GEOSCIENCE BC SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES 2013 Geoscience BC Report 2014-1 Documentation and Assessment of Exploration Activities Generated by Geoscience BC Data Publications, QUEST Project, Central British Columbia (NTS 093A, B, G, H, J, K, N, O, 094C, D) S.A. Reichheld, Consultant, Sooke, BC,
[email protected] Reichheld, S.A. (2014): Documentation and assessment of exploration activities generated by Geoscience BC data publications, QUEST Project, central British Columbia (NTS 093A, B, G, H, J, K, N, O, 094C, D); in Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2013, Geoscience BC, Report 2014-1, p. 1–12. Introduction N, O and 094 C, D. Exploration data was presented in GIS shapefiles, or in Excel® spreadsheets with co-ordinates at- This study focuses on the QUEST (QUesnellia Exploration tached to georeference the datasets. Each dataset used was STrategy) Project, launched by Geoscience BC in 2007. Its clipped to the nearest 1:50 000 NTS map area around the goal was to stimulate exploration interest and investment in QUEST area to maintain equal datasets. ArcGIS 10.2 was the underexplored region between Williams Lake and the used as a platform for working with much of the data. Stock District Municipality of Mackenzie, in part to help diver- market index and price charts were created using sify the local forestry-based economies impacted by the MetaStock Pro software. mountain pine beetle infestation. Geoscience BC initially funded the re-analysis of 5000 archived regional geochem- The framework for this project includes assimilating rele- ical samples and the collection of 2200 new geochemical vant data from Mineral Titles Online (MTO), the Assess- samples, plus two large-scale airborne geophysical surveys ment Report Indexing System (ARIS), MINFILE and eval- (Geotech Limited, 2008; Jackaman, 2008a, b; Sander Geo- uating anecdotal sources including corporate press physics Limited, 2008).