A European Vision for AI Call for the Establishment of a Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe (CLAIRE)

Prepared by Holger Hoos (Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands), Morten Irgens (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway), and Philipp Slusallek (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, ), based on discussions with many key members of the European AI Community. Find additional information about this initiative at claire-ai.org. ​ ​

1. The Need for a European AI Strategy

Artificial intelligence (AI) methods and technologies are posed to bring transformative change to societies and industries world-wide. The game-changing nature of AI and its role as a major driver of innovation, future growth, and competitiveness are internationally recognised. As a result, AI is at the top of national and international policy agendas around the globe.

In the United States of America, huge investments in AI are made by the private sector, and a substantial governmental plan was launched in 2016, which includes significant long-term investments in AI research [1]. Similarly, in 2017, the Canadian government has started making major investments in AI research, focusing mostly on existing strength in deep learning [2]. In 2017, China released its Next Generation AI Development Plan, with the explicit goal of attaining AI supremacy by 2030 [3].

However, in terms of investment in talent, research, technology and innovation in AI, Europe lags far behind its competitors. As a result, the EU and associated countries are increasingly losing talent to academia and industry elsewhere [4]. Europe needs to play a key role in shaping how AI changes the world, and, of course, benefit from the results of AI research. The reason is obvious: AI is crucial for meeting Europe’s needs to address complex challenges as well as for positioning Europe and its nations in the global market.

Europe has started to react: In April 2018, 25 countries pledged to increase national research funding for AI as part of a common “European approach” [5]. In parallel, the European Commission laid out a preliminary plan for strengthening AI across Europe [6], realising that more focussed instruments are needed beyond those planned in H2020 to turn the tide and achieve the research and innovations we ​ need, and on the scale we need. This urgent sense of need for action was also clearly expressed in a ​ recent open letter by a number of AI researchers, who proposed a European research centre in machine learning and related areas of AI [7].

In the following, we outline a proposal that builds on and expands on these initiatives, and, we believe, is necessary to meet their objectives. In particular, we strongly support the ambition and vision articulated in the recent EC Communication [6], and we endeavour to present a specific approach to realising it.

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2. All of AI, all of Europe, with a Human-Centred Focus

There is a pressing need for increasing Europe’s strength and position in the area of AI research. Based on extensive discussions within the community of European AI researchers, following the recent EC Communication on AI [6], a strong consensus has emerged on key aspects of a coordinated European research effort.

In particular, a broad and ambitious vision is needed for European AI research to thrive and for Europe to stay competitive with other major players. The research and innovation efforts required in this context should encompass all of AI, and include all of Europe. Furthermore, by building on our existing strength in AI and commitment to European values, Europe should take a human-centred approach to AI.

We call for a vision that aims to (1) have European research and innovation in artificial intelligence ​ ​ ​ be amongst the best in the world, that (2) encompasses all of AI and all of Europe, and that (3) has a ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ strong focus on human-centred AI. ​

The best in the world. In order to meet Europe’s challenges and to secure markets, European research and innovation needs to be among the best in the world. The good news is that Europe is very well positioned: We have a strong tradition of excellence in all areas of AI, and many of the top European researchers are recognised as leading figures within the AI community and related fields of research and technology.

All of AI. Artificial intelligence comprises a broad spectrum of methods and techniques, each with their ​ own important applications. While recently, advances in machine learning techniques have enabled rapid progress across many areas of AI, future applications of AI will increasingly leverage combinations of AI techniques. It is therefore crucial that Europe builds on its existing strengths across the full spectrum of AI, covering all of machine learning, knowledge representation and reasoning, search and optimisation, planning & scheduling, multi-agent systems, natural language processing, robotics, computer vision, and other areas.

A broad view of AI that includes all areas within the field is essential to meet the challenges that lie ahead of us, especially in human-centred, ethical AI, where explanations and deep understanding (of natural language, images, etc.) are essential to achieve trust between humans and machines, and to thus obtain the best solutions to the problems we face as individuals and societies. Moreover, AI researchers need to adopt a multi-disciplinary approach and work with experts from other areas, not only from mathematics, engineering and the natural sciences, but also with social scientists.

All of Europe. Human talent is already a limiting factor in AI research and development in Europe. For a ​ European initiative to succeed, it needs to attract, educate, and harness talent, and drive innovation across the continent, leveraging the strength in AI currently found in many European countries, and

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ensuring diversity and inclusion across languages, cultures and gender. It is therefore of key importance to foster AI excellence across Europe.

