*vcrea3jaeartiU 3MCoeU.oine. ROYAL HOTEL Notice. Awarded First Prliea at j%, Narandera, Wagga, ftV JunaeSrwrw»,'lB9!^ Jf WHITTOH, 1 S T PERSON fonna trMpsaslng in the Tarrabee Park BTJILDHRS OB1 R. B. <Y, Proprietor. A. paddocks, disturbing JrS^S' & eheepand damaging fences in pursuit oi to to Distret Resf Jno.Y.Ward game, will, after this be and A. bsg» intimate date, prosecuted Carriages Buggies f SSVjt Publis that without to RB., dents and the TraTalling ACCOUNT &JTT, respect persons. OP BVBRT DESCRIPTION. ANGUS ROBERTSON, .f ^^ Jr ^^ he has taken the above Hotel, and, having ean Tambee had a lengthened business experienee. Park, May », 1B92. r Auditor, Arbitrator, Valuator, W^ HT H tbs vary t«Bt aoceounoda* JKhh ^L^rf Ihmsw promija pavrons InsoranoB Notice. Pain In »* (ion. Ho«M, Land, Estate, For Bfflons and Nsrwus DJsorfers, such as Wind and fteStanidw Extensive have beea made and CoU Improvements AWD -k-d Giddiness Fulness and Svrclling after mealSi Dimness Drowsinejsy 4 Carts, and Farm Headache to- the House. MY persons found trespassing in the Spring Tip Drays, Short,** or Breath, CorivenesaJBtotcl^ f\ f-!§$J/ ChU^u.h^Toni'.U^ of Appetite! Fimt-clas» Heals are well served. Commission Barellan paddooks, disturbing cheep Dreams, and all Nervous and '«r General Agent, on ths SkiaTDlsturbed Sleep. Rightful Trembltoj An Attentive and Experienced QttoAH and fences in at XN^rwinrnr ™» damaging game, Senutlons, &c TaK tolst1)osb will give HUB on Written pursuit Waggons, etc., wj'jy™': alwavs hand. Examined. Bodies will, after this be without is of these Ms. ar AeoomnU up date, proieouted Is no 6ctioi. sufferer earnestly invited to try one Box ^snd they of wcAx-m to oBUBiit. /WA^T*rainteo Every Only the Ohoioeit Brands Llqvots reaped to f and to » WORTH A GUINEA A^i' MdK.pfc persens. will be be in Btock. acknowledged restore female* to MggMiftv*. T.Z. CLASTON, /ft^ as directed, *nH compiew EEECHAM'S PILLS, taken quickly Trial is all that is asked tor, or A First Barellan. If .miMO remore of the For a Mechanics fceSaf '^/promptly any obstruction irregularity system. bbhalt or Dinoai kadi Only tompettnt / ABBAmntEnTB m January 18, 1M1. ft, „n Uver AooopunPBJtrAMD. Stomach Impaiwl Dlgfestioa : Disordered ; wxtbGudihbs. Employed. -^^^^. Weak ; (IN BANKRUPTCY) Notice. j/^^X TMBIIX MAKAOMD JOHNSON, B*C*,TM »M- ill HATTEBS SWEN are m- TEUBTBBasiPS AoomiD, publte cautioned Hunt Implements FldldtaicUoM iiKli tKhboi. fpHI against T^ABAOTEB^^^^ilgricultupal SOU gtdieint n tto Wrii. Practical Tailor. or SSZ 2, S ctany Point JL ing, Shooting, and Fishing en, given with EPAI ED. AKO or JOf every description &QVSW AW- LaKD LSI ASP BOUOHt removing Stoek timber from the Nerth BVEBlV^Os- and ef ? -, bast Patterns OjisllH- BTEW ? ~s~ ? —i rpHErery Bold on ComaMloK. Estate without permiasion. We VEHIOLB/CXk/ pretext whaterer will he taken far btlng ea THAT LEAVES f *.vd M«AOBinBre oi Fbomht he property, and persona without HORSES SHOD X Tweeds; , a«nttvvtoa excep f IVOOIiFKESSZIS I tJaOKBTAKBM. tion will b» pioseouted. —THE— OST APPROVED I ^/^^i» Jos THB PRINCIPLES. At leas than Manufacturer's Prices. CoatltiKH, i FA0TOBX or InsHtu _ri|||a ban* In Mining, Bank, other ^-J^^ Tronserlfan,^ er and eEBO Bftvard. & co. tlons Investments Bought winchcombeTcarson SenpBsV Bold on Commission. Cironlat fTlHB abore Reward will be paid te any Satisfaction -5uarantcc&. Quay, Sydney, to WOOLPRE8SE8 ALWAYS ON HAND FROM WHICH one information that will lead to made special arrangements with regard the of and Ma JL giving f^&'f supply Companies Promoted, Legal to that the use of a Press is essential to the TO BELKOT. the conviction of the person or persons who HAVEgrowers, believing good proper the can Uken. are Bales in Babbit Proof preparation of wool for market. of following Presses be supplied— agsment Cutting the ? Any E- M4''8'- — Wl WILSOir' tree on board rail or steamer at less than Manufacturer's Prices, viz. :— Netting on the Boundary Fenoe between **trjr-$o$'^ PIT atTARANTEED. on Houses, Fuml Goree run with turn-orer box _4SS 0 0 I The 'Koentt,'popill-rbn]i«'a press 4M 10 0 iMunuica Effected and Mr Chant's seleotion, known ADDRESS— Ferrier't, top 84 10 0 I IS 0 Station and Farm Property. M The'Fromler'Prwi,Binip[e»D-fqaIcfc Nicbol«on't.»itelbonnitpra!8,«wliiglop2i Street, turo, Prickly Banfr*. f^Sf^ 01 i, Heit Larmer The'CulWe,'rlainf arturnom top XS 0 Eltchlc'eNo. handy ftnoer'ipreet.. at ? 0 Darai'g, and Wool. D. O tuin-orer BOBBBXSOK, 'PateDt,' compact and durmblt 16 0 I Bttchie's box .. t- 0 0 NARANDERA. Lough1* IXIi, top STREET, .. Goree. /EAST The'I«n4lor,'«wlimopbor S9 10 0| COLLECTED. / 1 as to terms of as AMD DEBTS EBNT8 Fuller particulars payment, also to the characteristic*, GEATBTUL— COMFOETUTOi And Branch at and of the various Presses on Untted 're Babbit Proof Fencing. , weights, capacity application. Agent fbr thePai^Tand CHAS. WIMCSCOMBB. 0ABSOS * CO., Circular Quay. Sydney. a* OLARK, Manager. ? Insurance Cos., Md. (Capital ia The Act rtstes that otll. £680,000 ; Funds hud, anyone damaging such is liable to a «f £60, or S6OO.OO0.) fencing penalty fix month* imprisonment, or both. Any EPPS'SrCOCOA. person or persons so offending on the Herth rSBBIHAHB BUYAL ~Ft p TH A K 'H' A BT

CORNS AND WARTS „ REMOVE A. T. CAUTION. j contribute lialf. tbe cost of a A'd. HENDERSON, bridge Lcthbrldgc said tine, csjieclally I)y lue exjiresBions ? 2 which Accountant and Auditor. estimated to cost about £1,200. He fish tins, wer» a great attraction to had&''e fallen from the or j aldermen there person persona tousd FISHING, did not think the Commission wouH flies. Such refuse as cou'.fl. was no EAST bones, &c, rooBon why should losi STREET. SHOOTING, or otherwine TEES. to not they NARANDERA, ANY I offer find £000 towards the of be ted to fowls. tate G0L0SBR9UGH cost to proceed wilh the Tlie. on MOBT & CO. LTD. proposal PASSING YAREABEE WILL BE if it did not from a bridge recognise its re The said that suitable oil first steji necessary would obtainable lor 1/6 'Phone 30. Private Mayor 1«- 'to ivfc.' TV»»-'te residence 155. PROSECUTED tu ? without;™!^ iwkod. sponsibility. drums he used as tins, it to the might garbage Finance Coimuitlee- aud ;i S. & J. JIcCAUGHET. The said that he had hoard provided were was INCOME TAX WOOL SYDNEY Mayor they covered. a question that would ii'tiiniiielv RETURNS PREPARED BROKERS, to that none of tin bridges were b' The Mayor said the -Health Com be decided by the theni interefcred but even ralepayers Are to make wilh, if the cansl mittee also recommended that the ficlves. There CAUTION. prepared was never a town LIBERAL. ADVANCES widened the was not at bridges, thn garbage depot be cleaned up. which ofl'crcd a lietter oppoKunilv HOUSE the fur VOUR against growing Woo! Commission would send a very lit-.ny The report was a ball D0 HOT PAINT Clip. adopted. building Ulan Nnraudera did ai ALL of water down tbecsmal which IT with H. G. PODMORE persons found stream the present time. re PKESERVB & GO Hunting, for FINANCIAL Town Clerk's Report. They know Dial AND or otherwise trespass Applications for would shorten the life of the Larmer the Public Hall wenl STAIN Sloolmg, ASSISTANCE The Town Clerk (Mr. cently Company Street bridge and make it dangeiJUK 11. 13. Bell) into AUCTIONEERS. NARANDERA. ing- on Tubbo Station without per the liquidation and Its hall purpese of STOCKING UP will be considered as follows: ouo lo traffic. He hoped the Council woulvi reported 'Only would mission will be prosecuted. man at probably bo used for let the matter is present on the maintenance LIGN.UMVITOL MANAGER. KINDLY SUPPLY FULL DETAILS~WHENAPPLYING. not drop. another purpose. He. had been On the staff and the past fortnight he for Wood) motion of Aid. MiTi'ersmi during assured one of (Life has been Hast Street for by the liquidat Stock Station & was ileeldnd all General Com and Hemiessy, it that repairing ors that if the Council made most of the The up its in connection with period. stormwater mind build . mission correspondence lo a town anil a Wonderful Agents. CAUTION. channel nnd lias been hall, the tlie bt tabled at the uexi nicel bridge decking Public Hall was A Beautiful Stata^ subject disposed of. it would ACtENTS FOR ATLAS ASSURANCE of .1.- Council. repaired and causeways scoured by Ants :;:jj be a condition that il v.ou'd be White ANY person or found recent rain havo been attended kept against persons From the Wardens Ole'.i;. heavy Preservative CO. paling open as a hall until the Council erect Ashing, Shooting, or otherwise Dixon had 10 lo. There is now no matorjal avail that Mr. G. H applied ed its ball. He read the ];i\v govern CLEARING Trespassing on Berrembed will able for to or SALES CONDUCTED IN the Warden at Wagga for an author repairs bridge decking the be ing floating of a loan for the pur prosecuted without respect .to Next 1 sec stormwater channel. The work of PART THE Season's allotments to 10, even ANY OF Wool to enter and Raid that if ii cost DISTRICT persons. ity pose, from All previous permis under the on constructing enclosures and seats in and obtain Booklet tion 10, mining private £8000 or £9000 it would be a sound sions cancelled. THE Ihe has been as well mepcctBampU. AUSTRALIAN WOOL CLIP is tbe foremost oC the Pastoral lands provisions of the Mining Act, park completed, business When the as the renewal of tlie. rose proposition. mat H. ANDREW. was of part which create NATIONAL asking if there any objection to ter wan before (he rulopayers LIMITED Products, WEALTH. This call be appreci trellis. Mr. has p'accd the being grained. McQulllen completed would R.HANKINSON ated application he UiouKlit they consider ilie by the fact that tho production in 1918 yielded decided offer no his contract in WillaiiB anrt King and NOTICE. nearly £10,000,000 U was tu objection. wifidom of tbc and one which for com proposal Kolo Distributors NiBAMDHBA.ii* Knight Lee, the Puulic. Works Streets, and Mr. Hunt has alfio STEAM sterling. From Department, w*uld add lo the beauty of the town. DISTRICT. '. that were pleted the contract in Whitton Street. LAUNDRY, lJSY person or perepos eliooting or staliiiB enquiries being The motion was carried. dint,' the stoimwaler channel lo S. made t*vRh a view to 0I1 Regal lo otherwise trespassing on Atliole The levied disastrous toll on and f'j Sydney The matter was referred Ilio larmer Narandera. drought subsequently ;Jlio .graziers, l-e -coiiBiucted from the to Ltd. Street, after tUc miVtr.fi ul a railway Committee an De Meria Station this date will bo prose the taiii'ng pipe layer, Finance for report at by heavy losses make an of the dividend flora Street, all the sand most of, Manufactured TELEPHONE No. 85. resulting early payment and the Council, be informed, lilwill and date. cuted. #fctji or. early the resale of the a suitable man coiilil Ire found. ihe gravel required is thW*lte..«iid STCAET S. EOBEBTSON wools in Britain desirable. Also the losses when Valuer. SYDNEY AND NEWCASTLE. 26/1H7. highly is -t3»e Airanfe'cmcnls were for an in the supply of cement 011L- % Work make it for being All kinds o[ Laundry done necessary growers to select with a special care their now necessary before a com ?Mr. J. U. Itlckard was Hpci'tor to come to Narandera to look thing ap|.oinleil by Uie latest process. mencement with the work can b&' valuer for the next at 10 Notice Agents for the coming season, when an 'open market' will rule. after the of the reservoirs, yjar, a concreting mndp.' fulfil' Suits Cleaned nnd Pressed and at imineraliou of £50. 'The Pill that will your joy and asking what late suitable board made equal to nuw in our new The method aud The report was received. A NYONE found organisation of PITT, SON & BADGI3RY LTD., ami lougiug eouui »e ouiaiiicci. General. 'American' Mechanical Steam Fishing, Shouting or Infoi'nialion of Nuisance's Aid. Harden and Mcl'herson PreBser for xi- Hunting, otherwise Trespassing in the displaying and disposing of the Wool the War supplied. Inspector Report. wore 7/, during Period, Public Works Pills on BREWARKANNA STATION wi I'roui the. Department, Tho of Nuisances (Mr. tbe Council at Miracle made these Salesmen as shown tlie satisfaction Inspector appointed to represent Hansen's INSPECTION INVITF.D. be preeminent by great slating thai aivaiigcinents would be prosecuted. J. }l. Moore) reported tbal sinci; his Hie Local Government conference 011 Liver, GIVE US 4 TRIj. given to thousands of - made for an officer of the Department For the L. C. LENEHAN. graziers. last report only one case of infectious 21st September. to visit Xuramlora fur Hie of jiurpose - and disease had been notified. He had A'd. Heniiessy draw attention to In; indigestion The Wool Growers will now .111 of the electric ifajMBf|y^ select their SELLING AGENTS for making inspection impounded seven head of calt'n. the necessity for n ladies' lavatory in Hut and a report Notice. supply plant furnishing three owners. the. coming season, and to meet their SON & property of The total park. requirements, PITT, on its WM. value ami was iris 1i\. was to an JUNR. eiliciency. cost of releasing them HI It decided obtain cMinia'e CLARK, DAHGEltY LTD. have made the with and drawing at requisite provision foresight From T. Newton Hayes, He had made 20 oils or same. Straying on ray will complete inspect nf the cost QTOUK proporty tention to the of bouses in ENGINEER, GENERAL BLACKSMITH judgment for the efficient of SMALL aud LARGE shortage of w.cs. in Kerriertown, and issued Aid. Watkins draw attention lo Hi' KJ be Impounded, and any person re handling consign the town, and also to the fact that ill lnovine Stock without three demolition and 1G general repair height of the ropes on tlie swings in AND Straying permis ments. To INSURE satisfaction to them. a were WHEELWRIGHT cousigu number of places bath rooms to sion will be notices. The inspection showed Ibal (he park, aud also several instance!, prosecuted. not TWYNAM STREET, NARANDERA. provided. 3(1 per cent of the places were in kiumI where the attention of the mainten The. said he that order, and were lo NEIL BLACK, Mayor recognised complied witb regulations, ance men required footp.iilis Crock. the was acute here, Bundidjarie housing problem while of the balance many could be and gutters in the streets. A as elsewhere; anil he was in sym HORSESHOEING SPECIALITY PITT, SON AND BADGERY LTD. brought up to the standard for very The Mayor promised attent on. with who had to people up to pathy put little, expense. Applications by Mr. Aid. Culley drew attention pro Notice Drovers. homes such as those to SYDNEY with referred to. streets. In Boxes 27. for Union J. H. Robertson, with plans attached. truding fire plugs in the Agent Insurance Company if a number of in people permanent for permission to build ou account of Aid. Hemiessy drew attention to an for International Harvester eninlovment would forward a reauisl llaukinson's Ltd. and J. sand in street in Agent Uoy. passing through prop by A. Han .-.cumulation of the my lion to the Department that asking sell to build a in Ashton or Mr. business DROVERSerty are required to give Notice cottage the vicinity Simpson's Cured homes 1)0 erected for them under the Rheumatism at tho Street might be granted. Plans sup He soid that water in Ilie Havini; installed Hie Homestead, 'BROWL1SY,' promises. the most experienced necessary Machin State Scheme he had no by one of Housing plied by the War Service Homes street near the shop could not run into all COROBIMILLA. the in Ibo ery, RUBBER can done doubt pusiliun would be relieved. Commission showed no for the gutter. CHEMISTS COMMONWEALTH TYRING be provision . LAID Tin: practice on tlio POISON adopted by tlio War Ser premises perfectly and with des wood or coal fires in the laundry, only To receive attention. Hansen's Rheumatic Remedy A. STEWART. vice Homes Commission of purchasing that the shed patch. gas being providi u' for. In other par The Mayor suggested homes already erected was not desir ticulars Ibe wore tank should be removed (Registered) plans satisfactory. at tho septic TREADS able, as the tenants of such houses from An appliii.t'on by Mr. K. Quinii for to Ihe Council's yard for use as a In Bottles 5/6 were put out and find other SULKIES, New and Second-hand NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. ^UNIVERSAL obliged to permission to build a motor shed in store room and work shop by the n and Red Rubber Tubes accommodation. ALWAYS IN STOCK. Chafes Street w;is ill order, with the turncock. Aid. if HHNSEN, l.ethlir:dgo asked tbe Coun lhat the cauie Aid. Harden and MePherson moved or exception application HEHTY K NYONE found. Fishing, Shooting, cil could the erection of bain removed Ibe -- compel to hand after the were that the' shed be to otherwise on premises Chemist A Trespassing 15UGK rooms. nearly completed. Council's yard. Narandora. INGBONG STATION will be prosecut The said thai or from F. DDVAL, Mayor all plans that Aid. MePherson moved that the ap The motion was carried. ed without respect to persons. All came before the Council had have WISEBROsTLm, lo plication of the War Service Homes The Mayor said that one of the previous permisEione cancelled. no is more provision for bathrooms, but the Commission be and that (ho at would have lo be MILLERS AND GRAIN 'T'HIiRIi economical granted, Kates (iic park Council could not compel ihe erection THE MANAGER, attention of Hie Commission be drawn put in order. the MERCHANTS, lyre equipment. of bathrooms at premises Buckingbong already to the fact thai there was no gas sup Works Committee coll erected. town. common F. T. NIELSEN NARANDERA AND TOCUMWAL. inch of these f;i;;ious ply in the age on the meet Every No decision was arrived at ou the seconded the motion, ft ra Aid. Watkins ing. Wisbes to notify tbe public that TRESPASS NOTICE. 1 is productions of that Quality subject. was carried. were for Direct Government Agents for jt which Accounts passed payment, has started a From tho .Secrelarv nf Hie Hace N.S.W. Wheat Pool. which renders highest Service The applications by Messrs. .1. II. and the meeting rose. °\ Club, asking the' Council to for p2 apply Robertson and .). A. Jlansell for Wheat received ana ANYONE found fishing, snoot per carefully . value. Motor Car Service £ the i.f ;i on weighed and certificates issued ing, or hunting on Grong Grong proclamation public holday mission in build were granted. Tuesday. Jnili the occasion promptly. Station will be prosecuted. f August, Mr. Quinn's :iiipl(ca(ion was grant Gar on Hire or Night. being the first day of the Club's an to the Day AH previous permissions giveD ed, anil he is lie informed of Gristing done for Farmers. nual race meeting. with the ord ALWAYS. are rescinded. necessity of complying PERSONAL ATTENDANCE Oats, Barley, and Maize crushed. ^9 M!c!ieliris mean The application was granted. LATE It. GUEST, money inances in future. EXORS. jp— From the of Special arrangements have .Secretary tho Imperial Car Grong Grong. in Waterworks Seven seater 1918 Model Buick -een made to expeditiously handle . your pocket: Football Club. iipplvi]jK for the use of Engineer's Report. the park and for permission to charge The Waterworks report NOTE. On receiving notice from Ihe wheat. Ivngineor's Sol for admission on 2Sth :ijst showed that the was working Parents aud Kelative6 of Returning TRESPASS NOTICE. July, July. plant 7th August. a radius of 10 miles satisfactorily. The was granted. from the Railway Station, application Narandera Hudson's b ti ll d Electrician's Report 1859 1875 Gillenbah post offi ce opens; First bank and public school are opened it is then moved to in . Narrandera in 1861. The Narrandera Race Club is formed.

