“PARTHIA—The Forgotten Ancient Superpower”
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““PARTHIAPARTHIA——TheThe ForgottenForgotten AncientAncient SuperpowerSuperpower”” ThirdThird bookbook inin 44--bookbook seriesseries re:re: thethe historyhistory ofof thethe tenten tribestribes ofof IsraelIsrael StevenSteven CollinsCollins POPO BoxBox 8873588735 SiouxSioux Falls,Falls, SDSD 5710957109--87358735 1 IsaiahIsaiah 14:214:2 ““ThenThen peoplepeople willwill taketake themthem andand bringbring themthem toto theirtheir place,place, andand thethe househouse ofof IsraelIsrael willwill possesspossess themthem forfor servantsservants andand maidsmaids inin thethe landland ofof thethe Eternal;Eternal; theythey willwill taketake themthem captivecaptive whosewhose captivescaptives theythey were,were, andand rulerule overover theirtheir oppressors.oppressors.”” 2 TheThe GreeksGreeks andand RomansRomans wrotewrote muchmuch aboutabout ParthiaParthia…… Modern history barely mentions Parthia ! 3 HoseaHosea 1:101:10 ““ YetYet thethe numbernumber ofof thethe childrenchildren ofof IsraelIsrael shallshall bebe asas thethe sandsand ofof thethe sea,sea, whichwhich cannotcannot bebe measuredmeasured oror numbered.numbered. AndAnd itit shallshall comecome toto passpass inin thethe placeplace wherewhere itit waswas saidsaid toto themthem ‘‘youyou areare notnot MyMy peoplepeople’’ therethere itit shallshall bebe saidsaid toto themthem ‘‘YouYou areare sonssons ofof thethe livingliving GodGod’’..”” 4 ““250250 BCBC——227227 ADAD”” 5 GenesisGenesis 21:1221:12 ““ButBut GodGod saidsaid toto Abraham,Abraham, ‘‘DoDo notnot letlet itit bebe displeasingdispleasing inin youryour sightsight becausebecause ofof thethe ladlad oror becausebecause ofof youryour bondwoman.bondwoman. WhateverWhatever SarahSarah hashas saidsaid toto you,you, listenlisten toto herher voice;voice; forfor inin IsaacIsaac youryour seedseed shallshall bebe calledcalled’’..”” 6 JeremiahJeremiah 51:551:5 ““ForFor IsraelIsrael isis notnot forsaken,forsaken, nornor Judah,Judah, byby hishis GodGod thethe LordLord ofof hosts,hosts, ThoughThough theirtheir landland waswas filledfilled withwith sinsin againstagainst thethe HolyHoly OneOne ofof Israel.Israel.”” 7 NamesNames ofof ParthianParthian citiescities included:included: AsaakAsaak SamarianeSamariane GazaGaza 8 ThreeThree tribestribes beganbegan thethe ParthianParthian Empire:Empire: SecularSecular Names:Names: Bactrians,Bactrians, EraniansEranians andand Dahanites.Dahanites. Biblical Names: Bactrites, Eranites, and Tahanites [Numbers 26:35] 9 JeremiahJeremiah 33:1733:17 ““ForFor thusthus sayssays thethe Lord:Lord: ‘‘DavidDavid shallshall nevernever lacklack aa manman toto sitsit onon thethe thronethrone ofof thethe househouse ofof IsraelIsrael’’;;”” 10 RoyalRoyal LineLine ofof KingKing DavidDavid Israel/Judah:Israel/Judah: JudahJudah >> PharesPhares >> DavidDavid Iberia/Scythia:Iberia/Scythia: KingKing PharesmenesPharesmenes Parthia/Saka:Parthia/Saka: KingKing GondopharesGondophares (India)(India) Parthia/Sacae:Parthia/Sacae: KingsKings Phraates,Phraates, Phraortes,Phraortes, PhraatacesPhraataces ChristChrist’’ss Linage:Linage: PharesPhares >> DavidDavid >> JesusJesus ChristChrist 11 