Public Document Pack Resources Legal and Democratic Services  The Lonsdale Building  The Courts  Carlisle  CA3 8NA  Fax 01228 226372 Tel 01228 606060  Email [email protected]

25 March 2011

To : The Chair and Members of the County Council Local Committee for South Lakeland Agenda


A meeting of the County Council Local Committee for South Lakeland will be held as follows:

Date: Monday 4 April 2011 Time: 10.30 am Place: County Offices, Kendal

Angela Harwood Assistant Director – Legal and Democratic Services

Following the meeting there will be a briefing from Bruce Bennison on the Library Transformation Review for members only.

There will also be a presentation on Dignity and Safeguarding from Linda Mason and James Airey. The Local Committee will be invited to consider nominating an individual Councillor who can be involved at a local level in the safeguarding agenda and who would join the Locality Safeguarding Group.

Group Meetings:

Conservative: 9.00am Committee Room No.1 Liberal Democrat: 9.00am Committee Room No.2

Enquiries and requests for supporting papers to: Glynis Andrews Direct Line: 01228 226361 Email: [email protected]

This agenda is available on request in alternative formats

Building pride in Cumbria


Conservative ( 7) Liberal Democrat (11 )

Mr J Airey Mr GD Cook (Chair) Mr RK Bingham Mrs J Willis (Vice-Chair) Mr J Bland Mr T Clare Mr P Hornby Mr SB Collins Mr KJ Lancaster Dr DH Earnshaw Mrs C Salisbury Mrs C Feeney-Johnson Mr WJ Wearing Mrs BC Gray Mr B Jameson Mr J Stephenson Mr I Stewart Mr R Wilson

South Lakeland District Council (2)

Ms J Cooper Mr G Vincent

Parish Council (2)

Mr A Muirhead Mr R Shapland


Agenda and Reports

Copies of the agenda and Part I reports are available for members of the public to inspect prior to the meeting. Copies will also be available at the meeting.

The agenda and Part I reports are also available on the County Council’s website –

Background Papers

Requests for the background papers to the Part I reports, excluding those papers that contain exempt information, can be made to Legal and Democratic Services at the address overleaf between the hours of 9.00 am and 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday.

2 A G E N D A



To receive any apologies for absence.


To consider whether the press and public should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any items on the agenda.


To disclose any personal and prejudicial interests relating to any item on the agenda.

NB The following is a summary of what constitutes a personal interest and a personal and prejudicial interest. Please seek advice or refer to the Code of Conduct (paragraph 8) for full definitions.


You have a personal interest if the issue being discussed in the meeting affects the well- being or finances of you, your family or your close associates more than most other people who live in the Electoral Division affected by the issue.

Personal interests are also things that relate to an interest you must register.

N.B. If the personal interest arises because of your membership of another public body, you only need to declare it if you intend to speak.

A personal interest should be declared as follows:

I have a personal interest in agenda item [] regarding the report on [] because I am [].


If you have a personal interest in a matter you will also have a prejudicial interest in that matter if the interest is one which a member of the public, with knowledge of the relevant facts, would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice your judgement of the public interest. If you have a personal and prejudicial interest you must withdraw from the meeting room for that item, unless you are there to make representations and the public have the same opportunity to do so

NB You only have a prejudicial interest if the matter

• affects your financial position or that of your family, close associate, employer etc

3 or it • relates to a regulatory matter

A personal and prejudicial interest should be declared as follows:

I have a personal and prejudicial interest in agenda item [] regarding the report on [] because I am [].

Advice on this can be sought from staff in Legal and Democratic Services. Members are requested to seek advice, wherever possible, before the meeting starts.


There are no public questions, petitions or deputations relating to any item on the agenda.


To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Local Committee held on 28 February 2011 (copy enclosed).


[Electoral Divisions: All South Lakeland]

(1) Communities Budget

To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Resources (copy enclosed)

This report presents the actual expenditure and commitments recorded against the Local Committee’s Communities budget as at 28 February 2011.

(2) Highways Budget

To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Resources (copy enclosed).

This report presents the actual expenditure and commitments recorded against the Local Committee’s Highways Revenue and Capital Budgets as at 28 February 2011.

(3) Budget Working Group

To consider a report by the Chief Executive (copy enclosed).

This report gives details of the meeting of the Budget Working Group held on 9 March 2011 and presents recommendations for Local Committee approval.


[Electoral Divisions: All South Lakeland]

To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Resources (copy enclosed).

This report sets out the budget allocations for Local Committees for 2011-12.


[Electoral Divisions: All South Lakeland]

Verbal update by the Assistant Director – Highways and Transportation.


[Electoral Divisions: All South Lakeland]

To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Environment (copy enclosed).

This report sets out the effect on bus services in the South Lakeland area of a reduction in funding for local bus services across the County of £340,000.


[Electoral Divisions: Sedbergh and Kirkby Lonsdale]

To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Environment (copy enclosed).

This report provides a summary of the consultation on a proposed traffic regulation order for Appleby New Fair.


[Electoral Divisions: All Kendal and Upper Kent]

To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Environment (copy enclosed).

This report provides a summary of the consultation on a proposed traffic regulation order to introduce a 30 mph speed limit on Gilthwaiterigg Lane, Kendal.


[Electoral Divisions: All South Lakeland]

To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Environment (copy enclosed).

This report invites the Local Committee to comment on the “Emerging Options for the

5 Land Allocations Development Plan” document which has been published for consultation by South Lakeland District Council


[Electoral Divisions: All South Lakeland]

To consider a report by the Chief Executive (copy enclosed).

This report seeks to commit elements of the Local Capital Scheme budget and includes members proposals that have been sufficiently worked up to enable the Local Committee to consider spending decisions.


There are no Neighbourhood Forum referrals to be considered at this meeting.


[Electoral Divisions: All South Lakeland]

To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Children’s Services (copy enclosed).

This report seeks approval of nominated County Council Governors of Nursery, Primary and Secondary Schools.

Monitoring Reports


[Electoral Divisions: All South Lakeland]

To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Environment (copy enclosed).

This report provides an update on highways maintenance issues using the Better Highways approach. It contains the new measures, as well as a profile of the work done, and forms the basis of a regular report on the subject of each Local Committee.


[Electoral Divisions: All South Lakeland]

To consider a report by the Chief Executive (copy enclosed).

This paper provides an overview progress update on the work of the South Lakeland Credit Union Study Group in the period since the report to the Local Committee in September 2010.

For Information Reports


6 [Electoral Divisions: All South Lakeland]

To consider a report by the Corporate Director – Environment (copy enclosed).

This report provides a brief update on the priority projects contained within the Eden and South Lakeland Forward Delivery Plan.


To receive feedback from members on the outside bodies that they serve.

7 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 5


Minutes of a Meeting of the County Council Local Committee for South Lakeland held on Monday, 28 February 2011 at 10.30 am at County Offices, Kendal


Mr GD Cook (Chair)

County Councillors

Mrs J Willis (Vice-Chair) Mrs BC Gray Mr RK Bingham Mr P Hornby Mr T Clare Mr KJ Lancaster Mr SB Collins Mr J Stephenson Dr DH Earnshaw Mr I Stewart Mrs C Feeney-Johnson Mr R Wilson

District Council Parish Councils

Mr G Vincent Mr A Muirhead Mr R Shapland



In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 the Chair had agreed that consideration be given to an additional report on the Highways Act 1980 s116/s117 – Request for Stopping Up of Highway at U5596 Mill Lane o/s No 1 Hillgarth Underbarrow in order to avoid any further delay in making an application to the Local Magistrates for a Stopping Up order (minute 129 refers).

He had also agreed that consideration be given to a report on South Lakeland District Council Off-Street Parking Places Order 2011 to allow the District Council implement its proposals on 1 April (minute130 refers).


Apologies for absence were received from Mr J Airey, Mr J Bland, Mr B Jameson, Mrs C Salisbury and Mr W J Wearing.


RESOLVED, that the press and public be not excluded from the meeting for any items of business.


Mr G D Cook declared a personal and prejudicial interest in respect of agenda item 7(c) in relation to an application for funding from the Lancaster Canal Restoration Partnership as he lived near the Kendal Canal Head project (minute refers). Mrs B Gray also declared a personal interest in this item of business as a representative on the South Lakeland District Council’s Canal Steering Group (minute 128(2) refers).

During the course of discussion Mr T Clare declared a personal interest in respect of agenda item 7(1) as he had connections with the Friends of Vicarage Park School (minute 128(3) refers).


(1) There were no public questions relating to any item on the agenda.

(2) The Local Committee received a petition seeking a relaxation of parking restrictions on Sunday in parts of Grange to allow church goers to park more easily.

In discussion Members had no objections in principle to the request, however they were reminded by the Acting Area Engineer of the legal process for changes to the order and of the costs in changing the signs. This work would constitute a highways improvement scheme for which funding would need to be found,

RESOLVED, that the petition be received.

(3) Mrs Anna Williams attended the meeting to present the case of residents in relation to the proposed Annual Package of Measures scheme for the construction of a new footway at Kendal Road Staveley (minute 128(1) (c) refers).

Before making her presentation Mrs Williams presented two petitions. The first asked for a reduction in the speed limit through the village of Staveley from 30mph to 20mph, and the second asked not to demolish the dry stone wall and to relocate the footpath to the opposite side of Kendal Road.

Mrs Williams advised that Staveley had been waiting 10 years for the planning condition attached to the Caldrigg Fold development to be enforced, which was to improve the existing footway along Kendal Road to the village centre. Instead a proposal had been presented to move the footway to the opposite

Page 2 side of the road which eliminated two road crossings. Whilst this was a good idea in principle the implications had not been clearly thought through as it would create far more new and permanent problems to both traffic and pedestrians than it addressed.

This had arisen from the failure to carry out any studies as to the true nature and volume of pedestrians using the footway, nor parking and traffic issues that would be directly affected by the scheme. It would also affect village events and trade at the much valued local pub.

Mrs Williams made the point that it appeared the proposed scheme was not legal since there was a deed of gift from Mr Edwin Brockbank donating the land to Westmorland County Council for use as a footway. This was on condition that the Council maintained the path, wall and riverside fence forever. A response was still awaited from the County Council on this issue.

Three weeks after receiving the drawings from Cumbria Highways in January 2011 the Parish Council had voted the scheme through by 5 votes to 4. Had it not been for the pressure placed on councillors to secure the funding, which residents had been advised would evaporate if the scheme was not completed by the end of March 2011, it was clear that the proposal would not have been carried. Even some who spoke in favour of the scheme clearly did not understand it demonstrating that the consultation period was inadequate for the Parish Council, and even worse for the public, most of whom only saw the plans for the first time at the meeting.

The proposed scheme was deeply unpopular in the village with over 630 people signing a petition in 3 weeks in support of retaining the existing walled footpath and opposing the reduction in road width. The vast majority of signatories were from Staveley, the rest being mainly from neighbouring villages.

On a positive note residents of Kendal Road and Caldrigg Fold met with the local MP on 18 February and there was a clear consensus among all present that the following was required:-

- improvements and resurfacing to the existing walled footway;

- provision of new safe crossings at each end of Kendal Road;

- the introduction of a 20mph speed limit through the village. The speed limit issue was raised in the Parish Plan as far back as 2003. Over 100 people had signed a petition in just 3 days in support of this. Traffic speed was felt by residents to be a major safety issue on this road.

To summarise the Local Committee was asked to consider that:-

- this deeply unpopular, retrograde and poorly conceived proposal be scrapped;

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- the long awaited funding be carried over to enable a properly researched alternative scheme to be prepared;

- the scheme be subject to proper public consultation.

The Local Committee also heard from Mr John Berry the Vice Chair of Staveley-with-Ings Parish Council. Mr Berry explained that this was not a new scheme as the Council had been considering the question of the footway on Kendal Road for a number of years. Firstly in connection with the Planning Approval for affordable housing which included a Section 106 Agreement to improve the footway, and secondly since the well publicised and attended Community Travel Plan was agreed in 2007 when this scheme was one of its highest priorities.

When the Parish Council had looked at the options put forward by the Council in August of last year it had considered the cost of upgrading the existing path as opposed to constructing a new one. Whatever option was decided upon the existing low wall would have to be demolished as there was insufficient width of highway land to accommodate both a widened footpath and a 6m carriageway. It was then suggested that materials from the wall could be recycled to assist in the construction of a new one as part of the National Park’s Miles without Stiles’ scheme.

At its meeting in October it had been recommended that options to relocate the footpath to the housing side be developed. These had been looked at by the Council’s Parish Plan Working Group, and the chosen scheme endorsed by the full Council at its meeting on 5 January 2011. In making this decision the Councillors had taken note of the reduction in the need to cross the road twice. They had also noted that many residents currently chose to walk in the roadway along this route to avoid crossing the road. A further bonus was the provision of a raised pavement at the two bus stops

At its last Council meeting on 7 February 2011 petitions had been presented both for and against the proposal. A decision had been taken to continue to support the proposals as being the best and safest way to provide for these pedestrian movements. Mr Berry commented that whatever scheme was chosen the wall would have to be demolished and that a lot people had signed the petition without being fully aware of all the facts.

The proposed scheme, as presented to the Highways and Transportation Working Group, was fully supported by the Parish Council.

After listening to both Mrs Williams and Mr Berry the Chair advised that this issue would be considered later in the meeting and he invited them to stay and listen to the debate (minute 128(1) (c) refers).


Page 4 The minutes of the meeting of the Local Committee held on 24 January 2011 were confirmed, as circulated, and thereupon signed by the Chair.


(1) Communities Budget

Consideration was given to a report by the Corporate Director – Resources presenting the actual expenditure and commitments recorded against the Local Committee’s Budget as at 31 January 2011.

RESOLVED, that the following be noted:-

- the budget allocations for 2010-11 and the commitments and expenditure recorded to date;

- the unallocated resources in the Communities Revenue budgets of £134,768;

- the unallocated resources in the Local member Capital budgets of £7,650.

(2) Highways Budget

A report by the Corporate Director – Resources presented the actual expenditure and commitments recorded against the Local Committee’s Highways Revenue and Capital Budgets as at 31 st January 2011.

At this stage there was no guarantee approval would be given to the carry forward of unallocated balances from 2010-11 to 2011-12.

In considering the report the Acting Area Engineer clarified the position in relation to the proposed construction of a new footway at Kendal Road, Staveley and the need to look into the implications of a covenant that existed which possibly placed obligations on the County Council.

RESOLVED, that the following be noted:-

- the budget allocations for 2010-11 and the expenditure recorded to date;

- the Revenue budget, including Highway Stewards and Members Works, currently has a projected underspend of £34,288;

- the Non Principal Road Network Structural Maintenance budget is showing a projected underspend of £21,293;

Page 5 - the Annual Package of Measures budget is showing a projected underspend of £5,621.


(1) Highways and Transportation Working Group

Consideration was given to a report by the Corporate Director – Environment providing details of the meeting of the Highways and Transportation Working Group held on 8 February 2011. Appended to the report was a revised summary of the proposed devolved Highways Capital Programme 2011-12. It also presented additional public consultation responses in relation to the proposed Annual Package of Measures scheme for the construction of a new footway at Kendal Road, Staveley.

In discussion on the Better Highways report (minute 47 of the meeting of the Highways and Transportation Working Group on 8 February refers) the Local Committee was advised that a Better Highways information pack had recently been circulated to all Parish Councils in the area. A request was also made for the Parish Councils to be advised of the current position in relation to Better Highways and of future plans. In respect of questions raised in relation carriageway pothole defects and the use of cold/hot materials it was noted that a report would be presented to the Working Group on the strategy and specifications adopted to deliver first time permanent repairs.

(a) Minutes

RESOLVED, that the minutes of the meeting of the Highways and Transportation Working Group held on 8 February 2011 be received.

(b) Timber Transport Maps

RESOLVED, the work of the Cumbria Timber Transport Group in producing recommended routes for timber be endorsed, and the views of members sought on the proposed route maps before wider consultations were undertaken with stakeholders.

(c) New Footway at Kendal Road Staveley

The Local Committee had heard representations from Mrs A Williams and Mr J Berry earlier in the meeting in relation to the proposed new footway at Kendal Road Staveley (minute125 refers). Since the Working Group meeting a number of other issues had arisen ie:-

- a legal matter relating to a Deed of Dedication;

- concerns by the Environment Agency who considered that the scheme had the potential to adversely impact on the river bank and required further engineering assessments and method statements;

Page 6

- concerns by the Two Castles Housing Association about some comments made by objectors. A statement from the Association had been Emailed to members of the Local Committee.

Due to the need to resolve the legal matter relating to the Deed of Dedication and also the issues raised by the Environment Agency the Acting Area Engineer advised that it would not be possible to proceed with the scheme in the current financial year.

During the course of the discussion the majority of members present at the meeting asked that their support to the carrying forward of capital balances from 2010-11 to 2011-12 be communicated in discussions on the County Council’s budget for the coming financial year.

Having taken into account the additional public consultation responses in relation to the APM scheme for construction of a new footway at Kendal Road, Staveley, as set out in Appendix A to the report by the Corporate Director – Environment, the representations made at the meeting and also the views of the local member, it was

RESOLVED, that in relation to the proposed footway improvement at Kendal Road Staveley the scheme as designed and consulted upon be approved, subject to further consultation and satisfactory resolution of the issues relating to the Deed of Dedication and Environment Agency consent.

(d) Highways Devolved Capital Programme 2011/2012

RESOLVED, that the devolved highways capital programme for 2011/2012 set out in the appendix 1 to the report to Working Group (as amended in Appendix C to the report before the Local Committee), with the inclusion of £200,000 for winter damage repairs and a redistribution of footway resurfacing allocations among LAP areas, be approved.

(e) South Lakeland Speed Limit Review

RESOLVED, that the recommendations contained in Paragraph 4.5 of the report for implementation in 2011/2012 via the Speed Monitoring and Management budget in the Local Committee’s devolved highways capital programme, at an estimated cost of £23,400, be put on hold for a year and speed indication devices purchased instead and deployed at the sites identified in the report to Working Group, the situation to be monitored and reported on in due course.

(f) Unsurfaced Unclassified County Roads -


(i) the introduction of a code of practice and supporting traffic regulation order for a pilot project on the unsurfaced

Page 7 unclassified county roads U5604 and U5213 in Colton Parish be approved in principle subject to the availability of funding;

(ii) the local member be encouraged to contribute towards cost of bringing the roads up to a reasonable standard via works described in the surveys;

(iii) consideration be given to circulating more widely the report by the Corporate Director – Environment detailing progress by a Task Group established to consider maintenance and management issues with “green roads” in Colton Parish.

(2) Children and Young People’s Working Group

At this point in the meeting Mr T Clare declared a personal interest in relation to Friends of Vicarage Park and withdrew from the meeting.

The Local Committee had before it a report by the Corporate Director – Children’s Services providing details of the Children and Young People’s Working Group held on 1 February 2011.

In considering the report reference was made to the South Lakeland Youth Conference arranged and promoted by the Local Committee to be held on 31 March to which all Members of the Local Committee were urged to attend.


(a) the minutes of the meeting of the Children and Young People’s Working Group meeting held on 1 February 2011 be received;

(b) £21,000 be awarded to the Speaking and Listening Project (35 resource boxes) from the £25,000 committed for improving attainment in South Lakeland;

(c) £500 be vired from the Children’s Activities 6-12 budget to the Children’s and Young Peoples fund;

(d) £4,480 be awarded to the Early Years and Childcare Team in partnership with Healthcare NHS in promoting the Nutrition Programme for children under 5 years;

(e) £2,700 be awarded to Arnside Girl Guides;

(f) £3,000 be awarded to Cumbrian Young Farmer’s, Southern District;

(g) £2,421 be awarded to Coniston Childcare from the Grant Applications to the Early Years Budget;

Page 8

(h) £2,650 be awarded to Penny Bridge Nursery from the Grant Applications to the Early Years Budget;

(i) £4,000 be awarded to Broughton Under Fives Nursery from the Grant Applications to the Early Years Budget;

(j) £6,675 be awarded to Pennington Nursery from the Grant Applications to the Early Years Budget;

(k) £2,219 be awarded to Church Walk Pre-school Nursery from the Grant Applications to the Early Years Budget;

(l) £2,798 be awarded to Little Acorns Pre-school Nursery from the Grant Applications to the Early Years Budget;

(m) £2,964 be awarded to Blossom Trees Nursery from the Grant Applications to the Early Years Budget;

(n) £950 be awarded to St. Oswald’s Accredited Pre-school from the Grant Applications to the Early Years Budget;

(o) £6,500 be awarded to Friends of Vicarage Park on behalf of Little Vicarage from the Grant Applications to the Early Years Budget.

(3) Budget Working Group

A report by the Chief Executive presented the minutes of a meeting of the Budget Working Group held on 8 February 2011.

Mr G D Cook withdrew from the meeting during consideration of an application from the Lancaster Canal Restoration Partnership for a contribution towards the cost of a planning application. Mrs J Willis took the Chair at that point.


(a) subject to the inclusion of Mr K Lancaster to the list of apologies, the minutes of a meeting of the Budget Working Group held on 8 February 2011 be received;

(b) the £10k previously allocated for purchasing grit for distribution to parishes, be reallocated to fund additional days for the temporary patching gang;

(c) the balance of £14,999 remaining in the Local Area Partnership projects commitment be returned to General Provision and then allocated to fund additional days for the temporary patching gang;

Page 9 (d) the underspend of £8,875 from the Neighbourhood Forum grants budget be returned to General Provision and allocated to fund additional days for the temporary patching gang;

(e) any underspend from the School Crossing Patrols budget be vired to the Speed Monitoring Programme included within the Annual Package of Measures programme of work and used to purchase additional speed indicator devices;

(f) £1,000 be awarded for General Provision to Annie Mawson’s Sunbeams Music Trust for a project to work with people with dementia in two care homes in South Lakeland;

(g) a decision on whether or not to agree a funding application from the Lancaster Canal Partnership towards the costs of applying for planning permission to preserve the route of the canal be deferred until the next meeting of the Budget Working Group; additional information to be presented to this meeting and the Chair of the Lancaster Canal Partnership invited to attend; and

(h) the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Budget Working Group, be authorised to take a decision on behalf of the Local Committee in relation to the application from the Lancaster Canal Partnership (paragraph (g) above refers); if the application is not agreed the funding be allocated to support additional days for the temporary patching gang.


Consideration was given to a report by the Corporate Director – Environment previously considered by the Local Committee at its meeting on 13 December 2010 (minute 96(a)(14) refers) making recommendations regarding a request from Mr J Sykes, the owner of No. 1 Hillgarth Underbarrow, that an area of highway forming part of the verge, measuring approximately 38m2, of the U5596 adjacent to No. 1 Hillgarth, Underbarrow be stopped up. The request to seek a magistrates Court Order under s116 of the Highways Act 1980 had been approved, however since that meeting the location plan for the highway verge to be stopped up had been amended.

RESOLVED, that the Assistant Director Legal and Democratic Services be authorised to make an application to the Local Magistrates under section 116 of the Highways Act 1980 for an Order to stop up as a highway a section of highway verge, measuring approximately 38 m2, adjacent to No. 1 Hillgarth, Underbarrow, as shown in Appendix

Page 10 1a to the report by the Corporate Director – Environment, on the grounds that it is unnecessary, subject to all of the County Council’s costs being met by Mr J Sykes whether the application is successful or not.


The Local Committee had before it a report by the Corporate Director – Environment seeking approval to a proposal by South Lakeland District Council to implement changes to off street parking places in Kendal, namely:-

- the introduction of regulation of car parking on the Kendal Bus Station so that it is used only for recognised buses and by taxis for the purpose of loading and unloading; and

- to bring into the remit of the off-street parking order the car park at Kendal Brewery Arts Centre.

In considering the report the Acting Area Engineer was asked to draw the District Council’s attention to the fact that the car park at Kendal Brewery Arts Centre was also used by Kendal Squash Club and was not just for the sole use of Kendal Brewery Arts Centre.

RESOLVED, that consent be given to the changes to off-street parking arrangements proposed by South Lakeland District Council as set out in the appendix to the report by the Corporate Director – Environment.


A report by the Chief Executive brought forward funding recommendations from the Central Lakes Local Area Partnership and details of a referral from the High Furness Local Area Partnership


(a) the report be noted;

(b) £1500 be awarded to the Grasmere Flood Group towards the cost of a secure grit and sand facility from the monies committed to Local Area Partnerships;

(c) £2000 be awarded to the Lakes Parish Council towards the cost of a replacement bus shelter in Ambleside from the monies committed to Local Area Partnerships;

(d) £750 be awarded to the Lakes Parish Council towards the cost of a course for young people from Lakes and

Page 11 Windermere Parishes from the monies committed to Local Area Partnerships;

(e) £2697 be awarded to Windermere Town Council for design, specification, quotations and contract preparation for an improvement scheme at Ellerthwaite Square in Windermere from the monies committed to Local Area Partnerships;

(f) a request from the High Furness Local Area Partnership for grit bins to be numbered to improve identification and to simplify the reporting of issues be supported.


Consideration was given to a report by the Chief Executive which sought to commit elements of the Local Capital Scheme budget, including Members’ proposals that had been sufficiently worked up, to enable the Local Committee to consider spending decisions.

Appended to the report were the detailed scheme proposals, together with a progress list for all divisions.

