible with 300 H.P. V-8 engine , POLLED HOLSTEIN BUl.LS--for sale or bjith, heated, private Adults 1 OA? ELECTRIC TRAIN set for tai«. Re«lon- ALL WOOI hooked runs, hnndm«d». 263 entrance. "Hank" .Jezewski ¦ 700 lease , reg istered end grade, guaranteed only. Available Jan. I. Inquire alter 4 Powerglide transmission , power steering, pow- able Excellent con-dlllon. 108 E , 7th, E, 7tn , Tel, 5045 OF THE brooders, Itiey have everyrhlnn hut . _ _ . p m. "I pay cash!" er brakes , white sidewail tires , push button radio with horns. Delivered anywhere . Wright' s BEAUTIFUL w ood fin ishes, no rlmo-vlng, WALNUT OR DLONDF~ cocKlall tnhFes, " " " SANBORN E. 127-5 room all modern Polled Holstein Farms, Utica, Minn. no scraping, no blenching. Old Moifon IJ.W; 3 fahle grouplnrjs, Including J Tel. 63118 or 7093 or rear seat speaker , padded dash , wire wheel covers , seat duplex apl., ground floor. Inquire after V Tel. SI, Chnrlei 931-4197. Liquid Wood. Paint Depot. Step nnd matching cocktail tables, '63s j 6 p.m. Write P.O. Hox !M5 belts, front and rear bumpw guards, floor mats , door «I9 95. BORZYSKOWSKI FURNITURE, _ P UREBRED DUROC GILT to farrow JOLLY SANTA, Mrs, Cloui and 1ti» mll- ' ~ " NINT H E . 4S1 -sma|f] room apt., utili- edge guards, tissue dispenser , back up lights, March 11. suitable lor club work, V.V chlevlou s elves worked many months 30? Mankato. Open evenings. electric ties furnished, on but Una. These three cars were for- J. O. fi»»dl: GafaiWfle , Wis. Tel, 13IR on the marvelom selection of dolls, clock, and many other extras. Was priced 3-piece " merly used by company (£07QC! or I9J, doll UiiBples, clothes , housekeeping toyi BROADWAY E. Oi - living room, bed- Sal* or Rent; Exchange 101 at $3829.75. Will now go at -pL/j J FEEDER PIGS -40, AO Ibs. each. Freddie now available al R0BB BROS, TOY- BEDROOM SUITE room, kltchcnelte, private balh nnd personnel and all have ex- Frlckson, Dakota, Minn. (4 miles E. LAND. 57* E. 4!ti. entrance, heat and water furnished. MARK W . 874 -house for sale or. rent. tremely low mileage. al Ridgewsyl 185. Ttl. 30.64 or 6940 , 3 bedrooms nnd hnth upstairs/ living, BEL AIR 4 door with m h V(i en«me FRIGIDAIRE, good condition ; Oil itove i High leg style, brown ma- 11 Q/V7UJ3 " ' P- - REGISTERED BERKSHIRF boar lor vanltv with triple mirror. Til. 578*. PLEASANT APT., close to dnwnlown, dining, kitchen, brenklnst nook, screon- Powerglide transmission , radio , heater, 2 alleaoe chlp- hogany , high pressure plas- drapes, carpeflno, sfova nnd relrluera- rrt-ln porch, ami ' , Imfliroom down- sale, Alio Hanson frozen 7.ENIT»( TV SET console, confemoorary CADILLAC speed windshield wiper with automatic washer , Tel. ter furnished . Not suitable for children. stairs , Also full brisemcnl, oil heal, outside pnr Arrjene Beyer , Utica, Minn. design, walnut flnljn, space command. tic tops, no hardware , fi- I.ewlslon 4134. Tel. B-3f)ll, For moro Information Tel. 2.W. . and ask mirror. Was priced at $2960,00. Will now sell Tel. 7050 . drawer d o vi h le dresser, for Bob nisnn. De Ville (tOlCp) I pure- HE ATED 3-roorns, kitchen and bath. Way Jv SPOTTED Poland Chlnn boars, TEBN-AOe glrl'i Inctoor roller «kaf«l, for the low price of "P^- ' chest, and bookcase hed. t>« seen al owe , available soon, i el. 4-door , Sedan , driven but an bred. Vernon Prion'. R 1 •> Winona site 9; hoy ' s , slie 10: varlout iliet I 4O07 before 6 p.m Wanted-— Real E&tate 102 Tel Lewkslon 2791 new ikalo laces, wedding doll; 3dr»w»r Reg. $199.05 amazing 2,715 miles. 