Human-centred AI. Artificial intelligence increasingly enables new forms of production, services, and medical treatments, but may also lead to increased bias, inequity, manipulation, invasion of privacy, and job loss [8]. We believe that responsible AI research and deployment should be strategically focussed on augmenting human capabilities, rather than replacing them, on compensating for human bias and limitations, and on serving and protecting the human and ethical values that are of core importance to European societies [9]. Research on AI in Europe thus needs to understand, anticipate, and address ethical, legal and social aspects (also known as, and in EU's Framework Programmes usually referred to as, Responsible Research and Innovation, or RRI).

As AI scientists, we are keenly aware that AI is a disruptive set of technologies. Consequently, we need to act at the European level and issue a set of principles and guidelines regarding the responsible use of AI - similar to what physicists did in 1955 with the “Russell-Einstein manifesto”. This "AI manifesto" ​ should stipulate limits of responsible use and anticipate the consequences of deploying specialised ​ ​ AI systems as well as of creating general, human-level AI. It should also define how to quantitatively ​ and qualitatively assess whether AI systems or agents comply with those limits. We believe that European AI researchers are in an ideal position to play a leading role in an ambitious, global effort to address these issues and have a responsibility to exercise leadership in this area.

3. A Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe (CLAIRE)

The discussions within the community of European AI researchers have also led to a clear understanding that Europe needs not only to increase its research activity level, but also to coordinate better and collaborate more closely. This requires investment in both outstanding AI research and in structures that allow effective collaboration and transfer of results. In particular, major actions are required to develop and retain key talent and expertise in AI, and existing strength needs to be leveraged and expanded.

Specifically, we call for the establishment of a Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence ​ Research in Europe (CLAIRE), comprising a network of centres of excellence, strategically located ​ throughout Europe, and a new, central facility that serves as a hub, providing state-of-the-art infrastructure, and fostering the exchange of ideas and expertise.

To be effective in meeting the above vision, CLAIRE should consist of the following key elements:

● A collaborative network of relevant existing and new research labs and organisations across Europe. Under the leadership of some of the top researchers in the field, this network should jointly identify fundamental research questions, discuss the most promising approaches, and help organise collaborative efforts to address them.

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● A selection of some of these research labs, located strategically throughout the European Economic Area and EFTA, to be designated “Centres of Excellence in AI”, should play strong regional or national roles as hubs for the members of the collaborative network in their region. ● A new facility that serves as a highly visible and vibrant focal point for the collaborative network, the “CLAIRE Hub”. Here, excellent scientific personnel at all levels and from all partners would find an outstanding research environment for AI, where they can work together, face-to-face, for periods of time (e.g., an extended version of the highly successful Leibniz Centre for Informatics in Dagstuhl, Germany). This hub should provide cutting-edge infrastructure and support, but would not have permanent scientific staff.

This is a model that builds on existing strengths, brings together the still fragmented AI research activities and expertise in Europe, while at the same time creating centres of excellence and a structure that can efficiently focus research and distribute results.

Our vision for CLAIRE is in part inspired by the extremely successful model of CERN [10]. CERN’s research activities rely on distributed, collaborative efforts of many physics laboratories across Europe that jointly define the research questions, discuss how to address them, and then collaboratively develop the experiments and publish the results. This network is supported by a central facility, a joint working environment, and a distributed research infrastructure for collaboration and data sharing.

In other aspects, CLAIRE will differ from CERN: Despite the central facility, its structure will be more distributed, as there is less need for reliance on a single experimental facility. It will also have much closer collaboration with industry, to quickly and efficiently transfer new results and insights. Similar to CERN, the suggested structure will allow for the establishment of a common, well-recognised “trademark” for high-quality European AI research. As can be seen with CERN, research gets much wider exposure by being associated with a "trademark" like CERN, without diminishing the scientific reward for the individual researchers and their laboratories.

4. How CLAIRE can Ensure the Success of European AI

While deliberately refraining from defining details of the organisation and financing of the proposed Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe (CLAIRE) at this early stage, we believe that the following ideas and concepts are important to ensure its success:

Wide range of applications. CLAIRE should support AI research that is expected to have major short-, medium- and long-term impact across a wide range of application areas, including efficient and safer transportation, advanced healthcare, smart industry, effective and sustainable agriculture, accelerated scientific research, next-generation learning and education, and others. In order to have a significant impact on applications, funding should be targeted towards existing scientific strengths, novel research opportunities and key European interests. CLAIRE should also put in place suitable mechanisms to engage with industries and collaborate with them on defining and tackling applications in various sectors.