RESOLVED, that the following be approved:-

(a) a capital grant of £5,000 to undertake the work needed to carry out localised patch repairs on the Lakes School access road to enhance its life;

(b) a capital grant of £2,500 towards a project cost of £10,200 for works on Queen’s Park in Windermere.


There were no Neighbourhood Forum referrals to be considered at the meeting.


The Local Committee considered a schedule of recommendations for the appointment of County Council representatives on the Governing Bodies of County Nursery Primary and Secondary schools.

RESOLVED, that subject to her consent Mrs E Miller of Brookside, Woodland, Broughton-in-Furness, LA20 5DJ be appointed to the Governing Body of Broughton-in-Furness CE School.


Page 12

The Local Committee had before it a report by the Chief Executive addressing the outcomes under the County Council’s “Better” Themes. The report contained community engagement performance information monitoring, specific issues raised, engagement activity and allocation of Forum Grants. Attached as an appendix to the report was a summary performance report for the Money Advice Service which was provided by the Citizens Advice Bureau and funded by the County Council.

The Local Committee was advised that a range of measures and actions to support the Area Plan were under development and performance against these would be analysed in a future report.

RESOLVED, that the report be noted.


A report by the Corporate Director – Environment provided a brief up-date on the priority projects contained within the Eden and South Lakeland Forward Delivery Plan. The up-date focused on projects within South Lakeland, but also provided information on projects in Eden.

The Local Committee was asked to note that the County Council would no longer be providing dedicated staff resource to servicing Eden and South Lakeland Forward. If a more informal partnership arrangement continued which focused on the delivery of economic development activities in Eden and South Lakeland, then the County Council would continue to provide support, but only on a project by project basis.

In considering the report members commented on their wish to remain involved and informed of economic development programmes in the area.

RESOLVED, that the report be noted, and a further update report be presented to the next meeting of the Local Committee.


A member asked for the County Council’s representation on the South Lakeland Strategic Partnership to be looked into.

The meeting ended at 12.20pm

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Agenda Item 6a


Meeting date: 4 April 2011

From: Corporate Director – Resources



1.1 This report presents the actual expenditure and commitments recorded against the Local Committee’s Communities Budgets as at 28th February 2011.


2.1 The Local Committee’s 2010-11 proposed Cash Limited Budget was informed to County Council on 18th February 2010. The Local Committee is able to vire funding between budget lines during the course of the financial year, subject to Corporate Policy and Service Standards. The Committee is not able to vire money from capital budgets into revenue budgets.

2.2 The carry forward of Local Committee balances from 2009-10 into 2010- 11 were presented for approval at 24th June 2010 County Council meeting. Unspent but committed balances were approved for carry forward, however any unallocated unspent balances were not allowed except for those in respect of Early Years Designated Schools Grant allocations.

2.3 The original Local Committee Communities Revenue budget is £928,674. This is increased by approved carry forward balances of £317,272 and reduced by virement to Highways revenue and APM of £164,496 to give a spending limit of £1,081,450.

2.4 The original Local Committee Local Member Capital Schemes budget is £216,000. This is increased by approved carry forward balances of £90,058 to give a spending limit of £306,058.


The Local Committee is asked to:

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3.1 Note the budget allocations for 2010-11 and the commitments and expenditure recorded to date;

3.2 Note the unallocated resources in the Communities Revenue budgets of £65,227;

3.3 Note the unallocated resources in the Local member Capital budgets of £150;

3.4 In the General Provisions budget de-commit £2,200 from the £5,898 allocation for Fixed Speed Device at A65 at Sedgwick due to a speed sign no longer being required. This will leave an allocation of £3,698.

3.5 In the General Provisions budget de-commit £250 from the Lakes Parish Council Courses allocation of £750. This will leave an allocation of £500.

3.6 In the General Provisions budget de-commit £10 from the Windermere Town Council allocation of £2,697 to leave an allocation of £2,687.

3.7 Vire £4,387 from the Neighbourhood Development Team budget to the General Provisions budget. This will leave a spending limit of £153,361 with a projected underspend of £17,209 in the Neighbourhood Development Team budget.


4.1 This report updates Members on the Local Committee’s Communities budgets for the 2010-11 financial year, which are summarised in Appendix A to the report.

4.2 Appendix B details the expenditure and commitments against the General Provision budget line. There is an overspent balance of £4,387. The Local Area Partnerships allocation has been over-allocated by £2,460. The budget will be brought back into line if the members accept the recommendations 3.4 to 3.7 above.

4.3 Appendix C details the expenditure and commitments against the Community Support and Community Grants budget line. There is an unallocated balance of £22,596. This is unspent forum grant and underspend in the budget in the Neighbourhood Development Team.

4.4 Appendix D details the expenditure and commitments against the Early Years and Children’s Activities budget line. The Integrated Youth Support Service (IYSS) is covered by contract arrangements already in place and managed through the Children’s Services Directorate; this balance is not available to the Local Committee directly. There is an unallocated balance of £47,018.

4.5 Appendix E details the expenditure and commitments against Local Member Capital Schemes. There is an unallocated balance of £150.


Page 16

5.1 The Local Committee may decide to vire money between budget headings or decide not to, in line with Corporate Policy and Service Standards.

5.2 The Local Committee is not able to vire money from Capital Budgets into Revenue budgets.


6.1 The recommendations in this report do not contain any additional resource and value for money implications. Local Committee could take decisions that would commit existing budgets against future expenditure.


7.1 The recommendations in this report do not contain any legal implications, however, Local Committee could take decisions that could have future legal implications.


8.1 The Local Committee’s Communities Revenue Budget has an unallocated balance of £65,227 as at 28 February 2011. This includes a projected overspend of £4,387 on General Provisions and an over-allocation on the Local Area Partnerships of £2,460 which will come back into balance if the recommendations suggested in 3.4 – 3.7 are accepted.

8.2 The Local Committee’s Communities Capital Budget has an unallocated balance of £150 as at 28 February 2011.

Phil Healy Finance Manager 23rd March 2011

Page 17


Appendices A-E: Details of 2010-11 Communities Devolved Budget


Staffing: None Financial: As detailed in the report Property: None Electoral Division(s): All South Lakes

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been No undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No

N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and the Head of Member Services and Scrutiny has obtained the necessary approvals.



Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny


County Council 18th February 2010: Agenda Item 9: Revenue Budget, County Precept and Council Tax County Council 24 th June 2010 Agenda Item 10 Carry Forward Balances

Contact: Allan Graham Senior Accounting Technician – Resources Directorate Tel No. 01228 226575 E-mail address: [email protected]

Page 18 Appendix A SOUTH LAKES LOCAL COMMITTEE 2010/11


Appendix Budget Sector 2010/11 Balance Virement Virement Revised Other 2010/11 Committed Actual Projected Unallocated Corporate Original B/Fwd In Out Budge t Contribs Spending Expenditure Expenditure Outturn Resources Theme Budge t Limit to Date or Variance ££££££££ £ £ £ Revenue Budgets:

B General Provision 97,967 74,205 78,650 -168,528 82,294 0 82,294 20,885 65,796 86,681 -4,387 THEME A C Community Support and Grants 379,031 122,372 56,463 -108,581 449,285 0 449,285 106,519 333,688 426,689 22,596 THEME A & C D Early Years and Childrens Activities 451,676 120,695 194,706 -217,206 549,871 0 549,871 128,543 374,310 502,853 47,018 THEME D

Communities Sub Total 928,674 317,272 329,819 -494,315 1,081,450 0 1,081,450 255,947 773,794 1,016,223 65,227

Highway Maintenance - Revenue 3,091,591 18,558 560,049 -276,773 3,393,425 0 3,393,425 848,403 2,476,188 3,382,615 10,810 THEME F Maintenance of Detrunked Roads 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,604 5,352 -5,352 THEME F Page 19 Members Revenue Works 0 63,413 96,273 -89,913 69,773 0 69,773 62,882 28,004 73,936 -4,163 THEME F Highways Stewards 295,659 1,341 0 -126,762 170,238 0 170,238 3,653 170,579 176,000 -5,762 THEME F

Highways Sub Total 3,387,250 83,312 656,322 -493,448 3,633,436 0 3,633,436 914,938 2,677,375 3,637,903 -4,467

REVENUE TOTAL 4,315,924 400,584 986,141 -987,763 4,714,886 0 4,714,886 1,170,885 3,451,169 4,654,126 60,760

E Local Member Capital Schemes 216,000 90,058 0 0 306,058 0 306,058 172,050 133,858 305,908 150 THEME F

Highways Capital Budgets: Highways Non-Principal Capital 3,090,000 287,682 765,470 -765,470 3,377,682 0 3,377,682 470,047 2,697,921 3,507,465 -129,783 THEME F Column Replacement 153,000 -4,019 0 0 148,981 0 148,981 118,809 19,695 29,695 119,286 THEME F Annual Package of Measures 218,000 155,475 124,483 -205,861 292,097 0 292,097 163,229 119,050 233,164 58,933 THEME F CAPITAL TOTAL 3,677,000 529,196 889,953 -971,331 4,124,818 0 4,124,818 924,135 2,970,523 4,076,232 48,586

LOCAL COMMITTEE TOTAL 7,992,924 929,780 1,876,094 -1,959,094 8,839,704 0 8,839,704 2,095,020 6,421,692 8,730,358 109,346 APPENDIX B SOUTH LAKES LOCAL COMMITTE E FINANCIAL YEAR 2010/2011

FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 28-Feb-2011 BUDGET AREA : General Provision BUDGET MANAGER : Dianne Whitehead COST CENTRE 5945501 £ £

2010/11 Original Budget 97,967

Balances brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 74,205 - Unallocated 0 74,205 Virements in: Services to Young People July-10 22,500 Local Area Partnership November-10 20,000 Neighbourhood Development Team December-10 20,000 Festivals and Economic Initatives December-10 6,275 Neighbourhood Forum Grants February-11 9,875

78,650 Virements out: Neighbourhood Developemnt Team Budget July-10 -10,654 Members Priority Works - Revenue July-10 -45,000 Highways Revenue December-10 -49,000 Highways Revenue January-11 -30,000 Highways Revenue February-11 -33,874 -168,528

2010/11 Spending Limit 82,294

Expenditure and Commitments pre 2010/11 Committed Actual CDRP Initiatives Strickland Camera February-08 0 Sodium Lighting February-08 0 Appleby Horse Fair April-08 0 SDLC - Speed Dating Contribution December-08 0 Parish Training Stewards September-08 0 Lake Lines Community Rail Partnership December-08 0 511 Bus Services December-08 0 Local Area Partnerships October-09 -2,460 Note 4 - Sedburgh Townscape Initiative July-10 2,000 - Youth training Package November-10 0 4,200 - Provision of Rural Leisure Activities November-10 0 3,300 - Low Furness & Ulverston Youth Training December-10 0 4,200 - Swathmoor Sports & Community Club Refurb December-10 0 3,000 - Helsington Community Land Trust Develop December-10 0 3,700 - Aynam Road Railings Improvement December-10 0 7,166 - Windermere Relections January-11 500 - Lowick Village Hall January-11 0 2,000 - Fixed speed device at A65 to Sedgwick January-11 5,898 - Barbon Picnic Area January-11 0 1,550 - Killington Energy scheme Design Study January-11 0 3,000 - Grasmere Flood Group February-11 1,500 - Lakes Parish Council (Bus shelter) February-11 2,000 - Lakes Parish Council (Courses) February-11 750 - Windermere Town Council February-11 2,697 Kendal Underpass Art Project October-09 4,000 TRO for Appleby Horsefair March-10 5,000 SLDC for Toilets and Skips for Appleby Fair March-10 0 2,000 Mobile Police Station at Appleby Fair March-10 0 3,000 Sub-total 19,885 39,116

Expenditure and Commitments 2010/11 Committed Actual Finance SLA March-10 6,180 Economic Initiaves March-10 0 Note 2 Regeneration Manager July-09 10,000 Note 1 Appleby Fair April-10 0 3,000 Young Cumbria July-10 2,500 Pass Plus November-10 0 5,000 Parish Salt Scheme December-10 0 Note 3 Annie Morson's Sunbeams Music Trust February-11 1,000

Sub-total 1,000 26,680

Totals 20,885 65,796

Total Actual and Committed 86,681

Unallocated Resources: -4,387

Page 20 Appendix C SOUTH LAKES LOCAL COMMITTEE 2010/11


Appendix Budget Sector 2010/11 Balance Virement Virement Revised Other 2010/11 Committed Actual Projected Unallocated Corporate Original B/Fwd In Out Budget Contribs Spending Expenditure Expenditure Outturn Resources Theme Budget Limit to Date or Variance ££££££££ £ £ £ Revenue Budgets:

Neighbourhood Development Team 116,223 25,062 36,463 -20,000 157,748 157,748 24,575 153,173 136,152 21,596 THEME A Forum Grants 93,342 17,100 -29,875 80,567 80,567 18,309 61,258 79,567 1,000 THEME B-F LAP Grants 0 0 20,000 -20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 THEME A C(2) Rent Subsidy to Community Groups 14,667 0 0 -14,667 0 0 0 0 0 0 THEME B C(3) Social Care Grants 11,142 0 0 -11,142 0 0 0 0 0 0 THEME C

Page 21 Appointment of Governors 1,001 0 0 0 1,001 1,001 0 1,001 1,001 0 THEME D C(4) School Crossing Patrols 34,270 0 0 -1,622 32,648 32,648 12,835 19,813 32,648 0 THEME D Money Advice Contract - CAB 47,550 0 0 0 47,550 47,550 0 47,550 47,550 0 THEME B C(5) Debt Recovery & Money Advice (DRAMA) 16,836 0 0 0 16,836 16,836 0 16,836 16,836 0 THEME B C(6) Economic Initiatives 0 27,775 0 -11,275 16,500 16,500 0 16,500 16,500 0 THEME B C(7) Sandgate Pool 44,000 0 0 0 44,000 44,000 0 15,922 44,000 0 THEME B-F C(7) Sandgate Pool-Transfer Payment 0 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 50,000 0 C(8) Cartmel & Grange Community Board 0 2,435 0 0 2,435 2,435 800 1,635 2,435 0 THEME B-F TOTAL 379,031 122,372 56,463 -108,581 449,285 0 449,285 106,519 333,688 426,689 22,596 APPENDIX C(1) SOUTH LAKELAND LOCAL COMMITTEE FINANCIAL YEAR 2010/2011

FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 28-Feb-11 BUDGET AREA: Neighbourhood Forum Grants BUDGET MANAGER: Dianne Whitehead COST CENTRE 5940601

Allocation 2010/11 93,342 Unallocated Balance b/f from 2009/10 0 Earmarked Grants b/f from 2009/10 17,100 Virements In 0 Virements Out -20,000 General Provisions -9,875 Total Budget available to Forums 80,567 Page 22 Forum Are a Cost Lump Sum Residual 2009/10 2009/10 Virement Virement 2010/11 Grants 2010/11 Unallocated Centre Allocation based on b/ f b/ f In Out Spending Paid Earmarked Balances Population Unalloc Earmark'd Limit To Date Grants £ £ £ £ £ Grange, Cartmel & Lyth Valley W00000067 1000 6,487 0 0 0 0 7,487 5,690 1,797 0 High Furness W00000069 1000 3,854 0 750 0 -1,685 3,919 2,235 1,684 0 Kendal W00000070 1000 17,708 0 0 0 -3,016 15,692 15,053 639 0 South Westmorland W00000075 1000 10,020 0 750 0 0 11,770 8,400 3,370 0 Central Lakes W00000076 1000 8,511 0 2,950 0 -2,924 9,537 5,350 4,187 0 Upper Kent W00000079 1000 3,661 0 0 0 -11 4,650 3,650 1,000 0 Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale W00000080 1000 4,252 0 0 0 0 5,252 4,470 782 0 Ulverston and Low Furness W00000081 1000 10,849 0 12,650 0 -2,239 22,260 16,410 4,850 1,000

Total for Area 8,000 65,342 0 17,100 0 -9,875 80,567 61,258 18,309 1,000 APPENDIX C(2) SOUTH LAKES LOCAL COMMITTEE FINANCIAL YEAR 2010/2011

FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 28-Feb-2011 BUDGET AREA : Rent Subsidy to Community Groups BUDGET MANAGER : Dianne Whitehead COST CENTRE 5946501 £ £

2010/11 Original Budget 14,667

Balances brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 0 - Unallocated 0 0 Virements in: 0 0 Virements out: 2010-11 budget realigment March-10 -14,667


2010/11 Spending Limi t 0

Expenditure and Commitments pre 2010/11 Committed Actual

Sub-total 0 0

Expenditure and Commitments 2010/11 Committed Actual

Sub-total 0 0

Totals 0 0

Total Actual and Committed 0

Unallocated Resources: 0


FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 28-Feb-2011 BUDGET AREA : Social Care Grants BUDGET MANAGER : Dianne Whitehead COST CENTRE 5944301 £ £

2010/11 Original Budget 11,142

Balances brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 0 - Unallocated 0 0 Virements in:

0 Virements out: 2010-11 budget realigment March-10 -11,142 -11,142

2010/11 Spending Limi t 0

Expenditure and Commitments pre 2010/11 Committed Actual

0 Sub-total 0 0

Expenditure and Commitments 2010/11 Committed Actual

Sub-total 0 0

Totals 0 0

Total Actual and Committed 0

Unallocated Resources: 0


FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 28-Feb-2011 BUDGET AREA : School Crossing Patrols BUDGET MANAGER : Dianne Whitehead COST CENTRE 2410501 £ £

2010/11 Original Budget 34,270

Balances brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 0 - Unallocated 0 0 Virements in: 0 0 Virements out: APM Highways February-11 -1,622


2010/11 Spending Limi t 32,648

Expenditure and Commitments 2010/11 Committed Actual SLA with Client Services - reducing balance 5,138 Note 1 April 1,832 May 2,441 June 1,931 July 2,011 Sept 2,610 Oct 2,029 Nov 2,705 Dec 1,955 Jan 2,299 Feb March

Sedburgh Road Crossing Improvement September-10 7,697

Sub-total 12,835 19,813

Totals 12,835 19,813

Total Actual and Committed 32,648

Unallocated Resources: 0


FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 28-Feb-2011 BUDGET AREA : Debt Recovery & Money Advice (DRAMA) BUDGET MANAGER : Dianne Whitehead COST CENTRE 5949801 £ £

2010/11 Original Budget 16,836

Balances brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 0 - Unallocated 0 0 Virements in: 0

0 Virements out: 0


2010/11 Spending Limi t 16,836

Expenditure and Commitments pre 2010/11 Committed Actual

Sub-total 0 0

Expenditure and Commitments 2010/11 Committed Actual

Debt rescue and Credit union November-10 0 16,836

Sub-total 0 16,836

Totals 0 16,836

Total Actual and Committed 16,836

Unallocated Resources: 0



FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 28-Feb-2011 BUDGET AREA : Festivals & Economic Initiatives BUDGET MANAGER : Dianne Whitehead COST CENTRE 5948701 £ £

2010/11 Original Budget 0

Balances brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 27,775 - Unallocated 0 27,775 Virements in:

0 Virements out: General Provision -6,275 Highways Revenue January-11 -5,000 -11,275

2010/11 Spending Limit 16,500

Expenditure and Commitments pre 2010/11 Committed Actual Festivals (bal to 10-11) October-09 0 Windermere Air Show February-10 0 Note 1 Kendal Mountain Film Festival March-10 0 10,000 Impact Assmt of Closure of Ambleside Campus February-10 0

0 Sub-total 0 10,000

Expenditure and Commitments 2010/11 Committed Actual Festivals b/f October-09 0 Stavely Carnival April-10 4,000 Kendal Torchlight (Guarantee against Losses) July-10 0 2,500

Sub-total 0 6,500

Totals 0 16,500

Total Actual and Committed 16,500

Unallocated Resources: 0

Note 1 £5000 decommitted as per minute 114 of January 24 2011 meeting.


FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 28-Feb-2011 BUDGET AREA : Sandgate Pool BUDGET MANAGER : Dianne Whitehead COST CENTRE 5944301 £ £

2010/11 Original Budget Annual Grant 33,000 Capital Charges 11,000

Balances brought forward from previous years 0

Virements in:

0 Virements out:


2010/11 Spendin g Limit 44,000

Actual to Total Committed Date Pro jected Expenditure to Date £ £ £ Employees 54,176 70,000 Premises 37,177 45,000 Supplies & Services 5,801 5,000 Total Expenditure 0 97,154 120,000

Income Contributions by Sandgate Pool Trust 0 Other Contributions -26,321 -27,000 Fees and Charges -54,911 -60,000 Total Income 0 -81,232 -87,000

Total Revenue Expenditure 0 15,922 33,000

Capital Charges 11,000

Total Pro jected Income 44,000

Pro jected Under/ (Overspend ) 0

Note - The £50k transfer payment was only to be paid upon completion of transfer of the pool to the trust


FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 28-Feb-2011 BUDGET AREA : Grange & Cartmel Community Board BUDGET MANAGER : Dianne Whitehead COST CENTRE 5942001 £ £

2010/11 Original Budget 0

Balances brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 2,435 - Unallocated 0 2,435 Virements in: 0 0 Virements out:


2010/11 Spending Limi t 2,435

Expenditure and Commitments pre 2010/11 Committed Actual Free School Transport Scheme February-08 800 Grange After School Club February-08 0 Note 1 Parish Lengthmans Scheme February-08 0 Note 1 Community Board Promotional Leaflet February-08 0 Note 1 Rural Leisure Activities for Young People December-10 0 1,635 Sub-total 800 1,635

Expenditure and Commitments 2010/11 Committed Actual

Sub-total 0 0

Totals 800 1,635

Total Actual and Committed 2,435

Unallocated Resources: 0

Page 29 Appendix D SOUTH LAKES LOCAL COMMITTEE 2010/11


Appendix Budget Sector 2010/11 Balance Virement Virement Revised Other 2010/11 Committed Actual Projected Unallocated Corporate Original B/Fwd In Out Budget Contribs Spending Expenditure Expenditure Outturn Resources Theme Budget Limit to Date or Variance ££££££££ £ £ £ Revenue Budgets:

D(1) Early Years 81,508 60,195 0 -81,508 60,195 60,195 43,519 16,676 60,195 0 THEME D Nursery Schools 36,093 0 36,093 36,093 0 36,093 36,093 0 THEME D D(2) Youth Service Grants 14,586 3,000 0 -14,586 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 3,000 0 THEME D

Page 30 D(3) Children's Activities 6-12 48,112 35,000 0 -48,612 34,500 34,500 0 34,500 34,500 0 THEME D D(4) Childrens and Young Persons fund 0 0 144,706 -50,000 94,706 94,706 32,838 14,850 47,688 47,018 THEME D D(5) Young Persons Transport 0 0 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 49,186 814 50,000 0 THEME D Intergrated Youth Service Support 271,377 0 271,377 271,377 0 271,377 271,377 0 THEME D D(6) Services to Young People 0 22,500 0 -22,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 THEME D

TOTAL 451,676 120,695 194,706 -217,206 549,871 0 549,871 128,543 374,310 502,853 47,018 APPENDIX D (1) SOUTH LAKES LOCAL COMMITTEE FINANCIAL YEAR 2010/2011

FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 28-Feb-2011 BUDGET AREA : Early Years BUDGET MANAGER : Mary Wilkinson COST CENTRE 1713601 £ £

2010/11 Original Budget 81,508

Balances brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 30,817 - Unallocated 29,378 60,195 Virements in: 0 0 Virements out: Childrens and Young Peoples Fund March-10 -81,508 -81,508

2010/11 Spendin g Limit 60,195

Expenditure and Commitments pre 2010/11 Committed Actual Beck Community Pre School March-09 5,000 2,000 Hawkshead Pre School March-10 0 Note 1 Sedbergh Playgroup March-10 0 Note 1 Improve Attainment in South Lakes March-10 4,000 Speaking & Listening Project Resources February-11 21,000 Sub-total 30,000 2,000

Expenditure and Commitments 2010/11 Committed Actual Daisy's Day Nursery September-10 0 2,450 Rascals Day Nursery September-10 0 1,103 Thornleigh Day Nursery December-10 0 1,384 Endmore Pre-School December-10 0 440 K & K Childcare December-10 0 2,586 Sunnybrow at Castle Park December-10 0 2,995 Littlecraft Limited (Playmates Nursery) December-10 0 3,718 Broughton Under 5's Nursery February-11 4,000 Church Walk Pre-School Nursery February-11 2,219 St Oswald's Accredited Pre-School February-11 800 Friends of Vicarage Park February-11 6,500

Sub-total 13,519 14,676

Totals 43,519 16,676

Total Actual and Committed 60,195

Unallocated Resources: 0

Note 1: These two overpayments were funded at LC September 2010


FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 28-Feb-11 BUDGET AREA : Grants to Vountary Youth Organisations BUDGET MANAGER : Dianne Whitehead COST CENTRE 5943501 £ £

2010/11 Original Budget 14,586

Balance brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 3,000 - Unallocated 0 3,000 Virements in: 0 0 Virements out: Childrens and Young Peoples Fund March-10 -14,586


2008/09 Spending Limi t 3,000

Committed Actual Expenditure and Commitments pre 2010/11 Kendal Impact Society Mar-09 3,000 Sub-total 3,000 0