1QZO BISCAYNE 4-door with 145 h.p. 6 cylinder FEEDER CATTLE II, MXl to 700 Ibs. j chest with typewr Iter compartrrnnl; Apartments, Furnished 91 I rOO engine radio de- II J. Jcheull, Pleasant Valley. Tel, new quill; cinlhlng ; small anll(|U€ ta- Christmns & 1 £Q QC WILL PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES , Powerglide transmission , , yj FOR YOUR CITY PROPERTY 8B.9A11-J6.1J. bles; folding screen; Boy Seoul knife Special 3>107 . CE NTRAL LOCATION - 1 rr>om nlcoly fi- PONTIAC luxe steering wheel , outside mirror , seat belts. (M QQCT and ratchet ; much miscellaneous. 1114 n ished apt,, private entrance nnd bnM, FEEDER>IGS, 4J, thrifty,- 2J good dual- "HANK JEZEWSKI Was priced at $2697.55. Will now sell for 4> I 77 J for W. Mh. Tel. 705O (or appointmen t Star Chief ity ^prino calves, iiiltnhle breedlnn (Wlnonft ' i Only Real Estate tluynr) McNamer, Houston, LaCRDSSE 20 case liottla cooltr, La- BURKE 'S ' stock . Herbert FRANKLIN ??4 ? room furnljhwl apt ., Tel. «3SII and Wl P .O . Flox .145 4-door , Vista hardtop, driv- CHEVY II Convertible with 120 h.p. f. cylinder Minn , Tel. 89* 3153. crosse direct draw beer tap, l*i h.p. FURNITUR K MART utilities furnisher) , 1st Horn , piWMe en- 1¦ QA? compressor RenMin~ilile, excelUht con- trance. en only 4,010 miles. 700 motor, Powerglide transmission , wh ite side- PUREBRED Poland China boari and dition. See nl Hugh Orphan Upholstery East .lid and Franklin Boati, Motors, Etc. 106 Olllv Also 12 brc-d ?nil Utter Poland Shop, 250 Manknlo, Trl . 4104. VE RY PLFASANT, clean, newl/ decor al- wall tires, power steering and brakes , wheel disi-s , radio , China snvws, due lail ol February. Hen- e? Mankato . Tel , iMS. want tn pay Come In and look YJi ? F. 3rd factory warranty. That SPECIAL around FRANK LILLA L SONS, 741 Armstrong's Vinyl lei. ftOW or 23.40 HURRY IN NOW ! OVER 10(1 HI: AD lop milili white-face E fill. Truck*., Tract's, Trallari 108 means that you have lot* calves nl mil s,ili- Mnn-, . Der . 12. Sheet Corlon . Farms for Rent 93 of trou ble-free driving l. ruVIMON SAI Fi I1AKN SNOW PI OWS-Meva-rs and Add Chat These Prices Good Dec. 9 Thru Dec. 13. 1963 men, straight or V-body. Will fll aver* NF. AR STOCKTON 240 arra farm for FORD 1W I Inn dun), less than 13,000 GUARANTEED to you in "" "' miles, Onn MiiMtinii , Lamoille, Minn, ma> front end tr»anur« loader. Will Also all types of floor and rent on share basis, spring possesion. •writing. ECONOMYCIN alio (It Jeep ot o-thar » or 4 whwl CJtoroe Resslr), Rf. I, Winona, Minn. TRItCK MOISTS Installed af HEtfJ'si and vllninin wall tile, A ntlblotlr drive trucks. F A . Kraun Implemant Ceramic tile nnd 3»5n W. ¦411)., Oondvlewy, Tel, 4933 , dr Inklnff walei formula. Co , "Bret/y Acria " counter top covering. Call Houses for Rent 95 SAVK FORD 15 J a( only RiMI Hi C. 3»rrl M, IS milts ftnm Winona, oood roads. Tel. Wnllers. Tel. 3SV.1, VENABLES WINONA, MINN. PHONK 2396 for :)> i-lt) . Cnn We duy We Sell Dakota 643-7314 . FORD IW2 r Mn, I03" cnb nxla, heavy 76 W, 2nd Tel. 8-2711 Furniture Antiques • • Toolt FIVE HOOM HOWSF. duly 2V J cu, In I'lifilne; «I M > Insulnled Open Monday & Friday Nights 9:00 P.M. TED MAIER DRUGS and olrirr u led Heme H. Choate & Co. Centrally loralMl. mllN vnn l:asy Inrms nyailnble. Jim Open Friday Evenings /Snlmel Health Center Tal, t-3701 Inquire NEUMANN'S RARQA1N ITOftE Austin, Harmony, Minn. fty Roy Cr«n> | BUZZ SAWYER

