Church of Primary School and Nursery 15 October 2018

Dear Parents

As part of the celebrations to mark the end of World War 1, we are delighted that we have been offered the opportunity to work with schools and professionals in the area on a production called ‘Moving Words.’ Organised by the drama department in Titus, Year 5G worked with Colin Tren for the day today to prepare material for the evening of drama, music and dance.

The performance itself will take place at Titus Salt School, commencing at 6.00pm, and we anticipate it finishing by 7.15pm. Please ensure that you collect your child from Titus Salt School promptly at 7:15pm. Due to the number of pupils involved in the project, each pupil will receive 2 audience tickets for the production.

There will be a whole cast rehearsal (which consists of Titus Salt, Baildon C of E and Sandal Primary), pupils commencing at 2.00pm on Tuesday 6 November. Pupils will walk to Titus unless the weather is particularly inclement and in which case, they will be transported by minibus. Pupils and staff will then remain on site between the rehearsal and start of the performance, so are asked to bring a packed lunch for their tea. Pupils should be dressed in full school uniform for the performance.

Please can you complete the reply slip below and return to school as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the event, please to not hesitate to contact school.

Yours sincerely

Mrs M Connor Headteacher  ------

Name of Pupil …………………………………………………………….……………………………………………….

I give/do not give my permission for my child to attend the rehearsal and take part in the production on 6th November 2018 at Titus Salt School. Please tick below as appropriate.

□ I give my permission for my child to travel in the school minibus should the weather be unsuitable.

□ I understand that my child needs a packed lunch for the event.

□ I would like 1 / 2 tickets for the event and I will collect my child at approximately 7.15pm immediately afterwards.

If you are unable to collect, please indicate who will collect from the venue:……………………………………………….

Signed …………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………… Coverdale Way, Baildon, Shipley, , BD17 6TE. Telephone: 01274 598540 Facsimile: 01274 530018 email: [email protected] Headteacher: Mrs M Connor