Expenditure and Commitments 2010/11

Sub-total 0 0

Totals 3,000 0

Total Actual and Committed 3,000

Unallocated Resources 0


FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 28-Feb-2011 BUDGET AREA : Children's Activities 6-12 BUDGET MANAGER : Dianne Whitehead COST CENTRE 1764501 £ £

2010/11 Original Budget 48,112

Balances brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 35,000 - Unallocated 0 35,000 Virements in: 0

0 Virements out: Childrens and Young Peoples Fund March-10 -48,112 Childrens and Young Peoples Fund February-11 -500 -48,612

2010/11 Spendin g Limit 34,500

Expenditure and Commitments pre 2010/11 Committed Actual Ulverston MIND March-10 0 6,500 Note 1 Early Intervention Initiatives (bal to 10-11) March-10 Sub-total 0 6,500

Expenditure and Commitments 2010/11 Committed Actual

Early Intervention March-10 0 Counselling with Kendal Primary Schools April-10 10,000 Ulverston in Mind December-10 0 18,000

Sub-total 0 28,000

Totals 0 34,500

Total Actual and Committed 34,500

Unallocated Resources: 0

Note 1 : Decommitted the remaining £500 in September 2010


FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 28-Feb-11 BUDGET AREA : Childrens and Young Peoples Fund BUDGET MANAGER : Dianne Whitehead COST CENTRE £ £

2010/11 Original Budget 0

Balance brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 0 - Unallocated 0 0 Virements in: Early Years March-10 81,508 Youth Grants March-10 14,586 Childrens Activities 6-12 March-10 48,112 Childrens Activities 6-12 February-11 500 144,706 Virements out: Young Persons Transport -50,000 -50,000

2008/09 Spending Limi t 94,706

Committed Actual Expenditure and Commitments 2010/11

Non Early Years eligible activit y LC Engagement with Young People July-10 5,000 Westmorland Barbarians December-10 0 850 Arnside Girl Guides February-11 2,700 Cumbria Young Farmers - Southern District February-11 3,000

Early Years eligible activit y Enhanced Support September-10 0 14,000 Early years and Childcare Team February-11 4,480 Coniston Childcare February-11 2,421 Penny Bridge Nursery February-11 2,650 Pennington Nursery February-11 6,675 Little Acorns Pre-School Nursery February-11 2,798 Blossom Trees Nursery February-11 2,964 St Oswald's Accredited Pre-School February-11 150

Sub-total 32,838 14,850

Total Actual and Committed 47,688

Unallocated Resources 47,018

Ringfenced to Early Years DSG activitiy 45,370 Balance available for other activities 1,648 Page 34 APPENDIX D(5) SOUTH LAKELAND LOCAL COMMITTEE FINANCIAL YEAR 2010/2011

FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 28-Feb-11 BUDGET AREA : Young Person Transport BUDGET MANAGER : Dianne Whitehead COST CENTRE £ £

2010/11 Original Budget 0

Balance brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 0 - Unallocated 0 0 Virements in: Childrens and Young Persons Fund March-10 50,000 50,000 Virements out:


2008/09 Spending Limi t 50,000

Committed Actual

Expenditure and Commitments 2010/11 Concessionary Bus Travel Scheme July-10 49,186 814

Sub-total 49,186 814

Sub-total 49,186 814

Total Actual and Committed 50,000

Unallocated Resources 0


FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS AT : 28-Feb-11 BUDGET AREA : Services to Young People BUDGET MANAGER : Dianne Whitehead COST CENTRE 1760101 £ £

2010/11 Original Budget 0

Balance brought forward from previous years - Earmarked 22,500 - Unallocated 0 22,500 Virements in: 0 0 Virements out: General Provisions Jul-10 -22,500 -22,500

2008/09 Spending Limi t 0

Committed Actual Expenditure and Commitments pre 2010/11 Provision of Youth Shelters Oct-06 0

Sub-total 0 0

Expenditure and Commitments 2010/11

Sub-total 0 0

Sub-total 0 0

Total Actual and Committed 0

Unallocated Resources 0




Project Budget Sector 2009/10 Balance Virement Virement Revised Other 2009/10 Committed Actual Actual Unallocated Code Original B/Fwd In Out Budget Contribs Spending Expenditure Expenditure & Committed / Resources Budget Limit to Date Projected o r Outturn Variance £££££££ £ £ £ £ Capital Budgets:

CE1000175 CARTMEL 12,000 0 12,000 12,000 3,735 8,265 12,000 0 CE1000176 GRANGE 12,000 9,000 21,000 21,000 19,931 1,069 21,000 0 CE1000177 HIGH FURNESS 12,000 0 12,000 12,000 10,650 1,350 12,000 0 CE1000178 KENDAL CASTLE 12,000 0 12,000 12,000 0 12,000 12,000 0 CE1000179 KENDAL HIGHGATE 12,000 6,788 18,788 18,788 4,931 13,857 18,788 0 CE1000180 KENDAL NETHER 12,000 12,000 24,000 24,000 8,654 15,346 24,000 0 Page 37 CE1000181 KENDAL SOUTH 12,000 12,000 24,000 24,000 1,886 22,114 24,000 0 CE1000182 KENDAL STRICKLAND FELL 12,000 12,000 24,000 24,000 21,090 2,910 24,000 0 CE1000183 KENT ESTUARY 12,000 0 12,000 12,000 12,000 0 12,000 0 CE1000184 LAKES 12,000 8,000 20,000 20,000 9,350 10,500 19,850 150 CE1000185 LOW FURNESS 12,000 6,000 18,000 18,000 1,325 16,675 18,000 0 CE1000186 LOWER KENTDALE 12,000 0 12,000 12,000 0 12,000 12,000 0 CE1000187 LYTH VALLEY 12,000 0 12,000 12,000 12,000 0 12,000 0 CE1000188 SEDBURGH KIRKBY LONSDALE 12,000 0 12,000 12,000 0 12,000 12,000 0 CE1000189 ULVERSTON EAST 12,000 270 12,270 12,270 12,270 0 12,270 0 CE1000190 ULVERSTON WEST 12,000 12,000 24,000 24,000 19,831 4,169 24,000 0 CE1000191 UPPER KENT 12,000 12,000 24,000 24,000 23,143 857 24,000 0 CE1000192 WINDERMERE 12,000 0 12,000 12,000 11,254 746 12,000 0

TOTAL 216,000 90,058 0 0 306,058 0 306,058 172,050 133,858 305,908 150


Page 38

Agenda Item 6b


Meeting date: 4 April 2011

From: Corporate Director – Resources



1.1 This report presents the actual expenditure and commitments recorded against the Local Committee’s Highways Revenue and Capital Budgets as at 28 th February 2011.

2.0 STRATEGIC PLANNING AND EQUALITY IMPLICATIONS 2.1 The Local Committee’s 2010-11 proposed Cash Limited Budget was informed to County Council on 18th February 2010. The Local Committee is able to vire funding between budget lines during the course of the financial year, subject to Corporate Policy and Service Standards. The Committee is not able to vire money from capital budgets into revenue budgets.

2.2 The carry forward of Local Committee balances from 2009-10 into 2010- 11 were presented for approval at 24th June 2010 County Council meeting. All Local Committee Highways balances were approved for carry forward.

2.3 The original Highways revenue budget, including Highways Stewards and Detrunked Roads is £3,387,250. This is increased by carry forward balances of £83,312, virements of £162,874 from General Provision to give a spending limit of £3,633,436.

2.4 The original Capital allocation is £3,090,000 for non-principal road; this has been increased by carry forward balances of £287,682 to give a spending limit of £3,377,682. The Ring-fenced Column Replacement has an original allocation of £153,000; this is reduced by carry forward balances of £4,019 to give a spending limit of £148,981.

2.5 The original budget for the Annual Package of Measures (APM) Capital is £218,000. This is increased by carry forward balances of £155,475 and a virement of £1,622 from School Crossing patrols and reduced by

Page 39

£83,000 in relation to APM grant reductions to give a spending limit of £292,097.

3.0 RECOMMENDATION The Local Committee is asked to:

3.1 Note the budget allocations for 2010-11 and the expenditure recorded to date;

3.2 Note that the Revenue budget including Highway Stewards and Members Works currently has a projected overspend of £4,467;

3.3 Note the NPRN budget is showing a projected overspend of £10,497;

3.4 Note the APM budget is showing a projected underspend of £58,933;


4.1 The attached appendices give details of budget allocations by project and expenditure to date.

4.2 The Highways Revenue budget is showing a projected overspend of £4,467. This is due to an increase in spending on Better Highways and Minor Carriageway Repairs though these are being partially offset by a saving in energy expenditure. The Area Engineer is looking at ways to bring the budget into balance.

4.3 The NPRN budget is currently showing a projected overspend of £10,497. It should be noted that the Ring-Fenced Column Replacement budget is due to underspend by £119,286, which mean the rest of the NPRN budget is over spending by £129,783. The majority of this is due at the present to the Surface Dressing work. Part of this contract includes a clause allowing an increase due to the fluctuating price of bitumen. The worst case scenario is that the increase will be £118,000 though this is currently being reviewed centrally.

4.4 The APM budget is currently showing a projected underspend of £58,933. The main element of the increase from last month is the Staveley Footpath scheme, which was scheduled for March 2011, has been delayed and will not happen in 2010/11.

5.0 OPTIONS 5.1 This report is to note only.

6.0 RESOURCE AND VALUE FOR MONEY IMPLICATIONS 6.1 The recommendations in this report are for noting. 6.2 The recommendations in this report do not contain any resource and value for money implications. Local Committee could take decisions that would commit existing budgets against future expenditure

Page 40

7.0 LEGAL IMPLICATIONS 7.1 The recommendations in this report do not contain any legal implications; however, Local Committee could take decisions that could have future legal implications.

8.0 CONCLUSION 8.1 The Highways Revenue budget is showing a projected overspend of £4,467. The Capital Budget NPRN is showing a projected overspend of £10,497. The Column replacement budget which is ring-fenced is due to underspend by £119,286, with the rest of the NPRN budget overspending by £129,783. The Capital budget APM is showing a projected underspend of £58,933, the majority of the increased underspend is due to the Staveley Footpath scheme nor being completed in 2010/11.

Phil Healy Finance Manager 23 rd March 2011

APPENDICES Appendix A(2) Summary of South Lakes Local Committee Highways Budget 2010-11 Appendices F-H Detail of Individual Highways and Capital Budgets


Staffing: None Financial: As detailed in the report Property: None Electoral Division(s): All South Lakes Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in

Page 41

and the Head of Member Services has obtained the necessary approvals.


CONSIDERATION BY OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.

BACKGROUND PAPERS County Council 18th February 2010: Agenda Item 19: Revenue Budget, County Precept and Council Tax County Council 24 th June 2010 Agenda Item (10) Carry Forward Balances

Contact: Allan Graham Senior Accounting Technician – Resources Directorate Tel No. 01228 226575 E-mail address: [email protected]


Position as at: 28th February 2011

Appendix Budget Sector 2010/11 Brought Virements Virements Revised Other Spending Commited Actual Commited Estimated Unallocated Original Forward In Out Budget Contribs Limit not paid Paid and Actual Outturn or Budget To Date to date Variance

£££££££ £ £ £ £ £

A Communities Budgets as at 28th February 2011 928,674 317,272 329,819 -494,315 1,081,450 0 1,081,450 255,947 773,794 1,016,223 1,016,223 65,227

F Highways Maintenance - Revenue 3,091,591 18,558 560,049 -276,773 3,393,425 0 3,393,425 848,403 2,476,188 3,324,591 3,382,615 10,810 F Highways Maintenance - Detrunked 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,604 2,604 5,352 -5,352 F Members Revenue Works 0 63,413 96,273 -89,913 69,773 0 69,773 62,882 28,004 90,886 73,936 -4,163 F Highways Stewards 295,659 1,341 0 -126,762 170,238 0 170,238 3,653 170,579 174,232 176,000 -5,762

Page 43 Total Highways Revenue 3,387,250 83,312 656,322 -493,448 3,633,436 0 3,633,436 914,938 2,677,375 3,592,313 3,637,903 -4,467

South Lakeland Local Committee Revenue Budget 4,315,924 400,584 986,141 -987,763 4,714,886 0 4,714,886 1,170,885 3,451,169 4,608,536 4,654,126 60,760

E Electoral Division Local Capital Schemes 216,000 90,058 0 0 306,058 0 306,058 172,050 133,858 305,908 305,908 150

G Non-Principal Capital Allocation 2,757,000 287,682 763,151 -763,151 3,044,682 0 3,044,682 447,889 2,266,320 2,714,209 3,125,391 -80,709 G Minor Structural Maintenance 333,000 0 2,319 -2,319 333,000 0 333,000 22,158 431,601 453,759 382,074 -49,074 G Ringfenced Lighting Column Replacement 153,000 -4,019 0 0 148,981 0 148,981 118,809 19,695 138,504 29,695 119,286 H Annual Package of Measures 218,000 155,475 124,483 -205,861 292,097 0 292,097 163,229 119,050 282,279 233,164 58,933

South Lakeland Local Committee Capital Allocation 3,677,000 529,196 889,953 -971,331 4,124,818 0 4,124,818 924,135 2,970,523 3,894,659 4,076,232 48,586

South Lakeland Local Committee Total Resources 7,992,924 929,780 1,876,094 -1,959,094 8,839,704 0 8,839,704 2,095,020 6,421,692 8,503,195 8,730,358 109,346 APPENDIX F

Highways Revenue 2010/11 Budget South Lakes Local Committee

Approved Brought Virements Committed and Estimated Unallocated Description Virements In Revised Budget Other Contribs Spending Limit Committed Payments Budget Forward Out Paid Outturn Balances

Position as at: 28 February 2011 ££££££££££££ Better Highways Out of Hours 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,380 1,059 11,439 16,158 (16,158) Plant and Materials 0 0 38,681 0 38,681 0 38,681 21,292 13,708 35,000 189,095 (150,414) Teams 0 0 468,163 (2,162) 466,001 0 466,001 412,765 21,237 434,002 381,499 84,502 Total Better Highways 0 0 506,844 (2,162) 504,682 0 504,682 444,437 36,004 480,441 586,752 (82,070)

Basic Maintenance Highway Response Teams 427,217 (169,352) 257,865 257,865 6,382 266,282 272,664 266,282 (8,417) Minor Carriageway Repairs 438,808 2,121 440,929 440,929 37,893 334,050 371,943 410,000 30,929 Drainage & Remedial Earthworks 225,200 (30,268) 194,932 194,932 70,203 170,511 240,714 194,940 (8) Footways & Cycleways 24,838 (18,228) 6,610 6,610 6,749 8,756 15,505 11,820 (5,210) Fences & Barriers 16,559 (13,604) 2,955 2,955 20,035 5,007 25,042 25,050 (22,095) Verge Maintenance 115,912 115,912 115,912 4,903 93,583 98,486 98,500 17,412 Sweeping & Scavenging 1,656 (840) 816 816 0 1,174 1,174 1,180 (364) Cleansing 314,617 314,617 314,617 72,858 190,896 263,754 290,000 24,617 Non-Illuminated Traffic Signs 91,073 (41,945) 49,128 49,128 19,956 53,206 73,162 55,000 (5,872) Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unallocated Balance (20,642) 18,558 2,084 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Basic Maintenance 1,635,238 18,558 4,205 (274,237) 1,383,764 0 1,383,764 238,979 1,123,465 1,362,444 1,352,772 30,992

Road Lighting Page 44 Lighting, Signals, Illuminated Signs 230,000 230,000 230,000 67,832 183,350 251,182 230,000 0 Column Replacement & Painting 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Traffic Signals 33,000 33,000 33,000 14,574 18,214 32,788 33,000 0 Energy 279,000 6,000 285,000 285,000 81,854 165,564 247,418 192,092 92,908 Total Road Lighting 542,000 0 6,000 0 548,000 0 548,000 164,260 367,128 531,388 455,092 92,908

Bad Debt Provision 0 0 0 0 0 18,912 18,912 18,912 (18,912) Other 0 0 0 0 727 665 1,392 1,392 (1,392)

Total Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 727 19,577 20,304 20,304 (20,304) Fees, etc. Fixed Fees Technical and Condition Surveys 119,000 119,000 119,000 0 119,769 119,769 119,769 (769) SLA Lump Sums 283,000 42,000 325,000 325,000 0 325,000 325,000 325,000 0 Call Centre Running & Development 61,000 1,000 62,000 62,000 0 62,000 62,000 62,000 0 NRSWA 48,000 48,000 48,000 0 48,000 48,000 48,000 0 Traffic Management Investigations 113,000 113,000 113,000 0 113,000 113,000 113,000 0 Capita Insurance Handling Fees 28,000 28,000 28,000 0 28,000 28,000 28,000 0 Road Lighting Fees 21,000 21,000 21,000 0 21,000 21,000 21,000 0 Repayment of DPE introduction costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time Charges/ Percentage Fees Basic Maintenance 68,304 (374) 67,930 67,930 0 55,054 55,054 67,930 0 Road Lighting 14,465 14,465 14,465 0 10,729 10,729 14,465 0 Development Control 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 41,088 41,088 47,529 (37,529) Area Highways Staff 142,000 142,000 142,000 0 102,956 102,956 114,418 27,582 Other (Provisions for timecharges residents Parking, HGV 3,418 3,418 Permits etc) 6,584 6,584 6,584 0 6,584 0 Total Fees, etc. 914,353 0 43,000 (374) 956,979 0 956,979 0 930,014 930,014 967,695 (10,716)

Total Highways Revenue Budget 3,091,591 18,558 560,049 (276,773) 3,393,425 0 3,393,425 848,403 2,476,188 3,324,591 3,382,615 10,810 Highway Stewards 295,659 1,341 (126,762) 170,238 170,238 3,653 170,579 174,232 176,000 (5,762) Members Revenue Works 2009-10 0 63,413 45,000 (89,913) 18,500 18,500 0 18,500 0 Members Revenue Works 2010-11 0 51,273 51,273 51,273 62,882 28,004 90,886 55,436 (4,163) Total Detrunked Roads 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,604 2,604 5,352 (5,352) TOTAL HIGHWAYS REVENUE 3,387,250 83,312 656,322 (493,448) 3,633,436 0 3,633,436 914,938 2,677,375 3,592,313 3,637,903 (4,467) APPENDIX G

HIGHWAYS CAPITAL 2010/11 South Lakes Local Committee Capital Allocation

Original Brought Virements Revised Other Spending Commited Estimated Unallocated Description Virements In Committed Payments Budget Forward Out Budget Contributions Limit and Paid Outturn Balances

Position as at: 28 February 2011 £££££££££££ £ Non PRN Structural Maintenance 2009/10 Schemes

HD2120100 Sedburgh to 336 336 336 0 336 336 336 0 HD2120700 Bleaswood Road, Oxenholme (590) (590) (590) 0 388 388 388 (978) HD2125200 Skelwith Br - Nanny Brow 999 999 999 0 999 999 999 0 HD2125400 Clawthorpe - Holme Mills 260 260 260 0 260 260 260 0 HD2125600 Ulverston - Bardsea 59 59 59 0 59 59 59 0 HD2125700 Castle Estate Inlays 192 192 192 0 192 192 192 0 HD2125900 Castle Street (Beezon Road - St Anne St) 262 262 262 0 262 262 262 0 HD2126000 Mayfield Drive, Heron Hill 0 0 0 26,000 26,000 0 0 Not specified - misocdings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unallocated Balances b/f from 09/10 0 287,682 (252,357) 35,325 35,325 0 0 0 0 35,325

Total for 2009/10 Schemes 0 287,682 2,108 (252,947) 36,843 0 36,843 0 28,496 28,496 2,496 34,347 2010/11 Schemes HD1123700 Minor Assessed Inlays 100,000 100,000 100,000 78,471 25,308 103,779 103,779 (3,779)

Page 45 HD1123800 Drainage Capital Schemes 122,000 122,000 122,000 83,309 8,247 91,556 91,556 30,444 HD1123900 Wansfell Drive, Kendal 8,000 5,349 13,349 13,349 1,024 13,350 14,374 13,350 (1) HD1124000 Oak Street Windermere 24,000 6,738 30,738 30,738 1,680 30,737 32,417 30,738 0 HD1124100 Market Street Ulverston 107,000 107,000 107,000 108,353 0 108,353 120,000 (13,000) HD1124200 Moorside/Field Head - Flookburgh 25,000 (3,452) 21,548 21,548 0 21,612 21,612 21,612 (64) HD1124300 Market Street Kirkby Lonsdale 17,000 51,500 68,500 68,500 38,983 1,090 40,073 42,396 26,104 HD1124400 Park Ave/Whinfield Rd Windermere 36,000 (7,789) 28,211 28,211 4,359 28,211 32,570 28,211 0 HD1124500 Silverdale Road Arnside 53,000 500 53,500 53,500 6,790 54,905 61,695 55,486 (1,986) HD1124600 Canal Head Kendal 139,000 (139,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HD1124700 Woodside/Gatebeck Rd Endmoor 102,000 237 102,237 102,237 2,514 100,319 102,833 103,826 (1,589) HD1124800 Kentsbank Road Grange 25,000 (25,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HD1124900 Danny Bridge Road Garsdale 27,000 27,000 27,000 20,569 864 21,433 22,008 4,992 HD1125000 High Knott Road Arnside 18,000 5,720 23,720 23,720 2,624 20,492 23,116 20,675 3,045 HD1125100 Milthorpe Church 16,000 13,490 29,490 29,490 1,649 30,627 32,276 30,845 (1,355) HD1125200 Boon Crag - Waterhead Hotel 66,000 29,206 95,206 95,206 4,846 105,348 110,194 106,050 (10,844) HD1125300 B5282 Park Road Milnthorpe 55,000 21,660 76,660 76,660 3,692 83,669 87,361 84,810 (8,150) HD1125400 Springfield Rd - Across Urswick 15,000 24,874 39,874 39,874 2,210 39,874 42,084 39,874 0 HD1125500 Dockray Hall Road Kendal 26,000 (13,724) 12,276 12,276 773 22,444 23,217 23,270 (10,994) HD1125600 Brice Institute, Burneside 15,000 (2,857) 12,143 12,143 1,032 12,143 13,175 12,143 0 HD1125700 Thornthwaite Road 21,000 (2,782) 18,218 18,218 1,226 18,218 19,444 18,218 0 HD1125800 Longlands and North Terrace 18,000 10,735 28,735 28,735 1,672 28,735 30,407 28,735 0 HD1125900 Collin Road - Stonecross 17,000 2,650 19,650 19,650 1,257 18,895 20,152 18,895 755 HD1126000 Beechwood Road 12,000 773 12,773 12,773 1,090 12,773 13,863 12,773 0 HD1126100 Under Hill Levens 29,000 4,988 33,988 33,988 7,589 28,400 35,989 33,352 636 HD1126200 Beckside Houses to Gatebeck Road 51,000 (6,973) 44,027 44,027 24,036 22,041 46,077 44,027 0 HD1126300 Hollins Lane Lane Burneside 101,000 (24,593) 76,407 76,407 3,924 72,309 76,233 72,713 3,694 HD1126400 College Road 23,000 9,539 32,539 32,539 2,129 41,768 43,897 43,324 (10,785) HD1126500 Helm Road/Craig Walk 19,000 (4,754) 14,246 14,246 16,945 14,246 31,191 14,246 0 HD1126600 The Square, Broughton-in-Furness 12,000 7,379 19,379 19,379 1,112 19,438 20,550 19,439 (60) HD1126700 Queen Drive, Windermere 22,000 (76) 21,924 21,924 1,433 21,924 23,357 21,924 0 HD1126800 Gilpin Mill, Crook 11,000 (11,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HD1126900 Carlingdale, Burneside 11,000 1,922 12,922 12,922 827 12,981 13,808 12,980 (58) HD1260118 Drainage 0 0 0 0 229 229 229 (229) HD2125300 South Lodge - Toyota Garage 0 0 0 0 224 224 224 (224) HIGHWAYS CAPITAL 2010/11 South Lakes Local Committee Capital Allocation

Original Brought Virements Revised Other Spending Commited Estimated Unallocated Description Virements In Committed Payments Budget Forward Out Budget Contributions Limit and Paid Outturn Balances

Position as at: 28 February 2011 £££££££££££ £ HD2120600 Cockshots Lane, Storth 0 0 0 0 (293) (293) (293) 293 Unallocated Balances 134,000 (134,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HD1225300 Capitalised Prelims 0 164,214 164,214 164,214 0 164,214 164,214 164,214 0 HD2222900 Capitalised Lump Sums 260,000 (134,204) 125,796 125,796 0 125,796 125,796 125,796 0 Total for 2010/11 Schemes 1,737,000 0 361,474 (510,204) 1,588,270 0 1,588,270 426,118 1,201,138 1,627,256 1,581,425 6,845 HD1123400 Surface Dressing 2010-11 720,000 720,000 720,000 4,702 699,336 704,038 817,336 (97,336) HD1123500 Surface Dressing Patching 300,000 300,000 300,000 0 6,373 6,373 306,685 (6,685) HD2119400 Surface Dessing 759 759 759 0 759 759 759 0 HD2119500 Surface Dressing Pre Patching 319,667 319,667 319,667 17,069 330,218 347,287 346,797 (27,130) Total Surface Dressing 1,020,000 0 320,426 0 1,340,426 0 1,340,426 21,771 1,036,686 1,058,457 1,471,577 (131,151) Minor Structural Maintenance HD1123600 Minor Structural Maintenance 333,000 (2,319) 330,681 330,681 21,817 428,781 450,598 378,913 (48,232) HD1303100 Minor Structural Mainteance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HD2119600 Minor Structural Maintenance 0 2,319 2,319 2,319 341 2,820 3,161 3,161 (842) Prelims 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lump Sums 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total for Minor Structural Maintenance 333,000 0 2,319 (2,319) 333,000 0 333,000 22,158 431,601 453,759 382,074 (49,074) Ring Fenced Column Replacement

