ISSN 1645-6566 / CONSCIÊNCIAS ‘06 - 2019 / PP. 131-156


Fatima Marian Apparition And in which “Marian” could be identified as conscious TGD Inspired Theory Of entity representing collective level of consciousness. Consciousness Contents Matti Pitk¨anen 1 1 Introduction 2 1.1 Basic Ideas and Notions of TGD . . 2 1.2 Basic Ideas and Notions of TGD In- Abstract spired Theory of Consciousness . . . 3 A TGD (Topological Geometrodynamics) based 1.3 Sensory Representations ...... 3 model for the Fatima Marian apparition (FMA) is 1.4 Summary of TGD Based Model for discussed. The notion of many-sheeted space-time FMA...... 3 implies the notion of magnetic body (MB). TGD 2 TGD Briefly 4 based view about dark matter predicts mechanisms 2.1 Space-times as 4-D Surfaces in 8-D making possible quantum coherence in macroscopic ImbeddingSpace...... 4 and even astrophysical scales. TGD inspired the- 2.2 The Notion of Many-sheeted Space- ory of consciousness relying on the notion of zero time...... 5 energy ontology (ZEO) predicts entire hierarchy of 2.3 Topological Field Quantization . . . 6 conscious entities (selves) so that the notion of col- lective consciousness makes sense. One ends up 3 TGD Inspired Theory of Conscious- to a general model of remote mental interactions ness in Nutshell 6 proposed to be used routinely in the communica- 3.1 Zero Energy Entology (ZEO) . . . . 6 tions (say EEG) between personal MB and biolog- 3.2 ZEO Based Quantum Measurement ical body (BB) in terms of dark photons. Sensory Theory as a Theory of Consciousness 7 representations, realized in TGD universe at MB in- 3.3 p-Adic Physics as Physics of Cogni- volve in an essential manner the sharing of mental tion and Imagination ...... 8 images identifiable as sub-selves of self. 3.4 Adelic Physics as Fusion of Real and The model explains UFO and ET experiences as Various p-Adic Physics ...... 9 telepathic experiences, in which primitive plasmoid like life forms (apparent UFOs) using microwaves 4 Some TGD Inspired Biology 9 as their metabolic energy source - “food” - serve as 4.1 Magnetic Body as Intentional Agent 10 “mediums” entangling the experiencer with magne- 4.1.1 About the Dynamics of MBs 11 tospheric or even extraterrestrial conscious entities. 4.1.2 Pollack’s Exclusion Zones If this entity can be assigned to magnetosphere, one andMB...... 11 can understand why tectonic activity and pertur- 4.1.3 Magnetic Flux Tubes as Ten- bations of the Earth’s magnetic field correlate with sorNet...... 12 UFO and ET experiences. The same conceptual 4.2 Dark Photons and Quantum Biology 12 framework provides models of homeostasis, home- 4.2.1 Dark Photons and Biophotons 13 opathy, endogenous realization of intentions, and 4.2.2 Interactions of Ordinary and remote mental interactions such as telepathy, and DarkPhotons...... 13 psychokinesis. The basic mechanism explains also 4.2.3 Dark Photons and Remote many anomalous phenomena claimed by free energy Mental interactions ...... 14 researchers. 4.2.4 Dark Photons and Healing . 15 In the case of FMA the well-documented effects 4.3 Plasmoids as Primitive Life Forms . 15 - in particular, the strange buzzing sounds heard by the witnesses and explainable in terms of mi- 5 Model for FMA 16 crowave hearing - lead to a rather detailed model 5.1 FMA as Interaction between Collec- tive Level of Consciousness and Hu- 1Correspondence: Matti Pitk¨anen Address: Karkinkatu 3 I 3, 03600, Karkkila, Finland. Email: mans...... 17 [email protected]. 5.2 The Mystery Of The Buzzing Sound 17


CONSCIÊNCIAS ‘06 | 131 1.1 Basic Ideas and Notions of TGD 1 INTRODUCTION

5.2.1 Various Effects Related to the consciousness having no obvious explanation in the Microwaves...... 17 standard neuroscience framework. 5.2.2 Microwave Hypothesis . . . . 18 The first version of this article was written 5.3 Connection with Schumann Reso- about 16 years ago. During this period TGD has nance?...... 19 evolved dramatically as new ideas and principles 5.4 Some Special Features Assigned with have emerged. Mention only the hierarchy of Planck FMA...... 20 constants [29, 40] serving as a correlate for dark matter explaining macroscopic coherence of living 6 Appendix: a Little Glossary 20 systems, zero energy ontology (ZEO) [55] central for the recent formulation of TGD and TGD inspired theory of consciousness, so called adelic physics [76] 1 Introduction as fusion of real physics for matter and p-adics physics for cognition and imagination [41, 77], and Fatima Marian Apparition (FMA) is one of the twistor lift of TGD [42, 43, 44]. The about best documented anomalous phenomena and has FMA as a manifestation of collective consciousness strong resemblances with UFO and ET experi- and the idea about the role of microwave hearing ences. Personally I learned about this phenomenon have not been given up but the recent model em- from Joaquim Fernandes, who together with Fina phasizes the general ideas. d’Armada has written three books on the subject [2]. There is also a book by Vallee [4] about FMA 1.1 Basic Ideas and Notions of TGD phenomenon. The very common “buzzing” sounds heard by several witnesses at Fatima spot near the The notion of many-sheeted space-time [39] (see oak contact only when the Lady, according to Lu- allows to under- cia, was speaking with her. Persinger and stand how bio-systems manage to be macroscopic his team in Laurentian University [24] have tested quantum systems. Topological field quantization in laboratory the hypothesis that UFO experiences implies that also classical fields have particle like might involve geomagnetic influence and this serves aspects: these particle like aspects are crucial for as a hint also now. the models of sensory qualia [47], sensory represen- Three children, Lucia, Fransisco, and Jacinta met tations [62, 53] and long term memory [64] as well a brilliantly effulgent lady whom they identified as as for the general model of control and coordination the Mary. This occurred six times at 13th in living matter [57, 58]. One can say that any phys- of each month. The so called Sun was wit- ical system has besides the ordinary physical body nessed by people in a large area measured about also a field body, in particular magnetic body (MB) 20-30 miles (it is estimated that about 70.000 peo- [66]. An entire hierarchy of field bodies is predicted. ple congregated in the vicinity of Cova de Ira to For an illustration of MB assignable to dipole field witness the predicted miracle!). see The witnesses reported a light tunnel and little A crucial element is hierarchy of Planck constants image of Mary at its center. Also reported were heff /h = n defining a hierarchy of dark matters heat waves with sudden drying of clothes, healings, as macroscopic quantum phases [29, 40]. In liv- fall of white filaments (“angel hair”), and a strange ing systems dark matter residing at magnetic flux auditory sensation defined by some witnesses as a tubes (see of mag- “buzzing of bees within a vase”. This sound was netic body (MB) would receive sensory input from heard only when the seer Lucia told that “the Lady biological body (BB) and control it by using dark was talking to her without moving the lips”. Also photons with energies above thermal energy. MB glowing globe-shaped vehicle appeared suggesting a would therefore serve as intentional agent. We similarity with UFO experiences. would however identify with our biological bodies In this article I summarize briefly the speculative since sensory input comes from and our control ac- picture provided by Topological Geometrodynamics tions act on it. (TGD) and TGD inspired theory of consciousness The effective value of Planck constant heff = about bio-systems. I try to understand FMA as n h correspond to the number sheets of singular an example of an exotic phenomenon of collective covering× defined by space-time surface giving rise


132 | CONSCIÊNCIAS ‘06 1.3 Sensory Representations 1 INTRODUCTION to n discrete degrees of freedom and single-fermion right and left visual mental images [54] (see http: states labelled by integer 0 m n and many- // fermion states formed from these≤ (all≤ particles con- sist of fundamental fermions in TGD). 1.3 Sensory Representations A further generalization of the space-time con- cept involves the introduction of p-adic topologies The notion of many-sheeted space-time (see http: [31, 33] labelled by primes besides the real topol- // and hierarchy of Planck ogy. p-Adic topology is difficult to illustrate: for in- constants allow to understand how bio-systems stance, prime power pn at the limit of infinite n goes manage to be macroscopic quantum systems. Topo- to zero p-adic topology but infinity in real topology, logical field quantization [28, 45] implies that also and p-adic numbers differing by large power of p are classical fields have particle like aspects. These par- close to each other. Real space-time sheet and its p- ticle like aspects are crucial for the models of sen- adic counterparts define pages of a book like struc- sory qualia, sensory representations and long term ture, adele (see memory as well as for the general model of control Each extension of rationals induces extension of var- and coordination in living matter. One can fairly ious p-adic number fields and only finite extensions say that any living system has besides the ordinary are accepted for them. These extensions define a hi- physical body also a hierarchy of field bodies. erarchy of adeles identified as an evolutionary hier- The realization of the sensory representations at archy with evolutionary level identified as the com- the field body outside the brain represents the most plexity of the extension [76] [41]. radical departure from the views of standard neuro- p-Adic space-time sheets are identified as corre- science and leads to a vision about both “personal” lates of cognition. They satisfy the same field equa- sensory representations and magnetospheric sensory tions as the real space-time sheets but are not fully representations presumably responsible for the col- deterministic and therefore serve as correlates for lective aspects of consciousness emerges. For the imagination and correspond to the “mind stuff” of notion of sensory representations see [62, 53]. For Descartes. The common points of real and p-adic TGD based model of remote mental interactions see space-time sheet have coordinates in some extension [61, 67]. of rational number can be said to define cognitive representation as the intersection of reality and var- 1.4 Summary of TGD Based Model ious p-adicities. for FMA The TGD based model for FMA relies on the fol- 1.2 Basic Ideas and Notions of TGD lowing ideas. Inspired Theory of Conscious- 1. The notion of self hierarchy allows to identify ness the entity “Marian” as a collective higher level self, a genuine conscious field entity receiv- TGD inspired theory of consciousness [54] can be ing information from human brains by TGD seen as a generalization of quantum measurement counter parts of dark EEG photons, realized theory forced by what I call zero energy ontology perhaps in magnetosphere or at dark variant of (ZEO). Self can be identified as a generalized Zeno the Earth’s magnetic field. The visions and also effect [77]. Some aspects of selfness remain unaf- some experiences of witnesses of FMA could fected during the sequence of state function reduc- involve in an essential manner quantum entan- tion whereas some aspects representing among other glement with “Marian” allowing sharing and things sensory input change and give also rise to the fusion of mental images. In TGD quantum en- experienced flow of time. tanglement is the basic mechanism of remote Selves form a hierarchy with sub-selves experi- mental interactions and remote healing: the oc- enced as mental images. Selves can fuse together currence of healings during FMAs were indeed by quantum entangling. The new view about sub- reported. systems implies that sub-selves can entangle even if selves do not: this gives rise to sharing of men- 2. The interpretation of the buzzing sounds heard tal images realized for instance in the fusion of by the witnesses in terms of microwave au-