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Social impact. CLAIRE should also conduct AI research that aims at resolving some of the open issues regarding the social impact of AI, such as fairness, transparency, explainability and value alignment, with a clear focus on building trustworthy AI that is beneficial to people and aligned to European values.

Attracting talent. Funding should be focussed on existing strengths and support attractive fellowships for Master students, PhD candidates and post-doctoral researchers, as well as exceptional junior, mid-career, and senior researchers, using efficient, light-weight but solid scientific reviewing and allocation processes. The aim should be to attract the best talent from all over the world.

The CLAIRE Hub. The CLAIRE Hub should be created to provide a visible, vibrant center for AI research in Europe. This facility should comprise a large, state-of-the-art data and computer centre, cutting edge robotics laboratories, test facilities for key application areas, such as autonomous transportation, advanced agriculture and automated scientific experimentation, usability labs, and others. It should have outstanding support staff, including programmers, usability and interface experts, and hardware technicians. The centre should also maintain a repository of datasets open for researchers across Europe. We do not envision the CLAIRE Hub including permanent research staff, but rather as hosting affiliated researchers and visitors (including researchers on sabbatical / study leave) at all levels of seniority for limited periods of time to exchange ideas, work on projects, and jointly use infrastructure only available there.

Strong infrastructure. The CLAIRE network should be supported by strong infrastructure in terms of computing, big data storage (including long-term storage and secure storage for sensitive data), and networking as well as infrastructure for maintaining joint AI platforms and services. It needs to be able to support large-scale AI research that can compete at the level of large private entities, while focusing on areas specifically relevant for Europe. Collaborations with existing initiatives, such as GÉANT or the ​ new EuroHPC, will be essential. ​ ​ Fostering talent. The central facility should run summer schools, seminars, public outreach activities and workshops at the highest scientific level and from all areas of AI. A special focus should be on identifying and supporting as early as possible the best emerging AI talent across Europe.

Centres of Excellence. The distributed Centres of Excellence in AI should become highly visible and vibrant regional environments. Excellent scientific personnel and students receive secondary appointments and spend part of their time at the central hub or in other centres of the network. The Centres of Excellence would benefit from (i) outstanding research infrastructure that encourages collaboration across many areas of AI, (ii) state-of-the-art collaboration infrastructure, such as conference and working environments, (iii) an innovation infrastructure that facilitates industry collaboration and entrepreneurship, including pre-incubators, innovation advisors, and well-developed relationships with governmental innovation support and investor organisations.

Supporting collaboration. To stop the current level of brain-drain and attract the best talent, CLAIRE should provide considerable support for exchange and interaction of researchers at all levels of seniority, across all areas of AI. The CLAIRE Hub should provide a focal point for such exchange and interaction. There should be considerable incentives to establish joint research projects among

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researchers in the network, under the lead of top researchers in the field. CLAIRE should provide support for developing and running high-quality study programmes focussed on AI.

Because top researchers produce excellent results with high consistency, a substantial part of the funding should be allocated based on track record (e.g., similar to the Reinhart Koselleck funding1 in Germany for excellent researchers, which is based on 5-page proposals for up to 1.25 M ) rather than € the need for extensive research proposals. Of course, substantial funding opportunities also need to be provided for talented junior researchers without a long-standing track record.

While the individual researcher needs to enjoy full academic freedom, the community as a whole would greatly benefit from a more coordinated approach to guiding European AI research. Other disciplines, e.g., physics, have long provided excellent examples for this. To that end, CLAIRE would establish a scientific process through which fundamental research questions, the most promising approaches to their solution, and key steps to implement them would be identified and regularly updated. The process would combine top-down and bottom-up mechanisms, leveraging guidance from top European scientists that are highly trusted by the community, as well as new ideas from outstanding members of the community, including rising stars.

The scientific discussions that form the basis of this process will offer a unique opportunity to strengthen, focus and coordinate European AI research, while offering a solid basis for developing guidelines for industry, politics and the general public. In parallel, CLAIRE would organise and drive similar discussions regarding both the requirements of European industries as well as the benefits, social consequences, and key European values that should define and drive a European approach to AI. The open and well-founded discussion between science, industry, and society will be a key element of CLAIRE.