Page 46 HD2127800 Column Replacement 2010-11 143,330 (4,019) 139,311 139,311 118,809 0 118,809 10,000 129,311 HD2119700 Column Replacement 2009-2010 0 0 0 10,025 10,025 10,025 (10,025) HD1225500 Capital Prelims (lighting) 9,670 9,670 9,670 0 9,670 9,670 9,670 0 Lump Sums 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Column Replacement 153,000 (4,019) 0 0 148,981 0 148,981 118,809 19,695 138,504 29,695 119,286 Members Highways Priority Works 10/11 0 79,143 79,143 79,143 0 0 0 69,893 9,250 Total Non-Principal Capital 3,243,000 283,663 765,470 (765,470) 3,526,663 0 3,526,663 588,856 2,717,616 3,306,472 3,537,160 (10,497) APPENDIX H

HIGHWAYS APM 2010/1 1 S Lakes Local Committee Capital Allocation

Original Brought Revised Other Spending Commited Estimated Unallocated Description Virements in Virements out Committed Payments Budget forward Budget Contributions Limit and Paid Outturn Balances

Position as at: 28 February 2011 ££££££££££££ Annual Package of Measures Schemes

HD1121800 Bus Shelter Grants 0 432 432 432 0 1,014 1,014 1,014 (582) HD1122700 Water Lane - Footway 0 290 290 290 0 290 290 0 290 HD1123000 Footway Across Green - Stainton with Adgardley 0 940 940 940 0 940 940 0 940 HD2126900 Pedestrial Crossing at Sandylands Road Kendal 0 14,769 14,769 14,769 2,240 12,529 14,769 12,529 2,240 HD2127000 Pedestrian Refuge Burton Road Kendal 0 3,700 3,700 3,700 8,126 3,140 11,266 3,140 560 HD1122500 Annual Review of Signs and Lines 0 21,152 21,152 21,152 0 21,152 21,152 21,152 0 HD2122400 Vicarage Park School Kendal 0 3,072 3,072 3,072 0 3,072 3,072 3,072 0 HD2122500 Ghyllside School, Kendal 0 18,048 18,048 18,048 0 15,929 15,929 15,929 2,119 HD2122600 Church St Broughton - Traffic Calming 0 0 0 652 6,076 6,728 6,076 (6,076) HD2127100 Hayclose Road - Form Layby 0 344 344 344 0 344 344 344 0 Miscodings - should be Revenue 0 0 0 0 726 726 0 0 Unallocated Balances b// f 147 160,205 (160,352 ) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total for 2009/10 Scheme s 147 160,205 62,747 (160,352) 62,747 0 62,747 11,018 65,212 76,230 63,256 (509) Other APM Schemes HD2117100 Cartmel (1,335) 1,335 0 0 0 (33) (33) (33) 33 HD2117200 Grange 22 (22) 0 0 0 430 430 430 (430) HD2117300 High Furness 2,994 (2,994) 0 0 0 1,629 1,629 1,629 (1,629) HD2117400 Kendal Castle (668) 668 0 0 212 592 804 380 (380) HD2117500 Kendal Highgate 1,561 (1,561) 0 0 1,001 (247) 754 754 (754) HD2117600 Kendal Nether (4,757) 4,757 0 0 0 639 639 639 (639) HD2117700 Kendal South (552) 552 0 0 0 (52) (52) (52) 52 HD2117800 Kendal Strickland and Fell (295) 295 0 0 0 193 193 193 (193) HD2117900 Kent Estuary 125 (125) 0 0 0 (889) (889) (889) 889 Page 47 HD2118000 Lakes 542 (542) 0 0 0 376 376 376 (376) HD2118100 Low Furness (3,217) 3,217 0 0 0 (425) (425) (425) 425 HD2118200 Lower Kentdale (2,089) 2,089 0 0 250 667 917 917 (917) HD2118300 Lyth Valley 9,692 (9,692) 0 0 0 94 94 94 (94) HD2118400 Sedbergh and Kirkby Lonsdale 1,656 (1,656) 0 0 0 (912) (912) (912) 912 HD2118500 Ulverston East (561) 561 0 0 0 197 197 197 (197) HD2118600 Ulverston West (4,717) 4,717 0 0 0 675 675 675 (675) HD2118700 Upper Kent 10,572 (10,572) 0 0 0 (756) (756) (756) 756 HD2118800 Windermere (13,703) 13,703 0 0 0 1,280 1,280 1,280 (1,280) HD1121000 A5284/A6 Kendal 0 0 0 191 191 191 (191) HD2227300 Low Mill Business Park 0 0 0 425 425 425 (425) Members Highways Priority Works - Misc Payments 0 5,636 5,636 5,636 0 0 0 0 5,636 Member Highways Priority Works 2010/11 0 22,584 22,584 22,584 0 0 0 31,834 (9,250) HD1223900 Prelim s 7,353 0 0 0 7,353 7,353 0 7,353 7,353 7,353 0 Total for Other APM Schemes.s 7,353 (4,730) 60,114 (27,164) 35,573 0 35,573 1,463 11,427 12,890 44,300 (8,727) Local Safety Schemes HD1122600 Provision for Dropped Kerbs - various locations 30,000 0 (5,000) 25,000 25,000 10,179 17,895 28,074 28,000 (3,000) HD1122100 Speed Monitoring Programme 12,500 1,622 14,122 14,122 7,200 2,429 9,629 9,500 4,622 HD2124800 Kirkbarrow Estate Kendal - traffic, parking etc 25,000 25,000 25,000 400 83 483 2,500 22,500 HD2226000 Review Speed Limit Swarthmoor 0 0 0 1,475 0 1,475 1,475 (1,475) HD2227400 Kby. Lonsdale Speed Management 0 0 0 500 0 500 500 (500) Unallocated Balance s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total for Local Safety Schemes 67,500 0 1,622 (5,000) 64,122 0 64,122 19,754 20,407 40,161 41,975 22,147 Public Transport Schemes HD1122000 Public Transport Infrastructure 30,400 (8,138) 22,262 22,262 302 6,657 6,959 15,213 7,049 Unallocated Balance s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total for. Public Transport Schemes 30,400 0 0 (8,138) 22,262 0 22,262 302 6,657 6,959 15,213 7,049 Cycling and Walking Schemes HD2122800 Storth Footpath - Rock Cottage/Embankment 4,700 4,700 4,700 0 125 125 125 4,575 HD2125100 B5282 Sandside Road, Storth - pedestrian warning 6,500 6,500 6,500 1,953 0 1,953 2,000 4,500 Unallocated Balance s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total for Cycling and Walking Schemes 11,200 0 0 0 11,200 0 11,200 1,953 125 2,078 2,125 9,075 Traffic Management and Calming Schemes Annual Review of Sign Lines and TRO's 31,400 (5,207) 26,193 26,193 43,946 10,423 54,369 44,152 (17,959) HD1127600 Windermere Town Centre 14,000 14,000 14,000 10,158 1,217 11,375 16,000 (2,000) HD1127700 Stavely Footpath between Each and Child PH 40,000 40,000 40,000 74,635 3,582 78,217 5,143 34,857 HD2122600 Church St Broughton 16,000 16,000 16,000 0 0 0 1,000 15,000 Unallocated Balances 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total for Traffic Management.s and Calming Schemes 101,400 0 0 (5,207) 96,193 0 96,193 128,739 15,222 143,961 66,295 29,898 Total APM Expenditure 218,000 155,475 124,483 (205,861) 292,097 0 292,097 163,229 119,050 282,279 233,164 58,933 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 48

Agenda Item 6c


Meeting date: 4 April 2011

From: Chief Executive



1.1 This report presents the minutes from the Budget Working Group held on 9 March 2011 and brings forward the recommendations of the Working Group.


2.1 The Local Committee has established a Budget Working Group to monitor its budget, lead on developing the Area Plan and make recommendations on the disposition of unallocated resources.


That Local Committee

3.1 Receives the minutes of the Budget Working Group held on 9 March 2011

3.2 notes that further to the delegation agreed by Local Committee ( minute 128(3)h refers) , the Chief Executive, following consultation with Budget Working Group had agreed not to allocate up to £2,250 to the Lancaster Canal Restoration Partnership towards the cost of submitting a planning application to secure the route of the canal from Canal Head to Natland Bridge.

3.3 accept the School Crossing Patrol SLA for 2011/12

3.4 asks Highways and Transportation Working Group to assess alternative safety measures which might be funded from any underspend on the School Crossing Patrol budget in 2011/12

Page 49

3.5 accepts the proposals in appendix 1 of the Highways Revenue budget 2011/12 report. This forms appendix 2 of the Budget Working Group report.

3.6 Allocates £50,000 to the Young People’s capped fares transport scheme from the 0-19 budget. The balance of £90, 255 to be spent according to recommendations by the Children and Young People’s Working Group.

3.7 Sets up a task and finish group to consider how and to what level Neighbourhood Forums and LAPs can be supported in the future.


4.1 The minutes of the Budget Working Group form Appendix 1 of this report


5.1 Local Committee can accept or vary the recommendations of the Budget Working Group


6.1 The recommendations contained within this report would make specific allocations of £50,000 from the 0-19 budget. Other recommendations would allocate Highways Revenue and School Crossings Patrol budgets to broader spending commitments.

6.2 Local Committee has 0-19 Services allocation of £140,255 for 2011-12. The recommendations would commit £50,000 of this to the Young Persons Transport Scheme, leaving a balance of £90,255 for allocation by the Children and Young People’s Working Group.

6.3 Local Committee has School Crossings Patrols allocation of £30,423 for 2011-12. The recommendations would commit £29,663 of this to the School Crossings Patrol SLA, although in year vacancies could mean the balance of £760 may be higher and this would be available for other road safety initiatives.

6.4 Local Committee has Highways Revenue allocation of £2,969,951 for 2011- 12. The recommendation approves the Highways Engineers guidance on how this should be allocated to broad areas of spend.


7.1 There are no direct legal implications at this stage. KB

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Jill Stannard Chief Executive

15 March 2011


Appendix 1 Minutes of the Budget Working Group held on 9 March 2011 Appendix 2 Highways Revenue Budget report

Electoral Division(s): all in South Lakeland

* Please remove whichever option is not applicable

Executive Decision yes

Key Decision * No*

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A*

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? * No*

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A* Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No* If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been No* undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No*

N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and necessary approvals have been obtained.

PREVIOUS RELEVANT COUNCIL OR EXECUTIVE DECISIONS [including Local Committees] “No previous relevant decisions”.


“Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny”.

Page 51

BACKGROUND PAPERS “No background papers”


Contact: Dianne Whitehead 01539 713157 [email protected]

Page 52

Notes of the meeting of South Lakeland Local Committee Budget Working Group held on 9th March 2011.

Attended by: G Cook (Chair), J Willis, I Stewart, K Lancaster, B Wearing (for J Airey), C Feeney-Johnson Officer(s): D Whitehead, K Masser

1. Apologies: J Airey, T Clare

2. Declarations of Interest: Cllr Cook declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 3) and was absent from the discussion. During the discussions on item 3) Cllr Lancaster, as a member of SLDC Planning Committee, declared a prejudicial interest in the matter, and left the room.

3. Lancaster Canal Restoration Partnership The Group had been asked to reconsider the application for grant support referred back to it by Local Committee on 28 February 2011. Hal Bagot, Chair of the Lancaster Canal Restoration Partnership, attended the meeting in order to provide members with any additional details required to help them reconsider the matter. British Waterways have had to carry out a large body of work, including protracted negotiations with the Environment Agency, in order to reach a stage where a planning application can be prepared. A pre-planning meeting is to be held w/c 14 th March 2011 with South Lakeland District Council planning officers, at which it is expected that it will be established how much it will cost to submit the planning application. Funds received from other bodies towards this cost are currently held in a restricted account and any award from South Lakeland Local Committee will make up the balance. After much discussion members felt that, given the significance of the project to Kendal and the surrounding area, it was important to assist its progress. It was therefore agreed to recommend that a sum of up to £2,250 should be awarded to the Partnership, subject to confirmation to the ASM of the likely cost of the application following the Partnership’s meeting with planning officers. It was also agreed that should an award of £2,250 mean there were still not sufficient funds to cover the cost of the planning application then new applications to support the required balance should be made to other local partner organisations, such as Kendal Local Area Partnership.


That Local Committee note that further to the delegation agreed at Local Committee minute 128(3)h, the Chief Executive, following consultation with Budget Working Group had agreed to allocate up to £2,250 to the Lancaster Canal Restoration Partnership towards the cost of submitting a planning application to secure the route of the canal from Canal Head to Natland Bridge, subject to confirmation of planning costs.

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Post meeting note: Planning costs were subsequently confirmed as £1690, so no contribution will be made in this instance.

4. Local Committee revenue allocations 2011/12

a) Cabinet Report – Local Committee budget allocations criteria for devolved responsibilities The Cabinet report was received by members and the criteria noted in conjunction with the relevant budget allocations. Further guidance on budget spending is expected but members’ attention was drawn in particular to the fact that Local Member £12k Schemes will now be revenue, allowing greater flexibility on how spending can be allocated. These monies can now be spent over a period of two years and they can also be vired to other Local Committee budget areas or supplemented by other budgets.

b) School Crossing Patrol SLA Members noted that any post which has remained vacant for 3 or more years will be disestablished from 1 April 2011. Members noted the budget provision of £30,323 and the Service Level Agreement forecasted total of £29,663. The ASM advised that, following closure of Dale Street Infants, a request will be made to change its crossing patrol name on the schedule to Sir John Barrow. Members also agreed to recommend that Highways be asked to assess what alternative road safety measures could be funded from any underspend.

Recommendations :

That Local Committee agrees to the following:

• To accept the School Crossing Patrol SLA for 2011/12

• That Highways and Transportation Working Group should be asked to assess what alternative road safety measures could be funded from any underspend on the School Crossing Patrol budget in 2011/12.

c) Highways Revenue Budget 2011/12 report Members were asked to consider the report from the Corporate Director, Environment containing recommendations for the Highways revenue budget for 2011/12. The Area Engineer advised that in like for like terms the budget was similar to that for 2010/11. Scheduled maintenance plans include restoring grass cutting to a full width cut The balance remaining after scheduled maintenance plans are taken into account has been allocated to Better Highways.

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That Local Committee agrees to the following:

• To accept the proposals for the Highways revenue budget as outlined in Appendix 1 of the Highways Revenue Budget 2011/12 report to the Working Group from the Corporate Director, Environment dated 9 th March 2011.

• To recommend that any ongoing issues continue to be dealt with by the Highways & Transportation Working Group d) Proposal paper – Local Committee Budget 2011/12

0-19 years Cllr Feeney Johnson confirmed that Young Person’s transport was a priority for the coming year, along with early intervention schemes. Julia Morrison, Corporate Director Children’s Services, had expressed a wish to attend Local Committee on 4 th April. Members agreed to extend an invitation as it was felt that it was important to encourage contact and liaison with all Directorates. It was suggested that Local Committee also encourage Julia Morrison to attend a meeting of the Children & Young Person’s Working Group. It was further suggested that CYPWG might like to consider allocating a sum of money to feed into the Local Area Partnerships to be spent on youth provision and engagement as rural areas especially would benefit from this support. A request was made for a report to go to CYPWG with an evaluation of such schemes currently being funded by Local Area Partnerships.


That Local Committee agrees to the following:

• To allocate £50,000 to the Young Person’s capped fare transport scheme from the £140,255 available for 0-19 Services. The balance of £90,255 to be spent according to recommendations by Children & Young Person’s Working Group

Economic Initiatives Members agreed that a single item meeting of Budget Working Group should be held on 21 April to agree the criteria for awarding of grants under this budget line.

Neighbourhood Support Members were advised that with the restructure of the Area Support teams the current delivery of support and engagement activity would have to be reviewed.

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It was proposed that a Task & Finish group be set up to consider the most effective means of accomplishing the levels of support and engagement required by members, within the constraints of the reduced budget, an ASM, who would be dividing their time between South Lakeland and Barrow and reduced staffing. It was proposed that new practices should be in place by September and that for the interim, between April and July, staff would be asked to organise one Neighbourhood Forum per area and to co-ordinate, where applicable, one LAP meeting. Members were also aware of the need to engage with SLDC and to put forward a concerted plan of action for the LAPs. Ongoing discussions around the Localism Bill would also have to include Forums and LAPs. The composition of the Task & Finish group was agreed at Liberal Democrats (2), Conservatives (2), one each from an urban and a rural division where possible. Cllrs Cook and Willis agreed to represent the Liberal Democrats. Precise terms of reference are to be drafted – Cllr Cook to speak with AD Dawn Roberts on who is to take on that work. The final report of the group will be presented to the July meeting of Local Committee, with an interim report to go to the May Local Committee meeting.


That Local Committee agrees to the following:

• That a Task & Finish group is set up to consider how and to what level Neighbourhood Forums, and LAPs can be supported in the future. The Task & Finish group to present its findings to the Local Committee meeting on 11 July 2011.

5. Other Business The ASM reported that an enquiry had been received as to whether a foreign exchange student living with a family in the South Lakeland area would be eligible for an A2BNoW card. As the student is not a permanent resident and it was also unclear how long they would be staying in the area members felt that this individual and others in the same position did not meet the current qualifying criteria for the scheme. However, it was agreed to revisit this issue when the next review of the scheme as a whole is undertaken.

6. Date of Next Meeting: 21 st April 2011, after the meeting of Cumbria County Council’s full Council. To consider the short Task & Finish group’s recommendations for criteria for the awarding of grants from the Economic Initiatives budget allocation.

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From: Corporate Director, Environment



1.1 This report presents a recommended Highways Revenue Budget following decisions on devolved Local Committee budget allocations by Cabinet at its meeting on 3 rd March 2011 (subject to any call-in).


2.1 Local Committee budget allocations were set by Cabinet on 3 rd March 2011 (subject to any call-in) together with guidance for the use of those allocations from the Executive, in line with the Council Pan 2011 to 2014 and the 2011/12 budget, both of which were agreed by Council on 17 February 2011.

2.2 The proposed highways revenue allocation to this Local Committee is £2,969,951, including an allocation for structural maintenance winter damage repairs from additional government grant which at this time is only an approximate figure based on previous last year’s award.

2.3 There are no direct equality implications but well maintained highways promote accessibility for disabled people, other persons with impaired mobility and vulnerable road users.


3.1 That Local Committee is recommended to approve the draft Highways Revenue Budget as shown in Appendix 1.

3.2 That Members note the allocation for Structural Maintenance shown in Appendix 1 may vary subject to final notification of the Government’s allocation to Cumbria later in March 2011.

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4.1 This report presents a draft Highways Revenue budget for 2011/2012. At the time of writing the report, the overall budget allocations to Local Committees are subject to possible call-in and subject to final decisions on grant allocations by Government (see Cabinet Advice and Guidance below).

4.2 The proposed highways revenue allocation to this Local Committee is £2,969,951, including an allocation for winter damage repairs which is subject to final confirmation by DfT.

Cabinet Advice and Guidance (extracted from Report to Cabinet 03/03/11)

4.3 The Highways Revenue budget areas have been merged, giving Local Committees discretion as to local priorities for spending revenue resources in line with Better Highways principles. The overriding priority is the Council’s priority of maintaining a safe and reliable highway network. This budget may only be spent on highways and street lighting.

4.4 When the indicative local committee highways revenue allocations were reported to the Leadership and Local Committee Chairs meetings an approximation had been made of the impact of incorporating the detrunked roads. The allocation to local Committees was based upon allocating the overall total excluding street lighting based upon percentages of the overall total in 2010/11. Unfortunately this methodology was not a good approximation of the agreed formula.

4.5 Similarly the current formula also includes an allocation for highways response teams and highway stewards. This approach has been superseded by the better highways approach, where each local committee agrees the number of teams from within its overall budget.

4.6 The formula has therefore been run excluding these elements. This results in variations from the figures reported in December and January.

4.7 The government has also recently announced that each highway authority will receive a share of £100m to address potholes from the recent bad weather. The Cumbria allocation is estimated to be in the order of £2.7m based on the DfT methodology for allocating this money. DfT will confirm the total amount of DfT funding available and write to local highway authorities informing them of their allocation after the 16 th March; final budget adjustments will then be made. Two options are being recommended to Cabinet to distribute this money. The first is that as local committees have already started planning that there is a floor set so that no local committee has a lower allocation than that reported to the leadership and local committee chairs meetings. The second is that the remaining balance is allocated to local committees based upon weighted road length/population.

4.8 This resource is fairly limited and the DfT have set out specific criteria in terms of how this additional funding can be spent. Officers are currently carrying out a comprehensive assessment of the impact of the winter

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weather in order to identify the location and severity of damage to the highway network. This information will be used to assist in targeting where this one off investment can have the greatest impact within each area. In line with the Better Highways approach Cumbria Highways has been working towards dealing with the underlying causes of the defects on the highways in order to avoid repeat repairs and achieving a permanent fixes. Criteria were developed in line with this Better Highways approach last year to assist in targeting resources to addressing the underlying cause and achieving a permanent fix. It is therefore proposed that these criteria be used to assist local committees to target these additional resources in order to achieve the greatest impact.

Local Priorities.

4.9 In preparing its highways revenue budget for 2010/2011, the Local Committee’s Highways and Transportation Working Group undertook a zero- based budgeting exercise and resolved to allocate additional funding to drainage cleansing and drainage repairs.

4.10 In allocating more money for drainage, the budget allocation for verge maintenance was reduced via the omission of the full-width cut (25% of verge length cut to full width of verge every four years to prevent the establishment of brushwood and self-sewn trees). It is considered that the full-width cut cannot be omitted on a permanent or longer term basis as the establishment of brushwood and self sewn trees presents two main risks:

(a) Operational risk due to the potential for root growth to damage drains; and

(b) Longer term financial risk since established brushwood cannot be removed by mechanical flail mower and requires more expensive hand cutting.

4.11 The proposed highways revenue budget set out in Appendix 1, therefore re- establishes a budget to allow the full-width cut to approximately 25% of verge length in accordance with the Council’s guidance on verge maintenance standards.

4.12 The recommended drainage cleansing budget in 2011/2012 is less than in 2010/11, reflecting the overall budget allocation for 2011/12. The drainage cleansing allocation has been set at a level to fund 2 cleans of the Area’s 36,000 gullies. Reactive response to drainage cleansing demands will, to a certain extent be met by the allocation for Reactive Maintenance – Plant and Materials . However, in practice, the demand for ad-hoc reactive response to flooding events and blocked gullies liable to cause flooding to property may well erode the allocation for the second scheduled clean and in that event the second clean will be targeted at those areas where experience has shown that gullies are prone to silting.

4.13 The budget allocation is sufficient for the existing eight reactive maintenance Area Teams. Their work will be supported by the Structural Maintenance programmes of work as set out in the following section of the report.

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Structural Maintenance

4.14 In accordance with the systems thinking approach underpinning Better Highways, the prioritisation and distribution of the additional funding from Government was determined in 2010/11 and is based on the following prioritisation criteria:

§ Levels of use; § Value for money, i.e. the extent to which a scheme addresses the underlying causes of deterioration and enables a number of different issues to be addressed in one site visit; § Proximity to other schemes, i.e. a measure of the ability to minimise disruption by better coordination of projects § Safety, i.e. high priority has been given to those schemes assessed as potentially dangerous i.e. with a significant number of safety defects or temporary repairs and defective areas that are likely to become dangerous before permanent repairs could otherwise be programmed; § Customer demand i.e. the level of public concern and complaints; § Local considerations e.g. judgement as to local issues e.g. near school, on a bus route, popular motorcycle route etc.

4.15 The Area Stewards and Area technicians have been asked to submit lists of winter damaged roads, which are being assembled into an Area list prioritised in accordance with the above criteria. The final prioritised list will be presented to the next meeting of the Highways and Transport Working Group for consideration.

4.16 The Structural Maintenance allocation will support the work of the eight Area reactive maintenance teams. In addition, Members may recall that in addition to the named NPRN maintenance schemes, the approved NPRN programme includes allocations for winter damage repairs, area carriageway planned structural maintenance programmes, area drainage capital schemes and area footway schemes, which will further support the work of the Area Teams in line with the principles underpinning Better Highways.

The recommended highways revenue budget

4.17 The recommended highways revenue budget for 2011/2012 is set out in Appendix 1.

4.18 At the time of setting the budget allocations to Local Committees, the allocation for Structural Maintenance was provisional pending DfT confirmation of the final grant for winter damage repairs expected to be issued on 16 th March. The Structural Maintenance allocation is subject to conditions imposed by DfT and is fixed and may not be vired to other budget lines.

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5.1 Local Committee may accept, amend or reject the recommended draft Highways Revenue budget.