ParthianParthian kingskings werewere elected!elected! ByBy ParthiaParthia’’ss bicameralbicameral RoyalRoyal HouseHouse andand SenateSenate TheThe SenateSenate composedcomposed of:of: MagiMagi andand WiseWise MenMen TheThe RoyalRoyal HouseHouse composedcomposed ofof allall malesmales ofof royalroyal seedseed 12 Josephus,Josephus, Antiquities,Antiquities, XI,XI, V,V, 2:2: “…there are but two tribes in Asia and Europe subject to the Romans, while the ten tribes are beyond Euphrates till now, and are an immense multitude, and not to be estimated by numbers.” 13 14 PARTHIAPARTHIA dominateddominated byby EphraimEphraim’’ss clansclans (Bactrites,(Bactrites, Eranites,Eranites, Tahanites)Tahanites) SCYTHIASCYTHIA (Sacae)(Sacae) dominateddominated byby ManassehManasseh (Massa(Massa--getae)getae) [Scythians[Scythians discusseddiscussed inin book,book, IsraelIsrael’’ss LostLost EmpiresEmpires]] ParthiaParthia andand ScythiansScythians werewere relatedrelated tribesmen;tribesmen; AlliesAllies vs.vs. GreeksGreeks andand Romans.Romans. 15 IsraelIsrael’’ss conqueringconquering king:king: DavidDavid GreeceGreece’’ss conqueringconquering king:king: AlexanderAlexander thethe GreatGreat RomeRome’’ss conqueringconquering king:king: JuliusJulius CaesarCaesar ParthiaParthia’’ss conqueringconquering king:king: MithradatesMithradates thethe GreatGreat 16 Rome invades Parthia under Crassus with 40,000 soldiers Roman Empire completely defeated by Parthia. 17 Rome invades Parthia under Mark Antony with 110,000 soldiers Roman Empire completly defeated by Parthia. 18 CaesarCaesar AugustusAugustus issuesissues decreedecree forbiddingforbidding newnew warswars withwith ParthiaParthia duringduring thethe timetime ofof KingKing Herod,Herod, JesusJesus ChristChrist andand PontiusPontius Pilate.Pilate. ManyMany ofof thethe eventsevents inin thethe lifelife ofof JesusJesus ChristChrist (Yashua)(Yashua) werewere possiblepossible onlyonly becausebecause ofof peacefulpeaceful relationsrelations betweenbetween RomeRome andand Parthia.Parthia. 19 RulersRulers ofof ParthiaParthia fromfrom thethe ArArsacsacidid FamilyFamily (includes(includes namename ofof Isaac)Isaac) AtAt ChristChrist’’ss birth,birth, fewfew malemale ArsacidsArsacids werewere alivealive Magi/WiseMagi/Wise MenMen searchedsearched forfor anyany malemale ArsacidsArsacids toto ensureensure survivalsurvival ofof dynastydynasty 20 WiseWise Men/MagiMen/Magi comecome toto JudeaJudea seekingseeking oneone ““bornborn aa kingking ofof thethe JewsJews”” (Also(Also showshow texttext ofof MatthewMatthew 2:12:1--2)2) ParthianParthian WiseWise MenMen (Senators)(Senators) camecame toto JudeaJudea toto searchsearch forfor ParthianParthian malemale ArsacidsArsacids ParthiansParthians knewknew theirtheir dynastydynasty originatedoriginated amongamong thethe JewsJews ofof Judea!Judea! 21 zz JosephJoseph andand MaryMary werewere bothboth descendantsdescendants ofof JudahJudah’’ss royalroyal dynastydynasty ofof KingKing DavidDavid zz [Matthew[Matthew 11 andand LukeLuke 3]3] zz TheThe child,child, JesusJesus (Yashua),(Yashua), waswas aa descendantdescendant ofof DavidDavid’’ss dynastydynasty zz JosephJoseph andand JesusJesus (Yashua)(Yashua) werewere BOTHBOTH eligibleeligible toto serveserve asas ParthiaParthia’’ss Emperor!Emperor! 