Black & White Illustrated Budget
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BLACK AND WHITE BUDGET [Price Vol. II.—No. 16.] Saturday, January 27, 1900 Twopence. [Regd. at the G.P.O. as a Newspaper/ [Post Free, 2%i. Boer treachery at Magersfontein, Two men of the Black Watch were engaged in carrying the wounded off the field, when the Boers fired on them and the first man was killed on the spot. (Drawn from a photograph) BLACK AND WHITE BUDGET Jan. 27, 1903 IMPORTANT! With Black and White for January 27th is presented a beautiful Souvenir of the City of London Volunteers, entitled " The City's Roll of Honour." It is printed in colours and gold, and is the handsomest souvenir ever presented with any illustrated paper. Readers who are Volunteers, or who have friends who are Volunteers, will be delighted with it ; and it may also be interesting to know that arrangements are being made to supply in the immediate future special copies suitable for framing: When these special copies are read}', the price, including that of postage, will be announced here. In connection with Black and White and Black and White Budget a /.anient Slide Department has been created, which is now in a position to supply, at reasonable notice, lantern slides of any of the special War Pictures included in either of theseangloboerwar.compublications. Those cf our readers who desire to obtain slides of any of these pictures may cbtain full particulars, terms, &c, en written applica- tion to the " Manager, Lantern Slide Department, Black a.nd White Offices, 34, Bouverie Street, London, E.C." The numbers of Black and White Budget, frcm No. 1 to No. 14 inclusive, are now being reprinted— so heavy has been the demand for them. All communi- cations regarding them should be directed to "The Publisher, Black and White Budget, 63, Fleet Street, London, E.C," and not to "The Editor." An announcement will be thcrtly made regarding the Special Covers for Binding Black and White Budget. A special design is being prepared, which will undoubtedly appeal to every one of our readers. The portraits in this Budget are by as follows: — Ma'or Edwards, Bassano ; Lieut. Colonel Dick-Cuny:igham, Barnftt ; Colonel Hanncy, Lalayette ; Maj. -General Sir F. Carrington, Klliott and Fry; Sergt. O'Connell, Arthur Weston ; Sergt; Sharp, R. Davidson. All the pictures : ist are by Our Special Correspondents with the exception of the following — Honiizer Battery, Cribb ; Officers of the Suffolks, Elliott and Fry ; the Lord Mayor leasing the Guildhall, Thomas. Jan. -/> 1900 BLACK AND WHITE BUDGET BEFORE THE STORM -^£~=-»--« Though many movements have probably taken division at Trichardt, or Wagon Drift, six miles place in South Africa since the last issue of Black higher up the river. Both crossings were very and White Budget, so strict is the censorship at slightly opposed. present, that very little news has come through. What will happen now ? The Boers are said The wisdom of this course on the part of the to occupy a strong position five miles to the military authorities is unquestionable. Secrecy north of the river. A big battle will probably is essential to successful manoeuvring, and even b^ fought before these lines appear. We shall misleading information may be valuable. We not now have the river between us and the have no doubt that when an engagement does enemy, and, please Heaven, the battle ofColenso take place we shall have our anxiety immediately will be avenged. relieved, for then secrecy is not only no longer From Colesberg, where General French's necessary, but is likely to do more harm than enveloping tactics are gradually wearing down good. the Boers, comes the news of an attack success- The most important information that has fully repulsed by the New Zealanders and the come from the front for some time concerns the 1st Yorkshire. It is a wise plan to compel the important turning movement which General enemy to attack in this way, and should do Buller is undertaking in order to relieve Lady- much to dishearten the Boers. Unfortunately, smith. The first idea that a double turning the effect has been slightly counterbalanced by movement was intended, with Sir Charles Warren the capture of a patrol of New South Wales on the east and Sir Redvers Buller on the west, Lancers, who were driven into an ambush by was scouted by the moreangloboerwar.comexperienced military the Boers. Three of the patrol escaped, two experts on the ground that the Boer front was were killed, and fourteen were taken prisoners too wide to warrant such an undertaking. News To the east of General