6.1 The highways revenue budget is allocated for delivery of better highways through general highway maintenance including grass cutting and essential work to highway trees; cleaning drainage systems and highway signs; repairs to drainage systems; road lighting and illuminated signs; road markings and non-illuminated signs; carriageways footways and other paved areas; highway fencing and earthworks; Local Committees may set their own programmes of work provided it provides a safe and reliable highway network including lighting infrastructure.

6.2 The highways revenue budget may not be vired to other Local Committee budgets but can be supplemented by other budgets. .


7.1 In discharging its devolved functions and responsibilities, Local Committees should ensure all decisions made are:

§ In accordance with any relevant strategy or plan agreed by the Council;

§ In accordance with any policy, strategy, plan or criteria agreed by the Executive;

§ Within the approved budget;

§ Where appropriate taken after consideration of advice by the Monitoring Officer or s151 Officer.

7.2 Pursuant to s41 of the Highways Act 1980 (subject to a statutory defence under s58 of the Act), failure to maintain the highway in a safe condition, as far as is reasonably practicable, can leave the Council open to financial, legal and reputational risk as a consequence of injury, damage or loss suffered by third parties.


8.1 The recommended budget represents an appropriate, although difficult, balance between budget availability, the declared Local Committee priorities for highway maintenance, and the maintenance demands of the local road network.

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Andrew Moss, Assistant Director Highways and Transportation March 2011

APPENDICES Appendix 1 Recommended Highways Revenue Budget for South Lakeland Local Committee 2011/2012.


Staffing: None Financial: None. Electoral Division(s): All South Lakeland

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision Yes

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? Yes N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been No undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No


Cabinet 3 rd March 2011 Local Committee Budget Allocations Criteria for Devolved Responsibilities.

Contact: Keith Masser Tel. No.: (01539) 713006 E-mail: [email protected]




Indicative Activity Comment Budget Reactive Maintenance

Better Highways Teams 974,000 8 Area Teams + allocation for support labour

Better Highways Plant and Materials 316,000 For example small plant, gulley pump, JCB, bituminous material, concrete and clay products

Better Highways Callouts 30,000 Out of hours emergencies and response to non-major weather events

Total Better Highways 1,320,000

Scheduled Maintanance

Drain Cleansing 331,319 Based on 2 cleans only, any ad-hoc work will detract from 2nd clean or be funded through BH plant

Page 63 Grass Cutting 219,000 Based on last full policy cut 2009/10

Road Markings and Road Studs 40,000 Identified through Better Highways demands

Total Scheduled Maintenance 590,319

Planned Structural Maintenance

Winter damage pothole repairs 544,632 May vary to reflect final settlement from DfT& Cabinet (Ring Fenced)

Total Planned Structural Maintenance 544,632

Lighting and Illuminated Signs 236,900 As 2010/11 budget + 3%

Column Replacement and Painting 0 Column replacement from NPRN Capital.

Traffic Signals 36,000 As 2010/11 budget + 3%

Energy 242,100

Total Road Lighting 515,000

Total Highway Maintenance Revenue 2,969,951 This page is intentionally left blank

Page 64 Agenda Item 7


Meeting date: 4th April 2011

From: Corporate Director Resources



1.1 This report sets out budget allocations for Local Committees for 2011/12.

1.2 Local Committees act as sub-Committees of Cabinet and Council and as such act within the policies agreed by the Cabinet and Council. The budget areas for Local Committees have changed since 2010/11, the constitution has been reviewed and no changes are deemed necessary to reflect this.


2.1 This report provides detail on the budget allocations for Local Committee and sets out guidance for the use of those allocations from the Executive, in line with the Council Plan 2011 to 2014, and the 2011/12 Budget, both of which were agreed by Council on 17 February 2011.


Local Committee is asked to;

3.1 note the allocations and guidance approved by Cabinet;

3.2 note the guidance in respect of Government Pothole Grant within the Highways revenue budget.

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4.1 Cabinet considered and approved the attached paper at its meeting of 3 March 2011 and requested the paper be circulated and considered by all Local Committees.


5.1 Cabinet can note the Local Committee allocations and guidance provided.


6.1 Resource and Value for Money implications are contained within the Cabinet paper.


7.1 Legal implications are contained within the Cabinet paper


8.1 This approach is designed to ensure that communities and local councillors have greater impact on the shaping of council services and that these services performance can be locally monitored and managed.

Phil Healy Finance Manager 10 th March 2011


Cabinet Report from 3 March 2011 incorporating; Appendix A – Guidance to Local Committees Appendix B – Local Committee Allocation Basis Appendix C – Local Committee Revenue Budget Allocations 2011/12 Appendix D – Local Committee Capital Programme Allocations 2011/12

Copy of Department of Transport letter in respect of pothole grant

Electoral Division(s): All South Lakeland

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision Yes

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? Yes

Page 66

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A* Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been No undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No

N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and the Head of Member Services and Scrutiny has obtained the necessary approvals.


Council Budget Report 17 February 2011




Reports to Leadership and Local Committee Chairs Group 8 th December 2010 and 7th January 2011.


Contact: Phil Healy Finance Manager Tel No. 01228 227240 E-mail address: [email protected]

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Meeting date: 3rd March 2011 Appendix From: Deputy Leader/ Cabinet Member for Communities and Corporate Director Resources/ Chief Executive



1.1 This report sets out budget allocations for Local Committees for 2011/12.

1.2 Local Committees act as sub-Committees of Cabinet and Council and as such act within the policies agreed by the Cabinet and Council. The budget areas for Local Committees have changed since 2010/11, the constitution has been reviewed and no changes are deemed necessary to reflect this.


2.1 This report makes proposals for Local Committee budget allocations and sets out guidance for the use of those allocations from the Executive, in line with the Council Plan 2011 to 2014, and the 2011/12 Budget, both of which were agreed by Council on 17 February 2011.


3.1 Cabinet is asked to agree the budget allocations for Local Committees for 2011/12;

3.2 Cabinet is asked to agree the guidance in respect of the use of these allocations and the limitations on virement of local committee budgets as outlined in Appendix B.

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3.3 Cabinet is asked to agreed that the Government Pothole Grant is allocated as set out in option 2 and 3 and spent in line with the methodology set out in paragraph 4.9.

Stewart Young, Deputy Leader and Oliver Pearson, Cabinet Member for Communities.

Part B – Advice of Chief Executive and Corporate Director - Resources


4.1 The process by which Local Committee budget allocations are determined, is that County Council agree the overall total budget as part of the budget setting process, and individual allocations are agreed by Cabinet. At the meetings of the Leadership and Local Committee Chairs Group of 8th December 2010 and 7 th January 2011, initial discussions took place on the budget proposals as they relate to Local Committees, setting out the changes and how they would impact on the overall budget.

4.2 In these discussions proposals were made aimed at providing greater flexibility to Local Committees on the use of their budgets, and remove restrictions or the ring fencing associated with specific budget lines. Whilst a number of the savings proposals put forward sought to reduce the overall budget amount across a number of budget lines, it was intended that Local Committees would have greater discretion on the use of their budgets to meet local priorities. The proposals in this report represent Cabinet’s proposals.

Revenue Budgets

4.3 Council agreed on 17 th February that Local Committee revenue budgets should include specific budgets for the following areas:

AREA USE Highways Revenue To be used on highways projects Neighbourhood Teams Budget for staffing, managed by the Assistant Director – Policy and Performance. Cannot be vired, but can be supplemented by other budgets. Local Member Schemes Fully flexible. Local members to bring proposals for spending to Local Committee for decision. General Provision Fully flexible 0-19 Services To be used in 0-19 projects and services Supporting guidance to be issued. Schools crossing patrols To be used on crossing patrols or road safety Sandgate Hydrotherapy Pool To be used to support the pool Money Advice / Debt To be used on those areas / contracts only. Management Advice

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Guidance on the use of these budgets is set out in Appendix A and summarised in the following paragraphs. The methodology used to allocate budgets is as set out in Appendix B.

4.4 The Highways Revenue budget areas have been merged, giving Local Committees discretion as to local priorities for spending revenue resources in line with Better Highways principles. The overriding priority is the Council’s priority of maintaining a safe and reliable highway network. This budget may only be spent on highways and street lighting.

4.5 When the indicative local committee highways revenue allocations were reported to the Leadership and Local Committee Chairs meetings an approximation had been made of the impact of incorporating the detrunked roads. The allocation to local Committees was based upon allocating the overall total excluding street lighting based upon percentages of the overall total in 2010/11. Unfortunately this methodology was not a good approximation of the agreed formula. 4.6 Similarly the current formula also includes an allocation for highways response teams and highway stewards. This approach has been superseded by the better highways approach, where each local committee agrees the number of teams from within its overall budget.

4.7 The formula has therefore been run excluding these elements. This results in variations from the figures reported in December and January.

4.8 The government has also recently announced that each highway authority will receive a share of £100m to address potholes from the recent bad weather. The Cumbria allocation is estimated to be in the order of £2.7m based on the DfT methodology for allocating this money. DfT will confirm the total amount of DfT funding available and write to local highway authorities informing them of their allocation after the 16 th March; final budget adjustments will then be made. Two options are being recommended to Cabinet to distribute this money. The first is that as local committees have already started planning that there is a floor set so that no local committee has a lower allocation than that reported to the leadership and local committee chairs meetings. The second is that the remaining balance is allocated to local committees based upon weighted road length/population.

4.9 This resource is fairly limited and the DfT have set out specific criteria in terms of how this additional funding can be spent. Officers are currently carrying out a comprehensive assessment of the impact of the winter weather in order to identify the location and severity of damage to the highway network. This information will be used to assist in targeting where this one off investment can have the greatest impact within each area. In line with the Better Highways approach Cumbria Highways has been working towards dealing with the underlying causes of the defects on the highways in order to avoid repeat repairs and achieving a permanent fixes. Criteria were developed in line with this Better Highways approach last year to assist in targeting resources to addressing the underlying cause and achieving a permanent fix. It is therefore proposed that these criteria

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be used to assist local committees to target these additional resources in order to achieve the greatest impact.

4.10 The Neighbourhood Teams budget reflects the staffing at current levels for the teams. Overall, the teams will be subject to a restructure to deliver part year savings in 2011/12, and full year savings in 2012/13. The Assistant Director – Policy and Performance, will determine support levels in discussion with Local Committee Chairmen. These budgets may not be vired by the Local Committees, but can be supplemented by other budgets.

4.11 The 2011/12 budget includes a Local Member Schemes budget. It is proposed that County Councillors can – through the Area Support Teams - propose one or more local schemes for each division. These schemes are intended to help resolve local issues already identified through local community engagement and in line with the priorities within the Council Plan, and specific local priorities within the Area Plan for the Local Committee Area. These proposals should be submitted to the Local Committee for approval. This budget is for one year only, but it has been agreed that the resources may be spent over a period of two years.

4.12 The General Provision can be used for any budget area including Neighbourhood Forum grants, and subsidising rents to Voluntary Organisations. This budget may be vired to support other areas.

4.13 The 0-19 budget represents a new budget to be used only on the area of 0-19 support, including grants to youth organisations.

4.14 The remaining budgets are unchanged in their use.

4.15 Some of these changes may require updates to the constitution and these will be considered by the Constitution Review Group and recommendations made to Council on 21 st April.

4.16 Appendix C shows the overall allocations for each Local Committee. There has been a reduction in budget of £6.145m from 2011/12. However, the majority of this relates to budgetary adjustments required due to the internalisation of services previously provided by Capita as opposed to changes in service provision.

4.17 Each Local Committee will need to determine the spending within these budget allocations, for example, the General Provision, includes Neighbourhood Forum grants, and subsidising rents to Voluntary Organisations, which will need to be agreed by each Local Committee.

4.18 For all the revenue budget areas it is recommended that Local Committees determine priorities and schemes as early in the financial year as possible, to enable the successful delivery of services within the financial year.

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Capital Programme

4.19 The Highways Capital budgets have been merged into one budget and it is for individual Local Committees to determine priorities in order to maintain the highway and deliver the Integrated Transport Plan. The total budget is £16.914m and includes structural maintenance in respect of highways, street lighting replacement, and schemes that would formerly have been classified within annual package of measures. The Capital allocations are set out at Appendix D.

4.20 There will be no budget for Local Capital Schemes. It is intended, subject to Council approval that any underspend for this year’s (2010/11) programme will be carried forward. This would need to be spent within the existing guidance.


4.21 The budget areas for Local Committees have changed since 2010/11. The constitution has been reviewed and no changes are necessary to reflect this.


5.1 Cabinet can approve the Local Committee allocations.

5.2 Cabinet can agree that a floor is set to limit the change in Local Committee allocation compared to the January report to the Leadership and Local Committee Chairs using the pothole money.

5.3 Cabinet can agree to allocate the balance of the pothole money to local committees based upon weighted road length and population.


6.1 Local Committees represent an important part of the County’s decision making structure, and have significant resources delegated to them from the Cabinet. It is important that the Committees operate within a clear framework for accountability and performance and deliver value for money on behalf of the County.

6.2 The budgets that Local Committees manage are delegated to deliver specific executive functions, and outcomes set out in the Council Plan, and as such have been delegated for a specific purpose. For some of these budgets there is clearly a high level of discretion as to how the outcomes are delivered, whilst for others, Local Committees are either operating within County policies such as the Local Transport Plan, or they monitor pre-determined contractual arrangements such as in the case of money advice.

6.3 In summary the budget areas where Local Committees do have discretion relate to the General budget and Local Member Schemes.

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6.4 For School Crossing Patrols, Cabinet on 28 November 2006 resolved that any future underspends on this budget be used to address road safety issues.

6.5 In the remaining revenue budget areas Local Committees do not have discretion, and therefore these budgets should be not vired to other areas.

Value for Money

6.6 There is a statutory duty on the Council to pursue value for money; this applies equally where services are provided through Local Committees. In making decisions Local Committee Members need to consider that they are achieving the outcomes that they are responsible for in the most economic and efficient way. In future this can be accommodated within programmes of activities linked through area plans. This will ensure that programmes of activities for the year are determined close to the start of the year, and that these are managed by the service or contractor during the year, with regular reports back to each Local Committee so that it can ensure that the outcomes are being delivered. As set out elsewhere in this report, the Local Committee is also responsible for reporting back on how it has contributed to delivering the outcomes required.


7.1 In discharging existing and additional functions, it is recommended that all decisions made are:

• In accordance with any relevant strategy or plan agreed by the Council; • In accordance with any policy, strategy, plan or criteria agreed by the Executive; • within approved budget; • where appropriate taken after consideration of advice by the Monitoring Officer or s151 Officer; • in the case of a key decision it is included in the Council Forward Plan at the earliest possible stage; • carried out with the agreement of any other affected Local Committee;.

7.2 A Local Committee or two or more local committees jointly may refer a matter in relation to an executive function to the Executive for decision.

7.3 Under the scheme of delegation the Cabinet may require a matter in relation to an executive function due to be considered by a Local Committee to be determined by itself, in which case the delegation of that matter to the Local Committee shall cease to apply.

7.4 The Cabinet delegates to Local Committees, where a specific budget has been identified for a Local Committee, the executive functions relevant to the expenditure of that budget.

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7.5 The Council’s area plans must be agreed with Cabinet. The progress of these area plans must be presented to Cabinet at least annually.


8.1 This approach is designed to ensure that communities and local councillors have greater impact on the shaping of council services and that these services performance can be locally monitored and managed.

Diane Wood, Corporate Director Resources Jill Stannard, Chief Executive


Appendix A – Guidance to Local Committees Appendix B – Local Committee Allocation Basis Appendix C – Local Committee Revenue Budget Allocations 2011/12 Appendix D – Local Committee Capital Programme Allocations 2011/12

Electoral Division(s): All divisions

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision Yes

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? Yes

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A* Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been No undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No

N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and the Head of Member Services and Scrutiny has obtained the necessary approvals.


Council Budget Report 17 February 2011

Page 75




Reports to Leadership and Local Committee Chairs Group 8 th December 2010 and 7th January 2011.


Councillor Stewart Young, Deputy Leader Councillor Oliver Pearson, Cabinet Member for Communities


Contact: Kate McLaughlin-Flynn Assistant Director – Finance Dawn Roberts Assistant Director - Policy & Performance

Page 76


Highways Revenue

This budget exists to deliver Better Highways through general highway maintenance including routine cyclical maintenance, street lighting and hard surfacing, grass cutting, street lighting, gully cleaning, drainage work and verge maintenance. Local Committees may set their own programme of maintenance provided it provides a safe and reliable highway network including lighting infrastructure. It is recommended that a programme of work is set at the start of the financial year.

Virement : This budget may not be vired to other Local Committee Areas, but can be supplemented by other budgets.

Neighbourhood Teams

This budget reflects the staffing of Neighbourhood Teams. The Assistant Director – Policy and Performance, will determine support levels in discussion with Local Committee Chairmen.

Virement : This budget may not be vired to other Local Committee budget areas, but can be supplemented by other budgets. .

Local Member Schemes

The Local Member Schemes budget provides each Division with £12,000 to fund local projects that offer benefits to communities in that Division. County Councillors can – through the Area Support Teams - propose one or more local schemes for each division. These schemes are intended to help resolve local issues already identified through local community engagement and in line with the priorities within the Council Plan, and specific local priorities within the Area Plan for the Local Committee Area. These proposals should be submitted to the Local Committee for approval. This budget is for one year only, ie 2011/12 is the only year of funding, but it has been agreed that the resources may be spent over a period of two years.

Virement : This budget may be vired to other Local Committee budget areas, or can be supplemented by other budgets.

General Budget

This can be used for any budget area including Neighbourhood Forum grants, and subsidising rents to Voluntary Organisations.

Virement : This budget may be vired to other Local Committee budget areas, or can be supplemented by other budgets.

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0-19 Budget

The Local Committee 0-19 budget is available for local committees to allocate within their areas in order to support positive activities, both targeted and mainstream, designed to improve outcomes for children and young people and reduce inequalities.

In allocating funds from this budget, councillors should satisfy themselves that projects address at least one of the following criteria:

••• Providing access to play, recreational, leisure or outdoor activities.

••• Providing access to care or educational activities.

••• Providing access to safe and enjoyable places for children and young people to go.

••• Providing access to holiday, weekend or out of school activities.

••• Enabling children and young people’s involvement and participation e.g. forum, youth council, engagement, empowerment, decision-making.

••• Supporting children and young people to take part in volunteering or community action.

In addition, applicants for funding from this grant should evidence a commitment to Health, Safety and Risk Management; Equality and Diversity; Safeguarding; Financial Management; and sound Governance.


Funding from this budget may not be used to support loan repayments, finance redundancies or debts, or for retrospective applications.

Virement : This budget may not be vired to other Local Committee budget areas, but can be supplemented by other budgets.

School Crossing Patrols

For School Crossing Patrols or used to address road safety issues. The budgets for school crossing patrols will be reduced by removing the funding for posts that have remained vacant for three years or more.

Virement : This budget may not be vired to other Local Committee budget areas except road safety. Can be supplemented by other budgets.

Sandgate Hydrotherapy Pool

Restricted to funding activities to support this facility

Virement : This budget may not be vired to other Local Committee budget areas, but can be supplemented by other budgets

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Money Advice and Debt Management Advice

To provide for the contract payments and services provided.

Virement : These budgets may not be vired to other Local Committee budget areas

Page 79



AREA ALLOCATION Highways Revenue Based upon current formula excluding highway response teams and highway stewards. In addition ‘pothole money’ allocated to provide a ‘floor’ and the remainder allocated based upon weighted road length and population. Neighbourhood Teams Population mid year estimates Local Member Schemes Number of Divisions General Provision Population mid year estimates 0-19 Services 0-19 mid year population estimates. Schools crossing patrols Per Cabinet 28/11/06 adjusted for patrols vacant for three years or more Sandgate Hydrotherapy Pool Cost based allocation Money Advice / Debt Per 2009/10 analysis Management Advice



Allerdale Barrow Carlisle Copeland Eden South Retained TOTAL Lakeland Centrally Allocation ££££££££

Highways Revenue (incl £2.7m pothole allocation s 2,790,998 2,054,053 3,053,646 1,860,642 1,901,710 2,969,951 14,631,000

Neighbourhood Support 131,365 98,767 145,852 97,096 72,160 144,599 689,839

Individual Local Member Schemes 192,000 144,000 204,000 144,000 108,000 216,000 1,008,000

Page 81 General Provision 131,357 98,762 145,844 97,090 72,156 144,591 689,800

0-19 Services 134,517 108,379 147,268 98,816 70,765 140,255 700,000

School Crossing Patrols 64,764 48,518 39,564 31,981 14,850 30,323 230,000

Sandgate Hydrotherapy Pool 44,000 44,000

Money Advice - CAB 66,570 57,060 53,890 57,060 34,870 47,550 317,000

Debt Management Advice 19,685 17,866 21,294 16,054 8,265 16,836 50,000 150,000

Sub Total Miscellaneous 151,019 123,444 114,748 105,095 57,985 138,709 50,000 741,000

TOTAL REVENUE ALLOCATION 3,531,256 2,627,405 3,811,358 2,402,739 2,282,775 3,754,105 50,000 18,459,639 APPENDIX D


£'000 Allerdale £3,429 Barrow £1,252 Carlisle £2,842 Copeland £1,605 Eden £3,830 Page 82 South Lakeland £3,956 Total for Local Committee £16,914 Page 83 Page 84

Agenda Item 9


Meeting date: 4 April 2011

From: Corporate Director – Environment



1.1 The report sets out the effects on bus services in the South Lakeland area of a reduction in funding for local bus services across the County of £340,000.

1.2 It sets out the services affected in the South Lakeland area and the reasons why they were chosen and examines alternatives that may be available for those who currently travel on the services being withdrawn


2.1 The transport policies of the County Council are set out in the Local Transport Plan (LTP), the statutory policy document for transport, these include those relating to passenger transport, road safety, travel to work etc.

2.2 The changes will see a reduction in the level of service provided to residents in a number of sparsely populated rural areas. Alternative provision will be available in most cases through the Rural Wheels scheme, but there are restrictions to this scheme and free travel for concessionary pass holders is not available.


3.1 Members note the effect of the changes to bus services in the South Lakeland area.

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4.1 Consequent on the Comprehensive Spending Review the Rural Bus Subsidy Grant (£1.7m) was withdrawn by Central Government. The County Council, has reduced the budget available to support local bus services across the County by £340,000.

4.2 The County Council consulted widely on council priorities and budget options between 22 November 2010 and 31 January. The “Have your Say” document provided information on what the Council does and gave financial information on existing funding and future funding following the reduction in grants available from government. The reduction in grant funding included a reduction in the allocation from the Department for Transport in relation to Rural Bus Subsidy Grant. The responses to the consultation were made available to members prior to the decisions made regarding the Council’s budget.

4.3 All services currently supported by the County Council, meet the criteria agreed by Cabinet in March 2008. So additional criteria were developed to assess all services to indicate which offered the best outcome for the funds invested.

4.4 All County Council’s local bus service contracts were therefore evaluated against the following criteria :

§ Cost per passenger Journey § Average daily patronage § Availability and cost of alternative services § Population of settlements on the route (excluding Key Service Centre levels § The proportion of Gross Cost covered by Revenue

4.5 Contracts were scored and an aggregate score from the five categories was used to determine the overall position of all contracts. On the basis of this ranking, nineteen contracts were required to be withdrawn to provide the required saving of £340,000.

4.6 Following the decision made at Full Council to reduce the funding being made available to support bus services information was sent out regarding the changes to the relevant County Councillors and Parish Councillors. Information on all changes in the area were also sent to the Chair of the Local Committee and the District Council. The operators were also informed of the decision and given the statutory 56 days notices. The contracts come to a finish at the end of April 2011.

4.7 Five of these contracts operate in the South Lakeland area. Those affected are:-

10 : Barrow – Ulverston via Leece, Gleaston, Stainton, Little & Great Urswick

This service operated by Blueworks Private Hire currently provides six journeys a day in both directions, Monday to Saturday. All journeys are

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being withdrawn.

The commercially provided Stagecoach Service 6 from Barrow to Ulverston via Dalton and the County Council supported Blueworks Service 11 between Barrow and Ulverston via Baycliffe and Aldingham, will both continued to operate as normal.

Rural Wheels will take passengers to Barrow or Ulverston whichever is the nearest.

The contract costs £84,700 per annum with 73% of this been funded through a subsidy at a cost of £4.24 per passenger journey.

511 : Broughton in Furness – Ulverston including Service 60 : Ulverston – Canal Head

This service provides three trips a day Monday to Saturday, between Broughton in Furness and Ulverston and additional provides four trips a day to the Canal Head area of Ulverston. All journeys are being withdrawn. The service is currently provide by Lecks Travel.

Rural Wheels will take passengers to Ulverston.

The contract costs £53,300 per annum with 83% of this been funded through a subsidy at a cost of £4.74 per passenger journey.

541 : Bowness/Winster – Kendal via Underbarrow, Crosthwaite and Brigsteer (Tuesday and Thursday only)

This service being withdrawn provides one return trip, twice a week to Kendal from a number of villages to the West of the Town. It is currently provided by Lecks Travel.

Rural Wheels will take passengers to Bowness or Kendal, whichever is the nearer for onward connections.

The contract costs £9,700 per annum with 78% of this been funded through a subsidy at a cost of £7.83 per passenger journey.

550 : Silverdale - Beetham – Kendal via Hincaster, Sedgwick and Natland

This service provides four trips a day from Beetham to Kendal Monday to Saturday with two trips extended to Silverdale with funding from Lancashire County Council. All journeys are being withdrawn. The service is currently provided by Kirkby Lonsdale Coaches .