dition [11] (proposed by Joaquim Fernandez gling the observer with life-forms, which could [2]) led to a model of FMA and also to a be even extraterrestrial and thus induce tele- more detailed model of remote mental inter- pathic encounters of ETs. actions and of bio-control. The topological quanta of electromagnetic radiation (“mass- 5. Dark ELF and microwave photons propagate less extremals” or briefly MEs, see http:// along correspond MEs plus associated flux and dark photons with tubes. They could induce self-organization at the end of the receiver by inducing heff increas- non-standard value heff /h = n of Planck con- stant associated with them serve as a basic el- ing phase transition requiring energy and serve ements of the model. effectively as “food” by providing metabolic en- ergy. 3. Massless extremals (MEs) carrying dark pho- There are several candidates for the source of tons with extremely low frequencies (ELF) (say microwaves. Microwave static, known to have a those assignable with EEG frequencies) make biological origin and to strongly correlate with possible communications between distant sys- taos hum phenomenon [16], involves sometimes tems using dark photon radiation propagating also buzzing sounds. Tectonic activity can in- along them. Dark ELF photons having energy duce microwaves (quartz crystals generate mi- (E = heff f) in bio-photon range and ELF crowaves). MEs would be associated with magnetic flux tube structures of Earth’s magnetic field and To help the reader I have included a vocabulary of the magnetic fields associated with human at the end of the article and include here a list of brain. Dark ELF photons induced by cyclotron the abbreviations used in the text. transitions of dark, possibly superconducting, Topological Geometrodynamics (TGD); General ions at the magnetic flux tubes. ELF MEs Relativity Theory (GRT); Zero energy ontology can be generated resonantly by several mech- (ZEO); Strong form of holography (SH); Negen- anisms. For instance, TGD counterparts of tropy Maximization Principle (NMP); Negentropic Alfven waves and cavity resonances, in partic- entanglement (NE); Causal diamond (CD); Mass- ular Schumann resonances accompanying tec- less extremal (ME); Magnetic body (MB); Biologi- tonic activity, generate them [53]. cal body (BB); Exclusion zone (EZ). Both ELF and microwave dark photons would have value of Planck constants heff /h = n 2 TGD Briefly guaranteeing that their energy E = heff f is above thermal energy, in particular in the re- The reader can probably skip this section in the first gion of visible and UV frequencies assignable reading if she/he feels it too technical and start di- to bio-photons. Conformational transitions of rectly from the section devoted to the general the- proteins and DNA molecules and rotational ory of consciousness, which I have tried to formulate transitions of water molecules and clusters cor- with minimal reference to TGD based physics. respond to energies in microwave range and dark photons should be also able to decay or- 2.1 Space-times as 4-D Surfaces in 8- dinary microwave photons. D Imbedding Space 4. Plasmoid structures, primitive lifeforms involv- Topological Geometro-Dynamics (TGD) can be re- ing plasma of charged particles and MB carry- garded as a unified theory of fundamental inter- ing dark ions and utilizing microwave photons actions. In GRT the curvature of space-time (see as their “food”, could serve as kind of relay spoils the symme- stations. Plasmoids could entangle perceiver tries of Special Relativity TGD was originally an with the entity “Marian”, and generate radi- attempt to construct a Poincare invariant theory of ation at visible, infrared, and microwave fre- gravitation [39]. quencies and in this manner induce effects like heating and drying. Also some UFOs could 1. Space-time, rather than being an abstract be identified as plasmoid like structures entan- manifold endowed with metric is regarded


134 | CONSCIÊNCIAS ‘06 2.2 The Notion of Many-sheeted Space-time 2 TGD BRIEFLY

as a 4-surface in the 8-dimensional space // The topologically 4 H = M CP2 (see trivial 3-space of General Relativity (GRT) is kn6hn42),× where M 4 is Minkowski space and replaced with a many-sheeted space-time contain- CP2 = SU(3)/U(2) is the complex projective ing matter as particle like 3-surfaces “glued” to space of 4 real dimensions [27] obtained also by the topologically trivial background space-time identifying the points of complex 3-dimensional sheet by connected sum (wormhole) contacts (see 3 space C differing by a complex scaling (see having CP2 size connecting the space-time sheets. They have 12 nothing to do with the wormholes in GRT sense. The size of CP2, which is about 2 Planck lengths from p-adic mass calculations is be- Many-sheeted space-time means roughly that sides Planck length a fundamental length scale various structures that we see in various length in TGD Universe (it has turned out the scales correspond to space-time sheets with outer the twistor lift of TGD leads to emergence boundary glued by extremely tiny elementary of Planck length as a second fundamental particle-sized wormhole contacts to larger space- time sheets representing larger structures contain- length scale [44]). For details about CP2 see the appendix of [27] at ing them. The sheets are extremely near to each ml28c3r. other (CP2 size scale). Besides atomic space-time sheets which our measurements are usually about, 2. The identification of the space-times as sub- there is an entire hierarchy of larger space-time 4 manifolds of (4-D surfaces) in H = M CP2 sheets with their own physics. Space-time sheets leads to Poincare invariance (translations,× rota- can be connected to each other by bonds identifi- tions, Lorentz transformations) and solves the able as magnetic flux tubes (see http://tinyurl. conceptual difficulties related to the definition com/lrvtwe5). of the energy-momentum in General Relativ- TGD should produce GRT and standard model ity Theory (GRT). Even more, sub-manifold as approximation in long length scales, when the geometry, being considerably richer in struc- space-time sheets look geometrically like small de- ture than the abstract manifold geometry be- formations of empty Minkowski space locally. GRT hind GRT, leads to a geometrization of the space-time should correspond to a slightly curved known fundamental interactions and of elemen- M 4 such that gauge potentials and gravitational tary particle quantum numbers. In particular, fields are sums of the induced gauge potentials and classical electroweak gauge fields are obtained gravitational fields at space-time sheets [35]. All by inducing the spinor curvature of CP2 to the effects due to many-sheetedness disappear at this space-time surface. limit and appear as anomalies of GRT and standard model. 3. One can say, that the mere hypothesis that Space-time sheets form a hierarchical structure. space-times are representable as 4-surfaces in Macroscopic material bodies are identified as 3- H = M 4 CP realizes Einstein’s dream in × 2 surfaces. Physical objects have outer boundary: a very elegant and economical manner: very what is its counterpart at the level of space-time concisely, sub-manifold geometry brings in the surfaces? notion of shape besides the notions of distance, angle, and curvature. Furthermore, twistor lift 1. The original hypothesis was that sheets have exists only for this choice of H so that imbed- a genuine boundary identifiable as the outer ding space can be argued to be unique both surface of the macroscopic body. physically and mathematically. 2. A more plausible view is that sheets are actu- 2.2 The Notion of Many-sheeted ally closed - at least 2-sheeted - structures of 4 Space-time finite size with the boundary of M projection identifiable as the boundary of physical object. TGD approach forces a generalization of Sphere (space-time surface) above plane (M 4) the conventional space-time concept to and its projection to plane (M 4) serve as an many-sheeted space-time [39] (see http: illustration.



