Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1942-08-22
'11, 1942 --=:::::::" • -. ~ Seahawks T Cooler 'l'aelde Grea' Lakll/i IOWA-8eattered UumdentonDI Today at I. and cooler today See Stor7 on Pale • THE DAILY IOWAN and tomorrow. Iowa , City'l Morning Newspaper I fIVE CENTS Tal A'.OO~TID ,a188 IOWA CITY', IOWA SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 1942 '1111 AIBOCIA1'ID ....1 VOLUME XLll NUMBER 284 e e an 5 I In. * * * * * * * * * * *** e*** e 'rlor 111 had Uldton. y, &lid Ilwhlle, Have Qualitalive Tesl A,gainsll eke s Car Fuel Naval, 'Marine Units (arry Oul --leac hes • s, Germany'~ ~~~~.. Besf Ships Delivery Southwest ~nd Pacific Offensive in Monlh i rniles By WALTER CLAV EN uld be LONDON (AP)-The demonstratiorl allied air mast· ---- PEARL H ARBOR (AP)-American ma~ine ~ and naval forces, Jarters Dieppe oj' ery over a chosen zone of operations was fo llowed yesterday by AMERICAN GENERALS IN LONDON DISCUSS IACTIONI with Major Jom s Ro v It, th pr sid nt' . n, participating, oberla, alli ed victory in a qualitative test of Germany's newest and best atr'uck at Japane e forces on Makin island in the northel'n end of opera_ figllting planes against tlle Flyi ng Fortresses of th e United States Move to Ease th Oilb rt islands early thi ' week, Admiral 11. l r W. imitz, Ilrmy a ir forces. Pacific naval commander, said yest rday. 1;tl<\'11 B\\!\'l'n \)1 ill bi.g, four-motored B ~17s were over the North sea Admiral Nimitz said that. the marin s, Rupport d by naval wh n 20 to 25 f Germany's prized Focke-WuU 1908 tackled them.
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