The Stagecoach Service 555 provides an hourly service between Milnthorpe and Kendal.

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Rural Wheels will take passengers to Milnthorpe or Kendal, whichever is the nearer, for onward connections.

552 : Levens – Kendal / Milnthorpe Diversion)

This contract provides a diversion to serve Levens village, of the commercially provides Stagecoach Service 552, on four journeys Monday to Friday and five journeys on a Saturday.

The rest of the Service 552 will continue to operate as normal.

An hourly service is provided from Levens Bridge to Kendal and Milnthorpe by the Stagecoach service 555.

Rural Wheels will take passengers to Milnthorpe or Kendal, or the nearest bus stop for onward connections.

The contract costs £17,300 per annum at a cost of £8.62 per passenger journey.

564 : Kendal – Sedbergh (Monday – Friday : 17:40)

The journey being withdrawn provides a single late afternoon trip to Sedbergh, which supplements the daytime Kirkby Lonsdale Coaches and Woofs of Sedbergh service 564 which are both unchanged. This journey is provided by Woofs of Sedbergh.

The last trip from Kendal to Sedbergh will become 16:25 on the Kirkby Lonsdale Coaches service.

The contract costs £12,600 per annum with 90% of this been funded through a subsidy at a cost of £9.41 per passenger journey.

564A : Cowgill - Dent – Sedbergh - Kendal (Saturdays)

This service being withdrawn provides a single return trip to Kendal on a Saturday for villages to the east of Sedbergh. It is currently provided by Apollo 8 Travel.

The Wednesday service, on the same route, provided by Woof’s of Sedbergh, which is provided without a subsidy from the County Council, is not affected and will continue to operate as normal.

Voluntary Car Schemes provided by volunteer drivers also exist in a number of the area, and may be able to help with transport.

The contract costs £10,000 per annum with 79% of this been funded through a subsidy at a cost of £5.60 per passenger journey.

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618 : Barrow – Ulverston - Newby Bridge – Windermere – Ambleside

The journeys on this service which are being withdrawn are the late night service at 21:45 from Barrow and return at 23:00 from Ambleside, plus the whole of the Sunday service. The service is provided by Travellers Choice.

The early morning and daytime service on the route are unaffected by these changes and will continue as normal. A late evening and Sunday timetable is provided between Barrow and Newby Bridge by the Service X35 and Service 6. Services are provided in the evening between Bowness and Ambleside by the Service 555, and on Sundays by the 599 in Summer and 505/516 in Winter.

4.8 Since the announcement of the reductions in the service there has been particular concern about specific routes and in that respect the Passenger Transport team are working closely with the community and elected members to advise regarding alternative ways for people to travel.

4.9 The total value of the services above is £220,399 of the £340,000 countywide savings being made. This amount reflects the relatively high subsidy paid to bus services in South Lakeland as a percentage of the budget.

4.10 “Rural Wheels” is a Demand Responsive service funded by the County Council, which arranges transport, usually through local taxi operators, with the passenger contributing 35p a mile. Transport is provided for agreed purposes, where bus services are not available. Currently only two return journeys a week can be made, and concessionary travel passes are not valid for free travel. Trips should be pre-booked two working days in advance. Travel can take place between 09:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday.


5.1 Members may wish to consider if they want to offer any financial support to any of the above services and if so request a more detailed report in this regard.


6.1 There are no direct financial consequences to the Local Committee arising from this report.

6.2 The exception to this would be if Members choose to offer support to the services identified to be removed, or to passengers seeking alternative transport, in which case the type of support to be offered will need to be identified before the likely cost to the Committee can be calculated.

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7.1 As a result of decisions on the budget some supported bus services are required to be withdrawn. If funding can be found from other sources without jeopardising the required savings, the provision of local travel solutions can be explored.

Andrew Moss Assistant Director Highways & Transportation

18 March 2011


No appendices

Electoral Division(s): All in South Lakeland Local Committee Area

* Please remove whichever option is not applicable

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been No undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No


No previous relevant decisions.

Page 90


Not considered by Overview & Scrutiny.


No background papers.


Contact: Rob Terwey, Telephone No 01228 226717 [email protected]

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Agenda Item 10


Meeting date: 4 April 2011

From: Corporate Director – Environment



1.1 This report provides a summary of the consultation on a proposed traffic regulation order for Appleby New Fair.

1.2 The proposed traffic regulation order comprises road closures, one- way traffic and no waiting at any time restrictions. The proposals cover the A683 from Kirkby Lonsdale through Sedbergh to the Eden / South Lakeland district boundary including all the side roads and lay- bys off the A683 and some off the A684.


2.1 The introduction of Traffic Regulation Orders is a devolved function of this Local Committee and helps support County Council objectives towards meeting its casualty reduction targets.

2.2 The proposals do have equality implications and could potentially have a disproportionate effect on the travelling community. Consultation has been undertaken with representatives of the travelling community. No adverse comments have been received regarding the proposals. Representatives have indicated that the restrictions, if approved, could be widely communicated through the Appleby Fair and other websites if they were to be implemented to ensure visitors to the Fair where aware of them.


3.1 That The County of Cumbria (Various Roads, South Lakeland Area) (Appleby Horse Fair) (Traffic Regulation) Order 20><, be made operative as advertised, having taken into consideration the matters

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contained in Section 122(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 which are more specifically referred to at paragraph 7.2 of this Report.


4.1 The Appleby Horse Fair occurs annually in June attracting many additional visitors to Appleby and the surrounding area. Following the introduction of a temporary traffic regulation order for South Lakeland in 2010 covering the duration of the Fair it is proposed to introduce a permanent traffic regulation order. The order is proposed to minimise the impact of the Appleby Fair traffic on the main southern approach road through South Lakeland to Appleby. This is the A683 from Kirkby Lonsdale through Sedbergh to the district boundary at Rawthey Bridge.

4.2 It is proposed that the order would come into force annually between 1 April and 30 June to cover the Appleby Horse Fair. However, restrictions would neither necessarily be required for the full duration nor have to be applied to the full extent of the roads. The order would be in force only “as and when signs are displayed”.

4.3 Appendix 1 contains the draft traffic regulation order for full details of the proposals. Plans showing the restrictions are available on request and will be available at the meeting should they be required. There are such a large number it is not considered appropriate to attach them to this Local Committee paper.

4.4 There were several additional restrictions requested by Cumbria Police following last year’s temporary order. These were No Waiting At Any Time for Stonehall Lane and the U5402 Devil’s Bridge Loop Road, where parking is suspended off the A683 and on the A65 between the Lancashire County boundary and the B6254 Kirkby Lonsdale junction. There were also prohibition of driving except for access restrictions for U5484 Buckbank Lane, Stonehall Lane and the U5402 Loop Road near Devil’s Bridge off the A683.

Traveller consultation

4.5 Representatives of the travelling community have been consulted and no objections have been received. The representative advised that if the proposals were to be implemented then wider communication could be undertaken through the Appleby Fair website etc to disseminate information.

4.6 Two responses were received regarding the proposals, one from the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority (YDNPA) and one from Barbon Parish Council.

YDNPA consultation response.

4.7 YDNPA indicated that they understood it was not the intention to restrict horse drawn vehicles from either parking or using the roads listed in the order. It was commented that YDNPA understood that camping ground

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provisions were available as an alternative to the use of the road verges. YDNPA did not have any objection to the proposals.

Barbon Parish Council consultation response

4.8 Barbon Parish Council responded to the consultation indicating that they had considered the proposals at their meeting of 21 February 2011. The Parish Council approved the proposals but requested that restrictions should only be implemented following either a request by, or after consultation with, the Parish Council. This was requested because no problems have previously occurred and the proposals may cause adverse impact on sections of the local community e.g. residents, businesses such as the Barbon Inn and Barking Mad, and visitors to the village and the Church.

4.9 Barbon Parish Council also requested that the U5394 “terrace road” below Barbon Low Fell and the U5391 through Barbondale as far as the cattle grid that denotes the border with Dent Parish be included in the Order if possible. There are large verges on both additional stretches of road that could be used as parking areas. However, it is not possible as part of this traffic regulation order process to make it more restrictive than was advertised. These requests are recommended to be monitored and listed for inclusion in a future traffic regulation order if required.

4.10 Barbon Parish Council approved the closure of Hodge Bridge lay-by off the C5083. They requested that the closure of the lay-by be in place for as short a time as possible. This is because there are some farms in Barbon which have limited access and use the lay-by to offload large deliveries.

4.11 There have been no objections to the proposed restrictions for the Appleby New Fair and therefore it is recommended that the proposals are implemented as advertised. The additional requests by Barbon Parish Council are recommended to be monitored over the 2011 and future years Appleby Fair with possible future inclusion in a traffic regulation order if required.


5.1 Make the order as advertised with no amendments (the recommended option). This option provides value for money by obviating the need for annual temporary TROs. Any future variations would require variation orders, but the order has been extended in scope from 2010 specifically to allow some scope for future variations should the need arise.

5.2 Do not make the traffic regulation order. This would require an annual temporary traffic regulation order which does not represent good value for money.

5.3 Make the order with modifications. However, the order cannot be extended without further advertising and the nature of the order already provides flexibility to omit sections by not displaying signs. Therefore this is not the recommended option.

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6.1 Funding for this traffic regulation order has been provided through the approved Members Highways Priority Works allocation for Sedbergh and Kirkby Lonsdale Division in the 2010/11 Highways Revenue budget.


7.1 The County Council, as Traffic Authority, having taken into consideration the matters contained in section 122(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“the 1984 Act”) detailed below at paragraph 7.2, considers that it is expedient to agree to the implementation of the Order detailed at paragraph 3.1 of this Report for the reason specified at sections 1(1)(a), 1(1)(c) and 1(1)(f) of the 1984 Act, namely for avoiding danger to persons or other traffic using the road or for preventing the likelihood of any such danger arising; for facilitating the passage on the road of any class of traffic and for preserving or improving the amenities of the area.

7.2 Under Section 122(2), the matters which were taken into account in exercising that duty are: -

(a) The desirability of securing and maintaining reasonable access to premises;

(b) The effect on amenities of an area;

(c) The national air quality strategy prepared under section 80 of the Environment Act 1995;

(d) The importance of facilitating the passage of public service vehicles and of securing the safety and convenience of persons using or desiring to use such vehicles; and

(e) Any other matters appearing to the authority to be relevant.


8.1 The proposed order reflects temporary measures introduced last year to improve management of the Appleby New Fair. When applied in conjunction with temporary campsites and other facilities, it is considered that the measures represent a reasonable balance between the interests of the travelling community and the effective management of the Fair.

8.2 It is therefore recommended that the traffic regulation order is made as advertised.

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Andrew Moss Assistant Director – Highways and Transport

23 rd March 2011


Appendix 1 Appleby New Fair draft traffic regulation order


Electoral Division(s): Sedbergh & Kirkby Lonsdale

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been No undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No




Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.

Page 97


No background papers.


Victoria Lepper Tel 01539 713040 Email: [email protected]

Page 98

South Lakeland Local Committee – 4th April 2011 Appleby New Fair Traffic Regulation Order Appendix 1 - Appleby New Fair draft traffic regulation order


The County Council of Cumbria (hereinafter referred to as “the Council”) in exercise of its powers under Sections 1(1), 2(1) to (3), 47, 51, 52, and 64 and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“the Act”) and of all other enabling powers and after consultation with the Chief Constable of Cumbria in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the Act hereby makes the following Order:-



1. This Order shall come into operation on >< and may be cited as The County of Cumbria (Various Roads, South Lakeland Area) (Appleby Horse Fair) (Traffic Regulation) Order 20><

2. In this Order, except where the context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them:-

(1) “civil enforcement officer” shall mean the person or persons duly authorised in writing in that behalf (from time to time) by the Council of the District of South Lakeland;

(2) “disabled person” means a person who holds a disabled persons' badge in accordance with the provisions of the Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) Regulations 2000 (No. 682) (and in particular Regulation 4 thereof) or any re- enactment thereto;

(2) “disabled person's badge” means a badge issued in accordance with the provisions of the Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) Regulations 2000 (as amended) (in particular Regulation 11 and the Schedule thereto) or under regulations having effect in Scotland and Wales under Section 21 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 as referred to currently by the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled) (England) Regulations 2000 (No. 683) or any subsequent further re-enactments thereof;

(3) “disabled person's vehicle” means a vehicle driven by a disabled person as defined in Regulation 4(2) of the Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) Regulations 2000 (No. 682);

(4) “driver”, in relation to a vehicle waiting in a parking place, means the person driving the vehicle at the time it was left in the parking place (and shall, as appropriate, bear the meaning assigned by Section 142 of the 1984 Act);

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(5) “junction” means, unless otherwise indicated in this Order, the intersection of the general alignment of the carriageway kerbline boundaries of two roads;

(6) “local authority” means, for the purposes of this Order, a County Council or District Council;

(7) “motor car” shall mean and include any mechanically propelled vehicle not being a motor cycle or an invalid carriage, which is constructed itself to carry passengers of which the weight unladen does not normally exceed 3050 kilograms subject always to the inclusion of the extended meaning to this term given in Section 136 of the 1984 Act (and whether or not it is being used for business purposes);

(8) “motor cycle” and “invalid carriage” have the same meanings respectively as in Section 136 of the Act;

(9) “motor vehicle” means any class of mechanically propelled vehicle including motor cycles motor cars goods vehicles and car derived vans, and shall bear the extended definition given thereto in Sections 136 and 137 of the 1984 Act (but shall not include any commercial vehicle as defined above or any heavy commercial vehicle as defined in Section 138 of the Act) (and whether or not it is being used for business purposes). Where reference is made to vehicle or motor vehicle in the Order these terms shall be deemed to have the same meaning and be interchangeable and to be interpreted accordingly;

(10) “parking disc” in relation to Part VII of this Order (Disabled Persons Parking Places), a device which:-

(i) is 123 millimetres square and coloured blue, issued on or after 1st April 2000, or orange if issued before that date;

(ii) has been issued by a local authority and has not ceased to be valid; and

(iii) is capable of showing the quarter hour period during which a period of waiting began;

(11) “passenger vehicle” means a motor vehicle (other than a motor cycle, an invalid carriage, goods vehicle or heavy commercial vehicle) as defined in this Order;

(12) “relevant position” means (in conformity with Regulation 12 of SI 2000 No. 682) referred to above):-

(a) in relation to a disabled person's badge,

(i) in the case of a vehicle fitted with a dashboard or facia panel, the badge is exhibited thereon so that Part 1 of the badge is legible from outside the vehicle; or

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(ii) in the case of a vehicle not fitted with a dashboard or facia panel, the badge is exhibited in a conspicuous position on the vehicle so that Part 1 of the badge is legible from outside the vehicle

(b) in relation to a permit

(i) in the case of a vehicle fitted with a front windscreen the permit is exhibited thereon on the near side of and immediately behind the windscreen and with the front facing forward so as to be legible from the outside of the vehicle; or

(ii) in the case of a vehicle not fitted with a front windscreen, the permit is exhibited in a conspicuous position on the vehicle;

(13) “road” means the full width of the highway including the carriageway and footway;

(14) “traffic sign” means a sign or marking of any size colour and type prescribed or authorised under, or having effect as though prescribed or authorised under, Section 64 of the 1984 Act;

(15) “The 2002 Regulations” means the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002;

(16) Any reference in this Order to any enactment shall be construed as a reference to that enactment as amended by any subsequent enactment.

(17) The Interpretation Act 1978 and any statutory modification or reenactment thereof brought into effect after the date of this Order shall apply for the interpretation of this Order as it applies for the interpretation of an Act of Parliament and as if this Order were an Act of Parliament for the purposes of Section 22 of the Interpretation Act 1978.

3. The restrictions imposed by this Order shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any restriction or requirement imposed by any Regulations made or having effect as if made under the Act of 1984, The Road Traffic Act 1991, or by or under any other enactment.



Prohibition of Waiting

4. Save as provided in Articles 4, 6 and 7 of this Order, no person shall except upon the direction or with the permission of a police constable in uniform, or of a civil enforcement

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officer, cause or permit any vehicle to wait at any time in the lengths of road or the sides of road specified in Schedule 1 of this Order between 1 April and 30 June inclusive annually;


5. Nothing in Article 4 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit a disabled person's vehicle which displays in the relevant position a disabled person's badge and a parking disc (on which the driver or other person in charge of the vehicle has marked the time at which the period of waiting began) to wait in the lengths of road or on the sides of road referred to in the said Article for a period not exceeding three hours (not being a period separated by an interval of less than one hour from the previous period of waiting by the same vehicle in the same length of road or on the same side of road on the same day).

Provided that this paragraph shall not apply to such lengths or sides of road specified in the said Schedules during such times as loading and unloading restrictions are in force.

6. Nothing in Article 4 shall render it unlawful for a person to cause or permit a vehicle to wait in the lengths or road or sides of road specified therein if the vehicle is:-

(a) being used for the conveyance of persons, goods or burden to or from any premises situated on or adjacent to those lengths of road; (b) being used for police, fire brigade or ambulance purposes, or a vehicle (other than a passenger vehicle) in the service of a local authority or water authority which is being used in pursuance of statutory powers or duties; (c) waiting to enable it to be used in connection with the removal of any obstruction to traffic; (d) being used in connection with any building operation or demolition (e) being used in connection with the maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of the highway (f) being used in connection with the laying, erection, alteration or repair in or near the said highway of any sewer or of any main, pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas, water or electricity or of any telecommunications apparatus as defined in Schedule 2 to the Telecommunications Act 1984; (g) being used for or in connection with mechanical road cleansing or mechanical refuse collection; (h) being used in the service of or employed by the post office for the collection/delivery of postal packets; (i) being used in connection with the removal of furniture; or (j) being used in connection with the removal of a coffin containing the remains of a deceased person.

7. Nothing in the foregoing provisions of this Order shall apply at a bus stop to a public service vehicle providing a local service, as defined in Section 2 of the Transport Act 1985,

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provided that the Highway Authority or its agent has agreed in writing that the bus stop is a suitable place at which such vehicles may wait for no longer than is necessary to take up or set down passengers.



8. Save as provided in Article 9 of this Order, no person shall cause any motor vehicle to proceed along the roads or lengths of road specified in Schedule 2 of this Order between 1 April and 30 June inclusive annually.


9. Nothing in Article 8 of this Order shall apply so as to prevent any person from causing any vehicle to proceed along the road or lengths of road specified therein if the vehicle is being used:-

(a) for the conveyance of persons, goods or merchandise to or from any premises situated on or adjacent to that length of road; or

(b) in connection with any building operation or demolition in or adjacent to that length of road, the removal of any obstruction to traffic in that length of road, the maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of that length of road, or the laying, erection, alteration or repair in or adjacent to that length of road of any sewer or of any main, pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas, water or electricity or any telegraphic lines or traffic sign;

(c) any emergency being dealt with by the Police, Fire or Ambulance Service.



10. The restrictions specified in Schedule 3 to this Order are hereby suspended to the extent specified therein between 1 April and 30 June inclusive annually.

Dated the >< day of >< 20><



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was hereunto affixed ) in the presence of:- )



Side(s) of Road Number/Name Extent of Restriction Road C5083 Moorthwaite Lane From its junction with A683 Hodge Bridge, Both Barbon to its junction with A683 North of Grange Lodge, Casterton Loop access road to the For its full length Both south of Cross Hall, Cautley A683 U5397 Chapelhouse Lane From its junction with U5402 at Both Woodclose Caravan Park, Carnforth to its junction with A683 in Casterton U5822 Hebblethwaite From its junction with A683 south of Low Both Hall Lane Ridding to Hebblethwaite Hall Loop road to NE of For its full length Both Ghyllas Lodge, Cautley Road A683 A684 Loop road NE of For its full length Both New Bridge, Sedbergh U5498 From its junction with A683 at Straight Both Bridge, to jct iwht A684 at Moss Barn U5489 Dowbiggin Lane From its junction with A683 east of Both Straight Bridge to Dovecote Gill, Dowbiggin U5823 From its junction with A683 to Burnt Mill, Both Sedbergh U5396 From its junction with A65 to its junction Both with Chapelhouse Lane at Woodclose Caravan Park A683 From District Boundary at Rawthey Bridge, Both Ravenstonedale to North East termination of 30mph Speed Limit, Sedbergh A683 From its junction with A684 at Toll Bar Both Cottage, Sedbergh to its junction with A65(T) near Devils Bridge, Kirkby Lonsdale C5084 Wandales Lane From Flush Brow junction with A683 to Both County Boundary at Gowery Farm, Kirkby Lonsdale C5084 Greenber Lane From its junction with A683 at Casterton Both playing field to its junction with Flush

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Brow U3598 From its junction with C5084 Wandales Both Lane to its junction with A683 in Casterton U5395 Gatehead Brow From its junction with C5084 Wandales Both and Collier’s Lane Lane at Gate Head crossroads to its junction with A683 at Toll Bar Cottage. C5082 High Road From its junction with the A683 at Both Middleton Hall to its junction with Barnrigg, Bardon U3591Banneriggs Brow From its junction with Barnrigg, Bardon to Both its junction with U5394 on Barbon Fell U5390 Stonedross Lane From its junction with C5083 south Both Rosebank, Bardon to its junction with A683 near Kirkby Lonsdale Golf Club U3592 From its junction with C5082 at Stocks Both Garth, Bardon to its junction with C5083 South of Rosebank, Bardon U5382 Lowfields Lane From its junction with A683 east of Both Underly Grange, Casterton to High Beck Foot Farm, Casterton U5390 Scaleber Lane From its junction with U3582 north of Both Holly Tree Cottage, Casterton to its junction with A683 Near Kirkby Stephen Golf Club U5382 Betweengates From its junction with A683 north of Both Lane Blakbeck Bridge to its junction with C5082 south of Applegarth, Middleton C5080 From C5079 near Rigmaden Fam, Both Mansergh to its junction with A683 north of Bainsbank Farm, Middleton U5378 Low Lane From Hawking Hall, Middleton to its Both junction with A683 at Middleton House U5380 From its junction with A683 north of Both Middleton House to its junction with C5082 at Tossbeck Farm, Middleton U5379 From its junction with C5082 at High Both Stockdale Bridge , Middleton to its junction with A683 at Grimes Hill Lodge, Middleton U5652 From its junction with A683 north of Both Middlleton Head to High Fellside , Middleton U5653 From Beckside Hall, Middleton to its Both junction with A683 south of Station House, Middleton U5651 Jordan Lane From Holme Farm, Middleton to its Both junction with A683 north of Middleton B6256 From its junction with A683 at Four Lanes Both End Farm to its junction with A684 at the Black Horse, Killington

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U5474 From its junction with B6256 north of The Both Hill, Marthwaite to its junction with A683 east of Beckside, Marthwaite A684 From its junction with A683 at Toll Bar Both Cottage, Sedbergh to Lincolns Inn Bridge Sedbergh A684 From its junction with A683 Long Lane at Both Sedbergh School to Holebeck Cattlegrid, Longstone Fell U5484 Buckbank Lane From its junction with A683 west of Both Straight Bridge Sedbergh to Thusgill, Cautley U5500 Marsh Lane From its junction with A683 at Bratt Barn Both to March Gate U5502 From its junction with A683 at High Both Beckside to Bluecaster U5822 loop access road to For its full length Both south of Hebblewaite Hall Lane, Cautley U5382 From Treason Field Farm, Middleton to its Both junction with A683 North of Blackbeck Bridge U5496 From its junction with A683 west of Glen Both View, Borrett to Brigflatts Cottage A65 From a point 30m south east its junction Both with the A683 to Caton (the Lancashire boundary) to the junction with the B6254 into Kirkby Lonsdale Stonehall Lane For its entire length Both U5402 Loop Road near From a point 25m from its junction with East Devil’s Bridge the A683 to its junction with the U5397 Chapelhouse Lane U5402 Loop Road near From its junction with the U5397 East Devil’s Bridge Chapelhouse Lane to a point 40m north of its junction with the A65

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Road Number/Name Extent of Restriction and Alternative Route A683 Loop access road For its full length to the south of Cross Hall, Cautley Diversion of Road Closure A683 Loop access road to the south of Cross Hall, Cautley A683 - Via A683 U5823 Burntmill access From its junction with A683 to Burntmill. Road There is no diversion - access as agreed with landowner A683 Loop road to NE of For its full length Ghyllas Lodge, Cautley Road A683 Diversion of Road Closure Via A683 U5397 Chappelhouse From its junction with U3597 Near Devil's Bridge, NE Lane for approx 20m

There is no diversion available – access as agreed with landowner A684 Loop road NE of For its full length New Bridge, Sedbergh Diversion of Road Closure Via A684 U5822 loop access road For its full length to south of Hebblewaite Hall Lane, Cautley Diversion of Road Closure Via A683 U3484 Buckbank Lane Entire length from its junction with A683

There is no diversion available - access as agreed with landowner Stonehall Lane Entire length from its junction with A683

There is no diversion available - access as agreed with landowner U5402 Loop Road near From its junction with the A683 near Devil’s Bridge, Devil’s Bridge north east for a distance of 20m.