3. Also the surface at which the signature of the from BB and controls it. The value of Planck induced metric changes from Minkowskian to constant heff = n h - integer multiple of Euclidian is a candidate for the counterpart of its standard value - scales× up quantum lengths outer boundary of a physical object. and times since typically they are proportional to heff as also energy E = heff f associated For instance, my physical body would be a space- with a photon with given frequency. This al- time sheet with my skin representing its effective lows to understand the quantal effects of ELF boundary whereas external world wold be repre- em fields to vertebrate brain [22]. sented by a larger space-time sheet at which the 2. h = n h means that quantum length scales space-time sheet representing my body is “topo- eff × logically condensed”. This generalization implies a such as Compton length are scaled up by fac- radical reformulation of condensed matter physics. tor n. This makes possible macroscopic quan- Space-time sheets are connected to each other by tum coherence and non-locality. Magnetic flux wormhole contacts. Various new physics effects re- tubes are identified as carriers of dark matter lated to the many-sheeted space-time concept are with non-standard value of Planck constant. discussed in the books about TGD: see for instance, the books [38, 37, 32]. 3 TGD Inspired Theory of 2.3 Topological Field Quantization Consciousness in Nutshell Topological field quantization distinguishes between The recent form of TGD inspired theory of con- TGD and Maxwell’s electrodynamics. What hap- sciousness [77] relies on zero energy ontology (ZEO). pens is that em field and classical fields in general Quantum entanglement binding selves to larger decompose into field topological quanta represented selves is in central role. In the adelic physics [76] the by space-time sheets. Each physical objects cre- entanglement is number theoretically universal - en- ates classical fields and - unlike in Maxwell’s theory tanglement coefficients are always in some extension where the fields superpose - one can tell the phys- of rationals characterizing the evolutionary level of ical system to which a topological field quantum the system - allowing interpretation as both real and defining a classical and quantum coherence region p-adic entanglement for various primes p. The defi- belongs to. Every physical system has field body, nitions for real and p-adic entanglement negentropy field identity. are different and - unlike real entanglement - p-adic For instance, radiation field decomposes into entanglement is negentropic. The interpretation is massless extremals (MEs) [56], which are cylindrical as cognitive information. structures carrying em fields propagating with light Negentropic entanglement gives rise to poten- velocity (see MEs tially conscious information resources, “Akashic are ideal for classical communications: classical sig- records”. ZEO allows to solve the conceptual prob- nal propagates with light velocity inside a cylindri- lems of the previous approach. The emergence of cal tube and without weakening making high preci- adelic physics [76] fusing the physics of matter and sion targeted communication possible, and the non- cognition simplifies the theory radically since negen- determinism of the associated vacuum current prop- tropy maximization principle (NMP) [55] in statis- agating also with light velocity allows a coding of tical form is a consequence rather than postulate of arbitrary signal. the theory. Magnetic flux tubes and their electric counter- parts represent also general solution families to field 3.1 Zero Energy Entology (ZEO) equations [66]. This leads to the notion of magnetic body (MB). In standard ontology of quantum physics physical states are assumed to have positive energy. In zero 1. The hierarchy of Planck constants and iden- energy ontology (ZEO) [36] physical states decom- tification of dark matter as phases with non- pose to pairs of positive and negative energy states standard value of Planck constant implies that such that the net values of the conserved quantum dark matter both receives sensory information numbers vanish. The interpretation of these states



3. Also the surface at which the signature of the from BB and controls it. The value of Planck in ordinary ontology would be as time evolutions be- 3.2 ZEO Based Quantum Measure- induced metric changes from Minkowskian to constant h = n h - integer multiple of tween initial and final states, physical events. Quan- eff × ment Theory as a Theory of Con- Euclidian is a candidate for the counterpart of its standard value - scales up quantum lengths tal events - state function reductions - are quantum sciousness outer boundary of a physical object. and times since typically they are proportional jumps between classical events. to heff as also energy E = heff f associated By quantum classical correspondence zero energy Let us first briefly recall what ZEO based theory of For instance, my physical body would be a space- with a photon with given frequency. This al- states must have space-time and imbedding space consciousness says. time sheet with my skin representing its effective lows to understand the quantal effects of ELF correlates. boundary whereas external world wold be repre- em fields to vertebrate brain [22]. 1. In ZEO self corresponds to a general- sented by a larger space-time sheet at which the ized Zeno effect (see 2. h = n h means that quantum length scales space-time sheet representing my body is “topo- eff × qbs7cbz) that is a sequence of state function logically condensed”. This generalization implies a such as Compton length are scaled up by fac- 1. Positive and negative energy parts of zero en- reductions leaving the passive boundary of CD radical reformulation of condensed matter physics. tor n. This makes possible macroscopic quan- ergy state reside at future and past light-like unaffected as also the members of state pairs Space-time sheets are connected to each other by tum coherence and non-locality. Magnetic flux boundaries of causal diamond (CD) identified associated with 3-surfaces at it. At active wormhole contacts. Various new physics effects re- tubes are identified as carriers of dark matter as intersection of future and past directed light- boundary the members of state pairs change lated to the many-sheeted space-time concept are with non-standard value of Planck constant. cones (2-D projection is diamond, see http:// and the active boundary drifts reduction by re- discussed in the books about TGD: see for instance, The analog of CD in duction farther away from the passive bound- the books [38, 37, 32]. cosmology is big bang followed by big crunch. ary. The temporal distance between the tips 3 TGD Inspired Theory of Penrose diagrams provide an excellent 2-D vi- of CD, clock time, increases gradually and cor- sualization of the notion. CDs form a fractal 2.3 Topological Field Quantization Consciousness in Nutshell responds to the experience about the flow of hierarchy containing CDs within CDs. Disjoint time. CDs are possible and CDs could also intersect. Topological field quantization distinguishes between The recent form of TGD inspired theory of con- This gives the correlation between clock time TGD and Maxwell’s electrodynamics. What hap- sciousness [77] relies on zero energy ontology (ZEO). and subjective time identified as sequence of pens is that em field and classical fields in general Quantum entanglement binding selves to larger 2. The interpretation of CD in TGD inspired the- state function reductions at same boundary of decompose into field topological quanta represented selves is in central role. In the adelic physics [76] the CD. These two times are not identified unlike by space-time sheets. Each physical objects cre- entanglement is number theoretically universal - en- ory of consciousness is as an imbedding space correlate for the 4-dimensional(!) perceptive in standard physics, and this saves from the ates classical fields and - unlike in Maxwell’s theory tanglement coefficients are always in some extension basic paradox of standard quantum theory. where the fields superpose - one can tell the phys- of rationals characterizing the evolutionary level of field of conscious entity: the contents of con- scious experience is about the region defined ical system to which a topological field quantum the system - allowing interpretation as both real and 2. Eventually the first reduction to the passive by CD. At the level of space-time sheets the defining a classical and quantum coherence region p-adic entanglement for various primes p. The defi- boundary of CD takes place [55] and forces self experience come from space-time sheets in the belongs to. Every physical system has field body, nitions for real and p-adic entanglement negentropy to die. Passive boundary becomes now the ac- interior of CD. Whether the sheets can be as- field identity. are different and - unlike real entanglement - p-adic tive boundary: a new time reversed self is born. sumed to continue outside CD is still unclear. For instance, radiation field decomposes into entanglement is negentropic. The interpretation is For this self the arrow of geometric time is op- An attractive possibility is that they do so and massless extremals (MEs) [56], which are cylindrical as cognitive information. posite since now the formerly passive bound- CDs are analogous to a covering of manifold structures carrying em fields propagating with light Negentropic entanglement gives rise to poten- ary is active and shifts in opposite direction by open sets defining charts of an atlas: CDs velocity (see MEs tially conscious information resources, “Akashic of imbedding space time: in this manner CD would be kind of conscious chart leafs. are ideal for classical communications: classical sig- records”. ZEO allows to solve the conceptual prob- steadily increases in size and in principle can nal propagates with light velocity inside a cylindri- lems of the previous approach. The emergence of evolve to a new sub-cosmology. cal tube and without weakening making high preci- adelic physics [76] fusing the physics of matter and sion targeted communication possible, and the non- cognition simplifies the theory radically since negen- 3. Quantum measurement theory must be modi- 3. Also the time-reversed self will eventually die determinism of the associated vacuum current prop- tropy maximization principle (NMP) [55] in statis- fied in ZEO since state function reduction can and make the first reduction to the opposite - agating also with light velocity allows a coding of tical form is a consequence rather than postulate of happen at both boundaries of CD and the re- the original passive boundary of CD: the self arbitrary signal. the theory. duced states at opposite boundaries are related with the original arrow of time can be said to Magnetic flux tubes and their electric counter- by time reversal. One can also have quantum re-incarnate: this is like falling asleep and wak- superposition of CDs changing between reduc- parts represent also general solution families to field 3.1 Zero Energy Entology (ZEO) ing up in the morning. The position of the equations [66]. This leads to the notion of magnetic tions at active boundary followed by localiza- active boundary for re-incarnated self will be body (MB). In standard ontology of quantum physics physical tion in the moduli space of CDs with the the shifted to the geometric future from its posi- states are assumed to have positive energy. In zero passive boundary fixed. Quantum measure- tion at the moment of death. One can make 1. The hierarchy of Planck constants and iden- energy ontology (ZEO) [36] physical states decom- ment theory generalizes to a theory of con- only guesses for the time lapse from death to tification of dark matter as phases with non- pose to pairs of positive and negative energy states sciousness with conscious entity - self - identi- re-incarnation. This time lapse is expected to standard value of Planck constant implies that such that the net values of the conserved quantum fied as a sequence of state function reductions be rather short as compared to the size of CD dark matter both receives sensory information numbers vanish. The interpretation of these states at active (changing) boundary of CD [46]. itself.

