Index to the Journal of Arizona History, K-L Arizona Historical Society,
[email protected] 480-387-5355 NOTE: the index includes two citation formats. The format for Volumes 1-5 is: volume (issue): page number(s) The format for Volumes 6 -54 is: volume: page number(s) K Ka-ah-te-ney (Apache warrior) 42:102 Kabotie, Fred, autobiography of, reviewed 19:429-30 Kachina and the Cross: Indians and Spaniards in the Early Southwest, by Carroll L. Riley, reviewed 42:110-11 Kachina and the White Man: The Influences of White Culture on the Hopi Kachina Cult, by Frederick J. Dockstader, reviewed 28:314-16 Kachina dances 30:441 Kachina Dolls: The Art of Hopi Carvers, by Helga Teiwes, reviewed 34:327-28 Kachina Heights Ski Area See Arizona Snowbowl Kachina Peaks Wilderness 47:184 Kadota Fig Cannery 32:277 Kadota fig industry 33:280 Kaedine (Apache Leader) 27:80, 90 n. 4 Kaemlein, Wilma, book coedited by, reviewed 28:202-4 1 Index to the Journal of Arizona History, K-L Arizona Historical Society,
[email protected] 480-387-5355 Kaestle, Carl 46:100 Ka-e-ten-a See Kayetenna Kah-a-mana (Hopi Indian) 52:27 n. 16 Kahlenberg, Mary Hunt, book coauthored by, reviewed 19:335-37 Kahn, Ava F., book edited by, reviewed 45:325-26 Kaibab 54:360 Kaibab Estates 39:172 Kaibab Limestone 17:24-25, 47 Kaibab Lodge 54:372; See also V.T. Ranch Hotel Kaibab Lumber Company 44:382 Kaibab National Forest 29:75, 76; 43:41-64, 216; 44:5; 50:213; 51:365; 54:360, 368 Kaibab Plateau 19:362, 379-80; 40:417; 41:11; 45:5; 51:151 nn.