Play Ball! FHS to Add Baseball Next School Year After a Long Discussion, the Fair- Four to One in Favor (Dr
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DAYS TIL POOL OPENS 10 MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND The Fairbury OURNAL-OURNAL-OURNAL-Your Community. Your Paper. EWSEWSEWS WWW.FAIRBURYJOURNALNEWS.COMJJJ WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 2019 N N N 1 SECTION | VOL. 127 | NO. 8 | $1.50 Play Ball! FHS To Add Baseball Next School Year After a long discussion, the Fair- four to one in favor (Dr. Jonathan bury School Board approved the Winter casting the ‘No’ vote). A creation of Fairbury High School survey had previously been held baseball as a NSAA (Nebraska among students to gage interest School Activities Association) with 34 eligible students showed sanctioned sport for the 2019- interest, according to school of- 2020 school year. ficials. The vote held was at the School More information will be avail- Board meeting on Monday was able in this Friday’s digital edition of The Fairbury Journal-News. Kroon Resigns, Anderson New Principal By Gordon Hopkins The resignation of Nicholas Kroon, Fairbury High School Principal, was accepted by the Fairbury Public School Board on Monday. Kroon will be taking a position Photo by Timothy Linscott, Na- with Riverside in Oakland, Iowa than Heuer/fairburyjournalnews as principal and head boys bas- Graduation 2019—Pup ketball coach. was a graduate of the The school board then voted 2019 class of Fairbury unanimously to approve pro- High School. In 1919, the moting Derek Anderson, assis- FHS graduating class had tant principal/activities direc- a mascot dog that wore tor, to be the new principal at a special purple outfit to FHS as of August 1. commemorate the gradu- A full story of upcoming staff- ation. In 2019, the same ing changes will appear in this Photo by Timothy Linscott/fairburyjournalnews outfit was worn by Pup to Friday’s edition of The Fairbury Farewell Speech—Nick Kroon took part in his help remind the class of the Journal-News. final commencement exercises at Fairbury past and move forward into High School on Sunday. the future. (Right) Tri County Superintendent Randy Schlueter hugs Alexis Ger- ritse during the T.C. gradua- New Local Pool May tion on Sunday. Change Hours In anticipation of the new CASA Dealing With New Law aquatic facility opening, the By Gordon Hopkins Fairbury Swimming Pool General ferson County Commissioners Manager, Briana Bedlan, has A law intended to reduce family meeting on May 7. suggested revisions to the pool’s court cases is working, but not in Chairman Mark Schoenrock hours of operation. For many the way that was intended. said, “That's a surprising number. years, the pool has been open Signed into law the bipartisan I would think it would be higher.” to the public from 1-8 p.m., 7 Family First Prevention Services Cook said, “Well, the year before, days a week. Bedlan has recom- Act on Feb. 9, 2018, as part of it was 15 children in the same mended that the 2019 season Division E in the Bipartisan Bud- time frame.” extend operations by one hour get Act of 2018 (H.R. 1892). Often “What do you attribute that re- on Fridays and Saturdays and referred as just “Family First,” the duction to?” Schoenrock asked. 30 minutes other days. new program has had an unex- Cook answered, “The new Fam- While many community polls pected impact on CASA (Court ily First Program that the fed- offer an hour or more of “adult Appointed Special Advocate). eral government is having all the swim,” that is swim time dedi- Southeast Nebraska CASA re- states follow. They're trying to do cated for individuals 18 years or Photo by Gordon Hopkins/fairburyjournalnews cruits, trains and supports com- all volunteer cases, but there's no older only, adult swim will not be Making Plans—Briana Bedlan discusses munity volunteers who advocate oversight for the volunteer cases part of the new schedule. with city officials the recommended hours for abused and neglected children right now.” At the recent meeting of the for the 2019 municipal swimming pool in the Jefferson, Seward, Saline, Marci Fehlhafer, Nebraska CASA Fairbury Public Work Committee hours. Thayer and Gage County court executive director, was also pres- on April 7, Bedlan said, “The way system. ent and noted, “We're seeing this our pool is designed, it allows for for public swim 1 p.m. According to Don Cook, the in all of our counties. All five of adults to be able to swim laps For comparison, the schedules Program Director for CASA, there our counties are seeing this ex- without being bothered by swim- for several community swimming are currently eight children and treme reduction.” mers splashing or