Geological Map Of

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Geological Map Of Saskatchewan Industry and Resources Saskatchewan GEOLOGICAL MAP OF 110° Geological Survey 60° 109° 108° NORTHWEST TERRITORIES 107° 102° Rgd 106° 105° 104° 103° Rgg Ra 60° Rgd MHc RNg Rz Ra Ms Patterson Hasbala Rgd Ra Selwyn Lake Sovereign Mc Lake Lake RNg Rgd Scott Rp SASKATCHEWAN Thainka Ra Mg Bailey MH Rgd Lake Rb Wayaw Lake Ena Lake MR Mf Tazin River Lake Lake Rb Rm Rgn Lake Misaw Rz Rgd Hamill Warren Rm Picea Rp Lake Lake RT Tazin Rm Rb Premier Tbs Scale 1:1 000 000 1999 Edition Lake River Lake Lake RM Rgg Lake Rb Mc Ra Tazin River Ra Dodge Robins Gebhard Ms Tsalwor Rz RM Rz Rm Rm Lake Ms Rs Lake Rz Rs Rw Z Lake RM RM Rgg Rgd Rm Lake Mc Rm Rgd Ra Ms Keseechewun 25 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Kilometers Harper RM Oldman Rgd Rm River Many Rgg Lake Ra Lake Lake RT Oldman Rhf Ms Bonokoski Islands Rgd Rz Oman Rp Hawkins Mp Nicholson Rb Grollier Rp Wapiyao Lake Rgd Lake Lake Lake Lake Fontaine Lake Ms Mc Rb Mb Lake Rgf Rgn Lake Aniska RM RT Tp Rgg Rs Astrolabe Emerson Lake 100 Miles Rs RM RFg Rhf Bompas Apipuyew 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Rgf Rgd Forsyth Lake MH FP Lake Mf Lake Rz Rgd Rs Rp Lake Rgd Ms Lake Uranium City + + Eldorado Rz TbTb Young Herbert Rgd Rgn Box Lake Mg Rgg Rw Rhf Rs Rgd Rgd Lake Mc Spratt Rbq Nevins Lake RMb Lake Rhf Grease Rgn River Lake z Beaverlodge Ms Td Kaskawan Mb FP Black Lake RsM Rm Rgf Mp Ms Ms MHc LEGEND Bay Rhf Rgd Td Lake Rm Thicke Tt Milton RLg Rgd Lake Mp Nunim Rgf Mc Mg Rw Lake Lake Rgg Rgg Rm Rgd Ms Bulyea Tp Mf Mb Rgn Mc Grove Hutcherson Rgd Rp Td Td Chipman Mf Ms Ms Lake Ms Franklin Mg Phanerozoic Basin of Southern Saskatchewan Rgd Clut Lakes Lake Charlebois Walker Mukasew Lake River Mp Lake RsM Rgf Tp Lake Ms Lake Lake Kohn MFb pine l Lake ERA PERIOD EPOCHAGE GROUP FORMATION Mfc Rp Hewgil MFd Fond-du-Lac Du Lake Mg MFd Fond Tg Mb Porcu Pinkham Holocene + Lac Mc Mc Lake Ms Mg Quaternary Td TbTb Mp Ms Ms Z Pleistocene 1.6 Laurentide Drift Holocene, Pleistocene, and Pliocene formations are not shown on this map. Tbs Ms Lake Athabasca River Mp Ms Mg Pliocene Fanson Ms Mf Mg 4.9 Saskatchewan/Empress Mp + Ochak Lake Wf Undifferentiated Tertiary: Stony Phelps Wood Mountain Wood Mountain Fm: Conglomerate and sandstone; abundant mammalian and other vertebrate Helmer WPa Rapids Tg lake Miocene Twm Mp Wr fauna; silicified wood common; <20 m Tu Quartzite and chert gravel, locally Lake Black Lake Wr River MFc Neogene 24 conglomeratic; sand and clayey silt MFd Lake Ms Cypress Hills Fm: Fluviatile conglomerate, mainly quartzite; interchannel lacustrine Richards Elizabeth Cypress Hills WPb MFb Mc Wp Oligocene 34 marlstone with minor volcanic ash beds towards the east; abundant mammalia and other vertebrate Lake Falls Misekumaw Tch + MFb Hara Tertiary Engler Lake fauna; <80 m; fossiliferous fine-grained sandstone with local conglomerate of the Black Lake Newnham Hannah Wf CENOZOIC ATH ABASCA SAND DUNES Swift Current Creek Beds; <20 m Riou Lake Lake Lake Eocene Swift Current Othersid PROV. WILDERNESS PARK WPb Lake Lake Ms 59° Perch Burnett eogene 57 Ravenscrag Fm: Locally cemented buff, grey, and white fluviatile-lacustrine sandy claystone, green- LL MFc River Bickerton