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Remarkably, ZEO does not only reduce con- images and self itself is mental image of higher level sciousness theory to quantum measurement theory self. This hierarchy continues to the level of en- but would also explain what happens in birth and tire Universe. The entanglement of sub-selves of death and predict re-incarnation. The repeated same or of two separate selves means fusion of men- death and re-incarnation of mental images (sub- tal images to a more complex shared mental image selves) could be seen as support for this vision. (see The sharing What the time ghostly time reversed selves could of mental images crucial, not only for remote mental be is a fascinating question: phase conjugate laser interactions, but also for genuine communications. beam is one example of a system for which time For the notions of self, self hierarchy, and sharing runs backwards and could be seen as primitive time and fusion of mental images by quantum entangle- reversed self. Fantappie postulated long time ago ment see [54] [77]. that time reversal is a basic aspect of living sys- tems [25]. Fantappie called entropy for the reversed 3.3 p-Adic Physics as Physics of arrow of time syntropy. Cognition and Imagination Quantum entanglement is the central quantum notion and Schr¨odinger cat able to be living and p-Adic number fields are labelled by primes p = dead simultaneously is the classical manner to “il- 2, 3, 5, ... and, just like real numbers, they can be re- lustrate” the notion (see garded as completions of rational numbers q = m/n, lpjcjm9). The earlier vision about self as a sys- m, n integers to contain the p-adic counterparts tem able to remain unentangled corresponds now of algebraic and transcendental numbers [31, 33]. to the passive boundary of CD at which nothing Most p-adic number are infinite as real numbers. p- changes during the lifetime of self: subsystems there Adic numbers emerged to TGD first only as an effec- are maximally unentangled. These sub-systems cor- tive mathematical tool but it has turned out that p- respond to unchanging aspects of selfness whereas adic physics is a fundamental element of TGD. TGD the active boundary gives rise to sensory percepts spacetime decomposes into regions obeying real and and experienced flow of subjective time. The earlier p-adic topologies analogous to pages of a book (see vision about integration of quantum jumps to self corresponds to the identification of self as a gener- p-Adic space-time regions obey the same field alized Zeno effect. equations as the real regions but are characterized So called negentropy maximization principle by p-adic non-determinism since the functions hav- (NMP) [55] stating that quantum jumps must in- ing vanishing p-adic derivative appearing as analogs crease entanglement negentropy was earlier postu- of integration constants of differential equations are lated as a basic variational principle of conscious- only piecewise constant. Therefore one cannot fix ness but in adelic physics NMP in statistical sense the solutions of dynamical equations by giving the is a prediction [77]. The dimension of the extension initial values of dynamical variables for fixed value of rationals defining the adele can only increase in of time (for instance, initial positions and veloci- statistical sense and this implies generation of ne- ties are integration constants for Newton’s equa- gentropic resources in statistical sense. tions and fix the solution). Pseudo constant de- TGD Universe thus allows also temporary reduc- pends on a finite number of positive pinary digits tion of negentropy but in the long run it increases of its arguments. p-Adic space-time regions are ob- - we do not live in the best possible Universe. The tained by glueing together regions for which integra- increase of negentropy realized as negentropic en- tion constants are genuine constants.p-Adic space- tanglement (NE) is a correlate for evolution. NMP time sheets are only piecewise realistic - like cubistic in this sense states that the negentropy associated paintings. with NE increases as Universe learns more about The interpretation of the p-adic regions is as cor- itself. One can also say that NE defines kind of relates of cognition and intention [63]. The inter- Akashic records. One might say that fundamental sections of real and p-adic space-time sheets consist ethical principle is that increase of negentropy pro- of points with coordinates having values in the ex- moting evolution. tension of rationals inducing in turn extensions of Self hierarchy is a fundamental prediction. Selves p-adic number fields. This discrete intersection be- can have sub-selves which it experiences as mental tween reality and various p-adicities defines cogni-


138 | CONSCIÊNCIAS ‘06 4 SOME TGD INSPIRED BIOLOGY tive representation. mrvqhz2) permuting the roots of polynomial defin- Freedom of imagination would be due to the ing the extension has natural action on cognitive p-adic non-determinism. p-Adic regions perform representation and therefore also on space-time mimicry and make possible for the Universe to form sheets containing the cognitive representation. cognitive representations about itself. Real/p-adic Space-time can be regarded as n-sheeted singular spacetime sheets are interpreted as geometric cor- covering with n identifiable order of Galois group. relates of sensory/imagined experiences. Since the value heff /h = n of Planck constant is The original idea that realization of intention as also identified as number of sheets for a space-time action corresponds to quantum jump replacing p- surface as singular covering, the natural conclusion adic space-time sheet (intention) with real space- is that the hierarchy of Planck constants identified time sheet (action) turned out to be wrong. Rather, in terms of hierarchy of dark matters is a prediction so called strong form of holography (SH) implies of adelic physics. Galois groups would become that 2-dimensional data given at string world sheets symmetry groups of adelic physics and of cognition. plus fixing the cognitive representation as points of p-Adic length scale physics [38] states that primes space-time surface with coordinates in the exten- p 2k and possible also powers of other small sion of rationals defining the adele, allow to con- primes such as 3, are physically preferred being tinue these 2-surfaces to 4-D surfaces. This is a assignable to physical systems such as elementary direct analogy for the continuation of 2-D data to particles. In particular, Mersenne prime Mn = analytic function of complex variables. p-Adic non- 2n 1 seem to define fundamental length scales. − determinism allows always this continuation but in These primes characterize the size scale Lp √p the real case this is not always possible. One can of the system. For instance, k = 151 corresponds∝ say that only some imaginations can be realized. to the length scale 10 nm associated with the cell membrane thickness. p-Adic length scale hypothe- 3.4 Adelic Physics as Fusion of Real sis is absolutely crucial element of TGD and gives and Various p-Adic Physics it much of its predictive power. Adelic physics [76] suggests an explanation of p- Adelic physics has emerged during last few years adic length scale hypothesis. Given extension of ra- as a fusion of real and various p-adic physics. The tionals contains so called ramified primes (ordinary basic notion is fusion of real number and various primes) for which the decomposition to a product of p-adic number fields to a book like structure with primes of extension involves higher powers of some one page of the book identified as real numbers and primes of extension whereas some primes of exten- the remaining pages as extensions of p-adic num- sion are missing. These primes should be physically bers fields induced by a given extension of rationals, preferred. It could be that extensions for which the which therefore characterizes a given book. One ramified primes satisfy p-adic length scale hypothe- has infinite hierarchy of these books - adeles - with sis are survivors in number theoretical fight for sur- increasing complexity and with increasing negen- vival. For instance, the algebraic complexity for tropy resources. The interpretation is in terms of these extensions could be exceptionally large. The an evolutionary hierarchy: evolution would reduce extensions of extension preserve the ramified primes to number theory [76, 77]. so that they would be analogous to conserved genes The extension of rationals is obtained by adding [76]. algebraic numbers (roots of irreducible polynomi- als) to get a finite-dimensional extensions of ratio- nals. Also roots of Neper number e can be added 4 Some TGD Inspired Biology since ep is ordinary p-adic number so that exten- sion of p-adics is finite: this conforms with the idea TGD inspired quantum biology relies on following that cognition is finite. Cognitive representations general ideas. correspond to the imbedding space points with co- ordinates in the extension of rationals and the com- 1. The hierarchy of dark matters with levels la- plexity of extension increases with the dimension of belled by Planck constant heff /h = n makes extension. possible macroscopic quantum coherence. The Galois group (see hierarchy of p-adic length scales labeled by


CONSCIÊNCIAS ‘06 | 139 4.1 Magnetic Body as Intentional Agent 4 SOME TGD INSPIRED BIOLOGY

primes p 2k defines second important hierar- the trinity MB-organism-environment. For in- chy. stance, EEG and its strong correlation with brain state and consciousness could be under- 2. Magnetic body (MB) (see http://tinyurl. stood in terms of communication of sensory com/lrvtwe5) carrying dark matter act as in- data from cell membranes to MB and control tentional agent using biological body (BB) as and coordination signals from MB to BB [48]. sensory receptor and motor instrument and communicating with it using dark photons able Signals generated by MB (presumably) DNA to transform to ordinary photons identifiable would consist of dark cyclotron photons with energies E = h f = n hf in bio-photon as bio-photons. Bio-chemistry could to seen as eff × shadow of the dynamics of MB. For instance, energy range and thus above thermal energies. basic biomolecules would have analogs consist- Cell membrane would generate dark (general- ing of sequences of dark proton triplets (analog ized) Josephson photons to communicate sen- of DNA codon) realizing genetic code [73]. sory input to MB. For instance, the recently ob- served synchrony between hemispheres in ab- sence of corpus callosum [23] could be under- 4.1 Magnetic Body as Intentional stood in terms of MB serving as “boss”. Agent 4. The formation of flux tube reconnections would Magnetic field associated with a given system de- serve as a correlate for directed attention - composes to flux tubes and sheets to that system the attention could be directed to objects of has magnetic body (MB). The physics of MBs could external world or to their representations in be a new chapter in physics and MB could define a brain. The reconnection would take place for basic space-time correlate for non-locality. U-shaped flux tubes serving as kind of mag- netic tentacles and lead to a formation of pairs 1. Flux tubes of MB would serve as correlates for of flux tubes connecting the two systems. If quantum entanglement, which in TGD frame- flux tubes carry monopole flux as one has rea- work can be negentropic and for this reason sons to expect, the flux tubes would be actually rather stable under state function reductions. closed two-sheeted structures (also elementary Magnetic flux tubes carrying monopole flux particles would be this kind of structures) and are stable since flux conservation prevents their flux tube pair would be pair of these. The flux pinching. The pairs of flux tubes with opposite tubes of MBs would serve as analogs of wave fluxes can however split to two U-shaped flux guides along with precisely targeted communi- tubes by reconnection. Also the reverse pro- cations of dark photon signals (“massless ex- cess is possible. Note that magnetic flux tubes tremals”, MEs) would be possible. Also supra are necessarily closed and can be regarded as currents would be possible and the TGD based fluxes running along different space-time sheets model of high Tc superconductivity relies on in opposite directions and from sheet to an- the same mechanism [59]. These communica- other through the wormhole contacts at ends. tions would be essential in living matter. 2. Magnetic flux tubes and ME associated with them form two-sheeted structures so that flux 5. The magnetic field strengths are expected to tubes could be seen kind of waveguides for have spectrum but there seems to be especially MEs. MEs carrying dark cyclotron or gener- important value of magnetic field that I have alized Josephson photons would be crucial for called endogenous magnetic field Bend. The communications from BB to MB and control of flux tubes of Bend =2/5BE, where BE = .5 BB by MB [48, 65]. EEG would be only special Gauss is the Earth’s magnetic field would ex- case of these communications and fractal hier- plain the findings about effects of ELF em fields archy of analogs of EEG is highly suggestive. on vertebrate brain in terms of cyclotron tran- sitions [22, 59]. These flux tubes would carry 3. MB and dark matter at it would serve as in- dark matter. Closed magnetic flux tubes plus tentional agent in biological systems [40]. The ions and their electric analogs (involved with organism-environment duality is replaced by bio-electrets and liquid crystals and also with


140 | CONSCIÊNCIAS ‘06 4.1 Magnetic Body as Intentional Agent 4 SOME TGD INSPIRED BIOLOGY

cell membrane) would be fundamental electro- pairs are spin triplets or singlets in these two magnetic life forms around which ordinary bio- cases. Large value of heff makes possible matter self-organizes. the needed macroscopic quantum coherence [59, 60]. This high Tc superconductivity would 4.1.1 About the Dynamics of MBs be crucial for life.