diving.” pools are listed below. six families in the program in Jef- Schoenrock said, “So the need is The grand opening for the new Fairbury (Proposed Schedule): ferson County. The last new case still there. We're just not address- pool is scheduled for Saturday, 1- 8:30 p.m., Open Swim, Sun. referred to CASA by DHHS (Dept. ing it.” May 25. A ribbon cutting will be to Thurs; 1-9 p.m., Open Swim, of Health and Human Services) at 11 a.m. The pool will be open Fri. and Sat. was in March 13, 2018. see CASA, page 2 The issue was raised at the Jef- Lierman Begins Journey Into Coast Guard Academy Soft-spoken yet very determined, recent a year before being admitted into the academy Fairbury High School graduate Mikasa Lier- for four years. She will graduate with a degree man is a leader. in engineering and will be an officer in the Lierman is involved in a leadership role as Coast Guard upon completion of the program. a student, community member and athlete. She will serve five years before deciding if she She participated in volleyball, swimming, wants to stay in the Coast Guard. track, Student Council, FBLA, National Hon- According to retired Air Force Col. Tom Dal- or Society and journalism while at Fairbury ton, who is an Academy Partner working with High School. the admissions office, 600 applicants attempt- Her love of the water prompted her to look ed to get into the Coast Guard Academy, with into the Coast Guard Academy as a sopho- under 75 being admitted, Lierman one of the more. few chosen. “About my sophomore year, my mom was According to Dalton, with all scholarships looking into colleges and scholarships and and benefits added up, Lierman will receive she came across the Coast Guard,” Lierman between $500,000-$600,000 for her educa- explained. “Since I am like a swimmer, I tion, housing, pay and transportation. really liked it and looked into it more and it Dalton said in the Midwest, Lierman and a made sense.” student from Lincoln Southeast were chosen Photo by Timothy Linscott/fairburyjournalnews Lierman will be attending the Coast Guard Ready To Set Sail—Mikasa Lierman (left) receives special Academy in New London, Connecticut, see LIERMAN, page 16 recognition to the Coast Guard Academy at the annual where she will go to a preparatory school for Fairbury Senior High School Night last week. TODAY INSIDE THE JOURNAL-NEWS Local News 2 | Deaths 3| Opinion 4 | Lifestyles 5 | Sports 7-11 | For The Record 12 | Public Notices 13-14 | Classifieds 15 Page 2 The Fairbury Journal-News News Wednesday, May 15, 2019 FHS Honors Night Newsbriefs On May 6, the annual Fairbury Senior High Join Heritage Care instructional program information to us by our top three finish- Honors Night was held at the Burkley Fine Center of Fairbury in June and July to May 17 at 5 p.m., you ers. The winning pho- Arts Center. Numerous awards were given for National Nursing teach girls ages 5 and can email: gordon. tos will be selected by out to several students, staff and community Home Week with a up the fundamentals [email protected]. a committee of Blue members. A portion of the awards are as fol- Sloppy Joe Tailgate of softball. No child Valley Community lows: on May 15 from 4-7 will be turned away if AseraCare Hospice Action Partnership p.m., enjoy live enter- they cannot pay the is hosting “A Butterfly board members. tainment from Sawyer program fee. For more to Remember,” an an- Email your photos to Jay, dinner will be information, or a reg- nual memorial event changinglives@bvca. served at 5:30 p.m. istration form contact to honor the indi- net along with your Lana Likens at (402) viduals, families and name, address and Jayhusker Races 729-5792 or 402- communities of those contact information. May 18, 1-4 p.m. play 587-0432. Registra- we have provided care Deadline for submit- day with races at 7 tion deadline is June for over the past year. ting photos is May p.m. 1. Registration forms The event will be held 31, winners will be are also on Fairbury. on the grounds of the announced in June. Western Alumni com. Longs Creek Village *BVCA Partnership Banquet, Sat, May Assisted Living facil- employees and immedi- 25, 6:30 p.m. at Grand Opening of ity, 418 Q St., Au- ate family are ineligible to Western Legion. Call the Fairbury Munici- burn at 10:30 a.m. on participate. 402-433-2291 for pal Waterpark, May June 1. Please RSVP Photo by Timothy Linscott/fairburyjournalnews Chick-Fil-A will Fan Of The Year—Cheryl Trimm of the Fairbury Booster Club reservations, or if you 25, the day starts out by May 20, 2019, by are in Lincoln, Crete with a speech by the calling the Beatrice return to Fairbury at presented Tim and Deb McAllister the Booster Club Fan of 14th and K Streets, the Year Award.