22 ParthianParthian SenatorsSenators werewere thrilledthrilled toto findfind malemale descendantsdescendants ofof JudahJudah’’ss dynastydynasty Magi/WiseMagi/Wise MenMen (who(who selectedselected ParthiaParthia’’ss kings)kings) gavegave royalroyal giftsgifts toto JesusJesus (Yashua)(Yashua) 23 JesusJesus (Yashua)(Yashua) waswas calledcalled ““SonSon ofof DavidDavid”” byby crowdscrowds [His[His royalroyal birthbirth wellwell--known]known] 24 ApostlesApostles expectedexpected aa conqueringconquering Messiah,Messiah, notnot aa sufferingsuffering MessiahMessiah 25 ActsActs 1.6:1.6: ““Lord,Lord, willwill youyou atat thisthis timetime restorerestore againagain thethe kingdomkingdom toto Israel?Israel?”” 26 Rev.Rev. 19:16:19:16: JesusJesus (Yashua)(Yashua) calledcalled ““KingKing ofof KingsKings”” II TimothyTimothy 6:15:6:15: JesusJesus (Yashua)(Yashua) calledcalled ““KingKing ofof KingsKings”” TraditionalTraditional titletitle ofof ParthianParthian EmperorsEmperors waswas ““KingKing ofof KingsKings”” JohnJohn && TimothyTimothy bothboth knewknew JesusJesus (Yashua)(Yashua) wouldwould inheritinherit DavidDavid’’ss thronethrone whenwhen hehe returned;returned; givinggiving JesusJesus (Yashua)(Yashua) thethe titletitle ofof ParthiaParthia’’ss RoyalRoyal Dynasty.Dynasty. 27 MatthewMatthew 1:31:3 JudahJudah begotbegot PerezPerez andand ZerahZerah byby Tamar,Tamar, PerezPerez begotbegot HezronHezron andand HezronHezron begotbegot Ram.Ram. 28 ParthianParthian generalsgenerals escortedescorted byby 1,0001,000 ParthianParthian knightsknights BibleBible doesndoesn’’tt saysay howhow manymany ParthianParthian WiseWise MenMen (Senators)(Senators) camecame toto JerusalemJerusalem 1010 ParthianParthian SenatorsSenators forfor thethe 1010 tribestribes ofof Israel?Israel? WiseWise MenMen’’ss escortsescorts couldcould totaltotal 10,00010,000 knightsknights ParthianParthian armyarmy isis whywhy HerodHerod andand JerusalemJerusalem werewere afraidafraid 29 JohnJohn 21:2521:25 ““AndAnd therethere areare alsoalso manymany otherother thingsthings thatthat YeshuaYeshua did,did, whichwhich ifif theythey werewere writtenwritten oneone byby one,one, II supposesuppose thatthat eveneven thethe worldworld itselfitself couldcould notnot containcontain thethe booksbooks thatthat wouldwould bebe written.written. Amen.Amen.”” 30 II ThessaloniansThessalonians 5:195:19 ““DoDo notnot quenchquench thethe spirit.spirit.”” 31 LukeLuke 2:522:52 ““AndAnd YeshuaYeshua increasedincreased inin wisdomwisdom andand stature,stature, andand inin favorfavor withwith GodGod andand men.men.”” 32 LukeLuke 22:3022:30 ““thatthat youyou maymay eateat andand drinkdrink atat MyMy tabletable inin MyMy kingdom,kingdom, andand sitsit onon thronesthrones judgingjudging thethe twelvetwelve tribestribes ofof Israel.Israel.”” 33 ActsActs 2:92:9 ““ParthiansParthians andand MedesMedes andand Elamites,Elamites, thosethose dwellingdwelling inin Mesopotamia,Mesopotamia, JudeaJudea andand Cappadocia,Cappadocia, PontusPontus andand Asia.Asia.”” 34 ActsActs 2:142:14 andand 2:222:22 14:14: ““ButBut Peter,Peter, standingstanding upup withwith thethe eleven,eleven, raisedraised hishis voicevoice