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Title of Order Extent of Suspension

The County of Cumbria (Various Roads Article 5, Part 1 (Miscellaneous) Schedule 2 South Lakeland Area) (Consolidation of “Parking Places At All times, Full Week” Traffic Regulations) Order 2002 which relates to the following: -

U5402 (Eastbound), from a point approx. 25m from its junction with the A683 to its junction with the U5397 Chapelhouse Lane; and

U5402 (Southbound), from its junction with the U5397 Chapelhouse Lane to a point approx. 40m north of its junction with the A65(T).

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Agenda Item 11



Meeting date: 4 April 2011

From: Corporate Director – Environment



1.1 This report provides a summary of the consultation on a proposed traffic regulation order to introduce a 30mph speed limit on Gilthwaiterigg Lane, Kendal.

1.2 The proposal was considered and recommended to the Local Committee by the Highways and Transport Working Group at its meeting of 16th November 2010 however at Local Committee on 13 th December 2010 a formal resolution was not recorded.


2.1 The introduction of Traffic Regulation Orders is a devolved function of this Local Committee and helps support County Council objectives towards meeting its casualty reduction targets.

2.2 The proposal does not have any equality implications.


3.1 That Local Committee resolve that The County of Cumbria (Various Roads in the District of South Lakeland) (Consolidation and Provision of Speed Limits) (Order 2007) Variation (No. 6) Order 20><, which proposed the introduction of a 30mph speed limit for Gilthwaiterigg Lane, Kendal, be made and implemented as proposed, having taken into consideration the matters contained in Section 122(2) of the Road

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Traffic Regulation Act 1984 which are more specifically referred to at paragraph 7.2 of this Report.


4.1 As a result of a planning condition placed on the developer Lakeland Ltd, the County Council has been requested to process a traffic regulation order. The County Council’s Local Committee has agreed that these traffic regulation orders were included in the financial year 2010-11.

4.2 The 30 mph speed limit will be extended outwards to north of the realigned Gilthwaiterigg Lane. This can be done without an order as the street lighting in place, plus any additional lamps, automatically confers a 30 mph speed limit. However, no street lighting is in place on what will be the newly- created cul-de-sac of Gilthwaiterigg Lane. To avoid the anomaly of a short piece of 60 mph in between the two 30 mph sections, it will be necessary, by order, to impose a 30 mph speed limit on the cul-de-sac.

4.3 The proposal was prepared, advertised and consulted upon in September/October 2010.

4.4 The Gilthwaiterigg Lane proposals were reported to Highways and Transport Working Group on 16 November 2010 where they were recommended for approval by the Local Committee. However the Local Committee minutes of 13 December 2010 did not specifically refer to the speed limit order. It is therefore reported back to Local Committee for a formal resolution.

4.5 Appendix 1 sets out the variation to the speed limit traffic regulation order.

4.6 Appendix 2 is the plan of the proposals entitled Plan 8 Gilthwaiterigg Lane.

4.7 Cumbria Constabulary and Burneside Parish Council were consulted and have no objections to the proposals.

4.8 No further comments regarding the 30mph speed limit proposal were received.


5.1 Do not make the traffic regulation order.

5.2 Make the order as advertised with no amendments.

5.3 Make the order with modifications.


6.1 Lakeland Ltd are paying for the traffic order and associated works costs for Gilthwaiterigg Lane (North).

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7.1 The County Council, as Traffic Authority, having taken into consideration the matters contained in section 122(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (“the 1984 Act”) detailed below at paragraph 7.2, considers that it is expedient to agree to the implementation of the advertised speed limit detailed at paragraph 3.1 of this Report, for the reason specified at section 1(1)(a) of the 1984 Act, namely for avoiding danger to persons or other traffic using the road or for preventing the likelihood of any such danger arising.

7.2 Under Section 122(2), the matters which were taken into account in exercising that duty are: -

(a) The desirability of securing and maintaining reasonable access to premises;

(b) the effect on amenities of an area;

(c) the national air quality strategy prepared under section 80 of the Environment Act 1995;

(d) the importance of facilitating the passage of public service vehicles and of securing the safety and convenience of persons using or desiring to use such vehicles; and

(e) any other matters appearing to the authority to be relevant.


8.1 There have been no objections to the traffic regulation order proposals and it is recommended that the traffic regulation order is made as advertised.

Andrew Moss Assistant Director – Highways and Transport

23 rd March 2011


Appendix 1 Variation to the Speed Limit Traffic Regulation Order Appendix 2 Plan 8 shows the proposals


Electoral Division(s): All Kendal Divisions; Upper Kent Division.

Page 111

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been No undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No


South Lakeland Local Committee 6 March 2007


Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.


No background papers.


Victoria Lepper Tel 01539 713040 Email: [email protected]

Page 112

South Lakeland Local Committee 4 th April 2011 Gilthwaiterigg Lane, Kendal – 30mph speed limit Appendix 1 - Variation to the Speed Limit Traffic Regulation Order


The County Council of Cumbria in exercise of its powers under Sections 84(1) and (2) and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 ("the Act") and of all other enabling powers and after consultation with the Chief Constable of Cumbria in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the Act hereby makes the following Order:-

1. This Order shall come into operation on >< and may be cited as The County of Cumbria (Various Roads in the District of South Lakeland) (Consolidation and Provision of Speed Limits) (Order 2007) Variation (No.6) Order 20><

2. In this Order, "junction" means the intersection of the general alignment of the carriageway centre line of two roads.

3. For the purposes of this Order the expression “the 2007 Order” shall mean The County of Cumbria (Various Roads in the District of South Lakeland) (Consolidation and Provision of Speed Limits) Order 2007

4. The 2007 Order shall have effect as though the following was added to Schedule 2 “Lengths of Road subject to 30 mph Speed Limit”: -

Parish Town/Road Extent of Restriction

Kendal Town


U5438 Gilthwaiterigg From the centre of its junction with Lane (North) Westmorland Business Park Estate Road, northwards for a distance of 192m.

5. The Interpretation Act 1978 shall apply for the interpretation of this Order as it applies for the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.

Dated the day of 2010

THE COMMON SEAL of ) CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL ) was hereunto affixed in ) the presence of :- )

Authorised Signatory ………………………………

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Page 114 Appendix 2 to Agenda Item No CCLCSL 04/04/11

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Agenda Item 12


Meeting date: 4 April 2011

From: Corporate Director – Environment



1.1 South Lakeland District Council (SLDC) has published for consultation the Emerging Options for their Land Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD). The Emerging Options identifies sites that SLDC believe are most suitable to be allocated for development in the final Land Allocations DPD. A report is to be discussed at Cabinet on the 28 April 2011, which highlights aspects of the Emerging Options which are supported by the County Council policy and those which the Council may wish to raise concern.


2.1 The County Council’s policy on spatial matters is set out in the Cumbria Strategic Partnership’s Sub Regional Spatial Strategy 2008- 2028 and those policies of the Cumbria and Joint Structure Plan which have been extended and not replaced by the North West of England Regional Spatial Strategy (September 2008). It is important that LDF documents link to the Cumbria Sub Regional Spatial Strategy as they provide an up to date framework to deliver sustainable communities and ensure development is coordinated in Cumbria.

2.2 The South Lakeland Emerging Options Land Allocation Document is an important document for future spatial planning in Cumbria, and has links to the Themes wealthier, healthier, happier and greener of the Council Plan. The issues outlined below reflect the key priorities within these themes.

2.3 The South Lakeland Emerging Options Land Allocations Document has no direct implications equality impact for Cumbria. Although the

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quantum type and location of development could have an impact on local communities and specific groups in society.


3.1 It is recommended that Local Committee members note matters raised in the report and advise Cabinet of their views, which will be considered by Cabinet on the 28 April 2011.


4.1 The planning system in England follows a ‘plan led’ system, i.e. it is a statutory duty to prepare a ‘Development Plan’. The Development Plan is an important document as it guides and informs day to day decisions as to whether or not planning permission should be granted. It also helps to guide investment decisions for important infrastructure provision. The Development Plan is no longer a traditional land use planning document as it brings together and integrates policies and programs from a variety of agencies and organisations that influence the nature of places and how they function.

4.2 In September 2004 the Government introduced legislation to change the way the Development Plan is produced. The system of Structure Plans and Local Plans was replaced with Regional Spatial Strategies (RSS) which for Cumbria is the North West of England Plan (published by the Government Office for the North West) and Local Development Frameworks (LDFs) which are produced by all Local Planning Authorities in Cumbria. Subsequently in April 2010 part of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 came into force, it amalgamated Regional Spatial Strategies (RSS) and Regional Economic Strategies (RES) to form Regional Strategies (RS).

4.3 Since coming into power the Coalition Government through the Localism Bill has stated its intention to revoke the Regional Strategy. This will take place once the Localism Bill is enacted and until this happens the Regional Strategy and saved Joint Structure Plan Policies still form part of the Development Plan, as well as LDF’s.

4.4 South Lakeland District Council (SLDC) is at an advanced stage with the production of their LDF. SLDC adopted and published their Core Strategy in August 2010. South Lakeland Local Committee has previously considered South Lakeland District Council’s Core Strategy and made recommendations to Cabinet on the 3 November 2009 to inform their response.

4.5 The Core Strategy establishes the development strategy for South Lakeland outside of the National Park upto 2025. The Core Strategy sets out that 8800 new dwellings should will be built between 2003-2025 and that around 4 hectares of new employment land are needed per annum between 2010- 2025. The proportion of development is set out in the table below:-

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Settlements Approximate Amount of Development Principle Service Centres Kendal 35% Ulverston 20% Key Service Centres Milnthorpe 13% Kirkby Lonsdale Grange-over-Sands Local Service Centres 21% Smaller Villages & Hamlets 11%

4.6 South Lakeland District Council is now in the process of developing their Land Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD). The Land Allocations DPD is an important document as it should guide development to happen in the right place at the right time and in tandem with new infrastructure. The Land Allocations DPD also seeks to protect existing open spaces, outdoor sports facilities, employment land and green gaps where deemed necessary.

4.7 SLDC have reached a stage where they are consulting on ‘Emerging Options’. Since 2005 SLDC have been collecting information on sites for future development. In total, approximately 900 sites have been suggested for consideration, of which approximately 300 were dismissed as they were considered too small to warrant an allocation. SLDC have put forward 152 ‘Emerging Options’ for consideration.

4.8 The Council has been involved throughout the development of the Land Allocations. The ‘Emerging Options’ stage is a formal stage in the development of the DPD, hence it is appropriate for Cabinet to give a response on behalf of the Council.

4.9 It is important to note that because this is an ‘Emerging Options’ consultation final amounts of allocated land are not defined. Therefore, in some settlements, if all the suggested sites in this consultation were to be developed, it would result in more development than is required in the Core Strategy. However, it is important that SLDC ensure the final Site Allocation DPD will be able to deliver with the quantum of development which is set out in the adopted Core Strategy DPD.

Main Issues Raised

4.10 It is acknowledged that on the whole there is currently a shortage of available employment land and premises. The adopted Core Strategy sets a target of 60ha of new employment land to be developed between 2010 and 2025. To align with the Core Strategy a significant amount of employment land will need to be allocated in the Principle Service Centres of Kendal (21ha) and Ulverston (13ha). It is considered that there is an appropriate amount of land identified for Kendal (29.19ha) and Ulverston (15.79) through the ‘Emerging Options’, given that some site allocations maybe amended as a result of consultation (see in appendix 1). It is noted that the ‘Emerging Options’ would provide an under supply of new employment land in the Key Service Centres and Local Service Centres. However, it is acknowledged

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that this under supply could be balanced out by the over supply in the Principle Service Centres where the need may be greater.

4.11 The allocation of employment sites in Kendal is welcomed, given the current deficit of supply and the need to support economic growth in Kendal and the wider area. The production of development briefs will be important for securing high quality design and appropriate landscaping from residential areas in these prominent locations. It is considered that these strategic sites should be required to make provision for Next Generation Access (NGA) fibre to the premises (FTTP). A significant amount of the demand within Kendal is for B2 and therefore the brief should not necessarily be overly prescriptive about the type of occupier i.e. high tech business.

4.12 The allocation of land at Kendal Fell for a household waste transfer recycling facility is supported, as it will help unlock Kendal Canal Head by relocating the HWRC to Kendal Fell.

4.13 In order for SLDC to predict the amount of housing land which needs to be allocated SLDC have taken into account completions from 2003-2010, current planning permissions, sites allocated in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and made an assumption that 80% of permitted dwellings will be built. Appendix 2 shows the amount of dwellings that the ‘Emerging Options’ will deliver in relation to what is needed to meet the Core Strategy target. The table has split the area up using the Cumbria Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) Housing Market Areas. On the whole it is considered that there is an appropriate amount of land identified through the ‘Emerging Options’. Even though there appears to be a short fall in the Local Service Centres and Small Settlements in Kendal Rural, it is important to acknowledge that there are sites which are below the 0.3ha in Local Service Centres and 0.1ha in Small Settlements thresholds which will also contribute to achieving the target. SLDC have also assessed sites which are in the open countryside, however none of these have been put forward as an ‘Emerging Option’.

4.14 The County Council as Highway Authority is engaged in a number of discussions with South Lakeland District Council (SLDC) regarding developments in Kendal. There is also ongoing work to assess the cumulative impact of the development proposals in Kendal. There is limited scope for the highway network in Kendal to readily accommodate additional development traffic and due to space constraints in the town centre there is limited scope to upgrade existing junctions. A focus on sustainable transport improvements along with capacity improvements, where feasible, is likely to be necessary to allow any significant level of development within Kendal.

4.15 County Council officers will work with SLDC to identify more robustly the transport implications of development, so as to be able to provide developers and others with certainty in relation to requirements for enabling or mitigating highways and transport measures.

4.16 Site specific responses will be provided on the feasibility of individual development sites, the County Council would not wish these to pre-empt the outcomes of the additional works and outcomes.

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4.17 As a general caveat it is important to note that comments made on an individual site basis and have not taken into account the cumulative effects on the highway network.

4.18 It is also important to note that larger sites will warrant more detailed assessments and require a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan as part of any planning application. The thresholds for these are defined in the DfT’s guidance on Transport Assessments. The more detailed assessments may show further highways and transport constraints on development that have not been highlighted.

4.19 In relation to Biodiversity, there is a general concern that the degree of infill that would take place if all of these sites were to be developed could lead to the potential significant loss of general biodiversity. It is therefore recommended that the DPD seeks to incorporate significant enhancements at the next consultation stage, as this would help to ensure that beneficial biodiversity features and connected links are built in prior to the development control stage.

4.20 The biodiversity assessment appears to have undertaken in an ad hoc way, relying on the comments of consultees rather than carrying out their own assessment. The Consultation comments sections are sparse, and it should be noted that County Council comments were not specifically provided on a site by site basis. It is understood that Cumbria Wildlife Trust and others have made comments on a site by site basis, which could assist SLDC and these comments should be reflected in the final Land Allocations DPD document. It is recommended that along with Cumbria Wildlife Trust, County Council representatives should meet with SLDC to discuss how the potential lack of evidence and consistency regarding biodiversity can be addressed, as it is possible that the DPD could be found unsound.

4.21 In relation to Extra Care Housing joint working between SLDC and the County Council will allow independent demand estimates to be presented for South Lakeland by Strategic Housing Market Areas. This enables evidence of demand for such facilities to be embedded within the planning process. The independent needs analysis, provided by 'Planning4Care' (2009) identifies the need for 320 extra care housing units across SLDC area by 2019 (several schemes are already in operation which contribute towards this target). This is a recognised need, and the figures have been adopted and approved within the Commissioning Strategy for Older People and their Carers, agreed by Cumbria County Council in Feb 2010. This important evidence will need to be taken on board by SLDC in preparation of the housing land allocations document to ensure identified needs are met through adequate provision of land.

4.22 In relation to primary education it is possible to accurately project numbers upto 5 years ahead given that entrants within that timescale have been born. For secondary schools, the council is able to project 11 years ahead because those children are already ‘in the system’. Many schools in South Lakeland, particularly primaries, are experiencing pressure on places. Likely pressure points are highlighted in appendix 3, the areas with most concern are Kendal and Milnthorpe.

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4.23 The position of ‘vulnerable’ schools is continually monitored, but no schools have currently been identified for rationalisation. County Council officers will be discussing with school clusters over the coming months the specific issues they face, whether that be falling or growing numbers, the need for additional facilities (including community facilities), transport etc. Feedback on these discussions could be provided to SLDC to inform its own planning processes.

4.24 The County Council owns four sites which are identified as ‘Emerging Options’, three have been identified for residential, two are in Kendal RN69 (49 dwellings), RN117M (71 dwellings) and one in Heversham RN118M (56 dwellings). There is also one site Grange-over-Sands (R350M) for mixed residential (17 dwellings) and employment 1.26ha. Support is given to the inclusion of these sites in the ‘Emerging Options’.


5.1 Members can raise any aspect regarding the content of the report and raise additional comment.


6.1 There are no direct financial implications for the Local Committee arising from the recommendations contained in this report.


7.1 With regard to Bio - Diversity ( see para 4.18 ) above the Council is under a statutory duty to promote Bio- Diversity objectives in accordance with it’s Action Plan and appropriate action is in hand .

7.2 There would appear to be no other direct legal implications to this report , as lawful discretions are being exercised.


8.1 It is considered that the majority of the South Lakeland District Council Emerging Options should be supported as they reflect the adopted LDF Core Strategy. However Local Committee members may wish to express further views to Cabinet in advance of the meeting on 28 April 2011, at which it will agree a response to the consultation by SLDC on the Land Allocations DPD.

Marie Fallon - Corporate Director – Environment

4 April 2011

Page 122

Please ensure that every part of this section where there is an asterisk* is completed in accordance with the instructions before sending the report to Democratic Services, following which please delete this sentence.


Appendix 1 – Amount of Employment Land Identified in Emerging Options Appendix 2 – Amount of Housing Identified in Emerging Options Appendix 3 – School Organisation Likely Pressure Points

Electoral Division(s): All in South Lakeland

* Please remove whichever option is not applicable

Executive Decision Yes*

Key Decision No*

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A*

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? Yes* No*

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant Yes* No* N/A* Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No* If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been N/A* undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? N/A*

N.B. If an executive decision is made, then a decision cannot be implemented until the expiry of the eighth working day after the date of the meeting – unless the decision is urgent and exempt from call-in and necessary approvals have been obtained.


Cabinet 3 November 2009 South Lakeland Proposed Submission Core Strategy – Approved Officers Recommendation

South Lakeland Local Committee 21 October 2009 South Lakeland Proposed Submission Core Strategy – Made comments on draft Cabinet report for consideration by Cabinet

Page 123


Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny


South Lakeland District Council Land Allocation Development Plan Consultation Documents amework%2FLand+Allocations+Emerging+Options+for+Consultation


Contact: Contact: Leanne Beverley – Senior Planning Officer – 01228 226739 – [email protected]

Graeme Innes – Planning Officer – 01228 226599 – [email protected]

Page 124



Settlement Core Strategy Emerging Options Principle Service Centres Kendal Strategic Employment 9 18 Business / Science Park 9 6.52 Local Employment Site 3 4.67 Total 21 29.19

Ulverston Strategic Employment 6 6.42 Business / Science Park 6 3.99 Local Employment Site 1 5.38 Total 13 15.79

Key Service Centres 9 7.74 Grange-over-Sands 3.94 Milnthorpe 1.45 Kirkby Lonsdale 2.35

Local Service Centres 12 8.9

Page 125



Settlement Core Strategy Balance to be Found Emerging Ambition Options Kendal (including 3080 2120 2624 Oxenholme)

Kendal Rural Kirkby Lonsdale 232 118 295 Milnthorpe 239 186 399 Local Service Centers 1114 1044 915 Small Settlements 622 499 241

Furness Ulverston 1760 1264 1477 Local Service Centers 421 90 293 Small Settlements 262 -11 31

Grange / Cartmel Grange 673 501 627 (includes outstanding planning permissions Local Service Centers 313 179 163 Small Settlements 84 67 31

‘Balance to be found’ takes into account completions from 2003-2010, current planning permissions, sites allocated in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) and made an assumption that 80% of permitted dwellings will be built.

Page 126



Settlement Comment Burton in Kendal Burton Morewood Primary School is full to capacity and expected to remain so. Additional housing may put pressure on places.

Endmoor St Patrick’s Primary School is operating below capacity and expected to continue to do so. This is a small school, however, and additional housing may put pressure on places. Flookburgh Flookburgh Primary School is operating near capacity and that is projected to continue. Any additional housing is likely to put pressure on places. Grange Primary numbers are projected to fall by 2016 and there is considerable capacity available in Grange Primary School. The potential scale of development in the area may, however, put pressure on places Holme The primary school is expected to continue operating close to capacity. Any development is likely to put pressure on places.

Kendal (and Oxenholme) Primary numbers already exceed capacity in some schools, and are projected to increase further to 2016. Any development will almost certainly require the provision of additional primary school places.

Milnthorpe The primary school is already operating over capacity and this is projected to continue. Any development is likely to require additional places.

Kirkby Lonsdale Secondary numbers are projected to fall slightly, but will still exceed capacity by 2022. Ulverston Much of the potential development is in the Croftlands catchment area. Whilst there is currently sufficient capacity available, this may come under some pressure depending on the scale of development.

It is important to note that this table does not prejudice the County Council from making future comment on School Organisation in South Lakeland at a subsequent date.

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Agenda Item 13


Meeting date: 4th April 2011

From: Chief Executive



1.1 This report, seeking to commit elements of the Local Capital Scheme budget, includes Members’ proposals that have been sufficiently worked up, to enable Local Committee to consider spending decisions.


2.1 Proposals coming forward under the Local Capital Scheme should support a local project or programme of works which meets community needs, underpinning elements of the Council Plan/ Local Area Agreement. In addition they should be competent and eligible capital expenditure within the scheme rules.

2.2 If these proposals are developed as a result of effective community engagement they will also contribute to increasing community perceptions of their ability to influence the delivery of public services – a key element of our LAA ‘stronger’ outcome.


3.1 Members approve the following:

3.2 A reallocation of a capital grant of £2,880 from the High Furness electoral division budget to contribute towards the cost of creating a public footpath from Brathay to Pull Wyke in the parish of Skelwith.

Page 129


4.1 Details of the scheme, together with proposal forms have previously been made available to members.

4.2 the options available to members are to:-

• propose a single £12,000 project; or several smaller elements of eligible activity which could be amalgamated within a wider eligible and agreed programme of works, costing > £12,000

• support projects inside and outside of their electoral division

• combine their allocation with other County Councillors to support larger scale projects

4.3 Appendix 1 contains the detail of the proposals for consideration. Appendix 2 is a progress list for all electoral divisions in South Lakeland. A further report will be brought to the next Local Committee meeting with the further proposals for this scheme.

4.4 To enable proposals of under £12k to become eligible capital expenditure it is suggested, when required, that members will need to agree generic capital programmes of activity (which must have a minimum value of £12k eligible expenditure) into which it can be resolved to place such smaller requested spends.

4.5 These capital programme could embrace, for instance:-

Community infrastructure – building improvements, play facilities etc

Highways and public realm infrastructure - e.g. bus shelters, public art installations


5.1 Members can vary or reject any or all of the recommendations, within the delegated framework of the scheme.


6.1 This local committee budget is an important way of ensuring that the Council’s programmes continue to meet both local communities’ needs and strategic objectives. It is important to be aware that this budget is only available for eligible capital spend.

6.2 The recommendations propose a the reallocation and existing commitment £2,880 to a different project. No additional commitment in financial terms is being made.

Page 130


7.1 The Council has the power by virtue of section 2 Local Government Act 2000 to do anything which it considers is likely to achieve the promotion or improvement of the economic, social and environmental well-being of its area. In considering how to exercise this power, the Council must have regard to the provisions of its sustainable community strategy [CW]

7.2 The Constitution permits Local Committees to allocate a sum agreed by the Council at its budget setting meeting a Community Capital Budget to each County Council Electoral Division to support a local capital project or programme of works which will offer long term benefit to and promote the well-being of communities in councillors' areas. [CW]

7.3 The delegated scheme sets out the necessary constraints within which proposals can be determined as eligible. [CW]


8.1 The use of this unconstrained capital budget, when linked to the Council’s well being powers does enable a flexible response to perceived local needs and is capable of resolving some long standing blockages and frustrations for local people, having regard to wider community benefit as a key outcome.

Jill Stannard Chief Executive

April 2011


1. Summary Table for all divisions

2. Scheme proposals for approval

Electoral Division(s): All divisions within South Lakeland

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Page 131

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been N/A undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? N/A


No previous relevant decisions.


Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.


No background papers.


Contact: Jeff Tweddle, 01539 713405, [email protected]

Page 132

APPENDIX 1: Summary Table for all Divisions

Electoral Division Summary of proposal(s) Progress Category Date to Local Decision Committee

Upper Kent Footpath between Eagle and Child Pro Forma Completed Highways Improvements 27/09/10 Approved Public House and Caldrigg Fold Housing estate in Staveley - £12,000

Kendal Strickland Fell Landscaping works at Middle Lane. Pro Forma Completed Public Realm Improvements 27/09/10 Approved

Landscaping of communal area. Delivered by South Lakes Housing.