The dynamics of MBs containing dark matter would 4. The phase transitions changing heff reduce or be central in quantum biology. increase the length of the flux tube and could be responsible for the dramatic volume changes 1. The formation of reconnections and phase tran- of cytoplasm. The contraction of flux tubes sitions n m changing heff = n h would be provides also a general mechanism allowing the one of the→ basic mechanisms behind× biochem- reactants to find each other in bio-catalysis in istry. U-shaped flux tubes would act like tenta- the dense molecular soup. Reconnections and cles emerging from the system and the recon- contractions/expansions of magnetic flux tubes nection of the tentacles would build a connec- make topology of the web formed by magnetic tion between two systems serving as a correlate flux tubes - tensor network [75] - dynamical. for directed attention. 5. The binding energies of atoms are proportional The reduction of heff would shorten the con- 2 to 1/heff and cyclotron energy scale to heff . necting flux tubes and could force the systems This explains why metabolism is essential for in the vicinity of each other after which bio- life. The transformation of ordinary matter to catalysis could take place. Braiding and its 2- dark matter requires energy feed and metabolic braid variant for string world sheets and par- energy provides it. Also the basic mecha- tonic 2-surfaces in 4-D space-time instead of nism of catalysis can be understood. Reacting strings in 3-D space would make possible re- molecules contain dark atoms. In the catalysis alization of quantum computer program like some dark atoms return to normal state and structures. emit energy used to kick the reacting molecules 2. The proposal [49] is that the braiding of mag- over the potential wall. Reaction proceeds fast netic flux tubes makes possible topological and after that energy is returned back and the quantum computations and DNA and lipid lay- atoms become dark again. ers of cell membrane form an ideal hardware for topological quantum computer with the braid- 4.1.2 Pollack’s Exclusion Zones and MB ing of flux tubes connecting lipid layers with The discovery of negatively charged exclusion zone DNA nucleotides defining the TQC programs. (EZ) formed in water bounded by a gel phase has Braiding provides also a universal memory led Pollack to propose the notion of gel like fourth storage mechanism since liquid flow induces phase of water [7, 19, 18] (see http://tinyurl. braiding of the particle in the flow. The lipid com/oyhstc2). layers of the cell membrane are indeed liquid crystals so that their flows update quantum 1. This phase would correspond to negatively computer programs coded by space-like braid- charged regions - EZs - with size up to 100-200 ing. Dance metaphor gives the idea: imag- microns generated when energy is fed into the ine dancers with threads connecting their feet water - say as radiation, in particular solar ra- to a wall. As dancers move along the par- diation. The stoichiometry of the EZ is H1.5O quette, their temporal dancing patterns gener- and can be understood if every fourth proton ate a braiding of the threads representing the is dark proton residing at the flux tubes of the dance as a memory. MB assignable to the EZ and outside it [72, 70].

3. Flux tube pairs connecting two system can 2. One application is a model for prebiotic cell as be superconducting. The members of Cooper EZ. Dark protons are proposed to form dark pairs are at parallel flux tubes for which fluxes nuclear strings, whose states can be grouped are in same or opposite directions. The Cooper to groups corresponding to DNA, RNA, tRNA


CONSCIÊNCIAS ‘06 | 141 4.2 Dark Photons and Quantum Biology 4 SOME TGD INSPIRED BIOLOGY

and amino-acids for which vertebrate genetic remedies might represent the biologically active code is realized in a natural manner [30, 50]. substances in this manner. If true, this would The voltage associated with the system defines mean that medicines could be replaced with the analog of membrane potential, and serves chemically harmless homeopathic remedies. as a source of metabolic energy as in the case of ordinary metabolism. The creation of dark 4.1.3 Magnetic Flux Tubes as Tensor Net nuclear strings requires metabolic energy. The energy is liberated in a reverse phase transition Some highly interesting new physics is related to in which dark protons transform to ordinary the transfer of matter between different space-time ones. Dark proton strings serve as analogs of sheets, in particular super-conducting ions from basic biopolymers, and one can imagine ana- magnetic flux tubes of Earth’s magnetic field to the log of bio-catalysis with enzymes replaced with atomic space-time sheets, where these currents be- their dark analogs. come ohmic currents and dissipate.

3. Pollack’s EZs might for instance explain why 1. The many-sheeted circuitry provides the basic DNA is negatively charged. EZs or their model of homeostasis as a many-sheeted ionic generalization could play fundamental role in flow equilibrium, and metabolism at the ba- metabolism with dark protons running through sic level reduces to the circulation of protons mitochondrial membrane. Also other biolog- and ions between atomic space-time sheets and ically important ions involved would be dark. magnetic flux tubes. The notion of tensor net- EZs could be important even in electrolysis and work [75] realizing maximal quantum entangle- allow to explain what happens in cold fusion ment would be realized in terms of flux tubes. [74]. These hypothesis could be tested. 2. Crucial elements of this circuitry are the 4. Water has an especially complex many-sheeted bridges connecting different space-time sheets space-time structure [50] and the proposal of to each other, in particular atomic space-time Andrzej Brodziak [1] is that the spring water sheets and magnetic flux tubes [50, 51]. Mag- associated with places where apparitions are netic flux tubes are an essential element of the claimed to have occurred plays some important model of sensory representations at magnetic role. We ourselves consist mostly of highly self- sensory canvas. Schumann resonances could organized water and it would not be surpris- transmit horizontal communications between ing if water would not have varying degree of brains [53] and could make possible collec- self-organization depending on external param- tive shared experiences characteristic for FMA. eters such as the structure of the local magnetic Hypnagogic states give also rise to analogous field. Perhaps highly self-organized water helps experiences and probably involve Schumann to generate the quantum entanglement. resonances. The TGD based explanation [50] for the ex- ceptional properties of water is that it involves 3. The nodes of the super-conducting circuitry besides ordinary phase also the dark phase in formed by the magnetic flux tubes could be the temperature interval containing the physi- of special importance for phenomena involving ological temperatures. The dark fraction corre- communications with higher levels of self hier- sponds to water molecules connected by hydro- archy. Therefore special geomagnetic features gen bonds to form molecular clusters perhaps could characterize the places where apparitions identifiable as EZs. The magnetic tentacles of can possibly occur. these clusters would be able to build contacts to to invader molecule and form a representation 4.2 Dark Photons and Quantum Bi- for the cyclotron frequency spectrum of the in- ology vader molecules characterizing its quantum bi- ological effects. This would give rise to water The hypothesis that biophotons result from dark memory. Immune system would have evolved photons by a phase transition reducing heff /h = n from these representations. Also homeopathic to n = 1 is discussed in [68, 69].


142 | CONSCIÊNCIAS ‘06 4.2 Dark Photons and Quantum Biology 4 SOME TGD INSPIRED BIOLOGY

4.2.1 Dark Photons and Biophotons

The are several proposals for the source of bio- c c 137 k 11 f = f , =2 − 2 10 . photons: for instance cell membrane [10], DNA high v × low v × × [14], mitochondria [15], linear molecules [17], mi- crotubules are proposed as sources of bio-photons. Here v is some velocity parameter associated The existence of several sources conforms with the with the system transforming low frequency universality of production mechanism. The spec- waves to high frequency waves and vice versa. trum of bio-photons is continuous, which does not Also other values of v are possible. k is prime favor the idea that they are induced by molecular defining p-adic prime p 2k, labelling the transitions. space-time sheets of the many-sheeted space- The TGD inspired hypothesis is that bio-photons time and characterizing their sizes. k = 137 correspond to dark cyclotron photons emitted in corresponds to the space-time sheets of atomic phase transitions of Bose-Einstein condensates of size and gives c/v =2 1011. k = 151 corre- bosonic ions or of their Cooper pairs at the mag- sponds to the cell membrane× length scale and netic flux tubes. gives v 6 m/s, the phase velocity of alpha  A further assumption is that gr = eff = n hy- waves at the surface of skull. pothesis holds true. Gravitational Planck constant 2 gr = GMm/v0 =(Mm/m ) h (mP denotes P × 2. TGD suggests a mechanism behind the scal- Planck mass) was originally introduced by Nottale ing law: fhigh(k) corresponds to zero point ki- [26] and suggested to explain planetary orbits as netic energy of an ion at the space-time sheet Bohr orbits. The proportionality to the masses M labelled by k (p-adic prime p 2k), and flow to and m guarantees Equivalence Principle. M corre- cyclotron frequency at the magnetic flux tube spond large mass such as mass of Earth and m can of Earth’s magnetic field: both these energies correspond to the mass of particle, say electron, ion, are inversely proportional to the mass of the or proton. v0


CONSCIÊNCIAS ‘06 | 143 4.2 Dark Photons and Quantum Biology 4 SOME TGD INSPIRED BIOLOGY

1. Ordinary photons can provide the energy and also the value of n can change such that k/2 needed to transform ordinary atoms or cy- nf /ni =2 . No net change of size scale clotron states to their dark variants. The basic would take place. Zero point kinetic energy is 2 2 function of metabolism could be generation of eff /2mLp is invariant under change of heff dark matter in this manner. More general pro- whereas p-adic scaling increases it by factor k cess would be the increase ni nf induced by 2 so that this transition requires energy feed. dark photons. → The reverse transition involving reduction of These states could decay back to state with heff and increase of p-adic length scale liber- ates energy as one can indeed expect. ni