5. Realising the Vision

Obviously, many details of our vision for CLAIRE remain to be specified, and we strongly believe that this should be done based on further discussions with members of the European AI community and other stakeholders. Yet, given the global competition, CLAIRE (the distributed “CERN for AI”) should be created as quickly as possible, to maximise retention of critical AI talent in Europe and to start defining and focusing a joint European AI agenda.

A number of activities in that direction have already been started: The “Humane AI” proposal for an EU Flagship project on AI has just progressed to the second phase, together with two other proposals in the AI context: robotics and language technology. Several proposals for a European AI-on-demand platform are currently under review (ICT-26), with the goal of starting work on a software platform supporting AI research and development throughout Europe later this year. The EC Joint Research Centre has also started to devote significant attention to AI. In addition, many member states have ramped up their AI

1 http://www.dfg.de/en/research_funding/programmes/individual/reinhart_koselleck_projects/index.html ​

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research programmes and platforms, including large cross-national AI initiatives, such as the planned French-German collaboration on AI. Again, most of them highlight the need for human-centred AI and share the core vision of CLAIRE.

Finally, we note that the previously mentioned open letter [5] calling for substantial investment in machine learning research in Europe, with a focus on excellence in fundamental research, is well-aligned with our vision. All these initiatives form a strong basis for the larger vision of CLAIRE, which unites and strengthens AI across Europe.

Key supporters (in alphabetical order, as of 2018/09/03)

1. Prof. Dr Agnar Aamodt, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway 2. Prof. Dr Giovanni Adorni, EurAI Fellow, Italian representative of IFIP Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence, University of Genoa, Italy 3. Prof. Dr José Alferes, EurAI Fellow, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal 4. Dr Leila Amgoud, EurAI Fellow, CNRS, France 5. Prof. Dr Elisabeth André, EurAI Fellow, Member of Academia Europaea, CHI Academy, Leopoldina, Augsburg University, Germany 6. Prof. Dr Sc. Plamen P. Angelov, IEEE Fellow , Vice President INNS, Lancaster University, UK 7. Prof. Dr Grigoris Antoniou, EurAI Fellow, University of Huddersfield, UK ​ ​ 8. Prof. Dr Franz Baader, EurAI Fellow, TU Dresden, Germany 9. Prof. Dr Thomas Bäck, Leiden University, The Netherlands ​ 10. Prof. Roberto Battiti, IEEE Fellow, University of Trento, Italy 11. Prof. Dr Salem Benferhat, EURAI Fellow, CRIL-CNRS, Université Artois, Lens France, France 12. Prof. Dr Christoph Benzmüller, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany 13. Prof. Dr Christian Bessiere, EurAI Fellow, CNRS, University of Montpellier, France 14. Prof. Dr Wolfgang Bibel, AAAI, EurAI and GI Fellow, TU Darmstadt, Germany 15. Prof. Dr Concha Bielza, Technical University of Madrid, Spain 16. Prof. Dr Armin Biere, Chair of the Institute for Formal Models and Verification, Johannes Kepler ​ University Linz, Austria 17. Dr Mauro Birattari, IRIDIA AI Lab, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium 18. Dr Arianna Bisazza, Leiden University, Netherland 19. Dr Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands 20. Prof. Dr Hendrik Blockeel, EurAI Fellow, KU Leuven, Belgium 21. Prof. Dr Vicent Botti, EurAI Fellow, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain 22. Prof. Dr Pavel Brazdil, EurAI Fellow, University of Porto, Portugal ​ ​ 23. Prof. Dr Gerhard Brewka, EurAI Fellow, Leipzig University, Germany 24. Prof. Dr Thomas Brox, EurAI Fellow, University of Freiburg, Germany 25. Prof. Dr Alan Bundy, Eur AI Fellow, AAAI Fellow, ACM Fellow, Royal Society Fellow, Royal Academy of Engineering Fellow, University of Edinburgh, UK 26. Prof. Dr Wolfram Burgard, AAAI, EurAI and IEEE Fellow, Freiburg University, Germany