DICK TRACY By Chester Gourd



DAN FLAGG By Don Sherwood

¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ —¦ *mm **mawa ^awa»aa+wamawa+ *aaamm amaaaa ¦ ^i+—¦¦ —I +,.——a— . — —— , BLONDIE By Chic Young

j i . . ¦—¦'!' 4 t-. ¦'. ,,.._ i ..i I, .i .,,.¦_. .i n ,, | 4 .1 i -—¦¦ ... — ¦ , — .... m i * - - | I STEVE CANYON By Milton Canniff LI'L ABNER By Al Capp

L . . . .

^^aatBTMMwJ fc Home Owner GIVE YOUR FAMILY THE 4 Jy^j I Proud ck r^ "Sick ' WORLD ON A DIAL sSfe ^;!! I Cured Water fhe j ^^ i

TV SIGNAL ^ '-^.^p*^ \ j WAY! j | * CHRISTMAS ( . YOU CAN TOO WITH ANY OF THESE Phone 3306 I CULLIGAN SERVICES %! AUTOMAT IC LIFETIME «»> EXC HANGE 1 I ^% | c^- SI ^J f. 1 TANK 1 ___f RENTAL l«"^ig"j AUTOMATIC • It tn "kfs Jusi a phnnr- rail In n|\-p ynur family tbe • "T" H | _^ *G5 2 1 SERVICE ii Jfcal SERVICE ifJP ^J SOFTENER ART* wonderful eiitrrtainnienl FU mUihle only thnuiRh "TV I O /TIOl I OVr H Signal" service For just $5 pot' rnnnl h yon rerciva ———---————__— H 10 chan nels, 3 networks , color T\ r , Educational TV , M ^ Background Music nnd Weal'an. Nowhere else in iu f /% Q/^.-- y />¦ B tiif world is so much TV entertainment available. ¦ w I IULC I \J\A\ M

A SECOND OUTLET MAKES A MOST ¦ WELCOME GIFT, TOOI I 1 11 J. " I ONLY Kgl SYSTEMS M * | YOU! C J If ynur family nlrendy has "TV Signal" then why I I /J I \J I IUI IKJI] H | j not consider a .seronrl outlet so yon ran ope rale an- H oilier set at tho same time II costs just $10(1 per _ D month alter modest libtallauun charge ol jlO.OO. l lJ'r' lflKf H

•¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ aaaaaa aa iaNaaaa MHa MaatiMaaaBaM ^^ M

Our Water Conditioning Experts Will Be Happy ho Chec k Your Needs and Recommend the Proper System! , Calf CVIUGAN ,5,