144 | CONSCIÊNCIAS ‘06 4.3 Plasmoids as Primitive Life Forms 4 SOME TGD INSPIRED BIOLOGY

derstand how ELF MEs and microwave MEs are re- of m dark photons with heff /h = n/m. In par- lated to each other. Fractal hierarchy of flux tubes ticular, dark photon with energy in bio-photon within flux tubes and associated MEs is suggestive. range and frequency in microwave range can decay to a bunch of ordinary microwave pho- tons. Dark cyclotron photon decaying to m 4.2.4 Dark Photons and Healing dark photons with energy of cyclotron pho- How dark photons could be involved with healing? ton and transforming to ordinary photon with The simplest form of disease is that some part of energy of microwave photons could produce body does not receive metabolic energy so that dark microwave photons. Dark cyclotron photons matter degenerates to ordinary dead matter, loses would thus provide a rather general mechanism quantum coherence, and does not self-organize any- of metabolism with quantized metabolic ener- more. One can also imagine more complex forms gies. of illness such as those with genetic origin and due to the failure of the tensor network formed by flux 4.3 Plasmoids as Primitive Life tubes. For instance, some connections could be Forms missing. In particular, communications to and con- trol by some layer of magnetic body (MB). The de- The view about MB as intentional agent carrying pression caused by lack of Lithium could be due to large heff dark matter leads naturally to the view the lack of dark cyclotron photons at cyclotron fre- that plasmoid structures consisting of closed mag- quency of Li so that the control by MB is lost [52]. netic flux tubes plus atomic space-time sheets con- For the simplest form of disease the challenge is taining plasma ions represent primitive life forms. revival of the body part by getting a local feed of All life forms metabolize since energy is needed metabolic energy needed to transform some matter to increase heff /h creating phases of dark mat- to dark matter. Healing in the simplest form would ter. Ordinary bio-matter is assumed to self-organize provide metabolic energy. This energy could arrive around plasmoids and nerve circuit could represent as dark photons along dark flux tubes from healer, an example of a structure resulting in this manner. from the MB of healer, or some other MB. Plasmoids from outer space could leak into the In [50] it is proposed that the magnetic bodies for magnetosphere mostly through pole gaps, where clusters of water molecules can mimic the cyclotron the magnetic field of Earth is weak: elsewhere energy spectrum of various molecules as spectrum of magneto-pause serves as a magneto-immune sys- cyclotron frequencies of their own MB, and that the tem, which does not allow the penetration of the ability to reproduce the cyclotron frequency spec- external magnetic life forms to compete about en- trum of the medicine molecule is an essential el- ergy sources. In accordance with magneto-immune ement of homeopathic healing. The level of self- function, planetary magnetospheres are known to organization of water would thus be measured by be self-organizing structures and the fact that Mars how complex mimicry it is able to perform. How does not possess magnetosphere might relate to the dark cyclotron photons with energy above thermal disappearance of Martian life. Also the magnetic threshold could transform to ordinary photons with field of Earth is getting weaker and the change of say energies in microwave range assignable to molec- the polarity expected to occur within two thousand ular conformational degrees of freedom and rota- years might have rather dramatic consequences for tional spectrum of water molecules? the life as we know it. Plasmoids, being extremely light structures, 1. Cyclotron photon associated with electron is could easily follow the energy beam flowing from 5 about 6 10 Hz for Bend = .2 Gauss. To get the spot of tectonic activity, and the random varia- photons× with frequencies in microwave range tion of the beam direction could explain the random .3 -300 GHz one should have magnetic field in butterfly like motion of UFOs often observed and the range .01-10 Tesla. The upper bound is very difficult to understand if UFOs are structures unrealistically high. built of steel and copper. The strange apparent motion assigned with Sun in the case of Sun mira- 2. If heff /h = n has integer m as a factor, dark cle might allow interpretation as an example of this cyclotron photon can decay to a bunch of dark kind of rapid random motion of plasmoid possible


CONSCIÊNCIAS ‘06 | 145 5 MODEL FOR FMA following microwave beam of tectonic or some other form using the energy of microwaves of tectonic origin. origin (quartz crystals are piezo-electrics and Also plasmoids need energy feed to self-organize. can amplify wide range of microwaves) as their Plasmoids could populate magnetosphere and only “food” and therefore following the microwave wait for energy sources to self-organize. The basic beam emanating from the spot of tectonic ac- metabolic mechanism would be the same as in the tivity. Also the UFO like structures associated case of living matter [51]. The feed of micro-waves with the FMA could be plasmoid like life forms. could induce a primitive metabolic cycle. The fol- lowing is just one guess amongst many and besides The role of water making possible Pollack’s EZs microwaves also waves with other wave-lengths can could be also essential. The realization of genetic be involved. code at magnetic flux tubes in terms of 3-proton units could be predecessor of the chemical realiza- 1. Microwave photons (in particular) could pro- tion of genetic code [73]. vide the metabolic energy by kicking ions and also atoms, and even molecules to dark flux tubes and transform them to dark ions. One 5 Model for FMA can also imagine that plasmoids generate par- tially their “microwave food” (also other fre- One can build a model of FMA using the above quencies are possible) themselves via the cy- described view about TGD, TGD inspired theory clotron transitions of electrons. This would re- of consciousness, and TGD inspired quantum biol- quire that the magnetic flux tubes in question ogy. In the case of FMA the interaction of dark carry a magnetic field of about .2 Tesla: the photons with various frequencies would generate p-adic length scale in question corresponds to entanglement between the brains of people seeing the thickness of the cell membrane. Solar con- the visions and the conscious entity “Marian” rep- vective zone contains magnetic fields with this resenting mental image in collective consciousness. strength. Plasmoid like life forms could serve in the role of medium connecting humans with “Marian”. Same 2. Dark ions could “drop” from the magnetic flux mechanism applies to UFO and ET experiences in tubes and transform to ordinary ions at atomic general. or some other space-time sheets, where they dissipate and induce ionization and UV and There are strong resemblances between TGD visible light possibly identifiable as bio-photons based models for UFO experiences, NDE experi- and then “drop” back to the magnetic flux ences and FMA. Also in the case FMA structures, tubes. If the intensity of the magnetic field which might have been interpreted as UFOs in our is about .2 Tesla, which by the quantization cultural context appeared and even “Marian” could of magnetic flux, corresponds to p-adic prime have been interpreted as UFO in modern cultural k = 157 and p-adic length scale of 80 nanome- context. ters), electronic cyclotron transitions generate The TGD based model of UFO experiences dis- microwaves with frequency of about 2.4 GHz cussed in [53] involves in an essential manner quan- and the system can thus generate its “food” tum entanglement between conscious electromag- itself. netic entities (plasmoids), and unifies Persinger’s theories [24] with the view that ETs are real, al- 3. Microwaves can also “kick” ions from magnetic though not in the sense usually thought. Plas- flux tubes to k = 151 space-time sheets since moids could be seen as advanced counterparts of the zero point kinetic energies for k = 151 cor- space ships having a rather ghostly crew consisting respond to microwave frequencies. It seems of mental images (sub-selves) entangled with the that the process involves at least the follow- magnetosphere of some distant astrophysical object ing space-time sheet: k = 137 (atomic), k = serving as its tele-sensory system and able to en- 151 (cell membrane), k = 157, and k = 169 tangle alsowith the person having UFO experience. (magnetic flux tubes of Earth’s magnetic field). Translating directly to this case this would mean UFOs are often observed near the lines of the that plasmoid like structure in the vicinity of the tectonic activity could represent this kind of life apparition place would have served as kind of relay


146 | CONSCIÊNCIAS ‘06 5.2 The Mystery Of The Buzzing Sound 5 MODEL FOR FMA station entangling with both seer and entity “Mar- 5.2 The Mystery Of The Buzzing ian”, which could have been even extraterrestrial Sound intelligence (for more detailed mechanism see [67]. The witnesses of FMA report buzzing sounds like bees in a vase [2].

5.1 FMA as Interaction between 5.2.1 Various Effects Related to the Mi- Collective Level of Consciousness crowaves and Humans Very wide range of frequencies ranging from the frequencies of visible photons down to EEG fre- In TGD universe any system has besides the vis- quencies and even below them (as the existence of ible, physical, body also field/magnetic body (see slower biorhythms suggests) are expected be of sig-, which has much nificance in biology. Microwaves frequencies corre- larger, actually astro-physical size - at least in case spond to the energy scale associated with confor- of species possessing EEG. Personal sensory repre- mational states of biomolecules and therefore one sentations would be realized at the personal MB expect that it is of special importance. having layers with astrophysical size and fusing Microwave photons have energies below thermal third person view and first person view as aspects energy at physiological temperatures. This leads of consciousness. to ask whether part of microwave photons could be Second type of sensory representations (collective dark photons at energies above thermal energy, per- levels consciousness) would be realized at the dark haps even in bio-photon energy range (visible and part of Earth’s magnetosphere and would give rise UV). Can one imagine that the conformational de- to multi-brained electromagnetic selves represent- grees of freedom are dark? Or should one assume ing collective levels of consciousness. Amazingly, that dark microwave photons decay to a bunches plasma sheet at the night-side of Earth’s magneto- of ordinary microwave photons thus causing a large sphere is known to be a highly self-organizing struc- effect on ordinary matter? ture and the ionic velocity distributions represent Microwaves span the wavelength range 1 mm - features like “eyes” and “wings” [20]. 10 cm corresponding to the frequency range 300- Even religions could represent to collective levels .3 GHz. There is support for the importance of of consciousness having a rich repertoire of collec- microwaves for living systems coming from various tive mental images like Virgin Mary and . The anomalous phenomena involving microwaves. The simplest working hypothesis is therefore that the en- buzzing sound might relate to several other strange tity “Marian” is a genuine conscious entity - self - at sound phenomena like meteor sounds, taos hum, a higher level of self hierarchy. In TGD framework and physiophonic sounds. These exotic sound phe- any self defines a mental image of a higher level self nomena are discussed in [52]. having it as a sub-self. 1. A strange finding supporting the TGD view “Marian” could communicate with humans using about sensory representations is that, contrary quantum entanglement making possible telepathic to expectations, the sounds generated by em sharing and fusion of mental images. Plasmoid fields of meteors have fundamentals around 40 could have served as a kind of medium, relay sta- Hz thalamocortical resonance band responsible tion. Even an identification as an extraterrestrial for sensory representations [21]. This sound entity becomes possible since the entanglement be- is like “pop”, not buzzing. Microwaves mod- tween flux tube ends does not depend on distance. ulated by ELF frequencies in the range 200 to The TGD view about sensory perception is that 400 Hz are known to produce buzzing sounds. we build our perceptions in terms of standardized mental images with a lot of feedback from brain - 2. Taos hum [16] is a strange phenomenon which during dreams this feedback dominates. Therefore might relate to the microwave audition. No the visualization as Virgin Mary could reflect only source for this sound, which has frequency the cultural background: nowadays the interpreta- spectrum in the range 40-80 Hz, has been iden- tion might be in terms of UFO or ET. tified. Buzzing sound is also sometimes associ-