1881 The railway line from Junee to Narrandera is opened. A new era for the 1885 Narrandera is proclaimed a borough.

1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

1880 2006 Samuel Gill establishes the Narandera Argus and Riverina 1910 1968 The Narrandera Argus is printed Advertiser in an offi ce in Larmer Street, in a portion of what Bill Gammage is employed as a journalist and goes on to The Drover Estate sells the Argus to a company of local at The Border Mail press site, was later the home of the Alchin family for many years. serve the Argus for more than 55 years. shareholders known as the Narrandera Argus Pty Ltd. Wodonga, as The Daily Advertiser The paper is printed on a Caxton-type hand press made in 1950s closes its press following a buy-out England in 1879. 1917 by Rural Press. On the death of Lapthorne, ownership moves to his brother The old weatherboard building is replaced by a modern The Argus later moved to Audley Street and again to premises well-lit brick building and the plant enlarged by a third Edward, who had set up the Hillston Spectator three years 2019 later occupied by Mrs C F Harris Frock Salon. Linotype machine. earlier, took over the role of proprietor. The bi-weekly Narrandera Argus Miss D Groves was reputed to be the fi rst women in the 1953 becomes a weekly. 1892 state employed as a typograph at the Argus. The Narandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser changes The Argus was purchased by James its masthead to Narrandera Argus. 2020 Ashton, from Hay, where he was in The Argus rebrands its masthead 1920s 1970s partnership with John Johnston in The Argus journalists move from typewriters to computers. and moves to servicing the region running the Riverine Grazier. The introduction of the tabloid size newspaper marks a with an online presence. radical change in appearance of many news sheets which 1963 had for a century followed the broadsheet format. The Argus installs a Duplex Rotary Press to change the 84-year-old format of the paper to the more modern tabloid style. “Initially the paper stopped being printed at 1896 1931 The new press uses reels wound with four miles of newsprint and Narrandera and went from letterpress to offset The Argus is sold to J P Brosnan Edward Lapthorne retires and Don Drover assumes can print two broadsheet pages at a time at 1500 an hour. (1981) and was printed at Cootamundra for a while, on June 30. control. Drover served his apprenticeship in the printing then Grif th Area News for many years. It was hailed as the “most spectacular singular advance made by trade under Ernest Lapthorne and was the fi rst country “The “paste-ups” were all done at the Argus and the Argus towards the production of the paper since its foundation”. apprentice to graduate. then those were transported “ at” by car to where it The new Rotary Duplex press relaced the faithful old Double Royal “was being printed. 1905 Wharfdale, which had produced the Argus for 84 years. “In those days either the boss, Gerry Kendall, The Argus is disposed of to Ernest Lapthorne and J Charles, Berrigan. The new process coincided with the construction of the Blowering Dam, or occasionally myself, would take the paste ups, Lapthorne bought out his partner’s interest in the Argus in the early part the addition of cotton as a crop in the Murrumbidgee valley and the wait for plates to be made, newspaper printed and of the 20th century and changes the paper from a weekly to bi-weekly. expansion of tourism following the formation of the MIA Development then the bundles of newspapers brought back to He installed the fi rst type setting machine prior to WWI. Committee. Narrandera. “This usually happened around lunchtime, In 1963 there was almost 40 daily newspapers and 450 provincial titles and we would get back in time for afternoon around Australia issuing six million copies each week. distribution. 1886 “I left the Argus in March 1993 and it was still Hotels advertised in the Argus were T Foley’s Railway Hotel, East Street; James Bruce’s being done in Grif th then. Victoria Hotel, Twynam Street (the booking offi ce for Urana and Mirrool lines of Crawford “There was a staff photo taken in front of the & Co’s Coaches); Geo Davis’ Tattersall’s Hotel, Larmer Street; F J Roberts’ Australian old letterpress newspaper press that was published Hotel, Audley Street; W McMahon’s Crown Hotel; Harry Syme’s Cricketers Arms Hotel in the rst edition of the rst offset newspaper. and Prince of Wales Theatre, East Street. You could see the last edition (of the old) on the press behind the staff.” – Peter Anthony former typesetter at the Narrandera Argus and proprietor Drawing on our history of Process Printers, Narrandera Past editors include George Eldrid, who became a prominent townsman, and G M Pendergast,” to launch into the future who later became a member of the Victorian parliament. THE Narrandera Argus has been an important drawbacks a venture of this kind has retire in 1931 and the Argus was acquired Stories were copied onto disc when part of Narrandera’s history since 1880 and invariably to contend, it is a most creditable by the late Donald P L Drover, a long time computers were introduced and a CD with Don Drover was editor from 1931 and was a past now in its 140th year is going online as well production. It is a pity that its advertising employee of the newspaper. the paper les was transported to Wagga president of the Country Press Association. as in print. columns appear to be insuf ciently patronised, The newspaper remained under his Wagga by road each night (Mondays and Roy Taylor, Max Guild, James Brunsdon, Gerry This community-orientated newspaper but presumably the people here require control until his death on May 15, 1965, and Wednesdays) for printing at the Wagga Daily Kendall, Martin Sherrard, John Shute, Jack Driscoll is proud to be one of the few remaining educating up to the standard of under- the Drover Estate sold the Argus to a com- Advertiser print workshop (now closed). and Liz Lawrence, the first woman to do so, independent newspapers in existence. standing the advantages of advertising,” pany of local shareholders known as the Copies of the paper were returned by road have all served as editors. It has survived the bank crash of 1895, the report read. Narrandera Argus Pty Ltd in May 1968. freight the following mornings (Tuesday John Shute, a fi nal year apprentice linotype operator, the depressions of the mid-1890s and 1930s The Argus has witnessed and reported To this day the Argus remains in the and Thursday) to be distributed to seated at the keyboard of a British-made linotype and the sadnesses and sacrifices of two the development of new technologies from hands of this company, although sharehold- newsagencies and other outlets. machine in 1963. John went on to serve as an editor of the Argus. World Wars, as well as COVID-19 in 2020, the rst train in 1881 to a network of high- ers have been passed on to descendants Since then the Argus has utilised print- during which many newspapers of its size speed roads, including two major highways of the original shareholders, bought by other shops at Wodonga and now Shepparton and even larger closed or went online only. and a modern airport. local shareholders or changed hands due transferring les online to these facilities, One of the Argus newspaper’s earliest editorial Looking back headaches was the spelling of ‘Narrandera’. The Narrandera Argus began its life Samuel Gill assumed control of the to acquisitions. which print then return papers via road ONE hundred years ago readers were devouring the Narandera as the Narandera Argus and Riverina Argus in 1881, followed by George Eldred of Current managing editor Liz Lawrence freight to Narrandera for distribution on According to an historical article dealing with Argus in its broadsheet version, with the front page reserved Advertiser. Wagga who became the owner/editor in 1884. started her career in journalism as a ca- Wednesday mornings. Narrandera’s history published by the old Rural for the classi eds and advertisements. First published in 1880 as the Narrand- Two years later George Jarman founded det journalist with the Argus when it was Now published weekly on Wednesdays, Bank in an issue of the Tattersalls Club magazine. Local, regional, national and international news was laid era Argus and Riverina Advertiser it was the Narrandera Ensign, which continued owned by the Drover Estate after the death plans to go online with a new website and out column by column – social snippets sat beside the latest published under this masthead until 1953 publication until 1912, when it ceased. of the late Don Drover and continued to paywall is one of the biggest innovations While it once had a single ‘r’ (Narandera) this news carried by telegraph on the repatriation of soldiers when it changed its title to Narrandera Argus, John Johnston and James Ashton, owners work for the current owners as a journalist, the Argus has seen for many years in its was offi cially changed to the current day spelling after the Great War. which is still in publication. of the Riverine Grazier at Hay, acquired the editor and now managing editor for more 140th year. of Narrandera. This can be seen in early issues Advertisements ranged from kidney pills to tyres and wool It has changed publication days and Argus in July 1892 and two months later its than half a century. As well as covering local news the Argus of the Argus with the jubilee issue in 1935 featuring merchants with some of the big local advertisers, E Quinn frequencies over the years, starting as singular control passed to James Ashton, Previous managers and editors under will publish stories from surrounding towns, a single ‘r’. & Company, and S Richards & Co Ltd sitting alongside those a weekly and then becoming a bi-weekly who became a parliamentary member for the Narrandera Argus Pty Ltd ownership have including Coolamon, Lockhart and the from Melbourne and Sydney. before it returned to a weekly in 2019. Hay in 1894. been Roy Taylor, Max Guild, James Brunsdon, Murrumbidgee Shires. According to the Tattersall edition the name Stock sales were advertised weekly at the Larmer Street Its important link with the history of He sold the Argus to J P Brosnan on June Gerry Kendall, Martin Sherrard, John Shute “We have moved with the times and look was originally ‘Narran-derra’ and there was also saleyards while announcements heralded special trains Narrandera began in 1880 when Bell and 30, 1896 and the newspaper operated under and Jack Driscoll, who was the company forward to serving our readers for many controversy about the meaning. departing for district shows at Coolamon and Wagga. Company commenced publication of the the name of Brosnan and Cahill before being secretary and general manager for some time. years to come. We have embraced change Readers poured over the sports results each week including It was agreed that Narra or Narrung signifi es cricket, Aussie Rules and racing. Narrandera Argus as the town awaited the sold at auction to Messrs Ernest Lapthorne The Argus is now a weekly newspaper and we hope our readers will do the same,” the type of lizard known as the “Jew,” although completion of the rail link with the Great and Charles of Berrigan. published in print and now moving to online said Mrs Lawrence. Rainfall records were the lifeblood of the rural commu- it was also suggested that it means “Gnaren” nity, taking up columns each week, detailing measurements Southern Railway. Mr Charles transferred his interest to in addition to print. Its move to offer the The current Argus team includes managing hungry. Derra, dera or dra all mean “place,” since 1866 at Widgiewa Station and 1888 at Narrandera. The Town and Country Journal of June 5, Mr Lapthorne in 1905 and he continued as newspaper online was one of the biggest editor Liz Lawrence, senior journalist Kim but a further defi nition was that the word should Yanko, Carrathool and Murrumbidgee Shires news lled 1880 reported that an account of Narrande- the sole proprietor until his death at the age changes in recent years, although the Argus Woods, journalist Claire Williams, graph- be “doora,” which was “spear” and that the name many columns each week, down to the nest details to ensure ra would be incomplete if no mention was of 43 in 1916. Control then passed to his has never been afraid to embrace technology ic designer Fran Macdonald, advertising was given to the place by an elated old aboriginal residents were kept informed. made of its newspaper. brother Edward Lapthorne, who owned the and was one of the rst newspapers in this salesperson Brian Payne and long serving The Argus staff pictured outside the office in the 1930s under the headman who proclaimed proudly, “I have speared One hundred years ago the Argus was also keeping “It is, if I am not mistaken, the young- Hillston Spectator. area to have its journalists utilise computers nance manager Debbie Bock, plus casual guidance of proprietor Don Drover, far right. a lizard.” readers up to date with the restrictions and implications of the est country newspaper and despite all the Ill health forced Edward Lapthorne to in the 1970s. photographer Rustty Lake-Connolly. Spanish in uenza pandemic. 2 — Wednesday, July 29, 2020 www.narranderaargus.com.au Narrandera Argus Narrandera Argus www.narranderaargus.com.au Wednesday, July 29, 2020 — 19 Wednesday, July 29, 2020 Print Post approved – 100003237 $1.70 inc GST Our Regional roundup pages 12-14 pages 7-9

The proposed electoral boundary changes submitted by the Nationals place Narrandera alongside Broken Hill and Tibooburra in an electorate covering an area the size of Great Britain. BOUNDARY MADNESS

Kim Woods Submissions have argued Narrandera The population predictions for the Coota- sized towns allowing the sitting member to YOU almost need a torch and a packed lunch should be included in Murray based on the mundra electorate suggest it will require spread attention, effort and representation to drive from Narrandera to Broken Hill – it’s irrigation sector but Narrandera Shire is additional area to be added to ensure that it evenly,” Mr Cowan said. 754km to be exact. dominated by dryland farming, with residents complies. “Smaller communities are not competing But that is the distance a sitting member looking to the east for higher order services. In Narrandera Shire Council’s submission, with a large regional centre for attention would be expected to cover if Narrandera The NSW Electoral Commission is general manager George Cowan said an and representation.” was included in the proposed electoral reviewing the electoral boundaries in the lead important characteristic of the Cootamundra Mr Cowan said the Liberal Party of Australia boundary changes to create a new electorate up to the state elections to ensure population electorate was the lack of a regional centre. NSW Division had exhibited in its submission the same size as Great Britain. balance. “The electorate comprises several similar continued page 5

TerryWhite Chemmart Opening HOT PRICES AND TRUSTED ADVICE Narrandera Hours: 58 East Street, Narrandera Mon-Fri: 9am to 6pm $ 99 P: 02 6959 1099 Sat: 9am to 1pm Real $ 99 SAVE 16 SAVE pharmacy SAVE $550 Value 27 only OFF RRP^ %OFF ý %OFF ^ ý 25 RRP 25 RRP^ pharmacy pharmacy only only Available at TerryWhite Chemmart Narrandera from Thursday 30th $ 69 July to Tuesday 18th August 2020. ^Savings listed are calculated from 19 suppliers recommended retail price (RRP) at the time of preparation $ 80 Panadol Children 5-122C Years Colourfreel Suspension Fexofenadine Hayfever SAVE 6 and not necessarily previous in-store price. Due to our competitive TerryWhite Chemmart OFF RRP^ Strawberry or Orange 200ml RTKEKPI RQNKE[ YG OC[ PQV JCXG UQNF CV 442 Ŭ6JG RGTEGPVCIG & Allergy Relief 180mg 70 tablets Claratyne 10mg 30 tablets Always read the label. This medicine may not be right for you. savings shown are calculated to the nearest 5% of the actual saving. Always read the label. This medicine may not be right for you. Always read the label. This medicine may not be right for you. Read the label before purchase. If symptoms worsen or change TerryWhite Chemmart® reserve the right to correct printed errors. Read the label before purchase. If symptoms worsen or change Read the label before purchase. If symptoms worsen or change unexpectedly, talk to your health professional. Incorrect use could TerryWhite Chemmart® is a registered trademark of TWC IP Pty Ltd unexpectedly, talk to your health professional. unexpectedly, talk to your health professional. be harmful. ACN 136 833 611 and used under licence by TW&CM Pty Ltd ACN 136 833 620. TM19228. Narrandera Argus www.narranderaargus.com.au Wednesday, July 29, 2020 — 3 Momento for veterans Fog then sunny EDITOR; On August 1 we will pause to mark is producing a Commemorative Medallion and the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second Certificate of Commemoration for the remaining MAX: 16°C MIN: 2°C World War, Victory in Pacific Day, ending a living veterans of the Second World War. war that cost millions of lives across the world. The Australian made medallion will be More than one million Australian men presented in a display case and is a small and women fought to protect our country memento for our veterans. This is but a and our allies, fighting in theatres of war small gesture of appreciation from a grate- THUR FRI SAT SUN MON from Europe to North Africa, the Mediter- ful nation that we extend to those veterans ranean and the Middle East, to Asia and who fought to protect our way of life in the the Pacific, with the conflict also reaching terrible conflict that ended 75 years ago. 16°C 16°C 17°C 16°C 14°C Australian shores. I invite eligible veterans to apply, or their 1°C -1°C 1°C 3°C 3°C As we approach this anniversary, we families on their behalf, either online at recognise that it will be one of the last oppor- www.dva.gov.au/medallion or, for those without - - - - - tunities we have as a nation to publicly acknow- internet access, by phone on 02 61918217 during ledge the remaining veterans of the Second business hours. World War, of which there are around 12,000 still Medallions will be distributed during August. with us. Thank you for your service. Lest we forget. July – 23.6mm Australia can never fully repay the debt we – Darren Chester MP, 2020 total – 366.0mm owe these amazing men and women but, to mark Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, their service, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Minister for Defence Personnel Narrandera Argus COVID-19 UPDATE ENQUIRIES Have a COVID-safe plan Junee case Phone 6959 2222 NSW businesses are on notice to said inspectors will ONE new case of COVID-19 has been reported 167 East Street, Narrandera comply with the State’s public health be regularly on the beat to enforce in a person with a residential address in Murrum- orders, or risk a fine or closure, with compliance. or PO Box 5, Narrandera NSW 2700 bidgee Local Health District. restrictions around “higher risk” activi- “Any business found blatantly The person has recently returned from ties coming into effect. breaking the rules will have the book overseas and is in hotel quarantine in Sydney. www.narranderaargus.com.au From July 24 the following rules thrown at them. We won’t be listening Cases are reported according to the residen- or find us on Facebook are in force: to any excuses,” Mr Dominello said. tial address of the person, therefore this person • Compliance measures introduced “Businesses that aren’t serious about is included in MLHD’s statistics. The person’s to pubs will be extended to restaurants, safety should not be in business. Those residential address is within Junee Shire Local NEWS ROOM bars cafés and clubs. This includes: who disregard the restrictions should Government Area. Managing Editor – Limiting group bookings to a expect a visit from an inspector. The total number of cases of COVID-19 for Liz Lawrence maximum of 10 people; “We also encourage customers to Murrumbidgee Local Health District is now 50. [email protected] – Mandatory COVID-Safe plans report wrong-doing. We have a shared Up until last week, 30,176 COVID tests have and registration as a COVID-Safe responsibility to ensure NSW remains been conducted in the Murrumbidgee region. Journalists business; safe.” If you are feeling unwell with symptoms Kim Woods – A digital record must be created The NSW Government has made it such as sore throat, cough, fever or shortness within 24 hours. easy for business by providing industry of breath it is important you stay at home and [email protected] have a test, even if the symptoms are mild. • Weddings and corporate events relevant COVID-Safe plans online. Call the Murrumbidgee COVID-19 Hotline on 1800 Claire Williams are limited to 150 people subject to “Registering your business is 831 099 or contact your GP. [email protected] the four square metre rule and regis- simple and can be done online at tration of the venue as a COVID-Safe www.nsw.gov.au,” Mr Dominello said. business. Strict COVID-Safe plans must The rules on gatherings remain the be in place and high-risk activities same: 20 guests inside the home and Planning reform ACCOUNTS including choirs and dancing must 20 for gatherings in a public place. DRASTICALLY reduced planning assessment times, Administration Manager not occur; and However, as the home is a high less red tape, and user friendly e-planning tools • Funerals and places of worship transmission area, the NSW Chief will help turbo-charge the economic recovery, through Debbie Bock are limited to 100 people, subject to Health Officer strongly recommends an $83 million NSW Planning Reform Action Plan. [email protected] the four square metre rule and a COVID- a COVID-Safe precautionary approach Premier said the plan would Safe business registration for the venue. of limiting visitors to the home to build on momentum created by the NSW Government’s Minister for Customer Service 10 people as a general principle. efforts to use the planning system to keep people in jobs and keep the economy moving during the ADVERTISING COVID-19 pandemic. Fran Macdonald “The planning system has proved an incredibly [email protected] P-Plates now online powerful tool in our fight against the economic YOUNG people living in regional Mrs Taylor said the Taskforce impacts of the pandemic,” Ms Berejiklian said. or [email protected] and rural areas can now finalise their members have learned about how “This plan takes us into the next phase of reform, P-plate licence applications online Government works and understand creating a system that is efficient, rigorous, supports Phone 6959 2222 without needing to travel consider- how consultation with Ministers our economy and our environment, is accessible online Fax 6959 2256 able distances to Service NSW offices, can drive real outcomes and results. and is easy for anyone to use.” thanks to the advocacy of the state’s “I am so proud of everything this The changes will slash times as follows; inaugural Regional Youth Taskforce. Taskforce has achieved in such a short • Rezoning decisions cut by 191 days (33 per cent LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Minister for Regional Youth space of time and the commitment time savings) To submit a letter to the editor: Bronnie Taylor said the 18-member of members to improving life in the • Decisions on Development Applications (DAs) > mail to PO Box 5, Narrandera NSW 2700 Taskforce has made real progress regions for their peers,” Mrs Taylor said. for larger, regionally significant projects cut by on addressing the everyday issues The taskforce meeting coincides 91 days (25 per cent time savings) > deliver in person to 167 East Street, facing young people throughout with the release of the Regional • Decisions on major projects of significance Narrandera regional NSW. Youth Framework and an Action Plan, to the State cut by 20 days (17 per cent time savings). > email: [email protected] Mrs Taylor said the Taskforce has which outline the NSW Government’s The Government has also invested almost $10 million to enhance its ePlanning platform and Letters to the editor should be no more than raised issues and put suggestions strategic priorities for young people directly to NSW Government Minis- for the next five years. ensure all councils can get online to process DAs more 500 words and, if not emailed, clearly and neatly ters, resulting in immediate action “The Regional Youth Framework quickly and transparently slash DA processing times written. to improve education, digital connectiv- was created in consultation with by more than half. Correspondents should include their full name ity and public transport. young people right across regional “Homeowners can now lodge DAs online from and address as well as a contact phone number. “The Taskforce first met nine NSW and provides the blueprint the comfort of their home, making renovating quicker, Letters may be edited. months ago and soon after their NSW Government departments need easier and hassle-free,” Ms Berejiklian said. All councils will have to adopt the online system Opinions expressed in this section of the ideas were helping shape the Drought to deliver initiatives and programs Break program that gave hundreds that benefit young people living in by July 1, 2021. newspaper are not necessarily the views of the Planning and Public Spaces Minister Narrandera Argus management and staff. of young people in the hardest hit our regions, with a priority on con- drought areas the chance to attend nectivity, wellbeing, work readiness said the NSW Planning Reform Action Plan builds on the momentum underway to create a more timely, recreation camps and sporting clinics and community,” Mrs Taylor said. certain and transparent planning system. for free,” Mrs Taylor said. “The Office for Regional Youth “In the past 10 weeks alone, we’ve approved “A meeting with Minister for will collaborate with other govern- projects worth more than $1 billion a week, unlocking Narrandera Argus Customer Service Victor Dominello ment departments on the Regional the potential to create more than 30,000 jobs, 2 million resulted in a policy change that allows Youth Framework priority areas and sqm of open space and more than 8000 new homes,” VOLUME 139, No 29 P1 licence holders to progress to a to progress actions and solutions Mr Stokes said. P2 licence via an online process, that the Taskforce presents, ensuring “This plan will cut unnecessary duplication instead of having to potentially travel the voices of regional young people of processes and boost resources in our assessment CONTACT: hundreds of kilometres to a Service lead to real changes.” Phone 02 6959 2222 Fax 02 6959 2256 team, so we can keep as many people in jobs and NSW centre. The Office for Regional Youth’s 167 East Street, Narrandera NSW 2700 keep our State moving both now and in the months “More recently the Taskforce gave mission is to ensure regional NSW PO Box 5, Narrandera NSW 2700 and years ahead. feedback to Minister for Education has a strong future and remains a place “NSW Government agencies are also on notice [email protected] EMAIL: Sarah Mitchell on the NSW curricu- young people can live, learn, work as part of this plan both to reduce the number of lum review, also outlining the unique and thrive. unnecessary concurrences and referrals cases, and DEADLINES online learning challenges regional To view the NSW Government’s reduce those that are outside statutory timeframes, 12noon Friday students face during COVID-19, which Regional Youth Framework and the with support from the newly established Planning for classified and display advertising and editorial the Department of Education is now Action Plan, go to: http://www.regional. Delivery Unit that is unblocking projects that are (weekend sport editorial – 9am Monday) considering and acting upon.” nsw.gov.au/office-for-regional-youth stuck in the system.” 4 — Wednesday, July 29, 2020 www.narranderaargus.com.au Narrandera Argus Trees for bird habitat Council says no SHIRE residents will be able to to do. keep till next year, and we’ll be take advantage of free native “These are the best plant- keeping some in reserve in case to map ideas trees, shrubs and ground covers ing conditions we’ve had for a the local schools are able to courtesy of Narrandera Landcare number of years and it would be plant at the Wetlands later on in from page 3 Mr Cowan said the deficiencies a complete lack of understanding of the could be overcome by minor adjustments on August 2. nice to take advantage of them. the year. intricacies of the community of interest to Murray by reuniting the residents Amongst the havoc COVID-19 “Any community group is “We will be operating in has caused the world over the in the Riverina. of Murrumbidgee Council area and welcome to take some seedlings accordance with COVID-safe including the Boorowa area, and part past few months, community tree The Liberals propose 67 per cent of if they have an area they wish practices with plenty of room the existing Cootamundra electorate of Yass Valley in Cootamundra. planting events have been cancelled to enhance. for social distancing and hygiene be combined with 22 per cent from “This would allow the Commission all over Australia. “Some of the seedlings will stations available.” Goulburn, 6 per cent from Barwon and to retain Narrandera shire in Coota- Narrandera Landcare were 5 per cent from Monaro. Narrandera mundra and assist in stabilising planning to have a planting day Shire has been sliced off and given representation across the region.” at the Wetlands on August 2 to add over to Murray. Cr Narelle Payne commended to last year’s efforts. According to the Liberals, the loss Mr Cowan on his comments. They were successful in of Narrandera to Cootamundra would “Hopefully with all of our views obtaining a grant from TransGrid’s be compensated by the inclusion of put to the Commission we may have Community Partnership Program Lake Cargelligo, Condobolin and the an opportunity to stay in the electorate last year and have been propa- high growth Yass Valley. where we are at the moment,” she said. gating hundreds of seedlings Likewise, in its submission, the “People living east of the Great ever since with the help of many National Party called for the abolition Divide often don’t realise what it is volunteers. of Murray, and for Murray and Barwon to live in rural, remote areas. Narrandera Landcare have to be redrawn to create a new seat “We are a community of similar had to make the difficult decision called Murray-Darling. focus and believe that is the best way, to cancel this year’s planting Murray-Darling would comprise the not only for Narrandera, but smaller but would like to see some shires of Narrandera, Leeton, Murrum- towns and villages to keep progressing. benefit from their volunteer’s bidgee, Murray, Hay, Edward River, “Making the rural constituencies efforts. Far West, Berrigan, Broken Hill, bigger and bigger diminishes the Activities officer Glenn Currie Wentworth, Balranald, Central Darling access, voice and true democracy of said Landcare would be giving and the former Urana shire based on rural people. away some of their seedlings a common interest of irrigation. “We all deserve access to facili- from 10am to noon on August 2 The 244,632sqkm Murray-Darling ties, infrastructure and opportunities to anyone who would like to would become the largest electorate regardless of where we live. in the state – the same size as Great plant some locally native species “It will be a watering down of oppor- Britain – containing 57932 electors. tunities to access their local member in their own garden. “The suggestion by the National as they are travelling so often.” “We have trees, shrubs and Party to create a reformed Murray- Mayor Kschenka said as the regional groundcover plants available, Darling electoral district in which population declines, electoral repre- along with information on creating Narrandera shire would be included sentatives would have to travel great small bird habitats in a backyard,” with Broken Hill, Hay, Balranald, distances. Mr Currie said. Wentworth and the unincorporated Deputy Mayor David Fahey lodged “People are welcome to take Far West are rejected outright,” a submission, suggesting a change of a few plants down to the Mr Cowan said. algorithms on population. Wetlands and plant them where “There is absolutely no community “The country areas will be just Narrandera Landcare have of interest or connection between one big western area shortly and already done the site prep work. Narrandera Landcare’s Glenn Currie with native trees and Narrandera shire residents and those no one can physically get across it,” This could be a nice family thing shrubs available free for residents. Photo: Kim Woods. far western communities. he said. “It is 754km between Narrandera “We need to lobby as a region to and Broken Hill – a sitting member have a different system west of the in such an electorate would find Blue Mountains to receive full and fair Big job boost at solar farm representation impossible. representation. “The Australian Labour Party “Even now with our local member A SOLAR farm valued at almost $100 million is set particularly in manufacturing industries have NSW branch suggestion of including the amount of miles she has to travel – to be built at Yanco and boost jobs by 120 during been impacted. Narrandera in Murray is also deficient she must work 27 hours a day and be the construction phase. “The construction jobs generated from the solar as it fails to reunite the Murrumbidgee in the car all the time. The 60MW solar and big battery project has project will offer a reprieve.” shire residents in Murray and increases “To get proper representation been fast-tracked as part of the third tranche of the While Council supports renewable energy the area of Cootamundra enormously.” bigger is not going to get better for us.” state government’s Planning System Acceleration in principle, Council was not initially keen to Program. see prime irrigated agricultural land sterilised It is being developed by German engineering through solar. Hoedown falls over company ib Vogt around one kilometre west of Mayor Paul Maytom said Council found a win- ONE of the few social events left everyone else who comes is fine,” Yanco on 152ha and will use single axis tracker win outcome by agreeing to a 30-year consent with in Narrandera this year, the Big Mr Trembath said. photovoltaic panels, and on-site battery storage the development applicant, ib vogt GmbH, where Country Hoedown, has fallen by the “Most of our competitors are units of either 81MW/57MW rated capacity. the land needs to be rehabilitated for irrigation wayside too. Victorian and NSW, and one of our The nearby Yanco TransGrid Substation purposes once the solar farm is decommissioned. The event was to be held at the judges is from Queensland. provides easy access to the grid. Council withdrew its original objection to Narrandera Ex-Servicemen’s Club Mr Trembath said the 2019 event Leeton Shire Council’s general manager Jackie the development after ib vogt GmbH offered a on August 21-22 and feature a chore- drew more than 150 entrants. Kruger said the state significant development voluntary planning agreement including a 30 year ography competition, the Hoedown He said the cancellation would valued at $99.3 million was set to start in six months time limit on the operation, a commitment to Showdown, Friday and Saturday night be a big blow for the cafes, hotels, and would boost employment in the area. rehabilitate the area to full irrigable capacity at the socials. motels, accommodation houses and “We are pleased this major development will end of its life, and a $900,000 financial contri- Co-ordinator Ian Trembath said the Exies Club. bring around 120 jobs especially during the bution to Leeton Shire council for community border closures meant many competitors “Everyone loves Narrandera and construction phase,” Mrs Kruger said. infrastructure projects (paid over 30 years and and judges could not attend. we promote the town on our website,” “Timing couldn’t be better as many jobs CPI indexed). “We’d rather not take the risk he said. and wanted to ensure the town and “Next year will be bigger and better.”