LL Archibald Mf Lake Lake Pal MacFarlane Nordbye Paleocene Tr grey to buff feldspathic sandstone, siltstone and shale; minor coal; includes kaolinite beds of the e Hocking Ms Mp Ravenscrag Lake 65 Willow Bunch Member; <245 m Lake Du Lac Ms TL Fond Lake Ms Wp 59° Frenchman Fm: Grey-green massive cross-bedded fluviatile-lacustrine sandstone; locally dolomitic or calcareous; River MFb Wf Frenchman TL Walsh kaolinitic and carbonaceous with thin lignite beds; mudstone and non-marine red and green shale; OF Kingston Kf Lake Lake dinosaur fauna, including Triceratops and Tyrannosaurus rex , amphibians and fish; <60 m Babiche Wr Hawkrock Battle Battle Fm: Dark brown to purplish black bentonitic silty shale; mauve-grey weathering; <15 m Squirrel Giles Lake Wr Maastrichtian Davy Lake Lake Bannock River Wf WH Kewbf Whitemud Fm: Kaolinitic mudstone, thick kaolinite beds interbedded with grey-purple mudstone and Lake Bentley Lake carbonaceous shale; grey shaly siltstone; mudstone with thin lignite and kaolinitic sandstone; at base William Wr Whitemud Lake Wr Charcoal mainly fluviatile grey to white cross-bedded feldspathic sandstone; <25 m Wapata River Lake MacFar Luffman Eastend Fm: Yellow-brown fine-grained silty and clayey volcanic lithic sandstone with interbedded grey to Whigham Mp Wg Wf River Lake Wp Ke greenish shale; non-marine to estuarine; sharp lateral changes from sandstone to shale; marine pelecypod Lake Lake Eastend lane Waspison beds near base; <30 m Wr Wg Wg TL Corson Mp Wr River Wf Lake 71 Bearpaw Fm: Grey marine claystone, shale, and siltstone; minor brownish grey sandstone; Riding Mountain Fm: (Pierre Shale) River Lake Bearpaw Kb OF MFc concretionary beds and thin bentonite layers; commonly with foraminifera and molluscs; <400 m Krm Grey-green silty marine claystone and MFd Wr Montana Mf Wp Sava Bartlett Carswell River MFb Belly River Belly River (Judith River) Fm: Fluviatile to minor marine light grey-buff sandstone, siltstone, and shale; locally bentonitic and concretionary D River Forsyth Lake Wf Kbr Lake C Lake Campanian mudstone with strong lateral variations; local coal and bentonite; mollusc coquinas; <200m near base Livingstone Lake Hatchet WPb Mf Mp Wf Lea Park Fm: Grey marine shale, minor siltstone, fine-grained sandstone, and bentonite beds; Kro Odanah Member: silicified shales OF Lake Lake Wp Wr Wf Upper Lea Park Badwater Wp Wg D Charbonneau LL abundant foraminifera and molluscs; <200 m Carswell Scrimes Wf Klp Kingsley Riding Mountain Granger Durrant Lake Wp 84 Milk River Fm: Bioturbated grey muddy sandstone interbedded with siltstone and silty shale; Pine Lake Milk River marine molluscs dominantly baculitid; <220 m Rgg Lake Lake Wg Rw Snare Santonian First White First White Speckled Shale: Laminated calcareous shale and mudstone with abundant WR Wf Cluff Lake Wr Wr 86 Specks coccolith debris; interbedded with shaly chalk, shale, siltstone, and sandstone; includes muddy Vermillion River Fm: Calcareous Douglas Rgg WPa nd Wf Medicine Hat sandstone and siltstone of the Medicine Hat Sandstone in the southwest (<15 m); bentonite beds white-speckled shale (Boyne Member) Lake Wp Kvr Rw erfou and calcite, siderite, and phosphorite concretionary layers; thin beds of inoceramid prisms and Rgg Thomson WH WH WH