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27. Prof. Dr Hans-Dieter Burkhard, EurAI Fellow, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany 28. Prof. Dr Diego Calvanese, EurAI Fellow, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy 29. Prof. Dr Luigia Carlucci Aiello, AAAI Fellow, EurAI Fellow, IJCAI Former Trustee and President, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy 30. Prof. Dr Raja Chatila, IEEE Fellow, Director of ISIR and SMART, Former Director of LAAS-CNRS, Pierre and Marie Curie University, France 31. Dr Alessandro Cimatti, Director of Research, Research Institute Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy 32. Prof. Dr Helder Coelho, EurAI Fellow, Lisbon University, Portugal 33. Prof. Dr Anthony G. Cohn, AAAI, EurAI and Royal Academy of Engineering Fellow, University of Leeds, UK 34. Prof. Dr Castelfranchi Cristiano, EurAI Fellow, ISTC-CNR & Univ Siena, Italy 35. Prof. Dr Walter Daelemans, EuRAI Fellow, ACL Fellow, University of Antwerp, Belgium 36. Prof. Dr Mehdi Dastani, Utrecht University, The Netherlands 37. Prof. Dr Giuseppe De Giacomo, AAAI Fellow, ACM Fellow, EurAI Fellow, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy 38. Prof. Dr Luc De Raedt, EurAI Fellow, KU Leuven, Belgium 39. Prof. Dr Andreas Dengel, GI Member, Chair of FFPA, Director and Sitehead DFKI, Germany 40. Dr Frank Dignum, EurAI Fellow, Utrecht University, The Netherlands 41. Dr Virginia Dignum, EurAI Fellow, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands 42. Prof. Dr Patrick Doherty, EurAI Fellow, Linköping University, Sweden 43. Prof. Dr Marco Dorigo, AAAI, EurAI and IEEE Fellow, Co-director IRIDIA AI Lab, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium 44. Prof. Dr Didier Dubois, EurAI Fellow, Research Director, CNRS, Université Paul Sabatier, France 45. Prof. Dr Saso Dzeroski, EurAI Fellow, Member of Academia Europaea, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia 46. Prof. Dr Gusz Eiben, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands 47. Prof. Dr Thomas Eiter, EurAI Fellow, Member of Academia Europea, kM Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna University of Technology, Austria ​ ​ 48. Dr Jérôme Euzenat, EurAI Fellow, Research Director, INRIA and Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France 49. Prof. Dr Boi Faltings, AAAI and EurAI Fellow, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ​ Switzerland 50. Dr Hélène Fargier, EurAI Fellow, Senior Researcher, IRIT-CNRS, France 51. Dr Luis Farinas del Cerro, EuRAI Fellow, Research Director, CNRS, IRIT, Univ. Toulouse, France 52. Prof. Dr Ariel Felner, EurAI Fellow, AAAI Member, Ben-Gurion University, Israel 53. Prof. Dr Pierre Flener, Uppsala University, Sweden 54. Prof. Dr Luciano Floridi, Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information and Director of the Digital Ethics Lab of the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK, and Turing Fellow and Chair of the Data Ethics Group of The Alan Turing Institute, UK 55. Prof. Dr Paolo Frasconi, University of Florence, Italy 56. Prof. Dr Christian Freksa, EurAI Fellow, University of Bremen, Germany 57. Prof. Dr Eugene Freuder, AAAI, AAAS and EurAI Fellow, Member of the Royal Irish Academy, University College Cork, Ireland 58. Prof. Dr Gerhard Friedrich, EurAI Fellow, Dean, Universität Klagenfurt, Austria