Narrandera Argus www.narranderaargus.com.au Wednesday, July 29, 2020 — 5 Tammy steps down TAMMY Galvin has decided to step Pam lives on in Spirit down from her position at Narrandera AT THE beginning of 2005, headphones and portable hard of those tracks put through the Shire Council. Narrandera Community Radio drives while watching TV at the correct process before going into The resignation is effective from was looking for a secretary. same time. the library. September 15 and creates a casual Pam took the job on until During the downloading, she Our library is the envy of vacancy but due to Local Government we could find someone to take developed a liking for country most radio stations including Regulation amendments, a bi-election on that role. music and became a guru with the commercial ones and she is not necessary. Our music library consisted the knowledge she gained. can be proud to achieve that Cr Galvin has served on commit- of a couple of thousand tracks Country music was her huge task. tees for art and culture, local emer- across several music types. passion and she made it the big She never stopped working gency management, Murray Darling Pam took it upon herself to part of our station broadcasts. at the station even though it Association, Narrandera Library, firstly reprocess every track It was only natural she became took a couple of years to get noxious weeds advisory and public to an even standard both in a presenter and played country back to any sort of normal health. libraries NSW Western Riverina. quality and audio volume. music several times a week, Being the chairperson of Cr Narelle Payne said Cr Galvin The capacity of the playlist and was able to talk at length the management board was we were using was 5000 tracks. about the various artists. another star to add to her already would be missed for her ideas, passion Pam was adamant she was Conducting interviews both talents. and knowledge of the agricultural going to find many more than live in the studio or over the Unfortunately, her cancer community. that and wanted the 100,000 phone seemed easy for her came back in early 2014 and “Thank you for your contribution version of the software to be and bragged about interviewing meant chemotherapy for the Cr Tammy Galvin has resigned after to Council and wish you well for purchased, and of course, she got the cowgirls in Nashville, USA, rest of her life but that didn’t four years on Council to pursue the challenges and opportunities on what she wanted. and Mike Whitney in the studio. deter her from finding and new challenges. Photo supplied. whatever life brings up,” she said. The music tracks were The breakfast program is processing music tracks. Cr Galvin thanked councillors for so watch this space.” downloaded via the internet, the busiest and an early start Interviewing the Mayor and their support over the years. Mayor Neville Kschenka thanked CDs, Youtube and several other but Pam also did the morning general manager after each “I have a busy life with a demanding Cr Galvin for her contribution and wished ways she found. shift for a couple of years. monthly council meeting was job and Council is only one part of that,” her well. If a presenter wanted a Pam first became ill early something she really enjoyed she said. The ordinary election of councillors track that wasn’t in the library, in 2008 and suffered through doing and she felt she was “It’s been a wonderful four years – has been postponed from September 12, Pam would find it somewhere extensive surgery, radiation getting council activities out it’s not the end, just the beginning 2020 to September 4, 2021. and process it into the library. and a long stint of chemo- to the general population. Each track had to be put therapy. In 2017 Pam was awarded through a series of processes None of this stopped her life membership which she A turbulent history before being suitable for the from continuing as a present- accepted but felt others were SANDIGO artist Vic McEwan’s newest to the river and its turbulent history, library. er and to build the station’s more deserving, no one was exhibition is Haunting, a fascinating came alive in unexpected, sometimes This she would do at home play list which now stands more deserving. body of work encompassing photo- mysterious ways. every night with a laptop, at 79,500 tracks – each one Early in 2020 it was appar- graphy, video and text. Haunting honours the Murrum- ent her health was failing and This exhibition about the Murrum- bidgee River and its communities couldn’t continue much longer bidgee River shows how objects and of people and other living beings. but she continued with her stories can be brought to life, provok- It reveals how history — like the programs as long as possible ing various interpretations of the past river — flows through the land and and still maintained the music and its ever unfolding consequences our lives. library. on the present. Haunting is a travelling exhibition She believed the music Haunting is on show at the Griffith developed by the Cad Factory and library would be her legacy Regional Art Gallery until August 2. the National Museum of Australia. to her beloved town of Narran- McEwan was the National Museum’s Shadows and Consequences is dera. 2015 artist-in-residence, and created another exhibition by McEwan, Pam didn’t fear dying but the large scale still photography drawing together photographic, video she did fear her music library and video works in Haunting, in collab- and sound works created in the UK wouldn’t be kept up to her oration with curator George Main. and south-eastern Australia. standards. On cold winter nights, he project- This exhibition invites audiences Pam leaves a gaping hole in ed images of museum objects, old to re-consider their relationships with Spirit FM 91.1 however steps photographs and a time-worn map the natural environment and its non- have been taken to train new across the Murrumbidgee River, onto human communities. volunteers in the workings fog, mist and campfire smoke drifting It can be seen now on Photo Access of the music library to ensure over the dark water. Online Gallery at gallery.photoaccess. her standards are maintained. The imagery, all intimately tied org.au/photo-stories Learning how everything works is a slow process but it will become easier with time. There is no doubt Pam will Call out for pop-up art be missed not just at the station A CALL has gone out to local artists in the shire. but by everyone whose life she to contribute to a pop-up art trail in Ms Lewis said people could see Pam Mayne was a driving force behind Spirit FM 91.1’s extensive has touched. Narrandera’s retail precinct. the art installations would create music library and a guru on country music. Photo supplied. – Barry Mayne The idea was conceived by Local interest through the town with visitors Community Arts Installation and browsing through shops. was originally slated for January but “We are not just looking at paint- COVID-19 put the project on hold. ings but sculptures, fabric works and Facilitator Tracey Lewis said the sound art, such as a recording of a local Yanco Ag wins dormitory upgrade pop-up art would feature the talent didgeridoo player,” she said. THE first stage planning for the over the poor state of the girl’s It seems without media pressure, of known and unknown local artists “It will be about stimulating the Yanco Agricultural High School dormitories. nothing gets done,” Mrs Dalton said. in oils, water colours, sculpture, photo- senses through art. dormitory upgrade is set to begin Member for Murray Helen “The current dorms are danger- graphy and textiles. “There were many local artists by the end of the year. Dalton welcomed the news, ous, cramped and run down. I won’t “This is a call out to all local artists as young as 10 showing interest and NSW Education Minister Sarah saying the school had experienced celebrate until I see more details to contact me so we organise a time to I just need to get that interest back again. Mitchell and the Nationals Wes 27 years of neglect. and proper dorms are actually built, meet up,” she said. “When everything starts up again, Fang MLC made the announcement “Well done to the Narrande- but this a positive development. Prior to COVID, the call-out had hopefully it will be a good reason to on the weekend after months of ra Argus for covering the girls’ “It needs to be done immedi- unearthed many talented young artists stop in.” agitation by students and parents fights for proper accommodation. ately.”

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Dr Dominic Pak To find your nearest testing clinic visit nsw.gov.au or contact your GP

6 — Wednesday, July 29, 2020 www.narranderaargus.com.au Narrandera Argus Regional Roundup LOCKHART Heather’s effort rewarded LOCKHART award and felt honoured to tourism and economic trade. LOCKHART and District Historical represent her town. Although locals are disap- Society president Heather “I was very pleased and pointed, Mrs Trevaskis noted the Trevaskis received the NSW honoured to be nominated by community had been under- Government Community Service a community member. To have standing with the cancellation award, presented by Independent my efforts at the museum deemed of the event. Member for Wagga Wagga Dr Joe worthy of the award was very “The community is aware we McGirr earlier this month. humbling, exciting and lovely,” can’t hold an event such as Spirit Mrs Trevaskis was nominated she said. of the Land in the midst of a by a local community member “I have known Dr McGirr for pandemic. for her contributions to the some time and he has been a “Everyone is remaining positive Lockhart and District Historical great support for the museum. and are crossing their fingers in Society and Greens Gunyah He is very appreciative of our the hope we can run the event Museum. hard work and has been an again in 2021.” “Heather clearly exemplifies asset to us, particularly when The museum was closed in the the virtues of good community applying for grants.” third week of March 2020 along citizenship, she has gone over The museum has doubled in with most of the other venues and above simply volunteering size and tourist visitations have in response to COVID-19. her time as president of the increased significantly. “The museum’s numbers were award-winning Lockhart and Some of the museum’s notable at a record level prior to COVID District Historical Society attractions include machinery and we were anticipating a good and Greens Gunyah Museum,” from Brookong Station, wool art autumn with many tour groups Dr McGirr said. by local artist Doris Golder, photo- having made bookings,” Mrs Mrs Trevaskis spends her time graphy displays and more Trevaskis said. preserving the history of the recently some of former Deputy “We reopened the museum on Lockhart district and propping Prime Minister Tim Fisher’s per- July 2 and have had between 30 up the town as a popular tourist sonal collection. to 40 visitors since then. destination. Mrs Trevaskis has played a “It has taken a lot of organisation Following the destruction of major role in coordinating these to get the museum reopened floods in 2010 and 2012, she has attractions, which are a corner- and we are only permitted to open led the Greens Gunyah Museum stone to the annual Spirit of the in the mornings. to becoming a sustainable and Land weekend in Lockhart. “We have had a lot of support progressive tourist attraction for Unfortunately, COVID-19 has from the Lockhart Shire Council the region. caused the cancellation of the including the supply of protective Heather Trevaskis being presented the NSW Government Community Mrs Trevaskis said she was 2020 event, which is normally a screens, hand sanitizer stations, Service award by Independent Member for Wagga Wagga Dr Joe McGirr very humbled on receiving the major weekend for Lockhart’s posters and setting up regulations.” and Lockhart Shire Council Mayor Roger Schirmer. Photo supplied. Horses, dogs may go ahead yet LOCKHART closed events for the horse and dog THE Lockhart Show Committee have shows. New face for decided not to host the annual event The events will be closed to the this year. public and the committee must ensure Due to COVID-19, committee mem- that public safety regulations are in Lockhart area bers regarded holding an event that place and are complied with. THE Narrandera Argus has a new journalist encourages social gatherings would be Upon council permission to use the based at Lockhart, Claire Williams. highly risky. showgrounds, those interested in enter- Claire grew up on the family sheep station north They are awaiting approval from ing in the two individual events should west of Hay, NSW. Lockhart Shire Council as to whether contact the show committee via the After boarding school her passion for agriculture they are able to hold two separate Lockhart Community Facebook page. took her to Wagga to study Agricultural Science at Charles Sturt University. Following a few years of working as an agron- omist, Claire met her long-term partner, a crop Library welcomed back grower from Lockhart in 2014 and has been in the area ever since. LOCKHART “People are very happy to have the KEEN book worms in Lockhart service back and have been compli- “My professional career has evolved significantly welcomed back the regional mobile ant with the new safety restrictions,” over the years, with me finding my feet in commu- library service with open arms. Mr Knight said. nications and journalism,” she said. Riverina Regional Library exec- “Although the mobile library truck “I love getting out in the community and utive director Robert Knight has is a big space, we are only permitting speaking with the locals. I am a great talker and noted many small communities are seven people inside at once and we an even better listener. pleased to have the service back in now have two staff present to conduct “I have a soft spot for rural citizens and I admire operation. crowd control and provide service.” the strength and integrity demonstrated everyday “We visit 27 different communities The mobile library service by country folk. across seven different Local Gov- drivers have been eager to get back “I believe the rural theme is completely under- ernment Areas and the mobile library in the truck and get out in the commu- rated, particularly in Australian literature. I love is very important to the citizens,” nities again. writing and I especially love being able to write Mr Knight said. “Our drivers love the work they about the people and their stories from the land.” “Some of the areas we visit do and are very committed to the For all news stories in the Lockhart, are quite remote and a lot of the different communities,” Mr Knight said. Boree Creek, Coleambally and Darlington Claire Williams is the Argus journalist serving citizens look forward to and depend “Being unable to run the service Point areas, Claire can be contacted on the Lockhart region. upon the service we provide.” was very difficult for the drivers. [email protected] Lockhart is one the busiest places Knowing the trucks were just sitting the service is offered and is always still and that they weren’t able to well patronised. provide the service to their regular Lockhart Shire Council general customers was tough.” manager Peter Veneris is also pleased COVID-19 has provided some the service is back in the area. opportunities with the Riverina “Lockhart residents have always Regional Library investing in ebooks, Native plant appreciated the mobile library service audiobooks and online newspapers. and are very pleased to have it back,” “COVID-19 has taken a lot away Mr Veneris said. but it has also given us some inspiration,” giveaway “Lockhart is one of the bigger Mr Knight said. users of the service and the degree “Along with investing in more to which it is appreciated is reflected online resources the Regional River- to plant a tree on in the statistic regarding its use on ina Library also started doing virtual a per capita basis. story time.” Sunday August 2 “When the mobile library is in The Australia Library Association Lockhart it is often busier than some suspended copyrights on children’s Narrandera Landcare will be of our smaller regional libraries,” books, allowing library staff to perform providing locally native Mr Knight said. storybooks online without the risk seedlings at the Food Garden “We go to a lot of areas that don’t of breaching copyrights. (at the Showground) on August 2 have many council services offered “We also started doing a virtual and the residents are very grateful for book club through Riverina Regional from 10am to noon this one.” Library. Plant a tree in your backyard Riverina Regional Library had to “We have 92 clubs in the area and we started providing ebooks and Our tree planting endeavours this year are funded by or help us regenerate the wetlands ensure the safety of the mobile library the Transgrid Community Partnerships Program service before starting up again. conducting meetings through Zoom.” Narrandera Argus www.narranderaargus.com.au Wednesday, July 29, 2020 — 7 Regional Roundup COOLAMON New showground fit out COOLAMON the all-purpose building; the toilets COOLAMON Showground will be repaired and painted, and an old shed undergoing improvements following demolished. funding from the NSW Government’s Coolamon Shire Mayor Cr John Showground Stimulus package. Seymour said he was pleased the Member for Cootamundra Steph showground had secured this funding. Cooke announced $30,800 for the “This funding will allow us to Coolamon Showground for a range undertake beautification at the show- of improvements including water ground, better carparking, bitumen infrastructure upgrade; the installation some of the tracks, and upgrade the of fire extinguishers and fire blankets; water from the old galvanised pipes, replacement of a damaged support this will help us get those things back column in the horse stalls and new in to order,” Cr Seymour said. stairs for the men’s and ladies change “Any funding for Coolamon Shire rooms. is great and helps us get things in Exhaust units will be replaced in a better shape for the community.”

Member for Cootamundra with Lycinda Harris, Lacey Harris, Brock Harris, Seth Harris, Henry Tonacia, Patrick Tonacia and Cayley Tonacia. Photo supplied. Training toolbox growing Ms Cooke said the grants a lot of new memberships over SWIMMERS and staff at Ganmain would help the club expand their the last couple of years and our pool will now have access to skills and the opportunities for equipment has started to get updated equipment to cater for members. a bit outdated, so it’s great to the growing membership. “This is a twofold good news be able to buy new equipment,” Member for Cootamundra story; not only is the Club grow- Ms Harris said. Steph Cooke announced funding ing and gaining new members “We’ll be able to buy new for the Ganmain Swimming learning vital skills and developing flippers, a lane rope to cater for Club from the NSW Government’s a love for this sport, but they are the extra numbers and storage. Sports Grants program. able to get state of the art equipment It’s really good that our little club Ms Cooke awarded $1,788 for through this grant,” she said. is growing, kids start to drop off the Club’s Training Toolbox, which Lycinda Harris from the once they go to high school, but will enable them to purchase Ganmain Swimming Club was we are keeping a few of them Dave and Angela McCann, Cr John Seymour, Geoff Glass, Bill Levy and swimming fins, storage trolleys delighted. for a bit longer and we’ve got lots Member for Cootamundra Steph Cooke at the Coolamon war memorial. and lane rope. “This means a lot, we’ve had of little ones coming through.” Photo supplied. Golden show for visitors Upgrades for memorials COOLAMON au website as a key point to view and by providing COOLAMON panels with a $3000 grant. This funding THE Canola Trail is a tourism program promoting contact details to Coolamon Shire Council as THE Coolamon and Trungley War will be used to clean and conserve the Shires of Coolamon, Junee and Temora and is a reference point for visitors that may like to have Memorials have received funding from the name panels and add new name a photo near or in the canola. a self-drive tour encouraging visitation all year round the NSW Government’s Community panels for post-Vietnam conflicts. Tourism and business development officer Laura with extra focus when canola is flowering. War Memorials Fund to help preserve The Trungley Hall War Memorial Munro reminded visitors not to enter crops without Every year people travel to see the stunning them for future generations. has been awarded $2800 to remove permission from the farmer. bright yellow fields and visit many attractions and Member for Cootamundra Steph and replace the concrete slab at the local businesses while in the area. Ms Munro said visitors must take extreme care base of the war memorial gates. when stopping road-side and never trespass on farms. Cooke said the deserving local The Canola Trail Committee is inviting farmers Acting Minister for Veterans Geoff “Not only is it private property, but you could memorials would be undergoing repairs within these Shires to get in contact with them to Lee said 22 projects across the State damage or expose the crops to disease,” she said. and restorations. be involved this year in what is great opportunity are receiving funding from this round “Visitors can get amazing photos from the fence line.” “Our local war memorials are the to help promote tourism and further showcase this of grants from the Community War Interested farmers have been urged to contact stand-in for known and unknown wonderful area and connect visitors to farmers. Memorials Fund. To become involved farmers can add their Laura Munro on [email protected] or graves scattered across the globe, “A total of $140,000 has been canola paddock(s) to the www.canolatrail.com. phone 6927 2492. and are places where our communities can reflect on the service and sacrifice invested in memorials across NSW of our veterans,” Ms Cooke said. from Bonalbo to Bungendore and Woy “These places of pride for the Woy to Wagga Wagga,” Mr Lee said. Coolamon and Trungley communities “Funding will restore honour rolls, reflect the tremendous contribution repair stone monuments and provide many of our small communities have access to specialist conservation advice.” made, and continue to make, to the For more information on the nation.” Community War Memorials Fund visit The Coolamon Cenotaph will under- www.veterans.nsw.gov.au/heritage/ go minor repairs to the structure and community-war-memorials-fund/ Goldenfields survey COOLAMON strategies that meet the expectations GOLDENFIELDS Water will be of our consumers,” he said. surveying customers in August to “This is a great opportunity for help with its medium and long-term the community to communicate decision making. with us on where we are going well The survey will be conducted and areas that we may need to via telephone and as an online ques- improve”. tionnaire, designed to provide import- During August, customers will be ant insights into the local communi- contacted via telephone to undertake ty’s priorities and satisfaction levels the survey, alternatively the survey including Goldenfields brand rec- will be available to everyone on ognition and reputation, customer Councils website for a two week period Coolamon Rotary Club donated another $2000 to the Coolamon-Ganmain Hospital from service experience, product quality and from August 3. various fund-raising activities, money which the hospital can use for another piece of essential service delivery. By implementing this survey equipment. The Rotary Club is hoping to make this a yearly event, subject to raising enough Goldenfields General Manager Goldenfields aims to improve its funds from the community each year. Aaron Drenovski is urging customers engagement with the local communi- Pictured presenting the $2000 cheque to the hospital manager Pam Samways is Rotarian to be involved in the survey; ties and customers and increase their Neil Munro, with Grahame Miles and Dave McKinley looking on. “Customer feedback is essential in involvement in the delivery of the order for Goldenfields to develop region’s water supply services. 8 — Wednesday, July 29, 2020 www.narranderaargus.com.au Narrandera Argus Regional Roundup Melbourne flights continue GRIFFITH Local Health District with the assistance FLIGHTS from Griffith to Melbourne of the police take their temperature, ask will remain available for essential questions and make sure everyone is workers on a biweekly basis, with doing the right thing. EastWest Airlines ramping up security East-West Airlines will continue to ensure air travel remains possible. Melbourne flights every Tuesday and The airline is rigorously comply- Friday for essential travellers. ing with the Public Order and Permit Anyone planning to travel from System, working very closely the Melbourne to Griffith must have the Murrumbidgee Local Health District appropriate permit and will not be and the police to ensure everyone permitted to board the aircraft if this is remains safe. not in place. All travellers are being thoroughly To date, no COVID-19 cases have screened both at Essendon Airport and been imported from Melbourne. Griffith Airport. For best advice, call EastWest When travellers arrive in Griffith, Airlines on 1300 350-616 or go to representatives from Murrumbidgee eastwestairlines.com.au Tributes for Dr Binks GRIFFITH up a surgery and general practice WELL-RESPECTED Griffith citizen position with his wife and children Dr John Binks has been remem- in 1956. Mark Jay, of Coleambally, was among 40 regional students to receive a government funded bered as a caring, devoted gentleman, He devoted a total of 34 years scholarship. Photo supplied. whose tireless devotion to the of service to Griffith Base Hospital. local community spanned more For his service to the community in than 35 years. the Field of Medicine he was made Jay has media in sight Dr Binks passed away peaceful- Freeman of the City in 1992. ly at his home in Mallinson Road, He retired from Griffith Base COLEAMBALLY costs of their tertiary education. students to do so,” Ms Ley said. Lake Wyangan at the age of 94 years. Hospital in 1990 but kept his hand in COLEAMBALLY student Mark The fourth round of scholar- “I chose to apply for the He was the dearly loved husband of the medical field, working part-time ships have been awarded under rural and regional enterprise Jay aims to launch his own media the late June Binks. with a local surgery. the Coalition Government’s scholarship to help ease the and communications business, John Burcham Binks was born In 2018 he was given the honour $58.1 million Rural and Regional financial difficulties associated and is the recipient of a scholarship. in Wales in 1925. He gained entry to of being the final baton bearer as part Enterprise Scholarships program, with tertiary study and give Mark is studying a bachelor the University of Birmingham at the of the Commonwealth Games Queen’s communications and media, and with additional consideration myself the best possible start to tender age of 16 and graduated at 21, Baton Relay in Griffith. bachelor of commerce majoring given to those affected by bushfire my second semester at the the age when many are just beginning Binks was a founding member of in business management, marketing or drought. University of Wollongong,” Mark their higher education. the Provincial Surgeons Associa- and advertising. “It’s only fair that if you live said. The newly graduated medico spent tion, formed because there were a Member for Farrer Sussan Ley in country NSW, you still have Scholarships are offered has congratulated Mark, one of the same opportunities to access throughout 2020. a year in Queen Elizabeth Hospital large number of immigrant doctors in 40 students in the Farrer electorate higher education as those living For more information and in Birmingham, a teaching hospital country practice around Australia to receive a Government-funded in metropolitan areas, and this to apply, visit www.qtac.edu.au/ where he met a young staff nurse who, unless they were members of scholarship to assist with the financial support helps our scholarships. June Halliday, who was to become the Royal Australian College of his wife. Surgeons, had no representation. After leaving QE Hospital, He was also credited with Dr Binks trained in surgery at different being instrumental in having Griffith’s Lifestyle estate for retirees hospitals including 18 months with hospital as a Base Hospital, thanks the Royal Air Force (RAF). to his development of medicine and “We had quite a few concerns from residents GRIFFITH Dr Binks moved to Griffith to take surgery in the region. A NEW housing estate for the over 55s will be built in very early on, but that was before full details were Collina after Griffith Council approved a development disclosed,” he said. application. “To their credit, the developers were able to clear The manufactured home estate, to be known up any misconceptions and residents now appear New one-stop job shop to be satisfied. as Griffith Hill Estate, will include 129 dwellings, a fith employers a chance to collaborate two way internal road network with visitor parking, “This style of housing will be a great benefit to GRIFFITH THE new Griffith Now Hiring website with Council to fill job vacancies and and community buildings incorporating recreation our community. This is not a new concept, although provides local employers an online promote our region. facilities such as a gym and swimming pool. it is for Griffith. platform to find suitable employees, “Council has delivered a job “As I see it, this provides another real estate A community centre containing a bar, kitchen, and job seekers a one-stop shop to search function listing Griffith job option to our residents and anything that can help theatre, games/craft room, communal dining hall search employment opportunities in availabilities across different industry ease the market is welcomed.” and lounge and a Men’s Shed type structure are also Griffith. categories. Interested employers can part of the successful application. The Grifith Hill Estate development will be located Launched by Griffith City Council, sign up for $200 for the 2020/2021 on the east of Citrus Road, with a frontage to Calabria The new estate will be marketed to over 55s Griffith Now Hiring highlights the financial year and post their job avail- Road and a frontage to Rankin Springs Road. essentially for a lifestyle retirement living community immense range of job opportunities abilities to the website, which Coun- The Lincoln Place development application was and the homes and construction of the associated in Griffith. cil will then promote across various infrastructure will be undertaken in stages. approved with a number of conditions including Director Economic and Organisa- digital channels.” the installation of a Jpole with concrete pad and Griffith City Council Mayor John Dal Broi said he tional Development Shireen Donaldson The Griffith Now Hiring market- seating in place for public transport use. was happy to see the development given the green light. said the new Griffith Now Hiring website ing program links job seekers with makes it easy for local employers to current vacancies through the use promote their vacancies in order of both local and state wide market- to attract applicants either locally or ing including; fortnightly newsletters, Safer for heavy trucks from across the country. Google Adwordsto drive website “This project will result in “We are proud to reach “Council has committed to fund- traffic, Facebook and Instagram pro- WHITTON motions as well as promotional videos. A NEW bridge being constructed newer, safer, sustainable and this major stage of the project ing promotional efforts to link local over Sturt Canal on the Whitton- more productive freight move- with installation of the beams. employers with potential employees, You can visit the website at Road in Whitton ments across the bridge,” Council’s I take this opportunity to thank driving the economy and growth across www.griffithnowhiring.com.au, follow is slated to be open in October. Director Operations Peter Keane Council’s contractor Murray our region,” she said. on instagram at @griffith_now_hiring The project started in March said. Constructions who has been Council’s Economic Development on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ this year, is being managed by “The new bridge will enable progressing the project as sched- Coordinator Karly Sivewright said griffithnowhiring Leeton Shire Council and funded access for up to PBS Level 3A uled.” with COVID-19 restrictions easing, To sign up as a partner employer under the NSW Fixing Country Higher Mass Limit Vehicles MR 539 road access continues the Griffith Now Hiring program will to the Griffith Now Hiring program or Roads Program, on behalf of which is a new rating of freight to remain open to all traffic. also benefit Griffith locals in finding for more information please contact Murrumbidgee Irrigation and efficient heavy vehicles in Completion of the new bridge employment and getting back into Karly Sivewright on 6962 8100 or email Leeton Shire Council. Australia.” is scheduled for October 2020. the workforce while also offering Grif- [email protected]