CONSCIÊNCIAS ‘06 | 147 5.2 The Mystery Of The Buzzing Sound 5 MODEL FOR FMA

ated with taos hum. If the buzz has the charac- sition transforming dark ELF photons to mi- ter of taos hum, this would require that sounds crowave photons so that the ratio fhigh/flow = heard also by the witnesses were endogenous heff,f /heff,i = nf /ni. and not recordable by microphones. There is strong correlation between taos hum and so 6. The proposal of Joaquim Fernandez [2] that mi- called microwave static having poorly under- crowave hearing would also explain the strange stood biological origin [16] suggesting that mi- buzzing sounds reported by the witnesses of the crowave static is modulated by ELF frequen- FMAs serves as a clue also in the TGD based cies. model of this phenomenon. Dark photons could also transform to ordinary microwave 3. Physiophonic sounds are endogenous sounds photons and induce the effects associated with produced by electric stimulation of skin. One the microwaves. can transform speech to electric signals ap- plied to skin and experienced as comprehensi- 7. UFO experiences are often associated with the ble speech. Physiophonic sounds are probably lines of the tectonic activity could represent closely related to taos hum. this kind of life form using the energy of mi- crowaves of tectonic origin (quartz crystals are 4. Microwave hearing [11] is a phenomenon in piezo-electrets and can amplify wide range of which microwaves in the frequency range .3- microwaves) as their “food” and therefore fol- 300 GHz (wavelength range [1 , .1] m ) induce a lowing the microwave beam emanating from hearing sensation. There is evidence that ears the spot of tectonic activity. Also the UFO are not involved with the microwave hearing like structures associated with the FMA could [9]. The average pressure of the radar wave be plasmoid like life forms. at the threshold of hearing is roughly three or- ders of magnitude less than the average pres- 8. Microwaves radiated in the conformational sure of a sine wave in air at the threshold of transitions of proteins and possibly amplified hearing air waves. Second, the location of the by the rotational transitions of water molecules most sensitive area for hearing radar is remote and clusters of them mimicking the rotational from the ears, on top of the head. Third, the spectra of molecules generate bridges connect- subjective frequency spectrum seems to include ing super-conducting space-time sheets and higher frequencies for radar hearing than for atomic space-time sheets and thus sustain the normal hearing of air waves. Fourth, the direc- dynamical circuitry. If some protein fails to tion from which sound seems to come does not be expressed genetically, this implies the ab- change as the head is turned about in the radar sence of certain microwave frequencies so that field. corresponding bridges are not present and er- It is difficult to point out any detailed TGD ratic functioning of the current circuitry result. based mechanism of microwave hearing (http: Medicines and homeopathic remedies in which // there are simply water clusters mimic the rotational spectrum of too many options. In standard physics ap- the medicine molecules generate the microwave proach the cause is thought to be thermoelastic spectrum of the proteins, which are not ex- expansion of portions of the auditory appara- pressed. tus. An intriguing finding possibly correlating with the effect is “burning” of water induced 5.2.2 Microwave Hypothesis by microwaves [12, 13]. It has been proposed [2] that microwave audition 5. Microwaves in GHz range are also found to [11] could be involved with the buzzing sounds as- be involved with water memory [8]. Accord- signed FMA. There exists a standard physics expla- ing to Smith microwave frequencies are accom- nation for microwave audition based on thermal ef- panied by ELF frequencies such that the high fects caused by microwaves inducing small pressure and low frequencies fhigh and flow are related pulses [11]. This explanation is however far from by the scaling law to be discussed later. A pos- being established and TGD suggests an alternative sible explanation is in terms of a phase tran- mechanism.


148 | CONSCIÊNCIAS ‘06 5.3 Connection with Schumann Resonance? 5 MODEL FOR FMA

According to [2] French and Canadian researchers have caused the visual sensations (Sun turning have found interesting results using a source of mi- around). Dark microwave photons could have crowaves on the subject’s heads: one of the sounds interacted with water causing its evaporation type heard was a “buzzing”. The source was be- and drying of the soil (similar interaction could tween 200 and 3000 MHz with a mean intensity of take place in microwave oven and in the “burn- from 0.4 to 2 mW/cm2 to a density level of above ing” of water subject to microwaves [13]). 300 mW/cm2. The modulating frequencies ranged from 200 to 400 Hz. According to [2], the insect Why the buzzing sound was heard only when sounds resulting from the motion of wings could be Maria talked with closed lips? Facial expression put between that interval. An order of magnitude is important part of communications, especially so for the resonance frequency of body guessing the when one cannot speak loudly. Did dark ELF pho- sound velocity to be v = 300 m/s in body and body tons transformed to dark microwave photon induc- to have a size of order L =1misf v/L = 300 Hz. ing the buzzing sound rather than to visible bio- Microwaves could correspond to microwave∼ static of photons inducing the visual sensation about moving biological origin [16] or be generated by plasmoid lips. like structures. Microwaves has been proposed as an explana- 5.3 Connection with Schumann Res- tion for the other physical effects reported in FMA, onance? namely those associated with the so-called Sun mir- acle when the people saw the “Sun” turning around Schumann resonance associated with the Earth’s itself and produce a heat wave that dry the soil that MB could be important for collective consciousness moments before has been wet by a sudden rain, as and allow fusion of personal magnetic bodies to a well the clothes of people in the spot, also wet. The larger structure. problem with this explanation is that microwaves One possibility is that microwave hearing involves with the required intensity might have had drastic the “dropping” of ions from k = 151 cell membrane physiological effects: there is no known evidence for space-time sheet and liberation of zero point energy this. as microwaves propagating along EEG MEs. This What ever the explanation of the buzzing sound space-time sheet could be also subject to expansion is, it must involve modulation at ELF frequencies. reducing the value of zero point kinetic energy. This This suggests that microwaves modulated by ELF might allow to understand the connection with the frequencies (say EEG frequencies) are in question. Schumann resonance at 7.8 Hz in alpha band. A possible TGD inspired explanation is that mi- 1. As a cavity resonance Schumann resonance pre- crowave photons were dark and emerged from dark vails in the entire Earth size scale, and is in ELF photons emitted a plasmoid like structure play- TGD based model of magnetospheric sensory ing the role of a “medium”. representations responsible for horizontal com- munications between different brains, and more 1. At space-time level this translates to the pic- generally, between various conscious entities. ture about microwave flux tubes + MEs within For instance, during hypnagogy alpha band ELF flux tubes + MEs. Any transformation dominates and could by the sharing of mental of dark ELF photon to m dark photons n i → images give rise to the strange experiences in nf = ni/m is possible and could have pro- which one experiences of being another person. duced both visible bio-photons and dark mi- Alpha band is also associated with creativity: crowave photons. The ELF frequencies could perhaps our ideas are not completely ours. be in the range 200-300 Hz. Note that 330 Hz corresponds to the cyclotron frequency of pro- 2. The velocity parameter v predicted by the scal- ton in magnetic field Bend = .2 Gauss. From ing law of homeopathy for k = 151 (cell mem- fhigh/flow = ni/nf the ratio nf /ni would have brane space-time sheet) is the velocity of al- varied in the range 106 1.5 109. pha waves at the surface of skull which sug- − × gests that alpha waves are generated in the pro- + 2. The transformation of the microwave photons cess. For K and Cl− ions cyclotron frequen- to bio-photons at visible and UV range could cies are 7.5 Hz and 8.5 Hz respectively and near



to Schumann frequency and these ions are im- ionosphere along magnetic flux tubes. Si ions portant for brain functioning: their cyclotron or quartz could flow along magnetic flux tubes radiation could resonate with Schumann reso- from the spot of the tectonic activity to the nance (note that the local value of Earth’s mag- plasmoid, and become heated to high tempera- netic field in brain could be subject to home- ture when entering to atomic space-time sheets ostatic control). Thus the “dropping” of these and colliding with oxygen atoms of the atmo- ions from cell membrane space-time sheet could sphere. This in turn would give rise to glass be crucial for the quantum entanglement with balls. An analogous mechanism might be give “Marian”. rise to “angel hair”.