Page 133 Estimated costs £3,200

Improved pedestrian crossing Pro Forma Completed Highways Improvements 27/09/10 Approved facilities on Windermere Road up to the value of £8,800

Sedbergh & Kirkby Contribution towards the cost of new Pro Forma Completed Community Infrastructure 30/07/10 Approved Lonsdale play equipment at Dragon Croft Green Play Area, Dent - £5,000

Barbon Play Area – Multi-Purpose Pro Forma Completed Community Infrastructure 27/09/10 Approved Sports Area - £4,000

Barbon Play Area - - Multi Purpose Pro Forma Completed Community Infrastructure 13/12/10 Sports Area – additional £3,000

Grange Improved pedestrian facilities from Pro Forma Completed Highways Improvements 27/09/10 Approved Lyndene Drive to Lindale on the B5277 up to the value of £12,000

Kendal South Dean Gibson Footpath Pro Forma Completed Highways Improvements 27/09/10 Approved Delivery through SLDC/NPS Construction of a footpath on the Dean Gibson footpath - £12,000 Delivery through SLDC/NPS

Cartmel Pedestrian Safety Schemes in Pro Forma Completed Highways Improvements 27/09/10 Approved Lower Holker & Allithwaite Parishes.

Works include dropped kerbs, ghost footpaths and white lines - £4k

Page 134 Allithwaite George V playing field - Pro Forma Completed Community Infrastructure 27/09/10 Approved £6k

Cartmel Scout Hut - £2k Pro Forma Completed Community Infrastructure 27/09/10 Approved

Kendal Highgate Refurbishment of the Nether bridge Pro Forma Completed Highways Improvements 30/07/10 Approved traffic island at Cock and Dolphin junction on the A6 at Kendal - £9,500

New street furniture on Highgate, Pro Forma Completed Public Realm Infrastructure 27/09/10 Approved Kendal Through SLDC/Kendal Futures Three new benches estimated at £2,500

Kendal Nether Crescent Green - Traffic Calming Pro Forma Completed Highways Improvements 27/09/10 Approved measures ( bollards) - £1,000

Appleby Road improvements to the highway at Spital Park - £6,500 Approved

Aynam Road Railings replacement Public Realm Improvements Approved -£4,500

Lower Kentdale Preston Patrick Memorial Hall, Pro Forma Completed Community Infrastructure 27/09/10 Approved Contribution to the costs of replacing the hall roof - £12,000

Kent Estuary Milnthorpe Parking / School Layby Pro Forma Completed Highways Improvements 27/09/10 Approved

Works estimated at £11,081+ fees

Contribution of £12,000

Page 135 Low Furness Baycliff Play Area Redevelopment - Pro Forma Completed Community Infrastructure 27/09/10 Approved £12,000

Lyth Valley Highways Works across the division Pro Forma Completed Highways Improvements 27/09/10 Approved up to the sum of £12,000

Ulverston West Footway Resurfacing at Dorchester Pro Forma Completed Highways Improvements 27/09/10 Approved Crescent, Ulverston estimated at £3,000

Various Highways and Drainage Pro Forma Completed Highways Improvements 27/09/10 Approved Improvements – Red Lane & Mountbarrow Rd. Up to the value of £11,050

Ulverston East Footpath at Low Mill Tannery site - Pro Forma Completed Highways Improvements 27/09/10 Approved £12k contribution Topographical survey of the site is now complete:

Martin Elson is drawing up a revised scheme of works

High Furness Various Highways improvement Pro forma Completed Highways Improvements 27/09/10 Approved projects including lay-bys, village gateway and road markings - £12,000

Proposed reallocation of £2,880 for footpath development.

Kendal Castle Replacement of railings on Aynam Pro Forma Completed Public Realm Improvements 27/09/10 Approved Road, Kendal - £12,000

Page 136 Windermere Thornbarrow Road Pedestrian Pro Forma Completed Highways Improvements 27/09/10 Approved Refuge at the junction with Princes Road – Estimated at £9.5k

£2,500 towards a project cost of Pro Forma Completed 28/02/11 Approved

£10,200 for works on Queen’s Park in Windermere

Lakes Rothay Park Play Equipment - Pro Forma Completed Community Infrastructure 27/09/10 Approved £7,000 Delivery by SLDC

£5,000 to undertake the work Pro Forma Completed 28/02/11 Approved needed to carry out localised patch repairs on the Lakes School access road to enhance its life


CCC Division High Furness Supporting Officer Jeff Tweddle Date Approved by Local Committee Total Cost £29,068 Project Description CCC Contribution £2,880

Brathay to Pull Wyke Footpath

To create a public footpath alongside the road, and to extend the route at the southern end to improve links to the rest of the access network.

The project is based on the Lake District National Park Authority staff carrying out the practical works and completing a Creation Order or Agreements with the landowners. One of the major costs to the project is the materials (approximately £13,000).

Number of people 1 - 10 o 10 - 50 o 50 + benefiting Breakdown of costs supported by estimates

Practical Works costs £ 27,555 Legal casework £ 1,513 Total £ 29,068

Match Funding (where necessary)

The Lake District National Park Authority will be providing the match funding for this project.

Estimated date of completion 30 th September 2011

Evidence of Community Support (including link to Community Plans) The establishment of a footpath in this area is well supported by the local community. This is evidenced by the number of local people approaching the local member requesting support for the project. Strategic Fit (Council Plan, LAA outcomes, Community Strategy, etc) The project fits with the County Council’s ‘Greener’ agenda through protecting a high quality environment for all.

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Page 138 Agenda Item 15



Schedule of Recommendations


2.Goodly Dale Community 2 Mrs M Kershaw Mr J Stephenson Primary 47 Oakthwaite Road Windermere LA23 2BD a re-appointment

1 No nomination received 3. Stramongate


4. Allithwaite CE 1 Mrs D Fenton Fir Trees Linden Fold Grange over Sands LA11 7AY a re-appointment


5.Langdale CE 1 No nomination received

6. St Patrick’s CE, Endmoor 1 No nomination received

7. St Thomas’s CE 1 No nomination received

Page 139

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Page 142

Agenda Item 16


Meeting date: 4 April 2011

From: Corporate Director – Environment



1.1 Further to recent discussions with South Lakeland Members following the rolling in of Better Highways on 6th December this report provides Members with an update on highways maintenance issues using the Better Highways approach. It contains the new Measures as well as a profile of the work done and forms the basis of a regular report on this subject at each Local Committee.


2.1 Effective and efficient maintenance of the highway network underpins all of the County Council’s corporate strategies.

2.2 In 2008, Cumbria County Council made a strategic decision to undertake a Systems Thinking review of all key services provided by the authority. The intention was to introduce service improvements to service delivery through changes to the contract arrangements as part of the Council’s approach to how it conducts its business. The reactive maintenance work managed by Cumbria Highways and which is devolved to this local committee for delivery, was considered to be the most appropriate part of the Council’s business to be undertaken first

2.3 There are no equality implications arising out of this report.


3.1 That the members note the monitoring information for the Better Highways works from 6th December 2010 to date for reactive maintenance work, as detailed in the report.

Page 143


4.1 Better Highways service delivery began its full implementation (roll in) on 6th December this year. One of the key principles of the new delivery approach is that it relies on active involvement of all parties which may result in further changes as and when agreed by them and where this delivers identified service delivery outcomes.

4.2 Eight Area Teams have been funded from the Local Committee’s devolved highways revenue budget. The Local Committee has provided additional financial support from its communities budgets for:

§ Additional sweeping and gulley emptying work in flood susceptible areas, being deployed in consultation with local Flood Forum Groups.

§ A permanent patching team for repairs to winter damage.


5.1 Better Highways work is currently monitored using the two key measures of End to End times for repairs and the percentage of jobs completed Right First Time:-

For the period 6th December to 16th March 2011.

Since roll-in, December January February March 2011 Measure to 16 th March 2010 2011 2011 (to 16 th ) 2011 End to End 5.83 13.13 7.41 2.65 8.43 Time (days) Right First 0.07% 5.37% 15.05% 19.30% 7.27% Time (%age)

N.B. All figures relate to demands completed in the months shown.

5.2 Members may recall from previous reports that the Right First Time measure was only able to be recorded from mid-January. The percentage shown for December relates to service demands received in December but completed in January.

5.3 Since the New Year, the Better Highways teams have been heavily committed to response to a large number of carriageway and footway defects arising out of the combination of weather and underlying condition of much of the road network, with received demands increasing from 1,483 in December to 1,900 in both January and February and 1,100 in the first half

Page 144

of March. This increase in received demand corresponds to a worsening of End-to-End time performance in January.

5.4 The additional permanent patching team funded by virement from the Community budget was deployed from 31 st January and this corresponds to a subsequent improvement in both End-to-End time and Right First Time percentage in February and March to date.

5.5 The table below contains further detail of the range of work demands being received in South Lakeland since commencement of Better Highways on 6th December.

Received Demand Work Undertaken

Work Type Category % of Total No. of % of Total No of Demands Demands Demands Demands Received Completed Completed Street Lighting 544 8.47 237 5.38 Carriageway Defect 3329 51.81 2074 47.11 Footway Defect 312 4.86 209 4.75 Flooding 392 6.10 273 6.20 Traffic Signals 24 0.37 18 0.41 Enquiry 255 3.97 172 3.91 Winter Maintenance 1121 17.44 1108 25.17 Emergency 171 2.66 154 3.50 Other 218 3.39 138 3.13 Countryside Management 13 0.20 8 0.18 Summer Maintenance 44 0.68 9 0.20 Highway Adoption 2 0.03 1 0.02 No Defect 1 0.02 1 0.02

Totals 6426 4402

Table information from 06/12/2010 to 16/03/2011

5.6 A graph containing the above information is also available. Should Members wish to see work type broken down to their respective Divisions then this can be provided.

5.7 Members should note that during December 2010, all 8 Better Highways Teams were largely deployed delivering the winter maintenance service in South Lakeland. The costs of this work are not charged to the Local Committee’s devolved budget. The consequential savings were retained within the Better Highways budget and used to deploy a hotbox and 2-man team to support the Area Teams in responding to winter damage service demands.

Page 145


6.1 Members can either approve the proposed report format as it currently stands, decide they do not need this information at local committee or request changes to the proposed format.


7.1 This report provides for monitoring work carried out under Better Highways.

7.2 Budgetary issues are covered in a separate report.


8.1 The County Council is under a statutory duty to maintain the highway and in certain circumstances can be held liable for injury, damage or loss caused to users of the highway as a result of failure to take reasonable precautions to secure their safe use of the highway.


9.1 The Better Highways Monitoring report format was agreed by Local Committee at its meeting on 13 th December to provide Members with information about service performance and is complementary to the budget reports. It should help to assist the budget allocation process so that funds can be directed to be responsive to customer demand.

Andrew Moss Assistant Director Highways and Transport 23 March 2011


Appendix 1 - Work Type Category and Received Demand Analysis


Electoral Division(s): All South Lakeland

Executive Decision Yes

Key Decision Yes

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? Yes

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

Page 146

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been No undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No


County Council 18 February 2010 – approval of 2010/11 revenue budget.


Considered by Overview and Scrutiny (Task and Finish Group) June 2010.


No background papers.

Contact: Keith Masser Tel. No. (01539) 713006, E-mail: [email protected]

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Page 148 01t' 23e#! 4 2c#  etee

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Agenda Item 17


Meeting date: 4 APRIL 2011

From: Chief Executive



1.1 This paper provides an overview progress update on the work of South Lakeland Credit Union Study Group in the period since the report to the Committee in September 2010.


2.1 The Council Plan and budget for 2011/12 outlines specific priorities around anti poverty. This report makes no additional proposals for financial support other than that agreed in the budget.

2.2 The proposed plans would have a beneficial impact on some of the most vulnerable individuals in the area.


3.1 The Committee is asked to note the achievements made from investing the allocated DRAMA/Credit Union Development budget of £16,836 for 2009-10 and 2010-11


4.1 The overall work of the group towards establishing a credit union service in South Lakeland continues to make good progress. However the work of the group was disrupted for most of November and December 2010 with meetings of the group and sub groups cancelled due to the extremely bad weather and avoiding danger to volunteers travelling to evening meetings in dangerous road conditions.

Page 157

4.2 The majority of work of the group is now being progressed through smaller sub-groups. There are currently three key sub groups:- Business Planning, Promotions and Communications, Funding.

4.3 The Business Planning sub-group has sent representatives to various credit unions across the county and across the country to learn more from other credit unions about how they set up and the successes they have had and challenges they faced in the early stages of a new credit union. This has helped to inform more detailed work on likely uptake of membership, financial projections and costs of running a credit union in the early stages. The Business Planning Sub-Group has considered the implications of all of this information for South Lakeland Credit Union and is now preparing a more detailed document for the South Lakeland Credit Union Main Group.

4.4 The Promotions and Communications Sub-Group has developed a public pledge form. As part of the Financial Services Authority registration and authorization process new credit unions are required to gather a minimum of 1000 non-binding pledges from individuals throughout their area. The group is now approaching South Lakeland District Council to request that they distribute pledge forms, publicity leaflet and reply paid envelopes to all 46,000 households in South Lakeland. We are also working closely with the Methodist Church and a non-church community newsletter in Swarthmoor to trial the pledge forms with the 900 copies distributed to all households in that area. The sub-group has also produced a publicity leaflet. Updates have been provided to the Cumbria CVS South Lakeland Local Forum of Community and Voluntary Organisations and the District Association of Parish councils in South Lakeland on plans to set up a credit union and how they can work with the study group to help make it happen

4.5 Funding: The South Lakeland Credit Union Study Group successfully secured £1000 of funding from Cumberland Building Society as a contribution towards start up costs. Representatives from the funding and fundraising group attended the Cumbria CVS Funding Fair held in Ulverston in late 2010. This has led to a number of contacts and leads with funding organizations and potential to apply to grant programmes of bodies such as Northern Rock Foundation. The SLDC Community Grant Aid Funding is also being considered at the moment.

4.6 The group requires a comprehensive package of policies and procedures documents that govern many different aspects of the day to day running of the credit union. Seven of the 14 credit union specific documents covering areas such as Capital, Internal Audit, Audit Committee Charter, Capital, Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debt and Money Laundering have already been developed with others being developed as the business plan itself progresses.

4.7 If members want additional information or have suggestions, comments or questions at any stage please contact:-

Gordon Henry, Cumbria Credit Union Development Coordinator (01900) 607 532 07515 061 964

[email protected]

Page 158


5.1 To note progress made to date in developing Credit Union coverage in South Lakeland


6.1 The report updates the Committee on achievements made from investing the allocated DRAMA/Credit Union Development budget of £16,836 for 2009-10 and 2010-11.

6.2 Local Committee has a 2011-12 allocation of of £16,836 available to support this initiative.


7.1 Under paragraph 12 and page 69 of the Council Constitution County Local Committees are empowered to support the development of debt rescue and money advice, including the development of Credit Unions across their area.


8.1 The work of the volunteers on the group continues to progress well. The group would welcome active involvement in its work from any elected members with a willingness to be involved. Once the public pledge drive is launched the group would really appreciate support from elected members through signing up directly as individuals and through encouraging their constituents to sign up pledge their support to becoming members once established. This evidence of support from the public will be an essential component of the success of the application to become registered and authorized with the Financial Services Authority.

Jill Stannard, Chief Executive March 2011


South Lakeland Credit Union Leaflet South Lakeland Credit Union Pledge Form

Electoral Division(s): All South Lakeland

Executive Decision Yes

Page 159

Key Decision No

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? No

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant N/A* Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? Yes If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been N/A undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? N/A

PREVIOUS RELEVANT COUNCIL OR EXECUTIVE DECISIONS Cabinet 11 March 2008 Scrutiny Review of Debt in Cumbria, Cabinet 6 January 2009 Credit Crunch and Fuel Poverty - Package of Advice to Vulnerable Individuals, Families And Communities A Fuel Poverty Scrutiny Report May 2009 Anti Poverty Strategy Cabinet April 2009 Anti Poverty Strategy Action Plan Cabinet May 2009 South Lakeland Local Committee: June 2009 South Lakeland Local Committee: September 2010


Scrutiny Review of Debt in Cumbria (2008); A Fuel Poverty Scrutiny Report (2009)


No background papers.


Contact: David Stephens - Programme Manager - Inclusion Tel: 01539 713436 Email: [email protected]

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Agenda Item 18


Meeting date: 4th APRIL 2010

From: Corporate Director – Environment



1.1 This report provides a brief up-date on the priority projects contained within the Eden & South Lakeland Forward Delivery Plan. The up-date focuses on projects within South Lakeland but does also give information on projects in Eden.


2.1 Eden & South Lakeland Forward (ESLF) is a private sector led partnership that brings together public sector organisations and expertise from the private sector to help steer economic development. ESLF provides a clear strategic direction to a programme of prioritised investments to support the growth of the economy with a focus on enabling and driving forward project delivery. The future of ESLF is currently under review.


3.1 The Local Committee notes the progress on the priority projects as set out in this report.


4.1 The Eden and South Lakeland Delivery Board came into formal operation on 1 April 2009. The primary purpose of the Board was to provide a clear strategic direction to a programme of prioritised investments to grow the economy of Eden and South Lakeland. The Board includes representatives of the County Council, the National Parks, Cumbria Tourism, Eden and South Lakeland District Councils and private sector partners.

4.2 A presentation on the Eden and South Lakeland Forward delivery plan was made to the Local Committee for South Lakeland on 15th March 2010 and

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the Local Committee agreed that the Programme Director should present three monthly reports on progress in delivering the plan’s programme. An up-date report was noted by Local Committee on 15 th June 2010 and a briefing note with an up-date on the funding position following the decision of the Coalition Government to abolish Regional Development Agencies was considered on 27 th September 2010. A further report was considered on 1 st November and a report focusing purely on Kendal Canal Head was considered on 13 th December 2010. Although a final report was considered on 28 th February 2011, the Local Committee requested a further up-date be presented on 4th April.

4.3 Members of the Local Committee will be aware that the Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership has been established and is to meet for the first time on 7th April 2011. The Board comprises 6 public sector partners and 6 private sector representatives. The members are:

• George Beveridge (Interim Chair) - representing energy and nuclear and based in West Cumbria

• Michael Cowen - representing agriculture and based in West Cumbria

• Stephen Broughton - representing tourism and hospitality and based in South Lakeland

• Fred Story – representing construction and based in North Cumbria

• Jackie Arnold – representing specialist manufacturing and based in Furness

• Maria Whitehead - representing food and drink and based in South Lakeland

• Eddie Martin – representing Cumbria County Council

• Bill Jefferson – representing Lake District National Park Authority

• Mike Mitchelson – representing Eden District Council and Carlisle City Council

• Elaine Woodburn - representing Allerdale and Copeland Borough Councils

• Brendan Jameson - representing Barrow Borough Council and South Lakeland District Council

• Moira Tattersall - Principal of Carlisle College and representing Education

4.4 ESLF will make the LEP aware of the priorities for Eden and South Lakeland, which includes the projects identified below.

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4.5 The comprehensive regeneration of Canal Head has the potential to bring about substantial economic, social and environmental improvement to Kendal. A mixed development scheme is envisaged on the 8 hectare site which could cost in excess of £100 million and consist of a large superstore, office development, retention of Gilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd, as well as residential development with significant public realm improvements and strong pedestrian links with Kendal town centre. South Lakeland District Council is currently finalising its “Revised Preferred Options” of the Kendal Canal Head Area Action Plan which is expected to be available for consultation in May 2011.

4.6 Cumbria County Council and South Lakeland District Council have both agreed to act as enablers to support this development and will make their land available (subject to contract) to facilitate this development. Discussions are on-going with Gilkes and a potential development partner in developing the Masterplan for the site to ensure a deliverable scheme can come forward. The project team is intending to submit a bid for Regional Growth Funding (RGF) to help support delivery of this important regeneration project. RGF would fund a new bridge, unlocking this development opportunity and delivering wider economic benefits for Kendal.

4.7 The second phase of Kendal College’s redevelopment includes a new Creative and Performing Arts campus, which will incorporate a refurbishment of the current facilities in the Allan Building, the upgrading of facilities at Kendal Museum, and the incorporation of the 14 th century Castle Dairy as a gallery space and café. A new multi purpose space for students called “The Box” is the focus of the project which will provide education space for the performing arts, including dance and music, as well as provide facilities for sound, lighting and recording with workshops, changing facilities, toilets and reception. Construction work commenced in March 2010 on building this new £2.2 million multi purpose centre which is due to open June 2011.

4.8 The Glebe at Bowness on Windermere is an extremely popular visitor destination and, for some, offers the only experience of the Lake District. Lake District National Park Authority (LDNPA), as planning authority, and South Lakeland District Council (SLDC), as a major landowner, are both committed to finding a way forward to enable this area to be improved so that it can become a world class visitor destination. LDNPA has been out to consultation on the area to be defined as the Strategic Regeneration Location as part of their Local Development Framework process. In addition, discussions are being progressed with landowners and SLDC is reviewing options for its land holding interests and how it might help improve the car parking and point of arrival facilities at the Glebe.

4.9 The Lake District National Park Authority is developing the Lake District National Park Visitor Centre at Brockhole as a destination for visitors. To date the LDNPA have renewed the indoor exhibitions, appointed a water sports operator and secured a company to build a high ropes adventure course. The main activity is currently the construction of a new 66 metre jetty which will open up Brockhole to visitors coming by boat and is due to complete March 2011.

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4.10 At the University of Cumbria’s Ambleside Campus, the University is working in partnership with various stakeholders to implement its business plan (March 2010), which involves rationalising its estate and academic provision. The University of Cumbria is retaining a ‘gateway’ facility at Ambleside and will be running outdoor education courses from the site. However, the University intends to dispose of its surplus estate in the near future. LDNPA has been working with the University of Cumbria to prepare a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to guide future use of the site from a planning policy perspective. LDNPA has commenced a six week period of consultation on the SPD. Kendal College remains interested in pursuing the opportunity to deliver a hotel school on the site.

4.11 New Squares and the Revitalisation of Penrith Town Centre. Following Sainsbury’s decision to “step in” to develop the scheme, a planning permission has been secured and mobilisation of the development site has commenced. It is anticipated that the Sainsbury’s store and multi storey car park will be opened in April 2012 with the rest of the development being phased over the following three years. With the reopening of the Morrison’s store in October 2010 and the opening of the new Booth’s store in late 2011, the challenge is to ensure that Penrith town centre benefits from all this investment and that the increase in footfall that will be generated by these developments leads to an increase in footfall within the existing town centre. Eden District Council together with the Vitality of Penrith group has identified a programme of small scale improvements to be delivered over the next couple of years.

4.12 The University of Cumbria - Newton Rigg Campus. Following the University of Cumbria’s decision to withdraw from the provision of Further Education at Newton Rigg, the Skills Funding Agency stepped in to procure a new FE provider. The advert was placed in October and bids were submitted in November 2010. Askham Bryan, a specialist agriculture college near York, is understood to have been selected as the preferred bidder. The intention is to transfer the FE activity to the new provider by August 2011 for the start of the new academic year. Local partners will work with the successful bidder to ensure Newton Rigg can be re-established as a leading college serving the rural communities of Cumbria.

4.13 Cumbria has been successful in being chosen as Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK) pilot and to become one of four areas in the UK to roll out superfast broadband. The County Council has been invited to design, secure funding, seek state aid approval, procure and manage the pilot. Discussions are still underway with BDUK over the level of funding available but the County Council is looking to secure additional levels of match from Europe and the private sector. Good progress is being made in scoping out the project and an in-house team has been set up to deliver the pilot.

4.14 A decision on the location of the broadband provision will be made by Cabinet on the basis of an objective assessment of need against a set of criteria. However Ministers have made it clear that the pilot will have to cover the Big Society Vanguard project in the Eden Valley. The Council’s ambition is to seek further funding to enable the whole of Cumbria to benefit from the provision of superfast broadband following the delivery of the pilot.

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4.15 The intention is to exploit the existing public sector network and extend it to create a series of points of presence in the community. Discussions are taking place with community groups across the County to assess their needs and their potential role in contributing to the provision of the “last mile” in the network. A Council web site has been set up and hub co-ordinators from the community are being invited to come forward to liaise with the project team on the community’s needs.

4.16 ESLF recognises the significance of tourism to the local economy and has therefore been working with Cumbria Tourism and LDNPA to develop a proposal for Regional Growth Funding. The intention is to seek funding for a range of activities that will enable the growth of adventure tourism, and by the Lake District becoming the UK’s adventure capital, it will drive up visitor spend and in turn deliver private sector jobs and private sector investment.


5.1 The Local Committee will note the progress above.


6.1 There are no financial implications arising from the recommendation.


7.1 There are no legal implications at this stage. However, in order to enable project delivery, legal advice may need to be sought in a timely manner and legal agreements will most likely need to be entered into in due course.


8.1 The Local Committee should note the progress of the projects within Eden & South Lakeland.

Marie Fallon Corporate Director - Environment

23 March 2011


Electoral Division(s): *

* Please remove whichever option is not applicable

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Executive Decision No*

Key Decision No*

If a Key Decision, is the proposal published in the current Forward Plan? N/A*

Is the decision exempt from call-in on grounds of urgency? Yes*

If exempt from call-in, has the agreement of the Chair of the relevant No* Overview and Scrutiny Committee been sought or obtained?

Has this matter been considered by Overview and Scrutiny? No* If so, give details below.

Has an environmental or sustainability impact assessment been No* undertaken?

Has an equality impact assessment been undertaken? No*


No previous relevant decisions.


Not considered by Overview and Scrutiny.



Contact: Alison Hatcher, 01228 221066, [email protected]

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