ATTENTION Unhinged GAMERS! (MA 15+) Game on the big screen! Friday 31 July Hire the Roxy cinema for 2 hours for just $200! & Saturday 1 August 7pm Bring your console, controllers and Sunday 2 August 2pm your mates & we’ll plug you in! Call 0447 891 779 to book a spot

Narrandera Argus www.narranderaargus.com.au Wednesday, July 29, 2020 — 9 July 29 – Aug 4

6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News [s] 6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show (PG) 5:30 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra [s] 11:30 6:00 Headline News [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) 5:00 CGTN English News 5:15 NHK World 10:00 Q&A [s] 11:00 The Repair Shop [s] [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 NINE’s Morning News [s] 12:00 Ellen (PG) [s] [s] 12:00 Dr Phil (PG) [s] 1:00 TBA 2:30 English News 5:30 Worldwatch 1:00 PBS 12:00 ABC News [s] 12:30 National Press Movie: “Not Like Everyone Else” (M) (’06) 1:00 Explore [s] 1:10 Australian Ninja Warrior Entertainment Tonight [s] 3:00 Judge Judy Newshour 2:00 Untold Australia (M) 3:05 Club Address [s] 1:40 Media Watch [s] 2:00 Stars: Alia Shawkat 2:00 Criminal (PG) [s] 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] 4:00 (PG) [s] 3:30 My Market Kitchen [s] 4:00 Great British Railway Journeys (PG) 3:40 Call The Midwife (M) [s] 3:00 ABC News [s] Confessions (M) [s] 3:00 The Chase UK [s] NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Everyday Gourmet [s] 4:30 The Bold And Insight 4:40 Tony Robinson’s Coast To Coast 4:15 Think Tank [s] 5:10 The Repair Shop [s] 4:00 At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 5:30 Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind 6:00 The Drum [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 Australia [s] 6:00 7Prime News [s] 7:00 Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 RBT (PG) [s] 8:30 6:00 WIN News [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] Australia 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 Warrior 7.30 [s] 8:00 Hard Quiz (PG) [s] 8:30 The (PG) [s] 7:30 Movie: “Harry Emergency (M) [s] 9:30 Botched (M) [s] 10:30 7:30 Bachelor In Paradise (M) [s] 9:00 Women With Lupita Nyong’o (M) (In English/ Weekly [s] 9:00 Rosehaven (PG) [s] 9:30 Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets” (PG) NINE News Late [s] 11:00 New Amsterdam Tommy (M) [s] 10:00 Bull (M) [s] 11:00 WIN’s Fon/ French/ Yoruba) 8:30 10 Mistakes That Retrograde (M) [s] 9:55 Planet America [s] (’02) Stars: Emma Watson 10:00 The Latest (M) [s] 11:50 Dr Miami (M) [s] 12:40 Tipping All Australian News [s] 12:00 The Project Sunk The Titanic (PG) 9:30 Luther (MA15+) 10:25 ABC Late News [s] 11:00 Four Corners Seven News [s] 10:30 (M) [s] Point (PG) [s] 1:30 A Current Affair (PG) [s] (PG) [s] 1:00 The Late Show With Stephen 10:30 SBS World News Late 11:00 24 Hours [s] 11:45 Media Watch [s] 11:30 Program To Be Advised 2:00 Home Shopping 4:00 Ellen (PG) [s] Colbert (PG) [s] 2:00 Home Shopping In Emergency (M)

2:00 Make You Laugh Out Loud 2:00 Reluctant Outdoorsman 1:00 Cutthroat Kitchen (PG) 2:00 3:00 Bondi Rescue (PG) 3:30 3:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (PG) 3:00 Million Dollar Minute (PG) 2:30 Big Water Adventures Chopped (PG) 3:00 Guy’s Big Diagnosis Murder (PG) 4:30 Star (PG) 4:00 Becker (PG) 5:00 3:30 Air Crash Investigations: Alarming (PG) 3:00 Pawn Stars (PG) 3:30 Desert Bite (PG) 3:30 One Tree Hill (PG) 4:30 The Trek: Enterprise (PG) 5:30 Star Trek: Voyager Frasier (PG) 6:00 Friends (PG) 6:30 Silence (PG) 4:30 Mighty Ships: USCS Collectors (PG) 4:30 Megastructures 5:30 Simpsons (PG) 5:00 Futurama (PG) 5:30 The (PG) 6:30 Bondi Rescue (PG) 7:30 NCIS (M) Neighbours (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 8:00 Bertholf (PG) 5:30 Escape To The Country: Storage Wars (PG) 6:00 American Pickers Simpsons (PG) 6:30 Futurama (PG) 7:00 The 8:30 NCIS: Los Angeles (M) 11:15 MacGyver Seinfeld (PG) 9:00 2 Broke Girls (M) 11:30 Devon 6:30 TBA 7:30 Border Security - (PG) 7:00 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:30 Movie: Simpsons (PG) 7:30 Modern Family (M) 8:30 (PG) 12:10 Home Shopping 2:10 Jake And The Late Late Show With James Corden (M) Australia’s Front Line (PG) 8:00 TBA 8:30 “Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Part The Mentalist (M) 9:30 Cold Case (M) 10:30 The Fatman (PG) 3:10 MacGyver (PG) 4:05 12:30 Home Shopping 1:30 Happy Together TBA 10:30 Little Boy Blue (M) 11:30 TBA 1" (PG) (’10) Stars: Alan Rickman Without A Trace (M) Star Trek: Enterprise (PG) (PG) 2:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (PG)

WEDNESDAY JULY 29 JULY WEDNESDAY 5:30 The Penguins Of Madagascar 3:55 Bananas In Pyjamas 4:30 Bob 5:00 ABC Newshour 6:00 ABC 3:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:30 5:10 Game Of Bros (PG) (In English/ 6:00 All Hail King Julien (PG) 6:30 The Builder 5:10 Ben And Holly’s Evening News 7:00 ABC National Movie: “The Bridal Path” (G) (’59) Maori/ Samoan/ Tongan) 5:40 The Horrible Histories (PG) 7:00 Deadly 60 On A Little Kingdom 5:35 Peter Rabbit 5:55 Noddy News 8:00 ABC News Tonight 8:45 The Stars: Bill Travers 5:30 The Secret Life Of Joy Of Painting With Bob Ross (PG) 6:10 Mission 7:30 Shaun The Sheep 8:00 Toyland Detective 6:30 Kiri And Lou 7:00 Business 9:00 The Drum 10:00 The World The Zoo (PG) 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 Forged In Fire (PG) 7:00 Jeopardy! (PG) 7:30 Thunderbirds Are Go 8:20 Danger Mouse Dino Dana 7:30 Spicks And Specks (PG) With Beverley O’Connor 11:00 ABC Nightly Agatha Raisin (PG) 8:30 Midsomer Murders 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown (M) 8:30 8:35 Teenage Fairytale Dropouts 8:50 So 8:30 Friday Night Dinner (PG) 8:55 Gavin News 11:30 7.30 12:00 ABC Late News (PG) 10:40 Law & Order: Criminal Intent (PG) Movie: “Invasion Of The Body Snatchers” Awkward 9:15 The Legend Of Korra (PG) And Stacey (M) 9:25 The Letdown (M) 9:50 12:15 The Business 12:30 Planet America 11:35 Mark Of A Killer (M) 12:30 Antiques (M) (’78) Stars: Brooke Adams 10:35 Movie: 9:40 Slugterra 10:00 rage (PG) Upper Middle Bogan (M) 1:00 ABC Late News 1:30 The Drum Roadshow 1:00 Home Shopping “Invaders From Mars” (PG) (’86)

6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News [s] 6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show (PG) 5:30 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra [s] 11:30 6:00 Headline News [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) 5:00 CGTN English News 5:15 NHK World 10:00 Planet America [s] 10:30 Back Roads [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 NINE’s Morning News [s] 12:00 Ellen (PG) [s] [s] 12:00 Dr Phil (PG) [s] 1:00 TBA 2:30 English News 5:30 Worldwatch 1:00 PBS [s] 11:00 The Repair Shop [s] 12:00 ABC Movie: “19th Wife” (M) (’10) Stars: Chyler 1:00 Movie: “If I Stay” (M) (’14) Stars: Chloë Entertainment Tonight [s] 3:00 Judge Judy Newshour 2:00 Over The Black Dot 3:00 News [s] 1:00 Hard Quiz (PG) [s] 1:30 The Leigh 2:00 Program To Be Advised 3:00 The Grace Moretz 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] (PG) [s] 3:30 My Market Kitchen [s] 4:00 First Australians (PG) 4:35 Tony Robinson’s Weekly With Charlie Pickering [s] 2:00 Call Chase UK [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Everyday Gourmet [s] 4:30 The Bold And Coast To Coast 5:30 Letters And Numbers The Midwife (M) [s] 3:00 ABC News [s] 4:15 [s] 6:00 7Prime News [s] Millionaire Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 Mastermind Australia 6:30 SBS World Think Tank [s] 5:10 The Repair Shop [s] 6:00 7:00 Home And Away (PG) [s] 7:30 Movie: 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 NRL: St 6:00 WIN News [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] News 7:35 Hitler’s Supercars (PG) 8:30 The The Drum [s] 6:55 Sammy J [s] 7:00 ABC “Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - George Illawarra Dragons v South Sydney 7:30 Celebrity Gogglebox USA (M) [s] 8:30 Day Hitler Died (PG) 9:30 War Of The Worlds News [s] 7:30 7.30 [s] 8:00 The Heights (PG) Part 1” (PG) (’10) Stars: Alan Rickman 10:00 Rabbitohs *Live* From Netstrata Jubilee Law & Order: SVU (M) [s] 10:30 Blue Bloods (MA15+) (In English/ French) 10:25 SBS [s] 8:30 Escape From The City [s] 9:30 Kurt The Latest Seven News [s] 10:30 Program To Stadium [s] 9:45 Golden Point (M) [s] 10:30 (M) [s] 11:30 WIN’s All Australian News [s] World News Late 11:00 Tin Star (M) 11:50 Fearnley’s One Plus One [s] 10:00 Would I Be Advised 11:30 Surveillance Oz Dashcam NINE News Late [s] 11:00 Murdered By 12:30 The Project (PG) [s] 1:30 The Late Asylum City (M) (In Hebrew) 4:00 Full Frontal Lie To You? (PG) [s] 10:30 ABC Late News [s] (PG) [s] 12:00 Scandal: Air Force Two (PG) [s] Morning (M) [s] 11:50 The Fix (M) [s] Show With Stephen Colbert (PG) [s] With Samantha Bee (MA15+)

2:00 Make You Laugh Out Loud 2:00 American Dad (PG) 2:30 1:00 Cutthroat Kitchen (PG) 2:00 3:00 Bondi Rescue (PG) 3:30 3:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (PG) 3:00 Million Dollar Minute Family Guy (M) 3:00 Swamp Chopped (PG) 3:00 Guy’s Big Diagnosis Murder (PG) 4:30 Star (PG) 4:00 Becker (PG) 5:00 3:30 The Illusionists (PG) 4:30 Medical People (PG) 4:00 Pawn Stars (PG) 4:30 Bite (PG) 3:30 One Tree Hill (PG) 4:30 The Trek: Enterprise (PG) 5:30 Star Trek: Voyager Frasier (PG) 6:00 Friends (PG) 6:30 Neigh- Emergency (PG) 5:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue Megastructures 5:30 Storage Wars (PG) 6:00 Simpsons (PG) 5:00 Futurama (PG) 5:30 The (PG) 6:30 Bondi Rescue (PG) 7:30 NCIS: bours (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 8:00 Seinfeld (PG) 5:30 Escape To The Country 6:30 TBA American Pickers (PG) 7:00 Pawn Stars (PG) Simpsons (PG) 6:30 Futurama (PG) 7:00 The Recovery (M) 8:30 Hawaii Five-O (M) 10:30 (PG) 9:00 Two And A Half Men (M) 10:30 The 7:30 Father Brown (PG) 8:30 Murdoch 7:30 Movie: “Harry Potter And The Deathly Simpsons (PG) 7:30 Modern Family (M) 8:30 NCIS (M) 12:30 Home Shopping 2:00 Walker, Middle (PG) 11:30 The Late Late Show With Mysteries (M) 11:30 Brit Cops (M) 1:30 Make Hallows - Part 2” (PG) (’10) Stars: Alan The Mentalist (M) 9:30 Cold Case (M) 10:30 Texas Ranger (M) 4:00 Jake And The Fatman James Corden (M) 12:30 Home Shopping It Yours 2:00 Escape To The Country Rickman Without A Trace (M) 11:30 Bones (M) (PG) 5:00 MacGyver (PG) 1:30 Everybody Loves Raymond (PG) THURSDAY JULY 30 JULY THURSDAY 5:30 The Penguins Of Madagascar 4:00 Bananas In Pyjamas 4:30 Bob 5:00 ABC Newshour 6:00 ABC 3:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:30 5:10 Game Of Bros (PG) (In English/ 6:00 All Hail King Julien (PG) 6:30 The Builder 5:10 Ben And Holly’s Evening News 7:00 ABC National Movie: “Outcast Of The Islands” Maori/ Samoan/ Tongan) 5:40 The Horrible Histories (PG) 7:00 Deadly 60 On A Little Kingdom 5:35 Peter Rabbit 5:55 Noddy News 8:00 ABC News Tonight 8:45 The (PG) (’51) Stars: Trevor Howard 5:30 The Joy Of Painting With Bob Ross (PG) 6:10 Mission 7:30 Shaun The Sheep 8:00 Toyland Detective 6:30 Kiri And Lou 7:00 Business 9:00 The Drum 10:00 The World Secret Life Of The Zoo (PG) 6:30 Antiques Forged In Fire (PG) 7:00 Jeopardy! (PG) 7:30 Thunderbirds Are Go 8:20 Danger Mouse Dino Dana 7:30 Spicks And Specks (PG) With Beverley O’Connor 11:00 ABC Nightly Roadshow 7:30 Territory Cops (PG) 8:40 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown (M) 8:30 8:35 Teenage Fairytale Dropouts 8:50 So 8:30 Hard Quiz (PG) 9:00 Motherland (M) News 11:30 7.30 12:00 ABC Late News Reported Missing (M) 9:50 City Of Evil (M) Cults And Extreme Beliefs (MA15+) 9:20 Awkward 9:15 The Legend Of Korra (PG) 10:00 Women On The Verge (M) 10:30 12:15 The Business 12:30 Foreign 10:50 Chicago Med (M) 11:50 ER (M) 12:45 Letterkenny (M) 10:40 The Truth About Your 9:40 Slugterra 10:00 rage (PG) Retrograde (M) 10:55 Schitt’s Creek (M) Correspondent 1:00 ABC Late News Movie: “Don’t Look Now” (M) (’73) Health (PG)

6:00 News Breakfast [s] 9:00 ABC News [s] 6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show (PG) 5:30 Today [s] 9:00 Today Extra (PG) [s] 6:00 Headline News [s] 8:30 Studio 10 (PG) 5:00 CGTN English News 5:15 NHK World 10:00 Foreign Correspondent [s] 10:30 Kurt [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 11:30 NINE’s Morning News [s] 12:00 Ellen [s] 12:00 Dr Phil (PG) [s] 1:00 The Living English News 5:30 Worldwatch 1:00 PBS Fearnley’s One Plus One [s] 11:00 The Movie: “Oscar Pistorius: Blade Runner (PG) [s] 1:00 Movie: “St Vincent” (M) (’14) Room [s] 2:00 Entertainment Tonight [s] 2:30 Newshour 2:00 Native America (PG) 3:00 Repair Shop [s] 12:00 ABC News [s] 1:00 Killer” (M) (’17) Stars: Andreas Damm 2:00 Stars: Bill Murray 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] Judge Judy (PG) [s] 3:30 My Market Kitchen NITV News: Nula 3:30 Governor Macquarie’s Shaun Micallef’s On The Sauce (M) [s] 2:00 Program To Be Advised 3:00 The Chase UK 4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 [s] 4:00 Everyday Gourmet [s] 4:30 The Bold Silent Witness (PG) (In English/ Hindi) 3:40 Call The Midwife (M) [s] 3:00 ABC News [s] [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Millionaire Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] And The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First Building The Tube (PG) 4:35 Tony Robinson’s 4:15 Think Tank [s] 5:10 The Repair Shop [s] Australia [s] 6:00 7Prime News [s] 7:00 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 NRL: [s] 6:00 WIN News [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) Coast To Coast (PG) 5:30 Letters And 6:00 The Drum [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 Better Homes And Gardens [s] 7:30 Program Brisbane Broncos v Cronulla Sharks *Live* [s] 7:30 The Living Room [s] 8:30 Have You Numbers 6:00 Mastermind Australia 6:30 Monty Don’s French Gardens [s] 8:30 To Be Advised 8:30 Movie: “Under The From Suncorp Stadium [s] 9:45 Friday Night Been Paying Attention? (M) [s] 9:30 TBA SBS World News 7:30 The Day Kennedy MotherFatherSon (MA15+) [s] 9:30 Marcella Tuscan Sun” (PG) (’03) Stars: Diane Lane Knock Off [s] 10:35 Movie: “Dragon: Bruce 10:00 Celebrity Gogglebox USA (M) [s] 11:00 Died (PG) 8:30 Movie: “Marshall” (M) (’17) (M) [s] 10:45 The Virus [s] 11:10 The Weekly 10:50 Program To Be Advised 12:30 Home Lee Story” (M) (’93) Stars: Jason Scott Lee WIN’s All Australian News [s] 12:00 The Stars: Chadwick Boseman 10:40 SBS World With Charlie Pickering [s] 11:40 rage (M) [s] Shopping 1:05 Award Winning Tasmania [s] Project (PG) [s] 1:00 The Late Show (PG) [s] News Late 11:10 The Late Session (M)

2:00 Make You Laugh Out Loud 2:30 Reluctant Outdoorsman 1:00 Cutthroat Kitchen (PG) 2:00 3:00 Bondi Rescue (PG) 3:30 3:00 Everybody Loves Raymond (PG) 3:00 Million Dollar Minute (PG) 3:00 Big Water Adventures Chopped (PG) 3:00 Guy’s Big Diagnosis Murder (PG) 4:30 Star (PG) 4:00 Becker (PG) 5:00 3:30 Air Crash Investigations (PG) 4:30 (PG) 3:30 Megastructures 4:30 Counting Bite (PG) 3:30 Cake Wars (PG) 4:30 The Trek: Enterprise (PG) 5:30 Star Trek: Voyager Frasier (PG) 6:00 Friends (PG) 6:30 Neigh- Medical Emergency (PG) 5:00 RSPCA Cars (PG) 5:30 Storage Wars (PG) 6:00 Simpsons (PG) 5:00 Futurama (PG) 5:30 The (PG) 6:30 Bondi Rescue (PG) 7:30 NCIS (M) bours (PG) 7:00 Friends (PG) 8:00 Seinfeld Animal Rescue (PG) 5:30 Escape To The American Pickers (PG) 6:30 Pawn Stars (PG) Simpsons (PG) 6:30 Movie: “The Karate Kid 8:30 Walker, Texas Ranger (M) 10:30 (PG) 9:00 Movie: “Ocean’s Thirteen” (PG) Country 6:30 TBA 7:30 Air Crash Investi- 7:30 Friday Countdown (PG) 8:00 AFL: II” (PG) (’86) Stars: Danny Kamekona 9:00 Elementary (M) 11:30 CSI: Miami (M) 12:30 (’07) Stars: Brad Pitt 11:25 The Late Late gations (PG) 8:30 Escape To The Country Round 9: Essendon v Brisbane *Live* From Movie: “Blended” (M) (’14) Stars: Adam Home Shopping 2:00 Homicide: Hours To Show With James Corden (M) 12:30 Home FRIDAY JULY 31 JULY FRIDAY 9:30 Selling Houses Australia Metricon Stadium 10:30 AFL Post-Game Sandler 11:30 Bridezillas Kill (M) 3:00 VF Confidential (M) Shopping 1:30 Fam (M) 2:30 Charmed (PG)