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59. Prof. Dr Ulrich Furbach, EurAI and GI Fellow, University of Koblenz, Germany 60. Prof. Luca Maria Gambardella, IDSIA, Dalle Molle AI Institute, USI and SUPSI, Switzerland 61. Prof. Dr Hector Geffner, AAAI and EurAI Fellow, ICREA and Universitat Pompeu, Spain 62. Dr Malik Ghallab, EurAI Fellow, Director of Research, LAAS-CNRS, France 63. Prof. Dr Fausto Giunchiglia, EurAI Fellow, University of Trento, Italy 64. Prof. Dr Lluis Godo, EurAI Fellow, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Spain 65. Prof. Dr Martin Charles Golumbic, EurAI Fellow, University of Haifa, Israel 66. Prof. Dr Marco Gori, EurAI and IEEE Fellow, University of Siena, Italy 67. Prof. Dr Georg Gottlob, EurAI Fellow, University of Oxford, UK and TU Wien, Austria 68. Prof. Dr Ole-Christoffer Granmo, Director, Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research, University of Agder, Norway 69. Dr Nicola Guarino, EurAI Fellow, Research Director, ISTC-CNR Laboratory for Applied Ontology, Trento, Italy 70. Prof. Dr Tias Guns, EurAI Fellow, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium 71. Prof. Dr Jin-Kao Hao, Senior Fellow of Institut Universitaire de France, Université d'Angers, France 72. Prof. Dr Frank van Harmelen, EurAI fellow, Member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences KNAW and Academia Europaea, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands 73. Prof. Dr Jean-Paul Haton, EuRAI, IEEE and IAPR Fellow, Former President of AFIA, Université de Lorraine in Nancy, France 74. Dr Fredrik Heintz, Linköping University, Sweden 75. Prof. Dr Malte Helmert, University of Basel, Switzerland 76. Prof. Dr Jaap van den Herik, EurAI Fellow, Leiden University, The Netherlands 77. Prof. Dr Francisco Herrera, EurAI Fellow, University of Granada, Spain 78. Prof. Dr Joachim Hertzberg, EurAI Fellow, University of Osnabrück and DFKI, Germany 79. Dr Andreas Herzig, EuRAI Fellow, Research Director, CNRS, IRIT, Univ. Toulouse, France 80. Prof. Tom Heskes, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherland 81. Prof. Dr Holger Hoos, AAAI Fellow, Leiden University, The Netherlands 82. Prof. Dr Werner Horn, EurAI Fellow, Medical University of Vienna, Austria 83. Prof. Dr Frank Hutter, Freiburg University, Germany 84. Dr Morten Irgens, Vice-Rector, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway 85. Dr Manfred Jaeger, Aalborg University, Denmark 86. Prof. Dr Nick Jennings, CB, FREng and EurAI Fellow, Vice-Provost, Imperial College, UK 87. Prof. Dr Catholijn M. Jonker, EurAI Fellow, Delft University of Technology and Leiden University, The Netherlands 88. Prof. Dr Laetitia Jourdan, University of Lille, France 89. Prof. Dr Janusz Kacprzyk, EurEAI, IEEE, IET, IFSA and SMIA Fellow, Member of Academia Europaea, the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Spanish Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences, and the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland 90. Dr Cezary Kaliszyk, University of Innsbruck, Austria 91. Prof. Dr Kristian Kersting, TU Darmstadt, Germany 92. Prof. Dr Janos Kertesz, Central European University, Hungary ​

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93. Prof. Dr Manolis Koubarakis, EurAI Fellow, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece 94. Prof. Dr Robert Kowalski, AAAI, ACM and EurAI Fellow, Imperial College London, UK 95. Prof. Dr Danica Kragic, Director, Centre for Autonomous systems, KTH, Sweden 96. Prof. Dr Inald Lagendijk, IEEE Fellow, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 97. Prof. Dr Gerhard Lakemeyer, EurAI Fellow, Aachen University, Germany 98. Prof. Dr Jérôme Lang, EurAI Fellow, Université Paris-Dauphine and CNRS, France 99. Prof. Dr Maurizio Lenzerini, ACM, AAAI and EurAI Fellow, Member of Academia Europaea, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy 100. Prof. Dr Nicola Leone, EurAI Fellow, University of Calabria, Italy 101. Prof. Dr Alessio Lomuscio, EurAI Fellow, Director of Strategy and Planning, RAEng Chair in Emerging Technologies, Imperial College London, UK 102. Prof. Dr Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, EurAI Fellow, Former IJCAI President and Trustee, Director, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Spain 103. Prof. Dr Olav Lysne, Director, Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering and University of Oslo, Norway 104. Prof. Dr João Marques-Silva, University of Lisbon, Portugal 105. Prof. Dr Pierre Marquis, EurAI Fellow, Senior Fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France, CRIL-CNRS, Université d'Artois, France 106. Prof. Dr Alberto Martelli, EurAI Fellow, Università di Torino, Italy 107. Prof. Dr Stan Matwin, EurAI Fellow and Director, Institute for Big Data Analytics, Dalhousie University, Canada 108. Prof. Dr Paola Mello, EurAI fellow, University of Bologna, Italy 109. Prof. Dr John-Jules Meyer, EurAI fellow, Utrecht University / ATIA, Netherland 110. Prof. Dr Kaisa Miettinen, Immediate-Former-President of the International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Member of the Steering Group on Evolutionary Multicriteria Optimization, Director of the thematic research field at DEMO at the Univ. of Jyvaskyla, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland 111. Prof. Dr Michela Milano, University of Bologna, Italy 112. Prof. Dr Daniele Nardi, EurAI Fellow, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy 113. Prof. Dr Bernhard Nebel, EurAI Fellow, Freiburg University, Germany 114. Prof. Ph.D. Bernd Neumann, EurAI Fellow, AAAI Member, University of Hamburg, Germany 115. Dr Nuria Oliver, EurAI, ACM and IEEE Fellow, Member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering, Spokesperson and member of the high level advisory board on Artificial Intelligence to the Spanish Government, Vodafone Research, UK and Data-Pop Alliance, USA 116. Prof. Dr Barry O’Sullivan, EurAI Fellow, Member of the Royal Irish Academy, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, University College Cork, Ireland 117. Dr François Pachet, EurAI Fellow, Spotify, France 118. Dr Andrea Passerini, University of Trento, Italy 119. Prof. Dr David Pearce, EurAI Fellow, Technical University of Madrid, Spain 120. Prof. Dr Michal Pechoucek, Founder and Director of Artificial Intelligence Center and Chair of Computer Science Department, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

