P ublished by The New Zealand B r east Cancer F oundation Autumn/Winter 2008 Closing The Gaps: Improving The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation Survival Rates for Breast Cancer PO Box 99650, Newmarket of surgical and radiotherapy infrastructure suggesting Auckland, New Zealand 1149 Dr John Childs that processes of care may have a greater impact. Principal Advisor Cancer Control NZ published data shows that there is a very significant Phone 09 523 4397 Clinical Services Directorate difference of mortality and survival for Maori compared Fax 09 523 4396 Ministry of Health, New Zealand TelstraClear to non-Maori women. Presently, Maori women are Tollfree Info Line Each year close to 2,400 New Zealand women are 21 per cent more likely to be diagnosed with breast 0800 902 732 diagnosed with breast cancer, and about 600 die from cancer and two-thirds more likely to die from this www.nzbcf.org.nz the disease. While the number of women diagnosed disease than non-Maori women. Maori women are
[email protected] with breast cancer has risen by 28.3 per cent from also more likely to be diagnosed at a later stage of disease spread, which partly explains the disparity in Tollfree Info Line is proudly sponsored by 1997 to 2006, the mortality rate is slowly falling and 5 year survival rates are improving. Recent NZ data survival rates. shows considerable improvements in both short and The improved survival rates reinforce the approach of long-term survival rates for women with breast cancer. The New Zealand Cancer Control Strategy.