5:30 The Penguins Of Madagascar 3:55 Bananas In Pyjamas 4:30 Bob 5:00 ABC Newshour 6:00 ABC 3:00 Antiques Roadshow 3:30 5:10 Inhuman Kind (PG) 5:40 The 6:00 All Hail King Julien (PG) 6:30 The Builder 5:10 Ben And Holly’s Evening News 6:30 Friday Movie: “The Man Who Finally Joy Of Painting With Bob Ross (PG) Horrible Histories (PG) 7:00 Deadly 60 On A Little Kingdom 5:35 Peter Rabbit 5:55 Noddy Briefing 7:00 ABC National News 7:40 The Died” (PG) (’63) Stars: Peter Cushing 5:30 6:10 Forged In Fire (PG) 7:00 Jeopardy! (PG) Mission 7:30 Shaun The Sheep 8:00 Toyland Detective 6:30 Kiri And Lou 7:00 Virus 8:00 ABC News Tonight 8:15 Planet The Secret Life Of The Zoo (PG) 6:30 7:30 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown (M) Thunderbirds Are Go 8:20 Good Game Dino Dana 7:30 Spicks And Specks (PG) America’s Fireside Chat 9:00 The Drum Antiques Roadshow 7:30 Poirot (M) 8:40 8:30 RocKwiz (M) 9:30 Student Sex Workers Spawn Point 8:45 Voltron: Legendary 8:35 Absolutely Fabulous (PG) 9:00 The 10:00 ABC News 10:30 The Mix 11:00 ABC Movie: “The Magnificent Seven” (M) (’16) (MA15+) 10:25 Sex Revolutions (MA15+) Defender (PG) 9:10 Fruits Basket (PG) 9:35 Office (PG) 9:30 Black Books (PG) 9:55 Nightly News 11:30 Q&A 12:30 Friday Stars: Denzel Washington 11:20 The 11:30 The Feed 12:00 Taboos And Sub- The Legend Of Korra (PG) 9:55 Slugterra Blackadder The Third (PG) Briefing 1:00 ABC Late News 1:15 The Drum Rockford Files (M) cultures (MA15+) 12:50 Dragula (MA15+)

Classifications: (G) General, (PG) Parental Guidance, (M) Mature Audiences, (MA15+) Mature Audience Over 15 Years, [s] Subtitles Programming information correct at time of going to press, changes are at the network’s discretion Prepared by National Typesetting Services

10 — Wednesday, July 29, 2020 www.narranderaargus.com.au Narrandera Argus July 29 – Aug 4

12:00 ABC News [s] 12:30 The Sound [s] 12:00 (PG) [s] 12:30 Weddings 12:30 Animal Embassy [s] 1:00 Netball: 1:00 The Living Room [s] 2:00 Pooches At 2:00 Bollywood: World’s Biggest Film 1:30 When Louis Met Paul And Debbie (PG) Make You Laugh Out Loud (PG) [s] 1:30 TBA Suncorp Super Netball *Live* [s] 5:00 NINE Play [s] 2:30 Jamie: Keep Cooking And Carry Industry (PG) (In English/ Hindi) 4:05 Gadget 2:30 Back In Time For Dinner [s] 3:30 4:00 Better Homes And Gardens (PG) [s] News: First At Five [s] 5:30 Getaway (PG) [s] On [s] 3:00 What’s Up Down Under? [s] 3:30 Man: Staying In 4:30 Miracle At Sea 5:30 Escape From The City [s] 4:30 Landline [s] 5:00 Seven News At 5 [s] 5:30 Border 6:00 NINE News Saturday [s] 7:00 A Current Everyday Gourmet [s] 4:00 Farm To Fork [s] WWII - Battles For Europe: Battle For The 5:00 Football: A-League: Melbourne City v Security - Australia’s Front Line (PG) [s] 6:00 Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 Movie: “Daddy’s Home 2” 4:30 Taste Of Australia With Hayden Quinn Scheldt (PG) 6:30 SBS World News 7:35 Sydney FC *Live* From Olympic Stadium [s] 7Prime News [s] 7:00 Border Patrol (PG) [s] (PG) (’17) Stars: Will Ferrell 9:30 Movie: [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 Bondi Rescue Chris Tarrant’s Extreme Railway Journeys: A 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 Shakespeare And 7:30 Movie: “Mission Impossible: Rogue “Blockers” (MA15+) (’18) Stars: Leslie Mann (PG) [s] 7:00 The Children’s Hospital (PG) [s] Railway Too Far? (PG) 8:30 Movie: “The Hathaway (PG) [s] 8:15 Les Miserables (M) Nation” (M) (’15) Stars: Alec Baldwin 10:00 11:30 Movie: “Cheech And Chong’s The 7:40 Ambulance UK (PG) [s] 10:00 Beecham King’s Speech” (M) (’10) Stars: Colin Firth [s] 9:20 Thirteen (M) [s] Movie: “Wrath Of The Titans” (M) (’12) Corsican Brothers” (M) (’84) House (M) [s] 11:00 FBI (M) [s] 10:35 On The Ropes (M) (In English/ Arabic)

3:30 Creek To Coast 4:00 1:30 Step Outside With Paul Burt 3:45 Movie: “Miracle” (PG) (’15) 5:00 Reel Action 5:30 Star Trek: 5:00 Will & Grace (PG) 6:00 Weekender 4:30 The Yorkshire (PG) 2:00 TBA 5:00 TBA 5:30 Stars: Kurt Russell 6:30 Movie: Voyager (PG) 6:30 MacGyver (M) Friends (PG) 9:00 Have You Been Vet (PG) 8:30 Escape To The Country 11:30 TBA 6:30 TBA 7:00 TBA 9:30 TBA 11:00 TBA “The Game Plan” (G) (’15) Stars: Dwayne 7:30 NCIS (M) 8:30 NCIS: New Orleans (M) Paying Attention? (M) 10:00 The Graham Honey I Bought The House (PG) 12:30 11:40 Swift And Shift Couriers (PG) 12:10 Johnson 8:45 Movie: “Something’s Gotta 10:20 Hawaii Five-O (M) 11:15 NCIS (M) Norton Show (M) 11:00 Mom (M) 12:00 Escape To The Country 1:30 Sydney Blokesworld (M) 12:35 LPL Pro: Cs:Go Week Give” (PG) (’03) Stars: Diane Keaton 11:20 12:15 Law & Order: SVU (M) 1:10 Homicide: Movie: “Magic Mike” (MA15+) (’12) Stars: Weekender 2:00 Creek To Coast 3 2:30 Life Off Road (PG) Bridezillas (M) Hours To Kill (M) Channing Tatum

6:00 All Hail King Julien (PG) 6:30 5:50 Peppa Pig 6:10 Floogals 6:30 6:00 ABC News Weekend 6:15 2:50 Movie: “Crossplot” (PG) 6:45 Meet The Polygamists (PG) Steve Backshall Vs The Vertical Mile Kiri And Lou 6:55 Catie’s Amazing Planet America’s Fireside Chat (’69) Stars: Roger Moore 4:50 7:40 Stargate SG-1 (M) 8:30

SATURDAY AUGUST 1 AUGUST SATURDAY 7:20 Operation Ouch! Goes Back In Time Machines 7:30 Spicks And Specks (PG) 8:00 7:00 ABC News Weekend 7:30 Back Roads Movie: “Geronimo” (PG) (’62) Stars: Chuck Ancient Aliens (M) 9:20 Fear The Walking 7:50 The Zoo 8:00 Thunderbirds Are Go 8:35 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8:30 Live From The 8:00 ABC News Weekend 8:10 Four Corners Connors 7:00 Movie: “Shane” (G) (’53) Stars: Dead (MA15+) 11:10 Sex: Original Sin Teenage Fairytale Dropouts 9:15 The Legend BBC (M) 9:15 QI (M) 10:15 Penn And Teller: 9:00 ABC News Weekend 9:30 Foreign Alan Ladd, Jean Arthur 9:25 Movie: “The (MA15+) 12:05 Movie: “Mr Six” (M) (’15) Of Korra (PG) 9:40 Slugterra (PG) Fool Us (PG) 11:00 Would I Lie To You? (PG) Correspondent 10:00 ABC News Mechanic” (M) (’72) Stars: Charles Bronson Stars: Kris Wu (In Mandarin)

12:00 ABC News [s] 12:30 Landline [s] 1:30 12:00 House Of Wellness [s] 1:00 World’s 1:00 Netball: Suncorp Super Netball [s] 3:00 12:00 TBA 1:30 Jamie: Keep Cooking And 3:10 Running Wild With Uzo Aduba (PG) Monty Don’s French Gardens [s] 2:30 Most Extreme [s] 2:00 Program To Be NRL: Melbourne Storm v Newcastle Knights Carry On [s] 2:00 Farm To Fork [s] 2:30 3:55 Sport: Fair Game 5:00 Cycling: Incycle Restoration Australia (PG) [s] 3:30 Silvia’s Advised 4:00 Better Homes And Gardens [s] *Live* From Suncorp Stadium [s] 6:00 NINE Australia By Design [s] 3:30 Everyday 5:30 WWII - Battles For Europe (PG) (In Italian Table [s] 4:00 Todd Sampson’s Life On 5:00 Seven News At 5 [s] 5:30 Sydney News Sunday [s] 7:00 Australian Ninja Gourmet [s] 4:00 Which Car (PG) [s] 4:30 English/ German) 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 The Line (PG) [s] 4:30 The Mix [s] 5:00 Hard Weekender [s] 6:00 7Prime News [s] 7:00 Warrior (PG) [s] 8:50 60 Minutes (PG) [s] 9:50 RPM [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] 6:00 WIN The Day They Dropped The Bomb (M) 8:30 Quiz (PG) [s] 5:30 The Sound [s] 6:30 Farmer Wants A Wife (PG) [s] 8:30 Between NINE News Late [s] 10:50 Cold Case - New News [s] 6:30 The Sunday Project (PG) [s] America’s Great Divide: Obama To Trump (M) Compass (PG) [s] 7:00 ABC News Sunday [s] Two Worlds (M) [s] 9:30 Liar (M) [s] 10:30 Leads Wanted (M) [s] 11:50 Mysteries And 7:30 Bachelor In Paradise (M) [s] 9:00 FBI: 10:35 Gunned Down: The Power Of The 7:40 Shetland (M) [s] 8:40 Vera (M) [s] 10:15 Autopsy USA: Muhammad Ali (M) [s] 11:30 Scandals (M) [s] 12:40 Timeless (M) [s] 1:30 American Idol (M) [s] 10:00 FBI (M) [s] 11:00 NRA (M) 11:35 John Pilger: The Dirty War On Vanity Fair (PG) [s] Absentia (MA15+) [s] 12:30 Home Shopping Hayley & Lauren’s Adelady [s] NCIS (M) [s] 12:00 The Sunday Project (PG) The NHS (M)

3:00 Escape To The Country 4:00 3:00 TBA 6:00 American Pickers 4:00 Restaurant: Impossible (PG) 5:00 Judge Judy (PG) 5:30 Star 5:00 Will & Grace (PG) 6:00 The Illusionists (PG) 5:00 (PG) 7:00 Border Security - 6:00 The Simpsons (PG) 6:30 Trek: Voyager (PG) 6:30 Bondi Friends (PG) 9:00 Celebrity M*A*S*H (PG) 7:00 The Vicar Of Dibley (PG) Australia’s Front Line (PG) 8:30 Movie: “Die Futurama (PG) 7:00 The Simpsons (PG) 7:30 Rescue (PG) 7:30 NCIS (M) 9:25 Law & Gogglebox USA (M) 10:00 The Graham 8:10 Mrs Brown’s Boys (M) 10:10 Miranda Hard” (M) (’88) Stars: Bruce Willis 11:15 Futurama (PG) 8:00 The Simpsons (PG) 8:30 Order: SVU (M) 10:20 48 Hours (M) 11:15 Norton Show (M) 11:00 Will & Grace (PG) (PG) 10:50 The Windsors (M) 11:30 The Swift And Shift Couriers (MA15+) 12:15 Ax First Dates Australia (M) 9:30 Marrying NCIS: Los Angeles (M) 1:05 RPM 1:35 12:00 2 Broke Girls (M) 1:30 100% Hotter Windsors (M) 12:30 The Illusionists (PG) Men (M) 1:15 Shipping Wars (PG) Millions (M) 10:30 Say Yes To The Dress (PG) Homicide: Hours To Kill (M) (PG) 2:30 Will & Grace (PG)

6:00 All Hail King Julien (PG) 6:30 6:10 Floogals 6:30 Kiri And Lou 6:00 ABC News Weekend 6:30 4:00 Movie: “Dangerous Voyage” 5:45 Takeshi’s Castle (PG) 6:45 SUNDAY AUGUST 2 AUGUST SUNDAY Steve Backshall Vs the Vertical Mile 6:55 Catie’s Amazing Machines Kurt Fearnley’s One Plus One (PG) (’54) Stars: William Lundigan Abandoned Engineering (PG) 7:40 7:20 Operation Ouch! (PG) 7:50 Shaun The 7:30 Spicks And Specks (PG) 8:00 Would I 7:00 ABC News Weekend 8:00 Insiders 9:00 5:30 Movie: “Beachhead” (PG) (’54) Stars: The Tesla Files (M) 8:30 Movie: “Star Trek V: Sheep 8:00 Thunderbirds Are Go 8:35 Lie To You? (M) 8:30 Penn And Teller: Fool ABC News Weekend 9:30 Back Roads 10:00 Tony Curtis 7:30 Death In Paradise (M) 8:40 The Final Frontier” (PG) (’89) Stars: William Teenage Fairytale Dropouts 9:15 The Legend Us (PG) 9:10 Live At The Apollo (M) 10:00 ABC News 10:30 Kurt Fearnley’s One Plus Agatha Christie’s Marple (PG) 10:40 DCI Shatner 10:25 Say Her Name (M) 10:55 Of Korra 9:40 Slugterra The Weekly With Charlie Pickering (M) One 11:00 ABC Nightly News 11:30 The Mix Banks (MA15+) 11:40 Deadly Cults (MA15+) Freddie Mercury - The Great Pretender (M)

12:00 ABC News [s] 1:00 Marcella (M) [s] 6:00 Sunrise [s] 9:00 The Morning Show (PG) 12:00 Ellen (PG) [s] 1:00 9Honey - Every Day 2:00 Dr Phil (PG) [s] 1:00 TBA 2:30 2:55 Alex Polizzi The Fixer (PG) 4:00 Great 1:55 Call The Midwife (M) [s] 3:00 ABC News [s] 11:30 Seven Morning News [s] 12:00 TBA Kitchen [s] 1:10 Australian Ninja Warrior (PG) Entertainment Tonight [s] 3:00 Judge Judy British Railway Journeys (PG) 4:35 The Nile: [s] 4:10 Think Tank [s] 5:10 The Repair Shop 1:30 TBA 2:30 TBA 3:00 The Chase UK (PG) [s] 3:00 Tipping Point [s] 4:00 NINE’s (PG) [s] 3:30 My Market Kitchen [s] 4:00 Ancient Egypt’s Great River Nile (PG) 5:30 [s] 6:00 The Drum [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 [s] 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Afternoon News [s] 5:00 Millionaire Hot Seat Everyday Gourmet [s] 4:30 The Bold And Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind 7.30 [s] 8:00 Australian Story [s] 8:30 Four Australia [s] 6:00 7Prime News [s] 7:00 Home [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] 7:00 A Current Affair The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] Australia 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 D-Day: Corners [s] 9:15 Media Watch [s] 9:35 Q&A And Away (PG) [s] 7:30 Farmer Wants A Wife (PG) [s] 7:30 Australian Ninja Warrior (PG) [s] 6:00 WIN News [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] The King Who Fooled Hitler (PG) 8:30 Space (PG) [s] 10:40 ABC Late News [s] 11:10 (PG) [s] 8:30 9-1-1: Lone Star (M) [s] 9:30 9:25 A Glorious Life - Ian Chappell [s] 10:40 7:30 Bachelor In Paradise (M) [s] 9:00 Have Shuttle (PG) 10:15 SBS World News Late Shaun Micallef’s On The Sauce (M) [s] 12:10 TBA 10:30 The Latest Seven News [s] 11:00 NINE News Late [s] 11:10 100% Footy (M) You Been Paying Attention? (M) [s] 10:00 10:45 Agatha Christie’s Criminal Games (M) Wentworth (MA15+) [s] S.W.A.T. (M) [s] 12:00 Black-ish (PG) [s] [s] 12:10 Lethal Weapon (MA15+) [s] TBA 10:30 Celebrity Gogglebox USA (M) [s] (In French) 12:35 The Typist (M)

3:30 M*A*S*H (PG) 5:30 Escape 5:00 Shipping Wars (PG) 5:30 4:30 The Simpsons (PG) 5:00 5:30 Star Trek: Voyager (PG) 6:30 5:00 Frasier (PG) 6:00 Friends To The Country 6:30 Bargain Storage Wars (PG) 6:00 Futurama (PG) 5:30 The Bondi Rescue (PG) 7:30 NCIS (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 Hunt 7:30 Doc Martin (PG) 8:30 Inspector American Pickers (PG) 7:00 Pawn Stars (PG) Simpsons (PG) 6:30 Futurama (PG) 7:00 The (M) 9:25 Law And Order: SVU (M) 10:20 Friends (PG) 8:00 Seinfeld (PG) 9:00 Two George Gently (M) 10:30 Mafia’s Greatest 7:30 American Pickers (PG) 8:30 Movie: Simpsons (PG) 7:30 Modern Family (PG 8:30 MotoGP 2020: Race 1 British Grand Prix And A Half Men (PG) 10:30 Seinfeld (PG) Hits (M) 11:30 Brit Cops (M) 12:30 A Crime “The Last Samurai” (M) (’03) 11:30 Marvel’s Ink Master (M) 11:00 Ramsay’s Kitchen 11:20 Movie: “Get Carter” (MA15+) (’00) 11:30 The Late Late Show With James To Remember (M) Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D (MA15+) Nightmares USA (M) Stars: Michael Caine 1:30 Home Shopping Corden (M) 12:30 Home Shopping

6:00 All Hail King Julien (PG) 6:30 5:55 Noddy Toyland Detective 6:30 6:00 ABC Evening News 7:00 5:25 The Rockford Files (PG) 5:50 The Joy Of Painting With Bob Horrible Histories (PG) 7:00 Deadly 60 Kiri And Lou 7:00 Dino Dana 7:30 ABC National News 8:00 ABC 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 Ross (PG) 6:20 Forged In Fire (PG) MONDAY AUGUST 3 AUGUST MONDAY On A Mission 7:30 Shaun The Sheep 8:00 Spicks And Specks (PG) 8:30 The IT Crowd News Tonight 8:45 The Business 9:00 The Heartbeat (PG) 8:40 Midsomer Murders (M) 7:10 Jeopardy! (PG) 7:35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Thunderbirds Are Go 8:35 Teenage Fairytale (PG) 8:55 W1A (M) 9:30 Intelligence (PG) Drum 10:00 The World With Beverley 10:40 The Killer Affair (M) 11:40 ER (M) 12:35 Does Countdown (PG) 8:30 Taskmaster (M) Dropouts: Camp Stomp A Lot 9:15 The 9:50 Get Krack!n (M) 10:20 Parks And O’Connor 11:00 ABC Nightly News 11:30 Antiques Roadshow 1:00 Home Shopping 9:30 Difficult People (M) 10:25 My 100,000 Legend Of Korra (PG) 9:40 Slugterra Recreation (PG) 10:45 30 Rock (PG) 7.30 12:00 ABC Late News 1:30 Footy Classified Lovers (MA15+)

12:00 ABC News [s] 1:00 Rosehaven (PG) [s] 12:00 Movie: “Jesse Stone: Sea Change” 12:00 Ellen (PG) [s] 1:00 Australian Ninja 2:00 Dr Phil (PG) [s] 1:00 TBA 2:30 2:55 Great British Railway Journeys (PG) 1:25 Retrograde [s] 2:00 Call The Midwife (M) (‘07) Stars: Tom Selleck 2:00 Criminal Warrior (PG) [s] 3:00 Tipping Point (PG) [s] Entertainment Tonight [s] 3:00 Judge Judy 3:30 Who Do You Think You Are? 4:35 The (PG) [s] 3:10 ABC News [s] 4:10 Think Tank Con-fessions (M) [s] 3:00 The Chase UK [s] 4:00 NINE’s Afternoon News [s] 5:00 (PG) [s] 3:30 My Market Kitchen [s] 4:00 Nile: Ancient Egypt’s Great River Nile (PG) [s] 5:10 The Repair Shop [s] 6:00 The Drum 4:00 Seven News At 4 [s] 5:00 The Chase Millionaire Hot Seat [s] 6:00 NINE News [s] Everyday Gourmet [s] 4:30 The Bold And 5:30 Letters And Numbers 6:00 Mastermind [s] 7:00 ABC News [s] 7:30 7.30 [s] 8:00 Aus-tralia [s] 6:00 7Prime News [s] 7:00 7:00 A Current Affair (PG) [s] 7:30 Australian The Beautiful (PG) [s] 5:00 10 News First [s] Australia 6:30 SBS World News 7:30 Great Anh’s Brush With Fame [s] 8:30 Shaun Home And Away (PG) [s] 7:30 America’s Got Ninja Warrior (PG) [s] 9:20 Movie: “London 6:00 WIN News [s] 6:30 The Project (PG) [s] Asian Railways Journeys (PG) 8:30 Insight Micallef’s On The Sauce (M) [s] 9:30 Putin - Talent (PG) [s] 9:15 Towards Tokyo: Olympic Has Fallen” (M) (’16) Stars: Alon Abutbul 7:30 Bachelor In Paradise (M) [s] 9:00 Just 9:30 The Feed 10:00 NRA Under Fire (M) A Russian Spy Story (MA15+) [s] 10:20 ABC Games Sydney 2000 Moments That Moved 11:20 NINE News Late [s] 11:50 Manifest: For Laughs Uncut (MA15+) [s] 9:30 NCIS (M) 11:05 SBS World News Late 11:35 Bad Late News [s] 10:50 Q&A [s] Us [s] 11:45 The Goldbergs (PG) [s] Fasten Your Seatbelts (M) [s] [s] 10:30 NCIS: Los Angeles (M) [s] Banks (M) (In German/ English)

3:30 Air Crash Investigations 5:30 Storage Wars (PG) 6:00 4:30 The Simpsons (PG) 5:00 5:30 Star Trek: Voyager: 5:00 Frasier (PG) 6:00 Friends (PG) 4:30 Medical Emergency American Pickers (PG) 7:00 Futurama (PG) 5:30 The Prototype (PG) 6:30 Bondi (PG) 6:30 Neighbours (PG) 7:00 (PG) 5:00 RSPCA Animal Rescue (PG) 5:30 Pawn Stars (PG) 7:30 Highway Patrol (PG) Simpsons (PG) 6:30 Futurama (PG) 7:00 The Rescue (PG) 7:30 NCIS: Devil’s Trifecta (M) Friends (PG) 8:00 Seinfeld (PG) 9:00 Mom Escape To The Country 6:30 Bargain Hunt 8:30 Housos vs. Virus: The Lockdown Simpsons (PG) 7:30 Modern Family (PG) 8:30 CSI: Miami (M) 9:25 Elementary (M) (M) 10:30 2 Broke Girls (M) 11:30 The Late 7:30 Rosemary & Thyme (M) 8:30 TBA 10:50 (MA15+) 9:05 Regular Old Bogan (M) 9:35 8:30 Movie: “The Curious Case Of Benjamin 11:20 The Mentalist (M) 12:15 Home Late Show With James Corden (M) 12:30 Air Crash Investigations (PG) Family Guy (M) 10:30 Fat Pizza (MA15+) Button” (M) (’08) Stars: Brad Pitt Shopping 2:15 Star Trek: Voyager (PG) Home Shopping