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121. Prof. Dr Luís Moniz Pereira, EurAI Fellow, Founding president of APPIA, Universidade Nova, Portugal 122. Prof. Dr Enric Plaza, EurAI Fellow, IIIA-CSIC, Spain 123. Prof. Dr Massimiliano Pontil, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy and University College London, UK 124. Dr Henri Prade, EurAIi Fellow, Research Director, CNRS and Université of Toulouse, France 125. Prof. Dr Maarten de Rijke, Director of the Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence, Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands 126. Dr Juan A. Rodriguez-Aguilar, EurAI Fellow, IIIA-CSIC, Spain 127. Prof. Dr Jeffrey S. Rosenschein, AAAI and EurAI Fellow, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel 128. Prof. Dr Francesca Rossi, IJCAI Former President, EurAI and AAAI Fellow, JAIR Editor in Chief, IBM, US and University of Padova, Italy 129. Dr Gérard Sabah, Research Director, EurAI Fellow, Member of Academie des technologies, CNRS, France 130. Prof. Dr Alessandro Saffiotti, EurAI fellow, University of Orebro, Sweden 131. Prof. Dr Torsten Schaub, EurAI Fellow, University of Potsdam, Germany 132. Dr Thomas Schiex, EurAI Fellow, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, France 133. Prof. Dr Jürgen Schmidhuber, NNAISENSE, Swiss AI Lab, IDSIA, USI & SUPSI, Switzerland 134. Prof. Dr Steven Schockaert, EurAI board Member, Cardiff University, UK 135. Dr Marc Schoenauer, Member of the Villani mission on French AI strategy, Chair of ACM-SIGEVO, Former President of AFIA, INRIA Saclay and LRI-Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, France 136. Dr Michèle Sebag, EurAI Fellow, Member of the French Academy of Technologies, Former President of AFIA, CNRS, LRI-Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, France 137. Prof. Dr Roberto Sebastiani, University of Trento, Italy 138. Prof Dr. Ing Jörg Siekmann, EurAI and GI Fellow, Co-Founder of DFKI, Senior Professor at University of the Saarland and DFKI, Germany 139. Prof. Dr Carles Sierra, EurAI Fellow, IIIA-CSIC, Spain 140. Prof. Dr Andrzej Skowron, EurAI and IRSS Fellow, Systems Research Institute PAS, University of Warsaw, Poland 141. Prof. Dr Aaron Sloman, AAAI, AISB and EurAI Fellow, University of Birmingham, UK 142. Prof. Dr Roman Slowinski, IEEE Fellow, Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Academia Europaea, Director of the Laboratory of Intelligent Decision Support Systems, ​ Institute of Computing Science, Poznań University of Technology, Poland ​ 143. Prof. Dr Philipp Slusallek, Scientific Director, DFKI, Germany 144. Prof. Dr Ir Arnold Smeulders, University of Amsterdam, Chair of the Board of COMMIT/, Member of the national program committee for AI AINED, Member of the Academia Europeana, Recipient of the ACM MM Lifetime Achievement Award, Former Chair of the ICT Platform, The Netherlands 145. Prof. Dr Constantine Spyropoulos, EurAI Fellow, NCSR 'Demokritos', Greece