French, General Gatacre's received on Thursday, January 18th, has proved > Division still lies, unable to move for want of that they were right. It appears from this that reinforcements. It is, however, in a strong a crossing of the Tugela has been effected at position,- and the turning movement, which, it is two points —both to the west of the Boer position. said, the Boers meditate, is not likely to be suc- Details are few, but this is apparently how it cessful. was done. On Wednesday, January 10th, Lord Ladysmith is likely to be relieved shortly, but Dundonald and the Cavalry Brigade marched what of Kimberley and Mafeking? Mafeking towards the Upper Tugela and occupied the is said to be able to hold out for another couple Swartz Kop which dominates Potgieter's Drift. of months. Let us hope this is so. Colonel He was subsequently followed by infantry, and Baden-Powell seems to have a genius for keep- finally by General Lyttelton's Brigade, which ing up the spirits of a garrison. The rumours had with it some Howitzers. With these in about Kimberley are more disquieting. Neither position on Swartz Kop the crossing was safe, Lord Methuen nor his Division can move at although the river was deep and rapid, and early present, and supplies are said to be failing. The in the morning of January 17th the first of the fall of Kimberley would mean nothing, except relieving column crossed the river and occupied on the Stock Exchange, if Ladysmith were a strong position on the north side. relieved ; but if it has to come, we trust that Meanwhile, where was Sir Charles Warren? success in Natal will come first. Absent-minded military experts imagined him As last week, we are still anxiously expecting wandering among the thickets which cover the great events. There is an even more ominous banks of the Tugela near Weenen. As a matter lull in South African affairs. When the storm of fact, instead of going East he was advancing comes may we be able to weather, and may our even further West than Potgieter's Drift, and brave soldiers soon find a harmless haven in the successfully crossed the river with his whole enemy's trenches. — BLACK AXD WHITE BUDGET Jan. 27, 1900 NOTES O' WAR Coming events cast their shadows before ! It is said One of the men of the 2nd Royal Highlanders shows that Napoleon's old exile home at St. Helena is being in a graphic touch how murderous was the fire to which "newly painted and decorated" in readiness for the our men were exposed at Magersfontein. " When " I reception of President Kruger ! the word was given to charge," he says, drew my bayonet, but it was immediately shattered into three Two thousand girls in the thread mills of Messrs. pieces by the hail of bullets." Clark and Co. at Paisley arc doing what they can to help the lot of the soldiers at the front. They have The skilled Dutch, and other foreign artillerists agreed to knit socks, and are to be supplied by the firm with the Boers, received in cash on the day they j ,£50 with wool for the purpose. arrived in Pretoria, and 10s. a day in pay, with grants D of land when Britain is defeated. All the choicest plots in Natal are already distributed, but possession is Each Kit complete is distributed into 2 Kit Bags in the necessarily deferred for a few months —or years ! following manner, viz.: — A man may have good reason — or what appears to SEA KIT him good reason —for deserting the army in time of B3G KIT BAG. peace and yet be very willing to serve his country in 1 Field Op. war time. At least this seems to be the case with many 1 Ser e Sun (Serge Frock and Pants for I I Fisherman^ Cap. C deserters who are now giving themselves up to the police a view of being sent to the front. of Knife. or Cord Breeches for MJ.1 with Many them are said to be in very good positions. Fork. 2 Pairs Puttees. A week or so ago we published a portrait of the 2 Flannel Shirts 1 Holdall Shaving Br ush. traitor, ex-Sergeant Greener, who was captured at the 4 Pairs Socks. in the sergeants' Toolh Modder River. His old comrades 2 Pairs Boots and Laces.' mess of the 42nd Regimental District at Perth showed Razor in. Case. their resentment at his conduct the other day by burn- Comb 1 Pair Cork Socis. ing his effigy with every solemn rite amid the loud 2 Pairs Drawers. 1 Housewife. groans of all present. His effigy, however, was court- 1 Flannel Shir,. 2 Vests. martialled beforehand, and the'.sentence was a result of 3 Pairs Ship Sods. ' his having been found guilty of rebellion, theft, and 3 Body Belts 1 Flannel). desertion. perish all traitors ! I-Paic Canvas Shoes a nd spare Laces.