6:00 Cleopatra In Space (PG) 6:30 5:55 Noddy Toyland Detective 6:30 6:00 ABC Evening News 7:00 5:25 The Rockford Files (PG) 5:45 The Joy Of Painting With Bob Horrible Histories (PG) 7:00 Deadly 60 Kiri And Lou 7:00 Dino Dana 7:30 ABC National News 8:00 ABC 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 Ross (PG) 6:15 Forged In Fire (PG) TUESDAY AUGUST 4 AUGUST TUESDAY On A Mission 7:30 Shaun The Sheep 8:00 Spicks And Specks (PG) 8:30 Insert Name News Tonight 8:45 The Business 9:00 The New Tricks (M) 8:40 Poirot (M) 10:50 Law & 7:05 Jeopardy! (PG) 7:30 8 Out Of 10 Cats Thunderbirds Are Go 8:35 Teenage Fairytale Here (PG) 9:00 The Inbetweeners (M) 9:30 Drum 10:00 The World With Beverley Order: Criminal Intent (M) 11:50 The Rock- Does Countdown (M) 8:30 The Casketeers Dropouts 8:50 So Awkward 9:15 The Legend Schitt’s Creek (M) 10:15 The Trip To Italy (M) O’Connor 11:00 ABC Nightly News 11:30 ford Files (PG) 1:00 Home Shopping 1:30 (M) (In English/ Maori) 9:30 Scientology And Of Korra (PG) 9:40 Slugterra 10:00 rage (PG) 10:45 Parks And Recreation (PG) 7.30 12:00 ABC Late News Edgar Wallace Mysteries (PG) The Aftermath (M) 11:10 Losing Ground (M) Contact Daniel 0427687241 Fully accredited Level 2 service provider 17 Kiesling Drive, Narrandera EC Lic No: 190019C Email Address: [email protected] Narrandera Argus www.narranderaargus.com.au Wednesday, July 29, 2020 — 11 Education Week is an annual celebration of NSW public education and the achievements of local schools and students. This year, Education Week will run from Monday, August 3 to Friday, August 7, 2020 and the theme is ‘Learning together’. Improvements at NEIS THE theme of Education Week 2020 is some beautiful pieces. ‘Learning Together’ which is something “Our focus on writing which includes valued at Narrandera East. explicit and focused instruction has Principal Elissa Routley said the been successful, with several of our school considers the engagement and students recently recognised in the input of parents and carers to be a vital Narrandera Folk Festival writing and part of providing a quality education. poetry competition,” Mrs Routley said. “Narrandera East Infants School is a “All teachers are being guided by specialised K-2 school that takes pride targeted professional learning in in its broad curriculum offerings, rigorous using Department of Education educational programs and its supportive assessment and individual student and experienced staff that combine tracking platforms, ensuring all to provide a solid foundation for life-long students are receiving quality instruction learning,” Mrs Routley said. at point of need. Mrs Routley said the school was “Our culture of improvement extends always looking at incorporating effective to our facilities as well. So far this year teaching practices to deliver positive with the help of our active P and C learning outcomes. we have refurbished the front entrance “Our staffing this year has had foyer with painting, new furniture and another change, with long term educa- air conditioning. tor, Mrs Rose Davis, retiring in Term 1, “We have relocated our photocopier with Kindergarten now being taught by and are in the process of refurbishing Mrs Bev Levett.” our staff room to include state-of-the- Year 1 is taught by Mrs Tamra Beau- art technology for online professional mont, and Year 2 Mrs Colleen Ash. learning and virtual meetings. “Our Science Technology Engineering “We have relocated our flagpole to Maths (S.T.E.M.) program delivered by the front of the school, paved and added Mrs Levett continues to engage all K-2 a second pole to fly the Aboriginal flag. students through hands on activities that “The opening ceremony for this will “We have a strong transition program Mrs Bev Levett and Oliver Brewer making closed circuits promote problem solving, collaboration be conducted during NAIDOC week which for both new Kinder students and with electro dough. Narrandera East Infants has a strong and creativity.” is in November this year. Year 2 students moving on to primary transition program for both new kindergarten and Year 2 Mrs Routley is an experienced musician “We have added new signage around schooling. students moving on to primary schooling. Photos supplied. and is starting a music program this the whole school which helps orientate “We work closely with other childcare, term to deliver K-2 students in preparation new visitors. Two of our three classrooms pre-school and primary schools to for Presentation Day. have also been painted this year and ensure their transitions are as smooth Mrs Ash manages whole school we thank the Narrandera Men’s Shed as possible. Due to COVID-19 restric- sporting activities with a highly success- for helping paint some classroom book- tions our kinder transition program will ful annual fun-run, a modified athletics shelves. commence later in the term on a date carnival, and weekly sport utilising “Our hard working general assistant, to be confirmed. Narrandera Shire’s basketball stadium Glenn Madden, is always making sure “As part of Education Week we will just a few of her leadership areas. our grounds are in pristine condition, be providing a display of student Mrs Beaumont taps into her passion and has recently constructed a retaining learning, photographs and a digital and expertise in arts and crafts and wall to add to our garden safety and photo display of all things Narrandera helps all our budding artists create appearance. East at the Bendigo Community Bank.” Playing and learning is fun at Sharon’s Daycare IF YOU are looking for childcare, Narrandera local Sharon communication skills and social skills so that each child While Sharon does have strict structure to the day’s Eade provides an experienced service for children of all ages. is ready for school. programmed activities she does make sure there is plenty In the past, Sharon has worked for private companies This includes correct pincher grasp, scissor cutting and of time for free play. and Western Riverina Family Day Care, operating her business handling, communication, reading, writing and also physical She can care for up to four under school aged children, from the comfort and safety of her home. interactions such as singing and dancing. and seven in total. She is fully qualified including possessing a Diploma in Sharon’s facility includes a large secure back yard with This can include after school children and school aged Childcare and with many years of experience within an enormous cubby house, play area with sandpit and children who attend care in the afternoons and school holiday the childcare industry she is able to program each child’s a resident guinea pig called Bugsy which combined to period. learning and prepare them for their future schooling years provide more than enough activities enough to make playing Ages can range from three months old up to 13 years. using the ELYF – Early Learning Years Framework processes. and learning fun. In the school holidays she often gets older children returning This ensures that all developmental outcomes of all the With regular outings, she makes sure the children are on a regular basis. children in her care are closely monitored and this also not confined to the backyard or learning environment all day. allows parents the comfort that all of their children’s develop- “We regularly participate in local community activities mental needs and preparation for early school years are met. such as scheduled visits to the Narrandera Library for various Regular observations and assessments are carried out events, visits to Teloca house to interact with the residents for each child which allows for successful weekly planning through craft and other activities but of course these have and regular consultation to take place with parents to allow been put on hold due to COVID restrictions,” she said. them to understand how their child is going and if any specific “Included in the regular outings are visits to the park developmental needs are required. and sometimes out of town visits to animal and fun parks She also develops individual outcomes for learning are thrown into the mix, but of course these have been capabilities for fine and gross motor, cognitive skills, prevented due to the same restrictions.” H Narrandera East Infants H H Providing excellence in early learning through the provision of future focussed educational opportunities ensuring our students thrive as tomorrow’s leaders, workers and citizens.

Elizabeth Street, Narrandera 6959 1858 Sharon’s facility includes a large secure back yard with a www.narrandere-p.schools.nsw.gov.au cubby house and play area with sandpit. Photo supplied. 12 — Wednesday, July 29, 2020 www.narranderaargus.com.au Narrandera Argus Supportive and caring at Gralee GRALEE School aims to provide supportive teaching practices, especially in the areas of and caring learning experiences for individ- literacy, numeracy and communication. ual students, while meeting their specific All classrooms at Gralee School have two educational and personal needs. School Learning Support Officers (SLSO). Gralee School is a local school catering Senior students are provided with school for the needs of students from kindergarten laptops, and are engaged in a work experience to Year 12 with autism or moderate to severe program that sees students focus on works intellectual and/or physical disabilities. skills, as well as communication, personal A newly introduced program includes a hygiene for work, budgeting, shopping and Speech Therapist and Occupational Therapist cooking programs. within the classrooms twice a week to assist All students have an Individual Education students and collaborate with teachers to Program (IEP); designed in collaboration ensure the specific needs of students are met. with the teachers, families, SLSO’s and Earlier this year GWS Giants visited NPS. Pictured are Giants Jacob Hopper (left) and The school embraces the fundamental students themselves. These include achiev- Jye Caldwell (right) with NPS students Nicholas Perram, Kylah Bright and Judd Powell. belief that all children are capable of learning able, short-term goals and are updated termly, and with appropriate support may be able to via meetings at school or phone. move to mainstream schooling at some point. The latest technology is on hand to facilitate NPS committed to learning Students are invited to attend Gralee the learning process for students, including THE 2020 school year at selves to stretch their learning, students are working towards School from the age of four, as an early iPads, Laptops, Tapits and standing frames. Narrandera Public School has develop resilience, flexibility the in-school Carnivale week intervention strategy. The school also has its own app, to better been looking a little different and a desire to become life-long with each class undertaking a These students attend a program suitable facilitate communication between parents at times. learners,” he said. different country study. to the child, family and support services and and staff. Gralee School has its own fleet of But the focus continues to “Since our return to At this stage the NPS will increase the numbers of days they attend four school buses; these are used for morn- be on providing opportunities school from the recent at Little Learners transition until they are full time students. ing and afternoon runs for students living for all students to learn and home learning, our students program for 2021 Kinder- All students at Gralee School are engaged in Narrandera and Leeton, and for use grow both in and outside of have been working inde- garten students is scheduled in supportive learning environments assisted throughout each day for excursions and trips. the classroom. pendently, in small groups, to start later this term. by evolving specialised technologies and Gralee School involves students in a Principal Derek Noffke and classes, with a strong If you have a child due to underpinned by innovative and effective range of activities, including Riding for the said teachers and students focus on literacy and numer- start Kinder next year and Disabled in Griffith, dance opportunities have all had to be flexible acy.” would like more information, in Shine, Leeton Eisteddfod and Schools and adaptable to changing Classroom teachers please contact the school Spectacular, and the school signing choir in circumstances. are supported by a range on 6959 2144 to arrange an the Leeton Eisteddfod. “It is fitting that this year’s of specialist support staff information pack. There are also athletics opportunities, Education Week theme is and school learning and The Year 2 into 3 and Year with Gralee participating in the small schools’ Learning Together,” he said. support officers. 6 into 7 transition programs carnivals, special schools’carnivals and an “This is a common approach “Many of our students are also being scheduled annual ‘sensory run’. across our whole school. also take the opportunity to and more information Students at Gralee attend excursions “We are committed to read to an adult each morning will be sent home to families each term and there are two week intensive Learning Together in all before school in the library,” soon. swimming programs for senior students as that we do.” Mr Noffke said. “While this year we are well as fortnightly hydrotherapy and junior Mr Noffke said while this The AEO team of Richard unable to invite parents swim school classes, all with experienced year had been unique in terms Gilbert, Simone Ingram and into our classrooms during Austswim teachers on staff. of the changing education Billie-Jo Hickson have also Education Week we do Sabina McDonald, mother of our most environment, every staff been leading a range of invite parents and community recent Kindergarten student Jayden speaks member at Narrandera Public Wiradjuri cultural lessons members to keep up to highly of the transition program. School was committed to and activities for all students. date with the happenings at “Jayden was well prepared for his first providing a quality teaching Planning for NAIDOC Narrandera Public School,” Students are invited to attend Gralee day because he had participated in three terms and learning environment Week, which will now be Mr Noffke said. School from the age of four as an early of transition,” she said. for students, whether that recognised in Week 5 of Term “You can visit our website intervention strategy. An extensive “His first day was amazing, he bonded was in the classroom, online 4 is underway. This year the or you can follow our transition program also helps prepare with other kids straight away, and he has or at home. theme for NAIDOC Week is Facebook page. Our news- students such as Jayden, pictured above. improved in so many communication, “We want our students Always Was, Always Will Be. letter is also available on Photo supplied. academic and personal goals in only six months”. to be able to challenge them- In other areas of learning, our website.”

Narrandera Argus www.narranderaargus.com.au Wednesday, July 29, 2020 — 13 Personalised approach to learning

EVEN though the student population has “Narrandera High’s rela- increased substantially over the past three tional focus is also support- years, Narrandera High School’s priority will ed by the priority placed always be ensuring every student is known, on restorative practice.” valued and cared for. All students at Narran- This personalised approach to learning dera High School have the and wellbeing is one of the most important opportunity to develop points of difference that Narrandera High their potential through an School prides itself. extensive range of school In 2021 the projected student population programs. at Narrandera High is 375 students – a 50 per “School strengths include cent increase from the 2017 student number a breadth of extracurricular of 250. activities including a wide Principal Marni Milne said the school has range of sports and cultural a highly motivated and skilled staff that pursuits,” Ms Milne said. embrace innovative teaching, learning and “There is a tradition assessment practices in conjunction with an of service to others with students regularly Narrandera High will individualised and supportive approach to involved in fundraising for charities and showcase school activities student learning. appeals. during Education Week “The success of this personal and inclusive “Over the past two years several new initia- in line with the 2020 theme approach was recently recognised with the tives have started at Narrandera High School. “learning together”. school being one of four schools in the state “This has included the establishment of a Photos contributed. to be recognised as a leader in inclusive educa- Clontarf Academy on site.” tion,” Ms Milne said. The Clontarf Foundation has a focus on “The Narrandera High School Case Study improving the education, discipline, life skills, is now being used as an example of best self-esteem and employment prospects of practice for other schools across NSW. young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men. “The school is a Positive Behaviour for An Intervention Centre and Girls Program, Learning school with the core values of with a focus on developing positive social respect, responsibility and learning underpinning and life skills is also operational. all interactions between members of the A new Transition and Engagement Centre school community. has also opened this term. “Moving forward, the school’s strategic plan has a focus on continuing to improve student reading and numeracy across the school, building strong teacher learning communities, using data to inform practice and the ongoing promotion of strong school and community partnerships,” Ms Milne said. “Despite the rapid growth that has occurred of late, Narrandera High remains committed to knowing students individually and creating a positive school culture. “The relentless focus on reflection and improvement highlights the commitment the school has on every student achieving success. Yanco White Suffolk stud is used to teach students the showing, genetics and “Narrandera High will have the opportunity marketing aspects of livestock. Photo contributed. to showcase their school during Education Week through various daily activities in line with the 2020 theme of ‘Learning Together’. “Due to COVID restrictions, these activi- Yanco’s all-round focus ties will be uploaded to the school Facebook ASIDE from agriculture, junior and senior equipped to take their place in life. page each day for the community to view.” students at Yanco Agricultural High can In addition to the study of agriculture choose to study courses in Equine Studies. in Years 7-12, the school offers junior and There are also five industry framework senior courses in Equine Studies. vocational educational training courses on The Technology and Applied Science offer. area is well resourced to provide students Yanco is a co-educational fully residential with the opportunity to produce major high school located in the Murrumbidgee works of considerable magnitude. Irrigation Area. The school has a White Suffolk sheep stud, The school provides a quality secondary and Shorthorn and Limousin cattle studs, education in an historic rural setting. which focus on breeding high performance, Yanco has a proud tradition of promoting commercially relevant animals. positive values and developing confident, They use technologies such as electron- capable and community-minded students. ic identification, genomics and artificial Boasting its own White Suffolk stud, insemination to educate students on sheep the school has 280ha, including 180ha of and cattle production and marketing. intensive irrigation and dryland agriculture, On school grounds, students have access along with 60ha of natural bushland bordered to tennis courts, a gymnasium, swimming by the Murrumbidgee River. pool, 10ha of sporting ovals, after hours With state-of-the-art resources, farm and library and resource centre. hostel, the school provides an all-round Students are encouraged to develop education for students in a stimulating responsible leadership, personal integrity and caring environment. and sportsmanship and to strive for Yanco focuses on the development of excellence in academic, cultural, sporting the whole person through the curriculum, and civic endeavours in an environment extracurricular activities and residential conducive to learning, teaching and friend- experiences, ensuring students become well ship. NARRANDERA HIGH SCHOOL Providing a diverse range of opportunities and experiences for all students Years 7 – 12 to reach their potential

Please contact the school for more information – 02 6959 1744

14 — Wednesday, July 29, 2020 www.narranderaargus.com.au Narrandera Argus Food producers are losers in water war A COMMUNITY group which garnered to make common-sense changes to the support of 11,000 signatures on water policy. a water transparency petition is calling “They want transparency around on the NSW Government to “get fair water ownership and they want it dinkum” with this challenging issue. retrospective. We have had too many Political posturing has been stopping poor water policy decisions, and this the passage through NSW Parliament coupled with lack of action to correct of effective legislation that will ensure them makes no sense, unless politi- the right level of accountability and cians and those they are protecting are transparency in water ownership is trying to avoid genuine transparency. achieved. “The losers in the water policy The Speak Up Campaign, which debacle that we are dealing with are represents community, farming and the staple food producers that Australia local government, has called on relies on. The winners are those who the state government to deliver the are trying to make huge profits at the effective legislation needed. expense of those who are growing Chair Shelley Scoullar said it was our food. disappointing a Bill which would “We know the problem exists and force politicians to declare their water we know it needs to be fixed. It is time Binya farmer Sheryl Conlan says feral pigs have a significant effect on the farm business. interests, as well as create a searchable proactive steps were taken so this is Photo: Kim Woods. online water register, was being opposed achieved.” by some in Government, including Mrs Scoullard said for the water National Party Ministers. registry to be effective it needed “It begs the question: What do they to extend beyond ownership by have to hide?” Mrs Scoullar said. a Member of Parliament in their Feral pig knock down She said a Water Accountability and personal capacity. A FURTHER 679 pest animals it’s about the big picture for percentage. Transparency Bill, which the govern- “At the very least it must include have been culled from the Grif- our region. “The damage to grain storage ment wants as a replacement to a Bill their family and business interests, fith region via an aerial program, “The feral pig problem cer- hasn’t occurred since the last from Shooters, Fishers and Farmers as well as those involved in water on the back of 1679 eradicated tainly would be overwhelming two shoots have been conducted Member for Murray , policy and advocacy,” she said. over two shoots last year. without contact, advice and assis- – it’s a great tool for managing was too limited as it only effectively “The Bill followed the Speak Up The program run by River- tance from Local Land Services.” pests and we’re very apprecia- applies to Members acting in their petition; we want genuine water ina Local Land Services again Mrs Conlan said feral pigs tive that we’ve been able to be personal capacity. accountability and transparency, not focused on feral pigs, but have a significant impact on a part of the program.” “This does not go far enough, if a token effort. other pests were also targeted their business. Biosecurity Officer Eliza we want to achieve the goals of “We want the State Government including wild deer. “The larger groups we’ve seen Bramma said many landholders genuine accountability around water to be working more closely with It predominantly covered in recent times have decimat- in the region are trying their ownership. rural and regional New South Wales, country along the Cocoparra, ed crops, caused considerable hardest to manage populations “We collected 11,000 signatures to achieve water policy that can McPherson and Lachlan rang- damage to native grazing pastures with ground control methods, calling for a water registry because restore the Murray and Murrum- es from Binya to Hillston via and significant damage to ground and the aerial program compli- people want change. They are fed up bidgee regions to their mantle of our Rankins Springs. tanks, having a major effect ments this. with politicians who are not prepared nation’s premier food bowl.” In total 602 feral pigs, 32 wild on water quality for stock,” she “We’ve finally had a decent deer, 28 feral goats, 16 foxes said. autumn break, which unfortu- and one feral cat were eradicated. John and Cherie Mitchell run nately has seen the pig popu- Heavy vehicle rego Peter and Sheryl Conlan run a mixed farming enterprise at lation thrive. Aerial shooting a cattle and fodder production Hillston, where they plant 6000 knocks the numbers down, so business near Binya. hectares of crop and run livestock. hopefully landholders won’t They said the shoot conduct- “Even though we do ground have a heavy impact from feral relief for farmers ed in June achieved the biggest shooting ourselves the aerial pigs on their emerging crops and PRIMARY producers ity of farmers still feeling June, 2021. knockdown of numbers on their program is far more effective autumn lambs,” Ms Bramma said. will continue to save the financial impacts. “Thousands of primary property they’d ever seen. due to the scale, and we’ve noticed “We’ve been able to roll out on heavy vehicle regis- “Many primary pro- producers have benefited “The program being effective a significant difference in pig three consecutive shoots for tration charges as part ducers are still bringing from this measure over in our general area is important and deer numbers on our farm,” farmers over the past 18 months of the NSW Govern- in feed or carting water the past two years, which for us as feral pig mobs are Mrs Mitchell said. and now encourage farmers to ment’s recent $310 million attracting large over- shows it’s making a real nomadic,” Mrs Conlan said. “The biggest impact we face be diligent in follow up ground boost to drought relief. heads which is why we’re difference. “So, the program may be from pigs is the damage to silo baiting to maintain low numbers.” However, farmers working to reduce the “Drought remains more effective on our property bags we use for grain storage The program was an inter- will still have to pay cost of doing business a critical issue for our during one aerial shoot and after harvest, and they also root agency approach, with Water NSW, for Compulsory Third wherever we can,” bush communities, car- more effective on our neighbour’s up crops out of the furrow after Forestry Corporation and private Party (CTP) insurance, Mr Toole said. rying with it devastating property on the next shoot but planting and impact our lambing landholders involved.” stamp duty, number “The additional com- economic and social plate fees and relevant mitment of $310 million impacts on all of regional vehicle checks for the to the NSW drought NSW. safety of all road users. package will allow us to “Even the most estab- Local growers vie for awards Minister for Regional continue to waive fees lished farming business- LEETON and Murrami rice growers are among The panel assessed applications are based on Transport and Roads and charges for prima- es have been impacted, the four finalists in the 2020 Rice Industry Awards. eight key areas including: Production and Agronomy, said despite ry producers including while local towns suffer The 2020 Awards are designed to showcase the Water Use Efficiency, Innovation and Technology, rain in recent months providing an exemption from the flow-on effects, best in the rice growing business and highlight Business Management, Sustainability, Work Health across parts of the state, on registration charges so it’s important we con- innovation in production and irrigation methods as & Safety and Industry and Community Involvement. the drought was far for heavy vehicles for tinue to deliver initiatives well as in water efficiency. from over with the major- another 12 months to 30 that help farmers out.” “We recognise that to excel in any area of Rice Extension Coordinator Troy Mauger said agriculture, farmers need to pay attention to a the awards had attracted strong interest and the wide range of aspects of their business, and un- four finalists have all demonstrated a commitment derstand their role in the broader community App for supply chain to excellence in all aspects of rice growing. and environment,” Mr Mauger said. AN APP aiming to improve animal “It can also be easily adaptable “The Awards provide an opportunity to recognise welfare and supply chain communica- to suit other livestock industries and growers who are adopting farming best practices, tion by tracking livestock trucks from the grain and fodder industries. achieving sustainability outcomes and improving paddock to destination is being devel- “Our farmers are renowned for business management despite unpredictable climate RURAL oped with the support of a $930,000 thinking outside the square and this and water conditions,” he said. Australian Government grant. is a fantastic example of Australian The finalists for 2020 are: Trades & Services Agriculture Minister David Little- agricultural innovation that reinforces • Darrell Fiddler, Bilbul, (Operations Manager proud said Direct Livestock’s ‘Truck- and promotes our image as a producer for DeBortoli Wines) who grows rice as a part of a Tracker’ application is one of 16 projects of clean, green and safe food. rotation with other irrigated summer crops and to share in $4 million funding under “Effective traceability systems are winter cereals. the first round of the Traceability Grants critical for growth in our access to • Lachlan Bull, Conargo, who plants rice along- Program. export markets. side other irrigated and non-irrigated crops including “Initially focusing on the beef “It’s important we respond to cotton, seed sorghum, canola, wheat and barley; supply chain, this mobile and web demand from consumers domestically as well as clover-based pasture for grazing. app improves traceability by tracking and internationally for greater trans- • Peter and Erin Draper, Leeton, who grow rice cattle trucks and digitising the current parency and real time convenience as part of their enterprise which includes seed information flow,” Minister Littleproud around the origins and safety of and milling oats, wheat, barley, cotton and trading said. agricultural products in modern digital sheep on an opportunistic basis. “The app will enable the sharing marketplaces. • Scott Williams, Murrami, who farms rice in a mix of location information with the buy- “As the world emerges from the of enterprises including dryland pasture and sub er, seller and transport company in COVID pandemic, any market access clover supporting prime lamb production. real-time, improving communication edge we can secure for our farmers The 2020 SunRice Grower of the Year Award, To advertise here contact 6959 2222 and transparency while promoting now will reap dividends for them is judged by a panel of three judges including two or email [email protected] animal welfare and provenance. and our economy into the future.” industry representatives and one independent judge. Narrandera Argus www.narranderaargus.com.au Wednesday, July 29, 2020 — 15 SPORT [email protected] Locals support Cup BOWLS The chills were overcome Rankin and Daryl (Chuck- LEFT: First Place THE 66th Annual Legacy Rum slightly by a smooth Rum or er) Crawford. winners Peter Durnan, Cup Bowls Day was held at two. Representatives from the Rolling in and taking Choppy Bevan, Daryl the Narrandera Bowling Club Narrandera Legacy Branch, the runners-up spot was Crawford and Barry on Saturday, July 25. Arne Vrieling and John Blain, Dick Durnan, Steve Zak, Rankin with President Since its beginning in 1954, ran the usual progressive raf e. Peter Sheather and Tim Shane Dunnett. the Narrandera Rum Cup The extensive mix of prizes Varndel. Bowls Day has been run with were proudly donated from local Taking home the Rum monies raised proudly supporting businesses. A huge thank you Cup Pewters was the BELOW: Club President Legacy Narrandera Branch. to these businesses for their young guns team of Jack Shane Dunnett with Much praise is given to the kindness in these trying times. Harrison, Kyle Spencer, Legacy representative Narrandera Legacy for their The raf e was well supported Joe Druitt and Ashley Arne Vrieling at the continued assistance and care by everyone throughout the day Reavely. announcement of for deceased servicemen’s war and raised an amazing amount A huge thank you once $1,400 raised. widows and dependents locally. of $1400. These funds will de - again to the volunteers Photos contributed. A total of 72 local bowlers nitely help the Legacy cause in for their help on this very The progressive jackpot was came out to play under an over- many ways. special day. Thank you also, to not won and now sits at $42. cast sky and chilly conditions At the end of three 10 end the 72 bowlers who supported Lou Alchin had the fine for this year’s Legacy Rum Cup to support the event, enjoy the games, there were four teams recording a Wrong Bias. day and contest the Cup. with three game wins heading out and congratulations to all place Coming Events: RDBA Singles Even with the day’s format for the Semi-Final of three ends. getters. draw is on the notice board and changed due to the new COVID At the conclusion, the two Mark your calendar now for norm, the day went off without Durnan brother teams headed next year’s event, all going well starts August 8-9, and play is at a hitch. out, in the rain mind you, to play on July 3, 2021. Hay. RDBA Pairs close Saturday, The traditional roast lunch for  rst and second and placings. The weekly round-up saw August 1 and play is at Whitton. provided this year by Tanya Final results of the Diggers 22 contenders for the Wednesday Nominations for the Mitchell and her team at Three Greens Day event saw First Place won Social Bowls with Peter Sheath- Triples are now being called Bistro was well received by the team of Peter Durnan, er and Bob Cahill taking home for and close Monday, August 10. by all. William (Choppy) Bevan, Barry the win. Play commences August 15-16.