overlying black shale (Morden Member); Wat Coniacian foraminiferal tests; <160 m LL Lake bentonite beds abundant River Wf Metka 89 Kws Oback Carlile Fm: Dark grey shale, mudstone and siltstone, increasingly abundant sandstone towards top; D Wp Carlile Snare Pasfield Theriau Henday Wf Wf Lake fish skeletal debris; <65 m Hale Lake MFb PL Vermillion River Lake Lake Turonian Lake Dautremont Lake Wollaston Second White Specks Fm: Laminated calcareous claystone to siltstone with bentonite beds locally Favel Fm: Calcareous white-speckled River Wf 94 Upper Colorado Second Lake Lake shale; thin beds of impure limestone River Pgl White common; generally contain coccolith-debris flakes, benthic and planktonic foraminifera, inoceramid and Kfv Pbb other pelecypod remains, fish scales and bones, and ammonites; <55 m near top; inoceramids and fish, reptile, Creek WH Specks Favel River Wr Pbb Cretaceous and avian fauna locally; bentonite Wf Cenomanian Belle Fourche Fm: Dark brown to dark grey mudstone and siltstone; slightly calcareous in places; MFc Wp Wr PL common Belle Fourche containing Planolites and Chondrites ; at top in southwestern Saskatchewan partly glauconitic Pv sandstone containing mainly Terebellina ; <35 m Fidler Wp Fish Scales LL Waterbury 99 Brudell Bay Hull Pgl Fish Scales Fm: Laminated mudstone, shale, sandstone, and bentonite with abundant fish remains; Lake WH coarse sandstone rich in bioclastic debris, phosphatic fish scales widely developed at the base; <25 m Lake Wp Lake Pbb Westgate Wollaston Lake Wr Pbb Westgate Fm: Interbedded mudstone and siltstone; <95 m; in west-central Saskatchewan includes Undifferentiated Mannville and River Pbb Pgl LL + Wp Wq MESOZOIC bioturbated, variably glauconitic silty sandstone of the St. Walburg Sandstone (<35 m) 58° Ku Lower Colorado strata Wr Wf Pbb Klc Dwm MFd Wp Zangeza Viking Newcastle Viking Fm (Newcastle Fm in the east): Cross-bedded sandstone with conglomerate, pebbly Pipestone Hydichuk Pbb Bay Hunter WPb Cushing Ahenakew sandstone, dark grey mudstone and shale; layers of bentonite and concretionary siderite; coarsening Wf Lake PL Lower Colorado Lower Lake Lake Albian upward sequences in the southwest, fining upward in the southeast; <55 m Dunning Pgl 58° Joli Fou Phanerozoic Legend WPb Lake PL PW Joli Fou Fm: Dark grey shale with mudstone and thin laminated sandstone; minor bentonite, Wp Wf pelecypod coquinas, concretionary calcite, siderite, and pyrite; <80 m; in central Saskatchewan Mayson Engemann The graphic log on the left is a generalized Minto Z Z includes glauconitic sandstone and non-calcareous shale of the basal Spinney Hill Member; <35 m Kirsch Wr PW Pense section showing all formations present in Lake Lake Lake Lower Lake Zengle Pense Fm (McLaren and Colony members): Fine-grained current-bedded glauconitic quartzose WPa Wp Wr Saskatchewan. Wp Lake Pipestone Wr Wg sandstone, interstitial kaolinitic clay; shaly siltstone with carbonaceous toolmarked shale; <45 m Pbb PL Colour-filled legend boxes denote formations MFa Hall Lake Close Pf Cantuar Km WPa Cree Pbb 112 Cantuar Fm: Marine quartzose sandstone, mudstone and shale; intercalated with estuarine and LzL Lake Lake which outcrop or subcrop beneath glacial drift.
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