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146. Prof. Dr Steffen Staab, EurAI Fellow, Chair of WSTNet, Universität Koblenz-Landau and University of Southampton, Germany 147. Prof. Dr Luc Steels, EurAI Fellow, Founder VUB AI Lab, Founder Sony Computer Science Lab Paris, Catalan Institute for Advanced Studies, Spain 148. Dr Oliviero Stock, EurAI Fellow, AAAI fellow, Senior Fellow FBK-irst, Italy 149. Dr Thomas Stützle, IEEE Fellow, Research Director, IRIDIA AI Lab, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium 150. Prof. Dr Vicenç Torra, EurAI and IEEE Fellow, ISI Elected Member, University of Skövde, Sweden 151. Prof. Dr Carme Torras, EurAI Fellow, CSIC-UPC, Spain 152. Prof. Dr Leon van der Torre, EurAI Fellow, University of Luxemburg, Luxemburg 153. Prof. Dr Heike Trautmann, Director of ERCIS, University of Münster, Germany 154. Dr Paolo Traverso, EurAI Fellow, Director FBK ICT IRST, Italy 155. Dr Josef Urban, Principal Researcher, Czech Institute of Informatics, CIIRC, Czech Republic 156. Prof. Dr Antal van den Bosch, EurAI Fellow, Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy for Arts and Sciences, Meertens Institute, The Netherlands 157. Dr Joaquin Vanschoren, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands 158. Prof. Dr M. Felisa Verdejo, EurAI Fellow, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain 159. Prof. Dr Bart Verheij, President of the International Association for AI & Law, Head of Department Artificial Intelligence at University of Groningen, The Netherlands 160. Prof. Dr Ioannis Vlahavas, EurAI Fellow, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece 161. Prof. Dr , EurAI, AAAI and GI Fellow, Director and CEO of DFKI, Germany 162. Prof. Dr Toby Walsh, AAAI Fellow, EurAI Fellow, Guest Professor at Technical University Berlin, Germany 163. Prof. Dr Gerhard Widmer, EurAI Fellow, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria 164. Prof. Dr Stefan Woltran, EURAI Fellow, TU Wien, Austria 165. Prof. Dr Michael Wooldridge, ACM Fellow, AAAI Fellow, EurAI Fellow, Head of Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, UK

Additional supporters

To view the full list of CLAIRE Supporters see claire-ai.org/all-supporters. ​ ​ If you want to support this initiative, please sign up at claire-ai.org. ​ ​

Support from Organizations and Governments

To view all of the organizations and governments that support CLAIRE, see claire-ai.org/#supporters. ​ ​

Last updated on 30 October 2019 12


[1] “Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence”, Executive Office Of The President, National Science and Technology Council, Committee on Technology, the Office of Science and Technology Policy, 12 October 2016, ISBN 1544643136, 9781544643137

[2] "Canada funds $125 million Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy", Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, 22 March 2017, https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/canada-funds-125-million-pan-canadian-artificial-intelligence- strategy-616876434.html

[3] “New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan” (新一代人工智能发展规划), State Council of China 2017. http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/2017-07/20/content_5211996.htm. For a ​ ​ translation: https://www.newamerica.org/documents/1959/translation-fulltext-8.1.17.pdf ​ [4] “Big tech firms' AI hiring frenzy leads to brain drain at UK universities”, the Guardian, 2 November 2017, https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/nov/02/big-tech-firms-google-ai-hiring-frenzy-brain-drain- uk-universities

[5] "Declaration, Cooperation on Artificial Intelligence", Brussels, 10 April 2018, http://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/dae/document.cfm?doc_id=50951, See also https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/eu-member-states-sign-cooperate-artificial-intellig ence

[6] “Artificial Intelligence for Europe. Communication From The Commission To The European Parliament, The European Council, The Council, The European Economic And Social Committee And The Committee Of The Regions”, COM(2018) 237, SWD(2018) 137, the European Commission, April 25, 2018. Link, as of May 2018: http://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/dae/document.cfm?doc_id=51625 ​ [7] “Initiative to establish a European Lab for Learning & Intelligent Systems” (The ELLIS Initiative), Bach et al. 2018, Link as of May 2018: https://ellis-open-letter.eu/. ​ ​ [8] “The Future of Employment: How susceptible are Jobs to Computerisation?” Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne, the Oxford Martin Programme on Technology and Employment, University of Oxford, Link: www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/publications/view/1314 ​ [9] ”The Age of Artificial Intelligence. Towards a European Strategy for Human-Centric Machines”, EPSC Strategic Notes, European Political Strategy Centre, Issue 29, 27 March 2018.

[10] Position paper on “CERN for AI”, OECD, Oct 2017, see also: https://www.oecd-forum.org/users/71431-philipp-slusallek/posts/28452-artificial-intelligence-and-digit al-reality-do-we-need-a-cern-for-ai

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