September 11 – 17

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16 — Wednesday, July 29, 2020 www.narranderaargus.com.au Narrandera Argus Narrandera Argus SPORT [email protected] Classifieds Gehringer wins Lethbridge title Phone us on 6959 2222 or email [email protected] GOLF runner up was Jan McGilvray with a 73 nett. THE outright winner of the two rounds of the Putting also went to Marg Prior with 29 putts. Lethbridge Memorial event was Steve Gehringer. Marg still showing her consistency over past weeks. He produced an overall score of plus 2 on a The “Chook Run”, still popular each week, saw PUBLIC NOTICES RELIGIOUS countback from runner-up Richard Gerathy also on John O’Connor take the win with a score of 28 nett and NOTICES plus 2. runner up was Ray Wardman with a score of 29 nett. Steve having a good run returning to golf after an A reminder to start putting together your Summer absence of some 20 years as he was also the winner teams with a lot of interest already being shown. ANGLICAN CHURCH of the points score for the 2019 Summer Teams St Thomas’, Larmer Street competition. Friday, July 31 His early days of golf saw him win a Tom Wise Whites too strong Goldenfields Water 8.00am Morning Prayer Cup and partnered Tim Gerathy to win a Foursomes AFL 10.30am Holy Communion Championship. THE under 13s Eagles football side came out and start- Saturday, August 1 2020 Customer Survey 5pm Holy Communion Another brilliant player to shine was Gary Shanley ed the game against Griffith Swans Whites very well. Goldenfields Water wishes to advise its customers 1st Saturday of month in the second round of the event played on Saturday. Griffith were going with the wind and only managed that we have collaborated with expert social media Family/Children’s Service The runner-up also with a good round was to score one goal to quarter time. market researcher ‘Iris Research to roll out our Wednesday, August 5 Craig McGilvray with a plus 3. Balls went to square. The Eagles came out hard in the second quarter Customer Satisfaction Survey during the month 8.30am Morning Prayer Forty-seven players were on course for Saturday’s and got a goal on the board and were unlucky not of August. The survey will be conducted via telephone Rev Michael Perrott events. to score a few more and go in ahead at half time, and as an online questionnaire. Phone 6959 2089 Wednesdays’ social game was won by Mick Maron but instead went in one goal down. •••••••••••••••••• with a score of 35pts and runner-up was Bruce Russell The third and fourth quarters were a tough affair The research insights will help determine Goldenfields BAHA’I FAITH immediate and longer-term priorities to ensure Devotional and with 31pts. Balls went to 31pts. with Griffith kicking away a bit in the second half improved service delivery to our customers and information evenings Wednesday is Ladies main competition day and to run out winners by 27 points. wider community expectations. For details call 0418 672 789 this was the first round of the Foursomes Championship. The Eagles had a determined back line and We’re encouraging anyone who receives a call •••••••••••••••••• The winners were Rosemary Orr/ Theresa Mathie- repelled many a Griffith attack to hold them to four to take the time and have your say or complete CATHOLIC CHURCH son with a 68 and a half nett and the runners-up were goals for the game. the online questionnaire. Keep an eye out on our St Mel’s Parish, Narrandera Mary Phillips/Lyn Martin with a 70 nett. Best players on the day were Jaxon Curry, website and Facebook page for more information Saturday, August 1 Saturday the Ladies played a Stroke /Putting Darcy Pendergast, Myles Rankin, Sam Williamson 6pm Vigil Mass event and the winner was Marg Prior with a 70 nett and and Jobe Litchfield. and access to the link. Sunday, August 2 Aaron Drenovski PO Box 220 8am Grong Grong General Manager TEMORA NSW 2666 9.30am Narrandera Fr Bradley Rafter Phone 6959 2080 Valiant effort by Eagles DEATH PERSONAL •••••••••••••••••• NETBALL in both positions. were well matched against Griffith CRC CHURCHES THE Narrandera Eagles Juniors Narrandera lost to Barellan 12-28. White but excellent team work INTERNATIONAL Players Player Award: Sam Kerr saw the girls enter the half time NOTICE CRC Plaza Theatre had their first home games of the Fine or problem 10am Sunday season, taking on Griffith Swans In the Under 11s, Narrande- break at five all. Contemporary Family Service White in both the football and ra started confidently with the Millie Smith threw everything hair but need into the game working hard as WD. Ian a great cut? Phone 6959 1332 netball, as well as the Barellan Two defence end reading the play •••••••••••••••••• Blues in the U11s and U15s netball. well and creating many scoring The second half saw the Eagles LETCHER Visit Rita at ST JOHN’S A number of teams had wins opportunities against Griffith White. continue to work hard, making Affectionately known E. Street Hairstudio LUTHERAN CHURCH in their matches. The impacts Movement in the goal circle good use of the court with strong as the “caretaker 6959 9901 Phone Roxy Heckendorf of COVID-19 meant the normal worked well and Narrandera kept passes getting the ball into the of Lake Talbot”, on 6959 3190 supporters that would be there Griffith scoreless for three quarters. goal circle. passed away on •••••••••••••••••• for the junior Eagles home games After a great display of sportsman- Hallie Mimmo in centre continu- ST JOHN’S ally worked hard especially around July 22, 2020 TRESPASS UNITING CHURCH were much reduced, with only one ship, the girls ran out easy winners. on the Gold Coast, Cnr Cadell & Douglas St parent or carer per player. Narrandera 32 defeated Griffith the goal circle feeding the ball aged 85 years. NOTICES 0477 202 141 Those in volunteer roles for White 2 in well to the shooters. •••••••••••••••••• the day in attendance, and every- Players Player Award: Ella The Eagles were unlucky to go Want the news TRESPASS NOTICE SEVENTH DAY one attending the match needing Richens, Dezi Moran and Zoe down in the last quarter and were ADVENTIST CHURCH to sign in upon entering the ground. Winnell. defeated by Barellan 14-22 digitally? Persons apprehended 34 William Street In the netball, the girls secured a In the Under 13s, the Eagles were In the U15s netball, the girls came trespassing upon or Pr Adam Tonkin number of wins. up against a strong Barellan team away victorious from both of their All your shooting over the land 0413 538 514 The Under 11s team started well but remained positive throughout games. area of Brewarrina Station local news with a close first half of play against the game and never gave up. In their match against the at your will be prosecuted. Ansett Barellan. There were some excellent Barellan Two Blues, the U15s had Brewarrina Holdings The second half was much intercepts and the girl’s in defence a solid win with the final score fingertips Pty Ltd. tougher against a taller opposition worked really well together against Eagles 37 to Barellan 28. Subscribe online at and the girls had to work hard. a much taller opposition. It was much closer in the U15s Sam Kerr had a stellar game The girls gave it their all but second game, with the Eagles narranderaargus.com.au playing both ends of the court in were defeated by Barellan 8-44. girls coming from behind to take GS and GK and was highly effective In the Under 13s, the Eagles the win 42 to Griffith White 40.

Gallagher Riverina Championship Seniors Gallagher Championship Reserves GTES Championship Under 17s WAGGA TIGERS vs OSBORNE FNC WAGGA TIGERS vs OSBORNE FNC WAGGA TIGERS v OSBORNE FNC Osborne FNC 3.0, 5.3, 7.5, 9.8 (62) Wagga Tigers 2.4, 4.5, 8.7, 11.12 (78) Osborne FNC 1.2, 3.4, 6.4, 7.5 (47) Wagga Tigers 1.4, 2.6, 5.8, 6.11 (47) Osborne FNC 0.0, 1.1, 3.3, 4.6 (30) Wagga Tigers 0.1, 4.3, 5.6, 6.8 (44) GOALS GOALS GOALS Osborne FNC: M Bahr 2, D Galvin, C Galvin, N Perryman, Wagga Tigers: S Terlich 3, M Etchells 2, T McMahon 2, S Schirmer Osborne FNC: R Collins 3, J Perryman 1, L Bruckner 1, J Piercy I McDonnell, S Stening, D O’Rourke, K O’Malley 1, G Scott 1 1, M McLeod 1 Wagga Tigers: J Buchanan 3, B Myers, A Durnan, S Driscoll Osborne FNC: H Templeton 2, J Raves 1, S Lane 1 Wagga Tigers: C Pavitt 3, H Wooden 2, J Heeney 1 BEST BEST BEST Osborne FNC: I McDonnell, N Perryman, E Perryman, D McMaster, Wagga Tigers: T Muller, T McMahon, X Heeney, F Yates Osborne FNC: R Hunter, L Bruckner, J Piercy, G Carn, R Collins, C Galvin, M Driscoll Osborne FNC: J Griffin, K Schmetzer, J Raves, J Driscoll, J Bell, H O’Connell Wagga Tigers: B Myers, C Bance, L Shepherd, S Driscoll, H Gilmore, H Smith Wagga Tigers: P Ryan, J McLeod, C Pavitt, H Wooden, A Durnan S McNaughton, K Priest TURVEY PARK BULLDOGS vs GGGM LIONS TURVEY PARK BULLDOGS v GGGM LIONS GGGM Lions 3.0, 7.1, 13.5, 17.10 (112) TURVEY PARK BULLDOGS vs GGGM LIONS GGGM Lions 3.2, 5.4, 9.5, 14.8 (92) Turvey Park Bulldogs 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.5 (11) GGGM Lions 2.2, 4.2, 7.2, 8.5 (53) Turvey Park Bulldogs 1.1, 2.1, 5.2, 6.4 (40) GOALS Turvey Park Bulldogs 0.3, 2.6, 3.7, 6.12 (48) GOALS GGGM Lions: C Linsell 5, Z Burhop 3, R Kirkwood 2, C McCrory 2, GOALS GGGM Lions: L Miller 4, T Anderson 3, R Corbett 2, M Hamblin 2, J de Jong, H Crozier, S Templeton, A Irishura, L Walsh GGGM Lions: J Manley 4, E Mackinlay 2, N Newton 1, T Murray 1 S McCready, S Terlich, N Murray Turvey Park Bulldogs: W Ashcroft 1 Turvey Park Bulldogs: B Wallett 2, J Collingridge 1, H Thomas 1, Turvey Park Bulldogs: B Ashcroft 3, W O’Connor 1, B Glanvill 1, BEST B Duffy 1, M Von Marburg 1 L Leary 1 GGGM Lions: A Irishura, C Linsell, Z Burhop, J Wilson, L Walsh, BEST BEST C Steele GGGM Lions: N Fitzgerald-Holmes, E Mackinlay, T Murray, J Taylor, GGGM Lions: A Proctor, M Hamblin, D Foley, L Miller, T Anderson Turvey Park Bulldogs: W Ashcroft, R Hubbard, H Jenkins, J Manley, I Noble Turvey Park Bulldogs: D Leary, H Woods, J Thompson-Gardener, R Weidemann, R Connor, N Flanigan Turvey Park Bulldogs: R Leary, B Wallett, J Cole, E Grigg, T Isaac, L Leary, A Rogers, B Bryce H Hallcroft MCUE GOANNAS vs LEETON WHITTON CROWS MCUE GOANNAS vs LEETON WHITTON CROWS MCUE Goannas 2.1, 5.2, 6.5, 7.8 (50) MCUE GOANNAS vs LEETON WHITTON CROWS Leeton Whitton Crows 3.3, 5.5, 7.8, 8.11 (59) Leeton Whitton Crows 1.1, 1.3, 2.6, 3.7 (25) Leeton Whitton Crows 2.2, 4.5, 7.6, 8.7 (55) MCUE Goannas 3.3, 4.6, 6.6, 6.8 (44) GOALS Mangoplah CUE Goannas 1.3, 3.3, 4.5, 6.9 (45) GOALS MCUE Goannas: S McGinn 2, N Balme 2, W Murray 1, J Bouffler GOALS Leeton Whitton Crows: C Sharman 2, N Ryan 2, D Muir 2, J Hodge 1, J Hindmarsh 1 Leeton Whitton Crows: H Booth 3, T Doyle 3, D Hillam 1, H Cooper 1 1, L Meline 1 Leeton Whitton Crows: B Wood 1, T Fletcher 1, N Tang 1 MCUE Goannas: S Emery 2, R Cole 1, W Moloney 1, C Bourne 1, MCUE Goannas: G Kendall 3, R Mooney 1, M Sykes 1, C Willis 1 BEST J Mooney 1 BEST MCUE Goannas: S Carey, J Whitley, J Bouffler, J Hindmarsh, BEST Leeton Whitton Crows: C Sharman, J Spina, R Grey, H Collins, A Killalea, J Calvert-Jones Leeton Whitton Crows: H Cooper, T Doyle, A Crelley, J Tang, K Pete, S Hopper Leeton Whitton Crows: J Lucas, M Dryburgh, T Van Buuren, J Doyle, J Rourke MCUE Goannas: N Collins, M Collins, Z Wiencke, K Shea, H Lloyd B Wood, T Fletcher, J McGregor MCUE Goannas: B Fisher, J Mooney, J Ferguson, L Lawrence, S Emery, R Cole

Narrandera Argus www.narranderaargus.com.au Wednesday, July 29, 2020 — 17 Narrandera Argus [email protected] SPORT OSTRICHES TAKE FLIGHT IN NEW

Osborne’s Jamie Parr (right) contests the ball against Wagga LEAGUE Tigers in the opening game for the 2020 Gallagher Riverina Championships on Saturday. Photo Maryanne Chant.

AFL The Tigers have competed in the and beyond.” meeting held June 25. “Under 14s Auskick and Junior Kim Woods & Claire Williams Hume League for 50 seasons but To avoid a jumper clash with The club’s rsts, reserves and netball grades will remain in the NEW look Osborne Ostriches have the League’s cancellation left Osborne Wagga Tigers, Osborne took on a Under 17s football and senior Hume League as a competition is pulled off a resounding win against all “dressed up and nowhere to go”, new playing stripe for the 2020 season. netball transferred across to the being planned. defending premiers Wagga Tigers according to president Jason Gooden. The jumper is a nod to the club’s Riverina League. “We need everyone in our club in the opening round of the 2020 They were given clearance to join heritage and is taken from the Gooden is positive about the to follow the social distancing and Gallagher Riverina Championships the Riverina League but its cessation guernsey worn through the 1940s transfer. increased hygiene activities so we on Saturday. has now seen them given a berth in and 50s. “We are looking forward to the can all bene t from being together Sporting their new guernseys and the Gallagher Riverina Champion- The colours are reversed while season and providing the opportu- as a club each weekend again. name, Osborne defeated the Tigers at ships. the name refers to the colloquial nity to bene t physical and mental “This is a really positive devel- the full-time siren 9.8 (62) to 6.11 (47). “Newly appointed coach Joel nickname the club is known by. health of the players and club opment for our club allowing our This Saturday, the Ostriches take Mackie had fired up a group of Gooden said during the 1990s members.” players to participate in compe- on Mangoplah CUE Goannas at footballers who had put in a really the Schneider family donated The season will run with six clubs tition this year and we gratefully Mangoplah. strong preseason,” Gooden said. ostrich farming sheds for use around in the draw, with six rounds and acknowledge the sacri ces made by The defending Hume League “They continued to train under the ground as player and supporter no bye weekends. our youngest footballers and premiers, Osborne had unveiled the constraints of isolation and shelters. “Osborne will remain af liated netballers and their families to their new look jumpers and name were keen to have a game somewhere. Osborne was given the final with the Hume Football Netball allow this to happen.” for the 2020 season before last “It will be talked about for years approval of the Riverina Board League and players will automati- “If any one club is going to weekend’s kick off against Wagga after we have returned to competing on June 30 with the club voting in cally be returned on November 1,” make it work, it will be Osborne,” Tigers. in the Hume league for season 2021 favour of joining at their committee Gooden said. Gooden said. Zanetti’s View Zanetti’s

18 — Wednesday, July 29, 2020 www.narranderaargus.com.au Narrandera Argus 1859 1875 Gillenbah post offi ce opens; First bank and public school are opened it is then moved to in Narrandera. Narrandera in 1861. The Narrandera Race Club is formed.