5.4 Some Special Features Assigned 3. There is also anecdotal evidence for “vehicles”. with FMA Maybe the visual percept about plasmoid was completed by sensory feedback to something fa- The special features assigned with FMA deserved a miliar, which was “vehicle”. . discussion. There are those who believe UFOs are real ob- 1. Healings and water with special healing prop- jects rather than self-organization patterns cre- erties have been also associated with Marian ated by (possibly dark) irradiation from a re- apparitions [1]. The model of healing based gion of tectonic activity. The reduction of effec- on the feed of metabolic energy inducing phase tive gravitational mass of a spinning magnetic transitions generating dark matter could allow system has been reported [6]. TGD allows to to understand why spring water with special consider a mechanism causing this reduction healing properties seems to be a correlate of and these objects are predicted to be accom- apparition places [1]. panied by plasma [71]. One can of therefore play with the idea that some UFOs are some The energies for the needed transitions are ex- kind of space crafts and maybe even the vehi- pected to in a wide range. From molecular cles observed by witnesses in the case of Marian transition energies in bio-photon range down apparition. to microwave energies assignable to conforma- tional transitions of molecules and rotational Personally I do not believe that higher civiliza- energies of water molecules. Although the cy- tions would bother to use this kind of primitive clotron frequencies are much below the mi- technology if quantum entanglement allowing crowave range, the decay of dark cyclotron pho- telepathy and classical communications in both tons to a bunch of dark photons with the en- time directions allowing to circumvent the bar- ergy of microwave photons and transforming to rier due to finite light velocity are available. ordinary photons would allow feed of ordinary microwave photons perhaps inducing the gen- eration of dark matter. 6 Appendix: a Little Glossary

2. The mysterious “angel hair” might have have Topological Geometrodynamics (TGD): TGD emerged as ions from magnetic flux tubes flew can be regarded as a unified theory of fundamental to atomic space-time sheets in the transforma- interactions. In General Relativity space-time time tion of dark matter to ordinary matter. is abstract pseudo-Riemannian manifold and the Perhaps the process creates chemical com- dynamical metric of the space-time describes grav- pounds in molten state which then cool and itational interactions. In TGD space-time is a 4- solidify. Hair like appearance might reflect the dimensional surface of certain 8-dimensional space, geometry of magnetic flux tubes (whose thick- which is non-dynamical and fixed by either physical ness is about 2.5-5 micrometers for Earth’s or purely mathematical requirements. Hence space- magnetic field). Many crop formations are time has shape besides metric properties. This iden- known to contain magnetized iron [5] as well tification solves the conceptual difficulties related as small glass balls consisting of SiO2, that is to the definition of the energy-momentum in Gen- quartz [3]. Meteoric iron could come from the eral Relativity. Even more, sub-manifold geometry,


150 | CONSCIÊNCIAS ‘06 6 APPENDIX: A LITTLE GLOSSARY being considerably richer in structure than the ab- regarded as a correlate for the perceptive field of stract manifold geometry behind General Relativ- conscious entity. ity, leads to a geometrization of known fundamental p-Adic physics, adelic physics, hierarchy of interactions and elementary particle quantum num- Planck constants, p-adic length scale hypoth- bers. esis: p-Adic physics is a generalization of real num- Many-sheeted space-time, topolog- ber based physics to p-adic number fields and inter- ical quantization, quantum classical preted as a correlate for cognitive representations correspondence (QCC): TGD forces the and imagination. Adelic physics fuses real physics notion of many-sheeted space-time (see with various p-adic physics (p =2, 3, 5, ...) to adelic with space- physics. Adele is structure formed by reals and ex- time sheets identified as geometric correlates of tensions of various p-adic number fields induced by various physical objects (elementary particles, extensions of rationals forming an evolutionary hi- atoms, molecules, cells, ..., galaxies, ...). Quantum- erarchy. Hierarchy of Planck constants corresponds classical correspondence (QCC) states that all to the hierarchy of orders of Galois grops for these quantum notions have topological correlates at the extensions. Preferred p-adic primes satisfying p- level of many-sheeted space-time. adic length scale hypothesis p 2k, are so called Topological quantization: Topological field ramified primes for certain extension of rationals quantization is one of the basic distinctions between appearing as winners in algebraic evolution. TGD and Maxwell’s electrodynamics and GRT and Quantum entanglement, negentropic en- means that various fields decompose to topologi- tanglement (NE), Negentropy maximization cal field quanta: radiation fields to “topological principle (NMP): Quantum entanglement does light rays”; magnetic fields to flux tube structures; not allow any concretization in terms of everyday and electric fields to electric flux quanta (electrets). concepts. Schr¨odinger cat is the classical popu- Topological field quantization means that one can larization of the notion (see assign to every material system a field (magnetic) lpjcjm9): the quantum state, which is a superpo- body, usually much larger than the material sys- sition of the living cat + the open bottle of poison tem itself, and providing a representation for vari- and the dead cat + the closed bottle of poison rep- ous quantum aspects of the system. resents quantum entangled state. Schr¨odinger cat Strong form of holography (SH): SH states has clearly no self identity in this state. that space-time surfaces as preferred extremals can In adelic physics one can assign to the same en- be constructed from the data given at 2-D string tanglement both real entropy and various p-adic ne- world sheets and by a discrete set of points defin- gentropies identified as measures of conscious infor- ing the cognitive representation of the space-time mation. p-Adic negentropy - unlike real - can be surface as points common to real and various p- positive, and one can speak of negentropic entan- adic variants of the space-time surface (intersection glement (NE). Negentropy Maximization Principle of realities and various p-adicities). Points of the (NMP) states that it tends to increase. In the adelic cognitive representation have imbedding space co- formulation NMP holding true only in statistical ordinates in the extension of rationals defining the sense is a consequence rather than separate postu- adele in question. Effective 2-dimensionality is a late. direct analogy for the continuation of 2-D data to Self, subself, self hierarchy: In ZEO self is analytic function of two complex variables. generalized Zeno effect. At the passive boundary Zero energy ontology (ZEO): In ZEO quan- nothing happens to the members of state pairs and tum states are replaced by pairs of positive and the boundary remains unaffected. At active bound- negative energy states having opposite total quan- ary members of state pairs change and boundary it- tum numbers. The pair corresponds to the pair self moves farther away from the passive boundary of initial and final state for a physical event in reduction by reduction inducing localization of the classical sense. The members of the pair are at active boundary in the moduli space of CDs after opposite boundaries of causal diamond (CD) (see unitary evolution inducing delocalization in it. Self, which is intersec- dies as the first reduction takes place at opposite tion of future and past directed light-cones with boundary. A self hierarchy extending from elemen- each point replaced with CP2. Given CD can be tary particle level to the level of the entire Universe


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[56] Pitk¨anen M. Quantum Antenna Hypothesis. In [64] Pitk¨anen M. Quantum Model of Mem- Quantum Hardware of Living Matter. In online ory. In TGD Inspired Theory of Con- book. Available at: sciousness. In online book. Available public_html/bioware/bioware.html#tubuc, at: 2006. tgdconsc/tgdconsc.html#memoryc, 2006.

[57] Pitk¨anen M. Quantum Control and Co- [65] Pitk¨anen M. Quantum Model for Nerve ordination in Bio-systems: Part I. In Pulse. In TGD and EEG. In online book. Bio-Systems as Self-Organizing Quan- Available at: tum Systems. In online book. Available html/tgdeeg/tgdeeg.html#pulse, 2006. at: bioselforg/bioselforg.html#qcococI, [66] Pitk¨anen M. Quantum Mind, Magnetic 2006. Body, and Biological Body. In TGD based view about living matter and re- [58] Pitk¨anen M. Quantum Control and Co- mote mental interactions. In online book. ordination in Bio-Systems: Part II. In Available at: Bio-Systems as Self-Organizing Quan- html/tgdlian/tgdlian.html#lianPB, 2012. tum Systems. In online book. Available at: [67] Pitk¨anen M. TGD inspired view about re- bioselforg/bioselforg.html#qcococII, mote mental interactions and paranormal. In 2006. TGD based view about living matter and re- mote mental interactions. In online book. [59] Pitk¨anen M. Quantum Model for Bio- Available at: Superconductivity: I. In TGD and html/tgdlian/tgdlian.html#lianPRM, 2012. EEG. In online book. Available at: [68] Pitk¨anen M. Are dark photons behind tgdeeg/tgdeeg.html#biosupercondI, 2006. biophotons. In TGD based view about living matter and remote mental inter- [60] Pitk¨anen M. Quantum Model for Bio- actions. In online book. Available at: Superconductivity: II. In TGD and EEG. In online book. Available at: tgdlian/tgdlian.html#biophotonslian , 2013. tgdeeg/tgdeeg.html#biosupercondII, 2006. [69] Pitk¨anen M. Comments on the recent ex- [61] Pitk¨anen M. Quantum Model for Para- periments by the group of Michael Persinger. normal Phenomena. In TGD Inspired In TGD based view about living matter and Theory of Consciousness. In online book. remote mental interactions. In online book. Available at: Available at: html/tgdconsc/tgdconsc.html#parac, 2006. html/tgdlian/tgdlian.html#persconsc, 2013. [62] Pitk¨anen M. Quantum Model for Sen- sory Representations. In TGD Inspired [70] Pitk¨anen M. More Precise TGD View about Theory of Consciousness. In online book. Quantum Biology and Prebiotic Evolution. In Available at: Genes and Memes. In online book. Available html/tgdconsc/tgdconsc.html#expc, 2006. at: genememe/genememe.html#geesink, 2015. [63] Pitk¨anen M. p-Adic Physics as Physics of Cognition and Intention. In TGD Inspired [71] Pitk¨anen M. About Strange Effects Related Theory of Consciousness. In online book. to Rotating Magnetic Systems . In TGD Available at: and Fringe Physics. In online book. Available html/tgdconsc/tgdconsc.html#cognic, at: 2006. freenergy/freenergy.html#Faraday, 2006.



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