1881 The railway line from Junee to Narrandera is opened. A new era for the 1885 Narrandera is proclaimed a borough.

1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

1880 2006 Samuel Gill establishes the Narandera Argus and Riverina 1910 1968 The Narrandera Argus is printed Advertiser in an offi ce in Larmer Street, in a portion of what Bill Gammage is employed as a journalist and goes on to The Drover Estate sells the Argus to a company of local at The Border Mail press site, was later the home of the Alchin family for many years. serve the Argus for more than 55 years. shareholders known as the Narrandera Argus Pty Ltd. Wodonga, as The Daily Advertiser The paper is printed on a Caxton-type hand press made in 1950s closes its press following a buy-out England in 1879. 1917 by Rural Press. On the death of Lapthorne, ownership moves to his brother The old weatherboard building is replaced by a modern The Argus later moved to Audley Street and again to premises well-lit brick building and the plant enlarged by a third Edward, who had set up the Hillston Spectator three years 2019 later occupied by Mrs C F Harris Frock Salon. Linotype machine. earlier, took over the role of proprietor. The bi-weekly Narrandera Argus Miss D Groves was reputed to be the fi rst women in the 1953 becomes a weekly. 1892 state employed as a typograph at the Argus. The Narandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser changes The Argus was purchased by James its masthead to Narrandera Argus. 2020 Ashton, from Hay, where he was in The Argus rebrands its masthead 1920s 1970s partnership with John Johnston in The Argus journalists move from typewriters to computers. and moves to servicing the region running the Riverine Grazier. The introduction of the tabloid size newspaper marks a with an online presence. radical change in appearance of many news sheets which 1963 had for a century followed the broadsheet format. The Argus installs a Duplex Rotary Press to change the 84-year-old format of the paper to the more modern tabloid style. “Initially the paper stopped being printed at 1896 1931 The new press uses reels wound with four miles of newsprint and Narrandera and went from letterpress to offset The Argus is sold to J P Brosnan Edward Lapthorne retires and Don Drover assumes can print two broadsheet pages at a time at 1500 an hour. (1981) and was printed at Cootamundra for a while, on June 30. control. Drover served his apprenticeship in the printing then Grif th Area News for many years. It was hailed as the “most spectacular singular advance made by trade under Ernest Lapthorne and was the fi rst country “The “paste-ups” were all done at the Argus and the Argus towards the production of the paper since its foundation”. apprentice to graduate. then those were transported “ at” by car to where it The new Rotary Duplex press relaced the faithful old Double Royal “was being printed. 1905 Wharfdale, which had produced the Argus for 84 years. “In those days either the boss, Gerry Kendall, The Argus is disposed of to Ernest Lapthorne and J Charles, Berrigan. The new process coincided with the construction of the Blowering Dam, or occasionally myself, would take the paste ups, Lapthorne bought out his partner’s interest in the Argus in the early part the addition of cotton as a crop in the Murrumbidgee valley and the wait for plates to be made, newspaper printed and of the 20th century and changes the paper from a weekly to bi-weekly. expansion of tourism following the formation of the MIA Development then the bundles of newspapers brought back to He installed the fi rst type setting machine prior to WWI. Committee. Narrandera. “This usually happened around lunchtime, In 1963 there was almost 40 daily newspapers and 450 provincial titles and we would get back in time for afternoon around Australia issuing six million copies each week. distribution. 1886 “I left the Argus in March 1993 and it was still Hotels advertised in the Argus were T Foley’s Railway Hotel, East Street; James Bruce’s being done in Grif th then. Victoria Hotel, Twynam Street (the booking offi ce for Urana and Mirrool lines of Crawford “There was a staff photo taken in front of the & Co’s Coaches); Geo Davis’ Tattersall’s Hotel, Larmer Street; F J Roberts’ Australian old letterpress newspaper press that was published Hotel, Audley Street; W McMahon’s Crown Hotel; Harry Syme’s Cricketers Arms Hotel in the rst edition of the rst offset newspaper. and Prince of Wales Theatre, East Street. You could see the last edition (of the old) on the press behind the staff.” – Peter Anthony former typesetter at the Narrandera Argus and proprietor Drawing on our history of Process Printers, Narrandera Past editors include George Eldrid, who became a prominent townsman, and G M Pendergast,” to launch into the future who later became a member of the Victorian parliament. THE Narrandera Argus has been an important drawbacks a venture of this kind has retire in 1931 and the Argus was acquired Stories were copied onto disc when part of Narrandera’s history since 1880 and invariably to contend, it is a most creditable by the late Donald P L Drover, a long time computers were introduced and a CD with Don Drover was editor from 1931 and was a past now in its 140th year is going online as well production. It is a pity that its advertising employee of the newspaper. the paper les was transported to Wagga president of the Country Press Association. as in print. columns appear to be insuf ciently patronised, The newspaper remained under his Wagga by road each night (Mondays and Roy Taylor, Max Guild, James Brunsdon, Gerry This community-orientated newspaper but presumably the people here require control until his death on May 15, 1965, and Wednesdays) for printing at the Wagga Daily Kendall, Martin Sherrard, John Shute, Jack Driscoll is proud to be one of the few remaining educating up to the standard of under- the Drover Estate sold the Argus to a com- Advertiser print workshop (now closed). and Liz Lawrence, the first woman to do so, independent newspapers in existence. standing the advantages of advertising,” pany of local shareholders known as the Copies of the paper were returned by road have all served as editors. It has survived the bank crash of 1895, the report read. Narrandera Argus Pty Ltd in May 1968. freight the following mornings (Tuesday John Shute, a fi nal year apprentice linotype operator, the depressions of the mid-1890s and 1930s The Argus has witnessed and reported To this day the Argus remains in the and Thursday) to be distributed to seated at the keyboard of a British-made linotype and the sadnesses and sacrifices of two the development of new technologies from hands of this company, although sharehold- newsagencies and other outlets. machine in 1963. John went on to serve as an editor of the Argus. World Wars, as well as COVID-19 in 2020, the rst train in 1881 to a network of high- ers have been passed on to descendants Since then the Argus has utilised print- during which many newspapers of its size speed roads, including two major highways of the original shareholders, bought by other shops at Wodonga and now Shepparton and even larger closed or went online only. and a modern airport. local shareholders or changed hands due transferring les online to these facilities, One of the Argus newspaper’s earliest editorial Looking back headaches was the spelling of ‘Narrandera’. The Narrandera Argus began its life Samuel Gill assumed control of the to acquisitions. which print then return papers via road ONE hundred years ago readers were devouring the Narandera as the Narandera Argus and Riverina Argus in 1881, followed by George Eldred of Current managing editor Liz Lawrence freight to Narrandera for distribution on According to an historical article dealing with Argus in its broadsheet version, with the front page reserved Advertiser. Wagga who became the owner/editor in 1884. started her career in journalism as a ca- Wednesday mornings. Narrandera’s history published by the old Rural for the classi eds and advertisements. First published in 1880 as the Narrand- Two years later George Jarman founded det journalist with the Argus when it was Now published weekly on Wednesdays, Bank in an issue of the Tattersalls Club magazine. Local, regional, national and international news was laid era Argus and Riverina Advertiser it was the Narrandera Ensign, which continued owned by the Drover Estate after the death plans to go online with a new website and out column by column – social snippets sat beside the latest published under this masthead until 1953 publication until 1912, when it ceased. of the late Don Drover and continued to paywall is one of the biggest innovations While it once had a single ‘r’ (Narandera) this news carried by telegraph on the repatriation of soldiers when it changed its title to Narrandera Argus, John Johnston and James Ashton, owners work for the current owners as a journalist, the Argus has seen for many years in its was offi cially changed to the current day spelling after the Great War. which is still in publication. of the Riverine Grazier at Hay, acquired the editor and now managing editor for more 140th year. of Narrandera. This can be seen in early issues Advertisements ranged from kidney pills to tyres and wool It has changed publication days and Argus in July 1892 and two months later its than half a century. As well as covering local news the Argus of the Argus with the jubilee issue in 1935 featuring merchants with some of the big local advertisers, E Quinn frequencies over the years, starting as singular control passed to James Ashton, Previous managers and editors under will publish stories from surrounding towns, a single ‘r’. & Company, and S Richards & Co Ltd sitting alongside those a weekly and then becoming a bi-weekly who became a parliamentary member for the Narrandera Argus Pty Ltd ownership have including Coolamon, Lockhart and the from Melbourne and Sydney. before it returned to a weekly in 2019. Hay in 1894. been Roy Taylor, Max Guild, James Brunsdon, Murrumbidgee Shires. According to the Tattersall edition the name Stock sales were advertised weekly at the Larmer Street Its important link with the history of He sold the Argus to J P Brosnan on June Gerry Kendall, Martin Sherrard, John Shute “We have moved with the times and look was originally ‘Narran-derra’ and there was also saleyards while announcements heralded special trains Narrandera began in 1880 when Bell and 30, 1896 and the newspaper operated under and Jack Driscoll, who was the company forward to serving our readers for many controversy about the meaning. departing for district shows at Coolamon and Wagga. Company commenced publication of the the name of Brosnan and Cahill before being secretary and general manager for some time. years to come. We have embraced change Readers poured over the sports results each week including It was agreed that Narra or Narrung signifi es cricket, Aussie Rules and racing. Narrandera Argus as the town awaited the sold at auction to Messrs Ernest Lapthorne The Argus is now a weekly newspaper and we hope our readers will do the same,” the type of lizard known as the “Jew,” although completion of the rail link with the Great and Charles of Berrigan. published in print and now moving to online said Mrs Lawrence. Rainfall records were the lifeblood of the rural commu- it was also suggested that it means “Gnaren” nity, taking up columns each week, detailing measurements Southern Railway. Mr Charles transferred his interest to in addition to print. Its move to offer the The current Argus team includes managing hungry. Derra, dera or dra all mean “place,” since 1866 at Widgiewa Station and 1888 at Narrandera. The Town and Country Journal of June 5, Mr Lapthorne in 1905 and he continued as newspaper online was one of the biggest editor Liz Lawrence, senior journalist Kim but a further defi nition was that the word should Yanko, Carrathool and Murrumbidgee Shires news lled 1880 reported that an account of Narrande- the sole proprietor until his death at the age changes in recent years, although the Argus Woods, journalist Claire Williams, graph- be “doora,” which was “spear” and that the name many columns each week, down to the nest details to ensure ra would be incomplete if no mention was of 43 in 1916. Control then passed to his has never been afraid to embrace technology ic designer Fran Macdonald, advertising was given to the place by an elated old aboriginal residents were kept informed. made of its newspaper. brother Edward Lapthorne, who owned the and was one of the rst newspapers in this salesperson Brian Payne and long serving The Argus staff pictured outside the office in the 1930s under the headman who proclaimed proudly, “I have speared One hundred years ago the Argus was also keeping “It is, if I am not mistaken, the young- Hillston Spectator. area to have its journalists utilise computers nance manager Debbie Bock, plus casual guidance of proprietor Don Drover, far right. a lizard.” readers up to date with the restrictions and implications of the est country newspaper and despite all the Ill health forced Edward Lapthorne to in the 1970s. photographer Rustty Lake-Connolly. Spanish in uenza pandemic. 2 — Wednesday, July 29, 2020 www.narranderaargus.com.au Narrandera Argus Narrandera Argus www.narranderaargus.com.au Wednesday, July 29, 2020 — 19 *vcrea3jaeartiU 3MCoeU.oine. ROYAL HOTEL Notice. Awarded First Prliea at j%, Narandera, Wagga, ftV JunaeSrwrw»,'lB9!^ Jf WHITTOH, 1 S T PERSON fonna trMpsaslng in the Tarrabee Park BTJILDHRS OB1 R. B. <Y, Proprietor. A. paddocks, disturbing JrS^S' & eheepand damaging fences in pursuit oi to to Distret Resf Jno.Y.Ward game, will, after this be and A. bsg» intimate date, prosecuted Carriages Buggies f SSVjt Publis that without to RB., dents and the TraTalling ACCOUNT &JTT, respect persons. OP BVBRT DESCRIPTION. ANGUS ROBERTSON, .f ^^ Jr ^^ he has taken the above Hotel, and, having ean Tambee had a lengthened business experienee. Park, May », 1B92. r Auditor, Arbitrator, Valuator, W^ HT H tbs vary t«Bt aoceounoda* JKhh ^L^rf Ihmsw promija pavrons InsoranoB Notice. Pain In »* (ion. Ho«M, Land, Estate, For Bfflons and Nsrwus DJsorfers, such as Wind and fteStanidw Extensive have beea made and CoU Improvements AWD -k-d Giddiness Fulness and Svrclling after mealSi Dimness Drowsinejsy 4 Carts, and Farm Headache to- the House. MY persons found trespassing in the Spring Tip Drays, Short,** or Breath, CorivenesaJBtotcl^ f\ f-!§$J/ ChU^u.h^Toni'.U^ of Appetite! Fimt-clas» Heals are well served. Commission Barellan paddooks, disturbing cheep Dreams, and all Nervous and '«r General Agent, on ths SkiaTDlsturbed Sleep. Rightful Trembltoj An Attentive and Experienced QttoAH and fences in at XN^rwinrnr ™» damaging game, Senutlons, &c TaK tolst1)osb will give HUB on Written pursuit Waggons, etc., wj'jy™': alwavs hand. Examined. Bodies will, after this be without is of these Ms. ar AeoomnU up date, proieouted Is no 6ctioi. sufferer earnestly invited to try one Box ^snd they of wcAx-m to oBUBiit. /WA^T*rainteo Every Only the Ohoioeit Brands Llqvots reaped to f and to » WORTH A GUINEA A^i' MdK.pfc persens. will be be in Btock. acknowledged restore female* to MggMiftv*. T.Z. CLASTON, /ft^ as directed, *nH compiew EEECHAM'S PILLS, taken quickly Trial is all that is asked tor, or A First Barellan. If .miMO remore of the For a Mechanics fceSaf '^/promptly any obstruction irregularity system. bbhalt or Dinoai kadi Only tompettnt / ABBAmntEnTB m January 18, 1M1. ft, „n Uver AooopunPBJtrAMD. Stomach Impaiwl Dlgfestioa : Disordered ; wxtbGudihbs. Employed. -^^^^. Weak ; (IN BANKRUPTCY) Notice. j/^^X TMBIIX MAKAOMD JOHNSON, B*C*,TM »M- ill HATTEBS SWEN are m- TEUBTBBasiPS AoomiD, publte cautioned Hunt Implements FldldtaicUoM iiKli tKhboi. fpHI against T^ABAOTEB^^^^ilgricultupal SOU gtdieint n tto Wrii. Practical Tailor. or SSZ 2, S ctany Point JL ing, Shooting, and Fishing en, given with EPAI ED. AKO or JOf every description &QVSW AW- LaKD LSI ASP BOUOHt removing Stoek timber from the Nerth BVEBlV^Os- and ef ? -, bast Patterns OjisllH- BTEW ? ~s~ ? —i rpHErery Bold on ComaMloK. Yanco Estate without permiasion. We VEHIOLB/CXk/ pretext whaterer will he taken far btlng ea THAT LEAVES f *.vd M«AOBinBre oi Fbomht he property, and persona without HORSES SHOD X Tweeds; , a«nttvvtoa excep f IVOOIiFKESSZIS I tJaOKBTAKBM. tion will b» pioseouted. —THE— OST APPROVED I ^/^^i» Jos THB PRINCIPLES. At leas than Manufacturer's Prices. CoatltiKH, i FA0TOBX or InsHtu _ri|||a ban* In Mining, Bank, other ^-J^^ Tronserlfan,^ er and eEBO Bftvard. & co. tlons Investments Bought winchcombeTcarson SenpBsV Bold on Commission. Cironlat fTlHB abore Reward will be paid te any Satisfaction -5uarantcc&. Quay, Sydney, to WOOLPRE8SE8 ALWAYS ON HAND FROM WHICH one information that will lead to made special arrangements with regard the of and Ma JL giving f^&'f supply Companies Promoted, Legal to that the use of a Press is essential to the TO BELKOT. the conviction of the person or persons who HAVEgrowers, believing good proper the can Uken. are Bales in Babbit Proof preparation of wool for market. of following Presses be supplied— agsment Cutting the ? Any E- M4''8'- — Wl WILSOir' tree on board rail or steamer at less than Manufacturer's Prices, viz. :— Netting on the Boundary Fenoe between **trjr-$o$'^ PIT atTARANTEED. on Houses, Fuml Goree run with turn-orer box _4SS 0 0 I The 'Koentt,'popill-rbn]i«'a press 4M 10 0 iMunuica Effected and Mr Chant's seleotion, known ADDRESS— Ferrier't, top 84 10 0 I IS 0 Station and Farm Property. M The'Fromler'Prwi,Binip[e»D-fqaIcfc Nicbol«on't.»itelbonnitpra!8,«wliiglop2i Street, turo, Prickly Banfr*. f^Sf^ 01 i, Heit Larmer The'CulWe,'rlainf arturnom top XS 0 Eltchlc'eNo. handy ftnoer'ipreet.. at ? 0 Darai'g, and Wool. D. O tuin-orer BOBBBXSOK, 'PateDt,' compact and durmblt 16 0 I Bttchie's box .. t- 0 0 NARANDERA. Lough1* IXIi, top STREET, .. Goree. /EAST The'I«n4lor,'«wlimopbor S9 10 0| COLLECTED. / 1 as to terms of as AMD DEBTS EBNT8 Fuller particulars payment, also to the characteristic*, GEATBTUL— COMFOETUTOi And Branch at and of the various Presses on Untted 're Babbit Proof Fencing. Grong Grong, weights, capacity application. Agent fbr thePai^Tand CHAS. WIMCSCOMBB. 0ABSOS * CO., Circular Quay. Sydney. a* OLARK, Manager. ? Insurance Cos., Md. (Capital ia The Act rtstes that otll. £680,000 ; Funds hud, anyone damaging such is liable to a «f £60, or S6OO.OO0.) fencing penalty fix month* imprisonment, or both. Any EPPS'SrCOCOA. person or persons so offending on the Herth rSBBIHAHB BUYAL ~Ft p TH A K 'H' A BT

CORNS AND WARTS „ REMOVE A. T. CAUTION. j contribute lialf. tbe cost of a A'd. HENDERSON, bridge Lcthbrldgc said tine, csjieclally I)y lue exjiresBions ? 2 which Accountant and Auditor. estimated to cost about £1,200. He fish tins, wer» a great attraction to had&''e fallen from the or j aldermen there person persona tousd FISHING, did not think the Commission wouH flies. Such refuse as cou'.fl. was no EAST bones, &c, rooBon why should losi STREET. SHOOTING, or otherwine TEES. to not they NARANDERA, ANY I offer find £000 towards the of be ted to fowls. tate G0L0SBR9UGH cost to proceed wilh the Tlie. on MOBT & CO. LTD. proposal PASSING YAREABEE WILL BE if it did not from a bridge recognise its re The said that suitable oil first steji necessary would obtainable lor 1/6 'Phone 30. Private Mayor 1«- 'to ivfc.' TV»»-'te residence 155. PROSECUTED tu ? without;™!^ iwkod. sponsibility. drums he used as tins, it to the might garbage Finance Coimuitlee- aud ;i S. & J. JIcCAUGHET. The said that he had hoard provided were was INCOME TAX WOOL SYDNEY Mayor they covered. a question that would ii'tiiniiielv RETURNS PREPARED BROKERS, to that none of tin bridges were b' The Mayor said the -Health Com be decided by the theni interefcred but even ralepayers Are to make wilh, if the cansl mittee also recommended that the ficlves. There CAUTION. prepared was never a town LIBERAL. ADVANCES widened the was not at bridges, thn garbage depot be cleaned up. which ofl'crcd a lietter oppoKunilv HOUSE the fur VOUR against growing Woo! Commission would send a very lit-.ny The report was a ball D0 HOT PAINT Clip. adopted. building Ulan Nnraudera did ai ALL of water down tbecsmal which IT with H. G. PODMORE persons found stream the present time. re PKESERVB & GO Hunting, for FINANCIAL Town Clerk's Report. They know Dial AND or otherwise trespass Applications for would shorten the life of the Larmer the Public Hall wenl STAIN Sloolmg, ASSISTANCE The Town Clerk (Mr. cently Company Street bridge and make it dangeiJUK 11. 13. Bell) into AUCTIONEERS. NARANDERA. ing- on Tubbo Station without per the liquidation and Its hall purpese of STOCKING UP will be considered as follows: ouo lo traffic. He hoped the Council woulvi reported 'Only would mission will be prosecuted. man at probably bo used for let the matter is present on the maintenance LIGN.UMVITOL MANAGER. KINDLY SUPPLY FULL DETAILS~WHENAPPLYING. not drop. another purpose. He. had been On the staff and the past fortnight he for Wood) motion of Aid. MiTi'ersmi during assured one of (Life has been Hast Street for by the liquidat Stock Station & was ileeldnd all General Com and Hemiessy, it that repairing ors that if the Council made most of the The up its in connection with period. stormwater mind build . mission correspondence lo a town anil a Wonderful Agents. CAUTION. channel nnd lias been hall, the tlie bt tabled at the uexi nicel bridge decking Public Hall was A Beautiful Stata^ subject disposed of. it would ACtENTS FOR ATLAS ASSURANCE of .1.- Council. repaired and causeways scoured by Ants :;:jj be a condition that il v.ou'd be White ANY person or found recent rain havo been attended kept against persons From the Wardens Ole'.i;. heavy Preservative CO. paling open as a hall until the Council erect Ashing, Shooting, or otherwise Dixon had 10 lo. There is now no matorjal avail that Mr. G. H applied ed its ball. He read the ];i\v govern CLEARING Trespassing on Berrembed will able for to or SALES CONDUCTED IN the Warden at Wagga for an author repairs bridge decking the be ing floating of a loan for the pur prosecuted without respect .to Next 1 sec stormwater channel. The work of PART THE Season's allotments to 10, even ANY OF Wool to enter and Raid that if ii cost DISTRICT persons. ity pose, from All previous permis under the on constructing enclosures and seats in and obtain Booklet tion 10, mining private £8000 or £9000 it would be a sound sions cancelled. THE Ihe has been as well mepcctBampU. AUSTRALIAN WOOL CLIP is tbe foremost oC the Pastoral lands provisions of the Mining Act, park completed, business When the as the renewal of tlie. rose proposition. mat H. ANDREW. was of part which create NATIONAL asking if there any objection to ter wan before (he rulopayers LIMITED Products, WEALTH. This call be appreci trellis. Mr. has p'accd the being grained. McQulllen completed would R.HANKINSON ated application he UiouKlit they consider ilie by the fact that tho production in 1918 yielded decided offer no his contract in WillaiiB anrt King and NOTICE. nearly £10,000,000 U was tu objection. wifidom of tbc and one which for com proposal Kolo Distributors NiBAMDHBA.ii* Knight Lee, the Puulic. Works Streets, and Mr. Hunt has alfio STEAM sterling. From Department, w*uld add lo the beauty of the town. DISTRICT. '. that were pleted the contract in Whitton Street. LAUNDRY, lJSY person or perepos eliooting or staliiiB enquiries being The motion was carried. dint,' the stoimwaler channel lo S. made t*vRh a view to 0I1 Regal lo otherwise trespassing on Atliole The levied disastrous toll on and f'j Sydney The matter was referred Ilio larmer Narandera. drought subsequently ;Jlio .graziers, l-e -coiiBiucted from the to Ltd. Street, after tUc miVtr.fi ul a railway Committee an De Meria Station this date will bo prose the taiii'ng pipe layer, Finance for report at by heavy losses make an of the dividend flora Street, all the sand most of, Manufactured TELEPHONE No. 85. resulting early payment and the Council, be informed, lilwill and date. cuted. #fctji or. early the resale of the a suitable man coiilil Ire found. ihe gravel required is thW*lte..«iid STCAET S. EOBEBTSON wools in Britain desirable. Also the losses when Valuer. SYDNEY AND NEWCASTLE. 26/1H7. highly is -t3»e Airanfe'cmcnls were for an in the supply of cement 011L- % Work make it for being All kinds o[ Laundry done necessary growers to select with a special care their now necessary before a com ?Mr. J. U. Itlckard was Hpci'tor to come to Narandera to look thing ap|.oinleil by Uie latest process. mencement with the work can b&' valuer for the next at 10 Notice Agents for the coming season, when an 'open market' will rule. after the of the reservoirs, yjar, a concreting mndp.' fulfil' Suits Cleaned nnd Pressed and at imineraliou of £50. 'The Pill that will your joy and asking what late suitable board made equal to nuw in our new The method aud The report was received. A NYONE found organisation of PITT, SON & BADGI3RY LTD., ami lougiug eouui »e ouiaiiicci. General. 'American' Mechanical Steam Fishing, Shouting or Infoi'nialion of Nuisance's Aid. Harden and Mcl'herson PreBser for xi- Hunting, otherwise Trespassing in the displaying and disposing of the Wool the War supplied. Inspector Report. wore 7/, during Period, Public Works Pills on BREWARKANNA STATION wi I'roui the. Department, Tho of Nuisances (Mr. tbe Council at Miracle made these Salesmen as shown tlie satisfaction Inspector appointed to represent Hansen's INSPECTION INVITF.D. be preeminent by great slating thai aivaiigcinents would be prosecuted. J. }l. Moore) reported tbal sinci; his Hie Local Government conference 011 Liver, GIVE US 4 TRIj. given to thousands of - made for an officer of the Department For the L. C. LENEHAN. graziers. last report only one case of infectious 21st September. to visit Xuramlora fur Hie of jiurpose - and disease had been notified. He had A'd. Heniiessy draw attention to In; indigestion The Wool Growers will now .111 of the electric ifajMBf|y^ select their SELLING AGENTS for making inspection impounded seven head of calt'n. the necessity for n ladies' lavatory in Hut and a report Notice. supply plant furnishing three owners. the. coming season, and to meet their SON & property of The total park. requirements, PITT, on its WM. value ami was iris 1i\. was to an JUNR. eiliciency. cost of releasing them HI It decided obtain cMinia'e CLARK, DAHGEltY LTD. have made the with and drawing at requisite provision foresight From T. Newton Hayes, He had made 20 oils or same. Straying on ray will complete inspect nf the cost QTOUK proporty tention to the of bouses in ENGINEER, GENERAL BLACKSMITH judgment for the efficient of SMALL aud LARGE shortage of w.cs. in Kerriertown, and issued Aid. Watkins draw attention lo Hi' KJ be Impounded, and any person re handling consign the town, and also to the fact that ill lnovine Stock without three demolition and 1G general repair height of the ropes on tlie swings in AND Straying permis ments. To INSURE satisfaction to them. a were WHEELWRIGHT cousigu number of places bath rooms to sion will be notices. The inspection showed Ibal (he park, aud also several instance!, prosecuted. not TWYNAM STREET, NARANDERA. provided. 3(1 per cent of the places were in kiumI where the attention of the mainten The. said he that order, and were lo NEIL BLACK, Mayor recognised complied witb regulations, ance men required footp.iilis Crock. the was acute here, Bundidjarie housing problem while of the balance many could be and gutters in the streets. A as elsewhere; anil he was in sym HORSESHOEING SPECIALITY PITT, SON AND BADGERY LTD. brought up to the standard for very The Mayor promised attent on. with who had to people up to pathy put little, expense. Applications by Mr. Aid. Culley drew attention pro Notice Drovers. homes such as those to SYDNEY with referred to. streets. In Boxes 27. for Union J. H. Robertson, with plans attached. truding fire plugs in the Agent Insurance Company if a number of in people permanent for permission to build ou account of Aid. Hemiessy drew attention to an for International Harvester eninlovment would forward a reauisl llaukinson's Ltd. and J. sand in street in Agent Uoy. passing through prop by A. Han .-.cumulation of the my lion to the Department that asking sell to build a in Ashton or Mr. business DROVERSerty are required to give Notice cottage the vicinity Simpson's Cured homes 1)0 erected for them under the Rheumatism at tho Street might be granted. Plans sup He soid that water in Ilie Havini; installed Hie Homestead, 'BROWL1SY,' promises. the most experienced necessary Machin State Scheme he had no by one of Housing plied by the War Service Homes street near the shop could not run into all COROBIMILLA. the in Ibo ery, RUBBER can done doubt pusiliun would be relieved. Commission showed no for the gutter. CHEMISTS COMMONWEALTH TYRING be provision . LAID Tin: practice on tlio POISON adopted by tlio War Ser premises perfectly and with des wood or coal fires in the laundry, only To receive attention. Hansen's Rheumatic Remedy A. STEWART. vice Homes Commission of purchasing that the shed patch. gas being providi u' for. In other par The Mayor suggested homes already erected was not desir ticulars Ibe wore tank should be removed (Registered) plans satisfactory. at tho septic TREADS able, as the tenants of such houses from An appliii.t'on by Mr. K. Quinii for to Ihe Council's yard for use as a In Bottles 5/6 were put out and find other SULKIES, New and Second-hand NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. ^UNIVERSAL obliged to permission to build a motor shed in store room and work shop by the n and Red Rubber Tubes accommodation. ALWAYS IN STOCK. Chafes Street w;is ill order, with the turncock. Aid. if HHNSEN, l.ethlir:dgo asked tbe Coun lhat the cauie Aid. Harden and MePherson moved or exception application HEHTY K NYONE found. Fishing, Shooting, cil could the erection of bain removed Ibe -- compel to hand after the were that the' shed be to otherwise on premises Chemist A Trespassing 15UGK rooms. nearly completed. Council's yard. Narandora. INGBONG STATION will be prosecut The said thai or from F. DDVAL, Mayor all plans that Aid. MePherson moved that the ap The motion was carried. ed without respect to persons. All came before the Council had have WISEBROsTLm, lo plication of the War Service Homes The Mayor said that one of the previous permisEione cancelled. no is more provision for bathrooms, but the Commission be and that (ho at would have lo be MILLERS AND GRAIN 'T'HIiRIi economical granted, Kates (iic park Council could not compel ihe erection THE MANAGER, attention of Hie Commission be drawn put in order. the MERCHANTS, lyre equipment. of bathrooms at premises Buckingbong already to the fact thai there was no gas sup Works Committee coll erected. town. common F. T. NIELSEN NARANDERA AND TOCUMWAL. inch of these f;i;;ious ply in the age on the meet Every No decision was arrived at ou the seconded the motion, ft ra Aid. Watkins ing. Wisbes to notify tbe public that TRESPASS NOTICE. 1 is productions of that Quality subject. was carried. were for Direct Government Agents for jt which Accounts passed payment, has started a From tho .Secrelarv nf Hie Hace N.S.W. Wheat Pool. which renders highest Service The applications by Messrs. .1. II. and the meeting rose. °\ Club, asking the' Council to for p2 apply Robertson and .). A. Jlansell for Wheat received ana ANYONE found fishing, snoot per carefully . value. Motor Car Service £ the i.f ;i on weighed and certificates issued ing, or hunting on Grong Grong proclamation public holday mission in build were granted. Tuesday. Jnili the occasion promptly. Station will be prosecuted. f August, Mr. Quinn's :iiipl(ca(ion was grant Gar on Hire or Night. being the first day of the Club's an to the Day AH previous permissions giveD ed, anil he is lie informed of Gristing done for Farmers. nual race meeting. with the ord ALWAYS. are rescinded. necessity of complying PERSONAL ATTENDANCE Oats, Barley, and Maize crushed. ^9 M!c!ieliris mean The application was granted. LATE It. GUEST, money inances in future. EXORS. jp— From the of Special arrangements have .Secretary tho Imperial Car Grong Grong. in Waterworks Seven seater 1918 Model Buick -een made to expeditiously handle . your pocket: Football Club. iipplvi]jK for the use of Engineer's Report. the park and for permission to charge The Waterworks report NOTE. On receiving notice from Ihe wheat. Ivngineor's Sol for admission on 2Sth :ijst showed that the was working Parents aud Kelative6 of Returning TRESPASS NOTICE. July, July. plant 7th August. a radius of 10 miles satisfactorily. The was granted. from the Railway Station, application Narandera Hudson's b ti ll d Electrician's Report